
EgoistaAh okay. A little confusing because it says "Apps available for download"00:01
EgoistaAnd about the time?00:01
sergiusensn-iCe, Egoista apps available should just install if chosen from the dash preview00:06
SuperTeeceQuiet room... everyone must be playing on their Ubuntu Touch devices :)00:36
jholtomSuperTeece: hi!00:36
SuperTeeceHey jholtom what's up?00:36
jholtomSuperTeece: nm, you?00:37
jholtomwaiting for my ubuntu-touch rebuild to finish00:37
SuperTeeceI'm on the download portion :)00:37
jholtomSuperTeece: build, or for one of the supported devices?00:38
SuperTeeceNexus 400:38
jholtomoh, cool!00:38
jholtomi've got to build utouch for my LGOG and my TF10100:38
jholtomso i00:38
SuperTeeceI didn't want to run the risk on my S4 :)00:38
jholtomm stuck waiting for the builds to finish00:38
SuperTeecemy phone just shut down... here we go00:39
jholtomexciting, there are some funny things that can happen when flashing.00:39
SuperTeeceIt's interesting that they call the tool "phablet00:39
SuperTeeceI just saw the incapacitated android then the google logo00:40
SuperTeecejust for a second00:41
jholtomthats a good sign, I just helped out d7gonzo with some issues with flashing00:41
jholtomits a /little/ risky00:41
SuperTeeceis there anywhere to see the upcoming updates or milestones?00:42
jholtomSuperTeece: idk, probably somewhere on the wiki00:42
SuperTeece"In rare circumstances, the Nexus4 may get into a state where it may not boot at all after the battery is drained (even into recovery). If this happens, the only way to restore it is to disassemble the back of the phone and unplug/plug the battery connector."00:44
SuperTeecethat's interesting and a good motivator to not let the phone go dead :)00:45
SuperTeeceINFO:phablet-flash:Installation complete00:46
jholtomwelp, try it out00:46
jholtomyou got lucky and had no issues!00:46
SuperTeeceThe screen flashed but I didn't catch what was on it.00:46
SuperTeeceit's ALIVE00:46
jholtomSuperTeece: enjoy!00:47
SuperTeececan it do screenshots?00:49
=== soul is now known as Guest97485
shadowcjm35hello everybody00:58
shadowcjm35just a question. I have switching my nexus 4 with ubuntu but i have no provider for 2G/3G is it normal?01:05
cpuobsessedtrying to install touch on a nexus 7; adb isn't finding the device after flash system, boot, and recovery01:05
jholtomkill -9 `pidof adb`01:06
jholtomand sudo su01:06
jholtomthen exec commands again01:06
cpuobsessedjholtom: is that for me? because i'm in windows01:07
jholtomcpuobsessed: oh, I have no idea for windows.01:08
cpuobsessedyep, that worked01:08
cpuobsessedtask manager01:08
jholtomis it detecing now?01:08
jholtomanother guy had the same issue when it lost perms b/c sudo in linux about halfway though01:08
cpuobsessedin recovery; but still not detecting01:10
cpuobsessedshould i wipe everything? (cache and data/factory reset)?01:11
jholtomnah, try booting normally01:11
cpuobsessedokay; it's pushing touch to autodeploy; thanks01:12
cpuobsessedbut it didn't see it when i rebooted to recovery01:14
jholtomah, k01:14
cpuobsessedi'll try pushing again then run a shell01:14
cpuobsessedfollowing the wiki for manual install01:15
pinPointso anyone figured out how to import .csv files on this touch thing?01:16
cpuobsessedit's there01:16
cpuobsessedtrying to manually install through recovery01:16
cpuobsessedwiped caches and formatted /sdcard01:19
cpuobsessedstill haven't seen any home screen or such01:20
cpuobsessedall i've seen is the google boot screen01:20
SuperTeeceIt's so cool to finally see the OS in action...01:21
SuperTeeceI'm going to use it for the weekend then head back over to my S4.... I'm already feeling the lack of daily driverness01:21
SuperTeeceIt feels really similar to the first version of iOS back before we had apps01:22
SuperTeeceWhat "data sources" is the lock screen looking for?01:23
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=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_
cpuobsessedsomething just isn't working right01:33
pinPointcpuobsessed: you flashed all the files?01:34
cpuobsessedboot recovery and system01:34
pinPointthe touch OS has no BOOT logo so you will have to wait for a bit01:35
pinPointcpuobsessed: you have to flash the OS too01:35
pinPointits about 351MB01:35
cpuobsessedtrying to get  autodeploy01:35
pinPointif it is a nexus device01:35
cpuobsessedpinPoint: that's the step i'm failing at01:35
pinPointwhat device?01:36
cpuobsessedpinPoint: nexus 7 201201:37
pinPointthere are two autodeploy.zip sections just to warn you01:38
pinPointone for armel and armhf01:38
cpuobsessedstill trying to push armel01:40
cpuobsessedi push it, reboot into recovery and it doesn't find it01:40
pinPointyou push it to /sdcard/autodeploy.zip?01:41
cpuobsessedE:Can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command01:41
cpuobsessedchecking for autodeploy.zip01:41
cpuobsessedautodeploy.zip not found01:41
cpuobsessedpinPoint: yes01:41
pinPointhmm.. interesting..01:42
pinPointcan you adb push ademofile.txt /sdcard/testfile.txt?01:43
pinPointjust a a test01:43
pinPointthen check by browsing in cwm?01:44
Chronos_I just installed Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7 and it's hella laggy and crashing every time I try to launch terminal, is this normal?01:45
cpuobsessedit pushed, shelled in and found it01:46
cpuobsessedbut no autodeploy.zip01:46
pinPointwhen you push those .zip files nothing shows up?01:46
cpuobsessedChronos_: how were you able to get touch installed01:46
pinPointdid you wait for the upload to finish at least just for sakes01:46
cpuobsessedpinPoint: yes01:47
cpuobsessedhow big is the armel zip file? 35Mb?01:47
Chronos_cpuobsessed: I followed the guide on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install and ran phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup01:47
pinPointthat is very strange... i'm clueless about this now... if you can push a simple file in the same folder as ADB but cannot push a .zip file something is wrong somewhere01:48
cpuobsessedthe zip file pushed but after reboot its wiped01:48
cpuobsessedsumpin' didn't work right01:49
pinPointwhich .zip file did you start with towards autodeploy.zip? armel or armhf?01:50
cpuobsessedsystem isn't installed01:53
cpuobsessednothing is really mounted01:53
pinPointI would flash all .img files first01:54
pinPointfastboot flash recovery saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+grouper.img01:54
pinPointfastboot flash boot saucy-preinstalled-boot-armhf+grouper.img01:54
pinPointfastboot flash system saucy-preinstalled-system-armel+grouper.img01:54
cpuobsesseddid that just now01:55
pinPointyou don't have adb and on win7?01:57
cpuobsessedi've got adb on win701:57
pinPointman that messing ansi in command.01:59
pinPointI almost want to say teamspeak.... but02:01
pinPointteamviewer I mean02:01
cpuobsessedi guess it's back to Android02:02
pinPointi guess02:04
pinPointi had a nightmarish with my nexus galaxy last night.02:04
pinPointfinally got it to work but I could not import my .csv contacts to save my life02:04
Jamper91anyone trie install ubuntu touch from a virtual machine_03:06
qf1024does gsm data connection or wWiFi work on the stable build?03:10
bray90820Is ubuntu touch like ubuntu on android where if you dock it you get the ubuntu desktop03:14
leniosbray90820, no, this is not yet available03:36
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nhainesbray90820: that's not going to be available until Ubuntu 14.04 LTS at the very earliest.  Maybe not until 14.10.03:58
Ghost1227Anyone have any thoughts on why I'd be getting an error 'could not verify the tag v1.12.7' when trying to create a phablet mirror?04:28
leah____is there anyway to change user05:22
leah____like instead of phablet it autologs into another username05:22
leah____is it possible to change who it logs in as05:36
leah____is it possible to logout05:40
sam_how are you all05:51
* Cantide is well05:51
Cantidehow about you?05:51
sam_i just want to know about ubuntu in phone05:52
sam_do you know anything about this?05:52
pinPointabout what?05:52
Cantidei have some basic knowledge about it05:53
Cantidedoes anyone know if Android apps can be run inside Android in a container on Ubuntu Touch?05:53
Cantidethere is one Android app that i must have if i want to use Ubuntu Touch and the devs are not open at all - no API, no source code and they refused to release for Ubuntu... so until it gains some share of the market, i doubt i will be able to use this app05:54
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
bray90820is ubuntu touch basically just an android rom?06:29
ogra_bray90820, no06:52
ogra_it is a native ubuntu install just like on a desktop06:54
ogra_it runs a very minimal android img inside a container which drives the proprietary bits like modems06:54
bray90820Why would i flash it trough android recovery and why do i need to flash cyanogenmod first06:54
bray90820i get it06:55
ogra_and it uses the android kernel source but with a good amounts of changes from the default06:55
ojzcoccan anyone offer advice on how to get the adb backup command to work successfully while backing up a Nexus 4 phone? I'm looking to install Touchm but need to baclup first07:07
nhainesIt basically just works.07:08
nhainesDidn't backup my call log, contacts, email settings and email, or text messages.  Everything else was backed up (and restored) fine.07:08
ojzcocMine freezes every single time i try. I tried removing the -share option, but it still froze. I tried using sudo, but it froze as well07:15
nhainesIt takes a very long time and does not give an indication of progress.07:15
nhainesWhat exactly "froze"?07:15
ojzcocI was monitoring the file size of the backup; it froze at 1.4GB, and my phone has a lot more than that stored on it. It gave no indication of finishing07:16
nhainesSounds like it wasn't finished.07:17
ojzcocMaybe I should just try leaving it overnight; It spent over half an hour frozen there. during that time, the file size didn't increase by 1 bit.07:18
ojzcocit's started freezing in random places07:33
ojzcoci've tried something like 15 times to back up, and it always stops at a random point and won't shift a byte07:33
ojzcocshould I try and use a different backup system? or should I try moving to windows and using adb there?07:39
nhainesojzcoc: either is an option.  I suspect nandroid would be excellent, and Windows might end up working.07:40
ojzcocKnowing microsoft, windows probably won't. I'll try nandroid. Thank you!07:40
bray90820for ubuntu touch does it matter what build of cyanogenmod you use07:42
bray90820because there is a more current one then the one on the ubuntu touch website07:43
nhainesbray90820: yes, of course it matters.07:43
nhainesCyanogenmod is only used for hardware enablement.  So stick with the one used by Ubuntu unless you want to port Cyanogenmod to Ubuntu and then port Ubuntu + Cyanogenmod to your phone.07:44
bray90820i mink i misspoke07:44
bray90820there is a more recent nightly on get.cm07:44
KarthikHello, Anybody can help to install ubuntu in my android phone?07:44
bray90820i shouldn't be using that right?07:44
nhainesbray90820: right.07:45
KarthikI try to install Ubuntu in my android phone Samsung galaxy s2.07:45
KarthikBut, as per the instructions i can't.07:46
KarthikNeed help guys.07:46
nhainesThe Samsung Galaxy S2 isn't officially supported.07:47
nhainesIf 'phablet-flash community -d i9100' doesn't work, you'll need to contact the developer for that port.07:48
nhainesThe last information I have, you can't use the phone for calls or SMS trasmission.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/i910007:48
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KarthikMy model no SCH I 77707:50
KarthikAre you have any idea about that? When they will provide for updating samsung galaxy s2?07:51
nhainesThe Samsung Galaxy S2 is codenamed i9100, and again, you'll need to contact the port maintainer for that.07:52
KarthikHow can i contact port maintainer?07:59
nhainesThrough the information listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/i910008:00
knuspertantemorning guys, when i will push the saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel.zip i became this error message: Read-Only file system. Has anyone an idea to fix this?08:22
ATC243750496i am a fans of ubuntu touch08:26
ATC243750496but there is a problem while installing08:26
ATC243750496why after install the biggest zip file from sd card using recovery mode08:27
ATC243750496i goes into android again?08:27
baronosvideo player works in ubuntu touch?08:28
ATC243750496ask me?08:29
ATC243750496or posting a question?08:29
ATC243750496if fomat the /system08:30
ATC243750496i will see nothing except the logo of recovery08:30
ATC243750496could someone give me some more tips?08:31
ATC243750496i have been working on it for a day08:31
user82which kernel does ubuntu touch use. the stock android kernel designed for the devices?08:38
ATC243750496i dont know..... have you installed it before?08:40
ATC243750496(ubuntu touch os)08:40
bray90820well to install ubuntu touch i need to do ubuntu_chroot shell but that isn't found08:41
ATC243750496chroot shell?08:42
ATC243750496if dont have what will happen?08:42
ATC243750496install to the memory of the phone?08:43
bray90820i put it on the SD card08:43
ATC243750496but what will you do? does recovery mode have that funciton?08:44
bray90820i am using ADB08:45
bray90820ADB root then ADB shell08:45
ATC243750496so can you tell me the correct way of the whole for how to install it if the script found08:46
bray90820I can not08:46
bray90820i am doing it for the first time08:46
bray90820And am here for help08:46
Yoo6iIs it possible to mount the Ubuntu 13.10 on VM and then flash Ubuntu touch?08:47
ATC243750496but can you tell me what you did before? or some where you reference bray9082008:48
bray90820I downloaded ubuntu touch and the cyanogenmod images they provided put them on my sd caed then did adb root then adb shell08:49
bray90820and now i need help08:49
ATC243750496you mean you did the offical said?08:49
ATC243750496and you have the phone they support?08:50
bray90820it's a tablet08:50
ATC243750496they support or not?08:50
bray90820it says The following devices have been contributed by a variety of Ubuntu Touch lovers. They however do not live on cdimage.ubuntu.com.08:52
ATC243750496so why you did official said?08:53
ATC243750496it's supported by others not official08:53
ATC243750496i can tell you my install process maybe you can learn something from it and success although i failed08:55
m_zetHow are the opinion as a daily driver for Ubuntu?09:05
bray90820ATC243750496: thats for sony devices09:06
bray90820completely different from samsung09:06
ATC243750496the same install from flash it from sdcard09:07
ATC243750496first download a pacage contain the kernel09:07
ATC243750496and drag the boot.img out09:07
ATC243750496and using flashboot command :flashboot flash boot boot.img09:08
ATC243750496to put it into the mobile09:08
ATC243750496(the kernel should contain the recory mode)09:08
ATC243750496and press power and then press volume down crazy09:09
ATC243750496and then will go to recory mode09:09
ATC243750496and choose wipe data/facory reset09:10
ATC243750496and wi[e cache partition09:10
ATC243750496and mounts and storage->fomat /system09:11
bray90820what about the chroot09:11
ATC243750496i have no idea09:11
ATC243750496maybe it's a different way09:12
ATC243750496and then back to main menu and choose install zi[09:12
ATC243750496install from sd card09:13
ATC243750496and choose the min one first09:13
ATC243750496and choose the larger one second09:13
ATC243750496(kernel first)09:13
ATC243750496system second09:13
ATC243750496and back to main menu09:13
ATC243750496and then choose reboot system09:14
ATC243750496and if working congratulation09:14
bray90820I am dumb the chroot thing was to fix a pixel bug09:15
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
nhainesuser82: Ubuntu on a Nexus device boots the Ubuntu kernel, then boots the Android kernel with a couple driver modules in a container for hardware support.09:39
bray90820can you use adb with ubuntu touch09:54
user82nhaines, interesting. thanks for the info10:46
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
linuxuz3rcan i make money from developing apps for ubuntu touch?10:56
linuxuz3rlike in the google play store?10:57
WebbyITWhere can I find the pictogram of Ubuntu Touch? The one with CoF inside10:58
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=== makimac- is now known as makimac
knuspertanteHey, gives anyway to power off my device?11:49
gchatzipapasi have one old pda11:57
gchatzipapasis possible to install on it ubuntu touch?11:57
Crytekwho is the cd image from ubuntu touch stable 1.0 for maguro (.zip)12:51
Crytekwho can help me ?12:55
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=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
ScardracShi all14:18
ScardracSare there anybody?14:20
EMLTHey Dudes, my question is about how to mod this OS to run on other quadcore tablets. wich files are nessesary to change drivers? hopefull you guys could help me. greetings from Hamburg, Germany14:30
ScardracSare there any italian chat for ubuntu touch?14:32
Henk_hi there...14:33
Henk_just flashing my nexus4 atm. does anyone in here did that in the last days?14:34
Henk_my screen is black and i just need to know if this is okay...no ubuntu sign rolling14:34
Henk_just backlight is on14:35
baronoshow to add another keyboard language?14:36
iBotPeachesbaronos: via command line https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes See "Known Issues"14:37
Henk_worked for me... nice14:41
sottasany one from greece?14:45
nik90Henk_: how did you flash it?14:46
nik90Henk_: I flashed few days ago..went well14:47
sottasany one from greece?14:53
tvnmskI'm having a problem while flashing my device, It holds on the following line: "Waiting fot install to finish on device. Please do not uplug device until phablet-flash finishes." and after a while the installation timeout and i receive the error installation is taking to long... Has anyone had this error? and someone knows how to resolve it? ( I have been trying all afternoon to try to get it to work.)14:53
nik90tvnmsk: you should ask again on Monday when everyone is back.14:54
nik90tvnmsk: I am not sure why you get that error though..for me flashing went fine14:55
spindleytvnmsk: did you check to see if flashing actually worked?15:02
tvnmskNo, I just read on askubuntu that someone succeeded even with the error. Currently waiting for the error to pop-up and will verify if flashing worked (with the error)15:03
spindleythat happened to me on one of the earlier builds15:04
spindleyare you doing this in a vm by chance?15:04
tvnmskNo, I have installed this morning the new release on my "old" laptop15:06
Ghost1227Anyone have any thoughts on why I'd be getting an error 'could not verify the tag v1.12.7' when trying to create a phablet mirror?15:08
w-floGhost1227, does it seem related to an update for the repo tool?15:10
w-floI always get a message about failed verification of repo updates when using the tool. It's probably because I installed repo from the  ubuntu repositories15:11
Ghost1227w-flo: i tried creating the mirror manually as well as with the repo tool and still getting the error15:12
w-floGhost1227, either install the repo tool directly from google (so it can verify the auto-update using some public key that's not bundled with the repo tool as provided by ubuntu) or ignore that error message (that's what I do)15:15
Ghost1227w-flo: i'd error it if i could... it won't let me create the mirror, errors out completely15:16
w-flooh. that's bad, syncing still works even though it shows that error message15:16
w-flohttp://source.android.com/source/downloading.html#verifying-git-tags maybe this fixes it. Though the update will still fail because you can't change the repo tool without root access15:18
w-floubuntu should probably patch repo in their archives to remove the auto-update feature15:18
hernaSomebody here?15:19
Ghost1227herna: yep15:20
Ghost1227w-flo: didn't help 'error while trying to sync repository'15:20
Ghost1227w-flo: PITA15:20
w-flo:/ I'm out of ideas then15:20
Ghost1227well that makes it difficult to get anything done today :P15:22
jholtomthe repo tool is having git tag problems?15:22
Ghost1227for me it is15:22
jholtomk, my solution was to15:22
jholtomsudo su15:22
Ghost1227you're building as root?15:22
jholtomthen curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > /usr/bin/repo15:22
jholtomand chmod a+X /usr/bin/repo15:22
jholtom(little x)15:23
jholtomi don't build as root15:23
jholtomjust install the repo tool as root15:23
jholtomthen it worked15:23
Ghost1227jholtom: so far so good!15:27
Ghost1227now we wait for the long download... then start porting!15:27
a_muva__I'm thinking to flash my Android and install Ubuntu. How functional is it?15:32
Ghost1227it's not production quality yet15:33
a_muva__but will I be able to make my calls?15:33
jholtomnot daily driver15:33
jholtoma_muva__: depends15:33
Ghost1227a_muva__: depends on which phone you have and whether or not it has a functional port yet15:37
a_muva__nexus 415:37
Henk_i made calls 5 mins ago with it15:39
Henk_but it crashed already 2 times15:39
Ghost1227nexus 4 works, but it's still a wip15:39
Henk_if a wip is a crashing device... somelags and no gmail contacts... yes15:41
Ghost1227wip = work in progress15:42
Henk_ah pokay ^^15:42
Ghost1227touch is a developer preview... gotta expect some issues15:42
Henk_ive installed ubuntu phone... not touch.. or is it the same? ^^15:43
Ghost1227same thing15:44
Henk_its why shuttleworth tried 32 mio? because there is so much to do on this os?15:44
SuperTeeceanyone out there tying to use GrooveShark?16:03
SuperTeecethere are some example music albums on the music scope that go to GrooveShark when tapped. GrooveShark requires Flash.16:06
EdisonBuenos Días16:18
Edisonya llegue hasta el punto 4 de la instalacion de ubuntu touch16:19
Edisonpero el comando phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup en que lado lo ejecuto ?16:19
Edisono como instalo la imagen16:19
w-floEdison, I'd love to help, but my spanish is not very good unfortunately16:20
w-floso you have some problem with step 4.. initial device setup?16:20
Edisonand get to the point 4 of the installation of ubuntu touch16:21
Edisonthe command phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup where i run ?16:22
Edisoni have nexus 416:22
w-flooh, you type that into a terminal on your computer16:22
w-floi.e. connect your phone to  a PC, open a terminal and type that command16:23
Edisonbut the phone in recovery mode ?16:24
espacialhello pple!16:24
w-floIt's not required, you can use that command even when your phone is currently booted into android16:25
espacialmfisch: hi!16:25
w-floEdison, just make sure that USB debugging is enabled in android or it won't work16:25
Edisonsure w-flo16:29
Edisonready in debugging16:29
Edisonbut in the terminal is downloading... and the phone no i look never16:30
jermy_Edison, what does 'adb devices' say?16:30
Edisonedison@edison-A305D:~$ adb devices List of devices attached  04d3259a5393c4b1device16:30
w-floEdison, I think it will download the required files before doing anything with the phone16:31
Edisonummm ok16:31
jermy_Edison, also keep in mind, that the install process may take some minutes16:31
TAZis there anyone here ?16:33
espacialhello TAZ16:33
Edisonumm ok, thanks, I'll wait to the end and you'll notice16:33
TAZhi espacial16:34
Edisonthanks jermy and w-flo16:34
w-floEdison, have fun :) just be patient, might take a while16:34
TAZguys i followed the guide here http://www.droidevs.com/showthread.php?t=110716:34
TAZdo i have to follow both guides in that link16:35
Edisonthat everything goes well on my phone16:35
jermy_TAZ, do you have the Nexus 4 mako?16:36
TAZno htc sensation & the link i made is for my phone as well16:36
TAZsent not made *16:36
TAZso ??16:38
rotomasdumb question sorry. If i installed touch-coreapps on my laptop, are the qml projects source code installed on my system also?16:40
alainalemanyGood day for everyone.16:40
alainalemanyI just installed Ubuntu on my Nexus 4. And I'm seeing just the Google logo during a long time, getting nothing. How can I get Ubuntu up and running?16:41
espacialTAZ: the link you sent was created on Last edited by Dragunkorr; 03-28-2013 at 04:30 PM.16:41
espacialit has been a few days from UT here16:42
maroidSo I'm looking to put ubuntu on my nook but I don't know which zip file to use. Does anyone happen to know?16:42
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jermy_alainalemany, Did you wait for more than 10 min? You could try to install the newest version once again.16:45
alainalemanyok jermy_ .... i'll wait 15 minutes from now and will see. Maybe it's me being desperate. Thanks16:46
baronosThis link  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes is supported by the addition of Russian keyboard?16:50
Ghost1227w-flo: so far so good...16:56
w-floGhost1227, the sync worked?16:58
Ghost1227yep, finishing the device specific sync now too16:59
w-flocool :)17:00
alainalemanyWell, nothing, it has been almost 20 minutes since I'm seeing the Google logo and Ubuntu just wont start. I need to reinstall, right?17:05
jermy_Jup, this will take less than 20 mins, I think.17:09
jermy_Post errors here, alainalemany17:09
alainalemanyThanks jermy_ ... so far it's just that. I did the installation just like the guide says. I'll do it again.17:10
jermy_Anyone knows how I can execute Qt.openUrlExternally("file:///home/user/MyDocs/Pictures/sample.jpg") on my phone?17:10
Ghost1227w-flo: yay, more issues >_<17:11
w-floGhost1227, that's what life of a porter is like I guess :)17:12
Ghost1227extract-files.sh can't find libplayback_adreno200.so now17:12
Ghost1227w-flo: yea no kidding17:12
Ghost1227w-flo: last time i did a port of something was in the early EVO days17:12
w-flohm. try without that lib then..17:13
Ghost1227or just find a copy of said file and add it yourself :P17:16
w-floyeah. Luckily someone provides a github repo with all of the proprietary files required for my device :D17:19
Ghost1227lucky you17:19
Edisonin my terminal laptop17:20
Edisonis in17:20
EdisonEdison, have fun :) just be patient, might take a while17:20
EdisonINFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes.17:20
w-floEdison, and it's still doing things?17:20
w-floI don't use my nexus4 with Ubuntu Touch, but it's probably installing everything on the device right now17:21
m4bhello; i'm wondering about the steps involved in running ubuntu touch on a non-supported device (i.e., not mako, grouper, etc.); in particular, i'd like to see if i could get it running on t789 (samsung galaxy s II blaze); i've installed CM on it; I also have a build machine available for compiling from source CM and android, and i am familiar with the steps involved; so is there a similar process for ubuntu touch and running on17:22
m4bunspported images?17:22
adamwestjust installed ubuntu phone17:23
adamwestbut i cant figure out how to go back in menus17:23
adamwestlike the settings menu17:23
w-flopull up the tool bar from the bottom edge17:23
floryn90hi everyone17:24
floryn90is there a guite to porting ubuntu-touch on another phones ?17:24
Ghost1227m4b: if nobody's built an unsupported image yet, you'll have to port it yourself17:25
adamwestthank you w-flo , seems like i need a batterypull though , the galaxy nexus seems to have a few issues17:25
Ghost1227floryn90: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting17:25
w-floadamwest, oops :/17:25
Ghost1227adamwest: well, it IS a dev preview... gotta expect some bugs17:25
m4bGhost1227: thank you for the link, I will investigate :)17:26
Ghost1227at least your phone is somewhat supported! :P17:26
Ghost1227m4b: good luck!17:26
adamwestyeah. its no biggie,17:26
adamwesti love it already17:26
Ghost1227m4b: struggling through a port myself :P17:26
w-floadamwest, at least you *have* a removable battery :)17:26
adamwestneed an app for exchange accounts and then its a daily driver :P17:26
Ghost1227w-flo: oooh good one17:27
adamwestw-flo: havent tried it on my N4 yet, but as soon as N5 comes out, ill move to that one :P17:27
Ghost1227adamwest: i'm porting to my only phone at the moment... lol could be in trouble17:27
w-floGhost1227, I've pulled my battery at least 30 times while trying to get my port booting :D17:29
m4bGHost1227: :) it's fun stuff tho17:29
Ghost1227w-flo: nothing new there...17:29
Ghost1227w-flo: i'm not that far yet though :( working on figuring out the audio now17:29
adamwestany decent email app released yet for this ?17:29
Ghost1227adamwest: i'll port one once i've got the initial port done... that's fairly important for me too17:30
tvnmskHow to unlock my sim card? i just flashed my nexus 4 with ubuntu touch, but in the start up proces it didn't ask my for my password.17:31
w-flotvnmsk, pull down the network indicator menu, I think it's supposed to be there17:32
Ghost1227w-flo: not understanding the audio step... got any guidance?17:33
w-floGhost1227, I think that was the most difficult thing to figure out. I think it's better to do it later when you can test things on the device17:34
tvnmskw-flo, Thanks!17:34
adamwestthank you for the info and help guys17:37
espacialw-flo: may i send you a private?17:50
w-floespacial, sure17:50
jermy_tvnmsk, SIM card 'password' is not yet supported17:54
Ghost1227w-flo: ok think i at least mostly understand audio... with the exception of WHERE the new dir has to go18:56
alainalemanyGuys I have a question. How an I make a screenshot with Ubuntu Touch?19:02
alainalemanyGuys is there any way to make screenshots of Ubuntu Touch?19:22
Ghost1227no clue alainalemany, sorry... still working on porting it19:23
manornkhi guys, i got this error error: insufficient permissions for device19:23
manornkERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell getprop ro.cm.device ' returned non-zero exit status 255 on command phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup19:23
fishscenemanornk: did you unlock the bootloader?19:23
manornkfishscene, it is unlocked, but i dont know, should i be booted in android or in bootloader while i try this19:24
bray90820Can you still use android file transfer with ubuntu touch19:24
manornkbray90820, yeah, I can19:25
alainalemanyI'm reading in askubuntu.com about a way to make screenshots. Acording the user, through "adb shell" you use the command line "/system/bin/screencap -p filename.png". I did that, but after that, how I move the screenshot to "/home/phablet/Pictures" in order to see it in the gallery application?19:25
fishscenemanornk: I believe you should start the flash process while booted in Android.19:25
bray90820It seems not to work for me19:25
manornki haven't done anything, just installed programs on computer, and started this command. ofc i unlocked device and debugger is enabled19:26
Ghost1227alainalemany: try /system/bin/screencap -p /home/phablet/Pictures/filename.png19:27
bray90820How did you enable debugger on ubuntu touch19:27
manornkbray90820, i don't have ubuntu touch yet, just android19:28
bray90820Ahh ok19:28
bray90820Well on ubuntu touch i cant transfer files19:28
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alainalemanyWell Ghost1227, confirmed. Using that command line you can make screenshots. Thanks.19:30
manornkGuys, i got Geeksphone, its one of firefox phones with quite good hardware, i want to make it into ubuntu phone, How19:31
Ghost1227alainalemany: np19:32
Ghost1227manornk: port it19:32
Ghost1227manornk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting19:32
alainalemanyOne last issue. This time should be simple. Lie when you have Android locked... in windows I can see my device, but it wont display its content... how can I see it guys?19:33
bray90820How would i transfer files with ubuntu touch19:33
manornkGhost1227, I putted on it Android, so i could go through wiki like android, how. please help, i want to have this19:34
Ghost1227manornk: read the link i gave you. porting isn't simple, but it's not impossible either (although it's driving me nuts at the moment)19:35
fishsceneGhost1227: If I may ask, what porting project are you working on?19:36
bray90820Does ubuntu touch support MTP file transfer?19:36
manornkGhost1227, haha, ok, one more thing, when i insert in terminal adb devices. Why is it List of devices attached  ????????????no permissions19:36
fishscenebray90820: Check this out for MTP on the devices here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArLs7UPtu-hJdDZDNWliMmV1YUJ3Zk1pQlpDdGp4VFE&usp=sharing#gid=019:37
Ghost1227manornk: either driver issue or bootloader issue i'd guess, but not sure19:37
Ghost1227fishscene: d2vzw19:38
bray90820fishscene: that doesn't really mean much to me19:38
w-floGhost1227, check the /proc/asound/cards file. I have " 0 [msmaudio       ]: msm-audio - msm-audio", so my ucm files go into /usr/share/alsa/ucm/msm-audio19:38
a_muva__can apk file installed and run as program?19:39
w-floa_muva__, no.. only ubuntu touch apps ("click packages") are supported19:39
fishscenebray90820: You asked if MTP file transfer worked on Ubuntu-touch, I pointed you to a document for supported devices, which seems to indicate that it's a per-device basis.19:39
a_muva__thank you19:39
Ghost1227w-flo: the /usr/share/alsa part was what threw me... that's the *nix path, but it never occurred to me that it would carry over to mobile19:39
Ghost1227still trying to get used to standard *nix conventions being valid in a mobile environment19:39
w-floGhost1227, that's what I love about Ubuntu Touch.. things are mostly like you'd excpect them to be :D19:40
bray90820fishscene: so then how would i transfer files if i cant use mtp19:40
alainalemanyGhost1227, can you tell me how I see the phone content in windows explorer? I only see it detected, even the space info... but no content.19:41
fishscenebray90820: I unfortunately don't know the answer to that. My next guess would be there's either an adb command or somehow through ssh. I wish I could help more =\ (I'm not a developer)19:41
bray90820ayleast you tried19:41
bray90820Anyone else?19:41
Ghost1227alainalemany: windows doesn't do well with *nix filesystems natively... i've never actually installed touch yet, so couldn't swear to it, but likely you'll need a fs driver that's compatible19:42
Ghost1227w-flo: literally in the build root? that seems odd... i'd expect it to be in /system/usr/share...19:42
spindleybray90820: check out the adb push command19:42
w-floalainalemany, Ghost1227, the phone uses MTP  for file transfer which is supported by windows natively.. but I'm not sure anyone ever tested if actually works with windows :)19:42
Ghost1227w-flo: lmao that does make sense, mtp is a finicky beast sometimes though19:43
w-floGhost1227, not actually in the build root, but in the ubuntu root. That's the 390M "preinstalled" zip package :)19:43
bray90820so i could use adb push and transfer files from my dektop?19:43
spindleybray90820: i think so .. google it19:43
bray90820Thank you19:43
spindleybray90820: i think it's adb push /path/to/local/file /sdcard/blah19:44
spindleyor something like that19:44
alainalemanyWell w-flo, the thing is I'm seeing the phone connected and detected... but when I get inside... everything is just blank.19:44
Ghost1227w-flo: wait... literlly in the system root? that does make sense in terms of the docs, but not what i would have expected >_<19:44
w-floalainalemany, no idea why :( sorry19:45
alainalemanyOk buddy w-flo, thanks... I'll check and if I got a way... I'll tell here.19:45
w-floGhost1227, the phone's data partiton contains an "ubuntu" directory after flashing, and the rootfs is inside that directory. so the alsa files will be in "/data/ubuntu/usr/share/alsa..", but the initramfs does some mount magic so this is actually in "/usr/share/alsa" after the phone has booted19:46
Ghost1227that makes sense19:47
w-floBasically you can skip the audio step and just try to get the boot process working first19:48
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Ghost1227w-flo: should i skip apparmor for the moment or is it worth figuring out in advance19:57
w-floGhost1227, I'm not sure what the current situation is with apparmor.. a few weeks ago it was possible to boot and use most apps without apparmor, today you probably can't use most apps.. I guess booting should still be finde without it :)19:57
Ghost1227w-flo: good... apparmor drives me nuts on desktop, mobile's gonna drive me to drink! i'd rather not screw with it until i absolutely have to19:59
w-floMost apps require it.. so you will have to, but not yet ;P20:00
w-flobut yeah, apparmor prevents my music app from keeping a wakelock .. so the music shuts off after 30 seconds or so of inactivity. thank you apparmor :D20:00
manornkso, porting it is :(20:02
manornkHow long does it take to finish porting?20:03
Ghost1227manornk: depends... i've been working on it for hours and feel like i'm just getting started20:04
manornkGhost1227, huh, it is bad... but someone has to20:05
w-floI can't tell how many hours.. probably quite a few.. I like doing such things :)20:05
Ghost1227manornk: w-flo: I used to port roms for fun... but this is a whole new animal. half what i remember about porting isn't relevant or is conterintuitive20:06
manornkGhost1227, i have never done similar thing20:08
Ghost1227w-flo: decided to try my luck with apparmor... already wish i hadn't :P20:08
Ghost1227manornk: then you're starting from a blank slate... nothing wrong with that20:08
w-floGhost1227, good luck :) the kernel patch used by canonical in one of their device kernels surprisingly applied cleanly, so it wasn't that difficult actually20:08
manornkGhost1227, haha, yeah, but only started from large thing :D20:08
Ghost1227w-flo: i will say that the guide is definitely a work in progress... i have at least some idea what i'm doing and not one step of this process has been as simple as following instructions20:10
w-floGhost1227, the guide was somewhat useful shortly after ubuntu touch was made public.. but since then everything was changed.. i.e. they no longer boot into android, instead it now boots directly into ubuntu. they no longer use audioflinger, instead alsa/pulseaudio. Even surfaceflinger is deprecated, using Mir instead. And so on. I'm not sure anyone took a lot of care with updating the porting guide... But you can usually get help in t20:13
w-flohis channel on week days20:13
Ghost1227fair enough20:13
Ghost1227whenever i figure my way through this maybe i'll update it!20:13
w-floGhost1227, that's a great idea :)20:14
Ghost1227someone's gotta do it20:14
w-floThough some things can't be explained in general as they are device-specific.. every device has its own problems and so everyone needs to come up with their own ideas to solve them :(20:15
Ghost1227sure, but the basics could be better outlined20:15
w-floyes, definitely20:15
Ghost1227and tips could be put down to help people find their way through the rough parts and device-specific stuff20:16
a_muva__I get : ERROR:phablet-flash:Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way.20:17
Ghost1227w-flo: i figure i used to be an arch linux core developer, and spent some time porting roms a few years back... i should be able to sort through this with enough patience20:22
w-floGhost1227, yes, unless your device uses black magic... I only had experience as a linux user and managed to make it work20:23
Ghost1227black magic based smartphones... that's the next evolution in technology20:28
fishsceneMaybe these guys will make it: http://www.blackmagicdesign.com/us20:29
Jeeves_Hi all20:30
Jeeves_I've got a Geeksphone Peak with Firefox OS. Has anyone managed to flash Touch onto a Peak?20:30
Ghost1227fishscene: nice20:30
Ghost1227firefox os? not familiar with that one20:31
Siderissome one try to isntall it on a defy plus ??20:32
fishsceneok so, on the porting guide, I'm a bit confused. Is the guide currently for flipped images? or is it still the 1.0 guide? ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting )20:38
w-flofishscene, that's for flipped images20:42
fishsceneok. Thanks. I recently depreciated my Nexus S phone and, who knows, maybe in my free time I'll look into porting.20:43
w-flofishscene, cool :)20:44
a_muva__how to transfer contact to ubuntu?21:20
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successushi o/21:33
bray90820Do backups and restores work the same as in android21:35
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SirHeyhi all21:54
SirHeyI need help :)21:54
SirHeythere is someone here ?21:55
wilee-nileeSirHey: state the issues to the channel for help.21:57
SirHeyI try to install Ubuntu touch on my Nexus 4. and after launch "phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup" under sudo, my phone reboot under bootloader...21:59
linuxlite1969anyone ported Utouch to a motorola M yet? if so, i would appreciate some good literature22:59
danieledanyone in chat?23:04
ChayI am23:05
danieledhi Chay23:05
ChayI finally decided to install ubuntu touch on my Nexus 7 but I can't quite seem to get it to do anything at all, I keep getting random screen flicker and freezes23:10
Chayany advice?23:11
danieleddo you know how can i install it on a samsung galaxy s2?23:11
ChayI could be wrong but I do not think that device is supported23:12
Chayis there any way to connect to a hidden network on ubuntu touch? I keep mine hidden23:29
JR_this is taking so much time23:32
Chayjust wait for it, what device?23:35
Chay@JR what device23:38
JasonFeliceHow can I start sshd on ubuntu touch?  init script seems to be missing (or broken?)23:44
JasonFeliceOh, got it.  Not sure what I did wrong the first time.23:50
a_muva__Who knows how to export contact list into ubuntu touch?23:53
JasonFeliceWell, next question - how can I prevent the phone from going to sleep and dropping my connection.23:56

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