
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
TheLordOfTimehas the wiki page detailing all the releases been updated for the Saucy release?  It appears it hasn't yet...13:49
TheLordOfTime( http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases )13:49
ScottKTheLordOfTime: It's a wiki.  Fix it up.15:37
stgraber^ just pushed that one now, don't worry about it until the archive is actually open23:44
stgraberI've had that code around and working for months but always forgot to push it to saucy, so figured I'd do it now to avoid this hapening again :)23:44
infinitystgraber: Hooks to use chroots from the API with sbuild's tarball backend, I'm guessing?23:45
stgraberinfinity: yep, that, apw's hook to setup aliases for pocket/components and a python tool to easily create/destroy those chroots (just pass it a name, series and arch and you're done)23:46
infinitystgraber: Does it just screenscrape from http://api.lp.net, or require fancypants xmlrpc junk?23:47
stgraberuses python-launchpadlib23:47
infinityI was afraid you'd say that. :P23:47
infinityAnyhow, I'll look at that some day.23:48
wgrant"Screenscape" from a JSON API? :)23:48
wgrantlaunchpadlib isn't XML-RPC.23:48
stgraberyeah, would be pretty simple to just use urllib + json and directly load https://api.launchpad.net/devel/<dist>/<series>/<arch>. That'd drop the launchpadlib dependency.23:50
infinitystgraber: The lplib dep was less distasteful to me than the python dep in general, given that sbuild is perl, but meh.  It's not like those of us who'd use it don't already have every python everything under the sun installed anyway.23:51
stgraberlaunchpadlib mostly annoys me because it's the only reason my code pulls python instead of python3 (which is in minimal) and it's also the only module I use that's not from python core, so urllib+json would solve that.23:53
wgrantYou can actually get the URL from https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/trusty/arm64/chroot_url, no JSON required.23:54
wgrant(though in a browser that'll give you an HTMLified representation, because of the Accepts header)23:54
stgraberah nice, didn't know you could access the attributes like that, handy23:55

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