=== mandel` is now known as mandel_ === eu is now known as Guest66133 [08:56] Good morning all; happy World Poverty Day and, of course, happy Ubuntu 13.10 Release Day! :-D [17:57] Does Ubuntu One support importing CSV-contacts yet? I don't have any Google contacts and I don't want Google to have them either [17:59] I assume Ubuntu has a better privacy policy than google.. and hope it stays that way [18:01] i don't think so. beuno ^^ do you know? [18:13] atomhund, we don't have importing at the moment, no [18:13] in the UT-wiki it says I Can import CSVs... but from what I've read the script for importing has been removed [18:14] Ok. [18:14] I can live with that, for a while. [18:15] UT wiki? [18:16] Ubuntu Touch does not currently store contacts on Ubuntu One, so importing them onto a device running Ubuntu Touch won't get them into Ubuntu One either [18:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes [18:17] "Alternatively you can import contacts from a csv file. The csv file should be in same format as /usr/share/demo-assets/contacts-data/data.csv. Replace the sample data.csv file with your own version and run manage-address-books.py create to import your contacts." [18:17] pasted [18:18] yes. that is not ubuntu one. if you want help with ubuntu touch, then #ubuntu-touch is where to go :) [18:23] Sorry about that. I might have misunderstood something on my way in here.. I thought someone at #ubuntu-touch mentioned that I can add Google contacts into Ubuntu One.... Just like on OwnCloud. [18:28] thanks for helping. I'll keep pondering...