
smoseri use that everywhere, and see 'apt-get' output to that file.00:00
smoserand also, you *should* get it on the ec2 console00:00
harlowja*or openstack console00:01
smoserthere is a bug for the python2.7 thing00:01
harlowja2.7 to new and hot00:01
smoserctracey, feel free to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/123217500:03
smoseri released 0.7.3. and there was one thing that needed fixing00:04
smoserwhihc is now fixed in trunk00:04
smoseri'd take your 2.6 fix also, and then release 0.7.400:04
smoseri *would* do, but i dont want to deal with any fallout of the additional dot00:05
harlowjato many dots!00:08
harlowjabtw, smoser  taskflow 0.1 coming out tommorow00:09
harlowjau excited??00:09
* smoser googles00:10
harlowjaand yes it even mostly works, ha00:12
harlowja^^ why i haven't been so active in cloudinit00:13
smoserharlowja is one smart dude00:23
harlowjaits just something openstack (imho) really really needs00:24
harlowjacause right now u stop nova-compute (the thing that manages the vms) to upgrade that code, and u lose who knows what that its actively doing00:25
harlowjawhat i call the poo cleanup crew00:25
harlowjaso taskflow tracks enough of that state itself that it can just resume from where it left off :-P00:25
harlowjano poo cleanup crew required00:25
harlowjaand its also going to hopefully be the core of https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mistral (TBD)00:28
harlowja*and in my dream world, it will be at the core of the rest of the projects00:29
harlowjacinder is already starting to use it, nova soon i hope00:34
smoserbut what will happen to the poo cleaner uppers ?00:35
smoserwill they find new jobs ?00:35
smoserwhat about their healthcare?00:36
harlowjano obamacare for poo cleaners00:39
harlowja*do we still have a government in the US01:00
* harlowja checking news, ha01:00
harlowjaseems like we don't, US gov people need to have there heads checked01:07
harlowjathose people so crazy01:08

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