
=== jono_ is now known as jono
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9335 in General "inhibit systemd from handling buttons and lid events" [Normal,New]11:10
brainwashwhat a bummer11:10
brainwashany chance to include the patch?11:12
ran_i have a problem withe synaptic on 13.1014:11
ran_when onboard (virtual keyboard) is loaded, and i load synaptic. synaptic crashes.14:13
ran_if i close onboard. everything is fine, synaptic works properly.14:24
ran_i have also tried another virtual keyboard (flurance), and synaptic crashed again.14:26
ran_so there is some strange problem/conflict between synaptic and virtual keyboards.14:27
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brainwashis there any chance to fix bug 1222021 in saucy? there is a patch available, but it did not get accepted upstream18:12
ubottubug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Laptop sleeps when lid is closed, regardless of Power Manager Settings." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122202118:12
brainwashbasically xfpm still needs some adjustments to be fully systemd/logind compatible18:13
brainwashotherwise it will stay broken18:13
knomeUnit193, aha?18:54
Unit193knome: Fine.18:54
Unit193menu_color_normal=white/black is normal, menu_color_normal=cyan/blue is what you'd get.18:54
Unit193Also, it says "Ubuntu, with blah", it would say "Xubuntu GNU/Linux, with blah"18:55
Unit193grep GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR /etc/grub.d/* -C6   to see.18:55
knomecould we append "(Xubuntu)" to blah? 18:56
knomeor something18:56
brainwashkubuntu does simply override the displayed name18:57
Unit193brainwash: Check the output of that grep command, they get special treatment.18:58
brainwashbut why?18:58
Unit193Ubuntu|*ubuntu  might work though.18:58
Unit193brainwash: Maybe back in the day when Kubuntu and Ubuntu were almost equal.18:59
knomewe could look into changing it to that.18:59
brainwashbut ubuntu is the correct term, because you boot ubuntu and then choose the graphical session afterwards19:00
Unit193knome: Yeah, that proposal works.19:01
Unit193brainwash: Yep. :P19:01
Unit193(Still does confuse people, sadly.)19:01
Unit193brainwash: How does Kubuntu do it anyway?19:01
brainwashuhm, some extra file which gets sourced by grub19:01
brainwashI'll check it19:02
Unit193I used /etc/default/grub.d/xubuntu.cfg19:02
Unit193brainwash: Sorry, some of this is from OT.19:02
Unit193Ubuntu|?ubuntu would likely be a better regex to use.19:05
Unit193(in 10_linux, and 05_debian_theme)19:06
knomewhat about ubuntu studio?19:07
Unit193?ubuntu* would be too much, wouldn't it?  Edubuntu wouldn't be picked up either, nor would the mythtv one.19:08
brainwash"# Hijack distributor if it is Ubuntu (default on Ubuntu systems...)19:09
knomethe first thing we should look at is the social side, not the technical19:11
knomebut feel free to discuss that as well if you fancy19:11
Unit193knome: Remember what I first said, right?19:17
knomeit doesn't work?19:17
knomeor if you're asking whether i remember your first first word, no you haven't told me that19:18
Unit193<Unit193> Hey knome, one of the pointless Unit193 things, you can put /etc/default/grub.d/xubuntu.cfg in xubuntu-default-settings and have it read GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=Xubuntu for the grub boot screen to say that this is Xubuntu GNU/Linux. :D    (Then linked to http://paste.openstack.org/show/vZVo6rEcgyVOec0lVk9o )19:19
knomei seem to be missing something19:19
Unit193Re: technical/social side of it, it started out as a pointless thing. :P19:20
knomebut i think it is worth looking at at least briefly19:20
brainwashwouldn't we need a solution for every spin?19:20
knomebrainwash, naturally that file would be seeded, thus in in every spin19:21
brainwashwhich package?19:22
brainwashthe kubuntu one comes with kubuntu-settings-desktop19:22
knomexubuntu-default-settings or something.19:23
knomethat's the smallest of our worries19:23
Unit193brainwash: Others can do as they wish, but the regex to include other flavors is the important one.  Kyline is another one that wouldn't get included with either one shown so far. :P19:30
Unit193WOw, closer than I thought.19:34
slickymastergood night all21:10
knomehello slickymaster 21:10
slickymasterhi, knome. Hope everything is fine with you21:10
slickymasterknome, as I'm not sure if you got to notice it, I did manage last friday to retarget https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bug/1238718 to xubuntu-docs21:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238718 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Errors in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" of the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series" [Undecided,Fix committed]21:11
slickymasterknome, https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/191781 at your disposal :)21:12
knomeslickymaster, i did, thanks.21:12
knomei'll get to that in some time, or at latest next week21:12
slickymasterknome, no hurries. As I said I wasn't sure whether you saw it or not, that's why I mentioned it now21:14
knomeslickymaster, merged21:41
slickymasterknome, thanks. You're a gentleman21:41
knomeheh, no problem21:42
brainwashknome: can I link reports to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-t-flavor-xubuntu or do things need to be discussed beforehand or added to the wiki page?21:47
knomebrainwash, what reports?21:47
knomebrainwash, bugs?21:47
brainwashsmall visual improvements21:48
knomeadd them in the wiki for now21:48
brainwashhopefully I won't break the wiki page =S21:48
knomewe can revert if you do...21:48
brainwashbut the wiki page does not link to the actual lp report21:49
brainwashwell, no entry there does21:49
brainwashknome: do we keep track of the remaining saucy bugs which haven't been fixed before final release?21:56
knomebrainwash, they're mostly linked to the t blueprint21:57
brainwashso confusing :)21:58
slickymasterknome, cy tomorrow22:04
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj

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