
antarusseriously guys15:42
antarustrusty tahr?15:42
antarusnow my next goobuntu version will be named 'gtrusty'15:42
antarusengineers are going to totally make fun :(15:42
smartboyhwantarus, ask Mark Shuttleworth on this.....15:42
cjwatsonWe don't get to choose15:42
antarusI've already made a joke branch called 'gkrusty' with krusty the clown as a macsot, but I'm unsure i can convince all my teammates ;)15:44
ogra_antarus, at least trusty is easy to type ... thare are way worse adjectives with T that you dont want to have to type in each upload15:44
xnoxantarus: yeah, trusty also reminded me of krusty =/15:45
ogra_imagine he would have called it telekinetic tapir or some such .... wou would have to type that in each changelog entry15:46
xnoxcjwatson: saucy doesn't show any indicators. I've now fixed it. But i remember we used to have "two" keyboards. One language selection and one input methods. Do you remember where the input methods one came from and wether we still need it?15:49
cjwatsonno, can't look now15:51
rostamHI I have created kickstart via DVD now I like use USB. How could I achieve this please? thx19:40

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