
gary_posterMakyo, this is in the charm, right?00:00
Makyogary_poster, yeah00:00
Makyogary_poster, there's a step for `make test JUJU_ENV=ec2`, which runs unit tests fine, but barfs on integration.00:00
gary_posterMakyo, it is not outdated.  If you can't get it working quickly, though, I'd be fine with trusting that previous commits have run the tests properly.  That said...00:01
gary_posterMakyo, see the HACKING doc in the charm00:01
MakyoWas looking in the gui.00:01
gary_posterit describes how to get the plugin00:01
Makyodon't mind me.00:01
hatchgary_poster: http://jsbin.com/udiMIXo/1/edit it's a pretty trivial convention to get used to :)00:05
hatchmaybe that's why there is nothing online - people thought it was too easy00:05
gary_posterhatch, but I think it is too easy to lose00:05
gary_posterthat's where the .finally might come in00:06
hatchyep I'd be ok with that00:06
gary_posterif you forget to do that *after every single application of then* then you are hosed00:06
hatchok I'll hack a finally onto the end00:06
rick_h_gary_poster: no, they're mixed in currently I believe00:06
gary_posterhatch, also I suggested simply .then(null, console.error)00:06
gary_posterrick_h_, ?00:07
rick_h_gary_poster: re: featured/popular having their own categories?00:07
hatchgary_poster: no can do, that doesn't display the message00:07
rick_h_or collections I mean00:07
gary_posteroh, rick_h_, gotcha, thanks.00:07
hatchbut I can add a 'finally' or 'end' or whatever00:07
gary_posterhuw ^^^ I think that means we are good, then00:07
gary_posterhatch cool00:07
rick_h_hatch: k, I'll have to figure it out myself. I think you can just push it to https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charms/bundles/wiki/bundle like url00:09
rick_h_hatch: so you'd fork benji's and change it, commit, and push to ~hatch vs ~benji and it'll try to ingest it00:10
hatchoh that's trivial00:10
rick_h_hatch: rgr00:10
rick_h_hatch: not following your promises example00:13
rick_h_.end is using error which isn't defined ?00:13
hatchrick_h_: oops I forgot to lock it00:13
rick_h_meh, we'll chat later on it. I'm done for the day and can't think straight00:13
hatchhve a good one00:14
* gary_poster steps away. maybe back later. night all!00:15
hatchgary_poster: still here?00:16
hatchsorry :)00:16
hatchrick_h_: ^ if you happen to pop back in tinight00:16
hatchturns out people in the Promise world call it done() so a little cleanup to 'done' http://jsbin.com/udiMIXo/2/00:24
gary_posterhatch, that's part of the spec, or extension?00:31
hatchso short form is...00:31
gary_posterbut that is not the same s finally00:31
hatchES6 currently doesn't have a 'done' implementation (it's in debate) so the guy who wrote it wanted to keep it as close to a pollyfill for ES6 as possible. BUT other promise lib authors have a 'done' method which throws the error outside of a promise00:32
gary_posterMy "finally" would be "no matter how many dones there are, we do this at the end.00:32
gary_posteryeah that might work too00:32
gary_posterglad it is being discussed at least00:32
hatchcan't be finally though00:33
gary_posterthanks hatch00:33
gary_posterreally running away now ;-)00:33
hatchthat's a reserved word00:33
hatchhaha ok cya00:33
MakyoOne charm integration error...00:38
MakyoI know most folks are gone, but if anyone from jujugui is around, I'm running out of steam on the charm release.  One test failed.  However, given frankban's previous work, the gui release is not immediately propagated to (nor necessarily reliant on) existing services, due to the cached version within the charm itself.01:26
MakyoThe test failure is simple, and I'll try to fix it (race condition on service name already existing on an integration test), but although the GUI release was successful, the charm release is not complete.01:27
huwshimihatch: Could the promises swallowing errors make tests not fail properly either? If an assert is failing I get "timeout of 10000ms exceeded" for that test...01:51
gary_posterHey Makyo.  So the error is in a charm?02:44
gary_posterI mean02:44
gary_posterthe race condition is within the charm tests, or within the GUI?02:45
gary_posterIf it is within the charm tests, I would suggest making the charm release and filing a bug for the error02:45
gary_posterhuwshimi, not exactly.  See #2 of http://jujugui.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/javascript-promise-error-handling-tricks/02:46
huwshimigary_poster: Thanks, I'll take a look02:46
gary_posterhuwshimi, the fact that you have a hang is a real error, but the problem with promises is quite possibly hiding the real cause02:47
gary_posterMakyo, then we can work on the test failure02:47
gary_posterIt is very late I know, but if you see this and feel like it, yeah, I say push the branch if what I describe is the circumstance.02:48
gary_posterIf not, let's do it first thing tomorrow morning02:48
* gary_poster steps out for good for the evening02:49
Makyogary_poster, for tomorrow, will do. It's just one of the tests trying to deploy a service named juju-gui when one already exists; other code is fine. Either race, or old service not being torn down properly. All other tests pass. Going to push/make card.04:26
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
rick_h_bah, qa'ing ingestoin over mifi fml12:39
luca__gary_poster: Do you know if Huw has started the Cloud style guidelines stuff?12:51
frankbanguihelp: I need one review + QA for https://codereview.appspot.com/15020043 (python/quickstart). Thanks!12:52
gary_posterluca__, is that a GUI task?  it doesn't sound familiar12:59
gary_posterfrankban, looking13:00
frankbangary_poster: thanks13:00
luca__gary_poster: I asked Huw to create this: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1NFRjWW1MQkNkVWs/edit?usp=drive_web13:03
luca__gary_poster: in code13:03
gary_posterluca__, he has not started.  he's been focused on bundle work13:04
luca__gary_poster: ok13:04
gary_posterhey frankban, my quickstart output is odd (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6257180/) and machine 0's /var/log/juju/unit-juju-gui-0.log is concerning (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6257172/).  Thoughts?  Do you want machine-0 log too?  Looks like I might have to edit it to get some passwords out13:36
frankbangary_poster: hum... what version of juju-core are you using?13:37
gary_posteroh!  weird13:37
gary_poster1.14.1-saucy-amd64 .  Sorry, nm, I'll update my system13:38
frankbangary_poster: my first guess is that you still need --upload-tools13:38
gary_posterfrankban, $ which juju13:38
frankbangary_poster: weird... so, you are not using the compiled one...13:39
gary_posterfrankban, no, I flip that in and out as needed.  prefer to use released on for qa13:40
gary_posterreleased one13:40
frankbangary_poster: so it seems 1.14 is not able to find the right tools13:41
frankbangary_poster: what juju-core version do we support? 13:41
gary_posterfrankban, for quickstart I am fine with support 1.1613:42
frankbangary_poster: cool, that's what i thought.13:43
frankbangary_poster: I am trying now with juju-core from ppa:juju/stable (1.16.0)13:46
gary_posterfrankban, I had some more suggestions in rv.  Updating my system software now...13:47
frankbangary_poster: ack, agreed, thanks13:48
frankbangary_poster: and coverage for manage.run in the next branch ;-)13:49
frankbangary_poster: where do you want me to put the juju-quickstart packages? ppa:juju-gui-charmers/stable?13:52
hatchmorning all14:07
hatchrick_h_: not sure if you saw this http://jsbin.com/udiMIXo/2/edit14:08
rick_h_hatch: cool yea14:08
rick_h_hatch: looks like chrome is giving a traceback which is nice14:09
rick_h_and if we have a single helper function we re-use it makes it easy to drop a debugger in there before the console.error to step into things I think14:09
gary_posterfrankban, yes14:09
hatchexactly - I was thinking of putting that in index.html or app.js or something so that it's easy to do just that14:10
rick_h_hatch: well I'm for doing a promises.js file which adds it in the namespace. 14:10
rick_h_but yea, and app.js can include it for everyone or something14:11
hatchtrick is that it 'must' be included before any promises are used :)14:11
* rick_h_ is just hateful of putting more stuff in index/app.js14:11
rick_h_and if we need to tweak/add code ... 14:11
frankbangary_poster: ok thanks, will also copy over the required jujuclient and websocket-client binaries from the juju stable ppa14:11
gary_posterfrankban, cool--or have ours depend on stable?14:12
gary_postereither way is fine with me14:12
hatchrick_h_: yeah I'll figure out a good way to get it in there - I didn't spend much time on it last night14:12
rick_h_hatch: yea, I'm flying off the top of my head as well 14:12
frankbangary_poster: aha! nice idea, forgot we have that option14:13
* gary_poster restarts14:17
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
frankbangary_poster: in case if you are going to QA now, i pushed the changes you requested14:24
gary_posterfrankban, cool.  already in progress :-)14:25
frankbangary_poster: ok, and re ppa dependencies, I suppose they are only used during builds. We need those dependencies for apt-get installing the binary14:26
gary_posterfrankban, mm good point.  so maybe a separate PPA would be better?  We hope to put this stable eventually anyway14:26
frankbangary_poster: a separate ppa seems reasonable14:28
hatchoh Sweet there is gona be Yoga14:28
gary_posterwhy is my clock no longer showing on the desktop :-(14:28
gary_posterand the option to do so in Ubuntu setting is grayed out :-(14:29
rick_h_gary_poster: it's Makyo's latest sabotage attempt14:29
hatchgary_poster: you're in fold-space, sorry there is no time14:29
gary_posterWe don't like clocks anymore14:29
rick_h_puling no punches14:29
* hatch has been reading sci-fi lately14:29
gary_posterfrankban, qa good.  relatedly, could you comment on the juju switch branch from Frank?  Maybe my concerns are unfounded.  https://code.launchpad.net/~themue/juju-core/053-env-more-script-friendly/+merge/19164014:32
gary_posterOK trying to restart to see if I get a clock back :-/14:34
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
frankbangary_poster: what's your idea to avoid using --version before calling "juju switch"? 14:38
gary_posterMakyo's nefarious plan to deprive me of a clock on my desktop and prevent my ability to intone the sacred call to meeting has been defeated, via judicious and clever use of restarting my computer.14:38
rick_h_gary_poster: when all else fails!14:38
* Makyo shakes fist toward the heavens, "Curses! I'll get you NEXT time, Poster!"14:39
MakyoActually, got a dog laying on me.  Probably better to pet his head menacingly.14:39
rick_h_lmao, but you weren't in here earlier wtf14:39
MakyoPower outage.14:40
MakyoBut snow, so it's a trade-off.14:40
gary_posterfrankban, if 1.16 then expect format 1, otherwise expect to use flag and get format 2 <shrug>14:40
gary_posterMakyo, thank you for your heroic efforts last night.  Take off early today or something14:41
MakyoOh, np, feels good to get it out there! My charm's up and running and stable on EC2 still, so I think it's okay.14:42
MakyoHopefully just that test.14:42
frankbangary_poster: that way we still need to check "juju version", right? so what's wrong with 1.16 expect format 1, otherwise expect format 2 without flags?14:42
gary_posterfrankban, oh, yeah, same diff14:43
gary_posterfrankban, my point was that we would have to look at version number14:43
frankbangary_poster: yes, I agree. So you are were asking if another way can be found to achieve the same without having to use "juju version", correct?14:48
gary_posterfrankban, precisely.  and also I was asking if you agreed that forcing us to use version is pretty clunky, and breaking the behavior of the saucy released switch statement is a bad idea generally.14:49
Makyojujugui call in 1014:50
gary_posterI was typing it :-)14:50
frankbangary_poster: ack. I'll add a comment. unrelated: could you please create a PPA for juju-quickstart? I can only create personal ones.14:50
MakyoYeah but I was WINNING14:50
gary_posterfrankban, oh, sure.14:50
TheMuegary_poster, frankban: so dropping this CL to keep the well known behavior?14:51
TheMuegary_poster, frankban: and for future scripts maybe a new command get-env?14:52
frankbanTheMue: maybe the original --raw was a better idea. returning just the string or exiting with an error if no default env is configured14:52
gary_posterTheMue, right, new command or --raw.  I don't think saying "switch is new" is a good argument for breaking something that was released in saucy14:53
TheMuefrankban: and when used with a new env name or with --list? error message?14:53
frankbanTheMue: oh... but then we cannot distinguish between "no such argument" and "no environment". So...14:54
TheMuefrankban: yes?14:54
gary_posterTheMue, and fwiw my interest is primarily in encouring what seems like a good stewardship choice for Juju here.  We can ultimately work around whatever you all do.14:54
frankbanTheMue: "juju switch --raw" returning just an env name or nothing (empty string) if no env configured14:54
frankbanscript then can do something like try: juju switch --raw; except error: juju switch (and parse)14:55
TheMuegary_poster: reasonable14:55
frankbanTheMue, gary_poster ^^^14:55
frankbanTheMue: that way we can avoid checking the juju version14:55
TheMuefrankban: and "juju switch --raw foo" or "juju switch --raw --list foo"?14:55
TheMuefrankban: w/o raw the command is allowed that way14:56
gary_posterfrankban, sounds fine to me.  I'm basically OK with any solution that everyone else likes and does not break Juju saucy release compatibility14:56
frankbanTheMue: for the list it can be a newline separated list. for setting I don't see the value of --raw14:56
TheMuefrankban: the problem imho is, that it is a reading, listing and setting command in one, even in one run14:57
TheMuefrankban: so return an error? or do a simplified output?14:57
frankbanTheMue: or just ignore the flag?14:58
TheMuefrankban: can do, but doesn't feel very clean to me14:58
TheMuefrankban: but you're my customers, your wish is my demand *lol*14:58
Makyojujugui call in 114:59
gary_posterfrankban, https://launchpad.net/~juju-gui/+archive/quickstart-beta14:59
frankbanTheMue: re "juju switch --raw something", from the script perspective the only important thing is the exit code imho. so, the ouput could just be the raw new environment, or nothing, are what you think is consistent15:00
gary_posterTheMue, "it is a reading, listing and setting command in one, even in one run": I agree, though there is plenty of UNIX-y precendent for this sort of thing.  (/me tries to remember an example)15:00
TheMuegary_poster: maybe, but that doesn't make it better15:01
gary_posterTheMue, fair enough :-)15:01
TheMuefrankban: ok, I'll take a simplified output then15:01
TheMuefrankban: so --raw stays --raw for all operations15:01
frankbanTheMue: sounds good, the important bit is that "juju switch --raw" without a default env does not exit with an error, but just have no output15:02
frankbanTheMue: so we know that the feature is there, the flag is there, but the environment is missing15:03
frankbanTheMue: how does it sound?15:03
TheMuefrankban: eh, no arg and no default is no error but also no output? hmmm, have to make a big note in the code for it. :)15:04
frankbanTheMue: "juju switch --raw" with no env -> no error, no output, right. it seems sane to me. without --raw it is the same as now: no error, some human friendly output15:06
TheMuefrankban: yeah, it notifies a human being, but no script15:07
TheMuefrankban: btw, you know how I can set my branch back to 2 revisions before?15:07
frankbanTheMue: I guess "bzr merge . -r something" is the right command. I don't remember the "something" part15:13
TheMuefrankban: just found bzr revert -r<NUM>15:14
TheMuefrankban: yeah, worked, nice15:15
Makyojujugui someone give me the link to the hangout, diff. laptop15:24
* hatch too slow15:24
MakyoI get "The Party is Over" :S15:24
rick_h_https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Z2FyeS5wb3N0ZXJAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.t3m5giuddiv9epub48d9skdaso ?15:25
MakyoNopeā€¦ will see if I can recover on the S7615:25
hatchmaybe you need to be logged in with your canonical account15:26
MakyoI am15:26
hatchoh hmm odd15:26
hatchclick the link in the calendar?15:26
hatchthat's all I got :)15:26
MakyoDid that, got party is over, why I asked.  1sec15:26
hatchMakyo: invited15:27
hatchsee if that helps15:27
gary_posterMakyo, if you can't join soon we'll go to another room15:28
bachi rick_h_, thanks for landing my branch.  everything was good?15:31
rick_h_bac: yea, one test was removed I didn't understand, but wanted to move it along15:31
rick_h_bac: qa'd well and landed. Will watch staging15:31
bacrick_h_: thanks15:32
bacrick_h_: sorry about the lack of reviewee comments.  :(15:33
rick_h_bac: all good, it fit together as I went15:33
rick_h_I like to write 'thinking' comments so most you can ignore15:33
bacthat one test was removed b/c it was testing a side-effect that no longer occurred15:33
rick_h_ah, gotcha15:33
bacrick_h_: did you fix the typos before landing or do i need to do that as a trivial branch?15:35
rick_h_bah! I forgot in the long qa process :/15:35
bacok, i may do it in a little while15:37
rick_h_gary_poster: heads up that orange did a charmworld release yesterday I think. So some of our things (like the bundle icon and such) should play nice with manage.j.c 15:48
gary_posterrick_h_, cool, thank you15:48
rick_h_gary_poster: we'll still need another for backfill/proof but at least the release should be good against charmworld15:48
hatchshould we move our dailys earlier 1h now? I don't think there is anyone on the west coast any longer?15:48
gary_posteroh, hatch, great point.  Makyo, jujugui, wdyt?15:49
hatchthat's 9am for me, so that' gives me 1h before the meeting to get settled so I'd be ok with it15:49
frankbangary_poster: sounds good15:50
rick_h_gary_poster: +115:50
frankbanguihelp: quickstart package QA -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6258045/  (I am currently qaing this in an lxc, another QA would help, thanks!)15:53
gary_posterfrankban, why do we have to install python-software-properties?  can't our package depend on it?15:54
frankbangary_poster: python-software-properties is for apt-add-repository15:54
gary_posterfrankban, oh :-) k15:54
hatchthe icecream email is no longer legible haha15:54
gary_posterfrankban, why do we want that instead of add-apt-repository?15:55
frankbangary_poster: it's the same script: apt-add is a symlink to add-apt (I used the former because I like the spelling more ;-)15:56
gary_posterfrankban, :-) .  15:58
gary_posterfrankban, I am doing qa if was not obvious :-)15:58
frankbangary_poster: heh, thanks!15:59
gary_posterfrankban, I need saucy build, and I need amd6416:02
gary_posteror at least saucy build :-)16:02
gary_posterfrankban, I can copy one over.  Do you want me to?16:03
hatchgary_poster: chainable done() http://jsbin.com/udiMIXo/5/edit16:03
hatchnow back to real work :)16:04
gary_posterhatch that is chainable but (a) does not return or throw the error as it should and (b) it doesn't reliably happen at end16:04
frankbangary_poster: yes please, so we also require jujuclient and websocket i saucy. There are still no saucy packages in the juju stable ppa16:04
gary_poster! ok16:05
hatchgary_poster: a) nope not there yet b) no but this allows you to return a done() from your api and still have it throw reliable errors but still be chainable16:05
gary_postercool hatch16:05
hatchI may have found a way to do what you want with the wrapping but I'll work on that this weekend/next week16:06
gary_posterfrankban, python-jujuclient and python-websocket-client are in saucy itself16:06
gary_posterso they don't need to be in ppa16:06
frankbangary_poster: oh, cool16:07
gary_poster(but I copied them before I learned that :-) )16:07
rogpeppegary_poster: could you explain what the problem is with changing the output of the switch command, please?16:07
frankbangary_poster: ok, I'll delete those from ppa and make another bould of quickstart for saucy16:08
rogpeppegary_poster: i'm not sure we provide compatibility guarantees for all the output of every command, and i'm thinking this would be easy enough to work around with a simple regex match16:08
rogpeppegary_poster: i'd really like to keep things as simple as possible when we can16:08
gary_posterrogpeppe, pasting from previous bits: """I don't think saying "switch is new" is a good argument for breaking something that was released in saucy""" """fwiw my interest is primarily in encouring what seems like a good stewardship choice for Juju here.  We can ultimately work around whatever you all do.""" """I'm basically OK with any solution that everyone else likes and does not break Juju saucy release compatibil16:09
rogpeppegary_poster: i'm not sure what compatibility guarantees we provide16:10
gary_posterrogpeppe, then that's for the juju team to decide.16:10
gary_posterrogpeppe, I gave my opinion :-)16:10
rogpeppegary_poster: :-)16:10
rogpeppegary_poster: i guess i have a horror of creeping cruft that all there just because of compatibility issues16:11
rogpeppegary_poster: i'd much prefer to say "this release has changed the output of the juju switch command"16:11
gary_posterrogpeppe, completely understandable.  If you all already have a known guide for backwards compatibility decisions, then stick to it.  If you don't have a known guide, then it seems like a worthy practical/philosophical discussion to have and agreement to reach.16:12
gary_posterIt seemed like there was not a guide16:12
rogpeppegary_poster: i agree16:12
gary_posterSo I was putting in my $.0216:13
rogpeppegary_poster: thanks16:13
gary_posterwelcome, rogpeppe  :-)16:13
rogpeppegary_poster: do you have scripts that rely on the current output?16:14
gary_posterrogpeppe, yes16:14
gary_posterrogpeppe, we wanted something more machine readable and raised the issue16:15
gary_posterrogpeppe, because in 1.16 the output seems geared for humans16:15
gary_posterso I think that's where this particular discussion/branch originated16:15
rogpeppegary_poster: so would you find it awkward to cope with the format change?16:15
gary_posterrogpeppe, nope.  See above, """fwiw my interest is primarily in encouring what seems like a good stewardship choice for Juju here.  We can ultimately work around whatever you all do."""16:16
rogpeppegary_poster: ok cool16:16
gary_posterexcept s/encouring/encouraging/ :-P16:16
rogpeppeTheMue: can we then go with my proposal for the time being, and if compatibility of the switch command output is considered a significant issue, we can change it later to be compatible with 1.16 ?16:16
rogpeppeTheMue: i.e. keep it simple to start with16:17
TheMuerogpeppe: i've just changed it back *gnah*16:19
rogpeppeTheMue: sorry!16:19
rogpeppeTheMue: at least you'll still have the other stuff in the revision history...16:19
TheMuerogpeppe: I do have16:20
rogpeppeTheMue: and the current state, i mean, so if we want to revert to using --raw, we can16:21
TheMuerogpeppe: so i'll take a revision, the changes out of it and create a new clean branch *sigh*16:22
rogpeppeTheMue: no, just revert the changes and re-propose16:22
rogpeppeTheMue: i.e. bzr revert -r <previous-revision>' bzr commit16:23
TheMuerogpeppe: I've done it already with the latest revision to get back to --raw16:24
TheMuerogpeppe: now the branch is somehow unclean16:25
rogpeppeTheMue: what do you mean by "unclean"?16:26
TheMuerogpeppe: there are now more files in the change than I've changed16:26
gary_posterfrankban, still waiting on LP copy :-/ hopefully finished soon.16:26
rogpeppeTheMue: try merging trunk16:26
frankbangary_poster: yeah, that's the build I launched, waiting on the copy16:27
TheMuerogpeppe: it said "nothing to do"16:28
frankbangary_poster: it's ready!16:29
gary_posterfrankban, cool thanks :-) retrying16:29
TheMuerogpeppe: but I'll try the reverting now16:29
gary_posterfrankban, worked, and quickstart is running fine.  This is probably enough of a QA given the fact that I am now essentially doing a QA of the previous branch, but I'll see it to completion just in case :-)16:31
frankbangary_poster: thanks! I run it too. cool: from "requesting Juju GUI deployment" to "juju-gui/0 is ready" in 58 secs16:35
TheMuerogpeppe: so, proposed again, but too many also changed files16:35
TheMuerogpeppe: and merging trunk doesn't help16:35
gary_posterfrankban, :-) awesome, yeah fast for me too.16:36
gary_posterfrankban, we can add a time flag to show each step later ;-)16:36
frankbangary_poster: if you use --debug it will show times16:36
gary_posterfrankban, lol awesome16:36
gary_posterfrankban, qa good for me16:37
frankbangary_poster: great thanks. fwiw, the output with --debug: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6258353/16:39
gary_posterawesome :-)16:42
rogpeppeTheMue: ah, i understand what you've done now16:43
rogpeppeTheMue: if you're not careful you'll revert quite a few changes in trunk!16:43
TheMuerogpeppe: yes, i've done a merging of trunk before, and that has been reverted now too16:46
TheMuerogpeppe: but now I simply created a new branch, a cleaner one ;)16:46
rogpeppeTheMue: ok, fair enough16:47
rogpeppeTheMue: you can still use the original CL, i think, BTW16:47
rogpeppeTheMue: though you'll need to push --overwrite16:47
TheMuerogpeppe: has been quicker that way16:47
hatchMakyo|Air: MakyoOnAir would be a better name :)17:25
Makyo|AirOH man17:26
=== Makyo|Air is now known as MakyoOnAir
hatchlol yeah!17:26
MakyoOnAirGood call :)17:26
MakyoOnAirbzr set up and working \o/ Go set up and working \o/ Ubuntu vm mostly working \o/17:26
* hatch copies and renames the panzoommodule.....bug fixed17:29
hatchhow about we just run two identical versions of the module?17:30
hatchhonestly this is driving me nuts - I KNOW it's keeping a reference somewhere, I Just can't find it17:31
hatchand this 'fix' clearly indicates the same17:31
hatchoh look at the time...I'm sick17:31
hatch*caugh caugh*17:31
rick_h_hatch: seriously 2-line it and let's sit down next week. There's got to be a way to wrap a net around the thing getting accessed to find out who's doing it17:32
rick_h_just keep your notes so we can figure out where you are :)17:32
rick_h_and don't burn them in a rage tonight17:32
hatchI would kill for interfaces and 'frozen' objects right now17:32
rick_h_I believe I've heard this argument somewhere before?17:33
hatchwonder how long it would take me to integrate this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/freeze haha17:33
hatch*caugh* typescript *caugh*17:33
* hatch runs17:33
rick_h_hatch: yea, that's what i mean. There must be some way to wrap an attribute or a Node with a net to catch access/changes17:34
rick_h_what was that? I think you triggered one of my /ignore filters in my irc client17:34
rick_h_hatch: take a break and peek at this for me and antdillon 17:34
rick_h_hatch: ^^17:34
hatchcan do17:35
rick_h_hatch: thanks17:35
rick_h_antdillon: review and reviewer lined up ^^17:35
hatchoh I thought we weren't removing those buttons until we had a new place for them :)17:35
rick_h_don't ask me, I'm just an lbox proxy17:35
hatchI'm sure it's fine - I just remember that from a meeting or something17:36
hatchmaybe that has changed17:36
hatchI'm all for removing code!17:39
hatchespecially topology code *caugh*17:39
MakyoOnAirLets just make sure that we can get the tasks that need to be done finished, too :P17:40
hatchrick_h_: this left the assets in - intended?17:40
rick_h_hatch: again I didn't even look at it17:40
hatchohh ok I'll include that in the review17:40
rick_h_hatch: address questions to antdillon please :) I'm trying to get my tests in before EOD before I lie to gary_poster 17:40
gary_posterit's past antdillon's EOD!17:41
hatchwe work for Canonical, there is no EOD17:41
rick_h_on a friday before a trip...there's an EOD17:41
hatchor maybe that's just my crappy work/life ballance haha17:41
* MakyoOnAir makes sure to pack plenty of earplugs to drown out the sound of hatch working through the night.17:43
hatchyeah, I have two talks to write/prepare for in the coming weeks17:44
hatchprobably end up doing that at night17:44
hatchMakyoOnAir: you can help17:45
MakyoOnAirOh, and FWIW, if we can make it to caltrain, I believe that's still running, but will be busy with BART down.17:46
MakyoOnAirThat'll get us into the city, where MUNI is still running.17:46
MakyoOnAirBurlingame is a caltrain stop, I just don't know how close the hotel is to the station.17:47
MakyoOnAirKind of a stupid solution, but at least it is one.17:47
hatchso did the BART ppl actually strike?17:47
hatchlast I read it was still undecided17:47
MakyoOnAirAs of midnight last night.17:47
hatch$60-90k/yr wasn't enough I guess17:48
hatch(going from the news article I read)17:48
MakyoOnAirWith weak benefits and in the bay area? No.17:48
hatchJust because an area is expensive to live in doesn't mean you should get paid a lot to be there17:49
MakyoOnAirThat's not how cost of living disparities work.17:50
hatchwell for example - in a northern oil community here it's crazy crazy expensive to live because everyone makes so much money (150k+) but that doesn't mean the people at a gas station/coffee shop make that17:52
MakyoOnAirA location is not simply defined by the average cost of living and the average wage; otherwise, there would be no restaurants in Silicon Valley because none of the waiters would say yes to $3/hr + tips, which is going rate here in northern Colorado.17:52
MakyoOnAirThat's a manufactured community, and if you want to see how well those worked out in the past, read up on the Pullman Company communities.17:53
hatchwell this one has a few companies but I know what you're getting at17:53
MakyoOnAirMy old roommate lives in one of them. He pays $1,200/mo for a studio apartment.17:53
MakyoOnAirthey're ridiculous.17:54
gary_posterBargain for NYC ;-)17:54
MakyoOnAirRight? :D17:54
gary_posterand SFO I bet17:54
MakyoOnAirAnyway, lets save this for not-work.17:54
MakyoOnAirJust FWIW, it sounds like Caltrain and MUNI are still up and running.17:54
hatchI wonder what they get paid ;)17:55
hatchgary_poster: do you know anything about this landscape removal branch?17:56
hatchI'm trying to decide if some code should be removed or not...17:57
gary_posterhey hatch did you make the bundle with position annotations yet17:57
gary_posterhatch, no I had not seen it17:57
rick_h_benji: you around around?17:58
gary_posterhatch, I'm a bit concerned about it tbh17:58
hatchgary_poster: nope I have not17:58
hatchbut that's only because I figured out without a doubt that it wasn't the bundle causing the issues17:58
gary_posterhatch k np.  would have liked to demo it to Antonio :-)17:58
gary_posterhatch, oh ok.  want me to do it?17:58
hatchif you could, sorry I thought it was needed for next week17:58
hatchnot today17:58
gary_posterhatch re: ant's branch, make card for it and let's discuss with Luca?  Or, make absolutely sure that existing Landscape functionality is not replaced17:59
gary_posterhatch, np17:59
gary_posterit wasn't17:59
gary_posterjust had a thought that it would be nice to have now17:59
gary_posterand we should get that ready for qa anyway18:00
* gary_poster behind today. :-(18:00
hatchok well I can do it right after ants branch18:01
rick_h_bah, /me hangs head in shame. 18:03
rick_h_spent last hour trying to figure out why I can't Mock this damn thing and it's sitting in the docs with a full page and all :/18:03
hatchrick_h_: review done18:08
rick_h_antdillon: ^^18:08
bcsallerhatch: did that fix for the events work for you?18:09
hatchgary_poster: ok done the review - have you started on the new bundle or would you like me to?18:09
gary_posterhatch go for it thx18:09
hatchbcsaller: negative, there is some other 'shared' state which is causing 'this.events' in the initializer to be populated with the subscriptions already18:09
hatchbut I haven't tracked that down yet18:09
bcsallerreally seems like copying the object would fix that 18:10
hatchbcsaller: creating a clone of the panzoommodule and renaming it fixes it :P18:10
hatchbcsaller: nope the issue is that it's stored on a parent objects prototype (as far as I've got)18:10
hatchgary_poster: ok on it18:11
hatchluca__: are you actually here? :)18:15
* hatch waits for him to go offline :P18:16
luca__hatch: no :P18:16
luca__hatch: just opened my laptop :)18:16
luca__hatch: hows it going?18:16
hatchhaha sucks when that happens ;)18:16
hatchgood good - just wanted to chat about the landscape and footer removal stuff18:16
hatchbut that can wait until next week18:16
hatchsince you're not here18:16
luca__hatch: sure :)18:23
hatchrick_h_: ok I have pushed the new bundle....18:23
hatchit's auto ingest now?18:23
rick_h_hatch: hopefully, never done it myself18:24
hatchhow will I know?18:24
rick_h_if nto abentley might be able to tell us what I did wrong18:24
rick_h_hatch: it'll show up in 15ish18:24
hatchok cool - well then I'm going to go grab some lunch18:25
hatch^ gary_poster maybe the bundle will be there in 15 mins :)18:26
rick_h_hatch: well it made it to staging http://staging.jujucharms.com/~hatch/bundle/wiki/envExport18:38
rick_h_hatch: not on mjc yet18:38
hatchrick_h_: cool, works awesome :)18:47
hatchshows a definite issue with the bundle view though18:47
rick_h_hatch: cool did it hit mjc?18:47
hatchwill need some discussion18:47
hatchnot sure, I'm on staging18:48
rick_h_hmm, still no. :/18:48
* rick_h_ wonders wtf on that 18:48
hatchthat's ok though18:48
hatchat least for this use case18:48
rick_h_hatch: well it might be a sign of issues on production charmworld, so I'll disagree a bit :)18:49
rick_h_it's ok for your purposes, but hmmm'ing on my end18:49
hatchhaha ok, well for this demo :)18:49
gary_posterhatch, I see it great.  interesting that the zoom doesn't work, even without removing the two lines you mentioned :-/  Thank you for doing that!18:50
hatchgary_poster: exactly...about the zoom. heh np :)18:51
gary_posterMakyo, when you have a free moment, we have d3 pan/zoom bundle vis issue for you :-)18:51
gary_posterMakyo, http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/bundle/~hatch/wiki/6/envExport/:flags:/charmworldv3/?text=hatch18:51
gary_posterif you click on a relation18:52
gary_posterthen you get "Are you sure you want to remove this relation?" heh and ugh :-)18:52
MakyoOnAirOops :)19:08
MakyoOnAirI'll peek in a few.19:08
hatchgary_poster: maybe add to your list a discussion of a better way to do the bundle visualization19:21
hatcher better way to display it19:21
MakyoOnAirBleh, yeah.19:24
hatchI have some ideas but nothing that's really groundbreaking haha19:26
MakyoOnAirYeah, color me surprised :)19:27
* hatch opens up crayola box19:27
MakyoOnAirDo want to hear them, though.  Want to talk now or wait for next week?19:27
hatchnext week is fine, unless you are going to work on it now19:28
MakyoOnAirNah. I'm almost set up on this machine and I think, like gary_poster said, I may take off a bit early today.19:28
MakyoOnAirBut I should be set up with this computer for the sprint.  Will bring the other one just in case, maybe, but hopefully not have to use it.19:28
hatchoh awesome19:29
hatchI definitely want to see how you have it all setup19:29
MakyoOnAirIt'll just be my home machine from now on.  Certainly go enough power.19:29
hatchso what do you have in the Ubuntu vm? anything?19:30
MakyoOnAirjuju-core, go, lbox.  Used to use it for bzr, but I just tested that out and it seems to be working from metal.  I'll keep the vm set up  with it, though, just in case I need it19:31
MakyoOnAirIt's just server, though, so I don't even have X.  I just run make devel there and have networking set up so that I can see it.  All of the files are NFSd in, so I can edit locally and refresh to see changes.19:32
hatchcool cool19:33
MakyoOnAirPRobably pretty similar, just different work around to get things moving, since it's vbox instead of parallels.19:35
gary_posterhatch, ok, added.  Makyo, +119:36
rick_h_gary_poster: https://codereview.appspot.com/14789043/ if you get time. Reviewer comments added19:36
hatchahh right right19:36
rick_h_hatch: add a non-approved charm to your bundle if you get a sec please. 19:37
hatchrick_h_: FINE!19:37
rick_h_hatch: :P 19:37
hatchanyone in particular?19:37
gary_posterhatch, expose a charm too?  See if it is in the export?19:37
gary_posterrick_h_, I'll review now if you can get it landed.  if you won't do anything with it till later I'll postpone.  Zero pressure on you, just helping me prioritize.  You have time for a landing?19:38
rick_h_gary_poster: so I can get it landed today as long as you find nothing major. 19:38
gary_posterhatch bug 1241782: I guess there's our answer19:38
rick_h_if it'll be > 1hr of clean up or rework it'll have to wait until flight or CA19:38
_mup_Bug #1241782: juju-gui export does not include exposed ports <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241782>19:38
gary_posterrick_h_, ok cool, on it19:39
rick_h_hatch: actually nvm19:39
rick_h_oh wait, that's just no icon...hmmm lookin19:39
hatchso...subordinate relation lines are no longer drawn?19:39
* hatch hopes this isn't just a bug in my branch19:39
gary_posterhatch, you have to hover over the wiggly thing member?  been like that forever19:40
gary_posternot ideal19:40
hatchright, is nagios not a subordinate?19:40
rick_h_hatch: daisy19:40
rick_h_hatch: as my suggestion for non-approved charm19:41
gary_postercorrect it is not, hatch.  nrpe IIRC19:41
rick_h_hatch: no, nagios is a server, nrpe is the subordinate I believe19:41
hatchrick_h_: so you don't need my bundle updated?19:42
rick_h_hatch: yes please19:42
rick_h_hatch: with daisy19:42
rick_h_I don't know why, but just to include something :/19:42
hatchodd that a wiki bundle would have daisy but OH FINE19:42
rick_h_hatch: please, it's named 'exportedEnv19:43
hatchmaybe that's a feature request it should ask me what to name the export :)19:44
hatchto the bug tracker!19:44
hatchrick_h_:  pushed19:46
rick_h_hatch: cool, will wait for update. Want to verify all the icon/non-approved stuff works right19:47
_mup_Bug #1241804: When exporting an environment it should ask for the environment name <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241804>19:48
gary_posterrick_h_, LGTM with lots of suggestions (and no required changes!  If you are not compelled, leave it).20:11
rick_h_gary_poster: thanks, looking now20:12
rick_h_gary_poster: definitely some good ones, the original parser error should be put into the debug_info section of the ProofError for instance20:13
rick_h_gary_poster: the one thing is that the next step is to add the relation checks into BundleProof. Since it's outside the service block and more of higher level than a charm check20:14
rick_h_gary_poster: if that had been there would you feel different about the BundleProof? 20:14
rick_h_maybe not since the issue is that is still doing work/finding a charm and such20:14
rick_h_yea, not happy with that still :/20:15
gary_posterthat's what I was about to say.  the two issues were yours (imports) and mine (work)20:15
gary_posterthe relaton aspect changes none of that20:15
rick_h_gary_poster: right20:15
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, just needed to simplify the view function, but this still feels odd so will think on it some more. Maybe time to create something more substantial for the proof view than a single function in the BundleApi class20:16
gary_posterrick_h_, even if it were a view/bundleUtils.py? <shrug>20:17
rick_h_heh, yea see you commented on _proof_bundle being too big still without all that code20:17
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, it'd just be the first time everything in the Api wasn't in that single class20:17
rick_h_gary_poster: so tried to avoid it a bit, but I do like being a trend-setter :)20:17
gary_posterheh :-)20:17
rick_h_ok, thank you very much for the time to go through that gary_poster 20:18
gary_posterwelcome rick_h_ thanks for the branch :-)20:19
rick_h_off to get the boy from day care and will poke at it some more in-flight I think20:19
gary_postersafe travels!20:19
hatchhmm it doesn't appear to be updating my bundle20:21
hatchsweet fixed the bundle bug20:24
hatchI can now relax20:24
hatchwell, and clean up the disaster that is my 'working branch'20:25
MakyoOnAirhatch: [,,,].join() === ",,"20:37
gary_posterjujugui, here's my take on 0.11.0 changelog, adapted from Makyo's and bzr log -l 50, and my own fevered imagination.  Comments welcome.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6259652/20:39
MakyoOnAirOh, did that not make it in? :(20:40
gary_posterMakyo, it did!  As I said this morning on the call, I wanted to tweak it.  There were a few items that were wrong (because the kanban cards were wrong) and some items missing (only in the log) and then I wanted to rearrange from features to fixes to flagged.  I'll update the release doc with my suggested approach for the future20:41
hatchMakyoOnAir: lol love js sometimes20:41
hatchsometimes...not so much20:41
hatchgary_poster: reading20:42
MakyoOnAirOh, right, yeah.  I was trying to pick the kanban cards that weren't in the last release.  That sounds good!20:42
gary_posterlol, removing "- Prevent"20:42
hatchthat's the best part!20:43
hatchif the charm browser s/were/was20:43
hatchunless thats some proper English thing and I just can't read20:44
gary_posterhatch actually that's correct subjunctive case, pretty sure20:45
hatchgary_poster: I'd remove the 'Fullscreen charm details tabs were....' item as it's not really relevant to the users as they never had that in their codebase20:45
gary_posterhatch, yeah ok, wondered about that20:45
hatchlooks good :) although I still can't get the onboard flag to work haha20:47
gary_posterhatch yeah me either.  that's why I phrased that one the way I did :-/20:47
hatchproposing the bundle fix20:51
hatch1 line fix20:53
hatchI transfered a .ca domain name to name.com today and the email said "Your domain was transfered, that was sure fast, eh?"20:56
hatchI lol'd20:56
hatchjujugui looking for a real quick QA and review (1line) https://codereview.appspot.com/15070044/20:59
gary_posterhatch LGTM but how about a test?  should be easy enough :-) if you push back once I'll give in and give you an LGTM though :-)21:00
gary_posterhatch and good catch21:00
rick_h_hatch: you bundle is now under http://staging.jujucharms.com/~hatch/bundle/wiki/TestBundle since you changed the name between revs21:00
hatchgary_poster: thanks, and yes sorry I'll add a test21:00
hatchI still think that this is an issue with the system, but at least it's fixed properly :)21:00
gary_postercool hatch.  want me to LGTM it so you don't have to wait for me?  I'll trust you on the test :-)21:01
rick_h_and yay looks good http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/bundle/~hatch/wiki/7/TestBundle/:flags:/charmworldv3/?text=hatch#bws-charms21:01
hatchrick_h_: yeah that wasn't there when I mentioned it...must take more than 15mins sometime21:01
gary_posterhatch, eh.  it's a module global as I expected. They have a problem everywhere. :-/21:01
gary_posterThey are a problem everywhere I mean21:01
hatchrick_h_: notice that it doesn't show the unapproved charm icon in the bundle topology display?21:01
hatchgary_poster: right - but it should be using it as a reference, not as a storage on the parent prototype21:01
gary_posterhatch, we're saying the same thing IMO :-)21:02
hatchthe issue is that nested objects are passed by preference21:02
hatchoh...probably right21:02
rick_h_hatch: no, didn't notice that. I can't see it on my screen. I was checking the Token and the charms listing tab21:03
hatchsec just creating a bug with a screenshot21:04
_mup_Bug #1241839: Bundle topology does not show unapproved charm icons <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241839>21:06
hatch^ rick_h_21:06
rick_h_hatch: lol21:10
rick_h_hatch: well now you know why I wanted you to add one so badly :P21:10
gary_posterjujugui, https://codereview.appspot.com/14990046 1 review please?21:19
gary_posterfast one, especially if you already looked at the change log :-)21:19
hatchon it21:20
gary_posterthank you21:20
gary_poster:-) thanks hatch21:25
hatchno prob21:31
* gary_poster so tired, and didn't get what he needed to get done21:36
gary_posterbut EoD21:36
gary_posterSee y'all on Monday!21:36
gary_posterI'll be around off an on before then21:37
gary_posterand I'll be in SF at 9:30 AM Sunday :-P21:37
hatchhave a safe trip!21:37
hatchI'll be in around 33021:38

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