
wallyworld_thumper: turns out overwriting the transport did cause issues as it nuked any alternate protocol handlers already registered01:55
wallyworld_so i did a quick fix https://codereview.appspot.com/1484004301:55
axwwallyworld_: how did the tests pass?01:56
axwor has the original change not landed01:57
wallyworld_axw: goose tests passed just fine but juju-core tests failed01:57
axwah right01:57
axwthis is in goose, got it01:57
wallyworld_yeah. my original solution worked but roger made me change it01:57
thumperschool run02:01
wallyworld_thumper: gwacl and gomaasapi - there the req.Close attribute was set instead, as all http requests were dispatched via a helper function02:20
wallyworld_i used that solution with goose originally, but it was more changes as we use http directly there02:21
wallyworld_so i needed to add the dispatch helper02:21
wallyworld_but roger suggested using the keep alive attr instead02:21
bigjoolswallyworld_: checked in yet?02:27
wallyworld_bigjools: nope. but i've already resrved my seats02:28
bigjoolswallyworld_: just reserved mine.  fucking agent had put me in a bulkhead seat with restricted legroom ...02:28
wallyworld_i think i got 5002:28
wallyworld_from memory02:29
bigjoolsrow 3902:29
wallyworld_so i can throw things at your head02:29
bigjools17A on the la->sfo02:29
wallyworld_i forget what i got for that one, 8 i think02:30
bigjoolswe can change at the gate so we can hold hands02:30
wallyworld_nah, just wait till we drive over the golden gate into the sunset02:30
bigjoolswallyworld_: http://tinyurl.com/kj3zltm02:32
adam_guhm so02:36
adam_gis multi-tenancy supposed to work at this point /w MAAS?02:36
bigjoolsadam_g: not *quite* there is an sru waiting02:37
adam_gbigjools, bug #? anything in proposed i can test?02:37
bigjoolsit's all tested02:37
adam_gmaas (1.4+bzr1693+dfsg-0ubuntu2.1) saucy-proposed; urgency=low02:38
adam_g ?02:38
bigjoolsoh that kind of testing02:39
bigjoolsI don't see that in proposed yet02:39
adam_ghmph still in queue02:40
adam_g  * debian/patches/99_fix_juju_multienv_lp1239488: Allows juju to distinguish02:40
adam_g    between different environments, actually fixing the MAAS side of multiple02:40
adam_g    juju environment support. (LP: #1239488)02:40
_mup_Bug #1239488: [SRU] Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments <MAAS:Fix Released by julian-edwards> <maas (Ubuntu):Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu Saucy):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1239488>02:40
bigjoolsthat is the one02:40
adam_gstill anything that needs to be fixed on the juju side?02:40
bigjoolsah it's in the upload queue02:40
bigjoolsthere was a fix for juju but I don't know its status02:41
bigjoolsthumper: ?02:41
thumperlanded afaik, but not released yet02:41
thumperhas been landed on 1.16 branch for 1.16.1, but again, don't know the status02:41
bigjoolswallyworld_: seems like cartridge razors are ok in hand luggage02:56
wallyworld_oh, surpirsing02:57
bigjoolswallyworld_: it also occurred to me that we ought to go shopping for gadgetry03:16
wallyworld_well why not03:17
wallyworld_i don't need anything but need != want :-)03:18
bigjoolsI am sure we can take the mustang via Fry's etc :)03:19
* thumper is looking for his US cables03:21
wallyworld_bigjools: the saucy archives should be updated with the final release by now, right?03:46
wallyworld_"update-manager -d" shows a splash screen saying it's still a beta release03:47
bigjoolswallyworld_: yeah release has happened03:49
bigjoolsapt-get update should make that go away03:49
wallyworld_update-manager -d does do an update03:49
wallyworld_it forces your current release to be up-to-date03:49
bigjoolswallyworld_: yes but you're still running with the old update manager at that point04:00
bigjoolsor potentially older04:01
wallyworld_i would have thought it would have fetched the latest splash info04:01
wallyworld_so i just ignore that message?04:01
wallyworld_ok, but i reckon it's a poor user experience. it should show info about the release you are upgrading to, not older info04:02
wallyworld_cause i reasonably thought the mirrors i was using hadn't been synced yet04:03
wallyworld_based on the info on the splash screen04:03
bigjoolsthat's also possible04:07
wallyworld_so then i switch to the canonical archives and same result04:11
bigjoolsthen we should declare it to be buggered04:18
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
TheMuefrankban: ping08:52
frankbanTheMue: hey08:52
TheMuefrankban: hi08:52
TheMuefrankban: based on my first proposal rogpeppe had a good idea for env/switch08:52
TheMuefrankban: see the last comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~themue/juju-core/053-env-more-script-friendly/+merge/19164008:53
TheMuefrankban: if that is fine for you too I would change my proposal08:53
frankbanTheMue: so, --raw by default and an error exit code if no default env is configured. totally +108:54
TheMuefrankban: fine, then I'll note it there and the issue and change it this morning08:56
frankbanTheMue: great, thank you!08:57
TheMuefrankban: yw08:57
TheMuerogpeppe: ping09:32
rogpeppeTheMue: pong10:17
TheMuerogpeppe: ah, hiya10:17
rogpeppeTheMue: sorry, my IRC client has stopped notifying me when someone mentions my name10:17
rogpeppeTheMue: it's most annoying10:17
rogpeppeTheMue: hiya, BTW10:17
TheMuerogpeppe: as you may have seen frankban and I agreed on your proposal10:17
rogpeppeTheMue: cool10:17
TheMuerogpeppe: one question for "juju env --list"10:18
TheMuerogpeppe: in that way it only lists all names10:18
TheMuerogpeppe: but additionally you can pass a name to switch too10:18
TheMuerogpeppe: how would you act in that case and let the output look like?10:19
rogpeppeTheMue: i had no idea that "env" was a synonym for "switch"10:19
TheMuerogpeppe: yeah, it is10:20
rogpeppeTheMue: i think "juju switch --list foo" should probably give an error10:20
rogpeppeTheMue: at some point in the future, when environments may be held remotely, we could potentially use it to implement search functionality but for now that's not needed.10:20
TheMuerogpeppe: ah, fine, that's my idea too. I dislike the combination of switching and listing in one call10:22
TheMuerogpeppe: it's so "hey, please show me the environments. and by the way you can also switch it" :/10:22
rogpeppeTheMue: yeah10:39
TheMuerogpeppe: currently cleaning up the tests, everything simpler now :)10:40
rogpeppeTheMue: i hoped it might be10:46
rogpeppemgz: standup?10:47
rogpeppewallyworld_: ^10:47
rogpeppedimitern: you still connected?10:58
dimiternmy connection died at the hangout exactly as yesterday11:09
dimiternand i can't seem to be able to join again11:10
mgzhm can't join again? what error?11:12
* TheMue => lunch11:20
dimiternmy machine behaves somewhat erratically perhaps it's time for a reboot11:22
rogpeppeanyone up for doing a review of this? https://codereview.appspot.com/14619045/12:01
rogpeppedimitern, TheMue, natefinch: ^12:01
natefinchrogpeppe: sure thing12:01
natefinchrogpeppe: there are some comments about this code being temporary.  How temporary is this code?   Just want to know so I can dial in the amount of nitpicking ;)12:08
natefinchrogpeppe: (in state/apiserver/common/addresses.go)12:08
natefinchrogpeppe: note, my problem is not with your changes, but some minor stuff with the code that was there that could do with a little cleanup12:10
mgz_hm, didn't log out at home12:38
abentleysinzui: dude, you indented with tabs!  Are you feeling okay?13:21
sinzuiObviously no13:21
* sinzui will fix that13:21
abentleysinzui: When using 'find' with wildcards, I think it's best to quote the wildcard.13:23
sinzuiabentley, I think I want the scripts to look for credentials and configs in JUJU_HOME. I don't we want to force .juju or $HOME13:23
sinzuiabentley, yes, I did that twice,13:23
abentleysinzui: you missed it in archive_tools and retrieve_packages.13:24
abentleysinzui: I agree about $JUJU_HOME.13:24
sinzuiabentley, The last hours broke my head. I was testing what happens when non-required data is missing in steps and find lots of errors that killed the script13:25
abentleysinzui: Oh, I see.13:25
sinzuiabentley, reassembling with existing tools (no debs) was very bad. I will review the scripts with fresh eyes. Though yours are clearly fresh13:26
abentleysinzui: It's a shame that s3cmd won't accept environment variables, because I could extend "jnova" to work with all providers and I think that would be neat.13:27
jpdsAnyone know what is going on here? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6257151/13:28
jpdsAh, fixed it.13:32
rogpeppeis there any way to get apt-get to downgrade a package to a specific version?13:33
rogpeppe(still trying to fix my IRC client issue13:34
jpdsrogpeppe: apt-cache policy <package>13:34
jpdsrogpeppe: Take the earlier version number and: sudo apt-get install <package>=<version>.13:34
rogpeppejpds: thanks. hmm, looks like nothing's changed in a while, and there don't seem to be any earlier version numbers.13:37
rogpeppe% apt-cache showpkg konversation13:37
rogpeppePackage: konversation13:37
rogpeppe1.5~rc1+git20130415-0ubuntu1 (/var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_raring_universe_binary-amd64_Packages) (/var/lib/dpkg/status)13:37
rogpeppe Description Language:13:37
rogpeppe                 File: /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_raring_universe_binary-amd64_Packages13:37
rogpeppe                  MD5: 529965a53c80f878568781c6a205d5f513:37
rogpeppe Description Language: en13:37
rogpeppe                 File: /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_raring_universe_i18n_Translation-en13:37
rogpeppe                  MD5: 529965a53c80f878568781c6a205d5f513:37
rogpeppeReverse Depends:13:37
rogpeppe  konversation:i386,konversation13:37
rogpeppe  kubuntu-full,konversation13:37
rogpeppe  konversation-dbg,konversation 1.5~rc1+git20130415-0ubuntu113:37
rogpeppe  konversation-data,konversation 1.3~beta1-213:37
rogpeppe  konversation-data,konversation 1.3~beta1-213:37
rogpeppe  konversation-data,konversation 1.5~rc1+git20130415-0ubuntu113:38
rogpeppe1.5~rc1+git20130415-0ubuntu1 - kde-runtime (0 (null)) kdepim-runtime (0 (null)) libc6 (2 2.14) libkabc4 (2 4:4.4.3) libkde3support4 (2 4:4.4.3) libkdecore5 (2 4:4.5.85) libkdeui5 (2 4:4.7.0) libkemoticons4 (2 4:4.4.95) libkidletime4 (2 4:4.4.95) libkio5 (2 4:4.5.85) libknotifyconfig4 (2 4:4.4.3) libkparts4 (2 4:4.4.3) libphonon4 (2 4:4.2.0) libqca2 (2 2.0.2) libqt4-dbus (2 4:4.7) libqt4-network (2 4:4.7) libqt4-qt3support (2 4:4.7) libqt4-13:38
rogpeppexml (2 4:4.7) libqtcore4 (2 4:4.8.0) libqtgui4 (2 4:4.8.0) libsolid4 (2 4:4.4.3) libstdc++6 (2 4.1.1) phonon (0 (null)) konversation-data (5 1.5~rc1+git20130415-0ubuntu1) konversation:i386 (0 (null))13:38
rogpeppe1.5~rc1+git20130415-0ubuntu1 - irc13:38
rogpeppeReverse Provides:13:38
rogpeppeargh, everything is broken13:38
jpdspolicy, not showpkg.13:38
rogpeppejpds: sorry, that was just the previous contents of my paste buffer13:38
rogpeppejpds: the paste points to the intended thing13:38
rogpeppejpds: unfortunately DNS lookups take about 10 seconds on this machine at the moment, so my pastebin script hadn't run quickly enough13:39
jpdsYeah, so no way to downgrade without going to launchpad and downloading an earlier .deb file.13:40
rogpeppejpds: well, the binary hasn't changed in months, so i guess it must be something that's gone wrong somewhere in my machine13:41
rogpeppei might try reinstalling the app i suppose13:42
rogpeppenatefinch: could you mention my nickname please?13:56
rogpeppeor anyone13:56
jpdsrogpeppe: Hi.13:56
rogpeppejpds: thanks13:57
jpdsFolks, I'm trying to deploy on openstack and I'm getting this error: error info: {"badRequest": {"message": "Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific.", "code": 400}}13:57
rogpeppewell bugger me backwards with a spade, it worked13:57
jpdsWhere do I specify a network ID?13:57
rogpeppejpds: mgz might be a good one to ask13:57
jpdsmgz_: ↑ ?13:58
* rogpeppe goes for some lunch14:07
mgz_jpds: hm...14:13
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
jpdsmgz_: I do have two networks in openstack, the shared ext_net and my own tenent's one.14:17
mgz_yeah, this is somewhat of a problem if that's an error case, as this is from boot, right?14:18
mgz_does nova boot also complain if you don't specify a network?14:18
jpdsmgz_: Yes, exact same message.14:22
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
mgz_jpds: seems mostly like a nova configuration issue then...14:27
jpdsmgz_: No.14:27
mgz_there's not really anything reasonable juju could do here, the best would be list all networks and arbitrarily select one, which still sucks14:27
jpdsYou could specify a network to .juju in the environments.14:28
mgz_yeah, because more manual configuration is exactly what we want14:28
mgz_(that is an option, but it doesn't seem ideal)14:28
mgz_(would much prefer nova having a default network selection)14:29
jpdsmgz_: Well, it's one extra flag to the boot option: http://people.canonical.com/~jpds/nova-boot.png14:29
jpdsMaybe make it part of the imagemetadata.json?14:30
mgz_it's not at all related to images14:31
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
TheMuerogpeppe: after a short discussion we'll roll back to env/switch with flag --raw15:03
sinzuirogpeppe, mgz natefinch did we hard code ubuntu series in Juju? Looks like sync-tools cannot do a release15:07
sinzuiERROR invalid series "trusty"15:07
sinzuiyep, we did hard code.15:13
abentleysinzui: There is a syntax error in "assemble-public-tools": generate_streams does not work, because it does "for $tool in" instead of "for tool in".  I do not understand why this syntax error doesn't abort the script.15:24
sinzuiabentley, me neither. Just fixed that BTW in my scripts15:27
sinzuiabentley, I had to pause to deal with this seen in that very function: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/124166615:27
_mup_Bug #1241666: Cannot creaste simple streams for Ubuntu trusty series <build> <juju-core:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241666>15:27
abentleysinzui: Glad you caught that before a release.15:27
abentleysinzui: Also, I think it's good hygiene to use "set -eu", not just "set -e".  It does mean you have to use {$foo:-} in some places where $foo would otherwise suffice.15:29
sinzuiabentley, I just pushed my changes minus the JUJU_HOME change we discussed this morning15:29
sinzuiabentley, okay15:29
* sinzui makes juju releasable15:29
abentleysinzui: I don't see the tool fix in the changes you just pushed.15:30
sinzuibugger, I switched15:30
sinzuiabentley, now? revno 200815:30
abentleysinzui: Yes, that's got it.15:31
mgz_sinzui: some of the code updates from distro-info, but the bit that's breaking you may not15:31
abentleysinzui: I just pushed a tweak to set usage.15:33
mgz_sinzui: the bit you finger in the bug at least does have the update code, are you sure your ubuntu.csv has trusty?15:33
sinzuimgz, it does not, yet15:34
sinzuiI got updates 2 hours ago15:34
mgz_so, it's not a juju bug, it's an ubuntu bug :)15:34
jamespagemgz_, logged bug  1241674 for the multiple tenant networks issue jpds described above15:36
_mup_Bug #1241674: juju-core broken with OpenStack Havana for tenants with multiple networks <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241674>15:36
mgz_jamespage: thanks15:36
jamespagewe can have a fight as to where the problem actually lies15:36
mgz_lets :)15:36
* jamespage fists up15:36
mgz_juju really needs some selection criteria for networks if it's going to start explictly passing one in15:38
abentleysinzui: I'm getting an empty added_tools, which is giving me an empty $tool in the loop, which makes rm unhappy.15:40
sinzuiabentley, Must have broken this morning. It was a happy loop lastnight15:41
abentleysinzui: I'm unfamiliar with that syntax.  It concerns me that the loop executes for an empty string.15:42
sinzuimgz, does juju-core have a max line length for go code? I need to tell my editor to STFU15:42
mgz_sinzui: no, we try to keep it sane15:43
sinzuiabentley, me too. I think we need to look-before-we-leap.15:43
mgz_but some go syntax stuff doesn't really sit nicely with hard line length limits15:43
abentleysinzui: Is bash really so bad?  normally an empty input array means an each loop gets skipped.15:44
mgz_I still aim for less than 80, but with tabs and some function definitions you pretty much always end up going over that as wrapping would be worse15:44
sinzuiabentley, I thought the same. Have I mentioned I hate bash today?15:44
mgz_right, I'm transfering back home again, will look at any pending reviews when I'm in15:45
sinzuimgz. okay. I will set no max length, and let common sense rule15:45
sinzuithanks mgz15:45
sinzuibugger! I've got mgo errors again. Since saucy is released I suspect it is me and not the code15:46
abentleysinzui: Have I mentioned that the heredoc trick works equally well with python?15:50
sinzuiabentley, no, but I have used it myself15:50
rogpeppeTheMue: how come?16:02
TheMuerogpeppe: see discussion on juju-gui16:03
TheMuerogpeppe: oops, just seeing that the proposal is now somehow faulty16:05
TheMuerogpeppe: I've done a revert and then changed the latest whishes16:05
TheMuerogpeppe: now the proposal shows too many files :/16:06
TheMuerogpeppe: I think I'll simply close this one, take my two changed files and create a new branch :(16:07
sinzuijamespage, do I need to upgrade to trusty to get a /usr/share/distro-info/ubuntu.csv that knows about trusty?16:07
jamespagesinzui, no - that will be SRU'ed16:07
jamespagelike right now16:07
jamespage(I see it in -proposed)16:08
sinzuijamespage, fab. I worried I and CI/CD needed to hack that file to do releases16:08
abentleysinzui: I think I have a fix: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6258199/16:18
abentleysinzui: That line noise at 17 is apparently the way you determine the length of the array.  So its foo[len(foo)] = bar, or foo.appen(bar) in saner languages.16:19
sinzui+1 abentley16:20
abentleysinzui: Pushed.16:21
rogpeppeTheMue: here's probably more appropriate16:43
rogpeppeTheMue: when you reverted the first time, you reverted the *entire tree* and you'd already merged trunk16:44
rogpeppeTheMue: so you've manged to revert the changes in trunk that happened since the revision you reverted to16:44
TheMuerogpeppe: oh, now I've seen your reply here16:48
rogpeppewow, verifying a public key pair takes 40 *milliseconds* on my machine16:52
rogpeppei was wondering why juju switch was so slow, and that's the reason16:52
TheMuerogpeppe: slow? I have no experience to compare. is it done so often?16:54
TheMuemgz: one CL to review => https://codereview.appspot.com/15080044/16:54
rogpeppeTheMue: not particularly, but i saw a noticeable delay when running it16:54
rogpeppeTheMue: it took 0.25s to run on my machine16:54
TheMuerogpeppe: ah, ok16:54
gary_posterhey, does anyone have a chance to help paulczar, who is trying to get a charm championship entry finished up, in #juju with what appears to be a juju bug/fragility in https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-deployer/+bug/1241721 (see comment #2: "agent-state-info: '(error: invalid URL "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson" not found)'"?16:54
_mup_Bug #1241721: juju-deployer never finishes <juju-deployer:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241721>16:54
TheMuerogpeppe: the CL above is the now fresh and correct one16:55
TheMueso, guys, I'm off now, well see on Monday in SFO16:56
rogpeppei'm also off17:03
rogpeppeg'night all17:03
=== Makyo|Air is now known as MakyoOnAir
mgzgary_poster: responded, I suspect just ec2 falkeiness17:28
gary_posterthank you very much mgz17:28
mgzor something17:28
gary_posteryeah, I figured.  arguably fragility it would be nice to be able to handle, but probably reasonable to put that off for another day17:29
mgzyeah, it's hard to see where our robustness is falling down exactly, as we also seem to have not logged the failure from provisioning (assuming there was one)17:29
sinzuimgz, if you have time, can you review https://codereview.appspot.com/1512004317:30
mgzsinzui: just saw that looking for TheMue's one :)17:30
mgztarty would have been a very silly series name :)17:32
sinzuidid I write that again?17:33
sinzuiI guess I can expect the same when Unctuous Uakari is not announced17:35
adam_gmgz, is it possible to use the ec2 provider with local simplestream data? ie, against a private openstack via ec2 api?18:02
sinzuiadam_g, I don't fully understand your question, but I can confirm that the tools-url has to be to the same cloud. Eg. I cannot set the tools-url to a location I have built test tools, then use them with the cloud I am testing18:08
sinzuiadam_g, I have instead uploaded tools and metadata to each cloud, but placed them in a non-standard location and pointed the tools-url to pick them up18:09
smosersinzui, tools-url and simplestreams data url are separate, right?18:09
smoseradam_g, is interested in providing simplestreams data url.18:10
adam_gtools might be an issue too18:10
adam_gim intersted in using juju against a private openstack cloud via the EC2 API, probably with no internet access18:10
adam_gi'd need to specify the AMI ID of the glance image somehow, through a custom simplestream, in the same way i would have done with default-image-id using py juju18:11
adam_gand a custom tools-url, i guess18:11
sinzuismoser, They /might be/. Juju seems to conflate simplestreams with tools. I don't know if it thinks simple streams for images is different for simplestreams for tools18:11
* sinzui looks at old notes18:12
sinzuiadam_g, when azure simplestreams was broken in 1.15.0, I could force it to find the correct images doing this:18:13
sinzuiimage-metadata-url: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases18:13
adam_gsinzui, so i'd need to somehow fake the streams there for AWS, and point to images in my cloud?18:15
smoserwell. only the client acually *needs* the data. hopefully that can be a url like file://18:17
smoseri am pretty sure its checking signatures.18:17
smoserbut maybe any signing key would be ok18:17
smosersstream-mirror can allow you to mirror the http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases data to a local directory18:17
adam_gsmoser, if only it were that easy.. i need to create a stream of VMDKs :)18:19
sinzuifile:/// might work. This bug indicates they do work https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/122375218:19
_mup_Bug #1223752: environs/simplestreams/simplestreams.go leaks test:// and file:// URLs into the http.DefaultClient <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1223752>18:19
smoseradam_g, its not significantly more difficult.18:20
smoseradam_g, for openstack, we actuallydo this.18:20
smoseron canonistack18:20
smoserand it supports a "hook" to repack the thing it uplaods18:21
smoserie, other than adding glance metadata informtion, i think your use case fits fairly easily into18:21
adam_gsmoser, unfortunately they cant just be 'repacked'18:22
smosersure they can18:22
adam_gsmoser, oh?18:23
smoserwhat is "repacked"18:23
adam_gconverted from a qcow2 image to something that will actually boot on a vmware cluster18:23
smoserhow are you getting what you have?18:24
adam_gben is using some proprietary tools that come with vmware workstation to convert them on a windows system18:24
adam_gatm i have a single precise vmdk that works, and  i'd like to make that available alongside a standard precise image and available to a local cloud via juju18:25
adam_gbut jeez, even getting juju to talk to my local cloud endpoints is no longer as trivial as setting them in my environments.yaml :|18:27
smoserhave you tried using vbox convert ?18:28
smoserdo you know that that fails ?18:28
adam_gsmoser, no, i haven't18:31
adam_gsmoser, i have something that works and would like to make that available to my cloud. i'd prefer not to waste another 4 days wrestling with VMDK images.18:33
smoserso use the example-sync above, and for "repack" do 'cp some-other-file TARGET-FILE'18:34
smoseror just hack the glance upload to do nothing18:34
smoserand just return 'your-uuid-here'18:34
adam_gsmoser, are those synced images then available via an EC2 stream as well?18:38
smoserwhat do you mean ec2 ?18:39
smoseryou want image ids ?18:39
smoserin ami-abcfde format?18:39
mgzyeah, if he wants to use the ec2 api he'll need that18:40
mgzyou can still specify your own simplestreams stuff with the plugin bits18:42
adam_gsmoser, yea18:43
adam_gmgz, the endpoints are contained in some stream data too?18:44
smoseradam_g, well, then just instead of returnning the uuid return the ami-id18:45
smoserami-ids are a PITA18:45
smosertahts why they're not implemented in that example-sync18:45
smoseri really wanted to do it.18:45
smoserbut its difficult because you can't actually say "give me the ami-id for this uuid" anywhere18:46
smoseryoud have to crawl all iamges, and then match on name18:46
smoserand thats not actually even guaranteed18:46
natefinchIs there documentation on what objects the MaaS API returns?  I see docs on calling the REST API endpoints, but not on what they return19:00
natefinchsmoser, rvba, anyone else? ^^19:05
smoseri dont know about doc19:05
natefinchsmoser: you said setting up virtual maas on my local machine was probably a bad idea?19:28
smoseri would jsut do it on an isntance somewhere19:30
smoser(ie canonciastack)19:31
smoserit does all sorts of stuff that i wouldn't want to deal with19:31
smoserie, remember how it whacks /etc/resolv.conf ?19:31
natefinchsmoser: fair enough19:31
natefinchsmoser: right19:31
smoserthis is the juju charm mentality19:31
smoserjust do whatever you want to the root.19:31
smoserbut that doesn't sit so well with "i want my laptop to work"19:32
natefinchheh right19:32
rogpepperight, i'm off to bed. taxi arrives in 4 hours.21:40
rogpeppesee y'all in sf21:40
rogpeppenatefinch: i'm kinda hoping you might have got something through the post :-)21:40

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