
drkokandyI liked your names better too Unit19302:39
* skellat waits for his BeagleBoard-xM running Testing to reload Xfce in a slightly altered configuration with SLiM instead of lightdm03:31
skellatSomething interesting for the evening hours providing a window to the past: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-KUat5WEkU04:03
jenni[ 1939 Film: New Zealand Shortwave Communications; Morse code (CW) - YouTube ] - https://j.mp/19g9hYY04:03
skellatHmm... http://archive.org/details/OhioLinuxfest201304:13
jenni[ Ohio LinuxFest 2013 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive ] - https://j.mp/19gaDDf04:13
skellatApparently recordings are posted04:13
belkinsaThat's nice that they did that.12:36
belkinsaDo you know when we will know anything about the next years OLF?13:12
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skellatbelkinsa: I'll wait a few months before I contact the organizers.18:22
* skellat is just back after playing with power tools at the congregation's building to run speaker wire to adjust the sound system there18:22
canthus13anyone have any non-foss-fanboy opinion on the intel Iris cards?19:14
belkinsaI see and duh, it's still to early.19:46
skellatbelkinsa: Once Trusty Tahr is done19:52
skellatcanthus13: An Intel Iris card?  I haven't seen one in the wild.  What is it for?19:52
jrgiffordCan someone remind me of what Iris is?20:17
canthus13skellat: chipset, not card. sorry. It's their latest graphics offering.  one of the vendors at OLF was raving about them.20:51
jrgiffordcanthus13: i was hearing about them, i heard good things20:56
canthus13It seems like they sit somewhere between the geforce 640 and 650M from the benchmarks I finally found.21:00
jrgiffordthe only question I had was what the actual linux support was.21:00
jrgiffordI had heard that it wasn't great, or even really working at all yet21:01
canthus13Eh... System76 already has them running on the Pangolin Performance.21:01
canthus13(or whatever their 14" offering is)21:01
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