
JMichaelX2nd machine seems to have upgraded smoothly, as well :-)00:23
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chachanI have a laptop with a connected monitor. It turns out that my skype notifications are appering in the monitor which is not the primary output, any idea how to change this behavior?01:18
mylarIs lsb_release -i supposed to return Ubuntu or Kubuntu in 13.10? I think it is causing some problems with UEFI booting.01:38
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valoriemylar: mine says ubuntu, and i'm kub all the way01:55
SunTsumylar: 13.04 also says Ubuntu01:56
mylargrub won't boot unless i copy the /boot/efi/EFI/kubuntu to /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu02:01
mylaror manually run configfile with the kubuntu path at the crash prompt02:03
SunTsumylar: looks like that's new, I don't have /boot/efi on 13.0402:06
mylarI installed it in UEFI mode so it creates a ~500MB fat32 partition mounted on /boot/efi02:09
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bill_vbcanyone know what the issue is with touchpads on kubuntu 13.10?02:14
skreech__bill_vbc: A bit more info?02:18
bill_vbcjust upgraded and rebooted and touch pad functionality is missing like two fingers to scroll, tap and drag etc.02:23
bill_vbcvery little info on the web....02:24
skreech__Synaptic is working?02:24
bill_vbcmost I saw was something that looked like a bug filed on ubuntu regarding synaptic and some driver02:24
bill_vbcI as assume I should see synaptic in ps... just a sec02:25
bill_vbcyeah, its running02:26
skreech__I'm seeing bugs filed against the touchpad02:27
bill_vbcyeah... one says the guy won't be able to get to it till Nov 102:28
bill_vbcI guess I'll plug in a mouse... too much stuff on here to do a reinstall...02:29
bill_vbchopefully they get to it02:29
bill_vbcwas working fine in 113.0402:29
bill_vbcMust advise not to use 13.10 on a laptop till someone can fix this02:29
bill_vbchave a happy friday night02:30
valoriehmmm, I'm having no problem with touchpads in 13.10, on 3 different laptops03:17
Kalidarnhmm, is there an issue with nvidia and kernel 3.11 at the moment?03:57
Kalidarnjockey can't seem to find any drivers compatible with the kernel03:58
beata-jakejoin #bipolar04:47
odelso, anong balita?05:01
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apb_so I just installed a package with apt-get install .... but it doesn't show up on the K menu... how do I make packages show up - hopefully without logging out??06:17
odelmake a shortcut?06:22
odelfind the command line equivalent and make a shortcut of it?06:22
F41LHeyo, having some issues with Kubuntu with 13.10. Firstly, I had updated my box to the beta 2 release a few days ago and subsequently lost everything except my cursor. Black background, no other discernable UI, no login screen. I ran recovery mode and fixed packages. I selected resume startup and it did so normally. Made it to desktop, everything looked dandy. So I rebooted and was faced again <c>06:31
F41Lwith the same issue. So I've got a 13.10 actual release DVD I just made to try and install fresh, it displays the same issue with the installer. Except there is randomly colored pixels across the screeen. I hit Alt + F4 and it brought up what appeared to be a perfectly functioning KDE window decoration, but the contents of the window were the same strange garbled pixels. I am running with dual <c>06:31
F41LRadeon 7950s in crossfire configuration. <e>06:31
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dwreckSo I just installed Ubuntu after having issues with Fedora and the I am having the same problem.  I can't access certain secure websites.  Gmail, facebook. Amazon, etc... Has anyone ever experienced this before?06:34
F41LSecure websites, so HTTPS, how is your clock settings, the date/time?06:35
dwreckset by the internet06:35
F41LAlso, your might want to check your router to see if it is doing "SSL Inspection"06:35
dwreckI can check the router.  My windows machines and phones aren't having any issues with the routers though06:36
F41LWhat is the error in question it presents? Anything involving the certificate at all?06:36
dwreckno error comes up. For example, I can go to amazon.com but when I go to log in the page just won't load06:37
dwreckpretty much anything I have to log into doesn't work06:38
F41LThat's curious. So doesn't load at all, what web browser?06:38
F41Ltried Lynx?06:38
dwreckI tried chrome before with the same issue06:38
dwreckI have not06:38
F41LIt's command line, so... *shrug*06:38
F41Lmight be worth a shot, I'm pretty clueless as to how that'd be happenning. Lest your OpenSSL is borked or something.06:39
dwreckyeah, it's pretty  frustrating06:39
Jonathan____Hello all, I just installed Kubuntu on top of my windows 8, but when I reboot, it loads straight to windows, instead of giving me the option to choose which operating system I want to load, can some one please help???06:41
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:46
DaskreechJonathan____: ^^^06:46
Jonathan____im here06:53
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:56
Jonathan____can someone please help me???07:01
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Jonathan____hellooooooo, can someone help me????07:05
F41LJonathan____, the person above suggested this:07:05
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:05
Jonathan____that doesnt tell me any thing07:05
F41LNot quite sure, sorry.07:05
F41LI've got to go, however.07:06
Jonathan____i did not loose anything07:06
Jonathan____its a fresh install07:06
Jonathan____all I need to know is how to make it give me the option to choose which os I want to load!07:07
valorieJonathan____: did you look at the !grub info?07:13
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:13
valorieit sounds like you might need to repair or restore grub07:13
Jonathan____that doesnt tell me anything, if you can not tell me what to do then please do not respond07:14
Jonathan____I am new to this07:14
Jonathan____i dont know what that means07:14
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Jonathan____u have on there "Lost GRUB after installing windows", it was not after installing windows07:17
Jonathan____windows was already installed, then I installed Kubuntu07:17
Jonathan____but it just loads to windows07:18
Jonathan____If i knew what that other stuff meant, I wouldnt be on here asking for help07:18
Jonathan____I don't understand why it is so hard to find help on here07:18
Jonathan____if i want to read something I dont understand, I would just pick up a book on the chineese language07:19
DepaHi guys :) I have a question for you07:20
DepaI installed Kubuntu LTS 12.0407:20
DepaHow I can enable root login???07:20
Jonathan____there not going to help you, there just going to ignore you or give you useless information!07:20
tsimpsonDepa: you don't need to07:20
DepaJonathan____: why?07:21
tsimpsonDepa: use "sudo <command>" to run a command as root, or "sudo -i" to give you a root shell07:21
valoriethe second link, Jonathan____07:21
valorieDepa: you should run as root only rarely07:21
Depayes I know....07:22
valoriesuch as when installing new software, etc.07:22
Depabut I want to access with root07:22
DepaI found07:22
valorieaccess what?07:22
Depathat command:07:22
Depa"sudo passwd -u root"07:22
Depain order to set a password to ROOT account07:22
Depaand access with it07:23
valoriewe recommend using sudo instead07:23
F41LOK... so I'm booting into 13.10, but ONLY able to do so with kernel 13.807:23
tsimpsonDepa: there no point in enabling the root account, you already have root access via sudo07:23
lordievaderDepa: True, you can enable the root account, however it is not recommended.07:23
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:23
DepaI know what sudo is and that it is better07:24
F41LNot sure why or how... but everything just locks up on kernel 3.11, including the installation disc. It seems to be related to my graphics cards.07:24
F41LBest I could tell, at least. Given the symptoms displayed by the installation disc.07:24
Depabut I need to use "su -" and enter with ROOT07:25
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tsimpsonDepa: you don't, just "sudo -i"07:25
Depaok, "sudo -i" to open a # terminal07:25
lordievaderDepa: What do you want to do that requires the root account?07:25
Depais not for me...07:26
DepaIs for my customer07:26
DepaI use sudo XD07:26
Depabut my customer want Kubuntu 12.0407:27
valoriemany people do choose the LTS07:27
lordievaderDepa: Then tell your customer to use sudo ;)07:27
DepaI told him to use sudo07:27
Depabut he have to do a lot of command with root account07:28
Depaand want to enable that possibility....07:28
valoriewhen I first switched to kubuntu, I also wanted root07:28
F41LAnyone have an idea about what I can do to get my system booting on 3.11? Not even the 13.10 install disc for kubuntu is working quite right.07:28
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tsimpsonDepa: and why won't "sudo -i" work for that?07:28
Guest40043Is Mir shipped with 13.10?07:28
valorieGuest40043: not in Kubuntu07:29
Guest40043Hmmmmm why is that?07:29
valoriewayland isn't ready yet either07:29
Depatsimpson: with "sudo -i" I get a root shell, right?07:29
tsimpsonDepa: yes, exactly the same as if you did "su -"07:29
lordievaderDepa: Or do what tsimpson said, that is what I do for a root shell.07:29
Weasel[DK]Now why is it that sofware management still does not have place/shortcut in "System settings" ?07:29
valoriekwin is our window manager, and they will use wayland, not mir07:29
Depaok... and is not possible to use "su"07:29
lordievaderDepa: sudo su, should do the trick too.07:30
Jonathan____wow, how come I couldnt get this type of fucking help?07:30
tsimpsonDepa: by default the root account is disabled, so you can't directly login as root (which is what su does)07:30
Guest40043Doesn't Mir replace X Window System?07:30
valorieJonathan____: I gave you the links you need-- please look at the second one07:30
Guest40043Which Kevin used before?07:30
DepaI understand07:31
Jonathan____how many times do I have to tell you i can not make heads or tails out of that07:31
valorieGuest40043: not yet, and unknown whether it ever will on the desktop07:31
Depaso ROOT never can set hisown password07:31
valorieJonathan____: can you ask about what you don't understand?07:31
Depaonly "user" password will be answered07:31
tsimpsonDepa: you can, it's just not needed and only lessens system security07:32
Jonathan____I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAKE MY BOOTLOADER GIVE ME THE OPTION TO CHOOSE WHICH OPERATING SYSTEM I WANT TO LOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:32
tsimpsonwhich is why we don't recommend it07:32
Depatsimpson: ok... I understand...07:32
Guest40043valorie: I understood it's going to be shipped as one of the bigger changes in 13.10 only limited support to nouveau driver07:32
IdleOneJonathan____: tone down the caps and the attitude now please07:32
Depaguys, thanks a lot :)07:32
DepaI will try to explain to my customer :)07:33
valorieGuest40043: we don't plan to ship Mir07:33
Depareally thanks07:33
valoriethat could change in the future07:33
valoriefor now, we're going with what works07:33
Jonathan____I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAKE MY BOOTLOADER GIVE ME THE OPTION TO CHOOSE WHICH OPERATING SYSTEM I WANT TO LOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:33
valoriethanks, IdleOne07:33
Guest40043valorie: Ok. Is there a reason why?07:34
valorieGuest40043: we keep testing07:34
F41LAnyone have an idea on the issues I'm having with 3.11 kernel with my radeon cards?07:34
Jonathan____I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAKE MY BOOTLOADER GIVE ME THE OPTION TO CHOOSE WHICH OPERATING SYSTEM I WANT TO LOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:34
lordievaderDepa: Good luck explaining this to your client ;)07:34
Guest40043valorie: Ok good. So it will probably ship sometime in the future in kubuntu as well?07:35
valoriewe doubt it, but stranger things have happened07:36
valoriethe kwin devels have looked at the code, and chosen wayland07:36
valorieof course no one can predict the future07:36
valoriekwin is the KDE window manager, so that is their wheelhouse07:37
Guest40043Ok than :) not very ubuntuish though ;)07:37
valorienot really our choice or not07:37
valoriemir is focussed on devices07:37
valorienot desktops07:37
valoriekubuntu active wasn't released this time around07:38
F41LRest of everyone else seems to be sticking with wayland.07:38
valoriethey are crafting mir for their own needs07:38
valoriephone/tablet/tv etc.07:38
Guest40043valorie: I know. But could be a good replacement non the less07:39
valorieif it becomes better, I'm sure that the kwin devels will switch07:39
F41Lvalorie: any reason why the kubuntu 13.10 install disc would have backgrounds and window contents with random colored pixels all about on a black background, but the boarders of windows look like normal, working KDE?07:39
valoriethis isn't political07:40
valorieF41L: sounds like the driver for your graphics card07:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:40
F41Lwhat I was thinking.07:40
Guest40043That's good to know :)07:40
valoriedid that link help before?07:40
F41Lcept it's the install disc.07:40
F41LIt seems to be with kernel 3.1107:40
F41Lwhen I boot to 3.8, works well enough07:41
F41LI didn't even have AMD drivers installed.07:41
valoriewell, the #ubuntu-kernel folks are really helpful07:41
F41LI'll give 'em a shot.07:41
F41LCause it's not even relegated to graphics07:41
valoriethis isn't really a KDE issue, sounds like07:41
F41Lrecovery mode using 3.11 kernel also hangs07:41
F41Lwhich is all text07:42
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F41LAlmost considering just falling back to 13.04 :(07:51
F41LI want to enjoy the speed benefits of 13.10, but it just hates my system.07:51
valorieno help from the kernel guys?07:54
ikoniaF41L: what speed benifits of 13.10 ?07:54
F41LI've read a lot about how 13.10 introduces a lot of performance enhancements.07:55
ikoniaF41L: where ?07:55
F41LI was eagar to give them a try.07:55
ikoniain what way does it give performance improvements ?07:55
F41LLinux Action Show did a review on it as well.07:55
F41LI don't know as I can't experience it given my issues :D07:55
F41LI can't even get the install DVD to run properly.07:55
ikoniawhy don't you just explain your issue clearly.07:56
F41LI did quite a few times.07:56
ikoniathen as I didn't see it, I can't help you.07:56
F41Lthe desktop environment refuses to run when trying to run 3.11 kernel.07:57
F41LIt also hangs in recovery mode with that kernel.07:57
ikoniaF41L: the install CD only comes with 1 kernel, so how do you know it's a kernel problem07:57
F41LMy system has 3.8 still installed07:57
ikoniathe installer does not use that kernel07:57
ikoniaso you have no idea if its a kernel problem07:57
F41LI did the upgrade to 13.10 using command line.07:57
F41LI assumed it did, giving that 13.10 installs 3.11 kernel. I don't know for sure. But my system has 3.11 and 3.807:58
ikoniacould you please define "refuses to run"07:58
F41Lblack screen, mouse cursor works for a small while then locks up entirely.07:58
F41Lin the installation CD, black screen with randomly colored pixels all over the screen.07:59
ikoniaok, so when the machine locks up totally, if you press the capslock key, does the capslock light go on/off07:59
F41LHowever, when hitting alt+f4, it brings up a window prompting if I want to exit the installation. The window boarder looks perfectly normal, but the rectangle containing the contents of the window are black background with randomly colored pixels07:59
F41Lin recovery mode, shortly after loading the menu to select what to do, (this is with 3.11 kernel), it will lock up without any response.08:00
F41Lall except CTRL+ALT+DEL08:00
ikoniaso that's not actually locking up then08:01
F41Lwhich brings up a message about being unable to communicate with the bus or something to that effect08:01
F41LI forget the exact wording08:01
ikoniaso you've tried actually installing with the fail safe graphics option ?08:02
F41L"Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus"08:02
ikoniaF41L: do you have any USB devices plugged in ?08:02
F41LI don't know how to do the fail safe graphics option, when I boot to the CD and am presented with this black screen with only a cursor.08:03
F41LI do, keyboard, mouse.08:03
ikoniaF41L: no you not get a boot menu08:03
ikoniaeg: try kubuntu, install kubuntu wording to that effect08:03
ikoniaoptions to boot memtest08:03
F41LI don't get that far08:03
ikoniaat that point the kernel has not been booted08:03
ikoniait's not a kernel problem08:04
ikoniathe boot menu comes from isolinux08:04
F41LOr at least, it gets that far, but the screen is black with randomly colored pixels, and a perfectly fine looking KDE mouse cursor08:04
ikoniasorry, that can't be right, as isolinux doesn't have mouse support and there is no X11 running to display a mouse cursor08:04
F41Lthe window boarders for dialogs I'm able to make pop up are perfectly fine looking KDE window decorations, with black, random colored pixels as the contents of the window rectangle.08:05
ikoniayou need to step back and take action before it boots08:05
F41LThat's what I get when I boot to the Kubuntu installation DVD, I see the little keyboard, equals sign, human figure with a circle.08:05
F41LThen the black screen with graphical anomalies08:05
lordievaderF41L: Could you perhaps make a photo or something?08:06
lordievaderAs the saying goes a photo says a thousand words.08:06
F41LYeah, I can do that. I'd have to reboot however, I'm on the machine currently. (3.8 kernel)08:06
ikoniait seems very odd that you don't get the isolinux boot menu08:07
F41Ldon't ask me, man :D08:07
F41LJust telling it as I observe it.08:07
F41Lbe back soonish08:07
ikoniaF41L: one moment08:07
ikoniaF41L: just to clarify , you ARE booting from the DVD install media, correct ?08:08
F41LAlright, got the pictures, lemme upload 'em08:17
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lordievaderF41L: !paste08:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:25
lordievaderF41L: ^ that was what I ment.08:25
F41Likonia: yes, booting to dvd install media.08:27
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F41Lthat help at all ikonia?08:31
lordievaderThat looks like isolinux to me.08:32
F41Lwith the KDE window decorations and everything?08:33
Unit193Second screen is plymouth, it's past isolinux.  Only first is isolinux.08:34
F41LNo idear :(08:35
F41LBut don't know what to do, basically can't install 13.10 on this system with this issue.08:35
F41LGonna have to chill with 13.0408:35
F41L(well.. reinstall 13.04, cause right now I'm limping along with 13.10 using kernel08:36
F41LThat or see how Manjaro is doing08:37
* F41L shrug08:37
lordievaderAh wait, nvm. Didn't realize there was more than one image...08:37
* F41L lesigh08:40
F41Lmy stupid core2 duo box at work installed 13.10 like no issue.08:40
F41Lthis far superior machine, falls on it's face08:41
F41LWell it's quite late, I'll try again tomorrow08:43
lordievaderI'm starting to wonder if it is UEFI...08:44
rebeccaHello! I have problems to authorize my kobo touch an adobe digital editions, is anybody out there who could help me? :(08:49
hackndoes_valorie: Hi again. sorry for nagging :) (was a guest before) but which windowing server is used in 13.10 ? as the client uses wayland right?08:58
Unit193hackndoes_: Xorg.08:58
hackndoes_so still the x server ....08:59
hackndoes_kubuntu don't wanna update the server to mir?08:59
hackndoes_I have another question. when I am using nouveau driver instead of the nvidia propriatary I can't send my pc to sleep. when I wake it up, it doens't response to keyboard events mouse etc.09:00
hackndoes_it wakes up frozen09:00
lordievaderhackndoes_: Kwin doesn't support (X)Mir.09:00
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chachanhey, how things are going with the upgrade?09:46
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lordievaderchachan: With what upgrade, if I may ask?09:48
chachanupgrade to 13.1009:48
chachanlordievader, ^09:48
lordievaderchachan: Heard that the upgrade went well for quite a bit of people. Saucy is stable anyhow ^^09:49
chachanglad to hear so09:50
lordievaderchachan: You can allways try out a live-cd/usb to see if/how it works on your pc.09:50
chachansure, I already upgraded. Just curious about everybody else :)09:51
lordievaderchachan: Ah I see, for me it has been running stable for months ;)09:52
chachanlordievader, saucy?09:52
wissamHi , how to run 32 bit executable in ubuntu 13.10 64 bit if ia32-libs isn't in repos ?09:52
lordievaderchachan: Yes.09:52
chachanlordievader, that's cool09:52
chachanwissam, I think you need to enable i386 architecture to be able to install i386 packages09:53
wissamchachan: how to enble it ?09:54
chachanwissam, sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 # this worked for me, then do something like: apt-get install vim:i38609:54
wissamchachan: ok thnx09:55
wissami have a problem in kubutu 13.10 and was in 13.04,when copying a directory contains a lot of files to usb system completely freezes09:57
wissamusb drive is fat3209:57
wissami tried booting with acpi=th,noacpi,noapic,acpi=noirq none of them worked09:58
wissambooting with acpi=off solve the problem but i can't boot without acpi becasue i am using a laptop09:59
wissamin dmesg there is something like this :[   14.536482] ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000000428-0x000000000000042f SystemIO conflicts with Region \PMIO 1 (20130517/utaddress-251)10:00
chachanwissam, did you try with a different USB drive?10:00
chachanI guess it's the same result10:00
wissamthe only solution(untile now maybe laptop will freeze later) was to remount usb in async mode : "mount -o remount,async /dev/sdb1"10:02
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wissamsometimes laptop freezes when unplugging charger at random times maybe when watching a video or after enabling and disabling wireless in network manager10:04
wissami tried updating bios but that didn't help10:07
chachanwissam, did you see this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/50006910:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 500069 in linux (Ubuntu) "USB file transfer causes system freezes; ops take hours instead of minutes" [High,Incomplete]10:09
chachansince it's an old bug. Looks like is not solved yet :(10:10
chachanwissam, but take a look at it, there's a couple of solutions that some guys did and worked for them. You might be lucky10:12
wissamok how to remount every usb plugged in automatically in async mode so that i don't have to write this command every time usb is plugged in "mount -o remount,async /dev/sdb1"10:12
wissamif it's an old bug ,is it really hard to solve this kind of bugs? i am just asking ,why is it hard to solve this kind of bugs?10:21
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chachanwissam, looks like they haven't been able to reproduce the error10:58
chachanwissam, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB10:58
chachanwissam, check the "USB 2 Issues" and "Buffer I/O Errors" sections10:59
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wissamchachan:thank you very much  i'll reboot and try it11:14
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cornfeedhoboanyone else get the update last night?12:20
cornfeedhoboanyone install everything yet?12:21
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jalcinecornfeedhobo: yup! doing my restricted and extras now12:28
cornfeedhobojust rebooted. things looks good!12:30
jalcineI want to play with that new kde-connect app12:34
* jalcine might move his chat to #-offtopic since we aren't helping anyone12:35
cornfeedhoboi am just happy updates go so smooth now12:36
cornfeedhobofor a second i thought this one included wayland... i was scared for a moment12:36
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jalcinecornfeedhobo: wayland's what you want12:47
jalcinethe successor to X12:48
cornfeedhoboyeah... but i want to let other people run it for a bit. i dont trust it yet given all the fuss that has go into its creation12:48
jalcineWayland's been built in the open for quite some time.12:50
jalcineIt's Mir that has the speculation due to its obviously focused goals for Unity12:51
cornfeedhoboyeah mir is a mess i hear12:54
cornfeedhoboand i am excited about wayland, i just want to see what happens first12:55
jalcineOf course.12:55
jalcineNot all of KDE has been ported so I hear and with XWayland, most legacy X apps should run fine.12:55
yossarianukI hope that Kubuntu will fork the nvidia driver package when mir is out and always have the latest... (which ubuntu never does.)12:56
jalcineMy excitement is for Frameworks andthe opporunities it provides12:56
jalcinesomeone could look into making a bleeding edge PPA though for drivers that might not be safe12:56
jalcineand with NVidia helping out Nouveau with work nowadays, things should be getting easier.12:57
chachanwhich could be the advantages of wayland over X?12:57
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jalcineAs far as I know, Nouveau's a *X-only* driver. I don't know/think it'd be ported or converted for Wayland.12:58
yossarianukjalcine: latest beta has start of EGL support.13:01
yossarianukI already run a PPA with the latest Nividia driver....13:02
yossarianukI don't use X-SWAT as previously that has totalled systems (as it has far more than just the nvidia driver - i.e newer Xorg versions , etc)13:02
yossarianukI just wish by default there was an option to get the latest version of  the driver....13:03
yossarianukBy not having the latest it is no more stabv13:03
yossarianuk*stable* it is less stable as there are bug fixes in the later versions...13:03
yossarianukThe mir split could be a good time to make the change...13:04
jalcineyossarianuk: that's something to note, thanks!13:08
jalcineI use Intel drivers all 'round, but that's info to convince my gamedev friends to come about13:09
jalcineYES! kdeconnect-kde in the repos (good work smartboyhw!)13:11
hackndoeshello everyone. can anyone tell me with which kde version does 13.10 come?13:16
thingol_hackndoes: i'll be able to tell you in a few hours, after i've finished the upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 :)13:18
hackndoesif I had updated my kde from the kde backports before and now upgraded to 13.10 does it install the 13.10 version over the backports version or leaves the version that was installed?13:19
thingol_hackndoes: my wild guess is it'll install whichever is newest13:20
jalcinehackndoes: the 13.10 version since it disables your PPAs. However, that version of KDE would be 4.11.213:20
hackndoesthingol_: oh OK13:21
jalcineso installing the PPA version would only provide you with a 4.11.2+gitXXYYWWW13:21
hackndoesjalcine: what?13:21
jalcinewhen you do a dist-upgrade; your PPAs (like the backports and betas) are disabled13:22
hackndoesjalcine: yes I noticed that. but what are you saying? that I will get which version?13:22
jalcineyou wouldn't get the "bleeding edge" but rather the stable release of 4.11.2 (the version of KDE shipped with Kubuntu 13.10)13:23
hackndoesjalcine: now I see 4.11.2 indeed (nothing with git)13:23
jalcine4.11.2 without PPAs and 4.11.2+git(timestamp) *when you enable your PPAs again*13:23
hackndoesso I currently have the same kde version?13:23
hackndoesjalcine: oh got you. so now I am synced with the official kde released with the 13.10 ?13:24
smartboyhwjalcine, thanks:)13:26
hackndoesjalcine: can I reenable the disabled  sources now? like dropbox, steam, etc. ?13:27
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PimpSmurfWhen I boot my laptop on 13.10, it shows my wifi adaptor, but it does not show any networks. What gives?13:44
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PimpSmurfI want to get it working durring install because kubuntu never writes grub correctly so the system won't boot after install13:48
PimpSmurfand without a wired ethernet on this ultrabook, I can't download boot-repair13:48
PimpSmurfAnd the boot-repair CD and the linux-secure-boot CD both do not boot on this laptop.13:48
thingol_PimpSmurf: is wpa_supplicant configured on your Kubuntu 13.10 ?13:58
BluesKajHiyas all14:08
bjrohanHelp. Afte my upgrade, I have no volume. My volume button on the keyboard shows muted. I can press it to unmute and the system volume icon shows umnuted, still no sound. Pulse Audio shows sound in the sound meter, but I can't hear it14:11
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PimpSmurfthingol_: I'm installing 13.1014:24
BluesKajbjrohan. type alsamixer in the terminal , make sure the vol ctrl boxes have 00 at the bottom , not MM /mute, use the M key to unmute14:24
PimpSmurfIn kubuntu it doesn't show any connections. In ubuntu it says the hardware switch is set14:25
PimpSmurfrfkill unblock all doesn't do anything14:25
PimpSmurfwifi works fine in archlinux.14:25
bjrohanBluesKaj: http://snag.gy/jJdgf.jpg is what alsamixer shows for me14:29
BluesKajbjrohan. what's you speaker/audio setup ?14:30
bjrohanBluesKaj: I am not sure what you are asking. I am on an HP envy laptop that has 5 speakers I think14:33
BluesKajok bjrohan , run , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , in the terminal , there will be no output if the kernel module /driver loads properly14:35
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:35
bjrohanBluesKaj: I now see where at the bottom of the graph the 00 and MM are. I changed them all to 00, not MM.14:35
bjrohanBluesKaj: after asking for my password, nothing appeared14:36
BluesKajbjrohan. yes that's fine , like I said no output14:36
BluesKajnow reboot , bjrohan14:36
bjrohanBluesKaj: I rebooted same scenario. No sound. The KDE mixer shows nothing muted. My icon shows nothing muted, my keyboard button/light shows muted whether it actually is or not14:56
BluesKajbjrohan. ok , now sysem settings>multimedia>audio&video settings>device prefernce , test the availble devices listed there14:58
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muh2000hi all15:02
thingol_hi muh200015:02
muh2000stupid me  ran this command after upgrading...: "dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P"  and i did not make a copy of the packages that were removed. now akonadi doesnt register at dbus anymore :/15:03
muh2000and now i am trying to figure out what package i have to install to make it work again :(15:04
lordievadermuh2000: Perhaps with a bit of luck reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop package might bring some of it back.15:05
muh2000lordievader: how would the command look like?15:07
bjrohanBluesKaj: When I go to system setting, Multimedia, Audio and Video, settings, when I click all of the items the test button does not show, it stays grayed out15:07
lordievadermuh2000: sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop&&sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:08
muh2000lordievader: nah, it only de/installs the kubuntu-desktop package15:09
BluesKajbjrohan. what does aplay -l , show ?15:09
BluesKajbjrohan. pastebin it pls15:09
lordievadermuh2000: It's a meta package with a bunch of dependencies.15:10
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bjrohanBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6257761/15:11
BluesKajbjrohan. open alsamixer again , F6 , choose the analog soundcard listed there then escape , then go back to multimedia in system settings and see if any available device appears15:21
BluesKajcorrction , hit enter then escape after choosing the soundcard15:22
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bjrohanBluesKaj: I did that. Now in the System settings, device settings I can see the Analog device on the right hand selection that is available, choosing that Test is available, clicking that, I stil hear nothing. The keyboard mute button still shows muted no matter what the system shows (muted or on)15:28
BluesKajdo the volume keyboard buttons respond ?15:30
bjrohanThe keyboard volume up and down do respond. If I press the keyboard mute button it works as well, however the light on the key for mute stays on as if it is always muted no matter what the system icon says15:33
BluesKajbjrohan. repeat the sequence , except this time choose the digital soundcard device in alsamixer15:33
BluesKajmake sure the pcm and spdif are unmuted15:35
BluesKajall spdif s15:35
BluesKajand the loopback as well15:35
bjrohanWhen I press f6 I only have 3 options, default, HDA Intel PCH,and enter device name . .15:37
BluesKajbjrohan. and your line out is auto muted , make that's disabled15:37
bjrohanMy loopback is disabled currently15:37
BluesKajyes , leave it disabled15:37
bjrohanHow do I make line out disabled?15:38
BluesKajthe automute on your line out is the problem , i think15:38
bjrohanwhat do I press when it is ighlighted15:38
BluesKajup or down arrow keys15:38
bjrohanOkay, Loopback is disabled (same as before) Auto-mute is Disabled (wasn't before)15:39
bjrohanS/PDIF's are all 0015:40
BluesKajme despises the automute setting , whoever added that option should have it turn on in his system every few mins15:40
bjrohanBluesKaj: WHen I press f6, which option should i use, default deice or the Intel15:41
BluesKajbjrohan. intel15:41
bjrohanBluesKaj: I only have those to options15:41
bjrohanNow how to save and exit (nothing has changed otherwise)15:41
BluesKajenter then escape15:41
BluesKajnow check your audio video settings in multimedia15:42
bjrohanGoing to system settings, multimedia, and testing gives me no better result :-(15:42
BluesKajand is your mute light or indicator still "on"?15:42
bjrohanOnly non-gray optin is the analog15:42
bjrohanYes it is, no change in the button functionality or status15:42
BluesKajok try a reboot15:42
bjrohanBluesKaj: Nothing changed from what I can tell :-(15:50
bjrohangoing to alsamixer, the changed I made stuck on reboot15:51
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bjrohanAgain, opening Pulse audio control, the output graph is playing, but no sound15:53
BluesKajbjrohan. sorry forgot to mention , check the audio hardware set up tab in multimedia >audio&video, soundcard and profilechoices ,and sound device and connector settings15:55
BluesKajunfortunately , linux audio is a  messy business, there is still another option to explore , but I'm hoping these lasr settings will solve the problem15:57
bjrohanSOundcard is Built-in Audio, the only option available. From profile I have a LOT of options (it is on snalog stereo Duplex) selecting any of the others doesn't give any metter result. Sound Device is Playback (Built-in Audio Analog Stereo) Connector is Analog output15:59
bjrohanThis all appears from what I can tell, the settings before the upgrae15:59
BluesKajbjrohan. yes , that most likely the correct setting for builtin speakers , the digital spdif out is for the digital audio out and the audio portion of the hdmi out connection16:02
BluesKajbjrohan. you try pavucontrol , but the pulse audio settings are in the audio hardware tab. Pavucontrol is supposed to just duplicate those settings , but it's worth a try16:05
BluesKajyou can install pavucontrol with apt-get or muon16:05
bjrohanI have the pavucontrol, I show that output graph moving, no sound though16:06
BluesKajbjrohan. ok try the default soundcard in alsamixer16:07
bjrohanOkay, in Alsamixer I pressed f6, and chose default, nothing seems to have changed anywhere16:08
bjrohanchip list is intel pantherpoint HDMI16:08
BluesKajbjrohan. one usually has to reboot for settings to change nowadys16:09
bjrohanso set to default, and reboot16:10
BluesKajok , wife wants to watch the local news on this monitor/tv ...bbiab16:10
bjrohanthank you :-)16:11
bjrohanBluesKaj: FWIW, I plugged my laptop using HDMI to my TV. I changed the Pulseaudio setting to HDMI, audio worked coming out of the TV. Oddluy enough the volume keys worked. The mute key worked BUT when muted the light did not come on indicating so16:35
BluesKajbjrohan. think the mute only works on trhe analog signal16:36
bjrohanWhile amarok was playing I unplugged the HDMI cable, swithed back to the nalog, I had music, but no bass speaker acitivation16:36
bjrohanOn the analog it plays, the key works, light is not indicating correctly, it is the opposite of HDMI. HDMI it is always off, analog, it is always on16:37
bjrohanBUT I have sound now16:37
BluesKajbjrohan. search around on kmix and alsamixer for sub(woofer) ctrls , perahps pavucontrol has that ctrl16:39
BluesKajI don't use the analog portion od the audio signal since I have no speaker connected to my pc , everything audio stays in the digital form until it's converted in my audio receiver/amp16:41
rufsketch1Hello everyone16:49
rufsketch1I have a kernel module called cx23885 which gets loaded automatically on startup16:50
rufsketch1I need it to continue doing this, but I need it to load with a different module option16:50
rufsketch1cx23885 card=316:51
rufsketch1how do I change what option a kernel module gets loaded with?16:51
BluesKajrufsketch1. is that a sound card ?17:00
rufsketch1BluesKaj, Video Capture Card17:05
BluesKajrufsketch1. tv tuner as well ?17:06
rufsketch1BluesKaj, yes. But only using it for video capture.17:06
geniiecho "cx23885 card=3" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules17:08
rufsketch1genii, I've had no luck with setting the option in /etc/modules17:08
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BluesKajusually default is card=0 , rufsketch1 , but setting it up is out of my scope , not sure which config . does your capture card show up as a device in multimedia > audio & video settings ?17:11
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rufsketch1BluesKaj, it shows up only if I set it as card=317:13
geniirufsketch1: In that case you'll need to make udev entries.17:13
rufsketch1genii, where can I find info on how to do that?17:13
BluesKajok rufsketch1 I leave you in good hands , gotta go , stuff to do .17:15
geniirufsketch1: I can help if you don't mind lag, I'm running back and forth from my computer all the time. The basic idea: Find the udev rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/  that already covers your piece of hardware, or where it can be added. Copy that rule into /etc/udev/rules.d/  and then edit it to your liking17:16
rufsketch1BluesKaj, alright. thanks17:16
georgelappieshi all, thanks for 13.10 it is looking awesome! :)17:16
rufsketch1genii, I don't mind lag too much. Alright. Trying it out17:17
rufsketch1oh yeah, what are the major changes in 13.10? I've been meaning to try it17:17
georgelappiesjust a quick question though, is anybody else having an issue with Choqok not getting any feeds from Twitter?17:17
rufsketch1genii, none of the files in /lib/udev/rules.d seem to even contain anything with cx23885 in them. Or even just cx, for that matter.17:21
geniirufsketch1: What interface does it use? eg: USB, PCI, CardBus or ExpressCard, etc17:23
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rufsketch1genii, pci-express17:24
georgelappieshotot-qt seems to working ok for twitter though, will use that then17:25
geniirufsketch1: What devicename under /dev/  is it currently getting?17:31
geniiMeh, they need me for an extended bit here.17:33
rufsketch1genii, it's either /dev/video017:33
rufsketch1or /dev/v4l17:33
geniirufsketch1: I'm currently looking at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2050860 which you might find useful as a starting point. to find the comparable info as he has there from udevadm, you can do:  udevadm info /dev/video017:34
rufsketch1v4l is a directory17:34
noberhi all.  I just upgraded my kubuntu installation and now the GUI won't boot.  It gets stuck on a screen where my keybaord is echoed.  I can switch TTYs for term access though.  Any ideas?17:34
geniirufsketch1: I'll be back at computer in 10-15 minutes17:34
rufsketch1genii, under v4l are pci-0000:03:00.0-video-index0  pci-0000:03:00.0-video-index117:34
rufsketch1genii, alright, will look at the thread17:34
rufsketch1genii, thanks17:34
bjrohanAfter doing some searching I installed Jack retasking to get my HP envy with Beats working again with 13.10 upgrade. After retasking, I can get my speakers working, however pulseaudio doesn't control anyting, my keyboard keys don't work, only alsa mizer works for controlling volume17:35
bjrohanany thoughts17:36
rufsketch1genii, udevadm info /dev/video0 returns "missing option"17:37
yuradocafter updato to 13.10 i have a bug when resume from sleep mode17:50
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wissamstupid question :why using new network manager in kubuntu 13.10 ? why it is better the old one ?17:52
yuradocit's shows login dialog and mouse pointer active few second, then pc hangs out17:52
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geniirufsketch1: Back. It occurs to me there is a simpler way also, using instead a conf file in /etc/modprobe.d/    eg: make a file with: options cx23885 card=3             ..inside, and then save it as something like /etc/modprobe.d/cx23885.conf18:12
bjrohanHELP with audio since upgrading to 13.10. I have an HP envy with beats audio. I have been trying to get this to work, using config files and lastly the hdajackretask. I can only get my laptop speakers to play after i hook up to HDMI out, then remove the HDMI cable18:12
muh2000anyone having issues with akonadi since 13.10 ?18:22
muh2000i cannot start akonadi anymore :(18:22
jamesbongi have kubuntu installed, 2nd hard disk holds /srv and /tmp partitions, now i want to move those to the first one and install windows on the 2nd. how do i move the mount points? just edit fstab?18:46
jamesbongi want to get rid of /srv partition and move /tmp just to the root partition (without having a separate partition)18:49
geniijamesbong: sudo mkdir /srv1 && sudo mount -o remount,ro /srv && sudo cp -arpv /srv/* /srv1 && sudo umount /srv && sudo mv /srv1 /srv   ...same idea applies to /tmp18:56
Programmer_for some reason my application launcher doesnt show my apps. it says i dont have any, when i know for a fact i do19:20
przemekhello guys how to check by this dd if=/dev/zero of=iotest bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync19:25
przemekdisk  /dev/sdb19:26
przemekcoz I see this command check only /dev/sda19:26
Schrodinger`Catprzemek, do you know what you are doing with this command ? :)19:28
przemekyes i know19:30
przemeki create big file19:30
przemekSchrodinger`Cat: big empty file :)19:30
przemekthis command is very usfeful to check transfer disk like hdparm as well19:30
tsimpsonnot empty, full19:31
tsimpson(of zeros)19:31
przemekyes sorry19:31
tsimpsonit creates a file in the current directory, so it'd check whatever disk the current directory is located on19:32
przemektsimpson: so this command create the file only where the system is installed or on both my disk?19:33
tsimpsonit creates the file in whatever directory you run the command from19:34
przemeko my god19:34
przemekthank you very much19:34
przemekyou are the staret19:34
przemekfeel stupid now19:34
przemekthanks tsimpson :)19:34
tsimpsonno problem19:35
Schrodinger`Catprzemek, dont feel stupid, it's when you don't ask question that you can become stupid :)19:35
przemektrue :)19:35
Schrodinger`Catprzemek, but reading the man page of dd command can be very helpful ^^19:36
przemeki will do it asap19:36
Schrodinger`Catto understand why dd is creating a file in the current directory19:36
Schrodinger`Catprzemek, you are on kubuntu 13.10 ? fresh install?19:36
Schrodinger`Catnice version19:37
przemekonly version I could instal on the sick asus UEFI board19:38
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frostedHi guys I need some help, my kubuntu is just stuck on the kubuntu logo. it goes to grub and then the logo and thats where it stays.20:06
frostedI've done a fsck , and dpkg still didn't fix it.20:06
frostedanyone ?20:07
xanax`is it true that Kubuntu will feature Wayland and not Mir ?20:08
geniixanax`: http://blogs.kde.org/2013/06/26/kubuntu-wont-be-switching-mir-or-xmir20:09
xanax`thank you20:09
geniifrosted: How long have you let it sit like that before? If it finds no network then it usually waits one minute, then an additional minute (on top of usual load time)20:10
frostedbeen 8 mintues.20:10
geniiYeah that's definitely too long.20:10
frostedit has network, I can go to advance functions and turn networking on and it will be able to do the dpkg check,20:11
frostedand its on a ssd20:11
frostedwayyyyyy too long20:11
geniifrosted: You can still boot to the recovery boot?20:11
frostedyea I can20:11
frostedit accepts the ctrl alt delete command, takes a little while, but it will reboot20:11
geniifrosted: What login manager are you using? ( kdm, lightdm-kde-greeter, or some other )20:12
frostedgenii, by recovery boot you mean the advanced options for kubuntu gnu/linux ?20:12
frostedthe default on on kbuuntu20:12
frostedkubuntu *20:12
Fa_1default is lightdm20:16
geniifrosted: Default should be lightdm-kde-greeter... I'd suggest boot to recovery and choose root prompt, do mount -o remount,rw -a    ...and then start up network with: ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth0     (assuming a wired connection here). and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade  . Additionally to make sure the default login is correct by: apt-get install lightdm-kde-greeter     ...and then: shutdown -r now    ..to reboot and see if it takes20:16
geniiFa_1: If it was continuously upgraded from before, might still be kdm20:17
frostedwont I have to uninstall the amd ati driver first before I do a dist-upgrade ?20:17
geniifrosted: Also, did you recently mess with the video drivers?20:17
frostednope, been working fine,20:17
geniifrosted: Nah, the dist-upgrade doesn't care about those. Unless you've manually installed instead of using the DKMS way where it will rebuild after every kernel update20:18
Fa_1wasnt it that kdm is broken in 13.10?20:18
frostedI had to manually install the propriety driver20:19
geniiFa_1: Yes, that's why i asked about his default login manager :)20:19
frostedi'm  still on 13.0420:19
Fa_1ok :)20:19
geniifrosted: OK, so in this particular case you will want to remove it, then reinstall after you get back to a working desktop20:19
geniiWork needs me, away 10-12 minutes20:20
frostedThanx let me try.20:20
frostedi need some help with the rw -a ??20:22
frostedsays rw not found20:22
frostedand mount -o20:22
lordievaderfrosted: With the -o you can pass mount options to mount, the mount options in this case are "remount" and "rw".20:24
frostedit cant find rw20:25
geniifrosted: Need the -o for remount,rw     and -a for "mount all". I may have the syntax messed up. Could be something more like: mount -a -o remount,rw20:25
geniifrosted: no space after the comma20:25
lordievaderor "...-o remount -o rw.."20:25
frostedgenii, okay what are the commands, since if I type " mount -o remount" it just gives me mounts quick help20:25
frostedand rw isn't found '20:26
geniifrosted: You're forgetting the -a for "mount all mounts speficied in fstab"20:26
frostedso should it be "mount -a remount " ?20:27
geniimy boss is getting impatient with me.20:27
geniifrosted: mount -a -o remount,rw20:27
geniiback shortly , MUST work right now20:27
JMichaelXanyone else getting 2 error dialogs every time they boot up?20:29
lordievaderJMichaelX: What error dialogs?20:29
frostedomw why is it still read only file system -.-20:30
JMichaelXlordievader: they don't say much... just that there has been a system error, and do you want to report it. they do not indicate in any way whatthe error relates to. i have this on 2 machines20:31
lordievaderfrosted: What kind of filesystem are we talking about anyway?20:33
lordievaderJMichaelX: Do you also have Unity installed?20:33
frostedext4 the command should be mount -o remount,rw /20:34
frostedwow removing the proprietary driver solved the problem, omw, and I just did an update.20:34
geniifrosted: The filesystem will still report it's mounted as read-only because the mtab file remains unwritable until after the filesystem has already been remounted, but it should actually be really mounted with read-write after the command completes successfully.20:36
JMichaelXlordievader: no. neither machine has ever had unity installed.20:36
rodniceAfter distro update, Muon keeps... wait... did Muon Software Center just become Muon Discover in the latest version of Kubuntu?20:37
frostedgenii,  I had to change the command then it worked. I have booted into the desktop. removed the proprietary fglrx driver solved it.20:37
lordievaderJMichaelX: Hmm, that is annoying. An error message that does not say what the error is.. :(20:37
frostedI just did an update last night not a dist-upgrade.20:37
JMichaelXlordievader: one or both did have gnome installed, but that has been several years ago.20:37
geniifrosted: Good to see you're back up and running.20:37
frostedwhat would be better , a dist-upgrade or download new version and reinstall ?20:38
JMichaelXlordievader: yea, they are not helpful at all. they also do not really seem like typical KDE dialogs20:38
frostedI take it the open source drivers are better than the proprietary ones? Lol only on kubuntu does the open-source driver say that my gpu isnt supported. which is odd.20:39
lordievaderJMichaelX: Makes you wonder if it is KDE then...20:39
lordievaderfrosted: For 3d stuff it is usually the other way around.20:39
frostedgenii, thanx for the help, sorry if I got you in trouble.20:40
JMichaelXlordievader: yes, it does. there is probably still some gnome cruft lying about on these things... although i have tried to clean that out. who knows..20:40
frostedlordievader, so the proprietary are better then for 3d ?20:40
geniifrosted: A little but my boss is actually pretty cool. After all he lets me hang out here all day, so long as i get my work done.20:40
frostedgenii, that is cool haha.20:40
lordievaderfrosted: That is my opinion at least, the closed-source ones also seem a bit more stable if you ask me.20:41
lordievadergenii: :)20:41
frostedlordievader, but everytime you upgrade you need to uninstall if a xserver package it upgrade, or if you do a dist-upgrade.20:41
frostedThis dist-upgrade might take a while onlt getting 108kbs20:42
frostedonly *20:42
lordievaderfrosted: What? You mean that the driver breaks? Only if you installed it manually and you do a kernel update.20:42
frostedlordievader, yea I had to install it manually20:42
lordievaderfrosted: Jup then it breaks when you do a kernel update, lovely eh?20:43
frostedlordievader, messed up if you ask me20:43
frostedwait i installed the fglrx and fglrx-amdcccle which is the proprietary using synaptic and i got gpu not support, but when I do a manual install its fine.20:45
frostedworked fine in lmde as well.20:45
lordievaderfrosted: Different versions of fglrx?20:45
frostedthere i installed it from synaptic and it worked perfectly just amarok didnt work so well.20:45
frostedlordievader, might have been. not sure.20:45
frostedlordievader, in synaptic the version reads 2:13.101-ubuntu3, and the one I downloaded from the amd website is 13-420:47
frostedso not sure what version the synaptic really is.20:47
lordievaderfrosted: This page doens't help much in determining which one is newer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/fglrx-installer-updates/2:13.101-0ubuntu320:50
lordievaderHmm code name for 14.04 is Trusty Tahr, not sure if I like it... Let's see if the repo is already available.20:51
alesanI updated to Kubuntu 13.10 but now my task bar is diffrent in color20:52
alesanit is much lighter: how can I go back to the pre-update colors?20:52
alesanit seems the rest stayed about the same20:52
frostedhow do I get the distrobution upgrade dialog ?20:54
frostedIts gone, and I need to run it again.,20:55
lordievaderfrosted: What version are you running?20:55
frostedand dist-upgade wont work20:55
frostedI want to upgrade to 13.1020:55
lordievaderfrosted: sudo do-release-upgrade20:55
frostedI need to remember that command dam .20:55
frostedRunning it through terminal is better or not ?20:56
lordievaderfrosted: It is a personal preference, not sure if it is better or not.20:57
frostedwell you can see more of what is going on when its run in konsole20:57
lordievaderfrosted: You can probably also see that in a gui with a bit of clicking.20:58
frostednot so much detail haha20:59
F41lAlright so... day 3 of being unable to install Kubuntu 13.10 onto my system. The install CD does terrible things graphically, and distro upgrade from commandline worked, but wont boot up with kernel 3.11, only 3.8 from my previous 13.04 install.21:01
F41lRunning AMD FX8150, dual 7970 crossfire21:02
frostedF41l,  did you do a manual install of the gpu drivers >21:05
F41lfrosted: I did, as one attempt to get it working.21:08
F41lThough even the installation DVD has this issue, when I was going to give up and just reformat.21:08
frostedYou need to uninstall it if you doing a dist-upgrad or release upgrade or even if an update touches any xserver packages.21:09
frostedEven the dvd ?21:09
F41lWhen I did the distro upgrade, I did not have the drivers installed21:09
frostedis your dvd okay ? not missing a file ?21:09
F41l3 copies of it21:09
F41lall individually downloaded and hashed21:10
F41lburned with different computers21:10
F41lsame issue21:10
F41lKernel 3.11 doesn't like my system for shit.21:10
frostedish, and i'm upgrading now;.21:10
F41lI have the system booting to 3.8 kernel into 13.10 kubuntu21:11
F41lbut things aren't optimum as you can imagine.21:11
F41lkind of behaving weirdly using 13.04's kernel21:11
hellslingercan anyone tell me where the kde digital-clock applet files are located?21:13
frostedF41l, I have no idea then.21:15
F41lMe either....21:16
frostedMaybe some of the other guys when they read this will help21:16
F41lLess the install DVD doesn't like Radeon 7970s?21:16
F41lor kernel 3.11, for that matter.21:16
F41lIt hangs in recovery mode with that kernel as well.21:16
frostedgoogle the support for the gpu ?21:17
frostedalthough it should be an issue21:17
F41lworks just fine in 3.8, no idea what would cause this lol21:19
F41lI'm stuck not using 13.10, so I gotta reformat to 13.04 tonight when I get home :P21:20
frostedThat sucks21:21
frostedI have 2 hours to go for the 800 meg downloaded21:21
vbgunzthe last message I get during bootup with the latest kernel is "switched to clocksource tsc"21:28
vbgunzthen the keyboard itself becomes unresponsive21:28
F41lfrosted: 2 hours for 800megs? Cripes. I have 100mbit pipe ;P21:29
frostedF41l, I have 100kbs21:30
F41lmy cellphone gets 14mbit from ATT lol21:30
F41lthat sucks21:30
frostedI get 5mbs on my phone.21:30
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HusarHi, in new Kubuntu 13.10 Network Manager and Muon Shit sucks for all, or just for me?22:36
IdleOneHusar: keep the language clean please22:37
wxlHusar: never use it. apt-get mo betta ;)22:37
valorieHusar: I like the new nm22:40
valorieclean, simple, and Just Works22:40
Husarvalorie: i like it too, but can not connect to my vpn with new one22:40
Husarno JUST NOT WORKS22:40
valorieif you don't like Muon, there are lots of other choices22:40
Husari have more crashes with 13.10 in one day than last year with prevoius22:41
valorieperhaps it's time to rename your .kde folder?22:42
Husari can not add openvpn configuration. always freeze22:42
valoriewhen logged out22:42
valorieHusar: was this a clean install, or upgrade?22:42
Husarclean install22:42
valorieif clean install, ignore what I just said22:42
valoriesorry, I should have asked first before saying that22:43
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HusarI like Kubuntu mutch, always new software and all easy.22:43
HusarBut 13.10 just hate.22:43
valoriethere are other network managers as well22:44
Husarvalorie: but this require time...22:44
valorieWicD I've used in the past when I was having problems22:44
valorieHusar: before trying that, please look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager22:47
valorieperhaps you need the plugin22:47
valoriealthough you would think this would be suggested22:47
* valorie has never worked with a vpn22:47
Husarsorry, have no time for this22:50
Husarbut thanks for help22:50
valoriehow much time does it take to sudo apt-get install a plugin?22:52
Husari have installed plugins22:52
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d353r7f0xis anyone else having trouble installing nvidia 319.60 drivers on 13.10?23:53

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