
leftistgood morning. is there a way i can add a panel to the bottom? like in earlier versions of ubuntu?13:23
leftistor like with gnome?13:23
leftistumm seems like i can13:24
leftistdoes compiz work?13:25
ShadowStriderhi folks20:17
=== luigi is now known as Guest62945
leftisthi what is that called iced tea for java?22:45
leftisthow can i install java i usually run centos22:47
leftistbut i installed studio22:47
OvenWerksI thought there was java already.22:47
leftisti cant recall how to install java so i can download some stuff off youtubve via keepvid22:47
leftisti dunno22:47
leftistits a fresh install22:48
leftistnew drive et22:48
OvenWerksYa, I am booted on the wrong one just now22:48
OvenWerksUnless you installed 12.04.322:48
leftisti installed 143.422:49
leftistwhy isnt cinelerra bundled out of curioisty?22:49
leftistand vlc is missing22:49
OvenWerksIt is not free enough :)22:49
OvenWerksWe don't try to cover every possible application22:50
OvenWerksThere is not enough room.22:50
OvenWerks(not free enough means licencing problems)22:51
leftistyeah but those are 2 essential22:51
OvenWerksThere are 3 video players already I think. Mplayer, xine and parole22:51
leftistvideolan and cinelerra22:52
leftistshit we use that shit at ibm22:52
leftistmy god22:52
leftistyour joking22:52
OvenWerksvlc is not a licencing issue22:53
leftistso where is it?22:53
OvenWerkssudo apt-get install vlc22:53
leftistyeah yeah22:53
leftistthanks :)22:53
leftistbut that is essential22:53
leftistxine crahsed 3 times already22:54
OvenWerksThere are others who don't agree.22:54
Unit193libdvdcss2 is one where the license is questionable, not vlc.22:54
Unit193Also it is pulling all of Qt in, which Studio doesn't ship.22:54
leftisti understand22:54
OvenWerksI am more audio so I don't really know.22:54
Unit193(Well, what's legal, not the license.)22:54
leftistbut why not jsut bundle vlc and cinelerra?22:54
leftistonly makes sense22:54
leftistmake it complete22:55
leftistjust my thoughts you know22:55
leftistmy problem is with java22:55
OvenWerkscinelerra is not even in our repos. I don't know if it is debian either.22:56
leftisti cant download using java i can in centos but i cant in ubuntu/debian. now that bugs me big time22:56
leftisti run it on other systems on other levels of ubuntu and other linux. it is essential for any studio work in my perpective.22:57
leftistjust mine though.22:57
OvenWerksI can see some of the libs are installed.22:57
leftistbut it should be atleast evaluated the future22:57
leftistin the22:58
leftistthose 2 atleast22:58
OvenWerksbecome part of the team then.22:58
leftisti will22:58
OvenWerksWe need people who do video.22:59
leftisti will22:59
leftisti  will install it22:59
leftistbut it should be part of the package22:59
leftistto complete it22:59
leftistxine crashes to much23:00
leftistvlc doesnt23:00
leftistwe recommend that at ibm23:00
OvenWerksMany people I have talked to say either mplayer or vlc. What is the difference? (aside from mplayer being CLI23:00
leftisti have been involved iwth vlc since initial dev. but it has 100% of all functuality for video/audio that anyone could ever desire23:01
leftistmplayer is limited, vlc is complete23:02
OvenWerks:) ok23:02
OvenWerksWhat are the most apparent limits you see?23:02
leftisti'm kinda buzzed but i still know what i know23:02
leftistmy biggest fuss is this23:02
leftistand while i know it's based off ubuntu23:03
* OvenWerks has had vlc crash on him too23:03
leftisti come from along time ago23:03
leftistbut i dont like that it has a docking station23:03
leftisti dont like that i cant have a simple impletation for a bottom panel23:03
Unit193Depends on what coecs you have.23:03
leftistwell ok23:03
Unit193There are also UIs for mplayer.23:03
leftistlet me back up23:03
* Unit193 is lagging.23:04
leftisti'm talking about the whole presentation in my opinoin for studio but i will stick with imeda23:04
Unit193Sorry, I"ll butt out.23:04
leftistno dont23:04
OvenWerksleftist: is it the icedtea plugin you are looking for?23:06
leftisti just had installed on 30+ laptops studio but damnit if it didnt have vlc. we do steaming  a lot but the problem is now someone has to do that23:06
leftistyeah but i was looking for iced tea23:07
leftistbut could not find it23:07
OvenWerkstry sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin23:07
OvenWerksIf you need a certain set of applications. why not start with xubuntu and create your own meta package for the rest?23:08
OvenWerks(or kubuntu or whatever)23:09
Unit193OvenWerks: You do audio editing right?  Much with Audacity?23:09
leftisti started with xenix23:09
OvenWerksUnless studio has most of what you want then start with that.23:09
leftistthen amiga23:09
leftistthen osx23:09
leftistthen windows23:10
leftistthe ubunt23:10
leftistmy thoughts are this23:10
leftistto make it a studio23:10
leftistmake it pretty complete23:10
OvenWerksUnit193: I have used audacity. It does good editing but not good tracking.23:10
leftistout of the iso23:10
leftistlike with airtime or rivendell for broadcasting23:11
leftistmake it complete23:11
OvenWerkscinelerra is not going to happen, at least not yet.23:11
leftistyou dont have to run behind #ubuntu just make it how it should be23:11
leftisthow it needs to be23:12
leftistwhy not23:12
OvenWerksIt's not available to us for the iso.23:12
leftisti'm not trying to be a pain or nothing just some thoughts23:12
leftisti didnt know that. maybe i can change that23:13
OvenWerksIf it was available through our repos we would add it.23:13
leftisti'll be damned23:13
leftistand i know the maintainer23:13
leftistwell let me get involved on atleast that level for the cv23:14
OvenWerksGenerally, into debian first then we can sync ubuntu.23:14
leftistcommunity verions23:14
leftisti apologize23:14
leftisti didnt have no idea23:14
OvenWerksI will see about vlc23:14
leftistthe projects on going are great but to have studio hopping you need to really hop23:15
OvenWerksI often install it myself... It just seems when a video doesn't work with one player it will with another23:15
OvenWerksI have not found any one of them that everything works with.23:15
leftistbasics are definately there but just missing some essentials23:15
leftisti am not bitcing just talking what i think23:16
leftistanother thing on my mind is this23:16
OvenWerksWe tend to be workflow based.23:16
leftistjust because ubuntu wants unity as a framework why does studio have to follow thier trial?23:17
OvenWerksWe don't we use xfce23:17
leftistwhy not just make it based off debain and make it a true studio23:17
OvenWerksAs far as I know there is talk about a meta set for debian or maybe an iso23:18
leftistwhen i was installing it on this laptop i am on i was montoring the details and it surely stated up front unity AS the first execution23:18
leftisti might have mis understood but i know i saw that23:19
leftistso unity is definatley embedded into the framework23:19
leftistmaybe not i apologize23:19
leftistto have a production studio environment you have to think better23:19
leftistanother thing is why isnt wine included?23:20
OvenWerksUbuntustudio is right now an official flavour of ubuntu so that is not going to change. There are some bits that resemble unity, but the framwork is X with xfce.23:20
leftistagain i am just chatting23:20
OvenWerksYou have the 64bit version then23:20
leftistnot disrespect23:20
OvenWerks32 bit has it.23:20
leftistyour right i forgot :)23:20
OvenWerksThat is a part of the ISO build23:20
leftistmy bad23:20
OvenWerksThe iso doesn't want to include two sets of libs23:21
OvenWerksIt is possible to install it after.23:21
OvenWerksBut it does pull in a lot of 32bit stuff23:21
leftistok one more query23:22
leftisti'm old school. you kids today are fantastic. and the toys today are outrageous more or less. but there is one toy that is almost required. is it possible to run compiz in 64bit compiz?23:23
leftistto much beer :)23:23
leftisti'm from the amiga 80's and later so i think better sometimes :)23:24
leftisti just expect so much more today :)23:24
OvenWerkskids? I started all analog ... I remember adjusting video machines every week because the germanium transitors drift so much23:25
leftistok mr holerith :)23:25
OvenWerks2 inch tape and all.23:25
leftistso you understand when i say holerith?23:25
OvenWerksNo., but then I miss a lot fo that stuff23:26
leftisti'm not putting anyone down just typing out some of my feelings23:27
OvenWerksI worked in video from 1980 to about 1984 (TV stuff) Then I went industrial stuff.23:27
OvenWerksI'm not worried.23:27
leftistso you know all about newtek and video toasters right?23:27
OvenWerksJust what we used.23:28
leftistcause that is my thought on what you just thyped23:28
leftistok we are on the same plane23:28
leftistsalut overwers23:28
leftistif you needed any help how could i help the project?23:30
OvenWerksAsk in #ubuntustudio-devel, join the mailing list etc.23:31
leftisti have my own philosophy and theory obviosuly23:31
OvenWerksWe all do.23:31
leftisti can only help with maybe finanace23:31
OvenWerksWe have no finance.23:31
leftistno programming i am to tired and baet up for that today23:31
OvenWerksNot today anyway.23:32
leftistwell let me ask this23:32
OvenWerks13.10 is on it's way out the door.23:32
OvenWerksAnychanges will be in 14.04.23:32
leftistif i were to present some financial incentive who should i/we talk to and/or where?23:33
OvenWerksI don't know. So far as I know we have to remain "non-profit"23:34
leftistis there any effort in creating a hardware oriented configuration for a configuration that would funcion under your effort?23:38
leftistin othewords a device?23:38
leftistor unit?23:39
leftistkinda like what lcme is doing?23:39
OvenWerksNo, not with us. There are people working with some of the arm boards to make dedicated kinds of things23:39
OvenWerksThere are not enough of us for anything like that... in fact we are short just for what we are doing now.23:40
leftistanway my email is warren@livebizops.net and i we would love to hear from anyone and we would love to provide some kind of compensation for all your efforts.23:40
OvenWerksThis is a hobby, not a job.23:40
OvenWerksI have whatever time is left after work and family are taken care of :)  like most of the linux world.23:41
leftistbut at some point from life experience it's time to take that hobby to something that everyonje can enjoy and experience23:42
leftistbelieve me ovenwerks i concur23:42
OvenWerksYa, but we still have to keep our families eating too.23:42
leftistbut the reality is that today what everyone is playing with is now showing up as a profitable existance.23:43
OvenWerksI am not really a coder as such. I know how to make packages work together (most of the time) and put isos together.23:43
leftistlook at unix 20 years ago23:43
leftisttoday it's private23:43
leftistin some instances anyway23:43
leftist30 years ago23:44
OvenWerksunix as such is pretty much gone.23:44
OvenWerksThere are lots of unix like things around though23:44
leftistyou get my point i hope.23:45
OvenWerksMost of the private ones have gone away.23:45
leftistyour missing my point23:45
OvenWerkscomputing is changing a lot though23:45
leftisti'll admit open source is touchy23:46
OvenWerksThere is a difference between open source and FOSS.23:46
OvenWerkslegally anyway.23:47
OvenWerksThat is why we don't include linux sampler.23:47
leftisti dig it23:47
OvenWerksWe have GUI's for it in repo but not the server :P23:48
OvenWerksThere is this little part in the licence that says you can use it any way you want except as a piece of hardware.23:49
leftistanyway like i typed it's a great distro but it is missing a couple important thigs. thanks for the time; you have my email ovenwerks. we are looking for something very attractive. peace :)23:50
leftistthanks for your time :)23:50
Marhabahdiscovering tis OS23:50
OvenWerksGlad you like it.23:51
MarhabahI want a server with GUI interface....23:51
OvenWerksWhich DE would you like to use?23:52
Marhabahstill no idea what it is the better choice23:52
Patero-ngcan I install sony vegas on ubuntu23:52
OvenWerksAll of the server SW is available to install on any ubuntu flavour23:52
OvenWerksI don't know what sony vegas is.23:53
OvenWerksDE = Desktop Environment.23:53
MarhabahI installed server Ubuntu 13.04 yesterday.....after installed the Ubuntu Desktop....23:53
Marhabahwhen I restart....no network cards detected23:53
OvenWerksThough to be perfectly honest almost any I do to a server is command line anyway.23:54
OvenWerksThats odd.23:54
MarhabahI do too....but I got severe vision loss few months ago....23:54
Marhabahand its very hard to type23:54
OvenWerksI have had no problem with network cards for a long time.23:55
OvenWerks(long time = over 10years)23:55
Patero-ngsony vegas is a 600$ video editing software it uses gpu acceleration23:55
Marhabahit lloks like something deactivated them...23:55
Marhabahand tried to install them...but it was asking for dependecies....wasnt  able to read too much23:56
OvenWerksPossible. The server works with the network cards on at boot23:56
Marhabahit said not configured, not present23:57
OvenWerksThe desktop flavours use a net manager  and expects a dhcp connect.23:57
MarhabahI did my professional test on Debian in 199823:57
OvenWerksSo if there is no dhcp server that would fail.23:57
Marhabahnever used any linux version since then.....23:58
MarhabahIm lost in a lot of things here23:58
OvenWerksAn ifconfig -a should at least show the cards23:58
Marhabahit showed them...23:58
OvenWerksYa, Linux has changed a lot since then.23:58
Marhabahand told it was a package missing....23:59
Marhabahwireless tools23:59
Marhabahand no remember the other23:59
OvenWerksDo you use wireless?23:59
MarhabahI found them on the installation CD23:59

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