
sam113101how do I make the caps lock key act as a second backspace key?00:00
smthnewhello guys. Could anybody advise me, how to find ftp folder from ftp user on ubuntu server under root?00:00
codephobichitsujiTMO, I just used /sites-available and copied and modified the existing default file00:00
FloodBot1snex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
snexanyone here?00:00
codephobicfedeisas, I've found some new access and error logs, just looking through them now00:00
snexim getting the sense this wont be the kind of chat im looking fore00:01
hitsujiTMOare the configs still softlinked in /sites-enabled ?00:01
fedeisassometimes when you update the sites-enabled and sites-available folder gets rewritten00:01
wilee-nileesnex: his support not chat is all.00:01
chareits official I cannot format a partition during Saucy installation without it failing, how do I do that manually through Live CD00:01
codephobichitsujiTMO, yep00:01
codephobicfedeisas, all my configs are still there in /sites-available/ and I can't get a2ensite to work.00:02
fedeisasand in sites-enable?00:02
wilee-nileechare: gparted works, you may have to many pending, are you aware of  the limitations?00:02
spydonchare: you can partition with gparted through a live cd00:03
smthnewso, nobody knows?00:03
codephobicfedeisas, I can't find any errors relating to accessing the site.00:03
codephobicnothing new there, post upgrade.00:03
chareok guys going to try gparted through live cd00:03
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: whats the output of ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled00:03
codephobichitsujiTMO, it lists all the sites I expect to have virtualhosting for00:04
fahadashsmthnew: Are you trying to see which landing folder shows up if a user connects through ftp ?00:04
blzHi, I think i accidentally removed my user from the sudo group and now I don't have any root access on any account00:04
blzwhat can I do?00:04
blzthis is a headless machine, btw00:04
fedeisasremember that apache reads your sites from sited-enabled. You have to make a symlink between available and enabled. ie: ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default00:04
nicksloanwhere do I read about the build process for python?00:04
hitsujiTMOare the symlinks correct?00:04
codephobiccould it be a question of root access? they all belong to root root, now.00:04
nicksloanfor example, who is the maintainer? are any patches applied? etc00:04
fedeisasis apache receiving your request? Can you see it on access.log?00:05
codephobichitsujiTMO, the symlinks look good00:05
fedeisasif it's a permission error, you should see it on error.log00:05
smthnewyes it is. I just upload some info via ftp and want to pickup00:05
codephobicthey're all "../sites-available/..."00:05
frodopwnsIs this the kind of thing I would want to do to make a user for celery to run as? "sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false celery"00:05
stewart_hi codephobic have you defined a server alias00:06
codephobicfedeisas, that's the strange thing, even though I'm trying to access the site in chrome, I see no access/error logs in the log files.00:06
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: then as fedeisas says check the global error log ...00:06
WugNothing i've thrown at it has had any effect.  New question. I can no longer see any of my desktop icons, nor can I get any context menus right clicking on the desktop.  The files are all there, but the desktop is blank.00:06
stewart_and a server name00:06
smthnewbut there are root user in SSH, and ftp folder under ftp user. I even dont know how to reach ftp's users folders - there are no /home/ftp/ folder00:06
Wug(this was an issue before too, but I decided to pick and choose my battles)00:06
codephobicI just saw the access log00:06
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: is the port being blocked?00:07
codephobicit updated quite late00:07
codephobichitsujiTMO, I used to have firestarter firewall installed, but that's been removed (it seems).00:07
codephobicCan't find it, so can't try switching it off00:07
fedeisasit's apache service started?00:08
codephobicbut I can access other virtualhost websites, served from VMs that are running in the background00:08
fedeisasyou can install nmap and check if port 80 is open..00:08
codephobicfedeisas, yes apache is running, I get directed to my default page00:08
smthnewfound it /srv/ftp/00:08
fedeisasand no logs whatsoever?00:09
smthnewthanks to all, question is closed for me00:09
blzI accidentally removed my user on a headless server from the sudo group and now I have no root privileges whatsoever on my machine.  What can I do to rectify this?00:09
stewart_how are you defining the virtual host <VirtualHost *:80>00:09
stewart_ then with ServerName www.example.com then the normal stuff and </VirtualHost>00:09
codephobicfedeisas, I think I have found something in the access.log00:10
Jordan_Ublz: Are you able to physically access the server?00:10
stewart_and in ports.conf make sure you have NameVirtualHost *:8000:10
codephobicthe log indicates the localhost ip ( as the ip that chrome is requesting00:10
blzJordan_U, yes, otherwise I'd be on #suicide  ^^00:10
codephobicbut I setup the hosts file for my local network ip (
codephobicWould this be some default apache config issues00:11
codephobicthat makes it listen on localhost only?00:11
codephobicstill doesn't make sense to me though00:11
fedeisasis that ok?00:11
fedeisasare you accesing via url or ip?00:12
ubuntuaddictedi try to go to  tty1 session so that I can kill gdm so I can install the nvidia 319.60 but my tty1 session is a black screen with no words. who can help me fix this?00:12
codephobicjust tried my network IP00:12
blzJordan_U, so what should I be doing?00:12
codephobicget directed to the default apache web page00:12
fedeisasif no virtualhost can match you server name it'll go to the default apache page00:12
stewart_if you question is can you ping the name www.example.com from your apache server and if no then yes you need to add it to /etc/hosts00:12
fedeisastry to change one of your virtual hosts to capture ALL00:12
fedeisasand disable the rest00:13
SunTsucodephobic: please pastebin the output of httpd -S00:13
codephobicfedeisas, yeah that's what's happening but I can't seem to work out why00:13
codephobicSunTsu, one moment, I'll just check that out00:13
fedeisasuse pastebin to show us your virtualhosts file00:13
SunTsucodephobic: httpd -S | pastebinit should do the trick00:13
stewart_and include /etc/apache2/ports.conf00:13
ubuntuaddictedis there some trick to getting tty1 sessions working with the nvidia binary drivers? mine is just a black screen, all 6 of them00:14
SunTsuubuntuaddicted: works for me, always did00:15
ubuntuaddictedSunTsu, you're using grub2?00:15
SunTsuubuntuaddicted: yeah00:15
bootkillerHi, shouldn't radeon UVD work out-of-the-box on 13.10?00:15
fedeisasI just wanna share with you that after fighting for 5 hours with chgrp and chmod, I've found setfacl and now IM HAPPY00:15
ubuntuaddictedSunTsu, i don't recall ever having an issue either but recently started using an HDTV via VGA cause my monitor died. would that have any effect?00:16
codephobicSunTsu, "command httpd -S" not found :(00:16
codephobichttp://pastebin.com/LpbEPFJM << one of my virtual hosts00:16
codephobicfedeisas, I've pasted up my config file: http://pastebin.com/LpbEPFJM00:17
SunTsucodephobic: er, sorry, it's apache2 on ubuntu00:17
codephobicSunTsu, yes00:17
SunTsucodephobic: therefore apache2 -S ...00:17
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: are accessing these locally?00:17
blzI accidentally removed my user on a headless server from the sudo group and now I have no root privileges whatsoever on my machine.  What can I do to rectify this?  I have physical access to the machine00:18
hitsujiTMOas in are you on the machine that apache is running?00:18
codephobicI'm accessing them both locally and through my network ip (
graphiteuserI have here a laptop running ubuntu which I'm attempting to use to diagnose a problem with a SATA windows boot disk, which I've attached via USB. It isn't popping up as a filesystem; where can I check to see if it's being seen at all?00:19
codephobicSunTsu, this is the pastebin output of apache2 -S: http://pastebin.com/4DFewjzH00:19
hitsujiTMOblz: if you have physical access to the machine and can boot a rescue disk, mount the filesystem, open /etc/group and add your user to the sudo group00:20
graphiteuserI guess I'm looking for the linux equivalent of the Disk Management thing in windows, if such a thing exists.00:20
blzhitsujiTMO, rescue disk?  As in a live cd?00:20
blzor something different?00:20
SunTsucodephobic: doesn't look like apache is too happy about your config... "Syntax error on line 74 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf"00:20
hitsujiTMOblz yes00:21
stewart_I believe the servername should match codephobic00:21
OerHeksgraphiteuser, first install ntfs-3g for access ntfs partitions00:21
SunTsublz: you could use init=sh as a kernel option when booting up00:21
wolfy1339how do i lock the directory /var/lib/dpkg00:21
graphiteuserOerHeks: Ah is that not available by default?00:21
blzSunTsu, that sounds like a palatable option.  How do I do that?00:21
stewart_codephobic ServerName  www.testing.dev00:22
OerHeksgraphiteuser, nope, sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g00:22
graphiteuseroh boy, apt00:22
graphiteuserhere we go :(00:22
codephobicI'm just opening the file now, gonna check that line00:22
moppywhat is the version of Nautilus in saucy please?00:22
wolfy1339how do i lock the directory /var/lib/dpkg ??00:22
blzSunTsu, note that this is ubuntu server, in case it makes a difference00:23
codephobicstewart_, one mo. I'll just read the line for the above error.00:23
SunTsublz: edit your grub command line, add init=/bin/sh to it and boot that thing. Do "mount -o rw /; mount -a", change /etc/group to your liking, do "sync", reboot00:23
graphiteuser"ntfs-3g is already the newest version"00:23
OerHeksgraphiteuser, then use some forensic tools , this page may be any help >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery00:23
=== damccull_ is now known as damccull
blzSunTsu, and editing the grub command line doesn't require root priviledges?00:23
BrianHgraphiteuser: it doesn't show listed under Disks?00:23
graphiteuserI'm not so much after data recovery, I can do that on a windows box. I just want to see if the thing is still a valid SSD>00:24
codephobicSunTsu, I don't ... understand this,  line #74 "Mutex file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} default"00:24
SunTsublz: no, it might require a password if you set one in grub, else you can do it00:24
codephobicstewart_, sorry could you explain the server name point?00:24
graphiteuserIf I just type "mount", I get a list of mounted things, none of which looks like my SSD.00:24
blzSunTsu, okay, thank you00:25
OerHeksgraphiteuser, your ssd should be available in nautilus filemanager standard.00:25
Jordan_Ublz: SunTsu: It's much easier and more practical to just boot the recovery mode entry in the grub menu.00:25
SunTsublz: btw.: http://www.softpanorama.org/Commercial_linuxes/Startup_and_shutdown/root_password_recovery.shtml00:25
graphiteuserby nautilus do you mean just a normal file browser window?00:26
blzSunTsu, thanks00:26
graphiteuserthere's nothing in the left pane that looks like my SSD.00:26
BrianHgraphiteuser: are you using a graphical installation of Ubuntu?00:26
wolfy1339how do i lock the directory /var/lib/dpkg ??00:26
codephobicstewart_, are you referring to the virtualhost config file pastebin? should I add "www." infront of the server name that I set?00:26
blzJordan_U, hmm I never noticed it on this server, but maybe that's because it's been running headless for so long.  I'll give that a shot first, else try SunTsu's solution00:26
graphiteuserBrianH: Good grief I hope so :)00:26
stewart_codephobic Ok so SeverName will be www.example.com then you can have your ServerAlias as example.com or even add your ip address of the server
SunTsuJordan_U: yeah, or try single user mode00:27
SunTsublz: the page I pasted has some things you can try on it00:27
blzSunTsu, thanks!00:27
codephobicstewart_, ok, I'll give that a go. one mo.00:27
graphiteuserAnyway, I see no indication that my SSD has been mounted, but I am aware that USB things occasionally don't mount automatically.00:27
hitsujiTMOwolfy1339: you don't    what exctly are you trying to do?00:27
stewart_so the servername is inforcing the direct name and alias will be subdomains, ips and abbreviations of your domain name00:27
Jordan_USunTsu: blz: The recovery mode entry is under the "Advanced options for Ubuntu" submenu on newer Ubuntu versions, and it starts in single user mode.00:27
BrianHgraphiteuser: Open a terminal window and type "gnome-disks" and hit enter00:28
subcoolOk, im back..00:28
BrianHYou can also find it by searching for "Disk" in the Unity search bar.00:28
graphiteusergnome-disks: command not found00:28
codephobicstewart_, doesn't seem to have made any difference :(00:28
BrianHgraphiteuser: what version of Ubuntu you using?00:28
graphiteuserNo idea. How do If ind out?00:29
subcoolSunTsu, the zfs didnt work.00:29
blzJordan_U, this is ubuntu precise server ... should be newer enough, I hope00:29
BrianHgraphiteuser: try "palimpsest"00:29
DenSaakalteGuys, I ask again... Upgrading to 13.10 broke direct rendering, any guesses as to what I should check?00:29
BrianHgraphiteuser: You must be on 12.04 or older then00:29
graphiteuserI can't remember. I just threw ubuntu on this netbook because win7 was slow.00:29
BrianHgraphiteuser: no worries.  You could also install gparted if you need to partition the drives.00:30
graphiteuserIt does claim that the main partition is ext4.00:30
graphiteuserWhich is... inaccurate.00:30
blzJordan_U, I'm only getting the plymouth splay screen and then it drops to a shell00:30
subcoolSunTsu, what i dont understand is, idc if its ZFS. i need to mount it as a HDD not a ZFS or ext4. i have to run a recovery disk on it to retrieve the information from ext4 and ntfs.00:30
blzJordan_U, how do I bring up the advanced options / recovery menu in 12.04?00:30
codephobicSunTsu, some updated error.log output: http://pastebin.com/qXn8Cs9Y00:31
graphiteuserHmm. None of the things in this disk management util suggest any probems with the disk.00:31
graphiteuserI fear the win7 install has simply died, which is a real PITA.00:31
codephobic(error.log and access.log at /var/logs/apache2/ update veeery slowly. I just got updates now, for actions I took minutes ago)00:31
* graphiteuser grumbles00:31
wolfy1339hitsujiTMO, i was trying to install a package but this error in the console came up00:32
fedeisascodephobic your virtualhost file ends in .conf?00:32
stewart_should also make sure you can ping www.example.com from your apache server00:32
hitsujiTMOwolfy1339: what was the exact command you typed?00:33
graphiteuserI'm assuming it would be an extremely bad idea to hit the "check file system" button on a disk whose filesystem has been misidentified.00:33
stewart_in ports.conf is the main apache config where you need to specify named hosts and ports that are open00:33
wolfy1339hitsujiTMO, sudo apt-get install wine1.4-i38600:33
BrianHgraphiteuser: Why not just wipe it and reinstall the OS?00:34
hitsujiTMOwolfy1339: more than likely something else has locked the file ... try again00:34
charewhat is was that stupid IBUS update message i saw after booting up00:34
wolfy1339i did try again multiple times already00:34
Jordan_Ublz: Hold shift during boot, or for UEFI Systems press escape repeatedly during boot.00:35
graphiteuserBrianH: I would, but reinstalling all the apps is a massive pain in somewhere I'd rather not have pain.00:35
blzJordan_U, haha just figured it out myself =)  Now that I'm at a root terminal, should I just do usermod -G root username ?00:35
fedeisascodephobic also:  AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'00:35
stewart_then you also need to make the configs active within sites-available so you should ls sites-enabled and make sure there enabled00:35
sam113101how do I make the caps lock key act as a second backspace key?00:35
fedeisascodephobic also:   AH00526: Syntax error on line 74 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:00:36
codephobicfedeisas, nope just testing.dev00:36
fedeisasplease paste your apache2.conf00:36
hitsujiTMOwolfy1339: is update manager opened, or software center or synapics paxkage manager?00:36
graphiteuserI fear it's the only way out, unfortunately.00:36
wolfy1339hitsujiTMO, no00:36
BrianHgraphiteuser: It happens.  Be sure to image the HDD next time.00:36
fedeisasin the mean time, rename your virtualhost to testing.dev.conf, as it is the new naming standard00:36
blzoh geez, I see what caused this mess... I did usermod -G instead of usermod -aG00:36
fedeisasyour apache2.conf is including sites-enabled/*.conf00:36
graphiteuserwonder if I can recover stuff from my desktop...00:37
codephobicfedeisas,  line #74 "Mutex file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} default"00:37
graphiteuserwhat's weird is that it's seen the disk but not mounted it.00:37
graphiteuserPossibly because it's misidentified the filesystem.00:37
codephobicfedeisas, nope, just 000-default.conf and default-ssl.conf00:37
hitsujiTMOwolfy1339: run: sudo fuser -cuk /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock00:37
Jordan_Ublz: No, that would remove you from all other groups, and add you to the "root" group, which won't help you at all (and is likely a bad idea for other reasons).00:37
fedeisascodephobic please paste apache2.conf00:38
BrianHgraphiteuser: install ntfs-3g if the drive is ntfs formatted00:38
BrianHgraphiteuser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions00:38
codephobicfedeisas, sorry, didn't see that post.00:38
codephobicone momem.00:38
blzJordan_U, yeah I just realized that's what got me into this mess in the first place00:38
graphiteuserBrianH: Apt claims it's already up to date.00:38
blzJordan_U, I think I did a usermod -G on the user in question00:38
BrianHgraphiteuser: what happens when you mount the drive?00:38
hitsujiTMOwolfy1339: then try to install the package again00:38
blzJordan_U, on a related note... I tried usermod -aG sudo username from the root terminal in recoverymod but it's complaining that it can't lock /etc/passwd00:38
graphiteuserhow would I do that00:39
sam113101how do I make the caps lock key act as a second backspace key?00:39
=== wolfy1339 is now known as wolfyZNC[A]
graphiteuserOh. No. Crap. Wait.00:39
BrianHgraphiteuser: read the link I posted.  It'll tell you.00:39
esdeive got a machine thats got an ssd and a large slave hdd, i'd like to setup a linux desktop os on the ssd and use the slave for storage. the slave hdd already has content on it, the drive is formatted NTFS, will i be able to see and use that data or will i need to migrate the data and format first?00:39
graphiteuserThis laptop has an identical 128GB SSD in it.00:39
graphiteuserI mistook that SSD for the one under test.00:39
* graphiteuser facepalms00:39
esdealso, are there any special configuration for an ssd installation of ubuntu?00:40
Jordan_Ublz: mount -o remount,rw /00:40
graphiteuserSo no, there's no sign of it seeing my dodgy ssd at all.00:40
blzJordan_U, okay, thanks00:40
wilee-nileeesde, Linux sees ntfs with no problem00:40
Jordan_Ublz: You're welcome.00:40
codephobicfedeisas, http://pastebin.com/Xw6XnzsL00:40
SWATLLAMAAre there any instructions to install mate in Ssaucy? I know the Saucy package is up, but no instructions as of noow that I could find.00:40
esdesweet, thanks!00:40
charewtf is this amazon shit in the dash, HOW DO I REMOVE THAT SHIT00:40
wilee-nilee!language | chare00:40
ubottuchare: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:40
BrianHchare: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192269/how-can-i-remove-amazon-search-results-from-the-dash-or-disable-the-feature00:41
Jordan_U!shopping | chare00:41
ubottuchare: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ00:41
wilee-nileechare, take you meds and settle down.00:41
=== wolfyZNC[A] is now known as wolfy1339
graphiteuserI seem to recall years ago we used to look at /var/log/messages for information on recently connected devices.00:41
OerHeksSWATLLAMA, mate is not supported here, it is a mint DE00:42
ubuntuaddictedSunTsu, well I added this line to my grub file and now my tty's work again. GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text00:42
SWATLLAMAThere are Ubuntu packages for mate.00:42
esdeonce I install ubuntu will virtualbox be able to virtualize a windows 7 installation using all 8 processor threads? what kind of compatibility issues and limitations do i need to consider running a windows 7 guest?00:42
FiremanEdSWATLLAMA: http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download00:42
TripSecAnyone here dl john?00:42
SWATLLAMAOh thanks, FiremanEd. I didn't know the 13.10 instructions were up now.00:42
codephobicfedeisas, I think I may have found a (the?) problem.00:42
FiremanEdThey are.00:42
SunTsuubuntuaddicted: good to know, I'll keep that in mind if I ever encounter a problem like this00:43
hylianTripSec: dl john? haven't downloaded john lately... ??00:43
fedeisaswhat was it?00:43
codephobicapache2.conf notes that I need to make some alterations if I am hosting my /www on a nfs share...00:43
chareuhh this didn't work in Saucy....... sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping00:43
blzJordan_U, SunTsu ok we seem to be back in business00:43
codephobic(as far as I understand it)00:43
blzmany thanks for putting up with a frazzled user =)00:43
TripSechylian, I am trying to dl it but can't00:43
ubuntuaddictedSunTsu, also this line is uncommented, not sure what impact if any that had. GRUB_TERMINAL=console00:43
Jordan_Ublz: No problem :) You're welcome.00:43
graphiteuserOK, so I have no sign of this usb-attached SSD at all. Any suggestions as to where I could look to see if it's been recognised on any level?00:43
codephobicmy /media/local/one/www << is a network share directory00:43
hylianTripSec: dl what? "john"??00:43
SunTsuesde: Maybe you should ask somewhere windows and/or vbox centric when it comes down to running linux on vbox00:44
codephobicmaybe that's causing some problems?00:44
SunTsuer running windows on vbox00:44
ubuntuaddictedSunTsu, this is still commented out as well. #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x48000:44
BrianHgraphiteuser: dmesg00:44
blzJordan_U, and on the plus side, I learned that useradd -G is not the same as useradd -aG00:44
anonymous_todos hablan en ingles?00:44
TripSechylian, john the ripper00:44
codephobic(ones I did not have before 13.10)00:44
Ari-Yangzeifer: you there?00:44
blzJordan_U, I wonder how often people get caught with that00:44
wilee-nileeesde, Vbox will run windows if it is a oem it will not work however.00:44
Ari-Yangzeifer: you're running on ubuntu 13.04 or 13.10?00:44
hitsujiTMOchare: system settings -> security & privacy -> search -> disable that option00:44
SunTsu!es | anonymous_00:44
ubottuanonymous_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:44
graphiteuseroh yeah00:44
zeiferAri-Yang, 13.0400:44
graphiteuserlooks like it's seen it00:44
SWATLLAMAHow do you guys feel abuot Unity? I"ve never liked it.00:44
graphiteuser"attached scsi generic sg1 type 0" etc00:45
charehitsujiTMO its still installed though00:45
chareHITSUJItmo i want it gone00:45
blzhahaha roots!  Sweet delicious roots!00:45
blzalright I'm off to bed00:45
wilee-nileeesde,There is a #vbox channel.00:45
blzgoodnight all!00:45
zeiferAri-Yang, Also just finished the upgrade command. Had to wait for the LoL players to be between matches or I'd lag them to heck and back.00:45
OerHekschare read the documentation carefull00:45
Jordan_USWATLLAMA: Try #ubuntu-offtopic for people's opinions on software, this channel is for tech support only.00:45
Ari-Yangzeifer: oh okay *whew* cuz if you were running on 13.10 then you'd just have to install the libg3dvl driver00:45
hylianTripSec: ahh, never heard of it, sorry... i don't see it in the apps section of ubuntu https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/00:45
SWATLLAMAOkay, sozzy Jordan.00:45
graphiteuserI'm not sure if it's seen the disk, or just the USB SATA dongle.00:45
graphiteuserOh no, apparently it has. It's listing block information.00:45
esdewilee-nilee, im virtualizing ubuntu on windows right now and my processor doesnt seem to support native multicore virtualization, so im limited to 32 bit installations. my question was if linux somehow worked around that hardware limitation00:46
zeiferAri-Yang, That does sound a lot simpler. Lol00:46
graphiteuserSuggests it's become sdb. is there some way I can attempt to mount it, ideally readonly?00:46
Ari-Yangzeifer: aye, wait so you restarted your computer?00:46
zeiferNot yet00:46
Ari-Yangzeifer: and you booted just fine?00:46
Prock81dang Now 13.10 is out, and just yesterday i switched to FreeBSD, not even your update can convince me now that i see the real power of FreeBSD00:46
Ari-Yangwell you need to restart for updates to take affect, zeifer00:46
stewart_codephobic i'm having some ssl issues arrrg so i know how you feel LOL00:46
IdleOnechare: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192269/how-can-i-remove-amazon-search-results-from-the-dash-or-disable-the-feature?rq=100:46
BrianHgraphiteuser: anything under /media?00:46
SunTsuesde: this basically is a vbox question and people concerned with vbox probably can give you better answers00:46
zeiferThey're being setup right now, Ari-Yang00:46
OerHekschare read the documentation carefull >>> You then need to log out and back in.00:46
codephobicstewart_, ah sorry to hear that.00:46
graphiteuserBrianH: empty00:47
Ari-Yangzeifer: ah okay00:47
graphiteuserI don't think it's automounted, but I'm used to linux not automounting USB things.00:47
graphiteuserIt may also be marked dirty by windows as the machine crashed on its last boot.00:47
codephobicoverall, funnily enough, I'm happier with my experience with 13.10 (so far).00:47
stewart_i'm suggestion you cheat codephobic but you could always install webmin00:47
graphiteuserI've had this issue before, you end up having to pass some sort of "force" arg to mount.00:47
codephobicmostly because 13.04 crashed every other reboot last time round :(00:47
SunTsuesde: but I have used 4 virtual CPUs with vbox running on debian and ubuntu00:48
BrianHgraphiteuser: you have to change your fstab, which is outlined in the link I gave you on mounting windows drives.00:48
graphiteuserBrianH: Can I not simply mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb or whatever00:48
codephobicstewart_, lol ... I'll reinstall apache2 first ... I have another OS as back up (openSuse), which I can carry on work at... might as well learn use this opportunity to learn a little bit more about the OS and apache2.00:49
BrianHgraphiteuser: no, use sudo blkid and find the device location, then edit your /etc/fstab to include the drive.00:50
graphiteuserEesh, when did that change00:50
graphiteuserseems like a pretty fundamental change there.00:50
codephobicwhat do you guys think about me dissiting testing.dev and then re-a2ensiting it?00:51
graphiteusersudo blkid just sits there doing nothing. doesn't even ask for a password.00:51
codephobicI know it's the equivalent of "switch it off, and then on again" ... but ... ?00:51
stewart_codephobic a2dissite <name> and a2ensite <name>00:51
codephobiclol, stewart_ just what I'm thinking of doing now.00:52
graphiteuserwhat is blkid supposed to do00:52
codephobicERROR: Site testing.dev does not exist!00:52
codephobicI don't get that at all00:53
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-available00:53
hitsujiTMOand: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-available00:54
hitsujiTMOand: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled                 sorry00:54
asdf6789hi all.  i upgraded my "command line install" 13.04 to 13.10 and lost audio.  aplay -l shows my adapter.  alsamixer shows volumes are set and not muted.  any ideas?00:54
zeiferAri-Yang, I've finished all of the commands you pastebinned for me. Should be good to go, right?00:54
BrianHgraphiteuser: it lists block device information00:54
SWATLLAMAShould there be any text files i have to edit to change my desktop environment?00:54
graphiteuserBrianH: I fear it doesn't.00:54
graphiteuserIt just sits there. Blinking cursor.00:54
BrianHgraphiteuser: ctrl+C and try again?00:55
BrianHgraphiteuser: How much linux experience do you have?00:55
codephobichitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/1D5FyhN300:55
Ari-Yangzeifer: aye, reboot00:55
zeiferAlright, wish me luck. :)00:55
Ari-Yangany hardware damage is not my fault btw00:56
jribSWATLLAMA: no, just change the setting at your login screen00:56
* Ari-Yang runs00:56
graphiteuserBrianH: Precious little, and years ago.00:56
graphiteuserctrl_c simply types ^C into the shell00:56
SWATLLAMAOkay, thanks. I read somewhere that I had to change something for 12.04, but never experienced it with LXDE00:56
graphiteuserblkid returns immediately I unplug the suspect drive.00:56
codephobicI can't run a2ensite or a2dissite at all.00:56
graphiteuserthat's... a bit broke.00:57
codephobicI keep getting "ERROR: site <site> does not exist!"00:57
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: can you post your apache2.conf plz00:57
graphiteuserOK, so, new problem. My drive causes "blkid" to hang. Any ideas?00:58
OerHeksgraphiteuser, blkid on ntfs?00:58
codephobichitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/Xw6XnzsL00:58
blzHello again, how can I make a sevice start automatically at boot time?  The service can be started with `sudo service servicename start`.00:58
graphiteuserOerHeks: Well, it should be an NTFS drive, yes.00:58
stewart_getting dinner one moment00:59
OerHeksgraphiteuser, do you use " sudo blkid " ?01:00
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: whats the output of: cat /etc/issue01:00
zeiferAri-Yang, I'm back up and running again. Only noticeable difference so far is that it seemed to take longer to get to login and from login to desktop.01:00
graphiteuserOerHeks: I must admit I previously used "sudo bash"01:00
codephobichitsujiTMO, "Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l"01:01
Ari-Yangzeifer: what's the output of dmesg | grep dpm01:01
stewart_I'm curious why you would ask that01:01
codephobichitsujiTMO, I've never heard of that file before - is it a bug report thing?01:01
stewart_your os version01:01
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: how exactly did you install apache2 ?01:01
BrianHIs there a non-gtk version of usb-creator?01:01
Ari-Yangzeifer: and pastebin the output of glxinfo | grep -i opengl and uname -a01:01
zeiferAri-Yang, dmesg | grep dpm01:01
zeifer[    0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.11.5-031105-generic root=UUID=cfb17b58-fb23-455c-b605-240f3bc9bb8b ro quiet splash radeon.dpm=1 vt.handoff=701:01
zeifer[   13.844080] [drm] radeon: dpm initialized01:01
codephobichitsujiTMO, I used apt-get install, a few upgrades ago.01:02
OerHeksgraphiteuser, oke, that should work. ( but personally i would use UBcd for ntfs issues)01:02
graphiteuserdmesg does say "Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block nn" a few times.01:02
codephobicjust did my standard install, apache2, mysql, php01:02
Ari-Yangzeifer: nice, you should notice that your laptop's temp should decrease, now pastebin the outputs of the commands I just told you01:02
codephobicthen configured virtualhosts and that was it01:02
codephobicnothing ambitious (I thought)01:02
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: where did you get your apache2.conf from?01:02
codephobichitsujiTMO, that's the conf that had been there all along, I don't think I've ever added to/modified it.01:03
djznwhat is the BEST practice: adsl modem in BRIDGE mode and router in PPPOE/DHCP mode or the inverse?01:03
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OerHeksgraphiteuser, ultimate boot cd, http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/  lots of tools for bootsectors/mbr/partition recovery01:03
hitsujiTMOthats not the normal ubuntu apache conf    ...01:03
graphiteuserno CD-ROM drive on this box.01:03
hitsujiTMOgive me a few min, i'll install 13.10 in a vm and see if it generates that apache2 conf01:04
codephobichitsujiTMO, oh, just remembered. I think I agreed to let ubuntu change it as part of the upgrade from 13.04 to 13.1001:04
codephobick, thanks :)01:04
graphiteuserI'm assuming this is bad: http://pastebin.com/r4dw7DxD01:05
djznhow can I edit and save networking setting in Live CD01:05
codephobicI'll check the apache2.conf on my 12.04 vm too01:05
SunTsudjzn: I don't see how this is an ubuntu question but anyway: Do the ppp session where you have the most control over what's going on, which should be your router01:05
zeiferAri-Yang, http://pastebin.com/5MYjVjDf01:05
djznSunTsu, the art of war ? lol01:06
SunTsudjzn: whatever amuses you01:06
djznSunTsu, thanks, yes, i got the router as the pppoe dhcp01:06
Ari-Yangzeifer: everything looks fine, so now I'd test out how video game performance is01:06
darkangelso hows 13.10 doin for ya guys?01:07
djznSunTsu, but ubuntu is not detecting wired network unless i manually set configuration... and i have to save it before installing, and it wont let me01:07
zeiferglxgears seems limited to 60fps so I don't see any increases or decreases there. Do you have any suggestions for a quick test?01:07
SunTsuzeifer: nexuiz?01:07
OerHeksdjzn, start the live mode first, fix wireless and hit the install button on your desktop01:08
codephobicbrb, need a coffee (2am here).01:08
codephobicthank you guys for helping :)01:08
graphiteuserout of a morbid sense of interest does that dmesg output suggest the drive itself is damaged or just the FS?01:09
Ari-Yangzeifer: I thought you had steam installed :|01:09
codephobicwouldn't be able to keep using ubuntu without the help I've received from here.01:09
Ari-Yangdidn't you say that you wanted good performance with steam games or something?01:09
zeiferSteam was failing due to lack or improper graphics so far, Ari-Yang, I could try installing it now.01:10
Ari-Yangzeifer: okay, good luck. Let me know how it works out01:10
zeiferWill do01:10
blzHello again, how can I make a sevice start automatically at boot time?  The service can be started with `sudo service servicename start`.01:10
BrianHAnyone try using usb-creator-gtk on 13.10 for a 64bit ISO?  I can't get past the bootloader installation without it crashing, and when I use unetbootin I get "No operating system" error when booting.01:10
mayhewblz: sudo service NAME enable (I think)01:11
mdkwlanBrianH: ave you tried unetbootin?01:11
blzmayhew, sounds familiar.  I'll give that a try, thanks!01:11
BrianHmdkwlan: yes, it'll succeed and when I boot the system from the drive it says "No operating system found"01:11
* papatate slaps papatate around a bit with a large trout01:12
graphiteuserDoes this: http://pastebin.com/r4dw7DxD suggest that the drive is broken, or just the filesystem?01:12
mdkwlanBrianH: Check the md5 sum of the iso to make sure that it's not the problem then try another usb pen drive.01:12
BrianHI've also tried running usb-creator-gtk with --allow-system-internal and it just crashes when I select the USB drive and click start.01:12
BrianHmdkwlan: The checksum is good.  Should I preformat the drive to a specific format beforehand?01:13
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mdkwlanBrianH: It should be fat32 but I think the tool formats it for you.01:14
jribhow can I make right alt key behave as compose key when pressed by itself but act as regular alt when pressed in combination with any other key?01:14
mdkwlanBrianH: What version of Ubuntu are you are when you01:14
mdkwlanwow sorry. you're using the tool. Damn enter key. BrianH.01:15
BrianHmdkwlan: heh, I just ran sudo usb-creator-gtk  from the terminal (without args) and now it's past the bootloader and setting up the persistance file.01:15
BrianHmdkwlan: I'm on 13.1001:15
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BrianHmdkwlan: I updated the system from 13.04, but I decided I want to just wipe this thing clean with a fresh install.  I have some servers installed and a bunch of crap that I don't need anymore.01:16
MujeeHello I am having problem with my software center on 13.04. It was working will till yesterday.. today it crashes just after it starts.. have tried to remove and reinstall it but still doesn't work01:16
mdkwlanBrianH: I assume it's been ported for that version? I'm just seeing a bug report for 12.04.3 but idk if it's still on 13.1001:16
jribMujee: start it from a terminal01:17
BrianHmdkwlan: I found the same bug report.  It seems to have been around for a long time.01:17
Mujeetried but it still crashes01:17
jribMujee: pastebin terminal output01:17
mdkwlanBrianH: Humm. Yea I keep seeing stuff about segfaults, so Idk. I've only used unetbootin and it's worked fine for me.01:18
Mujeejrib: I have tried but it still crashes01:18
mdkwlanBrianH: Has it given any error messages?01:18
jribMujee: of course.  But pastebin the output.01:18
BrianHmdkwlan: nothing yet.  Its stuck at making a persistance file and says "100%" while the progress bar bounces back and forth.  I'll give it a few minutes to figure it out.01:19
jboiihow can i install bz2 files?01:19
jboiiits an update to vuze01:19
jribjboii: bz2 is a compressed file.  It can be anything.01:19
BrianHaaaand it just crashed.01:19
jboiihow can i install it ?01:19
jribjboii: vuze is in the repositories.  Why not use the version in the repositories?01:19
jboiii have downloaded the file01:19
zeiferAri-Yang, Steam is installing and updating as expected. Know anything about sound issues alsa/pulseaudio?01:19
mdkwlanBrianH: Yea the presistance file is used to maintain it across use on the stick. Have you tried using dd to write it to the usb stick?01:20
jboiithe theme is not nice01:20
BrianHit just says that it closed unexpectedly and nothing logged in the terminal.01:20
mdkwlanBrianH: It's an older method01:20
Ari-Yang!pulseaudio | zeifer01:20
ubottuzeifer: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions01:20
jribjboii: you can't change the theme?01:20
Mujeejrib: http://pastebin.com/CFzxMhg801:20
Ari-Yang!alsa > zeifer01:20
ubottuzeifer, please see my private message01:20
Ari-Yangzeifer: no I don't, read the links? also let me know how gaming performance is01:20
Ari-Yangzeifer: and you should state what sound issues you have01:20
mdkwlanBrianH: I have a link if you're interested in it.01:20
BrianHmdkwlan: No, I haven't.  Toss me the link. :)01:21
jribMujee: create a fresh new user and see if you can replicate the issue on the new account01:21
mdkwlanBrianH: The hardest part of that is finding out the mounting point which is easy to find with gparted.01:22
BrianHmdkwlan: thanks, I'll give it a shot.01:22
mdkwlanBrianH: Np man. Hope it works for you :)01:22
BrianHmdkwlan: This won't install grub on the drive though, correct?01:23
bray90820Would this be a good place to talk about ubuntu touch01:23
mdkwlanBrianH: No. It will write it to the usb as if it's a CD/DVD01:23
BrianHmdkwlan: Gonna try booting the drive, since it seemed to have made it past grub before it failed.01:24
BrianHotherwise, I'll give dd a shot.01:25
Smedleshi all - been having issues with Ubuntu 13.10 with resume the last week or two01:25
mdkwlanBrianH: Yea it seems to be a problem with that presistance file and to be fair that's not needed to use the usb stick.01:25
Smedlessometimes after resume I've had no keyboard or video corruption, I was running the nvidia proprietary drivers and reverted to nouveau which didn't help01:25
Smedlesdid a fresh install today (kept /home) but same symptoms01:26
Smedlesafter resume, mouse pointer would work but keyboard unresponsive - after a few minutes it went back to a logon prompt, logged on but desktop is corrupted01:26
craigbass1976anyone know of a vnc client that allows me to scale the window so it will fit on my desktop?01:26
mdkwlancraigbass1976: rdesktop01:27
BrianHmdkwlan: Yeah, I thought I told it not to, but maybe when I was speeding through it the last time I might have left it at the defaults.  Still same "Missing OS" error.  I'll give it one more shot without persistance, then dd.  Ugh ... all this because the CD itself won't work past the language selection during install, lol01:27
craigbass1976mdkwlan, that works over vnc potocol?01:27
Mujeejrib: yes the problem still exists with the new user too01:27
mdkwlancraigbass1976: Yup. VNC and RDP01:27
duboneanyone know what it means when guest vm won't start and has a bunch of these errors? virAuditSend:135 : Failed to send audit message virt=kvm resrc=disk reason=start01:28
jribMujee: apt-cache policy software-center01:28
zykotick9dubone: you might want to try #virt on irc.oftc.net (i assume you are using virt-manager)01:29
dubonezykotick9: thanks01:29
advxHi All Good Morning01:29
Mujeejrib: http://pastebin.com/TMVVYJNQ01:30
mdkwlanHello advx.01:30
boohWhat's the problem, I'm on 13.04 and I try to do-release-upgrade to 13.10 but it say that there is no update...01:30
sam113101how do I make the caps lock key act as a second backspace key?01:30
advxHello ,mdkwlan01:30
BrianHbooh sudo apt-get update ?01:30
jribMujee: check for an open bug and if there isn't one, file one01:30
boohBrianH, of course done.01:30
codephobichitsujiTMO, got the vm running?01:30
hitsujiTMOjust installing Apache now01:31
BrianHbooh, do-release-upgrade -c01:31
codephobiccool, thanks for that :)01:31
Smedlesbooh: check settings for software update - you may only have update to long term release enabled01:31
Smedleslooks lke Xserver is crashing here01:31
MGMTsomeone want to grab me some info from ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css ?01:34
subcoolHey, i need a gui raid setup utilty.. anyone have suggestions?01:34
SysSUoh man raid…i need help with that too haha01:34
jribMGMT: i imagine that's empty for most...01:34
SysSUwhy is Ubuntu 13.04 showing my hardware raid as two drives..and no raid drive?01:35
MGMTjrib: is yours empty?01:35
jribMGMT: i don't have such a file.01:35
subcoolSysSU, i just dont have the concentration to do it all manually. And whats sad, is- everyone suggest lvm; when a good gui for RAID is still hard to find. :/01:35
jribMGMT: (ask your real question)01:35
zeiferWell, Ari-Yang, we've at least got Steam running. So that's progress and I thank you very much for getting me this far. Next up is how I go about getting my audio to play through speakers rather than headphone port.01:35
MGMThmmmm... maybe I just have to delete it... what does ubuntu use gtk-2.0 or gtk-3.0?01:35
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: ok, so it seems that apache2 conf is completely different in 13.1001:35
Mujeejrib: http://pastebin.com/513Cuw9X usually get this message when i reinstal software center after removing it01:35
codephobichitsujiTMO, ah01:36
MGMTjrib: that is my real question... I'm having theme color issues from installing ubuntu over xubuntu and not deleting the home directory01:36
codephobichmm, I guess we're stuck as far as to cause/approach now.01:36
Ari-Yangzeifer: that's good. Now you need to test and see how a video game performs. As for audio, I'm not sure, try asking here?01:36
duboneSysSU: I have installed Webmin for mdadm for a customer and it seemed to get the job done for them01:36
jribMGMT: rename the file and see what changes01:36
codephobicI'll try completely removing apache2 tomorrow morning and doing a full install again.01:36
MGMTjrib:  yeah just thought of that lol01:36
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: can you tell me whats in /etc/apache2/envvars01:36
codephobichitsujiTMO, one mo.01:37
poizenI've installed ubuntu over linux and now i've a huge 900gig partition and i don't know how i should recover my data :( pplease help01:37
SysSUdubone: what do you mean?01:37
poizeni meant ubuntu over windows*01:37
MGMTjrib: do you know the command for refreshing the window manager without loging out and back in?01:37
jribMGMT: those changes should probably be recognized when you spawn a new app01:38
duboneSysSU: sorry that was for subcool01:38
dubonesubcool: I have installed Webmin for mdadm for a customer and it seemed to get the job done for them01:38
Ari-YangI have a question... how come when I steam a video with mpv (fork of mplayer2) I get this WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/x/keyring-SPuOMa/pkcs11: No such file or directory ?01:38
Ari-Yanghow do I prevent that?01:38
codephobichitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/5TW96kff01:38
jribMGMT: if not, then no I don't know any command to refresh the wm01:38
duboneSysSu: graphical raid01:38
SysSUdubone: yea i don't need guy raid..i just need to know why my hardware raid 1 shows up as two disks instead of 1 raid disk or 3 disks (2 disks 1 raid disk).01:39
poizenguys my hdd has been formatted to ext from ntfs and I want to recover my data.. can anyone help me pleasE?01:39
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Mujeejrib: http://pastebin.com/513Cuw9X usually get this message when i reinstal software center after removing it01:40
jribMujee: I don't think that's important01:40
MGMTjrib: moving that file fixed it... thanks!01:40
subcooldubone, oh yea- someone had suggested that for me. I installed it too, but it was.. being... uh.. unuseful? - i think my bridged network adapter is messing up its communication. I couldnt get it to read properly or- um. soething..01:41
jribhow can I make right alt key behave as compose key when pressed by itself but act as regular alt when pressed in combination with any other key?01:41
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: can you give me your /etc/init.d/apache201:41
djznhow do I save edited network setting on live cd session???01:41
codephobichitsujiTMO, one mo.01:42
dubonedjzn: search for "persistence" on live CD01:42
OerHeksjrib right alt key controls hud, that would be a lot of work01:43
djzndubone: i just need to edit the connection on the spot so I can install it01:43
jribOerHeks: i don't use unity01:43
Ari-Yangoh I figured it out, /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop is the culprit, just wanted to know why it was doing it...01:43
djzndubone: it is not a persistent live cd that i'm doing01:43
jribOerHeks: pretend I asked for right ctrl key ;)01:43
codephobichitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/7a5AeTLu01:43
BrianHmdkwlan: attemting with dd now ... will I need to do anything to make the drive bootable afterwards?01:43
mdkwlanBrianH: Shouldn't need to.01:43
dubonedjzn: not sure then01:44
MGMTjrib: which WM are you using?01:44
OerHeksjrib i also was looking for those 2 seperate commands, have not found it yet howto combine them01:44
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: is there an upstart for apache in /etc/init  ?01:44
codephobichitsujiTMO, not sure what an upstart is?01:45
jribOerHeks: if you are desperate it is probably possible with something like xcape, but i want to avoid it for this case01:45
BrianHmdkwlan: Worked! :)   Thank you much for the help.01:45
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: give me output of: ls /etc/init01:45
jribOerHeks: https://github.com/alols/xcape01:45
mdkwlanBrianH: Glad to hear. Let me know if it boots first.01:45
codephobichitsujiTMO, there's no apache2.conf in /etc/init/01:46
codephobichitsujiTMO, one mo.01:46
hitsujiTMOit could be httpd.con too01:46
BrianHmdkwlan: Yep.  It booted.  But it seems to be stuck at the same point as where the CD did.  I can't get past the "Select a language" screen with the server install.01:46
SunTsuwhy would there be a config file in /etc/init?01:46
codephobichitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/yBtuHgEH01:46
jribSunTsu: that's where upstart expects init scripts01:47
mdkwlanBrianH: Humm makes me think that it either a problem with the usb stick or the iso.01:47
MGMTdid they change ubuntu to have 1 workspace by default in 13.10?01:47
BrianHI'll try another ISO.01:47
ImTheDudeam i connected01:47
SunTsujrib: I know, I just wondered why codephobic and hitsujiTMO are looking for a apache2.conf/httpd.conf there01:47
ImTheDudewhats everybody running01:48
zeiferCan anybody help me get my Compaq CQ62 to play audio through speakers and not just the headset port? All volume levels are maxxed and nothing is muted.01:48
mdkwlanBrianH: Yea or just redownload the one you already have.01:48
jribSunTsu: oh01:48
MujeeHi my software center crashes just after it starts.. I have tried removing and installing it again but it doesn't wok01:48
BrianHmdkwlan: That's what I meant.01:48
mdkwlanBrianH: Oh alright. Fair enough. :)01:48
MGMTzeifer: what happens if you run alsamixer at the command line?01:48
BrianHmdkwlan: I downloaded it onto my MacBook and the installer worked fine in VirtualBox.  Maybe the one on my server was corrupted.01:49
jribSunTsu: I assume apache2 still uses /etc/init.d and hitsujiTMO and codephobic should be looking there (if they are indeed looking for its init script)01:49
MGMTzeifer: check to see if the speaker in alsamixer says MM below it01:49
zeiferIt pops up as expected, MGMT. And, as I said, nothing is muted and all volume settings are maxxed.01:49
mdkwlanBrianH: Yea that's really weird then. Have you tried a dif pen drive?01:49
SunTsujrib: they were looking for a config file from what I read01:49
zeiferMGMT, well, mic is muted for obvious reasons.01:50
RankWeisHey guys, I'm trying to decide on a linux distro right now01:50
BrianHmdkwlan: I don't have another available.01:50
RankWeisI was wondering if any of you had complaints with ubuntu regarding multiple monitors?01:50
mdkwlanBrianH: There's always another option of burning a disk as well.01:50
SunTsuRankWeis: then try some of them and decide for the one you liked best01:50
advxShould I upgrade to 13.10?? or wait for few days..01:50
hitsujiTMOjrib, suntsu, it is, the problem is that codephobic s is exactly the same as what should be there, yet isn't initing apache2 with the envvars from /etc/apache2/envvars01:50
RankWeisSunTsu: I've tried a bunch, never with multiple monitors01:50
mdkwlanRankWeis: Yes. I run with a dual monitors but it01:51
codephobicapache2 is definitely present in /etc/init.d/ (if you're wondering)01:51
mdkwlanit's not because of ubuntu it's because I have an AMD card.01:51
SunTsuRankWeis: well, then do that ;) I occasionally run Ubuntu with 3 displays without issues01:51
Tecanwho names a distro "Saucy Salamander"01:51
hitsujiTMOi was looking in /etc/init incase there was something there superceding /etc/init.d01:51
jribhitsujiTMO: does he have apache2* in /etc/init or in /etc/init.d, or both?01:51
jribhitsujiTMO: ah, ok.01:51
RankWeisSunTsu: Exactly what I wanted to here. Even windows gets a little frustrated with three sometimes, it's actually the reason I'm switching01:51
mdkwlanTecan: Who name's a distro dapper drake or raring ringtail?01:51
SonikkuAmerica!ot | Those of you who aren't here for support, hear this01:52
ubottuThose of you who aren't here for support, hear this: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:52
BrianHmdkwlan: Yeah, I thought it might be because I was booting from a USB3 connected DVD drive.  It's for my rackmount server which doesn't have an internally connected disk drive.01:52
SunTsuRankWeis: I use 2 external displays for my laptop and it's screen, works great so far01:52
Tecanshining sunflower would have been better01:53
codephobicdoes anyone know if 13.10 removes firestarter completely? I used to have it installed, now - post-upgrade - it's no longer available in dash.01:53
BrianHmdkwlan: worst case, I could pop off the cover and tap into a SATA port.01:53
mdkwlanBrianH: This is true.01:53
codephobic(could that be causing issues with accessing my virtualhosts?)01:53
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: can you give me your /etc/default/apache2 ?01:53
codephobichitsujiTMO, will do... one mo.01:54
mdkwlanBrianH: Idk its just me but for my server I run with stable so I wouldn't think of running 13.1001:54
BrianHmdkwlan: 13.10 is stable now01:54
MGMTzeifer: what do you get when you do lspci | grep Audio01:54
endxmithello all01:54
BrianHmdkwlan: just released today :P01:54
codephobichitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/jtD7hvdF01:54
mdkwlanBrianH: Stable in the sense of support. IE LTS or Gentoo hardened.01:54
billsey_So. I did the upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 today. Now the system says my monitor is unknown and only gives me 800x600 and 1024x768 for resolutions. How do I fix it to get my old resolution back?01:54
BrianHmdkwlan: Ah, gotcha.01:55
endxmitby any chance is anyone running a chromebook with crouton?01:55
BrianHmdkwlan: It's only my home server I use for messing around.  I virtualize all my VMs anyways.01:55
zeifer00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)01:55
codephobicBrianH, that sounds like the policy of not installing a Windows edition until it's had an SP update.01:55
MGMTbillsey_: does using xrandr at the command line show you the resolution you want?01:55
mdkwlanBrianH: Ah. Yea I use mine for storage. So ISOs movies etc etc.01:56
SonikkuAmericaEvery time I boot Ubuntu, I get a GRUB command line instead of the bootloader... what do I do to restore the bootloader? (a) I have rEFInd, and (b) I tried [ update-grub ] already.01:56
billsey_MGMT: No, it doesn´t.01:56
MGMTbillsey_: give me a sec, I'll find a link to what you'll have to do01:57
Dr_Willisbillsey_:  and whats your video chipset?01:57
BrianHmdkwlan: Heh, my Plex server is one of the main reasons I'm wiping it.  I installed it on the host system instead of setting up a VM with dedicated access to my Movie drives.01:57
sam113101how do I make the caps lock key act as a second backspace key?01:57
hitsujiTMOcodephobic: i'm at a loss, seems all the configs / init scripts match01:57
BrianHcodephobic: Yeah, I just don't install Windows unless it's in a VM anyways, haha.01:58
Dr_Willissam113101:  checked askubuntu.com ? I recall they having similer questions/answers01:58
MGMTbillsey_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1112186 <-- that should help/get you in the right direction01:58
somsipsam113101: you can probably do that with xmodmap01:58
codephobichitsujiTMO, thanks for the efforts though. I'll try removing apache2 tomorrow morning and then do a clean install. Maybe it'll work ...01:58
mdkwlanBrianH: Interesting setup. Yea I was thinking of using proxmox to mess around with hardware vm's but Idk I might try 13.10 server out to see if anything has really changed.01:59
MGMTbillsey_: you may need to install proprietary drivers... What kind of video card do you have?01:59
codephobicthankfully, the vms are working, so I can serve my virtualhosts from them if this can't be resolved.01:59
=== LoganG|off is now known as LoganG
BrianHmdkwlan: I'm really interested in setting up OpenStack and getting my hands dirty with Juju.01:59
billsey_Dr_Willis: CNet says Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900.01:59
codephobicmaybe tomorrow other people will have similar issues and more info will come to light.02:00
mdkwlanBrianH: Oh hell yea. :)02:00
chareI got my new Saucy ubuntu working what stuff do I want to do now?02:00
Dr_Willisbillsey_:  check 'lspci' output to verify that02:00
Dr_Willis!manual | chare02:00
ubottuchare: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:00
billsey_MGMT: I gather the drivers used in 13.04 have been removed?02:00
zeiferMGMT, 00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40) Not sure if you caught that output earlier.02:00
hitsujiTMOone thing you can try and do is suffix .conf to you soft links in /etc/apache2/sites-available02:00
Dr_Willischare:  or perhaps read some revies about the release  and stuff like    http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/8-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu.html02:01
BrianHmdkwlan: I just don't know where to start.  I generally deploy all my VMs using VirtualBox.02:01
billsey_Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)02:01
codephobichitsujiTMO, so change testing.dev to testing.dev.conf?02:01
codephobicI'll give that a go now.02:01
mdkwlanBrianH: I pmed you so we dont get in trouble lol02:01
BrianHmdkwlan: I've dabbled with KVM a little bit, but I had a heck of a time with networking in KVM so I just kept using VirtualBox.02:01
hitsujiTMOyes, in the sites-enabled only is needed02:01
MGMTzeifer: you don't have HDMI out do you?  is this a laptop?02:02
codephobichitsujiTMO, sadly doesn't seem to have worked.02:02
Ari-Yangzeifer: maybe add radeon.audio=1 to GRUB (like how you add radeon.dpm=1) will help?02:02
Ari-Yangin face try that02:02
codephobicnevermind, I'm sure more info will come up soon enough.02:03
codephobicnever known an issue that ubuntu people don't eventually solve.02:03
zeiferMGMT, it is a laptop but there's no HDMI out on it.02:04
hitsujiTMOi'm surprised at the drastic change in the default config02:04
zeiferAri-Yang, so I can put that in after a space?02:04
codephobichitsujiTMO, I was completely oblivious to it until you pointed it out! lol02:04
codephobicthanks again for the effort :)02:05
Ari-Yangzeifer: yes, just make sure it's within the quotes. copy and paste it when you make the change so I can double check02:05
Ari-Yangzeifer: after, save it, then run sudo update-grub and then reboot02:05
Ari-Yangzeifer: I'm off to dinner, if I don't see your highlights, I'll just check my log02:07
Ari-Yangzeifer: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.audio=1 radeon.dpm=1" <--- like that02:07
jboiican someon02:07
jboiisomeone help me with this ?02:08
Ari-Yang!ask | jboii02:08
ubottujboii: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:08
MGMTzeifer: I had a similar issue at one point.  it ended up being that it was recognizing a different driver or something. Had to tell it the right one, theres an option for this in alsamixer02:08
SonikkuAmericaEvery time I boot Ubuntu, I get a GRUB command line instead of the bootloader... what do I do to restore the bootloader? (a) I have rEFInd, and (b) I tried [ update-grub ] already.02:08
Ari-Yangzeifer: if you're using pulseaudio then maybe you should uninstall it and use alsa02:08
jboiii am gonna edit vuze , using qt 4 designer , how can i find the UI file02:08
jboiican someone help me findin this file ?02:09
zeiferAri-Yang, I grabbed pulseaudio because the problem existed before I started using it. Pulse didn't change it.02:09
Ari-Yangwell then try the radeon.audio=1 then reboot02:09
zeiferWhat was the path to that file again?02:10
billsey_MGMT: The link got my display showing in the right resolution fine, but the instructions for making it permanent are broken. There is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to edit.02:10
Ari-Yanggood luck02:10
zeiferI swear I have a terrible memory sometimes, thanks.02:10
MGMTbillsey_: try installing arandr (sudo apt-get install arandr)02:11
MGMTbillsey_: that should let you set the resolution and save it as a .sh that you can have autorun on startup02:12
MGMTbillsey_: ill be here for a while if you need any help02:12
zeiferMGMT, Ari-Yang, I'm restarting now. brb02:12
CrazyzurferHi, where are lamp mail logs saved? cause I tried to use "pretend" function on my application, that functions sends the generated mail to the log, but I can't find that log :S02:12
LuxuryModeKeep getting this error when trying to use add-apt-repository: http://pastebin.com/Ee7NMDzm Think it's a proxy issue, but not sure how to resolve it02:12
MGMTzeifer: k02:12
ubuntuaddictedanyone know how to move where the steam games get installed to?02:13
cjmacMGMT: can you DCC SEND some of that my way?02:13
Dr_Willisubuntuaddicted:  in the users home directory  .steam perhaps.02:14
MGMTcjmac: hmmmm maybe I'll rsync it to you so I don't lose any :)  its scotch... SCOTCH TIME!! lol02:14
chareI got google chrome running in Saucy02:15
LuxuryModespinning in circles :(02:15
MGMTcjmac: Monkey Shoulder Batch 27, cant go wrong02:15
cjmacMGMT: I think if rsync had a scotch option, sysadmins everywhere would be known as the happiest people on earth02:16
beanCrazyzurfer, lamp meaning something you installed?02:17
MGMTcjmac: I would sure like my job more lol.  'hey hey, how bout I ssh in and fix it myself, sound good? k'02:17
CrazyzurferCrazyzurfer: yes, the web server02:17
beanCrazyzurfer, lamp is not a web server.02:18
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.02:18
rossabarrettI'm trying to set up a third monitor. I have two running off of a radeon driver from an ati chip. The only other port I have on my system is to the embedded intel chip. when I plug the third monitor in, it only shows a grey screen and doesn't register. Should I make a new xorg.conf. or is it even possible with xserver to run simultaneous drivers?02:18
beanCrazyzurfer, so what did you install02:18
MGMTbean: Lamp is totally a web server02:18
beanMGMT, only if you mean apache02:19
MGMTbean: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ or something like that02:19
zeiferMGMT, Ari-Yang's idea didn't work. Do you have anymore info for my sound issue?02:19
MGMTbean: apache is what the a in lamp stands for02:19
CrazyzurferApache has a way of storing emails in logs instead of sending them, that's just for debugging. But I cant find that log file, does anybody knows where can I find it?02:20
MGMTzeifer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/282119/alsa-fails-to-recognize-on-board-audio-card <-- came across that, but not sure how much it'll help02:20
beanMGMT, I'm well aware, and its "sudo task-sel install lamp-server"02:20
beanCrazyzurfer, apache doesn't send mail itself.02:20
MGMTbean: theres so many ways to install a lamp server... all are correct02:20
beanCrazyzurfer, but it's likely in /var/log02:20
netmHi - I just installed 13.10 on an ssd in my laptop, 13.04 is on my hd .. at the moment I have to boot to my hd to get grub and then get the ssd to boot. Question: how do I move my grub from the hd to the ssd?02:20
DiceDingusHello, Ubuntu. I just installed the AMD proprietary driver, and now Gnome won't start. Happy day! How can I find out what's donking up so I can get it undonked?02:21
SonikkuAmerica>>> Every time I boot Ubuntu, I get a GRUB command line instead of the bootloader... what do I do to restore the bootloader? (a) I have rEFInd, and (b) I tried [ update-grub ] already.02:21
rossabarrettAlso tried xrandr. It shows that I have the intel provider, but it doesn't give any outputs when i just enter xrandr02:21
Crazyzurferbean: Tried on that directory, but didn't find it.. I guess i'm going to just try to send mails02:21
beanCrazyzurfer, so what package did you install for LAMP?02:21
Ari-YangDiceDingus: don't use fglrx02:22
Crazyzurferbean: sudo apt-get install lampp-server^02:22
Ari-Yangterrible 2d acceleration, I was just helping somebody else out with setting up their laptop for vid game ready using open source radeon driver02:22
DiceDingusI was trying to play a game, it was whinging, I went to download a driver. Also, that doesn't help me undonk things.02:23
beanCrazyzurfer, not tasksel?02:23
Ari-YangDiceDingus: what card do you have?02:23
MGMTCrazyzurfer: if your looking for mail logs those are in /var/log/mail.log02:23
rossabarrettAny Ideas?\02:23
DiceDingusAri-Yang AMD Radeon HD 677002:23
CrazyzurferMGMT: it's empty, I guess my pretend function is not running well.02:23
MGMTrossabarrett: what do you need help with?02:23
Ari-YangDiceDingus: what ubuntu version?02:24
rossabarrettI'm trying to set up a third monitor. I have two running off of a radeon driver from an ati chip. The only other port I have on my system is to the embedded intel chip. when I plug the third monitor in, it only shows a grey screen and doesn't register. Should I make a new xorg.conf. or is it even possible with xserver to run simultaneous drivers?02:24
Crazyzurferbean: nope, somebody here told me to never install taskel packages.02:24
DiceDingusAri-Yang: Ubuntu w/ Gnome 13.0402:24
beanCrazyzurfer, how are you "pretending" to send mail02:24
beanCrazyzurfer, right but theres no package called lamp-server02:24
chareok now that I got Saucy running, we need to address the next problem, how do we get games made for linux I HATE HAVING WINDOWS JUST FOR STARCRAFT 202:24
Ari-YangDiceDingus: 64bit?02:24
DiceDinguschare: You make a blood-sacrifice to gaben at the altar of SteamOS.02:24
DiceDingusAri-Yang: Correct.02:25
Crazyzurferbean: it's called lamp-server^02:25
MGMTCrazyzurfer: you should try testing by using telnet to spoof some stuff around02:25
charesteam is a very small space of the entire gaming02:25
beanCrazyzurfer, theres also no package called lamp-server^02:25
zeiferAri-Yang, my laptop is definitely running cooler in the graphics department. Very much improved there. :)02:25
netmHi - I just installed 13.10 on an ssd in my laptop, 13.04 is on my hd .. at the moment I have to boot to my hd to get grub and then get the ssd to boot. Question: how do I move my grub from the hd to the ssd?02:25
zeiferHowever, still no audio fix.02:25
MGMTrossabarrett: try installing arandr (sudo apt-get install arandr)02:25
MGMTrossabarrett: arandr will let you make any monitors active and set their resolution02:26
Ari-Yangzeifer: good good, not sure about the audio :/02:26
Ari-Yangmaybe somebody here knows?02:26
zeiferStill hoping. :)02:26
advxbye 4 now02:26
zeiferIt's a Compaq CQ62, only one audio card.02:26
zeiferlspci | grep Audio02:26
zeifer00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)02:27
DiceDingusWell, piss on this, I'll just back up my home folder and install something fresh when I feel like it. Gonna go crawling back to the Win7 partition.02:27
Ari-YangDiceDingus: c/p the output of lspci | grep VGA02:27
beanCrazyzurfer, you likely dont have a mail server installed02:28
beanas mail is not part of LAMP02:28
rossabarrettMGMT, xrandr --listproviders shows that I have the intel chip as a provider, but arandr shows that there isn't an output for the monitor when I plug it in02:28
zeiferI don't think Dice has the patience for Linux. :(02:28
Ari-YangDiceDingus: what is the output of lspci | grep VGA02:28
Crazyzurferbean: because of that, i'm trying to save the emails to a log file instead of trying to send them02:29
beanCrazyzurfer, using php though?02:29
Crazyzurferbean: yes02:29
beank, how are you doing it02:29
MGMTzeifer: found these commands... not sure if it'll help02:30
MGMTzeifer: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa02:30
MGMTsudo apt-get update02:30
MGMTsudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)02:30
LuxuryModeIf im writing a bash script that runs something that requires entering [y] to confirm moving forward, what do i put in my script?02:30
MGMTmeh, that's all of it, sorry for pooping in chat02:30
beanLuxuryMode, look into the "read" command02:30
beanmore specifically "read -p"02:30
ssshvbhow to make my ubuntu desktop classic  (2d) ive got gnome-shell but in the login window it does not offer classic desktop02:31
beanCrazyzurfer, how are you logging it, then02:31
MGMTLuxuryMode: also ask bash questions in #bash02:31
LuxuryModethanks bean02:31
LuxuryModethanks MGMT02:31
MGMTLuxuryMode: no prob, they know their crap02:31
Crazyzurferbean: well, laravel is a framwork that I use and it has the "pretend" function that saves it into a logfile, I've done it before but with xampp on windows02:32
Crazyzurferbut there's really easy, just have to search in the xampp folder02:32
rossabarrettMGMT, any other things you would suggest trying?02:32
MGMTrossabarrett: are you using a laptop or desktop with 2 video cards bridged?02:32
subcoolanyone else with any GUI based RAID configuring tools? - i created a Raid 0 with two SATA drives, but i need to make partitions on it. - IM too new to raid and paritions to being messing with it via CLI.02:33
rossabarrettMGMT, a desktop02:33
zeiferMGMT, nothing comes up for my current kernel version using that ppa.02:33
beanCrazyzurfer, application's log files02:33
MGMTzeifer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1585765&page=2 <--- theres more stuff here02:33
beanso likely "application.log" or similar,02:33
MGMTrossabarrett: are you trying to use onboard video and a video card?02:34
beanCrazyzurfer, you should probably join #laravel though, not really an ubuntu question02:34
rossabarrettMGMT, I have Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) WITH Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Turks PRO [Radeon HD 7570]02:34
Crazyzurferbean: ok02:34
MGMTrossabarrett: are all three outputs on the Radeon HD 7570? as far as I know you cant use onboard and a graphics card together, one or the other02:35
waykool99is there a GRUB expert in here?02:35
MGMTwaykool99: depends, what you need?02:35
bazhangwaykool99, try #grub02:36
mercutiohas anyone else noticed the new ubuntu has terrible network performance?02:36
mercutiolike 50 megabit on gigabit lan02:36
wilee-nileemercutio, No.02:36
waykool99ok will try #grub02:36
waykool99thank you :)02:36
mercutiocurrently i'm thinking it's because it's broadcom02:36
beanmercutio, that seems like it's probably not auto negotiating speeds right. How are you testing?02:36
netmCrazysurfer - I use Laravel as well on Ubuntu and have used msmtp successfully...02:36
mercutiowith curl02:37
mercutioiperf goes a lot faster02:37
mercutioit's very bizzare02:37
Dr_Willismercutio:  not noticed the issues here.02:37
charewhat are yo guys using your new Saucy for?02:37
mercutioi can curl using my wireless router at 15megabytes/sec, and my i7 linux box at 6megabytes/sec02:37
MGMTchare: blasting spam02:37
Dr_Willischare:  same as one uses any other release. ;)02:37
beanmercutio, then its likely not the network thats slow, its likely what you';re curling from02:37
bazhangchare, dont poll here, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic02:37
mercutiowell the wireless router running gargoyle has slow cpu i think mips, and it's still way faster than the i702:38
mercutioit's local network02:38
beanmercutio, oh, is this transfer over wireless?02:38
mercutioi also have infiniband, which is doing 384 megabytes/sec or sometihng02:38
mercutionope, local network02:38
mercutio1 metre away02:38
mercutioi just have ssh to my wireless router02:38
mercutioso wanted to make sure it wasn't the server :)02:39
beanah infiniband, i wish it was more popular02:39
waykool99pardon me again, i'm old school x10, haven't used IRC over 10 years.  in HERE, how do you change IRC channels?02:39
mercutiothe server is running ubuntu too02:39
mercutiobean, it's real cheap, because it's not popular :)02:39
rossabarrettMGMT, I'm confused because a while ago it was magically working. How do I know what the outputs from the back of my computer go to? xrandr --listprovider says I have 6 outputs on the radeon card. Is there a way to direct all of the monitors to use one card?02:39
MGMTwaykool99: use /join #grub02:39
mercutioi got 4 cards for $75 USD off ebay02:39
mercutiothen it was like $35 USD for 2 cables or something02:39
waykool99ahhhh LOL hits self on head.  THANK YOU MGMT02:39
beanmercutio, nice, a professor of mine did some research-y stuff with it.02:39
wilee-nileewaykool99, depends on your irc app, you can join with /j "channel"02:39
mercutiobeam, well if 15 gigabit is fast enough for you, it's rpetty cheap :)02:40
waykool99wilee i wanna go to GRUB group from here02:40
MGMTrossabarrett: beats me, I've only ever used 2 at once02:40
mercutiotbh, if there was 2.5 gigabit standard at good i'd probably just use that02:40
charehow do we make linux kill windows off02:40
mercutiobut link aggregation with ethernet sucks02:40
mercutioerr at good price02:41
Dr_Willischare:  general chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic   this channel is for support related questions.02:41
zeiferMGMT, Looking at that thread you sent me to, it's a Necro from 2010 with a couple posts in 2011. However, that is the exact issue I'm having but I don't have a dual boot to switch to Linux from Windows.02:41
MGMTchare: watch out, your getting dangerously close to getting kicked lol02:41
mercutioi think i'm going to have to try shifting to my custom kernel, but i think then ubuntu catalyst drivers will need patching :(02:42
MGMTzeifer: did the audio ever work in ubuntu?02:42
rossabarrettMGMT, would you suggest looking anywhere else, asking anybody else?02:42
zeiferNot on 13.10 but it did on much older versions.02:42
wilee-nileeMGMT, No why do you ask. ;)02:42
mercutiowell my custom kernel is 3.12.0-rc502:42
MGMTzeifer: hmmmm... how old is that lappy?02:42
bray90820Would this be a good place to talk about ubuntu touch02:43
MGMTsay whaaaa wilee-nilee ?02:43
Dr_Willis!touch | bray9082002:43
ubottubray90820: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch02:43
wilee-nileeMGMT, dumb questions get dumb answers.02:43
MGMTwilee-nilee: and scotch drinkers get drunk02:44
zeiferMGMT, I'm not sure about this lappy's age. I bought it for $20 off a buddy that dropped a couch on it and cracked the screen.02:44
mercutiohmm, does anyone have broadcom ethernet here?02:45
mercutioi have another computer with broadcom ethrenet which has same driver version, but different firmware02:45
mercutioand it's not having issues02:45
Dr_Willismercutio:  broadcom makes a large number of differnt network chipsets02:45
mercutioDr_Willis: yeh02:45
mercutio5715 is working ok02:45
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:45
MGMTzeifer: try a live CD and make sure the sound still works lol02:45
mercutio57781 is not02:45
FloodBot1mercutio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
mercutioDr_Willis: erk, that's wireless02:46
zeiferMGMT, it didn't work in a live environment. That's what I used to install from.02:46
MGMTzeifer: I'd try ripping puppy linux or something and make sure its not a hardware issue02:46
MGMTzeifer: I've spent hours on audio before just to find out it was a ribbon cable that got snagged somehow02:47
zeiferI guess i could try that, but when I was on Windows, sound worked flawlessly.02:47
MGMTzeifer: only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is alsamixer then press f6 to see if you're using the 'wrong device'? other than that idk02:49
zeiferThere's just the one device in here and detected.02:49
chareWHO HERE IS DUMB02:49
MGMTzeifer: did you upgrade to 13.10?02:49
MGMTaww, he left too quick02:50
beanzeifer, and alsamixer doesn't say that its muted?02:50
bazhang!ot | chare02:50
ubottuchare: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:50
zeiferMGMT, What's the command to check which version I'm on? It should still be 13.04.02:50
MGMTuname -r02:50
MGMTI think02:50
beanlsb_release -a02:50
zeiferbean, alsamixer shows all volume levels maxxed.02:50
zeiferEven internals and mic02:51
MGMTzeifer: what about automute in alsamixer?02:51
zeiferautomute may still say enabled.02:51
topper4125zeifer which DE are you using?02:52
CrazyzurferWhy I cannot see the opened terminal windows in my launch bar?02:52
Crazyzurferubuntu raring by the way (13.04)02:52
lkthomashey guys, how could I find out what a specific program write/read any specific file ?02:52
MGMTzeifer: which version lsb_release -a02:52
topper4125zeifer: try second response to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xfce4-volumed/+bug/883485/02:52
zeiferNo results with automute disabled.02:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 883485 in xfce4-volumed (Ubuntu) "Pulse Audio don't get unmuted when XF86AudioMute is used" [Undecided,Fix released]02:52
MGMTlkthomas: huh? which program will open what?02:53
topper4125says it was fix with a release... but just had the problem myself earlier02:53
subcoolhey how do i remove my gateway seetings made in my netowrk config.02:53
lkthomasMGMT: assume there is a program which is not standard from ubuntu itself, but a specific log file growth, how could I find out which program actually write to that log file ?02:53
wilee-nileeCrazyzurfer, Have you modified compiz or the desktop?02:53
subcooli mean.. brige settings.. i had to setup manually a bridgeetwork and it was intricate.02:53
zeifertopper4125, I'll give this a try, thanks.02:54
MGMTlkthomas: wheres the log file located?02:54
topper4125hope it helps02:54
lkthomasit is at /home/whateverprogram02:54
lkthomasMGMT: does lsof would help02:54
Crazyzurferwilee-nilee: yes, some days ago, but it worked fine until today02:55
beanlkthomas, yeah LSOF should help02:55
wilee-nileeCrazyzurfer, Any changes like say a recent reboot...etc unity/compiz is a a bit finky in this area with some changes.02:56
lkthomasbean: question, does program only open log file to write when it needed or it is always open log file ?02:56
=== makimac- is now known as makimac|afk
beanlkthomas, depends on how the program writes. A more common paradigm would be to hold open the log file.02:56
lkthomasbean: thanks02:57
Crazyzurferwilee-nilee: I reboot all the time, rebooted several times since the changes were made.02:57
SemorDoes kernel record the reason for sending SIGKILL to one process?02:57
Semorwhere is the log?02:57
beanSemor, no.02:58
wilee-nileeCrazyzurfer, you might try a reset, or maybe give some details on the mods to the channel. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0402:58
lkthomasanother confused question, how could I find out the last message when kernel panic reboot happen ?02:58
subcoolok, i take back my last stement, but i need to reset my interfaces fie to generic or something..02:59
wilee-nileeCrazyzurfer, Might just need a logout or reboot, we have no idea the voodoo that you did.02:59
Crazyzurferwilee-nilee: I'm going to reset it02:59
wilee-nileeCrazyzurfer, Probably a good idea, just log your changes this time.03:00
MGMTjoe75: you a rochestarian?03:00
joe75i am :P03:00
MGMTjoe75: your only 10 hops from me03:00
morningIs Skype available in Saucy? (Running Saucy -- "Try Ubuntu" -- from a USB drive, it doesn't seem to be.)03:00
MGMTjoe75: used to live 2 miles from the mall, now i'm near park and oxford03:01
wilee-nileemorning, skype is a install.03:01
morningwilee-nilee: I understand that. I've added the "partner" repository, but Skype still doesn't show up.03:01
MGMTjoe75: you use linux for work?03:01
joe75i don't use linux at all anymore03:02
wilee-nileemorning, You check if they have a 13.10 release and if so run a update?03:02
reisiojoe75: came into some money :p03:02
Crazyzurferwilee-nilee: it worked :)03:03
beanmorning, adding a repository is not the same as installing a package :)03:03
wilee-nileeCrazyzurfer, Cool, enjoy.03:03
MGMTjoe75: what do you do?03:03
wilee-nileeno problem03:03
bazhang!ot | MGMT joe7503:04
ubottuMGMT joe75: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:04
morningThe latest Skype is 4.2.  From what I see on the net, it's supposed to work. But apt-get install skype gives "The following packages have unmet dependencies:03:04
MGMThey bazhang its not offtopic if its directed at one individual, calm down03:04
morning skype : Depends: skype-bin but it is not installable"03:04
topper4125morning: did you try: sudo apt-get -f install skype03:04
bazhangMGMT, sure it is. take it elsewhere. this channel is ubuntu support ONLY03:04
beanMGMT, it certaily is off topic03:05
MGMT!ot | bazhang03:05
ubottubazhang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:05
wilee-nileemorning, I believe you want to install the latest download from skype directly rather than a ppa's version.03:05
MGMTnow both of you are getting off topic03:05
morningtopper4125: Yes, but I still get that error message.03:05
zeifertopper4125, I'm not seeing any place to specifically create keyboard shortcuts like that response says. Little lost there.03:05
beanhaha, thx bazhang03:05
morningwilee-nilee: how do I do that?03:06
morningtopper4125: Included in error message: "unable to correct problems, you have held  broken packages"03:06
wilee-nileemorning, http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-linux/ take a look here.03:06
MGMT!ot | !ot | !ot03:06
ubottu!ot | !ot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:06
beanMGMT, now you're just being annoying03:06
topper4125morining: how about: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217333903:06
wilee-nileemorning, just use the 12.04 the release is not the issue it is nthe latest from them.03:07
MGMTOh, I'm sorry.  Do all tech people have a wedge up their butt?  Apparently not, cuz I dont03:07
morningwilee-nilee: Okay, I'll try that.03:07
Dr_WillisMGMT:  your actions show  otherwise..03:07
beanMGMT, you've been told that this is a support channel, but insist on talking about non-support things.03:08
MGMTDr_Willis: I was testing something03:08
bazhangMGMT, thats enough. take the chit chat elsewhere03:08
topper4125zeifer: Trying to remember exactly how I did get it (I know that's how I *solved* the problem in the end... but did a manual thing in terminal to 'originally' unmute it. I'll see if I can find it again03:08
zeifertopper4125, I'd appreciate that, thanks.03:08
morningwilee-nilee: That link gives me a i386 deb -- wrong architecture.03:10
Dr_Willistopper4125:  used alsamixer or alsactrl perhaps?03:10
topper4125ran amixer from terminal... found a channel that said auto-mute, 103:11
topper4125then found how to "0" it via google03:11
wilee-nileemorning, Does skype have a 64 bit for linux?03:12
zeiferInteresting development! Using the query commands for xfconf it says "Property "/active-card" does not exist on channel "xfce4-mixer". If a new property should be created, use the --create option.03:12
zeifer" Does that make sense?03:12
reisiowilee-nilee: does it matter?03:12
morningwilee-nilee: I think I read somewhere that it does but that it's really a 32-bit masquerading as 64.03:12
wilee-nileereisio, Does not to me I never use it.03:13
reisioor anyone else :p03:13
wilee-nileemorning, 13.04 is multiarch, I do not understand the issue.03:13
wilee-nileelike many others, lol03:14
morningI don't either. But I've found a page that talks about it and will try to follow the instructions. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Saucy_Internet#How_to_install_Skype_on_a_64-bit_system03:14
topper4125zeifer: on my system... it was pulse audio that was muted, went into the mixer>>Built in Audio Mixer (pulse Audio) and unmuted it from there.03:15
zeifertopper4125, Did you maybe use pavucontrol to unmute it?03:15
topper4125zeifer... ya I think that's it (the buffer on my terminal doesn't go back far enough to get the exact command03:16
zeiferOk, pavucontrol for me is unmuted as well.03:16
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zeiferWhen I plug in a headset, sound will work just fine. It's just the speakers onboard that are non-functional.03:17
jorenlSorry for dropping in with a question, but here it goes: This bug affects me (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1228352), the page lists that a fix has been published. How do I go about installing it?03:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 1228352 in Compiz 0.9.10 "[regression] Alt-Tab for all viewports will not switch viewports when selecting a window on another viewport" [High,Fix committed]03:17
zeiferIt still acts like it's playing.03:17
wilee-nileemorning, ah, I suspect that wget is the same package as the 12.04 download anyway, hope you get it working, I guess. There are other open source options, saucy maybe just a bit to fresh is all.03:17
topper4125zeifer: This is the blog that fixed my problem: http://grumbel.blogspot.com/2011/10/fixing-volume-control-in-xfce4.html03:17
zeiferk i'll look at it.03:17
Dr_WillisHmm. Just noticed in 13.10 the voume control applet in XFCE is not showing anything here. :) the laptops keyboard volume buttons work. but the control in the top panel is showing muted03:18
=== makimac_ is now known as makimac
topper4125on this on, it would mute the pulseaudio, then try to unmute via alsa (if that makes sense???)03:19
mih1406Hi, I have just installed Ubuntu Unity for the first time (I usually use GNOME version). My first issue is that I want to have "Shift+Alt" my shortcut to change keyboard layout.03:20
zeifertopper4125, How about if xfce4-mixer has empty entries? Like, xfconf-query -c xfce4-mixer -l returns no results. How can I create something that will work?03:20
AcidRain2012i just got 2 virii scripts, 1 shellcode payload, and a few binary's tatted on me03:20
AcidRain2012looks raw03:20
jorenl(...) the bug page says: "This bug was fixed in the package compiz - 1:0.9.10+13.10.20130927.1-0ubuntu1" So I'd like to somehow install that. Do I try to install from the saucy-proposed branch?03:21
reisioAcidRain2012: viruses, according to what?03:21
topper4125zeifer Don't think I have any idea how to resolve that one...03:21
wilee-nileemih1406, try the dash and the keyboard app.03:21
AcidRain2012reisio, they are just some early 2000 virus scripts03:21
zeiferNow that's a bummer. I feel we're narrowing down on the issue at hand, though.03:21
mih1406wilee-nilee: I tried that, but it does not accept my shortcuts.03:22
kaitrekis someone familiar with autofs in here? can someone explain what direct vs indirect access means?03:22
sec_anyone use nokia headphone. My nokia headphones will not work on my laptop unless i hold down a button. any tips to fix the problem?03:22
wilee-nileemih1406, unity is a bit funky there I believe, shatre with the channel what you have tried and your goals.03:23
jorenlany help on how I'd go about installing that released fix would be greatly appreciated! (it's a really frustrating bug, I also have to use saucy as my hardware is unsupported by older versions)03:23
waykool99on ubuntu studio v12.04 LTS 64 bit. in XINE listening (to Korn Live - Montreux 2004) wearing Plantronics Wireless USB headset. LEFT UP/DOWN buttons on Headset (normally) control Volume. Xfce GUI shows Volume up/down but NOT changing RealLife volume. Toolbar: is changing volume. what am i missing?03:24
wilee-nileewaykool99, This on a TV or something?03:25
waykool99on pc wearing Plantronics WIRELESS USB headset.03:25
Dr_Williswaykool99:  usb headphones with volume controls that adjust the volime on the pc?03:25
waykool99headset has UP/DOWN volume03:25
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, probably does not trigger the popup03:26
wilee-nileewaykool99, ment for you sorry Dr_Willis03:26
waykool99the Volume POPUP pops up on screen03:26
topper4125zeifer: Don't know if any of this will be of use but; https://bugs.launchpad.net/xfce4-volumed/+bug/97000903:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 970009 in xfce4-volumed "Volume and mute keys have no effect, but notification box does appear" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:26
reisioIME you can fix that by running alsamixer in a terminal03:26
reisiochanging volume & exiting03:27
reisiodon't ask me why03:27
wilee-nileeah not actually change the volume, he tmi for my feeble brain.03:27
waykool99using XINE. perhaps i'll try VLC or Totem movie player03:27
kaitrekis someone familiar with autofs in here? can someone explain what direct vs indirect access means?03:27
waykool99haven't toyed with Audacious since Windows 98 when it was called Winamp03:28
chris__wondering if anyone else is having same problem. updated to ubuntu studio 13.10 now all my games have a terrible stutter problem.. have tried all the prop. nvidia drivers..03:29
LuxuryModeNot sure if this question is appropriate her, but what's the right dir to place programs if i need a location where i have both read/write access?03:29
deckard_hello. Just upgraded and I am not able to install ia32-libs. Can anyone help?03:29
waykool99btw, v13.10 has IDJC installed on LIVE RUN DVD. almost had a heart attack and  died yesterday03:30
waykool99SHOULD SAY Ubuntu Studio  v13.10 has IDJC03:31
wilee-nilee!anybody | chris__03:31
ubottuchris__: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:31
waykool99assumed you tried  updates?03:31
babernathykaitrek: section 3.1.1 of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs03:32
waykool99perhaps try nvidia.com, look up your card model. see if nVidia's got Linux driver online03:32
duboneanyone here a libvirt wizard? I am not getting responses from their channel03:33
wilee-nileedubone, state the issue to the channel for help.03:34
chris__was running ubuntu studio 13.04 games ran great updated to 13.10 now every game i try stutters real bad. will run at 60 fps freeze for a few seconds.. run in fast forrward.. play for a few seconds then repeat. tried all the diffrent drivers. is this a kernal issue03:34
duboneHello All, I have a vm running Ubuntu from Ubuntu and it has been running fine for months until last night I rebooted the vm and it is now stuck on "Boot from (hd0,0) ext4 - Starting up ... Here is my libvirt.log http://pastebin.com/yArg0FaP03:34
waykool99since Linus Torvalds said "nVidia F*** YOU!" on conference video youtube, nVidia appears to be more "Linux Friendly"03:34
wilee-nilee!language | waykool99 not cool03:35
ubottuwaykool99 not cool: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:35
jorenlSomeone... Just the smallest indication as to how I'd go about installing the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1228352 would help me so much...03:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1228352 in Compiz 0.9.10 "[regression] Alt-Tab for all viewports will not switch viewports when selecting a window on another viewport" [High,Fix committed]03:35
jorenlThe bug is terribly frustrating.03:35
ubuntuaddicteddoes anyone know how to move my steam games to another drive/partition and if it would work if that drive/partition was an NFS share?03:35
Dr_Willisjorenl:  if its been committed - it should be coming out in the updates in the near future.03:35
wyldeLuxuryMode: you could use ~/bin/03:35
Dr_Willisi think it goes from committed -> released -> we get the fix03:36
LuxuryModewylde thanks. does the mv command create that dir if it doesnt exist?03:36
waykool99sorry. was referencing a video on youtube of  linus torvalds  1 hour 45 minute conference.03:36
chris__card is a 460 gtx it worked great with driver 304 on ubuntu 13.04 but not on ubuntu 13.1003:36
dubonewilee-nilee: posted. ... are you perhaps libvirt wizard?03:36
jorenlDr_Willis: it says Fix Released. So that means it should be available through the updates? :/03:36
wyldeLuxuryMode: probably not, just mkdir ~/bin03:36
wilee-nileedubone, I know nothing about it.03:36
Dr_Willisjorenl:  if not out now. in the near future is how i belive it happens03:37
Dr_Willisjorenl:  and with all the new release stuff. that maybe delayed a bit03:37
wilee-nileedubone, YOur link says paste has been removed03:37
wyldeLuxuryMode: you may need to logout/login for it to work though. If it wasn't there when you logged in it wouldn't have been added to your PATH03:37
LuxuryModei can just add it to my path though, right?03:38
jorenlDr_Willis: Thank you for the reply!03:38
dubonewilee-nilee: so it is ..  http://pastebin.com/EfpxKaLr03:38
dubonenew pastebin - Hello All, I have a vm running Ubuntu from Ubuntu and it has been running fine for months until last night I rebooted the vm and it is now stuck on "Boot from (hd0,0) ext4 - Starting up ... Here is my libvirt.log http://pastebin.com/EfpxKaLr03:39
wyldeLuxuryMode: it SHOULD get added to path if it's already there at login and your .profile has the appropriate lines. See http://askubuntu.com/questions/49784/how-is-bin-added-to-my-path03:39
LuxuryModeah cool, thanks wylde03:40
wyldeLuxuryMode: np03:40
deckard_Hello. I have a program that ran before upgrading. It needed ia32-libs, but now it wont work and i cant install ia32-libs03:40
dubonewilnee-nilee: I hope a fresh pair of eyes can see what is going on in the libvirt log!03:41
kaitreki need some help, we have a local machine hosting all user's accounts and we mount it on our cluster machines using autofs to /home folder, problem is there is 1 machine which has a local user /home/localuser, my problem is that autofs overwrites the directory access to /home when it's running such that /home/localuser doesn't show up, only the mounted user directory shows up, how can I have03:41
kaitrekthe localuser folder be inside /home as well as have autofs mount cluster's users03:41
wilee-nileedeckard_, its a multiarch now03:41
deckard_how do i make it work then?03:41
kaitrekright now we are using *   server:/home/&03:42
kaitrekThe asterisk (*) is used in place of the mount point and the ampersand (&) in place of the directory to be mounted.03:42
wilee-nileedeckard_, here is a deb, be sure you know what you are doing. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/i386/ia32-libs-multiarch/20090808ubuntu3603:43
kaitrekso when a user tries to access /home/user1, it requests the directory from server:/home/user103:43
zeiferOkay, so apparently xfce4 has absolutely no data in regards to sound at all. No xfce-volumed, no /active card nothing. It always mentions that I should use the "--create option" but there's no manpage for it.03:43
jribkaitrek: why not just put the local user's home outside of /home?03:43
deckard_since i do not know what i am doing, should i just reinstall using old Ubuntu that worked for me?03:43
morningwilee-nilee: Followed instructions & 32-bit Skype apparently installed, but doesn't seem to run.03:43
wilee-nileedeckard_, here is the source, I have no idea in this area is all. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+package/ia32-libs-multiarch03:43
Dr_Willis!info ia32-libs03:44
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in saucy03:44
deckard_not sure what to do with any of it, but ty03:44
ubuntuaddictedcurrently my steam games are located within ~/.local/share/Steam and I'd like to move it to another drive, possibly even an NFS share. does anyone know how to accomplish this?03:44
wilee-nileemorning, been a while since I used it so not sure really.03:44
Dr_Willishmm, no idea what 13.10 did with the ia32 stuff.03:44
jorenlDr_Willis: Checking saucy-proposed in my software sources, updating and rebooting fixed the problem entirely. I know there might be some bugs in there, but I'm experiencing so many bugs that seem to be realted to my hardware being new that I'm guessing installing "cutting edge" updates wouldnt hurt.03:44
subcoolubuntu is playing tricks on me. - i cant seem to rid myself of this bridged network. - i think i cleared the interfaces file neough, and i flushed eth0 and i restarted the network.03:45
wylde!find unionfs03:45
ubottuFound: unionfs-fuse03:45
Dr_Willisjorenl:  i find that hardw2are thats been out a few months (like 7 mo) is often the best to buy. :)03:45
morningwilee-nilee: Thank you nonetheless. I have to head off now anyway, so I'll puzzle over it again later. Thanks again.03:45
zeiferAnyone ever experience things like xfce-volumed missing from xfce4 settings?03:45
wylde!info unionfs-fuse | kaitrek: perhaps?03:45
ubottukaitrek: perhaps?: unionfs-fuse (source: unionfs-fuse): Fuse implementation of unionfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.24-2.2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 27 kB, installed size 92 kB (Only available for linux-any)03:45
James_EppIs there any way to specifically get the 12.04.2 iso images? I need to test something then compared to 12.04.303:46
jorenlDr_Willis, I think it's been out for a while - it's just a Lenovo Yoga Ideapad 13.  But I have to compile and install my wireless drivers every time the kernel updates which is kind of frustrating.03:46
kaitrekubottu and what does that do?03:46
ubottukaitrek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:46
kaitrekwylde and what is that for?03:46
subcoolJames_Epp, yeah, i do the samet hing often, just google it.03:47
wyldekaitrek: one can use it to "layer" multiple mount points into one.03:47
sam113101how do I make the caps lock key act as a second backspace key?03:47
James_Eppsubcool: /me curses myself03:47
deckard_hi again. If i install Ubuntu LTS, will it install ia32-libs and can i use XFCE with it?03:47
moppysam113101: xmodmap i think03:48
topper4125<-- only runs LTS with XFCE03:48
deckard_will the ia32-libs work with it? I only use Linux for a game03:49
wylde!info mhddfs | kaitrek: also a thought03:49
ubottukaitrek: also a thought: mhddfs (source: mhddfs): file system for unifying several mount points into one. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.39+nmu1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 24 kB, installed size 88 kB03:49
subcoolJames_Epp, yeah.. - i dont like 13. and kubuntu/ubuntu.org doesnt offer older version ont he page. So i google it. and there is an offical place to downlaod them.03:49
James_Eppsubcool: This, for my specific purpose: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.2/03:49
waykool99is it possible on ubuntu studio v12.04 LTS 64 bit, to change GUI from Xfce to Gnome 2?03:50
AdBlockerHey all.03:50
AdBlockerI really love the feal of ubuntu and was wondering if I could learn about customizing some aspects of Ubuntu. It is perfect in almost every way but one03:51
topper4125deckard_ did you look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198810003:51
charei need thermal grease for my cpu03:51
charewhat kind do i want?03:52
AdBlockerchare: bacon03:52
subcoolplease.. someone..03:52
subcoolim about to do something hasty, and utterly cleanse my interfaces file03:52
deckard_topper4125, ty, but i dont know how to install any of that. But ya ill try03:53
chareAdBlocker that doesn't help me03:53
AdBlockerchare: bacon grease03:53
James_Eppsubcool: Make a backup03:53
chare /ban AdBlocker03:53
AdBlockerchare: you haven't even tried it yet....03:54
AdBlockercould anyone help me with my problem?03:55
* AdBlocker /ban chare03:55
AdBlockerthanks troll03:55
FiremanEdAdblocker: Stop it please03:55
aaascan someone say my name 'aaas' so i can test my clcient?03:55
esdei mounted my goflex home using the mount command and now i am unable to unmount it. I tried umount -a and its saying the device is busy03:56
aaasthanks sam03:56
esdeahh it is,, nvm03:56
aaasduh...who would have thought the hightllight color is under 'highlight' ;)03:56
wyldechare: not really an ubuntu support question. I bet the guys in ##hardware would have some good recommendations.03:56
AdBlockerCan anyone help me with my problem with Ubuntu? It keeps slowing down when I do one thing03:57
sam113101moppy: is there another way? I swear I was able to do it from "system settings" in the previous release, now I can't find it03:57
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
esdebut i needed to unmount it because when i mounted it the first time it showed root as owner and i was unable to create directories. how do i properly add the share?03:58
esdedo i need to do something to the goflex home?03:58
apnesde, check what is using it using lsof03:59
Matthew_MooreCan somebody help? i am trying to install TeamVeiwer and i get  an error.   Dependency is not satisfiable: lib32asound2    how do i fix it?03:59
esdei got that sorted, the issue now is creating directoris on the share03:59
kaitrekis # a comment in /etc/passwd?04:00
kaitrekis there a way to concatenate another passwd file to /etc/passwd, BUT to maintain 2 files separately? I have a list of users that I want to keep in a separate file04:01
sam113101Matthew_Moore: are you using a 32-bit ubuntu or 64-bit?04:01
Matthew_Mooresam113101:    64bit04:02
sam113101Matthew_Moore: you should download a 64-bit teamviewer then04:02
Matthew_Moorei did.  it is a 64 bit TeamVeiwer.deb04:03
sam113101Matthew_Moore: try "sudo apt-get install libasound2"04:03
Ari-Yangzeifer: any luck on audio?04:04
Matthew_MooreUnable to locate package lib32asound204:04
sam113101no 3204:04
zeiferAri-Yang, not yet other than noticing that xfce4-volumed is missing from xfconf settings.04:04
Matthew_Mooreit says    libasound2 is already the newest version04:05
zeiferAri-Yang, and /active card is apparently empty. Mentions the --create option and has no manpage.04:05
zeiferI'm going to relocate with this lappy, though, I'll brb. Lappy might go to sleep during this move.04:06
Ari-Yangzeifer: okay, good luck, afk04:06
sam113101Matthew_Moore: which ubuntu are you using?04:07
Matthew_MooreUbuntu 13.1004:07
ryan_turner|MTWIs 13.10 out now?04:07
codephobicjust wanted to let people know that the virtualhost issue I had earlier is solved04:07
sam113101ryan_turner|MTW: yes04:07
ryan_turner|MTWsam113101, can I upgrade via software updater?04:07
LuxuryModewhats up with this? i move something to /home/bin and then its gone… http://pastie.org/841108304:07
sam113101I think yes04:07
codephobicI looked into the error codes with Apache, turned out Apache 2.4 changed the authentication/authorization method drastically.04:08
codephobicsetting changes are necessary in order for sites to carry on working from 2.2 to 2.404:08
wyldeLuxuryMode: shouldn't that be /home/USER/bin04:08
AdBlockercan anyone help me with my ubuntu computer?04:08
AdBlockerits acting slow04:08
codephobicI found the solution by following the info here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html#run-time04:08
AdBlockerbut only when i do one thing04:09
codephobichope that helps somebody.04:09
AdBlockerits really weird04:09
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subcoolJames_Epp, i have a backup- but... i dont want to simply erase it all either. because even then it wont auto populate with the information i need04:10
James_Eppsubcool: I can't help you specifically with network stuff in ubuntu, as I have no experience. Just wanted to make sure you don't go too crazy before messing around with delicate things :)04:10
stritUpgraded to 13.10 yesterday on my desktop and I get a black screen (nvidia graphics). Pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 only gives me a blinking cursor, no text indicating I'm in TTY and I can't type anything there either. If I boot with nomodeset I can login, but can't type with my keyboard, although keybaord shortcuts work fine. Any ideas? :)04:11
sam113101Matthew_Moore: still there?04:12
HateYoFacehow goes it guys04:13
sam113101Matthew_Moore: go to "software & updates", in the "other software" tab and make sure both canonical partners are checked04:13
Matthew_Mooreok canonical partners are not checked.       Trying it now04:15
wilee-nileesam113101, one is the source they are the same.04:15
MacFananybody here run ubuntu on a G5 powermac?04:15
reisioMacFan: probably someone04:15
klyncwhen I setup tagging, i say "iface eth0.1 auto" and it comes up, but eth0 comes up with it, and gets a dhcp lease (from the native-vlan-id), which I want to avoid. is there a way to keep eth0 down while eth0.1 stays up?04:15
Dr_WillisMacFan:  that a PPC cpu?04:15
sam113101then you should do "sudo apt-get update"04:15
sam113101and try to install teamviewer again04:15
sam113101wilee-nilee: source as in source cod, instead of binaries?04:16
Dr_WillisMacFan:  i think theres still a very few here and there that do. ;)04:16
Dr_WillisMacFan:  or have in the past. ask the actual question and see04:16
Matthew_Mooresam113101:  didn't work. same error.04:16
wilee-nileesam113101, source of the downloads is all I know not separate partners per-say, no biggie.04:16
sam113101do "sudo apt-get install lib32asound2"04:17
MacFanI downloaded the cd iso from ubunto site, I think its 12.04 version, and booted the g5 on it. It seems to boot fine, until it detects the wireless networking, then it crashes and freezes up, saying missing driver. I have no idea how to add the driver to the boot cd, can I boot the system and somehow bypass that wireless detection? I just want to see how that computer runs it.04:17
reisioMacFan: can you try a more recent version?04:18
lotuspsychjeany other reccomended emailclients for pgp keys then thunderbird?04:18
MacFanaccording to what I read online, no version has the wireless drivers, its for a broadcom 43xx04:18
MacFanbecause its a firmware thing04:18
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:18
sam113101Matthew_Moore: now?04:18
Dr_Willisit has trhe drivers but not the firmware i imagine04:18
Matthew_Moorestill not working.04:19
MacFanwell, I don't have any linux systems, and don't know how to add in the missing firmware to the cdrom. I was thinking of running the g5 on ubuntu, wanted to try it out.04:19
reisioMacFan: right, but wireless drivers shouldn't make the OS crash04:19
reisiohence try another version04:19
Dr_WillisMacFan:  you wont be adding stuff to the cdrom. thats not how it works04:19
sam113101Matthew_Moore: did you do "sudo apt-get install lib32asound2"?04:19
sam113101what's the error you're getting, now?04:20
MacFanok, I'll download a newer iso04:20
Matthew_Mooresam113101:  yes.  getting the same errors04:20
Dr_WillisMacFan:  and veryify the md5sum of the iso after downloading it04:21
sam113101Matthew_Moore: which one?04:21
rOObhello all. Anyone using ubuntu with full disk encryption? I would like to use ubuntu on my laptop and I need FDE....but I also need things like sleep/hibernate to work. In the past linux has been horrible with sleep/hibernate...especially with FDE. Can anyone say they use it reliably?04:21
MacFanI'm sure the g5 can handle unbuntu, its quad core 2.5ghz, 16gig ram, ssd, and geforce 7800gt04:21
Matthew_Moorewhen i try to install the .DEB i get the dependaci not satisfiable.  when i  try to sudo apt-get  it  it  sames unable to locate.04:21
Dr_WillisMacFan:  err.. you said it was a PPC cpu earlier. :) guess that was not right04:22
sam113101yes but what's missing?04:22
lotuspsychje!encryption | rOOb04:22
Matthew_Mooresorry for the typos04:22
ubotturOOb: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory04:22
MacFanit is a quad g5 ppc mac04:22
sam113101I want the exact error message04:22
Matthew_Moorelib32asound2  i assume.04:22
Dr_WillisMacFan:  you did get the PPC iso file?04:22
esdei cannot copy out of keepass on ubuntu 12.04, ive install xsel and mono-complere04:22
rOOblotuspsychje Yea. I know how...and I was going for FDE with something like LUKS.04:22
sam113101did you install lib32asound2 successfully?04:22
rOObBut thanks04:22
MacFanyes, it boots up to the part where its detecting all the hardware04:22
sam113101what did it say when you tried to install it04:23
MacFanbut freezes up after the missing driver error for the b4304:23
Dr_WillisMacFan:  there is a ppc forum i recall. but i gave up on ppc linux ages ago.04:23
Matthew_MooreNo.    No success yet.04:23
MacFanyeah, its old stuff, but still fun  :)04:23
apnMacFan, disable the module in grub, and install broadcom-sta04:23
sam113101I'm going to check if that's the actual name of the package04:23
MacFanapn, ubuntu is not installed, its just booting off the cdrom04:24
apnMacFan, certain kernels caused b43 to crash. Most notably the whole 3.10 series.04:24
MacFanok, so a newer version might fix that?04:24
esdeim trying to copy my passwords out but it wont let me04:24
apnMacFan, yes, 3.11 is good.04:24
MacFanthe newest version listed here is 12.1004:25
Dr_WillisMacFan:  with the newer ubuntu releases wanting PAE enabled cpus i was just wonderinf if there was anything newer then 12.10 for ppc04:26
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ04:26
subcoolDr_Willis, your knowledgable. - how do i purge/reset my network config04:26
subcooli need it back to stock.04:27
MacFanwillis, the g5 is 64bit cpu, has 16gig ram in it now04:27
MacFanso it has to have pae04:27
Dr_WillisMacFan:  no idea. I dumped my iMAC dv and havent looked back04:27
Dr_Williscould be the PPC community have given up on making newre reelases also04:28
Dr_Willissubcool:  cant say ive ever messed with it. You did check askubuntu.com ? theres some files in /etc/network/04:29
kaitrekwhat do I need to do for passwd changes to take effect?04:29
apnMacFan, you can still install it, with b43 disabled. Use wired for connection. Afterwards, you can either a) compile your kernel yourself b) use broadcom-sta and keep b43 blacklisted.04:29
MacFanI"m downloading 12.10 now04:29
MacFandon't know any newer version04:30
MacFangetting the 'desktop cd'04:30
reisiokaitrek: change the passwd04:30
subcoolyeah, all of them are setup to have a bridged network or something.04:30
MacFanso is the proper thing that should happen, is when it gets to b43 and has no driver, it just keeps booting?04:30
Dr_Willissubcool:  bridged? You been playing with virtualbox/vmware or somthing?04:31
apnMacFan, *should. if not, blacklist it.04:31
subcoolDr_Willis, yep. lol04:31
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reisioMacFan: since networking isn't essential to the OS, yup04:31
reisioand not even essential to installing04:31
MacFanok, thanks apn, I don't know how to blacklist anything, I'm total noob at linux, but I'll try 12.10 and see if it works04:31
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Dr_Willissubcool:  cant say ive eer had  vbox goof things up. ;) but i only use the most basic features of it04:32
reisioMacFan: or 13.0404:32
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MacFanI dont' see ppc version of 13.04 anywhere04:32
subcoolDr_Willis, i have vbox, and FreeNAS - but.. the bridge is messing things up04:32
Dr_WillisMacFan:  you might want to find a disrto that focuses more on ppc development.  Ubuntu dosent really give it  a lot of support04:32
kaitreki modified /etc/group but the folder still doesn't show the proper group name with ls04:32
MacFanthe only others I know, are yellowdog, which people say is very outdated, and debian04:33
YowlSomeone said that when you do a file search on your PC with unity, it shares this information with amazon, any truth to this?04:33
Dr_Willisi dont even know what disrtos do focus on ppc any more.04:33
Dr_Willisdebian would be the top choice i imagine04:33
Dr_WillisYowl:  its documetned at all the blog sites and other places. it sends anoymous info.04:33
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
Dr_WillisYowl:  and it can be disabled. the webupd8 and omgubuntu site have info on disableing it in 13.10 and earlier releases04:34
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ04:34
Dr_Willis13.10 changes a lot of the stuff. so old guides may not apply to 13.1004:34
YowlDr_Willis: What is the purpose of this, and is this sharing specific to the DE unity?04:35
Dr_WillisYowl:  its a feature of the unity search stuff.04:35
Dr_WillisYowl:  I can search askubuntu.com or other sites without ever leaveing unity04:35
reisioMacFan: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/13.04/release/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-powerpc.iso04:35
Dr_Willisthers  like 100+ search lens in the 13.10 released04:35
Dr_Williseach can be turned on/off as needed.04:36
YowlDr_Willis: So not present in the other DEs?04:36
ssj5gokuinstalled ubuntu just now and cant install any apps.....it doesnt show the install button and only shows more info....pls help04:36
Dr_WillisYowl:  its a unity feature04:36
mih1406why there is no calendar on Ubuntu?04:36
wilee-nileessj5goku, you reboot to the install?04:36
cfhowlettmih1406, because you didn't install one?04:37
Dr_Willisi thought you clicked on the clock and got a calander04:37
Dr_Willisclick clock calander ;)04:38
ObrienDaveYowl... Xubuntu has unity-scope-home instead04:38
mih1406cfhowlett: You are right!! That was a puzzle to entertain #Ubuntu chatter.04:38
ssj5gokuwilee-nilee: i dont understand .....a ctually i have been facing a lot of problems installing ubuntu and was getting a lot of internet connectivity problems and so i installed windows and ubuntu again and now this...04:38
Dr_WillisObrienDave:  cant say ive noticed it in xubuntu. but may be its just so transparent  i dont see it; )04:38
ObrienDaveI never paid any attention either :)04:39
YowlDr_Willis: Was it well announced about this when it came out?04:39
Dr_Willis!info unity-scope-home04:39
ubottuunity-scope-home (source: unity-scope-home): Home scope that aggregates results from multiple scopes. In component main, is optional. Version 6.8.2+13.10.20131003-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 100 kB, installed size 327 kB04:39
wilee-nileessj5goku, You have yet to make any clear description of the issue.04:39
sam113101you guys broke youtube04:39
sam113101I can't believe it04:39
Dr_WillisYowl:  there was a Huge amount of discussuin about the amazon shopping lens when it came out.04:39
Dr_Willisthe whole lens/scope stuff was a major feature/innovation of unity04:40
mih1406Which calendar is integrated with Unity (other than Evolution)?04:40
Dr_Willisthen like a year (8 mo?) after it came out.. some people started ranting about it being secret and stuff.. even tho it was rather well documented04:40
ObrienDavesam113101... dang, one of the important things in life .....04:41
wilee-nileeno NSA lens, shucks. ;)04:41
sam113101I'm not kidding04:41
Dr_Willisi used to use the askubuntu.com lens all the time. but now its built in04:41
wilee-nilee!ot | ssj5goku,04:41
ubottussj5goku,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:41
sam1131014 minutes video plays in 30 seconds, full speed04:41
sam113101and no sound04:41
ubottusam113101,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:41
ObrienDavesam113101... yes, I do believe you're not kidding04:42
mih1406Which calendar is integrated with Unity (other than Evolution)?04:42
sam113101rhythmbox is also playing at full speed, no sound04:43
sam113101what the hell is going on04:43
YowlDr_Willis: How is that a improvement on the search bar for firefox?04:43
topper4125wilee-nilee: NSA needs no lens, they have FB, Google, and Youtube TOS fine print... much more accurate04:43
Dr_WillisYowl:  you dont need a browser open.04:43
ObrienDavesam113101... it's the new time warp feature. Like it?04:43
Dr_WillisYowl:  and you can easially select the lens you want to use04:43
sam113101cfhowlett: what kind of details can I give, lol04:43
YowlDr_Willis: How can it display internet results without a browser?04:43
sam113101not sure I can view videos before they are downloaded04:43
Dr_WillisYowl:   you dont need a browser to get stuff from the web.04:44
Dr_WillisYowl:  go use the feature for a while and see04:44
ntzrmtthihu777anyone here have a grub menu with submenus I can use as an example?04:44
Dr_Willisntzrmtthihu777:  the default grub.cfg for my systems have older kernels in a sub menu by default04:45
esdeCan someone give me a hand with copy passwords out of keepass? Google is turning up nothing..04:45
ObrienDaventzrmtthihu777... grub customizer will allow you to create submenus in grub04:45
ntzrmtthihu777ObrienDave: not useing *buntu, and I'm writing this by hand.04:45
ntzrmtthihu777Dr_Willis: would you mind pastebining it for me?04:45
ssj5gokuwilee-nilee:  ok now its just updating to 13.10.... will it be ok after updating???04:45
Dr_Willisntzrmtthihu777:  not sure if this netbook has any. ;) let me pastebin it04:46
sam113101wow man04:46
beanntzrmtthihu777, this is an ubuntu support channel, btw.04:46
sam113101I've never seen a release that has this many bugs04:46
Romanceso how good is 13.1004:47
ntzrmtthihu777bean: I'm aware. Its just the only distro I have familiar with that uses submenus and I figured at least someone here would have what I needed.04:47
wilee-nileessj5goku, will what be okay, you need to give details.04:47
Dr_Willisntzrmtthihu777:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6254997/04:47
sam113101Romance: not good04:47
Dr_Willissam113101:  cant say ive seen any of the issues04:47
ssj5gokuwilee-nilee: ok what type of details do you want...pls tell me...04:47
Dr_WillisRomance:  works well for many people so far it seems.04:47
Romancei will try it tonight04:47
ObrienDavepebcak ;)04:47
sam113101Dr_Willis: I've had many issues so far04:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1241252 in compiz (Ubuntu) "the top menu bar is black although the Radiance theme is in use" [Undecided,New]04:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1241258 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "wallpaper doesn't span across multiple monitors, white background shows instead" [Undecided,New]04:48
wilee-nilee!details | ssj5goku to the channel not me.04:48
ubottussj5goku to the channel not me.: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:48
topper4125I only go from LTS to LTS... I'm good till 201704:48
YowlDr_Willis: How about zeitgeist, is that unity only? Is that disableable? What is it's point?04:48
Dr_Willisusing xubuntu here on my netbook in 13.1004:48
sam113101two of them04:48
sam113101the major ones, you know04:49
ObrienDavepebcak ;)04:49
Renacan the standard install ISO do encrypted disks or do I need the alternate04:49
Dr_WillisYowl:  read up on it on its homepage/wiki page..  Its not unity only as far as i know.   and yes. the blog sites i mentioned earlier mention how to disable it if you really want to.04:49
wilee-nilee!details | ssj5goku04:49
ubottussj5goku: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:49
cfhowletttopper4125, indeed.  plus now the interim releases are on 6 month support cycles, LTS is looking REALLY good.  Interim releases are for the beta testers, in effect04:49
ntzrmtthihu777Dr_Willis: exactly what I need, thank you.04:49
ssj5gokuyaa sorry but now i checked its working fine.....04:50
Dr_Willisntzrmtthihu777:  thats from a pc thats been release updated seeral times. :) with like 20 kernels. ;)04:50
topper4125Pretty much how I feel about it too cfhowlett ;)04:50
wilee-nileessj5goku, to the channel not me, however without fixing what they were you are now doing doing distro upgrade04:50
wilee-nileessj5goku, Did you not run a update in the install before trying to do installs?04:50
ObrienDaveRena... yes, the standard can do an encrypted home directory04:51
Renabut can it do the full disk encryption04:51
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YowlDr_Willis: Is zeitgeist installed by default in ubuntu and xubuntu?04:51
wilee-nileessj5goku, In linux after a install you have to run a update to get the repos synced with the instal.04:52
ObrienDaveRena... sorry, that I don't know.04:53
topper4125I do tend to grab the newest wallpapers though... always like those...04:53
Dr_WillisYowl:  ubuntu defainatly. no idea on xubuntu04:54
ssj5gokuok thanks for the heads up.... actually i m new to ubuntu and i dont know anything ...04:54
YowlDr_Willis: Is it part of the unity DE? Or even if I switch DEs it will still be up and running unless disabled?04:55
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irrelev4nthi all. does anybody here use Ubuntu and Win8 in a dual boot with SecureBoot enabled? I could use some help, please.04:55
Dr_WillisYowl:  cant say ive ever noticed.  Unity uses it. it dosent require unity i belive04:55
ntzrmtthihu777Yowl: some things depend on it, but you can tweak the debs to remove that04:55
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
Dr_WillisYowl:  why are you even worried about it? you dident even seem to know what it does earlier.04:56
Ari-Yangzeifer: did you ever see how video game performance is?04:56
zeiferno games downloaded yet.04:56
Yowlntzrmtthihu777: You mean unity things, What is it's purpose? I keep on reading a general description of it recording and making associations, but not of its purpose04:56
zeiferStill trying to get audio to cooperate04:56
sam113101I hate ubuntu 13.1004:56
Dr_WillisYowl:  it shows me what recent files ive used and how much time spent doing stuff to them04:56
YowlDr_Willis: Why do you think something unknown should be worried about the least? Sounds like head in sand logic04:56
YowlDr_Willis: What use is that?04:57
beanYowl, why not google instead of playing 20 questions?04:57
Dr_WillisYowl:  if the boss asks how long you have been working on a word processing doc...04:57
beanthis is a support channel04:57
beannot a 20 questions channel04:57
Yowlbean: Because I did google first04:57
Dr_Willisbean:  yep.. good answer04:57
kaitreki have a problem, my NFS mount is showing 65534 user and group ID, why?04:57
Yowlbean: Well actually I duckduckgo.com first, but whatever04:58
kaitrekit's supposed to be something like 400:20004:58
bean!ot | Yowl04:58
ubottuYowl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:58
ntzrmtthihu777Yowl: its purpose is to index your actions for better or worse and eat process space :P04:58
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:58
Dr_WillisIn the context of Ubuntu, it is a software package that remembers your activities to try and assist in narrowing down what you want to do without having to tell the computer as explicitly.04:58
YowlDr_Willis: Ok that's a bit more specific, but could I please get a working example?04:59
Dr_WillisYowl:  nope.. go read the url04:59
sam113101now the clock has disappeared04:59
zeiferI'll be right back, Ari-Yang . Seems I wasn't added to group audio either.04:59
ntzrmtthihu777Yowl: it remembers what you type in the dash and such.04:59
YowlDr_Willis: I did read it I said04:59
Dr_Willisi mentioned word processing a doc and the boss asking for your time spent04:59
ubottusam113101,: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:59
mih1406Ubuntu 13.10 missing Eclipse IDS update!!04:59
Yowlntzrmtthihu777: What purpose does it serve, other then being able to rat you out to your boss?04:59
MacFanI just tried lubuntu 12.10, and it didn't freeze up on the b43 driver, it finished booting and stopped at a command prompt, is there something I have to type to start some sort of gui?05:00
mih1406Ubuntu 13.10 missing Eclipse IDE update!!05:00
Dr_Willisand this is where everyone starts ignoreing...05:00
ubuntuaddicteddoes anyone know how to move the steam games to another location than ~/.local/share/Steam?05:00
Ari-YangMacFan: run startx ?05:00
ubuntuaddictedand would NFS over 100Mbit be fast enough?05:00
ntzrmtthihu777Yowl: not much. it irked me so I ripped it out by the roots XD05:00
MacFanok, thx, I'm totally new to this.  :)05:00
BuzZBladEubuntuaddicted, symlinks ?05:00
cfhowlettubuntuaddicted, steam has a games backup function.  backup it up, move it?05:00
Dr_Willisubuntuaddicted:  use a soft link, would be one way05:00
Ari-YangMacFan: but you shouldn't have to....05:00
sam113101Ubuntu — restart your computer until it works correctly05:01
jetsaredimanyone know what happened with ia32-libs?05:01
ntzrmtthihu777mih1406: yep. you're better off installing it yourself from the eclipse site's tarball05:01
topper4125Type 'cal' in seach.... if you click CALculator more times than CALendar, it'll eventually put the calculator icon first in the results (unless your name is calven.. then your home folder will reign supreme now matter what)05:01
sprity100mbit are ondly ~11-12 mb/s05:01
sprityreally slow for loading games05:01
mih1406ntzrmtthihu777, is there a reason behind that?05:02
ubuntuaddictedsprity, ok. what about a USB2.0 external hard drive formatted as ext4?05:02
ntzrmtthihu777mih1406: ubuntu usually doesn't have cutting edge stuff without ppa's and such.05:02
Dr_Willisubuntuaddicted:  you could mount the hd to whever you want. or use soft links05:02
sprityubntuaddicted: would be much faster :-)05:02
BuzZBladEubuntuaddicted, ln –s file/folder_path link_path05:03
Dr_Willisi never give ln -s examples, i always get them backwards05:03
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ubuntuaddictedare you guys stating this from experience or just what you found. cause i've seen some say symlink works and others say no05:03
irrelev4ntis anyone here knowledgeable about Ubuntu & SecureBoot?05:04
sprityubuntuaddicted: USB2.0 can do 480 Mbit/s = ~ 60 mb/s05:04
Dr_Willisubuntuaddicted:  i see no reason why they wouldent work  if its on a properly setup external disk05:04
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Dr_Willisubuntuaddicted:  dont expect fast load times05:04
ObrienDaveubuntuaddicted... probably like anything else, some like, some don't. go figure05:04
BuzZBladEive used symlinks for years, if done correctly both folder locations would appear identicial05:04
ntzrmtthihu777!ask | irrelev4nt05:05
ubottuirrelev4nt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:05
Dr_Willisyou could put your whole home on the external USB if you wanted05:05
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topper4125... do'able... yes... recomended... doubtful :)05:06
ubuntuaddictedok, so i would just make sure steam is closed, then move the ~/.local/share/Steam folder to my external USB disk and then create a symlink like ln -s ~/.local/share/Steam /media/external/usb/disk/steam  and then fire up steam and it should see everything and also install new games to the external disk>05:07
irrelev4ntI have Ubuntu on a Surface Pro, I need SecureBoot enabled. Boot-Repair enabled UEFI but I can't boot, though.05:07
irrelev4ntAny ideas where I can look for troubleshooting?05:07
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:07
Dr_Willisubuntuaddicted:  make sure your user has full rights to the device.  and  you may want to make a fstab entry for the drive so its mounted at boot time05:07
MacFanI guess that 12.10 doesn't work so well on the mac after all, it says kernel 3.5.0 17 powerpc64 smp, but when I type startx, it quits, saying fatal error no screens found05:08
ubuntuaddictedDr_Willis, indeed, thanks guys05:08
irrelev4nttopper4125: I followed that guide to the letter but it still does not work. That's exactly why I am asking here05:08
ObrienDaveanother happy customer ;)05:08
Ari-YangMacFan: it's not that 12.10 doesn't work "well on the mac"... it's that installation of 12.10 is fail05:09
sam113101I'm pissed05:09
Ari-Yangsam113101: aren't we all?05:09
MacFanok, is just the bootable cdrom, its not installed05:09
Ari-YangMacFan: wait, did you just install 12.10?05:10
cfhowlettsam113101, we know.  and?  if you want actual support, past the requested details.  or rant elsewhre.05:10
MacFanjust booted off the cd05:10
Ari-YangMacFan: so you were attempting to install it?05:10
sam113101as I said, I can't watch videos, they play too fast and they don't have sound05:10
sam113101that's all I can say05:10
cfhowlettirrelev4nt, there are multiple guides to installing on a surface pro.05:10
MacFanno, I wanted to boot from the cd, hopefully with the gui, so I could get a feel for ubuntu, and learn a little about it05:10
ubottusam113101,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:10
beanMacFan, and on a PPC mac? I'd recommend a better supported PPC distro than ubuntu tbh05:10
sam113101obviously I have other issues, but that's the most important one05:10
Ari-YangMacFan: ah I see05:11
sam113101cfhowlett: what kind of details?05:11
ObrienDavepebcak ;)05:11
cfhowlettsam113101, read05:11
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:11
irrelev4ntcfhowlett: but all of them disable SecureBoot which I can't for my reasons ...05:11
sam113101I'm running ubuntu 13.1005:11
MacFanbean, I looked up debian ppc, and can't find an iso to download, online there are many complaints about yellowdog, so ubuntu was my only other choice05:11
sam113101I expect videos to play at normal speed, and have sound05:11
Ari-Yangsam113101: what video player are you using?05:11
Ari-Yangsam113101: is this a laptop or desktop? what video card does it have?05:12
MacFanalso want to thank you guys for the advice and trying to help out, your great.05:12
sam113101Ari-Yang: totem and youtube05:12
cfhowlettirrelev4nt, ah.  ok.  if there's a guide on the !touch page, I'd run with that.  if not, I'd suggest this might not be doable as yet.05:12
topper4125sam113101 local videos? Youtube? HardDrive? Optical Drive?? Details.05:12
sam113101happens on both05:12
kaitreki have a problem, my NFS mount is showing 65534 user and group ID, why?05:12
Ari-Yangsam113101: lol totem use mplayer or better yet mpv05:12
sam113101also the sound is sped up on rhythmbox05:12
irrelev4ntcfhowlett: what's the !touch page? Sorry, I am new to IRC05:13
Ari-Yangsam113101: maybe you're missing codecs or something05:13
ubottuirrelev4nt,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:13
sam113101it's not a player problem05:13
cfhowlettsam113101, try this in  a terminal:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:13
Ari-Yangyou may need to install something05:13
cfhowlettsam113101, without the codecs, your media could do exactly as you've described05:14
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ObrienDaveit worked before, it's not working after the upgrade. it couldn't possibly be a codec problem ;)05:14
sam113101ObrienDave: I don't upgrade from the software updater, when I do it breaks everything05:15
sam113101so I reinstall everything05:15
sam113101every 6 months05:15
cfhowlettsam113101, unless you actually need the latest OS, I'd suggest you look at the LTS version; 5 year support05:16
sam113101brb, restarting my computer05:17
ObrienDavethat'll fix it05:17
sam113101it's like rolling a dice05:17
sam113101you never know05:17
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sam113101one less issue05:19
sam113101thank you whoever it was05:19
sam113101ready for another issue?05:19
ObrienDavepebcak ;)05:20
sam113101I had some keyboard mappings with xmodmap05:21
sam113101they stopped working when I updated to 13.1005:21
cheesecakesgood morning (UGT)05:21
cheesecakescan someone tell me what does ubuntu use for mounting mtp devices?05:21
cheesecakesi am suspecting gvfs-mtp but i'm not sure05:22
sam113101hoping to hear from you again, your dearest friend, sam11310105:24
wilee-nileecheesecakes, which release, and why?05:25
cheesecakeswilee-nilee: the reason is kind of strange05:25
cheesecakesok here it is05:25
cheesecakesit works perfectly with my cell phone and i want to implement the same functionality on my arch05:26
Dr_Willischeesecakes:  i think its gvfs-mtp also. but mtp is sort of a work in progress it seems. ;) i rarely find it works for more then just simple copying05:26
cheesecakesDr_Willis: i see05:26
Dr_Willischeesecakes:  i rarely find or hear of it 'working perfectly' ;) and there was an omgubuntu/webupd8 blog posting or 2 on setting it up on older ubuntus05:26
cheesecakesbut ubuntu has great support for my device atleast05:26
Dr_Willisthose guides may have info for other disrtos05:27
cheesecakesi run 13.x05:27
cheesecakesit works great under ubuntu05:27
Dr_Willis13.10  here.  i can mount my phone and copy/move files.. but for example video files will NOT play directly from the phone, or audio05:27
Dr_Willisall i can do is copy/move files05:27
cheesecakesDr_Willis: oh i see05:27
cheesecakeslet me try and copy/move files05:27
Dr_Willisi dont even get previews05:27
Dr_WillisI find it MUCH easier to just use airdroid on my android devices05:28
cfhowlettwhat he said05:28
cheesecakesok copy works05:28
Dr_Willisairdroid is a must have even if you use MTP05:28
Dr_Willischeesecakes:  where were you doing that you said it 'worked perfectly' ? ;)05:28
cheesecakesDr_Willis: thanks, i was trying to play files and it wasnt working so i assumed the worst05:28
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cheesecakesDr_Willis: no no i can play stuff from my ubuntu install perfectly05:29
Dr_Willischeesecakes:  playing files - dont work.  at all as far as i know. seen others ask it in here also05:29
ObrienDaveMTP did not preserve file name for me. how about now?05:29
cheesecakesor maybe i havent tried it and assumed it works05:29
cheesecakescopy/move is all i need tho05:29
Dr_Willisof coruse if you want to play files.. set up a upnp/dlna server on the phone ;)05:29
Dr_Willisairdroid  lets you send sms and other things to the phone from the pc ;05:30
cheesecakesDr_Willis: thanks, if it werent for you i wouldn't have tried to cp, i was stuck at cat05:30
cheesecakesDr_Willis: i have it installed, i also have webkey05:30
cheesecakeswhich is more awesome05:30
Dr_WillisIve not used webkey in ages.05:30
Dr_Willismy current phone is not rooted ;)05:31
cheesecakesahh i see05:31
Dr_Willisand every update to my tablet keeps unrooting it. :P05:31
Dr_Willissilly tablet05:31
cheesecakesDr_Willis: get off your lazy ass and root it05:31
Dr_Willisthere was some bug in the one-click-unrooter i was using the other week. not tried it lately05:31
Dr_Willisand not even really needing root on it ;)05:31
Dr_Williswell bbl..05:32
cheesecakeswhat device do you use?05:32
cheesecakesok ok05:32
Dr_Willisnexus 7 ;)05:32
Dr_Willisand no im not putting touch on it. :)05:32
cheesecakesahh i use a sony xperia L05:32
topper4125<-- changes ring tone on Nexus 7 to "Can't touch this"05:34
cheesecakesif i had a nexus 7 it would def be running ubuntu05:36
zatohola,como dejo libre office en español en ubuntu 13.10?05:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:36
Kuroshitahey all, I'm just wodering if there have been any reports/studies done to show that Ubuntu doesn't "phone home" when you do dash searches AFTER the smart scopes are disabled?05:40
andrywireshark it :P05:40
topper4125I always install from : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD then build it to taste... I know exactly what my machine does and when05:41
KuroshitaThanks andry, good thinking, brain is frazzled today05:42
delhiveryHi, one of my usb ports on all my eeePCs don't work, how can I resolve this/05:43
Dr_Willisdelhivery:  what specifc make?05:44
Dr_Willisboth mine seem to nbe working here05:44
delhiveryDr_Willis: 1015e05:44
Dr_Willisyep. both ports work.  on  1001pxd here05:45
Dr_Willisusing 13.10 ;)05:45
topper4125eee's only have 2?05:46
delhiverytopper4125: mine have 3, one usb2 and the usb3 works, the second usb2 doesn't05:53
topper4125ah... Im on an aspire one netbook 3 on this machine too. all work on it.05:54
bray90820How well does the ubuntu desktop work with a touch screen05:56
topper4125but I also don't run 13.10, I'm running Mini LTS on this one.05:56
xor__Has anyone noticed image tearing watching videos with ubuntu Gnome 13.10?05:57
andryxor__, intel graphic?05:57
xor__andry, no, nvidia.05:57
xor__I tried changing the settings in /etc/environment like I did for the previous version with little success.05:58
andryintel has the tear-free option, maybe nvidia has this too05:58
andry(for X)05:58
xor__I say little because the tearing decreased, but it's still there. I didn't have this problem with 13.4.05:58
andryhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1687207 see this05:58
xor__I'll look up that option. thanks andry.05:59
zeiferI guess Ari isn't here now. Bummer, I was going to let them know that Big Picture works alright. Still having audio issues, though.05:59
xor__The forum link isn't relevant, Ubuntu Gnome uses mutter not compiz.06:00
andryoops sorry, it is pretty old, sorry06:02
andryare you using nvidia or nouveau as driver?06:03
xor__andry, proprietary driver. I think I found the problem: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66912206:05
ubottuGnome bug 669122 in general "Clipped redraws and tearing" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]06:05
tomlikestorockI have two hard drives in my system - the first is ubuntu, the second is win8. I boot off of the first one, and use grub to get to win8 when I want to. Lately, though, I've found that win8 has been unable to boot due to weird self checking boot record stuff06:05
tomlikestorockIs it best to have win8 on the first drive and ubuntu on the second?06:05
xor__It doesn't seem to be fixed yet, even though this didn't happen to me on a previous version.06:05
ssj5gokui cant get any audio on ubuntu... my speaker is connected to my monitor and my monitor is connected to my cpu through hdmi ...wat should i do ...pls help..06:05
xor__On version 3.8 it doesn't seem to be fixed.06:05
zeiferI'm seeking similar answers, ssj5goku06:07
zeiferNot much luck so far.06:07
ssj5gokuwouldn't installing any type of drivers could help??06:07
zeiferHey Ari-Yang! I can report that Big Picture is working on Steam. It's a bit jumpy at times, but it functions.06:07
andryokay xor__ , i thought you may try xorg-edgers for a newer nouveau driver, but then i cannot help :/06:08
zeiferWe've already tried running audio without pulseaudio installed and ran into a barrier. Ended up reinstalling pulse, ssj5goku. Experiment for me and see if you can get audio through a headphone port.06:08
ssj5gokuok den i will connect my speakers to the output of my motherboard and see if it works,zeifer...06:09
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xor__andry, reports on the bug maillist point to an even worse situation using the nouveau driver.06:10
andryyea just read it :D06:10
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andryi switched to intel graphics to get rid of all these nvidia/fglrx problems in linux06:11
ola2i want to apt get to specific directory06:11
ola2how could i plz help06:11
bigbadbenI am trying to grep a log file, find what I am looking for then skip one line and print the one after that,  so I .... cat logfile.txt | grep -A 2 -B 1 "wlan0" >> newLogFile06:12
bigbadbenobviously that does not work though06:12
xor__andry, I don't plan to do the same.06:12
andryhehe, yes, it is not an alternative06:13
xor__Thanks for the help.06:13
andrysorry i couldnt help06:13
ola2plz tell me how to apt-get to particular directory06:13
ssj5gokuyaa it worked when i connected y speakers on my motherboard06:13
zeiferSeems you have the same issue that I do. I'm on a laptop and it only outputs to headphones and not onboard speakers. Can't seem to find anybody around to help solve this issue.06:14
Ari-Yang[02:07:56] <zeifer> Hey Ari-Yang! I can report that Big Picture is working on Steam. It's a bit jumpy at times, but it functions. ---> ah that's good. I heard that there's even better performance on 3.12 rc-5, if you want you can install it or just wait 'til it's stable06:15
zeiferAri-Yang, stable is good. :) Just trying to nail down this sound problem now.06:17
andrydont you have to toggle to hdmi output?06:17
ola2plz can anybody help06:17
ola2i want to get apt to specific directory06:17
andryola2, i dont know what you mean06:17
ola2means to download packages to specific directory06:17
andryapt-get download package06:18
andrythis downloads the deb06:18
ola2i want it to specific directory06:18
andryjust cd in the directory first :P06:18
zeiferola2, Are you looking to transport these packages from one computer to another for the purpose of offline installation?06:19
Dr_Willisthats too logical06:19
ola2 but they are installed in var all the time06:19
ola2means in var apt06:19
ola2every time they are downloaded in apt06:20
andry"apt-get download bla" downloads the deb to the cd06:20
andryand does not install06:20
Dr_Willisi think you are using  the terms 'download' and 'install' incorrectly06:20
apb_I just installed a package with apt-get install...but it doesn't show up on my K menu...  Is there a way to make it show up, ideally without having to logout?06:20
HisaoNakaiWhat's a good terminal for writing in Hindi using iBus? o.o06:20
andryor use "apt-get -d -o=dir::cache=/cache/path"06:20
HisaoNakai(xfce-terminal and gnome-terminal both behave strangely with Hindi characters, although it does work)06:21
ola2this one has worked06:21
ola2thank you06:21
ola2thanks a lot06:21
ola2one more thing06:22
Dr_Willisapt-get download pastebinit06:22
ola2i have a package06:22
Dr_Willisdownloaded the pastebinit.deb to my home directory06:22
ola2and i want to test it again with different configs06:22
ola2how to uninstall that deb06:22
ola2how to uninstall a package06:22
zeiferNot sure who all is actively online right now so I'll ask my question again.06:22
andrydpkg -r bla (where bla is NOT the filename, but the package name) or apt-get remove bla06:23
zeiferI have a Compaq Presario CQ62 that produces sound through the headset port and not out of the onboard speakers. All settings look good, pulseaudio registers the sound being played but audio does not come from speakers. No headset is plugged in.06:23
andryzeifer, there are a lot of audio experts here sometimes :)06:23
zeiferandry, I just choose bad times to ask some questions. Lol06:24
chxanehow do I upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 from the command line?06:25
Dr_Willissudo gdebi foo.deb    is what i use ola206:25
bscrewhow can i do a fresh install instead of upgrading? without downloading an iso and all that shit06:25
ola2thank you06:25
zeiferAri was awesome with the video problem I had with legacy drivers. The sound problem is a bit less of an issue if I always use a headset, but I rarely use a headset so.... yeah.06:25
Dr_Willisa 'fresh' install- to me means you refromat the partions.. and thus would need either a boot medium. or use debootstrap06:25
Dr_Willisdownloading the iso files for 13.10 via torrents should be quite quick right now06:26
topper4125HisaoNakai: terminal 'mlterm' supports hindi rendering.06:26
braden_13.10 torrent takes about 5 mins to download06:26
zeiferbraden_, I envy you and your connection, then. :p06:26
Ari-Yangzeifer: wish I could help with the sound problem :L But glad to hear that video is fine.... I'd ask again here to see if anybody knows and google around06:26
Dr_Willistakes longer toburn then to download. ;)06:26
andryhehe :) yes, audio problems are hard to solve sometimes ..06:26
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:27
topper412530 Meg download...06:27
andryand then apt-get 500 more06:27
zeiferGoogle has been very unkind to me so far. Ari-Yang. I've been getting hits on articles and threads that are so far necro'd that dinosaurs look fresh.06:27
Ari-Yangzeifer: so you have pulse installed now? did you make sure you install it right?06:28
topper4125One thing about this machine (that runs a mini install) 'tis very very stable06:28
Ari-Yangzeifer: tbh I think you should use alsa instead.... and you did uninstall and remove pulse before installing alsa properly, aye?06:28
zeiferIt's back to factory now, Ari-Yang. Pulse was installed by default so the packages we removed experimentally were just put back on.06:29
apb_zeifer use google's time option to specify a time range.06:30
niftylettuceanyone here use APM 2.5 or HobbyKing boards/telemetry stuff?  wild shot at trying to answer a question i have... no other channels yield folks06:31
andryany recommendations for a well working wifi chipset? :P06:31
andryrt3070 (via 2870usb) has a lot of tx drops since linux > 3.306:31
braden_Anyone here trying out xubuntu? I have a question and #xubuntu is dead atm06:32
Ari-Yang!ask > braden_06:33
ubottubraden_, please see my private message06:33
Ari-Yangzeifer: if your video card supports UVD2.2, you could also watch videos with hardware video decoding, what HD4000 series card do you have again?06:33
zeiferHD 4250, Ari-Yang06:34
Ari-Yangzeifer: ah nvm... it is UVD2 which is not yet supported06:34
zeiferThat's okay, I usually use VLC for everything, seems to work okay.06:35
chareok I got ubuntu Saucy installed, wtf is that envelope icon at the top right?06:35
Ari-Yangzeifer: I recommend mplayer or any mplayer fork over VLC, but that's me06:35
charehow do I get rid of it06:35
Ari-Yangif VLC works fine for you, that's okay06:35
zeiferI'm most familiar with it since it's been my player of choice even on Windows.06:36
k1lchare: its for messages, like chat-status, new mails etc06:36
smash__hello everyone, I have a broadcome wireless card, I need to set the propriatery drivers but i dont know how06:36
k1lchare: and its not new since 13.10. its been in ubuntu a long time06:36
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Ari-Yangsmash__: what ubuntu version are you running?06:37
apb_i've been  using amarok for listening to radio, etc.06:37
smash__I downloaded Ubuntu last night, 13.1006:37
braden_Are NVIDIA drivers broken now with 13.10? I've tried a number of patches and nothing I'm doing is working.06:37
Ari-Yangsmash__: go to system settings, search for 'software sources' (or go to dash board and search for software sources), then go to the 'Additional Drivers' tab and you should see proprietary drivers there06:37
charek1l: so how do I get rid of it06:37
k1lbraden_: there is no general problem with nvidia. please give more details06:38
Ari-Yangzeifer: you're using xfce right? did you try to see if audio is fine on another DE?06:39
zeiferAside from using Linux Mint prior to moving over to Xubuntu, no I haven't, Ari-Yang .06:39
Ari-Yangah, okay06:39
zeiferThe issue was present even on that distro but not on Windows.06:39
zeiferJust really, really, REALLY, don't wanna go back to Windows on here.06:40
Ari-Yangzeifer: so audio won't come out of your laptop's speakers?06:40
zeiferJust the headphone port.06:40
Ari-Yangzeifer: what laptop is this?06:40
zeiferCompaq Presario CQ6206:41
ssj5gokuWas trying to updae ubuntu frim 13.04 to 13.10 and my system got hanged and is still anand I am nit able to move my mouse pointer ...... it had already downloaded 240.4 mb and the totam download ws 271.4mb.... what to do????06:43
Ari-Yangzeifer: maybe try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1741256 ?06:43
Ari-Yangzeifer: though before trying maybe you should go back to alsa?06:43
Ari-Yangzeifer: what's the output of sudo aplay -l ?06:44
Ari-Yangpastebin it06:44
zeiferAri-Yang, Pulseaudio was installed by default and removing pulse only lead to so many different configs having references to pulseaudio.06:44
zeifersec on command.06:44
ola2plz help me06:44
ola2i have downloaded a deb package06:45
ola2i installed it06:45
ola2but  dependencies are not installed06:45
ola2how to do that06:45
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Ari-Yangola2: what deb package did you install?06:45
zeiferHome directory not accessible: Permission denied06:45
zeifercard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC270 Analog [ALC270 Analog]06:46
zeifer  Subdevices: 1/106:46
zeifer  Subdevice #0: subdevice #006:46
zeifer Ari-Yang06:46
FloodBot1zeifer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
andry 06:46
Ari-Yangzeifer: run the command using sudo and pastebin it06:46
ola2sir plz help me06:46
zeiferThat was sudo'd06:46
ola2how to apt-get download with dependency06:46
Ari-Yangzeifer: what's the output of find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd06:47
Ari-Yangpastebin it06:48
jalcineola2: dude, apt-get *downloads* dependencies.06:48
ola2 but when i installed it06:48
ola2it said dependeny not installed06:48
andryjalcine, he means just download the files with apt-get download06:48
andrythe debs06:48
ola2ya but with dependencies06:48
ola2i want to give this package to my friend06:48
Ari-Yangola2: copy and paste the terminal output in pastebin06:49
andryola2, try "aptitude --download-only" instead of apt-get download, maybe aptitude downloads with depends06:49
ola2i want dependencies to be downloaded with deb06:49
ola2and then when i install they should install automatically06:50
andrythat is why apt or aptitude exists06:51
andrywhat do you plan to do?06:51
ola2i will download a p[ackage06:51
zeiferAri-Yang, big long list. http://pastebin.com/DUWMCy7N06:51
ola2and give it to my friend06:51
ola2so my friend will not download06:51
ola2just install and done06:51
ola2but dependencies are problem06:52
Ari-Yangzeifer: what's the output of lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio" ?06:52
zeiferola2, consider, maybe, aptoncd to copy all of your packages (if you use the same ones) to a CD that can be used as an offline repo?06:52
ola2aptoncd ??06:53
ola2ok let me try it06:53
ola2thank you for help06:53
andryapt-offline is made for this06:53
zeiferAri-Yang, http://pastebin.com/7nmDEGyA06:54
zeiferandry, Okay, if that's better than aptoncd I didn't know about it. Last I used ubuntu was back in the Hoary days or so. It's been a while.06:54
andry:) i never used aptoncd, maybe it is even better06:55
ola2does apt-get offline need to be installed on remotr pc too06:55
ansuhi :) can anyone help me with an upstart script? I'm trying to run a java process as another user like this: exec start-stop-daemon --start -c youtrack --exec java -- -jar /usr/local/youtrack/youtrack.jar 10002 but the process does not start06:55
dwreckSo I just installed Ubuntu after having issues with Fedora and the I am having the same problem.  I can't access certain secure websites.  Gmail, facebook. Amazon, etc... Has anyone ever experienced this before?06:56
somsipdwreck: do you connect through a proxy? Because I think all of those sites work on https by default now06:57
Dr_Willisdwreck:  cant say ive ever seen  that issue mentoioned here.06:57
thneeI am using a different desktop, awesome wm. When I run nautitlus it changes the desktop background. Why on earth would it do that?06:57
somsipthnee: does it change the nautulus background, or the awesome background?06:58
Dr_Willisthnee:  because natilus is designed to manage the 'desktop' unless you start it with some specific options to tell it not to06:58
thneesomsip: The desktop background06:58
Dr_Willissee nautilus --help     perhaps06:58
thneeugh, maybe I should just switch file browser instead06:58
somsipthnee: pcmanfm in awesomewm here...06:59
Dr_Willis--no-desktop                Never manage the desktop (ignore the GSetting)06:59
Dr_Willisother file managers can do the same thing. ;)06:59
Dr_Willisuse mc   ;)07:00
Dr_Willis!info mc07:00
thneesomsip: looks great, thanks!07:00
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.8.5-1 (saucy), package size 442 kB, installed size 1410 kB07:00
somsipthnee: it's lightweight, but it isn't the only alternative to nautilus. Works for me though07:00
Dr_Willis!info rox-filer07:00
ubotturox-filer (source: rox): A simple graphical file manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.10-1.1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 1464 kB, installed size 3884 kB07:00
zeiferGreat for the minimalists. :)07:00
Snowiehi all.07:01
Ari-Yangzeifer: I think you should uninstall pulseaudio and install alsa07:01
zeiferAlsa is still installed and is needed for pulse to work.07:01
Ari-Yangyou're still using pulseaudio07:01
andryalsa is the kernel side audio07:01
andrypulse uses alsa07:01
zeiferUnfortunately, with the factory installed nature of pulseaudio in this distro, if pulse is missing alsa won't work. :(07:01
Ari-YangI prefer you to remove pulseaudio and just have alsa07:01
zykotick9thnee: fyi, you can launch nautilus without it taking over your desktop, but rox or pcmanfm are better suggestions really ;)07:01
* andry must try rox07:02
Ari-Yangisn't there a trigger for directions of uninstalling pulseaudio?07:02
ola2i dont want aptoncd07:02
ola2plz tell me a better way07:02
Ari-Yangzeifer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1693726 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1313253 I found these07:02
Ari-YangI'm sure there are other guides too07:02
gordonjcpola2: what are you trying to do?07:02
zeiferAri-Yang, we tried removing pulse and alsa just stopped. It constantly tried to push through pulse even when it wasn't there. I don't know how many conf files reference pulseaudio.07:02
ansucan anyone help me with this expression I'm trying to use in an upstart script? "exec start-stop-daemon --start -c youtrack --exec java -- -jar /usr/local/youtrack/youtrack.jar 10002"07:02
ola2i want to give a deb package to my friend07:02
ola2its name is nmap07:03
ola2and i will give this package with dependency07:03
ola2how to do it07:03
ola2i downloaded nmap07:03
Ari-Yangzeifer: when removing pulseaudio you have to uninstall alsa too I think, take a look at those instructions07:03
Ari-Yangit's worth a shot07:03
ola2but couldnot install it07:03
ola2dependency not found07:03
zeiferAri-Yang, alright, I'll take a peek.07:03
ola2i used apt-get download nmap07:03
ola2and then install nmap.deb07:04
Ari-Yangthnee: I had this problem of a fake nautilus window opening when I clicked on "open file location" in deluge....07:04
Ari-Yangthnee: I prevented by doing a little "hack"07:04
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andryola2, you can just download the deb packages for nmap PLUS libblas3 liblinear-tools liblinear107:05
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zeiferAri-Yang, in the first link, do you think instructions from 10.10 will still be useful in 13.04?07:05
ola2ok so i should07:05
zeiferAnd 2nd link is 9.1007:05
ola2apt-get download nmap -S ...07:05
ola2ike this07:05
Ari-Yangzeifer: most likely, if you feel uncomfortable search for recent directions, like for 12.04 or 12.1007:05
Ari-YangI could've sworn there was an ubottu trigger that linked to removing pulseaudio...07:06
andrydid you try http://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1304-quick-tip/07:07
papulhi. I have a dell vostro 2520 laptop that uses the cirrus logic cs4213 audio. I have been unable to make the internal mic work. Any ideas?07:09
zeiferAndry, haven't seen that, but it's worth a quick shot before I start removing and replacing packages again.07:09
Ari-Yangthnee: sudo mv /usr/bin/nautilus /usr/bin/nautilus.real then open up a text editor and type this out on 2 different lines #!/bin/sh exec /usr/bin/nautilus.real --no-desktop save it in /usr/bin as nautilus then run chmod +x nautilus after cd /usr/bin in terminal07:09
andryit is a very basic and simple try .. dont think it will work :/ but yes, give it a try :)07:10
Guest_______hey wincocks07:10
Ari-Yangthnee: http://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/48731498 it would look like that07:10
Guest_______how to enable and use PBR Routing on windows 8 enterprise?07:11
thneeAri-Yang: thanks ^^07:11
Ari-Yangthnee: you're welcome, let me know if it worked or not07:11
Guest_______hey wincocks07:11
Guest_______how to enable and use PBR Routing on windows 8 enterprise?07:11
thneeAri-Yang: I'm gonna try to use some other program entirely ;)07:11
thneenautilus is so slow anyway07:12
Ari-Yangthnee: okies07:12
k1lGuest_______: wrong channel and wrong attitude07:12
Guest_______are you here wincocks?07:12
bray90820Is the ubuntu desktop for the nexus 7 still around?07:12
Guest_______how to enable and use PBR Routing on windows 8 enterprise?07:12
jboiii need an app that can check wich files that is missing to make system best possible07:13
andrythank you07:13
andrywhere is wincocks :P07:13
Ari-Yangthnee: I know thunar is suppose to be light weight07:14
dwreckSo I just installed Ubuntu after having issues with Fedora and the I am having the same problem.  I can't access certain secure websites.  Gmail, facebook. Amazon, etc... Has anyone ever experienced this before?07:14
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thneeAri-Yang: yeah thunar is nice, but it lacks features just like nautilus I want the power user stuff07:14
Ari-Yangthnee: what does it lack? and what file manager are you going to install?07:15
k1ldwreck: are you using a proxy or some kind of firewall?07:15
thneeAri-Yang: settings settings settings ;) I'm not sure yet I will try different ones07:16
k1ldwreck: there is no general problem with accessing that pages07:16
Ari-Yangthnee: okay... good luck07:16
Ari-YangI'm off07:16
thneethanks bye07:16
dwreckI am not using a proxy and no firewall that I know of07:16
wilee-nileedwreck, You have flash installed some of the gui uses it.07:16
dwreckflash is installed07:17
somsipdwreck: what browser?07:17
Romancedoes anyone use flashgot + uget here?07:17
dwreckfirefox currently.  I have used chrome as well with the same issue07:17
somsipdwreck: at home or work? Direct connection or router? Can others on the same network access https ok?07:18
MrdarknezzHow do you know if ubuntu is NSA proof?07:19
hexabit_mRead sourcecode?07:20
topper4125Mrdarknezz install minimal install, and build it to taste with all the security you desire07:21
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:21
andrythen install mini and 200 depends ..07:21
MrdarknezzSo there is no way to be sure?07:21
somsipMrdarknezz: read the source code.07:22
=== karlo|afk is now known as karlo
topper4125Source code is available, download, read it, if you like it compile it...07:22
topper4125The real trick is trusting the security of your router ;)07:23
k1lMrdarknezz: the advantage of opensource is that you could prove it yourself if you dont belivie in others07:23
topper4125And if you want to remove any and all doubt of system security, there is always LFS07:24
FallfeathersThis a good channel to ask about iptables in?07:24
andryFallfeathers, just ask07:24
bazhangFallfeathers, or #netfilter07:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:24
FallfeathersOkay okay.07:25
MrdarknezzFallfeathers: that is pretty much a universal rule for most irc channels07:25
MrdarknezzFallfeathers: Atleast the public ones07:25
Romanceis it possible to write Kali Linux iso with startup disk creator?07:25
somsip!kali | Romance07:26
ubottuRomance: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)07:26
k1lRomance: kali is not based on ubuntu. better try unetbootin07:26
Romancesomsip, startup disk creator is ubuntu preinstalled app07:27
somsipRomance: is this anything to do with Kali?07:27
topper4125Pretty much use unetbootin for all my needs of that sort07:27
Romanceso the question is, is startup disc creator can ONLY write ubuntu iso?07:27
somsipRomance: fair enough07:27
vagvafhello guys, i did a fresh install of ubuntu 13.10 while keeping my old /home partition. the new system keeps asking me for my username keyring password and won't accept the one i'm giving it (i know it's the correct)07:27
FallfeathersSo I'm in a class where we're setting up virtual networks across three Ubuntu VMs in terminals, and right now I'm trying to write iptables rules for forwarding SSH traffic through one VM acting as a packet filter to another VM acting as a bastion host. The requirement is also that source IP of the connecting host should not be visible to the bastion, and vice versa. What params should I be using here?07:30
zeiferAri-Yang, following the 10.10 guide for removing pulse and going with alsa nowadays pulls in pulseaudio regardless of user request.07:31
zeiferReading state information... Done Note, selecting 'pulseaudio-esound-compat' instead of 'esound'07:32
staff9do you have a ubuntu07:34
thisyes live07:34
staff9how are you07:35
thisf and y07:36
staff9I am ok07:36
thishave you  experience for ununtu07:37
somsipstaff9: if you just want to chat, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic07:37
k1l!details | this07:37
ubottuthis: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:37
staff9ar I do not no sorry07:37
staff9why do we have xChat07:38
staff9so we can chat07:38
staff9but why07:38
staff9so it is fun ha07:39
somsipstaff9: enough now.07:39
k1l!ot | staff907:39
ubottustaff9: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:39
bazhangstaff9, not in this channel07:39
FloodBot1staff9: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:39
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atari2600aAnyone else stuck with sluggy graphics on older intel integrated gfx?07:41
atari2600a*in 3.1007:41
Mrdarknezzatari2600a: why would you use integrated gfx?07:42
atari2600aMrdarknezz, because this is a chromebook07:43
atari2600a& integrated is now & forever more 'good enough' to run pretty much anything w/ a little tweaking07:43
k1latari2600a: what exactly is the issue?07:43
XATRIXHi guys, who can i upgrade to new ubuntu version ?07:43
Jonathan____can someone help me with a boot loader issue07:43
k1l!upgrade | XATRIX07:44
ubottuXATRIX: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:44
ADP4UI dunno, who?07:44
RoryJonathan____: What issue?07:44
atari2600acompiz is eating like 70-100% of one of my cores, compositing is highly sluggish, & I can't even use the official intel binary installer because it hardlinks a glib dependancy that doesn't exist in the new repos07:45
Jonathan____I purchased a computer with windows 8, I installed Kubuntu 12.10 so that I could have a dual boot, when I reboot, it doesnt give me the option of which os I want to load07:45
k1latari2600a: for integrated intel there shouldnt be the need of installing manually07:45
atari2600ak1l, I'm assuming it's a gallium3d vs official source thing07:46
atari2600awhat w/ the new Mir compatibility & all07:46
atari2600aseriously what the hell were you guys thinking07:47
k1latari2600a: ?07:47
RoryJonathan____: Any reason you chose 12.10 rather than 12.04 or 13.10?07:47
k1latari2600a: are you here for ranting only?07:47
atari2600aHEY LET'S DO WAYLAND nah wayland blows lets do Mir instead it won't fragment anything derp07:47
Roryatari2600a: Bye07:47
atari2600aI wasn't here for ranting07:48
k1l!guidelines | atari2600a07:48
ubottuatari2600a: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:48
RoryJonathan____: I'd perhaps recommend using the latest version (13.10 which was released yesterday) or the latest Long-Term Support version 12.0407:48
nova_Can anyone tell me how to increase the size of icons for "Window Buttons" on the xfce panel beyond 32px?07:48
GrubHello Everyone, I've installed ubuntu 19 times so far. I'get the error attempt to read of write outside of disk hd0 message and then grub rescue. Ther is no HDD-s connected to my PC just the 16GB pendrive. I put boot loadet once on sda once sda1 once auto install and neither worked. before everything went fine even with HDD-s connected.07:49
Jonathan____ok i will try that07:49
RoryJonathan____: Just cos 12.10 stops getting updates in April07:49
RoryJonathan____: Plus, 13.10 is shinier07:50
Jonathan____but what if that doesnt work then what07:50
RoryJonathan____: Then ask here07:50
RoryI mean, I can help you anyway07:50
GrubHello Everyone, I've installed ubuntu 19 times so far. I'get the error attempt to read of write outside of disk hd0 message and then grub rescue. Ther is no HDD-s connected to my PC just the 16GB pendrive. I put boot loadet once on sda once sda1 once auto install and neither worked. before everything went fine even with HDD-s connected.07:50
RoryBut I'm just giving you a geneal recommendation07:50
Jonathan____ok thanks07:50
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christopher4125nova_ I believe the panel icon button size is limited to the size of the panel itself... incease it to >32px, and icons can increase07:50
RoryGrub: What Ubuntu version, does your system have a make and model?07:51
Grubrory: 13.0407:51
GrubAsrock motherboard Intel P4 CPU07:52
Grubrory P4i65G motherboard07:53
RoryGrub: OK it's possibly a problem with your installation media, did you use a DVD? A USb flash drive, or what?07:53
thishi everyone.....!07:53
Grubrory: yes07:53
nova_The icons do increase in size with the panel, but only up to some max limit, which appears to be 32 px07:54
topper4125Your just trying to run it off the pendrive?07:54
RoryGrub: I recommend checking the md5sum of your .iso file before burning, and using the integrity check from the first menu when you boot from the DVD07:54
Rory!md5| Grub07:54
ubottuGrub: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:54
jboiisomeone link me to a page i can find apps i should get07:55
jboiicool shit07:55
GrubI've done with this iso more than 10 times and worked.07:55
k1l!language | jboii07:55
ubottujboii: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:55
poizeni seriously need some help07:56
nova_christopher4125: The icons do increase in size but only up to a max of 32 px, beyond that they don't increase in size07:56
poizenmy pointer is working but it is invisible.. i've upgraded to 13.10 and i am facing this problem07:57
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christopher4125nova_ hmmm ya... looks like there's a few people that have said mentioned this limit... I never knew about it till just now... :(07:57
nova_christopher4125:  I googled it for a while and it seems alot of people are having problems changing it...yeah theres supposed to be a value you can add to the settings editor thing07:58
poizenwhat about me? :( my pointer... help me please07:58
christopher4125hmm... lemme look nova_ I'll see if I can find anything...07:59
nova_christopher4125: It's rather annoying.  At 1080p 32 px is pretty tiny07:59
nova_christopher4125: thank you07:59
poizennova_, can you help me please?07:59
nova_poizen: i dont know how much help i can be...can you try changing your cursor theme?08:00
poizenthere is no available theme :/08:00
hadifarnoudhow can I remove all files and folders except one folder? SFTP is way too slow for that and rm -Rf removes all08:01
nova_poizen: no themes other than default?08:01
andryls * | grep -v skipme | xargs rm -rf08:01
andry@ hadifarnoud08:01
poizennova_, no, there are two.. radiance and default.08:01
hadifarnoudthanks andry08:02
nova_poizen: and with both you have no visible cursor?08:02
andrygrep -v = inverted grep :)08:02
poizennova_, no, my cursor is perfectly working.. but its INVISIBLE :(08:02
poizenubuntu is so buggy at times.08:02
andrypoizen, you may try this in terminal: sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool && unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity08:03
poizenooaky, let me do that andry08:03
nova_poizen: yes i understand thats why i wondered if its theme/image related...did you see this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/123841008:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238410 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent cursor visibility with cursor plugin enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:04
christopher4125nova_ do you mean just the icons on the panel itself or on the submenus (from say: applications)?08:04
hadifarnoudandry: doesn't remove directories and its contents08:05
hadifarnoudmaybe I should use ls -R andry08:06
nova_christopher4125: I mean the icons that prepresent running programs in the "window buttons" plugin on the panel08:06
andryyes, or without xargs08:06
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=== Guest25304 is now known as papul_
nova_christopher4125:  I'm attempting to recreat that "Unity" look with a vertical bar and icons only (no text) on the running programs.  The only part not falling in line is the icon scale08:08
=== papul_ is now known as papul
christopher4125nova_ did you try http://askubuntu.com/questions/233200/how-to-increase-icon-size-of-xfce4-panel-window-buttons-panel-tasklist-menu08:09
nova_christopher4125:  The icons inside of the application launcher I was able to change, though that wasn't the effect I was after...let me check that URL one sec08:09
poizenandry, i tried it. but doesnt help. i changed the cursor too.. didnt change anything08:10
poizennova_, I read that.  should i reboot?08:10
nova_christopher4125: yes I saw that post and I tried step 1 and step 3, however I do not appear to have a ~/.gtkrc-2.008:11
nova_christopher4125: step 1 yielded no change08:11
nova_christopher4125: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/tasklist is the source of this value, but I'm wondering if this info is up to date.08:12
zeiferOkay, 9Millionth time back to IRC here. Same problem, sound does not emanate from onboard speakers, still works in the headphone jack. Steps taken from 10.10 and 9.04 yield no results or present missing dependencies. Attempting to go to straight Alsa pulls in pulseaudio like a plague. Suggestions welcome.08:13
christopher4125Here's my icons at around 127px just playing with panel height: http://s14.postimg.org/f6n3tdzk1/Screenshot_from_2013_10_18_02_10_46.png08:13
christopher4125is that what your trying to get?08:14
nova_christopher4125: wtf...hmm and is that faenza icons too?08:14
christopher4125Yup Faenza08:14
nova_christopher4125: yes thats what im after somewhat...except vertical08:15
mitalhi can anybody point me to developer channel..  I tried #ubuntu-dev but it does not seem the correct room08:15
mattwj2002hi I have a dumb question.....08:15
mattwj2002when does support end for 13.04 now that 13.10 is out?  my coworker just installed 13.04 on his laptop yesterday before the release....should I have him upgrade during a fresh install of ubuntu?08:16
mattwj2002*doing a fresh install08:16
christopher4125so... this then: http://s22.postimg.org/bahwbvlg1/Screenshot_from_2013_10_18_02_15_43.png08:16
zeifermattwj2002, 13.04 is an 'LTS' release08:16
auronandacezeifer: no it is not08:17
Ben64next LTS is 14.0408:17
mattwj2002yeah that is 12.0408:17
mitalchristopher4125, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS08:17
zeiferSince when did *buntu drop making .04's into LTS releases?08:17
nova_christopher4125: yes exactly...I'm using  "deskbar" as opposed to vertical so text is horizontal08:17
auronandacezeifer: it has always been every 2 years08:17
Ben64zeifer: its always been the same, every 2 years is lts08:18
christopher4125nova_ Lemme see if my icons change size in deskbar mode... They seem to act correctly in verticle...08:18
irrelev4ntDid anyone here make ubuntu 13.10 boot with secure boot enabled?08:18
nova_christopher4125: did you get the icons from http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228 like I did?08:18
=== mijn is now known as janisozaur
DenSaakalteGuys, I just woke up, and I come to ask again: Upgrading to 13.10 broke direct rendering, any guesses as to what I should check? It's showing "Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.3, 128 bits)" instead of the Intel Graphics card. Any ideas?08:19
zeiferWell, it's a bummer, then that I went with 13.04 thinking it was an LTS.08:19
mattwj200214.04 isn't out until next April *cries*08:19
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
zeiferStill... I want my sound to come from onboard speakers. Wearing headphones on a laptop attached to a 1080p screen across the room isn't enjoyable for the others watching the movies.08:20
nova_christopher4125: I'm barking up the wrong tree..other icon sets behave the same, including default08:20
christopher4125nova_ installed through terminal via ppa08:20
k1lzeifer: see in alsamixer if its muted (big MM)08:21
nova_christopher4125:  Are you running xubuntu or did you install ubuntu and add xfce?08:21
christopher4125nova_ in deskbar mode they resize... from 21px upto 12808:21
mattwj2002I will talk to him....and explain the situation :)08:22
christopher4125ubuntu 12.04 LTS with XFCE on top08:22
janisozauri have two machines: laptop, which i use right now, and desktop. i've an ssh connection from laptop to desktop with X enabled. is it possible to start an application on *desktop* and have it rendered on *desktop*? i don't need to see the window, i just want to start it. would it later be possible to have any control whatsoever over that app (gui) from laptop?08:22
nova_christopher4125: so strange, mine don't change.  the button continues to grow but the icon is floating centered in the button at 32 px08:22
zeiferk1l, Yep, been there numerous times. I've uninstalled pulse, uninstalled alsa, reinstalled alsa, ended up with Pulse again even though I didn't want it.08:22
k1lzeifer: why dont you want pulse? its working how its supposed to be in last times08:22
andrynot for him :P08:23
christopher4125hmmm... weird08:23
zeiferk1l, It's not working as intended now. The past is irrelevant, the present is my curse. Lol08:23
zeiferIf it's not pulse it's something else and we can't seem to identify it.08:23
k1lzeifer: so you want headphone and speakers simultaniously?08:23
irrelev4ntjanisozaur: control later on can be accomplished with a vnc server running on your desktop08:24
nova_christopher4125: this is fresh install of Xubuntu 13.10, just put it on to try out a few hours ago.  Haven't even had the time to break anything yet.08:24
zeiferNope, I want one or the other to work as it does in windows. You plug in a headset, audio stops on speakers. Unplug headset and sound resumes on speakers. Right now.... it's headset only no matter what 24/7 not intended hardware operation.08:24
zetheroo13:10 ... wooohoooo! :D08:25
k1lzeifer: is that a known problem with your laptop model?08:25
christopher4125nova_ did you see this:http://askubuntu.com/questions/331399/change-xfce-panel-launcher-icon-size08:25
zeiferNot since Ubuntu 10.10 apparently. Other people with similar symptoms apparently have HDMI ports which I do not have.08:25
k1lzeifer: some manufactures dont care about acpi standards. so look up if its a known issue with that laptop and linux08:25
nova_christopher4125: yes but i think he may be suggesting the incorrect value.  I did experiment with that as well.08:26
zeiferk1l, acpi is power management mainly which is not related to my particular issue. Googling my issue turned up results 2 and 3 years old.08:27
christopher4125hmmm... weird... I'm fresh out of ideas then... on this machine it just autosizes to keep up with the panel size. the panel is limited to 128 px... but since I normally keep it at 24px, its not an issue for me (netbook user)08:28
mattwj2002anyone have a thumb drive I can brough?08:28
nova_christopher4125: I tried to use panel-tasklist-menu=64,64...perhaps there isn't supposed to be an = sign08:28
mattwj2002I am going to install 13.1008:28
christopher4125just a space no "="08:29
nova_christopher4125: did you see my question about how you installed xcfe?  I wondered if it was xubuntu or if it's ubuntu with xcfe installed08:29
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zeiferIf 13.10 would fix this blasted audio bug without breaking the work that went into fixing the video issues (blasted AMD dropping support on me) I might upgrade to it.08:29
christopher4125..and might have to reboot for it to take changes.08:29
zeiferAs it is, I just want my sound to work from speakers.08:30
nova_christopher4125: yeah ill give a reboot and see if that helped08:30
christopher4125not running xubuntu... just straight ubuntu 12.04 LTS with xfce on top of it08:30
mattwj2002did whoever find the dev channel?08:31
nova_christopher4125: ok so that's one way we differ then....do you have anything special set in xsettings/gtk/iconsizes in the settings editor?08:31
nova_christopher4125: default was empty for me08:32
christopher4125nova_ on my system icon sizes in empty08:33
nova_christopher4125: ill reboot...see what happens...ty for the advice is you're not here when i get back..brbiab08:33
mattwj2002the channel is #ubuntu-devel is not08:33
mattwj2002*if not08:33
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mattwj2002burn baby burn! :)08:36
mattwj2002hi and bye all you people :)08:38
zeiferSpeakers. Sound. Must. Work. Now. Please. *goes cross-eyed*08:39
mattwj2002hi zeifer08:39
zeiferHi mattwj200208:39
zeiferYes, they're unmuted.08:39
mattwj2002volume up?08:39
mattwj2002otherwise no idea08:39
nova_christopher4125: yeah no change after a reboot.  I tried "panel-tasklist-menu 64,64" and "panel-tasklist-menu 64" also08:39
zeiferYep, volume maxxed.08:39
andryzeifer, what audio chip again?08:40
DenSaakalteI'm still having problems with the broken graphic rendering after upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10...  I can't work like this...08:40
mattwj2002well I have to go for a few08:40
christopher4125hmmm... here a screenshot of my entire 'gtk' entry: http://s9.postimg.org/mtvo6awpb/Screenshot_from_2013_10_18_02_38_54.png08:40
nova_christopher4125: perhaps it's something that broke somewhere between 12.04 and 13.10.08:40
zeiferandry, Realtek ALC27008:40
zeiferaka HDA ATI SB08:40
andrydidnt you say something like hdmi?08:40
zeiferI said I *don't* have an HDMI port.08:41
DenSaakalteI'll be right back08:41
andryah okay :)08:41
christopher4125nova_ ya its about the only thing I can think of... if you installed the icon set today (or at least very recently...) it should be just as current as if its updated via ppa I would imagine.08:41
nova_christopher4125: mine is much the same except for cursor theme, size, and theme colors08:42
nova_christopher4125: yeah i just installed it about an hour ago, though I don't think it's the icon set as it's behaving the same with any icons i choose to use08:43
andryzeifer, did you try pavucontrol?08:43
andryto see if there are unwanted sound cards and disable them08:44
zeiferandry, yes I did.08:44
christopher4125did you install fanzea by manual download/install or via ppa?08:44
zeiferNo other sound cards in here or detected.08:44
KeyboardNotFoundI think that maybe I have injected botnet/virus in my linux system, how is possible to scan my system for viruses ?08:44
nova_christopher4125: manual install using the "INSTALL" script included in the archive08:44
andryzeifer, did you install gnome-media08:45
andryand check via gstreamer-properties08:45
christopher4125about the only thing I can think of is try the PPA, see if that helps: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/faenza-icon-set-gets-a-ppa08:45
christopher4125After that... I got nothin'... soz08:45
zeiferandry, that includes gstreamer-properties, right?08:45
nova_christopher4125: when i tried the ppa earlier it wasn't connecting for some reason..but that reason might have been all the open connectections i had going with utorrent..ill try the PPA again thank you sir08:46
zeiferandry, then yep, I have it right here.08:46
christopher4125no problem.. wish I could have solved that one...08:46
christopher4125if that doens't fix it.. its gotta be a 13.10 thing08:46
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nova_christopher4125: yeah that might be it...or something broken in the xubuntu distro08:47
andryzeifer, did you add "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" (or modify) to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base?08:47
Dr_Willis!av | KeyboardNotFound08:47
ubottuKeyboardNotFound: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:47
andryalsa-base.conf, sorry08:47
christopher4125one thing I noticed a while ago was Xubuntu xfce was much different from XFCE from Terminal install... but that's a WHILE back... running xfce 4.10 right?08:47
KeyboardNotFoundDr_Willis, but read the dot 8 : Linux virus infections are theoretically possible.08:47
zeiferandry, sounds like instructions I haven't seen yet. Got links?08:48
nova_christopher4125: If I have to ill try adding xcfe on top of ubuntu, I was jsut hoping to avoid having duplicates in my application menu from Unity stuff08:48
Dr_WillisKeyboardNotFound:   the only viruses ive ever seen are for specific service bugs on specific distros..08:48
andryExtra Hints to Get Sound Working: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto08:48
nova_christopher4125: I believe so, I know its called xfce4 everywhere08:48
christopher4125Ooh... dr_willis is back... he's pretty good with xfce problems... might want to see if he can help08:48
Dr_WillisKeyboardNotFound:   its theoretical that elvis and bigfoot are working on their own linux disrto also.08:48
andryi have to do this for an old laptop08:48
Dr_Willischristopher4125:  but im at work. so may have to leave at any time,.08:49
christopher4125ah.. k :(08:49
Dr_Willisive rarelyhad any xfce issues. using xubuntu on 13.10 right now08:49
Dr_Williswhats the issue anyway?08:50
KeyboardNotFoundDr_Willis, thank for help:)08:50
andryor .. zeifer .. just up- or downgrade your kernel :D08:50
nova_Dr_Willis: the problem I'm having is that the "Window Button" icons on the xfce panel don't want to scale up beyond about 32 px08:50
christopher4125He's on 13.10 and can't get panel icons above 32px on 1080p display... mine just resize when I adjust the menu bar, his don't (i'm runnin 12.04)08:50
Dr_Willisnova_:  :) i always remove the bottom panel on xfce.  they dont work well with a netbooks small screen08:50
nova_Dr_Willis: christoper seems to have no issue, his scale just fine and he showed me a pic to prove it08:50
DenSaakalteBack now08:51
zeiferandry, don't joke around with me like that. I'm happy with my video problems being sorted for the moment. Don't break the mood!08:51
DenSaakalteI just tried to reinstall the intel graphics driver to no avail08:51
andryhehe sorry :)08:51
nova_Dr_Willis: actually i removed the bottom panel (panel 1) and put panel 0 on the left of the screen08:51
DenSaakalteThey're still broken for me :(08:51
nova_Dr_Willis: I'm going for that icons only left side vertical panel look like Unity08:51
andrywhich intel graphics, DenSaakalte? and which problems08:51
DenSaakalteI'll explain once again:08:52
andrymy ears just exploded due to gstreamer audio test08:52
nova_Dr_Willis: specifically it's the "window buttons" plugin..the one that shows running programs08:52
DenSaakalteandry: I updated to Ubuntu 13.10 earlier yesterday, I forgot which Intel Graphics Card I had installed before this, but the fact is that now they show as "Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.3, 128 bits)" and show a "the system is running in low graphics mode" error08:53
nova_Dr_Willis: my icons scale when the panel is 32px or below, but above that they jsut stay at 32px while the button itself grows around it08:54
DenSaakalteFurthermore I tried to reinstall the drivers using this guide http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-the-intel-graphics-drivers-on-ubuntu-13-04-12-10-12-04-and-linux-mint-15-14-13-via-repository/, and when I restarted I had a couple of system errors08:54
andryDenSaakalte, did you try to just install xserver-xorg-video-intel08:54
DenSaakalteI'll try that right now08:54
DenSaakalteHold on08:54
andryor remove and reinstall if it is installed08:54
Dr_Willisbuttons grow here on 13.10 - the windows list just gets taller08:54
christopher4125nova_ dunno if this will help... but here's my 'window button' properties: http://s23.postimg.org/tccz99qej/Screenshot_from_2013_10_18_02_53_31.png08:54
DenSaakalteIt says it's already the newest version, andry08:55
andrywait a sec08:55
andryeasy fix :P08:55
Dr_Williswindow list on a left side panel is sort of funny looking.. the words/text are all sideways ;)08:55
Prometheshi, why ubuntu boot screen is so ugly?08:55
andryDenSaakalte, save this: http://pastebin.com/3zyUsAzz as /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-intel.conf08:56
Promethesits unbelievable, years ago i had ubuntu with nice boot screen, now it;s txt mode and occasionally some strange messages08:56
Dr_Willis!plymouth | Promethes08:56
ubottuPromethes: Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »08:56
DenSaakalteOkay hold on andr08:56
andrythis should override any faulty xorg config for intel08:56
SteveBellhi all. Curios to install 13.10 on my netbook. But since I had lots of issues with 13.04 and had to revert to 12.10LTS I'm unsure if that is a good idea. How can I check if Ubuntu 13.10 runs on my netbook?08:56
k1lPromethes: that is not standard08:56
andryah wait, which intel chip is it?08:56
andrysandy bridge or newer?08:56
k1lPromethes: plymouth is the regular boot screen08:56
DenSaakalteHold on08:56
christopher4125Dr_Willis use 'deskbar' instead of verticle, that rotates the text ;)08:57
DenSaakalteProcessor: Intel® Celeron(R) CPU 847 @ 1.10GHz × 208:57
Promethesis is standard on all 10 computers that i have, with various hardware08:57
DenSaakalteUhhhh... This isn't it08:57
andrythen use accelmethod uxa08:57
DenSaakalteOr maybe08:57
andrysna is for sandy and newer08:57
andryor just leave the option for accelmethod completly if it fails to load08:58
DenSaakalteOkay, I forgot how to create a new file in a protected folder08:58
andrysudo nano bla08:58
DenSaakalteRight, thanks08:58
k1lPromethes: nope08:58
andryor sudo gedit08:58
nova_Dr_Willis: yes you can remove the text from the "window button" and also do as chistopher said and it rotates any remaining text08:58
k1landry: no sudo gerdit. dont use sudo for GUI. use gksudo08:59
nova_Dr_Willis: or change the text clock to analog and the text orientation isnt an issue08:59
DenSaakaltegksudo it is08:59
andryor so09:00
nova_Dr_Willis: oh i jsut saw the line about how your icons grow on 13.10...interesting...now are you using xubuntu or ubuntu with xfce installed?09:00
matcoutoHi folks, I'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu with win7 and another ntfs partition alongside. However, my current partitions are not shown on the list but only the /dev/sda(entire HD). any idea? there's a printscreen of fdisk -l command and the installation window, -> http://postimg.org/image/vh71ex9pt/09:00
nova_Dr_Willis: if it's the latter then I'll try installing that way to test09:00
DenSaakalteOkay andry, I created the file now: it wasn't already present on the folder, is that fine?09:01
christopher4125trying to get something like this: http://s24.postimg.org/fv6bs1i6t/Screenshot_from_2013_10_18_03_00_31.png09:01
andryyes, thats fine09:01
DenSaakalteOkay, I'm going to restart now09:01
andrythis is to override auto-detect09:01
DenSaakalteI'll be right back09:02
andryokay :)09:02
andryremove the accel line if it fails09:02
madpigeonis there any godd cdaudio ripper for ubuntu?09:04
nova_christopher4125: yes that's what I'm after : D09:04
Promethesk1l: i have 10 computers with ubuntu installed and none of them are showing plymounth in gfx mode, only ugly text mode09:04
lotuspsychjematcouto: did you see the setup screen dualboot with win7?09:05
Promethesk1l: and this works this way since plymouth was introduced09:05
DenSaakalteNothing andry :(, it didn't work09:05
DenSaakalteI didn't get any errors this time, but it still shows Gallium in the graphics driver09:05
christopher4125ya.. its real weird... Dr_Willis is running xubuntu 13.10, so the setup you two have should be pretty much identical.09:05
DenSaakalteAnd takes THAT long to reboot too09:05
matcoutonops lotuspsychje It directly boots on Win709:06
nova_christopher4125: I've been using KDE, and have the panels there setup pretty much the same.  It's what I've gotten used to.  I just discovered xfce and I kinda like it.  I've avoided gnome like environments for a while now.09:06
MegaQuagganMadpigeon: If your CD drive works with wine I highly recommend fre:ac09:06
lotuspsychjematcouto: no i mean in ubuntu 13.04 setup, did you choose install ubuntu along side win7?09:06
k1lPromethes: it works on several machines like a charm for me. so what do we do now? ranting and cursing or do you want to solve the issue?09:06
nova_christopher4125: oh did he say it was xubuntu?09:07
sevenearthsis there a good place to put google-app-engine in ubuntu? (you know. outside of the user directory so all users can use it)09:07
christopher4125I'm on a netbook (1024x600) so I'm stuck with things that can run small status bars, so that leave me with XFCE or LXDE, and for me, lxde isn't quite ready for primetime...09:07
christopher4125ya.. he's running xu13.1009:07
nova_christopher4125: but it's Xubuntu, not Ubuntu+xfce?09:08
lotuspsychje!test | Octopus_09:08
ubottuOctopus_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )09:08
DenSaakalteandry: should I remove the AccelMethod line then? I just did it09:08
andrythats not the problem, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-video-modesetting09:08
christopher4125Dr_Willis is running Xubuntu, I am running Ubuntu + XFCE09:08
DenSaakalteOkay, let's try09:08
andryif that not works, we can try to add the xorg-edgers09:08
matcoutolotuspsychje: this option wasn't given. Only Erase disk..., Encrypt the new installation..., use LVM... and Something else. I chose 'Something else'  which goes to that window that uploaded09:08
DenSaakalteOkay andry, I just tried it and it didn't say anything09:09
nova_christopher4125: ok that's weird...nothing left to go on now..im out of guesses09:09
DenSaakalteHow do I check if something was changed?09:09
Octopus_is it a exclusif ubuntu forum or generalist?09:09
andryctrl+alt+f1, login, sudo service lightdm restart09:09
k1lOctopus_: this is the ubuntu technical support channel09:09
andryfaster than reboot09:09
DenSaakalteAlright, let's see09:09
christopher4125lemme look up one more thing...09:09
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andry(dont know if ctrl+alt+backspace is bound in ubuntu 13)09:10
lotuspsychjematcouto: thats weird, you should be able to choose install win7 next to ubuntu, maybe try install from usb stick at boot(not livecd)09:10
Octopus_des francophones ici?09:10
lotuspsychje!fr | Octopus_09:10
ubottuOctopus_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:10
matcoutolotuspsychje: I've done that too. didnt work.09:11
DenSaakalteNope, didn't work...09:11
lotuspsychjematcouto: and your win7 works properly?09:11
DenSaakalteTime to try the other method, andry09:11
andryDenSaakalte, can you do this?09:11
irrelev4ntlotuspsychje: it's actually not that weird. My Surface Pro won't prompt me to install beseide Win8 either09:11
DenSaakalteOkay le's see09:11
matcoutolotuspsychje: yup, it does.09:11
andryadd the repo, update install09:11
DenSaakalteI'm on it now09:12
andry(instead if install just upgrade)09:12
lotuspsychjeirrelev4nt: is it an uefi machine?09:12
matcoutolotuspsychje: I'll try to run some chdisk on win and give it a shot again. brb09:12
irrelev4ntlotuspsychje: yes, it is09:12
christopher4125nova_ I just ran 'xfce4-about' in terminal, I'm running 4.8, which is *not* the latest version....09:12
christopher4125dunno if that matters.09:12
lotuspsychjeirrelev4nt: ive installed an uefi w8 laptop recently and didnt even had to mess with uefi, worked out of the box for ubuntu09:13
DenSaakaltePackages are being updated now09:13
andryokay, after that better reboot09:13
irrelev4ntlotuspsychje: it works to a certain extent. Secure Boot for example does *not* work. You enable it, you won't be able to boot Ubuntu09:14
SteveBellFYI: http://askubuntu.com/users/login#create-account does not load for me09:14
lotuspsychjeirrelev4nt: even on ubuntu clean install on whole hd?09:14
devjustforfunI have 3 user and each of them have ssh. each user can't access home directories of others. But i have www-data user that can read all home directories and execute php files in them and can CRUD public directory of each user. That means user1 can create php file and by using php script delete the public folders of the other users. So my question is how to prevent it?09:15
irrelev4ntlotuspsychje: I won't try that as I need my win8. Just need Ubuntu for legacy gaming. But won't matter, because the device complains about a Secure Boot violation at boot09:16
hitsujiTMOirrelev4nt: lotuspsychje: sucure boot does work, just not with the microsoft key that is present in the uefi when you get the system09:16
devjustforfunCRUD - create read update delete*09:16
SteveBellis that login working for others? and is signing up new account on askubuntu working for anybody?09:16
DenSaakalteOkay andry, I updated the repositories. Which of the packages in xorg-edgers should I install?09:16
andryjust do a apt-get upgrade09:16
irrelev4ntSteveBell: Just registered with Google on AskUbuntu09:16
DenSaakalteI just did and nothing (aside from chrome-stable) showed up09:16
SteveBellirrelev4nt: and can you create a new account?09:17
irrelev4ntSteveBell: Yes, worked like a charm09:17
DenSaakalteAnd install -f doesn't show anything either09:17
SteveBellirrelev4nt: strange. ok sorry must be on my end then. disabled firewall and adblocker still no luck...09:17
SteveBellFF24 on os x here.09:17
andrycan you do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?09:17
irrelev4nthitsujiTMO: So what am I missing when I want to get my Surface going with Secure Boot enabled?09:17
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: well not sure if secure boot is enabled by default, but the laptop i did installed ubuntu out of the box09:17
DenSaakalteOkay, let's try that09:17
devjustforfuni really need help with that to setup my hosting :)09:17
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun: you on desktop or server?09:18
SteveBellirrelev4nt: works fwith safari. very interesting...09:18
DenSaakalteNow should I restart lightdm or a full reboot?09:18
andrycan you check if  apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental is installed?09:18
andryand remove it if it is09:18
irrelev4ntlotuspsychje: Installing Ubuntu works just fine with SB enabled. You reboot and - BAM - error09:18
DenSaakalteIt wasn't installed, now it's installing now09:19
andryok i thought it is installed and would recommend to remove it, but restart lightdm and try09:20
irrelev4ntSteveBell: FF's cache at time can be a pain ...09:20
DenSaakalteI'll be right back09:20
andryok :)09:20
devjustforfun<lotuspsychje> server09:20
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun: the #ubuntu-server guys might wanna help you out maybe?09:20
bussorehello, i have an ubuntu 13.04 disk. i would like to know if it is safe in live mode. i mean is it ok to do online banking in live mode for example? or to be safe one must install?09:20
devjustforfun<lotuspsychje> i think i should setup ssh properly09:21
lotuspsychje!ssh | devjustforfun09:21
ubottudevjustforfun: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:21
Dr_Willisbussore:  theres 'security' focused live cd disrtos out also. the live cd shouldbe as safe as a instgalled system id imagine.09:21
SteveBellirrelev4nt: def y! can I subscribe for updates for existing questions on askubuntu?09:21
hitsujiTMOirrelev4nt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/SecureBoot tells you how to install the canonical key, however, this will prevent you from installing windows 8 on that device in the future (oem uses the secure boot key do determine your licence)09:21
Dr_Willisbussore:  its just possible theres  not all the secureity updates on the live cd.09:21
devjustforfuni know what is ssh09:21
DepaHi guys :)09:21
DenSaakalteNope, didn't work...09:22
DenSaakalte(and now for some reason the calendar/time disappeared)09:22
DepaI installed Ubuntu 13.10... How I can completly remove GNOME/Unity??09:22
Dr_WillisDepa:  what desktop are you planing on using?09:22
andryDenSaakalte, is it a i91509:23
irrelev4ntSteveBell: I don't see any obvious option for that ... dunno, maybe it's possible, though09:23
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DenSaakalteWhere do I check that?09:23
bussoreso you think i would be taking a big risk?09:23
irrelev4ntStevenBell: You can subscribe to your own questions though09:23
DepaDr_Willis: KDE but I won't to install Kubuntu09:23
Dr_Willisbussore:  i wouldent think of it as much of a risk at all09:23
Dr_Willis!purekde | Depa09:23
ubottuDepa: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »09:23
andrymaybe lspci shows09:24
DenSaakalteTrying now...09:24
Eit8I always had the problem with the "an account needs attention" in 13.04 and in 13.10 I've got the pop up asking for gmail password to synch my stuff and it always fails saying the password is wrong (it isn't) any workaround to fix this ?09:24
bussoreeven if it's not updated?09:24
andryor sudo lshw -C video09:24
irrelev4nthitsujiTMO: Thanks for the link. Interesting ... as MS will reinstall my Win8 anyway when I send in the device due to WiFi drops I could actually try that ..09:24
DenSaakaltecommand not found (on the last one)09:24
andryyou can install it via install lshw09:25
DenSaakalteInstalling now...09:25
zeroXtenany chance of 13.10 working on my 9,1 mac?09:26
irrelev4ntbussore: What kind of "risk" are you thinking about? ...09:26
bussorethe live distros you mentioned before are for example knoppix? knoppix live is safer than ubuntu live?09:26
bussorerisk i am thinking about is that somebody else gets in my online banking for example09:26
irrelev4ntbussore: Live systems means that Ubuntu is loaded into your RAM only. You poweroff the device and every trace of what you have been doing is gone09:26
DenSaakalteandry: http://pastebin.com/vJZHHKyd this is what shows09:27
hitsujiTMOzeroXten: as in os 9.1?09:27
lotuspsychjebussore: pc banking is always tricky...if you click on a malicious banner09:27
bussorebut surfing without a fully updated system is not dangerous?09:27
lotuspsychje!security | bussore09:28
ubottubussore: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server09:28
irrelev4ntbussore: lotuspsychje: in that aspect Windows and Linux are no different ... you just have to be aware and carefull09:28
zeroXtenhitsujiTMO: no as in that particular model/generation or whatever apple calls it09:28
DenSaakalteI see driver=i915, so to answer your question, yes09:28
lotuspsychjebussore: a healthy paranoia is reccomended09:28
DenSaakalteOkay :), thanks for this btw09:29
hitsujiTMOzeroXten: what are the specs? no idea what a 9,1 mac is09:29
zeroXtenits the one that *should* be somewhere between point 11 and 12 on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro09:30
bussoreso to conclude if i do the following: run ubuntu 13.04 in live mode, go only to the site of my bank, login, do online banking, and when finished shutdown, SHOULD I BE OK?09:31
zeroXteni installed it a few weeks ago but wifi was a problem09:31
lotuspsychjebussore: yes, but always stay alert for what happens online...09:31
hitsujiTMOzeroXten: yes it should run09:31
zeroXtenhitsujiTMO: but with what issues?09:31
irrelev4ntbussore: in general, yes, you should be fine. Just be carefull to really go to your bank's site and not some kind of scam09:31
lotuspsychjebussore: if you login in a fishing page of your bank...things could go wrong09:32
hewhomustbussore, safer to go into to the physical bank need to be careful not to be shot though09:32
hitsujiTMOzeroXten: you'd have to ask someone with the same model09:32
lotuspsychjehewhomust: lol09:32
zeroXtenhitsujiTMO: hence why I'm here ;)09:32
bussoreok, thank you, just out of curiosity, would you have said it was ok also if i had an ubuntu 10.10 disk ? i mean an old system is always fine if one surfs carefully?09:33
lotuspsychje!10.10 | bussore09:33
ubottubussore: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.09:33
lotuspsychjebussore: we reccomend you installing a version from topic mate09:34
irrelev4ntbussore: long story short, you might want to choose a more recent version of Ubuntu rather than 10.1009:34
bussorethat's not my question, my question is would it have been safe if i surfed carefully? (just curiosity)09:34
bussore hewhomust: :)09:35
Dr_Willisbussore:  if you are worried about security.. get a newer release with a newer browser.09:35
lotuspsychjebussore: when a version is end of life, it means its not safe to continue09:35
Dr_Willisbussore:  if you are REALLY worried about live-cd surfing.. get one of the security focused live cds out there09:36
bussoreis knoppix live safer than ubuntu live because it is designed as a live distro? (very last question)09:36
Dr_Willis10.10 has firefox that is at least 3 years old.09:36
Dr_Willisis koppix still updated? hav ent heard about it in years.09:36
Dr_Willisanything thats not 3 yrs old.. would be safer then a 3 yr old disrto09:37
Dr_Willisof course using common sence when surfing - goes a long way. ;)09:37
bussoreok thank you very much09:38
lotuspsychjebussore: you have windows and want to secure browse the web with a livecd?09:38
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: knoppix as knoppix is pretty dead but there are spinoffs09:38
reisiour0pl: hi09:38
lotuspsychjeur0pl: hello, what can we do for you?09:38
reisiodoesn't look dead: http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html09:38
ur0pli can't do a control + f5 to refresh with a new cache because it brings me to my 5th virtual window09:38
ur0pleven when i lowered my workspace windwos to 4, it doesn't do anything now09:39
ur0plit is like it is already binded09:39
Dr_Willisur0pl:  from a X session   it should be alt-ctrl-f5 to get to a Console.09:39
bussoreok but i have a better understanding of the situation now, i'm ok, thanks for the help, bye :)09:40
lotuspsychjebussore: then ubuntu livecd will be able to help you, but install ubuntu would be even better and loose win once and for good :p09:40
Dr_Willisur0pl:  if you mean the  5th 'virtual desktop' ive not notice3d that keybinding. what app does a refresh with ctrl-f5?09:40
DenSaakalteandry, not sure if you're still there, but I noticed something: in /etc/X11/ I don't have an xorg.conf, but rather a xorg.conf.failsafe09:41
DenSaakalteDo you think this is part of the problem?09:42
irrelev4ntUsing Wine in 13.10 I have very distorted sound even though desktop sound works great. CLI gives multiple PCM overflow errors. Where do I look to resolve such issue?09:44
andryback .. :P sorry, work called09:44
andrythe conf palce is /usr/share/X11 now09:44
reisioirrelev4nt: check alsamixer's pcm level09:44
ActionParsnipirrelev4nt: ask in #winehq too09:44
andryhm i am not sure what else you can try09:44
ActionParsnipirrelev4nt: does if affect all apps?09:45
ActionParsnipirrelev4nt: have you checked the APpDb?09:45
irrelev4ntreisio: what do you mean by alsamixer's pcm level?09:45
reisioirrelev4nt: run 'alsamixer' in a term, check the level for 'PCM'09:46
DenSaakalteandry: http://pastebin.com/vJZHHKyd09:46
irrelev4ntActionParsnip: yes, checked AppDb. No known error of that sort. Like 7 years ago that particular game under some circumstances had no sound at all09:46
DenSaakalteThe contents of the xorg.conf.failsafe09:46
DenSaakalteI just did a cp xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf09:46
irrelev4ntActionParsnip: it effects wine in general. even the wine sound test is distorted09:47
andrythe failsafe just loads if the intel drivers fail09:47
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andryor any other09:47
DenSaakalteShouldn't the xorg.conf have the Intel drivers?09:48
andryit should autoload them09:48
andrythere is no need for an xorg.conf anymore09:48
ActionParsnipit may not if EDID fails, sometimes its needed09:48
ActionParsnipandry: not true in all cases09:48
andryconfigs go in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d now09:48
DenSaakalteI see... But it's not doing it09:48
andrylike we did with the 30-intel.conf09:49
andryi dont see why it doesnt load :/09:49
DenSaakalteWhat could be stopping it from using the 30-intel.conf?09:49
ActionParsnipandry: my display goes to 1280x1024 at 3000 dpi, meaning tiny tiny window decorators and huge text, I need an xorg.conf file to make the desktop usable09:49
andrycan you post the /var/log/X* to pastebin?09:49
DenSaakalteOkay hold on09:49
ActionParsnipDenSaakalte: some screens do need an xorg.conf file.09:49
ActionParsnipDenSaakalte: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue09:49
andryActionParsnip, we created a intel.conf09:50
DenSaakalteMy problem isn't really with the screen but the graphic card, since it's using Gallium instead of intel09:50
ur0pli'm not trying to get to a console. i am trying to do a refresh with a clean cache like i could do in windows, it is control + f509:50
ActionParsnipandry: where was it made?09:50
reisiour0pl: in what application?09:50
andryusr share x11 xorg.conf.d .. that is where it belongs09:51
ActionParsnipDenSaakalte: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue09:52
blade-runnerhello. Could someone please tell me the command to install XFCE?09:52
ActionParsnipblade-runner: sudo apt-get install xfce409:52
blade-runnerActionParsnip, ty09:52
DenSaakalteUbuntu 13.10 \n \l09:52
ActionParsnipandry: i see09:52
Dark_lightEmpathy doesn't show my facebook contacts, it seems it fails to login, on a related note I had a similar issue in gnome but found patches for gnome online accounts since facebook changed some things on their part09:52
DenSaakalteThat, ActionParsnip09:52
fahadashI have 12.4 LTS on my HP Mini laptop, whenever I chat on skype, it leaves the webcam-light (the one that tells you webcam is on) ON...It leaves it on... Is there anything I can do about this ?09:53
andryand you upgraded from 04 to 10, right?09:53
andryi dont know what else to do :/ i think i would do a fresh install .. btw .. i use 13.04 for my intel hd4600, the older x + stable 01.org drivers work much better than the ones in the repo09:54
DenSaakalteandry: http://pastebin.com/vZG39H8q09:54
DenSaakalteAnd yes, I upgraded from 04 to 1009:55
DenSaakalteThose are the three Xorg files in the /var/log/09:55
Eit8after 13.10 upgrade evolution can't authenticate my gmail password saying it's incorrect (it isn't )09:55
topper4125ur0pl: are you trying to clear all your history from terminal? if so... use the command 'reset'09:55
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lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: mounting the .img worked yesterday tnx!09:57
irrelev4ntcan anybody recommend an IRC client for ubuntu?09:58
lotuspsychjeirrelev4nt: depending on your needs: xchat, irssi09:59
universalhttp://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=1f51a4c - what channel no. to set - 1 t0 13 available with automatic mode also and what channel width 20Mhz or 40 with automatic also available for best wifi speed ? also what is WDS and should I enable it or not ?09:59
DenSaakalteSo I guess my only option left is a fresh install?09:59
andryeither something broke X while upgrading ..09:59
andrythe new x just dislikes you :D09:59
andryno .. sorry09:59
andrydont know09:59
andryi would reinstall10:00
FloodBot1andry: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:00
* andry hugs FloodBot1 10:00
DenSaakalteHaha, well... I guess I'll try that right now10:00
brotherBoxHello people. I am working with lubuntu 12.04 and want to get my wifi Stick, a Sitecom N150 to work. Apparently the only way to do this is via ndiswrapper, but I don't find packages of the ndiswrapper stuff for lubuntu. Can I just use the packages for ubuntu 12.04?10:00
andrysorry :/10:00
Dark_lightHow can I disable the meta+number combo to launch apps ?10:00
Dark_lightbrotherBox: yes10:00
Dark_light*in Unity10:01
brotherBoxDark_light, thank you for clarifying that, will try10:01
kaddihi, i would like to dualboot win8 and ubuntu.. is there a good guide on how to install them side by side? Everything I've seen so far has me disable secureboot to install10:01
lotuspsychjebrotherBox: i think my sitecom wifi adapter worked out of the box, not sure wich ubuntu version again..10:01
lotuspsychje!dualboot | kaddi10:01
ubottukaddi: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:01
lotuspsychje!uefi | kaddi10:01
ubottukaddi: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:01
DenSaakalteDon't be sorry andry :), you were very helpful10:02
DenSaakalteOne more question: how do I reinstall Ubuntu without a live CD?10:02
DenSaakalteBEcause this laptop doesn't have one10:02
lotuspsychje!cookie | andry10:02
ubottuandry: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:02
DenSaakalte(yes, an extremely noob question)10:02
andryyou can use a usb stick to install :)10:02
kaddiDenSaakalte, with USB :)10:02
Paulus68_1DenSaakalte: use a usb10:02
brotherBoxlotuspsychje, my former stick did work out of the box, but this one doesnt on lubuntu 12.0410:03
andrybrotherBox, you can try this: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/sitecom-wlan-stick-installieren/#post-560024210:03
topper4125kaddi, I've found some vid tutorials on Youtube to be very helpful with win8 duel boot10:03
DenSaakalteAlright... I could use my external HDD for that, then10:03
andry(google translate and stuff :P)10:03
kaddithe uefi guide looks good to me. I'm not good with youtube videos.. They're too slow for me and I get bored and drift away. Better to have text :)10:03
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wilee-nileekaddi, here is a thread, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729510:05
brotherBoxandry, I remember doing something to this effect on Ubuntu 10.04 a while ago and I got it to work. The hardware ID mentioned in the post shows up in my lsusb, not in my lspci10:06
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brotherBoxIts indeed 0df6:006b10:06
andrywohnst du in der nähe vo düsseldorf? dann bekommst du meinen alten wlan stick ;D10:06
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:07
brotherBoxandry, are you talking about me now?10:07
* topper4125 is still known at topper4125 (tends to stick with what works)10:07
brotherBoxI live in Mönchengladbach, so yes ;)10:07
brotherBoxKind of.10:07
SteveBellIRC is unabel to post properly ae ue oe (german letters öäü)?10:08
kaddidepends on your client, usually10:08
kaddiand the irc standards specified10:08
kaddiif you use utf8 and the irc net uses ascii things go bad :p10:08
brotherBoxI live in Moenchengladbach. Unlike Nuremberg and Cologne, the english language doesn't have its own version...yet...10:09
kaddiyou can modify the charset in your client usually10:09
kaddi./charset utf8 or something similar10:09
kaddifor me the umlauts work10:09
brotherBoxFör me tüü10:09
SpeirosHello.  Where can I get information regarding security on Ubuntu?10:09
andrywell, if you want to, you can catch it up in moers, krefeld or duesseldorf (not joking)10:09
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server10:10
andryfor free.10:10
reisioSpeiros: ordinary security, or additional?10:10
brotherBoxandry, I have relatives in Krefeld10:10
brotherBoxThat would actually be very nice of you...but I'll try to get this one working first ;)10:10
Speirosreisio ordinary.  I have issues with my version of Ubuntu, I believe.10:10
reisioSpeiros: what issues?10:11
SpeirosI noticed today when the Ubuntu Software Centre was updating the files to see what was recommended for uploading or changing, that all the security files were "failed".10:11
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fahadashNo opinion there about my webcam light staying on ??? It always concerns me that big-brother might be watching10:12
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SpeirosSorry reisio, that was for you.10:12
hitsujiTMOSpeiros: what version of ubuntu are you running?10:13
reisioSpeiros: if they failed, then the authentication system is working10:13
lotuspsychjefahadash: what happens if you close skype completly?10:13
brotherBoxfahadash, I would try to start up your computer and have no program running - except for Wireshark10:13
brotherBoxAnd see what goes through your connection.10:13
andryfahadash, modprobe -r uvcvideo10:13
Speirosreisio, I see.10:13
SpeiroshitsujiTMO I use 10:410:13
andryi read about 13.10 + webcam issues..10:13
hitsujiTMO10.04 is not supported, its eol10:14
Speirosreisio does that also mean that it is failing because there is no need?10:14
DenSaakalteWell, it's time to do another clean install... Sigh10:14
reisioSpeiros: it probably means the server in question is having a hiccup, or your config is a little out of whack10:14
andry:( was about to ask if you fixed it10:14
SpeiroshitsujiTMO I uploaded 12:04 on another server, and couldn't use it at the time.  That computer is now in computer heaven...lol10:15
reisioSpeiros: it could mean the server has been compromised, but that almost never happens, and is usually publicized10:15
DenSaakalteI restarted last time to see if it was fixed by chance10:15
DenSaakalteBut now I'm making a backup10:15
Dark_lightHow can I disable the unity keyboard shortcut Meta + 1 to 9 to launch applications? it's driving me nuts10:15
Speirosreisio I guess I need to just wait until I have a fresh hard drive, and try again, again.lol10:16
brotherBoxGah and now my usb drives won't work10:16
reisioI doubt the hard drive is relevant10:16
Speirosreisio I mean in that I don't want to lose my documentation by uploading onto this one.10:17
silv3r_m00n this is the output of lspci -v, http://pastebin.com/ka4egneS  how much graphics memory do i have ?10:17
reisiohi jboii10:18
andrylooks like you share 256mb ram with your vga10:18
SpeirosAnyway, thanks reisio and thanks hitsujiTMO for your help.  All the best.10:18
jboiii have a text file i cannot get clean10:18
silv3r_m00nandry: and that 1MB is onboard ?10:18
jboiican someone help me edit it , so text is possible to see correct ?10:19
silv3r_m00nandry: difference between prefetchable and non-prefetchable ?10:19
andryi think the 1mb is like a fixed buffer10:19
jboiiits a file with song names copy from an app10:19
andrynot too sure10:19
jboiii copied text from facebook10:19
reisiojboii: pastebin10:20
jnhghyjobii: what do you mean get clean? how did you got that file? check it's permissions with terminal cd to file location and ls-lah ... you'll see the owner ..10:20
twenty-threehi guys, while on 13.04 i experienced a number of issues while trying to use propietary nvidia drivers, so eventually i gave up on them. i have  just installed 13.10 and i wonder if there is a way to test nvidia driver issues or whether there is a particular place where i could dig information about it10:21
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twenty-threewhile on 13.04 i tried to install bumblebee but i think i must have messed something up since it locked me into low resolution for all my displays10:22
SunTsutwenty-three: just create a copy from your current xorg config, modify it to use proprietary nvidia drivers and then start a new X server using that config10:22
XATRIXHi guys i'm using Xubuntu 13.10 and have a problem. I've currently updated to, and now my volume control applet which is in system tray has no connection to pulse audio, as long as i see.... It shows me disabled picture and when i click it. It doesn't present me a volume controls10:23
XATRIXPulse-audio seems like to running fine.10:23
habtoolXATRIX: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820410:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]10:25
twenty-threesuntsu, thanks but i need more detail (i am still learning how to use this OS), would that be as simple as copying the folder that contains xorg config?10:25
SunTsutwenty-three: it's as simble as copying just that file. Or simply try using Xorg -configure that will try to figure out your setup and create a brand new config file in your current directory10:27
SunTsusimple even10:27
andryno one seems to use the new format via xorg.conf.d :D10:27
DenSaakalteApparently not!10:27
jboiican someone upload the file so i can download it ?10:27
jboiiso i wont have to make an account10:28
brotherBoxWhy is it that so many wifi drivers aren't 100% free? :(10:28
fahadashlotuspsychje: Closing Skype has no effect. Rebooting does turn it off but I dont wanna have to turn it off after every skype chat10:28
twenty-threeSunTsu: thanks a lot i'll give it a go10:28
fahadashandry: I don't want to disable webcam10:28
fahadashs/turn it off/reboot10:28
andryjboii, http://www.bugmenot.com/view/login.launchpad.net10:28
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drecutehow does reinstallation of grub2 affect the kernel?10:29
brotherBoxdrecute, not at all10:29
brotherBoxgrub should find all kernels and won't change existing kernels10:29
drecutebrotherBox:  what about the kernel config in grub?10:29
drecutewould it be overriden?10:30
andrybrotherBox, i am going to buy a WN722N today, the chipset works fine with linux10:30
andrydont want ralink chipsets anymore ..10:30
brotherBoxDepends if you delete the old one drecute. If you're feeling unsure, just back up the old /boot/grub.cfg10:30
brotherBoxandry, I have not even gotten to try anything. I still try to get a wget dump of that page on my machine - but all my usb drives decide to crap out on me now.10:31
drecutebrotherBox: cool. Thanks10:31
jboiiwhen i click on download , i cant get it lookin ok10:31
jboiilike it was when i paste it10:31
brotherBoxdrecute, actually its /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:32
andrymaybe pastebin broke the format10:32
fahadashLooks like Canonical is working with secret services to leave people's webcam on, this bug was reported 4 years ago still no progress10:32
jboiii need it lookin like it looks10:32
jboiichance someone can download it and upload ?10:33
andryi send you a dcc10:33
fahadashCanonical might be recording videos of people changing clothes thinking nobody's watching them10:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 363583 in linux (Ubuntu) "webcam still powered on after closing cheese" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:33
wilee-nileefahadash, way off topic and complete fud.10:34
fahadashwilee-nilee: It is supposed to be on-topic in #ubuntu10:34
wilee-nileefahadash, read the COC, that is not.10:34
fahadashWhy ubuntu devs are not fixing this bug ? Why they wanna keep the webcam on ?10:34
andryjboii, www.debinux.de/Download.txt.zip10:34
wilee-nileefahadash, The topic is support.10:35
SteveBellis there an option to forcequit applications on 12.04?10:35
brotherBoxI don't envy you guys during update time10:35
fahadashOk, give me support please. I need the webcam turned off when not in use10:35
fahadashSteveBell: Kill -910:35
lotuspsychje!patience | fahadash10:35
ubottufahadash: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:35
fahadashOk. I take it as "Shut up and find a better distro"10:36
Sludge321Hi all. Was wondering if anyone could help me with compiling a library? I believe the issue I am encountering is due to static/dynamic python links - but I really don't have the first clue what to do or how to set flags.10:37
SteveBellfahadash: could you provide some context for a noob? I assume this is a terminal command?10:37
lotuspsychjefahadash: no reason to take conclusions like this..10:37
fahadashSteveBell: first find the pid using pgrep command . pgrep -i programname, then kill -9 pid10:37
lotuspsychjefahadash: it means, at another time someone might help you10:37
andryor pidof :)10:38
andrykill -9 `pidof bla`10:38
fahadashandry: That could have scary results10:39
lorddaedraHello! I tried to update Ubuntu Server 13.04 => 13.10 and got Critical Error on last step. Please, answer in my topic here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218149810:39
SteveBellso terminal > kill −9 pid xbmc ?!?10:40
andrywhy would it?10:40
SunTsuer - if there is pgrep shouldn't there be a pkill, too?10:40
lotuspsychjeseems like support becomes a demanding task these days..10:40
hitsujiTMOfahadash: what version of ubuntu are you running?10:40
SunTsuSteveBell: all it needs probably is a "pkill applicationname"10:40
fahadashhitsujiTMO: 12.4 LTS10:41
varlogWhat's the most accurate way of determining whether your harddisk is mechanical or an SSD? I tried "cat /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational", however I have reason to believe that it occasionally gives me wrong information10:41
andrynothing scary about this.10:41
fahadashvarlog: Put your ears close to it, if you hear the humming noise its mechanical10:42
SteveBellso how'd I find out the application name (process name) of xbmc media center?10:42
reisioJerry168: hi10:42
varlogfahadash: I would if I could, however I do not have access to the computers10:42
reisioSteveBell: pgrep -l xbmc10:42
varlogfahadash: no physical access that i10:42
prc3websI want t set up mail just to catch outgoing mails I don't need them to send anywhere.  What should I do to set up my server to catch what is sent by a mail function?10:42
fahadashvarlog: I am sure there will be some file under /proc10:43
SunTsuprc3webs: what exactly do you mean by "catch"?10:43
andrygrep . /sys/class/block/sd*/queue/rotational should show you a 0 for ssd10:43
prc3websOk so say I am testing php's mail function on my server.  I don't need the server to actually send out any mail to the outside world I just need to be able to read the message10:43
hitsujiTMOfahadash: you should test a later distro from a live cd and see if the bug still exists. if not then you need a kernel update, if yes then you should add a comment to that bug report to state that it is still an issue10:43
varlogfahadash: There are many files under /proc :P , but if you mean /proc/partitions , it doesn't tell you whats mechanical and what's an ssd10:44
prc3websbut I want them to all catch in one spot like usr/bin/mail10:44
swingHello everyone, I want to install teamviewer (remote control software), usually it installs without a problem, I downloaded 13.10 v of ubuntu yesterday and reinstalled pc.. now when i want to install teamviewer i get this massage: dependenci is not statisfable lib32asound210:44
santhoshhai what is the meaning of virtual ip in linux10:45
SunTsuprc3webs: use "local sendmail" as your mail transport option and instead of installing sendmail create a script that contains "cat > /dev/null" instead and call that sendmail10:45
fahadashvarlog: cat /proc/scsi/scsi10:45
SunTsuprc3webs: then configure your php to use that as mail transport "binary" and you're good10:45
prc3websthanks Sun10:45
fahadashvarlog: cat /proc/scsi/scsi <-- will give you Model of your hard drive that you can google and find out the specs10:46
SunTsusanthosh: depends on the context10:46
santhosh<swing> update pc and install team viewer10:46
varlogfahadash: Thanks for the help but I do not have that file and that's kind of a silly solution, if I want the information to write a script10:46
santhoshhow to give virtual ip in my linux pc10:46
fahadashhitsujiTMO: I am trying to stay on LTS, I will try 13 with livecd, not sure if I can run skype through it10:46
ActionParsnipsanthosh: you can use ifconfig to add virtual interfaces10:47
ActionParsnipsanthosh: known as subinterfaces10:47
santhoshmeans bonding10:47
fahadashvarlog: Not sure... My opensuse has this file; You might have to look through the hierarchy under /proc10:47
ActionParsnipsanthosh: virtual IPs are subinterfaces on software based interfaces, giving more than one IP to a single port10:48
brotherBoxandry, I just checked lsusb -v, my wifi stick apparently has a RTL8188S chipset10:48
hitsujiTMOfahadash: if its that bug then it should exist with other camera apps, you can update the kernel without moving from lts, just build your own10:48
ActionParsnipsanthosh: nothing to do with bonding, or do you want to bond 2 unique interfaces together?10:48
santhoshno i want nore than one ip in a siingle port for ipbased web server10:49
irrelev4ntdang ... anybody running wine on 13.10 yet?10:49
ActionParsnipsanthosh: then that is nothing to do with bonding10:49
ActionParsnipsanthosh: you can add sub interfaces on a bonded connection but otherwiuse the 2 are separate10:49
santhoshok can u tell me clear steps in virtual ip10:49
ActionParsnipsanthosh: http://www.wantlinux.net/2009/04/ubuntu-subinterfaces/10:50
ActionParsnipsanthosh: took me 2 seconds to 'google' that...10:50
lotuspsychjeirrelev4nt: whats happening?10:50
marloi just 'upgraded' to saucy and now my machine won't boot - it's like the keyboard gets turned off10:50
ActionParsnipsanthosh: you already know it is called a sub interfcae, so you have some terms you can search for10:50
marlocan't type in my home-directory encryption password10:51
irrelev4ntlotuspsychje, I can't use wine at all10:51
irrelev4ntget a lot of error prompts when I start for example winecfg. Programs won't start at all10:51
lotuspsychjeirrelev4nt: installing works? running not?10:51
fahadashvarlog: try  cat /sys/block/sda/device/model . It will give you the model number that you can look up on internet to grab the specs10:51
fahadashvarlog: replace sda with your respective device10:51
irrelev4nteverything that involves sound makes wine crash10:52
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irrelev4ntotherwise there are a lot of errors10:52
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Twenty-threehi guys, during 13.04 i experienced several issues with nvidia propietary drivers, i just tested them (319) in saucy and they are working tip top, given that the updates on linux-headers (kernel?) was my main issue i wonder if there is a way to prevent such updates in the future10:53
Twenty-threeor whether it is adviceable at all to prevent such updates10:53
brotherBoxandry, what you linked me magically worked! Thanks a lot!10:54
andryhaha was about to type :) cool10:54
fahadashvarlog , you got it ?10:54
brotherBoxI was initially vary because the thing I copypasted had nothing to do with my chipset, but as long as it works...eh10:54
santhosh<irrelev4nt>which version wine u used and which os u used10:55
andryyes wifi is strange in linux sometimes10:55
marlowhat do i do if i can't get saucy to boot - my machine is like locked-up, dead keyboard and all, like the usb port gets shut off or something10:55
andrybetter always "trial and error" :D10:55
irrelev4ntsanthosh, ubuntu 13.10 with apt-get install wine after addingthe ppa10:55
KaiKaiKatsu 10:56
irrelev4ntsaw a lot of wine1.6 stuff when removing it just now10:56
swagiliciousThanks andry. A good day to everyone10:56
santhosh<irrelev4nt>wine 1.4 is stable version try on that one10:56
DenSaakalteHey guys, quick question: Is there an Intel 64bit version of Ubuntu 13.10 yet?10:57
irrelev4ntsanthosh, just installed the stable ... still some errors ...10:57
reisioDenSaakalte: almost certainly...10:57
Twenty-threedensaakalte, yeah, i have it10:58
DenSaakalteAlright cool, thanks10:58
DenSaakalteI wasn't sure10:58
santhoshwhat type of errors u get10:58
reisioDenSaakalte: http://mirror.edatel.net.co/ubuntu-releases/13.10/10:58
DenSaakalteAwesome, thank you10:58
QuantumRenegadehey guys10:59
irrelev4ntsanthosh, here is the CLI output while starting up winecfg http://pastebin.com/VzxUZbGw10:59
DenSaakalteI see it there10:59
QuantumRenegadeis it possible for me to switch between window managers ? ie ... ctrl + alt + shift ways ?10:59
irrelev4ntdoes anybody know what to do about "ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred10:59
reisioQuantumRenegade: ctrl+alt+shift?10:59
Twenty-threehi guys, during 13.04 i experienced several issues with nvidia propietary drivers, i just tested them (319) in saucy and they are working tip top, given that the updates on linux-headers (kernel?) was my main issue i wonder if there is a way to prevent such updates in the future11:00
Twenty-threeor whether it is adviceable at all to prevent such updates11:00
QuantumRenegadea custom hack... i am new to ubuntu and it seems like a schlep to change window managers after install11:00
brotherBoxIf you don't want kernel updates Twenty-three remove the linux-generic package11:00
santhosh<irrelev4nt>it is 64 bit or 32 bit11:00
irrelev4ntsanthosh, 64 bit11:01
Twenty-threebrotherbox, how would i do that? also, would preventing the updates bring any issues?11:01
reisioQuantumRenegade: don't know what you're asking11:01
santhoshit is getting on 32 bit error  "p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/p11-kit-trust.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/p11-kit-trust.so: Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden wine: configuration in '/home/robert/.wine' has been updated."just try on 32 bit11:01
QuantumRenegadehow big of a mission is it when you change windows managers after install ? i am on unity currently... and would like to try KDE ?11:02
hitsujiTMOTwenty-three: do not remove that package!11:02
SteveBellI'm on 12.04 on a netbook. how would I proceed if I want to update to 13.10?11:02
SteveBelldo I have to go via 12.10 which I get offered or is there a direct path?11:02
Twenty-threestevebell, i hear a fresh install tends to work better than upgrading11:03
irrelev4ntsanthosh, what do you mean by trying a 32bit version?11:03
reisioTwenty-three: :p11:03
brotherBoxhitsujiTMO, in my opinion, removing the meta package linux-generic is a good idea since it won't search for new kernels when upgrading11:03
hitsujiTMOTwenty-three: you can put the package on hold with: sudo apt-mark hold package_name11:03
brotherBoxThat doesn't delete the actual kernels11:03
SteveBellTwenty-three: sure, but I hear a fresh install would remove all my media center configuration and samba setup11:03
brotherBoxhitsujiTMO's solution is better. Please forget what I said, Twenty-three11:03
santhoshu<irrelev4nt>ubuntu 32 bit os11:03
fahadashSteveBell: I wouldn't trust anything other than LTS11:03
idodeisukeis there a way to determine recently uninstalled packages?11:03
irrelev4ntsanthosh, I can't. I am on a Surface Pro which is a UEFI system - I therefore have to use 64bit11:04
reisioSteveBell: there's no point using a distro you can't upgrade without reinstallation11:04
SteveBellfahadash: yes, that was my experience with 13.04 :P11:04
Twenty-threehitsujitmo, that's good news, i'll try that next time i boot 13.10, thanks a lot11:04
brotherBoxreisio, thats why I switched from Windows ;)11:04
fahadashSteveBell: Wait until next LTS release comes out, I guess its April 201411:04
brotherBoxBye people11:04
reisiowaiting is silly11:05
SteveBellfahadash: yes, maybe the safest and most trouble free route. reisio you think?11:05
hitsujiTMOidodeisuke: in you log files in /var/log/apt11:05
reisioSteveBell: waste of time11:05
santhosh<irrelev4nt>ok but it is getting 64 bit error try on ubutnu 12.10 it is working fine11:05
reisioSteveBell: there's no point using a distro you can't upgrade without reinstallation11:05
fahadashI wouldn't install something that is still in research and has its reliability questionable11:05
andreiiarCan I make the choose language and the menu after ( boot live, install, check mem, boot hardisk ) dissapear for a usb live disk? I am choosing english all the time anyway and boot as live disk, I dont want it to ask me that anymore.11:06
reisiothe only sane thing to do would be switch distro11:06
fahadashreisio: Do you have a recommendation ?11:06
irrelev4ntsanthosh, will do tomorrow. Thanks for your assistance11:06
idodeisukehitsujiTMO, thx!11:06
reisiofahadash: Debian would be the obvious choice, but most people would probably instantly complain about the latest FOO not being available11:07
RenaI keep seeing messages about resetting USB device #3, but how do I find out which device that is?11:07
fahadashThanks reisio11:07
fahadashreisio: Would Debian work on laptops ?11:08
andryRena, what does lsb in terminal say?11:08
reisiofahadash: plenty of other choices, do a little research11:08
reisiofahadash: yes, Ubuntu is based on Debian11:08
andryit does fahadash (asks at install after laptop-detecting)11:08
Renaandry: No command 'lsb' found11:08
Renait lists a number of devices11:09
santhosh<Rena> lsb_release -a "it is a command for knowing the version of ubuntu"11:09
Renathanks andry11:09
andryyou see the device ids there :)11:10
RenaI don't know why an SD card reader keeps resetting though11:10
RenaI guess I'll find out next time I use it ;p11:10
fahadashRena: Might not be plugged in properly11:11
fahadashIf a computer wont get powered on, first thing I would check is if power-cable is plugged in properly and the wall outlet is emitting electricity ; then I would go on advanced troubleshooting steps11:13
reisiofirst you smash the keyboard11:14
fahadashreisio: Can we get skype on Debian ?11:14
Rena"are you sure it's plugged in?"11:14
reisiofahadash: on any distro11:14
reisiofahadash: https://wiki.debian.org/skype11:14
reisiofahadash: all distros support the same software (though some make it easier/harder)11:14
marlojust installed 13.10... upon boot all usb ports are shut off, power is cut... can't type anything11:15
fahadashreisio: Is there anything that ubuntu can do and debian cant ?11:15
reisiofahadash: there's nothing any distro can do that another can't11:15
ctrl_hello.  enabled the recommended Nvidia driver (319) and then could not boot into Ubuntu after. Should I try the 319 updates or would the same issue probably happen?11:15
andrydebian has pretty old but stable packages ..11:15
andrybetter use debian jessie (testing) for desktop use11:15
fahadashctrl_: You gotta watch the youtube video of Linus Torvalds dropping f-bomb on nVidia11:16
santhosh<marlo> did u update  the pc before update just restarting pc11:16
irrelev4ntis there any way of obtaining an ubuntu daily build iso from a week ago?11:16
fahadashctrl_: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVpOyKCNZYw11:16
andryi think the daily builds just last for 2 days irrelev4nt11:17
ctrl_but what do i do?11:17
marlosanthosh, not sure what you're asking, i was on 13.04 and i 'upgraded' to 13.10... now when it boots, and asks for my decrypt passphrase, the keyboard is dead11:17
marlosanthosh, i have a back-lit keyboard, all the lights die11:17
irrelev4ntandry, thanks. basically means I am screwed now -.-11:18
ctrl_Is there a reason the recommended driver is breaking boot?11:18
reisioirrelev4nt: if they're available from multiple mirrors, you can probably find one that is lagging behind11:18
santhosh<marlo> just look in to bios the keyboard is enabled or diabled11:18
reisioirrelev4nt: which day do you want?11:18
andrygood idea reisio  :)11:18
irrelev4ntreisio, can you point me to a mirror like that? anything like a week ago would be fine11:19
reisioew, they don't put a timestamp in the filename? :/11:19
marlosanthosh, it must be enabled, i certainly haven't changed anything, and i'm running it now (on an older install of ubuntu)11:19
irrelev4ntreisio you can check the upload date11:19
reisioyeah, that's more tedious11:19
andrythey dont, looked that up too :/ just the foldernames11:19
reisioirrelev4nt: try http://web.archive.org/web/20131012090407/http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/11:20
reisiothat's last saturday, theoretically11:20
alexwhitmanAnyone else's menu bar slow to open menus?11:21
tarzeauubuntu unity? 1310?11:21
irrelev4ntreisio, you might as well have saved my weekend :D11:21
alexwhitmanunity, 13.10, intel sandybridge grapics11:21
santhosh <alexwhitman> ctrl + esc in ubuntu11:21
andryreisio, this links to current builds11:22
tarzeaudon't know, we're avoiding unity and use mate instead (or wmaker, i3, fvwm, amiwm...)11:22
andryie http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/saucy-desktop-i386.iso11:22
andreiiarCan I make the choose language and the menu after ( boot live, install, check mem, boot hardisk ) dissapear for a usb live disk? I am choosing english all the time anyway and boot as live disk, I dont want it to ask me that anymore.11:22
tarzeausanthosh: even that is slow sometimes11:22
reisioandry: nope11:22
hitsujiTMOalexwhitman: what menu exactly is slow? the search menu?11:22
alexwhitmansanthosh, ctrl + esc doesn't appear to do anything11:22
ActionParsniptarzeau: have you reported a bug?11:22
irrelev4ntnot really. if you compare the file sizes than you'll see a difference11:22
andryreisio, click on an iso or mouse-over11:22
andryyou see it links to current11:22
alexwhitmanhitsujiTMO, no, the File/View etc menus or the system menu by the clock11:22
tarzeauActionParsnip: not that one, but many others.. why?11:22
reisioandry: nope11:23
santhosh <alexwhitman>it is ubuntu or any thing11:23
andryi just pasted the link -.-11:23
reisioandry: then you're on a different page11:23
andryrightklick > copy link > paste anywhere11:23
ActionParsniptarzeau: if you are on Saucy I suggest you report a bug11:23
reisioandry: I already have11:23
tarzeauActionParsnip: we're using a setup with nis/nfs/ldap users and home directories11:24
tarzeauActionParsnip: i'm not sure ubuntu or canonical cares about such setups11:24
santhosh <alexwhitman>it is ubuntu or any thing11:24
m3kkHi! I have got an dualcore E450 1.65Ghz laptop with 4gb ram and radeon 6320. Would this be good enough to run ubuntu satisfying? Should i try lighter distros? I know about hardware requirements but that is not always reality11:24
alexwhitmansanthosh, it's ubuntu11:24
reisiom3kk: should be fine11:24
m3kkreisio, with unity 2d or fullblown unity?11:24
andrythe full link is: http://web.archive.org/web/20131012090407/http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/saucy-desktop-i386.iso < but whatever .. gone now11:25
santhosh <alexwhitman> just install lxde desktop and type ctrl+ esc it is an light weight11:25
cfhowlettm3kk, install ubuntu AND lxde and xfce4.  that way you can test the other environments.  If you prefer the alternate, download and install11:25
alexwhitmansanthosh, yea that's not a solution.11:26
alexwhitmanIt worked fine in 13.0411:26
BrianHMorning!  Has anyone ran into problems with the server installer not being able to get past the language selection?  Everything locks up at the first screen.11:26
hitsujiTMOm3kk unity 2d does not exist anymore ... should be fine , may need to disable background blur in search menu11:26
reisiom3kk: you can always change your desktop environment afterwards if you want something lighter/else11:26
reisiom3kk: "fullblown" should be fine11:26
m3kkcfhowlett, its recommended to download and install ie Xubuntu instead of installing xfce or xubuntu-desktop if preferd?11:26
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m3kkThanks for help11:26
santhosh <alexwhitman> get me a screen shot11:26
tarzeauhitsujiTMO: can it be disabled systemwide for all users?11:27
reisioandry: it's not gone, it's right there11:27
santhosh<m3kk> just truy lxde it is very comfort11:27
hitsujiTMOtarzeau: i'm unsure on that11:27
irrelev4ntandry: now I have got 3 different images. One is the final release for 13.10 ~920MB, one is the last official nightly build with ~890MB and one was linked bei reisio with 874MB ...11:27
m3kksanthosh, i will! tring xfce right now11:27
irrelev4ntmight as well try them all :D11:28
m3kksanthosh, do you know if lxde have same issues with screentrearing?11:28
ActionParsnipm3kk: both ways are fine. installing xfce4 will give the minimum needed for an XFCE session on your system11:28
reisioirrelev4nt: he'll figure it out :p11:29
m3kkActionParsnip, great thanks. i accidentaly installed xubuntu-desktop on my mint cinnamon installation.. went down pretty ugly11:29
santhosh<m3kk> no it is working fine11:29
m3kksanthosh, thanks installing now11:30
irrelev4ntreisio: I despise developers breaking stuff with the final release ... worked like a charm in the nightly build I was using so far :/11:30
reisioirrelev4nt: that could be annoying11:30
reisiothey should really timestamp them11:30
irrelev4ntthey used to11:31
mzazaHow to upgrade from LTS to 13.10?11:31
andreiiar Can I make the choose language and the menu after ( boot live, install, check mem, boot hardisk ) dissapear for a usb live disk? I am choosing english all the time anyway and boot as live disk, I dont want it to ask me that anymore.11:31
marlosanthosh, this is exactly my problem; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/106637611:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 1066376 in base-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "keyboard doesn't work to enter password with panda and encrypted partitions ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:31
marlonot sure what to do about it though11:32
marloi'm pretty much locked out11:32
ActionParsnipmzaza: you will need to upgrade to 12.10 then to 13.04 then to 13.1011:32
ActionParsnipmzaza: or you can do a clean install11:32
santhosh<andreiiar> choose boot live11:33
ActionParsnipmzaza: considering the release is supported so shortly, why not wait til April next year and upgrade LTS to 14.04 which is also LTS11:33
bl4ckdu5tWhen I do a apt-get install, where does the .deb file downloaded gets stored before unpacking ?11:33
ActionParsnipbl4ckdu5t: /var/cache/apt/archives11:34
andreiiarsanthosh: I am. But I want it to do that by default and not ask me any time I boot the usb.11:34
bl4ckdu5tThanks ActionParsnip11:36
MoccodoHello, I need some help - unity doesn't work for me. Some time ago I installed Ubuntu 13.04 on my PC and wanted to switch to Kubuntu, so I decided to install kubuntu-desktop etc. However, I didn't disable auto-login, so I was very confused that I always came back to Ubuntu and not Kubuntu! To fix this, I deleted Ubuntu-desktop and some other packages. After reboot, I saw the Unity Desktop without the sidebar. To fix this I switched with ctrl-alt-f111:36
Moccodoto a terminal and googled some time. Then I found out that I need a login manager to switch the DE -.-' So I enabled gdm and used Kubuntu since then. In the meantime I also tried LDE. Now I just upgraded to 13.10 and wanted to see Unity back, so my question is - what packages do I have to install to get the sidebars back? The bar on top is also missing, but I can access the settings menu via "change desktop background".11:36
threesomehow do i reset my keyboard that i modified using setxkbmap?11:37
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tarzeauthreesome: what had you have before?11:37
threesomei did setxkbmap -option caps:backspace11:37
threesomesetxkbmap -option shift:both_capslock11:37
threesomexmodmap -e "clear Lock"11:37
threesomeessentially changing caps lock key to be backspace11:38
threesomebut for some reason caps lock got toggled somehow and now all my text is capital letter unless i hold down the shift key :)11:38
santhosh<Moccodo> direct install differenr dersktop versions11:38
tarzeauthreesome: good question, read the man page? sorry dunno, i only use it to switch between ch and us keyboard layouts11:38
reisiothreesome: log out & in should suffice11:39
santhosh<threesome> u find a new keyboard11:39
Moccodosanthosh: Ok, how? With Ubuntu live?11:41
santhosh<Moccodo>i think live it is not possible just try agin reinstall11:42
Moccodosanthosh: Really, it took hours to download all the packages etc D:11:43
santhosha<Moccodo> after updateing just truy it lxde it is working11:44
marloI can't boot how do i get around this; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/106637611:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 1066376 in base-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "keyboard doesn't work to enter password with panda and encrypted partitions ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:45
Hundredhi friends11:47
reisiohi friend11:47
Moccodosantosh: I don't understand - I want to get Unity working, the rest is okay11:47
Hundredwhat is the best app available for tracing filesystem access?11:47
KartagisHundred: "best" entirely depends on what you need exactly11:49
santhoshwhich version is stable in lubuntu11:49
HundredKartagis i'd like to know what app is accessing what files on the filesystem11:49
santhoshand which is light weight desktop version in ubuntu11:49
Hundredsanthosh try Lubuntu11:50
Hundred13.10 just released yesterday11:50
Hundredbut its only 9 months support heh11:50
dsalfranhello all, I'm having some trouble with the wifi, I have a Ralink and I'm using the compiled driver rt2860 instead of the default rt2800pci, the wifi works fine, but I'm getting non-stop these two lines on the syslog:11:50
dsalfranDRS: unkown mode,default use 11N 1S AP11:50
dsalfranDRS: unkown mode (SupRateLen=6, ExtRateLen=0, MCSSet[0]=0xfc, MCSSet[1]=0xff)11:50
santhosh<Hundred> in lubuntu or ubuntu11:50
santhosh<Hundred> in 13.1o in lubuntu11:51
Hundredsanthosh lubuntu is an officially supported ubuntu release http://www.lubuntu.net/11:52
santhosh<Hundred>what is support for 9 months varienty period11:52
ActionParsnipHundred: you can use tripwire to watch for changes in a file11:52
m3kkJust installed lxde but now i gott wallpwper with an X as mouse and nothing else, how do i get back to login acreen to change session?11:53
m3kkSantosh ie11:53
ActionParsnipm3kk: press CTRL+ALT+T and run:    killall -u $USER11:53
Hundredbut they dont have a long term support version, if you want LTS maybe try out LXLE http://lxle.net/ or Trisquel Mini http://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-mini , both are based on Ubuntu LTS11:54
m3kkCtrl+alt+T does nothing Action11:54
ActionParsnipHundred: yes but they are not supported here11:54
ActionParsnipm3kk: or CTRL+ALT+F111:54
jhutchinsActionParsnip: Confirm Ctrl-Alt-t does nothing.11:54
santhosh <m3kk> in desktop lxde icon is there no x wil appers11:55
ActionParsnipjhutchins: its a fairly universal shortcut to bring up a terminal11:55
marlodoes anyone have any idea how to get around this, i literally can't boot; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/116419811:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 1066376 in base-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #1164198 keyboard doesn't work to enter password with panda and encrypted partitions ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:55
m3kkSantosh no11:55
ActionParsnipmarlo: what is the non-literal sense of can't boot?11:56
santhosh <m3kk>iam working on lxde desktop11:56
m3kkAction: now what? I'm loginscreen in terminal11:56
ActionParsnipm3kk: killall -u $USER11:56
m3kkaction: done but still in terminal11:56
hitsujiTMOmarlo: is getting to grub?11:56
ActionParsnipm3kk: press CTRL+ALT+F711:56
marloActionParsnip, i cannot enter my encrypted partition password - therefore, i a stuck at, power-on... it is getting to grub11:56
m3kkSantosh, what do you mean11:56
ActionParsnipmarlo: fine, but what is the non-lieral definition of can't boot?11:57
santhosh <m3kk> ctrl+alt+f711:57
ActionParsnipmarlo: why did you add 'literally'?11:57
m3kkAction: back to wallpaper with X11:57
marloafter selecting from grub my boot image (i'm on an older 13.04 now) then i can't enter my password11:57
ActionParsnipmarlo: why did you add 'literally'?11:57
santhosh <m3kk>it is getting blue clolor desktop with lxde desktop icons11:57
mantashello, how to convert from vfsv0 to vfsv1 quota format?11:58
m3kkSantosh something is clearly broken11:58
marlohitsujiTMO, after selecting from grub, i'm prompted for my encrypted partition password, but the keyboard is dead, i'm stuck there11:58
hitsujiTMOmarlo: this may sound stupid but do you have another keyboard to attach and try?11:59
ActionParsnipmantas: http://serverfault.com/questions/348015/setup-user-group-quotas-4tib-on-ubuntu11:59
HundredActionParsnip is tripwire like strace?11:59
ActionParsnipmarlo: i suggest you don't add 'literally' to stuff, you clearly have no idea of its usage11:59
marlohitsujiTMO, it doesn't sound stupid, and some (blogs) have suggested it, and i have tried it, different keyboard, but nothing responds11:59
m3kkAction: i was running the command in "login" so my bad. It worked now thanks12:00
voozehttp://imgur.com/lhFGVzA --> Hey guys, I have a problem when I try to mount my Android (SGS 4 with Google Play edition) to ubuntu 13.10. It just opens a lot of windows like crazy with all kinds of errors.. Can anyone see if they can mount android devices via USB just fine? I'm just curious if its my hardware or whats wrong12:00
ActionParsnipHundred: strace seems to monitor system calls from an application rather than monitor particular files12:00
hitsujiTMOmarlo, is you caplock light or num lock light responding?12:01
marlohitsujiTMO, nope.  and, i have a back-lit keyboard and all the lights shut off12:01
nickoeWhen one installs the nvidia-319 driver and have a 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)12:03
nickoe01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK104M [GeForce GTX 780M] (rev a1)  graphics and boots to a balck screen witha cursor. What to do then?12:03
marlohitsujiTMO, did you see the bug report link, this seems to be an old issue, but i just don't know how to get around it at this point; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/116419812:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 1066376 in base-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #1164198 keyboard doesn't work to enter password with panda and encrypted partitions ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:03
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ActionParsnipnickoe: add the boot oprion:  nouveau.blacklist=112:05
nickoeActionParsnip: in what file exacty should I add that?12:08
hemaolleCan someone help me? I run out of harddisc space in middle of an installation and removed the texlive folder from /usr/share. Now I can't reinstall it with apt-get anymore.12:08
nickoeActionParsnip: /etc/default/grub ?12:08
malinusthe fact that xorg is eating 20% of cpu all the time, is due to unity, right?12:09
mzazaActionParsnip: Ya, I will wait then :)12:09
mzazaActionParsnip: Thanks :)12:09
linuxnoobishHi, im facing an issue with when i upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10 having black screen on my terminal and all around of the windows i open12:09
nickoeActionParsnip: ohh weell, he says it works now, after he rebooted again12:10
hitsujiTMOmarlo: there may be a possible solution to your problem here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/123819412:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238194 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "keyboard doesn't work to enter password with encrypted partitions ubuntu 13.10 saucy" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:10
SeoZhi all12:10
nerderhow can i check if my video card is broken or not?12:11
SeoZwhy apt-get install build-essential?12:11
SeoZin Ubuntu 13.10?12:11
marlohitsujiTMO, i see it, i'll give it a try12:11
loop0hi everyone, I did upgrade my ubuntu from 13.04 to 13.10 and now my ssh-keys are not unlocked at login, does someone knows how can I reset this settings so first time I use the keys ubuntu will ask me if I want to keep it unlocked?12:11
linuxnoobishanyone could help me with that issue12:11
jhutchinsnerder: Does your monitor light up?12:12
SeoZI got "The following packages have unmet dependencies"12:12
SeoZjust installed ubuntu 13.10.12:12
nerderjhutchins, yes, but the problem is that sometimes while i'm watching streaming video the pc turn off12:12
nerderjhutchins, could be a driver problem? I have Nvida G10012:13
jhutchinsnerder: No, that's a problem with the power manager/screen saver.12:13
jhutchinsnerder: The video player should have a setting that disables it, or you may have to change the settings for the desktop.12:14
nerderjhutchins, i'm not talking about just the monitor, but the entire machine12:14
nickoeActionParsnip: well, lspci -k says it is the nvidia driver he has in use, and he still gets the black screen with a cursor when he logs in. Should he recreate the xorg.conf or somehting? I.e. delete it?12:14
jhutchinsnerder: You might want to set up a system monitor to watch the temperature.  Sometimes streaming video will cause a system to overheat.12:16
nerderi'm pretty sure that temperature is ok12:16
barthemdoes anybody know if you can safely mount an ntfs file system on ubuntu? i know it can read it without problems but im not sure about the writing12:21
cfhowlettbarthem, yep.  do it all the time.12:21
barthemokay, thanks12:22
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jukenHi all, is there a document for installing 13.10 with whole disk encryption? I usually use the alternative iso, but I don't happen to see one.12:28
jpdsjuken: The normal desktop CD has LUKS support.12:29
jukenjpds: perhaps I missed it during the install in my VM. Is there anything special I need to do?12:30
jpdsjuken: Should be in the normal partitioning menu as an option.12:31
jukenjpds: ah, I think VMWare Player did more of an "automated" install. I should have better luck when installing on a physical machine, thanks for the help.12:31
=== Kara is now known as Guest67726
OmegaVIIhi all, is there anyone using 12.04?12:37
cfhowlettOmegaVII, xubuntu 12.0412:38
OmegaVIIcfhowlett, do you have any zombie from lightdm?12:39
cfhowlettOmegaVII, never noticed any such thing ...12:40
coraxxIs anybody up for a "routing question" ?12:40
OzchI see that I got boost 1.46.0 installed by default in /usr/lib is it ok if I remove it and get 1.54.0 in there? Will I break any dependencies?12:40
cfhowlettOmegaVII, and doesn't show up on ps -x12:40
OmegaVIIcfhowlett, so you got no "defunt" process in ubuntu? what is your lightdm version?12:41
OmegaVIIcfhowlett, I use "ps -ef | grep defunt"12:41
cfhowlett1.2.3-Ooubuntu2.3 installed12:42
nishanthcan i have some help with creating a partition ?12:42
OmegaVIIcfhowlett, I use "ps -ef | grep defunct"12:42
cfhowlettOmegaVII, no defunct processes :)12:42
ubottumishanth: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:42
hitsujiTMO!ask | coraxx12:42
ubottucoraxx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:42
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
OmegaVIIchfhowlett, really thanks. I am using the same version but there is a defunct process...12:43
cfhowlettOmegaVII, is it persistent after reboot?12:43
barthemmight be a stuppid question, but why everything i type grayed out?12:45
liquidmetalIs there an offtopic channel here?12:45
nishanthcfhowlett i need to resize the disk space used by ubuntu, so that i can free some space and install win7 there12:45
OmegaVIIcfhowlett, yes, it will be created after reboot12:45
cfhowlettnishanth, boot your ubuntu disk/usb and use gparted to resize partitions12:46
cfhowlettOmegaVII, over my rating.   sorry.12:46
cfhowlettOmegaVII, ask again.  lots of clever people about12:47
OmegaVIIcfhowlett, really thanks for your reply12:47
=== karlo is now known as karlo|afk
kapcom01hello, my upgrade failed because i left out of free space. Now i Have freed 13GB and I want to complete the upgrade. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade says that there is nothing to upgraded.. so does apt-get upgrade. But I know that it failed ata about 60-70%...12:49
sonuHi, I'm facing problem with Ubuntu 13.10 on Macbook for wifi and trackpad12:49
ansuquick question about cronjobs. am I save to set permissions on jobs defined in /etc/cron.d/ to 400 ?12:50
sonudoes anyone know what's the solution ?12:50
barthemsonu, and what exactly is the problem?12:51
SliMMHello. Is there any way I could automatically mount a network drive just after I connect to a network (and, perhaps, unmount it when I disconnect). How about just after I connect to a particular network?12:51
fluo75|2barthem: Good point :)12:51
sonubarthem: WiFi adaptor is not seen at all12:51
trippahshould i install ubuntu or crunchbang?12:52
sonubarthem: trackpad works only with a hard press and does not respond with a normal touch12:52
trippahi mean xubuntu12:52
barthemsliMM this worked for me on a ubuntu VM https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently12:52
auronandacetrippah: up to you, but we can't support crunchbang here12:52
trippahwhy use ubuntu when there is debian?12:53
barthemsonu: if the wifi adapter isnt seen at all you might wana try to install the driver for it manually12:53
DepaHi guys! :) I Installed Ubuntu 13.10 (x64)12:53
Depaand now I would like to install Skype12:53
trippahthere is too many to chooices12:54
auronandacetrippah: different tools for different uses12:54
barthemsonu: and regarding the trackpad, that sounds more like a hardware problem then a software to me12:54
sonubarthem: from where migtht I get the drivers?12:54
DepaI downloaded the DEB from the site... but "dpkg -i" show me a lot of error12:54
sonubarthem: it's strange as the wifi used to work well on 13.012:54
barthemsonu: i always get them from the manufactures website,12:55
hitsujiTMOansu: you might want to make it 50012:55
sonubarthem: so, apple.com for macbook?12:55
barthemDepa: try to open it with the ubuntu Software Center instead12:56
mbeierlsonu: it may or may not be relevant, but when I did an upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04 on a Dell system, I had to go into the software preferences and deselect use restricted drivers, reboot, then enable it again and my wifi came back12:56
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barthemsonu: No the manufactures website from your network card, apple only sells them, but the different computer parts come from different vendors12:57
Depabarthem: I installed Server version, with KDE12:57
mbeierlsonu, I was following a thread about wifi and trackpad not working, and it was pointed out that the restricted drivers may get in the way.  No explanation was given, and I don't have the reference handy12:57
barthemDepa: no offense, but why would you want to install skype on a ubuntu server?12:57
ansuhitsujiTMO: yea makes sense :) but nevertheless I'm right in the assumption that these scripts are executed by root?12:57
sonumbeierl: how to remove these restricted drivers?12:57
hitsujiTMOansu, i believe so12:57
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sonumbeierl: I wonder why this change is made on 13.10 while 13.04 was good12:58
Depabarthem: Is not my decision...12:58
mbeierlIt's under Preferences -> Sofware Sources, I believe.  Don't have my Ubuntu laptop handy12:58
FS1I'm sort of a newbie, but I'm trying to upgrade to 13.10... and it says I don't have enough disk space, even though I have a 600 GB harddrive and there's hardly anything on this computer.  Can anyone help me?12:58
mbeierlsonu, ^12:58
barthemDepa: ^^, whats the error you get if you use dkpg?12:59
mbeierlsonu, and it's not that 13.10 is not good, it's that something in the upgrade did not get triggered to update the restricted driver for the kernel.  That is my theory, but I have not attempted to reproduce it, so I have not filed a bug report12:59
Depa"Dependency problems..."12:59
sonumbeierl: thanks, please give me some starting point to disable these drivers...13:00
DepaIt needssome librsary but I already have it!13:00
sonuI shall get that done from there13:00
Depasimply I have che 64 bit ones13:00
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mbeierlFS1, pastebin the output of df -h.  That command lists all the partitions (mount points) in your system.  It may be that one of them does not have enough space13:00
Depaneed some library*13:00
=== nick1 is now known as Guest98333
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:00
=== odyssey4me2 is now known as odyssey4me
barthemDepa: Depenency problems are a bit over my hat, i cant help you with that13:01
FS1mbeierl: http://pastebin.com/0MgsmhEb13:01
mbeierlsonu, Go to the main menu.  Look for Preferences, and then Software Sources.13:01
Depabarthem: I can't give you a paste, because is on another PC13:01
sevenearthsI am just about to run the following line 'sudo apt-get build-dep python-psycopg2'. I have a local version of django with postgresql that is working (& I want to keep it that way). Will this command break any of that?13:02
FS1so I guess /boot is full?  I don't know why it's so small13:02
ansuhitsujiTMO: regarding 500. checking the files in /etc/cron.daily/ they're all executable but the ones in cron.d/ are not. so i'm not really sure about that executable flag13:02
mbeierlFS1, it is your /boot partition that has run out of space.  Not sure off the top of my head how to clear that up.  Remove old kernels?13:02
odyssey4meHas anyone noticed that somewhere along the line in one of the updates for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS the default lvm volume type changed to sparse volumes? This is causing me some trouble with preseeding and I'm wondering whether anyone knows how to ensure that it doesn't do sparse volumes.13:02
ActionParsnipFS1: uninstall old kernels to free space13:02
mbeierlFS1, the boot paritition is usually created automatically as part of the installation and is made small as it only contains files needed to start the boot process for the OS.13:03
hitsujiTMOansu depends on how they are called, there's no harm on adding +x to be safe ...13:03
mbeierlActionParsnip, is there an autoremove or something for kernels?13:03
SchrodingersScatmbeierl: could try apt-get autoremove?13:03
hitsujiTMOmbeierl: no, you need to manually purge old kernels13:04
ActionParsnipmbeierl: ubuntu-tweak does it, or you can look at the current kernel version and remove the others using apt-get13:04
ActionParsnipSchrodingersScat: autoremove only removes packages marked for removal due to failed deps13:04
mbeierlFS1: ^  give that a shot.13:04
mbeierlthere used to be a setting in the apt conf somewhere that allowed for the automaticf deletion of old kernels, but it was removed because if a new kernel came down and it was broken, you were out of luck on next boot13:05
=== Lafiro is now known as Beothoric
mbeierlFS1, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/remove-old-kernels-from-ubuntu-13-04-13-10/13:06
FS1mbeierl: I tried apt-get autoremove, and it failed because there was not enough space, lol http://pastebin.com/a07CJqFv13:06
FS1ok, I'll do that now thanks13:07
=== joelsantos is now known as Sendoushi
FS1oh my goodness, I have like a dozen old kernels... these don't remove themselves?13:10
hitsujiTMOfs1: no its unsafe to auto remove old kernels in case the new one breaks13:11
FS1so everyone gets the problem of their /boot directory filling up eventually?13:11
ola2hello firends i have a question13:12
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ola2i want to execute a program when someone opens an image13:12
ola2the program will run in background and user will see image13:12
hitsujiTMOfs1: yes if they have a seperate /boot partition ... but normally you'd only add a seperate /boot of you knew what was going on in there13:12
ola2anybody plz help13:14
cfhowlettola2, and no notification that you just launched an executable in their system?  sounds highly suspicious13:14
ola2no i want to open a happy birthday message when they open image13:14
ola2in java joptionspane is for message13:14
ola2so when they open image java would popup a message13:15
cfhowlettola2, sounds like you should ask the java programming folk about hat.13:15
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:15
ola2ok i say everything is installed13:15
ola2now tell me13:15
ola2its jar file13:15
ola2jar file java is installed13:16
cfhowlettola2, ask in #jav13:16
beanola2, this is pretty offtopic13:16
bean!ot | ola213:16
ubottuola2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:16
beanthis is not support related, this is "how can i troll my friend" related13:16
ola2its not off the topic13:16
ola2i will open this in linux13:16
ola2thats why im asking13:16
beanyep, but do you have something broken with your ubuntu install?13:16
cfhowlettola2, it is.  sorry.  ask in #java, that's where java programming happens13:16
ola2its not about java13:17
ola2i can make this in any language13:17
ola2even in shell script13:17
ola2now tell me13:17
ola2just popup message when image opens13:17
cfhowlettola2, <ola2> in java joptionspane is for message13:17
cfhowlett<ola2> so when they open image java would popup a message13:17
beanola2, "now tell me" is pretty demanding.13:17
cfhowlett!attitude, ola213:17
ola2i need all ur help13:18
bean!attitude | ola213:18
ubottuola2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:18
ola2no i want help13:18
hitsujiTMOola2 that is not a support question, its a dev question, maybe ask in #ubuntu-app-devel13:18
ola2wo man u can answer or say no13:18
ola2u are all giving advise13:18
ola2dev channel say ask on ubuntu13:18
cfhowlettola2, have you even tried to ask on the java channel?13:19
beanola2, again I ask, is something broken with your ubuntu installation?13:19
ola2they said its not about java13:19
beanoh, okay, then please tell me what is broken.13:19
ola2what i want is to open popup message when someone opens image on ubuntu13:20
ola2now is it ok13:20
ola2all channel say go to another one13:20
beanola2, because it sounds silly suspiscious13:20
beanthe only thing you could do it write a shell script that opens both.13:21
cfhowlettola2, AND you want it to run in the background, you said13:21
ola2ya process wil run in background13:21
beantheres no way to do "when this image opens, run this command"13:21
ola2and it will popup message13:21
beanola2, yeah, i'm done helping.13:21
hitsujiTMOola2, just write .desktop link to your app, give it the icon of an image13:22
ola2i  have done that13:22
cfhowlettola2, so STILL not an ubuntu support question...13:22
ola2but to user im giving this file doesnot want this13:22
ola2because i want to run this on ubuntu13:22
ola2linux requires permission i have given it13:22
ola2still not working13:23
beanola2, yep, im def not going to help this, sounds way too much like you're trying to pwn someones machine13:23
beanso, ola2, there's nothing wrong with your ubuntu installation.13:23
cfhowlett^^^ this13:23
beanso please, stop.13:23
ola2bean is ubuntu channel all about installation stuff13:23
ola2im asking about a different question related to ubuntu13:24
ola2if u dont want to answer its okay13:24
cfhowlettola2, related to but NOT a support question.  sorry13:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:24
hitsujiTMOola2, we have answered your question to the best of out ability.13:24
ola2i have done that13:24
ola2means i made exe with image like icon13:24
LPhasHi, i just upgraded to win 8.1 on a dual boot machine and of course it screwed grub. Problem is that this is an UEFI laptot and i seem not to be able to get a UEFI bootable usb stick. I tried with dd and some other tools but no luck. Any hints?13:24
ola2i gave it to friend13:25
* bean adds ola2 to his ignore list.13:25
mbeierlsorry, FS1, afk for a bit.  Yes, it's an ongoing issue to keep cleaning up old kernels.13:25
ola2and he said its not working13:25
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cfhowlettola2, we're not going to address this here.  you've been told as much.  sorry, but you're in the wrong channel.13:25
RoryLPhas: My favourite tool to create a bootable USB is Linux Live USB (http://www.linuxliveusb.com) - I've used it on my UEFI system with no problems13:25
hitsujiTMOola2, this is definitely not a support question then. you are in the wrong channel13:25
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DJonesola2: This is not something that we can help you with. Please don't ask again13:25
mbeierlFS1, after an update, once you have confirmed the new kernel works by rebooting, you can use the command in here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu13:26
LPhasRory this is the last one i tried, no luck13:26
RoryLPhas: Sure it's not just a dodgy flash drive? Do you have a blank DVD or another drive to hand?13:27
hitsujiTMOlphas: what is exactly the problem when you try to boot the usb?13:27
LPhasHeh, i got no dvd reader.13:27
GeorgeJetsonHello, I increased the number of workspaces using MyUnity  in Ubuntu 12.04 but the navigator in the dock still only shows 4 workspaces, not the 8 I created.13:27
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ActionParsnipGeorgeJetson: if you log off  and on is it ok?13:28
GeorgeJetsonActionParsnip: I have not tried that. I will try now13:28
Gordiowow. You see this?13:32
lenzeorUbuntu update has left me with a bricked system... again..13:32
GordioOps sorry :) I find why this happens. :)13:32
Rory!details | lenzeor13:33
ubottulenzeor: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:33
GordioI copy ubuntu-13.10 to USB and load with grub4dos. But! After load I see "Install Ubuntu 13.04" and "Install Ubuntu 13.10" on desktop.13:33
RoryGordio: Was there anything already on the USB before? I think you should format it first13:34
lenzeorYup... Rory. I will make a live stick so I can read the log files. When I try to boot into the new Kernel, I get a splash screen and then a blank screen.13:34
cfhowlettGordio, copy 13.10 to usb?  copy doesn't make a bootable.13:34
Rorylenzeor: Can you use a Recovery Mode from the grub menu?13:34
lenzeorYup, should I try that first?13:35
Gordiobefore this I run ubuntu 13.04 and create casper-rw. My desktop (Ubuntu 13.04) saved to casper-rw :D13:35
GordioBut I realy thinking Ubuntu find iso with ubuntu-13.04 and show me "Install" icon :D13:35
lenzeorYup, should I try that first, Rory?13:36
SteveBellnice issue: I'm updating from 12.04 to 12.10 and the confirm button for removing packages dialogue is off screen. enter doesn't do anything. now what?!13:36
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Gordiocfhowlett, I use grub4dos for load iso file :-P13:36
m3kkIs there a way to install unity on xubuntu 13.10 just to test how performance is?13:36
lenzeorm3kk "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"13:36
cfhowlettGordio, never used it.13:37
lenzeorthen log out and choose unity before logging in again m3kk13:37
cfhowlettGordio, format your stick and try again13:37
m3kklenzeor, wont that install a  tons of more packages? that i dont need? or just unity desktop?13:37
hitsujiTMOm3kk try a simulation and see13:38
m3kkhitsujiTMO, you mean in a virtual machine?13:38
hitsujiTMOapt-get -s install13:38
Gordiocfhowlett, why? I loss my data :P13:38
lenzeorm3kk it will install more packages, I think you can also "sudo apt-get unity"13:38
GordioI find "problem"13:39
GordioReread my messages. And sorry my very bad English.13:39
cfhowlettGordio, back up your data, format your stick, make a new ubuntu install stick.13:39
GordioMy "problem" casper-rw :)13:39
Gordiocfhowlett, I'm not crazy, sorry man :D13:39
GordioMy desktop with "Install Ubuntu 13.04" icon saved to casper-rw :D13:40
Rory!install | Gordio I'd recommend following the instructions here rather than grub4dos13:40
ubottuGordio I'd recommend following the instructions here rather than grub4dos: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate13:40
GordioOk. bb13:40
m3kklenzeor, yes i was just reading about that.. will that install just the desktop enviroaḿent13:40
Gordioubottu, no :) I don't have problems :D I use Ubuntu only from install Gentoo :P13:41
ubottuGordio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:41
Sander^lapWhen is the new version of ubuntu out?13:42
RorySander^lap: Yesterday13:42
Sander^lapOk, thanks :-)13:42
md70there is any .deb software GUI to backup my system like norton ghost on windows? thanks13:43
DJones!backup | md7013:43
ubottumd70: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:43
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labsinIs any one else having 2 network indicators after switching to Sausy?13:45
md70DJones, ubottu  thanks13:46
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DJonesmd70: Hope there's something useful in the bots links13:46
Paddy_NII am having an odd problem with adding ppas13:46
crakhi all13:46
hitsujiTMO!details | Paddy_NI13:47
ubottuPaddy_NI: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:47
Paddy_NIWell actually after adding certain ppas and performing "sudo apt-get update" I get 404s for those ppas13:47
hitsujiTMOwhich ppas?13:47
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, Would you be able to test them I can provide the links?13:47
Paddy_NIJust a sec13:47
md70DJones: yes it is so useful .. i read it now .. thanks babe13:47
craki upgraded to 13.10 and my apache does not work any more. i used custom-exec and fcgi. after upgrade it is broken. so i installed php5-fpm to get rid of suexec. but still 403. my problem is exactly the same as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19445686/ubuntu-server-apache-2-4-6-client-denied-by-server-configuration-php-fpm13:48
crakcan anybody help me debugging it?'13:48
md70i jyst need to have a copy of my ubuntu system on a flash usb stick and keep it away13:48
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, Okay so as follows: ppa:yg-jensge/gupnp & ppa:gstreamer-developers/ppa & ppa:vala-team/ppa & ppa:clipgrab-team/ppa13:49
hitsujiTMOcrak: there is a new version of apache2 on 13.10 completely new configs13:49
lnostdalhello guys, i figured using chromium would be a better idea than using chrome, but as the weeks and sometimes months roll by i see the version (on the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable ) lagging somewhat ...this is worrying as the new releases has a lot of security fixes http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.pt/search/label/Stable%20updates  ...   is there a better ppa out there?13:49
hitsujiTMOpaddy_ni what system are you using?13:49
hitsujiTMOwhat version of ubuntu that is13:50
crakhitsujiTMO: yeah, i already changed to the Require configs as shown here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html#run-time13:50
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, fresh and updated 13.10 (64 bit)13:50
ChogyDanlnostdal: I don't think there is13:50
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, Web is working perfectly and other ppas such as "webupd8" works13:50
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lnostdalChogyDan: hm, yeah, too bad :/  ..this must be something that worry more people than just me13:50
raubCan anyone point me to instructions on creating a PPA?13:51
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, While troubleshooting I also added Googles Public DNS to see if that would help13:51
PimpSmurfAny reason why Ubuntu shows any of my 3 wireless network adaptors, but doesn't show any networks during install?13:51
ChogyDanlnostdal: well, it's been discussed.  There is a lack of resources, and you can use google-chrome13:51
hitsujiTMOpaddy_ni, i think they are not supprting saucy in the broken ppas is your problem13:51
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, Oh :-(13:51
lnostdalChogyDan: yup, i think i'll just have to "downgrade" to Google Chrome for now :]13:52
Paddy_NII had not even checked that13:52
crakhitsujiTMO: the error.log says client denied by server configuration: /fcgi-bin-php5-fpm13:52
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, You're right :-(13:52
ZeThomasguys I need your help: I installed lubuntu yesterday on a fresh laptop, but t freezes, most of the time right after the grub menu, but one time i got up to x, to get errors in xorg and plymoutd, and then a freeze. It is a total freeze, not even reisub works..13:52
Paddy_NII will have to hope that minidlna is available for saucy hitsujiTMO otherwise I may cry like a child13:53
Seveas!info minidlna saucy13:53
ubottuminidlna (source: minidlna): lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.24+dfsg-1 (saucy), package size 142 kB, installed size 362 kB13:53
hitsujiTMOzethomos what exactly are you getting on the screen?13:54
SeveasPaddy_NI: it's available :)13:54
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: ^^13:54
Paddy_NISeveas, Yaaay :-D13:54
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, well, mostly, just nothing13:54
drecutecan a grub2 reinstall fix kernel parnic?13:54
ZeThomasblack screen13:54
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: can you get into recovery mode?13:54
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, and the power and wifi light that burn13:54
Seveasdrecute: nope.13:54
costin_ubuntu is poor13:54
xlucasHi, I have a problem with my nvidia graphics card (FX 3800) in ubuntu 13.10. I'm currently using the official driver 304.8813:55
Seveascostin_: so donate some money :)13:55
SliMMI'm trying to use sshfs, but for some reason it's not using my RSA key to connect to the server and instead asks for the user password. Any ideas why?13:55
drecuteSeveas: uh!13:55
Seveasdrecute: normal ssh works fine?13:55
hitsujiTMOcrak: i would advise doing a reinstall if you can,13:55
crakhitsujiTMO: i changed /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/php5-fpm.conf13:55
SeveasSliMM: normal ssh works fine?13:55
costin_Seveas  i am very poor  :)13:55
crakhitsujiTMO: i set all to Require all granted and it works now...13:55
hitsujiTMOah cool13:56
Seveascostin_: then Ubuntu is excellent for you, it's free :)13:56
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, sometimes i don't even get up to the grub screen...13:56
drecuteSeveas: what would you suggest as a solution to "kernel panic"?13:56
crakhitsujiTMO: it is a local server to develop so i can risk it...13:56
crakhitsujiTMO: thank you for your help!13:56
Seveasdrecute: take a photo of the panic traceback with your phone and show it to us. The traceback may point in the correct direction13:56
SliMMSeveas: seems to13:57
costin_Seveas maybe in 2010,unity is poor13:57
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: hold shift during boot13:57
SeveasSliMM: try sshfs -o ssh_command='ssh -vvv' -- it may show more debug ouput.13:57
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, I am in the recovery menu13:58
Seveasdrecute: also try sshfs -o IdentityFile=/path/to/public key to encourage it a bit more13:58
costin_Seveas now I have installed Lubuntu,and my intel e8400 is fly13:59
drecuteSeveas: I belive that ain't for me13:59
blaizcoHi folks. I can't get Full HD on Ubuntu screen resolution altough I have ATI Drivers installed. Any ideas on how to fix this?13:59
Seveasdrecute: nope, SliMM again. I don't know why I keep doing that :)13:59
blaizcoI have searched on Google and nothing....13:59
Seveas!ati | blaizco, checked this already?14:00
ubottublaizco, checked this already?: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:00
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: have a look at /var/log/boot.log   or /var/log/dmesg    see if you can spot the error in therre14:00
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, within the recovery menu it gave a kernel panic...14:00
SliMMSeveas: actually, turns out I had wrong permissions on the file14:01
SliMMSeveas: And probably normal SSH was using ssh-agent with an older version of the key14:01
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000b00"14:01
SeveasZeThomas: it's the lines that come before that that are interesting14:02
SeveasZeThomas: whatever is pretending to be init on your system is exiting (maybe crashing)14:03
ZeThomasSeveas, that it didn't show, it came on top of the recovery menu14:03
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: can you get us a pic of the entire panic?14:03
SeveasZeThomas: what did you pick in the recovery menu?14:03
drecuteSeveas: http://imgur.com/SxpvV3Y14:04
ZeThomasSeveas, nothing yet, I was waiting for instructions, and there it came, in the middle of the screen14:04
hitsujiTMOzethomas: try booting a live cd   ...   mount the drive and link us /var/log/kern.log14:04
drecuteSeveas: if I type exit from initramfs, I get a kernel panic14:05
Seveasdrecute: well, yes, that's normal14:07
Seveasas you're killint pid 1 at that point14:08
BluesKajHiyas all14:08
Seveasbut what that picture clearly show is that your harddisk is fried. Boot from a live cd, plug in a usb stick, and try to rescue as much as you can14:08
drecuteSeveas: yes, it seems like it's my hard disk14:08
drecutebut it's not14:09
drecuteI have successfully ran fsck commands and it reports no errors14:09
drecutesays it's clean14:09
pumpi3anyone here?14:10
SeveasI still wouldn't risk it and just grab a new one14:10
Seveaspumpi3: no, nobody's here14:10
ZeThomasSeveas, hitsujiTMO, now I get this on reboot... http://imgur.com/IANewCi14:10
pumpi3I've got a little question regarding the installation of Ubuntu 13.1014:10
pumpi3oh okay, I guess I'll talk to the present ghosts in this room then14:10
ZeThomasit stopped lowering at 250, and now it's frozen again14:11
Seveaspumpi3: wht's the question?14:11
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pumpi3I work on a Lenovo Ideapad Y500, and I want to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 13.10, so I used the pendrive installer as mentioned on the website, and wrote the iso to a usb-stick. After that I restarted my computer, changed UEFI into Legacy, but my laptop doesn't want to start up the installation14:12
pumpi3and almost freezes in the Lenovo welcome screen14:13
pumpi3USB is enabled in BIOS14:13
Seveasdid you just copy the iso onto the usb disk or did you make a proper bootdisk?14:13
cbilljonescan i create symlinks to every file in a folder somehow?14:15
Seveascbilljones: sure14:15
cbilljonesseveas with one command though?14:16
Seveascbilljones: for f in /path/to/folder/*; do echo ln -s "$f"; done14:17
Seveasand remove the echo once you've verified it'll do the right thing14:17
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cbilljonesthx seveas i will try this when i get to office14:18
cucohi, ubuntu phone development is here...?14:18
Seveascuco: no, not really14:19
ZeThomascuco, no that is in #ubuntu-touch14:19
cucothanks :)14:19
ishwonhi folks. i have an issue when logging to http://loco.ubuntu.com.14:19
ishwonit says : The username () with which you tried to log in is already in use for a different account.14:19
pumpi3Seveas: I used the pendrive usb installer as mentioned on the site of ubuntu, and as a result I should have made a proper bootdisk14:19
ishwonit seems the bug has been reported by many, but i can't find a solution online.14:20
ishwonanybody can help with this?14:20
IamTryingThis never works, what else i can do ? Everywhere its mentioned to use this 1) power : gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power active false 2) screen saver : gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false14:20
ActionParsnipishwon: same with all browsers?14:21
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Seveaspumpi3: ok, only other thing I can think of is trying a different disk, or trying this disk in a different computer to verify if it works14:21
pumpi3okay, will try it when I have the possibility. Installing with a CD does work though.14:22
ishwonActionParsnip: yes, same with firefox & google chrome14:22
IamTryingWhy it never works??? 1) power : gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power active false 2) screen saver : gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false14:22
Ari-YangOct 18 03:31:43 <zeifer>Ari-Yang, following the 10.10 guide for removing pulse and going with alsa nowadays pulls in pulseaudio regardless of user request.14:23
Ari-Yang ----> what? You can remove pulseaudio and just use alsa, what are you talking about?14:23
Ari-Yangguys, am I right? ^14:23
Ari-Yangoh he quit...14:23
Ari-Yangregardless, what zeifer said, is it true?14:24
sophie_Is Pulseaudio still iffy nowadays? I've not had any troubles with it as of 13.04.14:24
KurzaHello, I have a problem with ubuntu 12.04. Its wifi connection randomly disconnect. The laptop I run it on has Atheros network card. Any ideas?14:24
ChogyDanAri-Yang: I think alsa may just feed into pulse14:24
Ari-YangKurza: if if you're using proprietary wifi driver, try wifi without it?14:24
Ari-Yangsophie_: he's using 13.04 too, go figure14:25
ishwonanyone who can advise of the loco.ubuntu.com login issue?14:25
IamTryingIs this the culprit of all root?    15:25   0:00 /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver --no-daemon  ????14:25
Ari-YangChogyDan: exactly, I told him to remove pulseaudio and alsa then install alsa, I don't think he did14:25
sophie_I just remember having to always uninstall it and switch to alsa back on 8.1014:25
JoeyJoeJoIf my computer is set to DHCP and it doesn't get an IP address at boot, will it keep trying to get an IP or only when the computer boots?14:25
hitsujiTMOJoeyJoeJo: it will periodically try14:26
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6257496 is my /var/log/kern.log14:27
Sander^lapHow do I change what the default kernel to boot is?14:27
masakhi -- hiding the title bar on gnome-terminal windows? preferably without compiz, just with a setting somewhere.14:28
IamTryingWhen Ubuntu desktop is running does it depend on "gnome-screensaver" daemon ???14:28
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: seems to be a problem with /dev/sda114:29
IamTryingWhich one triggers that login screen automatically always? is it gnome-screensaver or something else?14:29
IamTryingflyn4x4, which controller?14:30
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, that is some EFI partition14:30
IamTryingflyn4x4, then this should be it $ export DISPLAY=:0.0 && killall gnome-screensaver ; xset dpms force on & ?14:30
hitsujiTMOzethomas, that could be part of the problem, run fsck on the drive14:32
Hanumaanxlucas, can you give your xorg.conf file paste here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:32
masakall I find online is to hide the title bar on maximized terminal windows. I'd like to hide it always.14:32
IamTryingflyn4x4, what if the display driver is not correct with kernel? will xset dpms force on work?14:33
umeshWell Are you people from bangalore? by mistake also14:34
CEnnis91any common issues after upgrading to 13.10?14:34
Sander^lapI get up a message in 13.10 that it appears i'm running a mainline kernel, and that an bug was discovered.. Even tho I booted into an ubuntu kernel.14:34
m3kkAlright guys, i wanted to try out unity for the sake of comparision and i dont want to install full fledged ubuntu-desktop so i did install just unity, but lightdm does not show Unity as a session. is there any way around this? Install differnt login manager?14:34
CEnnis91looking to do it on a work pc, so I can't have too much downtime14:34
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, fsck says: 0x41: Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt; Remove dirty bit?14:34
umeshIt is gr8! ubuntu 13.1 rocks14:34
umeshand rolls14:35
Sander^lapIt might be because I upgraded from 13.0414:35
umeshYEah 13.04 sucks big time14:35
jhutchinsZeThomas: Yes.14:35
umeshI had trouble with sound14:35
umeshit is resolved on 13.114:35
hitsujiTMOCEnnis91: some issues with graphics and ppas, nothing too out of the ordinary ... you should dd your drive before giving it a shot14:36
stritAnyone else with an NVIDIA card get a black screen by the 13.10 upgrade?14:36
hitsujiTMOstrit: lots of peeps :P  .... what driver are you using  ... and whats the contents of your xorg log?14:38
ZeThomasjhutchins, hitsujiTMO , i do that, and fsck exits with "Leaving file system unchanged. /dev/sda1: 5 files, 556/124424 clusters"14:38
ZeThomaswhat do I do now, (try to) reboot in the system?14:39
jhutchinsZeThomas: What filesystem is it?14:39
hitsujiTMOjhutchins: its efi boot14:40
CEnnis91hitsujiTMO: meh problems with nvidia? (surprise) ill hold off for a bit14:40
strithitsujiTMO, I'm not on the machine atm, but it should be the drivers that comes with 13.10. 319.xx I believe. No xorg.conf. Just a .failsafe, which doesn't work either. :)14:40
ZeThomasjhutchins, fdisk reports /dev/sda as being GPT...14:41
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=16418514:41
ZeThomasthis is how my install has set it up, it was a clean disk (out of factory)14:41
hitsujiTMOstrit: is it proprietary driver or nouveau? not your conf but your log ... should be /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:43
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, ok, I ran fsck with the -a flag, and now it says changes are performed. I will now try to boot again into my system14:43
xbbAfter upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10 when I click on any menus (Help, Window, Run) they don't show up. Only selection and menu stubs are visible, screenshot is here http://i.imgur.com/afbRlRF.png. I tried installing fresh 4.3 and same thing is happening. Can anybody confirm this before I switch to Windows? Oh God...14:43
CEnnis91hitsujiTMO: is nouveau recommended over the prop drivers?14:44
CEnnis91i've never dealt with nvidia cards outside of my job14:44
stritProbably proprietary. The ones that is with 13.10 install. :) haven't checked my log yet. I've been able to boot into driver 304 with a nomodeset parameter hitsujiTMO . But my keyboard input doesn't work there. :)14:45
hitsujiTMOCEnnis91: it depends on what you want ... if you need 3d acceleration go with proprietary drivers14:45
erle-are logs from /var/crash save to upload from a privacy perspective?14:45
JoeyJoeJoHow can I set it so fsck automatically runs every time at boot but doesn't ask for any user input?14:45
CEnnis91hitsujiTMO: if i don't what's the advantage?14:45
CEnnis91just because it's open?14:45
BakajinI am running 12.04 LTS and recently am having trouble downloading repository info.  It says to check my internet connection, but I think the connection is well.  Seeing as I can be here.  I am a total noob.14:47
BakajinIs my issue the connection?14:47
hitsujiTMOnouveau seems to be more stable between kernel upgrades but has a tendency to run gpus on full blast all the time ... proprietary tends to allow for better power management .... normally  its stick with nouveau unless you need 3d accelleration or you have issues with it14:47
BakajinOr is the repository missing somewhere.14:47
xtrizare there any xfce distro based on ubuntu ?14:47
hitsujiTMOxubuntu xtriz14:47
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xtrizhitsujiTMO, ok :) any other ?14:48
bluechaoshello my friend14:48
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, I get into x, but am greeted with an error in /sbin/initctl14:48
bluechaoshow are you14:48
hitsujiTMOgood bluechaos14:49
xlucasHanumaan - xorg.conf file pasted in: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6257640/14:49
hitsujiTMOxtriz, i dont use xfce so haven't been tracking them14:49
xtrizhitsujiTMO, ok np :)14:49
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: whats the exact error ?14:50
masakanyone have any tips on how to get rid of gnome-terminal's title bar?14:50
bwayneJoeyJoeJo: this looks like an interesting way to me --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoFsck14:50
JoeyJoeJothanks batman14:51
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: what brand of drive is this? its odd to be running into such issues on a fresh drive14:51
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, a samsung 840 evo ssd14:51
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, I lost the error :( where can I find it back?14:52
SlvrYetiHello. I've just upgraded to 13.10 and my Ubuntu One no longer has a contextual menu or shows sync indicators on synced folders.14:52
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: try the logs in /var/log   could be in kern.log boot.log or dmesg14:52
hitsujiTMOmasak: whats the exact issue? can you screen shot it?14:53
hatchetjackhow do I disable the tracker in 13.10?14:54
hatchetjackit's eating my cpu cycles14:54
Seveashatchetjack: it's called zeitgeist, remove the package :)14:54
SuperLagI am on a ThinkPad W530, and I'm trying to configure Skype audio, so that I can use my headset for talking on calls... but I'm not sure how to tell *which* sound device to use, as there are several listed.14:54
Seveasfirst thing I do as well14:54
masakhitsujiTMO: oh, no issue, just a personal preference. would like a gnome-terminal window to be created without the title bar. ISTR I succeeded in doing that with some setting somewhere on a previous install of Linux Mint. but I don't recall how.14:55
Marleneei setup apache server on my server and it seem that port 80 is closed14:56
bwayneJoeyJoeJo: perhaps 'tune2fs -C 1 /dev/sdaX' is cleaner.that article looks dated. my apologies.14:56
Marleneehow i iopen port 80 in my server via CLI14:56
hatchetjackSeveas: thanks, it's whacked14:56
SuperLagSeveas: wjat14:56
SuperLagSeveas: what's wrong with zeitgeist?14:57
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, it's in apport.log i think, here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/625769014:57
SuperLagSeveas: hatchetjack: and why do you call this a "tracker"?14:58
JoeyJoeJobwayne: Do you know if that tune2fs command will stop the boot process and ask for confirmation from the user before it runs?14:58
hatchetjackSuperLag: aptitude show zeitgeist14:59
hatchetjackSuperLag: not sure if it was this tracker-extract process eating my cpu or not though14:59
iBelieveI'm interested in starting a website/blog about Ubuntu Touch & apps for it. Am I allowed to use "Ubuntu Touch" in the name, such as "Ubuntu Touch News & Apps"?15:00
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, no that's from before; I find no other mention of initctl in /var/log, except in ./upstart/plymouth-ready-startup.log15:00
bwayneJoeyJoeJo: one moment.15:00
bwayneMarlenee: if you're going to run a server, I think it'd be better for me to teach you how to fish, or at least tell you where the fish are .  --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:01
SeveasiBelieve: we cannot answer that. Please contact canonical's legal department.15:02
iBelieveSeveas, okay, thanks15:02
SeveasiBelieve: http://www.canonical.com/intellectual-property-policy should contain the answer, but it's written in legalese15:03
hitsujiTMOzethomas whats the current state of your system... try a reboot and see if the error comes up again15:03
iBelieveSeveas, thanks15:04
bwayneJoeyJoeJo: the tune2fs man page isn't helpful on that regard. let me see what else I can dig up.15:04
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, current state: the system seems to work ok, except no sound and wifi; I will reboot now and see15:06
bignono1hi, anyone knows the cmd to run webian shell ? please15:06
tflgen2can anyone help me understand why openssh server doesn't seem to be listening on a particular network adapter?15:10
tflgen2netstat -an|grep 22 gives me listening15:10
FiremanEdbignono1: Try #webian15:11
bwayneJoeyJoeJo: apparently creating a file on the root directory ( /forcefsck ) will force a fsck on the next reboot. if you simply place 'y' in that file, it will be non-interactive. if one makes that file immutable ( chattr +i ), then that file will persist over reboots, and should accomplish what you're looking for.15:12
bignono1i asked in #firefox , no reply15:12
JoeyJoeJobwayne: Cool, thanks for the advice15:12
bwayneJoeyJoeJo: but a larger question is, why on earth are you fsck'ing every boot?15:12
JoeyJoeJobwayne: /dev/sda is a CF card on an embedded device15:13
OinsMy cron.daily does not run. The crontab contains the following entries: http://pastebin.com/kCsgxwtv but if i run "test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )" manually, no script is executed... (Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS Server)15:13
JoeyJoeJoIf the device gets unplugged and not shut down, it sometimes fucks the filesystem15:13
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, all seems to boot normal now; except I get a message (in kern.log): microcode: failed to load file amd-ucode/microcode_amd_fam16h.bin15:13
bwayneJoeyJoeJo: gotcha. hope that helps. the internetz are sparse on that issue, somewhat. it seems to be an uncommon request.15:13
JoeyJoeJothanks for your help15:14
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: run fsck on /dev/sda2   ...    i would personnaly attempt a clean reinstall and see if the issues arise again. could be a dodgy ssd15:15
FiremanEdbignono1: That project appears dead, by what I looked up online.15:15
Oinsit seems, that cron.daily last times was fired on Oct, 1315:16
bignono1thanks any way FiremanEd15:16
bignono1its a nice browser that run with no x15:17
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, ok, will try that now. Any way to know for sure it is the disk? if so, I'll take it back to the store15:17
hitsujiTMOif you get more errors pointing when you run fsck then it would most likely point towards that15:18
compdocanyone got a working remote desktop server working for 13.10?15:20
Xspeedhey everyone15:20
Xspeedcan anyone help me with random rebooting of my ubuntu server? tnx anyway15:21
MegaQuagganSo, I rebooted my system and now I don't get any sound. My volume slider in volume control is greyed out, but all settings are correct. I ran killall pulseaudio and that didn't help. Can anyone help?15:21
alazyworkaholicI just managed to hose my 13.04 installation upgrading to 13.10. I had split / onto a btrfs ssd, and /home onto 2 raid 0 disks with ext4. Upgrade failed to complete because ubuntu cannot properly tell if there´s enough space on a btrfs filesystem. Now I have a liveUSB to reinstall / on the ssd, but while doing that, how can I recover the mdadm raid 0 /home?15:22
ChogyDanMegaQuaggan: ubuntu?15:22
MegaQuagganYes, 13.1015:22
MegaQuagganchecked alsamixer and volume is on, sound card device is set properly15:23
somsip!details | Xspeed15:24
ubottuXspeed: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:24
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: You can start the array with mdadm --assemble15:24
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Then mount it wherever you want15:24
bignono1try a reboot MegaQuaggan15:25
raskovitchil ya pas des filles ici ?15:25
MegaQuagganI have tried multiple reboots, problem still occurs.15:25
costin_hi ppl15:26
alazyworkaholicCatKiller: Thanks. Like this? Install mdadm into the liveUSB environment, go into a terminal, and type sudo mdadm --assemble?15:27
Xspeedsomsip, I have a problem with Ubuntu 12.04.3 webserver and it's rebooting randomly (don't know why). Tell me what u need exactly (some log, etc) and I give it. thank you15:27
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: sounds good yes15:27
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: You need to specify which devices you are assembling but just lookup the manpage to get more details15:27
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Should be straightforward enough15:27
somsipXspeed: webserver? First guess would be OOM (out of memory) errors in apache. Check /var/log/syslog15:28
tflgen2iptables may be the culprit as to why ssh isn't getting through, though I've added what I believe to be rules that work correctly for what I'm trying to do.15:28
FiremanEd!fr | raskovitch15:29
ubotturaskovitch: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:29
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, I rebooted into an usb, and now suddenly I get a GPF... http://imgur.com/vi1dscD15:29
ZeThomasbefore I even touched /dev/sda ...15:29
x-yurihi, I recently updated ubuntu from raring to saucy and I now can't login to GNOME15:31
MegaQuagganUpdate on no sound issue: ran the following commands: sudo apt-get remove --purge alsa-base pulseaudio && sudo apt-get install alsa-base pulseaudio && sudo alsa force-reload15:31
MegaQuagganthat didn't work. got this output: http://pastebin.com/cdrB9uEN15:32
x-yurihere're more details:15:32
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ChogyDanx-yuri: why not file a bug report?15:34
FluffyKitty1000Hey, im having some troubles with brightness on 13.10 ubuntu. (laptop) i mean, i can now use Fn keys and they're working (im glad for that) but they're jumping through brightneses i'd like to use15:34
FluffyKitty1000mayby there is some file i could edit and just change the 'pitch'15:35
MegaQuaggancould anyone help me with my sound problems? No fixes I've tried are working.15:36
Xspeedsomsip, there is no 'out of memory' records in logs15:37
x-yuriChogyDan: probably you're right15:37
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Xspeedsomsip, or 'out_of_memory'15:37
alazyworkaholicCatKiller: Took a look at the man file, but could you verify?          sudo mdadm -A /dev/md/ddf1 /dev/sda5 /dev/sdh6         I understand that will create a raid 0 array device called ddf1 (I don´t remember the previous name, does it matter?) from the logical partitions /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdh615:38
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, fsck reports no errors on /dev/sda2 though...15:38
matthews_I just upgraded to 13.1015:38
matthews_and I seem to be having issues with transparency or something15:38
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Strange array device, use "/dev/md0" or somethingh15:38
matthews_like notification windows show as flat black boxes with no text15:38
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Apart from that it's all good, provided the RAID was indeed created on sda5 and sdh615:39
matthews_the top bar of all windows show as flat black15:39
alazyworkaholicCatKiller: Ok, ddf1 is just the example they had in the man file.15:39
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: In any case "--assemble" is non destructuve15:39
matthews_no close or maximize icons15:39
somsipXspeed: just to press the point, which logs did you check and how did you search for those terms?15:39
matthews_just flat black15:39
Xspeedsomsip, I used logwatch (to see report) and grep <string> /var/log/syslog (and syslog.1)15:40
jp_hraniceHallo here. I am unpleasured by stabylity of new verzion 13.10. What is wrong ? Is posible I got old PC ( http://phillw.net/hardware/XBcWezsW )?15:40
FluffyKitty1000is there a way of modifying how much brightness changes when im using Fn keys ?15:41
somsipXspeed: grep is case sensitive. The OOM error is like this: July 12 13:11:19 localhost kernel: [ 8267.512850] Out of memory: kill process 7986 (apache) score 15147 or a child15:41
FluffyKitty1000normally i have 7 options to choose, and by using Fn shortc. there are only 4 degrees15:42
FluffyKitty1000somehow it bypases the middle ones15:42
somsipXspeed: so grep -i would be better (unless you did use that before)15:42
Xspeedsomsip, I did - no results15:42
Eit8anytime some application tries to get contats or events from my google account the keyring popup comes on top asking for the password and saying my password is wrong (it is not) anybody else having this issue ?15:42
somsipXspeed: k - just going for the easy hit first15:42
rachoanyone getting an error during boot with radeon.dpm=1 complaining about *restricted_levels*? the stats in /drm/card0 say it is using dpm but still i feel it quite hot..RV710 with latest kernel from the repos?15:43
Xspeedsomsip, now did 'service apache2 stop' and now i'm watching uptime (by top)15:44
alazyworkaholicCatKiller: Thank you! That did the trick.15:44
bluechaosare u there my friend ?15:44
somsipXspeed: how often is it rebooting?15:44
jpedroza2kWhere might I go to file a bug report for 13.10. I found a bug with the intel gfx driver in the latest kernel.15:44
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Glad it helped!15:44
Xspeedsomsip, also checked memory by memtester15:45
Xspeedsomsip, http://pastebin.com/i3kuKV2H15:46
gdoswhere do i find the files/scripts that are displayed in the desktop selector on the login menu?15:48
somsipXspeed: check auth.log for other logins? check apache access log for unexpected activity?15:48
TJ-Anyone else noticed 13.10 installing grub-common's "/usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib" as a real file rather than a symlink to "/usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib" ?15:48
ZeThomashello, can anybody help me get my wifi and sound working?15:48
chakatnsanyone tried to change back to ubuntu touch to android?15:50
somsip!touch | chakatns15:50
ubottuchakatns: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:50
chakatnsfrom ubuntu that is15:50
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gdosZeThomas: just upgraded to 13.10 myself and have same issue.15:53
NimeshNeemahitsujiTMO: hello15:53
NimeshNeemaZeThomas: laptop / desktop ?15:54
alazyworkaholicCatKiller: Just thought of something - my liveUSB has mdadm, but when I restart the computer the install won`t have it because it is not part of the std install & I will be without a /home partition, right? Do you know how I can add mdadm to the list of packages installed at install time?15:54
ZeThomasNimeshNeema, laptop15:54
NimeshNeemaZeThomas: see if this helps http://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/how-to-install-broadcom-wireless-drivers15:55
NimeshNeemai use a 2008 dell inspiron 1525 with broadcom wireless chip and it helped with wifi15:55
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Probably, this was just to help you recover data. To do so you'll have to add the RAID to fstab15:56
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: On your new system,15:56
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Install "mdadm", hopefully it will add it to your initramdisk (if it's not already there)15:57
ZeThomasNimeshNeema, lspci gives me: "Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device b723"15:57
CatKillerfstab should do the rest15:57
Xspeedsomsip, logs looks good. I ran badblocks..15:58
NimeshNeemaZeThomas: no idea in that case15:58
somsipXspeed: too late at night for me now. Best of luck, but I'm done.15:58
Xspeedsomsip, good luck, tnx!15:58
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Something like "/dev/md0 /home ext3 noatime,rw 0 0" that should work15:59
CatKilleralazyworkaholic: Look up http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-creating-software-raid-one-arrays/15:59
darkangel_Hey is it safe to Upgrade 12.04 --> 12.10?16:01
Rorydarkangel_: Yes16:03
Rory!upgrade | darkangel_16:03
ubottudarkangel_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:03
darkangel_ok thx16:03
fedeisashi guys! How can I make /var/www writable and readable for two users (www-data and my deploy user).16:04
ndeeanyone  knows a cli-tool which is like midnight commander but has more than 2 file panes?16:05
Psycho_prHow do I control the output mode from my laptop (PAL/NTSC) external monitor port?16:05
Nothing_MuchQuestion, how long does it take for Ubuntu One to accept my payment?16:05
somsipfedeisas: add your deploy user to www-data group. /var/www whould already be 770 root:www-data16:06
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fedeisassomsip that doens't work :-(, deploy can't enter the directory16:10
somsipfedeisas: has to logout and back in again after being added to a group16:10
ActionParsnipndee: you can use screen to make panels16:11
splig /join #symfony16:11
ActionParsnipsplig: watch the leading space16:11
ActionParsnipNothing_Much: try asking in #ubuntuone16:11
fedeisassomsip I didn't know that! Everyday you learn something new! Thanks.16:11
somsipfedeisas: np. Might not be the ideral solution for you, but it's usually a better starting place than making /var/www permissions unsafe. YMMV16:12
fedeisassomsip and I have both users (www-data and deploy) creating files there. How can I make that those files are always r+w for both of them?16:12
somsipfedeisas: sudo chmod g+s /var/www16:12
gdoswhere do i find the files/scripts that are displayed in the desktop selector on the login menu?16:13
pmoHey guys.. been trying to upgrade ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 on my machine.. the update manager keeps saying 13.10 is still in BETA.. i upgraded a friends laptop from 13.04 to 13.10, didnt say BETA16:13
somsipfedeisas: though it may be better to do it on individual sub folders, eg sudo chmod g+s /var/www/project116:13
ActionParsnipgdos: they are files in /usr/share/xsessions16:13
gdosthanks ActionParsnip16:14
ActionParsnipgdos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompizStandalone   shows how to have compiz as a stanalone WM :)16:14
fedeisassomsip allright, I'll try that, thanks men16:14
ActionParsnippmo: you could use the -d option on do-release-upgrade   see if it jumps to Saucy16:14
pmoi am :)16:15
pmoerr wait i didnt read the line proper16:15
pmoi use -d but let me try that command16:15
ActionParsnippmo: sudo do-release-upgrade    will take you to the next release16:15
AlexKiblerHey everybody, I'm working on a project on my ubuntu 13.04 machine, and now that everything is working exactly how I want it to, is there any way I can make a virtualbox image of my system to give to my project partners so we all start from the same point?16:16
pmoseems like this is working ActionParsnip, thanks :) just havent used ubuntu in a very long time hehe16:16
ActionParsnippmo: it's all in the upgrade notes16:16
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ActionParsnip!upgrade | pmo16:16
ubottupmo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:16
pmohehe i assumed it was the update manager hehe16:17
ActionParsnippmo: nar, server CLI method is how I do it :)16:17
ActionParsnippmo: mind you I always clean install16:17
pmohehe ActionParsnip i installed a few days ago :)16:17
luxgeekAnyone know how I can diff 19 files? I'm googling but not finding any solutions yet... The files contain enabled modules from 19 different sites but my boss needs to know how many modules are common between them (our base install) to know which ones can be trimmed...anyone?16:18
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: at least that its hopefully not a dodgy ssd then. whats output of: lspci16:18
pmoActionParsnip: its upgrading now, thanks again :)16:18
mojtabaHi, I have updated to 13.10 yesterday, but my laptop's pad is not functioning correctly. Does anybody know what should I do? (also I have some difficulty with ubunut tweak to delete old kernels. it just crashes.)16:18
ActionParsnippmo: np :)16:18
ActionParsnipmojtaba: what make and model laptop?16:19
hitsujiTMObluechaos: yes i'm here16:19
mojtabaActionParsnip: Dell Studio 155516:19
ActionParsnipmojtaba: why did you not have that detail in the initial question?16:19
mojtabaActionParsnip: forgot. :-P16:19
ActionParsnipmojtaba: seems common, i'll dig more16:20
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/625821816:21
ActionParsnip!info gpointing-device-settings saucy16:21
ubottugpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-6ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 62 kB, installed size 504 kB16:21
ActionParsnipmojtaba: try using t16:21
mojtabaActionParsnip: t?16:21
ActionParsnipmojtaba: was meant to be 'the'16:21
mojtabaActionParsnip: try using what?16:22
ActionParsnipmojtaba: gpointing-device-settings16:22
ActionParsnipmojtaba: like I said...16:22
PunchyPenguinAfter wiping and installing saucy afresh, it doesn't detect my video card properly and prompts me to use 'low graphics mode'. But this does nothing.16:23
mojtabaActionParsnip: Where is it?16:23
rodger_ncI just updated to 13.10 and within a few seconds of logging in the screen goes nuts - I can see noting - looks like snow - I am now booted from another disk on the same system using 12.04 - What file on the other disk do I need to edit to go to a generic driver so I can log into that system and reinstall the drivers?16:23
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: whats output of lspci -k16:23
ActionParsnipmojtaba: may help too http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/LLXmLdAJykmqsFnDrDhU16:24
Sander^lapHow do I disable the current kernel from grub? As I have the stock kernel installed which causes problems.16:24
ActionParsnipmojtaba: software centre16:24
ActionParsniprodger_nc: what video chip do you use?16:24
rodger_ncAMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250u Processor × 216:25
rodger_ncwith a radeon16:25
ActionParsniprodger_nc: which radeon?16:25
rodger_ncone second16:25
ActionParsniprodger_nc: your CPU is of no interest in this issue16:25
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/625825316:25
MendigaumI just updated my ubuntu to 13.10, and my apache virtual hosts stoped working. Also when i try to enable them with a2ensite it says there is no website for this name. Is there another channel with apache specific support?16:26
ActionParsnipMendigaum: #apache maybe16:26
BooeyOHIf I wanted to parse every command that is run with "sudo" to see if it contains certain keywords, and if so, print out a warning with a confirmation, is that possible, if so, can someone point me to how to do that?16:26
sophie_Sorry this isn't the right place for this question but, does an i7 have any extra raw power over an i5 or is it just hyperthreading which makes it better for certain things?16:26
ActionParsnipsophie_: tr in ##hardware16:27
MendigaumActionParsnip, thanks.16:28
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: is the audio controls greyed out?16:28
ActionParsniprodger_nc: sudo lshw -C display       will show you16:29
darkangel_do you have to Enable "Third Party" to upgrade from 12.04 to --> 12.10 or could you skip it?16:29
ActionParsnipdarkangel_: I would16:29
darkangel_how you Enable it?16:29
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, I just got the audio fixed, installing pulse did the trick, it is the wifi that is giving the most headache..16:29
ActionParsnipdarkangel_: keep to the main repos for upgrades, enable 3rd party stuff after16:30
PunchyPenguinSaucy complains it cannot configure my video card. I looked at the xorg log file but cannot copy it as the machine doesn't mount any USB devices. Running in low graphics mode does nothing.16:30
luxgeekOr IS there even a way to diff more than three files?16:30
ActionParsnipluxgeek: you can use a bash loop,16:31
luxgeekActionParsnip: Not following?16:31
rodger_ncActionParsnip: Sorry it is a C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430]16:31
darkangel_whats a Terminal Command to enable it?16:31
CatKillerluxgeek: How about vimdiff16:31
luxgeekCatKiller: Interesting...16:32
CatKillerluxgeek: Sorry I had not realized it was *more* than 316:32
CatKillerluxgeek: Vimdiff does 316:32
CatKillerit does more!16:32
luxgeekCatKiller: Ok...16:32
hitsujiTMOZeThomas: it may nnot be supprted currently https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/124094016:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1240940 in linux (Ubuntu) "Need support for Realtek Wifi card rtl8723be [10ec:b723]" [Medium,Confirmed]16:32
CatKillerluxgeek: It does 416:33
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, so what are my options?16:34
mojtabaActionParsnip: Thank you very much. The problem of the touch pad is now solved.16:34
KorrosionIm having some issues installign a second nic on 12.0416:34
Korrosion"Failed to bring up eth1."16:35
mojtabaI am trying to delete old kernels with ubuntu tweak. but it is crashing. I am using dell studio 1555 ubuntu 13.10.16:35
MendigaumHey, i've just updated to ubuntu 13.10 and my apache envvars are not configured, why? http://apaste.info/mNDd16:35
mojtabaDoes anybody know what should I do?16:35
hitsujiTMOwait for support, buy a usb wifi dongle or replace the internal wifi card with a supported on (you can find em on ebay usuall pretty cheap)16:35
Nothing_MuchQuestion, how long does it take for Ubuntu One to accept my payment?16:36
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Nothing_Much#ubuntuone is not very active, so I'm hoping for an answer16:37
MendigaumHey, i've just updated to ubuntu 13.10 and my apache envvars are not configured, why? http://apaste.info/mNDd16:37
luxgeekSo there doesn't seem to be a way of diff'ing 19 files then? :(16:38
andryMendigaum, you defined them in /etc/apache2/envvars?16:38
Mendigaumandry, no. But shouldnt it be defined by default? my apache2 was working b4 the upgrade to 13.1016:39
rodger_ncI just updated to 13.10 and within a few seconds of logging in the screen goes nuts - I can see nothing - looks like snow - I am now booted from another disk on the same system using 12.04 - What file on the 13.10 disk do I need to edit to go to a generic driver so I can log into that system and reinstall the drivers?  I have a C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430]16:40
dannymichelRight now i have everything backed up using 'Back in Time" and I'm running Mint. Would I be able to smoothly transition from Mint to Ubuntu with the backups I have in Back in Time? I mean apache configuration, apps, etc. as well. Not just /home stuff.16:40
andrymaybe they changed a lot in the apache2 package, i just remember using this config file latly16:41
ZeThomashitsujiTMO, ok, i will use usb tethering of my phone for now. thanks for your help!16:41
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hitsujiTMOMendigaum: unfortunately apache2 has a completely new configuration in 13.10 with the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4 ... this seems to effect most users during the upgrade16:43
andryoh ok, 2.4 now16:44
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, i understand that. But am i supposed to guess the variable values? is there any example?16:44
hitsujiTMOMendigaum: your best resolve the issue is to install backup your current /etc/apache2 dir and try a dpkg-reconfigure16:45
Moccodo|2Ubuntu 13.10, gdm: In the login-window I can choose which DE to run (KDE, Ubuntu). But there are also entries like KDE/Openbox Lubuntu/OpenBox or other stuff. How can I remove these entries?16:45
rufsketch1Hello everyone16:46
rufsketch1I have a kernel module called cx23885 that is automatically loaded on startup16:46
rufsketch1I want to make it so that this kernel model gets loaded as usual, but gets loaded with a different option16:47
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, ppl from #httpd told me its #ubuntu problems. They already helped me and now i know virtual hosts now needs a .conf extension. But i cant guess those missing variable values.16:47
rufsketch1specifically, I want to load it as cx23885 card=316:47
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rufsketch1/etc/modules seems to not care what I tell it.16:47
justaguySo i just updated my ubuntu 13.04 system to 13.10 , how could i check if the installation went good and I didn't ruined something16:47
rufsketch1justaguy, what kind of things are you worried you might have ruined?16:48
rodger_ncxorg.conf.d does not appear to be used any longer so how does 13.10 know which video driver to use?16:48
hitsujiTMOMendigaum: i'll see if i can pull the default envars config for you16:48
justaguyrufsketch1: idk, no idea what could have went wrong :p16:48
ChogyDanrodger_nc: try uninstalling the nvidia driver package16:48
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, thanks16:48
andryxorg.conf.d is still used16:49
andryin /usr/share/X1116:49
justaguyLinux justaguy-Celeron 3.11.0-12-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:49
rufsketch1justaguy, you could always just use it until you find something screwed up?16:49
rodger_ncI can not install it bcause I can not get into the system - I need to edit a file and change the config to use a generic driver first16:49
justaguyis that right for ubuntu 13.04?16:49
andrykernel 3.11 is default in 13.1016:49
andrylinux for workstations :P16:49
voozeIs there a good distro based on ubuntu that uses openbox / tint2?16:50
andryvooze, http://distrowatch.com/search.php16:50
Ari-Yangwhat's the keyboard shortcut to restart X server on ubuntu 12.04?16:51
andryvooze, i would install via minimal iso and then just install openbox16:51
rodger_ncChogyDan: I can not uninstall it because I can not get into the system - I need to edit a file and change the config to use a generic driver first16:51
ChogyDanrodger_nc: use ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a terminal16:52
LuxuryModeI've installed a program in #HOME/bin but when I run (a java program) it crashes with "java.io.IOException: No such file or directory" bc it doesn't have permissions…it works if i use sudo {app_name} but I shouldn't have to do that, right?16:52
hitsujiTMOMendigaum: paste.ubuntu.com/625841816:52
LuxuryMode* $HOME16:52
andryAri-Yang, either it is bound to ctrl+alt+backspace, or just go to tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) and type "sudo service lightdm restart"16:52
hitsujiTMOMendigaum: thats for /etc/apache2/envvars16:52
ChogyDanLuxuryMode: does that mean you are trying to write to a file?16:53
rodger_ncChogyDan: the video is all snow on 13.10 within a minute of booting up - can not do anything in the system - can't see -  I am on the same machine booted from 12.04 - I need to edit a file on the 13.10 disk to change the video driver16:53
boddhiihow to edit quicklist in 12.04?16:53
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andryrodger_nc, you can create a file named 20-video.conf in the conf.d and write a section for "device"16:54
boddhiimy home quicklist is become error16:54
LuxuryModeChogyDan, i guess..not sure what the program has to do to run, but yes presumably...16:54
voozeandry: yeah thinking about that also, but just wanted to see some options, but I did not know you could search like that on distrowatch, thanks :)16:54
andryvooze, sorry i dont have a recommendation :/ :)16:54
rodger_ncandry - can I copy a file to 20-video.conf because I would have no idea how to write the "device" section16:55
LuxuryModeChogyDan, the documentation for the program says "extract the archive to a location where you have both read and write access (...) Running play writes some files to directories within the archive, so don’t install to /opt, /usr/local or anywhere else you’d need special permission to write to." … which is why i made a point of putting it in $HOME/bin16:55
andryrodger_nc, like this, quick and dirty :D http://pastebin.com/6xyU3rZe16:55
ChogyDanLuxuryMode: are the permissions for ~/bin correct?16:56
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6258433/16:56
andry(this goes to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d16:56
LuxuryModeChogyDan, i created that directory so shouldn't it be rw by default?16:57
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, the weird thing is that the variables are defined. But someway it looks like apache2 is not able to read them. That happens when i try to run "sudo apache2 --version"16:57
LuxuryModeChogyDan, hmm its drwxr-xr-x 3 root    root    4.0K Oct 18 16:50 bin16:57
ChogyDanLuxuryMode: well, you obviously did not create it as your user, it is owned by root16:58
voozeandry: seems I need to install from minimal, all the openbox OS's are only 32bit it seems :/16:58
rufsketch1does anyone know anything about kernel modules?16:58
Nothing_MuchQuestion, how long does it take for Ubuntu One to accept my payment?16:58
andryyea i search one, too .. i also dont know any of these distros16:59
LuxuryModeChogyDan, ah i see. the problem is that this is a virtual box and this mkdir was in a script where the provisioner runs e/t in it as root16:59
jpedroza2krufsketch1, I know a bit, what are you trying to do?16:59
LuxuryModeChogyDan, can i specifically run a command NOT as root?16:59
hitsujiTMOMendigaum: yes i've seen the same issue with other people after the upgrade16:59
LuxuryModeChogyDan, or should i just change the permissions afterwards?16:59
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, I have a kernel module that loads on startup. I need it to keep doing that, but I need it to do that with a different option16:59
rodger_ncandry:  got it thanks - now which directory is the subdirectory config.d located?16:59
andryplace the conf in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d17:00
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, currently, it's doing the equivalent of modprobe cx23885 I think17:00
ChogyDanLuxuryMode: I dunno.  You can just chown it back17:00
andryvesa should be "failsafe"17:00
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, and I need it to do the equivalent of modprobe cx23885 card=317:00
LuxuryModeChogyDan, gotcha17:00
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jpedroza2kwhat does lsmod return rufsketch1 ?17:00
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rufsketch1jpedroza2k, in which scenario?17:01
lmatI'm trying to let a user sftp from a server. Currently it's not working (Connection closed).17:01
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, before I17:01
lmatI see from the client and server logs that authentication is successful17:01
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, before I manually change it with modprobe?17:01
dannymichelRight now i have everything backed up using 'Back in Time" and I'm running Mint. Would I be able to smoothly transition from Mint to Ubuntu with the backups I have in Back in Time? I mean apache configuration, apps, etc. as well. Not just /home stuff.17:01
lmatAnd I see from server logs that the client is requesting the sftp subsystem, and it's pretty soon after that that the connection closes.17:01
jpedroza2krufsketch1, sorry, is there a file in /etc/modprobe.d that loads the module?17:01
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rufsketch1jpedroza2k, not that i can see17:02
lmatDo I have to install vsftpd in order to make this work ? Or will the simple ol sshd do the trick ?17:02
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rufsketch1jpedroza2k, that is to say, I think it may be in the kernel?17:03
jpedroza2krufsketch1, like compiled in, rather than loaded dynamically?17:03
lmatLooks like openSSH claims to make all this work with just sshd. That's good news...now what do I need to set up to make sure my user (steve) can sftp ? :(17:04
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, I mean. I'm not *sure*. But I don't know of any other reason for it not to be in modprobe.d?17:04
bean__lmat: it should "Just Work™"17:04
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, granted, I don't know much about kernel modules17:04
lmatbean__: I know! Most of this stuff does.17:05
bean__lmat: what error is the user getting?17:05
lmat"Connection closed"17:06
lmatbean__: Let me show you my server logs...17:06
jpedroza2krufsketch1, ls17:06
bean__lmat: that could mean any number of things. Is that the error that the /end user/ is getting?17:06
lmatbean__: yes17:06
bean__lmat: and what client is he using?17:07
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, are you asking me to ls modprobe.d?17:07
jpedroza2kno, wrong window rufsketch1 :)17:07
lmatbean__: ^  using sftp :) (openssh)17:07
lmatbean__: (the other user is me)17:07
lmatbean__: I'm running it right here right now.17:08
rutger_I need some help with ubuntu17:08
rutger_everytime I type sl a train appears but I would like to see my files and folders17:08
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, ah17:08
jpedroza2krufsketch1, if there is no file in /etc/modprobe.d that means the module was compiled into the kernel.17:08
bean__lmat: I see it :) It looks like it's working to me? Is he just not able to upload at all?17:08
lmatbean__: Using this command : sftp -v -P $(<bukavuport) steve@$(<churchip):/mnt/share/Public/hey17:08
lmatbean__: hey...glad I made those file redirects...I could have just given you the ip and port :o17:09
lmatbean__: Anyway...17:09
bean__lmat: haha, I wouldn't have had a password anyways :) Does the user have permissions to write to that path?17:09
jpedroza2krufsketch1, so I would imagine you would have to rebuild the kernel with the new parameter for that module added during the configuration process.17:09
rodger_ncI am doing a search on my entire drive for the conf.d directory - it would be faster if someone could tell me where to put a display configuration17:09
* bean__ was assuming that you'd be writing to their home dir.17:09
jpedroza2krufsketch1, Which is way above my pay grade. :)17:09
lmatbean__: write ? He should only need read17:10
bean__lmat: OH, does he have read permissions, then?17:10
lmatbean__: write to what path ? I assume you mean the Public dir, or do you mean ~ ?17:10
bean__lmat: the public dir17:10
lmatbean__: Yeah,  Public is    xwrxwrxwrxwrx root root17:10
rufsketch1jpedroza2k, is there any way to remove a module built in to the kernel on boot time, and then reload it with a different kernel option?17:10
lmatbean__: It's really public ^_^17:10
lmatbean__: and hey is -rw-rw-r-- lawsa lawsa .17:11
bean__lmat, can you log in as that user in SSH and see if that can "cd" to that dir?17:11
jpedroza2krufsketch1, no unload on a compiled module.17:11
lmatbean__: no, he can't ssh in.17:11
lmatbean__: passwd for his is   .....:/usr/bin/sftp17:11
bean__ah, okay.17:11
lmatbean__: (it used to be rssh)17:11
occwhat is the easiest way to install a VM with ubuntu? do i need to install a VM then use an ubuntu iso... or is there a VM with the ubuntu image built in?17:11
lmatbean__: I'm willing to change it (but probably not ssh)17:11
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, read this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/146688/why-doesnt-apache2-respect-my-envvars-file17:11
lmatbean__: Now we're gettin somewhere ?17:11
andryanyone uses infinality?17:12
* lmat feels bean__ reading... ^_^17:12
bean__lmat: I think the best thing to do is to have it be /bin/bash (or w/e shell) but then use ForceCommand in your SSHd config.17:12
lmatbean__: Interesting... I'll give it as hot.17:13
lmatbean__: a shot that is.17:13
bean__lmat: this is for debian, but likely close enough: http://www.howtoforge.com/restricting-users-to-sftp-plus-setting-up-chrooted-ssh-sftp-debian-squeeze17:13
dannymichelRight now i have everything backed up using 'Back in Time" and I'm running Mint. Would I be able to smoothly transition from Mint to Ubuntu with the backups I have in Back in Time? I mean apache configuration, apps, etc. as well. Not just /home stuff.17:13
bean__lmat: you likely only need through step 317:14
hitsujiTMOMendigaum: ah, were you not using sudo service apache2   to try to manage apache2?17:14
lmatbean__: Thanks. I'll let you know if it goes haywire. Thanks again.17:14
bean__lmat: no problem17:14
lmatbean__: the url seems promising :)17:14
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, I was trying to output the apache version. in 2.2 i used to run apache2 --version17:14
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, while apache --version gives me undefined variables, apachectl -V returns everything ok17:14
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, but it used to work in  apache 2.2 ubuntu17:15
bean__lmat: I think the sftp path is /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server17:15
bean__you could try using that instead of /usr/bin/sftp or w/e17:15
hitsujiTMOMendigaum: yes it seems apache 2.4 expects environment vars to be present even if you're just checking the version17:16
lmatbean__: which sftp returns /usr/bin/sftp17:16
chaotic_goodok how do I vpn17:16
lmatbean__: oh...that's the client anyway.17:16
bean__lmat: right, yep, you want the sftp-server17:16
chaotic_goodpptp windows server provides vpn17:17
lmatbean__: Are you talking about the modifications to sshd_config ? I was wondering why it says 'internal-sftp'17:17
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, anyway, my problem is already solved. I just sent you that so you can see what ppl might ask here.17:17
MendigaumhitsujiTMO, thanks a lot.17:17
bean__lmat: yeah, I don't think its internal-sftp on ubuntu. Its /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server17:17
lmatbean__: okay :) That's what it said before.17:18
bean__yar, sorry for that17:18
lmatbean__: Well, some good news: steve can sftp (I think the only change was setting his shell to bash rather than ssh).17:18
lmatbean__: And when I change it to rssh or sftp, no good.17:19
bean__that makes sense17:19
bean__those aren't really shells17:19
bean__they're other programs17:19
lmatbean__: oh :(17:19
bean__you could change the shell to /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server17:20
bean__i think17:20
lmatbean__: I'll give it a shot.17:20
lmatbean__: That worked very well :)17:21
lmatbean__: So, now steve can't scp, right ?17:21
bean__I don't think so.17:21
bean__just sftp17:21
lmatbean__: hey !! http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/rssh.1.html17:21
lmatbean__: rssh is for scp and/or sftp17:21
bean__hmm, feel free to use that if you want17:22
bean__I never have17:22
lmatbean__: I tried, but it didn't work.  "And when I change it to rssh or sftp, no good."17:22
bean__lmat: i think rssh requires some more setup, and I've never done it17:22
lmatbean__: okay. You've been tremendous help already :)17:23
srinianyone there17:25
srinii need some help with regards to this git-svn info17:26
Paddy_NII have two rather annoying issues with my new 13.10 installation. My keyboard layout seems to change of it's own volition to the US when I return to it after it has locked the screen. Secondly Facebook chat does not work with Empathy, I get the following message "Facebook account requires authorisation". I have searched for a solution but to no avail...17:28
lmatPaddy_NI: alt+shift changes the keyboard layout ? What layout do you want ?17:30
fedeisashi guys! How can I make /var/www writable and readable for two users (www-data and my deploy user). I'm building an automated deploy process, and it's driving me nuts!17:30
Paddy_NIlmat, I only require one layout (English UK)17:31
lmatPaddy_NI: Oh, and it installs another one behind your back ? Incredible.17:32
Paddy_NIlmat, I removed English US from the "Text Entry" list and still it persists17:32
Paddy_NIlmat, No it still thinks its English UK17:32
lmatPaddy_NI: I'm not sure what "Text Entry" list you're talking about. When logged in, I see a little picture of a keyboard on the top panel (where the time is); do you see that ?17:32
gimmicis there a way to check version similar to rhel flavors with cat?17:32
Paddy_NIAlthough it changes keys to what normally would be english us17:32
lmatPaddy_NI: So it's lying. Gotcha.17:32
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gimmiclike cat /etc/redhat-release. I'm aware of lsb_release -a17:33
OerHeksfedeisas, add your user to www-data too17:33
mojtabaI am trying to delete old kernels with ubuntu tweak. but it is crashing. I am using dell studio 1555 ubuntu 13.10. Does anybody know what should I do?17:33
Paddy_NIlmat, I don't use that indicator I disabled it. Text Entry can be found in system settings17:33
fedeisasOerHeks I did, but it doesn't works..17:33
OerHeksgimmic, cat /etc/issue17:33
A_PaternosterHallo Ubuntu World :) I've a question :)17:33
A_Paternosterabout MIR17:33
mojtabaI am trying to delete old kernels with ubuntu tweak. but it is crashing. I am using dell studio 1555 ubuntu 13.10. Does anybody know what should I do?17:34
gimmicThank you, OerHeks17:34
lmatPaddy_NI: I don't have it. I'm on 12.04...perhaps that's the difference. I go to system settings -> keyboard layout -> Language tab17:34
hitsujiTMOfedeisas: you need to relog after you add yourself to www-data group17:34
Paddy_NIlmat, ah :-)17:34
rosco_yI just upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10.  Is there a list of post-upgrade tasks that could be done?17:34
OerHekshitsujiTMO +117:34
A_PaternosterI would like to install MIR but I don't know if it's it a good idea . . . Anyone can help me ?17:35
rosco_yHow can I look at the upgrade log?17:35
einjelosciao la?17:35
fedeisashitsujiTMO OerHeks deploy      x  1002   1002 /home/deploy        /bin/bash          deploy www-data17:35
einjelosanybody know about difference between using lxde and using openbox?17:35
fedeisasit belongs to both groups17:35
davividalhi. I'm using LDAP on my network, among other things, it manages my sudoers files. On my (personal) workstation I want to use LDAP and files for sudoers. That's what I've put on my /etc/nsswitch.conf: sudoers: ldap files , and here is my /etc/sudoers.d/redmine_gitolite: redmine ALL=(git) NOPASSWD:ALL17:35
davividalbut whenever I try to sudo -u git -i ls it keeps asking my password. How can I debug what's going on?17:36
rosco_yWhat is MIR?17:36
einjelosi installed lxde on my crunchbang and really i want to switch back to just using the openbox environ17:36
rosco_yA_Paternoster: what is MIR?17:36
lmatrosco_y: It is salvation for Ubuntu...17:36
chaotic_gooddo I have to basically install GNOME in order to get VPN going to a microsoft pptp vpn?17:36
rosco_ylmat: 13.10?17:36
lmatrosco_y: Any version I guess. It's an X replacement. Google will help you from there :)17:36
lmatrosco_y: Or perhaps it's a wayland replacement ... gwa ha ha ha17:36
einjelosi figured #! is related to ubuntu, and ubuntu people are friendlier than in the crunchbang rooms17:37
einjelosanybody know how to switch back?17:37
A_Paternosterrosco_y,  it is a graphic server for Ubuntu . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mir_(software)17:37
TJ-Paddy_NI: What does "[Gear Icon] > System Settings... > Region & Language > System" show as the system and user settings?17:37
rosco_yA_Paternoster, lmat--thank you, I was just wondering17:37
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: no17:37
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: what de are you using?17:38
rosco_yI just upgraded to 13.10, how can I look at the upgrade log?17:38
lmatbean__: my freaking goodness17:39
Paddy_NITJ-, there is no "Region and Language" however there is a "Language Support" which is set to English UK17:39
lmatbean__: I just removed "chrootpath = /home/steve" from /etc/rssh.conf. Freaking crap!17:39
m3kkIs there anyone else got crash when trying to view "propitary drivers" in settings after update?17:39
TJ-Paddy_NI: You said that was 13.10, is that correct?17:40
Paddy_NITJ-, Spot on17:40
docdrizaI am having a weird networking issue17:40
TJ-Paddy_NI: "Region & Language" should be 2 icons further on, after "Language Support"17:40
docdrizaI recently upgraded a Virtual Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04. for some reason i am now not able to ping my gateway or go out to the internet17:41
TJ-Paddy_NI: Between "Online Accounts" and "Security and Privacy"17:41
docdrizaI have looked through a number of forums, and tried a number of things but I still cant get this thing wto work.17:41
docdrizais there anyone that can help me out?17:41
TJ-docdriza: Is it a server or desktop install? Is it using NetworkManager or manual editing of "/etc/network/interfaces" ?17:42
Paddy_NITJ-, http://imgbin.org/images/15394.png17:42
docdrizait is a desktop install17:42
mojtaba am trying to delete old kernels with ubuntu tweak. but it is crashing. I am using dell studio 1555 ubuntu 13.10. Does anybody know what should I do?17:42
chaotic_goodI am on iceWM17:43
docdrizaOh i have the /etc/network/interfaces manually configured17:43
chaotic_goodbut need to use work vpn17:43
chaotic_goodmicrosoft pptp17:43
apbthings are moving slow on my 12.04 machine... someone looking into an application problem for me tells me that dbus is the culprit "some dbus calls are slow, others just timeout".17:43
apbAny  useful suggestions?17:43
docdrizaTJ-: i have the /etc/network/interfaces manually configured and it is a desktop install17:43
chaotic_goodrecode the app in common lisp17:44
apbthis is a system problem, not an application problem17:44
notyard404docdriza: what have you done so far?17:45
TJ-Paddy_NI: Comparing your screenshot to a fresh 13.10 install here, they are different and yours is missing "Region & Language" but has "Text Entry" which is a sub-menu of "Region & Language" here. Was that system upgraded from 13.04?17:46
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: have a look at pptp-linux17:46
Paddy_NITJ-, Fresh install17:46
Paddy_NIAnd now my layout is back to the way it should be17:46
trismTJ-: are you using gnome-shell? I see the Region & Language with: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center; but not in unity17:46
Paddy_NIThis will not last however17:46
Paddy_NITJ-, That is strange.. I verified the media too17:47
mojtabaDoes anybody know why ubuntu tweak is carshing? (after upgrading to 13.10)17:47
TJ-docdriza: Can you pastebin the results of "echo $(ifconfig && ip route ls && cat /etc/network/interfaces)" ?17:47
Paddy_NITJ-, I wonder what the package name is; perhaps I can install it17:47
TJ-trism: No, it's a regular 13.10 desktop install17:48
docdrizaTJ-: standby17:48
mojtabaIs there any other alternative to ubuntu tweak janitor?17:48
JoelNYdahlHello, do anyone have time to help me? i get errno 30 while installing ubuntu17:48
trismTJ-: strange, mine is an upgrade so it could be wonky but I see exactly the same thing Paddy_NI sees in his screenshot17:49
Paddy_NIHeh.. any keyboard issues trism ? or are you already using the US layout17:49
steve|mhas anybody noticed that the netboot-image doesn't work with predictable interface names? my nic is detected as p5p1 and the automatic network configuration won't work, no connectivity at all17:49
JoelNYdahlHello, do anyone have time to help me? i get errno 30 while installing ubuntu17:50
trismPaddy_NI: nope no keyboard issues here, but yes I'm already using the us layout anyway17:51
TJ-trism: Paddy_NI: That was why I asked, since it sounds almost like the 13.04 "Keyboard Layout" applet - the icon is identical to the "Text Entry" icon on 13.1017:51
docdrizaTJ-:  no, becasue I am getting to this VM through Microsofts Virtaual Machine Manager Console, and I am not able to copy and paste the text17:51
Paddy_NIAh then my issue is that it wont remain on the UK layout17:51
TJ-Paddy_NI: Have you deleted the US layout?17:51
Paddy_NIIf I was to lubricate the usb port with Crème fraîche would that perhaps get things moving?17:51
Paddy_NITJ-, Yes I have17:52
docdrizaTJ-: I would only be able to take a screenshot17:52
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TJ-docdriza: you could redirect the output to a file, then upload that to pastebin17:52
TJ-Paddy_NI: Then something is *very* weird then!17:53
docdrizabecause i cannot ssh to the box, I cant pull the file either.17:53
docdrizaTJ-: because i cannot ssh to the box, I cant pull the file either.17:53
TJ-docdriza: USB key? or is it remote?17:53
Paddy_NIYes perhaps I did not initially use ENOUGH Crème fraîche!17:53
TJ-Paddy_NI: :P ... unfortunately I have to go drive now so I can't help you further17:53
hitsujiTMOPaddy_NI: one thing to try: add the US kb layout, then remove it again17:53
lmatI'm using rssh for a shell. in rssh.conf, I have allowscp, allowsftp and  user=steve:777:111111:/mnt/share. steve is running the following: sftp -v -P $(<bukavuport) steve@$(<churchip):/Public/hey   (/Public/hey is a file within /mnt/share). It does not succeed: http://sprunge.us/ZTaS17:54
docdrizaTJ-: it is a VM, and I have no idea where the host is located.17:54
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, Yeah I was thinking that very thing17:54
docdrizaTJ-: sorry to make this difficult on you17:54
TJ-docdriza: OK :(17:54
Paddy_NITJ-, no worries mate thanks for your time :-)17:54
lmatOh yeah, passwd line for this guy is  steve:x:1006:1006:steve,home,,,I'm steve.:/home/steve:/usr/bin/rssh17:54
icerootis there a way to use something like a "trim-function" on all text-contents i am putting in my buffer (ctrl +v) so that all whitespaces at the start and end will be removed?17:55
lmatI can't figure out what I'm missing :(17:55
trismPaddy_NI: how about bug 124019817:55
ubottubug 1240198 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "wrong keyboard layout active after booting into desktop, after upgrade to saucy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124019817:55
TJ-Paddy_NI: The reason I asked about the "System" tab was it shows the system and user preferences, and it made me wonder if 'system' is defaulting to US and when the user session unlocks it doesn't reapply the UK settings17:55
prototroutIs there a way, when installing a related group of packages, to "name" the group? (So I can later rempve them all at once without needing to remember the whole list)?17:55
lmatI guess I should post this in stack exchange...17:55
Paddy_NITJ-, Yeah I totally get where your coming from.. sadly the computer is not getting where I am coming from :-P17:56
dannymichelRight now i have everything backed up using 'Back in Time" and I'm running Mint. Would I be able to smoothly transition from Mint to Ubuntu with the backups I have in Back in Time? I mean apache configuration, apps, etc. as well. Not just /home stuff.17:56
icerootdannymichel: no17:56
icerootdannymichel: because they may use different versions and then the conf-files dont match to the used version17:56
TJ-trism: Paddy_NI: Yes, that bug was affecting me whilst I was chroot-ing a 13.10 system earlier, I got real mad with the locale indicating US when everything was working with GB, but changes weren't taking17:56
TJ-Paddy_NI: good luck with that :)17:56
Paddy_NITJ-, I'm sure Ill get it17:57
docdrizaTJ-: I love greenshot http://i.imgur.com/WYdqcDQ.png17:57
ddssc_what's the easiest way to install windows from ubuntu machine? I want to have dual boot but I hear windows will overwrite grub.17:59
rodger_ncI am running 13.10 and need to install the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia.  Any directions on how to do this?  I have a GeForce 6150SE nForce 43017:59
rodger_ncI am currently up and running but on a vesa default18:00
rodger_ncwhen I updated to 13.10 I got a snow screen18:00
rodger_nccouldn't do anything18:01
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ddssc_is this good advice for installing windows after ubuntu? http://askubuntu.com/questions/6317/how-can-i-install-windows-7-after-ive-installed-ubuntu/158319#15831918:01
bean__ddssc_: that would likely work.18:02
bcurtiswxanyone figure out how to completely quit empathy. I seem to use the menu to quit empathy, but i still receive messages18:02
bean__boot-repair can be a bit magical.18:02
docdrizais there anyone that can help me out?18:02
bcurtiswxis it directly tied to my status in the messaging menu ?18:02
bcurtiswxdo i need to be "offline" ?18:02
docdrizaI am having a weird networking issue18:03
bean__!ask | docdriza18:04
ubottudocdriza: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:04
bcurtiswxyup, for future referebce, to completely quit empathy, you need to set your status to offline in the messaging menu18:05
ddssc_what's the best rapair utility for ubuntu? In case the system gets fubar'd and you got no proper backup?18:05
bean__ddssc_: the best repair tool is to have backups :)18:06
ddssc_bean__: "and you got no proper backup?"18:06
docdrizaI recently upgraded a Virtual Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04. for some reason i am now not able to ping my gateway or go out to the internet i have the /etc/network/interfaces manually configured and it is a desktop install here is a result of a command if you need some kind of reference http://i.imgur.com/WYdqcDQ.png18:07
ddssc_for example I had ubuntu and I only got sw backup, ie. list of installed software and configs( I imagine) . now it died for no apparent reason, black screen, dead. looking for a way to repair it off the boot-cd .18:07
bean__ddssc_: you could try boot-repair, but it could be any number of things that are actually wrong18:08
ddssc_bean__: I ran disk diagnostics , everything is ok. it's probaly kernel issue since it fubar'd with "kernel bug" bsod.18:09
bean__ddssc_: do you have an actual error message anywhere?18:09
ddssc_bean__: it's my other machine.. but tehre's a kernel log with details, I already posted it here once tho, noone had any idea what happened.  :/18:10
bean__ddssc_: hmm, have you tried booting it with an earlier kernel?18:11
bean__i'd give that a try.18:11
ddssc_dont have much experience with ubuntu dieing...18:11
ddssc_I was under impression that was more a windows thing :p18:11
bean__haha, ddssc_ you'd be surprised :) computers a weird sometimes.18:12
S4nD3r13.10 is not working with nvidia optimus gt540M18:12
bean__ddssc_: anyways, what version of ubuntu is it on?18:12
bcurtiswxddssc_, windows doesn't have half the awesome community of people we do :) although breaking happens in all OS's18:12
hydruidAm I the only one who pretends to type at a shell prompt for 1/2 a day on Friday?18:12
ddssc_12.10 me hinks .. could be 13.04 I forgot18:12
bean__hydruid: thats a bit off topic, but yeah.18:12
bean__ddssc_: alright, so probably something with Grub2, so you likely need to hold down shift when its booting to get the old kernels, etc to show.18:13
ddssc_hydruid: I got some horrendous sh script open in vim on my big monitor, it drives people away.18:13
ddssc_bean__: right, hold down shift....18:13
ddssc_so which kernels can I run ?18:14
bcurtiswxhaha, my favorite thing to do is open a bin file in vim and act completely confused and thinking hard18:14
dannymichelRight now i have everything backed up using 'Back in Time" and I'm running Mint. Would I be able to smoothly transition from Mint to Ubuntu with the backups I have in Back in Time? I mean apache configuration, apps, etc. as well. Not just /home stuff.18:14
ddssc_yeah, real hackers only do hex18:14
docdrizahas anyone had any issues with networking when upgrading Ubuntu from 10.04 to 12.04 using the do-release-upgrade command?18:14
bean__ddssc_: I'd just pick anything earlier than the "most recent" and see if it boots.18:14
bean__docdriza: what is the exact problem? networking just doesn't work?18:15
ddssc_bean__: didnt know there was such an option heh...18:15
docdrizabean__: I recently upgraded a Virtual Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04. for some reason i am now not able to ping my gateway or go out to the internet i have the /etc/network/interfaces manually configured and it is a desktop install here is a result of a command if you need some kind of reference http://i.imgur.com/WYdqcDQ.png18:15
antithesisdannymichel the people in Mint's support channel might be able to answer that question better, since they know what they've modified in Ubuntu18:15
designbybeck13.10 64bit on  Dell Precision desktop goes to sleep and doesn't wake up18:16
hydruiddocdriza: try changing your netmask to
dannymichelWont they just flame me for wanting to move to Ubuntu antithesis ?18:16
bean__hydruid: docdriza that shouldn't matter though, its a /2418:16
john_doe_jrI want to search for a string ".setDate" in a directory recursively using grep?18:16
john_doe_jrhow do I do that?18:16
bean__docdriza: what was the error when pinging the gateway?18:17
bean__host unreachable, or?18:17
hydruidbean__: look at the first name server, I bet that is his problem18:17
antithesisdannymichel lawl18:17
antithesisiunno they seem p friendly to me18:17
dannymichelim pretty sure that's what would happen antithesis18:17
bean__hydruid: he can't ping his gateway -- the dns server has nothing to do with it at this point.18:17
antithesisFrom the few experience I have with them18:17
docdrizabean__: destination host unavailable18:17
hydruidbean__: how many's have you seen? lol18:17
antithesisdannymichel if that happens, just say lel18:17
Octopus_where to donwload old opera 12 skins?  Thank!18:18
bean__hydruid: valid point, usually 172.16 is a /20 block… I think18:18
lmatOkay, I made a stack exchange ticket showing all the information :) http://askubuntu.com/questions/36126318:18
SchrodingersScatjohn_doe_jr: would that be grep -r -a ".setDate"18:18
LuxuryModeIf i have the url of some ppa, how do i add that repo?18:18
hydruidbean__: usually it's a /1618:18
CHA0How can i search for new channels?18:18
antithesisReally, in my experience they are more friendly than the people in here18:18
Paddy_NI!ppa | LuxuryMode18:18
ubottuLuxuryMode: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:18
zykotick9!alis | CHA018:18
ubottuCHA0: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:18
hydruiddocdriza: why are you setting it as static? did DHCP not work?18:18
bean__hydruid: maybe he doesn't run DHCP :)18:19
Paddy_NI!addppa > LuxuryMode18:19
ubottuLuxuryMode, please see my private message18:19
docdrizabean__: hydruid it needs to be static, becuase I am in a corporate environment. and we are using this like a server18:19
* bean__ figured.18:19
LuxuryModethanks Paddy_NI18:19
bean__docdriza: and it's /etc/network/interfaces didn't change during the upgrade?18:19
hydruidbean__: I would prefer that he answer for himself, ty18:19
bean__he just did.18:19
Paddy_NIDoes anyone know where the .desktop files for "unity web apps" are located in the filesystem?18:20
john_doe_jrSchrodingersScat: thank you that worked18:20
docdrizahydruid: I never looked at it before the upgrade. I didnt think it was going to be affected18:20
antithesisPaddy_NI try locate?18:20
docdrizahydruid: I didnt set up the original box either18:20
trismjohn_doe_jr: grep -nHR '\.setDate' directory/;18:20
antithesislocate facebook.desktop? iunno18:20
Paddy_NIantithesis, I can never figure out how to use locate18:20
bean__docdriza: are there any other working machines on the network that you could at least "ifconfig -a" on?18:21
hydruiddocdriza: try this command, "ifconfig -a" , is there a listing for eth0 or eth2?18:21
hydruiddocdriza: basically any eth besides eth118:21
antithesisPaddy_NI what I just said was an example command18:21
antithesisIt's really that simple18:21
antithesisJust do sudo updatedb first18:21
mustmodifyconfused... what permissions do I need on a pem file at ~/.ssh/amazon.pem to be able to use it with SSH? I tried 006 and apparently I can't even cat it with those permissions.18:22
Paddy_NIantithesis, Yeah I know how to do that but what actually happens is a never ending stream of directories and files list in the terminal to almost no end18:22
docdrizajust eth118:22
Paddy_NIantithesis, I have to press ctrl+c to get it to cease18:22
docdrizahydruid: bean__ just eth 118:22
antithesisPaddy_NI that means you need to refine your search18:22
hydruiddocdriza: it would be best to confirm your IP settings to make sure you're in the correct subnet18:23
CHA0Thanks, ubottu and zykotick918:23
hydruiddocdriza: usually when I see a there are vlan's involved or something is setup incorrectly18:24
Paddy_NIantithesis, I don't think it's possible to refine it any more without making the use of "locate" redundant18:24
trismPaddy_NI: from a couple quick searches it looks like they are all just in /usr/share/applications18:25
antithesisPaddy_NI locate -i facebook.desktop gives you an endless stream of output?18:25
lenzeorAnybody who is up to help me fix my Ubuntu install? I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10; however, when I boot into the 3.11 kernel I get nothing but a blank screen. What can I do?18:25
hydruidlenzeor: reboot, and choose the previous kernel :P18:25
docdrizahydruid: im pretty sure the IP setting are corect there is a DNS entry on the network for a specific host name, and when i do a ping -a from my windows box I get the IP address you say in the screenshot18:26
lenzeorhydruid, yeah, that's a temporary solution :) looking for long-term though18:26
Paddy_NIantithesis, That actually gives me nothing :-P18:26
Paddy_NItrism, Thanks18:26
hydruidhydruid: on your windows box is your subnet mask or
Paddy_NIantithesis, I'll have another go at locate once I finish the task at hand18:27
Paddy_NIThank you18:27
hydruidlenzeor: yes, then install a newer kernel or slightly older.....experiment18:27
CHA0Fresh install, lenzer18:27
lenzeorCHA0 hydruid is there nothing I can do from the recovery console?18:28
antithesisPaddy_NI what're the files called?18:28
hydruidlenzeor: you a kernel debugging master?18:28
lenzeorNo, but maybe it's not kernel-specific18:28
antithesisThe facebook one, for example18:28
hydruidlenzeor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen18:29
chaotic_goodwhy does my i7 cpu appear as 8x80mhz cpu?18:29
chaotic_goodits supposed to be 2.4ghz18:29
Paddy_NIantithesis, That is part of the problem18:29
Paddy_NIantithesis, I have no idea, I only see what the .desktop files label is18:30
hydruiddocdriza: another option would be to switch over to DHCP momentarily to see if it can pull an address, that is if you have DHCP in your network18:30
lenzeorokok off for a non-graphical boot, thanks hydruid18:30
Paddy_NIantithesis, as in the name that will be used in the application launcher.. I guess I could install alacarte and save myself a headache18:30
hydruiddocdriza: just because you can ping an IP that you assigned to an Ubuntu server, doesn't mean there isn't an IP conflict or routing issue or vlan issue.........trial and error and make sure the data you're working with is valid18:31
linuxlite1991longtime no see18:32
antithesisNo Paddy_NI don't give up on doing things through the command line18:32
docdrizahydruid: would an upgrade like this cause the IP confict or routing issue?18:32
antithesisPaddy_NI it's a bit of a nuisance now and then, but ultimately, it'll make you a GNU/Linux master. :)18:32
Paddy_NIantithesis, I I am totally with you, however I don't have the time I used to18:32
hydruiddocdriza: an upgrade would cause neither....18:33
hydruiddocdriza: did this server already have this exact same entwork config? did you compare the subnet info to a known working server or pc?18:34
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: your cpu clocks down under light load18:34
hydruiddocdriza: or do you only want to give vague details to see if we can randomly guess what is wrong?18:34
chaotic_goodis that it?18:35
chaotic_goodI had just said that to my pal18:35
docdrizahydruid: im not trying to play any games, I did the in place upgrade using the do-release-upgrade command18:35
bean__chaotic_good: most likely :) either that or it'll slow down if it gets too hot18:35
hydruiddocdriza: good luck, you haven't answered any of my questions18:35
chaotic_goodso cmon who can help me get vpn going? need to talk to microcrap pptp18:35
mojtabaHi, I am trying to delete old kernels with ubuntu tweak. but it gave scan error. Does anybody know what should I do? (dell studio 1555, ubuntu 13.10)18:35
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: cat /proc/cpuinfo    tells you your actual cpu info18:35
chaotic_goodsome times it shows 8x800mhz18:35
chaotic_goodsoemtimes 2x200mhz and 6x 80018:35
chaotic_goodso about vpn......18:36
hydruidchaotic_good: I forget what they call it, but your CPU is "green".....it steps itself down when not needed to converse power and etc.18:36
docdrizahydruid: im not trying to give vague details there is another Kali linux bot on the same subnet that is working18:36
UnkownHay Im GOnna Hack18:36
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: did you install pptp-linux ?18:36
hydruiddocdriza: the netmask/subnet match?18:36
Paddy_NIantithesis, Okay so what sent me wrong with the search was the case sensitivity no doubt "GoogleCalendar" :-)18:37
hydruiddocdriza: do you have DHCP in your environment?18:37
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: hydruid: intel speedstep18:37
docdrizahydruid: I am new to my company so it is taking me a little more time to get you your answers. I am looking into DHCP18:37
hydruidhitsujiTMO: TY!18:37
Paddy_NItrism, You where spot on by the way, thank you very much :-)18:37
hydruiddocdriza: remove the static IP's and set it to DHCP, see if it can pull an IP or not18:38
Platzhas anyone run into this warning when starting vim in ubuntu after upgrading to 13.10? http://askubuntu.com/questions/361180/gvim-glib-gobject-warning-in-ubuntu-13-1018:38
mojtabaHi, I am trying to delete old kernels with ubuntu tweak. but it gave scan error. Does anybody know what should I do? (dell studio 1555, ubuntu 13.10)18:38
nightdreverIn additional drivers im on nvidia accelerated driver (version 304)  but version 319-updates is avaliable, how do i install this......a few months ago i tried by just deselecting version 304 and installing other one but then my pc wouldnt start and i need to reinstall linux......how do i do it safetly so this doesnt happen?....thanks18:38
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moppymojtaba: you could manually delete old kernels - I htink from memory they will be in /boot and /lib/modules. Long as you don't delete the current one, should be fine18:40
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: delete them manually    ... whats the output of: uname -r      and: dpkg --get-selections | grep "linux-image"18:40
OerHeksmoppy current and the one before that (recovery)18:41
ubottufabio_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:41
=== linuxlite1991 is now known as ubuntu]
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moppyOerHeks: I accept what you say makes sense, but I don't have recovery on mine.18:42
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moppyOerHeks: So you are right, I just forget people have recovery ones18:42
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, I wonder if it is possible for me to change Roots keyboard settings?18:42
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hitsujiTMOPaddy_NI: i would have a look at /etc/default/keyboard   maybe18:43
DJones!piracy | fabio_18:43
ubottufabio_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:43
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, Ha :-)18:43
PlatzWhat does this mean ? -> gvim:4054): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::sm-connect after class was initialised18:44
OerHeksmojtaba, so try again, and hold the current kernel + previous one18:44
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, does this look roughly normal http://paste.ubuntu.com/6259074/18:44
chaotic_goodpptp-linux  ??18:44
hitsujiTMOPaddy_NI: yes that seems correct18:45
docdrizahydruid: The DHCP config does not work, So i can only assume that there is not DHCP on this network.18:45
chaotic_goodpptp-linux ??18:45
BrutusssHi, I upgrade my 13.04 to 13.10 and don't have any network. When I do ifconfig I can only see lo and not eth1. I can see a wired connection when I check network options. I have DHCP on my network available.18:45
hydruiddocdriza: you don't need to assume, you need to check with a confirmed good laptop18:46
BrutusssI can't go online on that machine anymore. was fine untill I rebooted after the upgrade18:46
hydruiddocdriza: it's possible that the NIC drivers are messed up, but you need to unplug the cable from the broken server and plug it into a laptop to see what your results are18:46
docdrizahydruid: ths is a VM18:47
hitsujiTMOchaotic_good: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN#VPN_setup_using_the_command_line18:47
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hydruiddocdriza: what type of Hypervisor?18:47
Paddy_NIhitsujiTMO, I noticed that when I lock the screen so that it displays a password prompt when someone activates the mouse/keyboard, that there is an "en" next to the text entry field (to the right) when I click on this is changes to "en2" (small 2) however in my session there is only one language choice available18:47
docdrizahydruid: no clue, where would i get that info?18:47
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hydruiddocdriza: what platform is the VM on? Vmware, Xen, Virtualbox?18:48
hydruiddocdriza: hyper-v?18:48
docdrizahydruid: its Hyper-V18:48
hydruiddocdriza: is it a regular nic or a legacy?18:48
hydruiddocdriza: what you have in the VM settings?18:48
hitsujiTMOPaddy_NI: its a really weird issue ... i had the same thing but after the first restart i removed 'us' and had no problems ...18:48
thy_ood evening gentlemen18:48
xbmchi, how can i get Remote Control without login18:49
sam113101good afternoon18:49
Paddy_NIOkay hitsujiTMO  I'm going to restart again and hope for the best :-) many many thanks18:49
MorkelHi, is it possible to make a full disk encryption on a server and load the key from a tpm module on the board? Its not possible to enter a password but i want that the thief can not use the stolen disk18:49
BrutusssHi, I upgrade my 13.04 to 13.10 and don't have any network. When I do ifconfig I can only see lo and not eth1.18:49
hydruiddocdriza: it will say network adapter or legacy network adapter18:49
Brutussswas working fine yesterday before the upgrade18:49
docdrizahydruid: in the Hardware config settings, it says Legacy Network Adapter18:49
docdrizahydruid: took me some time to get to it.18:50
hydruiddocdriza: power it off, remove the legacy network adapter, and add a network adapter18:50
chaotic_goodhttp://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-ubuntu.phtml so this for pptp18:50
jeroen-Updated to 13.10 and now during boot Ubuntu does nothing for a minute and than it continues. In the logs I reas something about nptd. Help?18:50
docdrizahydruid: ok18:50
hydruiddocdriza: they probably used the legacy adapter for compatibility with 10.0418:50
ReactoWhy does using dual monitors work so badly in ubuntu?18:50
Reactosometimes you have to try like 5 times to get the mouse over to another monitor18:51
jamesbonghowdy, i have /tmp on my 2nd hdd as well as an empty /srv partition, now i want to move /tmp to be just a subfolder of / (1st hdd) and delete /srv which is empty anyways18:51
hydruidbean: did you run out of wind? lol18:51
Thoams_because vendors don't make drivers for linux boxes.18:51
Thoams_go figure.18:51
xbmchi, how can i get Remote Deskto without need to login on ubuntu18:51
jamesbongcoz i want the 2nd hdd to be empty for another os18:51
hydruidxbmc: what version of Ubuntu are you running?18:51
Reactoit's so weird that it sometimes works really well, but sometimes it just gets stuck at the edge18:51
docdrizahydruid: While this powers off, I have a question. Do legacy adapters not work with newer version of Ubuntu?18:51
xbmchydruid, 13.1018:51
lenzeorI cannot even boot into failsafe graphics mode. -_- is there a way to downgrade to 13.04 again?18:52
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Dwarflenzeor, what is your problem?18:52
auronandacelenzeor: downgrades are not supported, you'd need to fresh install18:52
ArinI am about to download 13.10. Should I go with 32 bit ot 64 bit on a laptop with a GT 540M nVidia Optimus card considering driver support, or does it not matter?18:52
hydruiddocdriza: legacy network adapters are not designed to be used in production, it's more for older OS's or legacy stuff like PXE boot18:52
hydruidxbmc: at the logon screen it shoud say something like remote services18:52
DwarfArin, how much RAM?18:52
homerArin, how much memory does the laptop have installed?18:53
DwarfAlso, Arin, I'm guessing it has a modern CPU so go with 64 bit18:53
lenzeorDwarf, auronandace.  I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10. When I try to boot into the new kernel, I get a blank screen (after the splash screen though).18:53
hydruidxbmc: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/ubuntu-12-10-login-screen-adds-remote-desktop-access18:53
ArinMore that a 32 bit can make use of, not sure I believe, but doesn't remember. Will check.18:53
auronandace!nomodeset | lenzeor18:53
ubottulenzeor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:53
Dwarflenzeor, can you change to a different tty?18:54
lenzeorauronandace, I'll try that.18:54
Arin6GB, so 64 bit would be best, but support for Flash, drivers, and other software is no issue now?18:54
lenzeorDwarf, that's Alt+F2 or F3 right?18:54
DwarfArin, to my knowledge it never was a problem18:54
Dwarfctrl+alt+F2 or F3 or whatever18:54
hydruidArin: you're thinking windows and x64 drivers18:55
=== Michael is now known as Guest99344
lenzeorokay will try both and be back18:55
homeri upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, the boot up time is now significantly longer than it was prior, is there a fix for this?18:55
hydruiddocdriza: any luck?18:55
jeroen-Hanging during boot for a minute. Anyone/18:55
docdrizahydruid: I was able to remove the old NIC, and add the new one, but I'm waiting for it to boot up.18:55
hydruiddocdriza: gotcha, dont' be surprised if the NIC changes from eth1 to eth0 or eth218:56
ArinNo, I have had problems with software on 64 bit Linux earlier, so I have been sticking with 32 bit.18:56
cyberalex4lifedoes anyone know any good fix for i7 cpu laptops to turbo boost properly?18:56
docdrizahydruid: yeah, not an issue. I have to configure the static IP address again.18:56
Dwarfcyberalex4life, latest kernels turbo boost correctly18:57
cyberalex4lifewell indicator-cpufreq doesn't show it18:57
DwarfUnless you're on an ancient kernel turbo shouldn't be a problem18:57
cyberalex4lifenot in ubuntu 13.0418:57
Dwarfindicator-cpufreq doesn't show turboboost, it uses it's full potential in the background tho18:57
cyberalex4lifenot in 13.1018:57
cyberalex4lifedo you know some command to be sure?18:58
Guest9934413.10 did Mir & Wayland replace xorg-server ?18:58
ArinI download the 64-bit version and give it a try :)18:58
CorpusCallosumhi guys i have a problem with vmware tools (vmware fusion). after update 12.04, somehow xorg is gone, ubuntu was openning in terminal mode. then i reinstall xorg. this time it is openning but vmware tools is not working. tried to reinstall vmware tools but didnot work. Any suggestion?18:59
hydruidGuest99344: no will have to wait for 14.04 probably18:59
Dwarfcyberalex4life, i saw it on some mailinglist, unsure about the commands18:59
auronandaceGuest99344: mir has been postponed18:59
Guest99344Ohh ok.. just wondered..18:59
cyberalex4lifeI saw something like that sure19:00
cyberalex4lifeand I assure you that my i7 was not going over 2.301 GHz19:00
cyberalex4lifeon 13.0419:00
auronandace!rootirc | CorpusCallosum19:01
ubottuCorpusCallosum: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:01
guest-7756I dont understand why you cant just blow away everything on the drive and create a new partition table when a table is lost like this. Doesnt make sense to me19:01
tgm4883Guest99344, I'm not sure why you think Mir AND Wayland would replace xorg-server in 13.10, but you can install XMir in 13.10 is you want19:01
docdrizaok hydruid It is only seeing the loopback interface i have to turn on the other interface somehow19:02
bean__docdriza: even with "ifconfig -a"19:03
docdrizabean__: hydruid eth019:04
mark4_running ubuntu on a beagle board and i have no killall util19:04
mark4_where do i get killall?19:04
bean__docdriza: right so it didn't bring it up because it couldn't find it in /etc/network/interfaces19:04
auronandace!arm | mark4_19:04
ubottumark4_: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.19:04
hydruiddocdriza: yes ifconfig -a to find eth0 and then change your /etc/network/interfaces settings from eth1 to eth019:05
bean__so change your eth1's to eth0's in /etc/network/interfaces19:05
connorsonHi all19:06
docdrizabean__: hydruid I did that, then did service networking start and that did not work. I did restart, and that still is not working.19:06
connorsoni need help19:06
hydruiddocdriza: try /etc/init.d/networking stop then /etc/init.d/networking start19:07
kenshiroHi, I used Gnome Classic Desktop in Ubuntu 13.04 (gnome-panel package) . After upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10, my Gnome Classic desktop is broken, up panel has no items, and it's not possible to add items again. Any fix for this?19:07
kenshiroI purged the package and reinstalled again, no luck19:08
docdrizanone of that seems to be working19:08
docdrizahydruid: bean__ ^19:09
connorsonCan anyone help me?19:09
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:09
hydruiddocdriza: when you do ifconfig does it list eth019:09
nightdreverin additional drivers says driver is activated but not currently in use?19:09
hydruiddocdriza: reboot19:09
connorsonMy problem is: While updating to 13.10 Distro Upgrade It crashed and now Unity is not loading a giving errors!19:09
docdrizahydruid: I was afraid you were going to say that...rebooting19:09
homerconnorson, is it the low graphics mode failsafe error?19:11
connorson'It crashed on configuring python or else, as i got nothing to backup i will format it :(19:11
connorsonNo Homer, Distro Upgade has crashed19:11
connorsonNot Working at all19:11
connorsonJust at Terminal and Chrome19:11
homeri would to try the upgrade several times yesterday before it actually started to upgrade19:12
defaultrohi folks, I have an off topic question. Who has experience with MX mail records?19:12
geniidefaultro: Probably a better question for #ubuntu-server19:13
Zipzaphey everyone19:13
kenshiroAny way of reset Gnome Flashback desktop to defaults in Ubuntu 13.10? (Broken after upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04)19:14
docdrizahydruid: that was it. thanks dude. I am able to ping google19:15
hydruiddocdriza: 3 cheers19:15
hydruidbean___: booyah19:15
hydruiddocdriza: glad you got it working, yea those damn legacy adapters are helpful in a pinch but a pain19:15
docdrizahydruid: thanks, I new there had to me something outside the system causing this19:15
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hydruiddocdriza: you're welcome19:16
docdrizahydruid: I would buy you a beer if I could19:17
hydruiddocdriza: woot free beer19:17
hydruiddocdriza: are you in the USA?19:17
docdrizahydruid: yes19:18
hydruiddocdriza: in oklahoma?19:18
hydruiddocdriza: darn LOL, just glad to help mate19:18
connorson#homer i rebooted it and was having graphical glitches so i decied to reinstall! as im 12 i do get scared of it really easy :( Installation is working fine!19:19
docdrizahydruid: this is an awesome resource. better than the forums. that actually reminds me I have to update the question i had in the forum19:19
davidkronI have managed to build compile a c++ hello world proj, it says the file is executable, but nothing happens when i double click it and when i try to run it from the terminal it says "command not found"19:19
hydruiddocdriza: I couldn't agree more, what is your question in the forums?19:19
homergood to hear connorson, i had to struggle with the upgrade for several hours19:19
thy_davidkron, : ./your_program19:19
connorson#homer I guess its a bug with Ubuntu 13.04 not the Upgrade Process???19:20
davidkron@thy_ THANKS19:20
davidkron@thy_ but how come i cant run it from the file manager?19:21
hydruiddocdriza: or perhaps a link to the post?19:21
connorsonShall i do Erase Ubuntu 13.10/04 and reinstall?19:21
homeri would say so, my software updater would detect the upgrade but it would crash everytime, i had to end up using terminal commands to get the upgrade to actually work19:21
thy_chmod +x your_progrzm19:21
connorson#homer okay Erase Ubuntu 13.10 and reinstall??19:21
homeri would connorson just to be certain19:21
homeri am actually about to do the same thing19:22
connorson#homer Use LVM with new ubuntu installation?19:22
docdrizahydruid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/359476/wired-netoworking-will-not-start19:22
cyberalex4lifeDwarf: sudo watch -n 1  cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq19:23
hydruiddocdriza: nice, ty!19:23
connorson#homer i guess not because of Im not resizing the partition or taking Snapshots!19:23
cyberalex4lifethis command won't show over 230100019:23
docdrizahydruid: np19:23
cyberalex4lifei tried processor.ignore_ppc=119:24
cyberalex4lifein /etc/default/grub19:24
davidkronAnyone has experience with kdevelop?19:24
przemekhello guys how to check by this dd if=/dev/zero of=iotest bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync19:25
przemeke.g. disk /dev/sdc /dev/sdb19:25
przemekcoz I see that this command check only /dev/sda19:25
connorson#homer Loggin in with Ubuntu one...19:25
thy_davidkron : try chmod +x your_program ?19:25
cyberalex4lifecan someone tell me this is wrong?19:26
connorson#homer flashing hdd icon?, Ubuntu one loggin Loading Wheel stoped...19:27
x0077BEHey, is there a vnc client that works over an SSH tunnel?19:27
x0077BEOr rather, I need one where I can configure it to go over a SOCKS5 proxy.19:27
davidkrondidnt work :/19:27
homeroutput of sudo dmesg [ 1167.233648] perf samples too long (2527 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000 [ 2089.980154] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci.   any ideas why this is taking so long?19:27
x0077BEKDRC seems like a bust.19:27
MichaelPwhere can i get a Torrent download for 13.10 x64 ?19:27
OerHeks!torrent | MichaelP19:28
ubottuMichaelP: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P19:28
homerloading wheel still stopped connorson?19:28
OerHekserr http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/19:28
connorson#homer yes and now gone to desktop session :@19:28
anildigitalhow is ubuntu 13.1019:28
connorson#homer Reboot and not login to Ubuntu one19:28
homeranildigital broken19:29
nightdreverin additional driver says driver is activated but not currently in use?19:29
homeryes connorson19:29
sophie_I heard 13.10 has problems with searching in unity19:29
connorson#homer 13.10 broken :(19:29
cyberalex4lifeI use Ubuntu Gnome19:29
cyberalex4lifewith Window  List extension19:29
thy_does gome s19:29
sophie_I'm not complaining but, why does broken software get shipped?19:29
OerHekssophie_, you must have heard wrong, no problem here19:29
davividalhi. I'm using LDAP on my network, among other things, it manages my sudoers files. On my (personal) workstation I want to use LDAP and files for sudoers. That's what I've put on my /etc/nsswitch.conf: sudoers: ldap files , and here is my /etc/sudoers.d/redmine_gitolite: redmine ALL=(git) NOPASSWD:ALL19:30
davividalbut whenever I try to sudo -u git -i ls it keeps asking my password. How can I debug what's going on?19:30
MichaelPOerHeks: that 2nd was what i wanted !! lol19:30
MonkeyDustMichaelP  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads19:30
OerHeksMichaelP, sorry for that, i assumed it gave the torrent site :-D19:30
connorson#homer white bar :D, Good So far19:31
homergood to hear connorson19:31
MichaelPIt's ok19:31
connorson#homer about 5 mins to verify stupid installer >:(19:31
harryjust wondering why there is no support for 9.1019:33
MonkeyDustharry  because it's !eal, dead19:33
DJonesharry: Because its out of date19:33
tgm4883because 2009 was 4 years ago19:34
ReactoSo, is there any way I can get better dual monitor support for ubuntu?19:34
ReactoI've got the nvidia 331 drivers and nvidia-settings19:34
savidHow do I flush internal DNS cache? I'm pinging an IP that's getting the wrong host.  Using the dig tool reveals the correct host.19:34
Reactobut the mouse kind of stops when I try to get it over to the other monitor19:34
Reactothen it's stuck there for a few seconds before it bumps over19:34
connorsoninstalling off a usb is really slow or my laptop specs are just to high19:34
Reactodoesn't happen all the time either, but it's extremely annoying when it does19:34
connorson#homer Try number TWO19:36
connorsonWhat is 13.10 called?19:38
hawke_1So in the interest of not posting trolling screenshots and actually trying to get something to work: Is the lack of any network connection util (nm-applet, control-center’s network connections setup) a known problem in Ubuntu 13.10?19:38
connorson#homer i need help bad19:38
connorson#homer Input/output error!19:38
homer13.10= saucy salamander19:38
homerwhere you getting that error from and did you already do an erase and install?19:39
connorsongot the error from copying file and i did erase and install19:39
connorsonnot going to ubuntu 13.0419:39
connorsonnot going to ubuntu 13.1019:39
connorsonWorse version ever for me! >:(19:40
sophie_commorson, gusty gibbon was pretty foul in my own experience19:41
MonkeyDustconnorson  no rants here please19:41
homerconnorson, are you installing via DVD or USB and is the install media capable of booting of live booting?19:41
thy_10.04 rulez19:41
connorson#homer im installing from usb only way, as i only got that19:42
rostamHI I have created kickstart via DVD now I like use USB. How could I achieve this please? thx19:42
connorson#homer I installed ubuntu 13.04 fine19:42
connorsonwhere can i get 13.0419:44
hawke_1Is there any way to get my nm-applet back? Trying to run it at the commandline gives "** (nm-applet:24139): WARNING **: Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager: Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.408" (uid=1612031795 pid=24139 comm="nm-applet ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.Ne19:44
bekksconnorson: www.ubuntu.com19:44
connorsoni know, but i would like 13.04 not 13.1019:44
Piciconnorson: http://releases.ubuntu.com19:45
bekksconnorson: 13.04 is available from www.ubuntu.com too...19:45
lenzeorReally enraged right now.19:45
lenzeorReinstalling as a last resort.19:45
lenzeor12.04 because fuck everything.19:45
tgm4883!ohmy | lenzeor19:45
ubottulenzeor: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:45
connorson13.04 is the Stable onefor me19:45
lenzeorI apologize. Sorry. I19:46
lenzeorIt's only that updating completely bricked my system... again19:46
connorsonbricked? Lenzero19:46
sophie_lenzeor, was it an in-place upgrade?19:46
lenzeorsophie_, yes, it was19:47
connorsonwhats bricked for computer?19:47
sophie_Oh, it's best to stay away from those19:47
lenzeorconnorson, I cannot boot into a decent system anymore19:47
connorsonNot able to boot up to os19:47
lenzeorsophie yeah I know that now19:47
lenzeormight as well try elementaryOS19:47
sophie_Happened to me once trying to go from 8.10 to 9.0419:47
homerlenzeor, can you get to command line?19:47
lenzeorI can, homer19:47
lenzeorto tty19:48
combathy all19:48
homerwhat is the exact problem you are having lenzeor ?19:48
lenzeorI don't really know.19:48
homernot booting into a normal GUI?19:48
homerare you getting any errors?19:48
thy_I only install LTS Ubuntu's.... and I'm disappointed with the 12th one...19:48
lenzeorI can login via tty. Everything graphical fails though. I tried reconfiguring gdm and installing lightdm and reinstalling my graphics drivers19:49
lenzeornothing helped19:49
bekksthy_: So you are disappointed since 18 months? ;)19:49
thy_bekks :  Yes19:49
connorsoninstalling windows back, No more ubuntu now19:49
lenzeoraw no19:49
lenzeorI'm staying with you, Ubuntu19:50
lenzeoreven if I have to re-install you every 6 months19:50
thy_fortunately i still have the 10.04 on my production computer19:50
bekkslenzeor: I dont have to. I can update every 5 years.19:50
hawke_1I remember back in the good old days when upgrades actually worked…19:50
jo_lenzeor: does it boot to lightdm?19:50
toshibahi friends19:51
homerlenzeor, did you try sudo service lightgdm restart or sudo service gdm restart?19:51
toshibahow do i make my pc wifi hotspot?19:51
lenzeorjo_ it actually does. But only in nomodeset. And not into any DE19:51
homerif so what happens then if anything?19:51
lenzeorhomer I could give that a try19:51
lenzeorwhat's the exact command?19:51
homertry both and let me know19:51
homersudo service gdm restart19:51
rostamHI where could I get info on creating kickstart via usb? thx19:51
lenzeor"sudo service gdm restart" like that?19:52
lenzeorBe back in 5-10 minutes19:52
ObrienDavekickstart? you mean a boot disk?19:52
godber1Hi, I'm trying to use xrandr with two 6 head video cards ... I have it working great for a SINGLE card ... I just don't know how to address the "Monitor"s for the second card19:52
homeri had to install gdm to get around the failsafe graphics error19:52
Calinou<hawke_1> I remember back in the good old days when upgrades actually worked…19:52
Calinoutip: wait a few weeks before an upgrade19:52
Calinoulet the others do the QA for you ;)19:52
godber1xrandr -q doesn't show what they are called19:53
godber1anyone have an idea?19:53
K|NgGh0sTI am retarded and messed up Grub and now I can't get the ubuntu Live CD to load it keeps giving me error "Error: can not read cd/0" and "Error: The kernel must be loaded first"19:53
Calinousophie_: 12.10 > 13.04 upgrade on xubuntu worked for me.19:53
Calinoutip: disable PPAs before an upgrade :P19:53
moppythe current upgrader autodisables ppas19:54
moppywait, maybe not auto. it might ask.19:54
hawke_1You folks might enjoy this screenshot… http://imagebin.org/27403919:54
Calinouwell I don't use unity :P19:55
anildigitalhomer: broken for what?19:55
Calinoualso you seem to have tons of third party software, such as dropbox19:55
anildigitalany major issues with ubuntu 13.10?19:55
hawke_1Calinou: I wouldn’t say “tons”, but some: Dropbox, Chrome, Steam.19:56
hawke_1Calinou: Most of those stay to themselves19:56
K|NgGh0sTI just want to boot again!19:57
Calinoucould still cause problems :P19:57
Calinouthe problems of proprietary software19:57
Calinouanildigital: you should wait a bit before upgrading I guess. :)19:57
lenzeorhomer, you still there19:58
lenzeorit worked19:58
lenzeorI am still in the failsafe graphics mode though (I did not specify "nomodeset" at boot). Any ideas on how to get my graphics working?19:59
bjrohanSince upgrading to 13.10, my audio is no longer working. I have an HP envy with Beats audio. In the pulse audio control, while playing media, the sound bars are moving, but nothing out of the speakers. If I plug in an HDMI cable to my TV, and change the output, the TV gets audio. I then unplug the cable, and change the output, and viola sound out of my laptop speakers19:59
homeri am19:59
lenzeor!seen homer19:59
ubottuI have no seen command19:59
homergood, that is awesome19:59
moppydropbox chrome and steam migh be 3rd party but they're so common you cant really call it good if they dont work on a system19:59
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homeryou should be able to enable the proper video card driver if needed from there lenzeor20:00
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siymanhey guys, anyone has experiences in using citrix ica in ubuntu 13.10?20:00
hawke_1also, if that were the program that were crashing I would have no problem with that20:00
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=== Abyss1 is now known as AbyssOne__
moppychrome is, what, up to 50% now of all desktop browsers?20:00
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Calinoubjrohan: there's a known bug with the sound indicators, AFAIK.20:01
Calinoumoppy: don't forget about chromium20:01
homeranildigital, my boot time since upgrading to 13.10 is taking much much longer20:01
DwarfWelcome to the club20:01
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot20:01
homeri have ran sudo dmesg and found a few of the "culprits" but not sure how to fix them20:01
lenzeorfrom where? Since 13.10 there are no proprietary drivers for my card anymore. I have to use "fglrx".20:01
Calinouyou don't need to use sudo for dmesg20:01
DwarfYou're the umpteenth person20:01
Calinoulenzeor: fglrx is the proprietary drivee!20:02
yeatslenzeor: ATI?20:02
Calinouyeats: it's AMD now20:02
homerok lenzeor, you should be good to go then20:02
Calinouthe open source driver is called radeon.20:02
yeatsCalinou: yes, I know, thanks20:02
Calinouit is not available on the HD2000/3000/4000s20:02
lenzeorCalinou, just radeon?20:02
hawke_1But steam+chrome+even dropbox is not going to cause crashes in software-properties-gtk, scdaemon, nm-applet, hud-service20:02
Calinouyou need an HD5000 or higher for fglrx20:02
jo_siyman: Saw some problems with the receiver a while ago in the forum.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2166020&page=320:02
lenzeorThats my card Calinou20:02
K|NgGh0sTI cannot get a ubuntu Live CD to load... I recieve the errors "Error: can not read cd/0" and "Error: The kernel must be loaded first"20:02
lenzeoroh oukay20:02
Calinouthere are series, not cards20:02
sophie_Is the HD5000 iris or not?20:02
Calinoulenzeor: lspci | grep VGA20:02
Calinoutells your card20:02
yeatsK|NgGh0sT: can you try a USB?20:03
Calinousophie_: I'm talking about AMD here20:03
Calinousilly intel...20:03
bjrohanCalinou: is that in 13.10? what is AFAIK20:03
lenzeoryesyes, its an ATI Radeon HD 3540...20:03
sophie_Oh okay, they should really not use the same names20:03
CalinouAs Far As I Know20:03
Calinoulenzeor: you have to use radeon (the open source driver) then. it is probably enough20:03
siymanjo_:thx, will take a look. Honestly it's not working just through a missed dependency (lib32asound2) - any ideas?20:03
lenzeorCalinou, I get "unable to locate package radeon"20:03
Calinouthis card is very slow already, you wouldn't gain much from having the proprietary driver.20:03
Calinouit is not a package, it is bundled into the kernel.20:03
jo_siyman: you use 64bit?20:03
K|NgGh0sTUSB Just freezes at a purple screen with a grey bar at top20:04
siymanjo_: yes, indeed20:04
bjrohanFWIW I to get audio to work, I have to plug in the HDMI, switch to HDMI output, while audio is playing, switch back to default, then unplug the HDMI cable and it works20:04
bjrohansans subwofer20:04
lenzeorCalinou, ouh okay. I used the proprietary drivers up to 13.04 though and the performance difference was huge20:04
homerty ubottu, installing bootchart now20:04
Calinoulenzeor: you could try enabling DPM (Dynamic Power Management), which is disabled by default, but it is still in the works20:05
lenzeorCalinou, so if I uninstall fglrx and reconfigure "radeon" I should be good to go, right Calinou?20:05
jo_siyman: try sudo apt-get install libasound2:i38620:05
Calinouyou can't install fglrx as far as I know. it doesn't support the latest X.org server version20:05
Calinouyou would have to downgrade X.org, which is unsupported20:06
siymanjo_: I did, and it's already installed. Nevertheless, citrix ignores this and keeps stucky with the same error.20:06
lenzeorCalinou, how do I tell my system to use the opensource radeon driver?20:06
tgm4883Calinou, I've installed fglrx in 13.1020:06
Calinoutgm4883: what is your card?20:06
Calinoulenzeor: it already does20:06
Calinouyep, it is supported.20:07
Calinouremember that your card isn't southern islands, despite the name... silly renaming20:07
Calinouit's actually a (pretty slow) and renamed HD600020:07
tgm4883Calinou, sorry yes, I didn't read the full backlog20:07
lenzeorit does not, it puts me into failsafe graphics mode, Calinou20:07
Calinoutgm4883: it's ok :)20:07
mustmodifyuh... I set up an ec2 instance with ubuntu and it's set up for only ssh auth by default... how do I enable it to ask for passwords?20:07
jo_siyman: check the post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2166020&p=12816007#post1281600720:08
siymanjo_: thank you very much, your help is much appreciated!20:08
Calinoulenzeor: as in, you can't increase resolution to your resolution's native screen?20:09
KakuradyHi, when I try to upgrade Ubuntu GNOME from 12.04 to 13.10 through update-manager, do-release-upgrade exits with the message "Real-time signal 0" before or after extracting the updater. But running "do-release-upgrade --frontend=Gtk" directly works. What should I do?20:09
siymanjo_: I'll have a look tomorrow, it's quite late and I'll get to sleep. Again, thank you so much :c)20:09
tgm4883mustmodify, do the opposite of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring#Disable_Password_Authentication20:09
mustmodifytgm4883: do you know if I can do this on a user-by-user basis?20:09
Calinouquick question by the way: which way of upgrading is better? command line or GUI?20:09
CalinouI did upgrade through command line on netbook and worked fine (12.10 to 13.04), but I'd like to be sure20:10
tgm4883mustmodify, I don't believe you can, but I've not actually looked20:10
mustmodifytgm4883: I'll look around. Thanks.20:10
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lenzeorCalinou, as as in that, yes20:10
rootdiggamy upgrade says upgrading kubuntu to version 13.10 but I initially installed vanilla ubuntu... what happened? I hate kde20:10
bekksrootdigga: You installed kubuntu-desktop in the past.20:11
Calinoulenzeor: :/ I don't know then, sorry, someone else might20:12
lenzeorThanks a lot though Calinou! :>>20:12
K|NgGh0sTUSB Booting never bloody works20:12
lenzeorYou're a good guy!20:12
Calinouit does K|NgGh0sT. what software did you use to "burn" the image?20:12
rootdigga@bekks yep damn thx20:13
rhalffhi, I have ubuntu studio precise, but when I do do-release-upgrade it says there are no new releases, although there are, what to do ?20:13
K|NgGh0sTUSB Installer from pendrivelinux20:13
lenzeorK|NgGh0sT, have you tried unetbootin?20:13
Calinourhalff: by default only LTS releases are detected, I think.20:13
Calinouyou need to change that in the software sources menu20:14
CalinouK|NgGh0sT: give Unetbootin a try! :)20:14
bekksCalinou: You dont have to code it, just change that setting...20:14
K|NgGh0sTI'll try20:14
Calinouit works fine for me20:14
K|NgGh0sTI dont understand why this DVD isnt working either20:14
K|NgGh0sTEFI is a buncha bs20:14
Calinoubekks: code what?20:14
wilee-nileerhalff, no 12.10 upgrade offered?20:14
bekksCalinou: I just misread your line...20:14
CalinouK|NgGh0sT: if you can, you could try booting in BIOS mode and installing in BIOS mode. it wouldn't matter if you don't dual boot20:15
geirharhalff: Or wait for 14.04 to be released. That's an LTS release, and you can upgrade directly from 12.04 to 14.0420:15
K|NgGh0sTI only have Linux on it, I'll try20:15
jo_rhalff: Since you are on precise I advise you to wait for 6 month to upgrade. If you going to upgrade now you will have to upgrade 3 times!20:16
Wughas anyone encountered an issue wherein the desktop is rendered inoperable? not the various unity panels, just the desktop.  no files appear on it, and it doesn't respond to right clicks20:16
lenzeorHmmm.. seems like I am switching to elementaryOS Luna20:16
Calinouwe don't support it here, and it's based on 12.04, so you are likely to have the same issues as you have had with 12.0420:17
K|NgGh0sTAll this just to fix Grub, geez20:17
rhalffCalinou, wilee-nilee , geirha , jo_  I've changed it to normal instead of tls, and now it upgrades, hope it will be ok :)20:17
lenzeorrhalff, don't20:17
lenzeorIt just bricked my system to the point where I can only reinstall20:18
jo_lenzeor: :-)20:18
wilee-nileeK|NgGh0sT, You are at the mercy of your general knowledge, don't take ot out on yourself on the channel chill out.20:18
geirharhalff: Note that to upgrade from 12.04 to 13.10, you have to upgrade to 12.10, then to 13.04, then to 13.1020:18
rhalfflenzeor, why not? I look on the ubuntu studio site and it says the latest release is 13.1020:18
rhalffhm ok20:18
K|NgGh0sTwilee-nilee, how am I taking it out on the channel?20:18
geirhaSo it'll pay to wait for 14.04 where you only need one upgrade20:19
An_Ony_MooseI want to set up a mail server. Is any one server software easier to configure and use than another? I mainly intend to forward emails to other addresses.20:19
rhalffI probably might as well just install the new version from scratch then, not much interesting on this computer, thanks20:19
wilee-nileeK|NgGh0sT, You can manually boot grub and be in the os or edit it from a cli, however you seem to not know how.20:19
lenzeorGo ahead and do it.. You will see for yourself. If you want to upgrade, reinstall with a livedisk.20:19
MonkeyDustAn_Ony_Moose  i guess you want task (task select)20:19
MonkeyDustAn_Ony_Moose  i guess you want tasksel (task select)20:19
wilee-nileeK|NgGh0sT, You method of communication is at a childish level complaining consistently.;20:20
wilee-nileeact like an adult20:20
rhalffhm, Saucy Salamander, sounds a lot better than 8.120:20
An_Ony_MooseMonkeyDust: oooh never knew that existed.20:21
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Calinoulenzeor: reinstalling has its downsides too, especially if you don't have a separate /home partition.20:21
vershanhi will an environment variable need to go here /etc/skel/.bashrc20:21
Calinoubut generally, yes, it is safer, but it takes more time to tweak after install ;)20:21
sophie_You have to pronounce saucy as Sawcy though20:21
Mendigaumis it possible to enable wobbly windows in ubuntu 13.10?20:21
An_Ony_Mooseoh wow so THAT'S how I should be installing a DE...20:21
MonkeyDustAn_Ony_Moose  glad I could help20:21
jo_Mendigaum: it is discontinue20:21
chaotic_goodwhat is the option to break into a vm?20:21
chaotic_goode on grub boot and add something?20:21
CalinouMendigaum: not really possible anymore. that was a thing of the 2006 era ;)20:22
An_Ony_MooseMonkeyDust: so am I *g* thanks20:22
wilee-nileechaotic_good, What is the end goal here exactly?20:22
StuartWhelanHi folks, I am rebuilding my ubuntu system, and I want to use raid5. Is booting from a gpt raid5 devices supported by 13.04?20:22
moppygoing to have to ask why your OS in raid 520:22
moppyraid 5 for data, sure, but why the OS?20:23
An_Ony_Moosetasksel... I must remember this name!20:23
KimFor whatever reason, the launcher doesn't reveal after updating to 13.10 (from 13.04)20:23
MendigaumCalinou, jo_, ok thanks.20:23
StuartWhelanmoppy: Any reason why not? Just one blob of disk.20:23
KimAny ideas how to fix this?20:23
moppyStuartWhelan: raid 5 uses striping with parity, it's not really a jbod.20:24
moppyStuartWhelan: if you want just to glue some disks together and combine spac, that raid 020:24
MarijnCan anybody give me a hand using the live-CD and chroot to update the initramfs ?? I'm almost there, but when i it doens't ask to input the passphrase for the disk encryption.. i'm locked out of my system since update to 13.10.20:24
StuartWhelanmoppy: I am after some fault tollerance as well.20:25
lenzeorI would like to switch to Arch but you actually need a second working computer with internet acess for the purpose of walking you through the installation. -_-20:25
moppyraid 1 is a mirror, i would normally recommend that for the OS. raid 5 add some additional complexites with recovery20:25
DarsVaedahow can I display a clock and date in the top bar?20:25
StuartWhelanmoppy: I have 5 identical TB disks you see, raid 5 seemed the simplest. Hmm.20:26
moppybut hey, your disk, dont let me tell you what to do20:26
moppythat would give you 4 TB of usable space then with raid 520:26
StuartWhelanmoppy: No, I appreciate your thoughts and advice. I want to work out the best way to do this. I am not arguring, just wanting to understand. :)20:26
trismDarsVaeda: if you go to Date & Time settings, on the Clock tab you can enable showing the weekday as well as the date in addition to the time in the clock20:27
moppywirh raid when you recover you have to regenerate the data20:27
moppyerr raid 520:27
DarsVaedathanks I'll try that20:27
moppywith a mirror you can just replace the drive and re-copy20:27
StuartWhelanmoppy: Hmm, I guess I could do 1 boot drive, and two raid0 devices using the other 4 disks..20:28
DarsVaedahmm the clock tab is greyed out in its entireness20:28
DarsVaedaalso the "show a clock in the menu bar" is ticked, but as all is greyed out...20:29
StuartWhelanmoopy: Or maybe raid1+0?20:29
StuartWhelanErr, 0+1 Stripe then mirror the strip20:29
MarijnAnybody have experience using update-initramfs from the live-CD with chroot...?20:29
trismDarsVaeda: are you on 13.10? there is a bug where it sometimes doesn't show up when you login20:30
DarsVaedayes 13.1020:30
DarsVaedabut I never had it20:30
DarsVaedaokay then I hope that bug(fix) will fix my problem too20:30
trismDarsVaeda: bug 123971020:30
ubottubug 1239710 in Indicator Date and Time "indicator-datetime and -session missing ~10% of the time" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123971020:30
trismDarsVaeda: as a workaround, make sure the indicator datetime service isn't running: ps aux | grep indicator-datetime-service; kill the pid if it is, then run: restart unity-panel-service;20:31
trismDarsVaeda: that usually brings it back for me20:31
vershanMarijn you said that you are halfway there, where did you stop?20:31
Anonynimitycould someone tell me how to add the backtrack repos to ubuntu precise?20:31
DarsVaedatrism thx that actually worked20:32
Marijnvershan: when i tried to boot again, and the initramfs dropped me on the busybox commandline because it cannot find it's root...20:32
vershanAnonynimity http://rumytaulu.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/backtrack-5-on-ubuntu-12-04-how-to-add-backtrack-repository-to-ubuntu-12-04/20:33
Marijnvershan: i'm expecting it to ask for my full-diskdecription password..20:33
Anonynimitythank you20:33
Anonynimityis there a 32-bit repo?20:34
Marijnvershan: i'm trying to regenerate the initramfs because to add a module at boottime...20:35
Marijnvershan: because of this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/123819420:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238194 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "keyboard doesn't work to enter password with encrypted partitions ubuntu 13.10 saucy" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:36
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moppywhy is that 'undecided' ?20:36
Marijnmoppy: it seems pretty critical to me... locked out after upgrade.. not funny..20:37
jornI have two network-manager icons in my systray - how do I remove the one that only has two options: Wired 1 and Wired 2?20:39
KalelMy webcam isn't working properly anymore and I really do not know what is happening..20:40
KalelIn the HP website, I see a firmware upgrade, I cannot install it because is for Windows..20:41
ElysiumNetnot neccesarily an ubuntu question but I don't know where to ask it: What's the best way to isolate users from screwing around with eachother's data, and allow them to use the OS as if it was their own server?20:41
ElysiumNetI was currently looking at Xen's paravirtualization, but I don't know if that's overkill or even if it is what I am looking for20:42
MarijnElysiumNet: what level of control should the users have?20:42
ElysiumNetMarijn: they should be able to use apt-get and compile their own applications20:42
MarijnElysiumNet: if they are just 'users' then just having closed homedirs would be fine..20:42
MarijnElysiumNet: ahhh.. no.. then some sort of virtualisation is probably called for..20:42
KalelHow can I upgrade my webcam's firmaware from ubuntu? Can I use wine for that?20:43
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trismElysiumNet: maybe lxc?20:44
ElysiumNetI've tried lxc, but it kept failing miserably20:44
filosofixitI have upgraded to ubuntu 13.10 and everything works great, but I now have tho icons of Network-manager. One acts as normal, but the other one only allow me to turn on/off my networkcards...20:45
ElysiumNetoh, I was in the middle of reinstalling lxc20:45
ElysiumNetit kept complaining about the lvm20:45
ElysiumNetor was that xen...20:46
ElysiumNetah, now I remember. I couldn't get lxc to actually *run*20:47
lonewulf85hey can the startupdisk creator make a Windows USB for install?20:47
Jordan_Ulonewulf85: No, Startup Disk Creator cannot create bootable Windows disks, only bootable Ubuntu disks (and possibly other GNU/Linux distributions).20:48
Kalellonewulf85: You must install unetbootin with ntfs support, format the pendrive with the same ntfs..20:48
wilee-nileelonewulf85, What windows release?20:49
lonewulf85wilee-nilee, Windows 7 pro.20:49
FrazerXD349Does anybody know how I can install Gnome 3.10 in Ubuntu Gnome 13.10?20:49
Kalelwilee-nilee: ^20:50
wilee-nileelonewulf85, There is a fork of the windows usb loader for linux, hold on I will find it.20:50
openyostHey all, I just upgraded to 13.10 and now my indicator icons are mostly not the ubuntu-mono icons.  http://screencloud.net/v/8fR1  Any ideas on how to fix this?  I've been trying stuff all day long.20:50
mojtabaI have recently updated to 13.10, and the KDE accessible is always showing on the top, even after closing it!! Does anybody know what should I do?20:50
wilee-nileelonewulf85, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/tool-to-create-windows-usb-install.html20:50
lonewulf85wilee-nilee, Thanks a bunch, my damn gaming pc crashed and I need to re install lol20:51
Jordan_UAnonynimity: Once you've added backtrack repositories to Ubuntu your installation will no longer be supported here. What specifically are you trying to install?20:51
mojtaba I have recently updated to 13.10, and the KDE accessible is always showing on the top, even after closing it!! Does anybody know what should I do?20:52
KimAnyone know how to get reveal working on the launcher after updating?  I've tried resetting defaults, but it's still where nothing happens when I push the mouse against the side of the screen, which is how I have it set to reveal20:52
wilee-nileelonewulf85, No problem, for extra info you can also just make a ntfs and a boot flagged partition and extract the win & iso to it and use it as well.20:52
wilee-nileewin 7*20:52
FrazerXD349Does anybody know how I can install Gnome 3.10 in Ubuntu Gnome 13.10?20:53
lonewulf85wilee-nilee, Cool thanks.20:53
wilee-nileelonewulf85, no problem, enjoy.20:54
mojtabawilee-nilee:   I have recently updated to 13.10, and the KDE accessible is always showing on the top, even after closing it!! Does anybody know what should I do?20:55
MarijnI'm running "update-initramfs -u" from th 13.10 liveCD with chroot.. it however complains: "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab for luks-XXXX-etc, etc".. anybody know what i'm missing?20:56
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lover___413guys u know how to use mac changer20:57
tozenlover___413: wwwhat? o_O20:57
lover___413sudo apt-get mac changer20:58
lover___413try this in ur terminal20:58
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FrazerXD349Does anybody know how I can install Gnome 3.10 in Ubuntu Gnome 13.10?20:59
ElysiumNetblasted, xen won't work on this thing either20:59
lover___413sudo apt-get macchanger20:59
chaotic_goodzomg hard to find xterminal in new gnome21:00
chaotic_goodbut hopeflly pptp vpn ez21:00
tozenFrazerXD349: eeeehh... http://www.webupd8.org/2013/09/how-to-install-gnome-310-in-ubuntu-1310.html21:00
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I get rid of kde accessible?21:02
tqrstis there a command that will give me the number of SATA ports I have, *even if some do not have any disks plugged in*?21:02
MonkeyDustwhaddayaknow! webupd8 won't show with ghostery enabled, i had to disable it21:03
sgoldinhey I'm running 12.04 and why is my kernel version so high?21:05
yeatssgoldin: what is the version?21:05
sgoldinwhen I installed linux-source it installed 3.2.021:06
yeatssgoldin: you may have a backports repo enabled?21:06
tozensgoldin:  mine is 3.5.0-4221:06
MonkeyDustsgoldin  i'm running 12.04 too, 3.8 here21:06
SteveBellHi all. I updated ubuntu from 12.04LTS to 12.10. update went fine, but now all my netbook does is boot into a black screen21:06
sgoldinI guess my real question is why is linux-sources version so low21:06
chaotic_good12.04.3 gives 3.821:06
chaotic_gooddue to xorg compaints21:07
ElysiumNetdoes there happen to be a software solution so I can just run some kind of virtualization software and be done with it?21:07
chaotic_good12.04 = 3.221:07
chaotic_goodmaybe 3.521:07
sgoldinoh interesting21:07
chaotic_goodskip virtualization and SAN21:07
sgoldinso I'm running 12.04.221:07
sgoldinwhich I guess is 3.521:07
chaotic_gooduse iSCSI and name based vhosts21:07
chaotic_goodsounds about ryt21:07
sgoldinbut why is sources so old then :-)21:07
ElysiumNetchaotic_good: was that meant towards me?21:07
lover___413love you ubuntu21:08
Marijnoff to try to boot into my encrypted disk again.. with USB keyboard support i hope...21:08
Jordan_UElysiumNet: How will these users be interacting with the machine? Physically? Via ssh?21:08
ElysiumNetJordan_U: SSH21:08
ElysiumNetbeing able to run in their own isolated environment and compile their own code is a requirement21:09
SteveBellI found this solution for a non booting nb305 (which is my netbook) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/508516/comments/3921:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 508516 in linux (openSUSE) "wakeup from sleep fails on toshiba nb305" [Undecided,New]21:09
SteveBellbut how would I get to step 1?21:09
chaotic_goodI prefer to run 2 big boxes21:09
chaotic_goodand name based vhosts21:09
chaotic_goodno need for kickstart n friend21:09
Jordan_UElysiumNet: How many different users do you expect?21:09
chaotic_goodno ned for puppet21:09
chaotic_goodno need for xen21:09
FloodBot1chaotic_good: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
chaotic_goodjust run my appservers n DONE21:09
ElysiumNetJordan_U: 5-10 users per server21:09
chaotic_goodmaybe 2 more for database boxes running cl-prevalence21:10
defaultrocan you guys recommmend an mailing list hosting company?21:10
chaotic_goodgoogle groups21:10
yeats!ot | defaultro21:10
ubottudefaultro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:10
k1l_chaotic_good: be easy in the enter :)  you triggert the floodbot21:10
defaultrosorry folks21:10
chaotic_goodis the flodbot liek a killer robot?21:11
chaotic_goodliek a daaalek21:11
Jordan_U!ot | chaotic_good21:11
ubottuchaotic_good: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:11
k1l_!enter > chaotic_good21:11
ubottuchaotic_good, please see my private message21:11
Grape_hunterJust curious, is it possible to upgrade ubuntu to 13.10 from 13.04, using an ISO that's on ubuntu21:12
Grape_huntercdromupgrade was for alternate discs, but with 13.10, I don't think there's an alternate disc21:13
Grape_hunterisn't there a script that i can run to start the installer?21:14
ikonia!upgrade | Grape_hunter21:14
ubottuGrape_hunter: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:14
Grape_hunterwanted to use the ISO to instrall directly, that's all :P21:15
we6jboIs there a way to connect to a vpn on Ubuntu?21:16
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN21:16
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, Do you have a separate home partition?21:18
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, You can transfer home to one if you like.21:19
Dudytzhi all! in the Ubuntu (gnome) the package gnome-user-share have two packages suggests: apache2.2-bin and libapache2-mod-dnssd marked as UNSATISFIED ... but these packages are essential for the user share and without installing they the share not works ... is this a possible bug?21:19
tgm4883Dudytz, I don't see why those two would be essential for a user share21:20
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving21:20
Grape_hunterwilee-nilee: ok thanks21:21
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Grape_hunterwork at 921:22
Grape_huntershould go to bed, will just leae update to happen21:22
Dudytzwithout these packages the Personal File Sharing Preferences show a message "This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system" ... see this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/83358/samba-is-installed-why-doesnt-gnome-file-share-properties-work21:22
Grape_hunteraltho using ISO would've been better21:22
trismDudytz: I see both packages in the repo so you can install them if needed, but suggests aren't installed by default. If the package really doesn't work at all without them, then it might be worth a bug report, but usually things are marked as suggested when they aren't necessary for most people21:22
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, Myself I do fresh install I just save a package list and the sources info and keys and some .configs and fresh install and run and install.21:22
chaotic_goodI prefer a massive consoldiation strategy onto about 6 boxes, 2 appserver 2 db, 2 storage, no SAN, no virtualization, no puppet21:22
Grape_hunterwhere does the installer initialize from? wilee-nilee.. i mean alternate discs of the past had cdromupograde21:23
Grape_hunterwhat is it now?21:23
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, To make the partitioning and linki the home>21:23
Grape_hunterno, i mean the actual autostart, installer21:24
tgm4883Grape_hunter, I thought if the installer detected you had a 13.04 install it would offer to upgrade it?21:24
Grape_hunterya.. that is if i booted from a cd21:24
Grape_hunterwhat if i mounted the ISO on ubuntu21:24
Grape_huntershouldn't it do the same21:24
tgm4883Grape_hunter, no21:24
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, I'm not sure I understand.21:24
Dudytzin aptitude these packages remain "unresolved" dependencies21:24
Grape_hunterow. i was hoping it'd popup a simple install option21:24
tgm4883wilee-nilee, he wants to upgrade a currently booted Ubuntu install from an ISO that he mounted inside his ubuntu install21:24
Grape_hunterand i could choose upgrade21:25
Dudytzis this because apache2.2-bin is a transitional package for apache2-bin?21:25
Grape_hunteri was even considering setup a mirror :P21:25
wilee-nileetgm4883, Ah, thats what I thought, making it harder than needed.21:25
Grape_hunterbut i'm short on time, so i think a network upgrade should be the best thing to do21:25
Grape_hunteronline upgrade*21:25
tgm4883I've always done a fresh install21:25
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, YOu can boot the iso with grub and if you have the seperate home install.21:26
Grape_hunteri actually used wubi21:26
Grape_hunteris wubi working with 13.1021:26
Grape_hunterwilee-nilee: no time D:21:26
tgm4883Grape_hunter, oh geez. Don't use wubi21:26
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, wubi, bad idea overall.21:26
Trudkoguys I wanted to download all images from one webpage so I run wget -r -P C:/test/ -A jpg http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/most-powerful-photographs-ever-taken but it is not downloading the images logs http://pastie.org/841300621:26
Grape_hunteri did it with 13.0421:26
syntroPiis there a ubuntu phablet (phone) channel?21:26
Grape_hunteri hope the upgrade doesn't mess it up :P21:26
tgm4883!touch | syntroPi21:26
ubottusyntroPi: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:26
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, you can move that wubi to a partition.21:26
syntroPitgm4883, thanks21:27
Dudytzin the aptitude I see this message "apache2.2-bin breaks gnome-user-share (< 3.8.0-2~)21:27
Grape_hunteri have 3 partitions. and my hard drive is that that i can't make any more partitions anymore :P21:27
Grape_huntermy setup is such21:27
Grape_hunterso i had to use wubi21:27
k1l_wubi :(21:27
Grape_hunteror buy a new hdd21:27
ikoniawbi is dead21:27
Grape_hunteri know21:27
ikoniaand you can have more than 3 partitions21:27
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, You can do some imaging of what you have and repartition and deal with it.21:27
tgm4883Grape_hunter, honestly you should have made an extended partition21:28
Grape_hunteri didn't21:28
Grape_hunternow i have no choice21:28
k1l_Grape_hunter: you should make plans to do a new install. wubi is for testing and in most cases it will break ubuntu, windows or both21:28
tgm4883Grape_hunter, I think the limit is 4 partitions, isn't it?21:28
Grape_hunter4yr old hdd21:28
Grape_hunterwindows has this 100-200mb prtition too21:28
Grape_hunterhidden one21:28
wilee-nileeGrape_hunter, you can deal with it.21:28
oalI've installed a theme, which also has a dark version, but the documentation tells me to enable the dark option in Unity Tweak Tool. Can't find it. Any ideas?21:28
k1l_Grape_hunter: a 4 years old hdd is no excuse for not beeing able to make extended partitions21:28
Grape_hunteri can't repartitoin now21:28
tgm4883Grape_hunter, you already mentioned you have a limited amount of time, so I'm going to suggest you hold off on doing anything until you have more time to properly do things21:29
Grape_hunterand move data around21:29
vortexxHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 13.10 on a vaio laptop booting off usb, and the install system boots but it produces the login screen and I have no idea what the login/pass is ? Can't seem to find doc on this, does anyone have an idea please?21:29
Grape_hunterdoes 13.10 mess around with the bootloader that wubi had in place?21:29
faugusztinGrape_hunter: if you need to have ubuntu and can't repartition, then install it in virtual machine21:29
* tgm4883 goes back to provisioning web servers21:29
k1l_Grape_hunter: i would not recommend using wubi long time or even want to upgrade21:29
ikoniaGrape_hunter: as wubi is dead, I would not upgrade21:29
Grape_huntersluggish, slow,, not fun faugusztin21:29
wilee-nileevortexx, check the disc sum there is no login normally21:29
anonymousUse linux live creator or universal usb21:30
Grape_hunterstill comes bundled in the disc :O21:30
ikoniaGrape_hunter: are you sure ? I thought it had been removed21:30
Grape_hunterwonder why21:30
vortexx(I did a dd of the image to the usb drive)21:30
Grape_hunterwubi.exe it's there21:30
Grape_huntercreated october 15th21:30
ikoniainteresting, doesn't change my advice though21:30
Grape_hunterlet's see21:30
Grape_hunteri'll take the risk21:30
tgm4883please dont21:31
Grape_hunterhave 2 laptops, 1 pc and an ipad as backup21:31
ikoniaits fine - take the risk,21:31
ikoniahowever please don't expect fixes21:31
tgm4883ikonia, I disagree, because as soon as something goes wrong it's going to be "oh noes, the 13.10 upgrade broken everything! Why does Ubuntu never work right"21:31
wilee-nilee!md5sum | vortexx21:31
ubottuvortexx: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:31
ikoniatgm4883: I agree, and he'll be reminded of the warnings he ignored21:32
tgm4883he's got 2 laptops, a PC and an ipad yet can't temp move his files to partition properly?21:32
vortexxthanks wilee-nilee ubottu21:33
k1l_tgm4883: some people dont want the easy way. you cant rescue them21:33
tgm4883k1l_, true21:33
wilee-nileesooner or later if they have any cognotive abilities they will fail hard enough to do the correctly, hopefully. ;)21:33
k1l_*all of them21:33
tgm4883k1l_, unfortunately, it's those same people that fail to understand the importance of backups21:33
suoreanyone can helme with xbox360 pad? i want to play in BPM )Big pucture mode)21:34
stritI feel a great sense of accomplishment. I fixed my black screen problem and my keyboard problem today. :)21:38
unicornjediHello, i need some helllllp pleaseee. I cant upgrade my ubuntu 13.04  to saucy salamander21:39
stritunicornjedi, any error?21:39
unicornjedithe upgrade process stops when it is calculating changes21:39
stritunicornjedi, just stops or closes down?21:39
Marleneeanyone good in setting up hidden cron job !!21:40
unicornjedi:'(  it stops when it tells me it could not calculate changes21:40
unicornjedithen it closes after I click ok21:40
ikoniaMarlenee: cronjobs are not hidden21:40
unicornjediwhat do you think strit?21:41
stritunicornjedi, most be a log somewhere. How much free space you have on your / partition?21:41
jayarcan i upgrade from 12.04 - 13.10 without reinstalling?21:41
stritjayar, sure you can. :)21:41
unicornjedii have a log21:41
unicornjediunicornjedi@unicornjedi-MS-7693:~$ grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.logBroken libwayland-client0:amd64 Conflicts on libwayland0 [ amd64 ] < 1.0.5-0ubuntu1 > ( libs ) (< 1.1.0)21:42
unicornjediBroken libunity9:amd64 Breaks on unity-common [ amd64 ] < 7.0.0daily13.06.19~13.04-0ubuntu1 > ( gnome ) (< 7.1.2)21:42
unicornjediBroken libpam-systemd:amd64 Conflicts on libpam-xdg-support [ amd64 ] < 0.2-0ubuntu2 > ( admin )21:42
unicornjediBroken cups-filters:amd64 Conflicts on ghostscript-cups [ amd64 ] < 9.07~dfsg2-0ubuntu3.1 > ( text )21:42
unicornjediBroken libharfbuzz0a:amd64 Breaks on libharfbuzz0 [ amd64 ] < 0.9.13-1 > ( libs )21:42
FloodBot1unicornjedi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
Trudkoguys I wanted to download all images from one webpage so I run wget -r -P C:/test/ -A jpg http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/most-powerful-photographs-ever-taken but it is not downloading the images logs http://pastie.org/841300621:42
unicornjediBroken libunity-scopes-json-def-desktop:amd64 Conflicts on libunity-common [ amd64 ] < 6.90.2daily13.04.05-0ubuntu1 > ( gnome ) (< 7.0.7)21:42
jayarsudo apt-get upgrade...21:42
jayaror do i put 13.10 on a usb drive...21:42
stritjayar, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I believe.21:43
jayaryea i thought it was dist somethin21:43
jayari'll try that thanx :)21:43
stritjayar, np21:43
tgm4883no, it's not dist-upgrade21:43
mrsrikanthhey guys. i need some help. i just installed ubuntu on my new desktop. the motherboard is asus h87-pro. i need to install intel graphics drivers. I followed some instruction on the online forums.21:44
tgm4883jayar, strit it's 'update-manager -c', and you'll have to upgrade to 13.04 first21:44
mrsrikanthbut nothing seems to help21:44
ikoniamrsrikanth: you should not need anything from intel21:45
mrsrikanththe movies played on vlc and mplayer have a green screen21:45
ikoniamrsrikanth: intel xorg modules are installed by default21:45
jayardist-upgrade is doin somethin... its downloading 181mb...21:45
strittgm4883, ah, he was from 12.04. thought it was 13.04. :P21:45
mrsrikanthikonia, so any reason why I still get green screen for movies?21:45
tgm4883jayar, yes. It's downloading packages that a regular 'apt-get upgrade' won't. eg. new packages such as kernel upgrades21:46
mrsrikanththe grahics driver seems to be "unknown" in the settings menu21:46
ikoniamrsrikanth: miss-configured ? bug ? video player not setup ?, bad codec ?21:46
jayargotchya. i dont mind reinstalling, i kinda wanna run nginx on it instead of apache anyway...21:46
Marleneeikonia : is anyway to hide cron job21:46
unicornjedistrit, do you think you can help me?21:46
ikoniaMarlenee: why ?21:46
jayarbut i'll try update-manager first21:46
ikoniaMarlenee: why are you trying to "hide" a cron job21:46
PiciMarlenee: or maybe you should clarify what you mean by "hide"21:47
mrsrikanthikonia, how do I check if it is misconfigured?21:48
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shaderso, I'm trying to install gcc-4.8 with apt-get, and I'm getting dependency errors saying "but it's not going to be installed", and "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages"21:48
ikoniamrsrikanth: a good basic start would be a.) understand what video card you have b.) look at what xorg module/version supports it fully21:48
shaderany basic approaches to fixing the problem?21:48
ikoniashader: look at what's causing the conflict, and what repos they are in and why they are conflicting21:48
ikoniashader: that is the basic approach21:48
shaderhow do I find out why they are conflicting?21:49
ikoniashader: if you do what I suggested it should be obvious why they are conflicting21:49
shader"Depends: cpp-4.8:i386 (= 4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.10.3) but it is not going to be installed" - that's all that it says21:50
shaderwell, there are more lines like that21:50
ikoniashader: so you don't want the basic approach - you want someone to do it for you21:51
shaderbut not a lot of detail on why it's not being installed21:51
ikoniashader: look at where that package is, check what repo the package is in21:51
MarleneePici : i mean no one can see what is job running21:52
ikoniaMarlenee: why ?21:52
ikoniaMarlenee: why do you want that ?21:52
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
PiciMarlenee: I'm unaware of anyway to hide processes on Linux21:52
pepperI have a problem with WINE if anyone is available at the time to help?21:52
ikoniapepper: the guys in #winehq ?21:52
k1l_pepper: best is to ask the specialists at wine21:53
ikoniaor not use wine....21:53
mrsrikanthikonia, i dont have a video card. it is integrated graphics. lspci says it is xeon e3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller21:54
mrsrikanthand i'm running a i915 driver (based on lshw output)21:54
ikoniamrsrikanth: right, so that "is" a video card, you need to look at what xorg module supports that21:54
pianogmxi downloaded eclipse from their website but the menus for the program isn't showing up...21:55
pepperI don't know if it is the specific application that I was trying to install with WINE or if it is just a wine error.21:55
ikoniapepper: so asking the wine guys would clarify that21:55
pianogmxthe File menus... and etc21:56
unicornjediI need help please. when I try to upgrade to ubuntu raring ringtail to ubuntu saucy salamander, it fails when "sudo do-release-upgrade" tries to calculate changes.21:56
ikoniaunicornjedi: do you have 3rd party repos or PPA's ?21:57
unicornjediikonia: Yes21:57
ikoniaunicornjedi: that is why then, you've not read the upgrade notes21:57
ikoniaunicornjedi: I suggest reading the basic information before blindly asking for help, or blindly typing upgrade commands21:57
unicornjediikonia: let me disable my ppa's and see what happens21:58
tgm4883unicornjedi, or blindly typing any commands21:58
ikoniaunicornjedi: no21:58
ikoniaunicornjedi: READ the information21:58
ikoniaunicornjedi: you're failing because you are not reading the information, so reading 1 line I typed and blindly typing upgrade again is why you will fail and break your system, and deserve to fail21:59
SchrodingersScat!upgrade | unicornjedi21:59
ubottuunicornjedi: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:59
tgm4883ikonia, the upgrade utility should need a code before you can upgrade. eg. "enter the 4th word of the 6th paragraph of the upgrade documentation"21:59
ikoniatgm4883: to be honest, it should just quit, or blindly upgrade and punish those who do this sort of thing22:00
tgm4883hmm, I could get on board with punishing22:00
BauerPiepenbrinkgood evening everyone, has anybody some minutes in spare to help me out? i have a problem with samba and MacOSX22:00
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: how does it fit into ubuntu ? better to clarify what ubuntu help you need22:01
unicornjediI read the upgrade notes before upgrading... it doesn't say aything22:01
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
jubaleHow do we tell which audio driver we're using (ALSA, Pulse, etc.)?22:02
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:02
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia: sorry. samba is running on a ubuntu 12.04 server and it seems i can't copy properly from my Mac to the ubuntu network shares22:02
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:02
hewhomustwhere are the ppa's stored?22:03
unicornjediI ran "sudo do-release-upgrade" and "sudo apt-get", "sudo apt-get upgrade", "sudo apt-get install", sudo apt-get autoclean", "sudo apt-get autoremove"22:03
k1l_hewhomust: use ppa-purge for removing them22:04
cuddylierWhy does my website say internal server error for this htaccess file? http://pastebin.com/R0C10RcK and website is: http://billing.spartanhost.net22:04
tgm4883unicornjedi, ... why?22:04
MegaQuagganAnyone use an external sound card and have problems with audio skipping?22:04
ikoniaunicornjedi: this is why you fail - you are just typing random command22:04
ikoniaunicornjedi: "apt-get install" - install what ? that's not even a valid command22:05
unicornjediign4883: because the upgrade wont work. What do suggest I do22:05
ikoniaunicornjedi: not typing random commands is what you should do22:05
tgm4883!tab | unicornjedi22:05
ubottuunicornjedi: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:05
pianogmxhas anyone have menus disappear with eclipse (downloaded from the website) ?22:05
tgm4883unicornjedi, well first, I suggest you don't just blindly type random commands into your terminal expecting them to do something22:05
ikoniaunicornjedi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes the line "Using packages from repositories not controlled by Ubuntu is not recommended as it can be a security risk and may break or complicate your upgrade"22:06
unicornjediigm4883: Tab is not working....22:06
ikoniaunicornjedi: so you've "not" read the upgrade notes, or you'd see that line22:06
tgm4883unicornjedi, that is because my name doesn't start with the letter i22:06
ikoniait's got a big red "warning hand" next to it, so that you don't miss it...if you read the documents22:06
unicornjeditgm4883, thx22:06
unicornjediikonia, how should I disable my ppas? ppa-purge? or in software-properties-gtk22:07
compdocanyone got a remote desktop server working for 13.10?22:08
ikoniaunicornjedi: I strongly suggest you READ the page I've just linked to, and not the one line I've just pasted, to make sure everything else is setup correctly22:08
SuperLagEvery damn time I do anything with the mic, like get on a Skype call, the "Mic Boost" goes up to 100%. How do I stop that from happening? It makes any kind of call very unpleasant and loud.22:08
SuperLagjubale: I think pulse is default now.22:09
jubaleOh, cool.22:09
unicornjediikonia, the link you sent me is for upgrading to 13.0422:09
ikoniaunicornjedi: yes, ubuntu totally fails are releasing documentation before the release, the process is still the same22:09
BeyerDQ: are there estimates or measurements for population counts of users between the different *buntu distributions?22:10
ikoniaBeyerD: where ?22:10
BeyerD..that's what I'm asking. Does such a thing exist?22:11
IdleOneBeyerD: no, Ubuntu doesn't keep those sorts of statistics22:11
ikoniaBeyerD: no idea.22:11
unicornjediikonia, so I should "remove" all my 3rd party and unsupported software? That seems inefficient...22:11
ikoniaunicornjedi: it you install "bad" software on your machine, you can't expect ubuntu's core upgrade to work with it in place.22:11
ikoniabut you're asking the wrong person as I think the whole PPA idea is flawed beyond repair22:12
unicornjediikonia, i checked this bug on launchpad and it says to remove the xorg edgers ppa22:12
unicornjediikonia, i tried doing that using ppa-purge but i still can't remove that junk22:13
ikoniaunicornjedi: the page I've just linked to say remove all 3rd party software22:13
Trudkoguys I wanted to download all images from one webpage so I run wget -r -P C:/test/ -A jpg http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/most-powerful-photographs-ever-taken but it is not downloading the images logs http://pastie.org/841300622:13
ikoniaTrudko: c:\ doesn't exist on ubuntu22:13
Trudkoikonia: i am using cygwin22:14
ikoniaTrudko: so it's nothing to do with ubuntu then22:14
Trudkowget is the same22:14
ikoniaTrudko: yes, but we don't support wget, we support ubuntu here22:14
unicornjediikonia, thats so lame though.... I don't want to have to install them all again. I have like 50+ programsD:22:14
ikoniaunicornjedi: that's your issue sadly, it's a limitation of you installing software from people who don't maintain it line with the ubuntu upgrades22:15
unicornjediikonia,  do you think i'll be able to run the upgrade in a month and have it work?22:16
ikoniaunicornjedi: no22:16
tgm4883unicornjedi, asking that indicates you think it's a bug that needs fixed22:16
unicornjediare upgrades usually like this?22:17
tgm4883IDK, I don't upgrade22:17
ikoniaunicornjedi: if you install random 3rd party software, yes22:17
ikoniaunicornjedi: more so if that software changes the core products that the upgrade wants to upgrade22:18
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, you seem to be the right person to ask for help. do you mind if i add my sorrows to this endless flood you are multitasking on?22:19
unicornjediikonia, I have a great idea. What if I change all my PPA's value from raring to saucy22:19
ikoniaunicornjedi: no no no no no22:19
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: apologies, have I missed the bit where you explained the problem22:20
tgm4883unicornjedi, ffs, have you even read the links provided?22:20
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia: no, starting right now22:20
unicornjeditgm4883, what is ffs?22:20
tgm4883unicornjedi, never mind22:21
unicornjeditgm4883, I read the part with the giant red hand on it.....22:21
ikoniaunicornjedi: so you read that is said "remove all software"22:22
ikoniaunicornjedi: to be %100 honest, if you'v got 50 PPA's installed as you said, I suspect you machine will never upgrade as the odds of them not updating core packages are slim22:23
BauerPiepenbrinki have a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 running smba as an NAS for my LAN. the FS on the raid5 i use is exfat (sorry for the 3rd party module) because i want to use the NAS for Mac and Windows machines. my problem is, the mac doesn't copy properly onto the NAS. it starts with the first file, then stops and tells my i dont have the permission to write on the drive. however, the first file is copied successfully22:23
ikoniaunicornjedi: I appreciate that's not what you want to hear, but got to be clear22:23
unicornjediikonia, Is there a way to force upgrade?22:23
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, i forgot to highlight you on my last post (the long one)22:23
ikoniaunicornjedi: no22:23
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ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: ok, so the first thing is, the file system on the NAS doesn't matter, as it's being shared out as "samba" so you don't need to use exfat22:24
BauerPiepenbrinkgood news, didn't know that22:24
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: second question, are you using a guest account or an authenicated user account ?22:25
unicornjediikonia, well I'd like you to help me with one last thing22:25
BauerPiepenbrinkits a user account, registered by adduser and smbpasswd22:25
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BauerPiepenbrinksame account works from the win-machine22:25
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: ok, so if you copy 3 files one at a time, do they all go across ?22:25
mrsrikanthikonia, thanks for your help22:25
ikoniamrsrikanth: no problem22:26
unicornjediikonia, When I run ppa-purge it fails saying "apt-get failed for some reason"22:26
ikoniaunicornjedi: it actually says "apt-get failed for some reason"22:26
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia: they do, but the mac prompts everytime i have no permission to do so22:26
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: but even though it prompts you, it lets you copy ?22:26
BauerPiepenbrinkyep. transfer is successfull22:27
unicornjediikonia, im pretty sure22:27
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: odd little glitch, what does the samba logs say ?22:27
ikoniaunicornjedi: that seems an odd error message, I'd suggest checking it and reporting the error message accuratly22:27
BauerPiepenbrinki'll have a look and report back in a minute22:27
davidkronFuck, i am unable to close an annoing process with killall22:28
ikoniadavidkron: no need for that language, it's not acceptable in this channel22:28
sarsaeolkill -922:28
sarsaeoldavidkron ^^22:29
unicornjediWarning:  apt-get update failed for some reason22:29
unicornjediikonia, just ran ppa-purge, "Warning:  apt-get update failed for some reason"22:30
ikoniaunicornjedi: try running "sudo apt-get update" to get better output22:30
we6jboI got this error when trying to configure vpn. MPPE required, but kernel has no support22:30
davidkronGuys im really unable to kill this process, nothing happens22:31
ikoniadavidkron: what's the process ?22:31
ikoniadavidkron: who owns it ?22:31
davidkroni do22:31
davidkronpid is 2501422:32
unicornjediikonia, E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.22:32
ikoniaunicornjedi: ok, look at which ones fail in the scroll22:32
ikoniadavidkron: what status is the proces in ?22:32
ikoniadavidkron: is the parent still active ?22:32
unicornjediikonia, W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/debfx/virtualbox/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found22:33
unicornjediW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/debfx/virtualbox/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found22:33
ikoniaunicornjedi: ok, so those PPA's are dead22:33
unicornjediikonia, will ppa-purge work after that?22:33
ikoniaunicornjedi: if there are no errors, it should22:33
ikoniabut due to the ammount of ppa's you've got, I'd be surprised if it worked22:34
hewhomusti would just do it manually22:34
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, this seems to be the log entry to my failed copy-task: param/loadparm.c:8843(check_usershare_stat)   check_usershare_stat: file /var/lib/samba/usershares/ owned by uid 0 is not a regular file22:34
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: that seems odd, check the owner of that file (although I'm not sure why root owning it is a problem)22:35
unicornjediikonia, One last thing, I have found some broken packages that may be holding my upgrade back... please take a look at my pastebin22:35
ikoniaunicornjedi: just remove them22:35
unicornjediiknoia, there is quiet a few of them22:36
ikoniaunicornjedi: that doesn't change the fact they are broken, fix them, or remove them22:36
ikoniaunicornjedi: to be honest, your machine sounds a mess, I wouldn't consider upgrading it if I where you22:36
ikoniaunicornjedi: that's not me being rude, just honest22:36
unicornjediikonia, Haha, yes I'm new to the linux world. I've been using it for 2 years22:37
hewhomustyeah often better just to reinstall22:37
jribis there a standard way for me to template config files?22:38
unicornjedihewhommust, sike22:38
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, i'm not quite sure if that entry is the right one. its the last one though. it seems only my mac has issues with samba, ubuntu seems to see no problem. but i know for fact that my mac can work woth samba servers in general22:38
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: mac's should have no issue.22:38
unicornjediikonia, please stay for a little longer... I'm retrying the upgrade process now22:39
ikoniaunicornjedi: sorry - time to call it a day on your issue22:39
discovery7471Sorry to interrupt ... I am new to Ubuntu and IRC ... hence I do not even know how to properly introduce myself here in IRC ... anyway, technically and to the problem speaking, about myself, I am a power Windows user needing beginner yet complex help with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ... running Ubuntu as Virtual Machine in VMware ... I would appreciate TeamViewer and voice via Yahoo Messenger ... my YM22:39
discovery7471is discovery747 ... anyone willing and available to try help?22:39
ikoniadiscovery7471: just ask your problem, and if people can help, they will talk to you in IRC22:40
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discovery7471Thnk you for the kind reply ... I will try ask ...22:40
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, but no error logs on the ubuntu. could the file ownerships be any problem for samba, working with a exfat-share?22:40
hewhomustunicornjedi: did you run apt-get update yet22:40
unicornjediikonia, thanks for all your help, and I admire your snarkyness. Continue to use your knowledge of Linux. :)22:41
bsdfoxanyone using nfsroot on 13.10? after a dist-upgrade I seem to have a race condition starting/stopping idmapd and statd. I was able to boot 3.8.0 kernel at least to the console so I suspect it's kernel related somehow. googling shows people encountering similar issues all the way back to 200922:41
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: look at that error it "could" be a problem, but I can't see why22:41
unicornjedihewhomust, are you serious? That's like the first thing I tried22:41
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hewhomustdist-upgrade yet?22:42
unicornjedihewhomust, yep22:42
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, actually, i dont understand that error-msg. an if i reproduce the problem, there are no new entries in the samba log. so maybe that entry is not about the problem i have22:43
hewhomustthen what happens with the do-release-upgrade?22:43
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: hat at least makes sense.22:43
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: on your mac desktop, can you mount the ubuntu samba share ?22:43
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, i'm sorry, my mistake. that entry is about 24 hours old. didn't realise today is already tomorrow22:43
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: not a problem22:44
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia yes i can22:44
unicornjedihewhomust, it fails when it calculate changes22:44
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: the only time I've ever seen anything like this was on a machine with a network problem that kept breaking the authentication22:44
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: but it wasn't quite the same22:44
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: is the user you created on the samba machine, the same as the username as the user mounting on the mac22:45
benutzeris there a good place to get linux commands for a newbie?22:46
BauerPiepenbrinknope, its different. i have to login with other username/password than on my mac22:46
BauerPiepenbrinklogin to the samba share if i want to mount it22:46
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: as a test, create a new samba user on the server that matches the mac username22:46
hewhomustunicornjedi: have you removed the broken ppa's?22:46
BauerPiepenbrinki have a space in the Mac username. will samba do that?22:46
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: a good question, that I don't know the answer to, I'd guess "yes", but don't know22:47
unicornjedihewhomust, I thought i did..... for some reason the broken ppa came back22:47
unicornjedihewhomust, I'll just purge it this time22:47
BauerPiepenbrinki try anyway. brb22:47
hewhomustcan you go here /etc/apt/sources.list.d22:47
hewhomustsee if its still there22:48
BauerPiepenbrinkcould someone post a backslash, please?22:48
BauerPiepenbrinkno kidding22:49
BauerPiepenbrinkcheers, hewhomust22:49
hewhomustbroken key lol?22:49
BauerPiepenbrinkmac keyboard. never figured out where this thing is22:49
unicornjedihewhomust, Im reading that joint22:50
ssfdre38im getting an apache error when i just updated my server from 13.04 to 13.10 http://pastebin.com/sSCxUKfz22:50
hewhomustis 13.10 out yet?22:51
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes22:51
ssfdre38only for servers22:51
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia: quick reminder for me, in default all my samba users have to be ubuntu users as well, right?22:51
charewhats taking so long for Trusty Tahr to be released?22:51
unicornjedihewhomust, okay I remove the ppa again22:52
BauerPiepenbrinkim looking forward for drunken duck22:52
IdleOnechare: you serious? the code name was just announced today. 14.04 will be released in 6 months22:52
hewhomustyeah if your'e in the folder just delete it22:52
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: that's the best way to do it, yes22:52
chareIdleOne: I'm impatient :)22:53
IdleOnechare: So am I. play elsewhere22:53
ssfdre38so yea does anyone know how to fix that problem cause it just started to happen today when i upgraded my server22:53
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, it wont let me do that. anyway the login name works fine from the windows machine, which also has a different system-username22:55
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: need to do a bit of research on this, seems an odd glitch22:56
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: maybe worth checking the mac's stability on the network22:56
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia i still think it has to do with the unability of exfat to cope with flags and ownerships22:57
jetrook I just tried installing ubuntu alongside windows 7. I made a seperate partition for ubuntu. Tried installing. I got a bunch of errors and now I windows 7 is not loading any more22:57
jpedroza2kssfdre38, what is on line 74 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf?22:57
BauerPiepenbrinkwhat do you mean by stability?22:57
discovery7471The answer I got on my prior posting in order to get help from you kind guys, was to forget about Yahoo Messenger and TeamViewer and just ask my questions here ... I do not think I will be able to progress this way, but I try do as directed ... so one of my fundamental question and problem to begin with may be  => Is it OK, for the purpose of learning, to have Ubuntu installed as Virtual Machine22:57
discovery7471in VMware? This poses additional VMware issues like from Ubuntu how can I see, if at all possible, see and save info to my NTFS Windows 7 many partitions? ... <Background repeated > ... Sorry to interrupt ... I am new to Ubuntu and IRC ... hence I do not even know how to properly introduce myself here in IRC ... anyway, technically and to the problem speaking, about myself, I am a power Windows22:57
discovery7471user needing beginner yet complex help with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ... running Ubuntu as Virtual Machine in VMware ... I would appreciate TeamViewer and voice via Yahoo Messenger ... my YM is discovery747 ... anyone willing and available to try help?22:57
FloodBot1discovery7471: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:57
SourceSlayerI was running Ubuntu and the orange/yellow window dragging screen got stuck.22:57
MichaelI am trying to run webmin on an ec2 instance, so I do not have the password. I've tried following the help guide, but it cannot find the rest file http://www.webmin.com/faq.html22:57
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia what do you mean by stability?22:57
jpedroza2kssfdre38, it looks like there is an error with the variable you are using in the apache2 config file.22:57
zykotick9!webmin | Michael22:58
ubottuMichael: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.22:58
hewhomustjetro: what happens when you boot up?22:58
SourceSlayerSo I opened the terminal and ran "sudo restart lightdm" and now I'm running in "Low Graphics Mode"..22:58
jpedroza2khewhomust, language, please.22:58
SourceSlayerHow do I fixed this?22:58
ssfdre38jpedroza2k, all im using is what came with the updates22:58
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: make sure it's not dropping packets22:58
SourceSlayerWhen I installed I just used default settings.22:58
ssfdre38jpedroza2k, Mutex file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} default22:58
Michaelubotto: Is there a similar program you would suggest?22:58
hewhomustubotto is a bot22:58
sleeziohello, just installed 13.10(first time using ubuntu) i looked through the software center for "weather" but i didn't see any weather related apps(except for a china version) does anyone know of a weather app by name i can search for that'll work on 13.10?22:58
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia ah. no worrys about that. while recopying all my stuff to the NAS i didnt lose a packet in 3.4 TB22:59
jpedroza2kssfdre38, let me look on my server and see what I have on that line22:59
Michaelhewhomust: thanks, I'm pretty you pass my turing test as well. Any ideas?22:59
jetrohewhomust, it says windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. Then it gives me two options, Launch Startup Repair, or Start Windows Normally22:59
hewhomustjetro: what is this gpt or mbr?23:00
hewhomustand how did you install ubuntu23:00
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia but now i know samba could deal with a extX-filesystem for the share as well, i might try that. maybe its worth the effort if the files keep their ownerflags and properties23:00
sam113101did the font change from ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10?23:01
jpedroza2kssfdre38, IS that variable defined in /etc/apache2/envvars?23:01
sam113101not sure if bug or new font23:01
jetrohewhomust, I used easeUS partition manager to create a new partition on my hard drive. Then I burned ubuntu 12.04 on a dvd, and booted from the dvd23:01
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia: did i get you right, it doesnt matter which FS i choose for the raid, samba will be available for all the machines? even an ext4 or something like that? which one would you choose for a raid5 with filesizes over 20GB?23:02
jpedroza2kssfdre38, Can you PM or pastebin me the definition line in envvars?23:02
hewhomustjetro: I would try removing ubuntu then starting again, go into windows then delete the partitions with ubunto on it23:02
ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: stick ext4 on it,23:03
jetrohewhomust, ubuntu did not install properly, so now my laptop has no running OS23:03
jpedroza2kssfdre38, What are the permissions on the envvars file?23:03
jetrodo you want me to give you the error messages I got?23:03
ssfdre38644 root/root23:03
hewhomustjetro: then i would use a live cd and y everything off thats valuable23:04
jpedroza2kssfdre38, That looks correct as well...23:04
jetrohewhomust, how can I do that? popping in the live cd now23:04
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia ok, so i will check the backups, format the drive, recopy everything and report back if that helped my problem. i hope i get that right after a bottle of wine :)23:04
hewhomustyou need to mount the ntfs partition23:04
hewhomustand then copy it to a harddrive23:04
unicornjedihewhomust! I GOT THE UPGRADE WORKING23:04
unicornjediall I had to do was purge xorg edgers...23:05
high_fiverVirtualBox and Ubuntu 13.10 buggy?23:05
high_fiver*with guest additions?23:05
bekkshigh_fiver: No.23:05
hewhomustdo you have a external hard-drive23:05
unicornjediwell thanks for your help hewhommust23:05
hewhomustnp lol23:05
usclsuThe prices for Ubuntu Advantage: Is that annually, or monthly, what?23:05
hewhomustnot that i did much23:05
hewhomustjetro: are you in the live cd23:06
jetrohewhomust, apologizes but I am a total newbie to linux, I was installing ubuntu alongside windows to learn more about it. I have the live cd runnng, how can I mount the ntfs partition?23:06
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
jpedroza2kssfdre38, Checking a few things. One second please.23:07
usclsuthis here, what is the billing period? http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/management23:07
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia, do you mind if i ask you if you do this for fun? supporting noobs like me asking for the command to install the internet?23:07
MegaBrutalHi jetro, yes, that should be possible.23:07
oemunity web player23:07
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ikoniaBauerPiepenbrink: just happy to help23:07
Fyodorovnausclsu, I have never seen it mentioned here I wpoild check with canonical, this chanell is not canonoical.23:07
unicornjediikonia, I got the upgrade to work by just removing xorg edgers23:07
MegaBrutaljetro: I'd condider mounting it in read-only though. Unless you need to write to it.23:08
unicornjediikonia, thanks again for your help.23:08
Hulenoproperties > home folder and the size of the contents were listed as23:08
ikoniaunicornjedi: I honestly wouldn't trust the upgrade.23:08
jpedroza2kssfdre38, How did you start apache2? With init.d or apache2ctl?23:08
ssfdre38init.d or service23:08
jetroMegaBrutal, yeah I just need to get the important files off of my hard drive. So read only should be fine23:08
unicornjediikonia, too late... its starting to upgrade.. Ill let you know how it goes if your still on23:09
Huleno(cont.) 128 TB on a 50oG system. How could that be?23:09
hewhomustHuleno: you really lucky lol23:09
jpedroza2kssfdre38, What happens if you issue the command sudo apache2ctl -M23:09
ssfdre38hold on restarting the server23:09
jpedroza2kcan you pastebin me the output?23:09
BauerPiepenbrinkikonia great. i like such thinking. i'm sad my profession is way off ubuntu and i wouldn't be of any help here. anyway thanks for your support. you did some impressive multitasking while i was watching :)23:10
ssfdre38yea when its up23:10
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MegaBrutaljetro: Are you OK to use the command-line or you'd rather like to do it on the GUI? (I think you can't mount in read-only from GUI, though.)23:10
jetroMegaBrutal, I clicked on home folder and am able to see all my files23:10
jetrocan I just copy them over to a usb stick?23:10
hewhomustjetro: then copy them off23:10
MegaBrutaljetro: Yes. :)23:11
hewhomustthis is ubuntu though not windows?23:11
rootptim getting an error when i try to update ubuntu to 13.10, can someone help me ?23:11
jetroawesome! I will probably just get rid of windows all together after this and dive into ubuntu23:11
mintpchey, I have a problem with my pc, I have a win8 and ubuntu dual boot, is there a way to remove ubuntu within windows and still have it boot?23:11
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hewhomustmintpc do you have a cd?23:11
MegaBrutaljetro: Though... if it's a Live CD... be sure you actually copy it on the pendrive and not into the ramdrive created by the Live CD.23:11
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hewhomustif you do just delete the ubuntu partition23:12
mintpchewhomust: yes, but id perfer to do it within windows23:12
hewhomustmintpc easiest way is to use windows disc23:12
James_Epphey guys. So I followed the overview at this guide ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#A_variation:_Booting_the_.22Live_CD.22_image ) with some variations to fit the more recent days of 12.04 and I successfully have networked machines booting to the ubuntu live environment for ubuntu installations. However, a major issue is being experienced. Both during this live environment, and when ubuntu is installed, the wir23:12
James_Eppenvironment it still has 100% network and internet access, but in the installed copy it has absolutely no network abilities. Suggestions?23:12
Fyodorovnamintpc, not enough info to really answer definitivly.23:12
jetroMegaBrutal, thanks for the tip, after copying to a usb stick I am going to transfer everything to my desktop just be safe23:13
hewhomustFyodorovna,: just delete ubuntu boot repair23:13
mintpcFyodorovna: what info do you need23:13
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hewhomusti have done this so many times lol23:13
tapoutwill printers like the cp9800dw work in ubuntu?23:13
mintpcand i dont have my install disk, windows came pre-installed23:14
hewhomustwhy you say you have install disc23:14
k1l_mintpc: if its plain ubuntu just remove the partition form ubuntu and reinstall the windows bootloader.23:14
Fyodorovnahewhomust, yoir an idiot, bad advice and swearing in the channel, take your meds and get some professional help.23:14
k1l_mintpc: if you dont have a windows cd ask the windows support how to rewrite the windows bootloader from windows23:15
basichashWho plays KSP?23:15
jpedroza2kbasichash, Who doesn't? Love that game!23:16
mintpck1l_: how do i reinstall the bootloader? I'm kinda new, lol23:16
jpedroza2kssfdre38, Any luck?23:16
k1l_mintpc: ask ##windows23:16
basichashso definitely worth buying?23:16
MegaBrutalmintpc: Be careful to properly reinstall the Windows boot code into the MBR, since now GRUB is there.23:16
mintpcMegaBrutal: ok?23:16
jpedroza2kbasichash, I have had many an enjoyable night with my Kerbins.23:17
k1l_mintpc: ubuntu cant reinstall the windows bootloader. so please ask there how to do that23:17
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basichashhaha good enough for me. just downloading the demo, looks awesome23:17
ssfdre38jpedroza2k, right now its a no response from my server host23:17
k1l_!ot | basichash23:18
ubottubasichash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:18
jpedroza2kssfdre38, Is this a local server, or remote?23:18
MegaBrutalmintpc: Windows recovery console has such a command, "fixmbr", if I remember correctly... in XP... don't have experience with Win 8 though.23:18
MegaBrutalmintpc: Still it might be a hint to start.23:18
ssfdre38remote and i sent a hard reboot and contacted them23:18
jpedroza2kbasichash, It runs well under the 13.10 update as well (More on topic there).23:18
linuxuz3rMegaBrutal, is there a fixmbr for win 823:18
ssfdre38if this doesnt work i can remote login to the resuce mode23:18
rannongawin8 has fixmbr23:19
bscrewIs there a way to add custom system sounds to 13.10?23:19
jpedroza2kssfdre38, Sorry, mate. Good luck.23:19
ssfdre38here we go23:19
jpedroza2kwhatcha got?23:20
basichashjpedroza2k: I tried running it on my desktop, but I've got some driver issues with my ati 7750 HD, which means I'll have to run it on my shitty windows laptop unfortunately23:20
MegaBrutalmintpc: Anyway, best order to do this is to first reinstall the MBR, check if your Windows boots without GRUB showing up, and THEN delete the Ubuntu partitions.23:20
MegaBrutalmintpc: (Sad that you ever want to delete it, though. :P Ubuntu is awesome.)23:21
jpedroza2kssfdre38, Was there a syntax OK line at the end?23:21
ssfdre38no that is the entire responce23:21
bscrewis there a way to add custom system sounds to 13.10?23:21
jpedroza2kLooks like mine, but I have a Syntax OK line at the end...23:22
ssfdre38well im getting errors from port.conf now if you see from the top23:22
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jpedroza2kAre you using name based VirtualHosts?23:23
jpedroza2kThe seems more like a warning about a deprecated feature.23:23
jpedroza2kAre you still getting the error in the log?23:25
ssfdre38let me pull up the error log23:25
jpedroza2kIf so, the only thing I can think to do would be to purge Apache2 and reinstall23:25
jpedroza2k(Backup config files of course)23:25
jetroMegaBrutal, so I am copying over files now. Is there anything I can do afterwards to get windows 7 to boot again; all of my windows 7 file are there, so there should be some way23:26
ssfdre38jpedroza2k, http://pastebin.com/JAnAhGa923:27
beanssfdre38, you're having apache troubles? let me help you, i work for a hosting company23:27
HulenoDoes anyone know???23:27
ssfdre38bean, i do to its just config files problems due to upgrades from 13.04 to 13.1023:28
discovery7471I am using mIRC and see you guys chatting sometimes on complex issues ... NOBODY seems to pick up my question ... am I using IRC correctly? It seems so far an alien world ... I was looking for one on one help if at all possible ... how top use IRC or mIRC for that matter correctly?23:28
discovery7471<Post 02 repeated> The answer I got on my prior posting in order to get help from you kind guys, was to forget about Yahoo Messenger and TeamViewer and just ask my questions here ... I do not think I will be able to progress this way, but I try do as directed ... so one of my fundamental question and problem to begin with may be  => Is it OK, for the purpose of learning, to have Ubuntu installed23:28
discovery7471as Virtual Machine in VMware? This poses additional VMware issues like from Ubuntu how can I see, if at all possible, see and save info to my NTFS Windows 7 many partitions? ...23:28
discovery7471<Post 01 repeated> ... Sorry to interrupt ... I am new to Ubuntu and IRC ... hence I do not even know how to properly introduce myself here in IRC ... anyway, technically and to the problem speaking, about myself, I am a power Windows user needing beginner yet complex help with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ... running Ubuntu as Virtual Machine in VMware ... I would appreciate TeamViewer and voice via Yahoo23:28
FloodBot1discovery7471: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:28
discovery7471Messenger ... my YM is discovery747 ... anyone willing and available to try help?23:28
MegaBrutaljetro: In my understanding, you booted a Live CD with a pendrive, but didn't do anything to Windows... In this case, just reboot your PC, remove pendrive, Windows 7 should boot up as usual.23:28
beanssfdre38, to me that looks like you have a <Directory> block athat has "Deny from all" in it that isn't necessary.23:28
beandiscovery7471, A) no one will talk to you on YIM. this is the place to talk.23:29
jpedroza2kdiscovery7471, If we can help we will, but in here. If you want voice chat or phone support, Canonical offers it for low cost.23:29
ssfdre38i dont have a directory deny23:29
basichash_Guys how long does 500g of ribs to take at ~200 C?23:29
reisiobasichash_: a bit23:29
beanssfdre38, can you pastebin you're config?23:30
discovery7471Thank you VERY MUCH !!23:30
beandiscovery7471, you can use it in vmware, that's fine.23:30
Dr_Willis200c is a bit high. ;)23:30
basichash_I've never cooked em before, I need an estimate23:30
basichash_Dr_Willis: what are your instructions?23:30
cipherboyOkay, so I asked a few days ago but nobody responded. I am currently running Cinnamon 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 13.04, however, it seems that my gtk theming (say for firefox, etc) and window decorations have switched away from ambiance. I can get partial themeing back if I stop cinnamon settings manager and use the gnome settings mangaer instead, but window decorations stay the same. Suggestions as to how to fix?23:30
Dr_Willisbasichash_:  put them in a crock pot on low for 8 hrs23:30
beandiscovery7471, you can't store the raw data on your NTFS partition, but you can probably create some sort of shared folder.23:30
jpedroza2kdiscovery7471, As for running Ubuntu in a VM, I do it all the time.23:30
basichash_Dr_Willis: Only have an oven xP What are you oven instructions?23:31
beancipherboy, I think I saw a bung about that -- I think a fix is coming soon, it might even be in the proposed updates repo already.23:31
Dr_Willisbasichash_:  use a dutch oven on low.23:31
jpedroza2kdiscovery7471, I use VirtualBox, and create shared folders between the two environments (as they are on the same computer)23:31
akurilinQuick question. What does it mean if I install a package from debian unstable? As in, how likely is it to either not work or to overwrite something in the system that something else might be relying on?23:31
cipherboybean: Ah goodie. I am upgrading to 13.10 tonight, perhaps it will be fixed there.23:31
Dr_Willisakurilin:  its a very bad idea to use stuff from the debian repos. it canbreak the whole system23:32
beancipherboy, OH I assumed you were on 13.04 already, i'd say give it a try, who knows, it might work!23:32
basichash_Dr_Willis: haha ok it's like 12:30 and I need to eat, so it's going to have to be asap. How long will it take to cook do you think?23:32
* bean plans on upgrading to 13.10 tonight23:32
akurilinDr_Willis, ok cool. got that.23:32
jpedroza2kdiscovery7471, You can also install a Samba server on the Linux side and connect to it from windows or whatever your host OS is.23:32
beanbasichash_, alright, this is getting to be off topic.23:32
cipherboybean: I am on 13.04, going to update to 13.10.23:32
sleeziocan someone suggest a weather app for 13.10?23:32
beancipherboy, i'd say give it a try then!23:33
reisiosleezio: what country?23:33
wyldeakurilin, If it's package that's not in the ubuntu repos you're better off building from source and installing with checkinstall. IMHO23:33
sleezioreisio, US23:33
Dr_Willissleezio:  webupd8 and omgubuntu mention some in their 'things to do/must have addons for 13.10' postings this week23:33
reisiosleezio: I'd just assume my own using data from noaa.gov23:33
discovery7471Thak you for reminding me about Samba ...!23:33
akurilinwylde, sounds good, done that before. What if I want to automate this for configuration management? Can I use the same checkinstall .deb and just dpkg it?23:33
sleezioDr_Willis, thanks23:34
jpedroza2kSamba is quite good, and can even work with AD23:34
jetroMegaBrutal, I have ubuntu on a CD, after trying it out, I tried to install. When trying to install I was given 3 options: 1) Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows, 2) Remove everything and then Install, 3) Something else23:34
jetroI chose 3 and chose to install on a specific partition (that did not have windows os on it)23:34
jetrobut then a bunch of errors came up during installation and windows wont load anymore23:35
jpedroza2kdiscovery7471, I have also had success using NFS for Windows clients and NFS server on Linux.23:35
axisystrying to upgrade andnlos23:35
ssfdre38got it going now i just need launchpad to reping my server for the cdimg23:36
wyldeakurilin, I can't say I have personal experience in that. I imagine it could be done, although I'd defer to someone a little more knowledgeable than I.23:36
axisystrying to upgrade to latest and now no network and reboot automatically cancelled since /boot did not have enough space23:36
discovery7471Why would be a rule to nobody talk via Yahoo Messenger if they make the effort to type here ? My head is dizzying with this messages ... I can understand very little ... sorry for this ...23:37
wyldeakurilin, you could always package after you build it and get your own ppa on launchpad ;) It's little work setting up but handy if it's something you're going to reuse often.23:38
jpedroza2kdiscovery7471, As I mentioned in your PM, these chats are logged and can be used in the future if someone has the same issue you have and we are able to help you.23:38
axisysno network device eth0 or wlan023:39
jpedroza2kdiscovery7471, We are also helping a lot of people (or trying to in my case) and might not be able to switch to another chat program to chat one-on-one.23:39
akurilinwylde, I actually run into this issue all the time, so I need to set some time aside to start creating my own PPAs. Sounds a bit complex, but hopefully there are good guides out there for people like me who are just starting out.23:40
jpedroza2kaxisys, anything in lspci for the network adapters?23:40
beandiscovery7471, and also... very few people use YIM these days. Even in its hay-day i didnt really use it23:41
MegaBrutaljetro: If GRUB is already installed properly, then a boot menu show up, allowing you to boot Windows.23:41
wyldeakurilin, If I can manage to do it I'm sure just about anyone can :)23:41
akurilinwylde, ha, humility is a good trait :)23:41
akurilinwylde, thanks for taking the time to explain the ropes, appreciated.23:41
MegaBrutaljetro: After all, we don't know until you try. So I suggest you to try, and in case of problems, boot Live CD again.23:42
jpedroza2kTime for me to call it a night all. Good luck.23:42
Apreljoin #ubuntu-es23:42
wyldeakurilin, you're welcome. Hope it helped.23:43
MegaBrutalSince I'm here anyway, I also have a question. I have 12.10 - can (and should) I upgrade to 13.10 in one step, or I need to upgrade to 13.04 first, and then to 13.10?23:44
axisysjpedroza2k: lscpi has both intel pro/wireless 5100 agn and broadcom netlink bcm5787m gig23:44
we6jboI'm trying to connect to a vpn server using network connections and the connection keeps failing23:44
akurilinOn an unrelated note, I'm having a ton of issues with my Intel HD4600 graphics card and multiple monitors on Precise. I often come back to the machine and the DM went nuts, completely locked up. With a single monitor I can flip to tty1 and back to the DM and have it be fixed, but with multi-monitor I need to stop lightdm, restart it and then maybe it works.23:44
akurilinTrying to figure out what to do here, what the recommended approach should be.23:44
MegaBrutalWhat's strange is /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-motd still offering to upgrade to 13.04 and not 13.10.23:47
wilee-nileeMegaBrutal, up one at a time unless lt to lt.23:48
coolstarhi, I'm having an issue with my WiFi connection being quite slow23:48
coolstaron Windows and on my iPad in the same place I get the full 12 MBPS down on speedtest.net23:48
coolstarwhen booted in kUbuntu I only get 4 MBPS though23:48
MegaBrutalwilee-nilee: Thanks.23:49
rOObHello all. I've got 13.10 installed but I cannot get susped to work. The machine WILL suspend but will NOT resume. The fans come back on, the power button stops blinking..but, the screen never comes back on.23:50
wilee-nileeMegaBrutal, No problem, there are ways to do this more efficiently however, a separate home and installed packages list and saved repos and keys, can give you a fresh install faster that is the same setup.23:50
axisysok lshw -class network shows both wireless and ethernet network unclaimed..23:51
d353r7f0xis anyone else having trouble installing nvidia 319.60 drivers on 13.10?23:54
suorei have problem, when i press "BACKSPACE" i got beep from my PC23:56
jribsuore: this will train you to make less mistakes23:57
jribsuore: does it happen in the gui too?  Like with gedit?23:57
LuvLinuxOShi all23:57
suoreyes, xchat too, but when windows is clear23:57
suoreit mean textarea is clear23:58
suorejrib, you know what to do?23:59

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