
F41LHeyo all... I just updated my box to 13.10b2, made sure to have everything 100% updated as I could get it, (and it was nearly a stock system without much extra packages installed), but now it hangs at a black screen with my KDE mouse cursor visible00:10
F41LMy other box which had way more packages, and even PPAs, and updated just fine.00:11
F41LIs there a way I can revert, or repair/redo the upgrade to fix whatever went wrong?00:11
apbDaskreech: I did not00:31
F41LSo anywho, yeah, is there a method to re-attempt the upgrade to fix anything that went wrong? I know it's a beta and all, I'm not adverse to reinstalling entirely, but I'd at least like to try at least a method or two to get it running again before I go to that annoying route :D00:32
sithlord48F41L: switch to a tty . try sudo apt-get -f install00:44
F41Lsithloard, I think it might have something to do with my graphics drivers, is there a way I can set to use a particular graphics driver from the terminal?01:03
F41LLike for example, I have dual Radeon 7970s, I imagine the radeon driver is much better than the OSS driver01:04
sithlord48F41L:  if you have installed fglrx (catalyst) then it should autoload instead of the radeon(oss) driver01:05
F41LNot sure if I have it installed, having just run the 13.10b2 distro upgrade01:05
apbUsing ubuntu 12.04... Getting an error: The server protocol version is 28, but at least version 33 is required. Install a newer version of the Akonadi server....   sudo apt-get install akonadi-server:  akonadi-server is already the newest version.01:06
sithlord48F41L:  if you run lsmod you will see all the modules loaded on your system01:06
sithlord48apb: what version of kde do you have?01:06
apbsithlord48: Platform Version 4.11.201:07
sithlord48Apb your not goinng to get much newer.. whats giving the error?01:08
apbanything and everything that uses akonadi server... kjots, korganizer...01:09
apbHere's the selftest output: http://pastebin.com/emuWBeZL01:10
sithlord48apb:  seams like its working.01:11
apbsithlord48: what makes you say that?01:12
sithlord48apb:  do you have the kubuntu ppa installed backports or did u manually install kde?01:12
apbsithlord48: Not sure...01:13
sithlord48apb:  did u add a ppa?01:13
apbI've added several... I don't remember for kubuntu01:14
apbhow can I check?01:14
apbI'm weak on package managers01:14
sithlord48software sources in your package manager01:14
apbmore specifically?01:14
sithlord48tools software sources in your package manager01:14
apbI've used both apt-get and software center01:15
sithlord48apb this ppa . https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta01:16
apbmostly I copied & pasted whatever the webpage or person told me to do at the time... or clicked when I had popups...01:16
sithlord48when you look in software sources look for that ppa . that has newest kde01:17
apbin /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-backports-precise.list I see: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu precise main01:20
apbIf that's not what you're asking then I need you to be more precise... again, I'm weak on package managers.01:22
apbI could add that ppa... I  presume it won't hurt anything if it's already there ....... somewhere.01:23
sithlord48apb:  if you need newer version thats it01:23
sithlord48apb: if thats not it im not sure what else i don't use akoandi or nepomuk on my systems.01:24
apbwhat do you use?01:24
apbfor the record, #akonadi said "akonadi-server package isn't the right one"... which isn't all too helpful - to me at least.01:25
sithlord48i dont use any desktop search01:25
apbit's not search... it's an organizer, notes, calendar... a PIM essentially01:25
sithlord48i don't use that either01:26
apbso you're saying I should do: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta01:28
apbCannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~https/+archive/ppa)01:31
sithlord48apb:  that link is to its info page.01:35
apbObject: <Person at 0x2b8a3c906990 https (Hartmut J\xfcrgens)>, name: u'+archive'  is all that's there.01:38
sithlord48apb: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta01:46
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ATC243750496what's the pacage manager kubuntu useing?02:24
ATC243750496the name02:24
AddleBy default, anyways. I tend to use synaptic.02:27
ATC243750496the window show up when double click deb file02:29
ATC243750496that manager is?02:29
ATC243750496did someone used fedora before?02:32
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AddleATC243750496: Oh, that one is probably gdebi.02:34
ATC243750496did some one used fedora before???02:37
ATC243750496i found a dpkg and apt and also synaptic02:37
ATC243750496so i want to know whether there is a way to install the deb02:38
ATC243750496i just type dpkg -i XX.deb02:38
ATC243750496and show some depends not install02:38
AddleATC243750496: Yep, when you install manually with dpkg, it won't install dependencies. If you can add a repository for the file and install that way, it'll be able to handle the dependencies.02:40
AddleATC243750496: Mind you, you can find them and install them with synaptic, muon or other package manager, then install the .deb with dpkg.02:40
ATC243750496wait there is a error i wil show you later02:41
AddleATC243750496: And there's always: sudo apt-get install SOMEPACKAGENAMEGOESHERE02:41
AddleATC243750496: That's for installing out of your configured repositories from the command line.02:41
ATC243750496i found the apt in fedora is rpm edition02:42
ATC243750496not the deb one02:42
ATC243750496the address only can begin with rpm not deb02:43
ATC243750496so where to find deb one?02:43
AddleATC243750496: Oh, you can certainly run into issues trying to install an RPM. Generally a bad idea.02:43
AddleATC243750496: Well, that depends, what package? :)02:43
ATC243750496only having deb pacage02:44
ATC243750496so i want to install it on fedora02:44
ATC243750496but there is a serious depends problem for me02:45
ATC243750496libcelt0.so.0()(64bit) is splashtop-streamer- needed02:46
ATC243750496        libcrypto.so.1.0.0()(64bit) is splashtop-streamer- needed02:46
ATC243750496        libcrypto.so.1.0.0(OPENSSL_1.0.0)(64bit) is splashtop-streamer- needed02:46
ATC243750496        libssl.so.1.0.0()(64bit) is splashtop-streamer- needed02:46
ATC243750496        libssl.so.1.0.0(OPENSSL_1.0.0)(64bit) is splashtop-streamer- needed02:46
FloodBotK1ATC243750496: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:46
ATC243750496so the function is need02:47
ATC243750496it's the first i see02:47
ATC243750496so i have no idea02:47
ATC243750496can you give me some suggestions?02:47
AddleATC243750496: Looks like it's on the Ubuntu App Store as splashtop-streamer02:48
ATC243750496yes but in the web site has deb file provide i want to install it on fedora02:49
ATC243750496i used alien02:49
ATC243750496and install some depends from yum02:49
ATC243750496solved some but there are still some02:49
ATC243750496witch is funtion needs02:50
AddleATC243750496: Alien has rarely worked for me. Nor do I know enough about Fedora to really help.02:50
AddleATC243750496: Might try a fedora IRC channel.02:50
ATC243750496i hope you can tell me how to slove the function is needed problem02:50
ATC243750496or what's the irc of alien02:52
AddleATC243750496: Doubtful. That's not really a Kubuntu issue. I don't know what packages Fedora has.02:53
ATC243750496you can tell me what ubuntu pacage and i will find the fedora02:53
AddleATC243750496: Well, I usually stick to adding repositories rather than installing .debs directly because of dependencies. But off hand, I think you need openssl.02:54
AddleATC243750496: That should bring in the crypto libraries it needs, also. I'm sort of guessing, though.02:55
DaskreechATC243750496: What did you end up doing?04:11
apbHello.  Using ubuntu 12.04... Getting an error: The server protocol version is 28, but at least version 33 is required. Install a newer version of the Akonadi server....   sudo apt-get install akonadi-server:  akonadi-server is already the newest version.04:12
SonikkuAmericaapb: This is Kubuntu support, do you mean Kubuntu?04:13
apbthat too04:13
SonikkuAmericaapb: What command are you running that returns that error?04:14
apbanything that uses akonadi, such as kjots and korganizer04:15
SonikkuAmericaapb: Have you [ sudo apt-get dist-upgraade ]'d?04:15
apbno, that's one thing I have not done... and I think maybe I would prefer not to do that... seems drastic04:16
SonikkuAmericaapb: All it does is bring the release up to date.04:16
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.04:16
ATC243750496i am still having  trouble04:17
apbcan't I limit it to just akonadi-server somehow?04:17
SonikkuAmericaapb: I always recommend a dist-upgrade, especially after a fresh install.04:17
SonikkuAmericaapb: apt-get install is about the best you can do...04:17
ATC243750496and have no idea so i stoped talking04:17
SonikkuAmericaapb: Head for muon-updater (Muon Update Manager) and make sure everything is up to date.04:18
Daskreechhi apb04:20
apbdaskreech hello04:21
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Daskreechapb: can you pastebin apt-cache policy akonadi-server ?04:21
apbI certainly can04:22
apba moment please04:22
DaskreechATC243750496: where are you in the problem?04:22
ATC243750496still getting the same problem04:23
ATC243750496'have you used fedora before?04:23
apbdaskreeech http://paste.ubuntu.com/6249239/04:24
DaskreechATC243750496: Yes I have04:24
ATC243750496the error04:25
ATC243750496i am not sure how to slove04:26
DaskreechATC243750496: try installing libssl-dev04:26
Daskreechapb: You are on Precise ?04:26
apbDaskreech: Yes... 12.0404:27
Daskreechapb: what do you get when you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?04:28
apbit does things :)04:28
ATC243750496the name *ssl*04:29
apbI take that back... I don't think I've done an upgrade before04:29
apbso yeah.. it's upgrading now04:29
Daskreechapb: when it's done logout of KDE and log back in and let me know if they still complain04:30
DaskreechATC243750496: Hmm ?04:30
ATC243750496no depends named libssl-devel04:30
apbDaskreech:  This is what it's upgrading: http://pastebin.com/AqRjbE8Z04:31
Daskreechapb: That probably won't fix anything :) but let's get up to some common date and then see what's happeneing04:32
apbI hate to logout if there's not a definite reason... too many windows open I'd rather not close if I don't have to.04:32
apbSo it did the upgrade... still want me to logout?04:32
DaskreechATC243750496: Yes but it needs a particular file and that file near as I can guess is in libssl-dev04:32
Daskreechapb: What windows?04:33
apbjust things I'm in the middle of04:33
apbalthough yeah... kjots & korganizer... those I can quit04:33
Daskreechdo that then04:34
DaskreechATC243750496: what's the deal with fedora ?04:34
apbsame errors04:35
Daskreechapb: apt-cache policy korganizer04:35
Daskreechapb: I take it you restarted the Akonadi server ?04:36
apbI think it's supposed to do that automagically... so no, not manually04:37
Daskreechapb: it certainly does not04:37
DaskreechServers starting and stopping by themselves?! What madness that way lies04:37
apbthen that's prolly the problem... how do I restart other than killall? :) service akonadi-server restart ?04:38
Daskreechhmm that might work04:38
Daskreech never tried that04:38
apbno such service04:38
DaskreechI normally do akonadictl shutdown04:38
Daskreechor you could do it the GUI way04:39
apbI can go with either... what's the gui way?04:39
apbI'm more of a command line guy but.. trying to go with the flow :)04:39
Daskreechalt+F2 -> akonadi -> choose Akonadi configuration -> Enter04:39
DaskreechGui pops up with pretty pictures :)04:39
DaskreechChoose tab  "Server configuration" -> Click restart at the bottom04:40
apbhmm... was looking for something like that earlier...  but... no that gives me a process list essentially04:40
DaskreechIf you are of the paranoid type watch the processes shutdown and restart then click the test button to see if it is up and the data accessible04:40
Daskreechapb: On the Tab marked Akonadi Server configuration ?04:41
DaskreechATC243750496: You converted a package to be used on Ubuntu ?04:42
apbno... alt-f2 gives me small window with a wrench and a graph on it...  the wrench gives me access to Plugins and User Interface... the Graph is a process list when clicked.04:42
ATC243750496yes using alien04:42
Daskreechapb: lol sorry. Type the words akonadi04:42
DaskreechIt's a floating cli04:42
DaskreechATC243750496: Where did yo uget the package from?04:43
ATC243750496i installed all named *ssl* pacage04:43
ATC243750496but still the same error04:43
ATC243750496the software's official website04:43
DaskreechATC243750496: yeah it just clicked. Fedora is quite a bit different from debian and redhat so any mid to high level complex package is likely to not work without serious sandboxing04:44
DaskreechATC243750496: and you didn't just get the Ubuntu one because ... ?04:44
apbWithout a connection to the server it is not possible to check if the protocol version meets the requirements.04:45
DaskreechIt says Ubuntu for me there04:45
ATC243750496i am using fedora04:45
DaskreechATC243750496: Oh I see. We are going the other way :)04:45
ATC243750496now and it dont support04:45
DaskreechThat's a bit more of an issue. In that case #fedora will likely be a better channel but I would suggest making a jail for the application04:46
ATC243750496so i want's to install it for fedora04:46
DaskreechYou may have to unpack the package and make a chroot for it04:46
ATC243750496so tryied alien -i *.deb04:46
AddleATC243750496: From what I can tell, that lib is supposed to be in openssl-libs, but I agree with Daskreech, you might have better luck in the fedora channel.04:46
Daskreechwhich isn't that difficult but it takes some work to set up04:47
DaskreechAddle: On Fedora ?04:47
AddleDaskreech: Yep04:47
Daskreechlet me look. (I'm on fedora)04:47
ATC243750496i have installed that04:48
ATC243750496it's no use04:48
AddleATC243750496: Just in case, since I think you said you installed openssl package, maybe try: sudo ldconfig -v04:48
AddleATC243750496: That should update the library cache. Should be done already when you install the package, though.04:49
ATC243750496no use04:49
ATC243750496but before i asked here04:50
ATC243750496there are 604:50
DaskreechAddle: Well depends on that package. If it's statically linked then it's going to have a crappy time finding it/04:50
apbDaskreech: Without a connection to the server it is not possible to check if the protocol version meets the requirements.  ....... so at least that's a change.... not sure it's for the better, but at least we know there was some kind of effect... of course since I never restarted the server on any other update we don't know at what point the change was effected.04:50
ATC243750496i installed some depends04:50
AddleDaskreech: True :)04:50
ATC243750496and sloved oen04:50
DaskreechAnd most closed source programs do that.04:50
Daskreechapb: is akonadi running? Did you hit the test button?04:50
ATC243750496but i dont know why the depends install this time no use04:51
DaskreechATC243750496: crypto is interesting04:51
ATC243750496before install there's 5 and after install 504:51
apbDaskreech: I hit the test button... that was one of the errors.. it also says it's not running as root.04:51
DaskreechATC243750496: I'd check in Fedora. You may have to make a chroot jail for the program install apt-get there and then grab your depends as debs and then link the executable into your path04:52
Daskreechonce you have it setup it should work and you can just <chroot $MYSPLASHSERVER && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade> to keep it up04:53
* Daskreech raises an eyebrow at apb04:53
DaskreechIt shoudln't want to be root at all04:53
Daskreechapb: try akonadictl shutdown && sleep 6 && akonadictl04:53
ATC243750496You may have to make a chroot jail for the program install apt-get there04:54
ATC243750496what's this mean?04:54
ATC243750496i know there's apt-get in fedora04:54
ATC243750496but it's apt-rpm04:55
ATC243750496not apt-deb04:55
DaskreechATC243750496: All UNIX programs are floating in an environment. They use other programs to get things done and look around in specified places for functionality04:55
DaskreechThe main differences in distros is how they introduce new functionality and where they put thigns for programs to look for them04:55
ATC243750496so you want to create a deb enviroment?04:56
DaskreechOf course Fedora and Debian/Ubuntu do somethings differently04:56
DaskreechRIght so you make a jail for the program04:56
Daskreech It has it's own environement. Nothing that it wants that is exotic is going to bother anyone else and it can only see what you introduce into the jail04:56
DaskreechEssentially it has it's own root structure (chroot means change root level) so it feels comfortable04:57
ATC243750496but the things is that i used alien04:57
ATC243750496it should compiled the depends04:58
DaskreechATC243750496: That's fine that's easily fixable if a CHroot is the solution just pull your alien out of the system04:58
DaskreechATC243750496: Not if it's staticlinks which a lot of closed source programs use.04:58
DaskreechIt's why distros are famously hostile to closed source packages. They are difficult to work with once they start making assumptions that cannot be changed04:59
DaskreechYou can give it instructions all you like but the thing about static things is they don't like change :)04:59
DaskreechIt may be that you can just symlink a libcrypto file (or 5) and it will work05:01
Daskreechessentially making a copy of an existing file with a new name and location so that the static links are happy.05:01
DaskreechIf that's the case Great!05:01
DaskreechIf not then you can go a bit further with a chroot jail which should work regardless of what else is going on05:02
ATC243750496where to link?05:02
Daskreechbut I'd ask in #Fedora we are really not qualified here to speak about the state of the fedora distro05:02
ATC243750496where to link to05:02
ATC243750496it's useful05:03
apbDaskreech: That seemed to work  in the sense that korganizer now comes up without complaint... however the same issues still exist when I go through the Alt-F2 scenario.05:03
Daskreechif you let them know the name of the files that the 5 errors are looking for they maybe able to tell you where t link and what to name it05:03
ATC243750496i have tried05:03
ATC243750496but have you noticed05:03
Daskreechapb: waht abotu kjots ?05:03
Daskreechapb: what's akonadictl --version say ?05:04
ATC243750496libssl.so.1.0.0()(64bit) is splashtop-streamer- needed        libssl.so.1.0.0(OPENSSL_1.0.0)(64bit) is splashtop-streamer- needed05:04
apbkjots also comes up without complaint05:04
ATC243750496this seems two library05:04
apbdaskreech Akonadi 1.10.105:05
ATC243750496but i can only link one file with the same nbame05:05
DaskreechATC243750496: yes but it's looking for that in a debian context. I know that Fedora has Openssl but it likely had the libraries either named differently (libssl.so1.0.0 for instance) or it keeps them somewhere that isn't looking for.05:06
DaskreechATC243750496: btw have you tried installing with a --no-depends ?05:06
AddleDaskreech: Hm, is it me, or is it linking to a very specific version of libssl? so.1.0.0 rather than just so.1.05:06
AddleDaskreech: I'm thinking he probably has something slightly more recent, like 1.0.2 or something.05:07
ATC243750496what?rpm -ivh *.rpm --no-depends?05:07
DaskreechAddle: It is but it also just occured to me that he (assuming that ATC243750496 is a he) is not running it. Just trying to install the package05:07
AddleDaskreech: Ugh.05:07
DaskreechATC243750496: rpm -ivh *.rpm --nodeps05:07
DaskreechAddle: and even so once there is a symlink with the right name it will be fine05:08
AddleDaskreech: Agreed, yay for symlinks :)05:09
ATC243750496SRFeature: /lib64/libcrypto.so.1.0.0: version `OPENSSL_1.0.0' not found (required by SRFeature)05:09
ATC243750496SRFeature: /lib64/libssl.so.1.0.0: version `OPENSSL_1.0.0' not found (required by SRFeature)05:09
ATC243750496this time i should link ?05:09
ATC243750496but after i linked the other two will show05:10
ATC243750496i will try it to show you the error05:10
ATC243750496i  have done what you said before05:10
ATC243750496i remembered05:16
ATC243750496before you link05:16
ATC243750496there 's not openssl one05:16
ATC243750496and after linked05:17
ATC243750496the openssl one will shown05:17
ATC243750496and the none-openssl one will gone05:17
ATC243750496so now the problem is how to slove the openssl one05:17
ATC243750496as i said if having to edition of libcrypto05:18
ATC243750496how can i link it with the same name?05:18
DaskreechATC243750496: Again it's much better to ask in #fedora or #fedora-kde about that05:19
ATC243750496i have asked in05:19
ATC243750496when they heard i translate from deb using alien05:20
ATC243750496they ignored me05:20
ATC243750496and didnt tell me how to slove the problem05:20
apbDaskreech: Thank you for your help05:28
Daskreechapb: Sure05:38
DaskreechATC243750496: :_( Ask in #fedora-kde perhaps? Slightly nicer channel05:39
DaskreechSlightly >_>05:39
vortex_apeHello! I have windows in installed in one partition and kubuntu in the other, I want to completely remove both and install kubuntuin the primary partition, what steps should I follow?05:39
RoeyRiddell:  hey Jonathan, you've been identified as the "spider at the center of the web" of packaging and testing:   http://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/1ned6x/what_to_expect_for_kubuntu_1310/cci33vc05:50
Weasel[DK]So, are we getting to Kubuntu 13.10 today... ?05:55
goodtimeidk why did you here about 13.10? Weasel[DK]05:58
goodtimelet me see here05:58
AddleIt's certainly scheduled for release, today.05:59
Weasel[DK]Well, sometimes schedules change... im in for a haddrive replacement today, so it would be nice to tkat a fresh Kubuntu for a spin at the same time...06:03
DaskreechWeasel[DK]: Sure it is06:12
Weasel[DK]Fantastic... :)06:13
ATC243750496still no result06:31
ATC243750496libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory after linked to /usr/lib64/libssl.so.1.0.1e06:33
ATC243750496it become SRFeature: /lib64/libcrypto.so.1.0.0: version `OPENSSL_1.0.0' not found06:33
ATC243750496could somebody help me????06:34
lordievaderGood morning.06:41
BRKsaysI can't boot Kubuntu 12.04.307:39
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wissamHi ,what time kubuntu 13.10 will be released ?08:10
jussiwissam: no one knows. feel free to join #ubuntu-release-party for the party though08:12
wissamjussi: ok thnx08:13
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NachtfalterHello! Sorry for interrupting you but I'm searching for help for the authorization of my kobo touch at adobe digital editions for ages! kobo seems to be mounted in the right way, ade runs with wine, computer is already authorized, but stops at the authorization of the ereader. do you have any idea how to run the kobo touch on ade?09:37
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Guest79161Van itt a csatornán Magyar ember, aki tudna segíteni wifi ügyben?09:48
omigasunHi all, I had a problem with kubuntu, I can't connect to internet via USB Modem in Kubuntu, but it works Flawlessly on another distro, How to solve it?09:50
Guest79161Let no one answered anyway :(((09:52
omigasunmaybe everybody is away09:52
Guest79161Wake up!!! :)09:53
Nachtfaltergood evening! :)09:53
Nachtfalterdon't know how to answer you question, but you might know something abaout ade for ebook readers?09:53
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excognachi why is that nearly impossible to print porperly with kubuntu12.04? I tried to download and install drivers to several different printers however it always fails.10:50
excognachow the remove all this mess and make it simple as it should be?10:51
yossarianukexcognac: thanks not my experience with it...10:52
yossarianukAlthough I would recommend hetting latest version when out today.10:53
yossarianukOr at least using the PPA to get the latest stable KDe.10:53
yossarianuknot running the latest KDE your missing out.. - Each KDE release is just that bit better than previous.10:53
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:59
excognachow do i set to download the latest stable kde from ppa?11:03
BluesKajexcognac. , today is the official release for 13.10 ,but it's not officially available yet11:05
BluesKajno need for a ppa11:06
micmordexcognac: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/saucy/release/11:07
excognacmicmord: thanks, but i just wanna upgrade my kde (it's currently 4.8.5) to 4.11 is that possible without upgrading the distro itself?11:09
baxeicohi guys, I'm on Kubuntu 12.04 with backports ppa installed11:09
baxeicoexcognac: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports11:10
BluesKajrxz make sure nyou have the backports enabled in the pacjage manager si=ources , or /etc/apt/sources.list to get kde 4.1111:10
* BluesKaj turns on more light11:11
baxeicoyesterday I made an update and google chrome was uninstalled11:12
baxeicoit was installed from http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main11:12
baxeicoif I try to reinstall I see this message11:13
baxeico(I'm using aptitude) and I cannot install it11:14
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.11:14
excognacthanks all. now many packages upgraded from ppa and many are kept back11:17
BluesKajexcognac. run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, to install the packages the kde that are kept back , which will also install the new kde desktop version11:19
excognacBluesKaj: kk, thanks11:19
BluesKajfor new  kde versions , always run dist-upgrade if the backports are enabled11:20
baxeicoBluesKaj: seems my problem is not aptitude, but bad Chrome packaging https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=30401711:21
baxeicoso not a kubuntu issue11:21
baxeicosorry for raising the issue here11:21
baxeicothank you for your help11:21
BluesKajright baxeico , remove that chromium repos from your sources.list then update11:22
cadamHi, do the kubuntu bugs go on ubuntu launchpad?11:45
cadamI'm behind a proxy and the installation of flashplugin doesn't work :(11:46
cadamthe python scripts start downloading something but give up easily11:46
cadamwith wget I can download the flashplugin.tar.gz file11:46
Unit193adobe-flashplugin from the partner repo isn't a downloader script.11:47
Unit193!info adobe-flashplugin partner11:47
ubottuadobe-flashplugin (source: adobe-flashplugin): Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11. In component main, is optional. Version (partner), package size 6442 kB, installed size 17166 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)11:47
BluesKajcadam. it should be installed by default with kubuntu-restricted-extras11:47
cadamUnit193: thanks.11:47
cadamBluesKaj: well, it seems I don't have it by default. Rekonq pops up a dialog saying that I should install flash, I do that... it remains blocked at 15%. Then I've used ps to see what it actually does, this is how I've found out about flashplugin-installer11:48
BluesKajcadam. you have to install kubuntu-restricted-extras11:49
BluesKajrestricted also brings along several codecs etc11:51
cadamBluesKaj: I was looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/kubuntu-restricted-extras11:51
cadamI will give it a try, thanks.11:52
cadamthe error code from apt-get install flashplugin-installer http://pastebin.com/Dg3ZEfMY11:52
cadamI see that it also installs ttf-mscorefonts-installer, which is broken for Romanian11:53
cadamI'll have to uninstall it later.11:53
BluesKajcadam. kubuntu-restricted-extras package will pull in support for MP3 playback and decoding, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME (to create compressed audio files).11:54
cadamBluesKaj: kubuntu-restricted-extras is a meta package, which means that at some point it does apt-get install adobeplugin-installer... which fails in the same way11:55
Unit193(To be clear, not DVD playback that uses CSS "encryption")11:55
BluesKajcadam. which kubuntu version?11:56
cadamBluesKaj: 13.0411:56
cadamBluesKaj: here is the trace of apt-get install kubunturestricted-extras http://pastebin.com/xP0FFKLE11:57
cadam13.04 amd6411:58
BluesKajyeah Unit193 libdvdcss can be found at http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html11:59
cadamBluesKaj: wget has also some difficulty while downloading the tar.gz file, but somehow it recovers, as you can see http://pastebin.com/ttKiMdLV11:59
cadamBluesKaj: the ubuntu python installation scripts do not have the same "smarts" as wget12:00
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Unit193I'm fully aware.12:03
Unit193BluesKaj: That is to say, I already knew that.12:04
cadamI wanted to report this bug to ubuntu, but all I get is this damn page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs12:06
BluesKajcadam. I don't see any errors with installation , the implementation of flash in the browser is probly the problem since you're going thru a proxy that throttling bandwidth , to check try some ,flv files if you have any stored on your pc12:07
cadamBluesKaj: the flashplugin-installer can't download the package12:08
cadamBluesKaj: I'll download it later without the proxy. I find it unfortunate that I can't easily report a bug to Ubuntu.12:09
BluesKajcadam. https://bugs.kde.org/12:11
cadamThose are kde bugs, they'll close it as invalid :)12:11
chachanguys, is it normal that akregator does not render youtube objects correctly?. I see a black square12:27
BluesKaj, have you tried launchpad , cadam ?12:30
cadamBluesKaj: yes, I have an account, but when I click on report a bug... I get redirected to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs12:31
BluesKaj https://launchpad.net/bugs , cadam12:33
chachanisn't the release of 13.10 today?12:36
chachanI installed a widget on my phone that said so. Now says 182 days to 14.04 -.-12:37
BluesKajyes, chachan , sometime today , monitor this site for the official release , https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/12:37
cadamBluesKaj: thanks, I think I've got it now.12:38
BluesKajcadam. vpns are less restrictive thn proxies , even if you pay 7bucks /mos it's much less annoying12:40
chachanBluesKaj, got it12:47
cadamBluesKaj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/adobe-flash-plugin-tools/+bug/124096112:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1240961 in Adobe Flash Plugin Tools "flashplugin-installer fails to download adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.310.orig.tar.gz" [Undecided,New]12:48
BluesKajcadam. so you have the flashinstaller tar.g?z file in your ~/ dir12:50
cadamBluesKaj: yes12:50
BluesKajok ,then we can install it , if you use extract here , then find the libflashplayer.so file and copy it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins with root permissions , cadam12:53
BluesKajit might be in ~/Downloads12:55
cadamBluesKaj: works. Thanks.12:57
cadamHopefully somebody will pick up the bug report and make the downloader more robust.12:57
BluesKajcadam. well poxies also present problems for DLs12:58
BluesKajproxies that is :)12:58
excognachi thanks again for helping with ppa kde stuff. I have anouther tiny issue with kmail: it would't top sending me an error report that I was unable to create a folder (later it was resolved) how to stop that?13:09
BluesKajexcognac. is kmail stable on your setup otherwise ?13:10
excognacBluesKaj:  looks like yeah.13:10
excognactelepathy has issues but kmail works fine13:10
BluesKaji don't use either of them13:11
karthikhow to find which version of ubuntu m using13:14
chachankarthik, lsb_release -a13:16
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Weasel[DK]ubuntu is out... now we want kubuntu as well.....13:25
BluesKajWeasel[DK]. not yet , https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/13:26
Weasel[DK]BluesKaj: sure it is check #ubuntu-release-party13:27
smartboyhwSomebody change topic here?13:27
BluesKajrelease party , bah what do they know :)13:27
Weasel[DK]The Ubuntu team is very pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 13.1013:28
Weasel[DK]for Desktop, Server, Cloud, Phone, and Core products.13:28
BluesKajok , it fianlly showed uo in the url i posted13:28
chachanearlier, I said: "today has to be the more productive day of this month", but now... I don't know13:32
chachanthere's a broken link on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.1013:32
BluesKajit's a fait-accompli here , been upgrading / distup-grade etc for weeks now on 131.0 , and it's the full install from what i can see, nothing else available in the repos13:35
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 13.10 out http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.10
Riddell** 13.10 is out! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.1013:48
* genii dances a little Happy Dance13:49
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hackndoes_Hi guys.... when should 13.10 become available for upgrade?14:06
hackndoes_I mean, I am aware that sometime today but any estimation?14:06
BluesKajhackndoes_. it's been released14:16
hackndoes_really I still don't see the update yet. is there a command to check if this upgrade is available without installing it14:17
geniihackndoes_: You could try: sudo do-release-upgrade       and see if it wants to go 13.04->13.10 and then just cancel if it does14:19
hackndoes_OK cool I will see that14:19
FlameReaper-PCKubuntu's out now?14:19
BluesKajhackndoes_. yes , sudo do-release-upgrade , then just say no , but you'll see one is available14:19
hackndoes_BluesKaj: it has no cancel.....14:21
hackndoes_BluesKaj: I am getting this: Updating repository information14:21
hackndoes_Third party sources disabled14:21
hackndoes_Some third party entries in your sources.list were disabled. You can14:21
hackndoes_re-enable them after the upgrade with the 'software-properties' tool14:21
hackndoes_or your package manager.14:21
hackndoes_To continue please press [ENTER]14:21
FloodBotK1hackndoes_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:21
BluesKajhackndoes_. then just close the terminal14:22
hackndoes_and it already made some changes so I am not sure Ctrl=D it will work....14:22
BluesKajwel let it go if you want to upgrade anyway and not break anything , 13.10 is very stable ...been using it for months now14:23
hackndoes_but I didn't do all the previously required upates etc.14:24
geniihackndoes_: You can just ctrl-c14:25
hackndoes_BluesKaj: with all the dist upgrade14:25
hackndoes_genii: but it says it disabled stuff in my sources and things14:25
hackndoes_it won't break my upgrade later?14:25
hackndoes_what do I push to make the upgrade available via muon?14:25
geniihackndoes_: No, it didn't disable stock repositories, just whatever outside PPAs you may have. It backs them up in /etc/sources.list.d/14:26
hackndoes_genii: OK thanks. so how  do I actively start upgrade with muon?14:27
hackndoes_Can someone explain how to trigger the upgrade from UI? muon?14:29
geniihackndoes_: System...Muon Update Manager ... should see that a new release is available14:29
hackndoes_genii: it didn't. and after I run the do-release now all my update sources are of saucy14:30
bootkillerhackndoes_, do a "sudo apt-get update" and you should receive an update notification14:30
lordievaderYayy for the release of Saucy Salamander :)14:30
bootkiller*I meant upgrade14:31
bootkillernotification, not the command14:32
geniihackndoes_: sudo sed -i 's/saucy/raring/g' /etc/apt/sources.list14:32
BluesKajhackndoes_. kmenu>apps>system>Update manager14:33
PimpSmurf_Installing 13.10 final on a yoga 2 pro: It detects an Intel Corporation Wireless-N 7260 however it does not work. It does not list any wireless networks. Any idea what I can do to test/14:33
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geniihackndoes_: That will revert your sources.list back to the raring ones. Then you can do the sudo apt-get update as described and it should see a new release14:34
hackndoes_genii: testing it thanks.14:35
hackndoes_genii: it seems the sed worked14:36
hackndoes_I am updating back with raring14:36
hackndoes_than I will try to update14:36
hackndoes_genii: so apt-get update doesn't pop the update in update-manager14:42
geniihackndoes_: You may have some other thing, like whatever is in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades   ( should be: Prompt=normal )14:46
geniiApologies on lag, work is pretty busy14:46
PimpSmurf-schoolI don't know what you mean by hardware info. It is an intel 726014:47
PimpSmurf-schoolrevision 0x14414:48
PimpSmurf-schoolAt least that is what it is detected as. I believe it is one of the new ac models14:48
PimpSmurf-schoolbut at this point I'm having trouble getting the boot-repaired after install. No matter my install options, it doesn't write a legit grub setup14:49
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PimpSmurf-schoolHow should I partition/format the USB before using unetbootin to copy the iso files over?14:50
geniiPimpSmurf-school: fat3214:51
PimpSmurf-schoolmkfs.vfat afterwards? Do I need to set it bootable or let unetbootin do the work?14:52
geniiPimpSmurf-school: sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/<whatever>14:53
PimpSmurf-schoolty again14:54
PimpSmurf-schoolThanks genii! It looks like it is booting. I might finally get to boot kubuntu and try to figure out why the wireless doesn't work :(15:00
PimpSmurf-schoolnope. The boot-repair iso drops me to an (initramfs) prompt and the screen is scrolling usb errors15:01
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PimpSmurf-schoolbusybox terminal. All the errors scrolling make it impossible to see what happened15:02
geniiPimpSmurf-school: Did you do an MD5 check on the image you are trying to use?15:03
PimpSmurf-schoolNo, however it has been like this every time I downloaded it (3rd time)15:03
PimpSmurf-schoolTwo different internet sites, both with reliable internet.15:03
PimpSmurf-schoolcan't read configurations, error -7115:03
geniiPimpSmurf-school: If you can get to a different console with alt-F2 maybe. Should get another tty to login where it's not scrolling errors and then could issue: dmesg|tail     to see more statically what error it's saying15:07
PimpSmurf-schoolno the errors follow the system15:08
PimpSmurf-schoolmount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: no such device15:09
PimpSmurf-schoolThat is the error before the busybox banner.15:09
geniiI haven't seen that one before, so at a loss currently of how to proceed.15:10
ThugAimA big Hello to everyone here. First time Kubuntu user 12.4 becuase the betas were being beta15:11
FlameReaper-PChow do I do a sudo do-release-upgrade with KDE?15:11
FlameReaper-PCI mean, I do remember there's a syntax that makes the updater recognize you're using a KDE desktop or something15:12
FlameReaper-PCI just cannot remember...15:12
BluesKajFlameReaper-PC. you don';t for kde15:12
FlameReaper-PCso I just do a15:12
FlameReaper-PCsudo release-upgrade15:12
BluesKajsudo apt-get dist-upgrade for kde upgrades if you have the backports enabled15:13
BluesKajdo-release-upgrade is for upgrading to the next kubuntu OS release , FlameReaper-PC15:14
FlameReaper-PCI am intending to do a upgrade to the next Kubuntu15:14
BluesKajthen use, sudo do-release-upgrade , FlameReaper-PC15:16
FlameReaper-PCwill do, thanks15:16
PimpSmurf-schoolHopefully this other CD with boot-repair included will work..15:16
Roeycongratulations all!!15:21
kunaguvarunKubuntu's download page is still 13.04, not yet updated15:25
PimpSmurf-schoolnope. secure-linux doesn't boot either.15:31
PimpSmurf-schoolSucks to spend so much money on a laptop that their rep said works with linux, to have it not work.15:32
PimpSmurf-schoolAnd I don't get why Kubuntu fails to install grub propperly 1/2 the time. :(15:32
PimpSmurf-schoolhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair  neither Boot-repair-disk nor Linux-Secure-Remix boot. boot-repair does try, but fails when it gets to the point of trying to mount /dev/loop015:34
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ThugAimFirst time Kubuntu user. Quad AMD Phenom. Kubuntu 12.4 64bit16:23
ThugAimwondering if it's normal to be using 3 cores running at 100% just to install applications with the terminal or wine...16:24
challach13.10 is the current version now. i'm updating right now... http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.1016:27
excognachi all. after ruining my partition table with a bloody win7 rescue disk but restored it successfully, KDE PartitionManager 1.0.3 can't see it. with command line methos like fdisk it looks proper and it has worked fine in the past 3 weeks. Any solutions for this?16:47
excognaci used testdisk for restoration16:47
excognacignore me, i gotta go afk. cya all16:49
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rodniceQuestion: Is it advisable to not uninstall any of the default programs that came with a particular distro?17:13
SunTsurodnice: it's advisable to know what you're doing17:13
rodnice<===4-week Linux user17:14
rodniceRelatively speaking, I know nothing.17:14
SunTsurodnice: then you just gave the answer to your own question17:14
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zacariasWhen trying to upgrade to 13.10, I have the following error: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.17:15
zacariasThis can be caused by:17:15
zacarias* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu17:15
zacarias* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu17:15
zacarias* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu17:15
FloodBotK1zacarias: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
rodniceSunTsu: Where does a new Linux user go if they have questions to things they do not know?17:15
SunTsurodnice: depends on what you want to know. There's manuals, books, howtos, guides, etc - and if you have support questions you're welcome here17:16
rodniceSunTsu: OK, I'll wait until I have a support question. Thank you17:17
challachkubuntuforums.net, askubuntu.com, ubuntuforums.org ...17:17
SunTsuyeah, that too, I forgot them17:18
zacariasWhen trying to upgrade to 13.10, I have the follwing error http://paste.ubuntu.com/6252111/17:18
BluesKajzacarias. how are you installing from media or upgrading over the internet?17:18
rodnicechallach: Those forums are only for support questions.  I just have a regular question.17:18
zacariasBluesKaj: upgrading over the internet17:19
BluesKajzacarias. update/upgrade and dist-upgrade with apt before trying to release upgrade over the 'net17:20
zacariasBluesKaj: So, I have to run apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade?17:21
BluesKajzacarias. yes17:21
geniiPreferably with sudo before both the commands17:21
zacariasyes, of course, with sudo17:22
BluesKajsudo is a given17:22
challachi'm sure u can ask almost any question if it's related to linux there rodnice17:23
zacariasIt tells me 0 packages to update, to remove, etc17:24
rodnicechallack: do you know if there is a linux IRC channel that I can use to ask questions regarding using linux?17:24
rodnicechallach: do you know if there is a linux IRC channel that I can use to ask questions regarding using linux?17:24
BluesKajrodnice. pls stop that17:24
rodniceBluesKaj: Please explain. I'm confused.17:25
BluesKajzacarias, make sure you have the backports enabled in the sources.list or muon and run those commands again17:27
rodniceDoes anyone know the appropriate channel to post this question?==>Question: Is it advisable to not uninstall any of the default programs that came with a particular distro?17:30
rodnice(I still don't know how to access different IRC channels)17:31
zacariasBluesKaj: I have this enabled: deb http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring-backports main restricted universe multiverse17:32
zacariasdeb-src http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring-backports main restricted universe multiverse17:32
BluesKajrodnice. which irc client ?17:33
geniirodnice: When you install for instace kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop it is a meta package which installs a suite of applications. You can uninstall any of them individually that you care to.17:33
rodniceBluesKaj: Quassel17:33
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rodnicegenii: Oh! thanks.  I had read something dated 2010 that said doing such a thing isn't best (I think he said that it lends to system instability).17:34
BluesKajzacarias. that's the correct repos ... genii ,, any ideas ?17:35
geniirodnice: If later you upgrade to the next Kubuntu version, it might want to reinstall kubuntu-desktop which will put the stock applications back17:35
geniiBluesKaj: Let me read backscroll and get back to you17:36
rodnicegenii: OHHHHH! Wow, that's good to know! OK, that helps me plan better. Thanx!17:36
geniirodnice: np17:36
SunTsurodnice, genii: I'm not trying to be a party pooper, but where is the sense in removing a meta package? It doesn't take up much diskspace and it doesn't disrupt anything17:37
BluesKajin quassel open the server  , type /join #nameofchat , rodnice17:37
geniizacarias: Have you manually added repositories into your main /etc/apt/sources.list instead of compartmentalizing them into their own files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory?17:37
geniiSunTsu: They don't want to remove kubuntu-desktop. Only some of the applications it installed by default17:38
rodniceBluesKaj: Thank you, that was dumb easy.  Been following the wrong steps.17:38
SunTsugenii: OK, that does make sense17:39
geniizacarias: Can you please pastebin the results of command:  ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/       ..and also the current contents of the file: /etc/apt/sources.list please17:39
zacariasgenii: I just added ppa's17:39
zacariasgenii: Ok17:39
BluesKajppas should be auto ignored afaik , but removing them from the source.list and sources.list.d might help , zacarias17:41
geniiBluesKaj: There are some old scripts which add repositories directly into the original sources.list ...so it's good to check and make sure only stock stuff in there17:42
ansongdo you guys answer general ubuntu questions or just kde related ones?17:42
zacariasgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6252230/17:42
geniizacarias: You have a mix of quantal and raring PPA in there, might be causing part of the issue17:43
zacariasgenii:  the sources.listhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6252235/17:44
geniieg: If you're on Raring, the upgrader won't remove/disable the Quantal PPA entries17:44
geniizacarias: Also you have directly in your sources.list an entry for the MATE repository17:45
zacariasgenii: it's a mess17:46
geniizacarias: Yes.17:46
BluesKaj ansong , this is ubuntu with the kde desktop , so if it's gnome or unity or other 'buntu related desktop then join the appropriate chat17:47
geniizacarias: Remove or comment out the last two lines of your sources.list file that refer to the foreign repository . Then rename the files in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory that have the name quantal in them to something like from:  kxstudio-team-ppa-quantal.list      to:  kxstudio-team-ppa-quantal.list.old17:48
geniizacarias: After you've finished both these tasks, do sudo apt-get update and then try to upgrade again17:49
BluesKajzacarias.  http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ , if you decide to wipe your sources.list cean use this17:50
rodnicegenii: Thanx again.  I see there is a new version of Kubuntu available today.  Your answer was perfect timing!17:51
geniirodnice: Glad to assist!17:55
lordievaderHey thomas____18:13
ansongi have a problem with setting a static ip address on my system. i've removed networkmanager and am using /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces to configure the single NIC in my machine18:15
ansongwhen set to dhcp it brings eth0 up just fine but when set to any combination of settings seen here: http://pastebin.ca/2467816 I get RTNETLINK answers: File exists18:15
ansongevery fix for that error seems to be for those with more than one NIC or those using aliases, neither of which i am doing18:16
lordievaderansong: I believe I had a similair error once the way I fixed it was by renaming /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules18:17
ansonglordievader: I'll give it a shot!18:18
BluesKajansong. you have to setup /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base and head , which write to /etc/resolv.conf in order to preserve the connection, you need nameserver, default gateway , search gateway and default gateway listed there ,18:21
ansongsadly, that had no effect18:23
BluesKajwhat had no effect , ansong?18:24
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ansongthe first time I ran it, it said RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument. then for subsequent tries with various combinations of lines from the interfaces file it was RTNETLINK answers: file exists18:25
ansongsetting it back to dhcp brought me right back up18:25
lordievaderansong: Did you reboot after you renamed the file?18:25
ansongNo...is udev info regenerated at boot?18:26
lordievaderansong: Also why is everything commented in /etc/network/interfaces?18:26
lordievaderansong: For such things I find it a good idea to reboot, network devices are not easy to plug out and in (if they are not usb).18:27
ansongthat was just the way i copied / pasted it. if i'm online talking to you, that's the way it looks. when i'm actively trying things, the static line and at least the address, netmask and gateway are uncommented.18:28
ansongi'll try rebooting now and testing it out again.18:28
BluesKajans did you see my post above ?18:28
draikxHello. I'm trying to upgrade from 13.04->13.10, but I keep getting this error:  W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/raring/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'packages.medibuntu.org:http' (-11 - System error)18:29
ansongBluesKaj: i did. i figured since my problems were desktop independent, i'd just ask here since that's what i'm running18:29
draikxI removed the Medibuntu repos from /etc/apt/sources.list, but it still shows up when I do "sudo apt-get update"18:30
draikxAm I to remove it from another location, too?18:31
BluesKajwell resolv.conf won't hold it's settings after a reboot , ansong unless they're entered in the /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base and head18:31
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ansongdoes it matter if i uninstalled resolvconf along with networkmanager?18:31
BluesKajbbl ...mailbox trek18:32
ansongthanks for your help, btw18:32
BluesKajansong.  you can recreate reslv.conf if it's missing18:33
ansongi'll check it out after the reboot. brb18:33
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as i1
Brian_Hjust upgraded to 13.10 nework manager has a red x now, shows no connections - and I keep getting this error about ""no secrets were provided".18:37
Brian_Hanyone have a clue how to fix/troubleshoot... It was working on 13.0418:38
chachanany recommendation for a dock menu bar?18:39
challachdraikx: medibuntu is dead  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu18:44
challachchachan: cairo-dock18:44
ansongrebooting didn't fix it. this all started after i added mtu 9000 to the interfaces file because it wasn't enabling jumbo frames on the NIC. it had been working statically18:46
lordievaderansong: Does your NIC support jumbo frames?18:47
ansongit had been bugging me to reboot for a while so instead of ifdown / ifup i just rebooted18:47
BluesKajansong. run sudo dhclient eth0 , the try a browser18:48
ansonglordievader: ahhh, hmm... well, it's a gigabit nic. e1000 i believe18:49
ansongBluesKaj: RTNETLINK answers: File exists18:49
BluesKajyes , good ansong now trya browser18:49
ansongit connects18:50
BluesKajfor static ip , ansong check this out , http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html18:53
BluesKajans it's a little bit dated but the /etc/network /interfaces settings still apply18:54
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draikxchallach, That makes sense. But if I removed it from the repo list, why is it still being hit?19:08
BluesKajdraikx., did you update after removal?19:16
draikxBluesKaj, Yes. I removed the deb entries, did 'sudo apt-get update', and it still hits it.19:16
Dog7689Hello.  Does anybody know what happened to the kubuntu-low-fat-settings package in 13.10?19:16
BluesKajdraikx. then check muon settings>sources. mak sure it's unchecked or removed there19:17
draikxSettings>Sources from what? I'm on the command line.19:18
BluesKajdraikx. muon package manager , settings>sources , it sometimes needs to be edited as well ,19:20
draikxBluesKaj, thank you. I didn't know about that. I've always used command line.19:20
draikxBluesKaj, that was it. It was still there, and checked. Everything is working now.19:22
BluesKajdraikx. yeah , due to the popularity of gui, the cli is no longer the boss :( , config files are now written for gui settings more and more19:25
draikxBluesKaj, bummer cloud. Good to know, though. Too bad the GUI won't just stick to what is already there, so you only have to worry about one config.19:29
Schrodinger`Catwhy on the download page, 32 bit version is "recommended" ?19:31
lordievaderSchrodinger`Cat: That is the 'safe' choice for if you don't know what to pick.19:32
Schrodinger`Catby the way, let Kubuntu will RoX for long :)19:34
Dudalus2Hey there. I've downloaded Kubutnu 13.10 x64 and want to install it from a DVD, but the setup hangs up at 93% (Live DVD + Setup and Setup from DVD). Any ideas ?19:43
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draikxI'm performing "sudo do-release-upgrade" and getting this error about running a pre-release: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6252852/19:55
exalthello, im trying to install 13.10 but the installer keeps stuck at "User info"19:59
exaltany ideas on how to handle this ?19:59
exaltmy progressbar passed 100% so should i be fine to close the installer ?20:01
exaltthe ubuntu one login screen hasn't come up though20:02
BluesKajexalt. which kubuntu do have now ?20:03
exaltwhat do u think BluesKaj ?20:03
BluesKajnot the OS you're installing , the one you're running20:03
BluesKajubuntuone isn't offered in Kubuntu20:04
exaltnone at the moment, a formatted ubuntu 13.10 installation20:04
exaltahh okay20:04
exaltso it passed 100%, i guess the gui just crashed20:05
exalti will try to reboot20:05
BluesKajexalt. wait20:05
BluesKajit might take up to 10 mins before the install is actually finisj=hed , even sfter the prog bar is maxed20:06
BluesKajif it's a dvd , wait for it to be ejected first20:07
exaltBluesKaj: is there any way i can check ?20:07
exaltits an usb20:07
BluesKajthen i don't know20:07
exaltfingers crossed20:08
BluesKajhit the enter key after 5mins or so20:08
JMichaelXso... how have things been going for folks who have upgraded to 13.10?20:08
Dudalus2okay, installing without an internet connection works (no hangups)20:10
JMichaelXgood to hear. i am preparing to do my first of 2 upgrades to 13.1020:11
cffKubuntu has been released?20:12
Dudalus2cff yes, 9h ago20:12
cffGreat, congrats for the hard work20:12
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wissamHi guys, i have just installed kubuntu  13.10 thank u it's great  ,but i have a small problem21:05
wissamautocompletetion doesn't work when after typing  sudo21:06
wissamfor example typing apt-ge and press tab complete it to apt-get but typing sudo apt-g and pressing tab doesn't complete it21:07
wissami see a solution , i will reboot to see if it will work21:12
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alesanhi, I am trying to update but muon does not "see" the new distribution21:19
alesanam I doing something wrong????21:19
Estersiosfresh install in my case21:22
exaltkubuntu wont leave plymouth screen :s21:24
alesannot it's work21:24
alesanit says it will take 13 minutes to do the upgrade21:24
alesanam I supposed to use the PC as usual or should I just use minimal applications whiel upgrading?21:25
bootkilleryou can use application, but some might break during the upgrade21:27
chachanthere're weird things on this one21:49
chachandon't you have a blinking when you swap windows?21:49
chachanalso, when you add an item in the menu, it doesn't appear when you use the search on the first menu tab. You have to close and login again to find it through that search field21:51
chachanthat always happened to me but it's not fixed yet21:52
taratorHi, can anybody tell me how to install that fancy new Network Manager applet (mentioned here: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.10) after upgrading from 13.04 to 13.1021:57
taratorSomehow all those new features are never installed on an upgrade... actually now I don't have a network manager applet at all :(21:58
skreech_chachan: that's the KDE cache being rebuilt21:59
skreech_tarator: do you have a systray?22:00
chachanskreech_, I did that several hours ago and still is not appearing22:01
skreech_chachan: Yeah that tends to happen with cache.22:01
taratorIsn't there a package which I can install?22:02
taratorFor example I also had to install the about-distro package manually after the upgrade...22:03
skreech_You can kbuildsycoca4 to rebuild it chachan22:03
skreech_tarator: Really? do you have kubuntu-desktop installed?22:03
skreech_ That can get uninstalled for a number of reasons22:03
taratorskreech_: I have thos Problem with each upgrade... I never get the new stuff...22:04
chachanskreech_, got this http://pastebin.kde.org/pmidqbijp22:04
skreech_tarator: Funky. You log out and back in?22:05
skreech_chachan: Well that's an issue then aint it? :)22:05
chachantarator, personally, I remove the whole .kde directory from my ~/22:05
chachanskreech_, looks like....22:05
taratorskreech_ I restarted my machine after upgrade... I'll try it again cu soon...22:05
taratorchachan it will end up with that... :(22:06
skreech_chachan: That directory can hold your mail so be careful with that22:06
bootkillercorrect command is "kbuildsycoca4 -noincremental"22:06
skreech_bootkiller: hmm ok22:06
skreech_tarator: Well then it should be ok. Let me look to see what package the new NM is22:06
chachantarator,  oh sure, make your backup!22:07
chachansince I use imap (without downloading mails), I don't "care" too much about it22:08
taratorchachan yes... thanks for the tip...22:08
skreech_tarator: plasma-widget-networkmanagement22:08
skreech_!info plasma-widget-networkmanagement22:08
ubottuplasma-widget-networkmanagement (source: plasma-nm): Transitional package for plasma-widget-networkmanagement. In component universe, is extra. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB22:08
taratorI restarted my machine again and now it works...22:08
taratorthanks for your help and sorry for wasting your time!22:08
skreech_chachan: I figured you did since you never missed it. Just saying it's not a safe assumption that it's going to be a great idea for someone else22:09
skreech_tarator: That's fine :) We are here for technical and Morale support! :)22:09
chachanskype still sucks on amd64 :(22:10
taratorskreech_ Yehaaa! :)22:10
alesanchachan, why? I've been using it a lot and... what is the problem?22:13
chachanalesan, colors are not the same when you use i386 (which looks better). Calls something drop and I have to close and launch Skype again22:14
chachanof course, you have to wait a couple of minutes because if you don't, Skype won't start22:14
chachanthat happened to me and a friend with 13.x (amd64)22:15
alesanchachan, I have not observed those problems22:15
chachanalesan, did you just install skype?, or are you using something additional?22:16
alesanchachan, well... nothing special...22:16
alesancould it be a problem with the video driver? as in the way skype uses the xv extension or similar22:17
alesanto show the video on the screen22:17
alesanin my case I just use the base intel video adapter22:17
alesanI disabled ANY 3D special effect or movement also from KDE22:17
alesanI consider those a huge waste of time22:17
alesantransparencies, animations, zoom etc - all gone22:18
chachanalesan, I don't have any issue with the video. But I do with the window chat, the sidebar (left) where your contact are listed, has a weird background and the cursor pointer is not the same as your system22:19
alesanchachan, for sure I do not have anything remotely like that22:20
alesanthe chat and contacts windows are perfect22:20
chachanlast version?22:20
alesanI thought you were referring to the webcam window22:20
chachanwhat could I be missing then?22:21
alesanas I said try to disable the animations effect (I think it's a single setting in KDE) and see if it makes a difference22:21
chachanalesan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/119178722:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1191787 in Kubuntu PPA "kde-style-oxygen package (and it's dependences) doesn't support multilib" [Undecided,New]22:23
AddleIs it just me, or is the libXtst for i386 missing?22:23
chachanalesan, nop, with disabled effect I'm getting the same result22:24
AddleTeamViewer won't run because it lacks that library, and it doesn't seem to be in the repos.22:24
alesanchachan, write on a forum or something because I really have almost no problem with skype22:25
chachanlet me share you some screenshots22:26
alesanhold on22:26
alesanI need t o restart into Kubuntu 13.1022:26
chachanalesan, let me know22:27
Dudalus_What's a good site for uploading pictures (to link them in a mailing list mail) ?22:36
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BigWig_having trouble updating22:54
BigWig_I've been having trouble updating. Here's what happened: "W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/universe/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:55
BigWig_, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead."22:55
SunTsuBigWig_: er, hardy?22:56
BigWig_I'm using 13.0422:56
BigWig_Why would hardy be there?22:56
BigWig_Should I purge it?22:56
SunTsuBigWig_: looks like there's some leftover from 8.04 - get rid of that!22:57
SunTsuwth, I don't even22:57
zacariasHi. I'm having problems upgrading to 13.10 I get the following message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6253774/    I cleaned up my sources.list file. Now all that I have is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6253720/    I also erased all the files in the sources.list.d directory. But I keep getting the same message.22:58
BigWig_Another question, if I just type do-release-upgrade in the terminal, will that update KDE as well?22:59
SunTsuzacarias: You still might have packages installed that do-release-upgrade does not know how to handle22:59
SunTsuBigWig_: sure22:59
zacariasSunTsu: wow... How can I solve that (without a clean installation)?23:01
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dolomiteI wish they'd stop offering distro upgrades. it's always best to do a clean install with newer versions23:03
SunTsuzacarias: I don't know, never had an issue like that. I'd try asking $searchengine for that error message23:04
SunTsudolomite: Then I'd never upgrade. I can't afford to flatten my working machine and rebuild it every 6 months23:04
dolomitei understand that every user has their own workflow but it's really easy to do a clean install if everything's organized and prepared for it23:05
dolomiteand arguably LTS releases are not on a 6 month cycle :)23:06
SunTsudolomite: I can't run LTS on my desktop, I don't want to work with e.g. a year old libre office23:06
dolomitewell like I said everyone's different. I think for newer users especially, a clean install is always less headache23:07
dolomiteand I just think that should be adequately communicated to the community23:07
SunTsuFlattening and rebuilding a box takes time and lots of work to make it work exactly the way it did before is at least 2 days if your setup is non-trivial23:08
dolomiteSunTsu I'm not speaking to your particular case23:08
SunTsudolomite: Yeah, but still I would have to do that. Really would have me move on to a distro that offers release upgrades23:09
dolomiteIt just seems the principle issues I see from users (from lurking mainly) are those leftover from the upgrade process. Old packages, corrupt configs, etc.23:10
dolomiteif a disclaimer was at least put out there so maybe newer users would know that the upgrade route still isn't perfect23:11
alesanI'm back23:12
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* SunTsu cheers for alesan 23:12
alesanI'm using Kbubuntu 13.10 now!23:12
SunTsudolomite: Never had that and my previous workstation did every step from 10.04 to 13.0423:13
JMichaelXJUST finished upgrading to saucy on one of two machines. so far, things look very good. upgrade could not have gobe any more smoothly.  many thanks to Riddell and devs!23:15
BigWig_getting this error now http://pastebin.com/d62NuNkn23:17
JMichaelXBigWig_: which version of kubuntu are you presently running?23:18
BigWig_Distributor ID: Ubuntu23:19
BigWig_Description:    Ubuntu 13.0423:19
BigWig_Release:        13.0423:19
BigWig_Codename:       raring23:19
JMichaelXcareful  not to flood, BigWig_23:19
SunTsuBigWig_: please, if you plan to paste more than two lines, use a paste service23:20
JMichaelXBigWig_: is your system fully updated?23:20
SunTsuBigWig_: zacarias had the same issue. If your system is fully updated I'd do what this message tells me: report it as a bug23:21
valorieI dunno why some badmouth upgrading23:47
valorieusually it works great for me23:47
valoriemuch less trouble than a new install23:47
valorieto be fair, new installs are fast23:47
SunTsuvalorie: as I said, my old workstation had no trouble during 6 release upgrades - it probably wouldn't have problems upgrading to 13.10 if it didn't break earlier this year23:51
valorieI figure if I run into major problems, then it's time to clean install23:53
valorieanyway, I'm glad we have lots of choices available23:54

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