
thumpermarcoceppi: still around?00:42
thumperjose: ping00:43
josethumper: pong00:43
thumperjose: hey, you were having problems with the local provider?00:43
josethumper: yep, that was me00:43
thumperjose: I have good news and bad news00:43
josewhat is it?00:43
thumperwell, when lxc is installed it sets up a bridge by default00:44
thumpernormally this is lxcbr000:44
thumperbut you can change it00:44
thumpernow you can configure the bridge for the local provider to use00:44
thumperjose: can you pastebin an ifconfig?00:44
josesure thing, just give me a minute00:44
thumperjose: the bad news, I have found this morning that the local provider is broken in 1.16 (and trunk)00:44
thumperand just submitted fixes a few hours ago00:45
josebut when will the next release be done?00:45
thumperwell, I'm pushing for a 1.16.1 ASAP00:45
thumperso, maybe tomorrow even00:45
thumperwe have hoops to jump through00:46
thumperI may push for  a 1.17 into the juju ppa00:46
thumperjose: hmm... no bridge there00:46
joseyeah, I was about to say that00:46
thumperjose: here's mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/6248565/00:47
thumperjose: apt-cache policy lxc ?00:47
thumperjose: also, what's in /etc/lxc/default.conf ?00:48
thumperjose: I take it you are on raring00:50
thumperI wonder why it didn't create the bridge for you...00:50
thumperhallyn: any idea why lxc wouldn't create the lxcbr0 bridge when installed?00:51
thumperI may be being hopeful that hallyn is online00:52
thumperjose: however there is another bit of bad news...00:52
josethumper: which is...00:52
thumperjose: I found out today that lxc isn't working in precise just now00:52
thumperdue to another bug00:52
hallynthumper: jose: does your kernel have bridges built-in?  what does 'brctl show' say?00:52
thumperthis is either in progress or in a review queue00:52
josewasn't that on quantal? :P00:53
josehallyn: no bridges00:53
hallynjose: your kernel doesnt' support them?00:53
josehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6248592/ is what I get00:54
thumperjose: when juju starts the precise ubuntu-cloud image in lxc, there is a package configuration problem that causes most charms to fail install hooks00:54
hallynjose: does 'brctl addbr br0' work?00:54
josehallyn: operation not permitted00:55
hallynsudo !!?00:55
joseah, right!00:55
hallynuh, !! in the history sense, not in the i'm shouting sense :)00:55
josethumper: it explains why it failed when I demoed it at a conference months ago :P00:56
thumpera month ago it worked00:56
thumperalthough that is sub optimal00:56
josethen, that wasn't it00:56
josehallyn: done, btw00:56
hallynjose: and that worked?00:57
hallynis anything in /var/log/upstart/lxc-net.log ?00:57
thumperah... I wondered where to look for logs00:58
josehmm, /me checks the dhcp server, maybe?00:59
thumperjose: you use
joseno, not at all01:00
thumperthat's very weird then01:00
hallynso you have dnsmasq itself installed...  but lxc should have made it - oh, di dyou *just* install lxc?01:01
joseeven my dhcp for the occasional ad-hoc network I enable is
hallynmaybe /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop; /etc/init.d/dnsmasq start would fix it01:01
josehallyn: I think yes01:01
hallynjose: is there a /etc/dnsmasq.d/lxc file?  there should be...01:01
hallynmy guess is dnsmasq hasn't been restarted to read that01:02
josethere is01:02
joseyeah, let me restart it01:02
hallyn"have you tried turning it off and on again" would have solved this then :)01:02
hallyn(then to 'stop lxc; start lxc' to have it try to restart lxc-net)01:03
joseoh wait dnsmasq was not isntalled01:03
hallynwell then what's pinning 10.0.3.x?01:03
joseshould I install dnsmasq?01:04
joseI have bind9 installed, though01:04
hallyncan you do 'netstat -na' and look for 10.0.3' ?01:04
josefound, using port 5301:05
josestate is blank, though]01:06
josebind9 is a dns server01:06
hallynno, i mean that's the one holding it01:06
hallyn?  just to make sure all is making sense :)01:06
josethen, any ideas?01:07
hallynwhat do you mean by state is blank?01:07
hallyni guess a 'listen-on' statement in bind9 config.01:08
joseon the table, it says proto udp, recv-q 0, send-q 0, local address, foreign address*, state [here, this is completely blank'01:09
hallynwaiting for packages to install so i can test (and see the stock config)01:09
hallynjose: a stock bind9 install followed by stock lxc install doesn't prevent lxcbr0 from being created in saucy (for me)01:10
hallynhow custom is your config?01:10
joseerm, just enabled a couple domains01:10
joselet me check, though01:11
hallynjose: can you try adding 'listen-on { your ip addr }' in /etc/bind/named.conf.options ?01:11
josehallyn: wait, there is no problem if I turn it off as I'm not using it right now01:11
joseand won't for the rest of this session01:12
hallynoh, you can do listen-on { ! };01:12
hallynjose: ok, in the meantime can you open a bug against lxc?  we should do this automatically probably01:12
josesure thing01:12
hallyn(though bind9 configs tend to be custom so automating it may be scary)01:12
hallynthx - /me heads afk01:13
josethanks to you!01:13
josehallyn: wait, turning bind9 off will solve the prob?01:13
joselooks like it did01:14
hallynyeah, long as htat doesn't mean you can't resolve anything locally :)01:17
joseit's all going good :)01:18
josethumper: then, problem solved until the fix is pushed to repos, thanks! :)01:18
thumperif you are a fanatic and want to run from trunk...01:18
thumperyou might get it working01:18
marcoceppithumper: I am now01:41
thumpermarcoceppi: hey, it was just about the local provider and jose's problem01:41
thumpermarcoceppi: but we got it mostly sorted01:41
marcoceppithumper: ah, cool01:41
thumpermarcoceppi: however we have a few problems01:41
thumpermarcoceppi: the local provider is broken in 1.1601:41
thumpermarcoceppi: we need to get 1.16.1 out to fix that, sinzui is in the loop01:42
marcoceppithumper: that's what I've heard, any idea if you guys will be fixing and addressing that in 1.16.1 ?01:42
marcoceppithumper: awesome01:42
thumpermarcoceppi: the juju issue is fixed, but there is another lxc/precise issue01:42
thumperwhich means that while juju might "work", you can't deploy anything01:42
thumperas the install hooks fail01:42
thumperthere is another group looking at that01:43
thumpermarcoceppi: you are there next week?01:43
marcoceppithumper: I will be, should be touching down Saturday evening local time01:43
* thumper nods01:43
thumperI arrive Sunday just after lunch I think01:43
thumper11:15am landing actually01:44
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thumperso after noon at the hotel certainly01:44
marcoceppithumper: cool01:46
josehey guys, any idea why while trying to deploy rais it tells me ERROR no settings found for "rack"?02:39
marcoceppijose: how are you deploying it?02:42
josemarcoceppi: juju deploy rails --config rails.yaml02:43
marcoceppijose: what does rails.yaml look like?02:43
* jose pastebins02:43
marcoceppijose: that's not a properly formatted --config yaml file for what you're doing02:44
josehow should it be, then?02:45
marcoceppijose: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-config.html see "Configuring a service at deployment"02:45
joseah, got it, thanks02:46
josemarcoceppi: if I don't specify a value it'll use default, correct?02:47
marcoceppijose: Correct02:47
josethanks! :)02:47
marcoceppiusing --config is completely optional to begin with02:47
josejust to confirm, are we having a charm school this week?02:47
marcoceppijose: no02:54
josethen the cal was right :)02:54
marcoceppiWe'll have a new schedule figured out after the sprint02:54
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jcastromarcoceppi, hey13:55
jcastrocache-relation fails with wordpress/memcached13:55
marcoceppijcastro: this has been a known issue for months13:55
jcastrois there a bug?13:55
jcastrowhy yuo no fix memcached?13:55
marcoceppibecause plugin author + time13:56
jcastrooh this is the plugin one!13:56
jcastroI remember now13:56
_mup_Bug #1170034: integration with memcached broke <wordpress (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1170034>13:56
jcastrook well wordpress keeps running13:56
jcastroso I think I'll use it as an example13:56
jcastrothis charm is in the incoming queue13:57
jcastroit's a nodejs pastebin, it runs hastebin.com13:57
marcoceppijcastro: link?13:58
marcoceppijcastro: I'll try to fix WP charm on the plane to san fran13:58
marcoceppino promises13:58
jcastroI am doing the demo today13:58
marcoceppijcastro: k13:58
jcastromarcoceppi, free time is for the discourses13:59
marcoceppioic ;)13:59
marcoceppijcastro: I don't see haste in http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/review-queue13:59
jcastrohuh, the guy mailed me and asked me what to do14:00
jcastroI'll follow up14:00
jcastrobut that was like 2 days ago, I would have assumed he would have submitted it14:00
jcastrounless it's for the contest maybe and he's waiting?14:00
* marcoceppi checks bug list14:00
jcastromarcoceppi, it's pretty slick14:00
jcastrothe software itself I mean14:00
marcoceppijcastro: cool14:01
marcoceppijcastro: time to replace paste.ubuntu.com ;)14:01
marcoceppijcastro: charmers was not subscribed https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/92079714:01
_mup_Bug #920797: Charm needed: Haste server <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by davidolf> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/920797>14:01
jcastroI'll mail him14:01
jcastroor I can just fix it14:01
marcoceppijcastro: already did it14:02
jcastrothis is the one jcsakket was mailing us about14:02
jcastroones like this I mean14:02
jcastroI'm going to have it if it's a bug in charms and there's a branch attached with no resolution, add it to the queue anyway14:02
jcastrothat way when people don't follow step 23434 of our amazing launchpad submission process we still catch them14:03
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, branch attached, fix committed, bug on charms? show in the queue14:03
jcastrook I've got wp, mediawiki, discourse, and their db's, haste14:04
jcastroanything else I can demo for the ubuntu on air today?14:04
marcoceppijcastro: oh, for the demo - not sure14:05
jcastrois there a way for a charm to tell the gui "don't show green, I am still doing stuff"14:05
jcastrolike the discourse charm shows up green right away14:05
jcastrobut needs like another 5 minutes to finish stuff up14:05
marcoceppijcastro: no, because there's no way to provide feedback14:05
jcastrobut if you look at the gui it looks ready to go14:05
* marcoceppi really wants to be able to have juju describe it's state14:06
jcastrohazmat, is that something we can talk about in SFO?14:06
marcoceppipending, installing, configuring, starting, started, relating14:06
marcoceppifor when those events are firing14:06
* marcoceppi dreams on14:08
jcastromysql has passed 10k downloads!14:08
ehwmarcoceppi: I have a jujucharms.com question: why does 'openstack' never show up in the "providers" list?14:09
ehwcould be that I'm misunderstanding what the providers list does14:10
marcoceppiehw: Possibly, could you link to a page where you're seeing "providers"?14:10
ehwmarcoceppi: ^^ but really any charm that I look at usually doesn't say 'openstack'14:11
marcoceppiehw: Ah, that might be a bug. Those are showing the results of our testing environment14:11
ehwanother example, https://jujucharms.com/precise/ceph-16/14:11
marcoceppiehw: right, we test "openstack" against HP Cloud, so it might show as that. We're still working out the kinks for testing stuff, just because it doesn't  say it explictitly doesn't mean it's not supported14:12
ehwmarcoceppi: ok, was curious about that14:13
ehwmarcoceppi: thanks14:13
marcoceppiehw: we'll be working over the next several weeks to make those results (both testing and supported providers) better14:14
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josehallyn: ran apport, it collected info from bind9, but doesn't seem to appear on launchpad16:01
joseoh, there we go16:01
joseno, not in there yet16:05
hazmatjcastro, it sounds good to bring up, the notion of steady state is effectively a poll/time period with no active16:14
jamespagemarcoceppi, I got asked that at the ceph day last week as the ceph charm does not advertize as tested on MAAS16:16
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marcoceppijamespage: none do at the moment, since we don't have testing yet for MAAS, I think we should just hide those results for now, they're really misleading16:17
jamespagemarcoceppi, yeah - agreed16:18
jamespagethe assumption was that it was not tested on MAAS so did not support it16:18
marcoceppiI think that's part of charmworld, sinzui are you guys working on these pages? https://jujucharms.com/precise/ceph/16:20
sinzuimarcoceppi, juju-gui is the pages, the data is from manage.jujucharms.com (charmworld)16:21
marcoceppisinzui: thanks! gary_poster thoughts on above ^ ?16:21
sinzuijcsackett, are we deploying charmworld?16:21
jcsackettsinzui: not at the moment, but we can. that's via RT, yes?16:22
sinzuijcsackett, I was just inquiring as it would be factor if a jujucharm.com page had an issue16:23
rick_h_marcoceppi: ? I'm confused. We don't run tests on maas so we can't say the charm is tested on maas. What's the goal?16:24
jcsackettsinzui: ah, yeah, to my knowledge there's nothing going on with production right now.16:24
rick_h_marcoceppi: the goal is that we've had charms that we KNOW fail on ec2 before and wanted to provide info to the user16:24
marcoceppirick_h_: it's misleading, since testing isn't strong, to say that "Providers" and not list providers because there are no tests16:24
sinzuijcsackett, if we release today, charmers get askubuntu and github integration16:24
marcoceppirick_h_: had two reports today of this causing end user confusion16:25
marcoceppijust passing along the info16:25
rick_h_marcoceppi: yea, it's been around 100 times. at one point I got only failures to show, but then others wanted all listed.16:25
rick_h_marcoceppi: yea, understand. It's been a long running point of fun discussion16:25
marcoceppirick_h_: cool, here's more data for your pocket then :)16:26
jcsackettsinzui: yes, as long as we're releasing to revno 421 on charmworld and use charmworld-79 tag for the charm.16:26
marcoceppirick_h_: maybe even just saying "Tested Providers" with a caveat to mention that you can attempt to deploy charms on any provider we only have definitive results for XYZ16:27
jcsackettwait, we don't need all the way through 421.16:27
jcsackettmany things have landed. :-P16:27
jcsackettsinzui: through revno 415 for github. it looks like there have several bundle related landings as well--i don't know the QA status of all of thsoe.16:27
rick_h_marcoceppi: yea, you can toss feedback out to Juju-gui-peeps if you want. I'm not sure where to take it at this point.16:28
marcoceppirick_h_: cool, I'll take this discussion to their court16:29
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, we've got proof api stuff and things in progress that are not complete for release.16:29
sinzuijcsackett, can you do a quick review of staging. The app.log will show any misadventures with new proof. We can look at some charms to verify we see icons warning.16:29
jcsackettsinzui: popping into staging now.16:30
jcsackettsinzui: app.log shows a few tracebacks for bad YAML as IngestErrors, and some no branch, but that's all logging normal for charms with errors, iirc.16:35
jcsackettsinzui: i'm not sure i follwed the second part; what charms and what about icons warning?16:36
sinzuijcsackett, tabs about smoke16:36
jcsackettsinzui: yup.16:36
sinzuiI wrote the branch owner. He replied that he will fix them when he has time16:36
rick_h_jcsackett: sinzui so in checking no reason to not go to 421 if you want.16:37
sinzuijcsackett, We want to confirm that charmworld is showing the proof that we include.16:37
sinzuijcsackett, i looked at a few charms and I see sensible proof warning16:40
* sinzui thinks the underling of them is ugly and a bug16:40
jcsackettsinzui: ok. my lunch finished cooking a moment ago. right after food, i'll start the release process.16:41
sinzuithank you rick_h_16:42
gary_posterfor those following along, marcoceppi caught up with me in #juju-gui .  His point made sense to me, and he filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1241075 , with my thanks.17:27
_mup_Bug #1241075: Wording of "Providers" confusing on charm information page <juju-gui:Triaged by lucapaulina> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241075>17:27
rick_h_marcoceppi: ping18:14
marcoceppirick_h_: pong18:14
rick_h_marcoceppi: got http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1048/ as the new setup for you. You can just use the root error messages. They're prefixed by the bundle name.18:14
rick_h_marcoceppi: the details are nested and they're lists now so that you can support multiple errors per service (e.g. multiple config issues)18:15
marcoceppirick_h_: it doesn't indicate severity - or are these all always error?18:15
rick_h_marcoceppi: what I'd suggest for a first cut is that, if there are errors in here, that you provide a link at the least to the api call for a "for full details go to:" until some sort of verbosity can come up18:15
rick_h_marcoceppi: right now, all the things in that blueprint we're checking are errors18:15
rick_h_we can expand, but currently it's all we have use cases for18:16
marcoceppirick_h_: cool, I'm fine with that just need to know how to prefix these messages18:16
marcoceppithanks! This looks good18:16
rick_h_https://blueprints.launchpad.net/charm-tools/+spec/charm-bundle-support says they're all critical18:16
rick_h_so error == critical and if we get to a warnings then we'll add "warning_messages", "warnings"18:16
rick_h_(note that's a typo, it should be error_messages (with an s)18:17
marcoceppirick_h_: right, missed "error" in the error_messages key18:17
rick_h_marcoceppi: cool, I've got some tests to write around this new stuff for the config checking and will get it pushed up. I'll let you know when it's on staging and you can poke at it with fury18:17
marcoceppithanks for working on this, looks good!18:17
rick_h_marcoceppi: probably sometime tomorrow18:17
CaptainTacoSaucehi guys, still trying to understand some basics, with juju-local, I should be able to run precise charms on a saucy "host" right?19:01
CaptainTacoSauceassuming lxc19:01
marcoceppiCaptainTacoSauce: yes, despite your host being saucy, all LXC containers launched will be precise (unless you specify otherwise)19:07
marcoceppiCaptainTacoSauce: however, I think there's a bug in 1.16.0 that breaks the local provider, so if you're experiencing an issue, it might be related to that19:07
CaptainTacoSaucemarcoceppi: ah, indeed I am, but I've been playing with it for all of 5 minutes now, thanks19:07
marcoceppiCaptainTacoSauce: let me find the bug for you19:08
marcoceppiCaptainTacoSauce: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/124070919:08
_mup_Bug #1240709: local provider fails to start <local-provider> <juju-core:Fix Committed by thumper> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1240709>19:08
paulczar^ I was seeing that bug when I installed on my laptop yesterday19:12
paulczarhow does the juju-gui charm get the admin-secret from enviroments.yaml  ?    I would like to be able to use the same for my own apps19:54
marcoceppipaulczar: you have to manually enter it last I tried19:59
paulczarwhen I do juju deploy juju-gui it somehow gets the admin-secret out of my juju environment20:00
paulczarbut I'm not seeing how in the charm hooks20:00
marcoceppipaulczar: hum, I'll ping gary_poster but also poke at the charm if he doesn't answer20:00
gary_posterpaul czar, it does not--it just remembers in browser for a single url in a single browser session.  However, https://launchpad.net/juju-quickstart gets out the admin secret with Python (and eventually we have talked about doing what you describe)20:03
gary_poster(that is, starting you logged in to the GUI)20:04
gary_posterpaulczar, sorry ^^^20:04
jcsackettsinzui: release has finished, heartbeat is coming up good.20:32
sinzuiI just checked the review queue20:33
jcsackettsinzui: be a bit before askubuntu items show up in it.20:33
sinzuijcsackett, I expect new things to show by tomorrow20:34
jcsackettsinzui: that would be accurate.20:34
jcsacketti have a card for the release in assessment, but have moved releasable cards to done.20:34
jcastrojcsackett, about how long until questions show up?20:42
jcastrowe talking hours or ... ?20:42
jcastrojcsackett, thanks for working on this btw, it will be awesome!20:42
thedacJust upgraded from 1.14.x to 1.16.0 and now getting "ERROR cannot start bootstrap instance: index file has no data for cloud" What needs changing?21:23
jcsackettjcastro: the job runs daily, so should be up by tomorrow morning.21:45
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