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gnuoyjamespage, do you think it makes sense to add functionality to the quantum-gateway charm to configure the IP, gateway etc of the ext-port ?09:28
RocondaHey, can anyone point me in the right direction with JuJu? Looking for a solution to use juju on multiple servers with lxc(similar to multiple local env.). Lets say I´ve got multiple local JuJu enviroments with lxc, how do they communicate with each other?11:15
marcoceppiRoconda: They don't at the moment. We have an item on the roadmap to allow for "cross-environment relations" it's not implemented yet11:17
marcoceppiRoconda: we have limited contanier support for deployed servers/services11:19
Rocondamarcoceppi: what do you recommend me, based on my situation?11:20
Rocondamarcoceppi: good to know this issue is something being worked on :-)11:20
marcoceppiRoconda: so you can create LXCs in deployed environments and co-locate/create more dense services11:20
Rocondamarcoceppi: using JuJu of without?11:22
marcoceppiRoconda: so containers is a great way to achieve what you want to do, and there is support for this currently, however there are still issues with this solution as there are networking issues11:23
Rocondamarcoceppi: Okay, I guess I will use lxc at the moment and keep an eye on the cross-env. relation. Once cross-env. works I can migrate to JuJu11:27
marcoceppiRoconda: if you're not already, subscribe to the juju mailing list and watch the [ANN] emails11:28
marcoceppiRoconda: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju\11:28
Rocondamarcoceppi: Thanks! Will do. Thanks for your help11:28
marcoceppiRoconda: while I don't have exact dates, we're looking to address these two features (and many others) within the next 6 months11:33
Rocondamarcoceppi: Ah, in that case I´ll currently use the local environment so I can easily migrate to the cross-environment. I case I do need to scale out I could migrate to Amazon. The reason why I would like to use LXC is about costs. Working on a startup so I can´t afford to run many servers on amazon atm.11:39
marcoceppiRoconda: there are more affordable cloud providers that Juju supports available. Last time I checked HP Cloud was pretty low in cost compared to AWS12:04
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kurt_jcastro: ping15:29
jcsackettsinzui: so we're hitting the request limit on the askubuntu API, thus no items.15:53
jcsackettsinzui: there's a way to get more requests, requiring auth fun. thought we could avoid it, but evidently even once a day is too often.15:53
sinzuiWe disable staging and give prod a chance to do its job15:54
* jcsackett nods15:54
jcsackettthat's a thought.15:54
jcsackettwe'll disable it on staging, see if prod picks it up tomorrow, and i'll work on the better version of api querying.15:55
sinzuilets do that for now. We saw it work on staging. We can discuss this with charmers next week15:55
* jcsackett nods15:55
jcsackettsinzui: disabling on staging is done, and a card has been added.15:58
sinzuithank you15:58
gary_posterpaulczar, last night's release of the GUI should have fixes for the bugs you reported.  please let me know if you encounter other issues.16:44
* gary_poster working on announcements16:44
paulczaryessir appears to have fixed my issues with the gui16:46
paulczarnow I have bug with juju-deployer :)16:46
_mup_Bug #1241721: juju-deployer never finishes <juju-deployer:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241721>16:46
gary_posterpaulczar, :-P looking16:46
paulczarit's still in bug-state ...so I can dig out extra debug info if you want anything16:46
gary_posterpaulczar, plus small internal "yay" for gui ;-)16:46
gary_posterpaulczar, hazmat probably is person to investigate eventually.  Out of curiosity though, do I understand correctly that, according to status and gui, you have all expected services but no relations?16:50
paulczarlooks like rabbit is in pending state16:50
paulczarso that might be holding it up16:51
gary_posterthat smells more like a juju issue, yeah :-/16:51
hazmatodd.. still deployr should timeout w error16:51
paulczaroh I found it!16:51
paulczar  "4":16:51
paulczar    agent-state-info: '(error: invalid URL "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson"16:51
paulczar      not found)'16:51
paulczarI'll add the whole juju status16:51
paulczaradded as a comment16:52
paulczarbut that url works fine for me16:52
gary_posterpaulczar, I'm fishing for help for you...16:55
paulczarthanks :)16:55
paulczarfinally hit some sort of timeout and juju-deployer continued through17:05
paulczarbut obviously still a failed deploy17:05
gary_posterpaulczar, I guess that's good, in that you can probably work around it after the deployment.  So far everyone in the juju-dev pool I asked were at their EoD.17:06
paulczaryeah, just going to suck if I submit a charm contest entry which can't follow the contest instructions17:08
paulczarwill need big walls of text in the readme :)17:08
marcoceppipaulczar: 1.16.0 ?17:19
paulczarappears to be intermittant17:24
paulczarI ran again and it went through17:25
paulczarso guessing its not error handling well when a URL doesn't respond briefly17:25
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paulczarthe juju-gui export doesn't seem to export which services are exposed.  is this on purpose? or should I file bug ?17:27
gary_posterpaulczar, hm.  that sounds like a bug, yeah, assuming normal deployer formats support this. :-/ thank you17:30
gary_postershould be easy to do, but inconvenient timing17:30
paulczarI'll test through again to make sure ... I didn't miss setting it17:31
paulczarthen will file17:31
adam_gis it possible to configure the network used by the local provider?17:59
marcoceppiadam_g: not that I know of at this time18:24
adam_gthat stinks18:25
paulczarin my experience if you can get the local provider to work at all you should be happy :)18:40
adam_gpaulczar, its working good for me.. maybe too good. i have a local provider running on my local system and a remote system, but would like to be able to address them both18:52
paulczarmine doesn't seem to be able to get working ssh keys in the lxc containers ... so I can't juju debug-log or juju ssh or anything18:54
adam_gpaulczar, oh, maybe you're hitting this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/123657718:56
_mup_Bug #1236577: container's /home/ubuntu/ spawns with incorrect permissions, preventing SSH access <theme-oil> <lxc (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1236577>18:56
adam_gpaulczar, i had the same issue18:56
paulczarit says they fixed ...  did you have to pull something from a master branch?   or was it fixed through to the apt-repos ?18:58
adam_gpaulczar, it was fixed in LXC, not juju19:00
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sidneihazmat: patch landed in lxc, so progress20:10
hazmatsidnei, awesome20:10
ahasenackis there a way to use, say, the "ubuntu" charm, but on saucy?20:11
ahasenackthe charm seems to exist only in the precise namespace20:11
sidneiahasenack: if you check it out locally, put into a saucy directory in your local repo, then --repository=... local:ubuntu?20:12
ahasenackthat I didn't try yet20:13
ahasenackI was looking for command-line options I may have missed20:13
ahasenackI had to use this:20:16
ahasenackroot@server-1e8400be-2e1c-469a-b794-62a5c587da47:~# juju deploy  --to 2 --repository $(pwd)/charms local:saucy/ubuntu ubuntu-saucy-container20:16
ahasenackwithout the saucy bit in local:saucy/ubuntu it would still try precise20:16
ahasenackI have charms/saucy/ubuntu/resto-of-the-charm20:16
sidneiahasenack: probably from default-series in the environments.yaml defaulting to precise20:17
ahasenackcould be. There was no default-series under the "local" environment though, only the others, so i assumed it didn't apply20:17
ahasenacksince local will use whatever I'm running20:17
ahasenackand indeed, the bootstrap node is saucy20:18
sidneii think that was the case in pyjuju20:18
ahasenackhm, I wanted to relate landscape-client to this one, but doesn't work, also because landscape-client only exists in the precise namespace20:18
ahasenackbummer, not friendly to non-precise workloads20:19
sidneifile a bug! i think this could well be a command-line option20:20
ahasenackthe question is if all charms are supposed to work on all series20:21
ahasenackprobably not20:21
Nik_does anyone know if juju clients newer than 0.6.1 (precise) would be backwards compatible with agents running on machines running precise. Since I can't easily move up the release for juju (using MAAS), I wonder if I can upgrade the clients for deploy --to functionality and some bugfixes20:31
cottonhow does os x juju work.. does it create containers directly inside OS X?  or does it require a linux VM for an LXC host..20:36
sarnoldcotton: there are a variety of "providers" that actually speak to whatever "cloud" backend you have. it might be aws or azure or openstack or "local" (lxc, linux-only) or "null" (bad name, hope that changes, that uses ssh)20:58
cottonah ok20:59
sarnoldcotton: the ssh-based provider may be able to host workloads on OS X alright, but I'm not sure how far that has been tested.20:59
sarnoldcotton: using the juju frontend on OS X ought to be well-tested, or at least intends to be well tested. :)20:59
cottonso i can run juju on my mac via brew, then control a 'local' lxc cloud inside an ubuntu vm also?21:00
cottonalso, does juju have charms that take care of HA clusters?  aka corosync/drbd/etc21:01
marcoceppicotton: yes, so for the local provider on Mac/Windows, we utilize Vagrant to spin up a VM and run a special Ubuntu image inside that21:01
cottonyea ok i see HAcluster http://d.pr/i/8QEH21:01
cottonah ok21:01
marcoceppicotton: so you need to vagrant up/vagrant ssh, then run juju commands inside the VM21:01
marcoceppicotton: it's not a perfect story yet, just a stop gap :)21:01
cottonok hah21:02
marcoceppicotton: but outside of the local provider, all other providers/commands work on OSX with the native OSX juju client from brew21:03
cottonnice thanks21:03
sarnoldmarcoceppi: ha! you've got vagrant support going already? damn you guys are busy :)21:08
marcoceppisarnold: the other way around21:08
sarnoldmarcoceppi: ha! vagrant has juju support already? damn those guys are busy! :)21:08
marcoceppisarnold: we have a juju vagrant image which has local provider dependecies. So you can up a vagrant instance and get juju all installed witha  deployed local environment and the gui21:09
marcoceppisarnold: hah!21:09
sarnoldmarcoceppi: that's pretty cool :D21:09

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