
cmaloneyGood evening01:03
jrwrengood evening.01:10
jrwrenanyone else maintain debs?01:10
jrwrenis it worth setting up sbuild?01:10
cmaloneyGood morning10:21
cmaloneyHm, for some reason my cablemodem went out and didn't reset itself.10:41
cmaloneyGood morning btw.10:41
cmaloneyDude, sorry to hear you didn't get the leprechaun12:52
rick_h_I will be typing short as possible responses today12:52
cmaloneyYeah, no worries12:53
cmaloneyOnly takes a second to have a bad day.12:53
rick_h_I got nervous when the urgent care doc asked "Was it sheet metal? those things kill tendons..."12:53
rick_h_"not my precious hands!"12:54
cmaloney#1: Thanks for that Doc.12:56
cmaloney#2: Ouuuuuuuch12:56
rick_h_heh, well fortunately missed all that. Superficial wound that just wouldn't stop bleeding12:56
jjesseso everyone rushing out to do a do-release-upgrade this morning?13:38
rick_h_nope, all my stuff works13:38
ColonelPanic001oh, is that today?13:40
ColonelPanic001how did it get to be the 17th13:41
jjesseyeah as my google+ feeds shows heavily13:41
ColonelPanic001I want to like google+13:41
jjessewhat causes you to not like it?13:45
jjesse(short version)13:45
ColonelPanic001just never think to check it, really13:47
jjesseat work we found we could move most of our off topic conversation to private circles there (gifs, silly discussions, etc)13:48
ColonelPanic001I do love how they have everything so circle-centric13:48
ColonelPanic001I made it harder for myself though - when it started, I wanted to keep things a little seperate, so I made a new gmail account just for that13:49
jjesseand because of that circle-centric stuff most of the discussion is private and we comment w/ full snark etc13:49
ColonelPanic001but now I have to switch accounts, etc. Not sure if I like it better this way or not13:49
cmaloneyYeah, I've been using G+ over Twitter13:50
cmaloneyI like the convesations a lot more, and the threading is a godsend13:51
ColonelPanic001I don't use twitter much either. Mostly just moniter some hashtags etc for "news"13:51
cmaloneyie: no more "@foofiend: Yeah, that was the best part of the whole thing"13:51
ColonelPanic001Maybe I'll try to check in on g+ a few times a day for a week and see if the habit sticks13:51
cmaloneywhich now means I have to find the conversation that foofiend and barfoo had13:52
cmaloneyI find it helps to follow interesting people13:52
cmaloneyIf you're into tabletop gaming I have a circle for you. :)13:52
cmaloney(note: it's a lot of people)13:53
cmaloneyShared two circles.13:54
ColonelPanic001I've kinda always wanted to try out D&D or something13:54
ColonelPanic001but there are two problems: 1) that involves other people, 2) I don't know anything about it other than the obvious.13:55
cmaloneyyeah, the other people bit can be the fun part.15:10
ColonelPanic001and a visit to the dentist can be pleasent :P15:12
cmaloneyI like my dentist.15:13
cmaloneyIt's the drilling I can't stand. :)15:13
ColonelPanic001heard something about that15:17
ColonelPanic001sounds no more nuts than the elected people there, just more vocal15:18
jrwrenbootcmd: while ! curl -s http://myserver..../pubkey | apt-key add - ; do sleep 2 ; done  # what could go wrong?16:59
greg-gjrwren: oh man17:03
greg-gI'll just go ahead and hijack the dns here....17:03
jrwrenits actually been working in production flawlessly.17:03
greg-gwho controls the dns/dhcp/etc on that box?17:04
greg-gbox/network, that is17:04
greg-gisn't there a local (inside vlan) machine that could host the pubkey?17:04
greg-galso, http? no s?17:05
* greg-g shakes head17:05
jrwrenyou are PARANOID17:06
jrwrenits in ec2 or an openstack instance.17:06
greg-gright, so easy way to own your machine17:06
jrwrenin the ec2 case, the immediate command before the curl is a resolvconf command to use our dns17:06
jrwrenfor some definition of easy17:07
greg-gthat would never fly here at WMF (we're all hardware we own, anyways, 'cloud' as it is normally thought of doesn't make sense for a top 5 website)17:07
greg-gwe do have a pretty big openstack cluster, though, but that's only for community usage for things like bots/scripts17:08
greg-g(they get a sanitize replica of our production dbs, for instance)17:09
brouschNetflix isn't a top 5 website?17:11
rick_h_cloud == flexibile computing resources any more. private is cool. doing cloud-based stuff forces you to be more build-able/agile in your deployment strategory that opens up a bunch of cool processes for testing/staging/and doing one off proof of concept development spikes17:12
jrwrenbrousch: yeah! netflix!17:13
jrwreni actually agree with greg-g.17:13
jrwrennetflix is throwing profit away by leaning on amazon so much17:13
greg-grick_h_: yeah, why I said "as normally thought of" meaning "pawn it off to some 3rd party like amazon"17:13
greg-gbrousch: pretty sure not, actually.... lemme see17:14
brouschrick_h_: You've been drinking the JuJu, haven't you17:14
jrwrenopenstack havana launched today with support for hardware. so your "cloud" isn't even necessarily virtual manchines anymore :)17:14
rick_h_brousch: netflix isn't top 5 in traffic, just bandwidth17:14
greg-ghttp://www.alexa.com/topsites not on list17:15
rick_h_brousch: I have man. I"ve got a couple of really cool use cases that have sold me lately17:15
jrwrenrick_h_: really? what bands? and how wide  :)    calling out your pedantism :)17:15
brouschgreg-g: wikipedia is #6, not top 5!17:16
greg-gbrousch: got-damn17:16
cmaloneySo now that Wikipedia is #6 you can do whatever you want.17:16
greg-gHP CLOUD!17:17
cmaloneyBut once you've kicked baidu and yahoo to the curb you'd better straighten up, mister17:17
cmaloneyno more cloud shenannigans for you17:17
brouschI actually had no idea it was that popular. I would've guessed top 2517:18
rick_h_ah, and netflix is only tops in the US17:18
cmaloneykeee-ryst. Ordered something from a third-party seller on Amazon last week. They're just getting around to shipping it17:18
rick_h_it's not in the top 5 worldwide17:18
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, hate that. Spoiles the magic17:19
cmaloneysent me a nice note, but didn't send me a mo-fo tracking number17:19
cmaloneyhaving a little bet that this domestic "DHL - USPS last mile" will get here later than several discs I have coming from spain17:19
cmaloneythat were shipped earlier this week.17:19
jrwrenyou can down vote the seller.17:20
jrwreni hate that too.17:20
jrwrenamazon fulfillment ftw17:20
cmaloneyYeah, I can, but honestly they mentioned it'd take 7-14 days17:21
cmaloneyand frankly they're on schedule17:21
cmaloneyjust was hoping it was more on the <7 days. ;)17:21
greg-gbrousch: well, Wikipedia is the first or second search result for just about everything :017:22
greg-ger :)17:22
brouschWhat are you talking about? It's not even on the first page https://www.google.com/search?q=just+about+everything17:28
greg-gwell shit17:31
jrwrenits before first if you use duckduckgo.17:34
jrwrenalmost always a wiki link before search results. I love it.17:34
greg-gjrwren: yeah, major selling point of ddg for me, too17:55
brouschWhy do you guys hate America? If you don't let the NSA view your searches the terrorists will win.17:57
tony-smlr SMLR is Live!  Video: http://www.youtube.com/embed/knQgZz3ngvw Audio stream: http://live.smlr.us:8000/streaming23:11
tony-smlrWe are also on #smlr23:12
cmaloneySunday Morning Linux Review23:54
gamerchick02awesome. wait. if it's Sunday Morning Linux Review... why is it live tonight?23:57
gamerchick02comes out on Sunday morning?23:57

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