
BosiHello everyone, how do you enable hibernation on Xubuntu 13.10?00:12
brainwashBosi: it's disabled for a reason00:16
brainwashdid you already test "sudo pm-hibernate"?00:16
Bosibrainwash,  as in 13.04, still it works perfectly00:19
Bosibrainwash,  but I don't know how to enable it in 13.1000:19
brainwashso the method for 13.04 does not work anymore?00:21
brainwashtake a look at /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla00:22
Bosibrainwash,  I did what  this page says: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214049400:28
Bosibrainwash,  it doesn't work00:28
brainwashBosi: you will have to add a rule for logind too00:28
Bosibrainwash,  you're speeking greek to me... can you explain me how to do that?00:31
`Fibz`it sounds broken to me00:31
brainwashcopy the existing rule and change the action line00:32
brainwashcopy the 4 lines and paste them below the first rule, now change the action line00:33
Bosibrainwash, don't know if I understood what you asked... but it didn't work.00:38
brainwashBosi: so your file looks like this?00:39
brainwashwhat does "dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanHibernate" return?00:39
Bosimethod return sender=:1.3 -> dest=:1.41 reply_serial=200:41
Bosi   string "yes"00:41
Bosibrainwash, hey man, it is activated now.00:44
brainwashBosi: great :)00:44
Bosibrainwash, thank you very much!!00:44
brainwashyou're welcome00:45
MGMTcan someone tell me where in the home folder the colors are for the top bar?01:09
Poisoned_Dragonthe theme for the window manager?01:10
MGMTyou know how xubuntu made it so you can adjust your themes colors for panels?  where would I find those colors?01:10
Poisoned_DragonOh, in the settings manager.01:11
MGMTI'm in the middle of taking a screen shot and figuring out the colors from gimp so I can grep for them01:11
Poisoned_DragonWindow Manager changes the window frames, Appearance changes the colors and fonts and such.01:11
MGMTI don't have the settings manager any more... I installed ubuntu instead and left my home folder so now my appearence in ubuntu is weird lol01:12
Poisoned_DragonI dunno if the theme location is the same in ubuntu.01:12
MGMTyeah, its in your home folder somewhere.  .xauthority, or one of those folders... just not sure which one01:12
Poisoned_DragonI don't use a themes folder in my home directory.01:13
Poisoned_DragonI use /usr/share/themes01:13
MGMThow long have you been using linux?01:13
Poisoned_DragonLong enough to know how to install and remove themes manually from xfce.01:14
MGMTI do about 90% of what I do from cli.  I don't have xfce anymore... I should be able to fix this in a min01:14
Poisoned_DragonWell, good for you. If you don't have xfce anymore, why ask non-xfce questions in xubuntu?01:16
Poisoned_DragonWouldn't #ubuntu be more helpful?01:16
Unit193MGMT: Not sure how that application works, but check ~/.themes/, no?01:16
Poisoned_Dragonmight even be in ~/.local/share/themes01:17
MGMTI don't have either of those directories.... I might just reinstall xubuntu for the heck of it to figure out where this is01:19
MGMTI wish I knew what the line that sets those colors starts with01:19
Poisoned_DragonIn xubuntu, it's /usr/share/themes01:20
Poisoned_DragonThe themes usually dictate the colors01:20
MGMTif it was /usr/share/themes the colors would be whatever ubuntus defaults are, I blasted away everythign except /home01:20
blaster_why it that steam games run super great on xubuntu and super bad on the others ubuntu variants?01:20
MGMTblaster_ xubuntu uses a different window manager than ubuntu and is not as resource hungry01:21
blaster_i have a problem with minecraft too, fullscreen does not work but in xubuntu is works!01:22
MGMTnvm Poisoned_Dragon I found it.  the config stuff is  in ~/.gtkrc-2.001:22
Poisoned_DragonHmm... Themes that I've used have overridden the default colors.01:23
Poisoned_DragonOh well.01:23
blaster_im going to stick to this distro :D01:23
MGMTlets see what happens when I comment it out...01:24
blaster_do the ati drivers work? the propietaty ones?01:24
Unit193MGMT: That'd have been my next guess, editing the GTKrc files.  .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini too01:25
Unit193blaster_: Settings Manager > Additional Drivers.01:25
Unit193They should work, but that's where to test them.01:25
blaster_but i mean the ones from the official site01:25
MGMTUnit193: I took a screenshot and used color picker to see what color it was hoping to grep for the right file... that's the only way I know I have the right file... Hopefully this is the only place these colors are lol01:26
MGMTbrb... hopefully I didn't break a bunch of stuff01:26
blaster_ok installation complete brb01:27
MGMTcommenting it out didn't seem to get it01:27
Poisoned_DragonIt sounds like you're making it harder than it has to be.01:29
Poisoned_DragonYou're using unity, right?01:29
MGMTUnit193: I think its in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css01:29
MGMTPoisoned_Dragon: yeah01:29
Poisoned_Dragonlemme google-fu before I throw my hat in the ring01:30
MGMTI tried changing themes and it didn't change the colors.01:30
MGMTPoisoned_Dragon: I found it01:32
MGMTit was in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css01:32
Poisoned_DragonAh, I see01:32
YowlCan unity run on xubuntu?01:33
Poisoned_DragonSo, you can see the color codes?01:33
MGMTYowl: yeah01:33
MGMTPoisoned_Dragon: yeah, I just changed it from red to white, but now I have no clue what the color is supposed to be for the default ubuntu theme... I might see if I can get someone to give me the colors from those lines in #ubuntu01:33
Yowleasy to download unity and apply it to xubuntu?01:33
Poisoned_DragonThere should be a meta package for unity01:34
YowlSo easy to install and switch over, and easy to clean out after?01:34
holsteinubuntu-desktop AFAIK01:35
holsteinYowl: xubuntu *is* ubuntu, using xfce instead of unity.. xubuntu and ubuntu, and the other variants have access to the same repos, so you just install whatever you would like.. you will choose unity at boot.. but, the ubuntu-desktop metapackage will have more than just unity01:36
Yowlholstein: and that package will have something else I might want that xubuntu wouldn't?01:37
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: Is it easy to install, switch DE and then clean it out after?01:40
Yowlanyone here?01:44
Poisoned_DragonI believe so. But I don't experiment that way.01:45
Poisoned_DragonI just use Live isos with different DEs to check it out01:45
Poisoned_DragonBesides, I've grown quite fond of xfce. So, I don't experiment much, anymore.01:46
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: What have you tried of the other DE's, and what did you like about xfce compared to the rest?01:55
Poisoned_DragonCinnamon, KDE, Mate, LXDE, JWM, PekWM.... and others.01:56
Poisoned_Dragonxfce just has a nice balance of speed and eyecandy. Mate is good to but, a tad heavier.01:56
Yowlmate runs on ubuntu now, right?01:57
Poisoned_DragonUm, I think it might be in the repos. Don't quote me on that.01:58
Poisoned_DragonIn fact, it's not in the repos at all.01:58
Poisoned_DragonI believe there is a ppa for Mate.01:58
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: How much heavier? Maybe with a good system I won't even notice?01:59
Poisoned_DragonOh... not even a ppa01:59
`Fibz`use at your own risk02:00
Poisoned_DragonPretty much. But, I've heard people have some success at installing it. Just be patient and vigilant.02:00
YowlMy own risk? You mean maleware?02:01
YowlOr that it might screw up my system?02:01
Poisoned_Dragonpfft... Malware, he says.02:02
Poisoned_DragonJust be mindful of your experience level.02:03
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: Well if something went wrong, couldn't I just used the other DE? And please answer my question about that heaviness you spoke of02:04
Poisoned_DragonI just find Mate a tad slower on the draw, in some places. But, it's still a great Gnome2 fork.02:05
Poisoned_DragonIf xfce wasn't an option, I would use Mate02:05
Poisoned_DragonYes, you could just use the other DE and purge the bad one.02:05
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: How fast is your PC?02:07
Poisoned_DragonThat's irrelevant, Yowl.02:07
Poisoned_DragonWhat matters is how the GPU is implemented. As in, Integrated vs. Add-on.02:08
Poisoned_DragonAn add-on GPU will always work better than an integrated one. I'm use to using PCs with integrated chips.02:09
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: You mean it's demanding on your graphics card, and not much on CPU or RAM?02:09
Poisoned_DragonSo, I just stick with xfce02:09
Poisoned_DragonAn integrated GPU shares system ram. So, it can create bottleneck performance issues.02:09
Poisoned_DragonEven with lots of ram and a fast cpu, you can still see the performance hit.02:10
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: If mate ran at the same speed for you as xfce, which would you choose?02:11
Poisoned_DragonThe panels are super easy to modify to my taste.02:11
blastermasterfinishe installing xubuntu 13.10 and the volume icon does not work! does it happen to you?02:18
Poisoned_Dragonthere's a work around for it.02:23
Poisoned_Dragonblastermaster, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820402:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]02:24
Poisoned_Dragonblastermaster, read comment 502:24
blastermasterok thanks i will now02:24
blastermasterthat did the trick, but it should be fixed, if i was a newbie i would freakout!02:29
Poisoned_DragonDid you do a clean install or a dist upgrade?02:30
Poisoned_DragonI think the clean installs may not have this issue. But, I could be wrong.02:30
Poisoned_DragonLuckily, my google-fu is pretty decent.02:31
Poisoned_DragonSo, I found the solution this morning, after udpating.02:31
blastermasterI did a clean install so is a problem02:31
Poisoned_DragonAh.... tooo bad.02:31
Poisoned_DragonWell, at least it's fixed now. :)02:32
YowlPoisoned_Dragon: So mate is much harder to modify? Have you used Mint? Does XFCE run on mint? What do you think of mint? BTW I lost connection, so if you already answered, I missed it02:35
Poisoned_DragonYowl, It takes a little more work. It's not as bad as Gnome Shell. I use Linux Mint Xfce on my netbook. I like it.02:38
=== makimac- is now known as makimac|afk
djones_i have been away from linux for awhile, and am now trying to get back into it, so i just installed xubuntu 13.10  on 2 different laptops, one that i use all the time, the other is connected to my tv, and i am having a few problems, the first one i notices is there not volume controles03:13
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1208204 Yeah, sadly it's known.03:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]03:15
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Poisoned_Dragondjones_, read comment #5 ^03:17
djones_haha, so thus far, theres nothing to do about it?03:17
Poisoned_DragonIf you follow the directions in comment #5, it'll fix it03:18
Poisoned_DragonI had to do it today.03:18
=== makimac_ is now known as makimac
FiremanEdThis was posted in #ubuntu as a fix to the indicator issue. http://grumbel.blogspot.com/2011/10/fixing-volume-control-in-xfce4.html03:19
Poisoned_DragonThat's a different issue.03:20
Poisoned_DragonThat post is also ancient.03:20
FiremanEdah, correct03:21
Poisoned_DragonStill, it was informative in it's day. :)03:21
djones_great, thank you guys, another issue that i am having that may be just my stupid network config, but never had this problem before, i use synergy to control the tv laptop with the mouse and keyboard from the daily driver, and since the install there is some serious lag in things that i am doing \, to the point that its almost unusable, is this just something i just gotta fix on my own03:22
Poisoned_DragonI can't help on that one.03:22
djones_haha, it was wishful thinking there, is there a better solution for what im trying to do than synergy?03:24
Poisoned_DragonI've never even heard of it.03:24
Poisoned_DragonSo, I'm useless03:24
djones_worth a shot, so this says to kill the indicator-sound-service, and then (re-(?))run the /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service that it fixes it, my problem is i dont know how to kill it? xkill?03:26
djones_service-stop /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service?03:27
Poisoned_DragonI cheated.03:27
Poisoned_DragonI just logged off and logged back on.03:27
djones_and that fixes it?03:27
Poisoned_DragonOnce you change that line, yeah.03:28
Poisoned_DragonIt'll reload the service.03:28
djones_and then on boot it will work? or does it need to be restarted every time? haha03:29
Poisoned_DragonIt'll be fixed03:29
djones_here goes nothing03:32
MGMTWho was looking for binding the alt key to a different key?03:51
YowlAnyone else here tried mint?03:54
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:57
ObrienDaveanyone notice the new ISO not recognizing 13.04 and offering an upgrade option?04:25
YowlIs zeitgeist installed by default in xubuntu?04:54
well_laid_lawn!info zeitgeist05:23
ubottuzeitgeist (source: zeitgeist): event logging framework. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.14-0ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 2 kB, installed size 34 kB05:23
Unit193Yowl: I think not.05:29
Unit193Purge if it is and you don't want it.05:29
pplcfis it safe to upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 right now?06:02
well_laid_lawnright now?06:12
Poisoned_DragonI did it yesturday.06:27
braden_Question for ya'll: I used the gtk-theme-config settings to change my panel colour, and now all the panel text is super blurry. Any one else having this problem?06:29
dwreckSo I just installed Ubuntu after having issues with Fedora and the I am having the same problem.  I can't access certain secure websites.  Gmail, facebook. Amazon, etc... Has anyone ever experienced this before?06:51
braden_What browser are you using?06:52
pplcfsome network firewall probably?06:54
cubdwreck, can you test with another pc? I would start with checking the network you are connecting to.06:55
dwreckI am using firefox06:55
dwreckI have installed Fedora on two computers and Ubuntu on this one and I am having the same issue06:56
dwreckMy windows computers have no problems with the network06:56
elfythe Ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu06:56
braden_I have never had that particular issue with firefox, but if I ever have an internet problem it's because of firefox. Try using Chromium or Opera06:57
dwreckSame issue with Chrome06:58
dwreckI was running Linux as a VM originally and it worked with no issues06:58
miarfhi, what would be a convenient way to force user accounts to automatically logoff/lock after a given time? (not after x period of inactivity)07:07
braden_This may help: http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/technology/981157/07:14
braden_You can make a script and make it run on session startup so that the system logs off after a certain amount of time.07:14
cubdwreck, that sounds very strange. I use both Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu with Firefox, Google Chrome and Chromium and have no problem with Gmail, Facebook or other secure sites. Do you have an extensions or plugins in the browsers that might interfer?07:15
miarfbraden_: thanks a lot07:15
dwrecknone.  This is a fresh Ubuntu install07:21
dwreckI am having the same exact issue with Fedora07:22
elfydwreck: this is Xubuntu support channel - Ubuntu support is in #ubuntu07:27
miarfbrainwash: seems kinda gnome-centric, that07:28
miarftyping sleep 1s doesn't even seem to do anything07:30
miarfeven though man sleep states that's exactly the command to force sleep in 1 second07:31
miarfif only xfce4-session-logout allowed a timer07:34
olbiomfg, under Windows 7 none of available apps can do good bootable USB stick with Xubuntu :/07:42
olbionly usb-creator can do this in perfect way07:42
olbibut it is only available under ubuntu :P07:43
miarfunetbootin works fine07:43
Unit193http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ is pretty darn nice, olbi.07:45
olbiafter installing with linuxlive there is error with grub :/07:46
olbii check unetbootin07:46
olbiin linuxliveusb there isn't xubuntu yet :P07:47
olbithe newest version07:47
miarfyou mean you're able to start the installer, but after installing grub fails?07:50
grub_Hello Everyone, I've installed ubuntu 19 times so far. I'get the error attempt to read of write outside of disk hd0 message and then grub rescue. Ther is no HDD-s connected to my PC just the 16GB pendrive. I put boot loadet once on sda once sda1 once auto install and neither worked. before everything went fine even with HDD-s connected.07:52
miarfolbi: i doubt the problem lies within your live usb creating software07:55
miarfor does it happen on other machines as well?07:55
olbiI have that problems with severals machines, works good only when I created sticj with usb-creator :)07:56
olbisoon I want check Zotac ZBOX :D07:56
grub_I've installed from a DVD to a USB drive. Not a live system as a real one.07:57
olbibut if Edge-HD4 fails that means on others will be same :P07:57
grub_There is no usb live creating software. I burn the official ISO to a DVD. And then I install it to a flash drive as my main HDD.07:59
qwertz__where do i configure proxy servers?08:06
qwertz__i can't seem to find it in network settings08:06
qwertz__is that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/150210/how-do-i-set-systemwide-proxy-servers-in-xubuntu-lubuntu-or-ubuntu-studio the preferred method?08:07
Soul-Singproxy, so no vpn service/servers?08:08
qwertz__Soul-Sing,  yes08:11
qwertz__i feel like trying out privoxy08:11
olbii dont have dvd drive in my computers :P08:12
olbii don't use dvd for install linux for about 3 - 4 years :P08:13
ur0pli am trying to do a refresh with a clean cache like i could do in windows, it is control + f509:50
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elfyur0pl: in firefox? if so ctrl+shift+delete will give you options10:02
xubuntu663Hi, On 13.10 have a problem when laptop lid closed and reopened, arrow lost, and cannot move pointer. Same with Lubuntu.10:06
Sysiur0pl: if shift f5 doesn't work, try shift ctrl r10:08
Ros_XU1310Hi to all10:22
Ros_XU1310anyone can help me10:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:22
Ros_XU1310i've upgrade xubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 but, now, the Volume audio and bluetooth applet doesn't work.. when i click on it doesn't open the little down menus with the controls .. pls can anyone help me?!10:23
elfybug 120820410:24
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820410:24
elfyRos_XU1310: it's all in the release notes - we write them for a reason ;)10:24
Ros_XU1310oh yes.. thanks Elfy, but are workin' for a solution ? Or exist some alternative ? tk a lot10:25
elfyRos_XU1310: there is a workround in the bug report10:26
Ros_XU1310ok Elfy i'm reading and try to solve-it ! Thanks a lot10:32
Ros_XU1310i can't find indicator-sound.service10:53
Ros_XU1310i don't have that file :(10:56
elfyRos_XU1310: not sure why you'd not have the file at all11:36
Ros_XU1310Elfy, i'm going to "/usr/share/dbus-1/services" and don't have the file needed ! .. if I try to open like gedit.... it's totally blank .. and with "ls" i dont have it11:40
elfyRos_XU1310: you can always create it if necessary I guess - really not sure why it's missing though11:43
elfyit wants to look like http://askubuntu.com/questions/360806/volume-indicator-issue-after-xubuntu-13-10-upgrade11:44
elfybut I'd be wondering where it's got to11:44
Ros_XU1310Ehi Elfy i 've created the file and put inside the 'instrucion' find in the url that You give me ... now i try reboot the system and cross my finger .. See You back  here later..thanks a lot ..11:56
SonikkuAmericaGot a problem. Notifications aren't appearing correctly in XFCE on Ubuntu Studio 13.10 (they show up as unformatted white text on a blue line in the upper left instead of the normal XFCE notification scheme). Is this a known bug?12:11
SonikkuAmericaHere's a screenshot of my aforementioned problem: http://imagebin.org/27399112:22
SysiSonikkuAmerica: what theme do you have selected in notification settings?12:24
SonikkuAmericaSysi: I tried them all... all I get is a message saying "(#A) This is what notifications will look like" in the same look... where # is in the set of counting numbers12:26
SonikkuAmericaThis # just keeps incrementing...12:27
SonikkuAmericaSysi: Even though I also have i3 installed, it didn't matter last night when I switched between the 2 window managers - the XFCE notifications stayed the same in the UStudio DE. It only occurred this morning.12:30
Sysimaybe kill (and run again) notification-daemon12:32
SonikkuAmericaSysi: notify-osd right?12:33
SysiI think notify-osd is different daemon, check «12:33
Sysi»ps aux | grep notif«12:34
SonikkuAmericaSysi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6256900/12:35
SonikkuAmericaIt's a little confusing.12:36
Sysihum, none of those is the notification daemon12:36
SonikkuAmericaShould I run [ ps aux | grep notif ] when one of these malnutritious notifications is displaying?12:38
SonikkuAmerica!msg ubottu !ot12:39
ubottuSonikkuAmerica: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:39
SysiI'd try running noti[tabtab] first12:39
SonikkuAmericaSysi: "notify-send" ?12:40
Sysithat's only one appearing if you press tab more than once?12:42
SonikkuAmericaI hit TAB twice, that was it12:42
SonikkuAmericaMaybe for some reason I don't have a notification daemon?12:45
SonikkuAmericaSysi: I've determined that Studio comes with xfce4-notifyd. I'm purging and reinstalling it and giving it a reboot.12:46
SonikkuAmerica_Sysi: No such luck...12:50
SonikkuAmerica_ns ghost SonikkuAmerica john316712:50
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
SonikkuAmericaSysi: Sounds like a report might be in order against xfce4-notifyd ...12:51
brainwashit looks like the notification daemon "dunst" is running, i3 pulled it in13:14
Sysigood call, I've never used i3 so couldn't tell13:15
brainwashoh, Sonikku is gone already13:16
=== Soul-Sing is now known as Guest19057
m3kkIs there a way to install unity for xubuntu 13.10 to test performance vs xfce13:36
baizonm3kk: yes, http://askubuntu.com/questions/111400/can-i-install-unity-aside-with-xfce-and-switch-them-as-i-want13:38
m3kkbaizon, thanks13:38
BosiHello everyone, Xubuntu got really slow after I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10. Applications are running slower, boot got also slower, any suggestion on what should I do? or just re-install the OS?13:42
ochosiBosi: very hard to give you good advice based on this amount of information13:43
ochosiyou could try a clean install if you have the time&resources13:43
ochosibut hard to judge whether it's going to help as long as it's not clear what causes your slowness13:44
m3kkBosi, perhaps restricted graphics driver got disabled after update? check them13:45
Bosiochosi, well, it is not a RAM problem, even the CPU monitor doesn't reflect how slow it is... I really have no clue.13:45
cfhowlettBosi, clean install is my suggestion.   you can save your data in a separate /home and install (probably) without losing your data.13:45
Bosicfhowlett,  yeah, I might do that... kind of frustrating though.  things were running pretty smooth on 13.04.13:46
cfhowlettBosi, clean install is like spring clean.13:47
cfhowlettBosi, also, unless your really NEED the latest ubuntu, consider that you're only getting 6 months support.  LTS gets 5 years support and a new version every 2 years.  just sayin ...13:48
miarfi wish the lts had sane color schemes for the terminal13:48
Bosiyeah, I made the mistake of starting with the 13.04...13:48
GridCubeyou can easily change that13:49
miarfyes, by installing another terminal program13:49
cfhowlettBosi, if you stay with 13.10, next LTS arrives in 6 months; 14.0413:49
GridCubejust change the colors miarf :/13:49
miarfthat's not convenient13:49
GridCubeyou can do what ever you want to the colors13:49
miarfsay I have a break at work and I pop in the livecd into a random machine that happens to be available13:50
GridCubeyou can use an image as background, you can make it transparent, you can put any color scheme you wish13:50
miarfalthough for that purpose there's no need for the LTS anyway13:50
miarfi'm mostly annoyed by the design decision of having a gray background with black text as the only preset13:50
GridCubeo_O its the only preset?13:51
miarfit is, isn't it?13:51
GridCubeyou should have like 10 default presets13:52
miarfinteresting, let's take a look13:52
miarfi may just remember wrong13:52
GridCube!hi | guythatneedhelp13:52
ubottuguythatneedhelp: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:52
qwertz__miarf,  just install the fish shell and be happy about the colors13:52
guythatneedhelpi have installed new xubu 13.10 and i cant add new account13:53
GridCubeguythatneedhelp, how did you tried to do so?13:53
guythatneedhelpfrom graphic level *(user & groups)13:53
miarfqwertz__: there are dozens of such solutions and I can change the colors, but those are solutions to something that shouldn't exist in the first place :P13:54
GridCubemiarf, not really, you are the first person i've ever heard complaining about this13:55
miarf(and you have spoken to every xubuntu user :)13:55
GridCubeas is a fairly easy and super simple to set up anything to your pleasure13:55
GridCubeno, but im here everyday hearing complains and problems13:56
qwertz__yeah, i remember i nice editor for that...13:56
cfhowlettxfce terminal doesn't have color preset other than default, but there are no shortage of add-on shells to color and/or beautify as you will13:56
qwertz__btw, i couldn't resist and started a dist-upgrade to 13.1013:56
miarfit mostly gets tedious when you pop in the livecd multiple times a day, and it's a minor inconvenience13:56
cfhowlettqwertz_, enjoy your 6 months ...13:56
miarfbut still, given that 12.04 has very few other issues for me, this is the one that stands out13:57
qwertz__so far: some error message on upgrading tex-common with an emacs process batch processing some elisp file13:57
GridCubecfhowlett, :/ then why i do have a bunch of presets, i know im on 13.04, but why would i have them and you wont?13:57
cfhowlettGridCube, I'm on 12.04 ...13:57
miarfaren't we talking about the LTS?13:57
cfhowlettGridCube, AND on ubuntustudio so it's possible that the terminal preset were not carried over13:58
cfhowlettmiarf, 13.10 isn't LTS13:58
miarfcfhowlett: indeed13:58
GridCubewell i dont have a 12.04 iso here so i cant test13:58
miarfi'm not talking about 13.1013:58
qwertz__oh, i just realised that 14.04 will be LTS13:58
cfhowlettmiarf, I just checked my ubuntu studio.  no terminal color presets on the xfce terminal13:58
qwertz__let's hope for xfce 4.12 then13:59
miarfyeah i had a vm with 12.04 on it, it's this stuff: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16485163/terminal.JPG13:59
* cfhowlett ... old neckbeard voice: I remember when the only color we NEEDED for terminals was green!13:59
miarfthat's a pretty nonstandard colour scheme that messes up a bunch of terminal programs visually13:59
miarfbut i repeat, it's a minor inconvenience and a pet peeve14:00
GridCubeoh right miarf thats because 12.04 is still on xfce 4.814:02
miarfbut the older versions didn't have that14:03
miarfoh well14:03
m3kkAlright guys, i wanted to try out unity for the sake of comparision and i dont want to install full fledged ubuntu-desktop so i did install just unity, but lightdm does not show Unity as a session. is there any way around this? Install differnt login manager?14:32
DavePearsonafternnon all14:33
DavePearsonhi all, just done a distro upgrade from 13.04 t0 13.10 and the volume control from the top panel is missing.. when i Try to add it back in its not is the list of item available.14:37
miarfupdated a recently installed 13.04 to 13.10 today as well, got all kinds of graphical glitches on the desktop14:38
DavePearsoncan anyone one advise what program launcher i can add to the panel to solve this14:38
GridCubeDavePearson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820414:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]14:39
GridCubesee comment 514:39
GridCubeblame gtk314:40
GridCubeDavePearson, comment 41 has also another solution14:40
DavePearsoncheers mate.. wierd thing.. it never did this in beta test for me.. :-)14:41
GridCubeDavePearson, it has been an issue for too long but the fix hasnt reach the correct place yet14:42
GridCubewe hope that for 14.04 it will be fixed properly14:43
geniiFor a minute I wondered if he was of Pearson Computing, the guy that made the Trinity offshoot of Kubuntu14:58
S-USASysi: Clean reinstall of Ubuntu Studio just to make sure my problem wasn't i3 gett.ing in the way14:58
S-USAPity if i3 screwed up xfce4-notifyd (it isn't even needed in i3)15:00
brainwashsimply remove "dunst" instead of reinstallting...15:01
brainwashi3 recommends dunst as notifaction daemon15:01
brainwashso don't install random stuff :)15:02
S-USAbrainwash: So it must have switched to dunst as its notifier daemon... is that what you're saying?15:03
brainwashright, sort of, both daemon are running, but only one of them receives the dbus messages15:05
S-USAbrainwash: Would I then just dpkg-reconfigure to select the default notifier, or what?15:06
brainwashremove the unneeded one15:07
S-USAbrainwash: Ah.15:08
xubuntu500i want back the blackbirdtheme, is there any way15:15
phoohello, all.  Quick question that's probably dumb, but I'll ask anyway -- I saw the upgrade for xubuntu 13.10 from 13.04 today, but when I click "upgrade now" the popup talks about ubuntu 13.10, rather than xubuntu.  Is that still the upgrade I want to do, or is there some other way to get to the xubuntu upgrade?  I /really/ don't want my desktop to get changed to ubuntu/gnome.15:15
FiremanEdxubuntu500: Check around http://xfce-look.org and see if it's a theme still downloadable.15:19
xubuntu500thank you, I will try it15:20
FiremanEdphoo: Did you originally install Xubuntu or Regular Ubuntu?15:23
FiremanEdYou should not have a problem then  =)15:23
phoothe original popup from update says "there's an upgrade to xubuntu 13.10" but then the "release notes" screen says "Welcome to Ubuntu 13.10 'Saucy Salamander'15:24
phooThe Ubuntu team is proud to announce Ubuntu 13.10 'Saucy Salamander'."15:24
phooOkay, so I should be able to click "upgrade" and it won't mess up the settings I just put in yesterday?  I mean, I haven't even gotten this thing fully set up with all of my old tools and environments, yet.  :)  (So I guess that means I don't have too much to lose...)15:24
FiremanEdIt won't15:25
phoocool.  thanks!15:25
FiremanEdbackup backup backup if in doubt15:26
=== legg1_ is now known as legg1
guanyu_does anyone experience sound and wifi issues after upgrading to 13.10?15:33
MegaQuagganYes. My sound randomly stopped working altogether and I haven't been able to fix it.15:33
guanyu_i was not able to connect wifi, but networks are being detected15:36
xubuntuuserhow can i fix sound indicator problem in xubuntu 13.10?15:38
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.1015:38
ChogyDanxubuntuuser: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu   check known problems15:38
MegaQuagganxubuntuuser: what problems are you having?15:43
phooMegaQuaggan: does this help? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1208204  (I ask in case I need it, too.  About to start the upgrade)15:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]15:49
gdosjust upgraded to 13.10 and have the a similar problem: sound volume control is missing and can't figure out how to get to the mixer. right now only output is going to some dummy device.15:51
phoocomment 41 here --15:53
phooopps: missed a closing quote15:53
phoochad@chad-VirtualBox:~$ cat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service[D-BUS Service]15:53
phooExec=/bin/sh -c 'if [ -n "$(ps -U $USER | grep xfce4-panel)" ]; then /usr/lib/indicator-sound-gtk2/indicator-sound-service;else /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service;fi'15:53
phoogood thing that is the answer and not some random paste buffer.  :-D15:53
MegaQuaggangdos: a temporary workaround is to go to your applications menu and drag the mixer on to your panel to create a quick launcher15:55
GridCubephoo, you will need it, its a unavoidable issue sadly :(16:06
gdosMegaQuaggan: where and what's it called?16:12
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]16:18
GridCubegdos, ^ there are a bunch of workarounds there16:18
GridCubealso you can just create a launcher for pavucontrol16:18
gdosok, i tried 'Exec=/usr/lib/indicator-sound-gtk2/indicator-sound-service' - nothing happened.16:19
jk_Installed 13.10 in a vbox VM yesterday. and attempting to open a shared folder puts thunar into an infinite loop. anyone else seeing this sort of thing?16:20
gdosjust ran 'pavucontrol' - no hardware devices show. only dummy virtual device.16:20
GridCubegdos, see in the last tab if the devices are being configured incorrectly16:22
miarfjk_: i'll give it a try now16:23
jk_miarf, i should mention my vbox is 4.2.18; haven't moved up to 4.3 yet16:25
miarfmine is 4.2.16 it seems16:25
miarfwhat's your host os, for reference?16:25
jk_miarf, host is xubuntu 12.04.3 LTS16:26
miarfwin7 x64 here16:26
jk_miarf, both host and guest here are 32-bit versions; shared folders from WinXP guests work just fine.16:27
miarfi find myself only using 32-bit versions of linux distributios, based on nothing really16:28
miarfmostly because the memory handling is sane and it's supposedly more compatible16:28
Toxicshadowhi all, does anyone use serpeate x screens here?16:41
gdosGridCube: which #?17:11
gdosGridCube: says no cards available for configuration.17:11
gdosso i'm thinking i need to re-install the hardware drivers?17:12
xubuntu477wow dead in here17:13
miarfbased on 1 minute?17:14
xubuntu477based on the amount of people in here 1 minute should be plenty17:14
miarfok, got off on the wrong foot17:14
xubuntu477=D no worries17:15
miarfmost people here probably make use of shells and aren't 24/7 glued to the screen17:15
miarfbut you can ask your question and someone will probably reply without too much delay17:15
xubuntu477new to linux so i have no idea where to start17:15
xubuntu477makin the change from windows. tired of it.17:16
miarfmakes sense17:16
miarfwhat seems to be the biggest problem so far17:16
xubuntu477a lot of people seem to understand linux by having used it for a while and I am just learning and it's difficult to find walkthroughs and guides17:17
miarfmany irc channels, especially at freenode, are full of really snubby people17:18
miarfthe first step to actually enjoying a gnu/linux system and learning to use it to ignore the sarcasm17:18
miarfthe next one is to realize that installing software is usually completely different from the windows world17:19
xubuntu477^^ realized that one17:19
xubuntu477lol i apologize for the mishap a few moments ago. didn't mean to offend if i did17:20
miarfthe distributions' software centers (and later apt (aptitude)) usually become pretty intuitive pretty fast17:20
miarfxubuntu477: you didn't17:20
legg1what on earth17:20
legg1apache2: Syntax error on line 239 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/authz_default.load: No such file or directory17:21
legg1out of the blue17:21
miarfalso a good rule of thumb is that if something doesn't work out-of-the-box, fixing it usually requires making use of the terminal, which can be intimidating, but then again googling usually yields all the right commands17:21
miarflegg1: vanilla apache2 installation on 13.10, or a migrated server?17:21
xubuntu477yeah got a little experience but not much in CentOS... <-headache17:22
legg1vanilla, only with rewrite enabled17:22
legg1it's worked all day, just suddenly died17:22
legg1SIGTERM first17:22
miarfdoesn't that sound like ye olde bug17:23
legg1the file is there, but it's red17:23
legg1no such file or directory, except it's there :P17:23
miarfand it's not a problem with access rights?17:23
legg1nop, it just stopped17:24
legg1unless my 13.04->13.10 just steamrolled through apache17:24
legg1doing dist upgrade17:25
miarfsounds like a pain to fix17:26
xubuntu477this is gonna take some getting used to17:26
miarfxubuntu477: try to get the hang of the file system, ie. /17:27
miarfthat combined with the software center will probably get you pretty far17:27
legg1reboot as it's done. let us hope!17:27
xubuntu477Trying to figure out how to go about getting cod4 1.6 servers to work. some say wine, some say playonlinux.17:28
miarfah, you're starting in the deep end17:28
miarfseeing as how cod4 doesn't have a linux server, you might find yourself having to install a bunch of required stuff17:29
xubuntu477i have retail files from a windows install backed up along with configs for them. converting the hold thing over is the pain17:29
legg1the new loginscreen in 13.10 looks smooth17:29
miarfwine's winetricks might do it for you, if you're lucky17:29
miarfalso if you're running a server, you'll want to enable the firewall (as best practice)17:30
miarfsudo ufw enable17:30
miarfsudo ufw allow <cod port number(s)>17:30
xubuntu477ive seen cod4-server-1.6.zip binaries and such but everytime i open it i get "Unexpected end of archive" like its corrupted17:30
xubuntu477does xubuntu use iptables?17:31
miarfyeah, ufw is a frontend for iptables17:31
legg1oyeah, now my webserver works again17:31
miarfufw makes it a whole lot less of a pain imo17:31
xubuntu477I know that cod4 servers suffer from dos floods17:31
miarfbut the error you're getting really does sound like a corrupt archive17:31
xubuntu477and limiting GetStatus packets to so many lowers attack effectiveness by dropping the connection if the flood starts.17:32
miarfsounds reasonable, once your server is up and running17:32
xubuntu477exactly. currently I have CentOS installed on the server and im stumped with that... too many things in it I wont ever use17:33
xubuntu477Trying to look at something a little more simplistic17:33
xubuntu477basic... cod4 servers and iptables is pretty much all i need and the know how17:34
miarfxubuntu477: for now you can just turn iptables off17:35
miarfthere isn't going to be anything malicious listening to anything on a fresh install17:35
legg1xubuntu477, are you planning on running the cod server via wine? :o17:36
xubuntu477I have no idea guys. thats what im trying to figure out. new to linux17:36
legg1here's the cod 1.6 linux server17:36
ur0plcontrol + f5 doesn't work in my browser because it is binded to go to workspace 517:37
xubuntu477thats the link to the archive that keeps saying "unexpected end of archive" when i try to open it17:37
ur0plis there a way to fix that17:37
xubuntu477opening in windows so i dont know if that could be the problem. trying to do research before i migrate with the flock17:38
legg1ur0pl, you might be able to bind a new key for the full refresh/cache clearing with https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/shortcut-manager/mgjjeipcdnnjhgodgjpfkffcejoljijf17:38
legg1downloading the codlinux-server-1.6.zip now to see if it gets corrupted here as well, xubuntu47717:39
xubuntu477I am trying to open it in windows 7, not sure if thats related.17:40
m3kki get crashes from /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk when trying to view propierty drivers?17:40
legg1zip is zip17:40
legg1shouldnt matter17:40
xubuntu477thats what i figured too17:41
dougbbhowdy ... just did the 13.10 upgrade, and my volume knob disappeared from my panel17:41
legg1hehe mine's just 3 dashes in a row :P17:42
m3kkdougbb, happened exactly the same.. it crashes when i try to do something about it17:42
vrkalakmaybe, you don't it17:42
Poisoned_Dragonlegg1, sound indicator?17:42
dougbbany suggestions on how to get it back?  Sound is working, just no volume control17:42
m3kklegg1, same here, its greyed out with three dashes17:43
legg1probably be a update soon17:43
Poisoned_Dragonlegg1, m3kk, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820417:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]17:43
vrkalakmy 13.10 xfce works fine17:43
Poisoned_DragonFollow comment 517:43
m3kkvrkalak, xubuntu or xfce+ubuntu ?17:43
m3kkPoisoned_Dragon, thanks17:43
legg1im in xfce (xubuntu) where this happens17:43
m3kkoh ok17:44
m3kkIm on UNITY right now lol.. just installed "sudo apt-get install unity" so much things are missing..raelly bareboned17:44
Poisoned_DragonAfter you make the change, logout and log back in17:44
legg1sweet, worked nicely Poisoned_Dragon17:44
m3kkshiet, talking in wrong channel again sorry17:44
Poisoned_DragonOr not, legg1. lol ymmv17:44
qwertz__good morning. my laptop running 13.10 goes to sleep when i close the lid although i configured otherwise. this was different (as configured) in 13.04. what can i do about that?17:45
xubuntu477hey legg1 dL finish?17:47
legg1oh yeh17:47
legg1nop, zipfile is porked17:47
xubuntu477not cool17:48
legg1bunzip, tar, zip, nothing works17:48
legg1not rar either17:48
xubuntu477Thats why i started looking at wine or playonlinux<= not sure if that one will even work lol17:49
xubuntu477i know wine has had some success.17:49
legg1ok fixed it17:49
legg1do "zip -FF cod* --out codfixed.zip"17:49
legg1then it works17:49
xubuntu477huh? lol17:49
xubuntu477<-noob here17:49
legg1ye, fix broken archive17:49
xubuntu477running windows still.17:50
legg1just download it to linux, do "zip -FF cod* --out codfixed.zip"17:50
xubuntu477trying to learn before i migrate.17:50
Poisoned_Dragonplayonlinux relys on wine. It's not independent of it.17:50
legg1then unzip codfixed.zip17:50
qwertz__also, the sleep button makes 13.10 go to sleep although i configured "Ask" as an action17:50
Poisoned_Dragonplayonlinux just helps with configuration17:50
xubuntu477oh... didnt know dragon17:50
legg1POL is pretty much Cedega/Crossover, just free :P17:50
xubuntu477ohhh. i see17:50
xubuntu477gonna take me a while to get used to  -FF --out blah blah blah17:51
xubuntu477im used to the good old "cuhlick" done17:51
xubuntu477so legg117:52
xubuntu477where the heck to i put that in at? terminal i know. but have to be in root? any -aptget stuff?17:53
xubuntu477like i said linux/buntu nub17:53
legg1nah just download the codfile, then go "cd ~/Downloads" (if you use english)17:54
legg1mkdir codlinux17:54
legg1zip -FF....17:54
legg1unzip codfixed.zip codlinux/17:54
xubuntu477you're gonna make me cry...17:54
gdosso i have NO SOUND after upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10 - suggestions?17:54
gdosit appears the hardware drivers are NOT loading.17:55
legg1check the settings manager > software sources > additional drivers17:55
legg1then click on your audio driver, apply/activate or something, then it should be fine17:55
legg1wut nvidia 319 works after 13.10 upgrade17:56
Poisoned_Dragongdos, no sound at all?17:58
xubuntu477gonna go have a smoke. brb. ya'll and your codes and your cheats and your.... --a -ff -0 blah blah17:58
gdosPoinsoned_Dragon: nope. none at all.17:58
legg1wat, several tray icons takes a turn for the worse, if i change settings17:59
legg1if i add radiostations to radiotray, it goes into the same mode as the volum indicator was17:59
GridCubelegg1, yes, the indicators are gtk318:00
legg1ah, so it's all gtk3 being a little haywire?18:00
GridCubexfce4 panel doesnt support gtk3 indicators18:00
GridCubethere are workarounds18:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]18:00
legg1That one is sorted18:00
Poisoned_DragonMy radio tray works fine18:01
Poisoned_DragonAnd I'm on Ubuntu Studio18:01
Poisoned_DragonWhich uses xfce18:01
brainwashbug 123899718:03
ubottubug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123899718:03
GridCubethats the one i was looking for18:03
brainwashbecause everyone only complains about the non working sound indicator :)18:03
gdosany reason why my audio hardware drivers are not loading?18:03
gdosbrainwash: its because don't expect things like that not to work after the upgrade. :)18:04
GridCubegdos, are you sure its not muted?18:04
GridCubein alsamixer?18:04
gdosGridCube: yep. pauvcontrol only shows virtual (dummy) devices; no hardware device is shown.18:05
GridCubedo the sound card shows on lspci18:05
gdosGridCube: yep. shows on lscpi: 00:10.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)18:05
gdosGridCube: and shows on alsamixer. but still no sound (volume is turned all the way up on alsamixer)18:07
xubuntu477ok legg1 anyway i can get a direct link to that... dont have linux just yet18:08
GridCubegdos, try going to a guest user and see if you still have this issue18:08
legg1link to what ?18:08
gdosGridCube OK BRB18:08
GridCubealso see that your user ispart of the audio group18:08
gdosGridCube: user is.18:08
xubuntu477that zip... :'( pweez?18:09
legg1the fixed zip is still 80mb ish, so i cant upload it18:09
legg1got terrible connection18:09
xubuntu477oh... how would i fix it? using windows environment?18:10
Poisoned_Dragonyou mean download it?18:10
xubuntu477na the zip is corrupt or something18:10
xubuntu477says unexpected end of archive18:11
xubuntu477not sure if the contents are jacked too18:11
miarfit's corrupt alright18:11
metallifancahi everyone :)18:12
xubuntu477think i got it... using winrar... hit repair archive and it gave me a rebuilt.blah blah.zip18:14
qwertz__13.10 also breaks python-nose. running nosetests gives me a weird "raise DistributionNotFound" where something asks for old school nose 1.1.218:15
xubuntu477opened it and no more error. not sure if they are still in tact18:15
KeyboardNotFoundHow to change xubuntu 13.10 user login picture ?18:16
KeyboardNotFoundI mean on the picture left od username18:16
GridCubeKeyboardNotFound, http://www.smdavis.us/2013/07/27/mugshot-quick-and-easy-user-config/18:16
GridCube:) will be default on 14.0418:16
SonikkuAmericaKeyboardNotFound: Applications > System > Users and Groups (unless it's in the Settings Manager)18:17
xubuntu477legg1 after repairing it i now have an images folder in archive... ???18:17
legg1huh ?18:17
xubuntu477yeah... i dont get it18:17
xubuntu477hit repair with winrar... opens now with no error but now i have an images folder... looks like it contains relevant game files18:18
GridCubeSonikkuAmerica, see the same link i posted18:18
KeyboardNotFoundSonikkuAmerica, I'm in user and groups settings, but I don't see picture edit :/18:18
GridCubeKeyboardNotFound, see the link please18:18
SonikkuAmericaGridCube: Preposterous - yeah, KeyboardNotFound , the link.18:18
SonikkuAmericaWhy must they do that to us? O_o18:18
GridCubewho knows18:19
GridCube:) 14.04 will have mugshot by default18:19
* SonikkuAmerica is starting to think 13.10 will become another Oneiric18:20
Poisoned_DragonHow so?18:24
qwertz__is there any way to ask apt-get or synaptic about which package a given file belongs to?18:27
dougbbso FWIW, none of the workarounds on the volume control bug worked for me, however installing Volti did the trick18:28
brainwashqwertz__: dpkg -S <file>18:28
dougbbhopefully they will get that fixed in a future update, it's rather disappointing that the issue was known in the early phases of development, but not fixed for release :-/18:28
dougbbit's in the software center18:30
qwertz__brainwash,  thanks, that helped18:30
KeyboardNotFoundCan I change user picture without mugshot ?18:30
dougbbI did a search for volume :)18:30
Poisoned_Dragonyup, KeyboardNotFound18:30
KeyboardNotFoundPoisoned_Dragon, how ?18:31
Poisoned_DragonKeyboardNotFound, I just put a picture in my home folder and call it ".face"18:31
Poisoned_Dragonmake sure it's square18:31
KeyboardNotFoundPoisoned_Dragon, thanks for help :P18:31
qwertz__brainwash,  thanks again. problem solved.18:32
brainwashqwertz__: great :)18:33
qwertz__for completeness: python-nose was broken because i apparently had some old nosetests script that i have installed from sources. rm'd it so that python-nose's one would be run instead.18:34
miarfdid the python keep its nose white18:35
KeyboardNotFoundCan I participate for xubuntu ?18:36
GridCubeKeyboardNotFound, yes, just make an image named .face thats 96x96 and place it in your homw18:37
GridCubethat should change your image profile18:37
GridCubeKeyboardNotFound, http://xubuntu.org/contribute/18:37
KeyboardNotFoundGridCube, thanks for help :P I changed my profile picture :)18:37
SonikkuAmericalol @ extension .face18:40
GridCubeP: theres no extension18:41
legg1not an extension. just hidden profile pic18:41
legg1starting with a dot, makes it automatically hidden18:41
* GridCube meant that, and knew SonikkuAmerica also knows that P:18:42
xubuntu477ok... i think i have blood coming out of my ears... my brain is bleeding18:46
SonikkuAmericaxubuntu477: That doesn't sound like an Xubuntu issue at all! :P18:47
xubuntu477shoulda started with linux at a younger age lol18:47
xubuntu477would anyone know if this is a proper guide to starting cod4 servers? http://modernsquadpt.forumeiros.com/t30-guide-starting-cod4-linux-dedicated-server18:49
xubuntu477whether it will work in xubuntu18:50
miarfwell it seems to be from 200818:50
dougbbthis may be more of an #ubuntu question, but it appears that the ia32-libs package has gone away in 13.10, however I need it .... is there a substitute?18:51
Poisoned_Dragondougbb, It's possible that it's not one package anymore. They probably just have i386 counterparts to the x86_64 libs in the repos18:52
Poisoned_DragonThey probably just get installed as needed now18:52
xubuntu477miarf: you have a good idea as to what I am trying to accomplish, any advice?18:52
miarfnot really, seeing as how I have no experience with cod servers, sorry18:52
dougbbPoisoned_Dragon: this page seems to explain it, but I don't see the multiarch package in synaptic: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+package/ia32-libs-multiarch18:53
miarfi mean optimally you'd just install wine and start up the windows server, but it seems to be more complicated than that18:53
xubuntu477I can manage configs and such. just getting them... "working" persay18:53
xubuntu638I can´t update xubuntu 7 to 12. I need help18:54
dougbbxubuntu638: you'd be MUCH better off backing up your data and doing a clean install18:54
dougbbPoisoned_Dragon: any idea what I need to do to get that package to show up?18:55
Poisoned_DragonThere is no package now, dougbb. It was transitioned out.18:55
Poisoned_Dragonall i386 libs have i386 in their name.18:55
Poisoned_DragonSo, the individual libs get pulled as needed18:56
legg1wut,x ubuntu 7 to 1218:56
legg1that's a massive upgrade18:56
miarfand it's nuts18:57
dougbbPoisoned_Dragon: maybe i'm misreading that page, but it seems to say that there should be a ia32-libs-multiarch package18:57
miarfdo what dougbb said and do perform a clean install18:57
Poisoned_Dragondougbb, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/i386/ia32-libs-multiarch/20090808ubuntu3618:57
dougbbmy problem is that I'm using 3rd party stuff that needs 32 bit libs18:57
Poisoned_DragonIf the 3rd party stuff is in a deb package, that package should be able to pull the i386 libs that it needs. If it doesn't, it might not be something you want to try and install.18:58
Poisoned_Dragonwith that said, look at that multiarch package. It might be like a meta package to get all da i386 libs.18:59
dougbbPoisoned_Dragon: it's something I need, and it was working fine with 13.04  :)18:59
Poisoned_DragonWell, I use skype and it still works after the update. It uses i386 libs.19:01
GridCubexubuntu638, you should really, really, backup and do a clean install19:02
GridCubeit would be the sanest thing19:02
dougbbthanks for the help19:02
xubuntu477ok after a lot of searching I cant find a guide for getting cod4 servers to run using xubuntu. Any other guides that anyone knows would be pretty much the same?19:05
miarfis a win server out of the question?19:06
xubuntu477using windows you mean? or wine?19:06
legg1there you go19:08
CopyDoes anybody know on the world which folders contains the look except themes and icons? because i copied over but doesn't look the same19:10
xubuntu477cant do windows cuz of udp floods, see here http://blog.connexeon.com/topics/sysadmin/networking/19:10
miarfwindows firewall allows proper rules19:11
xubuntu477I looked and looked. couldnt find any.19:12
miarfyou can find "windows firewall with advanced security" in the start menu search at least, iirc19:14
xubuntu477see unfortunately i could just block the ip but they constantly change at one point it was being hit by 5 different udp floods at the same time19:14
xubuntu477no i can find it. it just doesnt have the rule i need19:14
drohi everybody19:15
miarfif you're getting udp floods from random ips, i don't see how you'd avoid that with a different firewall19:15
drofirst time here :)19:15
miarfallowing only certain ports for incoming traffic will not work19:15
miarfand udp is stateless anyway19:15
droI'm here because I just have installed the last release of xubuntu (13.10)19:15
xubuntu477i was looking at # Outbound UDP Flood protection in a user defined chain. iptables -N udp-flood iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -j udp-flood iptables -A udp-flood -p udp -m limit --limit 50/s --limit-burst 100 -j RETURN iptables -A udp-flood -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix 'UDP-flood attempt: ' iptables -A udp-flood -j DROP19:16
droand the volume button in the taskbar is showing "---"19:16
Poisoned_Dragondro, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820419:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]19:16
miarfok, so you're looking at flood protection, where the firewall will block ports actively based on traffic19:16
Poisoned_DragonRead Comment #5, dro.19:16
xubuntu477I seen another one that drops after so many GetStatus packets from one ip19:16
miarfthat does make sense i suppose19:17
droPoisoned_Dragon,  thanks a lot, I read that19:17
xubuntu477so now here i am stuck trying to learn this stuff... headaches19:17
droPoisoned_Dragon,  just changed the line, i'm probably stupid, but do I have to reboot to see the changes ?19:18
xubuntu477i can figure out how to use iptables... terminal i can figure out. but I don't know how to get cod4 servers to run on linux lol19:18
Poisoned_Dragondro, log out and log back in19:18
drookay, I keep you in touch :)19:19
miarfxubuntu477: you might want to check whether your router, if any, has flood protection19:19
xubuntu477i have the linux server files but have no idea what to do with them. im looking at the guide legg1 gave me19:19
xubuntu477zywall usg 50... it does but with monthly fees and they can blow me... box didnt say anything about fees19:20
xubuntu477i mean yearly fees19:20
droPoisoned_Dragon,  it works perfectly!19:20
xubuntu477using app patrol19:20
droPoisoned_Dragon,  you're the man19:20
xubuntu477idp or adp19:20
xubuntu477not sure19:20
xubuntu477one way or another. i have it set up and it doesnt block it.19:20
Poisoned_Dragonlol, not really, dro. I had to google for that fix, myself.19:21
droPoisoned_Dragon,  can we say that this problem is because the release is really young ? (i'm new in Lunix)19:21
droLinux :p19:21
Poisoned_DragonI dunno why it is a problem. :(19:21
droPoisoned_Dragon, you had the same problem ?19:21
miarfxubuntu477: you might not be able to block a ddos without a local firewall in the first place, though19:21
Poisoned_DragonThey might be transitioning with some things and forgot to set it themselves before release.19:22
miarfxubuntu477: *with19:22
Poisoned_DragonWouldn't be surprised if there is a 13.10.1 soon.19:22
xubuntu477i will drop the connection to the specific ip that is on the udp packet header so they arent spammed19:22
Poisoned_Dragonyes, dro19:22
droyeah let's say this then...19:22
xubuntu477therefore stopping the flood before it gets obnoxious19:22
droPoisoned_Dragon, but anyway, thanks for the quick answer, really a pleasure. Just in case, do you have an ATI GC ?19:23
xubuntu477basically i am looking at setting iptables to temporarily "ban" ips based on getStatus floods19:23
miarfxubuntu477: you're not really dropping an active connection because it's udp, you're blocking certain incoming ports and i really dunno how well that's combatable with iptables19:23
Poisoned_DragonATI GC?19:23
Poisoned_DragonGraphics card19:23
droyup sorry19:23
drojust in case, I didn't install mine yet, but I'm thinking about that19:24
miarfbut i'm certainly curious whether it works19:24
Poisoned_DragonI have a mobo in another pc that has an integrated ATI HD3k chip19:24
miarflet's hope it does19:24
xubuntu477cant iptables be set to drop certain packets based on keywords?19:24
droah yeah ok19:24
Poisoned_DragonI don't use the ATI drivers for it19:24
xubuntu477like GetStatus or GetInfo19:24
Poisoned_DragonIf your card is HD5k or newer, the drivers should be fine.19:24
drookay, then I'll try, I have nothing better to tdo tonight19:24
miarfxubuntu477: as far as I know it is19:25
miarfi'm really surprised that windows firewall doesn't take care of that kind of flood19:25
droPoisoned_Dragon, I just install my CG because of the fan noise. Too lound without proprietary drivers19:25
xubuntu477thats whats happening. When i look at the packet capture from the usg 50 its showing a flood of GetStatus packets and I know there is a rule to drop or "tempban" them based on how many packets per second19:26
Poisoned_Dragonah, gotcha, dro19:26
drothen let's go, then if everything is fine, i'll come here back to say it, with model name and more19:26
nantouis 13.10 out?19:26
droPoisoned_Dragon,  a good day/night to you, thanks for your time, and bye everybody19:27
miarfxubuntu477: i'm kinda getting the impression that should be blocked by the server software19:27
xubuntu477you mean the cod server?19:27
Poisoned_Dragong'night dro19:27
Poisoned_Dragonno problem19:28
xubuntu477even with the sv_floodprotect "1" it doesnt19:28
miarfi mean if you have an open/forwarded tcp/udp port for the server software, it's just open19:28
miarfand incoming traffic will come from random ports constantly19:28
miarfthat really sounds like a vulnerability in the server software19:29
xubuntu477right but based on the server port itself19:29
miarfit should incorporate flood protection based on the packets19:29
xubuntu477it definitely is... and the only fix i was able to find was iptables because of the rules that can be implimented19:29
miarfok, sounds like the iptables rule is more like a duct tape fix for the server software's inadequacy :)19:30
miarfbut yeah, i hope you get it working19:30
miarfgetting windows servers to run on linux isn't that straightforward usually, in my experience19:30
xubuntu477you are right though. not straight forward19:32
xubuntu285hellou there! :D20:10
MenandroHi! I updated Xubuntu from 13.04 to 13.10 and now the Xfce Session don't open... :(20:14
ObrienDaveDoes Xubuntu session open?20:16
MenandroNo, it stop loading after insert login and password on a screen with only background20:17
MenandroDon't show nothing more, only background.20:17
Unit193You could try to switch to a tty and check out .cache/upstart/startxfce4.log20:17
MenandroDon't exist startxfce4.log in this directory20:21
Unit193Menandro: If you create a new user, does that one log in?20:22
MenandroNew users don't log in too20:25
MenandroI started lightdm from tty20:25
Menandroand the log stops at "Activating VT 7"20:25
MenandroopenConnection: connect: No such file or directory20:28
Menandrocannot connect to brltty at :020:28
Menandrothis is .xsession-errors20:29
yeyemanvolume is muted after the upgrade and i cant changeit20:52
Peyamwhy not20:54
yeyemani cant change the volume because when I click on the volume setting icon in the bar, the slider is not appearing20:57
legg1<Poisoned_Dragon> dro, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820420:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]20:58
yeyemanis there any other way to bring back the sound except for the bar button?20:59
xubuntu473hi everyone21:01
xubuntu473want ask some question about xubuntu21:02
xubuntu473does anyone can help?21:02
kgbhey pplz, does anyone use a cookie manager for Firefox - something other than the built-in interface.. some localhost proxy, perhaps; something with some kind of GUI, or even, possibly, prompts?21:08
* kgb rly needs to put an end to tracking =)21:09
xubuntu458How to run Shellscript for user input before login XFCE?21:10
kgboh and the Indicator Plugin in Saucy 13.10 - you know, where the volume isn't shown!.. does anyone have that bug-report handy please, I'd like 2 take a look @ it21:10
kgbxubuntu458: add it to Settings Manager -> Session and Startup?..21:12
kgb*Application Autostart tab21:12
xubuntu458thank you for reply21:13
kgbnp, hope it helps :)21:13
kgbnot sure if it's the best method.. but, just make sure that the script file is marked as executable21:13
xubuntu458I put it under /usr/sbin/userinput21:14
xubuntu458and give it +x21:14
kgbnot 100% sure, but it may be better in /opt/ and then ln -s symbolic link-ed in /usr/local/bin/ (or just directly in the local folder)21:16
xubuntu458just move to /opt and rebooting now.21:17
kgbxubuntu458: you'll need the symbolic bc of PATH21:17
kgbI don't think /opt/ is in the list by default21:17
xubuntu458I added a symbolic link there.21:18
xubuntu458It doesn't showed up.21:18
kgbcool!..:) you can try 2 run it and see, alt+f221:18
xubuntu458Now it ask me password for my account.21:18
kgbwhat does?21:19
xubuntu458it did not run my scrip21:19
xubuntu458my scrip is:21:20
kgbare u sure, maybe open up a terminal and run it in there, to see21:20
xubuntu458echo -n "Please input your ID:"21:21
xubuntu458read ID21:21
xubuntu458echo $ID21:21
bekksxubuntu458: You have to start a terminal and run your script then.21:21
kgbbtw., you can use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ or pastebin.com for multi-line21:21
xubuntu458I want this before login window21:22
xubuntu458may be can add something in the lightdm?21:22
knomexubuntu458, i don't think that's doable without some less minor code refactoring21:22
bekksknome: Why not?21:23
xubuntu458Just a simple shell before xfce start?21:23
bekksxubuntu458: No. Start a terminal inside XFCE and run your script.21:24
xubuntu458try add to /etc/init/lightdm.conf early, did not work.21:24
xubuntu458the shell works fine21:24
bekksxubuntu458: Whats the big picture at the end?21:24
xubuntu458not sure where to find the "big picture"?21:25
knomebekks, i didn't say it's impossible, i said it would need code refactoring21:25
SchrodingersScatxubuntu458: what are you actually trying to do21:25
knomexubuntu458, ^ that exactly would've been my next question21:25
knomecan't the user name be the ID?21:26
bekks"id" outputs the userid ;)21:26
xubuntu458My plan to ask user/pass then use it to download a file from another server.21:26
knomeif not, and you need a specific set of ID's that are non-usernames, why not link the ID's with the usernames in another way21:26
knomexubuntu458, to download a file that does what?21:26
xubuntu458some custom code21:27
xubuntu458could be anything21:27
SchrodingersScatwould be neat to have it rsync your /home/ as you log in :321:27
knomexubuntu458, and you would like to run that code before the user logged in... huh?21:27
knomexubuntu458, can you give us a rea-life example?21:27
xubuntu458I will create a ssh server require username/password to download file for user.21:28
ultim8yo. does anyone knows if xubuntu will recognize my galaxy s4?21:28
knomeultim8, i doubt so.21:29
xubuntu458ultim8, I am using galaxy s3, it works.21:29
knomein that case, probably.21:29
ultim8xubuntu458, something special i need to do?21:29
ultim8some software?21:30
KeyboardNotFoundAfter upgrading my xubuntu, my apache don't parse the php files, any solution ?21:30
xubuntu458ultim8 noting special, just pulg in with micro-usb21:30
knomeKeyboardNotFound, do you have php installed and its module enabled in apache? apache shouldn't parse the anyway...21:30
ultim8some software?21:30
KeyboardNotFoundknome, yes i have21:30
SchrodingersScatKeyboardNotFound: have you restarted apache?21:30
KeyboardNotFoundSchrodingersScat, yes21:31
xubuntu458continue my example: the shell scrip will crul by username/password to download a scrip, do further changes to the xubuntu.21:32
xubuntu458could be some document or so.21:32
knomexubuntu458, why wouldn't you do that *after* the user has logged in?21:32
xubuntu458I will do this in LiveCD21:33
knomefor me, that makes much more sense than start to poke pre-login scripts with root access.21:33
xubuntu560Q: I upgraded to xubuntu 13.10 and my uname -a shows 3.8.0-31-generic? is this because of nvidia drivers?21:33
xubuntu458I want run my scrip/file by root before user login.21:33
Poisoned_DragonNo, that's normal, xubuntu56021:35
Poisoned_DragonIt would be the generic kernel regardless of the video drivers.21:35
xubuntu560ok, so xubuntu is not at 3.11 yet?21:36
Unit193xubuntu560: Do you have  linux-generic  installed?21:36
Poisoned_DragonI guess not. I'm using Ubuntu Studio. So, the Kernel is 3.821:36
Poisoned_DragonThat's because it's low-latency.21:36
Unit193Poisoned_Dragon: It's 3.11 in saucy.21:36
Unit193!info linux-image-lowlatency21:36
ubottulinux-image-lowlatency (source: linux-meta-lowlatency): lowlatency Linux kernel image. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)21:36
Poisoned_DragonHuh, I wonder why the kernel isn't updated.21:37
Poisoned_DragonSystem:    Host ROL-PD-LINUX Kernel 3.8.0-26-lowlatency x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop Xfce 4.10.2 Distro Ubuntu 13.1021:37
xubuntu458any other thought?21:37
Poisoned_DragonOh.... it's optional.21:37
bekksxubuntu458: What is that script going to do?21:38
Unit193Poisoned_Dragon: apt-cache policy linux-image-lowlatency21:38
BosiHello guys, I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, and since then I can't watch youtube videos anymore. Tried other websites and the videos run smoothly, but on youtube the image gets stuck. Do you think there is any relationship with the upgrade thing?21:38
Poisoned_DragonAh, that's not installed, Unit193.21:38
Unit193Poisoned_Dragon: There's your problem. :)21:39
Poisoned_DragonWas is suppose to be by default, in Ubuntu Studio?21:39
Poisoned_DragonI upgraded from 13.0421:39
Poisoned_DragonSo, it was stock.21:39
Unit193Poisoned_Dragon: linux-lowlatency pulls in both the header and image metas.21:39
xubuntu560Unit193; i dont have linux-generic pkg installed21:39
xubuntu458not sure yet, maybe download and install some new pacakge like chrome21:40
Poisoned_DragonHuh... I wonder why that wasn't done for me in the upgrade to 13.1021:40
xubuntu560when i  run apt-get install linux-generic it wants to install some packages for kernel 3.11.0-12, so this will bring me to the new kernel?21:42
xubuntu458thank you every one, special knome. I will keep finding.21:42
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
xubuntu560ok thanks, but are there any downsides of installing linux-generic? im not quite sure what it does exacly.21:49
pepperI have a problem with WINE if someone is available to help?21:51
knome!someone | pepper21:52
ubottupepper: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:52
Unit193xubuntu560: It's something that should be installed, but isn't.21:53
pepperI have a problem with WINE if anyone is available to help?21:53
xubuntu560Unit193: so it probably comes preinstalled in saucy then?21:54
xubuntu560ok at least it grabbed the new kernel thanks :)21:59
onla_if I remove a partition with linux lets say xubuntu, will the grub be removed too ? where does it reside22:19
onla_mbr just has the redirect to the grub, and grub itself is in linux partition ?22:20
bekksonla_: No, grub resides in the MBR.22:20
onla_so even if linux partitions are formatted the grub stays.. it just can't boot the old linux entry22:21
onla_just the other entries eg windows 722:21
bekksonla_: When removing the linux partition, you cannot boot it, too...22:22
onla_but can boot windows with grub even after that22:22
ObrienDavegrub can boot to windows, I do it all of the time22:23
onla_even after removing linux partition that was created while the grub was created22:23
ObrienDaveyou would have to fix MBR. I cant remember where I got the fix. have had to do that myself22:24
onla_really ? but if grub is in mbr or in own partition separate from that linux partition22:25
onla_then why wouldn't it work if I pick up the windows entry, if nothing was done to that22:25
ObrienDaveas long as grub still has the pointer to the win partition, it would still boot from grub22:26
onla_yea, so no fix is needed to the grub if the windows entry works well22:26
ObrienDaveyes, but that's like using half of a dual boot setup. up to you22:27
onla_yeh, ok thanks22:30
Poisoned_Dragonyay, new kernel works.22:46
ultim8Hi. i got 3.2.0-54-generic-pae. using xubuntu 12.04 - is this the best kernel for me?23:06
Poisoned_DragonIt is for 12.0423:07
ultim8ty :D23:07
ultim8xubuntu rocks :D23:07
ultim8although i made it in kinda win look :D23:07
Poisoned_DragonUnless you're savvy, you really don't want to update kernel, on an LTS beyond the first to places in the version number.23:08
Poisoned_DragonSo, 3.2 is where you live.23:08
Sysiwell, there are backported newer kernels, but if it isn't broken, don't fix it23:08
Poisoned_DragonI gave mine a kinda mac look. But it's like Mac OS on drugs.23:08
Poisoned_DragonI can lock my screen and shutdown from my dock.23:09
yeyemansome idea on how to get back sound would be great23:09
Poisoned_Dragonyeyeman, please explain.23:09
Poisoned_DragonYou have no audio at all?23:09
yeyemanafter the upgrade to 13.10 I don't have sound23:09
yeyemanand the overall stability seems questionable23:10
Poisoned_Dragonyeyeman, in terminal, type: lspci | grep Audio23:11
yeyemanI just had to restart several times before it loaded correctly23:11
Poisoned_Dragonshow me the output.23:11
Poisoned_DragonI wonder why it's so flakey for you.23:11
yeyeman00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)23:12
yeyeman01:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Cayman/Antilles HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 6900 Series]23:12
yeyemanI got the.. dreaded black screen of death :P23:12
legg1laptop ?23:12
Poisoned_Dragondid you check your settings in pavucontrol?23:12
Poisoned_Dragontype pavucontrol in terminal23:13
Poisoned_Dragonbrb, gotta reset the router.23:13
xubuntu450Hola hya alguien español tengo una duda sobre la instalacion de xubuntu 13.10, sale la pantalla pero al ir instalando se queda la pantalla en negro parpadeando y de ahi no pasa es un portatil viejo un fijutsu siemens.23:16
xubuntu450Alguna ayudita de que debo hacer o proceder Gracias.23:17
knome!es | xubuntu45023:18
ubottuxubuntu450: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:18
xubuntu450Muchas gracias !!23:19
xubuntu450thank you for help !!23:20
yeyemanok I got the sound working using pavucontrol23:21
yeyemanthank you poisoned_dragon23:21
Poisoned_Dragonno prob. :)23:21
Poisoned_DragonLemme guess, it had the HDMI selected?23:22
yeyemanyes that's right23:22
Poisoned_Dragonyeyeman, does your sound indicator work?23:22
Poisoned_Dragonone sec23:22
Poisoned_Dragonyeyeman, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820423:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]23:23
Poisoned_DragonFollow comment #5, yeyeman.23:23
Poisoned_DragonSadly, if your icon was working, you would have already been in pavucontrol fixing your sound. :)23:23
Poisoned_DragonWhen you make the change, logout and log back in.23:24
xubuntu735Anybody else having probs with power management? Ever since I upgraded, no matter what I set it does not change the behavior23:24
Poisoned_DragonI haven't tried, to be honest.23:24
ultim8Is there any good site where i can learn about xubuntu? or probably ubuntu for beginners? I'm new to Linux and want to learn it/23:24
Poisoned_Dragonultim8, http://docs.xubuntu.org/23:26
ultim8Poisoned_Dragon, ty.23:26
xubuntu735sure would be nice if I could figure out if there's a config file or something I can manually alter whatever acpi events to fix it. anybody got a suggestion on that?23:29
Poisoned_DragonSadly, I'm pretty fuzzy on the power management end of things.23:30
bekksxubuntu735: There is mo such file. You would have to compile your own kernel and include a custom DSDT table to fix your ACPI events. The custom DSDT table has to be extracted from your system, altered, and then compiled into your own custom kernel.23:30
xubuntu735Bummer. Ah well, maybe a patch will come out sometime. Thanks all :)23:32
bekksxubuntu735: There will never be a patch for the broken DSDT table of your system.23:33
bekksxubuntu735: You would have to do that manually.23:33
xubuntu735I don't understand, if it worked in 13.04 why it is not possible for there to be a fix for it to work in 13.10. I did nothing manual to make it work in any other version23:34
ultim8Is there a driver for my logitech mx518 i can install in xubuntu?23:48

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