
=== Punna is now known as Pwnna
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slickymastermorning all09:11
ochosibrainwash: it was confirmed that the xfwm4 settings bug is a packaging thing, so no need to worry about that one09:25
pmjdebruijnhey folks, on my xubuntu saucy install, I still have a broken volume indicator, I assume that's a known issue?09:38
elfypmjdebruijn: yep it is known :)09:38
pmjdebruijnk fair enough09:39
ochosielfy: s/:)/:'(/09:39
elfyochosi: indeed - but what can I do ;)09:39
ochosielfy: cry baby cry, make your mother sigh!09:39
elfypmjdebruijn: there is a 'fix' but if it upgrades it needs redoing atm 09:40
elfybut I don't think anything will get done with it this side of release09:40
elfyochosi: my mother would just slap me ;)09:40
pmjdebruijn"this side of release"?09:41
ochosielfy: i assume it would be well-deserved (your mother will know why she slaps you i assume)09:41
elfybefore Thursday pmjdebruijn - not sure what we'll be able to do post release either - but I think we're looking at doing something09:41
elfyochosi: couldn't possibly say :)09:42
pmjdebruijnis there a launchpad bug related to this? possibly with a track record of what's known about this issue?09:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]09:44
pmjdebruijnI'll have a read tonight :)09:47
pmjdebruijnoh btw, I assume revert to the Raring version isn't on option, since the changes which broke it, were purposefully for mainline ubuntu?09:49
pmjdebruijnwouldn't it in that case make sense to fork it?09:50
pmjdebruijnxfce-indicator-sound ?09:50
pmjdebruijnor xubuntu-indicator-sound09:50
ochosino, that wouldn't help09:51
elfyI can't answer that I'm afraid09:51
elfyochosi can though :)09:51
ochosiyou'd still have to backport the whole beast to gtk209:52
ochosiand it makes much more sense to use the xfce4-indicator-plugin that support gtk309:52
ochosi(especially since it already exists and works)09:52
pmjdebruijnI mean fork the raring version09:55
pmjdebruijnnot the saucy one09:55
ochosithat won't work either09:56
ochosibecause there were protocol changes09:56
pmjdebruijnoh I though someone reported downgrading the package to the raring version worked09:58
pmjdebruijnanyhow, I'll read the full thread tonight then09:59
ochosi(fwiw, i've never tried downgrading)10:01
ali1234pmjdebruijn: yeah what you said pretty much sums it up12:57
ali1234pmjdebruijn: the indicators has two parts: the part which the users sees and the dbus backend12:58
ali1234so the gtk2 and gtk3 versions both have a backend in the package, but when you install the gtk2 indicator it uses the gtk3 backend anyway. this is pretty much required due to how dbus services are initialized12:59
ali1234in raring it didn't matter because the two backends were compatible but in saucy they are not12:59
ali1234so forking isn't required - what you need to do is make the gtk2 indicator compatible with the gtk3 backend again13:00
ali1234that would be a lot of work, and we have gtk3 indicators working now13:01
ali1234btw the workaround is to edit the dbus service so it runs the gtk2 backend - this patch can never go in ubuntu as it will break the gtk3 indicator13:01
pmjdebruijnright. but in that case just forking the package would at least allow for a temporary fix13:09
pmjdebruijnI'll give that a go on my ppa tonight then13:10
brainwashali1234: do you intend to comment on the users-admin lp report?13:38
GridCubethe test cases are (disabled)14:07
GridCubewill try with "daily"14:08
GridCubethe daily zsync has absolute no difference from the final ISO14:12
smartboyhwRespin happening.....14:14
GridCubeso it useless for me to test now14:14
smartboyhwGridCube, technically, you report results to the "final" milestone, but the ISO is called "daily" until the release actually happens...14:14
GridCubeyes, but the final report site says "disabled" so i assume that if i do the test it wont be useful14:15
smartboyhwNah, wait for the respin14:15
* ochosi senses general pre-release fatigue17:19
ochosi(usually followed by post-release depressions)17:20
brainwashochosi: xfwm4 is able to copy the root background, but not the "background" set by lightdm17:24
ochosiin lightdm that's done via accountsservice17:24
ochosibut that's an ubuntu-only accountsservice patch17:24
brainwashright, but it's not able to copy the pixels17:25
ochosimaybe it would pre-load xfdesktop's wallpaper?17:25
ochosiwell we can modify the greeter if that helps17:25
brainwashxfdesktop does not set the root background, just drawing a window right?17:26
ochosi(but iirc we set the root background to the wallpaper in the greeter already, not sure what else we could do there)17:26
ochosipossible, i don't know17:26
brainwashmmh, maybe it will work to start xfdesktop first and delay xfwm4 (and therefore the panel)17:29
ochosigotta go17:31
olbihi huys17:48
olbitomorrow stable release :)17:49
GridCube:/ i still could not test the image17:49
olbihehe :D17:51
olbiI'm testing this on Sapphire Edge-HD4 and it works now :)17:52
brainwashnow we need to focus on fixing the remaining known bugs17:55
skellatAnd from what I've seen today #ubuntu-release looks like a bit of a horror show when it comes to ubiquity18:01
brainwashso 13.10 feels more like a snapshot on the way to 14.0418:10
elfyanyone got any idea why our Final tests are disabled? 18:22
GridCubebeats me18:46
GridCube:/ i wanted to test today but i dont know if its worth18:46
drcbrainwash: Sticking my .02 € in...I seem to remember this very thing was discussed several Team Meetings ago (right after Canonical announced that the non-LTS releases were going to be supported for only 9 months).  To be honest, I don't remember exactly what was decided: a) all releases were equal (but LTS release were more equal than others), or b) non-LTS releases were to be considered as snapshots.  Maybe some of the less-memory-challenged here ca18:46
drcn pipe in on that.18:46
thad_ochosi: I tried to start xfdesktop first and delay xfwm4 just a bit, but it does not work that well and even might cause some glitches.. so I simply used feh to set the root background according to the user's stored details (accountsservice) and xfwm4 picks up the background without any visible drawbacks19:12
Unit193ochosi: I'm using the gtk2 indicators from precise and raring, so yes that works. :P19:13
thad_Unit193: even the messages and sync one?19:14
Unit193drc: Heh, well put.  Sounds like the old Russian way, "Yes, comrade captain!"19:15
Unit193thad_: I don't use sync, but messages yes.19:15
thad_well, nice to know :)19:16
Unit193(Mixed raring and precise when I used raring too.)19:26
thad_a solution for everyone would be great :P19:33
thad_"soon" I guess19:33
Unit193Hah, yeah.  That's just for crazies like me.  The GTK3 stack will hopefully make it into -backports. :)19:36
NoskcajWhat part of october 17th are we releasing on? I want to be the very first person running t-series19:39
elfy25 minutes after you've gone to bed19:40
Noskcajsounds about right19:40
NoskcajSince it is the 17th already19:41
elfythere you go - we'll be releasing on the 18th as far as you're concerned :p19:42
drcDo they still have a #release-party (or what ever it was called) ?19:44
elfybit like driving for a while with kids in the back I'd imagine ;)19:45
drcah...#ubuntu-release-party  Already 22 in the channel :)19:46
elfyare we there yet ... 19:46
* drc waits to the time-adding bot to kick in....19:47
brainwashoh great, just before final release I broke the brtfs filesystem of my test installation :/20:49
brainwashanyone familiar with brtfs? balancing the filesystem caused a kernel panic :(20:49
brainwashbug 123579820:55
ubottubug 1235798 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel stops during btrfs-balance" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123579820:55
slickymastergood night all21:05
slickymasterUnit193, hi21:06

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