
brainwashphillw: right, but I am not familiar with lubuntu, so someone else needs to file it (someone who is affected by whatever issue related to suspend/hibernate)00:01
phillwI do not use suspend/hibernate it actually used to take  more time than a re-start.00:03
brainwashxscreensaver not locking instantly before suspend is reported already, but lubuntu removed xscreensaver and replaced it with a non working locking mechanism00:03
phillwBut, people are welcome to report  a bug.00:03
phillwbrainwash: new bug number?00:04
brainwashyeah, doing my best to hunt these bugs down :)00:04
brainwashno, same number00:04
LuvLinuxOSphillw: I hope to play a larger roll in helping out with the next release so please be patient with my lack of knowledge on the process.... I will get better00:20
phillwLuvLinuxOS: patience is what we have, help for new people we also have... Remember one important thing: We were all beginners once.00:22
LuvLinuxOSThanks phillw!!! I feel bad because I have been using Linux for some time and never got involved in the production process! I hope I have something to offer to this worthy community and movement!!!00:24
LuvLinuxOSWindows is being unseated and everyone should just get ready for the new rule of Linux!!!00:25
wxli wish00:26
LuvLinuxOSlook at the stats wxl!!!00:26
phillwLuvLinuxOS: out of all the teams, you will find one that you feel best suited to help in, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved has the list00:27
LuvLinuxOSslowly but surely Linux is winning!!!00:27
wxli don't pay attention to stats. i pay attention to the real world. :)00:27
phillwwxl: nor do I, but the world is changing.00:27
wxlthere's all those mac fanboys tho00:28
LuvLinuxOSWell in the real world wxl, when I first started using Linux there was no support.  Now look at all the support even Microsoft!!!00:28
wxlmayb e freebsd will take over00:28
LuvLinuxOSand those mac fan boys are running a flavor of Linux too!!!00:29
wxlthat's true, but it's not a majority thing, LuvLinuxOS00:29
phillwwxl: are we on the correct channel for this?00:29
wxl /join #lubuntu-offtopic00:29
LuvLinuxOSI personally think that Lubuntu might be the best distro on the market fast and powerful!!!00:29
ianorlinhow can I help04:58
cdrkeenUm... just a small thing ianorlin i have 2 bluetooth icons showing up on my LXpanel...04:59
ianorlinright click on the panel click panel settings go to panel applets remove one bluetooth05:00
cdrkeeni don't even have that applet, I have system and Indicator, if i remove one i lose my battery, but it gets rid of the bluetooth, if I remove the other It does the same thing but with nm-applet05:04
thegladiator_how to connect to serve in lubuntu10:43
thegladiator_i think its gigolo ? I would think lubuntu should have it default because its a useful thing !10:44
tidavy a quelqun ?11:10
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:14
brainwashanyone here who is in charge of the official website or the wiki page?11:24
vn151502510hi, I've installed lubuntu 13.10 and chromium. When I click on top of chromium window in maximize mode, it shows some menus. How can I turn it off?14:13
vn151502510anyone with my problem14:25
vn151502510I always move my cursor to the top and scroll to switch tabs, but now I can not do it anymore14:27
CountryfiedLinuxhey y'all15:16
CountryfiedLinuxI have a suggestion for the next default Lubuntu wallpaper. Here it is, the one I think goes better with the default theme. http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2882/9656751358_33218ff957_o.png15:16
CountryfiedLinuxHere it is in action http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7438/9653513139_35c5cef3d3_o.png15:18
_rgnhi. i've added skype, chrome and thunderbird to ~/.config/autostart, and only thunderbird won't run on startup. if i run thunderbird.desktop in that directory it works, so the file should be ok. how do i debug this?15:19
fw190after upragding to 13.10 two of my scanner stopped working15:21
fw190I'have tried googling it but no luck15:21
fw190simple scan is recognizing my brother scanner printer15:22
fw190and hp scanner15:22
fw190but doesn't want to scan15:22
fw190sane-utils are installed15:23
fw190well everything worked on 13.0415:23
impossiblehow can i get my external monitor working17:20
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ianorlinhmm what package is the desktop pager on lxpanel part of as the boxes keep disappering aroudn the outside17:58
RexterHi, looking for a way to create a synlink to an executable script.18:27
adyzxRexter: symlink18:31
Rexteradyzx; sinlink18:33
adyzxRexter: i'm sorry you mean a symbolic link right?18:34
Rexterlol, yea, I'm creating the link on the desktop,18:35
Rexterbut the file I'm linking to is a shell script18:36
Rexterthe trouble is when you click on the symlink it doesn't know how to open it18:36
adyzxa bash shell script..hmm.18:36
adyzxRexter: ok. can you briefly run through what you're expecting it to do?18:38
geniiDoes the script itself have a shebang on the first line?18:39
adyzxgenii: thx, was thinking the same thing18:40
Rexterwell, when i double click on the original file, it gives me the opertunity to execute it. When I double click on the link, it tried to open it like a document or something.18:40
adyzxRexter: read this post: http://tinyurl.com/mfkxcq518:41
adyzxRexter: what OS your running?18:41
RexterLubuntu 12.0418:42
adyzxRexter: gotta run. good luck with that :)18:45
Rextergenii; no #!18:46
geniiThought so.18:47
Rextergenii; do you have any thoughts on it?18:47
geniiRexter: If you're normal shell is bash, try a shebang for that.eg: #!/bin/bash     ...also consider renaming the script itself from name to name.sh  so other apps have a hint what filetype it is18:49
Rexterthanks genii, I'll try it out.18:50
adyzxRexter: i'm back. how's that coming along?18:51
geniiRexter: Also see that it's executable bit is set18:51
RexterI actually think I may not have created the link correctly, as the icon is a question mark.18:53
adyzxRexter: is your icon on the desktop?18:54
Rexteryes I did ln -s file /home/user/Desktop/file18:56
adyzxgenii: I think you helped Rexter with it huh.18:56
geniiRexter: You should use full path for the target18:57
adyzxRexter: your bash script works fine in terminal, yes?18:57
geniiBecause if you did: ls -l  /home/user/Desktop/file   it will just point to "file" that it thinks is in the same directory the symlink resides in18:58
adyzxgenii: no relative pathing then right?19:02
geniiadyzx: If "file" is in /home/user you could do: ln -s ../file Desktop/symlinkname      ( if your current working directory is also /home/user ) ..but it's better to use full pathnames19:03
Rexteradyzx; yes it works both with the sh command in terminal19:04
Rexterand if you double click it19:05
adyzxRexter: so the issue is pathing on your symlink like genii mentioned19:05
RexterI'll try full paths19:07
geniiRexter: You're best to rm the current symlink in Desktop, and then do more like:  ln -s /home/your-username/scriptname /home/your-username/Desktop/symlinkname19:07
adyzxgenii: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link both absolute and relative paths should work though right?19:08
geniiThe advantage to full pathnames is that if you ever move the symlink somewhere else it still works19:08
adyzxgenii: this is true.19:08
adyzxRexter: I'm curious to know if genii suggestion solves your issue.19:10
Rexternot yet, kid is hungry19:15
RexterYea, that did it. it works now. Let me explain what I did wrong...19:19
Rexterthe script was in /home/user/folder19:19
RexterI opener a terminal at /home/user/folder19:20
Rexterthen I did ln -s script /home/user/Desktop/script19:20
Rexterthis time i just opened a terminal without regard to where I was, and did ln -s /home/user/folder/script /home/user/desktop/script19:21
Rexterok next question, is there a way to change the icon on this link?19:23
adyzxRexter: i see. it wasn't linking to the script initially on your first run.19:23
adyzxglad it works now.19:23
adyzxRexter: what's the default icon?19:24
RexterIt's a leafpad icon19:25
Rexterjust like the file it links to.19:25
adyzxRexter: what type of icon you looking to have instead?19:25
RexterI just want to choose a custome icon. nautilus provides easy choosing of the icons, I just don't know how to di it in Openbox.19:27
adyzxRexter: I take it you're runnning xfce as your windows manager?19:30
adyzxnevermind openbox.19:31
adyzxRexter: so your using LXDE as desktop environment19:33
adyzxand Openbox is your windows manager?19:33
RexterI'm pretty sure. I didn't change it19:34
adyzxRexter: http://tinyurl.com/mzm6x9n19:38
adyzxhope that helps19:39
Rexterwhen i open it with leafpad, loads the script in leafpad. No icon-iconname19:47
RexterDo you think I should add that line?19:49
adyzxwell no.19:49
adyzxbecause you will be just adding it to the script.19:49
Rexterwell the icon seems to match the script, so if i change that one, shouldn't it be the same?19:54
adyzxits worh a shot.19:54
Rexteris .png the best format for an icon?19:57
adyzxRexter: yes. but i think thats about as far19:57
adyzxas your customization is going to go with symlink19:57
adyzxI was thinking of creating a customized .desktop file19:58
adyzxfor your bash script which is basically a launhcer.19:58
adyzxerr launcher.19:58
adyzxtry googling .desktop launcher for bash script in LXDE or something19:59
Rexterisn't that for autostart?19:59
adyzxyes. i was thinking the same19:59
adyzxyou want it on your desktop.19:59
adyzxI don't know if openbox has the support for this.20:00
adyzxbut it's worth investigating20:00
RexterI know how to autostart. You just ad the .desktop file to ~/.config/autostart20:07
RexterI only need this to run when you tell it to. That's why I it on the desktop.20:08
Rexteradyzx; I'll ask around in the Openbox channel. Adding icon= to the script didn't change anything.20:26
ozbrkhow an I organize the icons on my desktop automaticly21:38
zleapright click - sort files21:39
zleapi would guess it should remember the selection e.g by date21:39
ozbrkok  problem sloved21:39
ozbrkselect all of the icons - right click - organize (in Turkish it's called ''Sıraya Uydur''  but I don't know what does it  call in Eng21:40
zleapmine has snap to grid21:41
ozbrkit should be21:41
munerfhello I need help, i've updated my ppc lubuntu to 13.10 and network stopped working. worse is that now the mac mini boots into X and ctrl-alt-fN keys do not work (propably because of my apple keyboard)21:59
munerfanyone here?22:12
ozbrkwe are here22:17
munerffine thanks22:20
munerfI need help22:20
munerfcan you help me?22:22
munerfi've updated my ppc lubuntu to 13.10 and network stopped working. worse is that now the mac mini boots into X and ctrl-alt-fN keys do not work (propably because of my apple keyboard)22:22
ozbrklubuntu 13.10 has still some problems22:23
munerfwell now I can't even access my computer22:23
munerfdo you know how i can prevent it from booting into X?22:24
ozbrkgreate to you :D. Ok it's happened when you updated you computer right?22:24
ozbrkYou didn't delete anything22:24
ozbrklike pcmanfm because it looks like lxde couldn't run a core app22:25
munerfbut i never used x, it is a server22:27
munerfbut now it boots into a black screen with the mouse22:27
ozbrkthat mouse like X22:27
ozbrkam I right ?22:27
munerfjust the cursor22:27
munerfbut I can't do anything else...22:28
ozbrktry to apples that super key + speace22:28
munerfi wan't to go to to terminal, but all the keyboard shortcuts do not work22:28
ozbrkAlt F4 ?22:28
munerfthe same22:29
munerfcan i prevent it from booting into X from yaboot?22:29
ozbrkI don't even know what is yaboot I'm not a mac guy22:30
ozbrkI try to help you to open your teminal again or rescue console22:30
ozbrkcan you try22:31
ozbrkCtrl - T22:31
munerfYaboot is a bootloader for PowerPC computers22:31
ozbrkCtrl - T22:31
ozbrkcan you try it22:31
munerfdoesn't work22:31
ozbrkok I give up maybe you have to try ubuntu rescue remix22:32
ozbrkit is an os with rescue tools and a small lxde desktop22:32
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rourickhi :)23:03

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