
bazhangthats wilee-nillee01:29
bazhangknown to state very loudly that he is putting someone on ignore when he gets frustrated01:30
bazhangin the support channels, mostly #ubuntu01:46
IdleOneyes, I meant specifically where/when that prompted your comment01:47
bazhangnot at this moment, just a point to explain what k1 l was seeing01:49
IdleOneah I see. I didn't realize that was him01:51
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (JabberJaw is at it again)02:09
HFSPLUSThose who despise God's word will be thrown into the fire and destruction02:14
chuSurely you have better things to do with your time?02:14
HFSPLUSpreach the word02:14
HFSPLUSchu, you are being decived02:16
chuOh well, at the very least I can spell.02:16
bazhanghw tu spl emcs? VIM02:23
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (ADP4U)03:42
ubottuRory called the ops in #ubuntu (jayzio posting porn)11:53
k1lthat jacklk user is really a long time problem user12:30
c0mrade_Un-ban me.13:08
LjLfor one thing, because asking like that just calls for an answer like mine13:10
LjLfor another, you have a list of like two bazillion entries on the bantracker :(13:10
c0mrade_What's that mean?13:10
LjLit means you've been kicked or banned many times, which in turn means unless we see a reason that really stands out why we're led to believe your attitude/behavior have changed, it makes no sense to remove the ban13:11
c0mrade_Well if you don't want to un-ban me it's up to you. You will lose not me. You need me, I don't need you.13:12
LjLit's a sacrifice i'm willing to make13:12
c0mrade_So it's up to you. Make a wise decision.13:12
=== ISO8601 is now known as yano
bazhang<paulgureghian> any ubuntu pros here?19:08
bazhangthis is my favorite19:08
bazhanga close second is "guru"19:08
ubottuSchrodingersScat called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:11
genii"I don' wan' no amatchurs!"19:11
bazhang<paulgureghian> then i damaged it by cutting wubi and wubildr.mbr from the root19:12
bazhangusing wubi, asking for "pros"19:13
geniiI won't go near any wubi issues any more, not even with a ten foot pole.19:13
bazhangthe wubi guide is actually pretty decent19:14
bazhangeven for something esoteric like moving a wubi install to hdd19:15
bazhang<aguitel> what apps is better to remove to improve xubuntu?19:42
geniiSmart aleck19:45
bazhangk nome will k1 l me19:47
bazhang<codephobic> I come bearing fresh woes20:56
bazhangsam113101  = gasman21:01
bazhangvery bad news21:01
=== LjL is now known as Lthen
=== Lthen is now known as LjL

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