[00:19] Yeah, I can search for it, but I thought you meant it would be prominently placed on the main launchpad page. [00:46] it should be under your email iirc [00:46] left side [00:49] https://help.launchpad.net/Signing%20the%20Ubuntu%20Code%20of%20Conduct [01:01] I don't see anything that looks like an email on that page [01:03] left side is find packages, distribution information, latest derivatives, FAQS for Ubuntu, latest bugs reported, top contributors [02:07] https://help.launchpad.net/Signing%20the%20Ubuntu%20Code%20of%20Conduct [02:21] or https://launchpad.net/code-of-conduct-signing-assistant [02:31] I seem to have signed it! [02:34] Interesting procedure... [02:34] I really like Ubuntu's CoC. The Perl community could learn a lot from that. [02:41] zzz & [08:43] Morning. [09:15] Morning [10:47] Morning. [11:00] hi guys. [12:03] Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else === dedi_off is now known as dedi [23:03] Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct: [23:03] Yes [23:04] waltman ^^^ nice! next year, you and JonathanD can rep Ubuntu-us-pa at cposc - or me if it's in lancaster again and i don't have to babysit - lancaster is close central [23:05] and shoo fly [23:05] hehe :) [23:05] I'd be happy to. [23:05] jedijf: get us some cool banners or something. [23:06] JonathanD: certainly - we have ours, and i'll get a conference pack [23:06] JonathanD: are you doing anything at cposc - fosscon table etc [23:06] wasn't planning on it. [23:07] I haven't even gotten my ticket yet, thats coming tomorrow [23:07] I honestly didn't think I'd be able to go or I'd have done more. [23:07] yeah - kinda snuck up, especially with their lack of promotion [23:08] i /just/ realized like 2 days ago it was in lancaster....presumed harrisburg [23:08] Maybe I should weasel my way into their promo team. [23:08] no [23:08] you have enough on your plate - all they need is a resource list and email - ubuntu plug etc [23:09] jedijf: did you see the convention center stuff? [23:09] today? [23:09] still no numbers, but at least it's moving. [23:09] i saw the reply - 'exactly what i thought" not what i said [23:09] :) [23:09] Indeed. [23:09] I mean, those rooms are sufficient [23:10] yeah, you did her work too! before, and again after her initial reply [23:10] But they need to know what w'ere doing. [23:11] yep - now both have all the info - it's in their courts again [23:12] just found the missing bolt for my starter pistol [23:13] kinda figured that was gone for food [23:13] *good [23:19] jedijf: I *knew* you had an ulterior motive! [23:19] JonathanD: yeah, Lancaster this time. Shorter drive. [23:19] Barely even Central PA :) [23:20] jedijf: I'm hoping my new more-fossy job will give me some flexability to do more stuff. [23:23] waltman: you said something like an hour from me. [23:23] Not bad at all [23:23] waltman: but no ABC? :( [23:25] https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!data=!4m18!3m17!1m5!1s1020+New+Holland+Ave%2C+Lancaster%2C+PA+17601!2s0x89c624a8aa2d1bb9%3A0x7e35e940194b567f!3m2!3d40.054476!4d-76.282494!1m1!1sLancaster+Brewing+Company%2C+North+Plum+Street%2C+Lancaster%2C+PA!3m8!1m3!1d14157!2d-76.2788086!3d40.049606!3m2!1i1771!2i890!4f13.1&fid=0 [23:32] JonathanD: new job adds mor ehours to days? [23:32] more