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cjwatsonjtaylor: It's not the arm64 compiler, it's the machines it's running on07:46
cjwatsonjtaylor: birch usually does better07:46
cjwatsonjtaylor: And indeed, you don't need to massively care yet ...07:46
cjwatsonjtaylor: Until we have more reliable machines across the board, we're just bulk-retrying that kind of thing07:47
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xevworkScottK, Laney, tumbleweed: I'm looking at a discussion you had in April 2012 regarding pbuilder and "Distribution data outdated." Here's the transcript: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/04/26/%23ubuntu-motu.txt15:46
xevworkScottK, Laney, tumbleweed: I use cowbuilder-dist on precise and it just recently stopped working.15:47
tumbleweedxevwork: bug 124167315:47
ubottubug 1241673 in distro-info-data (Ubuntu Saucy) "Add Trusty to distro-info-data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124167315:47
ScottKxevwork: I stand by my comment that the distro-info design is broken.15:48
xevworkWell, I certainly wasn't expecting new releases to break pbuilder.15:49
tumbleweedyeah, you have to use it very carefully, to not crash when we don't have a current name15:49
tumbleweedScottK: minor improvements in design would help a lot15:49
xevworkIs there a workaround I can put in place to get my package builds working again?15:50
tumbleweedxevwork: what release are you on?15:50
xevworkThis is on precise.15:51
tumbleweedxevwork: there should be a new version of distro-info-data published in precise-proposed, in a few minutes15:51
tumbleweedI just uploaded it, waiting for it to be approved15:51
* ScottK is processing the SRUs now.15:51
tumbleweedthanks ScottK15:51
xevworkExcellent. Thanks!15:51
ScottKtumbleweed: You forgot the maintainer change in precise.15:53
tumbleweedScottK: it was already done15:53
ScottKThat's what I get for looking at diffs.  Thanks.15:54
tumbleweedxevwork: you should see a deb here soon https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/distro-info-data/0.8ubuntu0.5/+build/511441915:55
tumbleweedthere, built15:58
tumbleweedScottK: I'll verify those when they're published15:58
xevworktumbleweed: Thanks a lot! I'll test it after I have some lunch.16:16
xevworktumbleweed: I just verified that it fixed the issue for me and commented on the ticket.18:15
xevworkThank you guys. That was a swift resolution.18:16
xevworkJudging by what I read, it seems like this has been a recurring issue.18:19
xevworkI'll poke through the code and see if I can come up with ideas for how to improve the system.18:19
tumbleweedyes. distro-info assumed that we'd know release names in advance18:19
tumbleweedthat was true once upon a time, but sabdfl seems a bit busy, these days18:20
xevworkWhat was true once upon a time?18:21
xevworkIs there any high level documentation of the whole system and any interactions that may not be obvious?18:22
tumbleweedI think the things required are:18:23
tumbleweedadd an optional parameter like outofdate='stale' (defaulting to 'error')18:25
tumbleweedteach distro-info about the new 'devel' symlink18:25
xevworkI'll see if I have some time to check it out this weekend. Probably won't be until next weekend, though.18:27
tumbleweedadd a function that'll tell you if a release is stable / devel, so that one doesn't need things like https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/view/head:/pbuilder-dist#L29218:27
tumbleweedfor your case of pbuilder, it's already fixed by adding that try...except, but that's a bit ick18:28
ScottKtumbleweed: It's broken that building for an existing release that distro-info knows all about is at all affected by the lack of a devel release.20:42
xnoxLaney: the transition tracker's go and the mirror bits need to learn about trusty.20:45
xnoxi'd commit to update it, but those scripts are not part of the branch it seems.20:46
tumbleweedScottK: we fixed that post precise20:53
ScottKtumbleweed: Then let's fix it for precise too.  Once the current SRU is in, I'd accept such a change for a subsequent SRU.20:54
ScottKIt still raises a warning, which is nonesense, but it less harmful than it was before.20:55
tumbleweedyeah, that's due to a poor API21:07
stgraberI: 01launchpad-chroot: [saucy-armhf-sbuild] Processing config21:28
stgraberI: 01launchpad-chroot: [saucy-armhf-sbuild] Downloading new Launchpad chroot.21:29
stgraber^ love that hook! Looking forward to pushing a package version of it to trusty21:29
stgraber(sbuild hook that makes it use Launchpad chroots instead of a locally debootstrapped chroot, the package also contains apw's hook to support the various combinations of pockets and components)21:30
stgraberpretty much as close to a LP build as you can get locally21:30
tumbleweedstgraber: hrm, that sounds useful21:32
tumbleweedexcept for downloading massive chroots, that sonuds painful21:32
stgrabertumbleweed: well, it only re-downloads if it changed which doesn't happen terribly often21:33
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