
Prasadso can the end users start to expect Ubuntu custom ROMs eventually? ;)00:00
fishsceneNot bad. Not bad at all. I spoke with some guy at a cartoys store (cartoys.com) who hadn't heard of ubuntu at all. I filled him in.00:00
fishscenecustom ROM's?00:00
madonice fishscene :)00:00
Prasadlike android custom roms... cm/aokp/pa(aospa)00:00
BOOSEthis ubuntu release does not work for Verizon Galaxy Nexus?00:01
Prasadthanks guys... I'm off00:03
fishsceneI found the screen flashing problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/123869500:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238695 in mir (Ubuntu) "unity8 display flickers and stops responding on Nexus 7 (grouper)" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:03
madofishscene: and others ... do you happen to know if one will need an anti-virus software on the mobile device then too?00:05
madoafter all ... one thing that kept me a bit away from modern phones is that i heard you can get viruses on them now too00:05
madoand i'm talking about Android, iOS, Windows, etc phones here00:06
iruletheworldnot really many virues as long as you stay away from applications that are installed from anywhere other than the play store00:06
moppyandroid has a bit of malware, sure00:06
iruletheworldand if you are really worried, there are antiviruses that you can install00:06
moppyeven the play store has malware apps, they aren't that strong abotu curating it, but they do remove stuff once it's reported00:07
iruletheworldthats probably true, ive never run into it,00:07
moppyi dont know why iOS has no malware problem. i know windows doesnt becyase no-one has windows phone00:07
fishsceneApple is a lot stricter with their appstore.00:08
iruletheworldios has no problems because apple has a much better control of the os00:08
moppyiruletheworld: there's a lot of people who repack a popular app, change the name, and push it to the store with added payload.00:08
iruletheworldwell TIL///00:08
iruletheworldI have a sprint galxy nexus, hopefully it isnt too long before touch gets ported00:10
madowell like i said ... i don't have a modern phone yet ... maybe i will really wait until April / May 201400:10
iruletheworlddo you have in mind?00:11
BOOSEcan someone confirm that Ubuntu will not run on Verizon branded Galaxy Nexus?00:11
BOOSEor rather, the phone won't work00:11
iruletheworld... I wish i could. Ive got sprint00:12
challach_i read they have a bootloader lock or something00:13
iruletheworldThe galaxy nexus?00:14
madoanother question if i may ... does anyone of you know whom of Canonical to contact regarding additional questions about the phone?00:14
challach_the verizon branded00:14
fishscenemado: No idea. But you are welcome to ask here - maybe someone is still awake and can answer. (It's pretty late for many of the developers though)00:15
madohmmm ... do you know where those folks work?00:15
iruletheworldnope! unlocked bootloader00:15
madosomewhere in the UK?00:15
fishscenemado: I have no idea really. I just know that around noon (GMT −8), there was a lot of activity in here.00:16
RAOFmado: What sort of questions.00:16
BOOSEyes, I've already unlocked my bootloader00:17
BOOSEbut I've read on some blogs that it only supports GSM phones, and Verizon is CDMA so....00:17
madowell RAOF ... i'd have to check with my family on that too ... they have a few questions but they're not here right now ... ... ... one i thought of is ... Will there be a phone that allows you to use two sim cards simultanously?00:18
madothat would be great!00:18
fishscenemado: The phone's hardware would have to support 2 sim cards. That might be more of a carrier question.00:19
RAOFmado: We're not building phones (unless we decide to try another Ubuntu Edge campagin, or something); if you can find a dual-sim Android phone I don't think it would be any more hard to port Ubuntu Touch to it than any other phone.00:20
fishsceneCanonical is making the OS, it's up to the manufacturers and carriers to bring the hardware to market.00:20
iruletheworldI think that right now the GSM phones are officially supported but people are working on porting it over to cdma00:20
madoi see ... well i know of a few dual-sim android phones ... i just haven't really found a phone yet where both cards really work simulatanously00:21
iruletheworldthey already have a version that runs, but its wifi only00:21
kurenoanyone know if anyone is working on porting for non nexus devices?00:22
fishscenekureno: Check this out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices00:22
iruletheworldAlso, check the xda-developers fourm for your phone00:22
iruletheworldlots of helpful devs over there00:22
madoand talking about the edge RAOF ... weren't the roughly 12 millions enough to star the production of a few phones? ...00:23
madoplus why end the campaign so soon? ... if it would have run till let's say christmas or so ... the money would surely have come00:24
madoalso ... did Canonical try and contact mobile phone providers of various countries? ... i'm sure they would have loved it to have such a great phone like the Edge in their store/s00:25
kurenoiruletheworld, yea I checked the forum and asked some people that made a port of the dev preview but non have replied.00:26
kurenoI'm using 7100 (note2) btw if anyone here have gotten it to work.00:26
iruletheworldJust give it time. It is only the first day its out00:27
fishsceneWell folks, I have to head out. Enjoy your day/evening!00:29
kurenoiruletheworld, Problem is when I want something I want it bad, like really bad. XD00:30
csmarthmm.. bluetooth still not usable? :-(00:30
iruletheworldhaha well.... lets think... how bad do you want it?00:31
RAOFmado: Manufacturing doesn't work like that; if it costs $32M to build 30,000 phones, it *doesn't* cost $12M to build 10,000 phones.00:31
madoi see RAOF ...00:33
csmartmado: they aren't stupid, of course Canonical looked into every possible option to get the Edge to market..00:33
madoyou see i thought if the production started in smaller numbers at first and Canonical would give it to regular people and some mobile phone network providers (which they then put in their store to advertise)00:34
RAOFIt probably costs more than $12M to produce *one* phone00:34
madoCanonical would make money quickly again :) ... especially when people hear it's cheaper than an iphone but has better specs00:34
RAOFBut I'm not in any way familiar with the details ofo the Edge campaign.00:35
madoi still hope of course something like the Edge will be possible in the future ...00:37
RAOFIt'd be pretty awesome.00:37
madoand when that phone comes with a dual-sim-feature i'd love it even more :)00:37
madonote: it'd be important to use both cards simulatanously00:37
kurenoiruletheworld, bad enough to go from never touched android development to read the shit out of it until my head almost exploded so now I have a darn headache00:38
iruletheworldkuerno, lol i go through stages like that. then i realize that its alot of work what these guys do and im in way over my head.00:39
madoRAOF: it's great Canonical would have gotten 12 millions ... it's a shame though it wasn't more ... if they started it again ... i'd ask them for a training and i'd drive around the whole country and showed the thing to every company i come across00:39
madoi'd even stop by at parliaments :D00:40
madopoliticians should be rich, right? :D00:40
thecruciblehi guys00:41
madoone more thing what i don't really understand though is ... why does a phone need to look "pretty" or something? ...00:42
madoit's just a tool00:42
thecruciblehow long does it take after autodeploy.zip for the phone to boot into ubuntu00:42
thecrucibleI have manually flashed recovery, boot and system files for my N400:42
thecruciblepushed the zip to sdcard as autodeploy00:43
thecruciblebut now stuck at google logo00:43
madoand one more thing i'd love to see RAOF ... it's optional though ... being able to use a pen on the phone :)00:43
kurenoiruletheworld, yea get the same feeling, I read page after page of text and code and I'm like "processing please wait.... Brain.exe   is not responding00:43
madothecrucible: ? ... is this you WR?00:44
thecruciblenot wr00:44
iruletheworldkereno, sudo shutdown - r now lol00:44
benkaiserDid ubuntu touch 13.10 release with wifi hotspot support? So i can share my 3g connection over wifi? This is the most critical android feature for me as my phone is my only source of internet for my other devices00:44
madook ... thought you were the guy from the band ii met some time ago ... who by the way will come to "my" town tomorow00:45
madomy bad then thecrucible00:45
thecrucibleno prob, mado00:45
kurenoiruletheworld, sudo pkill -u kureno00:46
kurenothen let cool down before reboot :p00:46
madoone more general question for all of you ... you have seen what i'd like in a phone ... i wonder ... can you make any suggestions to me as to what i should get?00:46
madokureno: putting it in the fridge? (just kidding)00:46
iruletheworldnote III00:46
kurenogot a note II with most note III feature's and love  it :p Though I want ubuntu touch dual booted xD00:47
iruletheworldif you dont mind the large screen size that is. Thats what im going to get when my gnex dies.00:48
iruletheworlddo you think the watch is worth the extra money?00:48
kurenothe screen since grow's on you :p00:48
madosooo you would suggest a Note II or Note III then kureno ?00:48
benkaiserWait out for the nexus 5. Not long now till its released00:48
kurenomaybe if you sit on meetings and don't want to throw up your phone or just subtly check sms in school00:49
madobenkaiser: do you mean me?00:49
benkaiserYehp mado00:49
benkaiserUbuntu touch will support it i am pretty sure...00:50
madohow so?00:50
kurenomado well I have not tried the Note 3 but if I didn't have another year of contract on my phone I would def go for the N3.00:50
iruletheworldkureno, thats what your google glass is for! so you dont have to pull out your phone00:51
madoi see kureno00:51
benkaiserThey supported the GNex, the nexus4 and the nexus5 is next in line before they ship an ubuntu phone next year00:51
madowhy did you two suggest those two phones?00:51
madoaccording to some website i just found benkaiser ... nexus 5 only has 2 gb of ram ... doesn't sound much but what do i know? :)00:52
kurenoI would never buy a LG product, not even with the nexus brand on it :p00:52
mhall119I don't think there are plans to officially support the Nexus 500:52
benkaiserNexus5 is gonna be a beast (like the note 3 is) but it wont run touchwiz (touchwiz is horrible). Note3 has 2gb of ram doesn't it?00:53
madooh yah ... one more thing for Canonical ...00:53
benkaiserThanks for clearing that up mhall11900:53
madoi'd love to see a battery in your phone that can easily be replaced with another one :)00:53
benkaiserTrue. I had a note 1 and that was the best thing about it.00:53
madoi found it hilarious and stupid that you can't replace your battery in some new phones now00:53
kurenoNote 3 have 3 gigs of ram00:53
mhall119mado: we won't be making our own phones any time soon, so we'll be working with an OEM to get Ubuntu on their devices00:54
kurenoand the 4.3 touchwiz is actually a lot better.00:54
benkaiserOkay, fair enough. But ram doesnt matter too much for a mobile os. I dont think i have ever hit 3gb used on my android.00:54
madowell ... like i said before ... i'd ride around in the country and tell every company i come across about the Ubuntu phone ... am sure i can find backers so it will be built *laughing*00:55
kurenothe more apps you multitask between the more ram you want00:55
benkaiserkureno, touchwiz just looks abysmal compared to stock00:55
kurenobut touchwiz have a ton of feature's compared to stock's plain features :p00:55
madobenkaiser: i was just saying that because i think of computers ... they're not that good when they only have 2gb of ram00:55
benkaiserBut you would have to be multitasking between like 5 high-end games to use 3gb00:56
ricmmnot really00:56
madobut like i said ... what do i know? ... looks like you can't replace your battery in the nexus 5 benkaiser00:56
benkaisermado: until you are running a full desktop and doing the exact same things as your desktop on your phone, dont compare the ram.00:56
madoaaand mhall119 are you working for Canonical?00:56
ricmmeven applications can take such reaources with the current toolkits and ever improving graphics00:57
madooh nice ... there's one! ... i found one ... quick! :D00:57
madomhall119 naaah ... seriously now ... i'm glad you are here ...00:57
benkaiserYeh reolaceable battery lack sucks. But if your really worried, you could buy like 2 nexus 4's (and maybe nexus 5s) for the price of 1 note 300:57
* mhall119 is always here :)00:57
ricmmhowever on a mobile environment the application model is a lot different than on desktop00:57
benkaiserOr get an external charge pack00:57
ricmmso you cn do tighter resource control00:57
ricmmand be ble to multitask many apps00:58
madoand i don't want to sound rude or something but ... do you have any idea why i didn't receive any email back from you (Canonical) ?00:58
kurenoalso just check the feature's the note 3 have: Floating windows, multi windows, and you can even run 2 instances of the same app at once: (watch two youtube clipps at once for example or even 3 I don't tested that though)00:58
mhall119mado: who did you email and what did you email about?00:58
madowell ... my dad and i sent a email ... topic was "Edge" for instance00:59
benkaiserkureno: yes, but wouldn't you run a custom rom anyway? Or are you not into that?00:59
mhall119mado: unless you sent it to me, that's not enough for me to go on01:00
benkaiserHey mhall119, dont suppose you know if ubuntu touch has wifi AP (a.k.a mobile hotspot)?01:00
madoalso ... i tried contacting your main office and asked if you were hiring ... i'm looking for a job ... preferably one iin which i can learn some more stuff ... ... preferably in the field of office-work or programming / design01:01
mhall119benkaiser: I'm going to say "in theory, yes", but we don't provide any kind of GUI or simple way of doing it01:01
mhall119I mean, it's the same Ubuntu under the hood, so I'm sure you can do it if you know the commands01:01
mhall119mado: most of us don't work in any office, let alone "the" office01:02
mhall119mado: your best starting point is http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/careers01:02
mhall119there you can find a list of current openings and apply for them01:02
benkaisermhall119 does that mean there is room for a third-party to make the gui?01:02
madothanks mhall119 :)01:03
mhall119I'd also *strongly* encourage you to become involved in the Ubuntu community, not only will it show hiring managers what you can do, but it also lets you meet those hiring managers ahead of time01:03
kurenobenkaiser, I run all kind of rom's. Test new once all the time but modified stock touchwiz have a lot better battery life than any AOSP/AOKP/CM rom's01:03
ricmmbenkaiser any contribution is most welcome01:03
kurenoalso no touchwiz = why get a note in the first place?01:04
mhall119benkaiser: for a 3rd party to do that is going to require some extra security access that normal apps won't get, so I'd suggest that if you're interested in building such a thing you work with the phablet and security teams on it01:04
mhall119phablet team uses this channel, security is in #ubuntu-hardened01:04
benkaiserkureno yeh so get a nexus because custom rom batteries last the same as stock on them? I think it's something to do with samsung not releasing their kernel source code01:05
kurenoyea and the touchwiz also drains minimal battery since it's optimized for the samsung hardware but samsung doesn't release documentation's of the mali drivers I think01:06
kurenothey do release documentations of kernel's I think01:06
benkaisermhall119: thanks for the advice. Sounds like too big a job. Is wifi AP in the pipeline? I would consider it a core feature of both android and iOS01:07
mhall119benkaiser: it's probably in the "nice to have" pile currently, there's still a lot of higher priority ones01:07
lucenutOK, I am stumped. Trying to install Flash Player on touch.01:07
RAOFlucenut: You can't.01:08
benkaiserOkay kureno, so you go with samsung because you can handle touchwiz and i go with the nexus range now because i love always running a custom rom01:08
lucenutThe browser won't do flash?01:08
RAOFlucenut: Correct.01:08
lucenutThat's amazingly bad.01:08
RAOFlucenut: This would be more of a problem if you *could* install flash for the Android, iOS, and WP8 browsers.01:08
benkaisermhall119 is this pile listed somewhere? Or are those sorts of things going to be decided at the next vUDS?01:09
lucenutMy droid will play flash videos.01:09
mhall119benkaiser: in the backs of people's minds right now, but yes they will be discussed and planned next vUDS01:09
lucenutIs there some other way to use youtube without a "flash player"?01:09
mhall119html5 video?01:09
RAOFlucenut: Yes; the mobile site.01:10
RAOFAnd html5 video, of course.01:10
benkaiserOkay mhall119, i might drop into the next vUDS then and see if i can drop some comment in the irc channel when the time is right01:10
mhall119benkaiser: you join the video hangout too if it's something you're really interested in and want to talk about it live01:11
lucenutOK, on the touch I type "https://m.youtube.com" and it bounces me to www.youtube.com01:12
lucenutActually www.youtube.com/?app=desktop01:13
* mhall119 is watching the last ubuntuonair video on youtube on my N4 right now01:14
benkaisermhall119, i wont be old enough (I'm 17 and g+ hangouts doesn't let me join live hangouts till I'm 18 in May)01:15
mhall119oh, darn, hate that restriction01:15
kurenolol you can't use hangout's until you are 18?01:16
mhall119yeah, it's a google restriction01:16
benkaiserYeh and it sucks.01:17
kurenofalsify your age?01:17
benkaiserkureno, i could... But i feel really awkward about creating another google account just for six months so i can lie about my age01:18
madoi don't know what that is ... but play along the rules ...01:18
madoand you'll see ... obedience will pay off01:18
kurenokinda feel's like those silly  age blocking on game website's where you have to state your age before you can visit the main site01:19
kurenoI'm 22 And I never use my real age when filling those xD01:19
godofgruntsmado: "Obedience will pay off" Lol01:19
madothat is silly sometimes, yes kureno01:20
madoi find it odd that it sometimes affects websites that allow you to download patches for regular normal games :)01:20
kurenoI just press the "year of birth" and scroll down to last option :p01:20
kurenofacebook think's I'm 106 years or something like that XD01:20
madokureno: ooooh so it's YOU who does that *laughing a bit*01:20
benkaiserAhaha that is hilarious kureno01:21
madowhat would you do if you were actually older?01:21
madogodofgrunts: it does ... no need to laugh there01:21
kurenoyea I tried to set my birth back in 1800 but facebook didn't have that option :/01:21
godofgruntsmado:  I mean, I don't know how old you are, but in my 23 years experience, that is not true01:21
mado: )01:21
benkaisermado: i think if you are that old, you probably didn't get there by wanting to use Facebook01:22
mado: )01:22
benkaiserHey mhall119, has canonical ever employed any programmers under the age of 18?01:23
kurenoWaiting for stuff isn't my thing :p Life is short and you never know when you die from an accident.01:23
madobenkaiser: ... they should give both of us a job :D01:23
madowasn't meant cheeky or rude ... just thinking that it'd be nice ... plus ... in my case ... they don't really need to pay me very much01:24
madobecause i don't know that much yet for instance01:25
madobut i'm willing to learn01:25
madounfortunately some companies think that doesn't count any more (not saying Canonical thinks that way but other companies where i applied)01:26
mhall119benkaiser: yes01:28
benkaiserI already have a fair bit of experience mado, been a programmee for the last two years, about to graduate a bachelor of technology and been working on different linux distros as my main desktop for the past year. Plus Canonical is in the UK and my girlfriend is going to the UK for nine months next year... They fit together quite well...01:28
benkaiserThanks mhall11901:28
madobenkaiser: i see :)01:29
madowell i'd love to study as well but i don't have any money for that : (01:29
lucenutOK, if I go to a website that has an embedded youtube video, it plays nicely.01:29
lucenutBut I can't go to m.youtube.com01:30
mhall119mado: benkaiser: remember that just about everything we do is open and we work with people in the community all the time. there's plenty of opportunity to learn whatever you want at not cost other than time01:30
kurenoanyone else thing it's weird that even stock android use more ram than some linux distros?01:30
Kirkkaf13Has anyone tried Ubuntu Touch on any other device than Nexus 4?01:31
lucenutI have it on Nexus 1001:31
madomhall119 : )01:31
lucenutBut I can't get the youtube site to work.01:31
Kirkkaf13I have an galaxy S3 I would like to try.01:32
madostill ... reading some of the things you or other companies write in their requirements-list ... sometimes this sounds like you want people that are as young as just hopped out of the egg with the knowledge of a 30 or 40 year old01:32
benkaiserI put it on my galaxy note 1. It was pretty laggy at the time (Early days)01:33
paulo__is there anyone here who can walk me through setting my apn01:33
Kirkkaf13I understand it may have some issues due to being an early release but I would like to develope an app and would only use it for a test device.01:34
mhall119mado: in my experience, age doesn't matter nearly as much as ambition when it comes to acquiring knowledge01:34
benkaisermhall119, thanks, i might consider jumping in to ubuntu touch development and getting the wifi ap stuff working  in my summer holidays (december-march)01:34
mhall119the guy we hired who was under 18 was about half my age, and easily knew twice as much as I did01:35
paulo__i have been screwing around for hours trying to put in my apn, with terminal01:35
madomhall119 thank you for saying that01:35
kurenoanyone seen any video of the stable 13.10 touch running?01:35
madosounds encouraging too01:35
paulo__anyone know how to do the apn settings01:35
benkaiserKirkkaf13 then you should be set to test on any device that has a build for it (check the porting lists)01:35
mhall119mado: always happy to encourage :)01:35
Kirkkaf13benkaiser Where can I locate the porting lists?01:37
madoit's a pity you don't have open positions for people who want to learn from people already working for the company01:37
benkaiserhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices here you go Kirkkaf1301:37
madoapprentice-positions or what they're called01:37
Kirkkaf13Thank you.01:37
paulo__i have it running, just can't connect to my network01:38
mhall119mado: we call it community :)01:38
mado: )01:38
mhall119mado: it's not a paid position, but you get to learn from people doing it, at your own time and your own pace01:38
benkaisermhall119 good call :)01:38
paulo__no one here has an idea about how to set the apn settings01:38
mhall119mado: I was involved in the community for years before I was hired by Canonical01:39
benkaiserpaulo__ sorry i dont have a clue01:39
kurenopaulo__, what device are you using?01:39
mhall119not only will it help you learn, but you'll meet people and make friends that will extend beyond the software01:39
paulo__galaxy nexus01:39
madoyes ... and true ... may i ask what were doing for a living before you got hired by them?01:39
mhall119mado: I did internal website development for a variety of comapnies01:39
madoand what community did you attend? ... your own countries c. or some other one?01:40
benkaisermhall119 sounds just like what I do atm01:40
madomhall119 i see01:40
mhall119mado: my LoCo team got me started, but then I joined the rest of the Ubuntu community with a focus on community-driven web development01:40
mhall119I worked on loco.ubuntu.com and summit.ubuntu.com heavily01:40
mhall119and ran some local events for the Ubuntu Florida team01:40
kurenopaulo__,  go to network/wifi and scroll all the way down until "unlock sim"01:41
benkaiserAnyway i must be off. Got study to do. Catch01:41
mhall119by benonsoftware01:41
mhall119gah, tab-complete-fail01:41
lucenutCan someone explain to me how to use youtube on touch?01:42
mhall119lucenut: you can't just go to youtube.com?01:42
lucenutI have a youtube vid embedded in a website plays nice.01:42
madomhall119 ... interesting ... ... the only thing i can think of that i can help you with at the moment is translating stuff from English to German or German to English (as i can speak both languages) ... ... but i'm sure so can benkaiser :) ... ... his name at least sounds German to me but i can be wrong ;) ... the other thing i sort of can help out is with presenting you how my family and...01:42
mado...friends and other people react to ubuntu (you must know here ... my parents can't use the computer very much)01:43
lucenutNope. It says I don't have flash player installed when I go to youtube.com01:43
paulo__dont see anything there about unlock sim01:43
mhall119lucenut: seems to work for some videos, not for others01:44
mhall119youtube.com/ubuntuonair videos seem to work01:44
kurenopaulo__, do you normaly have pin code?01:44
kurenowhen you are on android do you have to enter the pin every time you boot?01:44
paulo__no, i spent about two hours with someone walking me through the terminal commands to modify the gprs file01:46
paulo__at the end, it won't let me save01:47
paulo__using nano01:47
kurenopaulo__, http://fcns.eu/2013/07/26/ubuntu-touch-unlock-change-reset-pin/01:47
paulo__can i manually drill down into the os system with01:47
kurenothis was all I could find01:47
athairusjust flashed tonight's build onto my galaxy nexus, and got this in my dmesg: [  228.307556] init: ofono main process (2476) terminated with status 101:47
paulo__what is the pin for01:47
kurenopincode on your sim card if you have one01:47
athairusthe screen's black, what did I do wrong? Is there some special order I'm supposed to flash these things in?01:48
paulo__I don't have a pin01:48
paulo__I am in nano right now and try9ing to save the modified gprs file01:48
paulo__it won't let me save01:48
paulo__it is giving me options for dos format01:49
paulo__mac format01:49
paulo__back up file01:49
madomaybe you need more priviledges paulo__ ?01:49
paulo__I sudo to read write01:49
paulo__can i get to this file through the computer01:49
kurenohmm *continue01:49
paulo__vs. a terminal command01:49
lucenutSome youtube videos on the full site just play the audio for me.01:50
kurenoI google some more01:50
athairusif I flash my galaxy nexus with phablet-flash, will my SD card get wiped?01:50
kurenopaulo__, if you go to wifi/network and scroll down and enter "cellular settings" what options do you get?01:52
paulo__there is an option for manual, but you can't select it01:52
kurenois there no other options?01:53
paulo__before i did it in terminal and i got some pretty detailed instruction on how01:53
paulo__everything went fine and I was able to edit the gprs file, using nano in terminal.  at the end though, it won't let me save it01:54
paulo__there is auto and manual01:54
paulo__auto is checked01:54
paulo__manual is greyed out01:54
godofgruntsAnyone know the sudo password?01:55
godofgruntsIt's phablet01:55
godofgruntsin case anyone cares01:55
kurenopaulo__, is your phone CDMA or GSM?01:55
kurenopaulo__, https://plus.google.com/100264483712374857174/posts/3o1tjYo9Ghx01:56
kurenothat guide should help you get working 3G with data01:57
paulo__hpsa is supposed to be working02:00
madook ... i'm sorry but i have to leave now ... it was nice seeing all of you people :)02:00
madothanks mhall119 for some input02:00
paulo__I don't need to trick it, i am using straight talk, I just need to input my apm02:00
advxHi Good Morning All02:00
madoGOD loves you all02:00
pauloch8can I have dual boot with android and ubuntu-touch?02:09
Bio615depending on the device, its unofficial but yes02:10
pauloch8does exist a tutorial to dual boot?02:10
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ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232350 in telephony-service "No vibrates" [Undecided,New]02:11
paulo__ok, so no one knows how to manually set the apn?02:12
godofgruntsAnybody tried to ssh into their Touch yet?02:16
godofgruntsI keep getting "port 22: Connection refused"02:17
Bio615i haven't gotten it installed yet02:17
Bio615but when I do I'll try02:17
Guest48825mhall119: How to screenshot? xD02:18
godofgruntsI had to run sudo start ssh02:20
godofgruntsbefore it would let me connect02:20
godofgruntseven though ps says that phablet is running it02:21
Guest48825godofgrunts: sudo su02:21
dgonyeohow does one connect to a protected wifi network? I select the network but it doesn't prompt me for the credentials and it's no longer selected when I navigate away from and back to the setting02:21
Guest48825password: phablet02:21
godofgruntsGuest48825: Yeah I got that a long time ago02:22
godofgruntsGuest48825: but thanks02:22
Guest48825New Bug in Google+ App02:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241299 in webbrowser-app "Google+ Browser not compatible" [Undecided,New]02:24
godofgruntsOoh, firefox is in apt for arm02:24
RobbyFGuest48825, I know if you hit the back button it will go to the google + page02:24
RobbyFmake sure your visting the mobile site too02:25
rbelemhi all02:30
rbelemis there any effort to port open source n9 applications to ubuntu?02:31
rbelemi was thinking about http://openwhatsapp.org/develop/02:31
rbelemand https://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/meespot/source/9d276ba1847134152f365c3402ec081b228d5b67:02:31
benffffam i wrong or can i simply flash ubuntu phone images the exact same way i can flash android roms? where can I download the .img files? sorry for stupid question02:31
Bio615I'm unsure, I've seen somewhere you can flash the preinstalled images through a custom recovery02:32
advxbye 4 now02:32
rbelembenffff, yup02:32
Bio615I'm getting ready to try it now, if you want to wait and see if I blow my phone up02:32
Bio615(after a nandroid ofc) :302:33
rbelembenffff, the installing link has the instructions02:33
rbelembenffff, in the bottom02:33
Guest48825RobbyF:  If settled, opening the application again, let those notes to take them into account.02:33
benffffim afraid im on windows02:34
benffffso i cant use the repository02:34
dgonyeomy wifi network requires a username and a password, how might one use nmcli to connect to this?02:34
* rbelem assumes noone started working on openwhatsapp and meespot02:35
Guest48825rbelem: WhatsApp for UbuntuTOuch? :D02:35
rbelemGuest48825, maybe02:35
rbelemGuest48825, I will try to get it working now if anybody already got it working02:36
Guest48825rbelem:  In the afternoon was reviewing a project, but did not see very advanced.02:36
Guest48825rbelem:  If desired, pass the application and I try jhosman@ubuntu.com02:36
benffffis there simply a .img file i can copy to my phone and flash from my custom recovery?02:37
rbelemGuest48825, http://openwhatsapp.org/develop/02:37
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rbelemGuest48825, i will try to get it running here02:37
rbelembenffff, yes02:38
Guest48825rbelem:  how to install?02:38
rbelembenffff, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install02:38
benffffim sure im being very slow.. but i cant find the link on that page02:38
Guest48825I'm a nexus 402:38
rbelembenffff, hum...02:38
rbelembenffff, one sec02:38
benffffsorry its here right http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/02:39
rbelemGuest48825, i will built it and then try to run on my nexus 402:39
rbelembenffff, no worries02:40
Guest48825rbelem:  Please let me know!02:40
thecruciblehey guys i have been trying to manually flash ubuntu touch on my N4 but no luck02:40
rbelemGuest48825, oki02:40
thecrucibleI have been getting the message02:40
thecrucibleE: Can't open /cache /recovery/ubuntu_command Can't find autodeploy.zip02:41
RobbyFmhall119, what dictates the infographic on the login/lock screen?02:41
RobbyFmost of the time it does photos, but I've seen sms, and phone calls02:41
omacI just read ubuntu-touch supports gsm. in Canada fido has gsm/ edge, but it's costly and there are no unlimited mobile data offerings for it.   I hope there are plans in the works for wsa1/ lte in Ubuntu touch otherwise there is no ability to use lg nexus 4 in Canada with Ubuntu touch.02:43
rbelemthecrucible, are you following the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install ?02:43
RobbyFomac, I use nexus 4 ubuntu touch in Canada02:43
thecruciblerbelem, yep02:43
rbelemomac, no lte for ubuntu touch for now02:43
omacwhat's your provider?02:44
RobbyFThere the same provider02:44
thecruciblerbelem, even flashed back to stock and back again02:45
rbelemomac, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes02:45
spindleyare you guys flashing devel channel, or just stable?02:45
spindley(just curious)02:45
RobbyFI did devel02:45
rbelemthecrucible, :-/02:45
spindleyRobbyF: daily OTA updates that way?02:45
bray90820What is the most current version of ubuntu touch for the Tmobile Galaxy S302:46
spindleystable i'd assume would be an update every couple weeks or so02:46
omacRobby what plan are you on with fido/rogers?02:46
rbelemthecrucible, try with --debug02:46
rbelemthecrucible, what ubuntu release are you running?02:46
RobbyFspindley, they din't seem daily, just frequently.02:47
thecruciblenone...I used the manual flashing instructions via Fastboot and ADB02:47
thecruciblerbelem, bottom of the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install02:47
rbelemthecrucible, and on the desktop?02:48
spindleyany of you guys use multiple email accounts in gmail? seems like adding another account does nothing02:48
ragazzidhey guys02:48
bray90820Is the nexus 7 version stable enough for daily use02:48
thecruciblerbelem, Mac OSX02:49
spindleynot sure if that's a browser issue though ..02:49
rbelemthecrucible, hum...02:49
ragazzidi'm currenlty using Ubuntu 13.10 - armhf (20131017) no Nexus 4 (mako)02:49
ragazzidam I the only one facing issues with the mobile network?02:49
thecruciblerbelem, not using the phablet method02:49
RobbyFomac, I'm on a special plan I work for Rogers02:49
thecruciblerbelem, I dont have Ubuntu desktop02:50
ragazzidit was working properly... i decided to disable for a while.. now when I try to enable it again it simple doesn't work :(02:50
bray90820Is the nexus 7 version stable enough for a daily driver02:50
godofgruntsIt crashes on everything02:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241242 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu Touch: When using an application and trying to swipe, OS freezes and screen flickers." [Undecided,New]02:51
iruletheworldhaha thats quite a bug02:51
bray90820So if you have anything but a nexus 4 would you recommend waiting02:52
rbelemthecrucible, i can't help much for now :-/ maybe tomorrow you have better luck with the ubuntu touch developers02:52
godofgruntsOn the wiki they say that the Nexus 7 has driver issues due to the hardware02:52
thecruciblenp thanks rbelem02:52
thecrucibleappreciate the effort02:52
rbelemthecrucible, one more thing... try to update the adb and fastboot02:53
Nick__So, me here, with no experience with android development, am attempting to port ubuntu touch to htc sensation.  And I can't even get it going.  I'm following the instructions on the ubuntu touch porting wiki, and when I get to "phablet-dev-bootstrap [target_directory]" it warns me about a gnupg key error, and then doesn't proceed.  And I try running the breakfast command and it doesnt know what the heck02:53
Nick__it is.  Any ideas?02:53
thecruciblewill do02:53
godofgruntsbray90820: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices#Working_with_phablet-flash02:53
rbelemjono, ping02:55
Nick__any ideas?02:55
rbelemjono, do you know about anyone got http://openwhatsapp.org/develop/ running on ubuntu touch?02:56
bray90820Anyone know how stable it is on teh Galaxy Tab 10.102:56
bray90820the p4wifi02:56
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Nick__so what is the breakfast command anyway?02:57
godofgruntsnothing in Apt about breakfast02:58
godofgruntsmaybe he meant fastboot?02:58
omacso here I am in Canada, Robbyf taunting me with his special Rogers-worker privileged data plan.  i've got an older moto milestone and an older advent Vega that I paid a pretty penny for and I can't even use ubutouch on. my wife has an s4 on an unlimited lte data plan which I can't convert to  ubutouch. it's frustrating.02:59
Nick__Like the borg, I believe everything will be assimilated eventually, omac03:00
thatguyisjamesI have a galaxy nexus (toro) , I've seen this time and time again. What is the reason no one develops for Verizon devices? Are the radios that hard to port?03:01
thatguyisjames*I can't say no one does.  But its less popular it seems *03:02
Nick__oh godofgrunts, i didnt see that you had replied to me.  no, there is nothing from what I can see in apt about breakfast, and it just says command not found, it didn't even say like "breakfast is part of this package which is not yet installed) or anything.  And I've added the ubuntu touch repo03:02
Guest48825As I can import my contacts from Google?03:05
spindleyomac: you realize that gsm does not mean gprs, right?03:05
Nick__question: If I have CM already installed on my htc, if i just take the saucy touch img and install that, would that work or brick my device?03:08
rbelemheck! openwhatsapp is python :-/03:09
omacspindley: yes I am aware gsm!= GPRS.  also aws!= lte.03:10
rbelemanyone want to rewrite it in c++ and qt5?03:11
spindleyomac: i don't understand what your issue is then03:12
spindleyfido is a gsm network, therefore you should get 3g data03:12
spindleyi do on rogers03:12
mahkusHey there, is there an easy way to flash Ubuntu Touch? Without resorting to commands?03:13
Nick__ok another question: should I install the preinstalled phablet on my htc, then chroot into it, and then do all the stuff with the android code?03:13
jrrI decided to try ubuntu on my N10. Install seems stuck. host: "Waiting for install to finish on device."; tablet is in recovery with "Ubuntu update complete."03:15
jrrit's in the menu where I can scroll to "Yes - Disable recovery flash"03:16
thatguyisjamesMahkus...  Simple answer is no.  Not at this time.03:16
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=== makimac_ is now known as makimac
mahkusDamn. Thanks for the reply, I thought flashing Ubuntu Touch would be like flashing one of the many Android roms, but i'll guess I'll have to wait fora while.03:19
jrrdo I want to "Disable recovery flash" ?03:20
butterworthhey all03:27
butterworthanyone tried to load ubuntu-touch to HTC One03:28
wilee-nileebutterworth, Nice phone I have a dna, why?03:28
butterworthi am planning to do it, so wondering if anyone has the image for that03:29
wilee-nileeI like the idea of the touch but comparatively at this point quite limited is all. Are you familiar with what you get with the touch?03:30
nhainesYou get an *awesome* mobile development platform using Ubuntu.03:32
butterworthI like the idea of using my phone as a primary device. And not requiring anything else.03:33
nhainesbutterworth: I hope that convergence feature lands in 14.04 LTS.  :)03:33
nhainesIt'll really make LUG meetings, convention booths, and other travelling super, super convenient.03:34
nhainesAccess my important files?  Why hello, Ubuntu One!03:34
butterworthWhat do we get in this 13.10 saucy salamander release ?03:34
nhainesYou get an *awesome* mobile development platform.03:35
nhainesCore apps are pretty solid, over all.  No downloads in the browser, unfortunately, but it does have nice HTML5 support.03:35
dgonyeoHow do I make my file system not read-only03:35
nhainesdgonyeo: run 'touch /userdata/.writeable_image' and reboot.03:36
butterworthnhaines: Have you tried using this release in a non-nexus device ?03:36
nhainesbutterworth: no, because I only have a Galaxy Nexus.03:37
Guest48825New Bug in Music App :P03:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241322 in Ubuntu Music App "Playback is muted." [Undecided,New]03:37
nhainesGuest48825: Works great for me.  See the bug for more information you can provide to make the report more useful.03:39
thatguyisjamesDo you know what kind of work it takes to get this working on the toro. Is me porting it myself within the realm of possibilities?03:39
nhainesthatguyisjames: I believe it works, but there's no telephony stack for CDMA.03:40
Guest48825nhaines:  As that happens, I have an Mp3 file playback time, leave the phone still, until there comes a time when it stops ringing.03:40
thatguyisjamesThat's what my understanding was. I'd be left with only wifi03:40
thatguyisjamesThe core of the two cdma and gsm versions are the same from what I know03:41
nhainesGuest48825: right, but it works for me.  So it doesn't just "not work", it works much of the time, and not some of the time.  We need the information I requested so we can narrow down what "some of the time" means.03:41
nhainesthatguyisjames: yup.  I don't think Canonical has any plans for CDMA support.03:41
Guest48825nhaines:  What information do you need?03:42
thatguyisjamesNhaines: -_- St I guess ill be hanging out around xda hoping someone smarter than me ports this to cdma.03:43
nhainesGuest48825: I've already described this in a comment on the bug.  Please go read what I wrote.  If you have further questions, feel free to ask here (or there, but here is faster).03:44
nhainesthatguyisjames: there's no "porting", you have to write it all from scratch.03:44
thatguyisjamesNhaines: I'm above average in Linux/android knowledge, but flashing to a new radio kernel...  Yea all that03:45
nhainesthatguyisjames: on the one hand, Verizon's on the Ubuntu Carrier Advisory Group.  On the other hand, they're switching to Voice over LTE in 2014, so they may not care either.03:45
nhainesthatguyisjames: I understand it's the userspace stuff that needs written from scratch, not the radio which is just firmware.03:45
thatguyisjamesMy daily driver is a S3. I kept my old galaxy nexus waiting for this release lol03:46
nhainesIt's a really fun way to develop!03:46
Guest48825nhaines: Well that's the problem, play a file placed when the screen is locked when you stop dreaming. I do not know how else to describe the problem.03:46
nhainesGuest48825: I don't need you to describe the problem.  I need you to run 'adb shell system-cli -i' and paste the output in the bug report like I asked.03:47
nhainesYou've already described the problem just fine.  :)03:47
thatguyisjamesI'll keep a eye out for a toro version from some mad scientist. Have a good day/night03:48
nhainesthatguyisjames: I'll be crossing my fingers for you!  :)03:49
Guest48825bash: system-cli: command not found03:49
kurenowish we could just install memory cards in our head's already. Photographic memory!03:49
nhainesGuest48825: try 'adb shell system-image-cli -i'03:49
Guest48825namsohj@ubuntu:~/UbuntuTouchFinal$ adb shell system-image-cli -i current build number: 0 device name: mako channel: daily last update: Unknown03:50
kurenooh well it's not just read and remember it's all about understanding  xD03:50
nhainesGuest48825: Okay, well, that's a problem then.  What phone are you using?03:50
Bio615New to Ubuntu, deployed preinstalled images using custom recovery, besides the no boot screen its working lol03:50
nhainesBio615: sometimes custom recoveries don't support the extended fastboot commands that are needed.  You may want to put stock recovery on there, just for testing.03:51
Guest48825nhaines:  Nexus403:51
nhainesGuest48825: and what command did you run to install Ubuntu on it?03:52
Bio615Just wanted to throw it out there that its working at least. It froze on gmail though, might try what you suggested though might be a bit safer.03:52
Guest48825nhaines:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Manual_Download_.26_Installation whit images of today03:52
nhainesBio615: ohhhh, I misunderstood.  :)  If you have it installed, then you're all set.03:52
nhainesGuest48825: and why did you use this method instead of the supported method using 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b' ?03:53
Bio615oh okay lol. theres no boot animation, is that normal? it boots, just no anim03:53
nhainesBio615: yup!  Maybe in 14.04 LTS, I hope.  :)03:53
Guest48825nhaines: I find it much easier.03:53
Bio615neat :D now if only it had Ingress on it, it'd be my dd03:54
nhainesBio615: That and Google Navigation.  You and me both.  :)03:54
Bio615it has gps atleast though yeah?03:54
nhainesBio615: my team is a little annoyed that I took a week vacation to test drive the phone haha.03:54
nhainesBio615: it does, although no AGPS so it takes a long time to lock.  Also, Mir can't overlay a permissions dialogue yet, to confirm GPS permissions.03:55
Guest48825NewBug Twitter App https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/124132803:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241328 in webbrowser-app "Two-Step Verification Twitter App" [Undecided,New]03:55
nhainesSo that's only a "technically correct."03:55
Bio615thats understandable. feeling comfortable that its relatively easy to flash at least. and it even fixed my lack of storage issue! go ubuntu!03:56
nhainesGuest48825: well, I suspect that until you use the official method of installing, no one will be able to help you, because you've managed to install a non-supported system image.03:56
nhainesBio615: I've heard the plan is to sort of bug fix for a month and then start pounding on the "T" series.  So December should be fun.  :)03:57
Guest48825nhaines: As is the method in the Wiki followeth, likewise, is the same process that follows the phablet installation application.03:57
Bio615T series? whats that about03:58
nhainesGuest48825: I don't know what that means.03:58
nhainesBio615: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will have a "T" codename.  Ubuntu 13.10 has the "S" codename: Saucy Salamander.  :)03:58
Guest48825nhaines: May the Ubuntu installation process Touch is the same, either manually or with the application.03:58
Bio615Oh yeah03:58
Bio615Arizona isn't a place according to the timezones03:59
nhainesGuest48825: you don't have the latest image.  There's nothing wrong with that if you're happy with it, but it's not supported.03:59
nhainesBio615: that's what you get for having weird time zone rules.  ;)03:59
Guest48825nhaines: It is the daily image today (October 17)04:00
nhainesBio615: try searching for Phoenix.04:00
Bio615it didn't work04:00
nhainesGuest48825: if system-image-cli doesn't work, then your install is broken.04:00
Bio615i'll figure it out, or set it automatically04:00
nhainesBio615: really?  It shows up on my Galaxy Nexus.04:01
Bio615maybe I'm on an older build hang on04:01
nhainesBio615: 'adb shell system-image-cli -i'  ;)04:01
iron_giantAny good/updated guides for installing ubuntu touch from a mac? I am fairly familiar with the flashing process and it seems to follow standard android pattens but  it would be nice if there was a good guide.04:04
Bio615its stuttering, could that have something to do with the method I used to install it?04:04
Guest48825 nhaines that is system-image-cli ?04:05
nhainesiron_giant: I think phablet-flash runs on Mac too, with Python support.04:05
nhainesBio615: nope.04:05
nhainesGuest48825: I don't understand the question.04:05
Bio615and ofc this works wonderfully alongside ubuntu right?04:06
Guest48825nhaines: For serving "system-image-cli"04:06
nhainesBio615: media player flickers on maguro.  It's just a thing.  They'll work on it in a few days.04:07
nhainesGuest48825: that didn't make the question clearer.04:08
Bio615hope they get rest lol, this is beautiful :D04:08
iron_giantSeems like it only comes in that ppa? Is it available elsewhere?04:08
Guest48825nhaines:  Let's do something, tell me how I do the installation. And try again.04:08
nhainesiron_giant: it's in the 13.10 repositories.  You could always burn a DVD or USB stick and boot from that and install. :)04:09
iron_giantLol already downloading. Live usb goooooooo04:09
nhainesGuest48825: on Ubuntu 13.10, run 'sudo apt-get install phablet-tools android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot'04:10
nhainesGuest48825: then run 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b'04:10
nhainesThat should do it.04:10
Guest48825I go to reboot my system04:11
nhainesGuest48825: I'm crossing my fingers for you.  Mostly, I hope the problem goes away and you can enjoy your music immediately.  :)04:12
Bio615redeploying preinstalls, hopefully deborks phone04:17
Bio615does WIFI work on mako or no04:17
Bio615the chart says it does, but for me it isn't04:18
Bio615it keeps asking for a password04:18
nhainesBio615: I'm almost certain wifi works, but I'm on maguro.04:19
nhaines(Err, I'm pretty sure it works on mako, but I don't know firsthand, I mean.)04:19
JHOSMANnhaines:  I reinstaled the system04:19
nhainesJHOSMAN: great!  I'm hoping the problem is solved.  What does 'adb shell system-image-cli -i' say now?04:19
JHOSMANnhaines: im guestuser :P04:19
nhainesJHOSMAN: I recognize you. :)04:19
JHOSMANnhaines:  I'm downloading it again, it will take about 30 minutes. or more!04:20
nhainesSo, I'm hoping everything works, because I'd prefer it if you can just enjoy your music.  :)  But we'll double-check the build and test it and if it's still not working, we'll get that bug report sorted out.04:20
nhainesJHOSMAN: oh, nice bonus for you, maybe, is that after this you can update your phone from System Settings > Updates.04:26
JHOSMANnhaines:  No updates are available.04:29
nhainesJHOSMAN: That's because you weren't running an official image.  Plus, there won't be any updates for about a week, probably.  But when they are, you'll be able to download only the changes.  Updates are more like ~18MB this way.04:30
JHOSMANnhaines: I'm downloading the image to install, the way you told me.04:31
nhainesJHOSMAN: what I am saying is that after you've installed this way, you can update directly from your phone in the future.04:31
Bio615was just about to ask that after I rejoined, mako stuck on checking for updates04:33
nhainesBio615: looks like this: http://ubuntuone.com/4guBmiB5yT1NJFNGqf0lQ204:35
Bio615except it never gets there, its been on checking for updates for about  five mins04:35
nhainesBio615: check "About this phone" to see what build you're runnning.04:39
Bio615erm, beside software is a blank space.04:47
nhainesBio615: it's a section ehader.  Under that it should say "OS:"  :)04:48
nhainesFor example, mine says "OS:    Ubuntu 13.10 (r100)"04:48
JHOSMANi'm zzzzz xD04:48
Bio615doh. mine is just ubuntu 13.1004:49
nhainesBio615: then you're running build 97 or earlier.  You know what to do.  :)04:49
Bio615woooo thats old. got it lol. dunno how I managed to pull that one off04:49
nhainesA problem discovered and fixed becomes no longer a problem.  :)04:50
JHOSMANnhaines:  installing :D04:50
nhainesJHOSMAN: :D04:50
Bio615well, what happened was I used the preinstalled images, and flashed those through a custom recovery. is that bad?04:51
nhainesJHOSMAN: Thanks for going through that method of installing.  I know it's extra work and I appreciate it.04:51
nhainesBio615: which images?04:51
Bio615do you want me to link it, or04:52
nhainesJHOSMAN: I'm being sincere!  I want you to either no longer have the playback problem or I want a good solid bug report on LP.  :)04:52
nhainesBio615: sure, a link works.04:52
Bio615heres something else: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/04:53
JHOSMANINFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes.04:53
nhainesBio615: oh.  Well, that's just the hardware-specific stuff.  Most of the stuff is generic and in saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip.  :)04:54
Bio615yeah I flashed both of them lol04:54
JHOSMANnhaines:  The phone does not come up = (04:54
Bio615I just don't know if this is an inefficient way of doing it and if going the long way would be better04:55
nhainesBio615: If /userdata/.writeable_image exists, you may want to delete it and reboot.04:55
Bio615k I'll look at that04:55
nhainesBio615: I imagine that 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system' is not "the long way" compared to how you did it.  :)04:55
Bio615lol yeah I know, but fwiw I did extensive research on it to make sure it wasn't gonna cause a hard brick, hope I'm not wasting your time xD04:56
nhainesBio615: I don't think flashing this way *can* brick the device, because fastboot is always there.04:57
nhainesBio615: anyway, the updater only works with the official images, because the server serves a delta to minimize image size (r99 to r100 was 18MB, for example).04:57
JHOSMANNow I have the update r10004:58
nhainesJHOSMAN: yay!  Okay, test out the music player and let's see what happens.04:58
Bio615okay I understand a bit. I'll try the official way tomorrow, since doing it an unofficial way probably won't help you guys in your development, just hope bug reports weren't autosent in my little adventure lol04:58
JHOSMANnhaines: I will update the system, reboot and test.04:59
nhainesBio615: very thoughtful of you.  :)04:59
nhainesJHOSMAN: okay, I'll be waiting.04:59
Bio615I'm off for the night then, hopefully will get things (officially) up and running tomorrow :D05:01
JHOSMANErr http://ports.ubuntu.com saucy/main Sources         404  Not Found05:02
JHOSMANi have internet in the nexius05:03
nhainesBio615: good luck!  :D05:04
nhainesJHOSMAN: hm, that's a bit odd.  Where'd you get that message?05:04
Bio615thanks! take care you guys05:04
bit_the string for nexus 7 wfi ?05:05
bit_I tried to install but the screen flickers05:06
bit_can someone help me?05:07
JHOSMANproblem solved!:o nhaines05:07
pinPointhey I have an issue.05:07
pinPointI just moved touch.zip to /sdcard/autodeploy.zip and adb rebooted recovery05:07
pinPointit finished installing now I have a google logo and nothing is booting...05:08
pinPointgalaxy nexus here05:08
pinPointWhat could be wrong?!05:08
bit_you have to wait, do not look at your phone05:08
iron_giantHow long does that last step take: "INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes."? Any estimates?05:09
Bio615i've heard 15 minutes05:09
Bio615decided to have a drink before bed ;)05:09
pinPointit finished moving files05:09
bit_yes :)05:09
pinPointthe only time I rebooted was after like 3 minutes on Google LOGO05:10
iron_giantHrmmm ok.05:10
bit_more time05:10
bit_for nexus 7 the screen ???05:10
pinPointgalaxy nexus05:10
bit_asus nexus 7 tablet05:11
nhainesJHOSMAN: hey, that's great!  :D05:11
spazzymotoHey guys, not sure if these bugs have been reported. I searched launchpad but couldnt find anything. Bluetooth turns itself on again if i leave my phone for awhile, not sure if it has to do with locking and unlocking of screen. Also the touch in file explorer clicking on one folder seems to select the one below it, ie documents opens downloads, downloads opens music.05:11
nhainesiron_giant: always takes a billion years for me.  :)  Great time to get up and get a snack.05:11
pinPointso now I seat for centuries for the phone to boot? why does it take sooo long though?05:12
nhainesspazzymoto: the Bluetooth thing is a bug, I believe.  Not sure about the file explorer thing, but it's intermittent.05:13
nhainespinPoint: because that's the actual install step.05:13
JHOSMANnhaines: I insist that this Bug, must be resolved as soon as possible.05:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232350 in telephony-service "No vibrates" [Undecided,New]05:13
nhainesJHOSMAN: it's not a bug.05:13
nhainesJHOSMAN: It will be fixed before April when Ubuntu 14.04 LTS comes out.05:13
nhainesIt's *annoying*, I'll give you that.05:14
bit_for WFI nexus 7 tablet is this correct?: phablet-flash -b05:14
pinPointnhaines: to take 15 minutes? what is it really installing for that long... really?05:14
nhainesbit_: for a 2012 Nexus 7, yes.05:14
nhainespinPoint: I'm pretty sure it takes my phone 25 minutes.05:14
iron_giantPhones dont have the fastest storage.05:14
nhainespinPoint: it probably takes 25 or 30 minutes to install Ubuntu on your PC.  :)05:15
irrelev4ntHey all. Does anyone here use Ubuntu on a Surface Pro? I was directed here from the #ubuntu05:15
bit_but does not work: lasintassi right is this: phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b05:16
JHOSMANnhaines: I have missed several calls, and I think it's one of the reasons why going back to Android = S05:16
JHOSMANnhaines:  You know, like I can import my contacts from my Google account?05:16
bit_ nhaines, but does not work: the right syntax is: phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b05:16
bjh_ubuntu touch can be rooted?05:16
pinPointI noticed the recovery looks very familiar to CWM... can I use the same recovery to restore my previous CWM backups?05:16
pinPointsay from Android 4.3.1?05:17
nhainesJHOSMAN: yes, but vibrate was not planned to be in 13.10.  It is planned to be in 14.04 LTS.  Just like many other features that weren't ready in 13.10.05:17
bjh_can be rooted?05:17
bit_ nhaines: but does not work: the right syntax is: phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b05:17
iron_giantI am pretty pumped for another player in the game. Though I guess I will have to learn to dev in ubuntu touch too.05:17
bjh_i have sgn. cant it be rooted?05:18
nhainesbit_: cdimage-touch is not supported.05:18
pinPointi tried the demo before... it was annoying as HELL05:18
nhainesbjh_: no, it can't.  That doesn't mean anything on Ubuntu.05:18
pinPointiron_giant: can i restore my previous cwm using ubuntu cwm recovery?05:18
JHOSMANnhaines:  If I can import my contacts from Google, I'll stay, otherwise android reinstall it.05:18
nhainespinPoint: yes.05:18
bjh_so i can't edit host file? OH GOD!05:18
nhainesJHOSMAN: You fact you can.  :)05:19
nhainesbjh_: of course you can.05:19
nhainesJHOSMAN: let me find the command for you.05:19
pinPointwhat about .VCF files?05:19
bjh_i can root?05:19
bit_What should I write in the terminal then?05:19
nhainesbjh_: there is no root.05:19
pinPointi dumped google for my own private vcard system05:19
JHOSMANthanks! (i use verification in two steps)05:19
nhainesbit_: 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup -d grouper'05:20
bit_the nexus is not only wireless gms05:20
bjh_PLZ! can be rooted? this site is too crowdy!05:20
nhainesbit_: you told me you had a Nexus 7.05:20
nhainesbjh_: "rooted" is an Android thing.  It is meaningless for Ubuntu.05:21
pinPointubuntu is wide open...05:21
bit_the nexus is  only wireless... tablet05:21
pinPointsudo style05:21
bjh_I want to edit host file for blocking site. Can it be done?05:21
nhainesbjh_: I can't say "yes" any other way.05:22
bit_'phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup -d grouper' for nexus 7 wireless tablet?05:22
bjh_nhaines : thanks anyway05:22
nhainesbit_: is it the 2012 model or the 2013 model?05:23
nhainesOnly the 2012 model is supported.05:23
nhainesbit_: well, if you don't believe me or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install maybe someone else can offer some advice.05:24
bjh_my phone is sam gal nex. it is smooth and support 3g?05:24
nhainesbjh_: scrolling websites is a little jerky and the media player is flickery.  Everything else (except Bluetooth) seems to work great.05:24
bjh_nhaines: really? oh i will try it ^^05:25
pinPointnhaines: you have it installed?05:25
pinPointtouch on galaxy nexus05:25
bit_I feel sorry as you say thanks05:25
bjh_thank you thank you ^^05:26
nhainespinPoint: I've been using it for about a week straight now.05:26
pinPointthe stable version? I thought it came out today?05:26
bit_nhaines:  thanks a lot I'm trying05:26
nhainespinPoint: the stable version for two days.05:26
nhainesbit_: I hope it works out for you.  I think it will.  :)05:27
nhainesbit_: when you get a shell, it's just Ubuntu underneath.  I think you'll enjoy it.05:27
pinPointnhaines: how long did it take to boot first time?! I'm getting anxious05:27
nhainespinPoint: it takes *forever*.  I know it's taken 30 minutes in the past, but I'm pretty sure it's more like 20 or so.05:27
nhainespinPoint:  if you see the droid with the gear, everything's okay.05:28
pinPointthe first time I installed the demo.. like months ago it was fast05:28
pinPointI see the GOOGLE LOGO ONLY05:28
spazzymotopinPoint: mine took a long while, 20 ish minutes. mine was a black screen for a long time the the google logo for a long time then it booted05:28
pinPointoh ok05:28
iron_giantAny tips? ERROR:phablet-flash:Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way.05:29
pinPointstill NOT NATURAL at all for a phone os05:29
nhainespinPoint: you won't be able to brick it if you're using phablet-flash, so in the very worst case sceneario, you just have to restart.05:29
bit_installation in progress on tablet :)05:29
pinPointnhaines: http://pastebin.com/qjyGQpw605:29
nhainespinPoint: Android takes me 10 or 15 minutes to reflash.  It's normal.05:29
nhainesbit_: I'm crossing my fingers for you.  :)05:29
pinPointdoes that look done properly?? ^^^05:29
nhainesiron_giant: if the phone boots up, you're still okay.05:29
JHOSMANnhaines:  i lost my connection05:29
JHOSMANyou have the command?05:29
nhainesJHOSMAN: wb.  Oops, let me look for it again.  :)05:29
iron_giantnhains: Its on but black screen. Should i keep waiting?05:30
nhainesiron_giant: yeah, might take up to 30 minutes.  Probably more like 20.05:30
JHOSMANWhere I can report a bug wing pair uauth application05:30
iron_giantNexus 4 btw. Been about 25 mins05:31
iron_giantwill give it a little more05:31
iron_giantdevice is currently in recovery which makes sense if its pushing a new system partition05:31
iron_giantAssuming it still is05:31
nhainespinPoint: it *looks* okay.  You might have to go into recovery mode and run 'adb push /path/to/your/downloaded/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip /sdcard/autodeploy.zip' as a last step.05:33
pinPointi did05:33
pinPointlast line has it05:33
nhainespinPoint: and if that doesn't work, just boot from an Ubuntu 13.10 live DVD or USB stick and run phablet-flash from there.05:33
nhainespinPoint: no it doesn't.05:34
pinPointF:\NexusFiles\yakju-jwr66y-factory-09207065\yakju-jwr66y>adb push "saucy-preinst05:34
pinPointalled-touch-armel+maguro.zip" /sdcard/autodeploy.zip05:34
pinPoint4519 KB/s (30798102 bytes in 6.655s)05:34
iron_giantnhaines: I bounced the device and ended up in recovery with ubuntu logo.05:34
nhainespinPoint: yes, but that's not what I said.05:34
bit_nhaines:  is starting ... see if it works??05:34
nhainesbit_: it restarts two or three times.  :)05:35
nhainesiron_giant: maybe add -b to the end of your phablet-flash command.05:35
nhainespinPoint: you flashed all the maguro-specific stuff, but not the OS itselff.05:35
JHOSMANnhaines: the command?05:36
nhainesGo into recovery mode and run 'adb push saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip /sdcard/autodeploy.zip'.  Then reboot into recovery again.  That'll be your last step.05:36
pinPointso I have to autodeploy.zip twice nhaines ?05:36
bit_it is ok05:36
pinPointoh I see05:36
nhainesJHOSMAN: http://sergiusens.github.io/posts/google-contacts-on-ubuntu-touch.html05:37
nhainespinPoint: yes.  :)05:37
JHOSMANnhaines: bash: ubuntu_chroot: command not found05:37
bit_I have to start it again? not restarted by itself05:37
nhainespinPoint: thanks for pasting your Command Prompt session.  That was enough information for me to catch the problem.  :)05:37
pinPointno, thank you... i finally noticed two autodeploy versions05:38
nhainesJHOSMAN: skip that part.  Also, actually, start at 'su', but make it 'su -iu phablet' instead.05:38
Bio615just wanna take a moment and express the importance of backups05:38
nhainesbit_: it should be automatic.05:38
pinPointi backed up05:38
Bio615I just inadvertently purged my entire userdata from my phone05:38
Bio615backup! lol05:38
nhainesBio615: that's never fun when it happens accidentally!05:39
Bio615yeah I was like well, somethings eating space, dunno what, lets just wipe all of it while I sip my rum05:39
Bio615including my backups05:39
bit_appeared the home screen .... I see the icons ... so he ended up?05:39
nhainesbit_: yup!05:40
Bio615at least google backed up all my apps for me :P05:40
Bio615Now to go to bed while all my apps download05:40
nhainesBio615: ha!  :)  Don't worry, I did the Android backup but it ignored my call log, contacts, messages, and email.05:40
bit_road test .... thank you very much05:40
Bio615i'm not too worried, my photos are backed up05:40
Bio615but seriously, bed time! lol05:40
pinPointnhaines: I forgot the 391MB OS file... only the most important file!!! :/ damns05:41
nhainesbit_: you're welcome!  It's a little rough but very interesting, and you can always restore Android later.  :)05:41
nhainespinPoint: Haha, yeah, now you see why it takes 20-30 minutes.  :)  But no wonder that didn't sound right to you, haha.05:41
nhainesI'm going to chang emy phone language to German and reboot and see if everything breaks.05:42
bit_ok ... I feel the touch ... so canonical also help;)05:42
iron_giantnhaines: It will. Try a right to left language.05:42
nhainesiron_giant: I only speak the one other.  :)05:43
nhainesbit_: I'm just an Ubuntu project member.  :)05:43
bit_wow that honor05:44
nhainesbit_: it just means I have to pay for my business cards.  :)05:45
nhainesOh, and I guess I get an email address.05:45
sean____I did a factory reset after installing touch this afternoon, and now I just get a google boot screen. Any idea if I can save the phone?05:45
enticeingHello all05:46
nhainessean____: which phone?  Usually you can power down, then hold VOL UP and VOL DOWN at the same time as POWER to go into fastboot mode.05:46
nhainessean____: then you can run phablet-flash again or restore Android.05:46
iron_giantAs long as you get into fastboot you are ok.05:46
sean____It's the galaxy nexus.. I tried running it again, but the device is not seen any longer05:47
bit_bad news: the screen flickers: (blocked05:47
pinPointnhaines: alright, I'm getting the longer android bot progress bar... much better05:48
enticeingIs it possible to flash touch from the recovery on my phone? If so, which images do i need?05:48
sean____I can only get into the bootloader, I feel like it may be a lost cause05:48
nhainessean____: in that case, make sure http://sergiusens.github.io/posts/google-contacts-on-ubuntu-touch.html is in your /etc/udev/rules.d directory, and then unplug your phone and replug.05:48
nhainessean____: it's not a lost cause.05:48
nhainespinPoint: :D05:48
nhainesenticeing: you have to flash it from fastboot, and you'll want to use 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b' which will figure everything out for you.05:49
bit_nhaines: the screen flickers : (blocked05:49
iron_gianttwo of me05:50
sean____how will adding the google contacts help me?05:50
nhainesbit_: that's a shame. :(05:50
nhainessean____: err, sorry, pasted the wrong link.05:51
irongiantBoy this phablet-flash does not like me05:51
irongiantneed to try the -b05:51
nhainessean____: http://ubuntuone.com/4IlVG6WzbMwqoBaD05UWMZ05:51
bit_patience ... you have to work again for the nexus 7 Wireless 2012 lol :)05:52
JHOSMANnhaines:  I worked synchronization of contacts, but I only download 50 contacts. I have much more than 50.05:53
nhainesJHOSMAN: just keep running it and it will keep adding them until it's done.  :)05:53
pinPointnhaines: black screen after google logo, normal?05:53
nhainespinPoint: yeah, there's no boot logo.05:54
pinPointoh boi05:54
JHOSMANnhaines:  It is the same, eliminates 50 contacts that I have and add the same 50.05:55
irongiantnhaines: What does the -b flag do?05:56
pinPointnhaines: im in05:56
nhainesJHOSMAN: then switch to 'syncevolution --sync one-way-from-server Google_Contacts addressbook'05:56
nhainespinPoint: :D05:56
pinPointhspa+ support on galaxy nexus?05:56
pinPointit just says 3G05:57
JHOSMAN|   item(s) in database backup: 50 before sync, 50 after it           |05:57
sean____I feel even more foolish now. When I try to copy the file over to that directory, I get a permission denied error05:57
nhainesirongiant: "Bootstraps the system into Ubuntu wiping all data while doing so."05:57
JHOSMANsyncevolution --sync one-way-from-server Google_Contacts addressbook05:57
nhainessean____: use 'sudo'  :)05:57
JHOSMANWorking :D05:58
pinPointhow do I get my .vcf contact files inside the phone?05:58
nhainessean____: maybe 'sudo chown root: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules' and 'sudo chmod 644 /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules' as well.05:58
nhainesJHOSMAN: :D05:58
nhainespinPoint: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Contacts05:59
JHOSMANTHE only problem is that it integrates the two-step verification, to thereby temporarily disabled it.06:00
nhainesJHOSMAN: ohh.... yeah, probably something for 14.04.  Might be worth making a wishlist bug for it.06:01
JHOSMANAs the phone does not vibrate, is there any way to exceed the volume?06:02
nhainesJHOSMAN: no, I miss the old "horrible phone ringing" ringtone.  I suggest finding the loudest ringtone and using that.06:02
JHOSMANnhaines:  I'm happy with the contacts, I just want to find a solution for my incoming calls.06:03
pinPointhow does one swype an app away?06:04
JHOSMANI go to Sleep!06:05
JHOSMANGood night!06:05
JHOSMANThanks nhaines ! =)06:05
spazzymotopinPoint: swipe from the left, keep swiping across screen06:06
nhainesJHOSMAN: you're welcome.  Good luck!  :D06:06
pinPointis there a menu key... geez!06:06
nhainespinPoint: swiping from the right flips between running apps, short swipe from the left brings up the launcher and long swipe from the left brings up the Dash Application Lens.06:07
pinPointim in contacts and I'd like to bring up import06:07
nhainespinPoint: no.  Just swipe up from the bottom to access the toolbar.06:07
nhainesThere is no import feature in the contacts.06:07
sean____I am way too new to this stuff.. I have tried typing what you put in a terminal, but nothing will allow me to save anything into the rules.d folder06:07
pinPointi'm getting restless06:07
nhainessean____: the only thing that will copy into that folder would be something like 'sudo cp ~/Downloads/51-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules'06:08
pinPointnhaines: .vcf files will work the same way?06:08
nhainespinPoint: probably not.  You'll need to create CSV files.06:09
spazzymotopinPoint: no google account? syncing from there is also super easy06:10
sean____Yay.. I finally copied the file.. Woo Hoo.. Amazing how such a small feat can improve my day06:12
nhainessean____: :)  If it helps, this is what keeps malicious programs from changing your system files. :)06:12
nhainesTry the other two commands I mentioned, then unplug and replug your phone.06:13
sean____I can definitely be considered malicious after the day I have had thus far06:13
nhaines'adb reboot recovery' will reset your phone and you can try 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b' or reinstall Android from there.06:13
sean____Device still not found.. I am not thinking that I will get this working again06:17
irongiantnhaines: Got that timeout again. I rebooted into recover and have the autodeploy.zip not found message on the bottom.06:19
irongiantAnd cant opne /cache/recovery/ubuntu_comamnd06:19
nhainessean____: pull your battery, then hold VOL UP and VOL DOWN together plus POWER until it boots.  I've been in your shoes many times.06:19
nhainesirongiant: what's your device again?06:21
irongiantnexus 406:21
irongiantREcovery looks to be correct06:22
nhainesirongiant: that's normal on the phone for a couple boots.  In your terminal you get a timeout?  What does it say?06:22
irongiantif i had to venture a guess06:22
pinPointnhaines: i have the csv file now06:22
irongiantERROR:phablet-flash:Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way.06:22
nhainespinPoint: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Contacts should work then, in that case.06:22
irongiantLet it sit for about 40 mins or so06:22
irongiant* I let it sit for about 40 mins or os06:23
sean____nhaines: I appreciate your help. I pulled the batter. I am back at the bootloader screen. adb devices shows nothing, and both of the commands say device not found06:23
irongiantfastboot devices show anything sean?06:23
pinPointnhaines: Im I supposed to be able to terminal on the phone somehow?06:24
nhainessean____: he means 'adb devices'  :)06:24
nhainespinPoint: by using the Terminal app.  But easier to do 'adb shell' on your computer and then run 'sudo -iu phablet'06:24
sean____Actually.. Fastboot devices does show something where adb did not06:24
nhainessean____: you should see a big green arrow with "START" in it and an android on its side with its front hatch open.06:25
pinPointnhaines: why does it look like trash everywhere when I 'ls'?06:25
sean____Yes.. I have been staring at that android for hours now06:25
nhainespinPoint: I don't know.  That's incredibly non-descriptive.06:26
pinPointwhere is data.csv supposed to be? because this is just nightmarish06:27
pinPointphablet@ubuntu-phablet:/$ ls06:27
pinPoint.[0m.[01;34mbin.[0m   .[01;34mdev.[0m      .[01;34mhome.[0m   .[01;34mmnt.[0m06:27
pinPoint.[01;34mroot.[0m  .[01;34msrv.[0m        .[01;34msystem.[0m  .[01;34mvar.[0m06:27
pinPoint.[01;34mboot.[0m  .[01;34metc.[0m      .[01;34mlib.[0m    .[01;34mopt.[0m   .[0106:27
pinPointI mean wth is all that?06:27
pinPointthat is after an 'ls' in /06:27
nhainespinPoint: it means your terminal isn't configured correctly because it's not interpreting ANSI escape codes.06:28
nhainespinPoint: what OS are you running, and what terminal emulator?06:28
pinPointim using adb shell though06:28
sean____Okay so I see the android guy laying on his back.  What do you recommend from here?06:29
nhainespinPoint: oh, then you'll need an ANSI interpreter.  Give me a second, I'll figure out how to disable colors in ls.06:29
nhainessean____: 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b'06:29
pinPointansi interpreter...? all this just to import a .csv file? where should the .csv be located inorder for me to see my contacts?06:30
nhainespinPoint: no, it's because the Windows Command Prompt doesn't support ANSI, whereas any modern terminal emulator would be expected to.06:31
nhainespinPoint: type 'ls --color=none', and that should display without the ANSI control codes.06:31
sean____I get the following error phablet-flash:commans 'sdb shell getprop ro,cm.device ' returned non zero exit status 25506:32
nhainesAnyway, in another command prompt, navigate to where your csv file is and then run 'adb push foobar.csv /home/phablet'06:32
pinPointso the csv file should be place in /home/phablet?06:32
nhainespinPoint: then, in the first command prompt window, type 'sudo -iu phablet'06:32
pinPointi typed sudo command already06:32
irongiantnhaines: I'm going in manually.06:33
nhainessean____: try using the arrow keys to choose 'reboot recovery' and then running phablet-flash again.06:33
nhainesirongiant: worth a try.06:34
nhainespinPoint: okay, after that you should be able to run manage-address-books.py06:34
pinPointjust type that python script?06:34
pinPointcommand not found?06:35
sean____I get an error.. Device not found whenever I run reboot recovery06:35
nhainessean____: even after adding the 51-android.rules file?06:35
sean____yep.. and I checked to make sure that it copied over06:36
nhainespinPoint: I don't have further information than what's at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Contacts06:36
nhainessean____: if you run 'ls -l /etc/udev/rules.d', does the owner and permissions match the other files?06:36
sean____yep.. Looks the same06:38
nhainessean____: I am investigating the possibility that I may have put my private copy of the file up.06:38
sean____-rw-r--r-- 1 root root06:39
sean____That would make sense since everything else I have done today has been messed up.. HAha06:39
nhainessean____: it's my error.06:40
sean____My last name is Murphy.. It's always my fault.. Haha06:40
spazzymoto^^ haha06:40
nhainessean____: run 'sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules' and change my username to yours on your system.  Then save, unplug and replug your phone, and behold as everything magically works.06:40
irongiantnhaines: After flashing the big zip,  should i stay at google screen for a bit? or just for a second. Then it should transition to the black screen right?06:41
nhainesirongiant: after the big zip, you'll do 'adb reboot recovery' again and it'll transition to the "android loading" screen.06:41
irongiantyeah i saw that06:41
irongiantit did its thing06:42
irongiantthen rebooted again06:42
irongiantand now is sitting at google screen06:42
nhainesirongiant: in that case, yeah, should sit there for a tiny bit, then black screen, then finally welcome screen.06:42
irongiantno black screen06:42
irongiantsomething is mad06:42
irongiantI will futz around a bit more06:42
nhainessean____: the problem was that you did what I said.  You should have done what I meant.  :D06:42
sean____II am always good at following a bad lead06:43
pinPointi gotta tell you.. this @#(*&# is buggy as ^&*06:43
pinPointi cannot even set my timezone... there is no OK button anywhere06:43
pinPointhow is this stable really?06:44
nhainespinPoint: there is no "OK" button involved in setting your time zone.06:44
nhainesYou tap the appropriate timezone and it's automatically set.06:44
pinPointmy time is still wrong even after picking my location06:44
nhainesI'll bet it isn't once the minute rolls over.06:44
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
pinPointwhere is this manage addressbook .py file at?06:46
nhainespinPoint: I don't know.06:46
pinPointmy time is 6:43am FOR the last 3 minutes?06:47
pinPointdoes that even make any sense at all?06:47
nhainesIs your time zone listed correctly under System Settings > Date and Time?06:47
duflupinPoint: Perhaps... https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+filebug06:48
pinPointwhich is NOT 6:43am... im still stuck in time...06:49
pinPointman, sounds to me like Im going back to android 4.3.106:49
nhainespinPoint: I would reboot.06:50
elopioping didrocks, or somebody who knows: when are we going to make the images based on t ?06:50
elopioI need to use some autopilot features that will not be released on saucy.06:50
didrockselopio: when T opens, the first builds will be only syncs from debian though06:51
didrockselopio: so expect Tuesday/Wednesday06:51
didrockselopio: there is no landing ask for autopilot btw, can you get upstream filing one?06:51
nhaineselopio: about a month from now.06:51
elopiodidrocks: hum, that's sooner than what I expected :D Thanks.06:51
nhainesdidrocks: I've been misled!  :D06:51
didrockselopio: yw ;)06:51
didrocksnhaines: a month will be for the stable channel06:51
didrocksnot the devel/proposed06:52
nhainesdidrocks: works for me.06:52
elopiodidrocks: what's landing ask? I'm not sure what should I file.06:52
didrockselopio: your manager should handle it, just ask him to request autopilot to land (if they tested it, pass all tests, don't regress, and so on… :))06:53
irongiantnhaines: Moment of truth: Got to black screent his time.06:54
elopiodidrocks: ack.06:54
nhainesirongiant: I'm crossing my fingers!06:54
* pinPoint I cannot take this anymore.. i'm getting frustrated... I just want to import a simple .csv file...06:55
pinPointthis is not worth the trouble06:55
nhainespinPoint: I understand you're frustrated, but this is a phone development platform.06:55
irongiantoh snap06:55
irongiantits ubuntu up in here06:55
nhainesMaybe it's better if you switch back to Android for a while longer until the tablet story is better defined.06:55
nhainespinPoint: Ubuntu will always be around to try later.06:56
irongiantThanks for your patience nhaines. ps if it comes in handy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install - Manual directs06:56
irongiantis what worked for me06:57
irongiantmuch faster too06:57
irongiantlike 5 mins excluding downloads06:57
nhainesirongiant: I'm glad it worked for you. :)06:57
sean____Well.. I edited the file you origannly gave me and changed the ownership to me, but alas it is still not recognizing the device..07:08
sean____the phone now has an error at the bottom fastboot command read error 214 748364707:10
nhainessean____: see if you can flash Android, then restart with 'phablet-flash'.  I've done that successfully before.07:13
nhainesFK_nero: hello!07:14
FK_nerolike this abuntu touch was really looking for word too  it  but then  is  only for nexus and samsung nexus     so fas the is  for not  207:14
FK_nero  and that  ubuntu wiki  havend bin updated   since 26.9.201307:15
sean____no joy.. still not seeing the device.. I am still getting the same errors. It's weird. I had the phone working earlier, but it was really slow, so all I did was factory reset the phone through the bootloader.. It just never came back on again07:15
nhainessean____: something probably got clobbered.  Do you have a Windows install?  Due to USB subsystem differences, adb doesn't have the same trouble communicating on Windows.07:16
nhainesFK_nero: the source code is available to anyone who would like to port Ubuntu to other phones.  There's nothing further we can do besides that.07:17
sean____I do, but not until tomorrow.. I really appreciate all of your help this evening.. Thank you07:17
nhainessean____: you're welcome.  Sorry we couldn't get it working!07:17
sean____I blame Murphy's law07:18
FK_nerothx    any  one  no how ubuntu touch working on  samsung galaxy note 307:18
nhainesProbably not.  It just came out.07:18
SeenDhi guys. I was just going through the install steps to install it on my nexus4, i dont use it as a main phone but developer. Anyhow, can I also install it with OSX? Or do I have to have ubuntu installed07:18
nhainesSeenD: you can follow the manual install steps listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install or you can use an Ubuntu 13.10 DVD or USB stick to boot from and install.07:19
nhainesI'd probably go for live USB system.07:19
SeenDyeah was also thinking about usb live disk07:20
SeenDok thanks07:20
nhainesSeenD: it'll save some hassle.  If you're going to be angry at software, it may as well be Ubuntu on your phone, not the install process.  :)07:21
SeenDi was hoping I missed the osx install page. :)07:22
nhainesNope!  :)  Although I *have* heard that phablet-flash runs on OS X, since it's just Python.07:22
SeenDhaha thx for the warning07:22
SeenDyeah thats what i figured as well. but ill just make a usb live drive and do it that way.07:23
nhainesSeenD: It's the sane thing to do.  :)  Once it's installed anyway, you can update on the phone itself.07:24
SeenDthx for helping nhaines... cheers :)07:24
nhainesMy pleasure.  :)07:24
SeenDany version recommended 12.04 or 13.10?07:26
ben___I need some help07:26
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nhainesSeenD: definitely 13.10.07:26
Guest60063can anyone help me??07:26
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:27
Guest60063i am trying to install ubuntu touch on my quoad core hisesense sero 7 pro tablet,but ubuntu from my pc is not recognize my tablet07:28
nhainesThat device isn't supported by Ubuntu.  Is there a community port available?07:29
Guest60063i tried from the official ubuntu touch site...07:29
Guest60063can you recomand something else??07:29
nhainesNo, because the Hisense Sero 7 Pro tablet isn't supported.07:30
nhainesSorry.  Maybe someone will work on a port.  Check XDADevelopers forum.07:30
magnetic_manSo if i'm correct the current status is i can flash this on my phone, and won't have to re-flash everytime there's an update but can instead update from the phone? Or are we not there yet?07:43
popeymagnetic_man: we have OTA updates07:45
Jeffreyjust to be sure, the file generated by 'adb backup -apk -shared -all' will create a backup of everything (apps, data, shared storage, etc) that I can restore later on?07:45
popeyhowever, how many of those updates there will be is currently up for discussion07:45
nhainesJeffrey: everything except call log, contacts, messages, and email settings.07:46
nhainespopey: I vote you should build a new update every 4 hours.07:46
Jeffreyif I include -system, will that be included as well, or is that not recommended?07:46
nhainesThat way everything stays fresh!07:46
popeyI agree! I'll press the button, you provide the people and hardware. Make it so.07:47
Jeffreywait, -system is default07:47
nhainesJeffrey: that's how I backup.  It's not included.  :(07:47
nhainespopey: I decree we'll just use the Cloud!07:47
popeyTo the cloud!07:47
Jeffreynhaines, oke. should not be a problem I think. Contacts are synced via my gmail, and I don't care about text messages. Email will be restore when I add the account again07:48
nhainesJeffrey: don't forget call logs. :)07:48
nhainesIt's all pretty simple.  Even most app settings and data will be restored.07:49
Jeffreynhaines, thanks. Don't really use them that much so I can lose them :)07:49
Jeffreyallright, thanks07:49
nhainesJeffrey: no problem.  :)07:49
Jeffreygoing to run the backup now, and install touch07:49
nhainesJeffrey: backup takes a depressingly long time, and so does restore.  But now you know you'll always be able to switch back.  :)  Good luck!07:50
Jeffreywouldn't it be easier to root the device and create a full system image then?07:50
nhainesJeffrey: only if you know that rooting won't wipe your data.07:51
nhainesAlso, I suspect a full system image takes a while to run anyway.07:52
magnetic_manpopey: ok thank you. going to give it a try on my galaxy nexus :) (was a while ago since i last tested it)07:52
Jeffreygood point. I'm still used to my old device which was rooted, and where I installed a new ROM every other week :) I could get it up and running within 20 minutes :p07:52
JeffreyI'll go for the 'official' way now, and let you know how it went07:53
nhainesSounds good.  :)07:53
siggimagnetic_man: its not really for production use. (imho)07:53
magnetic_manI understand. I do have a newer phone now i use so the nexus is just here catching dust. Why not use it to flash ubuntu touch? ;)07:55
siggigood ;)07:55
jalcineanyone toy around with a wifi direct/dlna app?07:57
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abtekkHey. So how is i9100 coming along?08:07
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JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Friday, and happy Anti-Slavery Day! :-D08:31
asad2005Is ubuntu touch officially released for N4 and anyone tried it yet?08:45
nhainesasad2005: Ubuntu 13.10 came out yesterday, and yes, hundreds of people have been using it for months.08:47
abtekkIs i9100 still under active dev?08:48
nhainesabtekk: you'll have to find the community around that port and ask them.08:48
abtekkCouldn't find any page or forum or channel for the i9100.08:50
abtekkSaying that, I just found it.08:50
asad2005nhaines: And how about apps can i use all android apps?08:51
abtekkI doubt it, Ubuntu isn't Android.08:52
nhainesasad2005: no, you can use Ubuntu apps.08:52
nhainesYou can use zero android apps.08:52
popeywe don't currently support running native android apps08:52
asad2005nhaines: Actually i tried it several months back and it was far from complete08:52
nhainesasad2005: it came out yesterday.08:52
asad2005So only limited amount of apps available now08:53
abtekkUbuntu touch is still young, it's bound to be limited for now.08:53
YuKYeh! I got it for N408:54
YuKAlarm phablet-flash: Installation is taking too long.08:54
YuKBut finally fished.08:54
yang_I am still downloading...08:55
abtekkHow long is Galaxy Nexus likely to last?08:55
abtekksupport, I mean.08:55
YuKMy N4 back to basic phone.08:55
nhainesabtekk: at least until 14.04, I suspect.08:55
abtekkSounds good. I need to get rid of my i9100, might see if I can get a G Nexus instead.08:56
yang_how about the functionality? I mean ... those google service...08:56
asad2005Anyone have a link to a review youtube for N4 with the released ubuntu-touch08:56
abtekkTry searching yourself.08:57
abtekkDon't be lazy.08:57
nhainesasad2005: the Nexus 4 was the reference phone for the Ubuntu 13.10 images.  Ubuntu works better on it than on the Galaxy Nexus.08:58
nhainesyang_: what about the functionality?08:58
abtekkI can't afford a Nexus 4 otherwise I would get that instead :P.08:58
nhainesabtekk: neither the Galaxy Nexus nor the Nexus 4 are being sold by Google anymore.08:59
abtekkI know, I'd get it second hand.08:59
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asad2005Can i install essential apps like whatsapp, twitter, facebook, runkeeper?09:09
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spazzymotoasad2005: facebook and twitter are there. whatsapp no09:22
asad2005Thanks i am still googling for a review for the released version, the latest i saw is a week old09:29
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Jeffreyany indication how long installation on a nexus 4 could be. Currently in this phase: INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes.09:32
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spazzymotoJeffrey: Mine took 10-15mins but longer isnt unheard of. just give it some time09:33
Jeffreyallright. Just wondering :)09:33
spazzymotoWill prob reboot to google logo, sit for awhile and reboot and load os09:34
xnoxJeffrey: no more than ~10min09:35
xnox(since you are past downloading)09:35
Jeffreyerror, taking too long. Device somehow got turned off completely09:38
Jeffreyoh wait09:38
JeffreyI do see ubuntu09:38
xnoxit boots to black screen that you need to unlock?! =)09:39
Jeffreythats it09:39
loooolSo yesterdays release didn't show any love to nexus 10? Or am I missing something?09:44
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Guest63590Hi, is WiFi really supposed to work on the Galaxy? Because it keeps asking for the password that I've entered multiple times already...09:51
mike1986happened to me too, keep trying09:52
Jeffreymine does not ask for a password at all09:52
Guest63590ok, so it's actually not ready yet...09:52
ogra_Guest63590, it is supposed to work, file a bug09:54
vladestwhy it so slow in Nexus?09:54
vladestit was much faster before XMir update, afaik09:55
ogra_Guest63590, if you cant get it to work, try a reboot (hold power for >4sec, wait 30sec, power on again)09:55
ogra_vladest, XMir ?09:55
ogra_there is no X on the phones :)09:55
ogra_(and no XMir either :) )09:55
vladestok, just Mir09:55
ogra_is this a galaxy nexus you refer to ?09:56
vladestanyway, it looks slower09:56
ogra_yeah, there are two bugs with the driver, but fixes are in the works09:56
vladestogra_: performance related?09:56
vladestah, ok. will wait then. thanks09:57
ogra_currently the driver sends a kernel uevent for evey vsync ... (thats 60 events per second or so)09:57
ogra_that eats performance ...09:57
ogra_(and driveds udev a bit nuts ... )09:58
vladestdoes it still uses surfaceflinger?>09:58
ogra_nexus4 and galaxy nexus use Mir by default09:58
vladestok, thanks09:59
vladestwould nice to get it on sony devices09:59
ogra_well, thats a matter of the community porters10:00
ogra_iirc there are some pretty active xperia ports (for one tablet and one of the phones, dunno which)10:00
ogra_so many new apps10:01
ogra_nice !10:01
magnetic_manis there already something for google talk or jabber?10:04
ogra_or wait, the frieds app might do jabber10:04
ogra_not sure10:04
magnetic_manhmm, i need some other communication method than SMS :p10:04
ogra_write an app ;)10:05
ogra_its easy10:05
magnetic_manwell it could be an option to try out my skills10:05
vladestbtw, any chance to get Qt Quick Controls working on Ubuntu Phone?10:06
vladestwant to mort couple of my apps10:07
vladestwant to port couple of my apps10:07
davmor2Morning all10:10
davmor2ogra_: I'm all upset, my phone is now officially boring, no updates ;)10:10
magnetic_manwhat is the proper way to navigate back within an app? installation just completed, and in settings for example, i apparently have to swipe up from the bottom, and tap 'back'10:10
t1mpmagnetic_man: yes that is the proper way10:11
ogra_davmor2, not true, there were like ten new apps added to the store over night10:11
magnetic_manok. not very intuitive i believe. or it just takes some getting used to10:11
davmor2ogra_: I know I have most of them install from last night :P  Play catchup man :D10:11
siggimagnetic_man: yes. that really sucks.10:11
t1mpmagnetic_man: there are some improvements coming that will automatically show the toolbar when a new screen is displayed10:12
magnetic_manok cool10:12
magnetic_mani love the swiping though. left right top bottom10:13
davmor2ogra_: random cats should of won the apps championship though :D10:13
ogra_magnetic_man, its awful when going back to an android phone :)10:13
* ogra_ wants to swipe there all the time 10:13
magnetic_manif only i had a more snappier phone than my old galaxy nexus10:13
siggiogra_: on a galaxy nexus, u have to choose android ;)10:14
magnetic_manit's also a good thing a little tutorial got added after first boot (compared to the last time i tried it out)10:14
ogra_davmor2, well, it was the first app that was added after release ... i think thats honor enough ;)10:14
davmor2ogra_: ditto10:14
ogra_siggi, i use ubutnu quite happily on mine10:14
siggiogra_: how? it's so slow10:15
davmor2ogra_: although I did break it but hey that's what I do10:15
ogra_i'm a patient person :)10:15
siggii used it 20 minutes. crashed 3 times10:15
ogra_siggi, i have seen the gnex through its different  development stages ... belive me, it can be even slower :)10:15
ogra_(and i'm confident it will be as fast as the n4 soon)10:16
magnetic_manso there's a chance it will get faster than this eventually?10:16
ogra_(or at least close to that)10:16
siggiand for now, the screen is black, the power button isnt working and it's something about 50°C. hmm10:16
davmor2siggi: works as fast as android does here, infact initial navigation and search is faster in my opinion and I've been breaking the phone often enough to know10:16
magnetic_mancomparing it to android it's day and night10:16
ogra_davmor2, well, you got used to it ... remove ~/.display-mir and reboot ... that will teach you :P10:17
siggiimho it's far away from daily use.. i cant understand the 1.0 version number ;)10:17
magnetic_manthis was mainly what i hated about my Nokia N900 back in the day: the OS was brilliant, but the hardware just wasn't able to keep up.10:18
ogra_siggi, its a stable base for app devs... and on the n4 it is seriously usable as day to day driver10:18
siggiogra_: ok. maybe i should flash it to my n410:18
davmor2ogra_: no I meant in comparison to android on the same device, I know SF is faster and more stable for graphics for Ubuntu10:19
davmor2ogra_: I had to use android on it for a weekend and that felt really slow10:19
ogra_siggi, the main purpose of this 1.0 was really to get all the bits and pieces in place, so we dont have moving parts in teh foundation in 14.04, nothing got really optimized yet ...10:20
siggiah ok.10:20
ogra_and since we have kind of a rolling release you have a starting point as user to get OTA updates that will fix all the bugs over time10:21
davmor2siggi: Think of a house, you need good foundations before you can build the bit you live in.  1.0 is the foundations, We can start the bit you live with now :)10:22
ogra_right, there are som walls and interieur missing in our house, but we have a roof, walls, working toilet and a matrass10:23
* spazzymoto is impressed with your roof, walls, working toilet and a matrass10:24
davmor2spazzymoto: well we did go with polish marble, and the mattress that was just right10:25
jdrablol ogra_ and what exactly is th working toilet? :D10:25
siggiogra_: so, the maingoal is, that ubuntu touch is ready for daily use in 14.04?10:26
jdrabsiggi: i think it depends on you "daily use workflow"10:26
ogra_siggi, well, as i said, i would consider n4 to be ready ... the main goal is to get gnex to the same state in the first few T images10:26
ogra_and then finish all the unpolished features10:27
spazzymotobeen using it on n4 for 2 days as daily and very happy already10:27
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Emeryogra_, You main goal needs to be the nexus 7 ;)10:31
ogra_Emery, if we only could replace the tegra inside :)10:32
Emerythe gfx hardware is fantastic10:33
ogra_yes, just the drivers arent10:33
ogra_they are missing features Mir needs10:34
ogra_and sin/ce they are binary there isnt much one can do10:34
Emerythose excellent people at nvidia will surely help you out !10:34
EmeryI'm finding the battery life 100% better with ubuntu touch10:35
Emerythan android 4.310:35
EmeryI got 12 hours out of my nexus10:35
Emeryogra_, Any luck with sound / camera ?10:40
Emerybe cool if I could compile via terminal on ubuntu touch10:40
ogra_i thought sound works ?10:40
Emerysec let me test, last i read it didnt10:40
ogra_you can, but need to make the image writable (which makes you lose OTA upgrades and apt updrades will run out of space at some point)10:41
Emeryhow much freedom with the terminal are we looking at towards the actual release ?10:42
davmor2Emery: sound now works on the n7 the camera kind works badly once and then doesn't any more.10:45
EmeryYeah I just get a black screen, camera isnt too pressing if I'm honest10:46
EmeryThe system seems pretty stable now10:46
OrokuSakiSame here on my TP10:48
Emerysaying that it just crashed lol10:48
OrokuSakiThat is one thing, my tablet seems to get AWESOME battery life in UT10:49
OrokuSakidoesn't make sense10:49
Emerybecause android is poorly optimised for battery life10:50
Emerythe stock firmware anyway10:50
Emerynew apps keep appearing in suggested, which is nice10:56
SeenDhmm keep on getting an error. Using usb live ubuntu. And I can't sudo apt get install phablet tools... It says unable to locate package phablet tools10:58
ogra_SeenD, a 13.10 live session ?11:00
EmerySeenD, Have you added the ppa ?11:00
ogra_for former releases the stuff is in the PPA11:00
SeenDyes 13.10 and I added the ppa, the key is installed11:01
Emeryapt-get update ?11:01
Emerythen install11:01
ogra_you dont want the PPA on 13.1011:01
ogra_phablet-tools is in the archive there11:01
SeenDi did update and install11:01
SeenDbut it cant locate package phablet tools11:02
Emeryogra_, the ppa does work 13.1011:02
ogra_Emery, it wont be used ... indeed it doesnt break anything, its just pointelss to set it up in this case11:02
EmeryI concor11:02
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SeenDso i dont need it?11:03
EmerySeenD, Pastebin the output11:03
ogra_it wont do harm to have it either though11:03
ogra_do you have universe enabled ? (not sure if thats switched on in the live session)11:05
SeenDI dont know11:05
Emeryogra_, I've noticed these twitter & fb apps are just links to the site, any plans for native apps ?11:05
SeenDi have an idea it's a rights issue11:05
ogra_Emery, if the companies write them ... we cant just do that, the names and logos are trademarked11:06
EmeryAh !11:06
EmerySo I COULD in theory write my own11:06
Emeryor something11:06
ogra_we used to have some community person work on a twitter app, but twitter asked for that to be stopped if the logo and name are used11:07
Emerypretty dickish11:07
ogra_the apps we ship we want to have the proper logos ... which we are allowed to for the web apps11:07
SeenDUniverse wasnt enabled, but I cant enable it either... :S11:07
ogra_hmm. you should be able to11:07
ogra_worst case by editing /etc/apt/sources.list and removing the # from the right line11:08
SeenDoh now it is enabled... it only said close and revert11:08
SeenDok so apt update and upgrade and try again?11:08
ogra_update should be enough11:08
SeenDit is working! :D <311:09
ogra_if you used the GUI it should actually have done that in background already11:09
Emerydist-upgrade i'd only use if you dont use the updater11:09
SeenDso universe isnt enabled in live usb11:09
ogra_right, it gest enabled during installation11:09
ogra_(teh sources.list gets freshly generated during install)11:10
EmerySeenD, Install in a VM11:10
Emeryyeah it removed CD sources etc11:10
ogra_Emery, he wanst direct USB device access for flashing11:10
ogra_VMs can be a pain with that11:10
Emeryheh 5 VMware handles USB pretty well11:10
Emeryi've flashed many an iphone via vmware > win 711:10
Emerymy typing skills are awful11:11
SeenDok now on step 4 :)11:12
SeenDphablet-flash ubuntu-system --n-backup11:18
SeenDgives an error: command adb shell returned non-zero exit status 25511:18
ubumobilecan i use ubuntu mobile 13.10 without ubuntu one account?11:18
siggiubumobile: yes11:19
ubumobilesiggi: 10x. It is the first smartphone system that does not require registration, right?11:19
SeenDit worked, forgot to accept host key11:19
siggiubumobile: i cant agree or disagree :) because i just can tell you, at the moment u dont need an ubuntu one account11:21
EmerySeenD, I had that with my nexus 7, dont do it in recovery mode, boot into android and run the phablet11:21
SeenDEmery, I did, turned on developer usb after rebooting but forgot to accept the key, now it is working, almost done flashing11:21
Emeryyeah it's a bit touchy some times11:22
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SeenDliving on the edge :)11:22
Emeryif it's not bleeding edge it isn't worth the time11:26
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SeenDis it normal that phablet flash takes a loooooooong time?11:30
Emerydo you see the android man ?11:30
SeenDscreen is black11:30
Emeryhas it rebooted after the flash ?11:30
Emerythe boot takes a little bit of time11:31
SeenDscreen is black for 5 minutes. shall i pastebin the screen?11:31
wcolatohi there! Any news about new ubuntu on s4 phones?11:32
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EmerySeenD, Yeah I'd just wait11:33
EmeryIT takes a while11:33
SeenDbetween 5 and 40 minutes? :)11:34
EmeryMine took 10 minutes in total11:34
Emerybut i'm not sure what that depends on, variables etc11:34
SeenDI missed the last line on the webpage... "This step can take a very long time."11:35
EmeryYeah but as I said I'm not sure what can/can't make it take a long time11:35
EmeryCause mine was pretty quick11:35
SeenDnexus 4?11:35
Emerynexus 711:38
OrokuSakilol.. people coming out of the woodwork. =)11:40
OrokuSaki@ogra... you know if they are still working on media and video decoding stuff? Thought I would give it a break for a couple of days11:41
OrokuSakiBirds chiping, sun rising.. clouds.. =)11:41
SeenDError: phablet-flash: Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way. :S11:42
EmerySeenD, What command did you use11:43
Emeryto flash11:43
SeenDphablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup11:44
ProaamHey, I'm running Ubuntu Touch on my Galaxy Nexus. I managed to get into the settings app once.. but i don't know how :) is there a manual? and when I enter one of the sub screens of the settings app, how do I return to its main menu screen?11:44
SeenDI turned the device on and off and it now is booted in ubuntu touch...11:44
OrokuSakitake your finger and swipe in an upwards direction at the bottom of settings11:44
OrokuSakishould bring out a back menu11:44
SeenDbut the terminal gave an error11:44
Proaamorokusaki well i get the menu but pressing stuff on it doesn't work11:45
OrokuSakiCould be a touch issue, I have that on my device lately, and lately it has gotten worse11:45
OrokuSakiTouch an area by the time.. at the top right11:45
OrokuSakitry swiping down on the speaker11:46
OrokuSakido you notice it acts like its going to come down, but doesn't? Like it thinks you lifted your finger but yo havent11:46
Proaamjust a sec, i rebooted the phone b/c I changed the language, now it is stuck at the battery charger thing11:46
Proaameven though i disconnected the usb cable. I think i have to remove the battery11:46
OrokuSakiI believe Mir and Input had some confusion over my tracking id's... and touchscreen11:47
OrokuSakiI enabled debugging for my touchscreen service binary for my device.. but I haven't really messed with it11:47
OrokuSakiSeems to be better with debugging enabled... And Mir seems to give me more info in logcat then surface flinger...11:48
hello-thereHi, I have a query .. can someone please tell me.11:48
hello-thereIt says networking only via wifi....11:48
OrokuSakiThat query is not SQL compliant11:48
hello-theredoes this mean no 3G on Nexus 4 ?11:48
EmerySeenD, you should use -d first time, ogra_ am I right ?11:48
Proaamhello-there: GSM networking works on my galaxy nexus11:49
OrokuSakiDunno myself.. may have to do with cdma/gsm11:49
OrokuSakiI don't think cdma is workin g11:49
SeenDEmery, http://www.ubuntu.com/phone/install I just used this11:49
hello-thereOK ..Rephrasing ....Does GSM networking include 3G ?11:49
EmeryYeah I had issues with flashing, I used the -d command first time and it worked fine11:50
Emeryphablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup -d11:50
Emeryi THINK11:50
Emeryi don't think you can use the --no-backup command with -d though11:50
SeenDwell the terminal gave an error, but my nexus 4 booted to ubuntu touch11:51
Proaamso how do i launch the (white background) settings app in the first place?11:51
SeenDnot sure how I can confirm if everything was fine11:51
OrokuSakiClick settings on the main screen as an app11:51
EmeryGo to system settings > about this phone SeenD11:51
Emeryunder OS it should say ubuntu 13.10 (r100)11:52
hello-thereDoes 3G work on Nexus 4 Please ?11:52
Emerythat means you have the latest build11:52
OrokuSakiDoes UT make pancakes? I need it to.11:52
ProaamOrokuSaki how do i go to system settings11:52
OrokuSakiYou should see a settings app... right when you go into Unity11:53
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
hello-thereDoes 3G work on Nexus 4 on GSM Please ?11:53
Proaamno i only see dialer, messaging, contacts, camera, gallery, facebook11:53
hello-thereYES  / NO  ??11:53
Emeryhello-there, If anyone knows the answer they will answer, don't spam11:53
OrokuSakiHmm.. swipe to the right11:53
hello-thereok ..ok ...sorry11:53
OrokuSakiClick on Installed11:53
SeenDEmery it seems to be stuck on the battery screen, not sure how to go to other settings11:53
SeenDswiped from left to go to settings11:54
OrokuSakiIt should show more apps that are installed, in this list, do you see settings?11:54
SeenDtapped setting and it's now on battery11:54
Proaamorokusaki i see it now when i click on "Applications" selector (without the selector changing)11:54
Proaamso it expanded11:54
LaneySeenD: swipe up from the bottom and click on back11:54
EmerySeenD, if you swipe up from the bottom11:54
Proaamis there a way to speed up all those fades? they are too slow11:54
OrokuSakiI swear UT thinks I am a phone... Just because of the terminal and my keyboard being sideways if its in sidestage..11:54
OrokuSakiTerminal and one other app does that, browser always has the keyboard correct.11:55
SeenDis there a jira for bugs? :)11:55
Proaamoh has anyone tried HDMI via MHL with ubuntu touch?11:55
Proaami have an adapter here..11:55
EmerySeenD, Speak to ogra_ I'm not sure who else is a dev11:55
OrokuSakiSomeone was mentioning that... I think that is a 14.04 thing11:55
OrokuSakiOh.. yeah!11:55
OrokuSakiThe HDMI was mirrored with the LCD Screen when he tried HDMI11:56
EmeryHow well does the browser handle HTML5, anyone know ?11:56
Emeryseen as though there is no flash etc11:56
Proaamnice. I'd prefer to have 1080p on the HDMI though instead of the 720p that are shown on the display11:56
OrokuSakiBrowser seems pretty good.. UT should handle HTML5 well11:56
ProaamEmery: not sure what it is based on.. webkit i suppose?11:56
Emeryyoutube is a no go11:56
ProaamEmery: well video is bad currently, see release notes11:57
OrokuSakiIt worked a couple of days ago with audio, then stopped after gstreamer upgrade... A guy named jhodapp is working on that stuff, and I think he is still at it11:57
Emeryoh hang on11:57
Proaamso is there some kind of manual?11:57
Emeryyoutube works11:57
Emeryjust audio11:57
OrokuSakithat makes me SOOO HAPPY!11:58
OrokuSakiWhat device do you have Emery?11:58
Emerynexus 711:58
OrokuSakiSweet! So when the Nexus7 can play vids, I might be able to11:58
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
OrokuSaki<~~~~ HP Touchpad =)11:58
SeenDEmery I'm in the settings screen now, how can I confirm if the install worked? :)11:58
Emeryyeah most things dont work in the 7 compared to other devices but it's sweet11:58
EmerySeenD, About phone11:59
ProaamOrokuSaki: The thing on the main screen that I have to touch the "Applications" thing to make it show 3 rows instead of 2 rows.. is quite non-intuitive because there is no indicator that it is only displaying 2 rows of apps11:59
Emerysee if you have r100 installed, that's latest11:59
SeenDyup it is11:59
Emeryit worked cause you're using it ;)11:59
SeenDso how can I enter the pin to use my sim card?11:59
Emerythat i'm not sure on, as I have a nexus 711:59
ProaamSeend: I know that :)11:59
ProaamSeend: swipe down11:59
SeenDyeah im just a tad scared because according to the terminal the flash failed11:59
OrokuSaki@Proaam... I dunno.. probably a little strange if your not used to the UI.. After a bit you look for that tiny arrow and it its up or down..12:00
SeenDProaam ok12:00
Proaamseend: goto network then select "Unlock Sim..."12:00
Emerydoes it say what has failed12:00
SeenDError: phablet-flash: Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way.12:01
SeenDbut i turned on my nexus4 and it booted to ubuntu touch12:01
SeenDso it appears to be working fine12:01
ProaamOrokuSaki: oh i see it now.. now the title of the thing next to the arrow changed to "Installed" (it was "Applications" earlier) and now it shows Dash-extensions below the apps12:01
OrokuSakiYep.. just takes a bit to get used too...12:02
EmerySeenD, Don't worry about it. lol12:02
ProaamOrokuSaki: looks like a bug to me ;)12:02
OrokuSakilol.... submit it =)12:02
SeenDjust made my first phone call12:02
OrokuSakiWoot Woot!12:02
Proaamphone calls work great12:02
Proaamno i need to figure out how to sync my contacts and calendar (carddav + caldav)12:03
* ogra_ got stuck at playing stuff from m.softgames.de ... 12:03
SeenDthx guys for helping me! <312:03
=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk
ogra_if you are eager to package an app, each of these games should be easily packageable as a hrml5 click app12:04
Proaamthe thing that was unintuitive for me at first was swiping from left to right all the way to get to the main screen12:04
Proaami guess it's because it's similar to the other swipe gesture that just opens the quick launcher at the left edge12:04
Emerykeyboards stopping working on my browser :)(12:05
ogra_Emery, go back to the home screen, tap the browser thumbnail and see if you get it back12:06
Emeryi changed url and it came back12:07
Emerykeeps crashing quite badly12:08
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
OrokuSakiI think people are a little confused about UT and the Oct. 17th deadline =)12:08
Emeryogra_, how many devs do you have working on UT12:08
OrokuSakiUT in my opinion, still has some kinks to get worked out, but they will.. and etc...12:08
ogra_OrokuSaki, it is not a deadline, its just a v1.0 stamp :)12:08
OrokuSakiAint no thing but a chicken wang12:08
OrokuSakiYeah! =)12:09
ogra_in fact its a start-line ;)12:09
OrokuSakiVery good analogy!12:09
LaneyThe warning on the website sets out the expectations well12:09
OrokuSakiMarketing.. =)12:09
ogra_and i think it is pretty awesome what we achieved in just 6 months12:09
kanth1991Hello to everyone , i was wondering the new release can only work in the Nexus devices ? or the Ports that have been made in the preview period also will work for other devices ( for example i have an xperia Neo V  will i be able to install the 1.0 in that ? )12:10
OrokuSakiI do to.. flipped them fast12:10
ogra_from prettyy pictures you can click in a cut down android to having a real OS12:10
OrokuSakiI like knowing I can run metasploit and mysql without a stupid chroot...12:10
ogra_kanth1991, the ports will have to be updated12:10
OrokuSakiFrom android I would usually chroot ubuntu and use it that way.. I never really like that12:11
kanth1991Ah ok , so for now there is no chance to get the new Release in my Phone , thank you ! =/12:11
EmeryOrokuSaki, It would be nice to put a pentest flavour out there12:11
ogra_kanth1991, with the 1.0 version we have now porters have some non moving target they can work against12:11
EmeryPwnPad is the closest on nexus, but I dont rate it12:11
yahooi had to press ctrl + c to change internet connection. Hopefully, it has resuming feature and its downloading right now.  Just want to confirm there wont be any issue ?12:11
OrokuSakiStill don't have packet injection for out network cards... That would be just lovely.. =)12:12
OrokuSakiThough we could usb a nic in =)12:12
ogra_kanth1991, i expect that the ports (at least the ones that are actively maintained) will soon start to work as well12:12
EmeryUSB wireless card12:12
EmeryOrokuSaki, ^12:12
OrokuSakiyeah! the carrot!12:12
Emerysame Idea as the pwnpad12:12
kanth1991Excuse me Ogra but i didnt understand what u meant , u mean that The  phones that had the ports While on Preview version  will probably get the Official version soon ?12:12
Emerythe drivers are readily available, specially considering it's ubuntu base12:13
Emerythe possibilities for pentesting on the go are endless with the nexus pad12:13
Emeryquite exciting really12:13
yahooanyone ? :/12:13
Emeryyahoo, what's the problem12:13
ogra_kanth1991, depends on the porters ... my point was that up until yesterday Ubuntu Touch was still changing a lot ... with the release they have something thats not moving all the time which makes porting easier12:13
yahooEmery: i had to press ctrl + c to change internet connection. Hopefully, it has resuming feature and its downloading right now.  Just want to confirm there wont be any issue ?12:14
Lunar_LampIs there a reasonably well-supported dual-boot system for Ubuntu Phone on my Nexus 4 (so I can have a play, and go back when I need to use Android for the more complete featureset)?12:14
ogra_yahoo, you mean phablet-flash ?12:14
ogra_(you should mention that too )12:14
OrokuSaki@ogra.. they are still working on Nexus 7 video decoding though, right? =)12:14
ogra_yahoo, it picks up where it stopped, nothign to worry about :)12:14
yahooSorry ! its my first experience12:15
yahoosounds great !12:15
ogra_Lunar_Lamp, nope, dual boot isnt in focus atm ... might be that someone on the xda forums has something that allows this, but if it breaks you are on your own12:15
OrokuSakiI can't wait to watch a video on my browser, at this point I will hand a tablet to my wife, and say.. "Here is Ubuntu Touch, try it out"... =)12:15
EmeryLunar_Lamp, you can dual boot with MultiROM12:16
Lunar_Lampogra_: yeah, I was hoping there would be a semi-supported method if possible.12:16
Emerybut you wont be able to use the phablet flash method12:16
OrokuSakiShe still prefers webos over android, so I am interested in what she will think...12:16
OrokuSakiWebOS browser is getting dated.. So she should like this..12:17
Proaamso what's the official way to reboot UT?12:17
OrokuSakiHold down the power button12:17
OrokuSakiShould shut down12:17
ogra_Proaam, hold the power button for more than 4sec12:17
OrokuSakiDon't know how to reboot, actually12:17
Proaamthere is no popup or anything yet, right?12:17
ogra_not yet12:17
OrokuSakiadb shell reboot!12:17
Emerysudo reboot12:17
ogra_that too12:18
Proaamwhen i hold the power button it does a clean shutdown?12:18
yahooare webapps supported in 1.0 release ? i mean can i create one ? i created a simple one for ubuntu desktop12:18
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pmcgowanyahoo, yes, look at the impls for gmail and twitter for examples12:19
yahooi havent installed yet, so cant look :/12:20
w-floProaam, seems like it's a clean shutdown, the device is busy for a few seconds afterwards and then turns off12:20
Proaamthe front camera is giving me intermittent white flashes on galaxy nexus, anyone else got that?12:21
Emerygalaxy nexus ?12:22
yahooand what about swap space12:22
ProaamEmery: maguro yes12:22
Emeryah samsung12:22
ogra_yahoo, you can even package your own very easily http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/webapp/packaging-web-apps/12:23
Proaambest phone to play with different firmwares at the moment :)12:23
Emerynot sure about it being the best phone12:23
Proaamthe nexus 4 has the issue with the baseband controlling all of the phone that's why Replicant won't support it12:24
Proaamso the baseband can turn on your GPS, microphone etc without the phone OS knowing anything about it12:24
EmeryI'm not much of a phone man myself, I just have an HTC crapbox12:24
EmeryOrokuSaki, you here?12:24
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
Emerywhat tools you got installed on the UT ?12:25
Emeryis MS running native ?12:25
OrokuSakiI keep reformatting it...12:25
OrokuSakiUbuntu Touch runs applications written in QML12:25
OrokuSakiOr.. QT12:25
Emerywondering if I can get some sec tools integrated12:25
OrokuSakiThere is no gnome or wine or etc in Ubuntu Touch12:26
yahooogra, i'll give it a try !12:26
OrokuSakiIts QT12:26
Emeryit dont need that12:26
Emeryits a linux base12:26
OrokuSakiIf you remember the Nokia 900 phone... It ran maemo, it QT12:26
yahooi loved maemo !12:27
OrokuSakiI never used it.. but I read about it.. and it sounded sweet.12:27
=== gatox is now known as gatox_brb
yahooogra, what about swap. Can we create one in UT ? and doesnt it make any difference or not ?12:28
yahooogra, what about swap. Can we create one in UT ? and does** it make any difference or not ?12:29
ogra_yahoo, swap is there atm12:29
OrokuSakiswap file?12:29
ogra_but we will drop it for the next version12:29
yahoodrop it ? why ?12:29
OrokuSakiWhat is the other besides a swap file.. tmpfs or something.. forget12:29
ogra_the design of ubuntu touch suspends and kills apps that are in the background12:29
ogra_you will never consume more ram than what the currently running app uses12:30
OrokuSakiWhat if I wrote an app to use 2 GB of ram.. =)12:30
OrokuSaki"Not that I can write apps, but if I did.. =)12:30
ogra_then you are insane and shoould be locked away :P12:30
OrokuSaki=) yeah...12:30
yahooogra_, right but if i were to use 2Gb ram for some app then ?12:30
ogra_yahoo, well, you cant12:31
ogra_and why would you12:31
OrokuSakiSo we can file a bug! lol12:31
t1mpogra_: I can think of some use cases :)12:31
* ogra_ cant really ... 12:31
OrokuSakirofl... bad to laugh at your own jokes12:31
ogra_use disk caches :)12:31
yahoowell, if i am rrunning COD or some high-end game12:31
OrokuSakiWhat is a disk cache?12:32
t1mpogra_: I used to work on medical visualisation where I needed to have a whole MRI (3D volume with one or more (up to dozens) of values in each of the 1024^3 or more voxels)12:32
ogra_yahoo, how would you run a 2G game on an android phone that has 512M ?12:32
t1mpwell.. maybe that is more stuff you want to run on a workstation than on a phone12:32
t1mpbut it would be cool to do it on a phone :)12:32
OrokuSakithere aren't any games that need that much ram12:32
yahooogra_, i guess thats where swap helps12:33
OrokuSakiCan we install one of those ram doublers like I had on my 386?12:33
ogra_t1mp, well, i guess you could cache away some stuff there or process it into bitmap images in the bg etc12:33
ogra_yahoo, android doesnt have swap12:33
hello-thereDoes 3G WORK on NEXUS 4 GSM PLEASE ?12:33
yahoot1mp, yeah UT is both a phone &  a PC :P12:33
ogra_hello-there, no need to shout ... yes it does12:33
ogra_yahoo, nah, far from that12:33
ogra_yahoo, its a phone OS for now12:34
t1mpI wouldn't do analysis of such data on a phone right now. but maybe rendering the results.. still that'll pose a challenge for memory usage12:34
ogra_nothing more12:34
hello-therecheers!  tnx !!!!!!   <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<312:34
OrokuSakiMy device can run both the desktop and touch version of Ubuntu. =) muhahahaha12:34
ogra_i bet even the n4 could run the desktop version12:34
OrokuSakiOne of those nexus's can12:35
ogra_you would need very tiny fingers to make any use of it though12:35
OrokuSakiWhichever has the adreno12:35
yahooogra, yeah but you can use swapper2, i've read on XDA12:35
pmcgowanogra_, it does, with ufa12:35
OrokuSakiOr Lima12:35
ogra_pmcgowan, which is not released anywheer :)12:35
pmcgowanno sadly12:35
ogra_pmcgowan, i can also run the desktop and use vnc or some such12:35
OrokuSakiHmm... wonder if that could be done inside of UT12:36
OrokuSakiI bet it could12:36
ogra_and i bet i could even make the desktop run natively under fbdev with sw rendering12:36
Emerycan you install ubuntu straight onto the nexus 7 and have it running native #?12:36
OrokuSakiWhen we get a vnc app12:36
ogra_would be more like a slideshof and yoou need pliers to press buttons ...12:36
yahooogra, oh :(  just phone OS ?12:36
ogra_but technically surely doable12:36
ogra_yahoo, yes, we need a working foundation before doing any convergent stuff12:37
OrokuSakiWe need a quake port. =)12:37
OrokuSakiEvery OS has quake12:37
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
yahooogra, i thought UT was just Desktop environment. so its not !12:38
ogra_its a new OS written completely from scratch12:38
ogra_OrokuSaki, https://github.com/SiPlus/WebQuake12:38
OrokuSakiWould be cool if canonical had an app to use Desktop inside of Touch.... I guess12:39
EmeryBuild 42b: NN interpolation is awful12:40
yahoowhat is quake12:40
Emeryyahoo it's a classic game12:40
OrokuSakireally.. what is quake?12:40
OrokuSaki*feels old*12:40
Emeryso classic, it's legendary12:40
Emeryon the same level as doom12:40
Emerycommander keen12:40
OrokuSakiCommander Keen!12:40
EmeryOrokuSaki, I bought it in steam the other week12:41
Emeryall of them12:41
OrokuSakiFirst game I ever played on my pc... bought a pci card with a gameport just to play it...12:41
Emerygreat game12:41
Emerynew games are so generic and boring12:41
OrokuSakiKings Quest!12:41
OrokuSakiThat is what I remember playing.. I don't think I really enjoyed it12:41
Emeryoh i loved it12:41
Emeryon my IBM 400mhz with windows 9812:42
OrokuSakiBarely remember all that... I liked Stunts12:42
OrokuSakithe racecar game12:42
Emeryi think it was called12:42
yahoohaha, i guess i'll give it a try12:42
OrokuSakiI loved that game12:42
Emery100% gore12:42
OrokuSakiI got good at it too..12:42
Emeryand death12:42
OrokuSakiStar Wars... Dark Forces....12:43
yahooOS in "Ubuntu EDGE preview video" was just proof-of-concept ? i heard that was ready :(12:43
OrokuSakiNever read where UT was.. "ready"..12:44
ogra_yahoo, ubuntu EDGE never came into existence12:44
ogra_which means the OS you saw there didnt either12:44
OrokuSakiOS's are going to have bugs... This one is brand new... It's good enough to use.. but are there still some bugs??? yes12:44
OrokuSakiWhat hardware was in that phone?? QCom =)12:45
JeffreyI just reinstalled the factory image, and now want to restore my backup file.. which fails :( Any idea how to solve "adb: unable to open file backup.ab"?12:45
OrokuSakiI bet it was not qcom12:45
JeffreyI'm running "adb restore backup.ab", the file exists, phone is connected and has permissions12:45
OrokuSakiTI seems to be more friendly12:45
Jeffreybackup is encrypted with password entered on phone12:46
Chipacayahoo: a lot of the ubuntu edge preview video was demo'ing the desktop integration aspect, no?12:46
ogra_the converged OS has a certain set of minimal requirements to be nicely usable12:46
ogra_there are no phones that offer this12:46
ogra_the edge was only a case12:46
ogra_nothing inside12:46
ogra_with the emphasis onn *demoing*12:46
Chipacayup -- but also, that it was the desktop, not the phone, in a lot of the shots12:47
yahooChipaca, yeah !12:47
OrokuSakiYeah... which led people to believe gnome would work.. I remember that.12:47
OrokuSaki"I will just load up my firefox, and etc"12:47
yahooogra, right !12:48
OrokuSakiWell.. shit happens12:48
Chipacaif you're lucky12:48
OrokuSakiThat's right.. All I get is pcket lint12:48
yahooogra, motorola had some phones that did something similar, what was wrong there ?? optimization ?12:49
OrokuSakiYahoo.. REALLY... wants that working =)12:49
ogra_yahoo, the HW was wrong :)12:49
yahooonce convergence is there, all we need is Airplay12:49
yahooHW ?12:50
ogra_yahoo, hardware12:50
ogra_you dont really want to run a full desktop with just 512M12:50
ogra_not a modern one at least12:50
yahoodid u mean home work :(12:50
ogra_and running a desktop *and* keeping the phone OS running aside is even more demanding12:51
ChipacaI was about to say, 512 is barely enough for a cut-back desktop (e.g. the ac100), but we need the phone stuff running too :)12:51
ogra_to do full convergence you want a 4GB phone with a proper SSD inside (not eMMC like most phones have)12:51
ogra_and a decent fast CPU12:52
ogra_without such hardware we wont even bother to start working on a converged setup ... so for now we built a fouondation that can later turn into something converged12:53
yahoo_ my internet12:53
OrokuSaki@Ogra... should my android-chroot have /sdcard?12:54
OrokuSakiI wasn't sure12:54
ogra_it wouldnt be used12:54
wcolatohas anyone flashed this release on GS4?!12:54
OrokuSakisweet, I commented out those lines in init12:54
yahoo_wcolato, i dont think thats a good idea12:54
OrokuSakiI still can't believe someone ported cm10 to the droid1.. 256MB of ram12:55
OrokuSakiWonder if it runs UT. =)12:55
OrokuSakithat phone allows one to change the ESN... Oh!12:56
yahoo_ok so 12 mins until UT will be on my phone :P12:56
yahoo_Good Bye Pana droid !12:57
deiuHave there been yet any people complaining about the keyboard not showing up in several applications?12:58
yahoo_i always degraded motorolla atrix  because i didnt know it ran ubuntu :D but even with U it sucks12:58
ogra_the hardware wasnt made for running a desktop12:59
MacSlowtedg, ping13:00
tedgMacSlow, Good morning Mr. Slow13:00
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
yahoo_ogra, right13:01
yahoo_dont worry i am not buying that phone now :P i'd rather buy G2 if UT runs on that13:02
Shiggs|i5-2500k Herro13:03
galaxys4need info for sgs413:03
deiuIs there a guide somewhere on how to configure the 3G network?13:03
=== gatox_brb is now known as gatox
yahoo_ogra, output of "adb devices" is "01****** (some numbers)     device". is it fine ?13:04
ogra_should be13:04
wcolatowell....unfortunately seems that sgs4 still not being considered13:04
ogra_deiu, it should just come up13:04
yahoo_ogra, also i disconnected my phone for a while. that should be fine too as its still downloading image .13:05
galaxys4there will be no development for sgs4?13:05
deiuogra_, there is no indication as to its state (connected or not)13:06
ogra_galaxys4, ask the proters13:06
yahoo_galaxys4, check XDA13:06
deiushould there be an icon for 3G/H>13:06
ogra_!devices| galaxys413:06
ubot5galaxys4: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices13:06
ogra_deiu, yes, next to the bars13:06
deiuthere's none (just the bars)13:06
yahoo_ogra, please confirm13:06
yahoo_"ogra, also i disconnected my phone for a while. that should be fine too as its still downloading image ."13:06
ogra_yahoo_, no idea, i have never unplugged while phablet-flash ran13:07
ogra_but i guess it should be fine13:07
ogra_else you can just start over it wont download something it already has13:07
deiuI found a bug in the SMS app, but I'm not sure where to submit it :S13:07
yahoo_ogra, ok it was taking too much time.13:08
ogra_deiu, against the messaging-app package13:08
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
yahoo_one more questions, is browser HTML5 ?13:09
yahoo_and is there a music player13:09
pmcgowanyahoo_, yes its webkit13:09
pmcgowanand yes there is a music player13:09
ogra_the browser can do html5 and there is a music player, yes13:10
yahoo_Cool ! i hope i dont have to restore android13:10
deiuBefore submitting the bug, can anyone else confirm that you cannot delete an SMS when you are viewing it? (bring up the bottom menu -> select -> Delete)13:10
deiuIt works when you are viewing the list however13:11
ogra_you should also be able to just swipe it away13:12
ogra_to the side13:12
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
deiuwhile in the view mode?13:12
ogra_well, while in the list13:13
deiuI'm referring to the case where you have clicked the conversation and you are viewing the message13:13
Jeffreyanyone has experience with the "unable to open file <filename.ab>" when trying to restore?13:14
deiuah nevermind13:14
deiuyou're supposed to select again one or more messages _within_ a conversation13:14
yahoo_ogra, i am in CWM-based recovery v6.0.2.813:15
deiuyou can't delete the whole thread from within the conversation view13:15
yahoo_E:Can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command13:15
ogra_yahoo_, try again then ... someone just filed a bug fr this13:15
yahoo_Checking for autodeploy.zip13:15
yahoo_autodeploy.zip not found13:15
ogra_bug 124156813:15
ubot5bug 1241568 in Phablet Tools "Flashing stuck: can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124156813:15
melvsterwoot just bought my nexus 4!13:16
ogra_yahoo_, would be nice if you could confirm the bug13:16
aquariusyahoo_, are you flashing the phone for the first time?13:16
ogra_melvster, congrats !13:16
yahoo_yeah !13:16
melvsterthx! :)13:16
yahoo_how should i confirm ? :S13:16
aquariusyahoo_, I just got the same thing when flashing for the first time, but it is fine, just wait; the terminal that's pushing things to the phone will then finish pushing things to the phone and say "restarting device" and then it'll reboot13:17
deiuOk, moving on...anyone else unable to save an alarm in the Clock app? :)13:17
ogra_yahoo_, see at the top "does this bug affect you too"13:17
melvsteri wonder how many people actually just install ubuntu without trying the google OS :D13:17
ogra_deiu, mentioned in the releasse notes ;)13:17
aquariusme! I am installing Ubuntu without trying the preinstalled Android :)13:17
deiuogra_, oops :)13:17
melvsteraquarius: awesome!  me too!13:18
yahoo_acquarius, ok so what should i do now, i have a screen (on phone) with 8 options13:18
yahoo_reboot ?13:18
pmcgowanjust let it go13:18
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pmcgowanaquarius, hows it going13:19
ogra_yahoo_, did phablet-flash in the terminal return the prompt to you yet ? if not, just leave it do its thing13:19
yahoo_ogra, no, it still says wait13:19
yahoo_ogra, sorry it stopped13:20
aquariuspmcgowan, am still halfway through phablet-flash, so no opinions yet :) I have just added a comment to bug 1241568 suggesting that maybe a little more feedback in that process might help.13:20
ubot5bug 1241568 in Phablet Tools "Flashing stuck: can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124156813:20
aquariusooo! phablet-flash finishes!13:20
* aquarius plays with Ubuntu on a phone :)13:21
maveranyway to install ubuntu 13.10 on nexus7 without the ubuntu-touch interface?13:22
aquariusha! playing music works.13:23
yahoo_ogra, aquarius, terminal shows this error "ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb push /home/user1/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/pool/ubuntu-2b5345658b58e55207c4a4e7b6b3d8cd4f3d9a3187d2448fc9020c884234bac0.tar.xz /cache/recovery/' returned non-zero exit status 1"13:23
ogra_yahoo_, might be because you unplugged, try to start over by going into recovery and adding "-d mako" (assuming thats a nexus4) to the pahblet-flash command13:24
aquariusah. I didn't get that. that might be an actual problem, which ogra_ will know how to fix :)13:24
yahoo_ogra, its gnexus13:25
ogra_yahoo_, then use -d maguro13:25
Proaamlooks like ubuntu touch does not provide the accelerometer sensor data to the browser (or the browser does not provide it to pages via javascript)13:26
deiuIs nmcli the only way to properly configure the 3G connection?13:26
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dylanSo, I was thinking about putting touch on my nexus 413:28
dylanBut then I saw this "In rare circumstances, the Nexus4 may get into a state where it may not boot at all after the battery is drained (even into recovery). If this happens, the only way to restore it is to disassemble the back of the phone and unplug/plug the battery connector."13:29
dylanAny clue on when that will be fixed?13:29
ogra_dylan, thats a hardware issue that also happend with android13:29
Proaamdylan: if it's not your second/third/... phone, don't switch yet13:29
dylanYeah, I was planning on waiting for that to get fixed13:30
dylanonce they fix that though13:30
dylancleared for launch!13:30
ogra_dylan, nobody can fix that13:30
dylanwait... why not?13:30
ogra_dylan, it is an issue with the hardware design13:30
ttoinehello, how do i use the phone to phone ? it still does not manage code pin ?13:30
dylanWhat causes it?13:30
ogra_dylan, https://www.google.com/search?q=red+led+of+death+nexus&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&oq=red+led+of+death+nexus&aqs=chrome.0.69i57j69i60j69i62l2.5745j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#channel=cs&q=red+light+of+death+nexus+413:30
systimeGetting ready to flash my nexus 10... are "--channel devel" and "--channel saucy"  essentially the same thing?13:30
ogra_ttoine, open the network indicator it should have an entry "unlock SIM"13:31
deiuCan someone with a working 3G connection please compare the output of /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems with my output: http://fixee.org/paste/t0uwrvk/ :)13:31
ogra_systime, atm they are, devel will point to T once it opened though ...13:31
yahoo_ogra, my phone is now completely new.13:32
systimeogra_: Cool, thanks!13:32
maverhi everyone! is there anyway to install ubuntu 13.10 on nexus7 without the ubuntu-touch interface?13:32
Proaami think UT should prompt the user to unlock the SIM after booting up13:33
ttoineogra_, thanks13:33
Emerymaver, wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation13:33
Emerygoogle is your friend13:33
ogra_Emery, thats dead ... wond work anymore i think13:33
dylanogra_: xda says "It was a simple case of 100% discharged. To fix it use the power socket charger and not the usb charger from your laptop or desktop. The red light first goes down, then it will blink and then the white charging icon comes. Let it charge at least 10 minutes after that before you switch it on, otherwise it would shutdown again (but won't go to red light mode)."13:33
Emeryogra_, has a manual guide13:33
ogra_and it will definitely break if you upgrade to 13.1013:33
Emeryalso says it works on 13.1013:34
dylanThat's it?  It's just a case of uber battery drain?13:34
ogra_dylan, rigth, LG didnt manage to build in a proper mechanism to avoid this in the hardware13:34
Emeryogra_, correction 13.04 works13:34
ogra_dylan, and it happens on android too13:34
EmeryI'd install 12.04 though13:34
dylanOkay, that's not as bad as I thought13:35
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ogra_Emery, there is no 12.04 for the nexus13:35
dylanI just need to use a proper charger, and leave it for a while.13:35
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dylanThat's fine13:35
yahoo_ogra, i re-ran command :13:35
ttoinefirst call, first sms from my Ubuntu-touch galaxy nexus !!!!! Congrats guy !!!13:36
ogra_ttoine, awesome !13:36
yahoo_no error this time13:36
yahoo_stucked on < waiting for device >13:36
yahoo_phone didnt reboot13:36
ogra_try if you can do "adb shell" from another terminal13:37
yahoo_it says error: device not found13:37
yahoo_i get "error: device not found" :: D13:37
ogra_what was the exact phablet-flash line you used ?13:37
dylanzis it possible to brick your phone with ubuntu touch?13:38
ogra_not really13:38
yahoo_phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup -d maguro13:38
yahoo_any thoughts13:39
ogra_yahoo_, ok, kill that command ... then try the following: adb kill-server && sudo adb start-server ... then check with adb shell if zou can log in to recovery13:39
ogra_if that works, exist out of adb and run the phablet-flash command again13:39
dobeyhow does one make screen rotation work?13:39
ogra_dobey, it just works ?13:39
ogra_(in apps that use it)13:40
ttoineogra_, is there a howto to sync contacts, install twitter, etc? and is there a way to make some ssh terminal from my desktop, now that I connected the phone to wifi ?13:40
ogra_ttoine, sshd is installed but off by default ... you can open the terminal and "sudo start ssh"13:40
dobeyogra_: how do i know what apps use it?13:40
ogra_dobey, turn your phone sideways13:41
dobeynot helpful because it's not working for me13:41
yahoo_done, adb shell  gives no devices. phone wont start :/13:41
ttoineogra_, where is the terminal ?13:41
ogra_dobey, works fine for me in i.e. the terminal app13:41
ttoineogra_, the team really need to improve the doc !13:41
ogra_ttoine, in the applications ... expand the installed category13:41
deiuis there a default password for root? (can I do su -) on the phone?13:42
dobeyogra_: not working here :(13:42
ogra_dobey, which phone ?13:42
kenvandinedeiu, use sudo not su -13:42
ogra_(mako or maguro)13:42
dobeyogra_: nexus 7. does it only work in mir and not with sf?13:42
kenvandinedeiu, phablet user's passwd is phablet13:42
deiuI still need the pass for phablet user13:42
ogra_ah, well, n7 is pertty low prio atm13:43
pmcgowandobey, the shell does not rotate, just certain apps like webbrowser13:43
pmcgowanmaybe n7 sensors not working?13:43
ogra_deiu, phablet13:43
kenvandinedeiu, np13:43
ogra_ah, ken was faster13:43
kenvandinei am pretty sure rotation used to work on the n7, but haven't  tried faster13:43
kenvandineogra_, i won the race :-p13:43
rbelemhey ogra_ :-)13:44
ogra_not to hard against a chainsmoker like me :P13:44
rbelemogra_, how are you doing?13:44
ogra_rbelem, !!!13:44
kenvandineogra_, haha... :-D13:44
ogra_hwo is life13:44
yahoo_gra, again i ended up with same screen :( CWM recovery13:44
ogra_*how even13:44
rbelemogra_, :-D13:44
kenvandinedoes anyone have examples of a project using cmake that uses qdoc as well?13:44
ogra_yahoo_, yes, thats fine, but ot should move on after a while13:44
rbelemogra_, i'm back to help a little13:44
kenvandinemhall119, ^^13:44
kenvandinedpm, ^^13:44
ogra_rbelem, cool !13:45
rbelemogra_, i bought a nexus 4 yesterday13:45
ttoineogra_, what is the default password for sudo N?13:45
ogra_ttoine, phablet13:45
rbelemogra_, did you hear about openwhatsapp?13:45
yahoo_but terminal command has ended. it gave same error13:46
ogra_rbelem, there was someone working on a whatsapp client, i think he mentioned it on the meailing list ... he dropped the ball though13:46
ogra_rbelem, his app was called whosthere ...13:46
ttoineogra_, oups, I just tell my ip adress and the password in th open space... all my colleagues are ssh my phone...13:47
rbelemogra_, http://openwhatsapp.org/develop/13:48
deiuany idea where the ofono config files are? *NetworkManager[1103]: <info> trying to read IMSI contexts from oFono files13:48
rbelemogra_, this other one i used in nokia n913:48
ogra_rbelem, ah, cool13:49
pmcgowanmhall119, you about?13:49
dpmkenvandine, not sure I know of any. Perhaps the Unity actions api or online accounts api?13:49
yahoo_ogra, so whats next13:49
kenvandinei'll check actions, online accounts is qmake13:49
ogra_yahoo_, you could adb shell into the device and it still doesnt work with phablet-flash ?13:49
yahoo_yeah i was able to login in adb shell13:49
rbelemogra_, do you know if qt4 apps works on ubuntu touch?13:50
ogra_rbelem, i dont think so13:50
ttoineogra_, if I want to install some stuff with apt-get, this is in read only. how do I remove read only13:50
ogra_should be all qt513:50
ogra_i fthey do thats by accident and will stop working soon13:50
rbelemogra_, the isse with openwhatsapp is that it is written in pyside13:51
ttoinesomeone knows how to use apt-get on ubuntu-touch13:51
ogra_ttoine, touch /userdata/.writable_image ... but note this will break after a while13:51
ogra_ttoine, and you cant do upgrades anymore13:51
ttoineogra_, you mean I will have to do it again ?13:52
ogra_i mean you will run out of space at some point and have to reinstall13:52
ttoineogra_, not a matter. I would like to test tomcat 6 and a java app on the phone13:52
ttoineogra_, " touch /userdata/.writable_image" is the command line13:53
ogra_yeah, just warning you :)13:53
ogra_thne reboot13:53
ttoineogra_, noticed ;-)13:53
ogra_and you can apt-get install stuff13:53
ogra_but i.e. apt-get dist-ugrade will break after some time ... and OTA upgrades wont work either anymore13:53
spindleyogra_: we have to make image writable to sync google contacts, yes?13:53
ogra_spindley, no13:54
spindleyoh, evolutionsync or whatever is preinstalled now?13:54
ogra_you should never make the image wriable unless you actually work on the platform13:54
ogra_syncevolution, right13:54
ogra_and you should use it as the phablet user13:54
ogra_whose homedir is writable13:54
spindleyok, thanks13:54
yahoo_ogra, in terminal "INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes."13:55
ogra_("sudo -u phablet -i" in case you are in adb)13:55
yahoo_and on phone, purple bg with robot13:55
ogra_yahoo_, great, just wait until after the next reboot13:55
yahoo_should i poke ? it hasnt finished13:56
ogra_it should come up in ubuntu touch eventually13:56
yahoo_ogra, ok13:56
ogra_it takes 15 min or so13:56
ogra_(the stage with the progress bar on screen)13:56
ogra_and the first boot that will follow is very slow since it configures stuff in the background13:56
yahoo_ogra,  regarding bug report,  this was my 4th time executing command13:56
ogra_so be patient13:56
yahoo_Christian Dywan (kalikiana) was right i guess. its bcuz of first flash13:57
kalikianafirst flash?13:58
yahoo_first time flashing ?13:59
kalikianamy device has seen plenty of flashes, so for me that's not the case14:00
kalikianaI only talked about "the first attempt"14:00
kalikianaas in, with that image in particular14:00
yahoo_ok so i guess it was aquarius who said that.14:00
yahoo_i cant think of any other factor, can you ? same image was loaded from download folder. same commands14:01
yahoo_maybe, ogra has to worry about that :D14:02
yahoo_aquarius,  did you get this message "ROM may flash stock recovery on boot. FIX ?"14:06
ogra_14.04 will be the Trusty Tahr !!!14:06
ogra_we have a name14:06
aquariusyahoo_, er. I'm not sure. I don't remember getting it, and I've closed the terminal now, I'm afraid.14:06
yahoo_aquarius, its on phone14:07
yahoo_in CWM Recovery menu14:07
yahoo_but terminal command is still running14:07
aquariusyahoo_, I don't think I got that, but I'm not sure. I didn't have to touch the phone while phablet-flash was running; it just worked.14:07
yahoo_ogra, what do u think ?14:08
ogra_yahoo_, hmm ?14:08
yahoo_ogra, i am in "CWM Recovery" again but this time i get this message "ROM may flash stock recovery on boot. FIX ?"14:09
yahoo_with some options14:09
ogra_how did you get there ?14:10
ogra_didnt you say  you had the androidn with the rotating guts and the progress bar ?14:10
yahoo_After reboot. terminal still has same message "INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes."14:10
yahoo_yeah i had that14:10
ogra_after that it should just do a normal reboot if you dont touch the phone or fiddle with it14:11
ogra_it definitely does for me14:11
deiuAnyone around with experience regarding nmcli / ofono? :)14:11
yahoo_infact it still has but progress bar and robot is static. no animation14:11
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pmcgowancyphermox, ^^ ofono help?14:12
yahoo_ogra, it stopped "ERROR:phablet-flash:Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way."14:13
kedivessgood morning14:13
ttoinenew question: I can't tweet from the phone twitter app: the phone doesn't show the keyboard...14:14
ttoineany idea ?14:14
kedivessi would ask if is it possible to install a language pack on ubuntu touch system-image . I tryed via adb shell using "sudo apt-get install language-pack-it" . It doesn't let me install.14:15
mohdishamHas anybody ported it to n7100 here14:15
w-flomh. pull-lp-bin for generic initrd keeps on throwing 404 errors. is it expected for archive content to just disappear for a few minutes? *patiently waiting*14:15
pmcgowankedivess, system is ro by default, but there are a number of languages installed14:16
angelitowhat image i need to install for samsung galaxy note 2(at&t)???14:16
pmcgowanttoine, there are occasional issues showing the osk, it might clear on restart14:16
deiucyphermox, ping14:16
kedivessthanks for the answer. but there insn't the italian installed.14:16
pmcgowanyou can enable rw and install it14:17
pmcgowankedivess, but then updating is not gauranteed14:17
kalikianamight be a click/apparmor team question if there's a plan for installing language packs14:18
kedivesshow to enable rw ? i tryed  "chmod +w  -R  / " but doesn't work14:18
kalikianakedivess: touch /userdata/.writable_image14:18
kalikianathen reboot14:18
davmor2deiu: what the issue, lets start there then if no one else can help cyphermox can14:19
ogra_kedivess, note that making it writable will make yoou lose the ability to upgrade14:19
pmcgowan!devices | angelito14:19
ubot5angelito: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices14:19
deiudavmor2, ok :)14:19
deiuI'm trying to configure a gsm connection14:19
kedivessand even if i update via terminal ?14:20
deiu`nmcli con list` shows a connection /208230001390324/context1 as gsm14:20
ttoinepmcgowan, thanks14:20
angelitoo ok thank you!14:20
deiuhowever, I can tell from syslog that there is no configuration for that connection (empty fields)14:20
deiucreating a new gsm connection with the correct settings does not work either (<warn> Activation (/ril_0) failed for connection '/208230001390324/context2')14:21
ogra_kedivess, if you upgrade via terminal that would be via apt ... this will break after a while (running out of space)14:21
deiuThere's another syslog line saying: reason 'modem-no-carrier'14:22
davmor2deiu: run /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-contexts and /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems and paste them in paste.ubuntu.com  I can guarantee they'll be needed14:22
kedivessso the better way is to wait until italian language will appear.....14:22
deiuI want to be able to edit the initial gsm config, but I can't find the corresponding file for it14:22
deiulist-contexts provides an empty configuration for /ril_0 :S14:24
ogra_kedivess, well, for testing you can surely just amke it writable and apt-get the langpack ... but it has drawbacks to do this14:25
deiupaste.ubuntu.com seems to be down14:25
gbsyahoo_, did you solved your problem?14:25
deiunever mind14:25
kedivessok thanks <ogra>14:26
davmor2deiu: cyphermox, awe and rsalveti might be you're best bets14:26
mohdishamI be been installing custom ROMs through cwm does this work the same way14:26
deiudavmor2, thanks14:26
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irongiantnhaines: You still around?14:28
yahoo_gbs, yeah simple reboot14:29
yahoo_it booted in UT. but its really slow14:29
yahoo_and i am not sure if something is missing :( its dark GUI14:29
ogra_yes, the gnex has some performance bugs14:29
ogra_dark gui ?14:30
ogra_you should end up in atour that shows you how to use the gestures14:30
yahoo_black. maybe its supposed to be that. but home screen is dull14:30
ogra_*a tour14:30
ogra_at least thats what is happeneing for me here14:30
yahoo_ogra, will swap help ?14:31
ogra_as soon as your device uses swap it will be unusable, so no14:31
ogra_(there is swap btw)14:31
aquariuswell, Ubuntu for phones team: I have a phone. I have been able to read news on it, play a game on it, read Reddit, take a photo, post to g+, play music. That covers a good proportion of what I need already, and I've only been using it for half an hour. Nice work, all of you.14:31
ttoinetrying to install tomcat6 and openjdk 6 headless on ubuntu touch... not so easy, dpkg dont go at the end...14:32
ogra_(but you dont want that to be used at all)14:32
yahoo_yeah great work ! but bcuz its laggy i cant use it :(14:33
w-floah. ubuntu trusty is the new code name. and I was wondering what "Unknown architecture armhf for ubuntu trusty" means14:33
ogra_aquarius, not only us ! it was you too !!!14:34
aquariusogra_, I'm just a consumer, now. :) I shall be filing bugs, though -- and more importantly writing apps, which is what I want the phone for...14:35
cyphermoxdeiu: poke14:36
zzarr_Hello Hashcode, how is the HDMI driver comming along?14:36
cyphermoxdeiu: check if your provider is in the file at /usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/providers.xml14:36
deiucyphermox, nope, it isn't14:39
deiucan I add it there?14:39
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cyphermoxcan you give me the details actually, I'll make sure it gets added upstream14:40
cyphermoxI need the country, name of the provider at the very least, and any other info you have about them14:40
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
deiuFrance, Virgin Mobile, APN=virgin-mobile.fr14:41
deiuthat's basically it14:42
deiulet me test first before you push any changes14:42
cyphermoxah, that's special. I would have expected it to be there14:43
deiuis the xml file mounted ro?14:44
deiuI can't save14:44
hello-thereIt says..........................Please check that PPA name or format is correct ......cant add desktop tools   :(14:45
mfischhello-there: what ppa are you trying to add?14:45
hello-theresudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools14:46
deiucyphermox, ^14:46
cyphermoxoh, right14:46
asacstgraber: hi14:46
asacstgraber: what do we need to do to prep the trusty thing on system miages?14:47
cyphermoxdeiu: you'll need to touch /userdata/.writable_image first, then reboot, then edit.. the system is read-only. Note that that change may complicate upgrades in the future though14:47
asacstgraber: also what about saucy... i assume we basically want to start producing daily saucy-updates images that then get tested and sit in saucy-proopsed until we decide to ship those to users?14:47
asacstgraber: do you need anything from us?14:48
asacstgraber: we would like to build a first, green image after the archive has the new toolchain, but before the imports start... so just checking what needs to be done14:48
deiucyphermox, can I just create a new file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/  instead?14:48
iBelieveI'm interested in starting a website/blog about Ubuntu Touch & apps for it. Am I allowed to use "Ubuntu Touch" in the name, such as "Ubuntu Touch News & Apps"?14:48
deiuand use the same structure from providers.xml14:49
stgraberasac: once the cdimage infrastructure works (so once we get our first desktop imaeges out), all that will need to happen is a few lines of config in system-image to get things imported14:49
stgraberwe'll also need one line in the cdimage crontab to be added for saucy-updates but that's trivial too14:49
asacstgraber: so our system-image will do the right thing as long as we output stuff to the right folder on cdimage?14:50
cyphermoxdeiu: not really. that file is used just as a hint to ofono to try and do the right thing... what might work better is writing the right settings in /var/lib/ofono/<your imei>/gprs, but I don't know what the exact syntax is  -- you might be able to see from the file already there14:50
stgraberso nothing required on your side except patience (since it usually takes a while before we can get our first live images built after a new release opens)14:50
cyphermoxdeiu: if you decide to change files in /var/lib/ofono, you'll want to stop ofono first, and reboot when you're done14:50
stgraberasac: yep14:50
deiucyphermox, thanks14:50
deiuI'll give it a shot14:50
asacstgraber: ok, maybe we can setup saucy-updates part before that?14:50
asacthen everything else will just happen i believe14:50
asacstgraber: or are you around over weekend?14:51
asac(in case cjwatson feels like doinmg the toolchain over weekend_)14:51
stgraberasac: yeah, I'll do the config changes today and will trigger a saucy-updates build (at the moment there should only be one package difference I believe, procps)14:51
deiuis there a way to safely stop ofono?14:51
deiuI can't find it in init.d/14:51
ogra_deiu, uh, thats so last century .. ubuntu uses upstart14:52
cyphermoxsudo stop ofono14:52
deiunvm, I used service14:52
stgraberasac: I very much doubt we'll have livefs build before Monday at the very least. The toolchain is a requirement to open the archive, but we need quit a bit more than that before we can build live images.14:52
deiuservice ofono stop worked14:52
hello-thereIt says..........................Please check that PPA name or format is correct .....14:52
deiuogra_, I'm old school :)14:52
asacstgraber: ok, but in general your idea was that we would have daily images flow into saucy-updates so we can track regressions on dashboard etc. and once in a while do a promotion to saucy to ship that to end users, right?14:52
cjwatsonasac: I'm travelling over the weekend14:52
cyphermoxdeiu: are you sure the APN is supposed to be virgin-mobile.fr? seems to me here like it would be ofnew.fr14:52
hello-thereTelling him to do ::::    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools14:52
asaccjwatson: ah cool. then we are safe:)14:52
cjwatsonasac: Trying to get as much done as possible before I leave at ~6pm14:53
asaccjwatson: just enjoy your weekend and lets do the toolchain and first image monday14:53
cjwatsonasac: Well, there's more than me :)14:53
deiucyphermox, yes, let me check again on their website14:53
cyphermoxdeiu: ok14:53
cjwatsonasac: I'm pretty sure doko wants to keep moving14:53
asaccjwatson: yeah. lets stop talking then and meet monday :)14:53
asaccjwatson: will he turn the auto-syncher on though?14:53
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cjwatsonI'll try to make sure we're all in sync before EOD14:53
asacok i will talk to him14:53
asacah cool14:53
cjwatsonstgraber: I'm doing cdimage now14:53
asaccjwatson: just let me know if i need to talk more and to who14:53
asacrock on!14:54
stgraberasac: so what will happen with saucy is that you'll see new images landing in saucy-proposed as usual and can test and promote those to the main saucy channel as you've always done14:54
cyphermoxdeiu: you may be right, and most source on the web (including possibly their webside I just checked) can be out of date... I see one here with the virgin-mobile.fr APN14:54
melvster'Depending on the installed Android version, a popup will show up on the device with the host key that needs to be accepted for the device to communicate with the workstation' <----- I didnt get this ... should I continue anyway? :/14:54
stgraberasac: so identical process as pre-release, only difference is that the changes in those images will come from saucy-updates14:54
ogra_hello-there, on what ubuntu version are you doing that ?14:55
deiumelvster, no, go into the developer settings14:55
deiuthen click the checkbox to allow USB dev connection14:55
melvsterdeiu: i already clicked build 7 times it worked14:55
deiucyphermox, rebooting now, let's see what happens14:55
cyphermoxdeiu: you made the file changes?14:56
deiucyphermox, it works! :D14:56
hello-there<ogra_>   Its 13.10 Desktop version ..latest ..just downloaded and installed14:56
asacstgraber: right. just that for saucy we dont promote every day usually14:56
asacas its a "stable" channel variant14:56
asacnot a developer channel ... where the goal is to go daily forward14:57
deiucyphermox, I've change the gprs config in /var/lib/ofono14:57
ogra_hello-there, that doesnt need the PPA14:57
asacstgraber: and stable is an alias, right?14:57
hello-thereUmmm..it says Generic ..14:57
hello-thereOh Ok !14:57
ogra_hello-there, phablet-tools is in the archive, just install it from universe14:57
hello-theredamn sorry bro ..am just a new timer on ubuntu ....14:58
hello-therecould you tell me how to get it from universe ??14:58
melvsterdeiu: i enabled USB debugging but i still dont have a popup14:58
hello-thereshould i just do sudo apt-get install phablet-tools android-tools-  ?14:58
stgraberasac: well, that's why the last channel rename removed any mention of daily ;)14:58
cyphermoxdeiu: awesome!14:58
stgraberasac: stable is indeed an alias to saucy14:59
cyphermoxdeiu: can you share the exact settings? I'll make sure that gets added14:59
deiucyphermox, I only had to provide the APN name (virgin-mobile.fr)14:59
deiuthanks! :)14:59
melvsteri wonder should i run adb kill-server14:59
stgraberasac: so new images will show up in saucy-proposed, we can test them there, when we feel there are enough interesting bugfixes, we copy to saucy and anyone using the saucy channel or one of its aliases will get the update14:59
asacstgraber: nice one15:00
deiumelvster, sure, and plug the USB cable back in15:00
asacstgraber: i think its well designed... so one question came up about build numbers etc.15:00
asacstgraber: i felt that build numbers are unique per channel[-proposed] and that that is more than enough15:00
asachowever, what happens if we move the stable alias of saucy to trusty15:01
asacstgraber: do we then just hope that the trusty versionm is higher? or is there something else we do?15:01
hello-thereOK ...Is Universe the Local Repo fie in Ubuntu ?15:01
asacstgraber: i think its a question how the alias is realized etc. i could imagine our tools recognize an alias switch and then know what the right, latest version is15:02
asacbut ... not sure15:02
melvstergot the popup ... here we go!15:02
ogra_hello-there, just apt-get install15:02
hello-thereThanks! Cheers!15:03
stgraberasac: trusty will start at version 115:03
ogra_asac, huh ?15:03
stgraberasac: and the client knows when an alias changes15:03
ogra_asac, the stable alis will only move by trusty release15:03
stgraberasac: so when changing devel from saucy to trusty, it'll do a full image update15:03
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stgraberso someone on one of the devel-* channels will basically see an update from version > 100 to version 1, then things go back to normal and we get deltas from that point on15:05
ogra_stgraber, uh, thats pretty confusing15:06
ogra_stgraber, especially in support and bugs15:06
ogra_how would i know a user is on v1 of trusty instead of v1 of saucy ?15:06
stgraberogra_: doesn't our about the system dialog tell you what release you're on?15:07
melvsterhow long does flashing normally take?15:07
* ogra_ was hoping we would never use release names in a rolling image 15:07
ogra_stgraber, it does :(15:08
ogra_so yeah, we will be able to differentiate15:08
stgraberogra_: anyway, people should always tell us what channel and device they're using, as otherwise we have no way of knowing what they're using15:08
ogra_apport should collect that btw15:08
deiumelvster, 10-15 mins15:09
stgraberas someone using one of the -customized channels will get completely different build numbers even if using the same release15:09
stgraberogra_: yep, apport should definitely get the equivalent of system-image-cli -i when reporting a bug15:09
asacstgraber: yeah, i need to understand that a bit more :)15:09
asacthe devel going back to 1 thing etc.\15:09
asacbut not today15:09
asacthat has at least a few weeks time :)15:09
ogra_asac, huh ?15:09
ogra_asac, it will be used as soon as we build the first test image15:10
ogra_i dont think that has weeks time15:10
deiumelvster, it is downloading in the background so it can take a while the first time you run it15:10
asacogra_: not sure what you mean. i was talkinga bout the weird behavioru if you move the "stable" alias from saucy to trusty15:10
asacthe rest sounds absolutely sane and simple here15:10
ogra_asac, it will reset the devel version15:10
ogra_to 115:10
asacogra_: the alias rename, yes15:11
ogra_stable wont change15:11
asacbut not the promotion15:11
ogra_stable will only change once 14.04 is released15:11
melvsterwoo hoo it's aliiiiive!15:11
ogra_asac, the promotions carry over the version from proposed15:11
asacogra_: i think you might be confused. the following line is about when we decide to move from saucy to trusty as "stable"15:11
asac17:05 < stgraber> so someone on one of the devel-* channels will basically see an update from version > 100 to  version 1, then things go back to normal and we get deltas from that point onhttp://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_custom/15:11
asac17:05 < stgraber> so someone on one of the devel-* channels will basically see an update from version > 100 to  version 1, then things go back to normal and we get deltas from that point on15:12
ogra_asac, if we promote -propsed build #3 you will have #3 in devel15:12
asacthats the current situation15:12
ogra_stable is something completely different15:12
ogra_stable is the release ...15:12
asacogra_: you are out of context15:12
asaci am talkinga bout the stable release handling, yes15:12
ogra_stable will only change once 14.04 is released15:12
asacogra_: not necessarily15:12
asacogra_: we actually said we move to T after one month :)15:13
asacand provide frequent updates from T for our stable users instead of continuinig to maintain saucy-updates15:13
ogra_well, or for a few images we might build the next weeks but stable wont be affected by the numbering change until 14.04 releases15:13
asacwe will see15:13
ogra_what will change versioning now is devel15:13
asaci need to understand better what happens when we switch over15:13
ogra_stable wont15:13
ogra_only if there is a new stable channel15:14
asacstgraber: so when will the numbers go back to 1 exactly?15:14
asacstgraber: just if we change the alias, right?15:14
ogra_saucy builds will just count up from 10015:14
ogra_trusty builds will start at 115:14
ogra_(no matter in which channels they live)15:14
asacstgraber: i havent seen stgraber saying that15:15
asacogra_: ^^15:15
stgraberasac: the numbering for trusty-proposed will start at 115:15
asacstgraber: oh so devel is not a real channel?15:16
stgraberdevel is an alias to saucy, devel-proposed is an alias to saucy-proposed, ...15:16
stgraberonce trusty exists, those aliases will change15:16
ogra_and the numbering for saucy[rpopsed will continue at 10115:16
asacstgraber: can we change that? i believe its better to have devel a real, continuosly trunk channel, so we can promote milestones in trusty and trusty-proposed15:16
yahooogra, is there a way to close apps ?15:16
ogra_yahoo, go to the thumbnail screen, hold down your finger until a close icon appears15:17
ogra_asac, per definition devel is the rolling thing15:17
asacright. but noone says that we need to treat those images as an alias15:17
yahoocool ! and how do i use say, grooveshark dash plugins15:17
ogra_asac, if i started on saucy and used devel i will magically move on to trusty15:17
asaci know15:17
asacthats not the point really :)15:18
ogra_that only works if you have it as a linked (or aliased) thing15:18
ogra_devel points to saucy atm15:18
ogra_and will point to trusty then15:18
asacogra_: right. devel could be its own thing though15:18
asacand then we can promote to trusty ever other week etc.15:18
asacfrom devel15:18
stgraberasac: if we were to do that (not that it's really possible at this point anyway), we'd have different build versions in devel and in trusty and in saucy which would make things rather more confusing I believe15:18
yahoowhat do you mean ?15:19
ogra_asac, trusty and devel are the same thing by then15:19
stgraberthe way I designed devel is for it to work identically as the devel alias at the archive level15:19
stgrabersame name and same behaviour so that we don't confuse people more than they need to15:19
asacstgraber: not sure if its more confusing. at least our devel build rev (which is our main trunk and moving baseline), would continuously move forward without resets15:19
asacanyway, just discussing... want to understand it better :)15:20
ogra_stgraber, how about setting 100 as the default for trusty ... shoudlnt be to hard  to put that in artificially15:20
stgraberogra_: that's easy but then good luck with the confusion when 101 is pushed to saucy as an update image :)15:21
asacstgraber: so we plan to ship stable updates from T after the first month as you know15:21
asacstgraber: for that having devel and trusty separate sounds reasonable15:21
ogra_stgraber, thats asacs thing to clearify then :P15:21
ogra_asac, again, devel and trusty are the same thing once trusty starts15:21
asacdevel is a daily release channel15:22
ogra_devel is always an alias for the currrent devel release in the works15:22
ogra_saucy is a release channel15:22
asacso how do i ship stable images from T after a month15:22
ogra_as trusty will be after release15:22
asaccurrent install folks are tracking stable channel15:22
asacso in 2 month we might want to ship a T image on stable15:22
ogra_stable will point to saucy15:22
ogra_devel will point to trusty15:23
asacright. hence thats wrong :)15:23
asacand we need to move to trusty and then suddely those folks tracking stable get the daily devel release15:23
ogra_and saucy will get the updates15:23
ogra_while trusty will get the new images15:23
asacso yeah... we need to make devel a special channel ... that is following daily-release model15:23
asacwhile all other channels follow a stable release model15:23
ogra_it already is15:23
stgraberstable-* will keep on pointing to saucy-* until we decide to have it point ot trusty, which will likely be in a month or so (and yeah, that's abusing the "stable" name but whatever)15:23
stgraberdevel-* points to saucy-* until trusty builds exist, then it'll point to trusty-*15:24
asacstgraber: but then trusty folksk suddenly get daily releases... not sure if thats what we want15:24
hello-thereOrga .....i could install phablet tools but it says .....Unable to locate package android tools ............15:24
asaci think it might be good, but in pratice we probably want to distinguish between daily and stable15:24
ogra_hello-there, tead the instructions, its not "android-tools" ... the package name is longer15:24
stgraberwell, people who are currently on the stable-* channels have been getting almost daily updates up until yesterday15:24
ogra_asac, but thats what we do15:25
asacstgraber: well, it was the first release. now we move stable alias to a "real" stable channel after the release15:25
asacand folks that want to track devel should do so15:25
ogra_stable is the final release fo a released distro (and potential updates)15:25
stgraberso I don't think they'll be terribly surprised to get move to trusty once it's usable15:25
ogra_devel is always the devel release15:25
stgraberthough this cycle is the only time we'll be doing that, once 14.04 release, I expect the stable alias to be a real stable channel and not change until the next release15:25
hello-thereaaaah .....i thougoht it ended on -tools- ...15:25
asacstgraber: right, but suddenly we ship daily updates to our stable users15:25
ogra_asac, why woudl we15:26
asaci think thats too frequent for anything stable ... unless stable doesnt mean: end user ready15:26
hello-there;-)  Tnx!15:26
asacogra_: because we promote images from devel-proposed daily to devel15:26
ogra_asac, if stable users used --channel saucy they get what they asked for15:26
asacand hence stable is pointint to devel once we move it :)15:26
ogra_if users used --channel devel they get what they asked for by the definition15:26
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stgraberasac: I'm fine keeping stable pointing to saucy until trusty releases, the problem we have there is that phablet-flash is using stable by default so we'll end up with a whole lot of people stuck on saucy without any touch update until trusty releases15:26
ogra_stable is never pointing to devel15:26
ogra_they are mutually exclusive15:26
asacstgraber: right. but i want to move folks to T, but not to devel. e.g. i want another channel that then can get our stable promotions before T is released15:28
ogra_thats stable15:28
asacanyway. maybe i can ignore that for now... just feels odd/wrongish15:28
ogra_or saucy (which are the same)15:28
stgraberogra_: I think asac wants something using trusty but even more tested than the main trusty channel15:29
ogra_on devel you are completely rolling, on stable you are stuck with saucy (plus potential updates) until trusty releases15:29
stgraberanyway, we're not going to change that alias today so we can wait a bit to discuss that15:29
ogra_stgraber, asac, so a second devel channel15:30
asacstgraber: right, i assume we can later untangle aliases etc.  if we know better what we want? if so, lets fold this discussion for now and do what you planned to do15:30
ogra_dvel-devel ?15:30
* ogra_ doesnt get the purpose of that 15:30
stgraberogra_: that's what it sounds like to me, yes, something like trusty-stable or the like that gets even less update than trusty itself15:30
* asac didnt say that, but is happy to folkd that discussion until later15:30
ogra_stgraber, honestly to me it sounds like we all want the same, but asac just misunderstands the concept :)15:31
stgraberogra_: with something like trusty-proposed => trusty => trusty-stable and stable being an alias of trusty-stable15:31
ogra_we're not good at explaining i fear15:31
stgraberanyway, I've got to run for a while, we won't change the stable alias today so we can discuss this later :)15:31
ogra_we have 6 months to worry about stable :)15:32
melvsterim blown away by how good ubuntu touch is ... congrats guys!!!!15:34
ttoinerunning a java application (tomcat6) on ubuntu-touch phone !!!15:35
ogra_melvster, thanks !15:38
ogra_ttoine, congrats !15:38
zzarr_Hello is ubuntu touch using mir?15:38
ogra_zzarr_, yes15:39
ogra_on both supported phones :)15:39
zzarr_I wish the HDMI driver got finnished for my Motorola Droid 415:40
yahooogra, so theres no workaround for this lag ?15:40
zzarr_Hashcode is working on it, but I think he rarly have time15:40
yahooi really want to stick to UT15:40
ogra_yahoo, no, there will be fixes at some point15:40
ogra_but atm there is no workaround15:41
yahooogra, ok how do i use restore android ? i have backup.ab file15:42
ajbrandt1hello world15:42
ogra_yahoo, follow the install doc to restore the OS, then use whatever android uses to restore the backup15:42
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ze_has anyone installed ubuntu touch in device with cpu from mediatek?15:52
ogra_!devices | ze15:52
ubot5ze: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices15:52
ogra_ze_, sheck the wikipage above15:52
ze_ok tks15:53
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timppacan someone tell me what the triangle with letter R means on the indicator bar?15:54
* ogra_ has never seen that 15:55
timppait just appeared there, haven't seen it before15:55
sergiusenstimppa, ogra_ roaming perhaps?15:55
sergiusenstedg, might know15:55
ogra_that would have been my guess too15:55
timppathat might be yes15:55
ogra_are you ?15:55
ogra_physically i mean15:55
timppayes, because this one operator in Finland is using another operators network so basically it's always roaming15:56
ogra_yeah, then it makes sense15:56
hello-thereIt says........You will also need to accept a host key on the device. ..................no such key shows up ...15:57
ogra_i guess you will be able to look that icon up in the ubuntu phone handbook that ships with the ubuntu phone :)15:57
ogra_one day ..15:57
bleadrasing hand15:57
ttoineogra_, thanks ;-)15:57
ogra_blead, thats bad for your blood circulation :)15:57
bleadum, nexus 7, is it normal for the screen to flash?15:57
ttoinewe will make a how to next week15:58
ogra_n7 is rather broken and yeah, flachy15:58
hello-thereIt says........You will also need to accept a host key on the device. ..................no such key shows up ...  ANDROID 4.3 here ..Thanks!15:58
bleadokay, sad face.15:58
ogra_tablets werent in the focus of 13.1015:58
ogra_you can switch back from Mir to surgfaceflinger on that device15:58
ogra_by removing /home/phablet/.display-mir15:59
ogra_(and rebooting)15:59
bleadon y nexus 7 what is the best image?15:59
ogra_that will not give you all features but at least no flicker15:59
bleadMir, how do I find that in the Git16:00
ogra_blead, ask in #ubuntu-mir ... thats where the devs are16:00
bleadI am running multi rom16:00
hello-thereIt says........You will also need to accept a host key on the device. ..................no such key shows up ...  ANDROID 4.3 here ..16:00
ogra_not sure there is a git tree ...16:00
ogra_most likely rather a bazaar one16:00
yahooogra, my build id is not listed here : https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images16:01
ogra_yahoo, it should be linked from the touch install page16:01
ogra_iirc there is a direct link16:01
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yahooogra, yeah thats the link16:02
bleadthank you, so we headed for a reckoning I take it16:02
yahoobut i cant find my build id there16:02
hello-thereIt says........You will also need to accept a host key on the device. ..................no such key shows up ...  ANDROID 4.3 here ..16:04
sergiusenshello-there, if you have done that before, it's not likely you need to do that again16:04
melvsterwhat should i do if the OS crashes?16:04
melvsterwait or reboot?16:04
yahooogra, can i flash with a different image ?16:04
sergiusensmelvster, most of the time it restarts16:05
sergiusensyahoo, what's your build id?16:05
hello-thereBut when I run phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup .....it Giver ...ERROR:device not found ...16:05
melvstersergiusens: thanks16:05
yahooAndroid 4.2.116:05
sergiusensyahoo, and device?16:05
hello-therei reckokn its cuz host key is required for phone and workstation to communicate16:06
sapanhello-there , make sure your device is shown . adb devices16:06
hello-thereand........................it not coming up ...  :-/16:06
hello-thereNope ...16:06
hello-therejust checked..it aint listed ....16:06
hello-thereso ...how to get it up there ? Hint Please !16:07
yahoohello-there, did you enable usb debugging ?16:07
sergiusenshello-there, what version of adb do you have?16:07
hello-thereYes ..it says you are a developer...16:08
hello-thereim sorry ow can i check adb version please /16:08
yahoohello-there, not just that ! Tick checkbox enable usb debugging in developer options16:08
hello-thereleme try ..Thanks!!16:08
sapansudo adb kill-server; sudo adb start-server16:09
yahooonce done, run this in terminal "adb devices". hopefully, you'll see a device16:09
yahooogra, so ?16:10
sapanjust curious . What % of ubuntu touch os code is actually re used from desktop one ?16:11
sergiusensyahoo, I think you should be fine with 4.2.2 (JDQ39)16:12
mhall119kenvandine: hey, what did you need me for earlier?16:12
mfischis it okay to autoland stuff today or will it cause horrible problems16:12
mfischspecifically ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks16:12
kenvandinemhall119, just looking for any examples of projects that use cmake and generate qdoc docs16:13
yahoosapan, none !16:13
kenvandineunity-actions-api does, so i have one example :)16:13
yahoosergiusens, are you sure ? i dnt want to brick my device :?16:13
sapanyahoo so what does it mean when it says ubuntu touch is based on ubuntu saucy 13.1016:14
yahoosapan, idk. i was told that ubuntu touch was built from scratch. Convergence will be added later.16:15
yahoosapan, btw, where did you read that ?16:15
deiuHmm...is there a way to turn the phone into a mass storage device?16:16
deiuI'd rather not use adb push all the time16:16
mhall119kenvandine: ah, I don't know of any16:16
mhall119kenvandine: I think you just need a .qdocconf file though, not a .pro or anything16:17
pmcgowansapan, yahoo there is much code in common between desktop and phone16:17
sapani read it somewhere in official ubuntu site16:17
pmcgowanand over time more will be used in desktop16:17
sapani doubt they built it from scratch . That will be hell lot of code .16:17
w-flodeiu, you should have mtp access to your device16:17
deiuw-flo, oh? thanks, I'll check16:18
sapanI think the focus is on MIR so that UI plays the key here not the core codes16:18
w-flodeiu, at least that's what they say. It's pretty flaky on my device (which is not officially supported), so I either have adb or mtp, but never both. But when it works, it pops up a windows on my desktop as soon as I plug my phone into usb16:19
mfischfginther: ping16:19
hello-thereGentlemen,.....This IS my last step if someone could assist please ...16:19
hello-therewhen i run phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup16:19
melvsterhello-there: took me 10 minutes16:20
mfischhello-there: whats the question?16:20
hello-thereEROR: phablet-flash:HTTPSConnectionPool(host'     ', port=443) :Max tries exceeded...............16:21
hello-thereim able to ping and nslookup system-image.ubuntu.com16:21
yahoorun "adb shell"16:21
hello-thereproxy entries are correct16:22
hello-thereis it something else or just my connection issue ?16:22
yahooah ! its https connection16:22
yahooyour connection16:23
yahootry proxy or VPN16:23
hello-thereproxy entries for http https and socks in /rtc/apt/apt.conf exist16:24
hello-thereproxy entries for http https and socks in /etc/apt/apt.conf exist16:24
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hello-thereAny hints ?16:24
hello-thereAny hints ?16:25
yahoolol !16:25
yahoowhat is apt.conf for ?16:26
yahoois it for apt-get ?16:26
mhall119I would assume so, yes16:27
w-floI guess so (and I doubt phablet-flash respects proxy settings from that file)16:27
mfischhello-there: phablet-flash does not handle proxies well16:27
yahoowell then it wont work as phablet-tools uses wget16:27
mfischit for sure cannot handle https proxy servers16:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225910 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-flash fails behind proxy" [Medium,Confirmed]16:27
mfischI did not try http proxy, but you'd need to set the http_proxy environment variable to try it, I bet it fails too16:28
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mfischhello-there: can you wait until (presumably) you get home from work?16:28
hello-thereNo ! ! ! !16:29
hello-thereI Want it NOW ! ! !16:29
hello-thereif it doesnt brick my phone ..ill get through proxy bugger ..16:29
yahoosimple use it without proxy16:30
mfischtether your laptop to another phone16:30
hello-thereok ..16:30
mfischgo to a coffee shop16:30
hello-there:) Good Idea..16:31
hello-thereIm Off !16:31
yahoowhich phone are using flashing ?16:31
hello-thereNexus 416:31
yahoowhich phone are youu*** flashing ?16:31
yahooogra, are you there ?16:31
yahooi am having hard time finding factory image of GNEX16:32
yahooanyone ?16:32
pmcgowanyahoo, link on the install page16:34
jamalyahoo here u go :https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images16:34
pmcgowanin the topic16:34
yahooyeah its not there16:34
Gyulai am behind proxy, and i tried download this current directoy: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ but phablet-flash ubuntu-system --alternate-server ~/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current --no-backup is not working16:36
yahooflashing any other image may brick my phone ?16:36
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bit__Hello everyone16:38
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ogra_yahoo, you cant brick a nexus ...16:40
Gyulais there anybody?16:40
bit__I installed ubuntu-touch on Nexus 7 WFI 2012 with the following string: phablet-flash ubuntu-system - channel devel - no-backup ... does not work well in most crashes (screen flickers and freezes everything). someone help me anymore?16:40
ogra_Gyula, 351 people except ing you16:40
yahoo_ogra, what do u mean ?16:40
ogra_yahoo_, you cant brick a nexus16:40
ogra_<yahoo> flashing any other image may brick my phone ?16:40
Gyulais there any way to predownload ubuntu phone image for my galaxy nexus?16:41
Gyulai am behind prxy and phablet-tools is not working with proxy16:41
tobiasBoraHello !16:41
tobiasBora I have a little question : will it be possible in the future to run Ubuntu on a Samsung Galaxy Ace device, or is is not powerful enough ?716:41
yahoo_ogra, then what will happen ? whats the difference between all of them16:41
ogra_yahoo_, just grab the lastes maguro image, that should work16:41
ogra_yahoo_, ask google ?16:42
yahoo_ogra, and will my backup work with them ?16:42
Gyulaogra: can you help me?16:43
yahoo_tobiasBora, you need atleast 512 to run UT16:43
ogra_yahoo_, i have no idea, i'm not a big android user ...16:44
ogra_Gyula, nope, no idea, probably sergiusens has an idea16:44
yahoo_oh ok ! i know i've been asking a lot :D btw, what do u use ? some secret UT ?:P16:45
yahoo_or Ubuntu for Devs :P16:45
ogra_well, i have an android phone i use just not that deeply that i know much beyond the few functions of it that i need16:45
bit__I installed ubuntu-touch on Nexus 7 WFI 2012 with the following string: phablet-flash ubuntu-system - channel devel - no-backup ... does not work well in most crashes16:46
ogra_13.10 did pretty much only focus on phones16:48
tobiasBorayahoo_: Ok thank you. So it won't be enough...16:49
jamalogra_: is there any button to enable or disable auto brightness?16:50
ogra_jamal, nope, thats 14.04 stuff16:50
bit__thank you anyway16:51
ogra_(13.04 == have brightness control at all  .... 14.04 == have all the fancy luxury features )16:51
bit__see later16:51
ReeSilva_SPFCHey guys16:51
ReeSilva_SPFCSome of u have tried to port Ubuntu Touch to Motorola Razr I (that one with Intel inside)?16:52
jamalogra, when i adjust the the brightness to full and lock the phone and unlock back the brightness become lower, is it a bug?16:52
jamalogra, but it seems the light sensor working fine!16:54
ogra_jamal, thats most likely a bug, but then  we dont have any ways to store settings for brightness yet so it will be fixed anyway once that feature lands16:54
jamalorgra_, thanks a lot16:56
sergiusensGyula, ogra_ that seems like the old cdimage stuff where we used rsync16:56
Gyulasergiusens, and what is the new one?16:58
sergiusensGyula, as in the wiki; I think the requests module picks up proxies; can you try that?16:58
sergiusensReeSilva_SPFC, do we have the source code for that? Might be interesting to start the x86 port of this :-)16:59
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bit__http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/ASUS_Nexus_7/ME370T please the string???17:01
Gyulalater, now i have to go :( but thanks17:03
NicKBUIGHi there, is there a working version of Ubuntu Touch for grouper?17:06
NicKBUIGubuntu official release only maguro and mako :(17:07
Paul_mac1hi. following instructions. adb does not work after flashing with fastboot and rebooting into recovery. it just does not see a device17:16
Paul_mac1is there another way to put that zip file into /sdcard/autodeploy.zip at this moment?17:17
Paul_mac1oh. seems a windows issue17:18
Paul_mac1looks like it works under ubuntu17:18
ReeSilva_SPFCThis is what I'm questioning, @sergiusens. If we have the source code, I want to try port17:18
timppabtw, is there a way to add ringtones to ro image without braking anything?17:18
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mfischfginther: ping17:27
espacialanyone tried ubuntu phone yet?17:28
mfischyes, for about 6 months ;)17:29
espacialbut it really only for nexus 4?17:29
mfischno, it will run on some other platforms, the n7 will work as well (and others)17:30
ogra_espacial, porting to other devices is done by the community17:30
ogra_they are not as fast17:30
ogra_give them some time to catch up :)17:31
ogra_i guess by 14.04 the world will look compeletly different17:31
espacialyea, I know, I only ask because I remember the first mobile with ubuntu, it was an atrix from motorola17:32
espacialso I tought, i have an atrix 2, i could have with out any trouble ubuntu17:32
espacialbut, on ubuntu i just read about it is for nexus 4, so probably there is no firmware to my phone17:33
ogra_no, the new ubuntu for phones is completely designed from scratch, its a totally different beast17:33
espacialno more .img and vnc viewer, thats is great!17:34
alex-abreumzanetti, ping17:38
mzanettialex-abreu: pong17:40
alex-abreumzanetti, quick question ... there is no "front end" (non private) to  libnityLauncher-qml.so right ?17:41
mzanettialex-abreu: what do you mean with frontend?17:42
mzanettialex-abreu: well, the launcher in unity8 uses this17:42
alex-abreumzanetti, yeah but you need to pull in a private package and tweak QML2_IMPORT_PATH in order to pull in the so right ?17:43
alex-abreumzanetti, since it is not installed in a default searhc location etc. for clients to use17:44
mzanettialex-abreu: right. no, this is not intended to be used by anything else17:44
alex-abreumzanetti, mmh ... any plans on something around that ?17:45
mzanettialex-abreu: no. why would you need that?17:45
alex-abreumzanetti, to access the count/progress features of the launcher17:45
alex-abreuthru the model17:45
mzanettialex-abreu: ah, no. that wouldn't work anyways. the api to control those properties is not in place yet17:46
mzanettialex-abreu: but I think that's one if the first things happening when we're opening development for trusty17:47
hayato_hi someone can help me?17:48
alex-abreumzanetti, nothing dbus exported ?17:48
mzanettialex-abreu: no, not yet17:48
alex-abreumzanetti, & the launcher model not accessible from "outside" ...17:49
mzanettialex-abreu: no. right now you can't change that17:49
alex-abreumzanetti, mmh ... ok17:49
mzanettialex-abreu: what's your use case? so I can prioritize it if needed17:49
alex-abreumzanetti, for webapps ... mimic what's exposed thru libunity on desktop17:50
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alex-abreumzanetti, p1 for us17:51
mzanettialex-abreu: well, the guy who should have implmented that was on sick leave for a while :/ But before he said that we couldn't use what libunity currently offers. I don't know the reason tho17:51
hayato_i'm tryng to install touch on my nexus 4 but the installation stop and the terminal say that the device is not found17:51
mzanettialex-abreu: will ask when I catch him next.17:51
alex-abreumzanetti, who was it?17:51
mzanettialex-abreu: Wellark17:52
alex-abreumzanetti, ah yeah, I had tried to reach him for sometime, ok was in a sick leave, I talked to him last summer about launcher bits, and had no news since then17:52
mzanettialex-abreu: anyways, even if the API would be in place, right now all the apps are stopped when minimized, so they couldn't update anything anyways17:52
alex-abreumzanetti, will you be talking about this in oakland? or should I kick off a discussion by email since it is a priority for us17:53
mzanettihuh? oakland? Did I miss something?17:53
alex-abreumzanetti, yeah, I know, but anyway ...17:53
sergiusensmzanetti, there's a manager sprint in oakland + a few tech leads; so Saviq might be there17:53
alex-abreumzanetti, ah no, there is a sprint in oakland in a few weeks, I'll be there, thought you would too17:54
hayato_the device don't go in recovery mode17:54
yahoo_hayato, what happens when you press power button ?17:55
mzanettialex-abreu: ok. no, I won't be there I think. But Saviq most likely is if you need someone to talk to. He should know all the stuff. You can still trigger this discussion by mail if you want17:55
hayato_yahoo_ : black screen17:55
alex-abreumzanetti, ok I'll do it ...17:55
yahoo_no "Google" ?17:55
yahoo_are you sure your phone didnt disconnect ?17:56
hayato_yahoo_: no only black screen. yes the phone is connect if i command lsusb the terminal show me it but if i command adb devices don't appear17:57
Felipe__hello, i have a question, ubuntu-touxh is a FOSS proyect?17:57
yahoo_adb devices will only work if your phone is turned on17:58
hayato_yahoo_ : so what can i do?17:59
codelinxHas anyone tested this on other devices, i.e. rooted s3, s4, Note 3, LG G2 (all verizon)17:59
yahoo_i am not sure ! i hope you havent brick your phone18:00
codelinxThis install works from android and is installed alongside the Android OS, is this correct? ... PS no i havent attempted it yet18:01
yahoo_codelinx, no ! you have to erase android to install UT18:02
hayato_the bootloader mode it go but if i try to go to recovery nothing happens18:02
yahoo_try this : power button + volume up + volume down18:03
hayato_yahoo_: go in download mode18:03
yahoo_no, recovery mode18:04
yahoo_press volume down key18:04
yahoo_then power button18:04
hayato_yahoo_: on the display there is an icon that say download mode18:04
yahoo_which phone are u using ?18:05
hayato_nexsus 418:05
yahoo_volume up/down is used to change option and power key is "confirm". when you press "power button + volume up + volume down" you should see "START". can you ?18:06
yahoo_ok press volume down18:07
yahoo_what can u see  now ?18:07
hayato_yahoo_: restart bootloader?18:08
yahoo_no press again18:08
yahoo_now can you see recovery ?18:08
hayato_black sceen appear18:09
ubuntuonN5guys, does this version work with desktop mode?18:09
yahoo_no robot ?18:10
beunoubuntuonN5, not super well, no18:10
codelinxokay, and the adb backup produces a flashable image from the Ubuntu or can it be flahsed some other way? Does the phone keep the custom recoevery i.e. clockwork mod or TWRP?18:10
hayato_no only black screen18:10
beunoubuntuonN5, this next cycle we'll be focusing on convergence18:10
hayato_yahoo_: the terminal says device not found if i try to give command "sudo phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup"18:11
hayato_yahoo_: and then say "ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell getprop ro.cm.device ' returned non-zero exit status 255"18:11
yahoo_it wont work unless you are in android18:11
yahoo_or UT18:12
alex-abreuhayato_, does your device have enough battery? have you tried fastboot flashing   ?18:12
hayato_yahoo:i don't undstend18:12
hayato_alex: yes but the answer by the terminal is the same device is not connected18:13
hayato_alex: sorry say"device not found"18:13
harriswhy would ubuntu release ubuntu touch if there are still things that dont work18:13
ubuntuonN5when will a update be released so we can use desktop mode?18:14
alex-abreuhayato_, when you are in bootloader mode, fastboot does not see the device?18:14
beunoharris, because, iterations?18:14
yahoo_hayato, idk why you cant enter recovery18:14
harriswhen do you think it will be stable enough on nexus 7 to replace android18:15
beunoharris, this release was focused on phones18:16
hayato_alex ok i see the device18:16
harrisnot the nexus 7?18:16
beunoharris, next release will focus on supporting tablets and the desktop. So probably for 14.0418:16
alex-abreuhayato_, then you can manually flesh from there and recover from a bricked phone18:16
beunoharris, no, this release wasn't focused on nexus 718:16
hayato_yahoo_: i don't know why i can't enter to recovery18:16
harrisi have to wait 6 months18:16
hayato_alex: how can i do18:17
beunoor follow the development cycle18:17
alex-abreuhayato_, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=227711218:17
alex-abreuhayato_, if you can see your device in fastboot thene there is hope, and make sure that you have enough battery ...18:17
hayato_alex thanks i try this guide18:18
harriswill they still fix some issues or not until 14.0418:19
beunoharris, yes, there will be incremental work from now until 14.0418:20
Limstedoy! can i use the ubuntu phone on a HTC Desire HD?18:21
harrisbut they wont release the fixes until 14.0418:21
tbanishthink its safe to install ubuntu touch on my nexus 7? will it be very buggy still?18:23
harristbanish, i have nexus 718:24
Octopus_where to download old skins for opera 1218:24
harristhats what i wanna know18:24
beunotbanish, it's not yet super stable in nexus 718:25
beunothe focus for 13.10 has been phones18:25
beunoso galaxy nexus and nexus 418:25
beunothe tablet and desktop story is what will be the focus of 14.0418:25
tbanishahh ok, thanks beuno!18:26
yahoo_dnt install on Galaxy nexus18:30
yahoo_its super laggy. not worth it18:30
slangasekogra_: so, systemd accepted into saucy-updates; can we get a new image built for the saucy stable channel?18:30
slangasekyahoo_: yep, that will be fixed in the next respin18:30
slangasekor at least, the CPU usage bug triggered by the crazy android video driver will be fixed18:31
slangasekno promises that there won't still be lag for other reasons18:31
yahoo_when will net respin  release ?18:32
espacialquestion: I can flash my phone (atrix2) to try the installatino doing the backup of android, and if that does not works on this phone just restore? as easy as it sounds?18:33
slangasekyahoo_: I'm not sure; it may take a couple of days for us to validate the new image18:33
godemperor_hi, im newbie on ubuntu ¿where can i found ubuntu-touch for the galaxy GT-I9000B?18:33
yahoo_espacial, i doubt it18:34
yahoo_slangasek, cool !18:34
yahoo_so maybe monday ?18:34
yahoo_to release ?18:34
espacialyahoo_: what you recommend me to do, just wait fot 14.04? or tried to change phone? :P18:34
yahoo_well, i dnt really know how smooth is it as its laggy on my phone.18:35
ogra_slangasek, i'll forward that to asac, not sure if we want to wait for more SRUs18:36
yahoo_if video driver fix releases soon, its worth trying18:36
espacialyahoo_: you have nexus 4?18:36
yahoo_i would use UT permanantly, if driver is fixed.18:36
yahoo_so galaxy nexus18:36
slangasekogra_: why would we wait18:37
yahoo_BTW, Music Player is amazing18:37
ogra_dunno, i dont kneo what exactly the plans are18:37
slangasekogra_: we were supposed to be able to spin multiple image updates a day; I don't think we want to have to wait :)18:37
ogra_(i know what the plans for T are, just not for S)18:37
yahoo_ogra, when i push power button while phone is turned off, it shows charging icon :/18:38
slangasekogra_: we could at least spin off an image, even if we don't put it in the pipe for validation and promotion yet18:38
slangasekin fact, kicking it off now18:38
ogra_yahoo_, only if plugged in, i think android does the sam e18:38
ogra_slangasek, ok18:39
yahoo_ogra, no its not plugged in :/18:39
ogra_thats weird, never seen it doing that when not plugged in18:39
* ogra_ would remove the battery to hard reset it 18:39
yahoo_yeah i have to remove battery otherwise it wont start18:40
yahoo_BTW, it turned off itself, maybe bcuz of low battery.18:40
ogra_ah, yeah, that might get you into a weird state18:41
nick__I want to install Ubuntu touch on HTC Desire HD. Is this possible?18:42
ogra_nick__, there might be a port, note though that the ports are all a little behind (ubuntu for phones moved very fast the last months)18:43
ogra_!devices| nick__18:43
ubot5nick__: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices18:43
yahoo_ogra, is there screencapture in UT ?18:43
ogra_yahoo_, not on the gnex ... sadly18:44
yahoo_ok so in a couple days, driver fix will be available ? will it be available via OTA ?18:45
slangasekit will, yes18:45
yahoo_ogra, slangasek, how smooth will it be then ? like android ? or iOS ?18:47
* ogra_ doubts that ... there are still other bugs with Mir and the driver 18:47
ogra_but it will surely be better18:47
slangasekI don't know about bugs with Mir, but the driver sure isn't the happiest :)18:48
vilaevening guys18:48
viladoes 'FAILED (remote: (InvalidState)) when running 'fastboot flash bootloader ...' rings a bell ?18:48
ogra_slangasek, well, seems there is an ability to turn off the uevent spam at the source18:48
kenvandinei'm amazed how much bettery  my battery life is today than it was a couple days ago... i guess there has been some improvements :)18:48
ogra_which i suspect will give us actually some performance gain18:49
ogra_vila, sounds like your device isnt properly unlocked ?18:49
slangasekogra_: no, the userspace drivers rely on that uevent spam.18:49
slangasekit's a ridiculous architecture18:50
ogra_slangasek, they dont use it under SF18:50
kenvandineunplugged for 6 hours, reasonably heavy usage and still 87%18:50
slangasekyes, they do18:50
ogra_slangasek, there is a switch the some area that Mir doesnt use ... if that  switch is flicked it only spams while there is actual action going on18:50
vilaogra_: nope, it has been unlocked.... months ago and I 'fastboot oem unlock' says already unlocked18:50
ogra_s/the some/in some/18:50
slangasekogra_: which means there will still be uevent spam at precisely the time when you care about the UI being smooth ;)18:51
ogra_heh, indeed, but the bg noise will be gone18:51
ogra_which means the GPU should be less stressed18:52
ogra_(since the driver reacts to the events only apparently)18:52
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infinityImage building should work now, if someone wants to try one.18:53
infinityhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/20131018.1/ <-- core built everywhere, at least.18:53
ogra_i assume no special options should be needed ?18:53
slangasekinfinity: well, I'm currently building for DIST=saucy18:53
infinityogra_: Nope, should default to trusty.18:53
slangasekso the buildds might be a little busy18:53
infinityOh, well, people can test when you're done testing. :P18:53
ogra_i'll try one in 30min, then the saucy one should be done18:54
infinityI'm just relaying the "infrastructure should be ready" message.  What people do with it, I care little.18:54
ogra_or in 1h to be safe18:54
infinityI have Matthew, Will, and Thom waiting for me with pints in hand.  Need to tidy up a few more things and call it a week.18:54
ogra_stgraber, is a trusty build safe already ? will system-image pick it up for the right channel ?18:54
ogra_infinity, enjoy !18:54
* ogra_ lifts his beer bottle18:55
AlgoRhymesIs there any way to run android apps on ubuntu touch?18:55
ogra_(you might be able to ship a dalvik vm inside the click package of your app ... theoretically ...  practically it would have to talk to Mir, not sure if that would work)18:57
espacialafter UT is installed, android is erased right?18:58
stgraberogra_: it's safe to trigger a trusty build. The channels aren't setup yet but it won't cause any harm and is useful to check that the cdimage part works at least.18:58
vilaogra_: restoring grouper with bootloader-4.18 worked, couldn't install 4.23. I'm unblocked, just mentioning in case someone ran into the same issue18:58
vilaespacial: ot18:58
vilaespacial: it's erased before the install18:58
ogra_stgraber, great, just wanted to make sure i dont harm anything18:58
espacialthanks vila18:59
stgraberogra_: system-image looks specifically for files starting with saucy- so it'll just ignore trusty18:59
ogra_well, that wont buy us an image to test :)18:59
hayato_alex: thanks i do it and i boot my phone in ubuntu touch it's great :) thank you for your help19:01
yahoo_hayato, how did u fix ?19:02
stgraberogra_: trusty added to system-image, so if you manage to build an image, it should get published19:04
stgraberogra_: I also changed the paths so that it should notice a new post-release saucy image and import it as expected19:05
ogra_i dont see why i wouldnt manage to build one19:05
ogra_it is effectively saucy with new toochain19:05
ogra_stgraber, awesome, thanks19:06
stgraberogra_: well, I got quite a few cdimage build failure e-mails in my inbox :)19:06
* ogra_ sees them too 19:06
deiuAnyone here working on the web browser? :)19:06
yahoo_when i visit firefox.com from UT. it say download from Play Store :D19:06
yahoo_they treat all others as Android19:07
yahoo_Why there is no sotware center in UT19:08
ogra_yahoo_, it is the "more suggestions" thing in the applications page19:10
espacialyahoo_: the devices are in WIP (work in progress) will be working for this year?19:10
yahoo_espacial, yeah but i guess it should atleast detect that its not android.19:12
mfischstgraber: can we safely top approve something today?19:14
stgrabermfisch: the archive isn't open19:14
mfischhmm, so what would happen19:15
espaciali am not developer, network manager, so don't know  nothing about codes, but I can help in this project testing images? or something?19:15
mfischnm, I'll wait until Monday19:15
stgrabermfisch: no idea19:15
stgrabermfisch: I don't know how the auto landing stuff works. I suspect it'd just merge changes and never upload19:15
mfischespacial: I think you could help with testing, but I'm not the right guy to ask that to19:16
yahoo_mfisch, yeah ! i am also interested in testing fixed version to get an idea of this OS !19:17
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yahoo_I really love it. only having hard time using back button19:17
mfischdo you guys speak any other languages? I think they need help translating19:17
espacialI speak spanish (native language) and portugues (mother language)19:19
mfischI know we need help with portuguese19:21
mfischbrazilian and portugal versions19:21
espacialbrazilian I know19:21
espacialobrigado ;)19:21
mfischthis wiki page is a little light on details: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Phone19:21
mfischyeah I know English and French like a 4 year old would speak19:22
mfischThe core apps would be a good place to start19:22
mfischI've not done translations before, but someone can help you probably19:22
rickspencer3kenvandine, when I run my app using friends, I get warnings like:19:24
rickspencer3account-service-model.cpp 275 update19:24
rickspencer3accountService role is deprecated, use accountServiceHandle19:24
rickspencer3account-service.cpp 100 setObjectHandle Accounts::AccountService(0x211b3b0)19:24
rickspencer3should I care?19:24
kenvandinerickspencer3, nah19:26
kenvandinenot yet19:26
kenvandinerickspencer3, you are iterating the accounts yourself right?19:26
kenvandineif so, you should update your code at some point19:26
rickspencer3kenvandine, don't remember, but I think so19:26
kenvandinebut we won't break that until we bump the API version19:27
rickspencer3I am getting reddgur ready for the store :)19:27
kenvandinewhich i think we'll do before 14.04, but not for a while19:27
deiuThe keyboard doesn't seem to show up sometimes, especially in browser :S19:38
deiuI imagine this has already been reported..19:39
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k1l_for flashing on my nexus in recovery i need: saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip    and  saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+mako.zip   right?20:06
k1l_nexus4 that is20:07
ogra_k1l_, you should use phablet-flash and the ubuntu/system image instaed20:07
ogra_the old images arent really supported anymore20:07
k1l_hmm, ok. i liked the cm like .zip flashing and nandroid in recovery20:08
ogra_you can still use it, but keep the bugs :)20:09
ogra_these images are just an interim product and do not get testing ... they use a completely different filesystem setup an many things wont workl in them (like upgrades)20:09
ogra_but since ports still need them until we can offer system-image installs for them it will still stay around for a while20:10
k1l_hmm, ok. so phablet-flash and adb backup beforehead. will adb backup all including recovery etc?20:11
ogra_no idea :)20:11
ogra_i never back up the devices i usually just wipe them20:12
k1l_im too lazy to make the setup again :)20:13
rickspencer3jdstrand, so I can't use Accounts API in my app?20:16
rickspencer3kenvandine, ^ ?20:17
* spazzymoto likes the black magic you guys worked on battery life20:17
rickspencer3does that apply to import Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts 0.120:17
rickspencer3import Friends 0.1?20:17
rickspencer3beuno, I bet you know ^ ?20:18
beunorickspencer3, I've heard there's some things that need to land in order to use it properly20:19
beunoapparmor something something20:19
rickspencer3beuno, it says something about only being for "vetted" apps or something20:19
beunowe get warnings in the review scripts20:19
rickspencer3does that mean I can't use it?20:19
rickspencer3or just that you have to take a closer look as a reviewer?20:19
beunorickspencer3, a closer look20:20
rickspencer3cool, and sorry :)20:20
beunowe'll need to manually inspect until the proper APIs are in place20:20
beunonp, it's an FAQ at this point I think20:20
suriishcan i install Ubuntu touch in samsung galaxy s2 i190020:21
ogra_suriish, i think there is a community port, but it is several months behind20:22
ogra_!devices | suriish20:22
ubot5suriish: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:22
suriishi installed but call and SMS are not working then i roll back to Android20:23
kenvandinerickspencer3, why not?20:25
kenvandineyou need to add accounts policygroup to your click package20:25
rickspencer3kenvandine, yeah, doing that20:25
kenvandinewhich i think is there20:25
jdstrandrickspencer3: re accounts> basically-- there is a missing mir feature that means we can't prompt for access20:25
rickspencer3but there is a note in the UI which says "for vetted apps only"20:25
rickspencer3and I didn't know what a vetted app was20:25
jdstrandrickspencer3: but we can let apps through as needed (but they need to be inspected)20:26
rickspencer3jdstrand, ok, I think that's what beuno said20:26
rickspencer3so, I'm submitting20:26
jdstrandrickspencer3: it is bug #123009120:26
ubot5bug 1230091 in unity-mir "[enhancement] Window reparenting (required for appstore app trust model)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123009120:26
jdstrandrickspencer3: aiui, it is utmost priority to get it implemented, since our trust model depends on that20:27
jdstrandrickspencer3: I've spoken to the mir team and tvoss about it-- it is all planned to be implemented very soon (aiui)20:28
rickspencer3sounds good20:28
beunojdstrand, I guess you'll have an app to review soon  ;)20:28
ninooCan I ask here for information20:32
ninoofor Ubuntu on a phone20:33
NicKBUGanyone had a problem on grouper, with the screen flickering?20:40
nhainesk1l_: adb backup only backs up applications, some system settings,  and shared storage.  Not your call log, messages, or email, most notably.20:42
BlueHi, can somebody help me out?20:44
nhaines!questions | blue20:53
ubot5blue: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:53
spazzymotoHey guys, anyone experinced this in ubuntu sdk when trying to run app on device : [22:54:40] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Invalid argument bash: no job control in this shell20:59
k1l_nhaines: ok. i will do a nandroid then too21:07
nhainesk1l_: fabulous idea  :)21:20
hello-thereGentlemen........................................Im gona have a Heart Attack .......its been on "Pushing /home/......... to /cache/recovery for 5-7 mins and phone screen is blank .....is this normal... ??? PLEASE !!21:41
hello-thereAnyone here can help ?21:43
asadsalmInstalling now on Nexus 421:46
hello-thereGentlemen........................................Im gona have a Heart Attack .......its been on "Pushing /home/......... to /cache/recovery for 5-7 mins and phone screen is blank .....is this normal... ??? PLEASE !!21:47
hello-thereHow long does this take normally ??21:47
cwayne_hello-there, well, firstly know that it's damn near possible to actually break your phone doing this :)21:59
cwayne_impossible that is21:59
cwayne_damn near impossible *21:59
hello-thereHEY !  Its WORKING!!!!!!!    :))))))22:08
asadsalmGet 3G Working like this: https://plus.google.com/100264483712374857174/posts/3o1tjYo9Ghx22:12
asadsalmGet Google Contacts like this: http://sergiusens.github.io/posts/google-contacts-on-ubuntu-touch.html22:13
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Alexey_why i install russian languege on touch?23:01
n-iCeso stable was released23:10
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n-iCedo ubuntu has already an app store? and apps?23:10
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d7gonzosetting up a nexus 4 right now with touch23:17
d7gonzowhen trying to flash the initial system the phone is sitting at a black screen...do i just wait it out?23:18
d7gonzoterminal says waiting "Waiting for recovery image to boot"23:18
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d7gonzohello...i realize it's late on a friday night but is there any life in the channel?23:33
jholtomi'm here.23:33
jholtomd7gonzo: whats up?23:33
D4rkSilverd7gonzo: always23:38
spencehas anyone been able to get this working with a d2vzw?23:48
EgoistaHow do I change the time?23:57
EgoistaAnd how do I install apps? I touch them but it doesnt do anything23:58
n-iCeI think there are no apps23:59

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