[00:34] * skellat finally starts downloading Xubuntu 13.10 final [00:34] Have fun, skellat [00:35] * Unit193 be seedin' [00:36] Anybody spontaneously erupt into a release party today/tonight? [00:37] Naq [00:37] heh [00:37] Time to think about the T-cycle [00:37] which still has no name [00:38] A shame. [00:38] Will there be a contest for that, though? [00:38] it can't open for devel without a name [00:38] where's marks [00:38] belkinsa: No contest. SABDFL selects. [00:38] Oh, right. [00:38] Granted, #ubuntu-release still says Tantric Tarantula at the moment [00:38] off with the secretary? (SCNR) [00:39] skellat, that name is lame to my ears. [00:39] Twitchy Tapeworm, or Twerking Tiger it is. [00:39] Twerking Tiger [00:39] yes [00:39] YES [00:39] Yes [00:39] Since when did we acquire Hannah Montana Linux? [00:39] :-) [00:39] lol [00:40] Heh, for a second I went "Wrong chick" :P [00:41] How are we looking for flavor downloads? [00:42] hahahaha [00:42] * Unit193 licked all the flavors. [00:42] Urgh [00:43] I walked right into that one. [00:43] hahaha [00:43] lol [00:43] So, what are we all downloading? Kubuntu? Xubuntu? Edubuntu? mini.iso? [00:43] Though I would like to have a release name with Bearcat in it [00:43] Ubuntu here [00:43] dput-ng (1.7) twerking; urgency=high [00:43] Hah! Oh dear. :P [00:44] twerking titmouse [00:44] awesome [00:47] paultag: Oh, did you know the debian-keyring in precise contains only expired keys? :D [00:47] oh great [00:47] That needs an SRU stat [00:47] debootstrap faaaailed. [00:47] (Easy fix.) [00:47] Oh yeah, no debootstrap for Debian on Ubuntu has been boned lately [00:48] I like how Ubuntu keeps up with the geoip databases too! :P [00:49] Unit193: Oh, the Montreal incident that kept the re-spins happening yesterday and made 13.10 impossible to install in Quebec for a while [00:49] Some bad in-fighting from the tzdata folks flowed downstream and nobody filtered out all the crud...some got through... [00:50] Precise, the "LTS" Candidate: 20111220-1 [00:50] Unit193: Did South Sudan exist yet then? [00:51] * Unit193 wouldn't know offhand. [00:51] geoip issues were a big topic of discussion over in -release yesterday [00:53] I ignore the package, I use a script. [01:16] I missed this flame [01:16] is canonical collecting geoip data now? [01:16] (not shocked if yes) [01:20] paultag: geoip-database, it's never updated in Ubuntu. [01:20] Ah. [01:20] Meh. [01:21] I use ~/Public/geolite.sh -6 -c -i -a works better and it's up to date. [01:22] paultag: Oh, was reading some lists last night, you're in the sysd camp right? [01:22] yes [01:22] fsvo camp [01:22] Bummer. :P [01:22] but yes [01:22] it's a clear technical win [01:22] having looked into the subject a bit [01:23] Well, it's where Debian is leaning, so guess I'm going to have to try and not dislike it so much. :/ [01:24] (Ubuntu would be dumb not to follow, but doesn't mean it'll follow.) [01:25] Oh, with upstart? [01:25] I mean upstart is OK, but it's backwards from how the init should work [01:26] dependency based booting is more correct [01:26] I'd prefer upstart, but if Debian goes with systemd it'd make sense for Ubuntu to follow. [01:26] why do you like upstart, Unit193? [01:26] so far as I can tell the only upside is that it's portable to BSD and HURD [01:27] which isn't an Ubuntu concern, nevermind a Unit193 concern [01:27] It's better than what is there, and it isn't systemd. It's more that I don't like systemd than that I do like upstart, and you're right, not really a concern. :) [01:27] I'll poke at BSD and OpenIndiana here sometime. [01:28] mmm [01:28] It's better than what is there, ← what does this mean [01:28] and why are you throwing systemd out based on it's name [01:28] what's the technical issue here? :) [01:28] I'm actually interested [01:28] Oh, it's not the name. [01:28] I can't tell! :) [01:29] I'm not as much, and I know you can overpower with your points. :P [01:29] :þ [01:29] Well, I wasn't going to argue [01:29] I just want to know where people are coming from [01:29] How it's going, and you can see it with logind and udev too. [01:30] (Pet peeve is the default name for network devices. :P ) It seems like it tends to favor vendor lock in, if I read right the logind in Ubuntu is the last version you can use outside of systemd itself, no? [01:30] meaning the systemd team is maintaining too much of the lowlevel stack? [01:31] you can use any part of systemd outside of systemd [01:31] No, more of sour grapes. [01:31] ah [01:31] udev in Debian is built from systemd [01:31] even if you don't have systemd installed [01:31] (unrelated to your points) [01:31] Just as a fun tidbit [01:31] Same here: Binary: systemd, systemd-sysv, systemd-services, libpam-systemd, libsystemd-login0, libsystemd-login-dev, libsystemd-daemon0, libsystemd-daemon-dev, libsystemd-journal0, libsystemd-journal-dev, libsystemd-id128-0, libsystemd-id128-dev, udev, libudev1, libudev-dev, udev-udeb, libudev1-udeb, libgudev-1.0-0, gir1.2-gudev-1.0, libgudev-1.0-dev, python-systemd [01:32] ahha [01:33] brb [01:33] but Unit193 - systemd's not all bad [01:33] I read a couple things on it, and it really didn't look like it was as "open" as would be nice, following Microsoft and Gnome into lock-in and forcing users wouldn't be good. (Not saying they do the second.) [01:33] I like it, and I hate everything :) [01:33] paultag: I'm sure it isn't. [01:33] BRB, need to jet [01:33] We'll just have to see. [01:33] Sure [01:33] one love ( ♥ , etc ) [01:34] (And on the wayland side, seems great except for one worry, I still run some old hardware and not sure if wayland would work well on it. And yes I know xorg isn't going anywhere soon.) [01:42] I suppose I could just try out Arch or Fedora and see how it is, at least for right now. [01:46] systemd is easy to install in Debian [01:46] and it works with init scripts [01:46] (back) [01:47] you just don't get much of the good stuff [01:47] but it works [01:47] and it's niceee. [01:47] spec files rule, and I love the daemon supervise stuff [01:53] Yeah, of course they both work with init scripts. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Welcome to the IRC home of Ubuntu Ohio! | Check us out at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-ohio/ | HELP PICK A MEETING DATE (FIVE ATTENDING IS QUORUM): http://doodle.com/fvdsirefu4zwtqzh [03:23] Hi all [03:28] Hello [03:40] hi :) [03:40] oops gone [03:51] Howdy, ronnoc! [04:21] systemd no support freebsd :( [04:23] :_( [13:48] paultag: i don't like systemd because it's confusing as hell [13:48] and even more reason that I've avoided fedora [13:48] i had to find a "rosetta stone" web page to help me figure out the systemd commands to do simple stuff [13:49] i also don't like how it's rolling too much functionality into one thing [13:49] it goes against the unix philosophy [13:50] i get how some poeople lump init based services with inetd based services etc, because they're all services [13:50] but they should be separate [13:50] so, please, if you have points why systemd is awesome, I'd love to hear them [13:50] also, why the hell are you guys talking about it anyway? Did ubuntu switch to systemd? [13:51] I need to know so I can stop using ubuntu if that's the case ;) [13:54] it should [13:54] but no, I want to see Debian on systemd [13:54] and it's not confusing. [13:55] uh...it's definately not straight forward [13:55] it is [13:55] old init scripts work [13:55] there's literally no more straight forward than no changes [13:58] there were changes...i had to look up how to do something with systemd when teaching the one sysadmin class [13:58] cause they gave me fedora to work with [13:58] dude, what? :) [13:59] i can't remember off hand what it was [13:59] anyway, brb, off to GOOG [13:59] much love [13:59] systemctl disable foo.service [13:59] why [13:59] why foo.service? [14:00] systemctl list-units --type=target [14:00] to figure out what runlevel you're in [14:01] that makes so much sense right? [14:01] you wouldn't want the flag to have the word runlevel in there anywhere [14:02] i give up, i'm not having fun anymore [14:02] i quit sysadmin [14:03] systemctl disable thafreak.sysadmin [16:08] whoa [16:08] mark is being weird [18:20] shuttleworth? [18:23] Isn't he always? [20:32] moreso than usual [20:37] Oh? [20:37] have you noticed that over the last 5 cycles [20:37] he's gotten a little more edgy with every release blog post? [20:39] Edgy Eft? And no I haven't, I don't read it. :D (I might have last time, but I've read under 6 posts by him) [20:43] Hah, oh gee, "Mir is so great because everyone is attacking it." :P [20:46] jrgifford: SABDFL is a cosmonaut. That makes him abnormal/unusual by anybody's definition... [20:48] skellat: Doesn't give him a free pass, and that's what he used to be, he's not really anymore. ;) [20:48] lol [20:50] Hey, I can heckle at Mir all I want, I gave it a fair shot (and helped others do the same, right? :-----D ) [20:53] And then there are these thoughts on the new codename: http://bit.ly/19Yxe8a [20:53] [ Codepope's pontifications: Musings on the new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS codename ] - http://bit.ly [20:53] Tarantula would've been better [20:54] I liked my name(s) better.