
ahoneybunnever going to give you up01:01
rohani see something weird: after resume from suspend ,my computer is frozen for quite a few seconds.. however it seems to accept input, i.e. i can enter my password and hit return to login 02:50
rohanis there any way i can debug the issue? 02:50
ScottKvalorie: Is anyone updating the screen shots like Riddell asked?05:12
valoriehmmm, not that I know of05:17
valoriehowever, my test boxes are done updating05:17
valorietherefore I should be able to do it05:17
valorieI guess I should report my upgrade tests on the test site too, while I'm at it05:18
ScottKWe have a pass result for all the upgrade cases, so unless you have problems you needed to report, the screen shots are more important.05:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1240807 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Broken relative links in HTML docs" [Undecided,New]05:25
razor_^^^^^ Getting broken relative HTML links in current kubuntu-docs package. 05:25
razor_Something broken in conversion there?05:25
valoriecool, reporting is a pain, screenshots are easy05:32
valoriebleah, I feel like an idiot, but I can't seem to figure out to how to upload my new screenie to the wiki06:09
valoriethey talk about an "attachment" link but I find no such link anywhere06:10
valorieoh good lord, now I find it06:10
ScottKUpgrade instructions fixed up.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SaucyUpgrades/Kubuntu06:13
ScottKIf someone hasn't upgraded yet, should use some raring screenshots for the first part of htat.06:13
valorieoh, my god, I'd forgotten how much I hate moin moin, and like KDE's wiki06:22
ScottKBTW, I don't seem to have a working password to the web site.06:23
valoriegeez, finally have uploaded screenshot and lil screenie to the wiki06:32
valorieScottK: this laptop isn't upgraded yet06:32
valorieif you think that is important, I can do new screenies for the upgrade page as well, but I have no access to the website06:33
valorieI honestly think no one will notice the older wallpaper though06:34
lordievaderrazor_: Are you using your browser to open the docs, im talking about bug 1240807.06:41
ubottubug 1240807 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Broken relative links in HTML docs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124080706:41
lordievaderGood morning btw.06:41
ScottKvalorie: If you put changelogs.ubuntu.com in /etc/hosts, you can test the automatic upgrade notification (and take screen shots if you want).06:45
ScottKNow I must sleep.06:45
valoriethanks for all your work, ScottK06:46
razor_lordievader: Yep. In browser. As they are HTML I assumed they should work equally well in that compared to KDE help centre, but perhaps not the intended case then?06:53
lordievaderrazor_: Well the way they work, the links refer to the root of the site, on your pc that is /, ofcourse, the khelpcenter modifies this to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/ I'm starting to wonder if the other docs work this way.06:59
lordievaderHmm nevermind, the others seem to be docbook only.07:04
razor_Don't know about ubuntu specific docs on that one, but I'm reasonably used to pasting the local path for HTML docs on a lot of software in a browser to view and it works OK.07:05
razor_If that is not wished for kubuntu docs then no big deal, as long as expected behaviour is not broken.07:06
lordievaderrazor_: Ok, I see. Would be interesting for 14.04, I'll see if I can get it working by then ;)07:06
lordievaderrazor_: Well as long as it works in the khelpcenter I'd say it is working ;)07:06
razor_Fair enough. 07:06
lordievaderBut I do agree it would be nice if it works outside of the khelpcenter too.07:07
valorierazor_: we only recently started working on the docs again, so they are not as good as they need to be yet, for sure07:07
valoriesorry to hear that they aren't working as expected07:07
razor_Yes, I only looked as I noticed they had been recently revamped.07:08
valoriethe old ones were a bit too moldy to continue to send out 07:09
valorietesting the auto-upgrade notification, which involves restarting, so signing out for now08:03
Riddellvalorie: auto-upgrade notification?08:07
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the plan du jour?08:07
* Riddell high fives ScottK for doing the SaucyUpgrades page08:09
jussiRiddell: HAI!08:09
Riddellanyone doing Install (auto-resize) ?08:10
RiddellScottK: is there still a crash on upgrade in network manager?08:14
* Riddell browses http://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/1ned6x/what_to_expect_for_kubuntu_1310/08:15
RiddellI wonder if its worth mentioning in the release notes that we're using X with plans to use Wayland, stop people worrying08:15
Riddellshadeslayer: include link to jussi's shop in the release announcement too?08:28
Riddellagateau: hmm i think I found a (fairly minor) issue, if the wireless step is skipped due to wired connection then if you click back from partitioning it complains and just goes to partitioning again08:38
agateauRiddell: :/08:43
agateauRiddell: what does it say?08:43
Riddellagateau: it moans about loading modules, presumably because it goes back to the wireless step then straight onto the partitioning step again, it should go back to the previous step08:45
agateauRiddell: ok, let's see if I can reproduce it08:45
Riddellhi smartboyhw 08:53
smartboyhwRiddell, hello:)08:55
Riddellanything exciting happening today?08:57
smartboyhwRiddell, yes, the release.08:57
* Riddell high fives valorie for testing upgrade08:58
smartboyhwI guess we are soon ready, just waiting for your final test on auto-resize on amd6408:58
Riddelljust booting that up08:59
Riddellcor plasma active does actually start on the kubuntu active image09:26
* Riddell starts on kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.1009:37
Riddellhi vassie, can you feel the excitement in the air?09:38
vassieHello Riddell :) I sure can09:39
vassieBeen running Saucy for a few weeks now, the minor issues I found have all been fixed :)09:40
vassieMy Saturday just became free, so I know what's I'll be up to09:45
vassieLaptop and desktop already backed up09:45
shadeslayerhola 09:47
smartboyhwHola shadeslayer 09:47
shadeslayerssup, everything going good?09:47
shadeslayerRiddell: sure09:48
smartboyhwshadeslayer, quite:)09:48
Riddellshadeslayer: did you have to swear allegance to juan carlos and hide all your catalan flags?09:49
Riddellmeh converting the release announce from wiki to html always takes ages, we do too much new stuff!09:50
* shadeslayer is a proper EU citizen, got my residence card today :D09:51
smartboyhwshadeslayer, congratulations!09:52
Riddellshadeslayer: welcome to the continent :)09:53
* yofel still needs to get used to shadeslayer being in the same timezone as him09:55
yofelwelcome in any case :)09:55
Riddellhow's this? https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.1010:13
Riddellahoneybun: able to do some proofreading? https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.1010:25
* Riddell updates http://www.kubuntu.org/content/homepage10:25
ahoneybunRiddell: I just woke up a few mins ago lol, I'll look at it10:31
Riddellhmm this page really could do with some improvement https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:38
RiddellI'd like to replace that with a simple kubuntu page10:38
ahoneybunUbuntu 9.10 image wow10:40
smartboyhwThat's terrifying;P10:40
RiddellI guess that can be fixed when our docs Install page gets done10:42
ahoneybunor it can be merged into it10:50
Riddellnah, needs rewritten, that document is crap and incomplete10:50
ahoneybunhow do I get into that admin page?10:52
smartboyhwahoneybun, you don't have access? (/me has the ACL here if you want)10:52
ahoneybunsmartboyhw: I don't think so10:53
smartboyhwahoneybun, OK, Riddell can you approve me to give ahoneybun ACL?10:54
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:59
ahoneybunBluesKaj: morning11:00
BluesKajhey ahoneybun11:01
Riddellsmartboyhw: ACL?11:02
Riddellsmartboyhw: yeah give him the password11:02
ahoneybunhey BluesKaj11:04
cortexA9is released ? :P11:08
Riddellnope, still waiting on you to proofread the announce :)11:08
smartboyhwheh heh11:09
cortexA916.1 = final ?11:10
smartboyhwcortexA9, might be, might not be11:11
smartboyhwAny ISO images you find are not guaranteed to be final until announced by the release manager11:11
smartboyhw(from #ubuntu-release-party topic)11:11
soeewhos release manager ?11:14
smartboyhwsoee, if we tell anybody then everybody will be ushering him to get it out a.s.a.p, so I don't think it should be told:P11:15
soeeoh you.. :)11:15
smartboyhwsoee, not me11:18
smartboyhwSomebody from the Ubuntu Release Team 11:18
cortexA9oh it's out :P11:19
cortexA9need to test it :P11:20
smartboyhwNot 'out' officially:)11:20
Riddellit's not out at all, watch the announce list to know when it is https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/11:23
cortexA9oh ok sorry11:23
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
cortexA9Riddell: all ok.11:46
cortexA9smartboyhw: all ok.11:46
Riddellgoogle plus is a confusing minefield to me, does that mean I'm getting older?12:02
smartboyhwRiddell, what?12:04
smartboyhwCan't be:P12:04
BlizzzRiddell: no, it's constructed that youre getting confused and thus caught there and never find your way out12:08
jussiRiddell: yes, it means you are an ancient luddite :P12:08
RiddellI wonder what t-series will be called12:16
Riddelljussi: uh oh your kubuntu polo shirts have competition! http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2013/10/byobu-t-shirts-are-here.html12:17
jussiRiddell: yeah, I noticed that12:17
Riddellnow I like byobu but it just doesn't inspire enough fandom in me to want to buy a t-shirt12:17
jussibtw, I hate windows and its "forced updates when you shutdown" idea. EVIL!12:18
jussiRiddell: are you planning to buy a Kubuntu one? 12:18
Riddelljussi: no sympathy here but we have this other nice operating system if you have a problem with windows :)12:18
jussiRiddell: that other nice operating system doesnt flash my phone12:18
Riddellyeah we removed hotbabe from the archives12:19
Riddelloh other sort of flash12:19
Riddelljussi: not sure I need another kubuntu polo shirt, I already have one, but I think we should get a bunch to munich to make sure everyone there gets one12:20
Riddellfor some sensible definition of everyone12:20
jussiRiddell: yeah, have to order now if we need more on time...12:20
jussimind, they go quicker now12:20
jussiRiddell: oh, and I had to take down the donations things, as money collection rules are evil here in .fi12:21
Riddellwhich donations thing?12:21
jussithankfully no one had donated yet12:21
jussiRiddell: we had the possbility up for people to donate through that shop also. 12:22
jussiI will put a link to the kubuntu donations page there12:22
RiddellScottK: ahoneybun: bug 1240951 for SRU12:25
ubottubug 1240951 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Saucy) "installation pages should be removed from kubuntu-docs" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124095112:25
ScottKRiddell: I've upgraded two systems recently.  One over the weekend (it crashed) and one yesterday (it didn't).  So my guess is it happens some of the time.  I doubt we fixed it since the weekend.12:40
Riddellok we'll put it on the release notes12:43
RiddellI wonder if we should be worried that valorie hasn't reappeared12:43
ScottKIt's very early in her TZ.12:43
Riddellshe e-mailed at 01:54:53 her time, maybe she fell asleep while doing the upgrade12:44
RiddellI'll mark upgrades as ready12:44
ScottKYeah.  I'm pretty sure they are.12:51
Riddellgoing out for a wee bit, if the release happens just publish https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.10 and change the banner for the one which is commented out at https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/node/162/edit13:01
ScottKRiddell: Got it.13:06
smartboyhwHmm, sounds like it's released?13:19
shadeslayerI don't see a email13:21
BluesKajnot yet , https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/13:21
shadeslayersmartboyhw: your sources are bad :P13:25
smartboyhwshadeslayer, it's #ubuntu-release ACKed13:26
smartboyhw(By cjwatson:P)13:26
smartboyhwLook at #ubuntu-release-party13:26
shadeslayersomeone forgot to send a email then13:27
smartboyhwThe announcement is on hold because of the website13:27
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | 13.10 released | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/
ScottKkubuntu.org updated.13:28
soeethers no announcement on g+ ?13:32
smartboyhwWho controls the Kubuntu G+ accounts?13:32
ScottKWasn't it Darkwing?13:33
jjesseyay do-release-upgrade started :)13:34
shadeslayersomeone beat me to it13:34
smartboyhwRiddell, yes:P (Please update chan topics on #kubuntu and #k-offtopic)13:46
smartboyhwGood job everybody on the 13.10 release:)13:47
Riddellyep thanks for your help everyone13:50
smartboyhwRiddell, #kubuntu-offtopic?13:51
smartboyhw(There is also a not yet updated topic)13:51
yofel-offtopic is not +t btw ^^13:52
ScottKRiddell: Someone should send a mail too.  I didn't get to that.  Would you?13:53
RiddellScottK: I sent a wee one to kubuntu-devel13:53
smartboyhwyofel, oh:P13:53
ScottKGreat.  Kubuntu-users might appreciate knowing too.13:53
Riddellgood point13:53
shadeslayerRiddell: the about system dialog is missing text in the Processors field14:12
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah, known bug, it's something in solid not talking to something in udev14:13
smartboyhwSupposed to be SRUed14:13
shadeslayerno no in the release announcement screenshot14:13
shadeslayerHarald patched out about system to not display the processors when it couldn't find the ifno14:13
shadeslayerRiddell: Alex also says that it'd be nice to have another user in the user-manager screenshot14:17
Riddellshadeslayer: it's a wiki, edit :)14:18
shadeslayerit is? I thought it was on https://www-admin.kubuntu.org14:18
Riddelloh good point14:19
Riddellalthough the images are on the wiki14:19
Riddellattachment on that website is broken14:19
agateauRiddell: I can reproduce the Ubiquity bug. I am going to fix it, but if I am not mistaken the fix won't land until 14.04, right?14:19
cortexA9Riddell: the bug of the sleep mode is still present in the 13.10 final ?14:20
cortexA9i didn't tried14:21
Riddellagateau: we can do an SRU and anyone who clicks the "upgrade the installer" option at the start will get it14:22
RiddellcortexA9: suspend works well for me14:23
agateauRiddell: there is an "upgrade the installer" option?14:23
cortexA9because it freeze Riddell14:23
cortexA9when i turn back from sleep mode..14:23
cortexA9in the past..14:24
ScottKagateau: It happens when you check the apply updates button, IIRC.14:24
Riddellagateau: yeah although i guess if you've never seen it that suggests most other people haven't either14:25
agateauRiddell: I knew about the update check box, but didn't know it would restart the installer14:26
agateauubiquity never cease to amaze me :)14:26
lordievaderGood job everyone on Saucy Salamander :D14:27
lordievaderGlad to see it released ^^14:27
lordievaderErr, in the release notes "/news/kubuntu-13.10" the link to the Documentation is still in wiki syntax: [[http://docs.kubuntu.org|docs.kubuntu.org]]14:33
shadeslayerRiddell: can you resize about-system-wee.png so that it shows up properly?14:35
yofelshadeslayer: just remove one of the size values if you don't know the aspect ratio14:38
shadeslayer"This content has been modified by another user, changes cannot be saved."14:40
Riddellshadeslayer: fixed14:41
Riddelllordievader: fixed14:41
lordievaderRiddell: \o/14:42
yofellolwhat, I set up kmail in kvm for an upgrade test. Now kmail in the VM and my real kmail session here don't agree on how many unread mails I have in my inbox - and I'm using IMAP...14:42
smartboyhwjussi, pinf14:43
shadeslayerScottK: do you know of packages that ship files in /usr/local15:02
ScottKShouldn't be any.15:02
shadeslayerokay well, anything that moves files to /usr/local ?15:03
lordievaderahoneybun: ping, you around? I have some awesome ideas for fixing bug 124080715:03
ubottubug 1240807 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Broken relative links in HTML docs" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124080715:03
jussismartboyhw: yes? (quick, IM not here long and contentless pings suck)15:07
smartboyhwjussi, go to #ubuntustudio and change topic s/13.04/13.10/15:07
jussimeh. later. busy15:07
ScottKshadeslayer: /usr/local is for local things.  The packaging system shouldn't change it.  There's one exception to this (language specific), but I don't recall what it is.15:11
lordievaderYayy bug 1240807 can be considered fixed. Riddel can this fix be included with the SRU for the kubuntu-docs package?15:25
ubottubug 1240807 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Broken relative links in HTML docs" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124080715:25
BluesKajsoee. do you recall the tutorial URL for fixing the optimus gpu driver issues ?15:25
BluesKajsoee. nm , I found it15:27
geniiSomeone in #k is pointing out that http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download still only has Raring15:28
BluesKajthis one supposedly works , http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.1015:34
Riddellgenii: hmm good point15:35
yuriy_hi everyone!15:40
yuriy_congratulations on another release!15:40
Riddellthanks yuriy_ :)15:40
Peace-hello i did update and upgrade 15:47
Peace-but ....15:47
Peace-E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:47
Peace-error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-nm_0.9.3.0-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb (--unpack):15:48
Peace- trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/apps/networkmanager.png', which is also in package plasma-widget-networkmanagement
Peace-dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)15:48
Peace-Errors were encountered while processing:15:48
Peace- /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-nm_0.9.3.0-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb15:48
Peace-E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:48
Peace-Riddell: ^15:48
shadeslayerPeace-: how did you do the upgrade?16:03
Peace-shadeslayer: from konsole 16:04
Peace-sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:04
shadeslayerPeace-: and you were running saucy before?16:04
Peace-shadeslayer: yep16:04
Peace-let me check if i did upgrade16:05
Peace-or dist-upgrade16:05
shadeslayerI can think of a reason why this would happen16:05
Peace-shadeslayer: i did upgrade16:06
Peace-shadeslayer: anyway it seems i have fixed i mean i removed plasma-widget and install reinstalled plasma-nm16:07
shadeslayeryep that's one way16:08
Peace-i have just reported that issue16:08
shadeslayerBut I think apachelogger forgot to Break/Replace plasna-widget-networkmanager 16:08
Peace-maybe it's because i have installed the beta that had old plasma network thing 16:08
Peace-ok :D16:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: halp16:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: my dolphin speaketh German16:09
Peace-i go thank you shadeslayer16:09
shadeslayerI dropped the silly setlocale.sh from ~/.kde/env16:09
shadeslayerand it still speaketh German16:09
shadeslayermaybe it's trying to teach me something16:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/p4f0a62b716:11
Riddellhow's this? kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download16:14
Riddelldo we still want to link to wubi on kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download ?16:15
BluesKajwubi is more support trouble than it's worth ,,wish ubuntu would dump it altogether for all OS versions16:16
Riddellwhat problems does it cause?16:17
shadeslayeris wubi even supported?16:17
shadeslayerIIRC it wasn't16:17
Riddellonly for 12.04LTS16:17
shadeslayerDon't put it then16:18
BluesKajppl think they actully hav an independent OS , rather than one that runs from a file in windows which cause internet connect problems , audio setup problems etc etc16:18
Riddellok removed16:18
Riddellwow this page is worse than the burning image one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick16:18
Riddellif I was starting out that would put me right off16:19
Riddellahoneybun: fancy adding that to your docs todo list? ↑16:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am not online on release day16:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: so you can avoid all the bugs that are caused because of you ? :D16:44
apacheloggerI did not touch plasma-nm until like 2 weeks ago when I started patching it16:45
apacheloggerdid not ever touch it's packaging16:45
apacheloggerbut yeah, the idea is that I do not have to deal with bugs :P16:45
Blizzzyeah! with 13.10 i can do rectangular screenshots again without dying X :)17:03
lordievaderRiddell: How is it going with the updated docs package (the one without the installation pages)? I read this will be a SRU? If so I have a fix which would be nice if it was included.17:21
Riddelllordievader: yes there's an SRU for that17:24
Riddellbug 124095117:24
ubottubug 1240951 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Saucy) "installation pages should be removed from kubuntu-docs" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124095117:24
lordievaderRiddell: True, but I have a fix for bug 124080717:25
ubottubug 1240807 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Broken relative links in HTML docs" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124080717:25
Riddelllordievader: groovy, throw it in17:26
lordievaderRiddell: Ehh, where exactly? The way I made the package last time?17:26
Riddelllordievader: give me a patch for the tokhelp.py script17:28
lordievaderRiddell: Actually, it is an added javascript and a modified header/footer.17:29
Riddelllordievader: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-docs_13.10ubuntu2.1.tar.gz17:30
Riddellthat's what I uploaded for SRU17:30
Riddellmake your changes to that and I'll upload again17:30
lordievaderRiddell: Simply extract, change, and compress?17:31
Riddelllordievader: yeah17:32
lordievaderRiddell: Here you go: http://griffioen.no-ip.org/kubuntu-docs/kubuntu-docs_13.10ubuntu2.1.tar.gz17:37
ovidiu-florinRiddell: broken link on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.10 for kubuntu docs17:41
ovidiu-florinit's fixed17:41
Riddelllordievader: gosh javascript?17:42
Riddelllordievader: can't it be done by changing the files in tokhelp.py ?17:42
lordievaderRiddell: I don't think so. Khelpcenter and a browser use different root-dirs. Actually I haven't tested how khelpcenter does absolute paths, but I won't be surprised if it prepends "/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en"...17:44
Riddelllordievader: but why does a browser have anything to do with it?17:46
Riddellthis package is for files to be read by Khelpcenter only17:46
lordievaderRiddell: Someone came by this morning who did open them with a browser, so I thought why not.17:47
Riddellum, why did they open them in a browser?17:48
lordievaderGood question.17:48
razor_^^ didn't know they were accessible via the help centre.17:50
razor_long time since I had looked at them17:50
Riddellthat would actually be quite hard to do, you'd need to find the path it's installed to17:55
lordievaderRiddell: Isn't /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en default for Kubuntu?17:57
ScottKRiddell: No wubi please.17:57
razor_Not really hard to find where files are installed with some basic package management knowledge.18:03
razor_I'm used to using some older scientific/physics software as well where the made the documentation a pain to access18:04
razor_Modern linux is ironically too easy sometimes.18:05
lordievaderIn the case of them not being in the same standard dir, "document.URL" will tell you the requested url. From there you can extract what the dir is, I'd say.18:08
MamarokCongratulations everyone :)18:30
lordievaderMamarok: You too :)18:31
Mamarokthanks, but I didn't do much18:34
lordievaderNo reason not to enjoy this release ;)18:35
ScottKRiddell: The lack of visual feedback when Muon update manager is updating the package list is really disturbing.18:41
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
ahoneybunRiddell: the page has been removed for now that was in the kubuntu-docs package I believe19:32
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
ScottKvalorie: Don't forget to remove that entry from /etc/hosts now.22:24
ahoneybunScottK: I know the page for membership but its a bit odd of a page22:36
ahoneybunI can't understand how to apply22:37
ScottKvalorie: Can you help with ^^^?  I'm trying to catch up on $work right now after taking off more time than I planned yesterday and today for the release.22:38
ahoneybunScottK: I want membership22:39
Riddellahoneybun: make a wiki page saying who you are, what you do for kubuntu and what you'll do in the future22:41
Riddellthen organise a meeting of kubuntu council with doodle22:41
Riddellthen we'll grill you and see if you're one of us22:41
ahoneybungrill me lol22:42
ahoneybunRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AaronHoneycutt22:43
apacheloggermhh, release out... flameware on golem.de about dolphin vs. nautilus... apachelogger facepalms22:45
Riddell"Technicial Wring class " typo?22:45
* apachelogger wrings some technology22:46
ahoneybunmaybe 22:46
ahoneybunRiddell: I'm updating it a bit now22:47
valoriehere, trying to read up22:50
valoriehad a busy morning offline22:50
apacheloggervalorie: morning was three quaters of a day ago :P22:53
ahoneybunvalorie: hey 22:53
ahoneybunRiddell: making the doodle now22:53
valorie'twas, true22:53
valoriebut my teeth are all nice and shiny-clean22:53
apacheloggerRiddell: we should bring proper release notes back22:54
valorietiming couldn't be helped22:55
ahoneybunRiddell: ScottK valorie http://doodle.com/kg5ybsf3epbrvr9c22:55
Riddellapachelogger: did anyone read them?22:57
ahoneybunalso sent it to the mailing list22:57
Riddellahoneybun: send it to the e-mail list22:57
* Riddell snoozes22:57
valoriesweet dreams, Riddell22:58
apacheloggerRiddell: I have read one german post that found it a bit sad that we don't provide a more comprehensive list of what changed22:58
valoriecongratulations on an awesome release!22:58
apacheloggerRiddell: though I also didn't find the previous notes very useful and terrible to read to begin with22:58
valorieahoneybun: done23:00
ahoneybunvalorie: did the doodle I see23:01
apacheloggerScottK: bug 1235633 also reports the upower issue so I reckon it's a bit more wide spread23:02
ubottubug 1240673 in upower (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1235633 Reports 0% charged for fully charged batteries" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124067323:02
apacheloggerScottK: also I find it suspicious that the oldest report seems to have been not 2 weeks ago23:03
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, btw, that is the plan for muon are we going to land a final via SRU or what?23:06
valoriepffff, i'm setting up my torrents, and now I get connection refused23:12
valorielubuntu sure does have lotsa choices23:12
ScottKapachelogger: The short release notes are just due to shadeslayer being lazy.23:12
apacheloggerin other news: earth apparently is not flat23:14
apacheloggera feature overview is nice, but IMO a bit limited WRT what actually changed and how that affects an educated user etc.23:14
ScottKHe did ask for comments.  I improved it some.23:15
apacheloggermaybe it's me, but there is something seriously wrong with the updater experience23:19
ScottKIt's not just you.23:20
apacheloggergot a notification for updates, opened, updater came up said there are no updates, notification and trayicon went away now I don't know what to do23:20
apacheloggerand really, what happend with JT?23:20
ScottK$dayjob, I think.23:20
apacheloggerI was rather under the impression that he dayjobbed at blue systems23:21
apacheloggeror maybe I am imagining things now23:22
apacheloggerin any case I am way too sober for release day23:22
valoriefor me the updater looked pretty much as it has always looked23:22
apacheloggerit's bugged23:23
apacheloggeroh that machine is a bit old23:24
ScottKThe absolute lack of feedback when you ask to check for updates is awful.23:26
apacheloggernow it crashed23:26
apacheloggeroh my23:26
apacheloggerto be perfectly honest I believe that stuff should be in discover23:27
apacheloggermuon-notifier/release-checker has serious problems23:29
apachelogger4 forks running23:29
apacheloggerand apparently all 4 of them do the same thing23:29
apacheloggerand they are started whenever you start muonanything so whenever something muon starts your system performance goes on vacation and the intartubes get all cogged up23:30
apacheloggerwho wrote that23:31
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}} and sweet dreams, apachelogger23:31
apacheloggervalorie: are you going to bed? because I was pasting actual code :P23:32
apacheloggercan someone else please open ksysguard and filter for muon ... then start muon-discover and see if 4 python3 applications show up in ksysguard23:33
valorieno, not sleeping the in the middle of the sunny afternoon, no23:35
apacheloggerafternoon was half a day ago :P23:35
valorieyes, that's exactly what happens here23:36
valorie3 pythorns23:36
valorieoh, now they're gone23:36
apacheloggeryeah they basically just check if a new distro release is preset23:36
valorielots of kio_http though23:37
valorie8 of them23:37
ScottKapachelogger: I just filed KDE bug 326169.23:37
ubottuKDE bug 326169 in updater "No feedback provided when checking for updates" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32616923:37
apacheloggervalorie: yeah, dunno what those are yet, may be changelog queries though23:37
apacheloggeranyway, there should be one pyth0rn23:37
valorienow there is none23:38
apacheloggerso that's a buggy bug23:38
apacheloggerand there should not be a pyth0rn right after startup23:38
apacheloggeralthough I'd argue that there should be none until the user enters an updaete context (i.e. starts muon-updater OR goes to the muon-discover installed-software-tab)23:38
apacheloggersomething is wrong with apt-xapian as well23:47
apacheloggerit appears to be lingering for a while now23:47
apacheloggerwe really need more python software in kubuntu23:47
apacheloggerit's so incredibly reliable23:48
valorieplus, it would make you happier23:50
apacheloggeryes, a lot23:50
ScottKapachelogger: I think I'm done for now: KDE Bug 326169, KDE Bug 326171, KDE Bug 32617423:51
ubottuKDE bug 326169 in updater "No feedback provided when checking for updates" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32616923:51
ubottuKDE bug 326171 in updater "Update checks unreliable" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617123:51
ubottuKDE bug 326174 in updater "Package update installation U/I unreliable" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617423:51
ScottKI don't think the updater's problems have anything to do with what it's implemented in.23:52
apacheloggerteh updater is not implemented in python23:53
apacheloggerapt-xapian is23:53
apacheloggerthat being said, updater does not simply hang :P23:53
ScottKRight.  apt-xapian could stand being burned to the ground and re-implemented from scratch.23:55
valoriedinner; bbl23:58
apacheloggeryeah, I dunno apt-xapian-update is definitely stuck on something23:59
* apachelogger cries23:59

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