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RandLATPlanning on using Ubuntu 13.10 within VirtualBox on a Mac. Which ISO should I get? 32-bit Intel, 64-bit PC AMD or the 64-bit Mac AMD? Thanks in advance.05:48
dufluRandLAT: Within a virtual machine, PC. And if you can, always amd6405:53
RandLATduflu: Thanks05:56
sil2100Morning everyone07:32
sil2100hm... after doing a dist-upgrade yesterday, I cannot get my machine to boot properly, the graphical shell doesn't want to start07:35
sil2100I'll try something after rebooting, brb07:44
sil2100didrocks: how can I fetch the list of recently updated packages on my system? dpkg.log is a bit bloated08:01
didrockssil2100: /var/log/apt/history.log08:02
didrocksthat should be easier to parse :)08:02
didrocks(doesn't show of course what you installed with dpkg08:02
didrocksyw ;)08:02
didrocksgood luck!08:02
Laneysil2100: seb had that yesterday08:04
LaneyHe had unity8 installed and it was due to that08:04
sil2100Oh shit08:04
sil2100Laney: thanks, will check my packages!08:05
sil2100If that's it, then you saved my day08:05
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Laneylool: did you upload a fix for that?08:06
Laney(didn't actually follow what the problem was)08:06
Laneyseems so08:06
Laneydist-upgrade should fix it08:06
sil2100Sadly, didn't help here08:09
sil2100I don't see lightdm running, but start lightdm says it's already up - and restarting/stopping lightdm just causes the command to wait indefinitely08:10
sil2100Diving in for more debugging - running lightdm manually without upstart just works08:18
Laneytry 'sudo initctl list' when it's broken08:18
sil2100Still nothing08:39
sil2100initctl list shows lightdm in the state: start/starting, but the upstart script is not even being started08:40
sil2100It seems something happens when upstart tries to launch lightdm, something is stalled and not moving forward08:54
sil2100Great timing for this to happen, shouldn't have upgraded those zillions of packages08:55
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loolLaney: boot issue with unity8?  yes09:19
Laneydon't know what sil2100's problem is yet09:19
Laneysil2100: got anywhere?09:19
Laneycould you pastebin sudo initctl list?09:19
loolsil2100: do you have anything in /etc/init/boot-hooks/?09:20
loolsil2100: what's your unity8 version?09:20
loolOk, will check it out later, got to go09:20
sil2100It's on my desktop, so it's not about unity8 - still trying to get my lightdm back, after disabling it from boot-time and trying to run manually by start lightdm it just hang the 'start lightdm' process without doing anything, while launching lightdm manually without initctl works09:21
sil2100I don't have unity8 installed even right now09:22
sil2100But wait09:22
sil2100Why after uninstalling unity8 I still have its boot-hook in /etc/init ?09:23
Laneyyou didn't purge it?09:23
sil2100No, and this was my mistake, I really should add --purge by default whenever I do an apt remove09:25
sil2100Laney, lool: thanks guys, I think this should be it09:25
sil2100Wasn't really aware of the still-existing boot-hook for unity8, didn't even check if there's anything like that there09:26
Laneythe non-updating greeter background in settings was just a missing Q_EMIT09:54
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sil2100Laney: uh?10:49
sil2100Laney: ah, I see you fixed everything in the merge proposal of yours10:51
LaneyI think so10:51
Laneyif you have some changes I can merge them in10:51
sil2100Laney: I'll remove my branch then and review your fixes10:52
Laneyor do another MP or whatever10:52
LaneyI think it worked on desktop because ...10:52
Laneynautilus syncs the background to accountsservice10:52
sil2100QDBusReply<QDBusVariant> answer = userInterface.call <- hah, this for getting the property? Why wasn't it working with the .property() thing?10:52
Laneywhich will make the Changed signal happen10:52
Laneyso the UI gets it that way10:52
Laneybut if you set it yourself then you don't get the signal back10:53
Laneythat's why it worked if you set it in the terminal too10:53
sil2100Crazy stuff10:53
sil2100Makes sense now, let me test and review the change10:54
Laney.property isn't what I thought10:55
Laneyit refers to QObject properties, not D-Bus ones10:56
sil2100But actually QDBusInterface from qt4.7 said that you can use the .property() method to access the DBus properties IIRC correctly - I didn't see the same written in the qt5 docs, but in the old ones it was like that10:57
sil2100Quoting the old 4.8 docs: "Signals are connected to by using the normal QObject::connect() function. Finally, properties are accessed using the QObject::property() and QObject::setProperty() functions."10:57
sil2100So I thought this didn't change throughout versions10:57
Laneyoh it does say that actually10:57
sil2100Oh, I actually see the same thing in qt5 as well!10:58
Laneyyou could try putting it back10:58
Laneyif that works then it's better10:58
sil2100hm, but it didn't work before, which is why I actually started looking into that10:59
sil2100It was always returning and empty string10:59
Laneymight have been getting messed up with the missing emission10:59
Laneynot sure10:59
Laneythis definitely does work :P10:59
sil2100Could be, let me try that then10:59
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sil2100Test-building and uploading to the device in a moment11:03
xnoxOverlay scrollbars don't work in GTK apps, if launched under pkexec11:25
xnoxcan that be somehow be fixed?!11:26
om26erxnox, as cimi maybe, he wrote it11:30
Laneyxnox: you need to have GTK_MODULES set11:31
xnoxLaney: bug pkexec strips environment variables =/11:31
Laneyho hum!11:32
xnoxLaney: do we need to modify pkexec to preserve that var?11:32
Laneysounds weird11:32
Laneyit should probably be modified more generally11:32
Laneyor maybe in allow_gui?11:33
Laneytalk to upstraem11:33
mhr3_xnox, how can i get a log of all upstart events for the user session?11:46
mhr3_cookbook mentions --verbose and --debug, but that's for the system upstart afaict11:46
xnoxmhr3_: does work for session init as well.11:53
xnoxmhr3_: but you can use upstart-monitor to log the current ones.11:53
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mhr3_xnox, i need a pointer to where is the session init run :)11:55
Laneymhr3_: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99upstart11:55
mhr3_Laney, phone as well?11:56
Laneydon't know about that11:56
LaneyI assume that #ubuntu-desktop questions are about desktop :P11:56
mhr3_but, but... it's right above ubuntu-touch for me :P11:57
ogra_you seriously need more channels then11:57
* ogra_ has about ten between desktop and touch 11:57
xnoxmhr3_: yes, phone as well.11:59
xnoxmhr3_: hm, maybe not actually11:59
xnoxmhr3_: grep root filesystem? =)11:59
czajkowskiogra_: that's cause you're so popular!11:59
ogra_czajkowski, not partying for the release today ?12:00
ogra_i dont see you in #u-r-p12:00
czajkowskimay pop up to london and go to the event12:00
czajkowskisee how the trains are going today12:00
ogra_(in fact that channel is pretty dead this time :/ )12:00
czajkowskiogra_: I need to get work done that channel gets way too noisy!12:00
ogra_it doesnt12:00
ogra_not even 100 ppl12:00
ogra_relatively quiet12:01
Laneytold you, get the Holy Holbach to do some evangelising12:01
Laneyyou what12:02
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desrtseb128: hey!!12:07
seb128good morning desktopers12:08
seb128desrt, hey, how is Canada this morning?12:08
desrtand judy12:08
desrtis a....12:08
desrtvery nice girl12:08
* desrt listens to belle and sebastian12:08
Laneyyou guys are weird12:09
Laneygive me a bagel update, STAT12:09
Laneyalso: /me listens to b&s12:09
desrtLaney: we got the good bagels this morning12:09
desrtthey were the worst ones we've had so far (of the good ones) but still a world better than the ones we had yesterday12:10
LaneyI came across this on planet yesterday http://blogs.gnome.org/gnomg/files/2013/10/bagelMontrealSummit.jpg12:10
Laneycan't get away from the damn things12:10
desrtah.  karen took that picture.12:11
Laneyya, her post12:11
desrtso.... we're planning on putting in a sound system at the montreal office12:17
desrti wonder if more people would come then12:17
seb128Laney, hey, we get some extra bagels this morning, if you want to stop at the Montréal office today... :-)12:21
LaneyI'll drop by on my way to Oakland next week12:22
Laneyput them out by the back step12:22
* mdeslaur goes to kitchen to get bagel12:22
seb128mdeslaur, hey, how far are you from the office?12:22
mdeslaurseb128: 3 hour drive12:22
seb128mdeslaur, not seeing you there today then I guess ;-)12:23
mdeslaurnope :)12:23
didrockssalut seb128, ça va?12:31
didrockshey desrt ;)12:31
seb128didrocks, lut, ouais, et toi ? congrats on the gold image 100 ;-)12:32
didrocksseb128: heh, thanks! we even had the early alert for fun :p12:32
* didrocks got 3 free hours of stress12:32
seb128didrocks, I got that yesterday when my laptop stopped booting :p12:32
didrocksseb128: congrats on the destkop! happy to have seen latest settings fixes12:32
didrocksahah ;)12:32
* seb128 shakes fist at unity812:32
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)12:33
didrocksseb128: yeah, but the update screwed the phone :)12:33
seb128didrocks, fun to debug, I'm glad stgraber came to the office to help me12:33
* didrocks thinks AP tests were not run :p12:33
seb128half of the upstart jobs were waiting to start12:33
seb128cascade of events fun12:33
didrocksfun state ;)12:33
didrocksseb128: don't eat too much bagels, we'll have a lot of food in Oakland :)12:35
seb128didrocks, yeah, "good luck with that", desrt has a difficult time filtering the list of food places in Toronto for next week12:37
seb128it's going to be 3 weeks of "food porn" as larsu would say :p12:38
didrocksseb128: what are you doing working then? you should be already at the gym :)12:38
seb128yeah, that's a good point12:38
didrocksfood/gym seems to be the only way to survive :)12:38
larsudidrocks: hi!12:38
didrocksoh I know, desrt wants to kill seb128 with too many food so that we get gnome 3.12 next cycle :)12:39
didrockshey larsu! how are you?12:39
larsupeople are overexaggerating how much I give them to eat12:39
didrocksheh ;)12:39
desrtdidrocks: i don't need to kill him.  only drug him.12:39
larsudidrocks: awesome, thanks. And you?12:39
larsufreshly married I hear. Congrats ;)12:39
* desrt has been slipping mind control agents into his bagels12:39
didrocksdesrt: right, beers as well can work… it's cheaper :)12:39
seb128didrocks, those people don't want to drink beer with me12:39
didrockslarsu: yeah, was really busy between the wedding and the release, but really well! thanks :)12:39
desrtseb128: you have an alcohol problem12:39
didrocksseb128: really? Oh poor of you :)12:39
seb128see, he's doing it again!12:40
didrocksdesrt: yeah, at the wedding, people told me "seb is drinking is a lot" :)12:40
desrthis problem: his friends don't want to drink as much as he does12:40
larsuI like how 75% of the participants of this chat are in the same room, at the same table12:40
desrtattente: hey.  help us bring it to 80%!12:40
didrockslarsu: yeah, but public shaming is priceless I guess :)12:41
desrtdidrocks: public humilation is the first step on the 12 step programme, isn't it?12:41
didrocksdesrt: don't spoil seb128 with the number of steps ;)12:41
desrtlarsu: http://memegenerator.net/instance/4224769512:45
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seb128stgraber, hey, just as a fyi, we have fresh bagels at the office if you want some ;-)13:39
sil2100Laney: the merge looking good now! Just wanted to discuss the 'source:' of the image, which I guess you might be right about but want to make sure13:49
sil2100Laney: since I see testHomeImage has the source: background.pictureUri anyway defined, and I have been wondering if without that it will be actually, on start, updating the greeter image to fit the one that has been selected in the past13:50
sil2100Laney: I didn't see if that works since when I was reviewing I was looking at the version when using .property(), which as I mentioned does not work13:51
mterryseb128, heyo!  I tested setting the greeter wallpaper to a /usr/share/backgrounds path.  It worked for me on the commandline...13:52
sil2100mterry: hi! What do you mean? We have a branch for ubuntu-system-settings for fixing greeter-background changing13:53
seb128mterry, hey! my bug got dupped from 122778313:53
mterrysil2100, seb128 was manually testing changing the greeter the other day and found an odd bug13:54
seb128mterry, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1238763/comments/213:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1227783 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu Saucy) "duplicate for #1238763 Black backround image -CrossFadeImage does not set the sourceSize for the images" [Critical,In progress]13:54
mterrysil2100, not one that prevented using it in system-settings13:54
mterryseb128, ah.13:54
mterryseb128, so it was a size-of-image difference, not path difference?13:54
sil2100mterry: ah, sorry, I shouldn't have butted in without knowing context! Ignore me please ;)13:54
seb128mterry, seems so13:54
mterrysil2100, no worries  :)13:54
Laneysil2100: It's supposed to go <gsettings/as> → <test image> → <visible image>13:55
Laneyoh hey, a saucy13:57
Laneywell done desktop team ;-)13:57
seb128Laney, desktop team \o/13:59
sil2100Laney: and that happens on startup, yes?13:59
sil2100yay indeed \o/13:59
sil2100Finally someone mentioned 'desktop'! \o/13:59
Laneysure, via the binding14:00
Laneydid you notice anything being actually broken, or just being cautious?14:00
sil2100Laney: just being cautious, no worries14:01
sil2100Ok, last glance and let me approve!14:01
sil2100Laney, seb128: btw. how is it with u-s-s? For instance all the v2 work, do we do it in a separate trunk branch for T and leaving the current state of u-s-s for saucy?14:05
sil2100Laney, seb128: or just continue developing in one trunk, with the new features also targetted for saucy still?14:05
seb128sil2100, I would say that we keep working in trunk14:05
seb128e.g rolling mode14:05
seb128saucy is not going to be supported on the phone14:05
seb128we are just going to roll over T14:05
sil2100Sounds like a plan14:05
seb128Laney, ^ do you agree with that?14:06
stgraberseb128: I may drop by once I'm done with my post-release stuff (well, mostly pushing the announcement for Edubuntu)14:06
seb128stgraber, great14:06
seb128stgraber, we should make sure to have release beers tonight or something14:07
Laneysorry, Rosie just came back from an interview, was discussing how that went14:14
Laneylet me see14:14
Laneyoh yeah, I don't think we'll be SRUing anything14:14
Laneyso just trunk is ok14:14
Laneyhopefully this cycle we can do a more normal release though towards the end, so might have a stable branch then14:14
Laneybut we'll see14:14
seb128Laney, job interview? how did that go?14:15
Laneyshe thinks quite alright14:15
Laneythis was the second one for that job14:15
Laneywill hear back next week14:15
Laneyit's something to do with geographic data14:15
Laneyapparently they asked questions about relational databases14:15
desrt10:07 < seb128> stgraber, we should make sure to have release beers tonight or something14:17
desrtseb suggesting alcohol consumption?  this is surprising.14:17
Laneyrelease ice cream doesn't have the same ring to it :P14:18
seb128BEER, did somebody said beer?14:18
seb128see, ogra_ is reacting to the idea as well14:18
seb128it's a german thing, larsu would tell you14:18
* larsu peeks in14:19
larsuit's after 4 in Germany14:19
desrtseb128 has gone to the kitchen to look for beer14:20
desrt...at 10:20am14:20
Laneyseb128: btw have you noticed a problem on the update panel where you don't get the revision number?14:20
Laneyso I just get "Ubuntu 13.10 (r)"14:20
stgraberseb128: release beer sounds good (though maybe not just yet ;))14:21
Laneyogra_: how many people did you get in the channel in the end? :-)14:24
ogra_Laney, 120 or so14:25
ogra_we never were below 200 in the past14:25
ogra_peak was ~600 one release iirc14:25
Laneycomfortable middle age14:26
desrtLaney: can we get https://fedorahosted.org/gcc-python-plugin/ packaged?14:26
* Laney dons a cardigan14:26
Laneydesrt: probably, do you have something that uses it?14:26
desrtLaney: i'd ask seb, but he's already three sheets to the wind14:26
desrtLaney: ya.  i'm writing a gvariant static analysis tool14:26
Laneyyou might want doko or someone gcc-ish14:26
Laneysee if he bites14:27
Laney17/10 15:28:21 <Laney> paultag: is #694881 still alive?14:29
Laney17/10 15:28:49 <paultag> Laney: yeah, I'm blocked waiting for a change to the upstream code14:29
Laney17/10 15:29:03 <paultag> Laney: there's a big change, he's getting some stuff in GCC, which is blocking a release, since it's using a new API14:29
Laney17/10 15:29:13 <Laney> Alright14:29
Laney17/10 15:29:14 <paultag> Laney: I should likely comment on that, but I'm still interested and working on it14:29
Laney17/10 15:29:18 <Laney> Yeah, please do14:30
Laney17/10 15:29:26 <Laney> desrt just pinged me about getting it packaged then I found your ITP14:30
Laney17/10 15:29:30 <paultag> ack14:30
desrtLaney: ya. i found that too.14:30
desrtseemed stalled14:30
desrtglad i asked you.  thanks :)14:30
seb128Laney, no, didn't see that one ... weird, I made the code conditional (shouldn't display the "(r...)" part of the string if we have no version)14:30
seb128Laney, is that on r100/n4? (wfm here)14:30
didrocksdesrt: did seb128 pushed gnome 3.11.-1 yet? ;)14:31
Laneywas going <something> → 10014:31
desrtdidrocks: he's not that far gone yet14:31
didrocksworking on it I hope? :)14:31
desrtour montreal office is beautiful14:32
desrtwe should have a sprint here soon14:32
Laneywe're putting all of GNOME under CI and daily releases14:32
didrocksdesrt: really? I was quite disappointed by the Boston office, we should have gone to Montreal14:33
didrocksin addition, they speak a descent language there14:33
didrocksLaney: \o/14:33
desrtdidrocks: english?  yes, indeed.  but with a funny accent.14:34
seb128didrocks, yeah, Montréal office is great, a bit London style (but empty)14:34
didrocksinteresting, yeah, we should have sprint there!14:35
seb128didrocks, with nice view on the hill on one side of the building and on the city on the other side14:35
didrocksI guess in summer, in winter… too cold :)14:35
didrocksseb128: oh nice :)14:35
desrtmaybe sprint14:35
seb128city is nice as well, office is in the city14:35
desrtspring sprint!14:35
didrocksdesrt: a spring sprint?14:35
didrockstoo slow…14:35
Laneythat'd be good14:35
seb128not like Lexington which is middle of nowhere (from what I've been told)14:35
didrocksseb128: indeed ;)14:36
popeytkamppeter: is openprinting.org ever coming back?14:36
tkamppeterpopey, it will take some days, the server will get replaced.14:38
popeytkamppeter: ah okay. Someone on my LUG mailing list was asking.14:38
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chrisccoulsonhappy release day!14:47
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seb128chrisccoulson, hey, happy release day to you as well!14:57
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?14:57
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. although, i caught my daughters cold14:57
chrisccoulsonhow are you?14:57
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks, enjoying the Montréal office14:58
chrisccoulsonnice! :)14:58
chrisccoulsoni'd like to go there ;)14:58
mdeslaurseb128: make sure you go to schwartz's while you're there14:59
seb128mdeslaur, why people keep saying that15:00
desrtmdeslaur: already done :)15:00
desrtwe went there the first night15:00
mdeslaurwas it not good?15:00
desrtit was glorious, of course15:00
seb128mdeslaur, it was great, but lot of meat at the same time15:01
mdeslaurseb128: pfff15:01
desrtseb128: ....15:01
desrtTHAT'S THE POINT.15:01
attentemy sandwich came cold15:01
seb128alright, it was great, but it feels like we eat a pig each15:01
seb128poor animals15:01
mdeslaurseb128: not enough organs to your liking? :P15:01
desrtattente is just upset that we didn't like his bagels -- so he's talking bad about the things that we like15:02
Sweetsharkseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes <- I just sqeezed myself in there, seems Desktop missed out on that quite a bit in general?15:02
seb128Sweetshark, indeed, nobody pinged us and I was travelling/forgot about it15:03
seb128Sweetshark, thanks for filling it15:03
didrocksah, here we go: http://www.mambochimbo.com/2013/10/to-do-top-things-to-do-after-installing.html15:05
* didrocks was anxious to not see a post like that yet :)15:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, lots of meat? now you're making me really jealous15:13
seb128didrocks, haha15:14
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, we should have a sprint in montreal15:14
didrockschrisccoulson: maybe he was laughing at your remark, but knowing how drunk he is… :)15:14
seb128didrocks, chrisccoulson: http://www.roadfood.com/photos/7626.jpg15:16
* chrisccoulson drools15:16
chrisccoulsonthat's just how i like my sandwich15:17
chrisccoulsonwell, perhaps with less bread15:17
didrocksthis looks so healthy :)15:17
mdeslaurargh, now I have to go out for lunch15:20
stgrabermdeslaur: I tend to prefer Dunn's, less waiting time and still pretty good :) (Schwartz's is much closer to my place though and I know when to go to avoid the crowd nowadays ;))15:24
mdeslauryeah, dunn's is good too15:25
mdeslaurstgraber: oh, hrm, I didn't know you moved to mtl15:26
stgrabermdeslaur: yeah, I did back in May. Now at the corner of Sherbrooke and St-Laurent so not too far from the office (but a bit too downtown for me, will be moving somewhere else next year)15:27
seb128sil2100, bregma: hey, do we have an unity 5 SRU planned at some point for precise?15:38
mlankhorstat least oh god i hope so15:39
seb128sil2100, bregma: having https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1040660 backported there would be nice, I think it should fix https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/dbd360e8dd4d719c768b3bac5b7db4c967eb8d6115:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1040660 in Unity "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in panel_indicator_entry_accessible_get_n_children() from append_cache_item() from g_hash_table_foreach()" [High,Triaged]15:39
* didrocks is going out for exercising15:39
didrockswhile seb128 is drinking and eating :)15:40
seb128didrocks, great15:41
seb128ChrisTownsend, hey, did you see what I was just asking bregma/sil2100 before?15:48
ChrisTownsendseb128: Sorry, I think I missed it.15:48
ChrisTownsendseb128: Could you repeat what you were asking them?15:51
seb128ChrisTownsend, having http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/2775 backported there would be nice, I think it should fix https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/dbd360e8dd4d719c768b3bac5b7db4c967eb8d6115:52
seb128ChrisTownsend, "there" being precise/unity515:52
ChrisTownsendseb128: Sure, I can work on the backport and then we can SRU it.15:53
seb128ChrisTownsend, that would be great, thanks15:53
ChrisTownsendseb128: np!15:53
seb128Laney, we are debugging the buggy SRU with larsu, it's obvious to trigger, it segfault every time you close g-c-c with that panel open16:01
LaneyI had the old one in my VM. :(16:02
seb128Laney, it's a obvious bug (extra &priv-> instead of priv->)16:02
seb128Laney, I'm testing with just dpkg -i the precise version on my saucy btw16:03
Laneyyeah, I got it to crash16:03
Laneyare you going to do the fix?16:03
seb128Laney, yes, larsu is testing a fix already16:04
seb128Laney, g_hash_table_destroy (&priv...16:04
seb128Laney, dropping the &16:04
LaneyI see it16:04
Laneyincorrect pattern following when he backported the patch16:04
Laneyupstream used g_clear_pointer but that's >= 2.3416:04
seb128hum, annoying to build on saucy, libgnome-desktop etc not matching16:07
seb128Laney, do you have a precise build env?16:07
seb128Laney, ^ can you test it?16:08
Laneysure why not16:08
Laneyis there a bug for this?16:09
larsuI don't think so16:12
Laneynearly built16:13
Laneyoh god stop optimising PNGs16:16
Laneylarsu: seb128: Yeah, didn't crash16:18
Laneyshall I upload?16:18
seb128Laney, yes please16:18
Laneyokey doke16:18
seb128Laney, thanks16:18
Laneyhrm, I guess we ought to have a bug for it really16:19
Laneylet me file one quickly16:19
seb128Laney, I would be surprised if we didn't have one16:19
seb128Laney, https://launchpad.net/bugs/123439216:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1234392 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/gnome-control-center:11:__GI___libc_free:standard_free:g_free:g_hash_table_resize:g_hash_table_destroy" [Undecided,New]16:20
LaneyI would never have found that16:20
Laneyguess it was linked from euc16:20
seb128Laney, thanks!16:24
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
Laneyguess you want to ping people to get it fast tracked ;-)16:25
seb128stgraber, can you get a precise SRU through for us?16:25
seb128Laney, hehe, indeed :p16:25
seb128Laney, why is that bug tagged lucid?16:26
Laneydon't ask me16:27
seb128larsu, attente: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2755216:29
ubot2Freedesktop bug 27552 in Lib/Xlib "Lots of processes crash in XCreatePixmap() with _XAllocID: Assertion `ret != inval_id' failed" [Normal,New]16:29
seb128stgraber, thanks16:36
Laneyoh, she got the job16:48
seb128Laney, congrats!16:48
Laneythat was a quick turnaround!16:48
seb128well; congrats to her16:48
seb128Laney, double reason to celebrate today ;-)16:48
Laneyyep, going out to have dinner tonight for celebrations16:48
seb128Laney, have fun!16:48
* Laney quickly uploads glib* SRUs16:48
didrocksLaney: dput && run16:51
Laneygot to make the packages first :P16:51
Laneyseb128: can you help me out with a test case for bug #1217230 please?17:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1217230 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "[Regression] Can't copy files from digital camera (Operation not supported by backend)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121723017:05
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Laneyokay, they're uploaded17:13
Laneyenjoy the release festivities :P17:13
* Laney waves17:13
jcastrohey kenvandine17:27
jcastrohow can I run this pandora app you posted on my desktop?17:28
* didrocks waves good evening as well17:29
didrocksenjoy the release everyone :)17:29
kenvandinejcastro, https://github.com/kenvandine/Panpipe17:42
kenvandinegrab that and run qmlscene panpipe.qml17:42
jcastrooh so I can just build a deb from that I see17:43
kenvandinei think that will work17:43
kenvandineor even a click package17:43
jcastroyeah but  I can't run clicks on my desktop safely without mir right?17:43
kenvandineclick isn't supported on the desktop17:43
kenvandinethe biggest thing we need to fix for it on the phone is background playback17:44
kenvandinelike music-app does17:44
kenvandineit sucks when the screen sleeps it stops playing17:44
jcastroI'll follow along on my tablet17:44
jcastrothis is a great app17:44
seb128Laney, can do (sorry, was at lunch), have a nice evening!17:54
tvosskenvandine, works for me @music playback17:58
tvosskenvandine, or better, used to work for me17:58
kenvandinetvoss, panpipe does?18:03
kenvandinetvoss, i think i just fixed it18:03
tvosskenvandine, hah :)18:03
kenvandinewell... s/fixed/added qtpowerd/ :)18:03
Sweetsharkheh, Ubuntu 13.10 released and on heise.de (biggest IT site in germany) the comments are only fighting over if its better to use 12.04LTS with LibreOffice 3.5.7, or 13.10 with LibreOffice 4.1.2 or 12.04LTS with the libreofffice ppa at LibreOffice 4.1.2 ...18:10
kenvandinetvoss, ah... i don't see any powerd access in apparmor, so it'll only work unconfined18:13
tvosskenvandine, hah18:14
kenvandinebummer... close to being useful :/18:14
kenvandinejdstrand, any plans to add a policygroup for access to powerd?18:14
jdstrandI did not have plans, but that can change. I just need more info on how it is all supposed to work18:15
jdstrandmaybe an email to ubuntu-phone/ubuntu-devel?18:15
jdstrandor if it is simple, a bug against apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu18:16
kenvandinetvoss, do you know if that was discussed?  i am guessing that is why music-app is using the unconfined template still18:17
tvosskenvandine, not entirely sure. Can you quickly summarize the state of things?18:17
kenvandinetrying to use QtPowerd.keepalive from panpipe based on playing state18:18
kenvandineapparmor rejects access to com.canonical.powerd18:19
kenvandinemusic-app does that, but it is using the unconfined template18:19
kenvandinerequestSysState: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied", "An AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, 0 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.8518:20
kenvandine" (uid=32011 pid=12237 comm="/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene $@ p") interface="com.canonical.powerd" member="requestSysState" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.canonical18:20
kenvandine.powerd" (uid=0 pid=838 comm="/usr/bin/powerd ")")18:20
kenvandineso i assume it would be adding a new policygroup for power18:21
sarnoldthat's a funny-looking 'comm' entry..18:23
alex-abreuTrevinho, ping18:50
alex-abreuthomi, ping18:57
Trevinhoalex-abreu: pong19:03
alex-abreuTrevinho, ah, just sent you a thomi an email19:04
Trevinhoalex-abreu: ah, fine... I'l check that soon19:04
robrularsu, ping19:16
desrtrobru: pong19:16
robrudesrt, larsu's patch for bug #1238927 didn't make it into the saucy release. is it worth SRUing?19:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1238927 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "[Ubuntu Touch] Icons not displayed correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123892719:17
robruoh, i guess not if it's touch-only19:18
seb128robru, it should be in the release...19:18
desrtrobru: seb says it should have made it in...19:18
robruseb128, desrt: hmmm? according to http://people.canonical.com/~platform/cu2d/results it is in the PPA but not in saucy.19:18
seb128robru, I didn't realize that you guys didn't land fixes for this one with other ones this week19:19
seb128robru, so yeah, should be SRUed19:19
* larsu agrees19:19
robruok, I will apply the ritualistic make-up and begin the SRU dance.19:19
robruseb128, confirmed with rmadison, saucy has 13.10.1+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu119:21
seb128robru, right19:21
seb128xclaesse, hey, do you know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-gabble/+bug/1223436 is a known issue/what debug info would be useful?19:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1223436 in telepathy-gabble (Ubuntu Saucy) "telepathy-gabble 0.18 does not work with jabberd2" [Undecided,New]19:35
sil2100seb128: as for the SRU, we have one planned all the time but there was no time!19:37
seb128sil2100, hey, ok, ChrisTownsend is looking at backporting it, that's step 1 I guess19:37
seb128sil2100, once it's in the vcs we can discuss SRUing the current vcs19:37
xclaesseseb128, I didn't see that bug before, but I'm not reading all gabble bug reports :p19:38
xclaesseseb128, maybe ask smcv and/or cassidy on #telepathy19:38
xclaesseseb128, more debug would be useful, though19:39
seb128xclaesse, ok, thanks19:39
seb128xclaesse, how do you get debug? restarting the service with an env set?19:39
seb128jdstrand, do you still get that telepathy-gabble not working with jabberd2 issue?19:39
ChrisTownsendseb128: I have the MP ready, just waiting on the review.19:39
seb128ChrisTownsend, great19:39
jdstrandseb128: yes, I've had to resort to apt pinning:19:40
jdstrandPackage: telepathy-gabble19:40
jdstrandPin: version 0.16.6-1ubuntu119:40
jdstrandPin-Priority: 100119:40
seb128jdstrand, ok, thanks19:42
xclaesseseb128, empathy-debug should tell you everything19:44
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|eod
robert_ancellseb128, hey, can you still reproduce bug 861171? I can shutdown from any account (or just pressing the power button from anywhere). Wondering if my settings are messed up after too many upgrades20:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 861171 in OEM Priority Project precise "Shutdown from greeter does nothing when multiple accounts open" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86117120:08
* seb128 shakes fist at robert_ancell20:12
seb128robert_ancell, doing shutdown from the indicator on the greeter shutdown my computer, including my user session, without asking for confirmationj20:13
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, that's what I noticed20:14
robert_ancellactually, no mine still shows a dialog20:14
robert_ancellbut pressing the power button from inside my session shuts everything down without prompting20:14
seb128robert_ancell, bug #120118020:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1201180 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Pressing power button turns off the PC ignoring the presence of another session manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120118020:18
robert_ancellthat seems kind of important to fix..20:19
seb128robert_ancell, well, it was supposed to be fixed20:19
seb128robert_ancell, gnome-session should put an inhibitor20:19
seb128robert_ancell, gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power button-power ?20:20
seb128I get the unity dialog when I press the button here20:20
robert_ancellam I brave enough to try right now?20:20
robert_ancellI'll wait for the dist-upgrade to complete20:21
seb128robert_ancell, DOIT20:21
seb128yeah, might be smarter20:21
robert_ancellok, paused that. Fingers crossed20:21
seb128robert_ancell, :-(20:25
robert_ancellOK, so I need to hunt for inhibitors20:26
robert_ancellseb128, I did get fancy dialogs working in u-g though20:28
seb128robert_ancell, no, they don't, which is why I asked you to rebase the indicator patch20:28
robert_ancellI mean I implemented them so they do now in lp:~robert-ancell/unity-greeter/end-session-dialog20:29
robert_ancellwhich is the first step, then we need to make a dialog that says "Can't shutdown" or prompts for authentication20:29
seb128wasn't was you did by then (which never got merged in)?20:30
seb128robert_ancell, the inhibitor should come from gnome-session iirc, maybe do gnome-session --debug and look at the log20:31
seb128robert_ancell, the comment from Laney on bug #1201180 has some hints on where to look20:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1201180 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Pressing power button turns off the PC ignoring the presence of another session manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120118020:31
robert_ancellseb128, no, the indicator used to have a dialog in it and I modified that to provide the required information. But that code is all gone now and the dialog is in Unity Shell. So I put the same dialog in Unity Greeter20:31
seb128I didn't know the indicator guys dropped their copy20:32
robert_ancellyeah, that's why I stopped working on it :)20:32
robert_ancellbut first I need to be able to reproduce the problem to make the dialog changes20:33
seb128charles, tedg, do you remember why/when the indicator-session session dialogs were dropped?20:35
seb128well I guess "because unity provides that feature"20:35
charlesseb128: "because unity provides that feature"20:36
seb128robert_ancell, so yeah, typical "let's look at this bug, which makes you find 3 other issues on the way, fix them to be able to debug the bug you wanted to look at first"20:36
seb128robert_ancell, we have been hitting that with larsu a few times since yesterday20:36
seb128charles, what about the greeter? :/20:36
robert_ancellseb128, it fell back to zenity20:36
charlesseb128: however if the session indicator's not running, indicator-session fills in with zenity20:36
charlesrobert_ancell: +120:37
robert_ancellwe needed to implement the dialogs in the greeter anyway20:37
charless/not running/not running in unity/20:37
robert_ancellcharles, do you know what the story is with the org.gnome namespace for the dialog d-bus interface? (given it's on the Unity object)20:38
robert_ancelldoes gnome shell have something similar?20:38
seb128robert_ancell, Trevinho is the one who did that work20:38
seb128Trevinho, ^20:38
Trevinhorobert_ancell: I've implemented that, since it was the only way to interact with gnome session20:40
Trevinhorobert_ancell: in theory we should fix it, to allow to work with other namespaces just implementing that interface20:40
robert_ancellTrevinho, did the interface used to be on gnome-session?20:41
Trevinhorobert_ancell: if there's that interface implemented, then jgnome session uses it instead of its fallback dialogs20:41
Trevinhorobert_ancell: I really wanted to work upstream to make things better, but I had no time20:41
Trevinhoand just implemented what we were mssing locally20:42
seb128charles, oh, another fun bug created by dropping that code :/20:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1167314 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software-properties-gtk crashed with FileNotFoundError in _execute_child(): [Errno 2] Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado: '/usr/lib/indicator-session/gtk-logout-helper'" [Medium,Confirmed]20:51
seb128I wish I had seen the mp for dropping those dialogs20:51
charleshm. software-properties probably shouldn't've been relying on gtk-logout-helper20:54
seb128charles, what should it use instead?20:54
charlesiirc gtk-logout-helper was conditionally compiled in previous releases20:54
seb128charles, well, it was turned on in Ubuntu20:55
charleslooks like it's used in one place in software-properties:20:55
seb128charles, and we can't drop stuff while they have users, it should go the other way around20:55
seb128charles, port users, then drop the unused code20:55
charlesit's using "gtk-logout-helper --restart", it could use "gnome-session-quit --reboot"20:56
charlesseb128: I wasn't aware that indicator-session's dialogs had any other uses20:56
seb128charles, yeah, not your fault, as said I wish I had seen that merge go through20:56
seb128I can't even find it in the bzr log20:56
seb128no match for dialog, gtk20:56
charlesalso, software-properties doesn't mention indicator-session in its debian/control20:57
seb128yeah, it's a buggy20:58
charlesseb128: iirc you were one of the people doing testing on that MP, I distinctly remember you were testing the dialogs in the greeter20:58
charlesthis was one of the first indicators that got ported over to GMenu20:59
seb128charles, well, when I tested we still had dialogs on the greeter20:59
seb128charles, I just tested, doing "shutdown" from the indicator on the greeter takes my system down, including logged in users, without warning or question20:59
seb128question/confirmation request20:59
seb128by then when I tested I was getting a dialog to confirm21:00
charlesseb128: I'm getting the zenity popup dialogs in the greeter right now. hm21:04
seb128charles, I don't have zenity installed21:05
seb128oh, in fact I does21:05
kenvandinewell crap... release day and I have no beer in the house!21:05
seb128kenvandine, time for shopping!21:06
* kenvandine debates wine or a trip to the store for beer21:06
kenvandinehumm... i do have some scotch... this cycle is worthy of scotch :)21:06
charlesmore of a gin release, maybe21:07
ChrisTownsendseb128: That backport is now merged into lp:unity/5.0.  Anything else I need to do?21:07
seb128kenvandine, seems like a good choice ;-)21:07
seb128ChrisTownsend, no, that's all for your side, thanks a lot!21:07
kenvandinewell good night folks!21:08
seb128sil2100, ^ can we get an unity5 sru to precise? ;-)21:08
seb128kenvandine, night!21:08
ChrisTownsendseb128: Sure, no problem21:08
sil2100seb128: let me check unity 5.0 trunk ;)21:11
charlesseb128: the zenity dialogs were working for you when you tested them on July 12, which is when I added them... I wonder what's changed between then and now s.t. they're not working in your greeter21:12
sil2100seb128, ChrisTownsend: right, so now that we're done with saucy for now, let me take care of the SRU - I actually need the SRU team to validate one of the fixes that went in, if I get feedback on that we can do the release21:12
seb128charles, I didn't even notice that was zenity by then21:13
charlesthe popups WFM, though my snapshot is a few days old21:13
seb128sil2100, great, thanks21:13
ChrisTownsendsil2100: I think a new Nux is needed as well, but you probably already know that:)21:14
robrudesrt, larsu: can i get one of you to fill out the SRU template for https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-messages/+bug/1238927 ? I don't know the steps to reproduce or the regression potential so it's hard for me to fill that out. once that's done i'll upload to saucy-proposed21:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1238927 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "[Ubuntu Touch] Icons not displayed correctly" [High,Fix committed]21:18
robert_ancellseb128, what does 'dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 --print-reply /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.ListInhibitors' say for you?21:19
larsurobru: cyphermox just told me he wants to hold off on that one for a while21:20
cyphermoxlarsu: well, it would still be ideal to write the paperwork, description and all so it's ready when we need21:21
seb128robert_ancell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6253367/21:22
seb128calling it a day, good evening everyone21:24
robert_ancellseb128, bye21:24
robert_ancellmterry, do you know if there is a particular reason the media-keys g-s-d plugin is disabled in the greeter?21:38
mterryrobert_ancell, I doubt for functionality reasons?  Could it launch apps?21:39
robert_ancellmterry, ah, I guess it could launch apps.21:39
robert_ancellWe kind of want it to handle the power keys though21:40
mterryrobert_ancell, each of those should probably be commented with why21:40
robert_ancellmterry, what is unity8 going to use for this? Does it still use g-s-d?21:40
mterryrobert_ancell, I wonder if we can fine-tune that21:40
mterryrobert_ancell, no, it starts with g, of course we don't use it  :)21:40
mterryrobert_ancell, I believe some functionality is in shell now21:41
robert_ancellmterry, so does the shell have the logind inhibitors / key handling?21:41
robert_ancellmterry, it's kind of annoying - how much fixing do we do in u-g or just wait for u-g821:41
mterryrobert_ancell, that's my memory.  Plus powerd is used, and it isn't on desktop I don't think yet21:41

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