
Marhabahwill have to restart this machine soon00:00
OvenWerksok. I am looking at the same thing here.00:01
Marhabaheth0 and wlan0?00:01
OvenWerksJust printing an ISO to a USB stick00:01
MarhabahI did that yesterday...00:02
OvenWerksYa, those should be the two IFs00:02
Marhabahcan we share email address?00:02
OvenWerksYou can... len@ovenwerks.net00:03
erik_EECan't wait for the 17-th :)01:33
erik_EEDarn, it is 17.10.13 here in Hastings, North Island of New Zealand but nothing to download so far :(01:34
erik_EEit's even two and half hours past the lunch hehe.01:34
Patero-ngsony vegas is a 600$ video editing software it uses gpu acceleration01:38
erik_EEThat's a steep prize. Is itt available for linux?01:52
Patero-ngdon't know02:32
=== SonikkuAmerica2 is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA|Gone
erik_EESo party people! Is it going to be released in the middle of the night in Europe or in the morning. I'm only asking because in New Zealand it's soon to be 18-th october already :)05:39
=== cub_ is now known as cub
=== cub_ is now known as cub
SonikkuAmericaCongratulations to the team on being the first Ubuntu 13.10 release!13:31
tabu_hello, I can't mount my usb hdd " Cannot enable port 1.  Maybe the USB cable is bad?" I had this problem and disabling ehci-hcd worked previously, but not anymore....13:37
tabu_there are usb and usb2 ports in my laptop13:37
tabu_If I plug the hdd to the usb2 port disabling ehci-hcd works, but then my external usb audio interface won't13:43
SonikkuAmericaChange the topic for 13.10's release already!! :-)13:52
smartboyhwSonikkuAmerica, unfortunately, we have to wait for somebody to change it for us.......13:53
SonikkuAmericasmartboyhw: Dang.13:53
smartboyhwSonikkuAmerica, it's not urgency anyway13:54
SonikkuAmericaThere's probably no time like the present to go back to Studio, 12.10 was awesome, 13.04 was a mishmash, anj 13.10 apparently sorted most of the mess oit.13:55
SonikkuAmerica*and *put13:55
SonikkuAmericaAlso, good announcement, but did you see your news post says to please "d0wnload the image"?13:57
smartboyhwSonikkuAmerica, damn it;P My fault13:57
SonikkuAmericalol np :-)13:57
* SonikkuAmerica loads the torrent into uTorrent for Android, to deploy it later13:58
cubd0wnload the 1337 iso14:11
ThatGuyHi, I'm trying to burn a .iso to my DVD but I cant find the 'Write to disc' option in the right click menu14:55
=== holstein changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel | 13.10 and 12.04.3 Now Released http://ubuntustudio.org/download | Support forum http://ubuntuforums.org | Please be patient and visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio if no one is around | General music making and studio chatter is allowed
Morrogcongratulations on the 13.10 release17:46
Morrogwhich version of ardour is included in this release? 3.5 is the latest available17:48
SonikkuAmericaI see smartboyhw fixed his announcement :)18:08
MorrogSonikkuAmerica, do you know which version of ardour is included in 13.10?18:18
SonikkuAmericaMorrog: Version 3.18:19
Morrogyes, i know that. but is that the latest 3.5 then?18:19
SonikkuAmerica!info ardour18:23
ubottuardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.14-2ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 4908 kB, installed size 14051 kB18:23
SonikkuAmericaThat isn't the Ubuntu Studio packaged version18:23
Morrogthat's the 13.04 version18:23
SonikkuAmerica!info ardour saucy18:25
ubottuardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.14-2ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 4908 kB, installed size 14051 kB18:25
SonikkuAmerica... Assume it18:25
SonikkuAmerica's 3.518:25
Morrogit would be informative if stuff like this would be included in the release statement :)18:26
Morrogthanks for trying to find out, SonikkuAmerica. it's much appreciated18:26
SonikkuAmericaMorrog: I'd wait for zequence or smartboyhw to be active18:27
SonikkuAmericaif you want to know18:27
Morrogalright, thank you18:28
SonikkuAmericaOr holstein, he might know too18:28
cubWhat did I miss? :)18:30
SonikkuAmericacub: Not much... U haz 13.10 yet?, or are you one of our LTS customers?18:32
cubboth. I run 12.04 on my main laptop, 13.10 on my travel laptop18:32
Morrogis it recommended to reinstall, or do an upgrade from 13.04 (i'm currently on xubuntu)18:32
cubArdour3 in 13.10 is 3.418:32
Morrogthanks cub :)18:33
cubI've been using this pc for testing so I'velost count on how many reinstallations of 13.10 I've done the last weeks.18:33
Morrogthat many huh?18:35
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as i1
cubyeah, the beta testing and rc testing 32 and 64 bit makes for many reinstallations18:35
cubMorrog, from Xubuntu 13.04, in theory you could upgrade to xubuntu 13.10 and then add the ubuntu studio installers.18:36
=== i1 is now known as SonikkuAmerica
cubBut IMHO I would do a reinstallation.18:36
Morrogit's always cleaner of course to reinstall18:37
cubIs it mostly audio work you'll planning for with ubuntu studio, Morrog ?18:39
Morrogyes sir :) possible some home recording coming up in the future18:39
Morrogand i'm going for xfce since the demise of gnome2 (and no real alternative)18:40
cubyou could just add the ubuntu studio parts you want to xubuntu?18:40
Morrogi'll probably try that18:41
Morrogi come from SolusOS, but that got outdated. and i had to install something, so 13.04 was a good choice, even though i knew 13.10 was only a few weeks away18:41
cubthe ubuntustudio-installer is good for just that18:41
cubSolusOS, never heard of it. :)18:42
Morrogwas a debian based distro18:42
Morrogi'm still getting used to xfce though. i had been using gnome 2 for 5 years. habits don't change quickly18:43
Morrogcub, how do you backup your data between upgrades?18:46
cubon this one I never save anything locally I can't just delete. Dropbox and ubuntu one for everything. For my main laptop I use rsync to an external usb drive18:47
cubI have a separate partition for /home so usually it's left alone while reinstalling, but you never know. Once in a while I screw something up so always offline backups18:48
Morrogsounds like what i have going here18:50
cubA colleague showed me an application that was very good for backups, but now I can't recall which one it was18:52
Morrogdeja dup?18:52
cubyes! haha18:53
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
Morrogi should probably learn which important xfce files to backup, before going to 13.1019:02
holsteinMorrog: i prefer a few things that tend to facilitate a fresh install over an upgrade.. i like to run the distro live, and see how the hardware support is for my particular hardware case19:27
holsteinduring that live setup, i see whatever versions of whatever are in the repos and make plans for adding PPA's or custom packages19:27
holsteini just get the prebuilt for the latest from ardour directly these days19:28
Morrognice :)19:28
Morroghave a good evening all!20:10
mario__Hi Guys20:12
mario__now IIm lost how to change the sund to HDMI instad using monitoo sears20:13
mario__monitor speakers20:14
holsteinmario__: hdmi can be challening.. or not work at all20:20
holsteinmario__: what would i do? try using pavucontrol ..get a known good audio file playing in a player you know really well20:20
holsteinand refer to #ubuntu or the main ubuntu documentation or help forums .. or xubuntu20:21
mario__where is that pavu?20:21
holstein!info pavucontrol20:21
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (saucy), package size 140 kB, installed size 953 kB20:21
holsteinyou should be able to alt+f2 start it.. or find "pulse audio volume control" in the menu20:21
holsteinor launch it from a terminal20:22
mario__I tried that before...20:23
mario__and it says outport HDMI20:23
mario__but isnt working my sound system20:23
holsteinmario__: you tried what?20:23
mario__to check setting....20:24
holsteinmario__: what setting? in what way? where? and with what?20:24
mario__to check setting....20:24
holsteinmario__: where?20:24
holsteinmario__: you can look for and apply all upgrades20:25
mario__ok....ill do thast...Thank you...Gracias....Merci20:25
holsteinin a terminal.. 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and try rebooting after getting potentially a kernel that may be able to provide support20:25
holsteinunfortunately, the entity in charge of properly supporting you may not be available for providing you linux support.. or allow the alsa team or any linux OS's to provide you support in linux for the HDMI device20:26
mario__I  just installed the 13.10 Ubuntu Studio20:26
holsteinwhat would i do? look for and apply  upgrades and reboot20:26
holsteini would then run "aplay -l" and see that the device is listed, then i sould search "ubuntu device name"20:27
holsteinnot "ubuntustudio".. *ubuntu*.. since the issue is not related to ubuntustudio specifically20:27
holsteinyou can also search generically "linux device name" and see if anyone reports to have gotten it working anywhere20:27
holsteinalso, i might just try it with the older version live.. ubuntu 12.04 for example, and see if it works there.. or, just use an analog cable to transmit the audio20:28
holsteindigital audio via hdmi is not a deal breaker for me.. the analog cable quality is fine20:28
mario__i9t work there....and former relaeses also...20:28
mario__not on this new one 13.1020:29
holsteinmario__: then, you might want to enjoy the release where the support is working for you20:29
holsteinmario__: you can look for and follow up on or create a bug for it20:29
mario__I guess Iĺl do that...20:29
holsteini would just run the 12.04 version.. since its LTS20:29
mario__where u at Holstein?20:30
holsteinmario__: AT?20:30
mario__Miami, Fl USA20:30
holsteinim in asheville NC20:30
holsteinyou know Larry Lapin?20:30
holsteinfrom the u of miami?20:30
mario__Im from other country.....20:31
holsteinhe's not20:31
mario__not too long ago I came to here20:31
holsteinhe's from where i though you implied you were20:31
mario__have to reboot this computer20:33
mario__Thanks for your help20:34
dibarunning post-installation trigger update-notifier-common21:33

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