
Dr_WillisYowl:  you did use a bs= option for dd?00:00
veryhappythumpba: ok what are you trying to accomplish now? send data over ssh?00:00
thumpbajust remote into box and work00:00
veryhappywhat an error do you get?00:01
roothorickdpkg -L tells me that libpng12-0:i386 contains /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0. It didn't exist. I reinstalled said package. It STILL doesn't exist. Why?00:03
Dr_Willis!find libpng12.so.000:04
roothorickoh my... I'm a derp00:04
ubottuFile libpng12.so.0 found in libpng12-000:04
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ObrienDaveherpa derp? ;)00:04
kmystit's there for me00:04
veryhappythumpba: what have you done until now?00:06
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thumpbaveryhappy: tried restarting ssh service00:06
thumpbathe error is broken pipe, write error00:07
veryhappysometimes you also have the issue of known hosts00:07
lifebird64has anyone ever tried installing nomachine on ubuntu 13.04? NX protocol works; SSH connections don't; even though ssh shell connections work fine.00:07
kmystthumpba: is this a timeout issue?00:07
lifebird64colour me confused00:07
veryhappylifebird64: installed openssh-server on the other pc?00:08
jubaleWhy did 'echo 100 * 47 / 36' return all directories within current working directory??00:08
thumpbaport 22 operation timeout now00:08
lifebird64veryhappy: checking00:08
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lifebird64veryhappy: yes. openssh-server is already installed. remote ssh login (via putty for example) works fine.00:09
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veryhappyknown_hosts forbidding access to the other pc?00:10
lifebird64veryhappy: possibly; but which known_hosts file would I need to check?00:11
veryhappythe known_hosts file of the user that wants to be logged in00:11
veryhappyroot: /root/.ssh/known_hosts00:12
veryhappyuser: /home/.ssh/known_hosts00:12
Tigz4godi just installed unbuntu the other day, and my sound is SUPER crackly, but works fine when i boot windows. Anyone have suggestions?00:12
Tigz4godand apprently its only when im using chromium lol00:13
lifebird64veryhappy: deleted both root and user known_hosts file. restarting server.00:14
Dr_WillisTigz4god:  only in flash videos?00:14
Dr_Willisjubale:  because the shell parses the *00:14
Tigz4godDr_Willis: Ya, and I updared my flash player liek 30 mins ago.00:15
veryhappylifebird64: good.00:15
lifebird64veryhappy: checking the logs... I'm getting an error when the client tries to connect to the 'nx' user account. "900 SSH connections are not supported on this server."00:16
veryhappylifebird64: check /etc directory for nx config directories00:16
lifebird64veryhappy: the config files in /etc point to the /usr/NX directory. In there, I have /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg00:17
jubaleOhhh. It didn't do anything with the numbers.00:17
thumpbaveryhappy: ssh sessions just time out now00:17
Dr_Willisjubale:  if you want to do math in bash. you need to use the proper commands00:17
lifebird64veryhappy: server.cfg has ClientConnectionMethods NX,SSH00:17
veryhappylifebird64: copy the content of the file into a pastebin00:18
lifebird64veryhappy: wilco00:18
jubaleI was playing tbh.00:19
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Dr_Willisjubale:  point to rember.. the 'wildcards' (regular expressions) are read/filled in by bash. befor the command even sees them in most cases00:20
lifebird64veryhappy: http://pastebin.com/ETRbAaxA00:20
Dr_Willisjubale:  ie:       echo *  -> echo never sees the * character.. because bash has changed it.00:21
veryhappylifebird64: what about line 112?00:21
daniel_i need help00:21
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plut0how do you configure unity to auto-start an application on login?00:22
ObrienDave!ask | daniel_00:22
ubottudaniel_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:22
lifebird64veryhappy: SSHDPort 22 is default, no? so I left it.00:22
WugI don't suppose anyone has any idea why the unity "search your computer and online sources" panel on ubuntu 13.10 never loads anything?00:23
wilee-nileeWug, #ubuntu+1 is 13.10 till release.00:25
Wugwhen is the release, the 31st?00:26
lifebird64veryhappy: it's as if I can't even get the nxserver to even TRY to enable ssh connection method00:27
WugFloodBot1: go home you are drunk00:27
veryhappylifebird64: what was the actual error message? i suppose the nx server is already running?00:29
lifebird64veryhappy: nx server is running and accepting "NX" protocol connections (port 4000); but not SSH (port 22); when I try to connect via SSH, the log shows an error "900 SSH connections are not supported on this server"00:31
lifebird64veryhappy: but SSHD server is running (accepting port 22 console connections just fine)00:32
veryhappylifebird64: ok, well "900 SSH connections are NOT SUPPORTED on this server"00:32
lifebird64veryhappy: fair enough, I guess. thanks for your help00:33
veryhappylifebird64: maybe search another, possibly the feature is not embedded or compiled in this version?00:33
lifebird64veryhappy: I'll toy with that a bit later on; at least port 4000 works at the moment. I could just setup an ssh-tunnel as a kluge for the time being.00:34
Dresk|LaptopSo I'm using the PPA xorg-edgers, and I'm wondering how to use a specific version of it, if that's possible00:35
veryhappylifebird64: good luck00:35
lifebird64veryhappy: thx again00:36
veryhappylifebird64: no problem buddy00:37
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ubottuThe Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.00:41
veryhappyhave a good night guys00:42
veryhappytake care00:42
Apteryxhello. Using 13.10, installed latest updates, now unity won't start. I am not familiar with debugging unity problems, so any help is welcome :)00:46
ObrienDaveApteryx... 13.10 support in #ubuntu+100:46
rostamHI I like to get some suggestion on a boot strategy for a system which boots from hard disk.  After each reboot system needs to boot to prestine filesystem every single time. I have heard about snapshot and read only file system.  Any idea or reference on how to do this would be great? thx00:47
ApteryxObrienDave: alright, thanks00:48
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puffI have a thinkpad t520 with optimus, and a dock.  I'm running ubuntu 13.04.  I'm trying to figure out how to get the external video to work via something besides the VGA port.  HDMI port on the thinkpad, DVI port on the dock, HDMI port on the dock, any of these.  And/or get the extra video out on the dock working.00:49
dragani upgraded to 13.10 and my touchpad stoppedworking im using dell inspieion 552000:55
wilee-nilee!13.10 | dragan00:55
ubottudragan: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.00:55
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dragansorry my bad two finger scrolling was enabled i disabled it and now scroll works again tnx anyway01:02
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randypopabawaHello. I own an ASUS K55N and I was curious as to whether anyone had succesfully installed Ubuntu in Secure Boot mode on said laptop.01:21
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randypopabawaI understand it's been an extremely tricky system to install Linux on from several different forum posts I've come across01:22
platzhirsch1It seems like my process is only taking 1 GB of the available swap memory, although I have 8 GB. Is this a configuration?01:23
lazorsrandypopabawa: I think you'll be very lucky to find somebody who will report that they have a same laptop -- but try reading !uefi and find out how you can boot Ubuntu.01:24
lazors!uefi | randypopabawa01:24
ubotturandypopabawa: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:24
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randypopabawaeveryone that has an ASUS K55N says the only way they can boot Ubuntu is by disabling secure boot01:25
austeregrimHow do I install software when apt-get bugs me that I have other software with unmet dependancies?01:27
austeregrimthat I can't resolve the deps, and the software works fine01:27
austeregrimand I'm trying to install something else01:27
wilee-nileerandypopabawa, Not much uefi info here, a bit new still for real exact support, I would ask that at the ubuntu forums.01:28
randypopabawaAccordig to one of the forums the dev community plans on having the UEFI squared away by Ubuntu 14.0401:29
austeregrimall apt-get wants to do is uninstall chrome-beta and it's pissing me off01:29
randypopabawaSo I might just have to wait and deal with Win H801:29
wilee-nileerandypopabawa, except that the manufacturers have their own versions, I would not hold my breath01:30
randypopabawaSo it IS an issue with my bios then?01:30
wilee-nileerandypopabawa, possibly, and a secure boot is not really needed for linux, and can be bypassed anyway, not a perfect protection.01:31
randypopabawaok. so if I did just disable secure boot and install Ubuntu in legacy mode it wouldn't impair the performance of the system?01:32
randypopabawabecause my understanding was that secure boot also increased performance benchmarks01:32
wilee-nileerandypopabawa, The only place in general they intermingle is the boot.,01:32
gdostwo part question because i think one is related to the other: 1. how do edit services (which ones start and which ones don't)?  2. my physical audio device has now become my dummy audio device. I followed the instructions here but to no avail (meaning these instructions didn't work for me):   http://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1304-quick-tip/ (i'm thinking my issue is related to JACK) - any other suggestions?01:32
wilee-nileebootloader that is01:33
randypopabawaso is there a way to optimize a boot loader to give optimal load time with a non-UEFI installation?01:33
randypopabawaor will I just have to suck it up?01:34
wilee-nileerandypopabawa, Not sure in any way the secure boot will change performance all it does for windows is have a hybrid slep/hibeenate fast boot.01:34
Dr_Willis!upstart | gdos01:34
ubottugdos: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:34
Dr_Willisgdos:  the upstart cookbook detail i think 3 ways to disable services01:34
wilee-nileerandypopabawa, Heh 30 seconds to much for you?01:35
randypopabawaNot at all. Just a fan of optimization01:35
randypopabawaAnd a bit of a nitpicker, heh01:35
wilee-nileefreewill is an illusion, and so is optimization01:36
Dr_Willisget a ssd drive? ;)01:36
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maslen1Is there a tool like spacemonger, that can give me a visual breakdown of what's consuming my free space?01:40
wilee-nileemaslen1, disk usage analyzer it's installed01:40
Dr_Willistheres some disk ussage tools in the repos. I dont recall their names01:40
maslen1wilee-nilee: Thanks, I'm opening it now01:41
Dr_Williswatch out for the ever-growing log files. ;)01:41
maslen1Dr_Willis: I just remoted into my machine, and was shocked to see the drive was full.01:41
wilee-nileeain't that the truth01:41
maslen1So I cleaned out like 8 GB... and it's shrinking, at like 100MB/s01:41
Dr_Willissounds like a possible log file growing..01:42
maslen1somehow, it's down to 100MB now... again01:42
Dr_Willischeck the users ~/.xsession-errors01:42
wilee-nileebleachbit to the rescue01:42
Dr_Willismine was 13gb ;)01:42
gdosDr_Willis: upstart is not loading.01:43
maslen1Dr_Willis: Nope, I don't even have that file01:43
Dr_Willisgdos:  upstart is the primary system to load all services.. if upstart is not working you got deeper issues01:44
gdosDr_Willis: everything is fine, except for the audio.01:44
Dr_Willisyou asked how to disable services.. thats handled by upstart.01:44
YOYOis there a Kubuntu channel?01:45
Dr_Willis #kubuntu01:45
maslen1How can I examine which processes are writing to the disk, ordered by the amount of bytes (or disk IO) ?01:45
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Guest20302I was using Libre Office to open up csv files I created with python01:55
Guest20302and then something happened on ubuntu, my computer became slow for a number of minutes01:55
Guest20302and I received an error telling me something had happened to libreoffice01:56
Guest20302now when I open up those python files the characters are a random assortment of chinese characters01:56
Guest20302as well characters from other encodings01:56
maslen1nice, good job01:56
Guest20302but when I exit out of libre office01:56
Guest20302and I view the files from the command line01:56
VerackPatoSomenone speak spanish?01:56
Guest20302they display as they should01:56
Guest20302so I take it LibreOffice is at fault here01:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:57
Guest20302and not my Python script01:57
Guest20302The question is how I can fix LibreOffice?01:57
Dr_Willisthose are just text files?01:57
maslen1Guest20302: I'd speak to the guys in their IRC channel.01:58
Guest20302maslen1, which guys?01:58
Guest20302Dr_Willis, they are .csv files01:58
Guest20302Oh, I didn't know they had an irc channel01:59
Dr_Willisand that means what exactly. :) years ago i had 'comma seperated value' files that were just ascii text files.\01:59
Dr_Willisnot binary data files01:59
maslen1EEK, apport_core files are the culprit!01:59
RandomUsrWhat's the package containing the linux kernel headers?01:59
maslen1No idea what's happening here01:59
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages01:59
maslen1Help! my ubuntu machine is creating apport_core files, nonstop!02:00
Dr_Willismaslen1:  disable apport?02:01
maslen1tail /var/log/syslog displays no new updates, but the logs just keep on going02:01
maslen1Dr_Willis: I did :(. And then I stopped the service02:01
RandomUsrvery specific question, has anyone compiled and installed aircrack-ng on 12.04 with CUDA support?02:01
gdosok i got my sound back but my volume control (and mixer) are missing. suggetions?02:04
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ObrienDaveRandomUsr... I don't think you'll find any hacking/cracking help on this channel02:06
maslen1RandomUsr: the #aircrack-ng channel might be more useful02:07
maslen1specifically, mister_x02:07
franktmorganHi!  Can someone help me get Java working on my "Raring Ringtail" system?02:08
RandomUsrmaslen1, that doesn't exist to my knowledge and further, I have more of a GCC compile time error02:08
franktmorganI've posted my concern at the bottom of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2161996 , but I still haven't gotten a response yet.02:08
OerHeksgdos try to reset unity > unity --reset02:09
maslen1RandomUsr: I might be mispelling it, but I've been there.02:09
gdosi'm using cinnamon & xfce.02:09
gdosi refuse to touch untiy.02:10
wilee-nileefranktmorgan, details for the channel.02:10
wilee-nileefranktmorgan, piggy backing a thread will get kit closed.02:11
OerHeksgdos, then i don't know, sorry02:11
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franktmorganSorry I haven't responded sooner.02:17
jmgkhey franktmorgan02:17
franktmorganPiggy backing?  I didn't realize that was the case.02:17
franktmorganShould I just start a new thread?  I thought the two issues were related.02:17
BetaSoulAny one know how to manually set up the ath9k wireless chipset?02:18
franktmorganI've gotta leave.  I'll visit later if this is still a concern.02:19
subby1Hey recently I was changing some of my boot options for installing ubuntu through live usb but it was not detecting at startup and den I was changing the boot preference again and again and now wen I startuo it shows to insert boot media and press a key.... I dont know wat to do....it doesnt show the ubuntu grub.......02:20
wilee-nileesubby1, you use grub customizer?02:20
subby1wilee-nilee : how to do dat???02:22
wilee-nileesubby1, I aske if you used that app. use the bootrepair app from a live cd and run just the bootinfo summary only and post the url to it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:23
wilee-nileesubby1, the bootinfo summary will save a lot of questions and show whats going on.02:25
jmgkhey wilee-nilee02:26
kama_hi all02:27
daftykinskama_: o hai02:29
tjjIf there's an ubuntu server that I'm rebooting remotely, is there a way to know the very instant that ssh becomes available?02:30
OerHekstjj only by trying to login02:32
OerHekstjj, or ping02:32
test3Can anyone here help me with a ufw problem?02:32
tjjOerHeks: I think that the system responds to pings before sshd is started though02:32
no-n"* Starting load fallback graphics devices        [fail]" <-- I get this on startup. does it mean anything bad?02:32
OerHekstjj the time between those 2 would be a few seconds tops02:33
tjjOerHeks: Yeah I was hoping for some other way, because I'm starting up a cloud server on Google Compute Engine, then running a script to connect to it, and I don't want the script to die just because it fails to ssh during those few seconds02:35
tjjAt the same time, I'm being billed per minute on a bunch of instances, so I don't want to just "sleep 30"02:35
OerHekstjj you might want to re-ask in #ubuntu-server02:36
tjjok, thanks02:36
inetkhey all i having problem it seems the unbntu archives dont have depenies for installing chrome on 13.04   http://pastebin.com/34gdRwUL02:48
inetkhow to get them?02:48
Lee-CHi all - I was here yesterday asking for help with keeping track of my dynamic IP since dyndns removed their free service.  A couple of guys were quite helpful but I went away and eventually found a service which does exactly what i need. I thought i would share it for anyone else who may have been getting as frustrated as i was.  http://exitdns.com is the site I used and they also have a free domain and02:48
Lee-Cautomatic update client which is perfect.02:48
OerHeksinetk, is your ubuntu in virtualbox 64 bit?02:51
inetkderheks - it is 32 bit virturalbox02:51
inetkderheks - speaking of 32 bit ubuntu but my pc is 64 bit02:52
OerHeksinetk oke, what happens when you perform " sudo apt-get -f install  " ?02:53
inetki will try that02:53
Guest20302hey guys02:53
Guest20302I figured out what was wrong02:53
Guest20302It wasn't libreoffice02:53
Guest20302for some reason after libreoffice crashed the default encoding changed02:53
Guest20302so i manually changed it back to utf-802:54
Guest20302and it works02:54
OerHeksGuest20302 good to hear, have fun02:54
zeepsome wine apps get minimized to tray but dont show up with unity. is there any way around this?02:55
lexvarsi am needing some help02:58
lexvarsi installed ubuntu 12.10 on a dell vostro 150002:58
lexvarsbut it doesnt detect the wireless card02:59
lexvarsi dont know if someone can give me a hand, with it?02:59
wilee-nileelexvars, can you identify the card from running lspci in a terminal.02:59
impossibleis there any reason why after editing hosts to block ads might not work02:59
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:00
lexvarsbut i doesnt let me install it03:00
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inetkDerHeks -  tried it but 3 required has no candidate03:00
wilee-nileelexvars, I'm not up on these cards but those that are might respond with some details of you work so far and any others.03:01
Dr_Willis more details is always good idea.03:01
lexvarslet me see the web page03:02
lexvarswhat i can find03:02
lexvarsok thank you for your help guys, i will check it out03:04
lexvarsand try to make it work03:04
lexvarsif i am unable i will be back later lol03:04
inetkseems oerheks disappeared but the issue was... with chrome.... any idea how to solve this?  http://pastebin.com/34gdRwUL i tried to use apt-get and seemdont have those 3   even i did install lib6c  but doesnt help03:06
ADP4UI like boobs03:07
cacADP4U, don't we all03:08
BetaSoulhey, can I get some help getting my wireless card working?03:08
wilee-nileethats good because you are one03:08
cacBetaSoul, sure.03:08
cacDon't ask to ask.03:08
BetaSoulEh, I'm tired and its been a long day.03:08
Dr_Willisstate the problem. ;)03:08
BetaSoulAnyways, its an Atheros AR9300 chip on an asus board.03:09
BetaSoulComes up unclaimed in lshw -C03:09
BetaSoulNow, the AR9300 chips are supposed to work with ubuntu 13.04, they are listed as supported.03:12
BetaSoulSo, what am I doing wrong?03:12
thamvmkHi all03:12
inetkseems oerheks disappeared but the issue was... with chrome.... any idea how to solve this?  http://pastebin.com/34gdRwUL i tried to use apt-get and seemdont have those 3   even i did install lib6c  but doesnt help03:12
prototroutHi. I'm running Ubuntu off an encrypted flash drive (USB 2.0, port is USB 3.0) and getting awfully slow transfer speeds: 2.3MB/sec writes, 0.3MB/sec reads. dmesg calls it a "high-speed USB device". Anyone have ideas about why it's running so slow, or other places I could ask for help if this is a bad place?03:12
prototrout(I should mention I'm on a daily snapshot of 13.10, but I don't think that's relevant really.)03:13
OerHeksinetk i read that issue is solved with chrome 31 >  see comment #10 > https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=30401703:13
wilee-nilee!13.10 | prototrout why yes it is03:13
ubottuprototrout why yes it is: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.03:13
OerHeksinetk, other way to install is " sudo dpkg -i <package.deb>  ΅03:15
prototroutwilee-nilee: OK I'll ask there as well03:15
thamvmk_I'm using ubuntu 12.04 on dell vostro 5460, I can't mount sd card.  anyone could help?03:16
thamvmk_dmesg or tail -f /var/log/syslog have no message when sd card inserted.  I've tested the card on windows and its working.03:16
wilee-nileethamvmk_, Have you booted the computer with the card inserted?03:19
wolftunehelp, I'm getting an update error with procps03:21
wolftuneE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:22
wolftuneI searched online but want clarity about what the heck I'm doing03:22
wolftuneI tried cat /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf /etc/sysctl.conf | sudo sysctl -p -03:22
wolftuneI got this:03:22
wolftunefs.inotify.max_user_watches = 52428803:22
wolftuneerror: "Invalid argument" setting key "fs.inotify.max_user_watches"03:23
wolftuneok, so what should I do?03:23
BetaSoulany one know how to get arth9k working in 13.04?03:26
wilee-nileewolftune, Try running sudo apt-get -f install03:28
wolftunewilee-nilee: thanks, but I did that earlier and it didn't solve it03:28
wilee-nileewolftune, what release is this? can you run a update and dist-upgrade in the terminal and pastebin all of it03:29
thamvmk_wilee-nilee, yes I've tried to reboot and set bios configuration to support sd card (on/off).  With the sd card inserted while reboot.03:29
wolftunewilee-nilee: sure, will do. I'm on a derivative of Kubuntu 12.04.303:29
thamvmk_Both settings also not getting any message from dmesg.03:30
thamvmk_I've also tried this as suggested by some in forum. "sudo modprobe -r r852 ; sudo modprobe -r sdhci_pci ; sudo modprobe r852 ; sudo modprobe sdhci_pci"03:30
thamvmk_but that does not work too.03:31
wilee-nileethamvmk_, Have you tried reformatting the card in windows I have a aspireone that has this same problem periodically, and I see others on the web doing the same, I just bought a usb converter myself.03:31
wilee-nileewolftune, derivatives are not really supported here is all, can you find as channel of theors?03:32
wolftunewilee-nilee: well, this issue really isn't specific to some derivative… my system is technically Ubuntu 12.04.303:33
wolftuneI'm not on a truly different distro03:33
wolftunenot even Kubuntu03:33
wilee-nileewolftune, The channel does not see it that way.03:33
wolftuneI just use certain PPAs03:33
wilee-nileeppa's are not supported either03:33
wilee-nileejust saying is all03:33
wolftuneBut this is not a PPA issue, you can't say that someone who used a PPA can't ever again ask for support!03:34
wilee-nilee!ppa | wolftune03:34
ubottuwolftune: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge03:34
wolftuneI know it's unsupported03:34
wolftuneI'm not asking for support with PPA stuff03:34
wilee-nileedon't get offended I'm only sharing the channel norms03:35
wolftunesure and I appreciate that03:35
wilee-nileeand that is all I will add I'm done03:35
rostamHI any references on how to use unionfs-fuse as default file system.03:37
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Dr_Williswhat do you mean by that rostam ?03:39
Guest66934Hi, my daughter and I are new with Ubuntu 12.04. She's having trouble with her screen bleeding too far to the left, so that when she's online, she can't use any back or forward arrows at the top left. Is there a way to fix that?03:39
rostamDr_Willis, I am trying to boot my system from disk in prestine condition everytime I boot the system. I think if the filesystem is in unionfs-fuse I should be able to do it.03:40
Dr_WillisGuest66934:  how is her monitor connected? is it a tv?03:40
Dr_Willisrostam:  that may take quiet a bit of hacking to make ubuntu work that way.03:41
Guest66934no, it's just a monitor hooked to her desktop with a blue cord.03:41
Dr_Willisrostam:  the 'tiny core linux' disrto and to some degree puppylinux can allready work in a similer to how you described03:41
Dr_WillisGuest66934:  HDMI? DVI? VGA>03:41
xckpd7question:  I'm wondering if something exists that will allow me to serve certain files to people through a web interface03:41
wilee-nileeoh no not the blue cird03:41
Dr_WillisGuest66934:  its possi ble the moniotr has some settings you can mess with03:41
xckpd7instead of haivng them learn how to use command line or SFTP capable tool03:42
thamvmk_wilee-nilee, yes, I've reformatted the sdcard using sdcardformater.03:42
Dr_WillisGuest66934:  tv's often have 'overscan' settings that ca n cause the edges of the display to be unseen03:42
Guest66934oh, I don't know how to do that, do you?03:42
Dr_Willispress buttons on the monitor. look for its memus03:42
rostamDr_Willis, I need to use UBUNTU do you have any other suggestion how to do this. How about using snapshots?03:42
Dr_Willisrostam:  not really.    the Live-cd does a similer thing with the persistant save file, but  it can have issues at times.03:43
rostamDr_Willis, thanks03:43
wilee-nileethamvmk_, Very little I could find on the net myself, so I really don't know an answer. I gave up on the aspire.03:44
Dr_Willisrostam:  i seem to rcall some alternative filesystems having a similer 'restore' type feature as well. but i cant recall what ones03:44
krzisnt 13.10 supposed to be out already?03:45
PimpSmurfI think they have a few days03:46
thamvmk_wilee-nilee, Thanks for your support.  Will probably try to perform a usb stick to boot older version of ubuntu like 10.04.  Saw some post that pre-10.10, many don't have this issue.03:46
PimpSmurfThe Yoga 2 Pro has landed! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/ideapad-yoga-2-pro-ultrabook-convertible-13-3-touch-screen-laptop-8gb-memory/1817254.p?id=1219065404810&skuId=1817254&st=yoga%202%20pro&cp=1&lp=103:46
PimpSmurfConfirmed Ubuntu compatible! :D03:46
wilee-nileethamvmk_, nothing before 12.04 is supported unless it's the 10.04 server is all.03:47
moppyheavy for a nultrabook03:49
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moppy3.1lbs is what? 1.5 kilos?03:50
ObrienDavekrz... 13.10 due out in 2 to 4 days03:50
moppynice screen though. looks good03:52
moppy3200x1800 at 13.3"03:52
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Dr_Willisid s03:57
Dr_Willisstill make the fonts huge. ;)03:57
Dr_Willisthey just are big and sharper on a high res screen. ;)03:57
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
tjjI wish there was a 17" version04:00
tjjAnyone have anything good/bad to say about System76? I think I'm going to order an ubuntu laptop from them04:02
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wilee-nileetjj, They have an area on the ubuntu forums04:07
Axlintjj: I've heard plenty of great things about their build quality & customer service. They do seem a bit pricey though, but I'd consider getting my next laptop from them myself.04:07
neilI have a VM running, I can pxe boot it as well as a virtural HDD that can boot, but when I pxeboot it the HDD doesn't show up as /dev/sda etc. :-( .... anyone know why?04:09
wilee-nileenothing new same hardware in other platforms04:09
r10101hello I need some help Im a newbie in linux and I hope someone would help me to install an app here04:09
r10101I went directly to the chat of the app but nobody was there :(04:10
wilee-nileer10101, tell the channel the issues for help.04:10
r10101wilee-nilee: hello thanks for the response nobody is in the chanel of the app04:11
r10101if you want we can see each other in the channel of the app to make it more official ;)04:12
wilee-nileer10101, tell the channel the issues for help.04:12
DiamondciteThis is the Ubuntu support channel, so it will support you in using Ubuntu.04:12
DiamondciteWhich should include installed an application.04:13
DiamondciteAssuming it's actually for Linux04:13
r10101Diamondcite: I'm running in Ubuntu so its kind of an ubuntu issue04:13
DiamondciteSo say which application it is and how you are having issues?04:14
ObrienDave!ask | r1010104:14
ubottur10101: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:14
r10101linuxsampler if some one want to make it more official we can chat in there channel04:14
r10101and its how to install it in ubuntu04:15
ADP4UCan I ask a question?04:15
DiamondciteADP4U: No, just ask the question, don't ask for permission to ask =P04:15
ADP4UAre you sure?04:15
r10101I don't have an idea of how to install it it have two versions one I think is like the general and other for different distros04:17
guest2222aleiutea aleituaeliutalei laieutlaieut04:18
zykotick9r10101: what is this "mystery" app exactly?04:18
r10101zykotick9: linuxsampler04:19
zykotick9r10101: oh sorry, you did say that (i thought it was a nick), sorry never heard of it.  good luck.04:19
seperoHi all. How do I find out which package contains  Crypt/OpenSSL/PBKDF2  ?04:20
seperoHi all. How do I find out which package contains  Crypt/OpenSSL/PBKDF2.pm  ?04:20
seperofor perl04:20
ObrienDaver10101... D/L the DEB for Ubuntu, Open the DEB file with software center. Should take care of it for you04:23
zykotick9!info qsampler | r10101 you might be interested in this?04:23
ubottur10101 you might be interested in this?: qsampler (source: qsampler): LinuxSampler GUI frontend based on the Qt toolkit. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-5 (raring), package size 275 kB, installed size 756 kB04:23
r10101ok I'll try04:24
HisaoNakaiAntiSpamMeta: That was a quick dump. x)04:25
r10101ObrienDave: do I have to download every file individually or there is a way to d/l all of it?04:27
ObrienDaver10101... that I don't really know. sorry04:30
Dr_Willis!find PBKDF2.pm04:38
ubottuPackage/file PBKDF2.pm does not exist in raring04:38
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dr_dissectorHello everyone!04:46
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Dr_Willismoo to yuu04:47
neilI have a KVM  VM running, I can pxe boot and the virtural HDD can boot too, but when I pxeboot it the HDD doesn't show up as /dev/sda etc. :-( .... anyone know why?  and how I can get the HDD show?04:49
nolpekhi, i tried to install home-brew (ignore the fact that it's an osx program, it's irrelevant). but the install was bad, and i'm having a hard time starting fresh04:50
nolpekwell maybe it is relevant04:50
dr_dissectorhmmm... it may be relevant...04:50
nolpekbut, i download the sources, and when i try to execute the  program (brew), i get  this error: -bash: /usr/bin/brew: No such file or directory04:51
dr_dissectorperhaps the final binary is not where you expect it to be...04:51
Dr_Willisinstalled how excatly04:52
nolpekDr_Willis: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)" :-(04:52
Dr_Willisls -l /usr/bin/brew will also  if its there. file /usr/bin/brew  will show  what tis type is04:52
Dr_Willisbe a better ides to put it in your users home direcgtory/bin   i imagine, not  the system  bin dirs04:53
nolpeknothing is in /usr/bin/brew04:53
dr_dissectorbinary may be in the directory where you compiled it from...04:53
Dr_Willisso you basically ran some script called 'go' that could have done anything ;)04:53
* nolpek checks his ports04:54
Dr_Willisis look at that 'go' script and see what it put where04:54
nolpekI found out what the problem is. there was a broken symlink in /usr/local/bin/04:58
nolpeki deleted that, and everything is lovely04:58
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dr_dissectorwell done nolpek!05:01
nolpekthank you very much dr_dissector  :)05:01
shyaami need help on compiling libmirage anyone up for it05:02
dr_dissectorno worries, the more eyes the better!05:02
daftykinsunless they're blind05:02
daftykinsor have cataracts05:02
Dr_Willisshyaam:  what have you done so far to compile it?05:02
dr_dissectorthanks for the laugh daftykins!05:03
daftykinsmy pleasure05:03
daftykinsg'night all \o05:03
dr_dissectorgood night... middle of the afternoon here...05:03
jessica441hey everyone - i'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on my acer laptop and i just finished burning the disk image onto a usb stick, which the laptop seems to be reading, but it's not taking me past a blank page with a blinking _ underscore. i'm able to type on this page, but i'm not sure what to do next. what's going on?05:03
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | jessica44105:04
ubottujessica441: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:04
Dr_Willisif you can even get a grub/boot menu.  to tell it nomodeset. ;(05:04
Dr_Willishad issues with a pc last night. it dodent want to boot usb sticks that worked in other pcs05:04
Dr_Willisbut it did boot from a cd/dvd. but never got it usb booting05:05
dr_dissectorjessica441: let us know how you go and we may be able to assist...05:05
jessica441alright it looks like this is a pretty common problem, thanks guys! i'm reading this now, be back in a sec05:05
* wilee-nilee glances up from watching the matrix05:05
dr_dissectorc00l! looks like you are on your way jessica441!05:06
Dr_Willistake the puce pill!05:06
wilee-nileelol, I always take the red05:06
jessica441okay so it looks like i'm supposed to be seeing a purple screen with a keyboard logo at the bottom, at which point i press any key. i'm not getting that - right before the blank screen with the _, i get a blank screen with a little gray rectangle in the bottom left hand corner. pressing any key doesn't do anything, but some F keys open unfamiliar terminals05:09
Dr_Willisjessica441:  the usb is not booting corredctly, was made wrong, or has errors on it. or the system cant boot from the usb right05:10
jessica441i should say, the laptop i'm trying to install this onto has no OS at all, so it's just, like, a BIOS or whatever interface05:10
Dr_Willishow old a laptop is it? what cpu?05:10
jessica441it's an Acer Aspire One that I bought new this year05:10
dr_dissectorDo you have access to a DVD drive?05:10
jessica441Nope, no DVD drive on the damn thing05:10
Dr_Willishow did you make the usb?05:11
Dr_Willisjessica441: so its a netbook then abuout a year old.05:11
Dr_Willisthat should be able to boot from usb05:11
jessica441I have another laptop I'm on here, which I downloaded the Ubuntu disk image onto, then put on a USB05:11
UbuntuNoob5Hi. I'm trying to watch a video on VLC and get the message "No suitable decoder module: VLC does not support the audio or video format "h264". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this." I tried Googling the issue, found some references to downloading the "ffmpeg" package, tried it, didn't work. I've only recently installed Ubuntu, so I lack any technical knowledge. Help, please.05:11
Dr_WillisHow did you put it on the usb? what app did you use05:11
jessica441And this other laptop DID have ubuntu on it at one time05:11
jessica441So it's worked before05:11
jessica441Anyway this laptop also runs ubuntu05:11
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  is this some DRM protected video? where did it05:12
Dr_Willis come from05:12
jessica441so i burned with the System Disk Creator or whatever they call the default tool for doing this on ubuntu05:12
dr_dissector@UbuntuNoob5, you need all the codec packages you can get your hands on.05:12
Dr_Willisjessica441:  you could try some of the other tools at the pendrivelinux site. or dd the iso file straight to usb05:12
wilee-nileeUbuntuNoob5, whats the media format?05:12
Paulus68_1jessica441: you can use this guide http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows05:12
jessica441i saw that guide, i'm not on windows, so that didn't work for me05:13
jessica441i got the USB made without too much trouble...05:13
Dr_Willisjessica441:  test that usb out on your other machine. make sure it boots.05:13
jessica441alright so be right back then i guess05:14
Paulus68_1jessica441: you can use this guide when you are on ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu05:15
UbuntuNoob5Dr_Willis, I have no idea how to tell that. dr_dissector, that's great, but do you have any advice on HOW to go about getting my hands on those? In a non-esoteric manner? wilee-nilee, in properties it says video codec "H.264 / AVC", audio "MPEG-4 AAC".05:15
wilee-nileeUbuntuNoob5, You have the restricted-extras installed?05:16
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  vlc should be able to play h.264 avc/mpeg4.  tried any other players yet with it?05:17
shyaamwell i used the method in their website http://cdemu.org/about/libmirage/ and i got this (    dh_install dh_install: libmirage9 missing files (usr/lib/*/lib*.so.*), aborting make: *** [binary] Error 255 dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2 )05:18
UbuntuNoob5wilee-nilee, I've tried installing several different codec packages. One of them was labelled "restricted extras", yes. Dr_Willis, yes, I have tried. However, I have no experience with any video players on Ubuntu other than VLC, so perhaps you could suggest certain ones?05:18
shyaami need help on compiling libmirage anyone up for it05:18
UbuntuNoob5wilee-nilee, I just uninstalled and reinstalled "restricted-extras", I still get the same message.05:19
jessica441_well, this machine read it, and told me it requires a 64 bit CPU - this one is an i686 CPU, so that makes sense05:19
jessica441_and holy shit, now it's booting on the other machine inexplicably05:20
jessica441_let's see where this goes...05:20
dr_dissectorhmmm... it's an x-file....05:20
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  the default player is totem.05:20
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  and im not sure that vlc even uses any of the codec packages.05:20
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  theres also gnome-mplayer (mplayer)  to test out05:21
uronuanyone knows what other squid monitoring tools besides sarg on ubuntu 12.04?05:21
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  you can also try converting the file with avidemux, or arista, or handbreak, or winff,   arista may be the easiest to get going05:22
Dr_Willisshyaam:  best to talk in the channel not pm. Most of us in here Ignore Pm;s05:22
UbuntuNoob5Dr_Willis, I am now downloading mplayer, though I must be stupid, because I can't even find totem. I'll try converting it with arista first, thanks.05:22
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  you are using Ubuntu with unity? I belive totem is the dedfault player05:23
UbuntuNoob5As I said, I must be stupid, because I can't even find totem.05:23
shyaamDr_Willis: don't know how to so got messed up05:23
Dr_Willisrun  the players from the command line to see all error messages05:23
Dr_Willistotem thevideofilename05:23
moppytotem is called "videos" in ubutu's dash. black and white icon05:24
dr_dissectorI think either player should work...05:24
UbuntuNoob5moppy, thanks, I didn't realize that.05:24
shyaamshyaam1: hi05:24
moppyyou just click the circlular logo at top left, type 'video' and you'll see it05:24
Dr_Willisunless its some weird DRM protection , or currupted file05:24
Dr_Willisthis isent some classroom lecture video. or from some itunes/apple/comercial site is it?05:25
shyaamshyaam1: hi05:26
shyaamDr_Willis: well i used the method in their website http://cdemu.org/about/libmirage/ and i got this (    dh_install dh_install: libmirage9 missing files (usr/lib/*/lib*.so.*), aborting make: *** [binary] Error 255 dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2 )05:26
Dr_Willis!find libmirage05:28
ubottuFile libmirage found in banshee-extension-mirage05:28
dr_dissector@ UbuntuNoob5, could be a silly question: did you do any post-installation configuration on your install?05:28
UbuntuNoob5If I did, I didn't intentionally. I know next to nothing about Ubuntu.05:28
UbuntuNoob5Or any of its programs.05:28
Dr_Willisshyaam:  that error really dosent say much of anything other then 'missing files' and some wildcards..05:28
customerHi guys. I'm connected to a guest internet connection right now. This basically means I have to go through a webpage to actually get the internet connection, but I can't ssh in terminal. I also noticed I can't sudo apt-get update either.05:28
customerping www.google.com works fine though.05:29
Dr_Willisi seem to recall someone else trying to get cdemu working a week or 2 ago.. I dont recall them ever getting it going.05:29
shyaamDr_Willis: can i send you the whoale screen05:29
Dr_WillisI dont even recall what cdemu did. but i think they had kernel module issues due to the newer kernel05:29
Dr_Willisshyaam:  i dont develop or code. so i doubt if it will do much good.05:29
deeps90hi all05:30
Dr_Willisshyaam:  youmay want to check askubuntu.com to see if others have gotten cdemu working05:30
dr_dissectorOk, here is a link for you: http://howtoubuntu.org/things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin#.Ul4kVLOixFw05:30
UbuntuNoob5I tried to use Arista on it. Was told that it's "Not a valid media file". :/05:30
shyaamDr_Willis: do you have cdemu05:30
deeps90I have upgraded my ubuntu to 12.04 and no internet connection after that05:30
dr_dissectorBasically, what I found is I needed to do a few of post-install work.05:30
deeps90its ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS05:31
dr_dissectorI did not run script and I did not do medibuntu bit as I found it is dead05:31
Dr_Willisshyaam:  i dont even know what cdemu does05:31
tozendeeps90: sudo service network-manager start ??05:31
Dr_Willisshyaam:  i recall someone else trying to get it going about 2 weeks ago. and they never did05:31
shyaamwhy not05:32
shyaamDr_Willis: why not05:32
=== hehe13123 is now known as heh1231
Dr_Willisthey had kernel module errors as i mentioned earlier.05:32
Dr_Willisshyaam:  check the  channel logs perhaps. it may say more.05:33
UbuntuNoob5Dr_Willis, really dumb questions... Can I reinstall Ubuntu without wiping my massive porn collection--I mean, my hard drive?05:33
shyaamDr_Willis: how to do that05:33
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.05:34
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  put your videos on a seperate hard drive or partition.05:34
UbuntuNoob5I see :/05:34
Dr_Willisand thats the drive you keep... safe... somewhere where the wife wont find it..05:34
UbuntuNoob5Well, I guess at this point, I might as well go back to Windows... I think I'm too stupid for Linux :'(05:34
customerHi guys. I'm connected to a guest internet connection right now. This basically means I have to go through a webpage to actually get the internet connection, but I can't ssh in terminal. I also noticed I can't sudo apt-get update either.05:34
UbuntuNoob5It's not actually porn, lol.05:34
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.05:35
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  i HAVE seen DRM protected or even malware codec infected XXX (and other ) videos that would NOT play in vlc.05:35
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  thats why i asked where the video came from.05:35
UbuntuNoob5Came from the TPB, where no one else seems to have had a problem playing it.05:36
Dr_Willisfind some other h264/avc/whatever  videos and see if they play. Use a youtube downloader extension/tool if you cant find any05:36
shyaamDr_Willis: from when to when should i see05:36
Dr_WillisI have rarely found a ideo file i cant play on Ubuntu with vlc or mplayer,  or totem,   exccept for  a few rare drm protected ones05:36
Dr_Willisshyaam:  try the last month perhaps?05:36
UbuntuNoob5I don't think I've ever found one VLC can't handle, either.05:37
moppyYou dont actually need that much space for ubuntu. Fits in under 8 gig. Wont have to wipe the whole hard drive.05:37
shyaamDr_Willis: which date05:37
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob5:  and the vareious video converter tools will tell you if theres somthing fishy with the file perhaps05:37
Dr_Willisshyaam:  No idea.. try 1800 to 222005:37
=== Edgan____ is now known as Edgan
UbuntuNoob5Accidentally closed it. Dr_Willis, the audio works just find, It's the video that doesn't.05:40
UbuntuNoob5What specific error messages am I looking for?05:40
customerHi guys. I'm connected to a guest internet connection right now. This basically means I have to go through a webpage to actually get the internet connection, but I can't ssh in terminal. I also noticed I can't sudo apt-get update either.05:40
wilee-nileecustomer, The channel asked for at least a ten minute interval on reposts.05:41
moppyUbuntuNoob5: going to ask you a silly wuestion, is this a fully uipdated 13.04? they recently removed medibuntu and it broke my video player until the new repo was up05:41
dr_dissectorUbuntuNoob5: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:42
dr_dissectorthat may help (maybe...)05:42
UbuntuNoob5moppy, no. I only have 12.04.  dr_dissector, we went over that one, thanks, but it had no different effect.05:43
xtrizthe plymouth theme takes it's config files from /lib/plymouth /themes ?05:43
=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_
moppyUbuntuNoob5: any reason for staying on 12.04? it ill upgrade in place, no need to reinstall05:44
UbuntuNoob5moppy... Sheer ignorance and stupidity? My experience with Ubuntu consists of "Goddamit, I hate Windows 8! What, you want me to pay you 250 dollars to downgrade back to 7? No thanks..." And that's it.05:45
dr_dissectormoppy: my 12.04 plays all the files just fine.05:46
UbuntuNoob5I torrent occasionally, I watch tv and movies occasionally, I type a book on it. That's all I use my computer for.05:46
moppyso it is just this one video you can't play?05:46
UbuntuNoob5This one series of videos, all within the same group. It's the first time I've ever encountered it.05:46
heh1231/usr/local/games/Bastion force_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86   <= any idea why this icon wont work as a shortcut05:46
dr_dissectorUbuntuNoob5: same here. I found a few issues accessing SMB shares with 13.04. I downgraded to 12.0405:47
^Phantom^UbuntuNoob5, you did the right thing ditching windows 805:47
heh1231but if I type force_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86 in terminal the attribute is applied05:47
heh1231and it launches05:47
moppyi assume that same file works in windows?05:47
heh1231I'm trying to just create an icon05:47
UbuntuNoob5If we assume it's a DRM issue, how might I find a way to go around/through/over/demolish that? Not saying I WOULD... But, were there a program, what might it be?05:47
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
moppyDRM needs to die anyway05:48
customerHi guys. I'm connected to a guest internet connection right now. This basically means I have to go through a webpage to actually get the internet connection, but I can't ssh in terminal. I also noticed I can't sudo apt-get update either.05:48
dr_dissectorUbuntuNoob5: could the file be damaged in any way?05:48
Dr_Willisthe tools like handbreak may mentoion if its got some weird DRM05:48
moppyi would like you to check the file plays in windows05:48
UbuntuNoob5dr_dissector, there is no comment on the source site of anyone having had an issue with them.05:49
UbuntuNoob5moppy, I'm actually working on finding that out, myself ;)05:49
Dr_Willisif you try to play it in windows.. and it trys to get you to load some codec... be warey.05:49
dr_dissectorCool, let us know, we will see after that05:49
heh1231anyone know how to create a usable icon rofl05:50
heh1231/usr/local/games/Bastion force_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86   only launches in terminal with the attiribute attached05:50
dr_dissectorUbuntuNoob5: people on the source site may be using Windows05:50
moppymay? :-)05:50
nahcfsanyone have some spare time to out me out with a problem on ubuntu?05:50
dr_dissectorlet me rephrase - definitely use!05:50
Romancedo you think its possible to install ubuntu on Acer Aspire P3 (i5 processor, SSD), its an ultrabook tablet05:50
moppyRomance: It's powerful enough, you would have to check web for compatibilty however.05:51
dr_dissectorRomance: how old is this hardware (excuse my ignorance)05:51
Romancemoppy check web?05:51
moppyits an ultabook with a detachable screen so new... if thats what he meant by tablet05:51
moppyerr touch screen not detachable screen05:52
Romancedr_dissector yyeah its new this this year i guess05:52
Romancetouch screen with bluetooth keyboard05:52
UbuntuNoob5Well, guys, I appreciate the help thus far. I'll try it on Windows, when I get a chance, but that's not for a couple hours.05:52
UbuntuNoob5Until then, does anyone here read low fantasy?05:52
dr_dissectorcool, I would suggest check the chipset first. Also back up that other OS (just in case)05:53
moppyUbuntuNoob5: i might be able to try the video out if you told us what it was05:53
dr_dissectorWhen playing with Linux of any type, know your hardware really well...05:53
lotuspsychjenahcfs: you could try to describe your problem maybe05:53
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lotuspsychjeRomance: ubuntu works nice on my acer with ssd inside here05:54
lotuspsychjeRomance: 64bit 13.04 and rocketfast05:55
dr_dissectorlotuspsychje: is it P3? as Romance described?05:55
UbuntuNoob5moppy, I shot you the link. It's worth noting that all related video groups have the same issue, too. And there are two people (in that link in particular) who say they have the same issue, but one says he solved it (doesn't say how).05:55
Romancelotuspsychje well maybe i need to give it a shot with live usb05:55
nahcfsOkay, I just put ubuntu on my dell e1505 and can't get wireless to work. I don't have a network cable either, not sure where to start05:55
lotuspsychjedr_dissector: no, mine is amd05:55
nahcfsbeen reading up on this though05:56
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moppyUbuntuNoob5: cool, its probably an old video camera codec or something, thats no longer supported05:56
lotuspsychjenahcfs: you need internet to grab your wifi broadcom driver05:56
heh1231Sorry for the newbie question if I'm in /usr/local/games/Bastion and type force_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86 the game launches with the attributes but with gnome\an application icon (command) -> /usr/local/games/Bastion force_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86 ..the attributes are ignored05:56
nahcfsi have this computer i can transfer files from05:56
customerHi guys. I'm connected to a guest internet connection right now. This basically means I have to go through a webpage to actually get the internet connection, but I can't ssh in terminal. I also noticed I can't sudo apt-get update either.05:56
lotuspsychje!b43 | nahcfs05:57
ubottunahcfs: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:57
nahcfsyes, im on it right now05:57
nahcfsi dled bcmwl-kernel-source from the online repository on this computer and transfered it to the other05:58
nahcfsbut it wont install05:58
heh1231figure out what broadcom chipset you have05:58
lotuspsychjeRomance: yes i would surely try it :p05:58
heh1231then just copy and paste the commands05:58
heh1231its pretty easy05:58
nahcfsdependency is not staisfiable: dkms05:58
dr_dissectorRomance: good idea - that should highlight any potential issues...05:58
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dr_dissectorhello and welcome!06:07
Braden`I am using 12.04.3, and when I run do-release-upgrade, it tells me that no upgrades are available.  I have release-upgrades set to lts.06:07
Braden`Technically 13.04 is lts, so it should propose that as an upgrade06:07
xtrizi have changed the default splash theme, how can i update it such that when it boots the new theme is applied.06:08
hewhomustsudo update-initramfs -u done this06:09
xtrizhewhomust, doing it06:09
dr_dissectorBraden: I am not sure if 13.04 is 'technically' an LTS....06:09
moppy12.04, 14.04 are the LTS06:10
xtrizBraden`, 13.04 is not LTS06:10
hewhomusti thought lts just referred to the support time06:10
Braden`14.04 is not out yet, right?06:10
hewhomustyeah 2014/0406:10
xtrizhewhomust, hurray..!!! the theme got applied :)06:10
moppycorrect, the version number is the year and month of release. so 14.04 is coming Apr 201406:10
dr_dissectorBraden: 14.04 is under development06:10
moppy12.04 is the newest LTS06:11
Braden`Thank you06:11
Ari-Yangmoppy: not newest...latest06:11
dr_dissector... and 12.04 works great!06:11
dr_dissectorrock solid!06:11
xtrizwhen will 13.10 will be out ?06:11
Ari-Yangso far both 12.04 and 12.10 are solid form my experience06:11
Ari-Yang!13.10 > xtriz06:12
ubottuxtriz, please see my private message06:12
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moppy13.10 on 24 or 25th i think06:12
xtrizAri-Yang, cool :D06:12
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
nahcfsokay so i tried to install the bcmwl-kernel-source from my pendrive and I get an error06:15
nahcfslinux-headers-3.8.0-29-generic is not supported06:15
nahcfswhat does that mean06:15
Ari-Yang...it isn't supported?06:15
Ari-Yangnahcfs: what ubuntu version are you running?06:16
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
nahcfsim following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:17
nahcfssta - no internet access06:17
ripthejackercan I ask subjective questions here?06:20
ripthejackerhewhomust: which music player do you use?06:21
ADP4Uan answer to that would be subjective06:21
ripthejackerI wanna choose between amarok and rhythmbox06:21
ripthejackerfor music?06:21
hewhomusti like amarok and yes06:21
hewhomusti just need a simple one lol06:21
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
user258467How do I tell rsync to don't do anything when I run the command just to see the verbose output?06:21
Ari-Yangripthejacker: I recommend Audacious or mpd (music player daemon)06:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:22
ADP4UI use audacious and it is really good.06:22
Ari-Yangnahcfs: maybe this would be useful? http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4306:22
ADP4Uno it is not useful06:22
ripthejackerADP4U: I used to use kde and I liked amarok's clean interface, But amarok won't work flawless in gnome right?06:23
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ADP4Udont know about amarok06:24
ADP4UI just use audacious06:24
ripthejackerADP4U: ok06:24
aeon-ltdmpd takes a while to set up but then you get to choose from plenty of frontends, personally i like ncmpcpp06:24
ADP4Uwhat language do you think they programmed it in???06:24
customerHi guys. I'm connected to a guest internet connection right now. This basically means I have to go through a webpage to actually get the internet connection, but I can't ssh in terminal. I also noticed I can't sudo apt-get update either.06:24
ADP4Uyou said that before customer you cock06:25
UbuntuNoob5http://pastebin.com/NCCVDKhz.. Lines 11 and 12 are, apparently, the reason I'm unable to load a certain file in VLC. I can hear the audio fine, but there's no video. Solution?06:25
nahcfswhen i do lspci -vnn -d 14e4 i get lspco: -d: ':' expected06:26
ADP4UI have no sound in Firefox, no matter what I do, no sound.06:26
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Ari-YangUbuntuNoob5: join #VLC06:28
hewhomustADP4U: do you get sound in everything else06:28
Ari-YangUbuntuNoob5: actually no, join #videolan06:28
ADP4Uhavn't been able to fix it for 6 months06:28
ADP4USound in everything except firefox06:29
hewhomustdo you have any other browsers?06:29
ADP4Uyeah, I use chromium06:29
ADP4Uyeah no problems06:29
hewhomusttried reinstalling it?06:29
ADP4UEverything is ok, just not firefox06:29
Ari-Yangmaybe run firefox in terminal to see if there are any errors?06:29
ADP4Utried uninstalling many times06:29
ADP4Utried updating flash06:29
Ari-YangADP4U: you use pulseaudio?06:30
ADP4UWhat is pulse audio?06:30
Ari-Yang!pulseaudio > ADP4U06:30
ubottuADP4U, please see my private message06:30
ADP4UNo errors w/ firefox at terminal btw06:31
grendal-primeok looks like i deleted my kids entire cartoon collection...(i know im a terrible person) anyway is there a toll where i can recover deleted files like "undelete" ?06:34
Ari-Yanggrendal-prime: ...........recycle bin?06:34
ripthejackerAri-Yang: you mean trash can :P06:35
grendal-primeno no that would be tooo easy.. I just quick formated the drive i think06:36
wilee-nileegrendal-prime, testdisk has some tools.06:38
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel06:38
grendal-primeya its scanning now..i just dont know what to do with it really06:39
Dr_Willisbeen grabbing cartoons for the grandkids from the 'official' disney channels on youtube lately.06:39
grendal-primeoh wait...there may actually be a trashcan..hold on06:39
grendal-primewait for it.....06:39
Ari-Yanggrendal-prime: we don't need dialogue :|06:40
* Dr_Willis is waiting patiently06:40
nahcfsok i installed bcmwl-kernel-source and wireless still doesnt work06:41
grendal-primenope that aint it.06:41
grendal-primethan you Dr_Willis06:41
grendal-primehey hows your sister?06:41
wilee-nileehehe disney song of the south banned in america06:41
shyaamDr_Willis: do you remember their nick names06:42
Dr_Willisshyaam:  i dont know what you are refering to06:42
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
metaphysicianGoogle Chrome no longer supported on Precise Pangolin?06:45
somsipmetaphysician: fine here, on a PPA06:45
shyaamDr_Willis: the guys trying to install cdemu06:46
Dr_Willisshyaam:  did you search for the term 'cdemu' in the logs?06:46
metaphysiciangoogle-chrome-stable depends upon lib32gcc1 (>= 1:4.4.4)06:46
metaphysician,version lib32gcc106:46
metaphysician,versions lib32gcc106:46
Dr_Willismetaphysician:  might be a known bug. check askubuntu.com about it?06:46
somsip!info lib32gcc106:46
ubottuPackage lib32gcc1 does not exist in raring06:47
shyaamDr_Willis: how to search the log i don't see any search box06:47
Dr_Willisshyaam:  no idea. I never go to the log site.06:47
Ben64metaphysician: i have google-chrome from ppa working fine here, you must not have followed the proper procedure06:47
Dr_Willisijust know they exist06:47
shyaamDr_Willis: can you please help me figure out06:47
Dr_Willisshyaam:  why do you even need cdemu?06:48
shyaami need to mount cue/bin images thats why06:48
Ben64you can do that with "mount"06:48
Dr_WillisI seem to recall other tools in the repos to do that shyaam  and thers bin/cue converter apps to covnert them to iso06:49
shyaamany suggession06:49
Dr_Willisapt-cache search cue   perhaps06:49
Dr_Willischeck askubuntu.com for 'mount/convert cue/bin' files06:50
Dr_Willis!info fuseiso06:50
ubottufuseiso (source: fuseiso): FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images. In component universe, is optional. Version 20070708-3 (raring), package size 21 kB, installed size 75 kB06:50
Dr_Willis!info isofuse06:50
metaphysicianBen64: I installed from the official .deb. It was working fine. Looks like they added new dependency.06:50
ubottuPackage isofuse does not exist in raring06:50
Dr_Willisi recall there being 2 fuse tools that could mount iso's and  other cd/dvd formats06:50
metaphysicianBen64: Dr_Willis: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=30401706:51
shyaamwhat are they06:51
Ben64metaphysician: theres your problem, don't install from debs06:52
Dr_Willisshyaam:  'apt-cache search fuse' and see what looks promiseing06:52
apbHello.  I'm tring to login to sourceforge.net using openID....  I'm very confused.  First, I don't remember my sourceforge login info. = which is what attracted me to openID.  So, I used yahoo as myh openID... provider? I logged into my yahoo account through the openID link and now it says I'm logged into sourceforge but I still have to supply a sourceforge password?!?!  I'm lost.06:53
apbAnd I'm running ubuntu 12.04 which is why I came here after going to #openid which is dead06:53
Ben64apb: this is Ubuntu support.... not openid or sourceforge or anything else like that06:54
apbthanks Ben!06:54
Ben64so you should figure out the correct place to ask that question06:54
apbalways a pleasure to hear from people that don't want to help :)06:54
Ben64its not even remotely on topic, don't get all snarky because you can't follow the rules06:54
XATRIXHi guys, found a strange porcess06:55
XATRIXWhat does it mean ?06:55
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shyaambut i think cdemu is more convinient06:56
Dr_Willisas far as i know cdemu is a dead project. and  dosent work on newer kernels.06:57
Ben64shyaam: how long have you tried getting it to work? is this what convenience is?06:57
XATRIXhttp://fpaste.org/47085/90653913/ any ideas ?06:58
shyaamBen64: do you have a way to make it work or what kind of mounting software do you use06:58
Dr_Willis!info bchunk06:58
ubottubchunk (source: bchunk): CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-12 (raring), package size 12 kB, installed size 57 kB06:58
Ben64shyaam: i've already told you. i use "mount" it has support for loopback mounting06:59
Dr_Williswow..  4th item for apt-cache search cue06:59
aeon-ltdXATRIX: well are you running find?06:59
shyaamBen64: i also have it can it mount cue bin07:00
XATRIXaeon-ltd: nope... it wasnt started by me07:00
XATRIXI'm curious WTF ?07:00
Ben64shyaam: probably, but it'd be easier to use the program Dr_Willis showed07:00
Dr_Willisfuseiso9660 - File System in User Space - Module for ISO966007:01
Dr_Willisfuseiso - FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images07:01
Dr_Willisuif2iso - converts UIF files (used by MagicISO) to ISO or other formats07:01
shyaamBen64: what was it again07:01
linuxg333kHey, can anyone help me ?07:02
Ben64shyaam: bchunk07:02
linuxg333kneed help for booting the ubuntu partition (pm me)07:02
ubottulinuxg333k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/07:03
shyaamBen64: but it is good to have one tool like daemon tools instead of dozen to get there07:04
Ben64shyaam: 1 != 1207:04
Dr_Willisdeamon tools is a disaster on windows.07:04
linuxg333kI have installed wubi (ubuntu) per installer.. after that it worked for few hours then i destroyed my bootmgr.. now i repaired my bootmgr.. but i can only boot windows 7 now.. but i "prepaired" to install ubuntu on my 2nd partition.. how to fix the boot.. or boot from the 2nd Partition ?07:04
Dr_Willisand ive rarely found it needed these days07:04
shyaamBen64: now i have bchunk07:04
ejvlinuxg333k: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair07:05
jnhghyI host a intranet web-app that is in /var/www/html/webapp(files,folders, index.php) ; accessible throw: web-name (it accesses web-name/index.php); I also have another app in /var/www/uploads/app(files, folders, index.php) accessible throw transfer.web-name  (it accesses upload/index.php) now I'd like to change the name of the browser access for the second app from transfer.web-name to tools.web-name and add another app as subdomain, where is this setting07:05
jnhghy ? I've checked etc/httpd/httpd.conf but couldnt find anything related there...07:05
Dr_Willislinuxg333k:  best would be to not use wubi. its being phased out07:05
shyaamBen64: sure one is not equal to 12 but you can save a lot of space if you have just one file instead on more converted inorder to work07:06
Ben64shyaam: theres no reason to keep bin/cue files once they're in iso07:06
Dr_Willisshyaam:  i imagine all the tools i mentioned. take up less space on the hd then deamon tools does07:06
Dr_Willistheres not much reason to have bin/cue at all from what ive seen07:06
Dr_Willisand the fuse tools can mount the bin/cue with out converting i recall07:07
ejvjnhghy: the virtual host files contain your configuration; something like /etc/apache2/sites-available07:07
jnhghyFound it in /etc/httpd/conf.d ... thanks07:07
shyaamBen64: i'll take your advise but i need to learn how to make it work (i just need the kowledge)07:07
ejvjnhghy: this is ubuntu, not $NOTUBUNTU, it's called apache2 here07:07
Ben64i found one bin/cue on my drive from 2006, converted it to iso.... saves 83MB :D07:09
Dr_WillisBen64:  ;P  I think the only bin/cues i ever had were PS1 cd images.07:09
Dr_Willisand the PS emulators can read them directly i recall. no need to convert07:09
jnhghyejv: yap... you are write ... I'm switching between computers ... and I thought I was on the ubuntu one... but thanks for the answer, it's close enough to what I was looking :)07:10
Dr_Willisthe only other bin/cues i recall having were poorly made torrents. that wernt worth downloading. ;)07:10
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=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
Kartagishi. my network manager crashes unexpectedly. what do you suggest I do?07:14
RoryKartagis: How does that problem manifest itsself? Do you get an error? What version of Ubuntu are you using? (use the command "cat /etc/issue" to check)07:17
geirha''lsb_release -r''   /etc/issue is not a reliable way to check what OS/version the system has.07:19
KartagisRory: I get the dialog box with the exclamation mark in a red area that says "Something dies unexpectedly, and I see NetworkManager when I check details. I am using 13.04 aka raring07:20
DeepBluei wanna change the owner permessions os /sdb1,/sdb307:21
CaneToadHelp! ... I installed updates for 12.04 and now when I boot I get "Starting load fallback graphics devices [fail]" and I can't do a thing.  No keyboard, no nothing.  Any ideas what I do?  I can boot into linux from cd.07:21
xtrizi have a local mirror setup, now suddenly i started experiencing prob doing apt-get update. This is the list of errors that i am getting http://dpaste.com/1418569/07:23
Kartagisalso, network-manager says no active connections found when I click 'connection information', and network connections from system tools > preferences lists my connections.07:24
DeepBluei wanna change the owner permessions of /sdb1,/sdb307:24
KartagisDeepBlue: man chmod07:25
Kartagisand man chown07:25
Dr_WillisDeepBlue:  clarify what you mean. the path /sdb1 is not valid07:25
Dr_WillisDeepBlue:  what filesystmes are on those  two partions?07:25
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:27
Dr_Willisand you DONT chown/chmod ntfs/vfat partions. You mount them with the proper options to set their permissions how you want07:27
DeepBlueDr_Willis: it's ext4 filesystems ,here is the path of /sdb1:/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe/home/deepblue/Downloads07:28
AximoAnyone over07:29
DeepBlueDr_Willis: it's ext4 filesystems ,here is the path of /sdb1:/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe07:30
Vialashey guys,07:30
Vialascan aoyone help me with NPM ?07:30
rangergordHi. When I open the file manager in 12.04, I get the "waiting" cursor for several seconds, as if it's doing something in the background. The UI is fully responsive (my PC is a beast), I think it might be doing something networky. Is that possible? How can I disable this? It's a minor annoyance, but an annoyance. I don't intend on ever accessing other computers on the LAN.07:32
Dr_WillisDeepBlue:  for ext2/3/4 you mount the partion then chown/chmod the mountpoint and files/directories on the filesystem how ever you need07:33
Dr_WillisDeepBlue:  and if you give the filesystem a proper label using gparted. it will stop using that long ###   for its mountpoint. it will use the Label Instead07:34
killerI want to load new linux kernel without reboot07:39
auronandacekiller: you can't07:40
Rorykiller: Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ksplice07:40
Dr_Williskiller: i recall some experimental feature to do that.. but i dont think its  part of a normal ubuntu setup07:40
Dr_Willisksplice :) thats it.07:40
Rorykiller: That page looks really out of date though so put your sysadmin hat on first07:40
auronandaceoracle owns ksplice07:41
RoryI don't care who "owns" it if it's a FOSS license07:41
Dr_Willisuntill they decide its not...07:41
RoryThat's not how FOSS works07:42
grendal-primeya i think them movies is gone07:42
grendal-primeman that sucks07:42
grendal-primeabout  100 or so07:42
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:42
RoryI know we don't recommend !webmin but are there any tools like that which I could put on my home server to allow my brother to make certain changes, one which is compatible with Ubuntu properly?07:45
auronandace!ebox | Rory07:45
ubottuRory: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).07:45
RoryOh thanks auronandace I think I've used that before :)07:45
nickbelhommeanyone uses Skype in conference mode and experiencing no video option?07:52
tadohey all. just install a fresh 13.04, and have a strange problem with firefox. in askubuntu.com it only loads the text, no graphics. in yahoo mail i can't see message content. this never happened before... ideas?07:52
auronandacetado: have you installed any addons?07:53
Vialasnickbelhomme i thinky ou need to be a premium subscriber to get conference video calls07:53
Vialasthink you*07:53
nickbelhommeVialas, only the initiator needs premium07:53
Vialasyes that is correct,07:53
Vialasok so i assume they are07:54
tadoauronandace: only ad-block plus so far.07:54
nickbelhommeyes. They are calling me with multiple attendees07:54
Vialasyou have a firewall?07:54
nickbelhommeInitially I see the complete list with their avatars07:54
nickbelhommeand I see the 4 dots telling me they are connecting, then they start dropping each and eveery one except the initiator. But I an still hear everyone07:54
tadoauronandace:  don't remember what's the link to upload a screenshot..07:55
nickbelhommebut no video, nor from me, nor from the other attendees07:55
Vialasvery odd nickbelhomme07:55
auronandace!screenshot | tado07:55
ubottutado: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.07:55
nickbelhommeVialas, no Firewall. A colleague has the same problem on his linux box07:55
nickbelhommewindows and mac all work perfectly07:55
tadoauronandance: http://imagebin.org/27378307:56
tadoauronandace: http://imagebin.org/27378307:56
auronandacetado: do you have this problem with all sites or just those two?07:57
tadoauronandace: i have just installed fresh on my girlfriend's laptop. so far i have only noticed those 2. google, youtube and others work fine07:57
Vialasim sorry nickbelhomme , i dont know how else to help :(07:58
tadoauronandace: actually i think it worked fine last night... the only thing i did since then was to completely remove thunderbird07:58
nickbelhommeVialas, no problem maybe someone else knows07:58
auronandacetado: sorry i can't help07:59
hewhomustwhat sites aren't working07:59
tadoaudonandace: thanks anyway07:59
tadohewhomust: ask ubuntu for the graphics; yahoo mail doesn't show mail content08:00
tadohewhomust: this is how i see ask ubuntu http://imagebin.org/27378308:00
hewhomustdid it ever work?08:00
tadohewhomust: it's a fresh install. i think i was looking at ask ubuntu last night from this computer, but i might be wrong---08:01
tadohewhomust: haven't played with settings yet. just removed thunderbird now and .thunderbird folder08:01
tadohewhomust: chromium displays evertything the right way08:02
wilee-nileetado, you have flash installed?08:02
hewhomustgonna ask that lol08:02
tadowilee-nilee: doesn't it ship by default?08:02
wilee-nileetado, nope08:02
tadowilee-nilee: or a link to a tutorial08:02
hewhomustsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:03
wilee-nileethe extras yeah08:03
tadohewhomust: that includes flash?08:03
geirhaLooks like it ignored the CSS08:03
wilee-nileeyahoo needs flash08:03
tadohewhomust: super. thanks a lot08:04
tadowilee-nilee: thanks i'll log off and reboot08:04
nickbelhommeVialas, You can’t start a group video call in Skype for mobile, Linux and Windows 8, however you can participate in it.https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10613/what-do-i-need-to-make-a-group-video-call08:04
tadoneed to go now as well, hope this will work ;)08:04
=== Malinux_ is now known as Malinux
wilee-nileeyahoomail is the only one I ever got any spam on had to drop it08:04
nickbelhommemaar dat is inderdaad opstarten08:04
nickbelhommeals ik het zo lees08:05
tadohewhomust: it install this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244416/ is it enough?08:05
* apw yawns ..08:05
hewhomustwhat command is this>08:07
wilee-nilee!nl | nickbelhomme08:07
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ubottunickbelhomme: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl08:07
sam113101I see no command08:07
nickbelhommewilee-nilee, ubottu sorry, force of habbit08:07
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nickbelhommeEnglish is fine08:07
tadowilee-nilee: is this enough: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244416/08:08
tadohewhomust : the restricted-extras08:09
hewhomustyeah try it08:09
=== Guest31642 is now known as cubieaaron
wilee-nileetado, run software-properties-gtk and make sure the cannonical partners is ticked second tab when install the extras, it is codecs and MS fonts, and flash08:10
Vialasim having issues installing node-libxml08:10
Vialasi get the following error http://www.pastebucket.com/2180408:10
Vialascan someone please help08:10
FloodBot1Vialas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
=== cubieaaron is now known as cubietech_aaron
wilee-nileetado, If not ticked on run a update then install08:11
Vialassorry FloodBot108:11
ActionParsnipVialas: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue08:11
Vialascat /etc/issue : Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l08:12
=== thewafflewhat is now known as thewafflecaust
bazhangVialas, thats not supported here08:13
stroodlepuphi, how can I install wayland08:13
ActionParsnipVialas: not supported here08:13
Wiz_KeeDout of curiosity, why am I denied to cd into a directory that has g+rw and I am in the group that created it?08:13
Vialasoh :(08:13
Vialaswhy not08:13
ActionParsnipVialas: this is ubuntu support08:13
bazhangVialas, it's not Ubuntu08:13
ActionParsnipstroodlepup: on which release08:13
Vialasyou are being os-isist (aka racist) ?08:13
ActionParsnipVialas: no, maintaining channel policy08:14
bazhangVialas, thats enough,08:14
ActionParsnipVialas: each distro has their own support08:14
Vialasyea i know im just playing around08:14
Vialasi understand08:14
Vialasbazhang im just playing08:14
FloodBot1Vialas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:14
bazhangVialas, play somewhere else08:14
ActionParsnipstroodlepup: cat /etc/issue   will tell you08:14
stroodlepupeither 12.04 or 13.0408:15
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Vialasthanks for your help ActionParsnip08:16
ActionParsnipstroodlepup: which do you have?08:17
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stroodlepupmoving to 13.04 soon though08:17
ActionParsnipWiz_KeeD: you need execute  access if memory serves08:17
Wiz_KeeDexecute to cd into the dir?08:18
ActionParsnipstroodlepup: http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=node/3908:18
geirhaWiz_KeeD: Yes, execute bit on directories allow you to enter it (e.g. with cd), while read bit on directories allow you to list its content (e.g. with ls)08:19
frigHow do I chaninload in grub if the boot partition is sda2?08:19
ActionParsnipstroodlepup: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTAxMTE08:19
Wiz_KeeDYou are right ActionParsnip, thank you!08:19
Wiz_KeeDthanks geirha08:19
stroodlepupActionParsnip: is wayland friendly with older pcs?08:19
ActionParsnipWiz_KeeD: when you double click the folder, you run it like an app (is how i remember it)08:19
ActionParsnipstroodlepup: doubt it08:19
Wiz_KeeDhaha, i'll try to remember that :D08:19
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geirhaWiz_KeeD: If you want to read up on how permissions work in UNIX and UNIX-like systems, I recommend http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions08:22
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karab44I get black windows after alt+tab, any solution or workaround is provided so far?08:27
stroodlepupok. thx08:32
Frank81hello frinds is some one familary in here with downloading streamed video on linux?08:33
Frank81on windows i did always need some browser plugins or other application but i could guess there is a more easy general way since the stream already gets viewd on this machine i could easy rename a cache file or else?08:34
Frank81or maybe even wget?08:34
flam_what kind of stream?08:34
flam_mms, rtsp?08:34
bluechaosI need some help guys08:35
bluechaosI need some source.list Ubuntu 12.04.3  code I cannot make update or installing any program from (terminal command line )08:36
minimecbluechaos: Just create one with this... http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/08:38
Frank81flam_: good question i don't know the real type of it08:39
Frank81i am not familary with it08:39
bluechaosme eather ....08:40
Frank81so it depends on the type of stream hmmmm oki most are divx videos or flash so there is no general way?08:40
Frank81ah bluechaos don't meand you08:40
Frank81if you broken your 12.0408:40
Frank81maybe simply "do-release-upgrade -d"08:41
solarshey, does anyone know if the new/upcoming lenovo yoga 2 pro or sony fit multi-flip are supported by ubuntu?08:41
Frank81thats how i repair my old broken linux always :D simply next version lol you will be amazed how much that helps even when there are for sure some bugs sometimes generaly it works great08:42
minimecbluechaos: OK. Let's check that. Open a terminal and try to update the sources with 'sudo apt-get update'. Is that working?08:42
Frank81solrs they are08:42
bluechaosI find this08:42
bluechaosbut I'm not using08:42
Frank81solars it depends most on ram and cpu if hardware is supported08:42
bluechaosubuntu tweak08:43
bluechaosUbuntu Tweak (Source) - http://ubuntu-tweak.com/08:43
bluechaos## Run this command: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0624A22008:43
bluechaosdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ubuntu precise main08:43
FloodBot1bluechaos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
solarsFrank81, well both of them have a haswell cpu08:43
solarsFrank81, but they look pretty nice.. considering to buy one08:43
luminoushi! I am getting following PPA error: W: GPG error: http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org dist Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9ECBEC467F0CEB1008:44
luminoushow do I remove this pubkey?08:45
minimecbluechaos: Did add that ppa?08:45
bluechaoslisten wait a sec I'm will past all settings i did on pastebin08:45
minimecbluechaos: Good idea.08:46
minimecbluechaos: If this is the whole source.list file, there are some missing sources.08:48
bluechaosppa is from old one I quess when I did the release  I don`t know if upgrade change or not ppa08:48
mosam__http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244558/ listen wait a sec I'm will past all settings i did on08:48
mosam__                   pastebin08:48
bluechaosok can u give me a list with normal sources08:48
bluechaoswhat ubuntu must to have08:49
metaphysicianbluechaos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244565/08:50
minimecbluechaos: Basic sources.list should look like this (I have chosen 'Romania' for the package server)08:51
minimecbluechaos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244566/08:51
metaphysicianbluechaos:  sources.list I linked is for 12.0408:52
bluechaosyes that one I'm using right now08:53
bluechaosdesktop version08:53
bluechaosnot server08:53
metaphysicianbluechaos: yes, repositories are same for desktop and server.08:54
OzzyHi anyone can help me to understand what a shared memory is?08:57
Ozzyi see it on a column of top08:57
minimecbluechaos: Sorry. I was disconnected. Still working on that problem?08:58
bluechaostake a look08:59
ActionParsnipOzzy: http://superuser.com/questions/47687/clarification-on-the-shared-memory-column-in-the-linux-top-utility08:59
ActionParsnipOzzy: went to google and typed:  top shared memory      and hit search.08:59
metaphysicianbluechaos: change -updates to precise-updates. similarly for -security08:59
bluechaosminimec your are from romania ?09:00
bluechaosI'm newbie some example please09:00
metaphysicianbluechaos: see the sources.list that I linked09:00
minimecbluechaos: No I am not. I did an error on that repo list. I did not choose a release! What version of Ubuntu are you using?09:01
minimecbluechaos: Ok. thax.09:01
bluechaosbluechaos@bluechaos-EP41-UD3L:~$ cat /etc/issue09:01
bluechaosUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l09:01
bluechaosbluechaos@bluechaos-EP41-UD3L:~$ lsb_release09:02
bluechaosNo LSB modules are available.09:02
bluechaosmetaphysician, I'm will put your sources code into file right now and I'm will press again update !09:02
minimecbluechaos: new list with 'precise' as distribution http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244604/09:03
bluechaosminimec I'm using a desktop version once I press do release and replace desktop version with server version !  I don`t need server version09:04
OzzyActionParsnip: thanks for the reply, but the real question was why free says that my shared memory is zero when top lists some amount of shared memory for each process?09:05
minimecbluechaos: server/desktop repositories are the same.09:06
the_drowHow do I get python3.3-dev for percise?09:08
metaphysicianbluechaos: no package with the exact name `webmin' available in the repository.09:12
metaphysician!info webmin09:12
ubottuPackage webmin does not exist in raring09:12
djanitorHi, all. How do I determine the current DNS IP addresses from command line?09:13
Rorydjanitor: cat /etc/resolv.conf09:13
hitsujiTMOthe_drow python3-dev09:13
bluechaosa allright I think I resolve it09:13
bluechaosthank you for you help09:13
bluechaosmetaphysician, minimec09:14
metaphysicianbluechaos: you're welcome.09:14
Rorydjanitor: if you use network manager, try nmcli dev list iface eth0 | grep DNS09:14
minimecbluechaos: no problem09:14
djanitorRory: It only says it is dynamically generated by resolvconf(8), do not edit this file...., nameserver, I am expecting it should display the OpenDNS IP addresses in this file09:14
Rorydjanitor: if you use network manager, try nmcli dev list iface eth0 | grep DNS09:15
Rorydjanitor: replace eth0 as appropriate09:15
djanitorRory: wonderful, thank you very much!09:15
nikokollciao a tutti09:15
snowyrooftopsI noticed that the Wiki mentions that Ubuntu 14.04 LTS would have only Python 3 (no Python 2) included.09:15
snowyrooftopsIs there a chance the Ubuntu community needs help for creating Python 3 applications? I'm not sure of where to look.09:16
hitsujiTMOsnowyrooftops ask in #ubuntu-dev maybe?09:17
snowyrooftopshitsujiTMO: Thanks, I was looking for a dev channel but for some reason, my IRC client didn't display it in the channel list09:17
hitsujiTMOsnowyrooftops- wait thats not a channel :(09:17
snowyrooftopshitsujiTMO: Oh.09:18
monkeyjuice#ubuntu+1 maybe09:18
snowyrooftopsThere's #ubuntuusers and #ubuntu, so I thought since the *users is for users, the #ubuntu may be where some of the developers are.09:18
hitsujiTMOsnowyrooftops its #ubuntu-devel09:19
bluechaosmetaphysician, minimec  if I have a no-ip adress can I set it up on my ubuntu ?09:19
the_drowhitsujiTMO: Thanks!09:19
snowyrooftopshitsujiTMO: Thanks... just joined the channel09:19
Rorysnowyrooftops: This is the support channel09:20
snowyrooftopsRory: Ah, okay09:20
peepsalothello, my evince crashes when i try to view this pdf.  does this happen on anyone else's machine? http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/427/rwmilita-239699.pdf09:20
Rorysnowyrooftops: /topic09:20
Rorypeepsalot: If you open it from the terminal with "evince /path/to/rwmilita-239699.pdf" do you get an error message when it crashes?09:21
the_drowWhere's the 13.10 desktop?09:25
m3kkthe_drow, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/09:27
m3kkthe_drow, is that what you mean?09:27
the_drowm3kk: I was wondering because the main site already declares 13.10 for server and it's not downloadable yet :P09:27
m3kkthe_drow, http://releases.ubuntu.com/saucy/ or this09:27
m3kkthe_drow, oh ok09:28
the_drowm3kk: Just a minor confusion09:28
lesshastehow can you force chromium or firefox to use TLS 1.2 ?09:29
hitsujiTMOleeshaste that would be determined by the server i think09:30
peepsalotRory i get this when it crashes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6244717/09:33
bipulHello I am using Beetal dongal in my ubuntu 12.04 but i want it to use it for 3g, but i am not able to connect it09:36
auronandacethe_drow: 13.10 release is tomorrow09:38
the_drowauronandace: oh wow nice!09:38
dveimhope some bugs will disappear09:39
Dr_Willissome dissapear.. some new ones popup. ;)09:39
dveimyea... and number of new ones usually much more09:40
JoshPIs there a way that I can set a background for a user and stop them from changing it (Ubuntu 13.04 with LightDM)09:45
Braden`Is it possible to root jail only php scripts and not all of apache?09:45
bipulIs there any package which is used to help in connecting 3g dongel in ubuntu09:48
gordonjcpbipul: network manager09:49
gordonjcpbipul: plug it in, right click the network manager thing, and add your 3G network09:50
bipulI do have network Manager but the thing is , I am not able to connect my 3g SIM with that.09:50
peepsalotwhere do all the apport automated bug reports go?09:51
gordonjcpbipul: what happens when you try?09:51
funktHi there I am having real trouble with xampp and I cannot get it too connect it keeps giving me perm errors I have configured my httpd-xampp.conf - location match and phpmyadmin access and still getting the error could anyone here help?09:55
funktNew XAMPP security concept:09:55
funktAccess to the requested directory is only available from the local network.09:55
funktThis setting can be configured in the file "httpd-xampp.conf".09:55
=== Coffee is now known as Guest63590
hitsujiTMOfunkt: is there any particular reason why you've installed xampp over simply installing the amp stack normally?09:58
funktsorry? what does that mean?09:58
funktwhat is amp stack normally?09:59
hitsujiTMOfunkt: rather than installing xampp: you and install the amp stack normally: sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql10:01
funktI really like xampp10:01
funkti'm comfortable with it10:01
funktjust cant get the damn thing to kick in10:02
funktUsed to have it bad had to do reinstall of 12.04 and I lost it10:02
BuzZBladEit kicks by itself once its installed, the only option is when installing mysql it asks to set the root password10:02
funktI mean this access error10:02
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
BuzZBladEto login to phpmyadmin user : root   password : mysql password10:03
funktsorry I can get it to work10:03
funktjust have access errors10:03
funktNew XAMPP security concept:10:03
funktAccess to the requested object is only available from the local network.10:03
funktThis setting can be configured in the file "httpd-xampp.conf".10:03
funktThe server will load and start fibne10:04
funktits not giving me perms to access the local server through my browser10:04
funktI have edited httpd-xampp.conf through root and I have changed the location match and directory phpmyadin to allow all access10:05
funktand I am still having trouble10:05
hitsujiTMOfunkt xampp have a support channel: #Apachefriends10:06
funktthank you!!10:06
adscwhy use xampp if you already have a working lampp stack?10:07
Myrttiadsc: it's a mystery10:08
adsci like misteries10:08
inetkhey all i forgot how to change my host name from inetk-vituralbox to virtualbox.no-ip.biz how to fix that?10:08
adsci think it's mistery, not mystery10:08
Myrttiit's a mystery why use xampp when LAMP is so easily installable on most Linux distributions10:08
funktwhat is lamp?10:08
funktand how can i Install it?10:08
adscah, i'm wrong, it's mystery10:09
inetkyou know the lamp you get in zork  lol ;-P10:09
Myrttifunkt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP10:09
Myrttiinstalling it involves two commands.10:09
hitsujiTMOfunkt lamp = linux apache2 mysql php:   normal install is: sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql10:09
sooogajoin archlinux10:10
inetkhey all i forgot how to change my host name from inetk-vituralbox to virtualbox.no-ip.biz how to fix that?10:11
BuzZBladEinetk, login at no-ip and edit it on thier site10:11
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inetkbuzzblade ,  no on the unix box side because i run gopher and it relies ton te host name tomake the connections when clicking directories10:12
JediMasterin ufw what is the syntax to allow a port on a specific IP (the server has multiple IPs and I only want to allow pptpd to be accessible to the internet on one ip)10:12
funktthanks I have done that now what should I do how do i start it?10:13
funktany ideas?10:13
Myrttifunkt: it's probably already started10:13
funktwhere do i put my files?10:13
Myrttiyou just need to configure it.10:13
JediMastersort of allow from any ip to tcp port 172310:13
BuzZBladEterminal hostname ?10:13
hitsujiTMOinetk: you cannot specify a domain as the hostname in ubuntu ... maybe you need to add an entry in /etc/hosts ?10:13
hitsujiTMOfunkt: its already running ... the default virtualhost points to /var/www10:14
ActionParsnipfunkt: i'd read some how to guides online, they will tell you how to make hello world style apps and such to demonstrate10:14
funktoh yeah10:14
funktso where do i find phpmyadmin?10:15
BuzZBladEsudo apt-get install phpmyadmin10:16
Myrttifunkt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Phpmyadmin_and_mysql-workbench10:16
* ActionParsnip hates phpmyadmin10:16
hitsujiTMOfunkt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP is the basic intro guide10:16
funktCheers seems to be a big conflict with xampp now10:17
funktIll try that stack that you mentioned10:18
ActionParsnipfunkt: check port numbers for conflicts10:18
funktthanks for all the help10:18
ActionParsnipfunkt: or just learn how to manage a server in CLI, more secure10:18
funktI have no idea what that means10:18
funktused to just run xampp load the website job done10:19
ActionParsnipfunkt: instaad of phpmyadmin, learn server management properly10:19
funktI don't think i need too10:19
ActionParsnipfunkt: it will mean your skills will transfer between OSes10:19
funktI dont have the time or the interest just want it to work and get on with it10:19
sleepie^My computer's hacked, what do I do?10:19
ActionParsnipsleepie^: reinstall10:19
BuzZBladEunplug it from the internet10:19
pathmm does anyone know how to update the corner clock in xubuntu?10:19
funktthanks for your help10:19
patits 2 hours off10:19
sleepie^I think my ISO's area no good.10:19
DeepBluei wanna no  the path of some file10:20
ActionParsnipsleepie^: you mcan MD5 test them but if you have been hacked then you cannot trust anything you see10:20
SlvrYetiI've got a problem with webapps in firefox and chromium. They won't install and Firefox is missing the setting in preferences. I've reset the dconf and still nothing.10:20
hitsujiTMOpat the command 'date' allows you to set the date and time10:21
sleepie^ActionParsnip: That's kinda what I figured, say I got several md5's from various locations and it checked out good, and still I'm hacked.10:21
ActionParsnipSlvrYeti: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc10:21
ActionParsnipsleepie^: what do you mean 'hacked'?10:21
ActionParsnipSlvrYeti: didnt think chromium did webapps like firefox does..10:21
SlvrYetiIf you get the extension it does :)10:22
sleepie^ActionParsnip: Some hacker(s) mess with me a lot.10:22
ActionParsnipSlvrYeti: i see. the web apps are just packages in software centre.10:22
SlvrYetiI'm after the GMail one10:22
BuzZBladEsleepie^, hack them back10:22
ActionParsnipsleepie^: doesnt explain what you mean by hacked10:22
hitsujiTMO!details | sleepie^10:22
ubottusleepie^: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:22
pathitsujiTMO: hmmm, is there a way to just up it by 2 hours?10:23
patoutput is kinda confusing10:23
sleepie^BuzZBladE: Kinda hard to do when you're trying to hack with the computer they hacked.10:23
ActionParsnippat: sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com10:23
SlvrYetiWhere does it setup preferences for programs installed via the software center? I wish to clear the Firefox profile and the Chromium user settings.10:24
patActionParsnip: it ran but didnt fix my time? What the :|10:24
sleepie^By hacked I mean someone(s) else has control over it, often times I'm seeing the same image link on like every page I visit, my songs change, dir's improperly name themselves, all kinds of stuff.10:24
JediMasterin ufw what is the syntax to allow a port on a specific IP (the server has multiple IPs and I only want to allow pptpd to be accessible to the internet on one ip)?10:24
sleepie^rkhunter detects suckit rootkit perhaps that's a better explanation.10:24
patActionParsnip: still seems to think i'm 6:24pm instead of 8:24pm for some odd reason10:24
hitsujiTMOpat: is your system on the correct timezone?10:24
pathitsujiTMO: yeah10:25
Braden`Is it possible to root jail only php scripts and not all of apache?10:25
ActionParsnippat: are you set in the right timezone?10:25
ActionParsnipBraden`: I'd ask in #php10:25
pathmm, i thought i confirmed that. let me dive into the settings10:25
sleepie^Hmm, so I have suckit rootkit, what do I do?10:25
ActionParsnipsleepie^: reinstall is the only real fix10:25
JediMasterActionParsnip, do you work for Ubuntu? I've never been in this channel and not seen you here, for the many years I've used it.10:25
hitsujiTMOpat: what timezone are you in and what is the outout of date:10:25
ActionParsnipJediMaster: I hang in here while I'm idle-ish at work10:26
JediMasterActionParsnip, you must be idle-ish quite a lot ;-) Not that I'm complaining, you do a great job of helping people10:26
sleepie^ActionParsnip: But the problem is whoever's responsible for the attack found a vulnerability that obviously will be there after reinstalling, not to mention the IP address is hardly dynamic.10:26
pathitsujiTMO: according to the Calendar, im in the correct timezone, Brisbane, Australia, output of date is: Wed Oct 16 06:26:41 EDT 201310:27
ActionParsnipsleepie^: you have no way of knowing what binaries and such are affected10:27
ActionParsnipJediMaster: I try10:28
BuzZBladEsleepie^, have you did an update, upgrade, and reboot since installing10:28
sleepie^ActionParsnip: Good point, suckit rootkit may be an intended false positive by the attacker.10:28
sleepie^BuzZBladE: I'm using a liveCD right now.10:28
hitsujiTMOpat: your timezone is set for EDT === eastern US10:29
hitsujiTMOits 14 hours out, not 210:29
pathitsujiTMO: what the hell :|10:29
pathitsujiTMO: HAHAHAHA10:29
ActionParsnippat: that's why10:30
sleepie^All of my ports in use are nonstandard except for DNS.10:30
sleepie^Even 80 isn't open for http.10:30
patwhen I go into the Calendar in settings it says Brisbane, Australia10:30
hitsujiTMOpat: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata10:30
sleepie^Again a possible false positive I dunno how to make this secure.10:30
patCurrent default time zone: 'Australia/Brisbane'10:31
patLocal time is now:      Wed Oct 16 20:30:47 EST 2013.10:31
patUniversal Time is now:  Wed Oct 16 10:30:47 UTC 2013.10:31
patno idea how that started, but anyway, thanks a lot hitsujiTMO and ActionParsnip , love your work10:31
* JediMaster bangs his head against pptpd10:31
JediMastercan't find a config option to specify the IP to listen in on10:31
hitsujiTMOsleepie^: more than likely you or someone else has installed the rootkit that gave access to the user10:32
bluechaosI need some help I wanna customize my ssh login & motd collor  www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5Cs8AMuDdo something like this10:32
SlvrYetiCheers guys :)10:32
hitsujiTMObluechaos: have you looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateMotd#Design ?10:34
sleepie^Here's my nmap results for the default gateway http://pastebin.com/NJUDjyq610:34
sleepie^I'm not using any proxy, and I'm near positive once I have the router use only standard ports, it'll say the same thing. Still gunna do it.10:35
bluechaosthis script can run scrolling message & code ?10:35
bluechaoshitsujiTMO,  still there ?10:37
hitsujiTMObluechaos: ahh sorry didnt actually look at the vid, that's prob not openssh-server so10:37
bluechaosI really don`t know how this guy did but I'm sure was in ubuntu desktop not  server10:38
hitsujiTMObluechaos: http://parkersamp.com/2010/10/howto-creating-a-dynamic-motd-in-linux/10:38
bluechaosI try this10:39
bluechaosDon`t work10:39
cylexyawning myself too10:41
bluechaos77.81.236.15 ssh port 2210:44
bluechaostry to connect so see10:45
bluechaosstill there?10:47
hitsujiTMObluechaos yup10:47
bluechaostry to connect  port 2210:48
bluechaosto see I've been try to setup it from this tutorial  http://parkersamp.com/2010/10/howto-creating-a-dynamic-motd-in-linux/ but I don`t successed .. bad englesh ...10:48
hitsujiTMOi have, its spouting the modtd script content, not the generated content10:49
bluechaoshitsujiTMO,  take me as a newbie ..not like one expert !10:51
hitsujiTMObluechaos: have you messaged the guy on youtube to ask him what he's using?10:51
bluechaosyes I did but no answer.10:52
bluechaosleave that guy  I'm talking about this tutorial http://parkersamp.com/2010/10/howto-creating-a-dynamic-motd-in-linux/10:52
bluechaoscan u help me to see where i've been mestake ?10:53
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hitsujiTMObluechaos: can you undo the changes you made and revert back to normal, and i can talk you thru a different way of creating your motd10:57
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reisioduoduo: where what11:08
codephobicI'm getting some errors everytime I try and auto-update my ubuntu (13.04). They specifically relate to the update of "qt4". I've uploaded a pastebin here, with all the response/errors apt-get upgrade threw back: http://pastebin.com/Rt3D0FG011:09
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: can you try: sudo apt-get clean11:10
codephobichitsujiTMO, I just executed that command, do I retry the apt-get upgrade command now?11:11
codephobichitsujiTMO, seems to be working (so far). It's definitely downloading the upgrade, rather than halting :)11:12
codephobicdid that command clean the "cache" of previous upgrades?11:13
codephobichitsujiTMO, thanks! it worked :D11:13
codephobicI usually issue a "upgradesystem" command, which is an alias for apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.11:14
codephobicdo you think it's worth adding on apt-get clean to that chain?11:14
codephobicat the least it should save me some disk space, when it cleans out unnecessary install files...11:15
duoduono no no11:16
DJonesduoduo: This is a support channel for the UBuntu operating system, if you have a support question, you are welcome to ask it here11:16
duoduothank you11:17
eeosinteresting question (for me at least) .... I would like to find all the files save on my computer between 01/10/2013 and 05/10/2013 .... can I do that from the CLI????11:17
Ben64eeos: man find11:17
eeosBen64: yes, just finished reading it, and did not udnerstand how to do it.11:18
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: i'd usually just manually run apt-get clean ... there are times where you might want to copy out the cache to install them on another system that has no internet access11:18
codephobicah, ok I'll just keep a note of that command.11:19
Ben64eeos: look at the ctime, mtime sections11:19
eeosBen64: just done .... I do not udnerstand how to stop it from searching files after the 05/10/201311:20
Ben64eeos: use two times in the command, a min and a max11:21
eeosBen64: How? I do not think you can do that ....11:21
Ben64you totally can11:21
BrixSatHello, aynone with experience in fluentd?11:22
hitsujiTMOBrixSat just state the problem, rather than ask if someone has experience with a specific package11:23
reisioduoduo: yes?11:24
eeosBen64: how???? I have been using find for a long time, and do not really know how to do it .... oh, I see what you mean, you use it as a logical product ....11:24
eeosBen64: like -mtime +6 -mtime -1011:25
eeosBen64: would that work?11:25
reisioeasy way to find out11:25
eeosBen64: but I need to use start date and end date .... mmmm .... I just founda a way!11:27
eeosBen64: and found the ***** file. Thanks a lot!11:27
duoduo            /wc11:28
lesshasteis it possible to force tls 1.2 in chromium?11:29
eeosBen64: I just touched two files with the start and end date and then I used "-newer startfile ! -newer endfile" .... worked a treat! Thanks to http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/using-find-to-locate-files-created-between-certain-dates-343569/11:29
hitsujiTMOleeshaste: tls is configured on the server you are connecting to. not in the client.11:33
BluesKajHowdy folks11:34
funktHi there would anyone know the directory where all the databases are kept on a local lamp server?11:46
funktor is there even such a thing?11:46
jpdsfunkt: You probably don't want to touch the directory/files directly.11:47
funktI want to keep a backup of them through deja11:47
funktI lost all my dbs on the last reinstall and want to add the directory11:47
funktdo you know where I can find the directory location?11:48
LopeI've followed this guide http://www.techytalk.info/manage-gsm-mobile-broadband-connections-without-network-manager-ubuntu-mint-debian/ but sudo pon <connectionname> does nothing.11:48
minimecfunkt:  /var/lib/mysql/"DB-Name"11:48
funktperfect thank you very much!11:50
babinlonstonWhat is MASS and Juju in Ubuntu Linux ?11:50
babinlonstonWhat is MASS and Juju in Ubuntu Linux ? Anyone know ?11:52
HisaoNakaibabinlonston: sec11:53
aki_learnMAAS - Excellent service used to deploy any services - Scale up n Down dynamically and so on11:53
aki_learnSee this https://maas.ubuntu.com/11:53
HisaoNakaiApparently "Juju is a powerful service orchestration tool from Ubuntu that helps you define, configure and deploy services to any cloud quickly and easily."11:53
HisaoNakaiand https://juju.ubuntu.com/11:53
babinlonstonWow thanks , let me check the link  now11:54
aki_learnHave heard a lot about Juju and MAAS's compatibility with OpenStack. Haven't tried the architecture myself though.11:54
BuzZBladEbabinlonston, no you cant check that link its forbidden11:54
babinlonstonthis is same as Cluster computers ?11:55
bdeluca_I wanted to install pyside, im on ubuntu 12.04 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/pyside does this suggest that I should be able to find it in the repo?11:55
minimecbdeluca_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=pyside&searchon=names11:56
bdeluca_minimec, thanking you11:57
aki_learnbabinlonston: You can think of it as Cloud based. If I am not wrong cluster computers are the ones internally connected over LAN, at least that's what they are mainly thought of.11:57
babinlonstonaki_learn: got it buddy .. thanks for you valuable info's11:58
CiSenseHi ... I am currently using 13.04 and I now see support ends in  two months, which release should I update too?11:58
minimecbdeluca_: I guess python-pyside or pyside-tools will probably install the needed packages.11:59
aki_learnbabinlonston: :)11:59
Ben64CiSense: 13.10 when it comes out11:59
CiSenseta Ben6411:59
BuzZBladECiSense, 13.10 scheduled for the 17th of this month11:59
bdeluca_minimec, I did run apt-cache search minimec, but I didnt find any thing, but some thing appears to be wrong with my apt-get proxy11:59
DJ_UnibobIn other words, it's out tomorrow.11:59
CiSenseBen64, cool, two days is better than two months12:00
ActionParsnipCiSense: you can only upgrade to 13.10, as it is the next relase and 13.04 is not LTS12:00
bluechaoscan wee talk in private ?12:00
Ben64CiSense: you could start it now and get in before the servers get slammed12:00
DJ_UnibobI hope it doesn't mess up my dual-boot.  I've had the grub loader lose the windows selection after an upgrade before.12:00
minimecbdeluca_: all these packages are in the 'universe' repository. Is 'universe/multiverse' activated for your installation?12:00
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bdeluca_minimec, yes, my apt-cacher-ng was broken, restart and I can find and install things again12:01
BuzZBladEif i install ubuntu into a dual boot will i need to run the windows repair to fix the mbr?  i don't have a dvdrom or a flash drive on me12:02
ActionParsnipBuzZBladE: why would you need to fix the mbr?12:02
ActionParsnipBuzZBladE: the Ubuntu installer will install Grub which will be the bootloader and load both OSes as needed12:02
BuzZBladEwin7 is already loaded, and that's kind of what i am asking too12:03
ActionParsnipBuzZBladE: you can resize the NTFS in Windows7, then install Ubuntu to the freed space12:03
BuzZBladEActionParsnip, i have an empty 64gb ssd i want to put the ubuntu on12:03
ActionParsnipBuzZBladE: then that's fine, why would you need to fix the mbr?12:04
BuzZBladEno dvd or flash, i was thinking of cloning an iso of a virtual box onto the ssd :I12:04
CiSenseBen64, is that ubuntu-13.10-beta2-desktop-i386.iso ?12:04
ActionParsnipBuzZBladE: you can use dd to clone an OS12:04
ActionParsnipBuzZBladE: or rsync12:04
theadminBuzZBladE: Do not be a hamster. Mount the ISO in Windows and use the "CD boot helper". It copies the installation data to your HD and then adds that to the Windows boot menu.12:05
theadminBuzZBladE: Then you can run the Ubuntu installer from there.12:05
BuzZBladEso after i start the install i can reboot and finish the install onto the clean drive with only hard drive access?12:06
theadminIs of their WUBI replacement, ships since 12.04 on the ISO, still dubbed "wubi.exe" though for whatever reason.12:06
theadminBuzZBladE: Yep12:06
BuzZBladEtheadmin, that sounds too easy12:06
theadminBuzZBladE: It is. That's the Ubuntu way. Everything is too easy here ;)12:07
gugauaHello, I am trying to set up cyrus with auxprop and sasldb plugin but all I get is auth failure can someone help me?12:09
HisaoNakaitheadmin: Quote worthy piece of prose there.12:09
theadminHisaoNakai: Sorry?12:09
HisaoNakaiUhm, nvm ^^12:10
CiSensehow do I upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10?12:17
cfhowlettCiSense, best way is to wait for 13.10 to be released, download and clean install12:18
ActionParsnipCiSense: sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:18
CiSenseoooh I have a choice !12:18
CiSensethe best way and the fast way .. what's the difference?12:19
cfhowlettCiSense, clean install; fewer issues.  upgrade ... doesn't always fly.12:19
ActionParsnipCiSense: there is no single best way12:19
CiSensecfhowlett, should I use ubuntu-13.10-beta2-desktop-i386.iso ?12:20
Wiz_KeeDguys, how can I do a recursive chmod only on directories not on files?12:21
cfhowlettsure if you feel like beta testing and risking your working install.  Otherwise wait for the release!  patience is a virtue.12:21
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cfhowlettwaykool99, that would be /join #ubuntustudio12:23
waykool99aahhh dang it. covers paper bag over head12:23
BuzZBladECiSense, i tried the beta2 earlier, after install the upgrade took an hour to download and install updates12:23
reisioWiz_KeeD: find top/dir/ -type d12:23
reisioWiz_KeeD: find top/dir/ -type d -exec chmod -foo {} \;12:24
cfhowlettwaykool99 >  no worries.  Hey need a cool, blue US wallpaper?12:24
reisiocfhowlett: us?12:24
Wiz_KeeDfind is an actual command reisio ?12:24
waykool99haven't been on IRC in 10 years12:24
reisioWiz_KeeD: find is the last command you will ever need :)12:24
Wiz_KeeDi'm confused12:24
arshavinwaykool99: welcome back12:24
reisioWiz_KeeD: yes, a command12:24
waykool99thank you :)12:25
reisiocfhowlett: https://www.google.com/images?q=cool%20blue%20us%20wallpaper&sout=1 :p12:25
Wiz_KeeDcan't i just do chmod g+rwx topdir -R -type d ?12:25
waykool99howdy to the lovely and vivacious NSA12:25
reisioWiz_KeeD: I don't believe -type is a param for chmod12:25
arshavini got a sony laptop with a dvd drive that can only read cds in windows but can't read nothing in ubuntu or any linux12:25
reisioarshavin: it can't read DVDs in Windows?12:27
theadminThat doesn't sound like a DVD drive :D12:27
waykool99anyone remembers, few days ago, i was begging for an ISO file of Ubuntu Studio v10.04.3 LTS 64 bit. don't know how.... but found 10.04.4 Alternative 64 bit12:27
arshavinreisio: it cant read dvds in windows but it can read neither cds nor dvds in ubuntu or any linux12:27
arshavinreisio: it can read cds in windows12:28
theadminwaykool99: 10.04 is not supported anymore. Use at your own risk.12:28
reisioarshavin: sounds broken, then12:28
waykool99-and- i learned something - my 5 computers are Dell towers 5-15 years old. No wonder  Xfce and Unity run like crap.12:29
arshavinreisio: i've tried different linux distros none of them work12:29
reisioarshavin: sounds broken, then12:29
theadminwaykool99: Uh. Give Lubuntu a spin.12:29
cfhowlettwaykool99, actually xfce should run halfway decent ...12:29
reisio15 is rough12:29
waykool99Lubuntu??? never seen it12:29
reisio5 should be no problem12:29
arshavinreisio: wonder how it works on ubuntu12:29
ubottuwaykool99,: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:30
theadminwaykool99: Uses LXDE. Extremely lightweight desktop, basically openbox with a few panels.12:30
arshavinreisio: sorry windows12:30
waykool99my oldest PC runs 32 bit only12:30
waykool99no S***??12:30
theadminwaykool99: ...Well, all Ubuntu versions come in both 32- and 64-bit flavours.12:30
^Phantom^When attempting to install VirtualBox Add-ons for ubuntu 12.04 I get a message that I'm missing headers of some kind.12:32
^Phantom^Is there something I missed while installing ubuntu?12:32
cfhowlett^Phantom^, no.  you need to select and install them to get VBox add-ons12:32
^Phantom^ah, okay12:33
cfhowlettVBox should give you a page with details12:33
theadmin^Phantom^: You are installing them wrongly, do "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms".12:33
theadmin^Phantom^: They are in the repositories, so.12:33
ubottupaoloniger: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:33
^Phantom^Thank you so much12:33
Achilles`Anyone who's used PIN? How would you exactly identify a function (in presence of method overloading)? I can see PIN provides RTN_Name() function, which would return the function name, but surely that's no enough… so what else do you use? Would using RTN_Address() in conjunction with RT_Name() suffice?12:36
^Phantom^Um, wow, I've become rusty, I can't even figure out how to open terminal D:12:36
theadminAchilles`: Uh. What? I think you have the wrong channel...12:36
theadmin^Phantom^: Try Ctrl-Alt-T, works on most Ubuntu editions.12:36
reisio^Phantom^: ctrl+alt+t, or alt+f2, terminal12:36
Achilles`theadmin: Yes, I'm lost for a proper channel… there  isn't any channel specific to PIN actually :)12:37
^Phantom^sweet, tha worked, thankies12:37
theadminAchilles`: I don't even know what PIN is.12:37
Achilles`so I thought I'd try my luck here.12:37
BuzZBladEor you can type term in terminal to open a terminal12:37
Achilles`theadmin: ah, well, it's a Binary Instrumentation framework.12:37
^Phantom^Thank you so much12:38
arshavinanybody got any idea about this strange dvd drive problem12:38
theadminCirk: You want of /quit .12:39
BuzZBladEarshavin, you said its a dvd-rom that no matter the operating system, doesnt recognize a dvd?12:39
CirkHeh, yeah. Just testing some window management in irssi :)12:40
theadminCirk: Ah, okay.12:40
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arshavinBuzZBladE:strangely cds work in windows but not dvd ,but on ubuntu or any other linux neither cds nor dvds are read12:43
^Phantom^arshavin, could be faulty drive12:44
^Phantom^I had one do the same, and it turns out the laser was bad12:44
arshavin^Phantom^: then why does it work on windows? i am confused12:45
BuzZBladEa dvd-rom that does not read dvd's does not work12:45
reisioyou said it didn't work on windows12:45
reisioso no surprise it doesn't work on another OS12:45
reisio(which is not to say that Windows is more reliable, just that failure on one OS makes it likely on another)12:46
reisiohardware being what it is12:46
ubottudevilnorm: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:46
arshavinreisio: on windows the drive reads cds but not dvds,however on ubuntu it reads neither12:46
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:46
reisioarshavin: you said12:46
reisioarshavin: that is an indication that it is broken12:47
arshavinreisio: throws lots of errors on ubuntu12:47
reisiothat is also an indication that it is broken12:47
Touhou11What does !list have to do with warez? Ubottu needs updating12:47
BuzZBladEi would probably spray the dvd-drive with compressed air on the laser12:47
cfhowlettTouhou11, cuz about 100 folks a day come here seeking warez, almost always from Italy for some odd reason ...12:48
^Phantom^Touhou11, in warez chans, !list usually broadcasts a list of software to a user12:48
^Phantom^most, if not all, illegal12:48
^Phantom^but you don't need warez in linux12:48
arshavinwhen i put cds in the tray on ubuntu it mounts and i can browse the files but when i try to copy them to hard disk or play if its a video disk i get errors12:48
ActionParsnip^Phantom^: there is warez in Linux though :)12:48
lesshastehow do you get an up to date chromium in ubuntu?12:49
lesshasteas in version 3012:49
arshavinhowever dvds never mount12:49
ActionParsniplesshaste: what do you need in the newer version?12:49
Touhou11lesshaste: Use a PPA version12:49
lesshasteActionParsnip, tls 1.212:49
arshavini can copy the stuffs or play video files from the same cds in windows12:49
lesshasteTouhou11, oh.. let me see if I can find one12:49
ActionParsniplesshaste: the PPA versions may have it, there is no control over what they have compiled in12:50
ActionParsniplesshaste: there is a handy ppa search page :)12:50
ActionParsniplesshaste: although I find duckduckgo does it too :)12:50
lesshasteActionParsnip, I thought that chromium did in application updates.. but clearly not12:50
BuzZBladEarshavin, then copy them with windows, move the files to another medium, a flash drive or cloud storage space, and quit using cd's12:51
lesshastehttps://launchpad.net/~a-v-shkop/+archive/chromium-dev  version 27 :(12:51
the_drowHow do I know which user called sudo?12:51
ActionParsniplesshaste: maybe that version has what you need in it, depsite the version number....12:52
ActionParsnipthe_drow: sudo is a group, not a user12:52
arshavinBuzZBladE: that's fine but i'm not a windows user,i would like to get it to work on ubuntu12:52
lesshasteI think tls 1.2 came in version 2912:52
lesshasteActionParsnip, ^^12:52
ActionParsniplesshaste: could contact the PPA maintainer to enquire12:52
theadminthe_drow: grep sudo /var/log/auth.log12:52
lesshasteActionParsnip, true12:52
the_drowtheadmin ActionParsnip I meant the sudo command12:52
lesshasteActionParsnip, but given that it's older than the ubuntu supplied version.. I assume they have just stopped doing it12:53
theadminthe_drow: So did I. This will list all authentications made with sudo.12:53
ActionParsnipthe_drow: sudo grep -i sudo /home/*/.bash_history12:53
arshavinBuzZBladE: the bios on this laptop  seems to be the the worst out there,there is hardly anything that one can change12:53
ActionParsniparshavin: a BIOS is upgradable, its just harder than normal software12:54
lesshasteActionParsnip, https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/chromium-beta it seems12:54
BuzZBladEarshavin, you said it's a dvd-rom, but it wont read a dvd, it is broken, software won't fix it12:54
ActionParsniplesshaste: you seem to have a handle on what you need to do, go nuts buddy :)12:54
lesshasteActionParsnip, you are too kind :)12:54
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fuorviatoshey there13:00
cfhowlettfuorviatos, greetings13:01
jojo_mon bi du 1113:05
ANN-TechCoderGuys, do you know if Ubutnu 13.10 Final Beta will be updated when 13.10 Releases tomorrow?13:07
ANN-TechCoderOr I would have to re-install final version ?13:07
ActionParsnipANN-TechCoder: you will upgrade seamlessly to the rc13:08
Pici!final | ActionParsnip13:08
ubottuActionParsnip: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Saucy and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 13.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.13:08
PiciANN-TechCoder: ^^13:08
ANN-TechCoderThat what I thought.13:08
ActionParsnipPici: ;)13:09
ANN-TechCoderCool! Thanks !13:09
xiedongwhat is this13:09
ActionParsnipANN-TechCoder: it uses the same package sources....think about it ;)13:09
ActionParsnipxiedong: ubuntu support channel....13:09
* ActionParsnip was thinking "a centre for ants!"13:10
marlincIs there any reason why I should keep the swapiness 60?13:14
philinuxmarlinc: no >https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq13:14
marlincAh thanks13:14
philinuxANN-TechCoder: think of the alpha and beta and final as just milestones.13:15
hojgaarddoes anyone know why my changes to the dconf database (/etc/dconf/db/) does not take effect when using the  NOMACHINE remote desktop?13:20
gp5stso apt-get upgrade isn't happy and I don't know how to make it happy http://pastebin.com/ZESxz9hq13:22
antoine__hojgaard, do you use NOMACHINE remote desktop on ubuntu 13.10?13:22
gp5stit's a Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS box13:22
hojgaardantoine_ > no, im using 13.04 for the nomachine server...13:24
ActionParsnipmarlinc: how much RAM do you have?13:27
ActionParsnipmarlinc: you could probably set it lower to keep apps in RAM more13:27
marlincOkay. Well its on a small server machine but I assume its the same13:28
hillary_my winff is no longer working in my ubuntu 12.04. when i click convert nothing happens. Any help please. need to convert several .wav into mp313:28
ActionParsnipmarlinc: I use 5 for mine, but it just does web browsing and low end stuff like that13:28
ActionParsniphillary_: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/soundconverter13:28
hillary_ActionParsnip: Let me check13:29
BluesKajhillary_:  or use ffmpeg even13:30
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yokobrguys, please, i still have problems on my ubuntu server :(13:30
hillary_Blueskaj; found in ubuntu centre?13:30
red6mis there a new opera browser on ubuntu? (v 15 and up)?13:32
theadminred6m: No, they will release a Linux version at a later point, but they haven't yet.13:33
red6mtheadmin, outrageous! how dear they.13:34
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Touhou11red6m: The new Opera isn't much more than a reskinned Chrome anyway. It's lost most of the unique features it previously had13:37
philinuxgp5st: have you tried sudo dpkg --configure -a or sudo apt-get install -f13:37
red6mTouhou11, yeah. just wanted to test it out anyway.13:38
yokobrhey guys, i have upgraded to ubuntu 12.04, and now my ubuntu gateway server has problems with dns.. the clients have no internet connection13:39
gp5stphilinux: Just did. They give the same errors13:40
philinuxgp5st: how about disable any ppa's temporarily13:40
gp5stphilinux: I don't have any. http://pastebin.com/5c9XbsTu is my /etc/apt/sources.list sources.list.d is empty13:42
rethushi, i've installed 12.04.3 Kernel . But now after restart the border for windows are disappeard.13:44
rethusi've tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org, bot got:13:44
rethusxserver is not installed or broken13:45
rethusI use kubuntu13:45
philinuxgp5st: does dist-upgrade give same errors13:46
gp5stphilinux: uppers13:46
philinuxgp5st: ???13:47
rethusbut if i search for raring in apt, there are installed a lot of xserver-stuff. even xserver-xorg-lts-raring13:47
reisidoes anyone know why does http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/initramfs-tools seem to require two different versions of initramfs-tools-bin? this is on latest 12.04.313:47
gp5stphilinux: :(13:47
galamarHello everyone. I am trying to set up two monitors, both monitors work on their own without an xorg.conf file. When I add the xorg.conf file X fails to start but both monitors are active one with terminal the other with just a black screen (but active) and both monitors display the shutdown sequence. In this paste is: lspci, sudo lshw -c video, and my org.conf file. was hoping someone could see what I am missing since this i13:48
galamars the first time I have tried this. I have written the xorg.conf file to be what I believe to be the minimum required.13:48
thebishopis it possible to see a history of package updates?  I'm running 13.10 and some update over the weekend broke my desktop.13:49
philinuxgp5st: uppers? dunno what that means13:49
gp5stphilinux: sorry missed a letter. yeah dist-upgrade does the same thing13:49
philinuxgp5st: any idea when or how this started13:50
gp5stphilinux: i did an apt-get upgrade today after neglecting it for ...oh..6months?13:51
gp5stremoved a lot of things like mysql and apache first (it's a small vm and I don't need them anymore)13:51
rethussomebody has a hint for me13:51
philinuxgp5st: any important data. If a vm I'd reinstall it13:52
gp5stphilinux: nothing i couldn't re-do in an hour or so. i just have no idea how i got here13:53
philinuxgp5st: you may have removed something important. hard to trace that13:53
philinuxgp5st: you could spend a lot less time reinstalling it13:54
gp5styeah.. i just uninstalled apache2 and mysql..those shouldn't be important:(13:54
philinuxgp5st: you could try reinstalling those packages on the end of the error list you pastebined. sudo apt-get install --reinstall nameofpackage13:56
hillary_thank you so much. This "https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/soundconverter" solved my problem13:57
philinuxgp5st: procps udev dmsetup plymouth openssh-server samba initramfs-tools libdevmapper1.02.1 libdevmapper-event1.02.1 liblvm2app2.213:58
Star-Flowerhi paulens1213:58
paulens12i have a problem with my ubuntu installation13:59
paulens12story in short, i don't have any graphics drivers installed13:59
paulens12so it doesn't show the launcher and the status bar13:59
gp5stphilinux: :-\ no joy, also /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: procps is broken or not fully installed14:00
gp5sti might just see if i can redo the whole vm14:00
paulens12the longer version, i installed it on external hard drive and installed my proprietary (nvidia) graphics drivers. then i took it to another computer and forgot that its video card isn't nvidia... so from there it didn't show the launcher and status bar, only the files on my desktop. so i googled a bit (launched ctrl+alt+T -> firefox) and found instructions on how to uninstall nvidia drivers and reconfigure the default ones14:01
paulens12that didn't help.. the reconfigure command just didn't work. it didn't output anything, no errors, but no success... so now i'm on my home PC and i can see that there is no driver at all!14:02
paulens12well, at least i think so...14:02
paulens12i think i ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or something like that14:03
jpdspaulens12: Tried deleting Xorg.conf? sudo rm -vf /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:04
ansugiven I have a directory "dir1" and a directory "dir2". I create a symlink with ln -s dir1 link. How can i switch the symlink "link" from dir1 to dir2? ln -s -f dir2 link creates a new symlink inside dir1 :/14:04
paulens12jpds: yeah it said file doesn't exist14:04
kruxpaulens12, try sudo service lightdm restart after you did the dpkg-reconfigure14:05
chriswardansu, delete the link, move the original then recreate the link the other way around?14:05
paulens12krux: shouldn't dpkg-reconfigure return any success message?14:05
ansuchrisward: shouldn't it be possible to switch the link, without deleting it?14:06
kruxpaulens12, can't recall right now.. but normally on a terminal no output means good..14:07
chriswardwell, you could do it in a series of mv commands... I dunno how you'd do it otherwise14:07
kruxanything that is not good will spit with an error.. or warning..14:07
philinuxgp5st: you could try downloading the individual .deb files from  http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and then install them using gdebi or SC14:08
kruxarg :P14:09
gp5stphilinux: thanks for your help14:10
gp5sti need to get going14:10
xtrizi got a static ip now and have also bought a domain name,  how to configure my ubuntu machine such that i can use that domain name instead of localhost i was using ?14:11
philinuxgp5st: ok no worries14:11
=== paulens12_ is now known as paulens12
ansuchrisward: hmmm looks like ubuntu doesn't know the -h option for ln. under mac os x I can use -h to not follow directories...14:11
DeepBluei have got this error message in transmission"Permission denied (/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe/home/deepblue/Downloads/my /For Dummies E-Book Collecti14:12
gp5stxtriz: you have to assign a static ip to the ubuntu machine and then at your registar set the A record for @ to be the static ip14:12
xtrizgp5st, set the A record ? how can i do that ? never heard of this thing before.14:12
paulens12it kept saying "cannot send to channel"14:12
xtrizpaulens12, you need to identify or register your self to freenode network.14:13
paulens12so i tried sudo service lightdm restart, and that led me to a black screen with blinking cursor14:13
paulens12xtriz: i know, i did it, and it still kept saying that!14:13
xtrizpaulens12, that means you are not identified yet14:13
paulens12xtriz: lol, i've been on freenode before, so i know how to indentify..14:13
paulens12xtriz oh really? [17:08] -NickServ- You are now identified for paulens12.14:13
paulens12[17:12] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu14:14
paulens1217:12 goes after 17:08...14:14
paulens12but that's not the point14:14
paulens12someone suggested me restart lightdm service14:14
subby1Formatted my comp due to boot problems....den installed windows and after dat created a live usb for ubuntu and wen I click on try ubuntu ....everything works f9 bt I dont know y I cant get my internet connection....... I hv connefted my comp with my laptop through lan and my laptop is connected to my router through wifi and I have bridged those two connections......and een I try same on my windows oartirion ...everything works f9 and the Internet is als14:15
paulens12so that led me to a black screen with blinking white cursor, i could write on the screen, but it didn't react to any commands. so i restarted via ctrl+alt+delete14:15
paulens12and i still have the same problem: the launcher and status bar arenot displayed...14:15
spoownHello all14:16
paulens12anyone please help me? :/14:17
paulens12_oh c'mon....14:18
paulens12_firefox crashed...14:18
philinuxpaulens12: what version of ubuntu?14:18
the_drowHow do I download pip 1.4 from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pip/1.4.1-2 even though I'm using percise?14:19
paulens12_philinux: lol, 13 is not the best number... derp14:19
philinuxpaulens12: so you get to the desktop ok just no unity14:19
paulens12_philinux: yes, i see the background, the items on my desktop, but no launcher and status bar14:20
paulens12_philinux: i think it's a graphics driver issue because when i try running unity from terminal, it outputs a lot of errors with unavailable functions, opengl errors, etc.14:20
philinuxpaulens12: i would use the terminal to reset unity to its default status http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0414:21
arshavinspoown: hello14:21
DeepBluePermission denied (/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe/home/deepblue/Downloads/my /For Dummies E-Book Collecti14:21
paulens12_philinux: weird thing is that when i run unity from terminal, it removes the window decorations14:21
paulens12_like minimize and close buttons14:22
DeepBluei have got this error message in transmission"Permission denied (/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe/home/deepblue/Downloads/my /For Dummies E-Book Collecti14:22
philinuxpaulens12_: Just reset unity using the link ^^14:22
lmatI'm trying to use k9copy, but it doesn't work. I just installed it, and I run the program, select dvd -> iso, and the "copy" button is not available. When I press the "open" button, "We are sorry, k9copy closed unexpectedly."14:22
paulens12_philinux: ok i'll try...14:22
paulens12_philinux: didn't work...14:24
paulens12_philinux: still the same errors14:25
philinuxpaulens12_: try a reboot now14:25
lmatIt seems to be a DVD drive problem. Any time I ask it to read from the DVD drive, there seems to be a problem. Do I need to mount the DVD ? or perhaps unmount it ?14:25
philinuxpaulens12_: when you log back in don't do anything just report what you see14:25
paulens12_philinux: ok... well, i hope i can open the terminal and firefox? that won't hard anything?14:26
paulens12_philinux: because i'm chatting from that computer here...14:26
philinuxpaulens12_: yes just dont run unity from terminal as it should alearedy be running14:27
paulens12_philinux: ok, i'll be back in a couple of minutes14:27
YowlIs the dd randomizing process, pausable? Is there a way to determine estimated time?14:27
=== pbx-call is now known as pbx
philinuxYowl: not pausable and time is usually dependant on disk size14:28
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geirhaYowl: You can see its current progress by sending it a SIGUSR114:29
paulens12philinux: rebooted14:30
paulens12philinux: now i still see the same... no status bar, no launcher14:31
DeepBluei have got this error message in transmission"Permission denied (/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe/home/deepblue/Downloads/my /For Dummies E-Book Collecti14:31
paulens12philinux: but at least i see the window decorations and my style applied14:31
philinuxpaulens12_: ok do the reset unity again now from terminal14:31
paulens12philinux: what command?14:31
paulens12philinux: unity --reset?14:32
philinuxpaulens12_: no. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omgubuntu.co.uk%2F2013%2F04%2Fhow-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-04&ei=YKNeUrDTHMeN0wWd2YG4BQ&usg=AFQjCNEGZJR8EG3AN90Bd2R425y2A2-32w14:32
paulens12philinux: oh wait, it's deprecated... dconf reset -f /org/compiz/14:32
paulens12philinux: so dconf reset -f /org/compiz/?14:32
ActionParsnipphilinux: one reason I dont use google14:32
paulens12ActionParsnip: lol, long links?14:33
ActionParsnippaulens12: aye14:33
philinuxActionParsnip: I forgot to get link direct14:33
paulens12ActionParsnip: he could just copy the direct link...14:33
ActionParsnipphilinux: other search engines dont add stuff like that :)14:33
philinuxdid ^^^14:33
by_dylo /msg NickServ HELP14:33
paulens12ActionParsnip: http://www.bing.com/search?q=derp&qs=n&form=QBLH&pq=derp&sc=8-4&sp=-1&sk=14:33
ActionParsnippaulens12: www.duckduckgo.com14:34
paulens12ActionParsnip: still quite annoying... at least not as long as google :)14:34
paulens12ActionParsnip: oh, that one... well it displays some weird search results14:34
paulens12philinux: i did the dconf reset command14:35
ActionParsnippaulens12: there isnt a bubvle, can be useful14:35
pbxneither 13.04 nor 13.10 will activate the backlight on my dell xps 13.  help?14:35
ActionParsnippbx: which are you using now?14:35
paulens12philinux: now shall i start unity from terminal?14:35
ActionParsnippaulens12: unity --replace14:36
paulens12philinux: ok, but the 2nd step in the guide is unity --reset-icons14:36
philinuxpaulens12: now >   setsid unity14:36
philinuxrestarts unity14:36
paulens12philinux: MAGIC!!!14:36
paulens12philinux: ActionParsnip thanks :P14:37
pbxActionParsnip - 13.04 is the more usable.14:37
paulens12what does the setsid command do?14:37
philinuxpaulens12: restarts unity14:37
paulens12philinux: oh...14:37
paulens12philinux: but now will it work on the other computer with different video card?14:38
philinuxpaulens12: no idea14:38
peldanHey everyone, I have this annoying problem that only seems to get worse for every minute. First, I had no sound in Skype. I solved that by closing Skype, killing all pulseaudio and opening Skype again. Then, I started DotA 2(Steam game), and I had no audio there. So now I had audio in Skype, but not my game.14:38
paulens12philinux: damn :( i really need it to work on the other pc... it's not as important for this one..14:38
peldanThen Skype crashed, and my audio disappeared14:38
philinuxpaulens12: see the man page setsid14:38
peldanAnd now I have no audio whatsoever, and I can't solve it.14:39
philinuxpaulens12: one can but try14:39
philinuxpaulens12: dont mess with compiz settings14:39
paulens12philinux: but i guess it should work with the default video drivers?14:39
pbxActionParsnip - actually, i take that back. 13.10 is installed, but if i use the newer kernel it has terrible video probs.14:39
philinuxpaulens12: yep14:39
paulens12philinux: i didn't, lol14:39
peldanOkay, so now apparently my sound works in Firefox (listening to music), but sound testing left and right doesn't work at all. What the hell.14:39
paulens12philinux: i didn't touch the settings... that happened when i booted up the other pc with wrong graphics drivers.. and then deleted the driver14:40
philinuxpaulens12: ah ok14:40
Yowlgeirha: philinux How can I get a estimate of time before I start?14:41
teffI need to change the default email address for Craig Donegan, basically when he was setup on the system I was given the surname Donagen but a few weeks after he started we relaised the a and e were the wrong way round. I ammened his AD object ok and I.ve added craig.donegan@ as an alias. I wanted to change his properties to make the correct name his main default address but the .Set As Reply. option is greyed out:14:42
teff 14:42
teff Kind regards14:42
FloodBot1teff: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:42
teff 14:42
teffGraham Voice14:42
teffsorry wrong mouse button14:43
=== anonwraith799 is now known as HankMccoy
YowlHow can I get a time estimate with dd randomizing?14:43
philinuxYowl: from a net search http://superuser.com/questions/262056/how-long-to-zero-a-drive-with-dd14:44
HankMccoyI have an IRC question...14:44
philinuxYowl: have a search yourself there's quite a bit out there14:44
HankMccoyhow can an OP tag you other than MAC address or IP to tie me to a kick or ban?14:45
PiciHankMccoy: Thats not really on-topic for this channel, try asking in #freenode14:45
HankMccoyok thanks Pici14:45
Yowlphilinux: Nothing in that link about how to get a time estimate from the system14:46
paulens12so the default graphics driver is called: X.Org X server - Nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (open source)?14:46
PiciYowl: Thats because there is no way to get an exact time estimate.14:46
philinuxYowl: it does say "it depends"14:47
philinuxYowl: last time i did a zero in a 250 gig drive it took hours14:47
geirhaYowl: If the source for random data is /dev/random, it will take a very very long time14:47
Yowlphilinux: I am talking about a estimation made by the system, not by me knowing the factors14:48
philinuxYowl: dd is not that clever14:48
philinuxwell it is but not if you get my drift14:48
YowlIs there a better program then dd for randomizing?14:48
YowlI don't get your drift14:48
philinuxYowl: why not just use zero14:49
geirhaYowl: shred14:49
Yowlgeirha: ?14:49
geirhaYowl: man shred14:49
philinuxYowl: are you disposing of the drive14:49
Yowlphilinux: Because its for encrypting, I am told I should randomize the space before using it. If I wrote zeroes to it, that would defeat the point14:50
Yowlphilinux: It's already virgin blank14:51
ment0sCould any one tell me if is there any method to determine sata speed capability other than checking /var/log/messages or dmesg ?14:51
rethusi have installed 12.04.3 new kernel. Now i can't login anymore in X14:51
geirhaYowl: Anyway, what does the dd command you ran look like?14:51
Yowlgeirha: I haven't run it yet, but I was told dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdXN14:52
Yowlgeirha: Shred puts random data on a drive?14:52
geirhaYowl: yes, it writes random data several times, to make it harder to retrieve whatever was stored there before14:54
Yowlgeirha: And can be used on blank/empty space? How is it better then dd?14:55
philinuxYowl: http://superuser.com/questions/418298/why-is-gnu-shred-faster-than-dd-when-filling-a-drive-with-random-data14:56
geirhaYowl: I mentioned shred because I assumed that was the goal; however, shred could be used for this too by telling it to only write once, and it will also show progress with the -v option14:56
=== galoise is now known as gorgonzola
TauNeutrinohow can I install my printer? it's canon mp23514:59
ActionParsnipYowl: you can use dban too14:59
ActionParsnipTauNeutrino: did you check the canon europe site for drivers?14:59
CatKillerYowl: I don't get it: Why do you want to not write zeroes on the drive if the contents are encrypted? You'll have encrypted data + zeroes14:59
CatKillerYowl: Are you encrypting the block device (using LVM for instance)?14:59
YowlCatKiller: The point is to randomize virgin blank HDD space for say LUKS or Truecrypt to encrypt afterwards. Nothing is encrypted or even there right now.15:00
CatKillerYowl: Why randomizing it? What's the added benefit15:01
YowlCatKiller: Disguising the encrypted data within, hiding a tree in a forest15:01
TauNeutrinoI looked at this http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Canon-Drucker but there is no mp23515:01
CatKillerYowl: If you create a 15GB TC volume you'll already have 15GB of random data on your disk15:01
CatKillerYowl: Security through obscurity I see15:02
CatKillerYowl: In your 15G TC volume15:02
OerHeksYowl useless, your MBR will show the start and end of your encrypted partition15:02
ActionParsnipTauNeutrino: http://www.canon.co.uk/Support/Consumer_Products/products/Fax__Multifunctionals/InkJet/PIXMA_MP_series/PIXMA_MP230.aspx15:02
CatKillerYowl: Any files will already be "hidden in the forest"15:02
YowlCatKiller: I don't believe that a freshly made partition out of HDD space never used before is made of random data, got anything to back that up?15:02
CatKillerYowl: Why would it need to be?15:03
CatKillerYowl: Have your truecrypt data + zeroes15:03
CatKillerperfectly safe15:03
YowlOerHeks: Why does it matter if anything knows where a partition starts and end?15:03
CatKilleras safe as having truecrypt data + random crap15:03
OerHeksYowl, if not, you would not be able to mount that partition.15:04
YowlCatKiller: Others who specialize more in encryption disagree with you15:04
ActionParsnipYowl: the system is binary, 1s and 0s15:04
CatKillerYowl: Do you have anything to back this up? This is actually interesting15:04
TauNeutrinoah wait, thank you ActionParsnip, I'll look :)15:04
ActionParsnipYowl: so it will be full of randomly spaced 1s and 0s, which is data15:04
YowlOerHeks: I didn't say you were wrong, I asked WHY WOULD IT MATTER?15:04
ActionParsnipYowl: even all 0s is a form of data15:04
CatKillerYowl: Also, since you'd be using a different random generator than the TC volume it would probably be easy enough to detect what was generated by TC and what was generated by urandom15:05
YowlActionParsnip: And even a blank canvas is a picture to some people. Are you aiming for any particular point?15:05
Guest36297ActionParsnip, do you have any idea how to set routes on a pptpd server to be passed to the clients?15:05
ActionParsnipYowl: when you make a partition, you only change the FAT, the data area is unchanged so the previous files data is still present15:05
YowlCatKiller: Sounds like a assumption15:06
=== Guest36297 is now known as JediMaster
ActionParsnipGuest36297: never had to set that, sorry15:06
YowlActionParsnip: Yeah, and there is no previous data15:06
CatKillerYowl: Like your assumption that it's safer15:06
ActionParsnipYowl: there must be some form of data, like I said earlier15:06
CatKilleryou still haven't given any reference ;)15:06
CatKillerMaybe I think I know what you mean15:06
JediMasterActionParsnip, oops, the vpn must have disconnected me earlier, heh, ok, thanks, I'll keep digging around15:06
OerHeksa million zeros can hold an encrypted document. hypothetical15:06
CatKillerYowl: you want to "hide" a TrueCrypt volume at a random offset on the drive15:06
YowlActionParsnip: Brand new HDD do not come with data on them. and your statement of 0's is data is meaningless15:06
philinuxYowl: have you got the link which says it needs to be randomized?15:07
YowlCatKiller: no, I want to encrypt a partition, but first randomize it's virgin space15:07
CatKillerYowl: You really don't understand how it works I think15:07
CatKillerYowl: If you encrypt a volume15:07
ActionParsnipYowl: you can dd the 'data' to a file from drive to a file, there is data to be read as there is data. It's all 0s but its still data15:07
CatKillerthe entire volume will be random15:08
Yowlphilinux: Advice from multiple people in a channel dedicated to encryption, so no, I got no link to show you15:08
CatKillerwithin it there will be some data15:08
CatKilleri.e. create a 15G TrueCrypt filesystem15:08
CatKillerwrite a 1K file to it15:08
CatKillerthe filesystem is actually 15G15:08
CatKillereven though you are only using 1K15:08
CatKillerit's 15G of random data15:08
ActionParsnipYowl: dd will read an input source as long as there is data to be read, the drive may have 0s but dd will still read the data. There is data.15:08
ActionParsnipYowl: if there was no data to read, dd would stop15:09
TauNeutrinooh god, can you help me which one I should download??15:09
DX099how do I "lie" to apt about a dependency being satisfied when it is not ? I just got fed up with update-notifier and since then, aptitude won't install anything until I've solved that15:09
TauNeutrinofrom this15:09
YowlActionParsnip: Why does it matter if you call all 0's data or not? It's not a issue of nomenclature but of data security.15:09
CatKillerYowl: And I back this up directly from the TrueCrypt website: http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/plausible-deniability15:09
philinuxDX099: post the errors15:09
ActionParsnipTauNeutrino: MP230 series IJ Printer Driver Ver. 3.80 for Linux (debian Packagearchive)15:10
ActionParsnipYowl: if you write 0s to a drive from start to finish, the data is gone15:10
ActionParsnipYowl: why so paranoid?15:10
theadmin!info equivs | DX09915:10
ubottuDX099: equivs (source: equivs): Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.9 (raring), package size 18 kB, installed size 85 kB15:10
YowlActionParsnip: As I have explained multiple times, I am not trying to delete data in the first place!15:10
ActionParsnipDX099: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc15:11
CatKillerYowl: Just read the documentation from TrueCrypt15:11
CatKillerthey explain exactly what you're asking15:11
ActionParsnipYowl: then why are you discussing data seurity and empty drives if you dont want to wipe it?15:11
YowlActionParsnip: I am trying to create a encrypted partition space, of which it was recommended it be randomized first15:11
CatKillernamely that simply *creating* the volume will fill your partition with random data15:11
ActionParsnipYowl: why randomised first?15:11
CatKillerso there's no need to randomize anything since it will get overwritten15:11
CatKillerYou can, it'll just be a waste of time15:12
CatKillerdd if=/dev/urandom of=/your/partition bs=1M15:12
CatKillerand wait a LONG time for it to complete15:12
CatKillersince urandom is *slow*15:12
ActionParsnipYowl: the new files created will be encrypted, so not readable without knowledge of the decryption method etc15:12
CatKilleryou're probably better off doing the same thing with TC to be honest15:12
DX099philinux, "Following packages have unmet dependencies, update-manager, ubuntu-desktop"15:12
CatKillerloads of people use TC to wipe drive15:12
DX099ActionParsnip, "raring"15:12
CatKillersince it writes random data all over15:12
YowlActionParsnip: Because it hides the encrypted data among the randomization. If there is only encrypted data and blank space, you know exactly where the encrypted data is. For more particulars, talk to the crypto people who recommend I do this15:13
ActionParsnipDX099: ok, run:   sudo apt-get --reinstall install update-manager ubuntu-desktop15:13
ActionParsnipDX099: use http://pastie.org to host the output (or similar)15:13
CatKillerYowl: You must have put me on /ignore15:13
syeekickcan someone help me install firmware-b43 for my broadcom BCM4312 i've read ubuntu has problems with this wifi card15:13
CatKillerbecause I'm explaining exactly why this is not working as you think it is15:13
CatKillerbasing this on the *truecrypt docs*15:14
CatKillerbut heh15:14
CatKillerand in any case15:14
ActionParsnipYowl: but the data space is not blank, so there will be a melee of 1s and 0s, the data is not obvious.15:14
CatKillerI did give you the solution for your random data15:14
DX099ActionParsnip, I just got fed up with update-notifier.  I think the admin gave me the right tool with equivs15:14
YowlCatKiller: No, not ignoring you. But theres alot of conversation here. And other people who disagree with you15:14
ActionParsnipDX099: why are you using aptitude?15:14
ActionParsnipYowl: I think you are being far too paranoid15:14
CatKillerand lastly, if you're worried about uber crypto but you don't know how to write random data to a disk maybe you will fail somewhere15:14
YowlActionParsnip: Are you saying brand new hard drives come with random 1's and 0's already on them?15:15
=== pbx is now known as pbx-lunch
ActionParsnipYowl: yes15:15
CatKillerYowl: You are probably just trolling in fact. I realize this now.15:15
CatKillerYowl: Hard drives sometimes even have 2 in them!15:15
philinuxCatKiller: thanks for the TC info to wipe a drive with random. Very neat. and faster than dd or shred15:15
CatKillerphilinux: No worries15:15
DX099ActionParsnip, I find that it manages dependencies better than apt-get15:16
CatKillerphilinux: But really, writing zeroes is probably more than enough with new drives15:16
YowlCatKiller: 2 of what?15:16
philinuxCatKiller: yeah but the TC way is well fast15:16
CatKillerphilinux: I'd really like to see anybody managing to retrieve even 1% of a zeroed drive with an unlimited ammount of equipment15:16
CatKillerProbably doable but not realistic15:16
CatKillerso good enough15:16
ActionParsnip!aptitude | DX09915:17
ubottuDX099: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.15:17
YowlCatKiller: You accuse me of not listening, but I am not trying to delete data in the first place!!!15:17
philinuxYowl: you have the info to proceed > http://superuser.com/questions/418298/why-is-gnu-shred-faster-than-dd-when-filling-a-drive-with-random-data15:18
ActionParsnipDX099: they both hanfdle deps equally, aptitude is not default installed. If aptitude was better, dont you think they would use that as default instead of apt-get15:18
philinuxYowl: use the shred method15:18
Yowlphilinux: Actually the question in that link wasn't actually answered in the first place15:18
philinuxYowl: it uses pseudo random and gives progress info15:19
DX099ActionParsnip, I usually find myself better with aptitude ncurse interface, it has everything I need and don't break anything in particular, so I'm just fine with it15:19
philinuxYowl: but it gives you the correct shred command15:19
Yowlphilinux:  Can I get a estimation before I start?15:19
Yowlphilinux: with shred?15:19
philinuxYowl: no but as soon as it starts it will15:20
ActionParsnipDX099: can you pastebin the output of the command I gave please15:20
jhutchinsaptitude does resolve dependencies differently and more thoroughly.  This can result in dependency loops when doing a dist-upgrade, so apt-get is usually preferred.15:20
ActionParsnipjhutchins: I use apt-fast :)15:20
Yowlphilinux: Is it pausable?15:20
philinuxno idea15:20
YowlAnyone know if shred is pausable?15:22
DX099ActionParsnip, huh ? I don't need to reinstall those. If I do that, it will reinstall update-notifier, which I absolutely can't stand. Since update-manager can do just fine without the notifier counterpart, I just need to lie to apt that yes indeed, update-notifier is installed.15:22
theadminDX099: As I mentioned, use equivs.15:22
DX099theadmin, that is what I'm doing right now15:22
ActionParsnipYowl: you can use SIGSTOP but its not a feature of the command as far as I know15:23
theadminDX099: Also, you can confiugre update-manager not to notify you...15:23
DX099theadmin, it will if it finds undone updates15:23
theadminDX099: Ah, yeah, I guess.15:23
DX099you may disable it to CHECK the update15:23
theadminDX099: True. My bad.15:24
DX099but whenever you do some apt-get/aptitude update, it pops out15:24
=== Ozzy is now known as Guest71109
YowlActionParsnip: So I type sigstop into a terminal? Or its something I download? and will it start from where it left off when done?15:25
YowlI mean when ready15:25
philinuxYowl: my google foo is strong today http://superuser.com/questions/244149/gnu-shred-can-i-pause-abort-resume15:25
ActionParsnipYowl: its an option on kill15:25
theadminDX099: Anyway, run "equivs-control hamsters", then open the hamsters file in your favorite editor, fill out, at least, Package: and Provides:, and then run equivs-build hamsters.15:25
YowlActionParsnip: If it kills the operation, it's not a pause....15:25
philinuxYowl: see link all is possible ^^^15:26
DX099theadmin, so as I couldn't find a proper way to get rid of it, I felt like I was being under Windows again with forcing their choices on you not giving you any way out. Yes, I got it, I'm editing the file right now. I know how to read man bro :)15:26
Yowlphilinux: thanks15:26
DX099*with devs15:26
ActionParsnipYowl: the option pauses it. kill doesnt always kill a process. read the kill man page please15:26
ActionParsnipYowl: http://superuser.com/questions/244149/gnu-shred-can-i-pause-abort-resume   as an example15:26
philinuxActionParsnip: you've been ninjad ^^^15:27
theadminDX099: After installing, put your fake update-notifier package on hold: echo "update-notifier hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections. This is necessary because if there's an update for the package, APT will pull it in giving you the real thing.15:27
DX099theadmin, ok15:27
DX099theadmin, "Provides" line is for the dependencies it satisfies for other packages right ?15:28
theadminDX099: Yeaah. Actually, if your Package: is update-notifier, you can leave it empty. As an alternative, set Package: to something like update-notifier-fake, and Provides: update-notifier.15:29
DX099theadmin, alright15:30
theadminDX099: If that's the case, you don't have to use the hold.15:30
DX099theadmin, might be better that way indeed15:30
DX099theadmin, so my "Provides line is like":ubuntu-desktop,update-manager,update-notifier15:31
theadminDX099: Yeah no, just "update-notifier".15:31
theadminDX099: Basically the update-manager package will see that a package which provides update-notifier is present and will not try to pull in update-notifier.15:32
DX099theadmin, worked like a charm. Both Aptitude and I are content ! :)15:33
theadminDX099: Good :). Now let's just hope update-manager won't bail out with the notifier missing...15:34
DX099theadmin, it doesn't. Well It's not but I'm managing my updates manually so I don't care15:36
plexarhi all15:36
philinuxYowl: see this http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/creating-new-volume15:36
theadminDX099: Why do you need update-manager then?15:36
excalibrpeople, is there command for enabling/disabling repo in sources.list.d?15:36
plexari have a problem with lightdm on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:37
theadminexcalibr: mv ;)15:37
DX099theadmin, because ubuntu-desktop complains about it ?15:37
theadminDX099: Uh... Huh? Oh, you mean removing update-manager removes ubuntu-desktop?15:37
DX099theadmin, yup15:37
yogeshthis is my first irc chat15:37
theadminDX099: That's fine. ubuntu-desktop doesn't actually *do* anything, it's just a metapackage which pulls in the actual parts of the desktop. You can safely remove it.15:37
excalibrtheadmin: so there isn't? just want to be sure so i dont reinvent the wheel :P15:37
theadminexcalibr: Yeah, I don't think there is15:38
plexarall of a sudden lightdm freezes quite often when I turn on my laptop15:38
plexaranyone is experiencing the same problem?15:38
DX099theadmin, oh ok :)15:38
YowlCatKiller: Do you have any personal experience with Truecrypt or Luks?15:39
os2finn I can install win2k guest. But trying to run it after install gives me "a disk read error occured" . Again known bug in Ubuntu?15:40
os2finnProblems with ubuntu 12.10 and Qemu15:40
dcopeis there an open source file hosting site that i can use on my ubuntu nas?15:41
yogeshcan any buddy  guide how to run own irc server on ubuntu15:41
dcopejust something for folks on my network to drop files on and get a lan url to it15:41
reisioos2finn: it's unlikely you should be installing windows 2000, or using qemu :)15:41
reisiodcope: ubuntu one has 5gb free I think? google drive has 1515:41
reisiohundreds of others15:42
os2finnreisio: Sometimes you just have to do some things15:42
hitsujiTMOdcope: are you on about something like this?15:42
reisioos2finn: sometimes the things you should do are not doing other things :)15:42
os2finnI would love to run this app under Wine. But Ubuntu bugs prevent that so Qemu is only option15:42
reisioos2finn: what app?15:43
os2finnOkuma IGF proprietary CAM software runs fine under Wine in Ubuntu 12.04-32-bit15:43
os2finnbut not with 64.bit15:43
dcoperesure: not looking for a 'cloud' solution15:43
kruxyogesh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers15:43
dcopehitsujiTMO: ?15:43
reisioos2finn: should run the same; sure you're using a 32-bit WINEARCH?15:44
XethronI just installed the ATI drivers from AMD's website15:44
reisiodcope: you want a webUI to file hosting?15:44
XethronBut I think that screwed everything up15:44
Xethroncan I uninstall it?15:44
FloodBot1Xethron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:44
yogeshthanks krux15:44
reisiodcope: just setup a samba/nfs/sshfs share15:44
dcopereisio: i have that now but i want a web page15:44
dcopeso my family can use it too15:45
kruxi did a ircd-hybrid with hybserv2 few days ago with no probs..15:45
reisiodcope: mmm15:45
reisiodcope: would check sf.net15:45
os2finnreisio: I am sure. This is a know bug with ubuntu 64-bit kernel. Something to do with ptrace15:45
reisiodcope: or the package db for your language of choice (cpan:perl, pypi:python)15:45
openflyso... just to be clear... has anyone ever gotten usb devices to work in kvm under precise?15:45
reisioos2finn: that's hard to believe, but no matter :)15:46
reisioos2finn: why windows 2000? why qemu?15:46
openflycause as far as I can tell apparmor is basically just sitting there going... nope i just broke everything lolz.15:46
openflybecause apparmor15:46
nysosymhi there15:47
compdocos2finn, in kvm, you using the qcow2 file format?15:47
os2finnreisio: on 64-bit crashes with "err:seh:raise_exception Exception frame is not in stack limits => unable to dispatch exception."15:48
neyder_hi there i want to remove odd characters from filenames in a directory with rename but i can't figure out how to do that, I wan to remove : < > Spaces15:49
os2finnreision: Just because w2k does not need registration and app runs fine on it....also W2k is a lot faster than ie XP15:49
os2finncompdoc: Tried Raw and Qcow215:50
os2finnit installs fine and boots ok after install. But if I shut it and try to run Qemu again it wont work anymore15:50
os2finnQemu because I am familiar with it15:51
os2finnthere is even a tiny bit of my code in Qemu(PPC PREP part)15:51
ActionParsnipneyder_: i'd ask in #bash15:52
neyder_Ok ActionParsnip15:52
reisioneyder_: detox is a handy app for that15:53
reisioneyder_: with rename.ul it'd be while(true); do rename ' ' '_' *\ *15:53
Guest82188hello everyone sorry to bother you, using 13.10 here, my WIRED connection gets lost after sleep/wakeup. any clues ? thanx15:54
reisioneyder_: with rename (perl) it'd be rename 's/ /_/g' * -n (remove -n if it's good)15:54
XethronI just installed the ATI drivers that I downloaded directly from AMD's website. But it seems to have caused some major problems. Is it possible to uninstall it?15:54
reisioneyder_: while(true); foo; done, even, but don't use that one15:55
reisioXethron: just switching back to your previous driver should suffice15:56
reisioXethron: in future try to use packages via the package manager, and not random websites15:56
rmbellwhats the method to move LVM disks from one motherboard  to another? tried to just move them, but it complains about missing disks. it can be brought together with a --partial and passes fsck, but it wont auto mount or not complain about being partial15:57
reisiormbell: the only thing that would have potentially changed is the device name/order, and the kernel's support for the hardware15:58
rmbellreisio:  so basically try swapping around the sata cables and a different kernel?15:58
reisiormbell: you could, but it really shouldn't matter, unless your configuration was relying on them, which would be odd I think15:59
rmbelli havent checked the bios just yet either, could/would the controller being set to a different type (ide vs ahci) cause it as well?15:59
reisiormbell: yeah potentially15:59
rmbellwhen i try vgreduce --removemissing it just fails with error 5 as well16:00
Xethronreisio: it was from amd's website. And the other packages are now greyed out... Can't seem to switch back to them16:00
syeekickcould somone help me via teamviewer on installing some firmware for a driver im having trouble with ?16:00
reisiormbell: what were you even using the lvm for?16:01
cylexWhat's the release date on 13.10?16:01
rmbellreisio:  a storage folder combining a few disks16:01
reisiocylex: 10th month16:01
hitsujiTMOcylex tomorrow16:02
reisiormbell: yeah those are the only really likely things, disk order / configuration file specificity, kernel support, bios oddity16:02
os2finnso any ideas?16:03
rmbelli was using an addin sata pci card for the disks before, but the cables cant reach now heh16:03
reisioscoring some longer cables might be the simplest fix, then16:04
xtrizthe entery in the host file for my domain name must be www.mydomain.com or just mydomain.com ?16:04
reisioxtriz: doubt it'd matter either way, but mydomain is normal16:04
rmbellreisio:  thats what im thinking, or just try the disks out of the cage temp with the short cables16:04
reisiormbell: yeah good idea16:05
Roryxtriz: if you put www.mydomain.com then domain.com won't work, and vice versa16:05
xtrizreisio, so if i am using mydomain.com and i can access my machine using www.mydomain.com ?16:05
xtrizRory, ^16:05
Roryxtriz: I don't understand that question16:05
Roryxtriz: Why don't you try it and see, it'd be quicker16:06
rmbellwww. is a subdomain of mydomain16:06
rmbelliirc wont work without a dns record for www.16:06
xtrizRory, for updating the A records it is taking quite  a long time so any changes i am doing makes me to wait for hours.16:06
Roryfor example, home.rory.sh is an entirely different machine from just rory.sh16:06
gasanздравствуйте, я новичок и не могу решить свою проблему самостоятельно.помогите пожалуйста,дело в том что некоторое время компютер небыл подключон к сети,и теперь на мой компьютер не приходят обънавления ubuntu,а вверху отображается красный треухольник с в16:09
gasanосклицательным знаком-придупреждение о том что якобы обновления устарели.16:09
hitsujiTMO!ru | gasan16:09
ubottugasan: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:09
hitsujiTMOxtriz: if you are on about adding entries to your hosts file as you do not want to wait for changes to A names to propagate then you can add them as a single entry such as:16:10
hitsujiTMOxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx example.com www.example.com tools.example.com otherdomain.com etc.otherdomain.com16:11
gasan /join #ubuntu-ru16:12
sash87Hi all16:12
gasan #ubuntu-ru16:12
xtrizhitsujiTMO, i have to add the entries in the /etc/hosts file right ?16:14
hitsujiTMOyes xtriz16:14
xtrizhitsujiTMO, cool :)16:14
nirvanacan i ask grub2 problem here since noone available in #linuxmint ?16:15
Xethronreisio: found the answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/160605/what-packages-how-do-i-uninstall-propriety-amd-catalyst-driver16:15
Xethronworked like a charm16:15
dskfli jave openjdk and oracle jdk both installed in /usr/lib/jvm , and openjdk is set as default ( can check it with update-java-alternatives -l ) but i would like to have oracle jdk run virtualbox and not openjdk. Can i set some env variable for the jdk that virtualbox would pick up and use that java version?16:15
reisiohi kele16:16
tim`are there mirrors up for 13.10 yet? us.archive.ubuntu.com is so slow16:16
funktHi there does anyone know how to turn apache off and on in lamp?16:16
Kele|offalles klar16:16
reisiotim`: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors16:16
tim`should deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt   format work in sources.list ?16:17
Picitim`: it hasn't been released yet though16:17
reisiofunkt: it'll almost certainly be something like sudo service httpd restart, or s/httpd/apache, etc.16:17
=== Kele|off is now known as Kelle
Picifunkt: sudo service apache2 stop/start16:17
xtrizhitsujiTMO, this was exactly what i was looking for :D thanks16:17
hitsujiTMOxtriz you're welcome16:18
ActionParsnipfunkt: what pici said16:18
xtrizhitsujiTMO, :)16:18
matthias1hi can somebody help me with audacity, because at #audacity nobody is answering16:18
tim`cool, sources.list mirrors form seems to work fine on saucy16:18
funktperfect thank you all very much!16:18
funktworks a charm16:19
reisiomatthias1: what about it16:19
[Gentoo]matthias1: rooms like that will be slow normally16:19
funktloving lamp thanks for convincing me to change over16:19
syeekickanyone know what my problem is there?16:19
syeekicki think its my bcm4312 firmware16:19
xtrizhitsujiTMO, there is no difference between www.xyz.mydomain.com and xyz.mydomain.com or does it really makes some difference ?16:20
matthias1It's hard to explain. I've digitalized a VHS-Cassete on my PC and now I want to improve the Audio. I've already done something, but know im stucked. I want to filter out a piep-echo, i don't know how to describe this. where can i upload some seconds of this passage16:21
hitsujiTMOxtrix, in what context do you mean xtriz?16:21
voozeHey, I just bought a laptop with 14" 1080p screen, and even though its really nice to look at, everything is like crazy small, is it supposed to be like that? I've seen my friend with macbook with Retina and its not small at all.. Any ideas?16:22
nirvanahelp me..i think i did it wrong i installed grub on different partition http://pastebin.com/xuir7N4y ..the asterisk is windows 8..tho i fixed grub but windows8 dont show in menu16:23
reisiovooze: is it a macbook with retina?16:23
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voozereisio: my friends's laptop yes16:23
voozemine is not16:23
xtrizhitsujiTMO, really i am new to this stuff so have exactly no idea.  just curious what is the difference between them.16:23
reisiovooze: ...16:23
reisiovooze: what is it (yours)16:23
=== Kelle is now known as Kele|off
=== Kele|off is now known as Kele
voozereisio: its like this one: https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/galu116:24
matthias1reisio: read my above post16:24
voozebased on Clevo, so its the same screen and casing16:24
hitsujiTMOxtriz logically there is no difference ... its simply a name ... many sites add a www because some people expect websites to begin with www. but they don't have to ...16:25
bwaynenirvana: explain what you mean by "installing grub to a different partition"? Do you mean you installed it to /dev/sda5? or to a different disk?16:25
xtrizhitsujiTMO, from other machine when i am doing ping to www.xyz.domain.com it fails and when doing ping to xyz.domain.com it is successfull.16:25
defaultroanyone here good with mpstat and cpu troubleshooting? should I be looking at sys% rather than user%?16:26
Kelecome hier #novipazar16:27
PiciKele: Do not advertise  channels here.16:27
reisio'lo hai2arshad16:27
hitsujiTMOxtriz you need to specify for both www.xyz.domain.com and xyz.domain.com in your host .... www.xyz.domain.com does not automatically forward to xyz.domain.com16:27
nirvanabwayne: i dont know i used reinstalled from liveusb more than one time..all were on different partition i guess..but the last one i succeeded installed the OS..but minutes ago theres no grub..so fixed it with boot repair..and now no windows8 on menu16:27
reisiomatthias1: hrmm?16:27
hai2arshadI am using ubntu 12.4 LTS and after giving updates.. I am getting my boot screen black..16:27
reisiovooze: like or is?16:27
bwaynenirvana: so you can boot into ubuntu?16:27
DeepBluei have an error message from transmission.it says"permission denied(/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe/home/deepblue/Downloads/my /For Dummies E-Book Collecti16:28
LittleMerrillanyone have experience with junction link magic?16:28
LittleMerrillwoops. wrong channel16:28
DeepBluewhat should i dp about it?16:28
nirvanabwayne: kinda complicated..but actually i installed linuxmint..yes i am using it now16:29
DeepBluewhat should i do about it?16:29
bwaynenirvana: try 'sudo update-grub'. Watch the output. See if it finds Windows 8.16:29
nirvanabwayne: tried it many times..didnt find windows 816:30
matthias1reisio: It's hard to explain. I've digitalized a VHS-Cassete on my PC and now I want to improve the Audio. I've already done something, but know im stucked. I want to filter out a piep-echo, i don't know how to describe this. where can i upload some seconds of this passage16:30
nirvanabwayne: in fact i have boot repair aswell to do the fix..but didnt work16:30
reisiomatthias1: oh right16:30
reisiomatthias1: piep?16:30
Kelecome hier #novipazar16:30
DeepBlue i have an error message from transmission.it says"permission denied(/media/deepblue/cb1c1835-ee54-4ad6-a022-c95d869c4bfe/home/deepblue/Downloads/my /For Dummies E-Book Collection (revised) "what should i do about it?16:31
matthias1reisio: some background noise that is repeating16:31
matthias1reisio: it's hard to describe16:31
reisiomatthias1: and the ordinary noise removal thing isn't getting it?16:31
hitsujiTMO!patience | DeepBlue16:31
ubottuDeepBlue: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/16:31
bwaynenirvana: you mean you booted ran fixmbr and/or fixbootfrom within Windows 8 and it still boots to grub?16:31
matthias1reisio: which one do you mean?16:31
nick07hi, my ubuntu 13.04 is overheating. I installed lm-sensors and the i can see the temperature but no fan speed. I openend up the notebook and the fan isn't spinning. In other OS i did not have this problem16:31
reisiomatthias1: it's like, filter > noise removal16:31
nirvanabwayne: not fixmbr.. boot-repair ..installed from ubuntu repo16:31
hai2arshadI installed ubuntu with windows.. but after updating my system..  when I switch on my computer I am getting black screen.. what should do..16:32
reisiomatthias1: Effect > Noise Removal...16:32
xtrizhitsujiTMO, now done :)16:32
=== Guest___ is now known as jyp
reisiohai2arshad: /msg ubottu nomodeset16:32
Marleneei need some help in HDD space http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246473/16:33
matthias1reisio: i have tested this, but does not work16:33
Marleneei have more than 290 GB free i cant use it16:33
nick07i recall that earlier versions of ubuntu worked fine on this notebook16:33
hai2arshadreisio: I didn't understand you..16:33
bwaynenirvana: one moment16:33
MonkeyDustMarlenee  what happens when you try?16:34
nirvanabwayne: ok16:34
matthias1reisio: im uploading this passage, about 30MB can you take a look?16:34
reisiomatthias1: sure16:34
matthias1reisio: I'm using mega.co.nz for uploading is that a problem?16:35
nick07anyone experience with an overheating system?16:35
MarleneeMonkeyDust : i dont have any space to use but i have another HDD and i dont know how to change to use it and move my data from the small drive to the big one like you see in the paste16:35
reisiomatthias1: no idea16:35
reisionick07: #hardware16:35
nick07reisio is #hardware an ubuntu chat?16:37
reisionick07: nope16:37
reisioit's a hardware chat16:37
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest66920
nick07i think it's an ubuntu issue, because it happends to this version 13.0416:38
syeekickhi could i have some assitance please16:38
nick07fan works fine in other OS16:38
hai2arshadsyeekick: yes.. what kind of assistance..16:39
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
syeekicki have a photo of a crippling error that has arose16:39
=== pbx-lunch is now known as pbx
Yowlhttp://superuser.com/questions/244149/gnu-shred-can-i-pause-abort-resume Hpw do I find out the process ID?16:40
syeekickim trying to change the firmware from a faulty firmware to an alternative one. the device in question is a broadcom BCM4312.16:40
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
syeekickcan i post the photo of the error i get?16:40
matthias1reisio: did you get the link?16:41
os2finnreisio: here is some more about ubuntu 64-bit Wine bug http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=1547916:41
reisiomatthias1: yup16:42
reisiomatthias1: wow, not ever seen such a complicated file host16:43
Marleneeany idea how to fix my problem for no space on my server16:43
ikoniaMarlenee: no space = clean up, allocate more space16:44
bwaynenirvana: try this --> http://pastebin.com/ipx8xQUW ; however I'm reading that there seem to be some issues with Windows 8. If you find that this doesn't work immediately, you can edit this entry by pressing 'e' at the grub menu once you've scrolled to that entry.16:44
syeekickhttp://gyazo.com/377cdf72551c083b8cd9513c01e56b58        any idea whats  gone wrong here?16:44
Marleneeikonia ; there 290 GB hDD i cant use it16:45
Marleneesee my paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246473/16:45
nirvanabwayne: that linuxmint partition were once a manjaro linux partition but no issue at all with windows 8, oh (hd0,2) , will try that16:45
philinuxYowl: http://tinyurl.com/pr7tdal16:45
ikoniaMarlenee: bcause you have allocated it foolishly16:46
ikoniaMarlenee: you have only allocated 9gb to the core (root) file system16:46
ubottuEMS98: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:46
Marleneeikonia ; how can i use the other HDD free space16:46
Guest94276que esta mierda???16:46
Guest94276como se juega???16:47
Guest94276y mi nombre como lo cambio???16:47
bwaynenirvana: it so happens that I just got a reminder about a division meeting that I have in 15 minutes. hate to start helping and then run. sorry. forgot about it.16:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:48
bwaynenirvana: when you come back, you'll want to restate your problem if I am still away. these meetings usually take an hour or so.16:49
nirvanabwayne: bwayne well ok take your time16:49
duboneHello All, I have a kvm vm running Ubuntu from Ubuntu and it has been running fine for months until last night I rebooted the vm and it is now stuck on "Boot from (hd0,0) ext4 - Starting up ... --- Any ideas on how I can get this un-hung?16:51
kk5how to  boot ps2 can any one can help me how to boot ps2 free mcboot16:52
Marleneeno one can help me !!16:53
hidMarlenee: what is the problem?16:54
AaronXDes español???16:54
Pici!es | AaronXD16:55
ubottuAaronXD: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:55
vnAaronXD: no lo es.16:55
psy362 /msg nickserv identify epic12316:55
psy362lol opps16:55
psy362its not the right password wither16:56
hidlul who is it16:56
ikoniaMalinux: you need to re-partition the disks with a bit more thought16:56
Marleneehid : i cant use the free space in my server16:56
psy362im a freenoder, but new to this one16:56
Malinuxikonia: what?!16:57
ikoniaMalinux: eg: don't waste 3GB on /tmp - were in / is the data being used up (I'm guessing /home)16:57
adamkikonia: It'd help if you told that to the right person :-)16:57
ikoniaMalinux: there are virtal disks, make vda bigger,16:57
Malinuxikonia: ah, it was to Marlenee? :)16:57
Malinuxno problem :)16:57
ikoniaMarlenee: re-partition your hard disks with a more thought, look at where the space is being used up in / (I guess /home) stop wasting 3GB on /tmp, make vda bigger and stop wastig it on all on vdb1 in for /data16:58
Marleneeikonia : its server and i can manage it as you can see in my paste i have more than 290 and iam not able to use it16:59
OerHeksikonia, is growpart & resizefs the solution for Marlenee  ? > http://docs.brightbox.com/guides/filesystems-and-disks/16:59
ikoniaMarlenee: yes, and I've told you why and how to fix it16:59
ubottuEMS98: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:59
ikoniaOerHeks: for me - no,16:59
duboneanyone here know how to get a kvm vm to boot when it is hung on "Starting up ..."?17:00
ikoniadubone: you'll need to investigate why it's hanging.17:01
ikoniadubone: what OS is it trying to boot ?17:01
ikoniadubone: what version ?17:01
duboneikonia: 12.04 i believe17:02
YowlIs there any reason to not install etc other programs while shred is running on a unrelated partition?17:02
ikoniadubone: you believe ? you installed, it17:02
dubone8 months ago17:02
ikoniadubone: what OS is the host /17:02
kk5how to play ps 2 games on Ubuntu17:02
kk5can any one can tell me17:02
duboneikonia: 13.0417:02
ikoniadubone: do you get a grub prompt ?17:03
duboneikonia: host is 13.0417:03
AaronXDalguien español???17:03
ikonia!es | AaronXD17:03
ubottuAaronXD: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:03
duboneikonia: from the vnc console - "Boot from (hd0,0) ext4 - Starting up ...17:03
ikoniadubone: are the disks all present17:04
AaronXDHay alguien español???17:06
AaronXDalguien español???17:06
nirvanahttp://pastebin.com/UjBxgRqs , http://pastebin.com/xuir7N4y , in my hd got windows8 and linuxmint but windows8 isnt showing on menu.. tried a lot of time with update-grub but windows aint showing17:06
duboneikonia: yes, is available and the pv has free space17:07
nirvanaAaronXD: #ubuntu-es17:07
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NewToThisI guess Aaron Shwartz lives on17:07
duboneikonia: my other vm's are working fine17:07
nirvanaat least he can say 'hello' instead of 'hola'17:07
AaronXDim spanish17:07
Pici!es | AaronXD17:07
ubottuAaronXD: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:07
AaronXDpici ubottu???17:08
PiciAaronXD:  escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:08
MrSassyPantsI want to try a more recent nvidia driver, how do I go about that without breaking things?17:09
ikoniadubone: try to boot it in single user mode17:10
reisioMrSassyPants: technically grabbing a random installer from nvidia.com and doing what it says shouldn't break anything (not completely, anyways :p)17:10
duboneikonia: ok17:10
MrSassyPantsreisio, I guess, but can't I convince aptitude to install something more... recent?17:10
reisioMrSassyPants: sometimes, sure17:11
MrSassyPantsI'm experiencing the black-screen-after-going-to-sleep-while-pc-is-not-sleeping-at-all-bug and want to see if its the nvidia driver17:11
reisioMrSassyPants: there should be a few to choose from in the display driver dialog already17:12
MrSassyPantsreisio, what display driver dialog?17:12
Jessica_Hi !!17:12
reisioMrSassyPants: System > Administration > Additional Drivers17:12
reisioJessica_: hi17:12
MrSassyPantsreisio, oh, to be accurate, I'm using kde (kubuntu)17:13
MrSassyPantsdon't think that even has a driver manager17:13
reisioit probably has, but I'm not sure where17:13
sash87Hi all.. I have very critical issue17:14
magdur_guys 13.10 released?17:14
reisioMrSassyPants: apt-cache search nvidia | egrep -i 'nvidia-[0-9]{3}'17:14
reisiomagdur_: tomorrow, supposedly17:14
reisiosash87: yes?17:14
sash87I upgradeed to ubuntu 12.04 and after that my datacard is not working17:14
reisiosash87: datacard?17:14
MrSassyPantsreisio yes?17:14
Jessica_Can anybody help me ? i'm trying to play Starcraft against my brother on Ubuntu but it doesnt work very well with the keyboard!!            I wonder if somebody know how to disable IBUS ?17:14
sash87its not even showing mobile network17:14
reisioMrSassyPants: yes?17:14
MrSassyPantsreisio, that list contains drivers newer than the one that is reportedly running17:15
sash87datacard to connect internet .. may be some people called it doungle17:15
reisioJessica_: could be useful FFR: http://linux.about.com/od/gmr_howto/a/hwtgmr05t01.htm17:15
goinhello we are goin and we hack www.2all.co.il17:16
sash87how to resolve it  ?? when my ubntu 11.0 was there dongle was working fine17:16
sash87any help17:16
Jessica_Thank you reisio! i will read it, but i am new to Linux, but i guess it involves using the "Terminal" right ?17:17
reisioJessica_: it probably would, yeah17:17
reisioJessica_: and I don't know how quickly you might be able to utilize those instructions, but FFR, it's worth a read17:17
Level15hi, all: what kernel driver/module should I use for a FC tape autoloader? So far the modules I have loaded show the drives but not the changer device. Thanks.17:17
MrSassyPantsreisio, jockey-kde !17:17
Jessica_is this for all  versions of Ubuntu ? i dont even know how to check my current version!!17:18
reisioJessica_: should be entirely distro agnostic, actually17:18
sash87hello anybody have faced the issue before??17:18
MrSassyPantsreisio, now if I knew how to integrate jockey into the system settings...17:18
reisioMrSassyPants: gj17:18
TLoFPhi everybody17:21
sash87can anybody help me out here.. I have to fix it anyway and I dont know what to do17:21
TLoFPsudo apt-get install ntp replies with Couldn't find package ntp17:21
reisiohi TLoFP17:21
TLoFPthat is the guide I followed17:21
TLoFPthis is 10.04 LTS server install17:22
TLoFPwhat may be going wrong here?17:22
TLoFPreisio: hi how are you17:22
reisiodunno, maybe your sources.list is confused17:22
TLoFPntpdate -s ntp.ubuntu.com replies wiht "Name Server cannot be used, exiting"17:23
faugusztinsash87: we don't have mind reading capabilities, so it would be nice if you would tell what hardware do you have issue with. PCI-ID or USB ID of the device, or at least name17:23
TLoFPping www.google.com reply: "unkown host"17:23
sash87its a USB17:23
TLoFPI think I know where this is going :(17:24
MonkeyDust!details | sash8717:24
ubottusash87: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:24
sash87it is a tata photon+ usb modem to connect internet17:25
sash87it was working fine with ubuntu 11.0417:25
sash87yesteday I upgraded it to 12.04 and after that when I connect that its not working. even in network option no mobile network option is coming17:26
sash87using mobile network I used to connect my usb modem17:26
eerI have the problem that when I close Evolution (click on X) the window become grey but the program does not close. Any idea? Already tried to reboot but I get the same problem.17:27
faugusztinsash87: you were using wvdial or some GUI, if yes, which one ? is your device visible via lsusb command ?17:28
antarHi guys17:28
reisiohi antar17:28
antarwhat is best for ubuntu Chromium/Chrome ?17:28
TLoFPhow do you configure DNS server in interfaces?17:29
cowbaconantar: i like chromium more since you can get via apt without having to add repos17:29
OerHeksantar, open source version Chromium ofcourse17:29
reisioantar: chromium17:29
reisiodebiantoruser: heyo17:29
debiantoruserI'm lurking around with tries to start auditd in the lxc-container17:29
debiantoruserbut i'm fail17:29
sash87let me try that faugusztin17:29
debiantoruserUnable to set audit pid, exiting17:29
debiantoruserThe audit daemon is exiting.17:29
debiantoruserError setting audit daemon pid (Connection refused17:29
FloodBot1debiantoruser: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:29
debiantoruserwith next err17:29
sash87but probleam is that now I am in windows and able to connect the device so getting ineternet to communicate with you guys17:30
debiantoruseranybody hear me?17:30
=== misha is now known as Guest64413
sash87but once I switch to ubuntu I can not connect to inernet17:31
k1l!enter | debiantoruser17:31
ubottudebiantoruser: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:31
Jessica_please can anyone look at this picture: http://postimg.org/image/nlrhw5pxn/17:31
Jessica_what is the thing called in the lower right corner ?17:31
Jessica_is it IBUS ?17:31
qinsash87: You mean wifi or lan (cable) or asdl17:31
faugusztinqin: GPRS17:32
k1lJessica_: that is the nautilus search17:32
sash87qin: ita usb modem device17:32
debiantoruserDoes somebody have expirience with starting auditd in the lxc-container under Ubuntu 13.04?17:32
Jessica_thank you k1l !!17:32
faugusztinsash87: official guide says you should use wvdialconf, but considering the versions it looks pretty outdated : http://www.tataindicom.com/download/dialers/dialup-internet-on-linux.pdf17:32
qinsash87: do it register with ifconfig?17:32
Jessica_everytime i connect to battle.net it disables my keyboard for Starcraft! do you think if i uninstall it will help ?17:33
faugusztinsash87: 12.04 says you should do it this way http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-auto-connect-ubuntu-1204-gsm-mobile-broadband-connection-on-boot-startup-service17:33
debiantoruserI've got errors: "Error setting audit daemon pid (Connection refused)"17:33
debiantoruser"type=DAEMON_ABORT msg=audit(1381944451.549:3771): auditd error halt, auid=4294967295 pid=345 res=failed"17:33
debiantoruserby /sbin/auditd -f17:33
debiantoruserinside the lxc-container17:34
debiantoruserWhat should i enable in the config?17:34
bazhang!enter | debiantoruser17:34
ubottudebiantoruser: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:34
faugusztinsash87: try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/178161/3g-usb-modem-is-not-working-in-12-04 - seems like you have to add a new connection manually17:34
sash87faugusztin: let me try that too.. I am switching now to ubuntu if its works I will reply from my ubuntu os17:35
faugusztinsash87: video version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl6l0hies3A17:36
Jessica_how to check ubuntu versino ?17:36
sash87but mobile braodband option itself is not coming there17:36
bazhang!version | Jessica_17:36
ubottuJessica_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:36
reisioJessica_: cat /etc/*release*17:36
Jessica_ah great thanks !17:37
faugusztinsash87: unless you add a mobile broadband profile you won't see it in the list, only as a tab inside the network manager configuration dialog17:37
sash87ohh is it like that .. I did not know that . I am just 10 days old in ubuntu. I am always used to windows17:38
sash87then how do I add a mobile broadband option there17:39
faugusztinsash87: watch the video if you can, they show it step by step :)17:39
sash87ok I am watching it17:40
snolluxHello! Where can I get the vmlinuz /initrd for the 32-bit kernel used for the latest stable Ubuntu release?17:44
datandroiddudeIM MUTEEDDD17:45
datandroiddudeunmute me!17:45
reisiosnollux: you're not using the latest stable Ubuntu release?17:46
Ari-Yangdatandroiddude: what?17:46
reisiodatandroiddude: sorry, can't unmute you17:46
=== b4dave is now known as b4dave_4
=== b4dave_4 is now known as b4dave
datandroiddudewait u can see me?17:46
Ari-Yangdatandroiddude: no I cannot.17:46
=== b4dave is now known as b4dave_4
whatever_42is it possible and save to spin down the participants of a mdadm raid?17:46
datandroiddudelollll imm backkkk17:46
datandroiddudeto ask questions17:46
datandroiddudeso what language do you use to create apps for ubuntu?17:47
snolluxreisio: yeah, for 64 bit17:48
hitsujiTMOdatandroiddude whatever language you wish17:48
snolluxbut I need the 32 bit one17:48
mbeierldatandroiddude, that's not really a support question, but the answer varies depending on the individual writing the app, and the purpose of the app.17:48
YowlI have looked, but I don't see a manual for LUKS, can anyone point me to a good one please?17:48
snolluxfor some QEMUBuilder thing I'm doing17:48
tmmunqThe One True Language17:48
kk5any one who know c++ language how to learn17:50
reisiokk5: ask #C++17:51
datandroiddudeand where do i go for ethical hacking?17:52
bazhang!ot | datandroiddude17:52
ubottudatandroiddude: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:52
Ari-Yangdatandroiddude: google17:52
Picikk5: stop17:53
eerAny idea?17:55
RemastersysHi, Can someone help me. Grub can boot but login screen's time signal is spinning forever.17:55
OerHekseer any idea of what?17:55
pompaHello iv've question, i have crypteed /home17:55
eerMy question.17:55
eerSee above.17:55
OerHekseer i don't see any questions past half hour, so repeat please17:56
eer I have the problem that when I close Evolution (click on X) the window become grey but the program does not close. Any idea? Already tried to reboot but I get the same problem.17:56
=== dean is now known as dean|away
RemastersysI stopped remastersys because it freezed. Now i can't start my system anymore. It was copying my settings from etc/skel, after stopping it wrote ther is no root user.17:58
kk5how to play ps2 games on ubuntu i have more than 40 ps2 games and i want to play on pc18:00
xaviousHey, wondering if anyone could help me get Netflix to function? I had it installed on here, but it never would start.18:00
Ari-Yang!netflix | xavious18:01
ubottuxavious: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop18:01
belgianguyHi, I'm troubleshooting compiz18:02
belgianguyweird enough Unity just works but my window decorator is AWOL18:02
belgianguythe FAQ mentions emerald, gtk-window-decorator (I don't have KDE), which one is default?18:02
belgianguyI couldn't resist upgrading my graphics drivers18:02
YowlI have looked, but I don't see a manual for LUKS, can anyone point me to a good one please?18:03
belgianguyand now I got what I deserved18:03
kk5any one have ps218:03
eerAny idea?18:03
vimpulse!anyone | kk518:03
ubottukk5: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:03
OerHekskk5 maybe this page is any help, see the 2nd part with the noobslab ppa >> http://www.noobslab.com/2013/01/install-ps2-emulator-in-ubuntu.html18:03
belgianguykk5: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCSX218:04
belgianguyso... what window decorator would I need to play nice with Compiz?18:04
belgianguyI'm running the propietary latest AMD driver18:05
=== adamxx is now known as adamx
vimpulsebelgianguy:  hi :) is there any reason you actually need to use a proprietary graphics driver?18:06
snolluxAny idea where I can get just the vmlinuz / initrd for 32-bit linux kernel, the same version 13.04 uses?18:07
belgianguyI find plenty of magic scrolls to sudo cast, but I'd like to really know why I'm doing it18:07
datandroiddudeMy download in an ubuntu shell was interrrupted and now its stcuk on -_-kb18:09
datandroiddudemake it continue?18:09
datandroiddudeIM MUTEEDDD18:09
naquadwhere can i download usb flash drive installation image?18:09
datandroiddudeim muttedd18:10
datandroiddudehere me outtt18:10
Picidatandroiddude: we can see, you, be patient.18:10
YowlI have looked, but I don't see a manual for LUKS, can anyone point me to a good one please?18:10
vimpulsenaquad:  dunno.  Why not simply buy one erasable DVD, then download the installation CD image?  One erasable DVD can last you for years.18:11
quadHelixDoes anybody know why when I ping google.com my response comes from kidsource.com?18:11
naquadvimpulse, awesome! now read question again please18:11
quadHelix64 bytes from 76-14-93-20.kidsource.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=62 time=5.99 ms18:11
vimpulsenaquad:  :)18:11
eerAny idea?18:11
vimpulsequadHelix:  go to www.kidsource.com.  (I haven't.)  What is there?18:11
reisiovimpulse: not a usb stick?18:12
quadHelixthere is a website there, but it does not resolve to the proper IP.18:12
thumpbamy ssh session keeps breaking on 12.04 but works jus fine on 13.04 from the same computer18:12
quadHelixdig shows that kidsouce.com uses meganameservers.com as there DNS18:13
vimpulsereisio:  I don't know how to install Ubuntu from a USB stick.  I've never needed to.  One erasable DVD can last a person for years.18:13
vimpulsequadHelix:  no, I mean visit www.kidsource.com in your web browser.  What is there?18:13
quadHelixvimpuls: the kidsouce.com web page.18:13
jcmoriaudhello from France, can I ask here a question about sinking my Ubuntu laptop to a Logitech bluetooth adapter ?18:13
vimpulsejcmoriaud:  yes, here in English or in the French Ubuntu channel in French.18:14
Yowlvimpulse: It's easy to do, and works better for testing it out, even running off it well.18:14
eerWhat is the difference between init and telinit?18:14
quadHelixvimpulse: note... have to use www.kidsource.com18:14
jcmoriaudok, thanks18:14
vimpulse!fr | jcmoriaud18:14
ubottujcmoriaud: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:14
jcmoriaudno problem for me in english...18:14
vimpulsejcmoriaud:  your English is good but your French is probably better.  It may be easier for #ubuntu-fr to understand you than for us to understand you.  :)18:15
jcmoriaudwell ok, no problem... I have no problem in english, but I will switch to the french support then.18:15
vimpulsejcmoriaud:  cheers!  If they don't help you, please come back here.18:16
datandroiddudewhere do you get started for ethical hacking?18:16
ZiberHow do I tell, on my ubuntu server, if it's 64 bit or 32 bit?18:16
reisiodatandroiddude: as in white hat hacking? Or the traditional hacking as in programming?18:16
reisioZiber: arch18:17
vimpulseeer:  dunno.  If you want to change runlevels, use telinit:  it's a correct tool for the job.  Using init for the job may be deprecated.18:17
reisioZiber: will tell you if the software arch18:17
Ziberreisio: Excuse me?18:17
ZiberOkay. i686 = 64 bit?18:17
datandroiddudehacking as in making infectious viruses18:17
datandroiddudeand security and stuff18:17
vimpulsedatandroiddude:  the problem with making infectious viruses is that we don't know you're ethical.18:18
reisioZiber: nope18:18
datandroiddudeno im just trying to understand it inside out18:18
datandroiddudebut where do i start  is the question18:18
jcmoriaudok thanks18:18
vimpulsedatandroiddude:  there is no way you can convince us to believe your claim.18:18
Ziberi686 = 32 and x86 = 64?18:18
reisioZiber: x86 is 32-bit, the x is a placeholder for i386, i486, etc.18:18
reisioZiber: x86_64 or amd64 is 64-bit18:18
reisioyou will see '64' somewhere18:18
datandroiddudeok where do i get started with security18:18
Ziberreisio: Okay, thanks.18:19
vimpulsequadHelix:  hmmm.  I just looked at <http://www.kidsource.com>.  It is actually not a filtering provider.  Your problem is a perplexing one.18:19
reisioZiber: now to see if your _hardware_ supports 64-bit, regardless of what type of software you have installed, grep ' lm' /proc/cpuinfo, if you see output, it's 64-bit ready18:19
reisiodatandroiddude: #security18:19
vimpulsequadHelix:  Please visit <http://www.google.com/>.  Does this show you the Google Web Search homepage?18:20
Ziberreisio: Oh, that's good to know.18:20
belgianguywas I offline in the past 10 minutes?18:20
vimpulsebelgianguy:  yes.18:20
quadHelixvimpulse: agreed.  I have 2 ubuntu boxes that resolve to kidsource.com when I ping.  I can reach the google web page via browser using www.google.com18:20
vimpulsequadHelix:  so why are you worried?18:20
belgianguyvimpulse: I'm sorry, I was under the impression that I was being ignored, but my WiFi seems to have dropped out18:21
quadHelixvimpulse: because it has never happened before.18:21
vimpulsedear all:  should quadHelix be worried?18:21
YowlI have looked, but I don't see a manual for LUKS, can anyone point me to a good one please? Some one please reply, I've asked this enough with big spaces between asking already...18:21
quadHelixvimpulse: I left work on Friday and left teamviewer running and now DNS does not act like it was18:21
jcmoriaudhello, I am afraid that ther's nobody on the french support available right now...18:22
vimpulsejcmoriaud:  so ask us :)18:22
jcmoriauddo you mind helping me on that matter ?18:22
linuxnewbiehello i have tried to upgrade ubuntu 12.04 ...and i get this error - http://pastebin.com/CeRE3uT318:22
belgianguyanyone any experience with emerald or gtk-window-decorator?18:22
vimpulse!anyone | belgianguy18:22
ubottubelgianguy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:22
vimpulsejcmoriaud:  simply ask your question.  Please do not press Enter until 1) you are finished describing your entire question or 2) you run out of space to type more information.18:23
jcmoriaudok then, I have managed to conect to my Logitech bluetooth adapter (connected to my Pioneer amp)18:23
belgianguyThe window decorations are gone, Unity (surprisingly) just works18:23
belgianguyhow do I re enable my windows decorations?18:23
vimpulseYowl:  ah, it's good to know that Ubuntu runs well off a USB mass storage device.  Maybe I will try it one time.18:23
jcmoriaudbut each time I try to sink the audio to this adapter, I get en error "Connection Failed: Stream setup failed"18:24
vimpulsebelgianguy:  dunno.  try this ugly hack?  "twm &"18:24
sash87hi all ... I back to windows again18:25
jcmoriaudthis was the case already with 13.0518:25
jcmoriaud13.04 I mean18:25
sash87it did not work18:25
reisiosash87: sucks for you18:25
Yowlvimpulse: Obviously it runs slower, but you can even install stuff etc onto the USB drive18:25
quadHelixvimpulse: I am concerned because of scripts like this contained on the page :18:25
quadHelix  document.write(unescape("%3Cscript%20src='http://s.clicktale.net/WRc5.js'%20type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));18:25
vimpulseYowl:  that, too, is a cool feature.18:25
sash87I was following this http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-auto-connect-ubuntu-1204-gsm-mobile-broadband-connection-on-boot-startup-service18:26
reisioquadHelix: why does that concern you?18:26
sash87and in step 2 sudo gedit /etc/init.d/mobile-broadband-connect18:26
Yowlvimpulse: And its quicker and easier to write to a USB flash drive then  a CD-RW, I think faster to read off one too, at least with a USB flash drive, there is no spin up time or noise18:26
jcmoriaudI have googled a bit, and when I do a pacmd list-sources and list-sinks I am afraid that I don't see the Logitech in the sinks...18:27
sash87open a new empty file of name /mobile-broadband-connect18:27
sash87then what to do I dont unnderstand18:27
vimpulsequadHelix:  www.clicktale.net appears 100% innocuous to me.  You can try to ask in ##networking if you're still concerned.  Do tell them why you're worried.18:27
quadHelixreisio, I am trying to ping google.com.  My DNS keeps resolving to kidsource.com.  It makes no sense...18:27
reisioquadHelix: oh fun18:27
vimpulsereisio:  but quadHelix has zero other symptoms.18:28
jcmoriaudI was trying to do a pactl load-module module-loopback... but as long as I don't have the sink module available...18:28
vimpulsereisio:  so I don't see why there is a real problem that must be solved.18:28
quadHelixvimpulse, reisio: prolly this damn windows DNS server on our network....18:28
sash87any help.... at any cost I have to fix this issue now18:29
quadHelixreisio, it is still strange.  If i dig the site the IP is completely different than what it is resolving as18:29
faugusztinsash87: did you tried what the video shown instead of that guide ?18:29
vimpulseYowl:  note that, IIRC, a "1x" DVD drive is equal to a "9x" CD drive.  So an "8x" DVD drive is faster than the fastest common CD drives.18:29
Marleneecan i reconfigure that bootstrap again with out lossing any data18:29
vimpulseYowl:  each 'x' is worth 9 times as much speed.18:30
sash87ya absolutely but it did not help me..because after doing that enable mobile broadband should come18:30
sash87it s not coming in my case18:30
faugusztinsash87: ?18:30
faugusztinsash87: you were missing the mobile broadband tab or what ?18:30
sash87no that is there18:31
faugusztinthen did you press add and gone through the wizard ?18:31
sash87I followed all the steps according to that video18:31
thumpbamy ssh connection keeps dropping18:31
Yowlvimpulse: But still, the speed of a good USB flash drive will most likely leave any DVD in the dust, even read speed, especially random continuous read speed18:31
vimpulsereisio:  Anyway, I think that quadHelix is welcome to ask here, but is likely to get better help in ##networking.  Do you agree?18:31
vimpulseYowl:  Sounds likely enough.18:31
faugusztinsash87: yes, and after you did all those steps your mobile broadband should be now in the list when you click on the icon for network connections18:31
AaronXDhay alguien español???18:32
faugusztinsash87: after you click on it, it should initiate the connection18:32
sash87no its not happening18:32
AaronXDalguien español???18:32
vimpulse!es | AaronXD18:32
ubottuAaronXD: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:32
sash87see http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-auto-connect-ubuntu-1204-gsm-mobile-broadband-connection-on-boot-startup-service18:32
clifterIs Pipelight a good alternative to use to play Netflix in Chromuim ?18:32
sash87here in that network icon pic18:32
vimpulseAaronXD:  please have more patience.  After you ask a question, please give us 30 seconds to help you.  :)18:33
sash87three tick mark is there18:33
sash871.enbale networking 2.enable wireless. 3. enable mobile broadband18:33
sash87for me third one is not there18:33
reisioclifter: alternative to what?18:34
sash87http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-auto-connect-ubuntu-1204-gsm-mobile-broadband-connection-on-boot-startup-service   you can check that 3 option here18:34
faugusztinsash87: then you are probably back at the problem that your usb umts modem is not detected or no driver is loaded18:34
sash87no I check with lsusb and its detecting18:35
faugusztinsash87: lsusb only says what devices you have, it doesn't say if the driver is used for it18:35
sash87then what I need to do now18:36
clifterreisio: I found another way that uses FIreFox throught Wine. The Pipelight looks like it might work better.18:36
AaronXDnm m,njjlknblkjbk.jb hjkb hjk hjb vjhb jbhn18:37
sash87and I was following the steps mentioned by the above url18:37
reisioclifter: yes, pipelight is better than emulating the entire browser18:37
sash87but in 2nd step I am confused18:37
sash87I mean here sudo gedit /etc/init.d/mobile-broadband-connect18:37
clifterreisio: Cool thought so, just wasn"t sure. Thanks18:37
faugusztinsash87: try to run this, but you need to replace AAAA and BBBB with USB ID of your modem from lsusb output - USB ID is in form ID AAAA:BBBB before the name : sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0xAAAA product=0xBBBB18:38
faugusztinsash87: if the mobile broadband option doesn't show up even after this, then it is unfortunately time for the slow way, that is asking this on forums :(18:38
jakempis ubuntu just tested on multiple monitors?18:39
YowlI have looked, but I don't see a manual for LUKS, can anyone point me to a good one please?18:39
jakempI still get so many bugs when I use a second monitor.18:39
jakempwindows randomly switching screens, performance plummeting,18:39
reisiojakemp: that's to do with GNOME 3 being so new, AIUI18:40
reisioif you're not using the latest version, you might want to update18:40
jakempis unity based on gnome3 reisio?18:40
jakempI am, 13.04. Waiting for 13.10 to upgrade, since the new kernel has a bunch of new goodies for sandy bridge CPUs and graphics18:41
reisiojakemp: yes it is18:44
bekks!nomodeset > bekks18:44
ubottubekks, please see my private message18:44
reisiojakemp: the version of compiz used could also be fairly bleeding edge18:44
vimpulsejakemp:  I am using an old, stable Linux distro, and am basically happy that I need only upgrade once every two years or so.  :)18:45
jakempyeah, I would have stuck with the LTS, but sandy bridge graphics were brand new in 12.04, and not well supported.18:45
vimpulsejakemp:  and my graphics needs are basically only two-dimensional.18:45
jakempyeah, vimpulse, I've not had any stability issues until recently. Otherwise, stock ubuntu has been nice.18:46
jakempdo you use 2D unity, or something else?18:46
trippleMy broadcom driver resets itself to wl instead of b4318:46
vimpulseYowl:  dunno.  Try ##security, or try <http://askubuntu.com/>.  Ask them how likely it is that a LUKS manual exists or not.  Maybe there's something in the kernel documentation tree.18:46
vimpulsejakemp:  I use Xorg plus XFCE.18:47
jakempIt's been a long time since I've used XFCE.18:47
vimpulseYowl:  is LUKS part of the kernel, or part of userspace?18:47
jakempI also don't like the changes to the default file viewer in 12.04. The removal of the auto complete for a heavyweight search and not being able to switch back is stupid.18:48
jakempin 13.04, that is.18:48
jcmoriaud /join #ubuntu-fr18:48
vimpulsejakemp:  let's move to #ubuntu-offtopic.18:49
reeddamn thingamajig is not autohiding18:50
trippleCan u guys see me?18:50
trippleok do u have experience in drivers for wireless cards?18:51
trippleim having issues!18:51
vimpulse!anyone | tripple18:51
ubottutripple: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:51
trippledoes anybody know how to switch from my wl driver to my b43 driver?18:51
tozendeke111: mayhap /quit ?? ;)18:53
vimpulsetozen:  :)18:54
thumpbai keep getting write failed broken pipe error on my 12.04 server18:54
TauNeutrinohey penguin lovers18:54
tozenTauNeutrino:  wazzap?18:55
TauNeutrinoI configured my printer some time ago and printed like 200 pages out of pdf files, but now I can only print from usual webpages and so on18:55
TauNeutrinowhen I try to click print on the pdf viewer the printing sequence appears(like print page from 1-x blabla) und then everything disappears18:56
TauNeutrinound =and18:56
ObrienDaveTauNeutrino... It might help if we knew what printer you're referring to18:57
TauNeutrinobut I still can print pages off of firefox18:57
tozenthumpba: does it bring some problems to your server?18:57
TauNeutrinocanon mp235 but I use canon mp23018:57
thumpbatozen: i can't remote in and work on it18:57
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thumpbatozen: I've added clientaliveinterval to the ssh_config file18:58
tozenthumpba: what the sudo apt-get update sais?18:58
richislandmani'm trying to get a folder for one linux machine to another ... via ftp. But, I can't install any other software. Any suggestions?18:58
bekksrichislandman: scp19:00
richislandmanHow can I ftp all the files in the folder ... without doing them one by one19:00
TauNeutrinoI have only this shitty standard ubuntu pdf viewer shit19:00
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IdleOne!language | TauNeutrino19:00
ubottuTauNeutrino: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:00
bekks!language | TauNeutrino19:00
richislandmanbekks, scp isn't installed19:00
TauNeutrino^^ sry19:00
ObrienDavesee also !patience19:01
hitsujiTMOrichislandman, is openssh-server installed?19:01
DWSR_Hey all, I'm having an issue with booting. I installed a working VirtualBox image of a Ubuntu server setup (from http://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Server/Setup) using the instructions located here (http://askubuntu.com/questions/32499/migrate-from-a-virtual-machine-vm-to-a-physical-system) and then installed Grub to the hard drive that I installed the image to using instructions found here19:01
Zalscp isn't installed?? What the heck!19:01
richislandmanhitsujiTMO, no.19:01
bekksrichislandman: If the is not ftp server and client installed also, you are out of luck.19:01
DWSR_(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_the_LiveCD_terminal). However, when I turn the system on and boot from the physical hard drive, Ubuntu is complaining about a UUID not being found and then dropping me to a Busybox shell. Help?19:01
thumpbatozen: it hangs us.archive.ubuntu precise-updates19:01
tozenrichislandman: pastebin console exhaust, please19:01
Zalrichislandman, the answer to your question (which is the wrong question) is "mget"19:01
richislandmanZal, it's a Solaris machine19:02
richislandmanbut, it's a production machine. That i can't make any major changes to.19:02
Zalrichislandman, hm, in that case it might be the wrong question in the wrong channel19:02
bekksrichislandman: then ask the solaris support please.19:02
tozenthumpba: well pastebin exhaust of cat /etc/apt/sources.list & ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d19:03
Yowlvimpulse: I don't know what userspace is, but it might be a kernel program, not sure19:03
DWSR_Hey all, I'm having an issue with booting. I installed a working VirtualBox image of a Ubuntu server setup (from http://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Server/Setup) using the instructions located here (http://askubuntu.com/questions/32499/migrate-from-a-virtual-machine-vm-to-a-physical-system) and then installed Grub to the hard drive that I installed the image to using instructions found here19:03
bekksrichislandman: if you have a solaris box without scp, it is broken.19:03
DWSR_(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_the_LiveCD_terminal). However, when I turn the system on and boot from the physical hard drive, Ubuntu is complaining about a UUID not being found and then dropping me to a Busybox shell. Help?19:03
ObrienDave!patience | DWSR_19:03
ubottuDWSR_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:03
DWSR_ObrienDave: Repeating them closer together for context.19:04
DWSR_ObrienDave: Also, ubottu supports privmsg commands that stop double highlighting, I believe.19:04
bekksDWSR_: can you ask your question in one fairly short sentence please?19:04
DWSR_bekks: No, the question requires some context.19:05
vimpulseYowl:  if luks is part of the kernel, then the kernel documentation tree may have a text file which speaks about it a little.  Good luck!19:05
DWSR_bekks: And the webchat only allows me a line that long.19:05
DWSR_bekks: Though, if you prefer a TL;DR version: How I make Ubuntu not complaing about missing disk UUID on boot?19:05
TauNeutrinohey, I don't understand this, I can't print a specific page in a pdf viewer, but every other thing I can print, how can this be??19:06
jp_2013!join #picketlink19:06
ObrienDaveTauNeutrino... do you mean a certain page from a multi page PDF?19:06
angezanettihey guys, what the command to suspend to RAM ?19:07
apbHello.  Using ubuntu 12.04... Getting an error: The server protocol version is 28, but at least version 33 is required. Install a newer version of the Akonadi server....   sudo apt-get install akonadi-server:  akonadi-server is already the newest version.  #akonadi says:then that really means your akonadi-server package isn't the right one19:07
TauNeutrinono a whole pdf document, but other documents work19:07
apbdon't know where to go from here.19:07
TauNeutrinoeven in this pdf viewer19:07
hitsujiTMOTauNeutrino: does the issue exist with an alternative pdf viewer ? or with a completely different pdf document?19:07
TauNeutrinoI can print completly different pdf documents, except this one specific, and I only have the pdf document viewer19:08
ObrienDaveTauNeutrino... have you tried acroread? the official Adobe PDF reader?19:08
TauNeutrinohhm not sure, it takes hours to download, I have only a limited umts modem19:09
TauNeutrinousb thing19:09
ObrienDaveTauNeutrino... then maybe the file's permissions are set to NOT print19:09
TauNeutrinoI'll look after the permission19:10
ZiberSo, what, in layman's terms, does "kernel panic - not syncing" mean?19:10
ObrienDaveTauNeutrino... that would explain the current issue19:10
ZiberI've seen it a few times when rebooting a physical server, and just saw it when trying to boot a VM after install.19:11
TauNeutrinohm no I have all the rights19:11
apbZiber it means something went very wrong.  "not syncing" means any data that was in memory was not flushed to disk and so was lost.19:12
Marleneehow i can i make "/dev/vdb1"  the default instead of /dev/vda1   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6247245/19:13
angezanettino one know how to suspend to RAM a ubuntu ?19:13
angezanettii mean with command line19:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:13
TauNeutrinohm and if I want to download acroread it can't find the package19:13
DWSR_bekks: Though, if you prefer a TL;DR version: How I make Ubuntu not complaing about missing disk UUID on boot?19:13
DWSR_whoops, sorry for the highlight again.19:13
Ziberapb: What can I do to prevent this?19:14
zykotick9angezanetti: "sudo pm-suspend"19:14
TauNeutrinoGOD I have other stuff to do, always this messing around with linux -.-19:14
bekksDWSR_: The UUID does not exist.19:14
bekksZiber: You have to fix the issue - the screen content shows you some hint at least.19:15
RoryTauNeutrino: What pdf reader are you using?19:15
apbziber: check the kernel logs, figure out what went wrong.  Could be software, could even be hardware.19:15
hitsujiTMOTauNeutrino: is more than likely an error in the document itself causing it to crash. if you call the app by the terminal, you might get an output explaining the error in some form, but more than likely you will need to use another pdf reader to print the doc19:15
DWSR_bekks: You know, I come to this channel for enlightenment and assistance on issues with Ubuntu, and while I realize that you're not paid, it would behoove you to be a little more professional with your responses to people asking for help.19:15
ZiberRight now, the server in my house (I'm away at school) will encounter that error anytime I restart it. Not much I can do about it remotely.19:16
DWSR_bekks: I get that the UUID doesn't exist. Why doesn't it exist, and furthermore why can I not boot?19:16
hitsujiTMO!attitude | DWSR_19:16
ubottuDWSR_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:16
apbziber: if you can check the kernel logs then there's something you can do... do that.19:16
TauNeutrinoI have this standard document pdf viewer thing19:16
RoryTauNeutrino: You could also try uploading it to a service like Google Docs and seeing if you can print it from there?19:16
TauNeutrinoI can't download acroread, didn't find the package19:16
Ziberapb: Alright.19:17
RoryTauNeutrino: What Ubuntu version are you using? (use the command "cat /etc/issue" to check)19:17
ObrienDaveTauNeutrino... try xpdf. 878KB with dependencies. not sure if it will work for you though19:17
bekksDWSR_: you cannot boot because it doesnt exist. And I cant tell why it doesnt exist because I dont know how you installed ubuntu exactly. If you are unconfident with the free support you get, I will rest my case for giving others the chance to help you.19:17
TauNeutrinoI already tried to print it directly from the page I downloaded it19:17
meh32heya guys, ive been using ubuntu server to run my own web server, is it possible to move my webserver and whats running on it to ubuntu desktop instead?19:17
Rorymeh32: Yes, you can install the "ubuntu-desktop" package19:17
angezanettizykotick9: thx, it's better with a sudo :-)19:18
meh32Rory, on top of my ubuntu server? what does that do exactly?19:18
bekksTauNeutrino: Did you verify the pdf settings (in the file unprintable) are allowing printing?19:18
meh32Rory, it transforms my ubuntu server to ubuntu desktop?19:18
Rorymeh32: It's a metapackage it has a lot of dependencies19:18
YowlCan someone please help me with LUKS?19:18
TauNeutrinoI have ubuntu 13.0419:18
Rory!info ubuntu-desktop | meh3219:18
ubottumeh32: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.299 (raring), package size 3 kB, installed size 58 kB19:18
bekks!details | Yowl19:18
ubottuYowl: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:18
Rory!info acroread raring19:19
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in raring19:19
TauNeutrinoI download xpdf now, and I will look for this pdf setting thing bekks told me19:19
meh32Rory, so basicly instead of installing a new ubuntu desktop version, i just install the desktop package on my ubuntu server and thats it?19:19
Rorymeh32: Exactly :)19:19
RoryTauNeutrino: If that doesn't work, you need to enable the partner repository in your software sources settings19:19
meh32Rory, great, thanks dude19:19
ObrienDavemeh32... we try to make it easy... ;))19:19
meh32ObrienDave, if it is that easy, its great heheh im gonna create a backup now and test with it19:20
Yowlbekks: I have, over and over, and no reply, plus I got more long questions then can reasonably fit in one line19:20
ObrienDavemeh32... ok, good luck. let us know how it works for you19:20
Yowlbekks: So now I search for someone with knowledge of LUKS, and once I find him/her, I will get into the details19:21
meh32thanks, will try to do that19:21
bekksYowl: Good luck then.19:21
Yowlbekks: You don't know about LUKS?19:21
bekksYowl: Doesnt matter, because this isnt how support in here works :) I dont think someone in here will give you personal support, but instead you will be required to "just ask" and see which answers you will get :) Just my two cents...19:22
jhutchinsYowl: http://code.google.com/p/cryptsetup/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto319:22
TauNeutrinoIf I open the document with xpdf it freezes and disappears with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" in the terminal, and some other like random symbols19:23
bschindlHi - is it somehow possible (like in debian) to backport a saucy package by building from source and installing it into raring?19:23
jhutchinsYowl: The people you see here are just fellow usrs, mostly waiting for their own questions to be answerd.  I would appear that noone who is free to reply at the moment is confident in supporting luks.19:24
TauNeutrinoCurupted file??19:24
bekksTauNeutrino: That heavily sounds like the PDF is corrupted. And xpdf isnt capable of PDF/A/X DRM settings.19:24
jhutchinsTauNeutrino: corrupt pdf, corrupt reader program.  Try another reader?19:24
jhutchinsTauNeutrino: aptitude search ~dpdf19:25
TauNeutrinolol everything corrupted damn19:25
bekksTauNeutrino: Most likely, the PDF is protected by DRM.19:25
rethusis there a way to autofollow dependency with apt-get?19:26
TauNeutrinoand I deactivate DRM how??19:26
bekksTauNeutrino: By friendly asking the author of the PDF to provide a non-protected PDF.19:27
rethusso that i not need to write each packagename of needed packeges?19:27
TauNeutrinooh well ok I understand19:27
belgianguy:( turns out Windows Decoration is just a checkbox in CCSM19:27
belgianguyticked it and there they were19:28
geirharethus: I don't follow. apt already does that ...19:28
belgianguyhad to logoff to get _both_ Unity and Window Decoration, but here we are19:28
rethusi got many dependency errors, if i try to install19:29
TauNeutrinoand how can I find out if this is exactly the problem?19:29
TauNeutrinoThe file is from some prof at university19:29
bekksTauNeutrino: By friendly asking the author of the PDF...19:29
ObrienDaverethus... which package?19:29
TauNeutrinono, I mean if it is not a DRM problem19:29
TauNeutrinoor you sure??19:29
bekksTauNeutrino: I am pretty sure it is a DRM issue.19:30
TauNeutrinoI mean, I can't walk up to my prof and say: "Hey can you pls remove that DRM thing" And the doesn't know what the hell iam talking about19:31
TauNeutrinowould be awkeward I guess19:31
TauNeutrinosry for weird english19:31
hitsujiTMOTauNeutrino if its not drm, then its more than likely corrupt or what ever was used to generate it did not generate it propperly19:32
bekksTauNeutrino: You can friendly ask like: "Dear Sir, I am having problems printing your PDF. Is it possible that you used DRM to inhibit printing?"19:32
TauNeutrinowell, ok19:32
ObrienDaverethus... doing "sudo apt-get install kde-standard" wants to grab all of the dependences for me19:33
BluesKajTauNeutrino. if your prof added DRM to the pdf file , he would know it's protected , unless he got the file elsewhre and doesn't realize it's DRM'd19:33
rethusit this would be, i wouldn't ask here ;)19:33
rethushad installed backports before.19:34
ObrienDaverethus... maybe you need to check your repositories19:34
rethusi have remove them from source.list, but seems still appear19:34
rethuslibdecore5 installed 4.8.5 but 4.10.1 should installed19:35
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
rethusbut 4.8.5 gi fine, so i wonder, why apt still want to go to 4.10.119:36
C0mm4nd3rhi guys19:36
rethusis there something like a cache which are not cleaned with apt-get update?19:36
ObrienDavecould be. try " apt-get purge" and apt-get clean"19:37
rimmerhey guys, any idea when is 13.10. coming out? any time soon?19:37
tgm4883rimmer, tomorrow19:37
ObrienDaverimmer... within the next few days. can't wait19:37
BluesKajrimmer. tomorrow ..sometime , don't ask what time , that's a mystery :)19:38
ObrienDaverethus... then apt-get update. (i always forget that part LOL)19:38
NewToThiswhen i try to run airodump-ng mon0 it tells me there no device19:39
NewToThisSo anyone knows how to solve this?19:40
ObrienDaverethus... doing "sudo apt-get install kde-standard" gives me this::: http://pastebin.com/N66715ew19:40
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linxehI have renamed a user using usermod on 12.04, but the greeter (lightdm?) is still showing the old username, as is the username in the top right corner of the X session. Opening a terminal shows the right name - what do I need to do to refresh the names?19:43
ObrienDavesmoke break. brb19:43
astropirateHow can I get the PID of a process that is listening on a given port number?19:43
rethusnice, I know that this normaly the output, but not at me, at the moment.19:43
Piciastropirate: sudo netstat -tanp19:43
ObrienDaverethus... it's probably a repository setting issue19:44
=== larry is now known as Guest4255
C0mm4ndhi guys ! my ati radeon xpress 200  sometimes does not work, video turns white or striped and I have to reboot my PC. is there anyone who can help me?19:45
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TauNeutrinowell, ok thx for help19:48
belgianguyC0mm4nd: hey, I have a Radeon card as well19:49
belgianguywhat you're describing is a lock up, and I have had those as well19:49
sash87guys again I am back here19:49
neyder_Ok ActionParsnip19:50
belgianguythey usually occur when I'm doing something really GPU intensive, the Radeon seems to overheat and then I think it causes the pc to lock up19:50
neyder_hi there i want to remove odd characters from filenames in a directory with rename but i can't figure out how to do that, I wan to remove : < > Spaces19:50
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belgianguythe new kernels (3.11 and 3.12) seem to have a lot of ATI improvements in them, so that might help19:50
belgianguyor switching to the edgers ppa, or installing the propietary ATI driver19:51
Picineyder_: use rename.  something like: rename -n 's/[\:<> ]//g' *filenameglob*   (remove -n for it to actually do the renaming)19:51
belgianguyI tried the last option, have been re-enabling Unity for the rest of today :/19:51
=== hodapp is now known as Hodapp
belgianguyso it's a reasonable risk to take, I've broken it so many times I've gotten quite good at it19:52
belgianguyC0mm4nd3r: what kind of GPU do you have?19:52
belgianguyI have a Mobility FirePro in a HP laptop19:52
neyder_rename tells me:19:53
neyder_Unknown option:19:53
neyder_with each character off the filenames19:54
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
kamhello, I bought a brand new hard drive two days ago I have to erase it to exchange it, are there any tools in ubuntu to do that?19:56
kamthere's errors on the drive19:56
belgianguykam: look up DBA19:56
belgianguyit's based on Linux and bootable19:57
kambelgianguy: thanks!19:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:57
belgianguyand specializes in erasing19:57
Marleneetar -czf my.tar.gz dir/ /home/user   is that command right for compress folder and save it in difrrent location ?19:57
kamthanks belgianguy: but did u mean dban?19:58
belgianguykam: sorry, that should be DBAN http://www.dban.org/19:58
MalabarHello, i'm searching for a portable pc that's 100% compatible with ubuntu (budget 400 - 500$)19:58
kamyup got it thanks!19:58
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
jhutchinsneyder_: THis is exactly why you should not ask questions about one distro (ubuntu) in another channel (debian).19:58
ikoniaMarlenee: no, tar zcvf /place/to/store/backup.tar /place/you/want/to/backup19:58
=== owner__ is now known as Guest68008
NewToThisi keep getting this when i put it in monitor mode19:59
NewToThissudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor19:59
NewToThisError for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :19:59
NewToThis    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.19:59
jhutchinsNewToThis: What part of that response is not clear to you?19:59
ikoniawhy are you trying to put it into monitor mode, not call cards will support it19:59
neyder_jhutchins, a generic question20:00
NewToThiswhat am i supposed to do?20:00
ikoniawhy are you trying to put it into monitor mode, not call cards will support it20:00
NewToThisbecause aircrack requires it20:01
NewToThisand i noe mine does20:01
ikoniaNewToThis: why do you need aircrack20:01
NewToThisto test out network testing20:01
NewToThison my android AP20:01
Guest68008NewToThis, did you check your wifi is compatible?20:01
ikoniaNewToThis: you don't need aircrack to test a wireless network, just join the network to tets it20:01
NewToThistest if aircrack will hack the password!20:02
ikoniaNewToThis: I'll put money that this is broadcom network card20:02
blastermasterhi all20:02
ikoniaNewToThis: if you are using a secure protocol, it won't crack the password, set a secure password20:02
NewToThismonitor mode doesnt even work!20:02
ikoniaNewToThis: yeah, you'll have problems with the broadcom, stop trying to crack network passwords and just use a secure/sane password20:02
=== slashroot__ is now known as jMyles
ikoniaNewToThis: yes, I know it doesn't work, that's why I just said you'll have problems20:03
NewToThisbut it says that mon0 is in monitor mode20:03
blastermasterIm currently using ubuntu 13.10 final beta and i want to know if some one here has tried to use the wiiu pro controller since it is supported in the kernel 3.11 i have a problem with inverted analogs in steam. anyone?20:03
ikoniaNewToThis: where does it say that ?20:03
NewToThiswhen i type in airmon-ng start wlan020:04
ikoniaNewToThis: mon0 is a virtual device,20:04
NewToThisso it wont work?20:04
ikoniaNewToThis: basically, you'll be better just putting a secure password on the AP and using a secure protocol, such as WPA220:04
ikoniaNewToThis: just apply some common sense and you won't need to "test" it20:04
tozenNewToThis: hackin is a breaking the low ;)20:04
NewToThislearn to spell20:04
NewToThisand listen ikonia :20:04
NewToThisdo u know how to change the driver?20:05
NewToThisbecause this is the output i get under driver20:05
NewToThis modinfo b4320:05
k1lNewToThis: we dont give advice for possible breaking the law. if you really "need" to do this tasks you will want to read into the docu anyway20:05
NewToThisso ikonia?20:05
ikoniaNewToThis: not helping you as a.) I don't believe you are testing your own driver b.) your attitude towards me giving you advice just made me turn off, sorry20:05
NewToThisjesus christ i never knew people with knowledge were such brats20:06
ikoniaNewToThis: name calling is not going to help you get help from others20:06
bwaynek1l: were you trying to contact me earlier?20:07
NewToThisWhat is there to do in Ubuntu?20:07
cantomahey guys, is there a way of turning off the fan of a laptop. I already have a table fan under it which should do the job. I now want to turn off the fan since it is too noisy. Is there a way without having to open the laptop?20:07
ikoniaNewToThis: https://help.ubuntu.com20:08
ikoniaNewToThis: that will give you an introduction to it20:08
=== dave is now known as Guest78176
NewToThisturning off the fan? i have an asus g75vx and the only options is silent mode20:08
NewToThisim not sure u can tho20:08
k1lbwayne: sorry, i dont know20:08
harushimoquestion.  I was thinking about downloading the VM player plus directly from vm ware. I want to install it on my ubuntu machine20:09
harushimoWould that be a good idea to download and extract from source?20:09
ikoniaharushimo: downloading something you don't know how to use, and don't know if it's a "good idea" seems a bad idea20:10
harushimoI've done source install before. I want to break anything my system20:10
ikoniaharushimo: more so as vmware-player is not "source"20:10
ikoniait's binary files20:10
belgianguycantoma: the fan is there for a reason, turning it off is not in your best interest, I'd say open it up and blow it out with compressed air20:10
ikoniano need to apologies20:10
NewToThisCan you build programs that run directly in Ubuntu using the Pyhton IDE?20:10
ikoniaNewToThis: yes, as they run in python, ubuntu uses python so "yes"20:10
harushimoIs it a good idea to use bin file from vmware?20:11
OerHekscantoma, if your fan is full speed, maybe installing lm-sensors is your solution20:11
NewToThiswhat format do i save it as?20:11
pbxNewToThis - what do you mean by " the python IDE"?20:11
sam113101when will ubuntu 13.10 be out?20:11
harushimothey wrote it for linux. I don't see why it would be a problem20:11
ikoniaharushimo: thats up to you to decide, but using something you don't seem to understand does not seem like a "good" idea20:11
belgianguyemacs, of course :p20:11
pbxNewToThis - it sounds like your question is about your IDE and python programming, not ubuntu per se20:11
harushimoI've done bin installs before. Everytime I've install from ubuntu, my system has broke20:12
cantomabelgianguy, that has been done by a technician a few weeks ago .. he then told me if it comes back then you need to replace the fan20:12
ikoniaharushimo: ok, so using something you a.) can't use b.) breaks your system does not seem like a good idea20:12
luistthis new ubuntu is sooo slow on my virtual machine… can i remove the special effects and other junk?20:12
belgianguycantoma: replacing might help; but laptops are hard to take apart20:12
harushimoI agree with you20:12
cantomaOerHeks, I have lm-sensors20:12
Calinouluist: use another desktop environment20:12
harushimothen what is good vm software to use for linux?20:12
luistCalinou: like?20:13
cantomabelgianguy, look .. i have a table fan under the laptop20:13
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cantomabelgianguy, right now i just want to turn off the fan20:13
ObrienDaveluist... VMs are never as fast as a native OS20:13
ikoniaharushimo: they all have pros/cons, do some research see which one ticks your boxes20:13
cantomabelgianguy, it is keeping the laptop at 40C20:13
luistObrienDave: it was pretty fast with 12.0420:13
harushimookay. I will do that20:13
hitsujiTMOluist you can tweat the unity with unity-tweak-tool   i recommend turning off background blur in 'search'   .... if thaty doesnt help, you would be best to use al alternative DE such as gnome or xfce20:14
belgianguycantoma: there's a package called fancontrol20:14
belgianguybut I never used it20:14
belgianguyjust read about it now20:14
ObrienDaveluist... try Xubuntu or Kubuntu or Lubuntu for speed under a VM20:14
cantomabelgianguy, it says to use pwmconfig and then pwmconfig says Manual control mode not supported for your device20:15
belgianguycantoma: well there's always the physical way I guess20:15
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cantomabelgianguy, i just want to shut the fan NOW20:15
cantomabelgianguy, i dont have the tool here to open the laptop20:15
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cantomabelgianguy, unless i hit him with a hammer or a fork20:16
Calinouyou don't want to disable the fan.20:16
ObrienDavei want to do it NOW and I don't care if it melts the computer LMAO20:16
Calinouit spins for a reason20:16
who__i need help with magnetics links, in firefox. i have transmission(latest) but when i press on a link and choose transmission from its folder nothing happens20:16
cantomaCalinou, ObrienDave i have already said that there is a table fun under the laptop20:16
Calinouharushimo: virtualbox :>20:17
cantomaCalinou, ObrienDave i have already said that there is a table FAN under the laptop20:17
Calinoucantoma: it doesn't really help20:17
belgianguycantoma: a fan is in no daily activity meant to be stopped by a user20:17
Calinoutable fan is mostly marketing20:17
ObrienDavecantoma... good luck with that20:17
belgianguyso it won't be close to userland20:17
belgianguymaybe in BIOS20:17
harushimoI've tried virtualbox. It doesn't bode well with 64 bit processors20:18
cantomai am getting sick with this noise .. it is like a plane20:18
cantomai am getting sick with this noise .. it is like a plane taking off all the time20:18
harushimovirtual box is a good piece of software though20:18
ObrienDaveharushimo... I run Vbox 64. No problems so far20:18
belgianguycantoma: it's really hw related, so I'd say switch devices until new fan arrives20:18
harushimoI was going to install vmware player plus on the computer20:19
harushimoits a free for personal use20:19
harushimoI'll check out virtual box again20:19
cantomabelgianguy, i can see the temperature of the pc20:19
tozenhi all! trying to copy 6Gb video from my ubi 12.04.3 to external hdd (more then 160Gb free space) after 60-70% of copying shows not enough space on external hdd... suggestions gals? thx20:20
mjaykHello all, recently installted 13.10, then unity-tweak-tool. Previous versions of unity if I click on a window (via the launcher) that is not on my current workspace, it will switch to that workspace and window. This is not happening atm any ideas?20:20
ObrienDaveharushimo... did you install the GuestAdditions?20:20
cantomabelgianguy, it would be so nice to be able just to turn it off for a few minutes ... so that i could just try to write something in silence20:20
harushimoincluding the guest additions20:20
belgianguycantoma: switch off laptop, install irc app on phone20:20
cantomabelgianguy, i need the laptop i use latex20:21
harushimoI haven't done the install for vmware yet. I downloaded the bundle from their website. I am about to do it20:21
ObrienDavebelgianguy... best idea yet today ;))20:21
Newfire_Hi to all20:21
ObrienDaveharushimo... have not used VMware. Let me know how you like it20:22
cantomabelgianguy, and i am not on irc on the laptop20:22
harushimofor sure20:22
cantomabelgianguy, i am using a windows desktop pc to get to irc20:22
ShadowStriderDoes someone have any idea why my super (Windows) key is not working? My keyboard is Logitech G710+20:22
ObrienDaveShadowStrider... does it work under another OS?20:23
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belgianguycantoma: prioritize, instead of asking for a (nigh impossible) fix which will mostly be a band-aid, start looking for a solution (which is a new fan)20:23
ShadowStriderIn windows 7 64bit20:23
cantomabelgianguy, i have ordered a new fan from ebay20:24
ObrienDaveShadowStrider... Is your keyboard code correct for this version of Ubuntu?20:24
cantomabelgianguy, i will then ask my friend to replace it20:24
ShadowStriderI'm using ubuntustudio 12.04 64 bit20:24
belgianguycantoma: have no spare machine around? an old XP box doing nothing?20:24
cantomabelgianguy, but for the moment it is impossible to work with this machine20:24
ObrienDaveShadowStrider... Is your keyboard code correct for YOUR version of Ubuntu?20:24
cantomabelgianguy, i am going to put a live cd in this pc and try to work from it20:24
ShadowStriderHow can I find that one out?20:25
cantomabelgianguy, i will have to copy some stuff20:25
ObrienDaveback in a flash20:25
cantomabelgianguy, i have tried to work with headphones but it sounds impossible20:26
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belgianguycantoma: find another machine, remove hdd if you have to and start ubuntu on another device20:27
rangergordHi. How do I suspend/hibernate (ie copy memory to a file, so next time PC boots, the state of the open programs is restored) in Ubuntu 12.04? All I see in the shutdown menu is Restart and Shutdown. I also see Log off.20:27
belgianguybooting from it might even work if you're lucky, or put in in a case for an external drive, and approach it that way20:27
cantomabelgianguy, i am copying stuff to an USB pen20:27
belgianguycantoma: that works, too20:28
ShadowStriderwell I googled that one out and it seems to be 13320:28
=== texla is now known as moes
ychuHello all20:29
ObrienDaveok, sort of a flash ;)20:29
ShadowStrideryes, but is that the right keyboard code?20:30
ObrienDaverangergord... http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation20:30
ychuI m lookin for an app yo build a geek resume on ubuntu20:31
ychuAny help20:31
k1lychu: can you rephrase?20:32
daftykins'geek resume' ?20:32
trippleresume for university?20:32
ObrienDaveychu... any word processor will do that. I like LibreOffice20:32
trippleim guessing u want to build an app to make ur resume look good20:33
belgianguyychu: I'd say first find a topic you like, and a programming language you like, and that resume will build itself20:33
trippleI will guide u my son -->20:34
trippleI do android app programming20:34
belgianguyand then learn to use git/svn (companies love that)20:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:34
trippleand if u want any help i can  support u20:34
ubottuThe Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.20:34
trippleso has anyone downloaded securedrop yet?20:35
trippledo u noe wat it is?20:36
trippleits wat aaron swartz left behind20:36
Picitripple: What does this have to do with Ubuntu support?20:36
OerHekstripple, as it is not in the repos, it is not supported here20:36
Pici!guidelines > tripple20:37
ubottutripple, please see my private message20:37
belgianguywhat kernel will ship on 13.10?20:38
belgianguyor is that for -new?20:38
tripplehow do you import git repositories and edit the code?20:38
ObrienDaveask in #ubuntu+120:38
belgianguytripple: there's #android-dev, too20:39
Picitripple: check your git documentation.20:39
belgianguyand probably one for git, too20:39
belgianguythanks hitsujiTMO, I'll keep the rest for +120:40
harushimoi'm trying to setup openstack on ubuntu server20:40
harushimoI'm doing it as VM. How many VMs would people prefer for me to setup for openstack20:40
harushimoI'm curious20:40
reisioharushimo: why as a vm?20:41
harushimoI can mess around with it20:41
belgianguyCould he use Juju to deploy OpenStack?20:41
SoltisIs there a way to install LibreOffice without installing the associated X11 packages? I want it for server use only, and I don't want that junk cluttering up my machine.20:41
belgianguyit's something from the back of my head, no idea if relevant20:41
SoltisI mean, some "nice" way.20:42
harushimoI don't have an extra computer to spare for openstack20:42
harushimoI didn't juju had something for openstack20:42
reisioSoltis: I'm not sure, even if you compiled it yourself I'm not sure you can get just the non-X utils20:42
PiciSoltis: pass the --no-install-recommends argument to apt-get20:42
Soltisreisio: The odd thing is that X11 isn't mentioned in the deps of libreoffice-base20:42
reisiooh wait no, here it is20:43
harushimoI thought they stop doing development on X1120:43
reisiogtk is optional20:43
belgianguyharushimo: I just googled "juju openstack" and it has quite some hits20:43
harushimooh okay20:43
harushimobelgianguy - i was setup a server vm20:44
harushimowould that be okay?20:45
blueeyezanyone in here using wine?20:45
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:45
reisioblueeyez: probably someone20:45
daftykinsblueeyez: they have a channel :D20:45
Piciharushimo: are you asking us for permission?20:45
SunTsublueeyez: lots of people prolly, please just ask your question20:45
blueeyezi know, but getting no response in there20:46
belgianguyharushimo: I really don't know, it just stuck with me20:46
blueeyezi cant get wine to use my dvd drive...20:46
belgianguybit of a jack of all trades20:46
belgianguyharushimo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mspwQfoYQks20:46
blueeyezprobably wrong path, but i've tried quite a lot now20:46
reisioblueeyez: why would you want it to20:46
harushimoPici - I just want to know the prefer method20:47
blueeyezbecause i got freerip pro for windows (i do backup of my music cds with that and it seems to be only program not failing)20:47
harushimoI see virtualization being used a lot in enterprises. I thought I can setup a vm and learn openstack that way20:47
reisioblueeyez: never heard of it, would you like to know a superior free native application you could use?20:47
harushimocouple years ago, someone told me I need like six computers to do this20:47
daftykinsblueeyez: it's all about EAC (exact audi copy)20:48
jpdsharushimo: You /could/ run opnestack on one beefy machine.20:48
reisioharushimo: so you're going to use it just because you think other people use it?20:48
jpdsharushimo: I'm doing it right now.20:48
blueeyezreisio already tried sound juicer and it fails20:48
reisioblueeyez: I didn't say sound juicer, but how does it fail?20:48
harushimoI have pretty good machine20:48
G33kDudeIs wget supposed to hang after finishing?20:48
reisioG33kDude: not really20:49
blueeyezit just get stuck..20:49
harushimoI'm going to use it and eventually let others use it(as of right now, no)20:49
reisioblueeyez: k, well, if you are serious about ripping, get rubyripper20:49
G33kDudereisio: It finished downloading, said it finished, and it's just sitting there. It hasn't returned to the shell.20:49
reisioblueeyez: and configure it properly20:49
reisioG33kDude: hit enter20:49
blueeyezill try that reisio :)20:49
jpdsharushimo: #ubuntu-server is probably a better place for this.20:49
G33kDudereisio: Thank you, that worked. I had no idea :D20:49
harushimoi'm asking here if people have done it20:50
feitingenG33kDude: did your url have any ampersands in it? ampersand=&20:50
belgianguyharushimo: he tried to help, people ther might have more experience with it :)20:51
jhutchinsblueeyez: Last I checked both Gnome and KDE would rip music CDs from the filemanager.  There are dozens of utilities in linux, and it's not hard to do manually.20:51
reisioblueeyez: http://www.accuraterip.com/driveoffsets.htm20:51
reisioG33kDude: sometimes tings don't work out perfectly and the shell just happens to not get you back to a prompt20:52
reisioG33kDude: visually, that is20:52
harushimojpds - thank you20:52
reisiojhutchins: yeah that's for tourists, though :)20:52
datengartenhi. can anyone help me on the "ping" command?20:54
reisiodatengarten: on?20:54
datengartento check my connection, lately i ping-ed some google nameserver ( - reliable and easy to remember). along with particularly long ping times (1600 ms instead of 23 ms as usually) it gave me the note "pipe 2" at the end of the output, directly after the statistics part.20:54
datengartenwhat does this "pipe 2" mean?20:54
bekksdatengarten: http://www.think-lamp.com/2009/03/the-hidden-power-of-ping/ comment #1020:55
jhutchinsdatengarten: try googling "ping pipe 2".  Lots o' info.20:56
Muhammad_I installed xdm and then chose it as my window manager. When I restarted my system it's using xdm and I can't use ubuntu at all. Nothing is here. Only official ubuntu wallpaper is on my desktop.20:56
harushimothanks everyone20:56
Muhammad_How can I solve this problem?20:56
feitingenreisio: do you know a good alternative to flac?20:56
reisioMuhammad_: chose it how?20:56
reisiofeitingen: the format or the encoder?20:57
feitingenreisio: the format20:57
reisiofeitingen: there isn't really a better choice if you want lossless, no20:57
datengartenbekks: i read that, and i didn't understand it :(20:57
ivan_when ubuntu 13.10 official release is going to be available?20:57
reisioivan_: tomorrow supposedly20:57
feitingenrethus: bummer..20:57
Muhammad_reisio: It opened me a window where there were two options 1) xdm 2)ligh**. Then I chose xdm. That's it.20:57
reisiofeitingen: why? :p20:58
bekksdatengarten: What exactly is unclear?20:58
ivan_tommorow is about one hour, I am in central european time :D20:58
reisioMuhammad_: there's no input box?20:58
ivan_resio: tommorow is about one hour, I am in CET (central european time) :D20:58
alesanhi why do I have in my resolv.conf? why don't I have the one assigned by the dhcp servers?20:58
reisioivan_: heh20:59
Muhammad_reisio: Nothing.20:59
rethusfeitingen: ? You mean my fight with kde for the whole day now? You're right!20:59
bekks!dnsmasq | alesan20:59
reisioivan_: it could be tomorrow GMT, I don't know20:59
feitingenalesan: dnsmasq took over dns resolving20:59
reisioMuhammad_: the simplest way might be to CTRL+ALT+F2, sudo apt-get remove xdm && sudo apt-get install lightdm20:59
ivan_resio: tomorrow GMT is in 2h20:59
datengartenbekks: i roughly (very roughly) know the concept of pipes - but what has it got to do with ping; especially in this context?20:59
alesanivan_, in which country are you in CET now???? You should be in CEST21:00
reisioivan_: entirely possible21:00
Piciivan_: there has never been a set time for the release.21:00
reisiodatengarten: different concept21:00
alesanivan_, and you do not observe summer time there?21:00
alesanbekks, can I uninstall it and make the system normal?21:00
alesanfeitingen, why would one have something like that? can I remove it?21:01
bekksalesan: It is normal, since your system just caches DNS queries.21:01
ivan_still summer time,i guess winter time is next weekend. EU rule...I'm not russian as my name maybe suggest to someone21:01
Muhammad_reisio: Is there any other option? My host OS is OS X and I'm running ubuntu on a Mac. Well, F2 doesn't mean correct.21:01
rmacQuick question about unity launcher21:01
Muhammad_reisio: It's running on VirtualBox.21:01
alesanbekks, that is not normal. I should have my network's DNS in resolv.conf. It has been like that for hundreds of years21:02
rmacCan it be configured to launch websites that I pass variables to?21:02
belgianguyrmac: there used to be webapps, if that's what you meant21:02
reisioMuhammad_: ah, I forget how to do that, #vbox would know21:02
bekksalesan: When running a DNS cache, it is normal. If you dont want that, disable NetworkManager and configure the usage of DHCP in /etc/network/interfaces manually.21:02
rmacFor example, I would love to configure it to launch robtex with an IP21:02
reisioMuhammad_: but yeah you can fix it from your live OS, too21:02
rmacTo build a url with parameters I pass in21:03
reisioMuhammad_: or you can edit the grub entry during bootup and include ' single' at the end of the kernel line21:03
=== banisterfiend is now known as beastieboy
alesanbekks, so I need to disable network manager entirely to disable this small thing?21:03
bekksalesan: Yes.21:03
alesanbekks, are the network settings very granular in Ubuntu?21:03
bekksalesan: At least as far as I know.21:03
bekksalesan: Define "very granular".21:03
belgianguyrmac: http://askubuntu.com/questions/207634/url-in-launcher21:04
belgianguylike that?21:04
rmacI used to use something like gnome-do to do this.21:04
alesanbekks, that if you want to change a small thing you have to disable network manager and setup everything by hand21:04
alesanincluding wpa_supplicant21:04
rmacbelgianguy: Not really.21:04
bekksalesan: That has nothing to do with "very granular". You can do all those things manually if you like. Or just use a DNS cache, which works fine.21:04
Muhammad_reisio: Sorry for this newbie question. Which command I should run during boot up to change that kernel line?21:05
rmacbelgianguy: I am looking for a more "interactive" way to do this.21:05
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
alesanbekks, /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf comment out dns=dnsmasq21:05
rmacbelgianguy: I hate to say this here, but I think window actually does this well with desktop search bar21:05
rmacbelgianguy: Yea, I know tastes bad as it comes from my mouth21:05
alesanplease do not say one has to disable all network manager to change a small setting next time21:05
belgianguyrmac: ? Use whatever gets the job done21:06
bekksHe didnt even read all lines I posted...21:06
sienezhi. When I try to run evince (the pdf viewer), I get 'evince: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'. I have echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH -> /usr/local/lib. Inside is the file libgtk-3.so.021:06
rmacbelgianguy: But the nice this with Windows deskbar that I would like to replicate in Ubuntu/unity is the shortcut feature.21:06
belgianguyI think I get what you want, and I think the terminal would be best suited21:07
bekkssienez: Did you manually install evince?21:07
sienezbekks, no, it shipped withy my distro21:07
reisioMuhammad_: old down shift, you should get a grub/boot menu21:07
rmacbelgianguy: Agreed, but I would love to use unity or another launcher to get this done.21:07
reisioMuhammad_: if it doesn't have instructions, I think it's 'e' to edit21:07
bekkssienez: Why did you put some libbs into /usr/local/lkib then?21:07
ipfaffyhas anyone here set up radius with a cisco AP and freeradius?21:09
sienezbekks, i don't remember21:09
datengartenjhutchins, bekks: ok, "packets under way" would have been the short and simple answer. i looked via google before, but didn't find something appropriate. now this answered my question: http://www.vincentverhagen.nl/2009/06/13/what-does-the-pipe-value-mean-in-the-output-of-ping/21:09
sienezbekks, but why doesn't it find the file, when it's definitely there21:09
bekkssienez: Because its the wrong lib maybe. Did you try to disable the usage of /usr/local/lib if you dont remember why you are using it?21:10
sienezbekks, no. i also have the same file available here: ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.021:11
sienezbekks, so it exists 2x21:11
sienezbekks, but the 2nd one is not on ld_library_path21:11
bekkssienez: Sounds like there is pretty much broken then...21:12
sienezbekks, ummm.. how to recover then21:12
sienezbekks, should I add the 2nd dir to ld_library_path?21:12
bekkssienez: Disable the usage of things you configured and dont remember why :)21:12
sienezbekks, haha sounds good. how would I do that21:13
sienezremove from search path?21:13
bekkssienez: I dont know what you did and why you did it exactly.21:13
sienezbekks, what do you mean by "disable"21:14
bekkssienez: You somehow cofigure the usage of /usr/local/lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH - so you should undo that.21:15
sienezbekks, oh yea. i ran ldconfig. before that I had an empty ld_config_path21:15
sienezbekks, which seemed more suspicious to me...21:15
apbAnybody using an external enclosure with ubuntu?  Is there anything special to be done, or is it just another USB device to ubuntu?  12.04 server here21:16
bekksapb: External enclosure for what...?21:16
apboh.  hard drive21:17
bekksapb: It is a harddisk to ubuntu, nothing special - just unmount before pulling the cable.21:17
JRizzlehow is it developing in Rails on ubuntu versus mac os ?21:18
JRizzleany major differences ?21:18
apbany recommendations on a brand either plus or minus?21:18
SunTsuapb: depends on what you use as interface. USB - just another USB drive. eSATA: Just another SATA drive21:18
apbwas thinking about getting either a Rockwell or a Vantec enclosure21:19
SunTsuapb: I'd rather get a hdd from a good vendor like WD and buy a enclosure separately, else you don't knwo what you end up with21:19
apbno I have the HD... just need the enclosure to recover data21:19
apbmy mobo seems to have gone bellyup... so need to recover the data21:20
SunTsuapb: I don't think that the difference between different enclosure vendors is very high21:20
apbwell... just reading some reviews... as always there's some people that love it, and some that hate it... but almost no mention of use with linux so I like to come here and ask21:21
rethusif i try to install kde-standard, i got a message (translatet sounds like this) : kde-plasma-desktop >=5:71~pre15ubuntu12.5) but should not be installed21:21
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rethushow can i fix this?21:21
rethuscan i force to install them?21:21
apbthanks for the help SunTsu and bekks :)21:22
ChogyDanrethus: what are you trying to do?21:22
SertiliosHey I just installed xbmcbuntu on my computer and I really need some assistance21:22
SertiliosI can't even get the internet to work and everytime I attempt to open xbmc it crashes back to log in or back to xbxmcbuntu21:22
rethusinstall plasma desktop21:22
SunTsuapb: it doesn't make a difference, it's all mass storage over USB21:23
ChogyDanrethus: maybe try installing kubuntu-desktop21:23
SertiliosCan someone help me with configuring my new installing?21:23
rethusthis has also many of this entrys21:24
savidWhat program controls messages such as "The program foobar is not currently installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install foobar."? I'm getting an erroneous error message from this when running a command that exists.21:25
Sivikanyone know what the cqueue/# kernel process is?21:25
rethusI don't understand, where this flag is set, that this needed pachages are not able to install21:25
Sertilioscan someone help me figur eout how to install the internet on ubuntu for frodo?21:25
ChogyDanrethus: can you pastebin the entire msg?  That would help me follow along, even if it isn't in english.21:26
rethus:D how? I have no x21:27
grimetonrethus: some command | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us21:27
rethuscan i pipe the output to this?21:28
grimetonrethus: yes to the curl command21:28
grimetonit returns an url21:28
ChogyDanrethus: there is also pastebinit:  command | pastebinit21:28
Siviklove the sprunge.us21:28
rethushas GHeP behind the url21:29
hitsujiTMOSertilios: xbmcbuntu is not supported here: try #xbmc21:29
grimetonrethus: paste the url here21:29
savidI just have a sprunge script that I use:  http://sprunge.us/DFGP?bash21:29
savidThen I do stuff like this in vim:  :'<,'>w !sprunge21:30
rethuscool stuff, that sprunge.us21:31
apbSunTsu: Normally I would have assumed that was true... but then I noticed some of the enclosures say things like "Support for Windows 7 and MacOS"... so when I see things like that I try to exercise a little extra due diligence before plunking down cash I don't really have.21:31
ChogyDanrethus: what happens when you run sudo apt-get install plasma-desktop21:31
grimetonrethus: is this a 13.04?21:31
ChogyDanrethus: and plasma-widgets-workspace?21:33
grimetonrethus: is this a 13.04?21:34
trippleis it possible to create an application that automatically downloades torrents for you?21:34
Ari-Yangtripple: anything is possible21:34
savidThere's something that ubuntu adds to bash that causes it to check apt for whether or not a package is installed when running a command. Where is this?21:34
SunTsutripple: that's what torrent clients are for21:34
grimetonrethus: run an apt-get update and try again - just to make sure21:34
ubottudeluge is a Bittorent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured cliekt to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce. See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or the package 'deluge-torrent' in the package repositories.21:34
rethushave still done that21:34
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P21:34
tripplei mean like lets say another edition of something u want comes out every week21:34
tripplean application that does this automatically21:35
ChogyDanrethus: what about the output of apt-cache policy on some of these packages?21:35
trippleubottu: these clients do this?21:35
ubottutripple: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:35
SunTsutripple: there are services that provide rss feeds for that, else how would the client know?21:35
ChogyDanrethus: or maybe I should ask how you got in this mess?21:35
grimetontripple: that's no problem - try perl or python or something like that21:35
rethuswhat the command for it?21:35
rethusapt-get policy ?21:35
grimetonrethus: run an apt-get -f install21:36
tripplebut when i develop how does it work?? does it just add onto the previous link?21:36
ChogyDanrethus: apt-cache policy packagename21:36
tripplelike if it was kat.ph/movie121:36
tripplegoes to21:36
kostkontripple, deluge and qbitorrent i think can subscribe to torrent rss feeds etc21:36
duboneHello All, I have a vm running Ubuntu from Ubuntu and it has been running fine for months until last night I rebooted the vm and it is now stuck on "Boot from (hd0,0) ext4 - Starting up ... Here is my libvirt.log http://pastebin.com/yArg0FaP21:37
tripplebut i want to build my own!21:38
grimetontripple: then you have to use your brain and think about how todo it21:38
trippleYes u are rite...21:38
kostkontripple, then use e.g. bash or puthon21:38
jhutchinstripple: Maybe sickbeard?21:38
Ari-Yangtripple: this is an ubuntu support channel... what you're asking for isn't really ubuntu support21:38
rethusI've installed the 12.04.3 Kernel-Upgrade. Aftes this, i could login, but no window-border appaer. So i try to got this to work, and step by step i had a messed up system now, without kde at all.21:39
trippleill slither off into my sleep....21:39
trippleuntil next time...21:39
grimetonrethus: can you run apt-get -f install ?21:39
ChogyDanrethus: I would keep trying to install packages, until you get a more meaningful message.  Maybe try plasma-dataengines-workspace next21:39
lenzeorHey there! I heard 13.10 drops tomorrow. Is upgrading still as unsafe as it used to be? Im on 13.0421:39
MrKBSo I had Ubuntu running on a P4 box, I went ahead and moved the HDD and the CPU to another box which has more RAM and a discrete video card. Now I'm having weird graphical artifacts. Is this because I need to get me some video card drivers?21:39
rethusdoes nothing at all21:39
MrKBNote: Everything else works fine, or seems to at least.21:40
rethussay its all ok21:40
grimetonrethus: that means that your packages are fine21:40
grimetonrethus: dpkg --get-selections | grep -v install21:40
ChogyDanrethus: ?  sudo apt-get install plasma-dataengines-workspace says it is already installed?21:40
rethusdpkg returns nothing21:41
rethusi try21:41
grimetonrethus: then there aren't any blocked packages21:41
grimetoni'd try a different mirror21:41
grimetonjust 4 fun21:41
rethusalso an dependency error21:41
grimetonrethus: try a different mirror21:42
rethuskde-pim runtime21:42
grimetonmaybe you hit something in between updates21:42
ChogyDanrethus: grimeton might be right.  You can still keep following the error if you like, by trying to install kde-pim next, so on and so forth21:43
larryrusswurmHi all: Just upgraded a 10.04 computer to 13.04 (Ubiquity on the live CD allowed this), but after an apt-get upgrade the network is no longer connecting (Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit PCI). Network Manager still lists the device, but it never connects. Known problem? If so, easy fix?21:43
rethusI've done this for the last 6 hours21:43
rethusturn arround and arround and around21:44
grimetonrethus: it's a 12.04.3 lts?21:44
rethussame stuff all the time21:44
grimetonrethus: installed as 12.04.3 or updated from an earlier version?21:44
rethusi don't know, i think bare installation.21:45
ObrienDaverethus... yes, and I suggested enabling ALL of the standard repositories, hours ago21:45
rethusit was some time ago21:45
ChogyDanrethus: oh, and maybe try aptitude.  That can have much better error messages in these regards21:45
grimetonrethus: can you do a dpkg -l and pipe that to sprunge?21:45
grimetonis it a server or a desktop install?21:46
rethusObrienDave: ?21:46
ChogyDanrethus: one last suggestion: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop^          with the ^   post the output of that21:46
grimetonrethus: is this an i386 or an amd64 setup?21:47
rethusChogyDan:  http://sprunge.us/XNTU21:49
ChogyDanrethus: did you install a ppa?21:49
rethusbefore i had backports21:50
rethusbut is still disabled in source.list21:50
karen_I went to Linux channel and it says, "Cannot send to channel." How do I get on the linux channel?21:50
ChogyDanrethus: hmmm, maybe you need to have used the ppa-purge command21:50
ChogyDankaren_: is your nick registered?21:51
rethussounds good. how to made this21:51
karen_I don't know. How do you do that?21:51
lenzeor I currently use a PPA to get a proprietary driver for my graphics card. (AMD Legacy) Any way to port that over to 13.10 when I upgrade?21:52
rethuskaren_ write   /nickserv identify yourNickName YourPasswd21:52
tgm4883note there is no space before the /21:53
ChogyDan!register | karen_21:53
ubottukaren_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:53
karen_o.k. thanks guys!21:53
ChogyDanrethus: well, I think the simplest fix would be to just use aptitude: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop  And then let aptitude resolve these errors.  It is more designed for this21:55
rethussame stuff21:55
ChogyDanrethus: you want to pick the solution that downgrades the various packages21:55
rethustrying the whole day with dpkg, apt-get and aptitude21:56
rethuswhats that ppa-purge?21:56
rethushow i use this21:56
k1l!ppa-purge | rethus21:56
ubotturethus: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:56
rethusstrange, aptitude has now some stuff to do21:58
rethuswill see, if it work now … is still loading21:58
marielleI need to find files that end with " .sh " and that do not have letters from 'm' to 'p'.   I've tried       find / -name "*[^m-p]**.sh"       but it's not working well, could anyone help me please? Thanks22:00
julianI'm trying to use Taskell22:01
julianI select the package I want in the GUI22:01
=== julian is now known as Guest26179
Guest26179Right, I'm trying to install a LAMP stack using taskell22:02
SunTsumarielle: what does "not working well" mean exactly?22:02
cZexHi. I need help. I played with emerald theme manager and some compiz settings. Now whenever i hit alt+tab my ubuntu 12.04 stucks and i can only reset the pc. Is there any fix or revert to default or something?22:02
Guest26179I start taskell, select LAMP server, hit enter, and nothing.22:02
Guest26179Taskell just disappears? Any ideas?22:02
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ChogyDanGuest26179: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^22:03
ChogyDanwith ^22:04
cZexHi. I need help. I played with emerald theme manager and some compiz settings. Now whenever i hit alt+tab my ubuntu 12.04 stucks and i can only reset the pc. Is there any fix or revert to default or something?22:04
marielleSunTsu: some of the files found end with  .sh  but still have letters 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' in them22:04
Guest26179ChogyDan Unable to locate package lamp-server22:05
ChogyDaninclude the ^22:05
SunTsumarielle: did you try -regex instead of -name?22:05
spydonAny ideas at what time 13.10 will be released?22:06
Guest26179ChogyDan: hehe you did say22:06
k1lspydon: no time given. see #ubuntu-release-party22:06
Guest26179ChogyDan: Thankyou very much22:06
ChogyDanGuest26179: EVERYONE thinks it's a typo  :)22:06
Guest26179ChogyDan: haha :)22:07
spydonk1l: it doesn't say anything about the release time there and it's completely dead compared to a few years ago. :(22:07
spydonNot even a partybot.22:08
k1lspydon: as i said: there is no specific release time.22:08
spydonk1l: ok, thanks.22:08
k1lspydon: and if you know that already from the last years why do you ask?22:08
spydonk1l: that there is no time or about the channel?22:09
spydonLast year there was some people with rough estimations22:09
k1lthat there is no specific time. (but the question was more rhetorical)22:09
basedgodCan someone help? http://hastebin.com/mepeqosori.vhdl22:09
benoit_hello all22:10
spydonk1l: there is no specific official time, that doesn't mean that nobody knows. ;)22:10
benoit_i just notice medibuntu disapeared, anyone can tell what to do to install w32codecs please ?22:10
basedgodI am using crunch bang 11 but they are not helping at all with this problem for some reason. http://hastebin.com/mepeqosori.vhdl22:10
basedgod i think unbuntu files are same as crunch?22:10
k1lbasedgod: please see the crunchbang support22:10
basedgodthey are not helping -_-22:11
basedgodthey are ignoring me22:11
basedgodisn't it the same file tho?22:11
k1lbasedgod: please see if there are other support ways for crunchbang. its not supported in here22:11
MrKBwhat does modprobe do? Every time I reboot my ubuntu install, I need to run "sudo modprobe -rfv rtl8192cu" and "sudo modprobe -v 8192cu" to get my stupid WiFi dongle to connect to my network22:12
ObrienDaveMrKB... you can put those commands in a script file and auto run it on boot22:13
ChogyDanMrKB: try adding the names to /etc/modprobe    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/225845/how-do-i-configure-modprobe-to-find-my-module22:13
MrKBObrienDave: That sounds like a good idea22:13
Guest26179ChogyDan: Hi, I'm getting the "It works!" page so I think everything's working22:13
Guest26179ChogyDan: but what directory do I place my PHP directories in?22:13
Guest26179*Php applications22:14
MrKBChogyDan But why is that though? What is happening that those commands need to be run all the time?22:14
ChogyDanGuest26179: yeah, sounds like it.  /var/www i think22:14
ChogyDanMrKB: it tells linux to load the driver22:14
MrKBChogyDan: Why doesn't it load automatically? Will I need to do the same with all drivers that are not near-universal?22:15
Guest26179ChogyDan: Spot on, thanks22:16
ChogyDanMrKB: maybe, I'm not familiar with how drivers get automatically loaded.  But I don't think it is a part of default linux22:16
MrKBObrienDave: Do you know why?22:16
ObrienDaveMrKB... no, not sure, sorry22:17
MrKBChogyDan ObrienDave: Ok thanks guys :)22:17
rethusi have an asus n76vz, how can i find out, which intel-driver i need22:19
ElFizbaniowhen is the next lts supposed to come out?22:20
karen_I do not get how to register, you guys!22:21
BuzZBladEElFizbanio, it's scheduled for next april22:22
BuzZBladErethus, i think intel keeps all thier chipset drivers in one package22:23
rethusdo you know how it's named?22:24
karen_Just want to get on another channel and don't know how. That page on registering doesn't make sense. I don't know where the "server" is to type any info.22:26
pilotteHow can I permanently set softtabstop for vim?22:26
ElFizbaniono rethus22:26
rethuskaren_:  try   /join #otherChannel22:26
MrKBI have downloaded a .tar.bz2 file (there's also a .tgz available to me if that would work better) of SuperPI. How do I go about installing such a program on 12.04?22:26
karen_I do try that, but when I type in, for example, Linux, it takes me there, but it says that I can't connect to it.22:27
rethusif i startx, i got a message that no screens found22:27
rethushow can i configure them22:27
BuzZBladEkaren, try /join ##Linux22:28
erik_EEDoes anybody know what time we will be expecting ubuntu 13.10 final and it's flavors? Here in NZ we have 17-th already22:29
karen_k, will try22:29
Ben64erik_EE: probably over 24 hours away22:29
BuzZBladEerik_EE, its 10/16 6pm'ish here in the us22:29
OerHekserik_EE, join #ubuntu-release-party and you will notice when22:29
erik_EEok thanks!22:30
asc232<erik_EE> dont know22:30
ObrienDaveI'm zsyncing the current build. I'm going to be ready ;)22:30
tgm4883it's already available if you know where to get it22:31
Wash_JonesHey all - anyone know why Ubuntu 12.04 won't save my brightness settings? Every time I restart the brightness is very low and I have to bring it back up manually.22:31
karen_o.k. it says    ##Linux Cannot send to channel22:31
Inji0anyone here try edubuntu?22:32
ObrienDaveWash_Jones... set it where you want, save current session in "Sessions and Startup"22:32
asc232becouse is /join #linux no #Linux22:32
karen_I should write that better. It says, "##Linux  :Cannot send to Channel"22:33
Ben64!register | karen_22:33
ubottukaren_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:33
Piciasc232: irc channels are case insensitive.22:33
karen_o.k. but I don't get where to type in all that info they say to type in. They say to type that in your "server". Where is that?22:34
Wash_JonesThanks - where do I modify sessions and startup? All I'm seeing is "Startup Applications"22:34
Ben64karen_: where you are typing now22:34
erik_EEJust out of curiosity! Has anyone managed to get AMD/Intel switchable graphic work properly in linux? I have Aspire timeline x with AMD HD 5650 and Intel switchable graphics.22:34
karen_OH!    o.k.22:35
BuzZBladEkaren, its fine to type it in here as well, we won't see the command22:35
asc232<Pici> but if i type /join #Linux22:35
ObrienDaveWash_Jones... not sure where in Ubuntu. I run Xubuntu ;))22:35
pilotteHow can I permanently set softtabstop for vim?22:35
asc232I got  No pudo entrar a #Linux (El canal es sólo para invitados).22:35
ikoniaasc232: the channel is "##linux" not "#linux"22:35
ObrienDave!es | asc23222:36
ubottuasc232: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:36
asc232<ikonia> sorry22:36
Wash_JonesWell that still sounds like a good start, thanks! Anyone in #Ubuntu running Ubuntu..?22:36
BuzZBladEasc232, he wasnt following chat22:36
ObrienDaveWash_Jones... most of THEM do ;))22:37
smandyhi all - have a quick q. Haven't been able to find on google. Any idea how I can change cursor blink frequency if running a tty console? - cursor seems to be very frantic want to slow it down a bit.22:37
Picipilotte: likely via your ~/.vimrc file.  You probably want to ask #vim for more details though.22:37
karen_Oh my gosh, what a mess up in registering. Someone needs to explain those instructions a little better. I didn not register right.22:44
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meajagunrails dev materials22:45
ikoniameajagun: try to talk in sentences, rather than keywords22:46
systemd0wnQuestion: I'm working on getting a wireless card with the rt3573 chipset. It won't change channels in monitor mode. Anyone have ideas?22:50
karen_uhhh did you guys see that?22:51
erik_EEsee what?22:52
karen_my e-mail address and my password or is it hid from you. I'm trying to register.22:52
systemd0wnlol. we didn't see that.22:53
ikoniakaren_: join #freenode and ask for help if you need help/confirmation22:53
SunTsukaren_: what registration are you talking about? nickserv?22:53
erik_EEno didn't see anyhing besides a screen flicker and smoke.22:53
systemd0wnhowever you should do that in the channel window and not here. Just to be safe. So you don't post it in channel.22:53
karen_Where is the channel window?22:53
systemd0wner. I mean server window22:53
karen_where is that?22:53
SunTsukaren_: as systemd0wn said, better try that in a window not used for a channel22:53
karen_try again, I will22:54
SunTsukaren_: didn't see any password, but better be safe than sorry22:54
systemd0wnI don't know what client your using. But for me on the left side is a list of the channels (rooms) I'm in. Then above that is one named "freenode" that's my server window. It lists all the connection stuff.22:54
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andrewvosAnyone know a way I can script "switch to previously focused window and type some characters"23:01
cdrkeenI just installed 13.04 and my touchpad doesn't work..23:06
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chaotic_goodhow long should mkfs.ntfs take to format a 4t drive?23:16
Dr_Willisits not a quick format as far as i know.. so i would say some time. :) internal or external hd?23:17
ikoniausing linux to make ntfs.....bad23:17
chaotic_goodwell life sucks when its all ata data cneter23:17
Dr_Willisexternal usb2 or usb3 ?23:17
chaotic_goodid use reisserfs meself23:17
chaotic_goodwhat u think this  is goole?23:18
FloodBot1chaotic_good: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:18
ikonianot sure how that changes anything that it's in a data center23:18
chaotic_goodaka i cant get at it ez23:18
=== chaotic_good is now known as genius_blueyes
ikoniaso ?23:18
ikoniawhy are you using ntfs on linux23:18
genius_blueyeswell I cant plug it into mylaptop and say FORMAT23:18
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Dr_Willisi whuld think it would be more impront as to what is the Main os thats going to be accessing the drive.23:19
genius_blueyesI gota move file onto external drive23:20
genius_blueyesthen go get it23:20
genius_blueyesand then a dev will plug int inot local win machine23:20
genius_blueyeshere at office23:20
ikonia...so again, why are you formatting it with ntfs23:21
ObrienDavegenius_blueyes... a slow format could take 24 hours or so on USB223:21
ikoniaactually, I'm past caring, do what you want23:21
genius_blueyesI wonder can linux pass the quickformat23:22
reisiomkntfs has an -f param23:22
reisioread a man page sometime :)23:22
genius_blueyesah ha!!23:22
genius_blueyesim havin trouble cancelling my mkfs.ntfs job23:22
ObrienDaveGparted can do a quick format on NTFS23:22
reisiopgrep -l ntfs23:22
reisiokill -9 numberHere23:22
genius_blueyesah yes23:23
genius_blueyesnow im in biz23:23
genius_blueyesthx d00dz23:23
=== genius_blueyes is now known as dumb_caveman
cuddylierWhy does this bash script keep saying to use sleep --help? http://pastebin.com/HkXnEq8223:24
Dr_WillisHmm. Noticed somthing quirky. I don a 'nmap -sP 192.168.11.*    on my home lan to see what pcs are up.. seems that sometimes it actually replies with the host names  and the ip. some times it dosent.. cant seem to figure out why its differing at times23:24
ObrienDaveoh no! Dr_Willis has a question! be still my heart ;)23:25
Dr_Willisand i am evening reading the nmap man page. ;)23:26
Dr_Willisjust now it showed the MAC addresses for the machines.. but not the hostname.23:26
SunTsuDr_Willis: try running a working dns server? :)23:26
reisiocuddylier: probably because sleep takes an interval indicator; s for seconds, m for minutes23:26
Dr_Willisso im sort of confused as to why the out differs 3 differnt ways. on the same machine23:26
cuddylierI see23:26
Dr_WillisSunTsu:  it gave the hostnames earlier today when i ran a nmap from the console. now im ssh;d in and its not acting the same way.23:27
reisiocuddylier: only it works fine without it over here :p23:27
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cuddylierreisio: sleep: invalid time interval `10s\r'23:29
cuddylierSo it's using stuff from the previous line?23:29
reisiocuddylier: oh23:30
reisiocuddylier: dos2unix23:30
cuddylierreisio: What do you mean by dos2unix?23:30
reisioit fixes newlines23:30
Dr_Willisgood old carrage return + new line, vs just using  carrage returns.. :) been dealiong with this for decades23:32
Dr_Willisor was it just newlines..23:32
grimetondos2unix is an alias for recode23:32
grimetonrecode ibmpc:lat123:32
grimetonor recode ibmpc..lat123:32
grimetondepending on the version23:32
Dr_Williscuddylier:  so this is in a script?  how was the script edited?23:32
cuddylierUsing notepad++23:33
cuddylierOn my PC23:33
cuddylierThen I uploaded it via FTP23:33
Dr_Williscuddylier:  on a WINDOWS pc..23:33
Dr_Willisthat put the extra charactes in. :)23:33
cuddylierI'll redo it in nano23:33
krnl-radiohallo everyone!23:33
Dr_Willissome text editors can show the  special characters. Im not sure nano can23:33
Dr_Williseach line most likely has an extra  whitespace/character at the end.23:34
Dr_Willistook me ages to find this once.,23:34
grimetonit's a carriage return, newline on windows and just a newline on unices23:34
krnl-radioquestion: I'm working on installing the Rivendell radio program on this computer, and I want it to save sound files to an external hard drive23:36
cuddylierYeah, all good now ;)23:36
krnl-radioi've found the local folder where the files are stored23:36
krnl-radiois there a way to make that folder reference a folder on the external?23:36
grimetonkrnl-radio: it's called a symlink23:36
grimetonkrnl-radio: man ls23:36
grimetonman ln23:36
krnl-radiok, that makes sense23:38
krnl-radiodo i have to do anything to the folder that already exists to be able to link the external HDD folder to it?23:38
grimetonkrnl-radio: yeah, delete it23:38
krnl-radioand then it'd be ln -s HDD_folder_path local_folder_path23:39
FloodBot1krnl-radio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
YowlIs there someone who knows about LUKS andLVM on?23:39
krnl-radioi'm not sure. I guess it wants me to use periods instead of new lines...23:39
grimetonYowl: yes23:40
grimetonkrnl-radio: i guess it's just not configured correctly23:40
YowlWhat does it mean for LVM to be inside LUKS, or visa versa? grimeton23:40
grimetonYowl: lvm inside luks means that the volume manager can only access the volumes the moment the decryption takes place23:41
grimetonYowl: it's pretty useless this way23:41
grimetonYowl: do it the other way around23:41
grimetonencryption on top of a volume23:41
grimetonthis way it makes more sense, gives you more flexibility and makes management a lot easier23:41
reisiohalf the point of lvm is to facilitate encryption23:42
dumb_cavemanhow can I get around a usb2 limit?23:42
reisiodumb_caveman: ?23:43
Yowlgrimeton: I need to understand this on a more basic level, what qualifies as "inside". How do you make LVM be "inside" of LUKS? How do you stuff LUKS inside LVM?23:43
grimetonYowl: you have to think of it as layers23:43
dumb_cavemanI wish I hadz usb323:43
dumb_cavemanon this server23:43
dumb_cavemanwoo weee23:43
grimetonYowl: you have the harddrive, which is the lowest layer23:43
grimetonYowl: on top of that comes a partition23:44
grimeton(we assume this for now)23:44
grimetonthen you put the encryption on top of the partition using luks23:44
grimetonand then you put lvm on top of the encrypted luks partition23:44
grimetonon top of that you put a lvm volume23:44
grimetonon top of that volume a filesystem23:44
grimetonand then you store stuff in that filesystem23:45
grimetonthis way lvm is INSIDE luks, as luks is a layer below LVM23:45
grimetonthe LVM stuff is only visible to the system when the decryption of the luks partition is taking place23:45
Yowlgrimeton: What do you mean "put LVM on top"? By putting LVM on, do you mean assigning a volume that does not correspond with your partitions?23:45
dumb_cavemanriddle me this: how is lvm over 8 drives better than raid 0 hardware raid?23:46
grimetonYowl: hm, let's explain it different23:46
grimetonYowl: you got your harddrive, let's say it is /dev/sda23:46
grimetonYowl: then you create your partition "on top" which becomes /dev/sda123:46
dumb_cavemanwhats luks?23:46
wilee-nileedumb_caveman: this is support not chat.23:47
SunTsudumb_caveman: because hardware raid is asking for problems in case the hw controller breaks and you need to replace it23:47
grimetonon top of this partition you create luks encryption which gives you a new device when you decrypt the partition, let's name it /dev/mapper/sda1.dec23:47
dumb_cavemanwhat if the boot disk grub dies? in softraid?23:47
Yowldumb_caveman: LUKS is a ubuntu encryption software for encrypting hard drive content23:47
grimetonthen you put lvm on /dev/sda1.dec which gives you a volume group let's call it luksvolumes23:47
Yowlwell I don't know if its specifically ubuntus, but tied with linux anyway23:47
grimetonit will show up as /dev/luksvolumes/23:48
grimetonthen yo create a volume on top of that, let's call it myvolume which will show up as /dev/luksvolumes/myvolume23:48
grimetonYowl: you see how one thing depends on the thing before and is created "on top" of it?23:48
Yowlgrimeston same issue putting LVM on, please explain this23:49
grimetonYowl: ehm what?23:49
leonardo_hey there... i need help23:49
Yowlgrimeton: Why do I want to turn it into "luksvolumes"?23:50
reisioleonardo_: yes, yes you do23:50
leonardo_how can I open a mac particion on xubuntu?23:50
grimetonYowl: it's just a name that i used to show what happens next23:50
grimetonleonardo_: you can't23:50
grimetonat leat not in a safe way23:50
Yowlgrimeton: I know its not about the name, but why do I want LVM to make any change to the block device?23:51
reisioleonardo_: just mount it23:51
reisioleonardo_: sudo modprobe hfsplus beforehand if required23:51
grimetonYowl: because lvm sits "on top" of those  block devices and uses them to store its data23:51
leonardo_oh... thanx reisio.... I'll try23:51
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Yowlgrimeton: dev/sda1.dec > dev/luksvolumes represents a chance in block device, or in a layer above block device, right? So why do I want to use LVM to make this change?23:52
grimetonYowl: you asked for an explanation of lvm inside luks and that's what it is23:53
Yowlgrimeton: Please answer the question so that I might understand your explanation of LVM inside of LUKS.23:53
grimetonYowl: you have to create a volume group if you want to use lvm23:54
MangaKaDenzayo dawgz23:54
leonardo_please reisio... the mac particion is already mouted on xubuntu... but I can open some directories23:54
MangaKaDenzamy packages be broke23:54
grimetonand that's what this change does. it creates the volume group on top of sda1.dec23:54
leonardo_i don't have permission23:55
Yowlgrimeton: So in order for LVM to help me more safely resize a partition, I need it to create a volume group first?23:55
wilee-nileeMangaKaDenza: then fix them.23:55
grimetonYowl: lvm? resize partition? i'm not sure that you know what LVM is and what it does23:55
Yowlgrimeton: Even if the volume only represents one partition?23:55
MangaKaDenzaE: Encountered a section with no Package: header23:56
MangaKaDenzaE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_raring-updates_universe_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS23:56
MangaKaDenzaE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.23:56
MangaKaDenza^that damn error23:56
grimetonyes, LVM always needs underlying devices to create volume groups and inside volumes23:56
Yowlgrimeton: Multiple sources have told me that LVM will help me resize a partition safely, or more specifically that it will help me recover the partition if the resizing goes wrong,  would you say this is wrong?23:56
grimetonYowl: yes23:57
wilee-nileeMangaKaDenza: can open the sources.list?23:57
Yowlgrimeston So LVM doesn't assist in resizing a partition in any way?23:57
grimetonYowl: LVM doesn't even know about partitions23:57
apbYowl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition23:57
MangaKaDenzawilee-nilee, nope23:58
dustinspringmanare there, or are there coming any drivers for nvidia cards that will allow me to use my optimus hdmi port instead of having to use a mini-hdmi on my intel GPU? bumblebee is a pain in the rear... wish native drivers would work...23:58
Yowlapb: It's not about how to resize, its about how to increase my chances of safely doing so23:58
grimetonYowl: LVM is a layer to make multiple drives/block devices/raid sets/anything you can store data on look as one big drive that you can then use to create "smaller drives" (block devices) that can then be used like a partition23:58
apbYowl: Type carefully23:58
wilee-nileeMangaKaDenza: I mean with a text editor?23:58
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MangaKaDenzaI did that23:59
Yowlapb: ?23:59
grimetonYowl: there is no data security involved in any way (no raid, no checksums, nothing)23:59
grimetonYowl: and the problem with resizing is the filesystem in most of the cases23:59
grimetonnot the partition23:59

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