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=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
kjeldahlUpgraded to 13.10, terminal is having issues with foreign characters in remote terminal through screen. Any pointers?11:11
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
BluesKajHiyas all14:08
Sander^lapI tried to install a stock kernel with some .deb packages before I upgraded to 13.10 some weeks ago. Now it prompts me to I have an bug.. and that I should remove the stock kernel.14:11
johnjohn101any word on when we'll hear about 14.04?15:02
elfytrusty tahr you mean?15:02
johnjohn101oh man. yikes15:04
geniiBah, more mammals.15:04
IdleOneWill 14.04 come with FireFox or Chromium as default?16:18
* IdleOne trolly trolls troll16:19
* genii smackity-smacks IdleOne fondly16:22
* IdleOne gives genii a scooby snack16:22
* genii munches16:23
elfyIdleOne: IE10 of course - troll properly :)16:24
bazhangubottu, lag16:24
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag16:24
IdleOneelfy: I will try harder from now on.16:25
elfyI shall check up on you from time to time :p16:25
IdleOnefair enough16:27
* SuperLag is hungry for some Trusty Tahr bits... already. :)16:29
BluesKajSuperLag. the chainload should be "up" in less than a week , at least it was back in April16:44
BluesKajyou can the sed command on your sources.list then run dist upgrade to start installing tahr when it's up16:54
BluesKajrun the sed16:54
odiumI'm having segmentation faults from ffmpeg and avconv. Near as I can tell libav is corrupted, can I reinstall everything remotely related to avconv?16:54
BluesKajodium. purge avconv, the purge it again with an asterisk , (avconv*) to delete the config files ,then reboot and install it16:59
odiumSo, I purged and reinstalled avconv but the program still segfaults17:13
odiumit has everything to do with libavcodec-extra-5317:13
odiumI reinstalled that also.17:13
alankilayou can install debsums17:14
alankilathen try command like 'sudo debsums -c'17:14
alankilathis would print changed files if md5/sha-1/sha-256 digest is available17:14
alankilait'll also hook into dpkg such that whenever a package is installed later, it will create the digest files for it to use against that package17:14
alankilamost packages ship with digests though17:15
odiumwell it's running. thanks for your help.17:16
odiumI seriously have to reduce the filesizes of my movies, theirs a tb of them.17:16
odiumalankila, the only line that outputed was /boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-4-generic17:21
odiumso, avconv and ffmpeg both segfault when I try to use the libx264 codec. Someone halp.18:19
bjsniderwell, you should only be using avconv on ubuntu18:21
bjsniderif it segfaults every time you try to encode with libx264 you should install the debug packages and submit a bug18:21
odiumbjsnider: I have the dbg package18:24
bjsnideryeah, so ubuntu-bug libav18:26
bjsniderodium, i tried the thing here and it crashes so i confirmed the bug19:09
odiumbjsnider, oh, thanks.19:19
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billy__okay i was playing with the screen res and now it out of range how do i fix that (i cant see the desktop envoromnet19:45
billy__any help19:46
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Consider this unstable and will probably break in some way. | 13.10 has been released!! Support in #ubuntu | http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule
odiumI just screwed up and tried to uninstal cups which in turn uninstalled a bunch of things, I think my system is crippled. what should I do?20:12
SuperLagreinstall cups? :)21:23
odiumI will.21:28

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