
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:34
Kiloswhere does this go to? https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/3/35/WG40-WriterGuideLO.pdf07:38
Kilospage dont open in browser just 12m data disappears07:39
KilosErr http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main procps i386 1:3.2.8-11ubuntu6.108:50
psychicisthi Kilos 08:51
Kiloshi psychicist 08:51
Kilos404  Not Found [IP: 80]08:51
Kilosi wonder whats up there08:51
KilosMaaz, is http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ down08:52
MaazKilos: No, it's just you08:52
Kilosjust that one file then08:52
Kilosdpkg upgraded but procps has the prob08:52
Kiloshows things going there psychicist you havent given feedback for a while08:53
Kilosat least weve had some rain since the very early hours of this morning09:58
Kiloshi kbmonkey 10:34
Kilosit be raining10:34
kbmonkeyah good10:35
kbmonkeyam so bored 10:35
Kiloslol run out of games?10:35
kbmonkeylol. nope.10:36
kbmonkeyhave not played a game in a few weeks10:36
kbmonkeygames are not much fun anymore :(10:36
Kilosall games?10:37
Kiloswhat you know about that indi bundle10:37
Kiloswhat kinda games are they10:37
kbmonkeyit varies on the style of the game10:38
kbmonkeyI just don't feel lus for games man10:38
Kilosi mean not card games10:38
Kilosaction stuff?10:38
kbmonkeylike solitaire?10:38
Kilosi dont play card games except for freecell10:41
Kilosi like mahjong10:41
Kilosbut also gets boring10:42
kbmonkeynow that is a nice one10:42
kbmonkeyI got chai rooibos tea. saw it in the shops this morning. it is lekke10:42
Kilosi love rooibos10:42
kbmonkeyme too10:42
Kilosvery healthy too10:42
kbmonkeyI have it black no sugar10:43
kbmonkeysometimes I put soy milk10:43
Kiloswhat happened about your veggie curry recipe10:43
Kilosyours not an online thing10:44
Kiloswanna check if you do a good job10:44
kbmonkeyonline thing?10:46
Kilosyeah dont google for one10:46
Kilostell me how you make it10:46
Kiloswhat herbs and spices and brands of curry powder masala etc10:47
kbmonkeyI am trying to remember10:47
kbmonkeyI dont buy brands, I go to a spice shop and they weigh out the spices on a scale10:47
kbmonkeyI dont know if you have spice shops there?10:48
kbmonkeythey even mix the spices for a custom job 10:48
kbmonkeyI will find you a recipe from the ladies at work10:49
kbmonkeybut it usually goes like this...10:49
Kilosno man i get sis to buy the seperate spices , herbs etc then i use what i wanna10:49
Kilosonly use a mixed herbs mix10:50
Kilosother stuff all singles10:50
kbmonkeyfry onions with cumin seeds, star aniseed, cinnamon sticks10:51
kbmonkeyadd diced potatoe, fry a bit, add cut carrots, fry more10:51
kbmonkeythen you can add whatever other veg you like, softer veg goes in last.10:52
kbmonkeyfor the gravy (which is actually called chutney) you add chopped tomatoes or tinned if you like. 10:52
kbmonkeyI like fresh tomatoes and use like 6 or more. it makes the sauce10:53
kbmonkeyand the secret is to use a lot of freshly finely chopped cilantro. also called danja.10:53
kbmonkeydhanja is the leaves of the same plant where cumin seeds come from10:54
Kilosdanja is the leaves off a coriander plant10:54
kbmonkeybut you probably knew that ;)10:54
kbmonkeyyes coriander, yet another name for it :p10:54
Kilosso far so good10:55
Kilosonly the aniseed10:55
kbmonkeyif you use meat you put that in before the potatoes10:55
Kilosyou cant eat meat hey?10:56
kbmonkeythick base pots work best. even heat distribution, less direct heat and less chance to burn10:56
kbmonkeyI can eat it but I don't10:56
kbmonkeyalso tomatoe puree to add tang to bring out the spice flavors10:57
kbmonkeyand if you like hot stuff put fresh chilli. 10:58
Kilosi wish you would just taste the golddish vegetable curry, thats what i want to be able to make10:58
Kilosthat stuff is yummy10:58
kbmonkeysome people put the chillie in whole, you can take them out after if you like. 10:59
kbmonkeyI have tasted that dish curry10:59
kbmonkeyit is more a malay curry than an eastern one, but it is very nice10:59
Kilosya i like some chili in, if you remove pips it aint as hot10:59
Kiloswhen i fill up with data i will try google the Gold Dish curry recipe11:00
Kilosmouth waters just thinking of it11:00
kbmonkeyfriday I had a savory rice with soy prawn masala. it was very good. lots of spices and flavor.11:03
kbmonkeythey call it a seafood rice, but it does not have sea creatures. instead it has sea weed.11:03
kbmonkeyplenty of iodine. tastes like the sea.11:03
kbmonkeyit is like the spinach of the sea. lol11:04
Kilosthats good11:04
Kilosive never eaten seaweed11:04
Kilosty monkey11:13
kbmonkeyyw Kilos !11:20
kbmonkeyI will get a recipe written down soon this week ok11:20
kbmonkeyI am going to make another tea 11:20
Kilosok ty11:20
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee on11:20
* Maaz washes some mugs11:20
kbmonkeyMaaz, tea on11:20
Maazkbmonkey: *blink*11:20
kbmonkeyMaaz, tea 11:20
Maazkbmonkey: tea is a brew made from a tea bush from ceylon11:20
kbmonkeyson of a bit...11:21
kbmonkeyor is that byte?11:21
Kilosyou gotta ask for tea when coffee going11:21
KilosMaaz, coffee on11:21
MaazKilos: There's already a pot on. If you ask nicely, maybe you can have a cup11:21
Kilosoh my11:21
KilosMaaz, coffee please11:22
MaazKilos: Yessir11:22
KilosMaaz, tea please11:22
MaazAs soon as the kettle boils Kilos I will pour boiling water into your cup if you have the tea bag in already11:22
kbmonkeyit is lying, it will only serve coffee11:23
MaazCoffee's ready for kbmonkey and Kilos!11:24
KilosMaaz, ty11:24
MaazYou are welcome Kilos11:24
kbmonkeythanks Maaz 11:25
Kilosyay 22mm so far, now the grass can start growing again13:44
Kilosnot outs space mesees13:46
KilosMaaz, spell bootable13:47
MaazKilos: Suggestions: Mootable, Boatable or bookable13:47
Kiloshow come maaz dunno what bootable is13:49
KilosHi cocooncrash have you a minute please14:13
Kiloswhat does the -f do in  fsck -f /dev/ sdxxx?14:14
Kilosaw he gone14:19
Kilosinetpro, ^^14:26
Kilosdont sat man fsck it aint there17:10
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:27

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