
geniiHi from Toronto release party :) We haven't had much of a turnout this time though, 9 earlier now down to me and another hardcore.... we may see 2-4 others come late but I don't really expect them now02:32
geniiMore coffee for me! ;)02:33
geniiSwitching connections, etc... hopefully stable now :)03:11
geniiWrapping up. Good night and I'll post photos soon.04:54
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=== tiny_azend is now known as clone-tonious
BobJonkmanHi genii: What news of the release party?21:51
geniiBobJonkman: As I said in another channel earier:  I made 3 dozen cupcakes and a pot of coffee, hooked up the power bars and inflated the penguin and waited....    Most we had at one time was about 8, others kept floating in and out and we wrapped up just after midnight. Sammy Lao took photos but hasn't emailed them to me yet21:53
geniiConsidering the general lack of enthusiasm this release, I figure we did not too badly21:54
BobJonkmanI was thinking, that21:54
BobJonkmanthat's better than we're doing in KW...21:54
geniiBobJonkman: I want to get geared up for the 14.04 next year when it comes and really get the word out.21:59
BobJonkmanSince it's an LTS there should be disks.21:59
BobJonkmanOh, and "Trusty Tahr" http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/129522:00
geniiBobJonkman: How far ahead do you guys get them? I can maybe make a trip down for some. I used to get free Greyhound trips but not anymore, have to pay now...22:07
BobJonkmangenii: The disks usually arrive a couple of weeks after a release. dscassel gets them (and usually has to pay a brokerage fee22:08
BobJonkmanBut I travel to Toronto semi-regularly to return my son to UofT (he keeps escaping for the holidays)22:09
BobJonkmanSo I'm thinking I could drop some off, and maybe have an impromptu Ubuntu Hour/Release Party Sequel22:09
geniiBobJonkman: I find usually there is demand for 12-20 of Desktop and 5-10 of Server. I can put in for the brokerage fee if Darcy lets me know how much22:11
geniiJust checked my email again, Sammy still hasn't sent pics. Got to go help a friend fix their kitchen counter now :)   See you soon!22:16

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