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stgraberhallyn: oh, sorry, wasn't obvious when I reviewed. I'll make sure to re-review tomorrow and get it in (I'll restore it from Rejected, no need to re-upload)03:26
pittiGood morning03:26
pittislangasek, stgraber: I was going to create an UDS blueprint for P → S (and also R → S) upgrade testing, which scenarios we need, how to revive automatic testing, how to make it palatable for CI, etc.04:09
pittiAFAICS we don't have one yet; is that ok to put into the foundations track? (we don't have a QA track)04:09
James_EppI do not know whether this was intentional, but for some reason, 12.04 does what 12.04.3 don't. This is in regards to network booting the live disc environment. More here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/359150/what-nfs-export-settings-do-i-need-to-boot-the-ubuntu-live-discs-over-a-network . This was a bit more than frustrating, to say the least.04:13
stgraberpitti: foundations sounds appropriate for that, yes.04:14
stgraberpitti: can you make sure I'm subscribed to this too?04:14
pittistgraber: yes, absolutely; for your "testing in LXC" experience :)04:15
stgraberpitti: yep, I've some of that still running daily without much trouble, so definitely worth mentioning and looking into (now that people are getting used to using LXC for testing and QA)04:15
pittistgraber: last week I did a 12.04.3 to saucy upgrade, and it was ... well, anything but "catastrophe" doesn't accurately describe it04:16
pittithat reminded me of that idea :)04:16
stgraberI'd have to check the timing again with saucy, but back with Q, I'd get an upgrade test down to 5min or so on LXC with tmpfs vs 30-40min with KVM04:16
stgraberpitti: yeah, lts to lts is a pain, it took me and the 12.04.1 team  3 months after the 12.04 release to get stuff back to working order04:17
stgraberwould be nice if we could avoid getting in the same situation this time around and be proactive04:17
stgraber(SRUing all the lts-to-lts fixes wasn't much fun)04:17
pittiyeah, with all those different LTS enablement stack backports it's going to be interesting to get back to a clean slate04:17
pittislangasek: ^ it went straight in, apparently because I'm in ~uds-organizers04:22
pittistgraber: added a few subscribers (mostly you, plars, jibel)04:23
stgraberpitti: cool, thanks04:25
slangasekpitti: +1 :)04:39
slangasekpitti: fwiw I would expect most upgrade testing to just use chroots, neither containers nor kvm04:39
pittislangasek: I think with all those rather complicated scenarios there should at least be some post-upgrade testing; containers shouldn't add too much overhead?04:40
slangasekpitti: I think they also don't add much value.  But I guess we can discuss in the session.04:42
pittitests like "is the current kernel installed and does grub point to it" certainly work in schroot, too04:43
dholbachlool, happy birthday! :)04:52
jibelpitti, thanks. I talked about upgrade testing to jfunk during our last call, and this is definitely a project QA should work on early this cycle.05:02
jibeland it didn't receive lot of attention since Q05:03
hyperairdoes the applications master scope not work for anyone here?06:17
hyperairfor some reason, super+a doesn't give me any results apart from dash plugins, but super seems to be able to find the results pretty quickly06:18
RAOFhyperair: Works for me.06:21
hyperairhmmmm weird.06:22
hyperairmaybe i should just restart my entire session and see if that helps matters.06:24
hyperairit seems to work in the guest account.06:24
erle-why don't you change your upgrade, that it first upgrades only essential packages (kernel, grub, X, desktop) and cleans up before it upgrades peripheral ones?06:40
erle-some error in a latex packages screwed my whole installation again06:40
hyperairheh actually you can complete it by just running apt-get dist-upgrade and apt-get install -f until no more upgrades remain06:44
hyperairand wherever appropriate, dpkg --configure -a06:44
erle-i did this06:46
erle-apt think everything is fine06:46
erle-but i dont come from lightdm into desktop06:46
erle-neither gnome-panel nor gnome-shell nor unitz06:46
erle-and cant see what packages to reinstall06:47
erle-i reinstalled video drivers manually which gave me at least the chance to see the login screen06:47
erle-i get an apport dialogue window btw, but even that does not work06:48
pittierle-: do you perhaps not have the ubuntu-desktop metapacakge installed? that should pull in everything that's required06:49
hyperairerle-: did you just get a black screen with a pointer?06:49
hyperairerle-: if so, try removing ~/.cache/upstart and ~/.config/upstart06:50
erle-i get login screen06:50
hyperairfor some reason, those two directories were root-owned on my machine06:50
hyperairi mean after logging in06:50
erle-when i log in i get black screen with pointer and crash-report-dialogs06:50
hyperairafter logging in, what do you see?06:50
erle-ok, i will clean upstart06:50
erle-did not fix it hyperair06:51
hyperairer okay, different bug then06:52
erle-problem is that i cant see what actually is broken in detail06:52
hyperaircould you log into a tty and run ps -u `whoami`?06:52
erle-pitti, it is installed06:54
erle-hyperair, looks like a working session, many processes like indicator and unity panel runing06:55
erle-i cant even click on the apport dialog, it does not show me the name of the failed process or anything06:55
hyperairthen it's not an upstart issue i guess06:56
hyperairmy guess would be that unity crashed somehow06:56
erle-i will remove all gnome stuff and reinstall06:57
erle-hyperair, bit i have exactly the same with gnome panel and gnome shell06:57
erle-in fact i primarily use gnome panel06:57
erle-i just use unity now because i guess you can support it better06:57
erle-the crash dialogs seem to be update-notification rather than apport07:04
erle-the crash seems to be xorg-related07:10
erle-i removed crashreports and after loggin in again a xorg crash report appeared07:10
erle-maybe it ist just fglrx's fail07:11
erle-i installed gdm, which does not even get to the login screen07:13
erle-fortunately i have a second computer that does not get any proprietary blobs installed :)07:14
erle-i reinstalled fglrx again07:19
erle-now it works07:19
erle-thank you for your assistence07:19
erle-now i have to tell fglrx not to underscan my lcd screen ... :D07:20
erle->the crashed program seems to use third party libraries07:22
hyperairwhere do you see that?07:22
erle-hyperair, with hdmi connected, amd thinks it is a tv and scales the screen down07:22
erle-hyperair, it was a crash report dialogue07:22
hyperairmm i think it means that it's using a library that's not shipped by ubuntu?07:22
erle-oh wait, i compiled some gpg stuff myself one day, maybe thats the reason07:22
hyperairthere we go07:23
hyperairbleargh proprietary blobs07:23
Saviqhyperair, hey, I managed to get banshee 2.9.0 to build - lp:~saviq/ubuntu/saucy/banshee/new-upstream-29007:24
hyperairbleargh bzr07:24
hyperaircan you give me a patch instead please?07:24
Saviqhyperair, diff for debian/ probably enough?07:25
hyperairyeah should be07:25
hyperairi'd filterdiff it anyway07:25
hyperairand shoot you if i spot anything that's not inside debian/patches. ;-)07:25
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hyperairSaviq: banshee's maintained in debian git, fyi07:26
Saviqhyperair, had to disable meego and soundmenu extensions - they're not ported to gtk3 / something's wrong with notify-sharp07:26
hyperairuh that's not good07:26
Saviqhyperair, k, will know next time07:26
hyperairsoundmenu's important.07:26
Saviqhyperair, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71042307:26
ubottuGnome bug 710423 in Other Extensions "SoundMenu extension fails to build" [Normal,Unconfirmed]07:26
hyperairif you'd like to help out with banshee maintenance on the long term, do come over to #debian-cli on irc.oftc.net07:27
Saviqand https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71041807:27
ubottuGnome bug 710418 in Other Extensions "MeeGo extension not ported to GTK3" [Normal,Unconfirmed]07:27
hyperairi'm not sure we use meego these days07:27
hyperairmaybe i should just toss it07:27
hyperairafair it was for UNR07:27
Saviqhyperair, I've completely no idea about C# so might be tricky - I was doing this thing blind ;D07:27
hyperairand didrocks did the patches.07:27
hyperairhaha, my C# knowledge is also rather patchy07:28
Saviqhyperair, ah btw, the Homepage link in gudev-sharp should probably be updated - points at launchpad which is rather old07:28
looldholbach: thanks!07:28
hyperairi mean i know how to get around with the packaging stuff, but the actual C# code i can only handle where it looks like java and C++07:28
* dholbach hugs lool07:28
loolrelease for my birthday eh!07:28
Saviqhyperair, the Vcs links didn't work either, but I assume that will fix itself after NEWing?07:28
hyperairSaviq: yeah that's in the new upload of gudev-sharp stuck in incoming.debian.org07:28
hyperair(i think)07:28
* Saviq preps the patch07:29
hyperairSaviq: series of patches would be nice too.07:29
didrocksSaviq: hyperair: yeah, I think the meego extension is completly abandonned, so feel free to drop it :)07:29
hyperairdidrocks: yay. that means half the patches we carry can go too07:30
didrockshappy birthday lool! (weren't you supposed to not work today? :p)07:30
didrockshyperair: yeah ;)07:30
pittihey lool, bonjour ! bon anniversaire !07:30
looldidrocks: Indeed!07:30
looldidrocks: just sent a message saying I'm not  ;-)07:30
Saviqhyperair, there's actually just two small patches to the code, the rest is debian/07:30
loolpitti: merci !07:30
hyperairSaviq: actually hang on, how did you get 2.9.0 to work without gudev-sharp?07:30
hyperairand is this on saucy?07:30
Saviqhyperair, built from your NEW07:30
hyperairknocte was saying yesterday that banshee 2.9.0 was crashing with the mono in saucy..07:31
didrockslool: don't connect to IRC! ;)07:31
Saviqhyperair, and btw, I did not say it *worked* ;D07:31
hyperairit built.07:31
hyperairgot it.07:31
hyperairwell there's progress i guess07:31
Saviqyeah, crashed on startup07:31
sil2100Oh, lool has birthday?! lool happy birthday!07:31
sil2100I would opt for lool not working more than just today, as I saw him even at 3 AM at night working this week07:32
loolthanks!  yeah even *I* have a birthday  ;-)  I thought I would never age07:32
loolsil2100: I'm off til thursday with some leave days tacked07:32
sil2100lool: awesome! Have a nice rest, this was a great release ;)07:33
Saviqhyperair, here's the debian/ diff between my branch (based on ubuntu packaging) and debian git07:34
Saviqhyperair, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6255584/07:34
Saviqhyperair, there's some crap, but hopefully you'll be able to fish the interesting things out easily07:35
Saviqhyperair, if you need me to, I can "rebase" onto the debian version07:39
hyperairoh hmm, this is the merged version.07:39
hyperairi think i should be able to apply this onto the ubuntu branch and see waht's different from there...07:40
hyperairwhy does paste.ubuntu.com still require launchpad authentication to download as text?07:40
hyperairthis is dumb. the stuff is public already.07:41
hyperairwhy is dumping a paste as raw text something that requires authentication?07:41
wgrantIt discourages spammers, from what I recall.07:41
hyperairi'd understand if you require authentication to *post*07:41
hyperairbut to *get*?07:41
pittiit's to avoid abusing this to store mp3s or videos, etc.07:42
hyperairnow i can't even wget the damned raw url.07:42
hyperairwhy is this not a problem with paste.debian.net and other public pastebins?07:42
pittiso that you don't have an anonymous online storage space for anything07:42
pittihyperair: in principle it is; but I don't know, I'm just saying why it is like that07:43
hyperairwhat's to stop me from opening the mp3 inside pastebin and ctrl+s'ing in firefox or chrome to get it?07:43
* hyperair sighs07:43
pittibecause you need to auth to LP, and thus you can be tracked down07:43
pittis/LP/oauth/, but whatever07:43
hyperairah, right.07:43
pittiI agree that it's terribly inconvenient07:43
cjwatsonMy understanding is that it was a real practical problem before .../plain/ started requiring auth07:44
* hyperair recalls complaining about this some years ago, but not knowing who to complain to.07:44
hyperairand then i just configured my pastebinit to use paste.debian.net07:44
cjwatsonpaste.debian.net expires pastes very quickly, which might have the effect of defending against this but is also very annoying in its own way07:45
hyperairi see.07:45
cjwatsonI often run across Debian IRC logs with paste references that are now useless07:45
Saviqhyperair, sorry about that :)07:45
Saviqhyperair, I just got used to c+p into the terminal ;)07:45
hyperaireven with patches? =\07:48
hyperairokay, i guess i could just use xsel07:49
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fishorhello devs. i hunt currently crash on empathy-call which seems to be platform specific. May be you can help me here. This crash can be reproduset even with "gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src ! x264enc ! fakesink"09:45
fishoronly on platforms supporting sse4.109:45
fishorlast command on which it will crash is __memcmp_sse4_1() at sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memcmp-sse4.S09:47
fishoris it known issue?09:48
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fishori use libx264-123, version 2:0.123.2189+git35cf912-1. same version works on i5-3317U but fail i7-2677M09:54
jdrabfishor: is this the same bug ? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=95739709:55
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 957397 in empathy "[abrt] empathy-3.8.1-1.fc19: __memcmp_sse4_1: Process /usr/libexec/empathy-call was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" [Unspecified,New]09:55
fishorjdrab, yea... looks like it is09:56
Dark_lightEmpathy can't show facebook accounts I think it's related to: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71036309:56
ubottuGnome bug 710363 in general "Adapt to changes in the redirect URI requested by Facebook" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:56
Dark_lightI tested the patches there on gnome and they work fine09:57
fishorjdrab, then this bug is probably in libx264-12309:57
jdrabfishor: if i was you i would report it to launchpad as a bug and paste the link from redhat bugzilla09:58
Dark_lightIf I wanted to open a bug for that shuld I open it for empathy or something else ?10:04
fishorjdrab, ok, i reported it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/x264/+bug/124148610:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1241486 in x264 (Ubuntu) "empathy __memcmp_sse4_1: empathy-call was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" [Undecided,New]10:26
fishormost probably this bug will add more troubles, for example with totem and other apps using gstreamer10:26
fishoror apps using libx264-123 directly10:27
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jibelbdmurray, slangasek I suspect a problem with the upgrade of unity between raring and saucy13:18
jibelbdmurray, slangasek we receive lot of reports where the upgrader prefers to keep the old libunity-common rather than upgrading libunity-core-6.0-813:19
jibelfor example bug 1241485 or bug 124124313:19
ubottubug 1241420 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1241485 Unable to upgrade to 13.10 ( Could not calculate the upgrade)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124142013:20
ubottubug 1241420 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1241243 Unable to upgrade to 13.10 ( Could not calculate the upgrade)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124142013:20
jibelbdmurray, slangasek could you have a look and see if there is really a problem or it is a false alarm13:21
jibelunity-common not libunity-common13:22
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bdmurrayjibel: I'll have a look in a bit13:28
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mdeslaurwelcome trusty tahr13:55
tvossmdeslaur, +113:57
smartboyhwNew codename?14:02
mitya57yeah, check sabdfl's blog14:03
jibelbdmurray, so, it seems that upgrade fails when unity is installed but not ubuntu-desktop ie people who installed unity on a flavor of ubuntu14:03
smartboyhwIt's too short though-.-14:03
Cimihey kenvandine :)14:06
CimiI'm sure you can help me14:06
jibelbdmurray, confirmed, do a minimal install of raring + apt-get install unity => cannot upgrade to saucy14:09
tumbleweedbdrung_: around?14:09
kenvandinehey Cimi14:10
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jibelbdmurray, I completed bug 124142014:14
ubottubug 1241420 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "unity held back if ubuntu-desktop is not installed during upgrade from raring to saucy (upgrade fails)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124142014:14
tumbleweedxnox: how is your change to distro-info-data supposed to work?14:20
xnoxtumbleweed: what do you mean? it will start returning "devel" as the in-development release.14:21
tumbleweedxnox: so, tools that currently use this information (e.g. dch) should be using devel instead of the codename?14:22
xnoxtumbleweed: and there is a tweak in lpapi cache in ubuntu-dev-tools for the cases where requested codename != series.name (a one liner extra cache)14:22
tumbleweedthat seems wrong14:22
tumbleweedshoudn't we handle devel specially, like we do for Debian aliases?14:23
tumbleweedit isn't a release14:23
xnoxtumbleweed: uploads to devel work in launchpad and get redirected to the "current_series" in lp-api speak.14:23
xnoxtumbleweed: no, it's special. In debian "sid" and "unstable" are both special. As sid will never release, and unstable is permament alias.14:24
xnoxtumbleweed: in ubuntu "trusty" will release and "devel" alias will be moved to next one.14:24
xnoxso semantics are very different.14:24
tumbleweedxnox: right, and devel is an alias, not a release14:24
tumbleweedxnox: yes, so this should be handled in distro-info, not distro-info-data14:24
xnoxi don't see how to specify alias in distro-info-data.14:24
tumbleweedyou can't14:25
xnoxtumbleweed: no, i explicitely do not want it to be handled in distro-info, as "devel" is valid series on release date, and even when there is no new codename.14:25
* xnox says works like a charm here on my machine =)14:26
tumbleweedthat might be useful to do, but I think tehy way you've done it is rubbish14:26
tumbleweednow the order of the CSV entries matters14:26
xnoxit does in debian.csv case as well.14:27
xnoxespecially sid vs experimental.14:27
tumbleweedthey are special cased in distro-info14:27
xnoxtumbleweed: distro-info is broken by definitions, it should never print "release-data out of date" and instead pick the most recent one it knows on the release date, instead of giving a fizzy fit ;-)14:28
tumbleweedxnox: that would be broken behavior for a library14:28
tumbleweedanyway, I'm reverting your change, and uploading with trusty. Shall we take the discussion of how to add devel to a bug?14:29
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xnoxtumbleweed: why?14:32
xnoxtumbleweed: bdrung_ liked the change.14:32
tumbleweedbecause I'd like to upload something that works14:32
tumbleweedand Ic an't see how to make this work sanely14:32
xnoxtumbleweed: then don't upload.14:32
tumbleweedwhat sohuld ubuntu-distro-info --devel return?14:32
xnoxtumbleweed: uploading incomplete behaviour is also wrong imho.14:33
tumbleweedit's the status quo14:33
xnoxtumbleweed: no, it's just your prerogative.14:33
xnoxtumbleweed: given that both ubuntu & debian now have aliases, distro-info should encode them.14:34
cjwatsonThat suggests they should be done in the same way, though, and this isn't14:34
xnoxtumbleweed: or have a new file-format to encode the rules of the aliases, given that "it's the last N" anyway.14:34
cjwatson(sid isn't an alias)14:34
xnoxcjwatson: i think tumbleweed's argument is that "devel" should be handled the same way as "testing" is.14:35
xnox(or well "unstable")(14:35
cjwatsonYes - and I agree14:35
tumbleweedit should, yes, it's an alias14:35
xnoxcjwatson: at the moment alias support in distro-info is #ifdef DEBIAN14:35
cjwatsonExcept that we need to ensure that it continues to refer to the last thing in the list if there isn't something after it14:35
cjwatsonSure, I know14:36
xnoxlet me look how testing/stable aliases are defined.14:36
tumbleweedxnox: special casing distro-info to return "devel" if there's no known development release would be very sensible14:36
tumbleweedand yes, in general, ubuntu will need to gain alias support14:36
xnoxtumbleweed: no it should imho always return devel for development uploads in ubuntu.14:37
tumbleweedxnox: it's used for things besides uploads14:37
xnoxtumbleweed: same way we upload to unstable, and not sid.14:37
tumbleweedI don't want my QA databases to suddendly be considuring devel to be a release14:37
tumbleweedxnox: has the ubuntu community decided that we want devel in our changelogs? I haven't seen any discussion on that14:38
cjwatsonxnox: Actually always returning devel is dangerous14:38
cjwatsonxnox: LP operations (e.g. syncs) require a concrete series name not an alias14:38
cjwatsonAnd that was deliberate14:38
xnoxtumbleweed: devel, is meant for people to track latest development series and use them in their apt sources.14:38
cjwatsonIt's meant for that but it's too early to actually use in apt sources given that apt complains in odd ways when you do and it doesn't work right for all the pockets yet14:39
xnoxcjwatson: "deliberate" ok, interesting. Because getSeries(name_or_version="devel") returns me a series object in the api.14:39
cjwatsonxnox: that's different14:39
cjwatsonxnox: if you copyPackage(to_series="devel") it will fail14:39
wgrantcjwatson: Hm, I thought I tried to push back on that, but the aliases ended up working for copyPackages in the end.14:41
cjwatsonThough admittedly syncpackage gets that directly from the API.  Still, I think distro-info should return concrete series names.14:41
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cjwatsonwgrant: You did and I was fairly sure I'd incorporated your suggestion14:41
cjwatsonIf they work then it's by mistake14:41
wgrant_text_to_series seems to follow aliases.14:41
xnoxcjwatson: then "dch" is broken without updated distro-info, which is imho wrong & it should use "devel".14:42
xnoxcjwatson: unless we make a way to explicetely request alias.14:42
cjwatsonxnox: I think dch should be special-cased for Ubuntu as it is for Debian14:42
xnoxtumbleweed: debian-distro-info --alias --devel -> doesn't work, and i would have expected it to.14:43
cjwatsonwgrant: Maybe I misremember the discussion ...14:43
tumbleweedxnox: wat14:43
tumbleweed--alias takes an argument14:43
tumbleweedyes, we need a reverse --alias14:43
xnoxtumbleweed: sure but `debian-distro-info --alias `debian-distro-info --devel`` is ugly UI =)14:44
tumbleweedxnox: totally agreed14:44
xnoxif i want hte "devel" alias, for e.g. dch and stuff _I_ care about =))))14:44
tumbleweedright, and I keep telling you that you are doing this in the wrong place14:44
xnoxtumbleweed: anyway, yeah add trusty to ubuntu.csv and upload without devel in there.14:44
xnoxtumbleweed: and we'll work out the alias semantics later.14:45
tumbleweedif you want devel in dch, then dch doesn't need to use distro-info14:45
erle-are logs from /var/crash save to upload from a privacy perspective?14:45
tumbleweeddevel is forever14:45
xnoxtumbleweed: but like "update-maintainer" and things like that should learn that "devel" is ubuntu.14:46
xnoxcjwatson: hm.... will DEB_VENDOR trip up on "devel" at all?14:46
xnoxoh, it's per vendor, nor per vendor release, so shouldn't.14:47
cjwatsonI don't think there's a great rush to sort out devel; it can be done at leisure14:47
cjwatsonThere are several things to adjust14:47
tumbleweedso, does this look right? 14.04 LTS,Trusty Tahr,trusty,2013-10-17,2014-04-17,2019-04-1714:51
xnoxtumbleweed: it's been created on 2013-10-18.14:57
xnox=)))) (me ponders if created date should encode when sabdfl gave us the codename ;-) )14:57
tumbleweedxnox: yeah, I'd rather not have the discontinuity14:57
xnoxtumbleweed: yeah, due to distro-info brokeness. that's fine. I am half joking at this point =)14:58
tumbleweedhistorically, there used to be very long archive opening delays, we don't encode that14:58
xnoxah, true true.14:58
shadeslayer_I'm using the UbuntuDrivers Python 3 API to write a driver manager for Kubuntu but it seems like the API isn't returning the currently active driver for me15:23
shadeslayer_see http://pastebin.kde.org/ppbk8vvv915:24
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tseliotshadeslayer_: if you send me an email about that I can probably help15:36
shadeslayer_tseliot AT youboontoo dot com ?15:36
bdmurrayslangasek: do you have any ideas on bug 1241420?15:37
ubottubug 1241420 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "unity held back if ubuntu-desktop is not installed during upgrade from raring to saucy (upgrade fails)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124142015:37
tseliotshadeslayer_: you'll find my address here: https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone15:37
bdmurrayI think I ended up with a similar problem after fiddling with the lubuntu-desktop PostUpgradeRemove15:38
slangasekbdmurray: in the process of wrapping my brain around it.  unity-common being obsolete means it should get removed, but apparently it hasn't been hinted hard enough15:38
bdmurrayWell the PostUpradeRemove change wasn't enough at any rate15:39
stgraberhallyn: libvirt accepted into precise-proposed16:21
hallynstgraber: great, thanks.  i'm a little confused as to why the builds succeeded on arm tbh...  guess the testcases didn't run there or something16:21
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slangasekbdmurray: so I can certainly reproduce the problem, but I'm not yet seeing why apt gets wedged this way17:09
bdmurrayslangasek: is it odd that libunity-core-6.0-8 provides and conflicts with unity-common?17:10
slangasekbdmurray: nah, Provides/Conflicts/Replaces is a standard method of taking over from another package17:10
slangasekbdmurray: reproducible with apt-get dist-upgrade, that's helpful17:13
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slangasekbdmurray: so the problem may be related to libunity-core-6.0-8 Conflicts: unity-common recursively breaking libunity-core-6.0-5 and unity, and apt not following this all the way around; I guess that having libunity-core-6.0-8 declare Breaks: against the old version of unity and libunity-core-6.0-5 will help here, let me try that locally17:22
bdmurrayslangasek: ah earlier I see a Holding Back libunity-core-6.0-8:i386 rather than change unity-common:i38617:25
bdmurrayslangasek: how will you try that locally?17:26
slangasekbdmurray: hacking /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages :)17:27
slangasekdidn't help17:27
slangasek'apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes purge unity-common', with raring packages installed and sources pointing to saucy, is instructive17:27
bdmurrayslangasek: that's a lot to read through.  Have you looked at libwayland-client0 yet?17:47
slangasekbdmurray: I haven't; I actually decided that the 'purge unity-common' was probably not going to be the shortest path and am looking at dist-upgrade output again17:47
slangasekbdmurray: anyway, I'm permuting the upgrade options by editing the Packages files and running 'sudo apt-get check' to force a cache update17:48
slangasekbdmurray: hmm, apt is mocking me, 'apt-get check' isn't actually honoring my changes17:57
slangasekbdmurray: oh, because I have multiple sources, whoops17:57
smoserhey.. per my apt-cache, swift is universe18:03
smoseri do not believe that to be the intention18:03
smoserand it disagrees with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/swift18:03
slangasekbdmurray: ok, adding libunity9 Breaks: unity-common (<< 7.1.2) is sufficient to get apt to DTRT18:04
slangaseksmoser: the source package is in main; most of the binaries are in main; the swift binary is not because nobody seeded it or depended on it18:05
bdmurrayslangasek: great, so what is next?18:06
slangasekbdmurray: SRU of libunity18:06
smoserslangasek, thanks.18:07
slangasekbdmurray: unless you think it would be better to quirk this in ubuntu-release-upgrader, which is also possible but not strictly necessary18:07
slangasekwell, theoretically possible18:07
slangasekI think it'd be easier to address it in libunity, in this case :)18:07
bdmurrayAnd also help being using apt to dist upgrade18:08
bdmurrayso you'll upload it?18:09
slangaseksure, can do18:09
bdmurrayHow did you arrive at libunity9?18:11
slangasekbdmurray: I looked at the set of unity packages in the apt-get dist-upgrade output that were being upgraded instead of removed, and picked one18:12
slangasekunity-services might be a better choice conceptually since it's from the same source, but libunity* are more likely to get the right result from apt since they're lower in the stack18:12
slangasekbdmurray: ok, uploaded18:17
infinitysmoser: It's always been in universe.18:18
smoserinfinity, thats fine.18:18
infinitysmoser: For future reference, what you probably want here is "rmadison -S swift" to tell the whole story.18:19
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brainwashit looks like bug 1205384 is still present, can anyone else confirm this?18:48
ubottubug 1205384 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "Lock can be circumvented by switching to console" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120538418:49
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mdeslaurbrainwash: you need to lock the screensaver before you switch to the greeter lock mode19:02
brainwashmdeslaur: yes, I know that, but all the lubuntu 13.10 users don't I guess19:02
mdeslaurbrainwash: well, not manually, I mean whatever lxsession is doing has to lock the screensaver19:03
mdeslaurbrainwash: what's calling dm-tool?19:03
brainwashit's just switching to the lightdm greeter, didn't see it calling a locker19:03
brainwashthe lxlock script19:04
brainwashpart of the lxsession package19:04
mdeslaurbrainwash: ah, yeah, that script is wrong19:05
brainwashmdeslaur: yeah, needs to fixed asap I think19:06
brainwashand they already removed xscreensaver19:07
mdeslaurbrainwash: what's the default screensaver in lxde?19:07
brainwashI'm not that familiar with lubuntu/lxde19:08
brainwashI was just curious about the lightdm locker mechanism19:08
mdeslaurbrainwash: lightdm doesn't actually lock the screen, something else has to19:09
brainwashyea, I'm informed19:10
brainwashthere is a working solution, light-locker, but it's not yet available in the official repository19:10
brainwashjust want to make sure that someone verifies this (security) issue and informs the right people to fix it19:13
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chilukyay 64-bit default.... I see pigs flying...19:47
slangasekchiluk: duck, those things pack quite a wallop when they hit you19:49
chilukslangasek, see it wasn't that hard.19:49
bdmurrayslangasek: there is still the lubuntu-desktop postupgraderemove change which I'll upload today.  I want to see if there are any other upgrade issues.20:13
slangasekbdmurray: sounds good20:30
kirklandI have a strange build failure on 13.10...20:35
kirklandcp: cannot stat ‘/usr/share/automake-1.11/INSTALL’: No such file or directory20:35
kirklandthat file does not exist, as it's in ‘/usr/share/automake-1.13/INSTALL’:20:36
kirklandwhy on earth does automake use a 1.11 path?20:36
brainwashmdeslaur: any new information regarding bug 1205384? nothing has been done during the development cycle to fix this, so I'm not sure if anything will happen any time soon21:33
ubottubug 1205384 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "Lock can be circumvented by switching to console" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120538421:33
mdeslaurbrainwash: I don't have any information...perhaps contact the lxde team? I'm not sure who's on it21:48
brainwashmdeslaur: I'll do that, thanks21:52
bdmurrayslangasek: bug 1241487 looks like an issue with gdm and libgdm22:08
ubottubug 1241487 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Release upgrade aborts with error message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124148722:08
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