
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
sasa84i have 2 questions... i don't know if it's a bug or something else12:14
sasa84first one is about the translation ob bluetooth (on panel)12:15
sasa84visible is not translated... i'm looking for that string, but i can't find it12:15
sasa84it's odd that we haven't translated it (yet)12:16
UbuPhillupwhich lang?12:16
UbuPhillupcan you finde it here https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/indicator-bluetooth/+pots/indicator-bluetooth/12:16
sasa84i've already searched, but it's not there12:17
UbuPhillupyeah, hmm, let me see if its translated into german12:17
sasa84i'm talking about ubuntu 13.1012:19
UbuPhillupi can not see the whole indicator in my vm12:23
sasa84ok, tnx anyway12:26
UbuPhillupsasa84: i think bluethooth dont work with vm, so yeah maybe its a bug12:27
sasa84UbuPhillup, what about when you press "super key"? https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjkjim2rv5iny1a/Zaslonska%20slika%202013-10-19%2014%3A15%3A57.png12:28
UbuPhillupsasa84: its not translated12:29
sasa84there must be few bugs here... because some things are not translated12:30
UbuPhillupsasa84: yeah not translated here too12:33
UbuPhillupsasa84: write a bug-report about that and also use the images12:34
UbuPhillupand send me the like to it if you're done ;)12:35
sasa84ok, i will UbuPhillup :)12:40
sasa84tnx ;)12:40
olbihi guys13:41
olbiwho is responsible for adding Polish translators to their group? :)13:41

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