
Kiloshi superfly and others06:42
Kiloshi Squirm 06:43
mazalMorning all07:08
Kiloshi mazal 07:08
mazalGaanit oom ?07:08
Kilosok dankie en jy?07:08
mazalGoed dankie , dis Vrydag :-)07:09
mazalSo how is 13.10 for those who have it ?07:09
Squirmmy internet is too slow to pull it down today07:23
Squirmwill try tonight07:24
superflyhi Kilos Squirm 07:24
Squirmhey there superfly 07:28
mazalI'm curious about it , but don't have time for an install07:32
Kiloshaha i dont have data to fetch it07:32
Kilosis this the one where they have dropped x1107:33
Kilosill need to stay up late to get it07:33
mazalKilos, why don't you use the wget and at command thing ?07:34
Kilosoh ya07:34
Kilosforgot about that07:34
Kilosif its the same hard work unity ill wait for next release07:35
mazalI'm gonna stay on LTS. Don't have time anymore to re-install every 6 months07:37
Kilosmaybe ill wait for 14.04 too, one never knows how the bug bites07:38
Kilos but its nice to see how things are developing07:38
inetprogood evening07:43
Kiloslo inetpro 07:43
Kiloshi psyatw 08:35
psyatwhi Kilos08:37
Kiloswbb going to kde10:10
tinuvasheesh how many people is downloading ubuntu 13.10 in SA10:14
tinuvaour mirror is maxing out it's 100Mbps port as of 7am this morning10:14
Squirmtinuva: no idea10:19
Squirmmazal: don't reinstall, upgrade ?10:19
* Squirm waits for the new mint10:19
Squirmthough, I want to stick 13.10 on my S310:20
Squirmmeh, found a post but an issue is no GSM :/10:21
ThatGraemeGuyhi peeps10:39
mazalHi ThatGraemeGuy 10:46
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 11:22
charl_good afternoon all11:51
charl_Maaz: coffee on11:51
* Maaz puts the kettle on11:51
charl_i see saucy salamander was released yesterday11:54
charl_i could not have thought of a worse name11:54
Kiloshi charl11:54
Kilosaw forgot the tail11:54
charl_hi Kilos 11:54
Kilosthats a lekker name man11:55
charl_the previous names were nonsense but this one takes the cake11:55
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!11:55
charl_Maaz: thanks11:55
Maazcharl_: No problem11:55
Kilosa saucy chick is a cute chick11:55
charl_in europe if you say a saucy chick it means a filthy wh***11:55
Kilosso its a cute lizard thing11:55
Kilosya well you peeps are backward11:56
charl_saucy, seriously ?!11:56
charl_it sounds gross11:56
KilosQA, define saucy11:56
QAKilos: 55 Moby Thesaurus words for "saucy": arch, arrogant, audacious, bantam, biggety, bluff, bold, brash, brassy, brazen, bumptious, challenging, cheeky, chutzpadik, cocky, combative, contemptuous, contumelious, crusty, daring, defiant, defying, derisive, disdainful, disregardful, disrespectful, facy, flip, flippant, fresh, frivolous, gally, gratuitous, greatly daring, impertinent, impudent, insolent, intrusive, light-minded, malapert, meddleso…11:56
Kilosoh my11:56
charl_you see what i mean :)11:56
mazal"bumptious" lol11:57
mazalI don't even wonna know what that means :)11:57
KilosMaaz, define bumptious11:58
MaazKilos: Bumptious \Bump"tious\, a. Self-conceited; forward; pushing. [Colloq.] --Halliwell. [1913 Webster], bumptious adj 1: offensively self-assertive [syn: {bumptious}, {self- assertive}]11:58
charl_saucy salamander that sounds like something the french would eat11:58
Kilosinetpro, begin vroer werk11:59
Kiloswolke kom11:59
mazalI wonder what they gonna do once they reach z12:00
mazalI see the Ubuntu one servers are fruits , maybe go with that12:00
charl_you mean the names of the ubuntu one servers running at canonical?12:01
charl_afaik you can't run your own ubuntu one server, the server software is proprietary12:02
mazalYa , for example I am currently connected to grape.canonical.com12:02
charl_*i see12:03
mazalAt first I wondered what connections those are until I realized it's as soon as UO connect hehehe12:04
charl_well at least you are monitoring your connections, that's a good thing12:04
charl_what software do you use?12:04
mazalMy current conky config show inbound and outbound connections12:06
charl_oh very nice12:07
charl_have any of you people tried sparkleshare or bittorrent sync?12:08
mazalNot me no12:08
charl_i like the idea of sparkleshare but i don't like that bittorrent sync is proprietary12:09
charl_and even though all the data is encrypted i still don't like my data being passed through random nodes on the internet12:09
charl_after the recent nsa leaks i am starting to question the cryptography used in a lot of implementations12:09
charl_particularly when it relates to pseudorandom number generation12:09
mazalEnjoy the weekend everyone12:48
Kilosyo laim13:31
KilosliamT, 13:31
SquirmI'm tired of today13:33
Kilosbig storm brewing here13:33
Squirmbeen drizzle for the past 2 days13:33
Kiloswe hoping and praying for some rain13:34
SquirmIt's cold13:34
Squirmwe've had a max of 11 in the past 2 days13:34
Squirmwith a min of about 913:34
Kiloswe had min 17 last night13:37
Kilosyo space 13:37
charl_hi Squirm 13:44
Squirmhey charl_ 13:45
charl_wb Kilos 14:18
Kilosty charl_ 14:18
Kilosmaybe mage visits today still14:21
Kiloshey charl_ psyatw have you guys tried to fsck a windows drive?14:50
Kilosdoes it work14:50
charl_no idea, never tried it14:50
charl_but it doesn't sound too logical to me, for windows drives you have chkdsk14:51
psyatwhi Kilos14:51
charl_hi psyatw 14:51
psyatwhi charl_14:51
Kilosya but how do you chkdsk a drive that dont boot man14:51
charl_boot with freedos on a flash drive14:51
charl_or you can even run it inside a dos emulator14:51
Kilosi know fsck -f gets an external going again14:51
Kilosno man i want linux tools to work for me14:52
charl_ah here you go: ntfsfix14:52
Kilosis that a command14:53
charl_it's part of package ntfsprogs that is installed as standard14:53
charl_source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/86086/fsck-cant-find-fsck-ntfs14:53
charl_whow this is amazing !!!14:57
charl_7000 verkaufte Tickets in 7 Sekunden, bevor der PreSale schließt – ist das ein neuer Rekord? #30c314:57
charl_they literally sold 7000 tickets in 7 seconds before the presale closed to this year's chaos communication congress14:57
charl_i wonder if the nsa has anything to do with it14:59
Kiloswow peeps want $16 and up for a photo of a flash drive15:13
Kilosmad hey15:14
charl_i have three flash drives lying here next to me15:18
charl_i'll make some photos for free :)15:18
Kiloshaha ty15:18
Kilosand a spanner15:19
Kiloswhat do win peeps use as an icon for a tool kit15:19
charl_no idea, a hammer and a toolbox is what i've seen at some places15:20
charl_quite honestly i never really look at the icons15:29
charl_i only run win8 inside a VM at work15:30
charl_mainly to use office and pl/sql developer cause they don't run on linux15:30
charl_so this is really weird15:31
charl_i upgraded my vps from ubuntu 13.04 to ubuntu 13.10 last night15:32
charl_i ran the do-release-upgrade script15:32
charl_the upgrade went fine, the server rebooted15:32
charl_when it came back up i portscanned it with nmap -p 0- and there were some random high-numbered tcp ports open15:32
charl_thing is, it kept changing rapidly15:32
charl_i couldn't see any processes running on those ports with netstat -tulpen15:33
charl_i ended up wiping the server and putting ubuntu 13.04 back on15:33
charl_cause it runs my mail so i don't want any security risks15:33
charl_that is super weird, i wonder what could have caused that15:34
Kilossome settings that had to be done15:34
charl_i have no idea but it just freaked me out15:34
Kilosthats what i had against 13.04, you had to do manual settings to get it to work like 12.0415:34
Kilosturn somw stuff on and others off15:35
charl_well it's logical that with every new version some things would change15:35
charl_but the above was Just Plain Weird (TM)15:35
Kilosno man for instance15:35
Kilosthey shouldnt hide the extra workspaces15:35
Kilosdisble them that is15:36
charl_i think very few people used the extra workspaces15:36
charl_that's probably why15:36
Kilosno matter 15:36
Kilos12.04 showed 415:36
charl_strange thing is, apple introduced that in osx lion15:36
Kilos13.04 showed 115:36
charl_oh yeah that's strange15:37
charl_that's just plain weird actually, why only show one, show at least 2 or don't show any at all15:37
Kilosand after lotsa googling its just a setting to untick15:37
charl_Yet More Plain Weird (TM)15:38
charl_is that in unity? or some other desktop15:38
Kiloslol like i use 10 and was shocked when they were all gone after not deleting /home15:38
charl_i use i3 and can dynamically make as many workspaces as i want15:39
charl_i like that more actually15:39
Kilosthats where kde is still kiff15:39
Kiloswhew typing bad today15:39
charl_nah i myself was not properly awake, i took the day off and slept in this morning15:39
charl_yeah http://i3wm.org/15:40
charl_been using it a couple of months now, completely hooked15:40
Kiloskde you can make lots easy like 10.10 was15:40
charl_kde is still extremely good yes15:40
charl_slow, but good15:41
Kilosyeah i like15:41
Kilosbut 12.04 unity aint bad and faster than kde15:41
charl_telepathy is one of my favourite applications http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_Telepathy15:41
Kilosdid you look at rhinolinux15:42
charl_ktorrent is also extremely good http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTorrent15:42
charl_no checking it out now15:42
Kilossome oke was here yesterday promoting and looking for feedback from clever peeps15:42
charl_site doesn't look like much15:43
Kiloscomes in a few flavours15:44
charl_not even finding it on distrowatch15:44
Kiloskde included15:44
charl_well lotsa distros have a kde flavour, mint too15:44
charl_you gotta do better than that :)15:44
Kilosdidnt you read logs15:44
charl_problem is, there are just too many distros out there right now, you have to really do something special to get attention15:45
charl_nah lemme go and read them15:45
Kiloshe had a lot to say15:45
Kilosfrom 08.27 yesterday15:45
charl_he brags about reviews on softpedia? seriously?!15:46
charl_i'm just plain suspicious of a distro you don't even find on distrowatch15:48
charl_nah i can't be bothered to put time into even trying it, just checked out the "about" page http://www.rhinolinux.com/portal/index.php/intro15:49
charl_says absolutely nothing about what differentiates rhinolinux from any other distro15:49
charl_just talks about operating systems and linux in general15:49
Kilosill stick to buntu for now15:50
charl_yup +115:50
kbmonkeyello o/17:00
psychicisthello kbmonkey 17:12
kbmonkeyhello psychicist - how are you ?17:13
Kiloshi kbmonkey  psychicist 17:39
kbmonkeyhello Kilos 17:41
* kbmonkey sends some rain17:41
kbmonkeythere is so much of it17:43
Kilosstill nothing here. stormed a bit but no water17:44
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:33
psychicistkbmonkey:, I am fine, thank you. how are you?18:51
psychicistI was preparing dinner18:51
kbmonkeygood thanks. I am preparing some popcorn now18:54

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