
fcuevasxfce4-volumed doesn't start on startup03:36
=== ademar is now known as Guest55779
=== rain is now known as Guest95515
=== Guest95515 is now known as rainy_day
=== rain_ is now known as rainy_day
cfhowlettrainy_day, greetings13:36
rainy_day:) I.. had a question about application menu snafus on 13.10... not quite sure if this is the appropriate place to ask. :)13:37
cfhowlettrainy_day, it is.  ask.13:40
rainy_dayalright so I am trying to use alacarte to modify the menu items. However when launched normally alacarte seems to be unable to add new menus, or add new items to menus (other than "other")13:41
rainy_daylaunching it from gksudo makes it look like it does changes but those changes never work. I was wondering if this is a known problem with workaround, or if there was a way to edit the menu file in another way.13:41
rainy_day(as context I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, and I do seem to be running into these gtk-critical errors on alacarte and gedit and several other programs... so entirely possible it is linked to it... but kind of lost as to how to proceed in debugging at that point)13:43
zequencerainy_day: running it as sudo means running it as root, so those changes would only be seen if you logged in as root, graphically13:46
zequenceI haven't messed a lot with that, but there may be some problems between alacarte and XFCE. The changes you make end up in the user home folder13:46
zequenceThere may be different formats between alacarte and what XFCE/ubuntustudio-menu is looking for13:47
rainy_daywell it is adding the file just not to the right place as user... are they supposed to end up in my home configuration or supposed to be top level?13:48
rainy_dayI have been trying to hunt down the correct file... but nothing looks like my current menu (and strangely nothing seems to be modified with my upgrade or since, even through I did make some edit of existing menu items - which worked- and removed a few items -which also worked-)13:49
zequencerainy_day: Those are user settings, so they should end up in the user home folder13:51
zequenceThe files end up in the right place, but there may be a problem between formats13:51
zequenceusing sudo, as said, is not going to help13:51
rainy_dayI can modify them manually and alright.13:52
rainy_dayok let me see if I can hunt the file down on home directory. thank you very much cfhowlett and zequence13:52
cfhowlettrainy_day, best of luck to you.13:54
unohi everybody, how to change my user account picture on my ubuntu studio16:26
florianfgood evening. i just upgraded ubuntu studio 13.04 to 13.10 and am still stuck with the 3.8 lowlatency kernel. is this normal behaviour?16:46
wilee-nileeflorianf, sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:47
florianfhmm, thought the GUI upgrade did all that for me..16:47
florianfthanks, ill try it16:47
wilee-nileeworth a try is all16:48
florianfjust installed the 3.11 lowlatency kernel manually16:48
florianfhope i didnt break anything16:48
florianfwell, gonna test the 3.11 now.. hope i still boot16:49
wilee-nileehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel just info good luck16:50
aaa__Hey does anyone have 5 - 10 mins to help me out with something?20:25
Guest19900i have no sound on ubuntu studio. use intel 82801eb/er (ich5/ich5r) ac'97 audio controller... any ideas?20:28
Guest19900fresh install20:29
aaa__Desktop or laptop?20:29
aaa__Go into bios and see if you can enable ac'9720:29
aaa__Or onboard sound20:29
Guest19900doh... gotta reboot to try that... *think* it's enabled, sound was looping in ubuntu gnome20:30
Guest19900you gonna be here a minute?20:30
Guest19900before i go, you good with grub?20:31
aaa__Sorry i have to go...my ubuntu studio got f ucked up when i installed steam -.-20:31
aaa__I might be ..why?20:31
aaa__It actually depends on your problem:P20:31
Guest19900when puter boots, i get no grub menu. think it's in my grub.cfg20:31
Unit193Yep, if you want you can comment out hidden_timeout=020:33
Guest19900changed to 10 and false and reran update-grub didn't change anything...20:33
aaa__If you want you grub menu to appear which you dont really need unless you have dual boot..then push f8 5,6 times before you get to ubuntu logo20:33
aaa__but gotta go solve my f**** issue lol..20:34
Unit193Erm, edit /etc/default/grub, the other gets overwritten as it clearly states in the header of the file.20:34
Guest19900thnx, good luck20:34
Guest19900that's the one i changed...20:34
Unit193< Unit193> Yep, if you want you can comment out hidden_timeout=020:35
Unit193Heading out now.20:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:35
OvenWerksUnit193: It seems to beter to use a new file in /etc/default/grub.d/ on ubuntu. That seems to cause the least problems with updates..20:45
OvenWerksNothing on the GRUB site really works right on ubuntu :P20:50
duduche92I have duplicate sources.list22:08
duduche92apt-get update don(t work22:09
OvenWerksduduche92: I assume you are running on Live ISO22:16
OvenWerksThat should go away after install22:16
gdoshey using alacarte, how come i can't hide certain menu items? even tried using gksudo alacarte22:17
duduche92no but  i am  just reinstalling.22:22
OvenWerksduduche92: If the system can see the ISO there are two sources.lists22:29
OvenWerksgdos: Most of the stock menu config files are broken. Which version os are you using?\22:31
gdosOvenWorks: what do you mean most of the stock menu config files are broken? is this a known issue?22:32
OvenWerksSort of known I have been bugging as many as I can.22:32
gdosi'm using studio version 13.1022:32
OvenWerksThe line that merges in other menu files is at the top of the config rather than the bottom.22:33
gdosOvenWerks: any work arounds?22:33
OvenWerksHmm, that should be ok then.22:33
OvenWerksWe use the merge function quite heavy for our own menu.22:33
OvenWerks(which is how I found it was broken)22:34
gdosbut is there anyway that i can hide certain menu items?22:34
OvenWerksshould be able to. Alacart makes a new *.desktop file with an extra line that hides it.22:35
OvenWerksI haven't played with alacarte since about 12.10 because I to many problems with it.22:36
gdosalacarte won't let me hide certain ubuntustudio specific items even tried prefixing the command with gksudo22:36
gdosOvenWerks: know of another menu editor?22:36
OvenWerksit shouldn't have to be sudo22:36
OvenWerksThere is another one in the works, but it is not out yet.22:37
OvenWerkslibremenu or something like that.22:37
OvenWerksThe changes are stored in the user's directory22:37
OvenWerks~/.config/menu/ and ~/.local/applications/22:38
OvenWerksxfce may merge the files in the wrong order though if it is studio custom menu stuff you are trying to hide.22:39
gdoscan i manually hide these items through a text editor? say, for example: the photography menu since the file are already duplicated elsewhere?22:40
OvenWerksI don't know for sure.22:41
gdossince its an xml file, can't remember what the string is to comment out a line.22:42
OvenWerksCommenting out a line may not work which file are you editing?22:42
OvenWerksIf you sudo nano /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/studio.menu22:44
OvenWerksyou can add the line: <Directory>ubuntustudio-noshow.directory</Directory>22:45
OvenWerksjust below <Directory>ubuntustudio-photography.directory</Directory>22:45
OvenWerksThe second line takes presidence over the first.22:46
gdosok i will try that OvenWerks: thanks.22:47
OvenWerksBe warned, If we update that package your change may be over written :)22:47
gdosat least i'll know how to fix it. :)22:48
OvenWerksAlso that will be system wide. That is all users will have the change.22:48
OvenWerksgdos: Thank you for pointing that out. I will be testing that and report a bug against xfce if there is a problem there.22:49
gdosOK. No problem. :)22:50
OvenWerksNot that many people thorally test that stuff22:50
gdosi guess i have OCD when it comes to my desktop :)22:50
OvenWerksThe idea of settings is to be able to customize.22:51
OvenWerksHmm, it works for me here (alacarte)23:08
OvenWerksI can turn photgraphy off and on with alacate no problem.23:09
OvenWerksOh well, no bug anyway.23:12

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