
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1241870] kde shutdown script is not executed @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1241870 (by Soos Gergely)00:01
apacheloggerI can't even get muon to crash on my laptop :@00:35
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1241859] package libqtgui4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: lectura insuficiente en buff... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1241859 (by Lucas Germán Burgos)00:53
ScottKahoneybun: What timezone 3:30 for the meeting?01:08
ScottKvalorie: There's a pending SRU to remove the installation page.01:11
ScottKvalorie: It's the KC that decides members.01:12
ScottKapachelogger: Usually I test more but $work has been killing me the last several months.  All those Muon updater bugs I filed are not particularly obscure.01:13
apacheloggerkde bug 32524501:16
ubottuKDE bug 325245 in libsolid-udisks2 "Udisks2 backend doesn't detect if device is set as removable" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32524501:16
apacheloggerthat's wrong01:16
apacheloggerkde bug 32624501:16
ubottuKDE bug 326245 in installer "knsbackend crash on nil pointers from resourcesmodel" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32624501:16
apacheloggertyping at this time of day01:17
apacheloggerso many bugs01:17
apacheloggeractually what do I do with that01:18
apacheloggerI could make a fix of which I do not know whether it is correct but would ultimately render muon-installer not entirely useless01:19
apacheloggeror I could wait for someone to tell me what to do which may take until monday01:19
apacheloggerScottK: halp01:19
apacheloggerand latested comments on bug 833058 seem a bit weird01:20
ubottubug 833058 in qapt (Ubuntu) "Muon-updater doesn't ask for password" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83305801:20
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1241540] kubuntu 13.10 keyboard don't work in de, after login... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1241540 (by marcobra (Marco Braida))02:04
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1241870] kde shutdown script is not executed @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1241870 (by Soos Gergely)02:04
ahoneybunScottK: EST02:25
ahoneybunto me02:25
ahoneybunScottK: 3:30 and 5:30 PM on the 25?02:57
ScottKapachelogger: Asks for a password just fine here.03:51
ScottKapachelogger: JFDI is my advice.03:51
ScottKahoneybun: Thanks.03:51
ScottKI might be able to make that.03:51
ahoneybunScottK: no problem03:58
LeeJunFanWhat package should I file a bug under for KDE enabling my VGA port during log in and setting my screen wider than my LCD? I have to go into display settings at every log-in and disable vga port.05:48
LeeJunFanAlso, what package should be reported for installer errors? luks completely fails. Is that KDE specific when the desktop installer is used?05:57
valorieLeeJunFan: good questions, and I wish there were someone around/awake to answer you06:12
valorieare you willing to ask your questions on the kubuntu-devel list?06:13
LeeJunFanYeah. I'll follow up on the boogs tomorrow.06:16
valoriepeople are sorta tired after this week06:17
lordievaderahoneybun: It seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding, I told you to get me a test page in mediawiki code (after you've discussed it upstream) and then I'll take a look into how it can be converted. If the export to html isn't an option, since I heard mediawiki is capable of that.07:41
smartboyhwI think that sabdfl, jono AND mgrasselin and aseigo should just stop be 4-year kids and not bother with arguing.....10:40
markeywhat, no love for Open Source Drama? :)10:48
yofelhe's just sad that's he's not part of the Open Source Tea Party :P10:50
markeyI remember a time when I actually enjoyed the drama. KDE vs GNOME, Ruby vs Python, Amarok vs Rhythmbox... I loved arguing about it all, in great detail10:50
markeytoday I just find it silly and boring10:50
smartboyhwmarkey, agreed10:51
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:51
Riddellsmartboyhw: uh oh, what's the crack?10:53
smartboyhwRiddell, look at aseigo's G+ page10:53
smartboyhwAnd you'll understand10:53
Riddellooh ooh can I be Sarah Palin?10:59
Riddellat least then I'll be a maniac who is newsworthy and fun10:59
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL11:00
hxkaHello, during the upgrade to saucy relese upgrader suggested to remove appmenu-gtk as "deprecated" and now I don't have appmenu support in gtk apps (duh). Installing that package from raring didn't seem to help. What gives?11:22
apacheloggerhxka: canonical does not support it anymore12:14
hxkawonderful >_<12:31
OdurIs there a Raring package for kdeconnect?12:39
OdurNever mind12:41
hxkaThat helped: https://launchpad.net/~joe-yasi/+archive/appmenu12:43
smartboyhwBlizzz, nice blog post12:57
Blizzzsmartboyhw: ty13:11
ScottKLeeJunFan: For the installer bug, the package is ubiquity, although I suspect it's probably really a lower level problem since the LUKS stuff does work on at least some systems (I tested it personally).13:21
ScottKLeeJunFan: For the display issue, it's kde-workspace if it's a KDE issue, but it could (and I think it's more likely) also be an Xorg problem, so I'd recommend filing a bug using "ubuntu-bug display" in Konsole and it'll collect the relevant details.13:23
apacheloggerhow does bug 1241985 happen :O13:26
ubottubug 1241985 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "package plasma-nm failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать «/usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/apps/networkmanager.png», который уже имеется в пакете plasma-widget-networkmanagement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124198513:26
apacheloggeroh it's what shadeslayer_ talked about I guess13:26
apacheloggeroh this is actually too funny13:28
apachelogger  * Add transitional package for plasma-widget-networkmanagement13:28
apachelogger    (LP: #1234068)13:28
apachelogger -- Rohan Garg <rohangarg@kubuntu.org>   Thu, 10 Oct 2013 16:24:57 +020013:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1234068 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "add transitional package from networkmanagement" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123406813:28
apacheloggeryou talk to me about how I broke the package, yet you have not unbroken it most recently :P13:28
apacheloggerubottu: sru13:29
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates13:29
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1242028] samplebuffer qt multisampling doesn't work after upgrade to 13.10 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1242028 (by Damian Obernikowicz)13:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1240376] Plymouthd constantly using 5% of CPU time @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1240376 (by LeonMaxx)13:39
shadeslayer_apachelogger: what?13:44
apacheloggershadeslayer_: to successfully introduce a transitional package one must make sure the new package name breaks replaces accordingly13:46
apacheloggerwhich whould have solved/prevented the file conflicting13:46
apacheloggerRiddell: please take a look at your cards in 13.10 ... no clue if you consider them done13:47
apacheloggershadeslayer_: http://pastebin.kde.org/puidbuqhm13:48
apacheloggershadeslayer_: FWIW https://wiki.debian.org/Renaming_a_Package I always hold on to that when introducing transitionals13:52
apacheloggerScottK: bug 124198514:03
ubottubug 1241985 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu Trusty) "plasma-nm needs to conflict replace old networkmanagement" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124198514:03
apachelogger  Uploading plasma-nm_0.9.3.0-0ubuntu6_source.changes: done.14:03
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.14:03
apachelogger  Uploading plasma-nm_0.9.3.0-0ubuntu5.1_source.changes: done.14:03
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.14:03
apacheloggerafiestas: are you going to push https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/113242/14:05
apacheloggerkinda blocks patching 13.1014:05
* apachelogger should prepare his workstation for upgrade :/14:21
apacheloggerhey soee14:21
soeeUpgrade to 13.10?14:21
ScottKapachelogger: Accepted.15:41
apacheloggerScottK: how long do you think it will take to get 4.11.3 into the archives proper? 2 weeks or 3?16:31
apachelogger(after KDE release that is)16:32
ScottKapachelogger: Depends on how fast it's packaged and well tested on the PPA.16:55
ScottKWe've usually let the bake longer in the PPA, but there's no hard requirement to.16:55
apachelogger!find libxcb-xkb16:57
ubottuPackage/file libxcb-xkb does not exist in raring16:58
apacheloggerScottK: k16:58
apachelogger!find libxcb-xkb saucy16:58
ubottuPackage/file libxcb-xkb does not exist in saucy16:58
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1240376] Plymouthd constantly using 5% of CPU time @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1240376 (by LeonMaxx)17:13
apacheloggercan't backage sddm -.-17:13
ahoneybundamn virtualbox and your addons17:34
ahoneybunit says I'm missing headers17:44
yofelapachelogger: wrt bug 1240376 - the kdm.upstart that's used by the backports is a copy of the one from the official precise package19:29
ubottubug 1240376 in Kubuntu PPA "Plymouthd constantly using 5% of CPU time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124037619:29
yofelthe newer ones caused kdm to fail in some circumstances19:29
apacheloggeryofel: that needs addressing then or the script needs changing, as without quit an unpatched kdm will not terminate plymouth19:38
yofelwell, it runs:19:38
yofelplymouth quit || :19:38
apacheloggerno it doesn't19:41
apacheloggerthat quit is inside a runlevel 1 check19:41
apacheloggerso that doesn't do nothing for actual systems19:41
yofeloh, true -.-19:41
* apachelogger falls off chair20:22
apacheloggeryofel: do you still have a raring system around?20:28
apacheloggeranyone got a raring install?20:28
yofelI can offer a server and a VM, but no GUI on hardware20:31
apacheloggerBUG BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG20:32
apacheloggerm_checkerProcess->setProgram(QStringList() << "/usr/bin/python" << checkerFile);20:32
apacheloggerreleasechecker needs python320:32
* apachelogger throws a keyboard at muon20:33
yofelwasn't that fixed o.O?20:33
yofelor was that somewhere else..20:33
geniiapachelogger: I could reboot into my 13.04 if you like... 20:36
apacheloggernot necessary already found the bug20:37
apacheloggerin fact, already fixed :P20:37
* apachelogger preps sru20:37
geniiMy habit is to keep one of the current LTS, one of the last stable interim releases, and then whatever's currently +120:39
csnI heard shadeslayer was working in a WiFi issue. Any fix for it? My wifi doesn't work - it seems the DHCP connection times out. http://askubuntu.com/questions/361495/kubuntu-13-10-wifi-doesnt-work-dhcp-timeout 20:43
apacheloggerScottK: bug 124216320:48
ubottubug 1242163 in muon (Ubuntu Saucy) "muon-updater does not correctly invoke releasechecker in raring" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124216320:48
apachelogger  Uploading muon_2.0.1-0ubuntu0.2_source.changes: done.20:48
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.20:48
apacheloggerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6266608/ thoughts?21:48
yofelapachelogger: maybe add 'kdevelop | qtcreator' to recommends, or suggests23:01
apacheloggersuggests at best23:02
apacheloggerthat is highly subjective23:03
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