
bjsniderwell, i tried building the latest xchat-gnome, but after installing it, the scroll wheel doesn't work and neither does tab completion00:49
bjsniderwell, scroll wheel in message window doesn't work00:49
bjsnidercould be collateral damage from one of these patches i guess00:50
nadrimajstorphillw: I've made a proper cdimage mirror for lubuntu and ubuntu-gnome01:19
nadrimajstortake a look at http://ubuntu-cdimage.nadrimajstor.com/01:19
nadrimajstorI had not enlisted this mirror anywhere...01:21
nadrimajstorSo add it where you find fit...01:21
Foragecongrats and many thanks for ubuntu gnome 13.10!07:24
Foragelove the more consistent startup styling (grub, splash, login)07:25
Foragebecause I updated from 13.04 (incl. stable and staging ppa) and now have 13.10 (incl. only stable ppa) installed, I'm a bit unsure if and where I can report a specific bug.07:28
ForageThe only noticeable issue I found is the background jumping from one screen to another and back again when going to the activities overview07:29
ForageI've got a dual monitor setup with the right-hand monitor as the primary. A single background is spanned across both monitors07:30
ForageWhen I go to the overview, the left-hand monitor background part shifts to the right-hand monitor, causing a quite disruptive screen change07:32
ForageThis could be a gnome thing, but is it "fair" to report with the mixed packages from different sources?07:34
Forageshould I upgrade to the staging and next ppa first?07:35
Forageif yes, how "stable" is the staging ppa at this stage, compared to staging for 13.04?07:36
darkxstbjsnider, yeh send it through07:39
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mgedminis the control center supposed to look like this in Ubuntu GNOME (with the PPA enabled)?  http://imgur.com/ROkaieI12:03
mgedminbetter question: what do I need to apt-get remove to get rid of that Landscape thing that makes the window too high for my 1366x768 screen?12:05
mgedmin*too tall12:05
mgedminanybody here using chromium?12:42
mgedminis it just me or are fonts rendered weird in chromium 29 in ubuntu gnome 13.10?12:42
mgedminespecially in the address bar: the text even jumps up and down while I'm typing12:42
Foragemgedmin: what's wrong with that control center?12:52
Foragelooks fine to me12:52
mgedminit does not fit on my laptop's lcd (720p)12:52
Forageyou got two additional icons creating the extra lines12:55
Forageone flag in the top section and the landscape service in the bottom section12:56
Foragestupid you can't resize that window12:56
bjsniderdarkxst, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6257032/13:03
mgedminokay, apt-get remove landscape-client-ui-install gets rid of one rown13:24
mgedminbut the window still doesn't fit in 1366x76813:24
bjsnidermgedmin, that's how large it is here, and it doesn't resize13:43
erle-gnome-panel crashes in saucy13:47
erle-i filed a bug13:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241571 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "gnome-panel crashes, if clock displays locations/weather" [Undecided,New]13:48
bjsniderdidn't know it was still there13:48
bjsnidermgedmin, i asked the devs about this and they responded that ubuntu's gcc fork has that issue, but the thing should actually look like this: http://imgur.com/ApIAdkc13:54
jpnurmitop-left hot corner no longer reacts to hover after upgrading to 13.10 - any tips?14:12
jpnurmii can't find anything relevant in settings or tweak tool14:13
Foragejpnurmi: just a hunch, try pushing a bit more in the corner. I found the same thing with the notification bar not appearing any more14:14
Foragebit of getting used to14:14
jpnurmiForage: nope, unfortunately doesn't help... it requires a click now :/14:15
Foragehmm, shouldn't be14:15
Foragewho uses that anyway? ;-P Can hardly keep my hand off the "Windows" key any more :-D14:16
jpnurmii tend to use it if my hand happens to be on the mouse :p14:17
Foragetakes you way off course, less efficient :-P14:17
jpnurmiwell, the other hand might be holding a coffee cup so not necessary that inefficient ;)14:18
jpnurmiooh... it's actually synergy that breaks it14:20
Foragesounds likely14:20
bjsniderno it doesn't require a click14:21
bjsniderit requires a quick movement14:22
bjsnidermove it quicker14:22
Forageman, long time since I used that application. I'm even a bit surprised it still exists14:22
Forageloved it back in the days14:22
jpnurmiyea, sometimes it feels like it's causing more trouble than being helpful14:24
Forageare there issues with gnome-terminal that prevents being updated to 3.8 in the gnome3 stable ppa for Saucy? I found that to be the only Raring remnant not present in a ppa after the upgrade14:26
Forage(just out of interest, it's working fine for me)14:26
bjsnideri'm going to be working on totem this weekend14:30
Foragebjsnider: name confusion or different subject? ;-)14:32
bjsnideri just say whatever pops into my head at a given moment14:33
Forageby the way, will it be "safer" to use the staging ppa for Saucy after it gets a round of 3.10.1 updates?14:34
ForageYou never guess what my next question is going to be ;-P14:39
KrukasHello, how is the upgrade process from ubuntu gnome 13.04 to 13.10. or is het better to do a clean install?15:13
ForageKrukas: upgrade works fine15:49
Forage"better" all depends on personal preferences15:50
Krukasokey thx15:51
Foragefor a fine working system there's no reason to do a clean install15:51
Foragewtf, any of you getting a long list of installed gnome extensions as well after the upgrade? If I go to the website, it lists all kinds of extensions I never used16:01
ForageWTF! you guys added extension to the distro by default?!16:02
Foragedarn, ubuntu-gnome-desktop depends on gnome-shell-extensions16:09
* Forage not liking that move... cluttering the extensions list16:12
topylimany of those default extensions are needed for classic mode16:20
topylimaybe all of them even? i don't know16:20
roastedI just bumped my laptop to 3.10 before I left for lunch. anxious to get back and see if it worked well16:31
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roastedhello from 3.10/3.8/3.6 on ubuntu gnome 13.1018:37
roastedmaybe I said that wrong. Perhaps the next and staging PPA upgrade the 3.6 bits to 3.8 or newer?18:45
topyliroasted: next+staging means 3.1019:16
FrazerXD349Does anybody know how I can install Gnome 3.10 in Ubuntu Gnome 13.10?20:51
darkxstroasted, just install gnome3 ppa if you only want the missing 3.8 bits20:53
FrazerXD349I want the latest features in version 3.1020:55
FrazerXD349is it just to add ppa repository and write apt-get install gnome20:56
darkxstFrazerXD349, install gnome3-next and gnome3-staging PPA's20:59
darkxstbjsnider, what was disabled? >> * Disabled  since the telepathy-account-widgets code is underlinked. ???20:59
FrazerXD349thanks darkxst, I'll try it21:01
darkxstFrazerXD349, then just use software updater or use apt-get  dist-upgrade21:01
bjsniderdarkxst, that was a duplicate of something further down. here's a revised version: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6259825/21:13
bjsniderdarkxst, they've got gnome-music packaged in debian now21:17
darkxstbjsnider, I see21:33
bjsnideri'll build it here and see if it works and whatnot21:33
darkxstwe can copy it to the ppa, however will probably want to un-drop the ubuntu-notify patch21:33
FrazerXD349Does anyone know how to install Gnome Software Center in Ubuntu Gnome 13.10?21:44
darkxstbjsnider, uploaded empathy21:56
Dudytzhi all! I have installed the Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 with PPA Gnome 3.10 ... in the GNOME Terminal > Edit > Profile Preferences ... is not present the Background tab for change the transparency ... is a bug of Ubuntu Gnome or a know bug in the Gnome 3.10?22:17
darkxstbjsnider, and gnome-music as well22:18
darkxstbjsnider, for future reference try to format changelog more like this https://launchpadlibrarian.net/154181521/empathy_3.10.1-0ubuntu1~saucy1_amd64.changes22:20
roasteddarkxst: oh, so 13.10 = 3.8 with bits of 3.6, but 13.10 with gnome3 = full 100% 3.8 environment. Meanwhile, gnome3 + staging = full (full?) 3.10 environment.23:18
roasteddarkxst: speaking of which, will a full 3.8 environment always require a PPA in 13.10? Or is that something that regular system updates can eventually patch in?23:23

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