
wagonboiwhat's the lightest (RAM wise) way to add a GUI to Ubuntu server? I want to VNC into it and use Firefox01:32
jkitchenwagonboi: evilwm and your vnc server of choice01:32
wagonboiwould it be possible to set up a proxy on the server and just use a local install of Firefox? That way I can keep the server light01:34
wagonboiif I use a VPN, iirc all traffic from my computer will use the server's IP... but I need one window of Firefox to have my regular IP, and the other to use my server's IP01:35
MavKenis it possible to create a script to run after clean os install?  i'd like to make a script of all my apt-get installs along with mysql root password and automatically say yes to all prompts01:38
qman__wagonboi, you can use X11 forwarding over SSH01:40
qman__and not actually run an X session on the server01:40
wagonboiqman__, even if I'm running Windows locally?01:41
qman__there are ways to do that on windows, but you didn't mention that01:42
qman__if your purpose suits it, you could use w3m instead of firefox01:43
qman__or if you want to script something, use curl or wget01:44
qman__an http proxy is also suitable01:44
wagonboiyes, just an HTTP proxy. So would I just set it up on the server and plug in the values on my local firefox install?01:45
qman__make sure you set up some form of protection though, like only allow connections over an SSH tunnel, or a restrictive firewall01:45
qman__if you leave it open to everyone it won't be long before people find it and start using it01:46
wagonboisure, thanks01:46
jrwrenMavKen: yes, it out of hte box available via cloud-init01:47
kieppie1hi guys03:49
kieppie1running an update on a remote host & it's failing to complete the upgrade due to an error: "error while loading shared libraries: libssp.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" - seems libssp.so.0 is missing from the host. not exactly sure how this has come about. online resources are a bit vague03:50
tinman_where is my "Source function library"?04:01
=== stooj_ is now known as stooj
Overandman, setting up a rails app on ubuntu is miserable06:04
OverandIt was easier to get *Request Tracker* working with FCGI than it has been to get redmine installed.06:05
OverandI wonder why rails is so painful, or if it's just redmine itself06:06
OverandIts just like... ok - even the apache module for it by default runs as root, rather than www-data.  What?  Why the heck?06:06
OverandI can't be the only person who has experienced this.06:09
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
PlizzoI had a power failure yesterday, and now I'm fearing one of my RAID5 discs have gone bad. Please read and help me. http://askubuntu.com/questions/361489/problem-with-mdadm-raid5-after-power-failure-disk-missing08:58
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
DenBeireni'm looking for some help with bonding on my machine09:57
PlizzoI had a power failure yesterday, and now I'm fearing one of my RAID5 discs have gone bad. Please read and help me. http://askubuntu.com/questions/361489/problem-with-mdadm-raid5-after-power-failure-disk-missing10:32
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=== wedgwood is now known as Guest16041
novatoalguien sabe de Configurar los discos en un arreglo RAID1 con hotspare14:14
novatonecesito instalar esto en un servidor dell14:14
novatocon ubuntu server 1214:14
novatoalguien que me ayude =??14:16
novatox favor14:16
=== gfrog_ is now known as gfrog
hxmhi, exists a way to read an imap mail server from console?14:33
hxmi just want to get the non-read subjects14:33
=== chaos_ is now known as soahccc
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
pmatulis_hxm: yes, of course15:10
pmatulis_hxm: read up on the IMAP protocol, it's quite featureful15:10
=== Gnubie is now known as Guest18778
=== Guest18778 is now known as Gnubie_
bananapieIs there a software I can install on one of my user's desktops ( ubuntu ) that will let him browse syslog on my server without ssh access to the server? I don't want to send syslog to his computer because there is not enough bandwidth to send the whole thing.15:39
bananapieI need something basic that will let him do commands like grep and maybe even sed and cut, but no funky stats or anything15:40
jrwrenbananapie: why not ssh?15:49
bananapiebecause I don't trust the guy :P15:50
bananapiehe's an employee15:50
bananapieI don't really trust anyone on my servers15:50
jrwrencan you fire him?15:50
jrwrenwhy hire someone you don't trust?15:50
bananapiedo you trust people to log into your servers??15:50
bananapieI don't even trust my boss with a private key to access my servers...15:50
bananapieI am a very paranoid person15:51
bananapieI'll give him root acces :(15:51
bananapiethanks :)15:51
jrwrenno, i understand you.15:51
jrwrendepends on what you mean by "my servers"  personal home stuff: no one but me.   work stuff: all coworkers15:51
jrwrenbananapie: how about command= in authorized_keys?15:52
jrwrenso give him his own key which can only cat the logs you want him to read.15:52
bananapieI can do that ???15:53
bananapieWicked sweet15:53
bananapieman authorized_keys, never thought to look there.15:54
bananapieCan I get the key name in auth.log?15:54
mickieHi All, I'm trying to install server, on RAID1 across 2 disks, with partitions on RAID, i.e. my /boot is on /dev/md127p1.16:00
mickiebut I can't install grub on it, so I tried /dev/md127 and it accepted it16:01
mickieHowever, now it can't find boot medium and booting stalls  :(16:01
mickieHow can I repair this?16:01
qman__mickie, grub must be installed on each disk that makes up the raid, not the raid itself16:11
qman__so if you install /boot on a partition on md127, you would grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sdb16:12
qman__that way if either disk fails, the other one still has the grub mbr16:12
jrwrenbanzounet: no, you make a key with ssh-keygen. did you find some docs?16:13
jrwrenhere is a nice little blog post on it: http://daryl.learnhouston.com/2006/12/06/limiting-ssh-access-with-the-command-option-in-authorized_keys/16:14
mickieThanks qman__ I tried /dev/sda as well as /dev/md127p1 and both failed.16:30
mickieNow trying with sysrescuecd, but /dev/sda fails again: "error: unable to identify a filesystem in hd0" This is because the fs was created on /dev/md127p1,2,3,4 not on sda16:44
mickiein other words /dev/sda does not have partitions on it - the RAID1 array does.16:45
RoyKmickie: is the raid started?16:51
RoyKmickie: cat /proc/mdstat16:51
mickieRoyK, yes it is.  md0 : active raid1 sda[0] sdb[1]16:53
RoyKcan you pastebin that, please?16:53
mickieJust a mo pls16:53
mickieRoyK, here goes: http://pastebin.com/T5F2VF0816:57
RoyKno md127 there ;)16:58
RoyKtry md016:58
mickieThat's right, I'm booted into the installation with sysrescueCD which recognises it as /dev/md016:58
RoyKit's only called 127 etc if it's not configured in mdadm.conf16:59
RoyKthe live cd doesn't care about that16:59
mickieI C17:00
RoyKmickie: does mounting md0* work?17:00
mickieHave a look here: http://pastebin.com/sdwMAw5c17:00
RoyKI generally don't use partitions with md, but looks fine to me17:01
RoyKdid you try to mount md0p3 ?17:01
mickieI already have /dev/md0p1 mounted as /boot, /dev/md0p2 mounted as swap, /dev/md0p3 mounted as /, and /dev/md0p4 mounted as /home17:02
RoyKso everything works now?17:02
mickieWell, no!  There's no GRUB installed it seems17:02
mickieI've booted the installation on the disks using sysrescueCD17:03
RoyKchroot to the installation, mount /proc, /sys etc, and run grub-install /dev/md017:03
mickieEssentially the sysrescueCD is working as the bootloader17:03
RoyKnever used sysrescueCD17:03
mickieJust another liveCD17:04
RoyKI thought you said bootloader...17:04
RoyKchroot into the installation and do as I said17:04
mickieOK, I just run grub-install on /dev/md0 and it seems to have accepted it.17:04
mickieNo need to chroot, because I am booted into it already17:05
mickieRight, I'll try to reboot now17:05
mickieupdate-grub seems to be working ...17:06
mickie'sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/md0' is not complaining either ... hmm ... time to reboot.17:07
mickieArrgh!  "FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted."  :-(17:09
mickieDoes this mean that GRUB cannot read /dev/md0 - will I need to set up a separate partition on the hard disks?17:10
mickieGot to dash, thanks for your help17:11
=== mibofra- is now known as mibofra
MraMariaHi. Which #channel is for Ubuntu's next release? 13.1018:08
leniosMraMaria, 13.10 is no more the next release18:11
MraMarialenios: isn't for november?18:11
leniosno, it was released on october 17th18:12
MraMariaoh :o https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule18:12
MraMariai've been using it for more that that date but i thought the calendar(releaseSchedule) were correct18:13
MraMariawell, i just finished a fresh install and the pc goes into an endless loop right when entering grub18:14
MraMariai have no way of reproducing this18:14
MraMariait's on a Fujitsu Siemens PRIMERGY TX200 S2 - XEON 3.2Ghz DUAL CORE18:15
lenioswhat do you mean "when entering grub"?18:16
MraMaria"grub" shows up and loops to a reboot18:16
MraMariais this probably because i did a LVM? my previous 13.04 install was trough a manual partitioning and everything were right18:17
MraMariabtw, pressing "Shift" doesn't help18:18
leniosi'll be curious to see what it's trying to boot (grub.cfg) , and what are the partitions (fdisk -l)18:19
MraMarialenios: i have the pc working here. i need to load a live cd to check that18:19
MraMarialenios: Knoppix good enough isn't?18:20
MraMaria i get a cd with it here. let me see18:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:21
MraMarialenios: tell me what commands you want to check this and i'll pastebin it from the server18:22
MraMariasory to bother you18:22
MraMariasorry too :)18:22
lenioscat /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:22
leniosand fdisk -l (as root)18:23
MraMariai really don't want to go back for 13.04...18:23
lcb-0this is weird.. it seems the installation didn-t go trough ... i-ll tell you why in a sec18:36
lcb-0damn need to change kbd18:36
lcb-0lenios, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6265511/18:36
lcb-0fdisk -l\18:36
lcb-0just a sec pls18:37
lcb-0lenios: i had to copy the contents, but look at those sda files... it seems the installation did-t go trough, althout not having any errors, at ll. sorry for the kb - i can-t see where is the place to change it on this lice cd18:42
lcb-0err live cd18:42
lcb-0btw, i-m typing from the server18:43
MraMariawhile configuring, i got: LVM VG srv100-vg, LV root  (ext4) ; LVM VG srv100-vg, LV swap_1 (swap) ; partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda)as ext218:46
MraMarianow, if i go with gparted i see /dev/sda5 (38.11GiB) lvm2, not mounted and with the "!", error, i believe18:48
MraMariaonly /dev/sda1 (ext2) is mounted18:49
MraMariai believe it's probably a HD failure. although i'm admired the system didn't complain while installing18:50
MraMariaany thoughts before i remove that drive, lenios ?18:53
lenioscan you try to mount it manually?18:54
lcb-0let me try18:54
lcb-0lenios, i tried several ways19:02
lcb-0mkdir  /media/sda5 ; mount -t auto -v /dev/sda5 /media/sda519:02
lcb-0mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for /dev/sda519:02
lcb-0which one should i put19:02
leniosmount /dev/srv100-vg/root /mnt19:03
lcb-0I will try type LVM2_member ... mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'19:03
leniosyou need lvm2 to do that19:03
lcb-0i believe i can/t get with this knoppix. i-ll grad an old graphical ubuntu here, somewhere19:04
lcb-0grab, i mean19:05
lcb-0lenios: you want me to do it just in case there is any6 bug cooking here or just remove the hd and do another clean install19:05
lcb-0i-m pretty sure this is due to this kind of old hd19:06
leniosi don't know if the disk is faulty19:06
leniosyou can check the disk, or try another one, but if the disk mounts well, it might not be hardware related19:07
lcb-0lenios: so there are no other known situations like this, i believe... if not, i really go for faulty hd19:07
lcb-0do you agree /// interrogation mark/// kb not setted19:08
lcb-0if you want me to discover if it is a bug i-ll go ahead with more testing19:09
leniosyou can do as you want19:10
lcb-0it is not mounted, i forgot to mention, i guess19:10
lcb-0lvm , i know.19:10
lcb-0well, i-ll go for a live ubuntu19:11
lcb-0damn, i don-t have any 64 bit here19:11
leniosyou don't really need 64 bit19:11
leniosif it's only to test19:12
MraMarialenios: the system files are there. it mounted but, i can't get graphics - i know there is a way of pastebin from console but i can't remember how19:29
MraMariato give you /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:30
MraMariawell, i see it already: there is no  /boot/grub/grub.cfg . whole dir empty19:32
lenioswhat do you mean you can't get graphics?19:33
MraMarialenios: the system gives me a X error on the liveCD19:34
ElicoI am looking for a good interface to manage 2-3 kvm HYPERVISORS.19:34
yeatsElico: virt-manager?19:35
MraMarialenios, i have a /etc/default/grub, if that matters19:35
leniosMraMaria, you mounted the lvm root from the livecd?19:36
MraMarialenios: when i installed i followed "the lider". did everything by the book19:36
Elicoyeats: any web interface?19:38
bekksElico: proxmox19:38
MraMarialenios: now, i just mounted " mkdir /mnt/sda5 ; mount /dev/srv100-vg/root /mnt/sda5 " and i can see the system files.19:38
Elicobut it's a distro no?19:38
leniosif you can get the system files, that would be interesting to take a look at the log files19:39
MraMarialenios: how can i do what you want? "mounted the lvm root from the livecd?" from cli19:39
leniosthat's ok if you have a mounted sda519:39
MraMarialenios: ok, i'll check. how can i pastbin from cli. i get internet from the server19:40
leniosuse pastebinit19:40
leniosinstall pastebinit package if you don't have it19:40
MraMariai need to install the ppa though. ok, i'll try. never used it b419:41
MraMarialenios: i need to leave for a while. i'll try to tar all /var/logs later and when i see you here i'll send it to you, ok?!19:42
MraMariacya later, lenios. thanks a lot for your time :)19:43
=== Maple__ is now known as Guest45055
=== Guest45055 is now known as Mapley
MraMarialenios: if you are there, i have all /var/log logs in a .tar.gz . i'm dcc 'ing it to you, when/if you want to see it-21:54
MraMariatks in advance, btw :)21:55
MraMaria var_log.tar.gz is the correct one, not  var_logs.tar.gz21:58
MraMarialooks like lenios is not here... if any of the 13.10 devs is here and want to see the logs of a system where it loops on boot right when starts loading grub, let me know, pls. i'll clean up the installation if no one is interested in looking at it.22:09
MraMariain fact, although without any errors during the installation, only an empty /boot/grub/ was created22:13
MraMariabesides other system files, of course22:14
MraMariaresolved; manual partitioning and not LVM defaults22:54
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
BrianHHowdy.  I'm having a huge problem with my USB keyboard getting disabled during the install menus and I'm trying to preseed the entire installation.  It's currently stopping at entering a hostname, but I have "d-i netcfg/get_hostname string foo" in my preseed file.  Thoughts?23:28
BrianHThis is for 13.10 btw.  13.04 works fine with my keyboard.23:30
BrianHOr if you know how I can get my USB keyboard to work, I can do the installation manually23:31
BrianHIt seems to disable my keyboard once I start "Install Ubuntu Server" from the grub menu.23:33

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