
SuperMatthappy release day06:38
MooDoomorning and same to you SuperMatt :)06:50
MooDoomorinng all06:55
TheOpenSourcererIs it out yet?06:56
SuperMattI think we can all say no to that06:56
SuperMattfor now06:56
MooDooomg there should just be a countdown counter somewhere already ;)06:58
SuperMattthe same thing will happen as usual, the isos will go up, some idiot will announce it, everyone will download them, and then it'll turn out there's something wrong with them06:59
MooDoolol I'll stick to LTS lol06:59
* popey checks he's not in #ubuntu-release-party06:59
MooDoopopey: but I thought you liked not being able to hear yourself think :)06:59
diploMorning all07:00
SuperMatthttp://www.unixmen.com/top-things-installing-ubuntu-13-10/ well this is a terrible article07:01
SuperMattre: 2. ubuntu tweak is in the ubuntu repos07:01
SuperMattre: 3. cinnamon has been known to break 13.1007:01
MooDoohave you contacted the author SuperMatt ?07:02
MooDoothen stop whining i don't wanna hear about it ;) lol :p07:02
SuperMattI've only just seen it07:02
MooDooI take that back then :)07:02
MooDoowhine away :D07:02
popeyalso, step 1 is wrong07:04
popeyalso, ripped off content07:05
TheOpenSourcererwho's going to the party in London tonight? I've found out I am now free so might jump on the train...07:05
SuperMattI might make it07:06
SuperMattI'm staying off work today because I'm not well :(07:06
SuperMattif I come, it is literally just to grab a free t-shirt :P07:06
TheOpenSourcererThey never have enough FB size for my liking ;-)07:06
SuperMattfb size?07:07
TheOpenSourcererFat B*st*rd07:07
SuperMattsmall is all I need07:08
TheOpenSourcererMe and my lovely wife have had lots fun with that. Going into a "posh" genetleman's outfitters and she asking the bloke, with me standing behind, if they have anything in FB size...07:08
SuperMattwell, I'm sat in my quantal t-shirt today07:09
SuperMattI don't have a raring one because I didn't make it to the party in time07:09
SuperMattand I might wait till it's on sale07:10
MooDooyesterday I was wearing my lucid lynx t! :)07:10
SuperMattI wish I had a hardy heron07:10
SuperMattI think they should bring that bad boy back07:10
MooDooI bet someone some where has the whole collection of tshirts for each release07:12
* SuperMatt looks at popey 07:12
popeynot all07:13
SuperMattsearching ebay for hardy heron t-shirt and it keeps "correcting" it to hard hero07:13
SuperMattF.U. ebay, I know what I want07:13
popeyhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/10/official-ubuntu-13-10-saucy-salamander-t-shirts-go-sale shows them all07:14
SuperMattI've got lucid, precise, and quantal07:14
SuperMattthere's no jaunty there07:14
ali1234cinnamon doesn't break ubuntu. it only breaks unity07:14
MooDooSuperMatt: it says theres no 9.0407:15
SuperMattoh yeah07:15
popeythere was07:15
popeyno, i lied07:15
SuperMattthere was no jaunty shirt?07:16
SuperMattmy whole life has been a lie07:16
popeysee the intrepid one ☻07:16
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:24
dwatkinsello ello08:24
MooDoomoring mornign08:25
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
AlanBellpopey: SuperMatt: jaunty was one of those band tour tshirts http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=56508:28
AlanBellbit rubbish08:28
popeyoh god yes08:28
popeythat was terrible08:28
andrewebdevcannot wait for the 13.10 upgrade later today :)08:29
andrewebdevhoping it will fix my dual screen woes08:29
AlanBellandrewebdev: I am runing it on dual screen and it is fine08:29
SuperMattandrewebdev: what kind of woes are you having?08:29
AlanBellit occasionally gets them the wrong way round, but that is OK08:29
AlanBelland what version are you using at the moment andrewebdev?08:30
bigcalmThe secret to happy multiple screens is to have them all connected to the same graphics card :D http://www.myrant.net/2013/02/17/multi-screen-with-ubuntu-unity/08:30
SuperMattthat never happens to me08:30
andrewebdevthis was my issue08:30
andrewebdevI downgrade back to 12.1008:30
AlanBellSuperMatt: I have a screen on the left at the office and a screen on the left at home, sometimes I plug in and it puts the external screen on the right08:31
SuperMattoh right08:31
AlanBellandrewebdev: that looks like one of the early issues with Mir08:31
AlanBellbut it isn't, you have an ATI Radeon card08:32
SuperMattI've just streered clear of radeon08:33
MooDoointeresting that ubuntu is released to day as is windows 8.108:34
andrewebdevanyway, looking forward to upgrading today08:34
bigcalmHappy slow server day!08:35
SuperMattI thought 8.1 was tomorrow08:35
MooDooit's midnight last night or tonight one of the two ;)08:35
bigcalmThe excitement was too much for his connection08:39
SuperMattah right, 8.1 should be released in the uk at midday08:40
SuperMattcanonical have until then to get 13.10 out :P08:40
mungbean_you know what you don't see much anymore? faux gold tissue boxes on the parcel shelf of cars.08:40
bigcalmT - 8 days, 5 hours, 49 mins - how did it get to be so flippin' close?08:40
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Poverty Day and, of course, happy Ubuntu 13.10 Release Day! :-D08:56
MooDooJamesTait: you missed happy windows 8.1 release day too :p lol08:56
JamesTaitMooDoo, no, I didn't. :-P08:56
MartijnVdSMooDoo: isn't that tomorrow?08:57
JamesTaitMooDoo, I only mention the important stuff. ;)08:57
MartijnVdSMooDoo: I heard that was Oct 18 (.. my birthday)08:57
MooDooyeah i'm just teasing folks :)08:58
JamesTaitOh, I thought it was today as well.08:58
MooDooit is today i've i'm not mistaken, my friends already have it08:58
JamesTaithttp://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/software/microsoft-releasing-windows-8-1-today-a-year-in-making/articleshow/24272813.cms seems to support that.08:59
MooDoocricky it's only one word, how many times can I miss spell krsh lol08:59
JamesTaitI'm sure we used to have an is-it-out-yet site for release days. :-/09:01
popeywe do09:01
popeyif it's down, then ubuntu was released09:02
lubotu3The 19th release of Ubuntu, Saucy Salamander, will be out in October of 2013.09:02
mungbean_topic needs changing for the special day/09:03
SuperMattMartijnVdS: it's midnight of the 18th in newzealand09:03
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: \o/ my birthday has begun 8-)09:03
SuperMatthas anyone managed to get it tet?09:04
SuperMattI'd have to reboot in to windows09:04
SuperMattwe're still bst right?09:04
SuperMattso deffo midday then09:05
bigcalmClocks always change (in the UK) last Sunday in October09:05
MartijnVdSalso in the rest of Europe09:06
SuperMattI can never remember when they change09:06
MartijnVdS(European tyranny!)09:06
bigcalmMartijnVdS: ah, but the rest of Europe is not in BST :)09:06
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I'd love it to be.. at least in the Netherlands09:06
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
MartijnVdSbigcalm: before WW2 we were on "Amsterdam Time", GMT+0:1909:06
bigcalmSuperMatt: last Sunday of March, last Sunday of October. Sorted09:06
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%2B00:2009:07
SuperMattI just wish we could stick with GMT09:07
bigcalm19mins? hehe09:07
MartijnVdSbigcalm: so you can blame the Germans09:07
SuperMattbut then, GMT doesn't tie with UTC, right?09:07
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: Stardates.09:07
JamesTaitSuperMatt, for all intents and purposes, GMT == UTC.09:07
bigcalmThis is starting to sounds like an episode of uupc09:07
SuperMattoh right09:07
MartijnVdSor the ".beat"09:08
bigcalmGMT is a timezone, UTC is a timezoneless reference point09:08
brobostigongood morning eveyrone.09:08
TheOpenSourcererI think we should switch to European time (GMT+1). But then I do wonder why Portugal switched *back* from Eurotime to GMT?09:08
JamesTaitSuperMatt, there are differences, but they're so small they're usually not worth bothering about.09:08
SuperMattI see09:08
SuperMattI just want GMT :(09:08
JamesTaitMe too.09:08
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: considering that they are West of most of the UK09:09
MartijnVdS^ Perl guy explains why time is hard.09:09
bigcalmYay, getting my 1st attack report from my wedding website. I'm surprised that it lasted so long09:11
MartijnVdSpopey, other UUPC presenters: you HAVE to watch that video ;)09:11
MartijnVdSbigcalm: The Wedding H4x0r?09:11
bigcalmWhen's the next uupc ep out?09:12
bigcalmAssuming that it exists09:12
bashrcby golly it's thursday.  Does that mean that 3.10 is out?09:13
lubotu3The 19th release of Ubuntu, Saucy Salamander, will be out in October of 2013.09:15
popeythats nicely vague09:15
bigcalmGet the beta, you'll have it now :D09:15
lubotu3Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.09:16
popeysabdfl needs to hurry up and announce T09:16
AlanBellturgid terrapin09:16
MartijnVdStacky tarantula09:17
TheOpenSourcererTerrifying Tyranosaurus09:17
MartijnVdStedious tapir09:17
AlanBelltawdry turkey09:17
popeyTrembling Tribbles09:18
bigcalmTired Teams09:18
MartijnVdSthundering tortoise09:19
bigcalmThis is odd. An external hdd connected via USB has stopped auto mounting. It mounts if I do so manually though. Any thoughts anybody? :)09:19
TheOpenSourcererOoh - tapirs would be a good one. They are rather endangered... My wife's sister belongs to the "save the Tapir" campaign...09:19
AlanBelltruculent termite09:19
MartijnVdSbigcalm: auto-mount on boot, or automount on plugin while running?09:19
JamesTaitDoes anyone else have two network indicators in Saucy?  nm-applet and indicator-network?09:20
MartijnVdSJamesTait: no?09:20
popeyworks fine here09:20
bigcalmMartijnVdS: it didn't auto-mount on boot and it didn't auto-mount just now when I unplugged/replugged it09:20
popeyclock disappeared yesterday, back now09:20
MartijnVdSbigcalm: maybe something died09:20
JamesTaitI couldn't get to a login screen late last night, but I see that was fixed swiftly. :)09:20
SuperMattTowering Tapir09:20
MartijnVdSmy byobu clock sometimes disappears under high load09:21
SuperMattTurbo Tapir09:21
bigcalmThough I didn't expect it to auto-mount on boot as there is no fstab entry for it09:21
SuperMattTurbo Tapir would be the best!09:21
TheOpenSourcererI'm starving. Might have to pop to the station and get a sausage roll.09:22
bigcalmHow does one find the uuid of a drive so that it can be added to fstab? I can't rely upon it always using /dev/sdc09:22
AlanBellvolume indicator has been a bit funky, but now it works OK, shows the volume level and works on mouse wheel09:23
SuperMattls /dev/disk/by-uuid09:23
SuperMattI think09:23
MartijnVdSbigcalm: blkid09:23
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: go to the pub and get the rack of ribs :D09:23
SuperMattah, use ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid09:23
brobostigontransdimensional tapir09:23
TheOpenSourcererBit early for that bigcalm. Need food *NOW*09:23
JamesTaitHm, seems nm-applet comes from network-manager-gnome, which is recommended by unity-greeter.  So it was auto-installed somewhere along the way, although it was showing as manually installed.09:23
bigcalmSuperMatt: bingo, ta09:24
JamesTaitGone now, anyway.09:24
BigRedSAnyone use snort? I'm trying to find a way of running it that doesn't involve my recompiling it every couple of months09:32
BigRedSideally a dotdeb-alike that packages it for me :)09:32
SuperMattI don't know what it is09:32
BigRedSIntrusion detection software09:32
BigRedSsits on a machine monitoring what's going on the net and raising alerts when it looks wrong, effectively09:32
TheOpenSourcererMission accomplished. I haz Sausage Roll.09:33
bigcalmI hope you're got enough for the rest of us09:33
JamesTaitbigcalm, I just installed it from the repo.09:34
bigcalmJust got a reminder for an event I can not attend :'(09:34
JamesTaitBigRedS, ^^09:34
JamesTaitbigcalm,  you may safely ignore that.  I did not install sausage roll from the repo.09:35
BigRedSJamesTait: ah, haha09:35
BigRedSyeah, I did that but the (admittedly Debian) one is already not receiving new rules09:35
MooDoosudo apt-get install sausage_roll >> mouth09:35
BigRedSnot pipe?09:36
JamesTaitAlthough I do feel it's about time to: sudo aptitude install tea-and-biscuits09:36
MooDooBigRedS: yeah he's already had breakfast this is a continuation ;)09:36
MooDooBigRedS: ps smart arse :p09:36
SuperMattI really need to teach myself juju09:36
mungbean_is juju installed on a fujitsu called jujitsu?09:38
bashrcAre there any release parties?09:39
MooDoobashrc: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/09:40
MooDoothe uk's http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2555-saucy-salamander-release-party/09:40
BigRedSbashrc: there's definitely a London one and, let's face it, London's the only place that matters :)09:40
MooDooI'll be having a pint later tonight, I might even hangout on ait it lol09:41
JamesTaitI might treat myself to an extra Lemsip.09:41
bashrcBigRedS: unless you live outside of London09:41
MooDoohangout on air ubuntu release party lol09:42
mungbean_who else has SARS atm?09:42
mungbean_had it for a week now09:42
JamesTaitWell, the South African Revenue Service is probably limited to South Africa.09:42
mungbean_or swine flu, man flu, plague09:43
mungbean_i caught it off my baby who had a mere sniffle09:43
mungbean_so it must be man flu, as the baby is a she09:43
JamesTaitI'm getting over man flu.09:43
mungbean_and it knocked me out09:43
MooDooi had it last week as well09:43
JamesTaitShould be healthy just in time to get OggCampFlu at the weekend.09:43
mungbean_i was on an island09:43
mungbean_they are probably all dead now09:44
popey\o/ oggcamp09:44
JamesTaitAnyway - TEA!09:44
mungbean_being isolated for 100s of years09:44
Dave2popey: I still wonder if we both got a room09:44
brobostigonmkdir /var/lib/spamassassin/3.003002: Permission denied at /usr/bin/sa-update line 834.09:54
brobostigonsa-update failed for unknown reasons09:54
brobostigondoes anyone recognise that error?09:54
mungbean_is it presistent?09:55
brobostigon07:19 every morning, yes.09:55
mungbean_check audit directory09:56
brobostigonwhich is?09:56
jpdsselinux isn't enforced on Ubuntu.09:57
brobostigonthis debian stable.09:57
mungbean_apparmor on debian?09:57
brobostigonnot a clue.09:57
mungbean_what is line 83409:59
mungbean_and which user are you running it as10:00
BigRedSI don't think so10:00
BigRedSI've never run into it :)10:00
BigRedSbut I don't think any of our Stable machines are running spamassasin10:01
brobostigonspamassassin runs as debian-spamd if memory serves.10:02
davmor2Morning all Happy release day10:02
MooDoomorning davmor210:03
mungbean_wonder what happens if you run sa-update as root10:03
brobostigonmungbean_: let me try that.10:03
brobostigonmungbean_: i ran it as root from terminal, and saw no errors.10:05
mungbean_i got the impression it should be run as root10:07
BigRedSyeah, I just wont have a spamassin cronjob to look at from the past few years10:07
BigRedSit should be if its in cron.daily10:07
brobostigonwill it specifiy in its crom file what user it runs as?10:08
mungbean_maybe, you could pastebin the spamassisin script10:14
BigRedSbrobostigon: no, they should all be run as root, though10:16
brobostigonmungbean_: the cron file or sa-update?10:16
BigRedSthe cron file10:18
brobostigonone moment.10:18
TheOpenSourcererThat's a very peculiar looking pub...10:19
BigRedSargh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention; we do want /usr/bin/sa-update after all10:23
BigRedSthough, yeah, that script is run by the user debian-spamd10:23
BigRedSline 62 of the cronjob is10:24
BigRedSsu debian-spamd -c "sa-update --gpghomedir /var/lib/spamassassin/sa-update-keys"10:24
brobostigonok, let me pastebin that aswell.10:24
brobostigonBigRedS: http://paste.debian.net/58790/10:25
BigRedSwhat's the ownership on /var/lib/spamassassin/ ?10:26
brobostigonBigRedS: drwxr-xr-x  4 root        root     4096 Oct 17 11:04 spamassassin10:28
BigRedSyeah, so that's why a script run by debian-spamd can't make files in it10:29
brobostigonso whats the solution?10:29
mungbean_i think they should be run as root10:29
BigRedSthat script pretty explicity drops to debian-spamd10:29
BigRedSI've no real experience with spamassassin so I'll defer to you here :)10:30
=== SirCrispinTheJew is now known as GentileBen
BigRedSI'd just chown that dir to debian-spamd personally10:30
BigRedS(and remember that I did that when I next need to debug something reading/writing there)10:31
mungbean_looks like they do similar here too10:31
mungbean_i've not got any spaassasissins boxes to refer to anymore10:31
brobostigonlet me look at that page.10:31
mungbean_shows ownership by debian-spamsd10:32
mungbean_so what bigred said,10:33
mungbean_chown -R the spamassassin dir10:33
brobostigonchown -R debian-spamd:debianspamd /var/lib/spamassassin   ?10:34
brobostigonchown -R debian-spamd:debian-spamd /var/lib/spamassassin10:34
BigRedSyeah, I'd go with the latter10:47
BigRedSI don't normally bother with changing the group ownership but that's normally through laziness rather than consideration10:47
brobostigonis this reversable so if it goes tits up, it can be fixed?10:49
BigRedSchown root:root /var/lib/spamassassin10:50
BigRedSer, -R? Depends what the ownership of the innerds is10:50
BigRedSfind /var/lib/spamassassin -exec ls -ald {} \;    will list all that in case you wish to reverse it later10:51
brobostigonls -l /var/lib/spamassassin/10:51
brobostigontotal 810:51
brobostigondrwxr-xr-x 3 root         root         4096 Oct 17 11:04 3.00300210:51
brobostigondrwx------ 2 debian-spamd debian-spamd 4096 Oct 16 07:19 sa-update-keys10:51
dwatkinsyou could always use the 'find' command to discover the permissions of every file in that directory and save for posterity, not sure you can backup permissions except by creating a tarfile of the directory.10:51
BigRedSI tried to write a script for backing up filepermissions once10:51
dwatkinssounds tricky10:51
BigRedSyeah, there were more edge cases than I wanted10:52
dwatkinsisn't there an option for tar to reapply permissions without extracting files? I guess that wouldn't affect newly created files, though.10:52
dwatkinsHopefully the current permissions are fairly simple.10:52
brobostigonsee above.10:52
dwatkinsI was thinking of other subdirectories within 3.003002 and sa-update-keys10:54
SuperMattoh man, windows azure servers with linux are cheaper than with windows10:59
brobostigonok, in the 3.*dir all are root, and in sa-up* are all debian-spamd10:59
dwatkinsat least it's consistent, then.11:00
brobostigonso chowning the whole directory wouldnt work then.?11:01
BigRedSit should work11:02
BigRedSin that it'll mean that script run by spamd will be able to write to ti11:02
BigRedSwhich is the bit that's failing11:02
BigRedSthe fact that something else already has just means another thing wasn't broken11:02
dwatkinsis spamd running as this user, and what's the umask of this user?11:04
brobostigonspamd/spamassassin runs as debian-spamd. the latter not a clue.11:05
BigRedSthe script sets a umask IIRC11:09
BigRedSline 61 of http://paste.debian.net/58789/11:10
* brobostigon is more confussled now.11:10
mungbean_i blinked and thunderbird went from 17->2411:13
BigRedSI divide mozilla versions by 10011:13
BigRedS0.17 to 0.2411:13
BigRedSstop expecting stuff like any spare ram at all, and 'massive' jumps are more normal11:14
lubotu3The 19th release of Ubuntu, Saucy Salamander, will be out in October of 2013.11:14
TheOpenSourcererSame as Firefox - they have a rapid release schedule and a more "LTS" type release. 24 is an LTS.11:14
BigRedSoh, there's LTSes from mozilla?11:14
TheOpenSourcererKind of.11:14
SuperMattit's released!11:16
bashrcIs it out?11:16
SuperMattthe site has been updated11:16
SuperMattoh wait11:17
SuperMattit's about open stack11:17
* mungbean_ shoots SuperMatt 11:17
bashrcI thought there was supposed to be a coundown on these things11:17
SuperMattbut it has 13.10 written on the front page :P11:17
SuperMattwhich means that Windows 8.1 landed first11:18
Laneythere's no set time, so no countdown11:18
bashrcnothing on distrowatch yet11:19
davmor2Laney: there is always a countdown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw11:19
LaneyI REFUSE11:20
BigRedSIt always says its the final countdown, and it never is :(11:20
mungbean_are there any new features coming?11:23
SuperMattoh man, 8.1 is taking a long time to download11:23
SuperMattnew kernel11:23
SuperMattnew scopes11:23
SuperMattnew backgrounds11:23
SuperMattupdated apache11:23
mungbean_ever since unity (coincidence?) i got less excited about new releases11:23
bigcalmMore stability \o/11:23
SuperMattI think 14.04 will probably be very exciting11:24
bashrcstability stability stability11:24
SuperMattand I wouldn't be surprised if btrfs is the default fs by then11:24
BigRedSmungbean_: really? Unity's the thing that's been getting really obviously better with each release11:24
xnoxSuperMatt: it will not be.11:24
BigRedSEven I like it and I hate all software11:24
SuperMattxnox: why's that?11:25
BigRedSwell, I use it11:25
bashrcUnity has been improving - well apart from the Amazon stuff11:25
davmor2SuperMatt: It won't be ext4 will still be default I bet :D11:25
BigRedSI don't know, I don't use the amazon stuff11:25
bashrcneither do I11:25
mungbean_BigRedS: i don't use unity, and previously releases were about different things, not its all about unity11:26
davmor2bashrc: smart scopes in saucy is pretty good to be fair11:26
bashrcI will no doubt try out 13.10 probably at the weekend11:26
BigRedSah yeah, I see what you mean. But it's only now that hte DE actually changes that new releases feel new IMO11:26
xnoxSuperMatt: because i say so =)))) *giggle* =) it's far from stable.11:27
BigRedSxnox: that's not what popey says11:27
bashrcwondering whether to kill the dual boot on my laptop.  I almost never use Windows 811:27
xnoxBigRedS: http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/btrfs-tools.html11:27
popeyBigRedS: where did I say that11:27
SuperMattI wish people would stop saying "stable," as if it has any kind of defined meaning11:28
brobostigonbugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=711324  seems like a bug.11:28
SuperMattit's only considered "unstable" right now because people haven't tested it to the same extremes as ext411:28
BigRedSpopey: ah, that was supposed to have a :) on the end11:28
bashrcI guess stable translates into "does not constantly show crash dialog boxes asking me to submit some error"11:29
popeyits under heavy development11:29
popeywhich == not stable11:29
davmor2SuperMatt: btrfs is good, it has nice features, but is still under heavy development.  Ext4 is stable and that's the difference, You build on stable when you have to support it.11:29
BigRedSyeah, stable does have one relatively defined meaning, and that's "unchanging"11:29
popey"The Btrfs code base is under heavy development"11:30
bashrcI guess it's possible to be stably buggy11:30
davmor2bashrc: all buggys are stable or the babies would fallout11:30
xnoxBigRedS: ext4 had a lot of fixes and changes since initial release, large fs size support added, performance improved, etc. "stable" means on disk file-format does not change.11:31
BigRedSxnox: yeah - if you make something that interacts with it now, that thing should also work in the future11:32
meeeeeeHi all when is the 13.10 launched today?11:33
bashrcIt's probably better to make conservative choices about file systems.  So if there's still a chance that btrfs can lose all your data then best avoid it.11:33
popeymeeeeee: soon11:34
meeeeeethanks Popey11:34
popeyevery release, regular as clockwork, softpedia announces the release about 30 mins before we do ☻11:36
BigRedSthey're secretly controlling canonical11:37
BigRedSif softpedia say it's out, it'd better be out11:37
AzelphurEverybody talking about 13.10 release, I've been running 13.10 for the past 3 months as my daily driver xD11:38
BigRedSHah, with this release I've noticed that things break less when you're running stable software :)11:39
Azelphurthis release has been quite nice, everything worked well even during the beta for me \o/11:39
ali1234bigcalm: they watch for the files being uploaded11:39
BigRedSI think I'm a convert to waiting until release and *then* updating11:39
AzelphurI can't ragerant about multi screens upport this time11:39
SuperMattoh man, I've been downloading 8.1 for half an hour now, and it's still only about a third of the way through11:39
BigRedSI do like that background on the softpedia article, though11:39
bigcalmYes, that's cheeky11:40
ali1234i love how the amazon results are all completely irrelevant to the search11:41
ali1234almost as if it's a completely terrible idea11:41
DJonesEasiest to estimate the release time is to find out what time popey is going to the pub, release time will be about 30 minutes before that11:42
ali1234or are those from the U1 music store?11:42
bashrcis desktop entropy a feature?11:42
BigRedSyeah, it feels more like someone played with an Amazon APIU than that someone developed a desktop-based way of searching Amazon11:43
mungbean_anyone know how to remove calednars from tuhunderbird lighning forcefully?11:44
SuperMattremove lightning11:44
BigRedSxul-ext-lightning is the package name11:45
BigRedS(assuming you used apt and not hte mozilla add-ons site)11:45
bigcalmOh yes. My google calendar is no longer syncing in thunderbird. I think it's because they've turned off caldav11:45
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: Nope.11:46
BigRedSmine is syncing11:46
TheOpenSourcererLighting is broken with CalDAV/Google since they introduced OAuth11:46
bigcalmI have a yellow warning triangle saying the calendar is not syncing11:46
TheOpenSourcererBugs are being worked on...11:46
BigRedSoh, mine seems okay...11:47
TheOpenSourcererBut as I said, lightning with CalDAV is a bit borked right now.11:48
SuperMattaha, the 8.1 download is done11:53
SuperMattjust gotta let it install now11:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
directhexwindows 8.1 update downloading on wife's laptop11:55
directhexi'm using that one as the guinea pig :p11:55
SuperMattgood plan11:56
directhexshould be an easy one11:56
directhexalso my work laptop11:56
directhexworried about our desktops though, due to (unsupported) OS and Users on different drives11:56
* bigcalm shakes fist at calendars and hopes they work later today11:56
SuperMattI'm sure it'll be fine11:56
SuperMattms are normally quite thorough11:57
SuperMattand I'm actually quite serious about that11:57
zleapwhen is 13.10 released11:57
directhexyou can't use things like "reset" with a split install, or do upgrade installations. so...11:57
lubotu3The 19th release of Ubuntu, Saucy Salamander, will be out in October of 2013.11:57
zleapok thanks11:58
BigRedSzleap: today, there's no published time but you'll be able to tell that it's out because you wont be able to download it11:58
zleaplol, ok np11:58
zleapi have lubuntu anyway but will put on my website and on the dcglug site when released, so both sites will get a blog post11:59
BigRedSahh, link people to the torrents when its ou t:)11:59
BigRedSsince they tend to work and be quick, and people who use torrents don#t contribute to teh bringing down of http mirrors :)12:00
popeymeh, we have cloud caching12:00
BigRedSoh, fair enough12:00
BigRedSso it'll probably be possible to download over HTTP just after release?12:00
popeyi expect demand will be less12:00
popeythan it has been previously12:01
popeygiven there's fewer major things in this release12:01
SuperMattwoo, 8.1 finally installing... after an hour12:04
popeySays something when on Ubuntu release day the topic is Windows 8.112:05
SuperMattwell that's because canonical is sensible and allows regular users access to the preview :P12:05
SuperMattbut also, canonical didn't have anything broken that needed fixing12:06
ali1234bug 117405412:06
lubotu3bug 1174054 in unity (Ubuntu) ""Always on top" breaks spread/expose" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117405412:06
ali1234is that fixed yet?12:06
selinuxiumHello all  o/12:07
ali123413.10 also has some new regressions like bug 120388812:07
lubotu3bug 1203888 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "appindicator ignores menu entries after having sent the menu to the indicator" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120388812:07
BigRedSmorning selinuxium !12:11
selinuxiumHey BigRedS You good?12:11
BigRedSyeah, not bad, you?12:13
BigRedSyou out to play this evening?12:13
selinuxiumIndeed... :) You?12:14
selinuxiumI am cool ta.12:14
BigRedSyeah, though I might be late...12:14
selinuxiumLate? this is unacceptable! :)12:17
BigRedSblame debian packaging :)12:18
selinuxiumHey ho.. :)12:19
selinuxiumSlightly worried as I am out of the office at 16:30...12:19
popeyhttp://imgur.com/gallery/mfkzd  saw that and thought of daftykins12:19
selinuxiumSO will be a few pints ahead..12:19
TheOpenSourcererhey selinuxium - I'm probably going to popup there later.12:19
selinuxiumGreat stuff.  :)12:20
* AlanBell can't make it :(12:24
selinuxiumNO!!! Inconceivable!12:24
TheOpenSourcererI didn't think I could until Mrs TheOpenSourcerer told me last night that she wasn't out tonight.12:25
TheOpenSourcererWhich our Google Calendar had informed me she was.12:26
BigRedSHmph. :(12:26
AlanBellI was looking forward to a Horse burger too12:26
BigRedSIs the lord nelson the one with the pop culture posters in it?12:27
* BigRedS should probably check which pub he's going to12:27
mungbean_who was using office265? diplo?12:29
selinuxiumBigRedS, https://www.google.co.uk/maps/preview#!data=!1m4!1m3!1d2826!2d-0.102737!3d51.5035364!4m29!2m11!1m10!1s0x0%3A0xd686f3fdcb9abe6c!3m8!1m3!1d4935928!2d-2.3278149!3d52.8382004!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!5m16!2m15!1m14!1s0x487604a59e02fdf9%3A0xd686f3fdcb9abe6c!2sThe+Lord+Nelson%2C++243+Union+Street%2C+London%2C+Greater+London+SE1+0LR%2C+UK+United+Kingdom+%2C+London!3m8!1m3!1d4935928!2d-2.3278149!3d52.8382004!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m2!3d51.12:30
* dwatkins will be using Office 365 soon12:30
selinuxiumWow... didn' realise it would be that long..12:30
mungbean_it is shocking12:30
dwatkinsis it an update or are the apps browser-based?12:30
mungbean_oh i'm referring to email12:30
davmor2selinuxium: You keep saying that word, but I don't think you know what it means!12:30
mungbean_never tried apps, not even sure i have them12:30
BigRedSselinuxium: ta! I googled "Lord Nelson" and now I'm reading his wiki article...12:31
selinuxiumWe are using office365 and don't have any issues..12:31
dwatkinsI use mail.app my Mac for e-mail, so hopefully I can just carry on with that.12:31
mungbean_selinuxium: i'm trying to use thunderbird12:31
mungbean_calendar sync fail12:31
selinuxiumBigRedS, http://goo.gl/AFpnk412:31
dwatkinsPresumably Windows users will be upgraded and/or have the option to use apps in a browser, not sure what runs in there apart from outlook web-access, of course.12:31
selinuxiumdavmor2, <checkle>12:31
selinuxiumdavmor2, <chuckle>12:31
dwatkinsI used Thunderbird with the Lightning plugin a few years back, which worked fairly well for mail and calendar.12:32
mungbean_not with exchange now12:32
mungbean_moving target12:32
mungbean_almost had it working but nope12:32
dwatkinsiirc, Lightning doesn't work on the exchange calendar, just stores it locally12:32
davmor2selinuxium: couldn't resist12:32
mungbean_can't even find caldav info12:32
dwatkinsI imagine MS keep moving the goalposts.12:32
mungbean_used to use zimbra, which was wonderful12:33
TheOpenSourcererExchange uses a proprietary calendar protocol. Google do too, but they publish it. And the also support CalDAV (which they were going to drop but changed their minds).12:34
mungbean_MS suck so hard12:36
TheOpenSourcererNearly as much as Apple.12:36
mungbean_i wouldn't know as apple don't really touch my world12:36
davmor2mungbean_: have a look and see if thunderbird has a plugin for it12:36
mungbean_MS didn't used to until the numpties in suits moved in12:36
mungbean_davmor2: its called EWS12:36
mungbean_and it almost works12:36
mungbean_depending on which way the wind blows12:37
mungbean_today was not my lucky day12:37
mungbean_even if it was, it would break tomorrow12:37
davmor2mungbean_: you can always try evolution :)12:37
BigRedSI leave you guys for two minutes and now somebody's advocating Evolution :(12:43
davmor2BigRedS: I wasn't advocating it, I just suggested he could try it, nothing more.  For a long time it's exchange plugin was far superior to thunderbirds12:44
BigRedSreally? I tried using Evo for exactly that a while ago and I can't imagine anything less useful...12:45
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, What time you heading down there? We are leaving the office around 16:3012:46
davmor2BigRedS: I did say for a long time it's exchange plugin was far superior,  then I think MS changed all the protocols and then anything that isn't outlook suffered12:47
TheOpenSourcererselinuxium: I can leave pretty much when ready to be honest. Want to try and meet around 17:00 at the Nelson? I can do that!12:47
BigRedSdavmor2: ah right, that sounds familiar...12:48
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, Sounds like a plan.. I should of brought some chilli up with me..12:49
TheOpenSourcererI've been in a bit of a glut of chillies recently... Rocotos and Super-Hots...12:51
TheOpenSourcererAm now thinking about next year's growing list.12:51
selinuxiumYou going to try for some Bhuts? (just had 'I like big Bhuts and a cannot lie' go through my head)12:52
TheOpenSourcererGrow bhuts most years. yes.12:52
selinuxiumAh, but are they big?12:53
davmor2BigRedS, mungbean_: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/thunderbird/addon/exquilla-exchange-web-services/ maybe?12:53
TheOpenSourcererThis year was Naga Viper and Choc Bhut, but the chocs didn't really make it.12:53
TheOpenSourcererThe viper is fairly big12:53
selinuxiumNever had a fresh one.. not sure I would be that brave, though I have had Naga extract in things before. .12:54
TheOpenSourcererI've not quite been mad enough to eat a whole one, but I do quite often munch on bits and share one around the pub for fun.12:55
TheOpenSourcererThe other week it was Trinidad Scorpions12:55
lubotu3The 19th release of Ubuntu, Saucy Salamander, will be out in October of 2013.12:56
BigRedSdavmor2: perhaps; rather pleasingly I don't have access to an exchange server any more :)12:57
TheOpenSourcererYou've gotta rate Francis Maude... Driven through Open Source reforms and now installing his own wifi  - lolhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/10384226/Francis-Maude-installs-own-Wifi-after-becoming-frustrated-with-Whitehall-IT-systems.html12:58
BigRedSTheOpenSourcerer: just do-release-upgrade -d :)12:59
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
andrewebdevwill the upgrade tool allow me to skip 13.04 and go directly to 13.10? (I have 12.10)13:22
diddledanandrewebdev: it's advised iirc to do it in steps13:23
marxjohnsonandrewebdev: I think skipping LTS->LTS is well supported, but between smaller releases not so much13:24
lubotu3Yeah, yeah13:25
bigcalmTrust me to take lunch at the wrong time13:25
diddledanwait, it's out?! :-p13:25
diddledangotta love self promotion: the homepage says "Smarter and faster"13:26
diddledanI like that ubuntu touch reached image 100 today13:26
popeytechnically it was way more than 10013:27
popeystgraber reset the counter a while back ☻13:27
popeyit's probably nearer 20013:27
diddledanpopey: but the cabal!13:27
andrewebdevwell then I guess I'll upgrade to 13.04 now :P13:27
popeyandrewebdev: switch to a fast mirror13:27
popeyI use goscomb in the uk13:27
andrewebdevhow do you do that?13:27
andrewebdevI'm just using the software updater13:27
popeythere's a settings button there somewhere13:28
diddledanI wonder if microsoft released 8.1 today in an attempt to steal canonical's thunder?13:28
popeyin update manager, hit settings, then on the"Ubuntu software" tab there's a "Download from: " option13:28
popeychoose "other"13:28
popeyand then press "Select best server"13:28
popeyor pick mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net13:29
andrewebdevthx :)13:30
bigcalmI'd love to be able to test my 3 monitor workstation on 13.10 before commiting to it13:31
diddledanheh, the indiegogo campain may not have succeeded but the founders list has been published13:31
bigcalmMight resort to taking an image of my SSD and put it on a spare HDD then upgrading13:31
* diddledan revels in seeing his name amongst the 17000 others and feels speshul13:31
bigcalmAnybody think of a better method than the above for testing 13.10 on my set-up?13:33
dwatkinssome people in my team support a particular application, they added the entire team to the credits instead of those of us who actually support it, so people who have nothing to do with it are in the credits.13:33
popeybigcalm: what video card?13:36
bigcalmpopey: nVidia GeForce GTX 66013:37
popeybigcalm: get two usb sticks, dd the iso onto one, unplug hard disks (safety) and reboot to first usb stick, install onto second, reboot onto second, add drivers etc, test13:37
popeydo you run 3 displays off that?13:37
bigcalmI recall you helping me getting the nvidia driver working. Yes13:37
popey2xDVI & 1xHDMI?13:37
bigcalm2 from dvi, 1 from hdmi13:37
popeyyeah, so do what I said above13:38
diddledanI thought nvidia cards were crippled into only working with dual-head systems from one card13:38
popeyor just upgrade and stop being a wuss ☻13:38
bigcalmIt might come to that13:38
diddledanhence the ati eye-finity campaign13:38
bigcalmThen I spend the weekend fixing stuff13:38
popeytbh there's so little changed between 13.04 and 13.10..13:39
popeycan't imagine there's much to fix13:39
bigcalmIt was my last blog post http://www.myrant.net/2013/02/17/multi-screen-with-ubuntu-unity/13:39
popeybackup, upgrade13:39
bigcalmGraphics is my only concern13:39
popeyyou already have an xorg.conf13:39
bigcalmWhy what?13:39
popeywhy is it a concern?13:39
popeywhat version of the nvidia driver are you using on 13.04?13:39
bigcalmThat packages configured for the setup I have wander off13:40
popey319 here13:41
bigcalmI'll dd my ssd onto a spare hdd and then upgrade the ssd13:41
popey"According to a forum poster at the Nvidia Developer Zone, the v310 version of the drivers for Basemosaic has reduced the number of monitors a user can connect simultaneously to three."13:41
popeydiddledan: ^^13:42
bigcalmThat's the kind of thing I would be worried about if it was a lower number than I was currently using13:42
diddledanta, popey13:42
AlanBell13.10 is mostly 13.04 with fixes13:44
directhexok, wife's win8.1 laptop working13:44
diddledanwindows 8.1 takes a while to upgrade, doesn't it?! my work laptop is chuntering away13:45
bigcalmHayley's laptop is running vista on an hdd. I have offered to buy her an ssd and reinstall windows. Do I put 7 or 8.1 on I wonder?13:45
AlanBellthe dash has been changed a bit, scopes are smarter, but still don't appear to do anything particularly useful13:45
directhexbigcalm, reasonable question. 8 is faster/smaller, but has the 8 ui affectations13:46
bigcalmdirecthex: has the what?13:46
directhex8 has a bad ui13:46
bigcalmAh, yes13:46
bigcalmCan 8 be made to look like 7?13:47
jpdsbigcalm: Put Ubuntu ?13:47
directhexbigcalm, slightly13:47
bigcalmjpds: that wasn't in the options I listed, was it?13:47
jpdsbigcalm: Make it one.13:47
directhexi mean, there are third party apps to give an old-style start menu, but many non-metro apps are gone, and the charms bar is here to stay...13:48
* bigcalm goes to see what we have available in the ms action pack13:48
bigcalmLooks like we have 7 pro, 7 ultimate, 8 pro, 8 pro n13:51
bigcalmNot sure what the n is about13:51
bigcalmWe have 7 pro, 7 ultimate, 8 pro, 8.1 pro13:51
directhexn is "without windows media player support"13:51
AlanBellmaybe it is the one that includes trumpet winsock for networking13:51
directhexit was a legal requirement of the EU that microsoft offer windows without media player13:52
bigcalmI will note that the two items with N at the end of the name have "Not Required" for the product key13:52
bigcalmHow strange13:52
* bigcalm naps 7 and 8.1 now just to be ready13:53
directhex7 is more familiar to users of 95 onwards13:54
bigcalmNot sure what the advantage of ultimate over pro would be though13:54
Dave2welcome to #windows-uk13:54
directhex8 is a more radical change in UI design than 3.1->9513:54
davmor2bigcalm: it's ultimate and professional of course it's better ;)13:55
lubotu3Yeah, yeah13:56
AlanBellyes it is :)13:56
lubotu3Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes13:56
popeyI have a 2nd hand 3 dongle thing, Huawei E58613:56
popeywith a SIM I have topped up13:57
popeywhen i connect to it, any website I go to takes me to the admin logon page for the dongle13:57
popeyit has 3 options, SMS (for send/receive sms messages), status, and quick setup13:57
popeyquick setup has a form asking for username/password, authentication (pap or chap) and APN details..13:58
diddledanwtf windows-upgrade - it's been on "setting up a few more things" for 10 minutes now13:58
popeynot seen this on a dongle before13:58
AlanBellcaptive portal on a dongle is a new one to me too13:58
diddledanI know there's an attempt to make windows friendly, but wtf?!13:58
popeyah, there may be more fields13:59
popeybut chrome on android can't see them13:59
* popey tries ubuntu13:59
TheOpenSourcerertime to upgrade. See you on the other side...13:59
JamesTaitWhat, are the T repos open already? :-P14:00
bashrcit's out on ubuntu.com14:00
TheOpenSourcererfetching at 5,222kB/s ;-)14:00
popeywhich mirror?14:00
AlanBellbashrc: sure, it was released half an hour ago14:00
AlanBellhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2013-September/000176.html is the announcement14:01
popeyworks on Ubuntu14:01
AlanBellinterestingly the phone release is called an "official beta" in the release announcement, I thought it was a 1.0 release14:02
AlanBellpopey: err, dongle on a phone??14:02
AlanBellis it a USB thing or a mifi or something?14:02
TheOpenSourcererfiles fetched. That was pretty quick.14:02
AlanBellah, that is how the captive portal works then14:02
TheOpenSourcererOffice Broadband is great.14:02
davmor2popey: of course it does Ubuntu Rocks :D14:03
* AlanBell nearly made a big big big mistake14:04
diddledanAlanBell: you weren't thinking of installing that rubbish linux thing were you? :-p14:06
diddledanlinux'll never catch-on14:06
diddledanit won't be in your phone in your tv in your watch. etc. evar14:06
ixxvili dont particularly use it for what i do14:07
ixxvilexcpet for my vps14:07
AlanBellTogetherJSConfig_findRoom is *not* server specific. This is important.14:07
ixxvilfor design linux is so back14:07
ixxvilsorry brah, yeah catch up14:07
popeyit refuses to go to any address other than the admin page14:07
ixxvilno adobe love for liux14:07
popeyhow odd14:07
davmor2AlanBell: Let me guess you were in / and were about to remove the iso file with * ?14:08
AlanBelldavmor2: no, I was going to make lots of vtiger users friendly with other vtiger users14:08
diddledan"friendly". that's somewhat disconcerting14:10
diddledaneven more so when you put it in quotes14:10
davmor2AlanBell: I can tell you from experience that Tigers don't get on http://ubuntuone.com/6B8JBgnq9SHaOU7iWmv2N914:11
bigcalmHayley's laptop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dell_Inspiron_1525 - it amuses me how old the article is when it talks about Ubuntu 7.1014:12
diddledanouch, that's caveman days in terms of ubuntu14:13
bigcalmTrying to work out if the system is capable of running a 64bit OS. Have a feeling it might14:13
Dave2is it a Core 2 Duo?14:14
SuperMattooh, kitties14:14
AlanBelldavmor2: how big is this thing?14:15
AlanBellUbuntu one is slow :(14:15
bigcalmDave2: a label says Celeron Dual Core14:16
AlanBellgot it now14:16
davmor2AlanBell: Not big, only 30meg.   The big issues is that network traffic is reduced everywhere for the download servers14:16
popeyyay, fixed it14:16
davmor2popey: did you turn it off and on again?14:17
Dave2bigcalm: looks like it probably does14:17
popeyI DID!14:17
bigcalmDave2: goodo14:17
davmor2popey: it's the 42 of computer fixes14:17
bigcalmWindows 8.1 Pro slithering its way to me at 7.1MB/s. Lets find out if VirginMedia decide to cap me14:18
popeyis Hayley's machine on Windows 8?14:19
bigcalmpopey: no14:19
bigcalmpopey: but it might be if the She and the laptop like it14:19
bigcalmpopey: I have offered Ubuntu, she didn't say no out-right, but I know she will be unhappy14:20
davmor2bigcalm: sorry like and windows8 those things are surely incompatible14:21
bigcalmI can't be doing with getting MS Office to run seamlessly from Ubuntu. If I could, I'd have it running for myself14:21
bigcalmNo, Libre Office is not an option either14:22
bigcalmAlso, it's handy to have a windows machine in the house for testing things on14:22
davmor2bigcalm: install it on your windows server and vnc into office done14:22
bigcalmdavmor2: that's what I do, except using synergy rather than vnc14:23
bigcalmdavmor2: the server is horribly slow and can't cope with more than just me14:23
bigcalmBut it would also tie her down to using the laptop at home only14:23
bigcalmRather limiting14:23
davmor2excuses excuses ;)14:23
BigRedSI think impressing Ubuntu upon people who don't want it is missing the point rather14:24
bigcalmI know my Dad doesn't want it. I've given up trying there14:24
bigcalmI'm just trying to help Hayley be able to use her laptop once more - it's horrible right now14:24
popeywhy horrible?14:25
popeyoh, vista?14:25
bigcalmThe machine takes minutes to register that things are happening14:25
popeywhat spec is it?14:25
bigcalmWhich is why I have offered to buy an SSD and give her a fresh install14:25
bigcalmHayley's laptop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dell_Inspiron_152514:26
bigcalmOh dear. I've pissed VM off. Win8 downloaded at 7.1MB/s. Win7 is downloading at 102KB/s14:26
popeyoh, celery14:27
bigcalmEither that or MS have put a lot of bandwidth over to the Win8 download servers because it's release day14:27
popeyhow much ram?14:27
bigcalm4GB, I maxed it out14:27
popeythats not a stellar specced laptop ☻14:27
Dave24GB = maxing out?14:27
popeyssd would help for sure14:27
bigcalmpopey: no14:27
bigcalmDave2: yes14:28
bigcalmpopey: yes14:28
Dave2sounds odd14:28
Dave2Because 4GB is a limit I'd expect on a 32 bit laptop14:28
bigcalmI think my Dell has a 4GB limit14:28
* bigcalm goes to look14:29
popeymy tosh has a 3GB limit ☹14:29
TheOpenSourcerer30 mins from start to finish. Time to reboot.14:30
Dave2My old DSA laptop has an unknown limit, but it's 32 bit and if I put 4GB in it then things stop working properly14:30
Dave2presumably because the RAM would be conflicting with devices14:30
popeymy tosh won't see more than 3GB14:30
Dave2I found this out when I bought 4GB of RAM for it14:30
popeychipset limitation14:30
popeyeven if you put 64-bit on it14:30
Dave2I swapped a 2GB stick with a housemate's 1GB stick14:31
TheOpenSourcererHow long to do the same on Windows?14:32
popeyall done?14:33
TheOpenSourcererOne has to admin, that's pretty impressive. 30 mins, 1 reboot.14:33
bigcalmAha, I think it's MS limiting bandwidth. Speedtest is showing my connection is just dandy14:33
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: please mention this on the twits G+s ☻14:33
TheOpenSourcererAnyone would think you worked for them or something... Oh hang on.14:34
popeyI get enough flak from people that upgrades are broken, they never work14:34
popeynice to hear success sometimes to balance that14:34
TheOpenSourcererMy self compiled version of hotot doesn;t work (unsurprisingly)....14:35
jpickettdon't think I've tried upgrading since 9.0414:35
* bigcalm does the silly thing and upgrades his dev laptop14:35
jpickettmuch easier to just Nuke It (tm)14:35
directhexi need to worry about 14.04 next.14:36
bigcalmSilly as 13.10 comes with PHP 5.5.3 and I have projects that won't work on versions higher than 5.314:36
TheOpenSourcererCool the hotot in the repos works again.14:37
bigcalmMy MS downloads say they have several days left to complete. Ho hum :)14:40
directhexmsdn is slow14:40
directhexi guess it's being badgered due to 8.1, too14:40
TheOpenSourcererOK time to go catch a train or selinuxium__ will be upset ;-)14:42
bigcalmdirecthex: win 8.1 came down at 7.1MB/s. I think they have diverted power to the front deflectors14:44
Dave2is that a spaceteam command?14:44
directhexnoooooo, what about the warp nacelles? :<14:44
bigcalmWe're dead in the water14:44
bigcalmI want to play spaceteam with Hayley14:45
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Laneymy chair just completely gave up any pretence that it could hold itself up14:46
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gordonjcpLaney: I had that happen once with a wooden bar stool14:47
gordonjcpLaney: collapsed under me as I was sitting recording an episode of hashlugradio14:47
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Laneyaerons are mighty expensive14:55
* bigcalm hugs his14:55
* bigcalm is now covered in dust14:55
bigcalmThere's something to be said for working in an office with a weekly cleaner14:56
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=== seliniuxium is now known as selinuxium
davmor2popey: next release thunderous thundercats14:57
directhexTHUNDERCATS HO!14:58
davmor2see how happy it makes people14:58
Dave2I'm still disappointed with Gutsy14:58
diddledanthe g series should have been gestational granny15:00
diddledanas if you didn't know I was trolling15:01
diddledan... as if I ever don't troll :-D15:01
davmor2popey: bigcalm: it gets better http://www.sears.com/young-men-s-thundercats-logo-t-shirt/p-043VA48542901P?sid=IDx01192011x000001&kpid=04397024003&kispla=043VA48542901P15:07
davmor2they alread made the T-Shirt :D15:07
davmor2already even15:08
bigcalmdavmor2: that URL gives me no information that is relevant to your statement15:09
davmor2bigcalm: click it twice I got a weird link from the sears frontpage originally15:10
bigcalmTesco Hudl has been dispatched. Delivery date is 25th :(15:10
davmor2bigcalm: http://ubuntuone.com/6sQMNSDAbeYy2XA9qRtHx7 try that instead15:11
bigcalmdavmor2: humm15:14
awilkinsI said the position of our MS-Stack-Happy colleagues on the other side of our office basically equated to "Ballmercats! HO!" the other day.15:25
diddledanawilkins: but.. but.. ballmer and his developers rant will soon be history! :-o15:27
awilkinsYeah, but we don't know who's next. And "Gatescats!" doesn't work15:28
awilkinsIn fact, it sounds distinctly non family-channel friendly.15:28
diddledanI didn't even say a word!15:29
awilkinsBut also an adequate description of their OS <ducks>15:29
diddledanwhy is everyone and his dog jumping on the "fullscreen" bandwagon?15:32
diddledanI just got an email from mozilla announcing that firefox does fullscreen now15:32
* awilkins was under the impression that pushing F11 did that already for QUITE some time15:33
diddledanit looks like they're doing it the apple way15:34
awilkinsHow's that?15:34
diddledanso this "feature" is only on os x15:34
awilkinsIt goes "Swoosh" then it's full screen?15:34
diddledanthat's about the size of it15:34
awilkinsAh. How exciting.15:34
diddledan"Toggle Full Screen keyboard shortcut: command + Shift + F"15:35
diddledanthat is about the only suggestion that it's apple only15:35
awilkinsIf you have access to the command-shift-F key combo, why the hell would you want to poke the screen?15:36
diddledanooh, my mirror is synced... finally - set it syncing on wednesday15:37
ali1234can you get SD card readers with multiple slots?15:37
diddledanI messed up though and had it spawning new syncs every 3 hours without first checking whehter the previous one had finished15:37
AlanBellali1234: yes15:37
diddledanali1234: as in multiple formats or lots of sd slots?15:37
ali1234lots of SD slots15:38
ali1234don't care about anything else15:38
ali1234and they have to be fast15:38
popeymore efficient to have multiple ones innit?15:38
ali1234ideally 4 slots with a PCI-E or SATA interface15:38
popeyah, okay15:38
popeywas thinking 4 over usb would suck15:38
ali1234it would suck even if they were separate, unless you used 4 different root hubs15:39
diddledantotally calls for raid15:39
awilkinsOh, BritGas prices up 9.2%, thanks Magic Ed.15:40
popeyonly two though15:40
popeythats a duplicator not reader tho15:41
awilkinsFour slot compact flash reader : http://www.sonnettech.com/product/qiocf4.html15:41
ali1234the problem i have is that i need to copy video from 4 cameras to disk at a rate faster than they record it15:41
ali1234each camera records at 54mbit/s15:41
AlanBellah, right15:41
ali1234the cameras can't be connected directly to a computer though15:42
ali1234so i will have to keep emptying the SD cards all day15:42
popeyhttp://www.amazon.com/Floppy-USB2-0-Internal-Memory-Reader/dp/B001L1GKTM haha15:42
popeywonder what else they could squeeze in15:42
popeyali1234: lots of cards15:43
popeythen you have a backlog to copy off15:43
ali123432GB SD cards are expensive15:43
popeythats what we did at oggcamp15:43
ali1234we can't afford 40 of them15:43
popeymultiple computers/15:44
AlanBellhttp://www.synchrotech.com/products/card-rw_41_x4sd-usb-2.0-sd-card-reader-four-4-slot.html would also work15:44
diddledandoes anybody have a spare 5.25" floppy drive they can part with?15:44
popeyUSB2 though15:44
ali1234we can't afford multiple computers either15:44
popeywould bottleneck it15:44
bigcalmOf course it was silly of me to upgrade my laptop. It won't boot now :)15:45
diddledanbigcalm: :-(15:45
* bigcalm goes back to work15:46
SuperMatttactile toucan15:48
SuperMattI'm still guessing over here15:49
davmor2SuperMatt: Tangled Thunderbirds15:52
directhexyou can't upgrade windows 8 to windows 8.1 if your home directories are on a different partition to your kernel. thanks, microsoft. thicrosoft.15:53
BigRedSwasn't there a ubuntu bug about /var being on a separate volume15:56
diddledandirecthex: really?15:58
diddledandirecthex: I've done that on my desktop15:58
diddledandirecthex: I did it because my ssd is teeny15:58
directhexdiddledan, well, 8.1 won't install for you.15:59
BigRedSYeah, we hit it on a bunch of servers a while ago and it's why they're all on CentOS16:00
BigRedSI can't remember what it was any more, but it was an LTS->LTS upgrade16:00
directhexdiddledan, apparent workaround: 8.1 iso from msdn, install using demo key, activate using real win8 key16:05
directhex(can't install with win8 key)16:05
diddledanI read that 8.1 wouldn't activate with an 8.0 key16:06
diddledanyou have to upgrade using the store and hope it stays activated afaict16:06
awilkinsYou WHUT???16:07
* awilkins is glad he's still on 716:07
awilkinsFor games only, 'natch16:07
awilkinsAll Hail Gabe and the gods of Steam, etc.16:08
bigcalmIs there a mock file extension for crontab configurations that I can use for various IDE syntax highlighting to work?16:18
Dave2does .cron work?16:18
* bigcalm gives it a go16:19
bigcalmMy IDE didn't know what to do with it so I told it that it was a text file. Ah well :)16:19
* awilkins observes that vim knows what a crontab is16:24
bigcalmUsing .cron as an extension makes visual sense. I'm sticking with it16:43
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Davieybigcalm: If your IDE is vim, it knows it is a cron file just by the syntax.19:54
diddledanvim. every n00bs worst nightmare20:21
diddledanvim. every die-hard's best buddy20:21
diddledanor maybe that should read "every die-hard's dream date"?20:22
diddledanwell anywho, it's supposed to be dreamy for the initiated and impossible for the less-so20:23
gordonjcpit's okay20:26
gordonjcpturning on syntax highlighting, line numbering and auto indent helps a lot20:26
diddledansumblime text ftw20:35
diddledanwindows. I need to reinstall.20:40
diddledanthis is gonna take FOREVER!20:40
diddledanmaybe I should do something different20:41
diddledan!enter | diddledan20:41
lubotu3diddledan, please see my private message20:41
diddledanaww, it doesn't like me20:42
diddledanshould I have used > instead of | I wonder. I always get confused because whichever it is > or |, #wordpress uses the opposite20:43
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=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
ali1234i think we need a tag for "bugs in other desktops directly caused by patches made to make unity work correctly"21:28
diddledanali1234: something broken?21:32
ali1234there are several bugs of this nature21:33
diddledanoh dear21:33
ali1234it's nothing new - it has been the case since unity was first released21:34
diddledanare they things the QA team should have caught?21:34
ali1234which QA team?21:34
ali1234the QA team of the other desktops did catch them21:34
diddledanto be fair, who in their right mind runs an ubuntu without unity :-p21:35
ali1234the problem is that fixing them would either involve breaking Unity or totally redesigning it, neither of which is going to happen21:35
ali1234literally everyone who uses it?21:35
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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