
=== Gurkenmaster is now known as zz_Gurkenmaster
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MraMaria~$ sudo dpkg -i synergy-1.4.14-Linux-x86_64.deb ... // ~$sudo apt-get remove synergy ... The following packages will be REMOVED: // synergy // 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. // After this operation, 23.1 GB disk space will be freed.01:25
MraMariaY and only removed synergy01:26
MraMariaJust a note regarding that... on 13.10 installed an hr or so ago on a 64 bit machine01:26
MraMariasudo apt-get install synergy01:29
MraMariaoops, wrong machine01:29
MraMariathat's why i need only 1 kb :p01:30
rostamHI where could I get info on creating kickstart via usb? thx   I have done it for DVD (kickstart via DVD), now I want to change the media to usb. PLEASE HELP Thx01:53
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wagonboiIf I add a dedicated ip to my vps, is it still accessible through my old shared Ip, or only through my new dedicated IP?06:18
andolwagonboi: How are we suppose to be ableto answer that, without knowing the particular network setup related to your VPS environment? Also, wouldn't the original ip of the vps also be a dedicated one?07:18
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=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
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ankrj I'm new to the Ubuntu Server comunity. I wanted to know what all I can catch up/read up on apart from the stuff in Ubuntu Wiki?17:20
ankrjHello Everyone, I'm new to the Ubuntu Server comunity. I wanted to know what all I can catch up/read up on apart from the stuff in Ubuntu Wiki?17:50
MavKendo you need postfix for sendmail to work?17:50
MavKenankrj, do you have vps hosting or just using a home server?17:50
ankrjHello MavKen, I do not use either. I could setup a Home Server.18:00
ankrjI guess I should rephrase my question, what more should I know to effectively contribute to the project (apart from the Ubuntu Contribute Wiki)?18:01
ersiGood question. Do you have any special interests or areas of expertise (or areas you want to improve either Ubuntu or yourself in)?18:02
ersiYou might want to sign up to our mailing list, it's not very high volume.18:02
MavKenif you want a good setup to learn, i recommend digitalocean.com $5/month for root access and there are several versions of ubuntu server you can use18:03
MavKenim new to the server side of things, but there are millions of tutorials for anything you want to do out there18:03
MavKeni cant get sendmail working for some reason18:04
ankrjOK Ersi, thanks for the suggestion. I'll start with the mailing list. I am a Network Engineer by profession, I have fair knowledge of Python and C++,would these skills be helpful?18:05
rbasakankrj: the server guide is always looking for contributions.18:05
ankrjMavken thanks for your suggestions as well. I wont be looking into a paid solution as of now, will srely look into setting up a Home Server and start from there18:06
ankrjRbasak, are you referring to the documentation?18:06
MavKencool... I had home server before till my ISP disconnected me18:06
ankrjok, thats sad!18:06
ersiankrj: Yeah, Python and C++ are totally valuable skills!18:07
ankrjErsi, Rbasak, if I do get in touch Ubuntu-Server guys for Mentorship18:07
ankrjwhat kind of tasks will I get?18:07
ersiankrj: There's quite many Python-sourced scripts and programs by the way18:08
ersiI don't know about the mentorships, unfortunately.18:08
ankrjoh, ok18:09
ersiThere's also the ubuntu-server group on launchpad.net (which is canonical and ubuntus development platform) by the way :-)18:09
ersiBut getting a mentor might be a good idea to get up to speed with things18:09
ankrjOK, will look into that! Just wanted to know what kind of tasks are involved and the time that we need to put in during mentorship - as I'm working full time and my python/C++ skills are kinda beginner/amatuer level?18:11
rbasakankrj: https://help.ubuntu.com/13.10/serverguide/18:11
ankrjRbasak, looking at it now :)18:12
ankrjAnyone who does Bug Triage here?18:12
ersiankrj: I think the tasks might be quite tailored to what you would like to help with.18:12
TheLordOfTimeankrj, i'm a bug triager18:12
TheLordOfTime(bugsquad + bugcontrol)18:12
ankrjMind if I call you TLOT?18:13
rbasakankrj: I suggest that you pick an area that you'd like to see improved. It's easier to get help on a specific goal since it's pretty hard to set you a task that matches your skill and experience.18:13
ankrjSure, OK18:13
ankrjSo tlot, after the reading the Bug Squad + Ubuntu server Bug Traige guide, is it basically dive in directly to triage bugs?18:14
ankrjOr anything that I need to know?18:15
rbasakankrj: go ahead and dive in. If you can get bugs to the stage where they are confirmed, detailed steps to reproduce and developers would agree that it's a bug and needs to be fixed in Ubuntu, then that would be really helpful. There are more bugs pending triaging than we can manage right now unfortunately.18:18
TheLordOfTimeaww he timed out18:22
TheLordOfTimeoh well, i was making money anyways, selling off some bitcoins :P18:22
TheLordOfTimerbasak, yeah, that's a good explanation for triaging.  :)18:22
TheLordOfTimerbasak, bugsquad typically also suggests to get involved in packages/programs you know enough about to be able to test/confirm things, because a lot of bugs out there have really obscure replication steps...18:23
TheLordOfTimebut if you know said package pretty well, you can probably replicate those things :18:23
MavKenhow can i prevent my sendmail from going directly to spam folder on gmail?18:31
=== Gurkenmaster is now known as zz_Gurkenmaster
MavKenis there a way to automatically have a 'user.com' added to the sites-available folder each time i add a user?  I have the doc root as /home/user/www/public_html/23:02

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