
Noskcaj_Can someone add to the T-series planning page that debian will not be uploading any 4.11 stuff to unstable (we'd have to sync from experimental)00:43
Noskcaj_I can't get wiki access till monday00:44
skellatNoskcaj_: Generally for an LTS we would be synchronizing from Testing instead of Unstable00:44
Noskcaj_skellat: But you can't upload to testing. If they don't upload to unstable, we can't sync from testing00:45
skellatNoskcaj_: Bingo.00:45
skellatYou get to Testing generally after 10 days spent in Unstable00:45
skellatSo if 4.11 stuff isn't going to Unstable, it won't migrate to Testing, and won't get caught by autosync00:46
skellatWe'd have to think really hard about sync from Experimental00:46
skellatNoskcaj_: What is going to land in Experimental?00:48
Noskcaj_skellat: We've got all the released stuff packaged and ready in SVN, it's just waiting for corsac to upload the stuff. http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-xfce-devel%40lists.alioth.debian.org&comaint=yes00:49
Noskcaj_Everything that the watchfiles show00:50
Noskcaj_At least xubuntu will want to get settings 4.11.1 over 4.1100:50
skellatI think adding it to the wiki can in fact wait until Monday00:52
skellatBut if you want I'll go ahead and put a note down on your behalf00:52
Noskcaj_skellat: If you could. I'm not even sure i can access that part of the wiki00:53
skellatNoskcaj_: If you can access one part, you can access all of it.  No superpowers involved.00:53
skellatActually, this is something I'm already assigned in the roadmap!00:54
skellat[skellat] Anything else that can be cherry-picked from Testing?00:54
Unit193Speaking of which, did you think I was talking about Xubuntu and the installer, skellat?00:55
Unit193See comments from earlier?00:55
skellatI did.  I saw the comments.  Will fix the wiki page.  Gimme a sec.00:55
Noskcaj_We'll have to take parole from unstable since a kfreebsd issue is stoping it from migrating00:55
skellatLink to PTS please?00:57
Unit193I mean, it is a little related, but not fully unless we're doing an openbox meta/packageset too. :D00:57
skellatI added this to the wiki roadmap: (noskcaj) Certain 4.11 components are going to land in Experimental instead of Unstable which will block them making it into Testing for autosync00:59
Noskcaj_Assuming corsac doesn't get to it, i'll prepare the latest parole on monday01:00
micahgbrainwash: sorry, been busy, will finish this weekend03:01
olbiwhere are translating files for isos installer?08:15
slickymastermorning all08:50
pmjdebruijnhi guys08:51
pmjdebruijnthanks for the great work08:51
elfymorning slickymaster pmjdebruijn 10:25
slickymasterelfy: o/ good morning10:25
slickymasterelfy: while I have you here let me ask you something10:26
elfyif I can answer I will :)10:27
slickymasterelfy: do you think that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bug/1238718 should be linked in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-t-flavor-xubuntu10:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238718 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Errors in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" of the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series" [Undecided,Fix committed]10:27
elfyslickymaster: not sure tbh - but comment from skellat points to a SRU10:29
slickymasterknome: morning10:29
slickymasterelfy: yes, we've discussed it10:29
knomegood afternoon10:29
knomefirst, i should set up the T branch10:30
knomethen we should push that fix there10:30
knomeand then probably... just forget S :)10:30
knomebut i'm fine with backporting/SRU10:30
knomebut best to get the changes to the new branch first10:30
slickymasterknome: there's also the issue that all the already completed translations should be amended accordingly in the case my merge proposal gets your ok10:32
slickymasterknome: even though that besides mine there's only the russian translation10:33
olbiwhy mughsot isn't defailt installed? :(10:36
knomeslickymaster, can you retarget the MP to lp:xubuntu-docs (is ../saucy now, since that's what it was targetted at)10:36
knomeolbi, it isn't packaged yet10:37
olbiit is in PPA :)10:37
olbiI installed it today :)10:37
knomeyes, and we aren't seeding things that are in PPA's10:37
olbibut there wasn't my translations :P10:38
knomewhat i meant it is that it is not packaged *and* in the repositories10:38
olbioh, ok10:38
knomeit's planned for T10:38
slickymasterknome: sorry for the delay (I'm at work) but in order to retarget it, how do I go about that? Do I have to bzr push again?10:45
slickymasterknome: or is it made through the LP site?10:45
slickymasterknome: editing the "Merge into:" option?10:46
knomejust lose the /saucy part10:46
slickymasterknome: maybe I'm blind but I'm not seeing how to it10:48
knomeit's possible you first have to delete the request and then file another one10:49
slickymasterknome: I would guess so, because I'm not finding any place to edit it10:49
knomethat's possible. i can't do it because it's your branch, and i don't exactly know how to do it. a new MP would at least work10:50
slickymasterknome: I'll propose a new merge at lunch. and the previous one will it just stay hanging there?10:55
slickymasterknome: I'm probably one of the major blind idiots you'll ever meet. It was in front of my eyes the all time. Here you go https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/19178111:03
slickymasterknome: can you please confirm that correctly re-targeted ?11:03
slickymasterthat is correctly11:04
elfyslickymaster: looks right to me 11:04
* slickymaster gotta learn to type11:05
slickymasterelfy: and the previous one, https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/19073911:05
slickymasterelfy: do you close it, make it invalid, somehow?11:06
elfyno idea :)11:06
elfyoic 11:06
slickymasterelfy: "oic" ?!11:06
elfyyes I do lol - if that's an old merge/code thing of your's then you can abandon it - or remove the merge request11:07
elfyoic - read it out in letters :) Oh I See 11:08
slickymasterelfy: even in portuguese I'm terrible with acronyms11:08
elfypretty sure there is a way to stop it being a merge request11:09
elfyslickymaster: I'm sure I'd be rubbish at a Portuguese one ;)11:09
slickymasterelfy: there's the delete proposal to merge option11:09
elfythat's the one11:10
slickymasterelfy and knome: deleted the https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/190739 merge proposal11:11
thadelfy: remember the report about no being able to unlock a system with full disk encryption (basically keyboard input not working)?11:13
thadhere's a new report bug 124150511:13
ubottubug 1241505 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wireless keyboard does not work after grub, and until after encrypted root volume is unlocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124150511:13
elfythat's not nice 11:14
thadhappened to me too, so it's related to wireless keyboards most likely11:14
elfyand why I'd not have seen it 11:15
ochosibrainwash: yes, that's how they "lock" their session (i.e. not at all)11:18
elfythad: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-bugs/2013-09/msg04276.html11:20
thadelfy: ah nice, let me reorganize the lp reports and add the opensuse report11:23
elfyyay 11:23
elfyI actually found something for a bug :p11:24
thadit looks like every USB keyboard should be affected11:25
elfyone person saw that I thought - I can't confirm that here - though I did check in a vm11:26
pmjdebruijnmost wireless keyboards look like plain USB HID to the host, don't they?11:26
slickymasterpmjdebruijn: yes, you're right11:27
thadnice to know11:33
thadbug 124150511:33
ubottubug 1241505 in linux (Ubuntu) "USB keyboard does not work after grub, and until after encrypted root volume is unlocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124150511:33
elfythad: not really sure how to confirm that bug without installing it and then not being able to actually ever login to :p11:46
elfythad: here's an odd one - not seen anything go through - just updated a vm install - restart button worked11:49
thadthe restart button worked? in which context?11:51
elfyin the context of update manager11:51
thadbut the fixed package hasn't been uploaded yet..11:52
elfyI know11:52
thadclean xubuntu installation without consolekit, right?11:53
elfyno - was an oldish one that it didn't work on 11:53
thadmaybe0 you've pulled ck in after adding some software11:54
elfypossibly 11:54
thadjust checked, no new activity on the lp report11:56
elfyI know :)11:57
thadwell, it's your bug report, so you'll get informed anyway :D11:57
thad"LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent."12:14
thadwhen launching steam :)12:14
elfyoh - well there is absolutely no chance whatsover of me seeing that one then :p12:18
thadit's just a funny terminal output line12:20
thadbut speaking of steam, does anyone here run benchmarks and measure performance changes?12:22
thadthe phoronix guys usually only test outdated, non-relevant games like openarena12:24
elfythad: it is a funny output :)12:40
ali1234thad: that's the appindicator bug12:48
ali1234bug 123088812:49
ubottubug 1230888 in murano "Murano Installation: script can not install conductor on Ubuntu 12.10" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123088812:49
ali1234oops, bug 120388812:49
ubottubug 1203888 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "appindicator ignores menu entries after having sent the menu to the indicator" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120388812:49
ali1234actually perhaps not12:49
ali1234also, yeah i wish phoronix would test games people actually play on cards people actually use to play them12:50
ali1234ie TF2 on mid-to-high end nvidia, with the proprietary driver12:51
thadright, but I guess they know about this demand12:52
thadoh dammit, could lp stop syncing all the external comments...12:53
olbitwo monitors works great but after I plug in second, there should appear window but didn't :/13:45
dastani want to do create ubuntu mini shop in my country13:51
dastancan any one help13:51
ochosiolbi: that depends on the driver/display13:54
ochosiolbi: if you use the VGA connector, it's very likely, there's no signal by the connector/driver13:54
olbiI have been using HDMI and VGA with Intel driver13:55
ochosiolbi: with DVI/HMDI/DisplayPort it's much more likely13:55
olbiHDMI was connected and than plugged VGA13:55
ochositry the other way round13:55
ochosiand then you should get a notification13:55
ochosivga hardly ever works in that respect13:56
ochosibut nothing we can do about that unfortunately...13:56
olbiok, I try with others connector but Edge-HD4 only have HDMI and VGA :D13:56
dastanwhy vga is require13:56
dastanare screen brightness is issue13:56
olbiand my second display is only VGA :P13:56
ochosiolbi: well you can make vga your primary display and connect hdmi after startup to test ;)13:57
olbihmm, :)13:57
dastanare you want to configure scree gamma 13:57
dastanmeans contrast13:57
dastani can help13:58
olbiVGA was primary and plugin HDMI, nothing happens :P13:58
ochosiolbi: you mean you restarted your session? anyhoo, you can check whether there's a signal by monitoring ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce413:59
ochosiolbi: e.g. with "tail -f"13:59
olbino, didnt restared session :)14:01
olbinow i try with this14:02
dastanhow to traverse channel14:02
dastani got shit no one reply my answer14:03
brainwashochosi: so lxlock simply switches to the greeter... and nobody complains about the unlocked session?14:10
ochosibrainwash: well webupd8 mentioned it in its brief review, i'm not really up-to-date with lubuntu users though, so i don't know what they think about it :]16:12
GridCubebrainwash, everybody is more concerned about the sound indicator16:19
elfyGridCube: +1 16:24
ochosiGridCube: yeah, but the sound-indicator is a Xubuntu problem, while the unlocked session is a Lubuntu problem16:34
GridCubeoh, i see16:35
olbiwhy we cant use temporary this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1208204/comments/2717:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]17:24
ochosiolbi: because that change would break unity's indicators, afaik17:30
ali1234that probably wouldn't break unity but it would break on 32 bit, or arm, or a load of other cases17:33
ali1234xfburn doesn't support blu-ray :/17:43
olbitry Nero :)17:46
olbiit was only working burning software with blu-ray :D17:47
ochosiali1234: xfburn isn't exactly in active development...17:48
brainwashochosi: you should have given them some advice! :) like forcing them to use light-locker :P17:53
brainwashochosi: wait a minute.. I will have to verify it, but I'm pretty sure, that the "login" button wasn't labeled "unlock" after "locking" the session18:21
brainwash(lightdm gtk greeter)18:21
Unit193brainwash: Not sure what jmarsden is up to now, or lezak, but gilir comes around every couple weeks.18:33
brainwashUnit193: maybe I'll file a bug report18:34
brainwashthis issue is even worse than the sound indicator one, but it does not generate any uproar18:35
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1205384 was the one linked to on the ML (why I'm still on it I don't know.)18:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1205384 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lock can be circumvented by switching to console" [Undecided,New]18:35
brainwashthe lock does not even get circumvented, because nothing is actually locked :)18:37
brainwashI'll keep an eye on this report18:39
brainwashochosi: xfpm waits 2 seconds before locking the screen and xscreensaver adds another second23:14

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