
apacheloggerScottK: kde bug 326170, kde bug 326172, kde bug 326173, kde bug 32617500:00
ubottuKDE bug 326170 in muon "releasechecker forked more than once" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617000:00
ubottuKDE bug 326172 in muon "releasechecker uses busy wait" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617200:00
ubottuKDE bug 326173 in notifier "statusnotifier disappears too soon" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617300:01
ubottuKDE bug 326175 in misc "releasechecker should be called WAY less" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617500:01
apacheloggeroh actually I think I know why discover is not used for update management00:01
apacheloggerit probably has no support for release updates :P00:02
apacheloggerof course now is a bad time to check because there is no dev series ^^00:03
valoriegosh, ubuntu is still refusing connections on the torrents page01:56
valoriepicky picky picky01:56
ScottKapachelogger: But wait.  There's more:  KDE Bug 326176, KDE Bug 326177, KDE Bug 32617802:04
ubottuKDE bug 326176 in updater "After checking updates, display is not updated to show package availability of revised last checked time" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617602:04
ubottuKDE bug 326177 in updater "U/I to update sources missing" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617702:04
ubottuKDE bug 326178 in discover "No feedback provided when retrieving updated sources after sources change" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32617802:04
Jekyllany idea about https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=306344 ? 04:14
ubottuKDE bug 306344 in installer "KNSBackend crash when switching views in MSC" [Crash,Reopened]04:14
valorieJekyll: jontheechidna hasn't been around much in IRC recently04:20
valorieI assume he'll respond on the bug04:20
seaLneScottK: when you were getting those problems with muon did you check if there was a lock file in place, can't remember the location but the generic one that also stops apt-get. That turned out to be why muon wasn't appearing to do anything for me, apart from making the system tray icon appear04:33
ScottKseaLne: There are times where it is, in fact updating, so it's not locked.05:05
seaLneok, just thought i'd say incase it was related. mine most likely just got upset at some point05:11
* valorie shares the Hennessey around the channel05:16
valoriebuntu torrent server still refusing connections05:18
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RiddellScottK: bug 1240951 for sru review08:38
ubottubug 1240951 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Saucy) "installation pages should be removed from kubuntu-docs" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124095108:38
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apacheloggerScottK: you make it look as if the updater was entirely broken :P09:36
soeegood morning09:36
Riddellthere's a new plasma-nm, do we do an SRU which might fix our crash on upgrade or not bother since it's faffy to upgrade back to the old kded and plasmoid names10:10
Riddellbug 123136010:10
ubottubug 1231360 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "crash on upgrade from networkmanagement to plasma-nm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123136010:10
Riddellhmm muon upgrader says my system is up to date when I know there's new stuff that could be installed10:12
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apacheloggerRiddell: we went on abug reprot spree on updater yesterday10:41
apacheloggerthere's quite some issues10:41
apacheloggerand as for plasma-nm, I'd look into how reliably we can roll users to the new names10:42
apacheloggerif there is a tiny chance it can go wrong I'd use a different approach10:42
apacheloggerRiddell: what I have been thinking about... if the plasma-nm people planon doing another release before the end of the year we may want to SRU that as well, so to enable that I'd pick the new plasma-nm and patch it the other way around (i.e. lower version and patch names of kded/applet to match what we have)10:43
apacheloggers/planon/planing on/10:44
kubotuapachelogger meant: "Riddell: what I have been thinking about... if the plasma-nm people planing on doing another release before the end of the year we may want to SRU that as well, so to enable that I'd pick the new plasma-nm and patch it the other way around (i.e. lower version and patch names of kded/applet to match what we have)"10:44
Riddellapachelogger: why would we want to patch names to what we currently have?11:51
Riddellshadeslayer_: Quintasan: did either of you look at the telepathy PPA? david queries it a while ago and I don't know if anyone got back to him12:02
Riddell!newversion calligra 2.7.412:06
ubottuRiddell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:06
Riddellkubotu: newversion calligra 2.7.412:06
Riddellyay :)12:06
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smartboyhwahoneybun is applying for Kubuntu membership, nice12:27
smartboyhwHe will probably get a cleaner vote than mine:P12:31
RiddellI think we were all happy to have you as a member12:34
smartboyhwRiddell, I don't know why, but everytime I apply for such membership/developer stuff it doesn't go as good as I wished (LOL)12:35
Riddellsmartboyhw: well we're very glad to have you!12:42
smartboyhwRiddell, I know, just hoping that ahoneybun gets the application very good;P12:44
agateauRiddell: I have a fix for the "back-button-of-death" bug in Ubiquity. Have you filed a bug on LP?12:58
Riddellagateau: oh cool, yeah hang on12:59
Riddellbug 124085912:59
ubottubug 1240859 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "if wireless step is skipped impossible to go back a step" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124085912:59
Riddellagateau: ↑12:59
agateauRiddell: ok, thanks13:00
agateauthe bug was not related to wireless, it just happens that (I guess) wireless is the first time we have a skippable page in the kde ui13:02
agateaumy fix is similar to a fix done in 2007(!) on the GTK frontend13:03
Riddellback in the day13:03
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jalcineBBoD; sounds like a band13:12
Riddellagateau: looks simple enough, I'll upload it, thanks13:12
agateauRiddell: great13:13
smartboyhwRiddell, BTW is ahoneycutt's vote in UTC or own timezone when viewed in Doodle?13:27
smartboyhwI'm not a KC member, but really would like to support him13:27
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Riddellsmartboyhw: I assumed it was UTC13:28
Riddellbut you'd need to ask him13:28
smartboyhwRiddell, sure13:36
ScottKapachelogger: re the updater - I'm sure it's OK if you wait for it to d it's automatice check for new packages and let you know, however if you try to manually check for udpates, yeah, it's pretty broken.  Certainly a substantial regression from what was there before.14:02
smartboyhwTrusty Tahr -- The new T codename http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/129514:03
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | 13.10 released | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ | T cycle codename is Trusty Tahr, see http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | 13.10 released | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ | T cycle codename is Trusty Tahr, see http://goo.gl/sf3YXa
BluesKajHiyas all14:08
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shadeslayer_Riddell: apachelogger http://i.imgur.com/WMWd7Bm.png14:14
Riddellshadeslayer_: ooh!14:15
Riddellshadeslayer_: could do with a vertical spacer at the bottom though :)14:15
shadeslayer_heh yeah14:15
ScottKRiddell: The kubuntu-doc package itself looks fine, but the bug needs the usual SRU stuff added to it.14:26
RiddellScottK: test case added14:31
shadeslayer_Riddell: http://i.imgur.com/1eMWf19.png14:31
Riddellshadeslayer_: lovely :)14:34
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:35
jefferaiHi Kubuntu people. I have a question that I think one of you packagers might know the answer to.15:17
jefferaiThe question is this: when statically linking, how do CFLAGS of different static libraries affect each other?15:17
jefferaifor instance, if one libary is built with -O2 and your executable is built with -O3, is this an issue?15:17
jefferaiI imagine it isn't because static linking still has those libraries as distinct entities so CFLAGS don't really bug each other15:17
jefferaibut I'm not sure and figure someone else might know better15:17
jefferai(I'm also interested in whether these days you still get a noticeable boost from static linking. Reading around suggests that yes, you do, but that it depends on how many shared library calls you're making)15:17
shadeslayer_I don't think it makes a difference, but I have very little experience with static linking15:20
Riddelljefferai: we don't use static libraries so I guess there's not much experience here15:22
jefferaiRiddell: Sure. But packagers tend to know more about the linking process than I do in general  :-)15:22
Riddelljefferai: I suspect that dynamic loading still takes a long time but haven't tested15:22
jefferaidynamic loading isn't a huge concern for me; if it takes a few extra seconds to load and will run for 6 months I don't really care15:23
jefferaiI saw an IBM article which said that the extra translation causes a performance degredation when calling shared library routines; at the same time dynamic linking, because it shares copies in memory, reduces the risk of expensive page faults15:24
jefferaibut no indication which one is likely to trump the other :-)15:24
shadeslayer_Riddell: can you fire up a python3 shell15:26
shadeslayer_Riddell: and run these 3 lines http://pastebin.kde.org/puushiub215:27
shadeslayer_and then pastebin the result15:27
Riddellshadeslayer_: http://pastebin.kde.org/p64gcqqpd15:32
Riddellbut I have a nice thinkpad without evil hardware in it15:33
geniiThey've certainly gone downhill since IBM stopped making them.15:34
shadeslayer_anyone with evil hardware15:34
shadeslayer_with evil proprietary drivers installed15:35
smartboyhwshadeslayer_, not here, I ran it and same result (and please, no evil proprietary drivers>_>15:35
geniishadeslayer_: I'm using nvidia15:35
shadeslayer_genii: could you run these 3 lines http://pastebin.kde.org/puushiub215:35
geniishadeslayer_: OK, hang on a bit15:38
geniishadeslayer_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6257975/15:41
smartboyhwgenii, use usr/bin/python3 instead?15:41
shadeslayer_do you have python3-apt15:42
shadeslayer_smartboyhw: no that's fine, I have python3.315:42
shadeslayer_and it works15:42
shadeslayer_I think he's missing python3-apt : ImportError: No module named apt_pkg15:42
geniishadeslayer_: apt-cache policy python3-apt:      Installed:
ScottKshadeslayer_: I have evil hardware, but not with me.  I can do it tonight or tomorrow if no one else does.15:43
geniiSame exact error if I use the /usr/bin/python3.2    ( there is also just python3 there, should i try that? )15:45
shadeslayer_IIRC python3 is just a symlink15:45
debfxshadeslayer_: http://pastebin.kde.org/parc7eaok15:46
ScottKRiddell: Accepted into proposed.15:46
shadeslayer_ok so not limited to my machine then15:46
shadeslayer_Ubuntu Drivers should return a 'selected' key for the currently selected driver15:47
shadeslayer_except that it does not 15:47
debfxalso not very efficient, taking nearly 48s15:47
shadeslayer_well, can be improved, those 2 commands recreate the cache15:48
BluesKajdkms status will show the graphics driver in use15:49
BluesKajif it's the non default15:49
shadeslayer_BluesKaj: Ideally UbuntuDrivers would provide the information15:49
shadeslayer_I've emailed Albert about it15:49
geniiAh, I didn't notice that python3 links to python3.3 . When I use that instead, it just churns for a bit with no output whatsoever and returns to command prompt after about 30 seconds15:50
shadeslayer_wow, really? works with python3.3?15:50
shadeslayer_and doesn't with 3.215:50
geniishadeslayer_: Correct, yes15:50
debfxpython3.2 isn't in the archive anymore since raring so it's not surprising that it's broken15:51
geniishadeslayer_: Here, the python3.2 links to python3.2mu  if it makes any difference15:52
shadeslayer_debfx: this is also fun http://pastebin.kde.org/pridgdsbp15:54
ScottKshadeslayer_ and genii: Makes complete sense because Python extensions are only built for supported python vresions.15:58
ScottKIt's no surprise at all that python3-apt doesn't support it.15:58
ScottKThis is a feature, not a bug.15:59
afiestasapachelogger: ping16:04
apacheloggerafiestas: pong16:15
apacheloggerScottK: it also failed with auto detected updates... alas I got a notification but muon-updater then said there are no updates until I did a manual check16:16
ScottKapachelogger: Fun.  Perhaps I was being too kind in my bug reports.16:17
apacheloggerI am not too happy about the premature inclusion of pre-release muon for the sake of getting discover16:17
geniiHm. Jockey reports that no proprietary drivers are in use on this sytem, however, lsmod begs to differ.16:21
shadeslayer_want to try my app ? :P16:21
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I think you neesd someone with UI knowledge to make that more pleasing to the eye :P16:22
geniishadeslayer_: Do i need to be running drivers from stock repos for this stuff to work properly? Because I'm actually running xorg-edgers for my nvidia16:22
shadeslayer_genii: no16:23
ScottKgenii: Jockey has suffered from some bit rot since only Kubuntu is still using it.  I fixed it to support install for saucy release, but other problems don't particularly surprise me.16:23
shadeslayer_apachelogger: so, not you? :D16:23
apacheloggerI am better at writing perl than I am at making UIs not suck donkey balls16:23
geniishadeslayer_: I'll give whatever you got a go and report back if you like16:24
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I do think we have widgets for that though16:24
apacheloggerbased of qframe16:24
apacheloggerwould at least provide continuity16:25
shadeslayer_genii: lp:~rohangarg/+junk/driver-manager-kde 16:25
apacheloggershadeslayer_: and I think the window size is off :P16:25
shadeslayer_genii: you'll need to edit driver-manager-kde.py to fix the path16:25
shadeslayer_for the designer file16:25
geniishadeslayer_: OK16:25
shadeslayer_the buttons don't work ofcourse ^_^16:26
apacheloggerhow can the buttons not work?16:26
shadeslayer_by not doing anything 16:26
apacheloggerthat's two connects16:27
apacheloggerin fact you can even connect it to the qdialog via designer16:27
geniishadeslayer_: Doesn't like me trying to get into the +junk directory16:27
apacheloggerit's da first thing I do when I put a button somewhere :P16:27
shadeslayer_I need to look at muon api first :)16:28
apacheloggerthe shining is a very weird movie16:29
shadeslayer_hmm not sure how to make this integrated into muon16:30
apacheloggerdrop it16:30
apacheloggerrewrite in c++16:30
apacheloggeractually I do strongly believe that what you need to do is python bind libmuon/libqapt16:31
shadeslayer_I have no idea what python bind libmuon/libqapt is16:32
apacheloggergenerate a python binding module for the libraries16:32
apacheloggera la pykde16:32
apacheloggerotherwise you cannot access muon16:32
apacheloggerand as I said the other way is to write in c++ and then use cpython to access the python bits inside the c++ code (which is more of a pain than getting bindings generated)16:33
apachelogger... at least cpython was rather painful last I looked at it which was a while ago but I doubt anyone wrote a more usable API yet :P16:34
apacheloggershadeslayer_: http://pythonqt.sourceforge.net/16:36
ScottKIt's already packaged, FYI.16:38
shadeslayer_lets rewrite this in C++!16:38
apacheloggerquestion is which way is the better16:38
shadeslayer_apachelogger: well, we get Muon integration the other way around16:39
apacheloggerbecause IMO python bindings may be useful in the long run16:39
apacheloggerso I'd talk with JT about this16:39
apacheloggersee what he thinks16:39
ScottKGetting a standalone move from jockey to ubuntu-drivers would be a big win.  So don't stop while youre getting the integration sorted.16:42
shadeslayer_well, all I need to sort out is the installation part16:43
shadeslayer_and I'll have a basic prototype which works16:43
shadeslayer_I suppose I could just use the apt bindings for now16:44
shadeslayer_and show a dialog16:44
geniiAh, nvm, was code.launchpad.net :) , I'm there now16:45
shadeslayer_apachelogger: could you have a look at lp:~rohangarg/+junk/driver-manager-kde 17:29
shadeslayer_and tell me why the hell is it not running?17:29
shadeslayer_nvm nvm17:30
claydohare daily builds for packages in kubuntu updates ppa the norm now?18:00
shadeslayer_Riddell: http://i.imgur.com/VsAcSHu.png18:16
shadeslayer_apachelogger: ^^18:16
* ScottK waves to claydoh.18:23
ScottK(no idea about your question)18:23
shadeslayer_claydoh: might want to ask yofel18:23
claydohhi shadeslayer_ and ScottK, A forum user was wondering about all the daily packages he has been getting since upgrading to saucy, he has the updates ppa enabled18:25
claydohthe "git" in the versioning is the concern I guess :)18:27
shadeslayer_ScottK: claydoh how do you guys like http://i.imgur.com/VsAcSHu.png18:32
claydohshadeslayer_:  nice18:35
ScottKshadeslayer_: Looks nice.  I think it'll be much better than the current Jocky U/I.18:41
ScottKJockey ...18:41
ScottKshadeslayer_: What's the maximum height your U/I will need?  Please keep it un 550 pixels.18:56
kubotuScottK meant: "unshadeslayer_: What's the maximum height your U/I will need?  Please keep it un 550 pixels."18:56
shadeslayer_ScottK: me and afiestas just discussed some issues about width18:56
ScottKNo, I didn't.18:56
shadeslayer_and height18:56
shadeslayer_for eg. the Device text might get too wide18:56
shadeslayer_or we might have a bazillion drivers needed18:57
shadeslayer_( The most proprietary laptop in the world )18:57
ScottKWe should support a 576 x 800 netbook and with a 24 px panel, that leaves ~500.18:57
shadeslayer_I'll fix that tomorrow18:57
shadeslayer_need to head back home now18:57
ScottKshadeslayer_: I'd also ask Pitt and tseliot for thoughts on U/I.18:58
ScottKerr pitti18:58
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soeehi guys21:04
ScottKsoee: Great job on all the ISO testing.  Thanks.21:14
soeebest distro deserved that :]21:15
ahoneybunScottK: can you vote on the doodle for my membership meeting>21:19
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1241859] package libqtgui4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: lectura insuficiente en buff... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1241859 (by Lucas Germán Burgos)22:47
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ahoneybunhey valorie23:13
valoriehi ahoneybun23:13
ahoneybunit seems that the installation page was inclued23:13
valoriedamn it, I asked over and over for that to be removed23:14
valoriefor two weeks23:14
ahoneybun I talked to lordievader about it he did remove it from the package just someone needed to upload it or build it 23:15
ahoneybunsomething like that23:15
valorieI guess people who have already installed won't bother to look at the install section23:16
valoriebut still, it looks BAD23:16
valoriethere are notes in there, and it just plain isn't finishe23:16
ahoneybunanyway we got the docs on there23:16
valoriefine for a wiki23:16
apacheloggerfiling bugs helps with getting issues resolved :P23:17
valorienothing else23:17
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valorieafaik, a bug was filed23:17
apacheloggeronly seen one from JR filed on release day or something like that23:17
valorieI was asked, and I gave an answer23:17
valoriehad I been asked to file a bug, I would have done so23:17
valorietoo late now23:17
apacheloggersince you need to look into l10n ... I guess it would be worthwhile to also work out a way to get certain pages not exported23:18
valorienext time we'll have it done23:18
apacheloggerand ultimately not by having a manual balcklist in whatever creates the package export23:18
apacheloggere.g. a special category or something (kinda depends on the wiki sofwtare I guess ^^)23:18
ahoneybunI think we need to clear that lp for the package as those bugs are all old23:18
valoriewell, ultimately we want to ship only the mini-doc package, in docbook23:19
apacheloggerhuh? :P23:19
valoriethe wiki -> website is fine, for the website23:19
ahoneybunvalorie: lordievader is moving a test page to MediaWiki23:19
valorieyes, good old xml23:19
ahoneybunto see how the export works there23:19
apacheloggervalorie: so what's on the CD?23:19
valorieapachelogger: afaik, the website23:19
apacheloggerahoneybun, lordievader: talk to upstream first23:19
apacheloggervalorie: so what's docbook used for then? I am confused :/23:20
ahoneybunapachelogger: they use MediaWiki 23:20
valorieapachelogger: it will not work for us to use the KDE infra for our wiki23:20
apacheloggerahoneybun: I mean if they ever looked into export etc.23:20
valoriewe either use the Ubuntu wiki, or our own install of mediawiki23:20
ahoneybunapachelogger: true23:20
valoriesure, they export all the time23:20
apacheloggervalorie: yes23:20
apacheloggervalorie: I did not say we should use their infrasturcutre, I said we shoudl talk to them23:21
valoriethat's how the Amarok Handbook is made23:21
apacheloggerbecause doing research our friends at KDE did already is kind of a waste of time :P23:21
valorieI agree23:21
ahoneybunI'm just looking for what gives us the best docs23:21
valorieand I've talked to them23:21
ahoneybunand does not waste time like apachelogger said 23:21
valorieof course23:21
valoriewe're raking over ground we covered while starting this up23:22
ahoneybunYea we talked about MediaWiki before23:22
=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_
valoriethe problem I have with installing our own wiki is 1. upkeep and 2. abandoning the great Ubuntu wiki stuff23:23
valoriebut damn, moinmoin sucks23:23
ahoneybunvalorie: agreed in areas23:23
valoriethere is no perfect answer23:23
valoriewe just have to choose a path and move ahead23:24
ahoneybunvalorie: amarok uses mediawiki right?23:24
ahoneybunand they use docbook.23:24
valoriewe don't use our own wiki any more because upkeep is hell23:25
valoriethat script is available to us23:25
apacheloggerclaydoh: oh, btw, saucy subforums on kf.net could need fiddling with, there's still only pre-release apparently23:25
valoriethe translation tools are available to us23:25
ahoneybunwhat about making a odf, a text file23:25
valoriethat is also possible23:25
valoriewhen enabled23:26
ahoneybunI like that idea Mint does that I believe23:26
valorieso that it can be easily read on devices23:26
apacheloggerI think html is more accessible on devices than odf23:26
valorieI have an old copy of the handbook on my kindle23:26
ahoneybunyea we could have both23:26
valoriewell, you can do all kinds of output23:26
ahoneybunI mean it is for the mini docs23:26
apacheloggerwhat are mini docs?23:27
ahoneybunonly do this for the mini docs the main will be the site23:27
valorieapachelogger: we want to have a small subset of the docs which are well translated23:27
ahoneybunapachelogger: basic starter things23:27
valoriethe parts that rarely change23:27
apacheloggershouldn't that be all the docs?23:28
ahoneybunapachelogger: too much for a small team23:28
apacheloggeri.e. everythign else ought to be covered by help.ubuntu.com23:28
apacheloggerso IMO docs.kubuntu == what we ship in the package and what is well translated; help.ubuntu all the other rubbish (like how do I set up an openconnect vpn or whatnot)23:29
valorieapachelogger: would be great to get them all translated, but where are the people to do that?23:29
apacheloggervalorie: ubuntu l10n team, who you probably also should talk to23:29
valoriethat is a good idea, yes23:30
apacheloggerat least german kubuntu stuff is being translated ;)23:30
apacheloggerand polish23:30
valoriebut I believe they also work from the docbook23:30
apacheloggerthough the polish one has 3 untranslated strings in ubiquity (what a shame :()23:30
ahoneybunvalorie: maybe work on the mini docs mostly and then try to expand with the help of the l10n team>23:30
apacheloggervalorie: not entirely... it's a paragraph export from docbook to launchpad, so you have docbook markup and each paragraph as one translation unit23:31
apacheloggerso I guess you should poke them about what they think about translating inside a wiki, if that would work for them, concerns etc.23:32
valorietranslating inside a wiki sounds like a nightmare23:32
valorieoutside of the tools for mediawiki23:32
apacheloggeractually launchpad sounds worse23:32
valoriemoinmoin is already a nightmare.....23:32
ahoneybunvalorie: even more in moinmoin lol23:32
apacheloggervalorie: moinmoin is a nightmare no matter waht23:32
valoriesome how ahoneybun manages to make it behave23:32
apacheloggerit's just not a good wiki IMO23:32
apacheloggerbut that's another story23:32
apacheloggervalorie: point is...if they think translating inside a wiki given appropriate tooling is something they see themselfs doing and enjoying then that should be the added to the equation23:33
ahoneybunapachelogger: thanks for the help23:33
apacheloggerif they are indifferent it doesn't matter, and if they absolutely want launchpad then having sane docbook export must be a selection criteria for the wiki23:34
ahoneybunvalorie: off-topic seems that the 25 of this month is a good meeting time23:34
valorieapachelogger: thank you for that23:34
valorieahoneybun: works for me23:34
ahoneybunI'm just waiting to see if anymore council vote in23:35
apacheloggerScottK: seems muon is still crashing despite last minute fixery -.-23:35
ahoneybunvalorie: looks like we need to talk to more people23:35
valorieyou don't need the council for membership, I think?23:35
valoriejust other kub. members23:35
valorieI could be wrong23:35
apacheloggerScottK: I really do question the entire pre-release testing process by now23:35
ahoneybunvalorie: I need a meeting at the least23:35
valorieof course23:35
valoriework on your page!23:36
ahoneybunI did a but23:36
ahoneybunjust don't know when I should close the poll23:36
apacheloggerScottK: like how does it go unnoticed that the thing is entirely broken for like 2 months until I accidentially stumble upon it because I didn't even know it was still installed...23:36
apacheloggerahoneybun: when you close it you close it :P23:36
valorieok, I have to get away from this computer for now23:37
valoriettyl peeps23:37
apacheloggerScottK: seems apol's fix was no good23:40
apacheloggeror incomplete23:40

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