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amichairAddle: now I'm getting an error, seems it's starting to parse it. I'll play some more from here... thanks for your help!00:01
Addleamichair: You're welcome :)00:02
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Avihaywhat tools would one use to copy a windows hdd to a new hdd, useing a kubuntu live-cd? I can handle the documentation, I just need the name of the right tool00:11
AddleAvihay: I use Clonezilla from a bootable DVD.00:12
AvihayI'm a bit lazy to write a clonzila distribution, or is that also a tool?00:12
AddleAvihay: Just google it. There's .isos available. Pretty painless.00:13
AddleAvihay: I used the 2.2.0-8 iso they have available. Worked fine.00:14
AddleAvihay: I use it to make images before I do anything drastic to my system.00:14
AvihayI don't really have a drive to deploy it to00:15
Avihaymaybe I'll just burn a cd00:15
AddleAvihay: Oh, yeah, CD should work too. It's almost certainly small enough to fit.00:15
Avihaybut I'm useing the cd drive's sata and power to drive the other hdd00:15
AddleAvihay: Probably could make a bootable USB. Never done it, but there might be instructions on the clonezilla site.00:16
Avihaythere are, I'll look into it00:17
AddleAvihay: Good luck :)00:17
therazrIs this distro community-based?00:29
Addletherazr: Yes00:29
therazrAddle: What's the relationship with Ubuntu and Canonical, and who is mainly developing Kubuntu? Are there "features" like Amazon search or some other packages included in Kubuntu from Ubuntu main edition?00:31
Addletherazr: Well, others would know more, but Kubuntu has its own separate community and Canonical doesn't control it. Nor will there be any spyware on Kubuntu, from what I've been told.00:32
Addletherazr: Nor is Kubuntu particularly interested in Mir, if you're wondering. :)00:32
valoriewe are part of the Ubuntu community, but Kubuntu is governed by our own Council00:33
valorieno spyware, ever00:33
AddleAnd there is the other that would know more :)00:34
valorietherazr: we cooperate with the ubuntu community for packaging, but do all the KDE packing ourselves, in cooperation with the KDE devels00:34
valorieand sysadmins00:34
therazrvalorie: Looks like you refuse some of the Canonical's decisions. Will you be able to keep providing a reliable kubuntu experience on top of Xorg or Wayland? No upcoming XMir anytime soon?00:35
valorieno xmir in the forseeable future00:35
valoriemir and xmir are both built for Unity00:35
valorieand we don't ship unity00:35
therazrbut they work with KDE, it seems00:35
therazrXMir of course00:35
valoriesort of00:35
therazrMir nep00:35
valorienot to the satisfaction of the kwin devels00:36
valoriethey will not be adding one-distro patches to kwin00:36
valorieas for the future, it is in the future00:36
valoriewe hope to keep offering a viable Kubuntu00:36
therazrThanks :)00:37
valorieI try not to worry about things over which I have zero influence00:37
valorieand work on things where I can make a difference00:37
valoriewhich is why I ran for a place on the Kub. Council00:38
AddleUs "Open Source Tea Party" people stick together. LOL00:38
Addle(Inside joke from comments from Shuttleworth)00:39
valorieyes, I know where it comes from00:39
therazrthat one was strong00:39
valorieit was an unfortunate remark00:39
therazrWayland devs now wanna debate publicly with Shuttleworth00:39
AddleOff topic, but it really was an unfortunate remark.00:39
valoriemark sees things from his own POV, and his own interests00:40
valoriethat's fine, but stop bad-mouthing others00:40
AddleAgree 100%.00:40
valoriewe all have our own POV, and our own interests00:40
valorieit is always good to have dialog, and think together, work together00:41
AddleWe do, after all, mostly have the same goals.00:41
therazrvalorie: tbh, he didn't attack anyone before his last comment. Before that, he had to listen a lot from the community, many hard things to ear00:41
therazrnow he wants to prove he had a point with Mir00:41
valoriehowever, one drop of ink can blacken a lot of water00:42
valoriebetter not to have said such a thing00:42
valoriein a public blog00:42
AddleAnd that includes the FUD when Mir was announced, IMO.00:42
therazryea probably00:42
valorielet the code talk00:42
valorieif it is better, it should be adopted00:43
valorieright now, it's too early to tell00:43
AddleOn that, you, I and Linus agree. :)00:43
mrpot4to_hello i'm having some issues with the last update of kubuntu: it says I can't use apt-get update to add new CDs and asks me to use apt-cdrom instead.03:15
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Addlemrpot4to_: Not that I've used any of the cdrom stuff past installation, but I'm not sure what the issue is. apt-cdrom isn't adding the disks properly?03:38
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goodtimeAddle: you might need to tweek the bios04:10
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Addlegoodtime: Guessing you meant that for mrpot4to_. :)  (Alas, he's logged out)04:16
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arthurfiggishello all :) finally got everything installed in 13.10 again, it's running great and the available nvidia drivers are now recent enough that my graphics don't glitch out any more :P i'm glad that the overall decision was not to go with Mir and stick with X/Wayland as well...it's the community-backed solution and judging by intel's harsh response, the hardware manufacturers aren't impressed either05:00
Addlearthurfiggis: Glad you're happy with it. :)  Though as far as I know, Intel refused the patch because it was for a single distro, not because they don't like Mir. Which I agree with. If it's for Ubuntu alone, they can maintain it.05:03
Addlearthurfiggis: How much other things counted in the decision, I can't know, of course. :)05:03
arthurfiggisAddle: Well granted, the statement that intel is against wayland is based upon some comments in the source file for the xorg intel driver, so it's not exactly authoritative ;) still, statements like We do not condone or support Canonical in the course of action they have chosen, and will not carry XMir patches upstream" don't bode well05:06
goodtimehmmm intresting05:07
arthurfiggisi personally don't mind what direction they go in, as long as you still have a choice at the end of the day :) that's why i switched to kubuntu05:07
arthurfiggisgoodtime: you can see  the message here if you'd like! http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel/commit/?id=58a7611ccfda88c7cbcc62b25b787d6b0fa6408105:07
Addlearthurfiggis: hehe True. Well said.05:07
arthurfiggisAddle: the only problem i see is that derivatives like kubuntu may eventually have to maintain a lot...their own packages, x, then wayland since i doubt canonical will :( it's a sad situation, but much like the xorg/xfree86 rift, people will choose the best solution and it'll sort itself out05:08
Addlearthurfiggis: Yeah, and of course I hope it doesn't make the GPU makers have to choose between the two. I'm not super worried. I've watched Linux evolve over the last 20 or so years, and I've switched distros a number of times, and Linux keeps thriving.05:10
Addlearthurfiggis: At worst, we can rebase on Debian. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.05:11
valorieyes, the only difficulty will be people wanting to switch at will between Unity and Kubuntu desktops05:12
arthurfiggisAddle: That's true, that's what ubuntu is doing anyway essentially...that would be a lot of work though, i know :( but i think enough people are against some of canonical's recent moves that many people are searching for alternatives05:13
valoriebut again, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it05:13
arthurfiggisvalorie: oh, i'd say that'll be a short bridge...after running the kde 4.8 releases and above it's gotten to the point where no one in their right mind would want to switch to unity :P05:13
arthurfiggisunless it was one of those tablet/almost-pc devices that canonical's phone turned out to be05:14
Addlevalorie: You're probably getting sick of saying that, by now. ;)05:14
valoriearthurfiggis: tastes differ05:14
valoriethis isn't religion, we're making tools for people to USE05:15
valorieand if they prefer different tools, fine05:15
arthurfiggisvalorie: well that's true, yes...i'm not necessarily opposed to unity either, i am somewhat opposed to having my desktop searches carted off to amazon on the other hand ;) reason 2 for switching recently05:15
valoriewe can still be friends05:15
Addlehehe I can't disagree with that.05:16
AddleI think one of the important things is that we keep the high ground and not roll around in the muck. Which I'd say is the case, thus far.05:16
loveshi cant play sound in kubuntu after i upgraded from kubuntu 13.04 to 13.10. I tried some links but the didnt help.05:17
valorielovesh: can you say what exactly you did try?05:18
valorieI've found my sound muted in kmix or alsamixer a couple of times05:18
valoriewhich is annoying, but quite easy to fix as well05:19
loveshi did sudo dpkg --configure -a and restarted my system but no help05:19
valorieare you also missing your shutdown button?05:20
valoriesounds like a mix of problems described in that post05:20
loveshthere is a shutdown button05:21
loveshsound is not mute in kmix05:21
valoriewhen you go deeper into kmix, does everything look correct?05:22
valorieright devices present, etc.?05:22
loveshlooks correct to me05:22
loveshwhat would you look in specific05:22
valoriewell, if "dummy" was chosen, then that's obviously wrong05:23
valorieso, if you look in System Settings05:23
valoriein Hardware > Multimedia05:24
valoriechoose configure Phonon05:24
valorieoops, now they call it "audio and video settings"05:24
valoriegood change, IMO05:24
Addlehehe Prevents the user going "WTH is Phonon", certainly.05:25
valorieare you there?05:25
loveshi was confused about phonon05:25
arthurfiggisvalorie: i noticed that too...not that it's bad to advertise the technology but to your average desktop user it doesn't mean much :)05:25
loveshdidnt see it05:25
valoriethat evidently is a recent change; sorry about that05:26
arthurfiggisthat's why i like kde-oriented distros, the incremental changes are...sensible05:26
valorieso, is Music chosen? and if so, are the correct devices shown?05:26
loveshyes it shows built in audio analog stereo05:26
loveshbut when i click test button i cant hear any sound05:27
valorieok, look at backends tab05:27
arthurfiggislovesh: i had to set the master channel in the audio app to the audio out to my speakers in order to get sound...otherwise it tried  to go out on hdmi05:28
valoriemake sure something is there; probably gstreamer05:28
loveshyes there is only one option Gstreamer05:28
valorievlc is an option, but gst is best for right now05:28
valorieso KDE is ok05:28
lovesharthurfiggis: i have a laptop. But still where can i find it05:28
valorienow for PA (Pulseaudio)05:28
arthurfiggislovesh: oh, to select the master channel for output you can just right click on the audio app in the system tray and there should be an option :) but i'm probably confusing you and valorie now sorry05:29
valorieyou can control PA with a widget called "pavucontrol"05:29
Addlelovesh: I think he means if you right click on the KMix icon in the notification area, there's the Select Master Channel... entry.05:29
valorieyes, that's worthwhile checking before installing pavucontrol05:30
valoriejust in case that works05:30
arthurfiggisAddle: Yes, that's the one :) I thought my sound wasn't working at first but it was just that the kmix icon set the hdmi volume by default05:30
Addlearthurfiggis: Been there. :)05:30
rohananyone know how to install PyQt5 for Python 2 on ubuntu? I can't seem to find the appropriate package.05:31
arthurfiggisAddle: Oh everyone has I think...the best one was in my AP C++ course in high school, i sat in front of a monitor wondering why i wasn't getting any picture on the screen...until the teacher came by and turned the brightness up05:31
arthurfiggisand said something about me needing more sleep i  think :P05:31
valorie!info pyqt505:32
ubottuPackage pyqt5 does not exist in saucy05:32
rohan!info python3-pyqt505:32
ubottupython3-pyqt5 (source: pyqt5): Python 3 bindings for Qt5. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 1767 kB, installed size 12174 kB05:32
rohanbut no python-pyqt5 or python2-pyqt505:32
loveshno in master channel  built in audio analog stereo05:32
valorielovesh: then click the cashew, install the widget pavucontrol05:33
valoriehmmmm, maybe I'm confusing that name05:33
valorie!info pavucontrol05:33
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (saucy), package size 140 kB, installed size 953 kB05:33
AddleI think maybe05:33
valorieah, ok05:33
AddleI was like "What, it's a widget now??" lol05:34
valorieso you can either install pavucontrol, or the widget which is something else05:34
valoriethere is a widget05:34
arthurfiggispulseaudio, confusing everyone since 200405:35
valoriehmmm, or there was05:35
valoriedoesn't seem to be there now05:35
valorieok, so pavucontrol is it05:35
loveshvalorie:  i installed  pavucontrol but no sound yet05:36
valoriearthurfiggis: but it used to suck05:36
valorienow it's good05:36
valorierun pavucontrol05:36
lovesh i installed  pavucontrol from muon05:36
valorieand there you will see even more ways to control your sound05:36
valoriejust installing it won't help05:36
arthurfiggisvalorie: well, true...it took quite a while but i have no problems with it now on most systems, or with most programs :) plus unlike systemd it's actually cross platform05:36
valorieyou use it to get to working sound05:37
rohani also don't see any qt5-dev-tools package, similar to qt4-dev-tools05:38
valorieI have to use pavucontrol every time I install skype05:38
loveshvalorie: things look fine there05:38
valoriescrews up sound consistently05:38
arthurfiggisrohan: qttools5-dev-tools maybe?05:39
loveshmy profile is analog stereo duplex05:39
AddleAt least Skype stopped doing the "crackly sound" thing on me when I installed 13.10.05:39
valorielovesh: does the monitor thing show sound playing or not?05:39
loveshand my output is not mute05:39
rohanarthurfiggis: ah, thanks.. i was searching for "qt5", no idea i had to search for "qttools5"05:39
valorieyou should be able to see sound playing, even if you can't hear it05:39
rohanarthurfiggis: any idea how to install the qt5 sdk also, please?05:39
loveshyes it does05:40
valorieok, so you should make some different choices until you can HEAR the sound that evidently IS playing05:40
valoriesilly Linux sound05:40
loveshcan u tell me where?05:40
valorieno, because everyone's system is different05:41
valoriejust play with it for awhile05:41
Addlelovesh: Make sure the correct output is set as fallback (green circle with checkmark) in Output Devices, for one.05:41
loveshAddle: yes i see a green circle05:41
loveshwith a check in it05:41
Addlelovesh: I presume it's depressed/selected.05:42
arthurfiggisrohan: yeah, i got confused with a lot of that myself, a lot of package names got shuffled around and ia32-libs metapackage is gone entirely :( as for the qt sdk...there is this metapackage: qt5-default - Qt 5 development defaults package05:42
arthurfiggisthat should install most stuff...if you needed an ide, kdevelop or preferably qt creator would be good :)05:42
rohanarthurfiggis: awesome, thank you!05:43
rohanalso any idea how to get the python2-pyqt5 bindings?05:43
Addlelovesh: I'm assuming it's also not muted there. :)05:43
arthurfiggisrohan: hmm...i don't know that it's available for python 2 in 13.10, i only see the python3 version...but that's the default python version in 13.10 so it might be that it won't be backported to python205:44
valorieI used to have to resort to alsamixer, but usually playing with pavucontrol eventually works05:45
arthurfiggissorry, 2.7.5 is default in 13.10 :) i had a different version selected05:45
Addlelovesh: I assume your laptop doesn't have an actual physical volume or anything like that. You never know.05:46
Addlelovesh: It's often the simple things that get ya. :)05:46
rohanarthurfiggis: i don't think python3 is the default python: python --version still shows python305:46
rohanarthurfiggis: er, python205:46
loveshactual physical volume? you mean like a knob on a speaker05:47
AddleThat sort of thing, but on the laptop. My friend's laptop has one.05:47
loveshno i dont have it05:47
rohanarthurfiggis: but you're right, looks like pyqt5 is only available in saucy, and only for python305:47
arthurfiggisrohan: yes, you're right, i had a different version selected as default...sorry about that :) so yes it appears that as far as the default repositories go pyqt5 is available for python3...i suppose you might  be able to use easy_install in python2 to install it for that, assuming the build dependencies are also installed...05:47
rohanarthurfiggis: thanks. i was just curious, at this point it's better to use python3 anyway05:48
loveshi just increased master volume on alsamixer gui and it works05:49
arthurfiggisrohan: no problem...i don't know too much about python myself so it might be available from somewhere05:49
loveshthanks a lot05:49
Addlelovesh: Ahah, excellent!05:49
loveshthis community is amazing05:50
rohanarthurfiggis: since you know about this stuff: any idea how to start learning pyqt5?05:50
valorielovesh: good to know you got success05:52
valoriesorry you had to take the long road there05:52
LediusI just upgraded to 13.10 and found out that there is new simpler networkmanager widget. Does anyone know easy way to get old widget back?05:58
valorieLedius: I think it has been deprecated05:59
valorieyou know you can get the same info with one click, right?06:00
Lediusvalorie: You can?06:02
valorieclick on the actual source and see06:03
valoriewireless, wired, etc.06:04
goodtimeLedius: just type in the search engine for the widget your looking for, should work...06:05
LediusIt would be nice if this new widget would show the actual connections when it is openend. One need to go editor to see which settings I am using at the moment. :/06:07
Lediusvalorie: thanks06:08
valorieI didn't like the new one at first either06:08
valoriebut within a day or so, I like it even better than the old one06:09
AddleLedius: Not sure what you mean. Does it not show your "Active Connections" when you left click the icon in the notification area?06:10
AddleThe graph when you click on the connection is keen, anyways. :)06:11
AddleAnd clicking on the wrench gives you the basic settings for it, and the edit connection button.06:12
LediusAddle: No it does not, but now I see that it show the active connection if i let pointer to hoover over the widget.06:12
AddleLedius: That's odd. Maybe it's collapsed? There's a + or - button in the top left to collapse or expand the list (e.g. in front of "Active Connections").06:13
AddleLedius: You should still be able to get active connections, list of active wireless connections, a list of wireless networks around you, etc.06:14
AddleLedius: By left clicking on the icon, that is.06:14
LediusThere is only lists of previous connections and unknown connections.06:14
LediusWith the left click.06:14
AddleLedius: Right above that, there *should* also be one for "Active Connections". So that's rather odd.06:15
LediusAddle: No only those two.06:16
LediusStrange, why it does not show it for me....06:16
AddleLedius: I don't think that's normal, which I suppose is good to know. lol  I'm on a desktop and the only thing in that list is, in fact, "Active Connections", since I don't have wireless.06:17
AddleLedius: Aye, there's the rub. :)06:17
LediusHmmm.. .I need to look how I can get widget to work correctly...06:22
AddleLedius: All I can think of is that maybe it's scrolled down past it. But other than that, I have no idea where to even start, if it's indeed missing completely.06:22
LediusAddle: I colapset the previous connections and unknown connection and cannot scoll the list anywhere. So at leas I cannot see where it could hide.06:26
valorieif you have no wireless card, or there are no wireless signals, why would the section even exist?06:27
valorieI have no "previous connection" section06:27
valoriesince I'm using the same wireless access I always do at home06:27
LediusI have wireless but currently i am using wired.06:27
valorieI expect I'll see that if I take the laptop somewhere else06:28
Addlevalorie: Yeah, I think it shows up only once you've gotten a stored access point and changed to another one.06:28
valorieI like it when software shows some intelligence06:29
AddleI turned the widget on just to troubleshoot (it was hidden since I only have wired), and I think I'll keep it just for the graph. :)06:30
AddleThat's a good motto: "KDE: It shows some intelligence". :)06:31
goodtimewidgets are useless eyecandy i guess06:31
goodtimefew are useful06:32
AddleWell, that one for me is mostly eye-candy, I suppose. But I wouldn't go that far.06:32
goodtimei like the terminal panel widget06:32
goodtimeand the system monitor one06:33
AddleI'm liking the new IM stuff in this release. Widgets included.06:33
LediusAddle: Hmm.. Now that I did purge plasma-nm and reinstalled it it show active connections.06:36
AddleLedius: Oh, well that's good, then! hehe06:36
LediusHmm. I woder is the reinstall the reason or that it was in the system tray. Now I added it as a separate widget.06:37
LediusThanks for the help!06:37
AddleLedius: np :)  I suppose it's worth testing by putting it back in the tray. I would assume it would show up there, as well.06:38
eagles0513875hey guys i have a very annoying issue. I installed soundkonverter and I am getting a post install configuration script issue of timidity.06:38
eagles0513875http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274934/ now I cannot install any updates or purge timidity because of the mentioned issue can anyone help me rectify the situation06:39
LediusAddle: Even in the system tray it show the active connections list.06:39
AddleLedius: Good, all is well then. I'll have to remember the solution in case anyone else has that rather strange issue.06:40
eagles0513875hey Addle06:43
Addleeagles0513875: Do you have this in /etc/passwd: "timidity:x:119:130:TiMidity++ MIDI sequencer service:/etc/timidity:/bin/false"?06:44
AddleHi eagles0513875 :)06:44
eagles0513875i dunno let me check06:45
Addleeagles0513875: Or something like that anyways. It says it created the user, but somehow I have my doubts.06:45
Addleeagles0513875: The 119 and 130 might be different, of course.06:45
eagles0513875Addle: no i dont have anything there06:45
Addleeagles0513875: Wonder what the heck happened to the adduser call.06:45
eagles0513875i dunno where would i need to look at the post install script06:46
eagles0513875cuz that might be handy at this point06:46
Addleeagles0513875: Should be able to add that (and the group) manually, I suppose, but maybe the adduser command is borked or something.06:46
Addleeagles0513875: I have both soundkonverter and timidity installed, and it seems to have worked fine for me.06:47
Addleeagles0513875: Perhaps there's an error message in a log file in /var/log/apt/06:47
eagles0513875Addle: im on 13.1006:47
Addleeagles0513875: Same.06:47
eagles0513875Addle: that is very useless06:48
eagles0513875that /var/log/apt/ directory and whats in it06:48
eagles0513875tells you what i pastebinned06:48
Addleeagles0513875: Ah, well that's not useful, you're right. It says it succeeded in adding the user. Clearly not.06:48
Addleeagles0513875: Hm, I have a theory. It didn't add the group first.06:50
AddleWhy the heck are there carriage returns in my /var/log/apt/term.log file... lol06:50
eagles0513875Addle: mine too06:50
eagles0513875Addle: i cannot afford to bork my system right now06:51
Addleeagles0513875: Anyways, before it adds the user, on mine, it first says "Adding group timidity....done"06:51
Addleeagles0513875: Yours didn't. Maybe if you just add the group first, the rest will run ok.06:51
eagles0513875Addle: doesnt it do some special stuff with the group etc06:51
Addleeagles0513875: No clue, but the adduser probably needs the group added first.06:52
eagles0513875Addle: wont i need to add the user to the group then06:52
Addleeagles0513875: And also add the user to the 'audio' group.06:53
Addleeagles0513875: Honestly, I always edit those files directly instead of using the command. Old habit, I guess.06:53
Addleeagles0513875: The line in my /etc/group file is just "timidity:x:130:". Of course, that number is chosen simply because it was the next free group id.06:55
eagles0513875Addle: i would prefer to fix the scipt and let it do it all automatically for me06:55
Addleeagles0513875: Might be tricky to fix it in the .deb file. Non-trivial, anyways.06:56
eagles0513875Addle: this is what i find interesting groups: timidity: no such user adduser: The user `timidity' does not exist.06:56
eagles0513875i dont have the user or the group created06:56
Addleeagles0513875: Perhaps just a reinstall. Maybe sudo apt-get install timidity-daemon --reinstall06:57
Addleeagles0513875: That's certainly strange, yeah. groups just prints the groups a user is in. And there's no such user until adduser is called. That *is* strange.06:58
eagles0513875no that didnt do it06:59
Addleeagles0513875: Honestly, I have no idea what went wrong, there. I mean you've probably got the same version that worked fine for me: 2.13.2-40.107:01
Addleeagles0513875: Is the timidity package itself installed?07:01
eagles0513875Addle: same version07:01
eagles0513875Addle: timidity is installed07:02
eagles0513875the daemon is a dependency on it07:02
Addleeagles0513875: Curiouser and curiouser.07:02
AddleSherlock Holmes speak for "WTF". :)07:02
eagles0513875Addle: you spelled it wrong07:06
eagles0513875oh no you didnt haha07:06
eagles0513875if you look at it closly it looks like curio user :p07:06
eagles0513875Addle: from where in system settings can i add the user and group?07:06
AddleAdd a strange font to your problems. lol07:06
Addleeagles0513875: There's a new "User Manager" in System Administration in the system settings. Maybe that'll do it.07:07
eagles0513875Addle: do i add myself to the timidity user and group i create?07:08
Addleeagles0513875: No, I don't think so. Just the daemon will run as that user and group.07:08
eagles0513875ok that only seems to work for users07:09
eagles0513875i cannot add just groups etc07:09
Addleeagles0513875: Doesn't look like the User Manager is meant to add this kind of user to the system. For example, you can't give it a shell of /bin/false.07:09
eagles0513875i probably can for my user07:09
AddleI'd just add the group manually, then try the install again.07:09
eagles0513875group and user though no?07:09
eagles0513875or just add group and not the user07:10
AddleWell, maybe with the group there, the actual adduser will work.07:10
AddleJust pick the next group id and use that number in place of my 130: "timidity:x:130:"07:10
AddleThis much, at least, is easily reversible and extremely unlikely to mess anything up.07:11
eagles0513875Addle: looking at the /etc/passwd file 130 isnt in use07:12
Addleeagles0513875: The 130 is the group ID, not the user ID.07:12
Addleeagles0513875: Just pick the next available number in /etc/group07:12
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Addleeagles0513875: To be specific, that line goes in /etc/group07:12
eagles0513875Addle: in group timidity:x:129: that is there07:13
eagles0513875there is somethign more sinister up here i have to say07:13
eagles0513875the group is there07:13
Guest76146whats the relationship between Kubuntu and Ubuntu at this point?  Is there a place on web site that states it?07:13
eagles0513875Guest48686: what do you mean the differences between the two?07:13
eagles0513875Addle: i am wondering if a bug report should be filed?07:14
Guest76146I didn't ask that.  How are the projects orgazined?07:14
Addleeagles0513875: The actual command it runs to then add the user is: adduser --quiet --system --ingroup timidity --no-create-home --disabled-password timidity07:14
Addleeagles0513875: I'd leave out the --quiet, though.07:14
lordievaderGood morning.07:14
Addleeagles0513875: And the group add command it uses is: addgroup --quiet --system timidity07:14
goodtimewell for that matter Guest76146 whats debian then07:15
AddleMornin', lordievader07:15
eagles0513875Addle: Adding system user `timidity' (UID 119) ... Adding new user `timidity' (UID 119) with group `timidity' ... useradd: existing lock file /etc/subgid.lock without a PID useradd: cannot lock /etc/subgid; try again later. adduser: `/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/timidity -g timidity -s /bin/false -u 119 timidity' returned error code 18. Exiting.07:15
goodtimelo lordievader07:15
eagles0513875hey goodtime lordievader07:15
goodtimehey eagles051387507:15
eagles0513875sigh bloody broken package :(07:15
lordievaderHey Addle, goodtime, eagles0513875, how are all of you doing?07:15
Addleeagles0513875: Ahah, that must be where the issue is coming from.07:15
eagles0513875Addle: ?07:15
eagles0513875Addle: whats that?07:15
goodtimegreat i just got back from a music gig07:15
Addleeagles0513875: That lock file might need to be zapped. Just make sure you don't have any programs that might be in the middle of adding a user if you delete it.07:16
goodtimei played alot of blues on my harmonicas and new amp and mic07:16
eagles0513875Addle: i have nothign creating new users07:16
Addleeagles0513875: As I recall, you can tell what, if anything, has it opene with fuser -a FILETOCHECK07:16
goodtimei get my les paul tommrow morning07:16
eagles0513875Addle: nothing is using it :)07:16
Addlegoodtime: Nice, hope you enjoy it. :)07:16
goodtimei guess all ubuntu /kubuntu is all Debian07:17
Addleeagles0513875: Ok, just zap the darn thing and try to reinstall the package, then.07:17
goodtimeso to speek i guess07:17
lordievadergoodtime: Shall we go to #kubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter?07:17
eagles0513875that did the trick Addle07:17
Addlelordievader: And I've been watching Netflix and helping out around here.07:17
goodtimeyes lordievader07:17
Addlelordievader: Already there, and yes :)07:17
Addleeagles0513875: Awesome. And that certainly explains why it didn't work properly. Don't ask me what left that lock file there, mind you.07:18
eagles0513875Addle: im going to file a bug report in case anyone else has the same issue07:19
eagles0513875thanks for your help07:19
Addleeagles0513875: You're welcome :)  Though I'm not sure a bug report will help unless we know what left the lock file there. As for the package itself and the installation, it did what it was supposed to in that situation. The error was really whatever left the lock file there.07:20
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jussihrr, this new network manager is weird. how does one set a static IP for wired networks ?07:39
jussi(I need to flash my router)07:40
lordievaderjussi: /etc/network/interfaces ? Disables the NM, but it works.07:42
jussilordievader: more instructions please?07:42
Lediusjussi: From the edit connections you can do it.07:42
jussiLedius: how? I dont see it in the new network manager07:43
Addlejussi: Just left click on the network management icon in the system tray, then click on the wrench in the bottom right corner.07:43
jussiLedius: Im in there, I click edit ont he wired connection, then what?07:43
excognac_hi all07:43
Addlejussi: Then "Edit Connections".07:43
Addlejussi: The app that launches has an "Add" button in the toolbar.07:44
jussiyes, but I doint see an option for changing it to static IP...07:44
excognac_how do i find out a scanners' usb vendor id if not automatically recognized?07:44
Lediusjussi: After you have selected wired connection there should be ipv4 tab.07:45
Addlejussi: If you edit the connection, it'll be in the "IPv4" tab. Change the method.07:45
Lediusjussi: Method should be manual.07:45
jussiLedius: yep, got it now, thanks07:47
Lediusjussi: no problem.07:48
Addleexcognac_: It might show up in dmesg.07:49
excognac_Addle: lsusb ?07:49
Addleexcognac_: Usually with "New USB device found" on the same line.07:49
Addleexcognac_: Even better. :)07:50
excognac_is it possible that i don't have gedit in 12.04? or is there any other kubuntu specific for the same? is that katE?08:01
Addleexcognac_: Yep, kate is the KDE editor.08:02
excognac_so why sudo gedit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf doesn't work well if i just substituate gedit with kate?08:05
lordievaderexcognac_: You want "kdesudo" for gui applications.08:06
Addleexcognac_: That's a good question. That works for me. Any interesting error messages?08:06
Addleexcognac_: Oh, you're not launching that on the command line? Bad assumption on my part. What lordievader said, then.08:07
lordievaderAddle: Also on the commandline you should use kdesudo for gui applications.08:08
Addlelordievader: Hm, I didn't know that. What's the drawback of just 'sudo' in this case?08:09
lordievaderAddle: It might create permission errors as things are made by the user root in your homedir.08:09
Addlelordievader: Oh, ouch, yeah. That makes sense. Thanks.08:10
Addlelordievader: Interesting, kdesudo uses /root. Didn't know it did that. Awesome.08:16
excognac_lordievader: exactly, that was in the error message and thanks a lot08:27
lordievaderexcognac_: No problem.08:27
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Guest15456how to enable other log in kubuntu09:27
lordievaderGuest15456: What do you mean with other login?09:27
Guest15456like windows domain user09:28
lordievaderGuest15456: I'm not familiar with that, could you be more specific?09:28
Guest15456in ubuntu we will edit this file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to enable windows domain user log in09:30
Guest15456like how we can enable in kubuntu09:31
lordievaderGuest15456: Still not entirely clear what you want to do, but Kubuntu uses Lightdm just like Ubuntu does. So I think you can do the same thing you would do in Ubuntu.09:32
Guest15456when i serch in the google i also got the same thing09:33
Guest15456but am not able to modify or access lightdm file in kubuntu09:34
lordievaderGuest15456: You need root for that: sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf09:35
Guest15456can u guide me for further steps09:37
lordievaderGuest15456: No, because I don't know what you are trying to do.09:37
Guest15456i have joinde kubuntu machine to windows doamin and now domain users need to log in this machine.09:39
hateball!info kuser09:39
ubottukuser (source: kuser): user and group administration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.11.2-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 183 kB, installed size 646 kB09:39
AddleGuest15456: From a quickie google search, at least in 12.04, you had to add "greeter-show-manual-login=true" to that lightdm.conf09:39
hateballI havent used it myself, but according to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.10 it can be used to manage LDAP users09:39
hateballIf... I am understanding this right09:40
AddleGuest15456: Says it will then give you the option to login with your Active Directory Domain account. Take it as you will.09:40
Guest15456i have installed 12.04 LTS09:40
AddleGuest15456: Ah, well, give that a try then.09:41
Guest15456ok, i will try know please wait09:42
lordievaderAh, 12.04 uses kdm...09:43
yossarianukkubuntu 13.10 is broken for UEFI system09:44
yossarianukresults in not being able to boot09:45
yossarianukjust stuck on the grub2 cli...09:45
Addleyossarianuk: I had that issue. sec...09:45
Addleyossarianuk: First, ensure SecureBoot is OFF.09:45
yossarianuksecureboot is off09:46
yossarianuk(its never been on..)09:46
yossarianukI know the fix09:46
Addleyossarianuk: Then, boot the DVD and use boot-repair.09:46
Addleyossarianuk: Oh, ok then.09:46
yossarianukso 0- your left with an unbootable system09:46
yossarianukso you need to go into the livecd09:46
yossarianukmount the efi partition09:46
yossarianukcp -r /boot/efi/EFI/kubuntu  /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu09:47
yossarianukeverything works now.09:47
yossarianukthis needs fixing.....09:47
Addleyossarianuk: Nice to know that shorter method without using boot-repair.09:47
Guest15456how to add domain user in kuser09:47
Addleyossarianuk: Yes, it sure does!09:47
yossarianukbut it would need the .iso rewrtiing..09:48
AddlePossibly explains why it's an issue on Kubuntu but not necessarily Ubuntu. Wish I'd known that bit when I was installing my friend's laptop.09:49
AddleAs I recall, the manual partition phase of the install also had /dev/sda as the boot loader destination in EFI. Should be the EFI partition, from what I've gathered.09:52
AddleAs the default, that is. Which probably it shouldn't be with EFI.09:53
Guest15456how to add windows doamin user in kubuntu09:55
yossarianukAlso the 'fix' may cause an issue if you also have ubuntu as well as kubunut09:55
yossarianukbut who in their right mind would use Unity....09:55
yossarianukAddle: I don;t think that is the issue or my 'fix' wouldn;t workl.09:56
Addleyossarianuk: No, not the boot loader destination default. Just wrong in general.09:56
AddleThough I'm far from an authority on EFI, ATM.09:57
yossarianukit says /dev/sda - but when EFI is detected it doesn;t write to mrb09:57
yossarianukI think....09:57
Addleyossarianuk: You may be right. Unsure if that really caused me issues or not.09:58
Guest15456Hi Addle r u there09:59
yossarianukbasically UEFI is buggered by default and its a Kubuntu specific issue..09:59
AddleGuest15456: Yep09:59
yossarianukAddle - please add yourself to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/124241710:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1242417 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "UEFI install broken on Kubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,New]10:00
Guest15456Addle how can i add domain user in kuser10:00
yossarianuk(to say your effected by the issue)10:00
IppatsuManGuest15456: there´s an article on the Wiki about supporting authentication with Active Directory: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto - I never used, so don´t ask me for additional details.10:01
Addleyossarianuk: Done. And thank you for being awesome enough to log the issue in the bug tracker. :)10:02
yossarianukI want the issue fixed.........10:02
Addleyossarianuk: Yeah, without boot-repair, I'd be stuck telling my friend to boot at the grub menu with 'configfile (hd0,gpt2)/EFI/kubuntu/grub.conf'. lol10:03
amichairAddle: just wanted to update for anyone whom it may help that linking the apache config files from config-enabled did the trick.  According to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin the conf.d folder is no longer loaded by apache. Unfortunately the docs at https://help.ubuntu.com/13.10/serverguide/httpd.html have no mention of this, or even of the existence of conf-enabled dir...10:17
Bulent09Hi I upgraded to 13.10 from 04.13 Xfce gnome-volume-icon, but there is a solution there but does not work for10:18
Addleamichair: There's a link at the bottom of that page to report errors in the documentation that might be useful to get it fixed.10:19
amichairAddle: will do10:25
amichairAddle: bug #124262210:35
ubottubug 1242622 in Ubuntu Server Guide "apache configuration directories should be updated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124262210:35
Addleamichair: Looks good! Thanks.10:40
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nevskyhello, I couldn't upgrade to 13.10 and looking for some help. Am I right here?10:45
AddleWell, I'm out. See you fine folks tomorrow.10:46
yossarianukgoodbye Addle:10:46
Addlenevsky: You're in a good place to find help, yes. :)  State your problem and hopefully someone will pick up the torch and help you.10:47
nevskythanks, when I tried to upgrade to 13.10 the upgrade-process got interrupted and everything was put back to the previous state: was not able to upgrade...10:48
nevskyAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. This can be caused by:10:51
nevsky* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu10:51
nevsky* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu10:51
nevsky* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu10:51
FloodBotK1nevsky: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:51
littlebithi people,10:57
littlebitI have a hp LaserJet P2015n on my network. And I need a little assistance in installing a printer for the first time on kubuntu please11:03
chachanlittlebit, System Settings > Printers11:09
chachandid you get there already?11:10
littlebitchachan: yes I did11:10
littlebitchachan: and then?11:13
chachanlittlebit, did you try adding it?11:13
chachanclicking the "click to add a new printer" or so11:13
littlebitchachan: yes I did try adding it, but kubuntu says that host is not reachable. Although I made sure that the printer has power and network.11:14
yossarianuklittlebit: try and nmap the IP of the printer...11:15
chachanlittlebit, are you able to ping the printer from the host you're trying to connect to?11:15
littlebitchachan: I did nmap on it. it went fine11:15
littlebitping went well to11:16
littlebiti'm sure that  I'am missing something little11:16
chachanlittlebit, did you install the HP drivers?11:17
littlebitchachan: already installed, my first question is: what do I choose? "ipp", "ipps" ....?11:17
chachanlittlebit, did you install hpijs-ppds?11:18
chachanlittlebit, well, you better try which fits better with the printer11:19
littlebitchachan: true, but what do I enter under "queue"11:19
littlebitchachan: hpijs-ppds is not installed. Installing it now11:20
chachanlittlebit, http://openprinting.org/printer/HP/HP-LaserJet_P2015 says that printer uses PPD11:20
chachanlittlebit, did you try leaving empty the queue field or whatever is?11:21
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HarbortHey, I would like to report a bug in the installation of kubuntu, but I couldn't find on the website how to do that12:06
tsimpsonHarbort: what's the issue?12:19
HarbortIt's a problem of how the grub installation has been customised12:23
HarbortAt least when installing in EFI mode12:23
Harbortit creates EFI/kubuntu folder12:23
Harbortbut somehow, it is still configured to go look for EFI\ubuntu12:24
Harbortalthough I don't know where12:24
Harbortdoes it make sense?12:24
tsimpsonbug #124241712:25
ubottubug 1242417 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "UEFI install broken on Kubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124241712:25
tsimpsonHarbort: ^12:25
Harborttsimpson: indeed, thanks12:26
Harborthopefully, it will get fixed soon (although the quick fix is easy)12:27
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:35
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mizoei have install dot net and visual studio, how can i have access to msbuild now?12:49
yossarianukHarbort: please mark on the big report that the bug effects you...13:01
yossarianukps the 'fix' is a workaround...13:01
yossarianuk(i did the bug report btw)13:01
LeeJunFanIs it normal for the new network plasmoid to not remember any of the old network plasmoid networks? This really sucks. I have a ton of wireless networks with no passwords now.13:18
LeeJunFanOh, and VPN's :(13:18
LeeJunFanOkay. Found most of them from the /etc/NetworkManager dir.13:21
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BluesKajLeeJunFan. the vpns are listed if you enable the vpn tab in nm settings , but the pws have to be added manually13:37
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: thanks. I got them all back. I had re-installed my system and expected them to be in my $HOME dir. As soon as I copied from my backup of /etc/NetworkManager they all came back. Didn't even have to log out.13:37
LeeJunFanI didn't even need my pw's.13:38
BluesKaj\lee and the when connected via vpn the "not connected red circle indicator appears on top of the connected icon , on ethernet at least13:38
BluesKajLeeJunFan. ^13:39
BluesKajLeeJunFan. that's good to hear about alkl the pws and vpn servers13:41
Fruitunfortunately that means that all your passwords are stored outside any ecryptfs encrypted /home you might have13:42
Harbortyossarianuk: Done!13:42
yossarianukgood stuff !13:43
yossarianuk(the more people that report it the better) - there are lots of ppl with same isssue on their google+ 'hel' page13:44
BluesKajFruit.  a home user , not worried about encrypted pws13:44
Fruitencryption is useful for your personal laptop as well13:45
LeeJunFanFruit: That's true. I'll have to move that to my /home partition (luks) and link it.13:47
BluesKajencyption is useful ? why , it's nothing a pita for ppl like me13:47
FruitI'd like my personal files to stay personal, even if I lose my lappy13:48
LeeJunFanIt's useful if your machine is ever lost or stolen and you have sensitive data on there, especially if you have data belonging to other people (clients you work for).13:48
Fruitand with ecryptfs it's completely hassle-free13:48
LeeJunFanI personally prefer luks as ecryptfs has burned me several times with random access to large files. It crawls and can pretty much lock the system up when using torrent or virtual machines.13:50
BluesKajmy experience with encyption was not a good one , so despite the secutity risk you guys may think it is , I'll take my chances13:50
Fruityeah I may switch to luks some day13:51
aboudreaultanyone has some recommendation about kubuntu vs netrunner ?13:57
BluesKajnetrunner is a nice OS , so is kubuntu , depends on what you want . Netrunner has a lot of networking apps that kubuntu doesn't come with by default , and the app meniu is different , some gtk network apps a swell14:00
aboudreaultBluesKaj, ok,14:02
aboudreaultBluesKaj, for a developer,/advanced linux user... I think both are also appropriate?14:03
yossarianukHarbort: not sure if you just commented on the bug report - can you also click ' this bug effects me' also if you already haven't...14:14
BluesKajaboudreault. I have both installed , but I tend to use Kubuntu mostly14:15
aboudreaultBluesKaj, no particular reason?14:16
BluesKajaboudreault. mainly because I'm usually testing kubuntu dev releases14:16
BluesKajfor example I'm already running 14.04 , but it's still mostly 13.10 with new name in reality14:17
Harbortyossarianuk: I had only commented (didn't see the affect me link at the top)14:38
yossarianukHarbort: thanks14:45
yossarianuki'm in the #kubuntu-devel room also people are looking at it .14:45
nevskyHi there, my upgrade to 13.10 didn't work, it interupted the process and stopped14:52
nevskycan anybody help please?14:52
LeeJunFannevsky: you have a terminal open?15:06
nevskyLeeJunFan : I have one open15:11
nevskyLeeJunFan: what shall I do?15:13
LeeJunFanyou're going to want to be root, sudo -i15:13
LeeJunFanThen try: apt-get -f install15:14
LeeJunFanTo finish up any half-configured/installed packages.15:14
shadeslayernevsky: also, that's not enough info15:14
nevskyit sayed nothing to be done15:14
shadeslayerwhat exactly happened? Can you pastebin some sort of error? maybe logs from /var/log15:15
shadeslayercheck /var/log/dist-upgrade/15:16
shadeslayersee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUpdateManager15:16
nevskyshall I paste that?15:17
nevskywhat exactly would you need to help me?15:18
LeeJunFanTo know where and why it stopped, to figure out what state it left your machine in.15:19
LeeJunFanmost likely the apt.log is going to give us what we want to know.15:20
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nevskyLeeJunFan did you check my paste?15:27
LeeJunFannevsky: didn't get a link to it.15:28
nevskyLeeJunFan: now?15:28
LeeJunFannevsky: yeah. I see it now.15:29
LeeJunFannevsky: It hasn't yet done anything to your system, which is good. At least it's better than leaving it 1/2 updated.15:30
nevskyLeeJunFan: yes, you are right. But can I do next?15:30
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LeeJunFannevsky: unfortunately, it doesn't really say anythign useful about why it failed.15:31
nevskyLeeJunFan: shall I paste somthing from the /var/log ?15:31
LeeJunFanThere's a good chance that you have installed packages from other sources that are in conflict with packages that need to be replaced to upgrade. Probably from ppa's.15:32
nevskyyes, but I clicked them off at the source-manager15:33
nevskystill didn't work15:33
LeeJunFanYou would actually have to remove the packages that were installed previously from ppa to resolve the issues.15:34
LeeJunFandpkg -l | grep ppa15:34
LeeJunFanShould give you a list that's mostly filtered.15:34
nevskythat is my list15:35
nevskydo you see anything?15:36
LeeJunFanYour best bet is to use the ppa-purge command to remove anything from any of the ppa's you had previously enabled.15:36
LeeJunFanlines 3-11 are all ppa packages.15:37
nevskyshould I remove them by using ppa-purge?15:37
LeeJunFannevsky: that would be best because it should re-install any packages that have been replaced.15:38
BluesKajnevsky. you can also open /etc/apt/sources.list.d as root and remove the ppas there15:39
LeeJunFanyeah, but he needs to remove the packages previously installed as well, as they are conflicting with his ability to upgrade.15:40
LeeJunFanNot just the sources15:40
nevskyokay, what was the command I have to type in again?15:42
nevskyppa -purge "name"   ?15:42
BluesKajppl forget to update upgrade before the release upgrade which also mucks up the install , sometimes ...and muon for some reason doesn't always drop the ppas when removed in sources15:43
LeeJunFannevsky: yes, the ppa name.15:43
LeeJunFannevsky: just run ppa-purge by itself to get the syntax/help15:43
BluesKajnevsky. make sure the ppas aren't listed or enabled in muon settings>sources15:44
LeeJunFanppa-purge should disable it. It may need it to be enabled in order for it to match packages from the PPA in the apt cache.15:47
BluesKajppas in the sources.list and package mangement is becoming messy ...this problem is getting worse15:48
LeeJunFanYeah. I would think the update procedure should automatically ppa-purge everything first.15:49
nevskysorry, I'm getting confused now15:49
nevskywhat should I do next please?15:49
LeeJunFannevsky: cd to /etc/apt/sources.list.d, ls, then cat the file for a ppa source15:50
LeeJunFannevsky: gimme a min to get a paste ready to help you.15:50
BluesKajcould use the run command , alt+F2  to open /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:53
BluesKajkdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:54
nevskywhat to do with that list?15:56
BluesKajthose are your ppas, nevsky , if they haven't been purged yet15:58
BluesKajdelete them15:58
nevskyokay, but LeeJunFan said not just by deleting15:59
nevskyI should use ppa-purge, right?15:59
LeeJunFanYes. Don't just delete your sources, the packages previously installed will remain, and those are your problem.15:59
LeeJunFanIn fact you should use ppa-purge rather than removing your sources. ppa-purge will disable them.16:00
BluesKajhmm, haven't had that problem after removing ppas16:00
BluesKajbut cleaning house is a good thing16:01
BluesKajnevsky. for safety's sake follow LeeJunFan 's commands and advice , I didn't mean to confuse the situation16:03
nevskyokay thanks16:04
nevskyI try now16:04
LeeJunFanOnce you get the ppa's purged, you should be able to proceed with update. I've got to run out now, but I'll be back within an hour.16:05
BluesKajBBL , as well , lunchtime16:10
nevskysorry, LeeJunFan, it doesn't work.16:32
nevskyI have to leave now as well16:32
nevskybut come back in appr. 3 hours16:32
nevskytry agian16:32
nevskythanks so far16:32
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: man, nevsky takes a long lunch. lol16:43
BluesKajLeeJunFan. maybe he's at work , and needs to some done :)16:51
BluesKajget some done that is16:51
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aboudreaultBluesKaj, is there any alternate install disk image for 13.10?17:41
tsimpsonaboudreault: nope17:43
BluesKajaboudreault. unless you use the server edition then install the desktop17:45
LeeJunFanYeah, the server image. Just install the minimum then install kubuntu-desktop package after setup.17:46
aboudreaultI have in mind that the desktop install is limited. ie. partitionning (lvm), encrypted home etc. is this still valid?17:46
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tsimpsonthat should no longer be the case, that's why the alternate installer was scrapped17:47
aboudreaultalright. cool.17:47
LeeJunFanThe graphical one seems to have lvm and encryption now. However, it failed while trying to set up the luks, so I ended up setting up luks by hand from the live desktop, then ran the installer.17:48
aboudreaultLeeJunFan, with 13.10?17:48
LeeJunFanYeah. Maybe you'll have better luck.17:48
LeeJunFanI set up ext2 /boot, btrfs /, and was going to do /home with luks and it said it couldn't create the key.17:49
aboudreaultLeeJunFan, out of curiosity, why ext2 for /boot ?17:52
LeeJunFanaboudreault: old habit mostly I guess. lol. Boot is rarely ever written to, so journaling isn't really a big deal. I actually tried using btrfs for /boot too, since grub 2 is supposed to support it, but grub-install failed during setup when using btrfs.17:54
zacariasHow do you share your intenet connection via wi-fi? For instance, if you have a connection which comes from a USB broadband router or from ethernet and you want to share it via wi-fi with other computers, smartphones, etc?17:54
aboudreaultLeeJunFan, ok.17:55
LeeJunFanmountall doesn't seem to like btrfs with luks either. During boot it asks for the password and opens the encrypted volume but it doesn't get mounted. After my system boots I have to switch virtual terminals and mount /home before I log into kde.17:55
Whiskey`Wonkaanyone know how to get 64bit google earth working on 13.10 ??17:56
Whiskey`Wonkainstalling via dpkg ays unresolved depends but doesnt say what they are17:57
LeeJunFanzacarias: the only way I know of (someone correct me if I'm wrong) is to use hostapd. It's kind of an in-depth procedure which requires a decent understanding of lan networking, dhcp and dns server.17:57
LeeJunFanzacarias: I suppose you could set up an ad-hoc network as well, but you'd still have to do all the networking stuff. Turning on forwarding, iptables for the NAT, DHCP to hand out IP addresses.17:58
frostedHi guys18:05
frostedAnyone know how to remove the read only flag from a usb flash drive , I can't even format it....18:05
LeeJunFanfrosted: It could be that a fault was detected on the flash drive and the firmware put it into read only mode to keep it from losing more data. If that's the case then it's time for a new one.18:08
SunTsufrosted: what LeeJunFan said. Seen that too often. If it is a configurable read only flag then there is a switch to toggle it. If there is no switch you better get a new usb drive and backup your existing one18:10
frostedo.0 I thought it might be the case, I was trying to format it in gparted when it just went bonkers18:12
BluesKajwell if it's read only , how does he back it up ?18:13
SunTsuBluesKaj: er, it is _read_ only, not _write_ only18:13
frostedBluesKaj: ^^ I can still read it hahaha18:13
BluesKajodd , why did I think read only meant just that , copy is differnt to me than read only18:15
frostedWhat is the lba flag for ?18:15
zacariashow do you resolve broken packages to perform a release upgrade?18:16
BluesKajzacarias. di you update /upgrade/dist-upgrade before doing release-upgrade ?18:16
BluesKajzacarias. and purge-ppa18:18
zacariasBluesKaj: Yes. I still get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/6278417/18:21
BluesKajzacarias. this should take care of your problem http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:27
BluesKajok , stuff to do ...BBL18:28
LeeJunFanaboudreault: I just failed creating an encrypted volume during setup (trying to figure it out in a virtual machine to submit a bug report).18:34
aboudreaultLeeJunFan, btrfs ?18:34
LeeJunFanNo. ext4. Doesn't even get to the point where I'd set up a filesystem on the encrypted volume. As soon as I choose free space and choose it to be encrypted volume, I get a can't create key error.18:35
aboudreaultok :(18:36
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LeeJunFanaboudreault: I'm going to try the server image in a minute to figure out if the error is with the debian installer or kubuntu. ubiquity or whatever.18:37
LeeJunFanaboudreault: server install seems to work fine.18:40
Torchhow can i tell pulseaduio to output sound not through the headphones but through th speakers?18:40
aboudreaultLeeJunFan, ok. since the desktop is download, I think I'll give it a try tonight and if it fails, will simply encrypt things manually.18:41
aboudreaultshould I use luks  or ecrypt?18:41
LeeJunFanThat's what I ended up doing. I booted to live desktop, use cfdisk to create the partitions, then just did the cryptsetup by hand. Dont forget your crypttab and fstab stuff.18:43
dolomiteTorch what's your setup?18:43
Torchdolomite: kubuntu 12.04, lateste KDE. on board realtek sound.18:43
dolomiteTorch are the headphones connected to the headphone jack?18:44
LeeJunFanaboudreault: ecrypt is easier to set up because it's only file encryption, but luks is the better performer. ecryptfs can choke hard on random access to large files such as virtual machien storage and torrents.18:44
Torchdolomite: sure.18:44
aboudreaultLeeJunFan, thanks, will use luks.18:44
dolomiteTorch if you run alsamixer from konsole18:44
dolomitethere should be a slider for the headphones18:44
Torchdolomite: there is18:45
dolomiteif you manipulate that does it achieve what you want?18:45
Torchdolomite: it sets the headphone volume, not surprisingly. what i want is make PA output sound to the speakers.18:46
Torchdolomite: there's indeed "heaphones" and "stereo output" in the pavucontrol utility, but whatever i do there has no effect18:46
dolomiteTorch ok so your original question was misleading. I thought you want to mute headphones and use speakers only18:47
Torchdolomite: sorry about that18:47
dolomiteso your speakers are not outputting sound?18:47
Torchdolomite: that's exactly the problem, yes. and my assumption is PA is confiugered to exclusively use the headphones and that is what i am trying to change.18:48
Torchdolomite: or even FIND where this config could be.18:48
dolomiteTorch it may be that the card is set to use headphones exclusively when they're plugged in, which is not uncommon18:48
dolomiteTorch in alsamixer are there other sliders for "master ..." or something?18:49
Torchdolomite: lots of em ;-)18:49
Torchdolomite: looks like i think it always has been looking18:49
Torchdolomite: unplugging the headphones has no audible effect18:49
dolomitejust to test make sure they're not muted and turned all the way up. any change?18:49
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Torchrear mic and front mic are muted as they should be, i think18:50
Torchdolomite: rest looks ok18:50
dolomiteok and there is no MM below any of the sliders18:50
Torch"line" was muted, just changed that (shouldn't be, i think). no change.18:51
dolomiteis this a 5.1 card or is there just one output for speakers?18:51
Torchdolomite: i have stereo speakers connected if that's the question18:51
Torchdolomite: it's a standard realtek 5.1 onboard sound thingie18:52
dolomiteok and if you go to the sound settings ("multimedia") in system settings18:52
Torchyep, got that?18:53
dolomiteunder phonon and the audio hardware tab18:53
dolomitewhat is the profile?18:53
Torch"analog stereo duplex"18:53
dolomitedo any of the other options work? cumbersome I know...18:54
Torchno, been playing around with that already18:54
dolomiteone more thing18:54
dolomitein alsamixer18:54
dolomiteis there a "stereo upmix" option?18:54
dolomiteis there any sort of toggle between front/surround/back etc?18:55
Torchi can't see any such thing, no18:55
dolomitesorry I've taken you through the troubleshooting I usually go through. Someone else should be able to help more18:56
Torchdolomite: thank you.18:56
Torchi wish there was some usable documentation on this whole mess. the kubuntu docs seem outdated and pertaining to gnome, the PA docs are plain terrible IMHO18:57
dolomiteTorch one thing I see searching online is there might be an alt driver for it18:57
dolomitein the K menu you can search for "additional driver"18:57
Torchuhm, wouldn't that mean installing a new alsa module for the sound card?18:57
Torchit's been working with the sandard module for years just fine.18:58
dolomiteok so it just recently stopped working?18:58
Torchyes, been trying to get the headphones and mike to work for audioconferencing18:58
Torchno idea what i did in the end to make it working18:59
Torchanyway, no speakers now for me :-((18:59
Torchi'll play around a little more and see if i accidentally fix what i broke.19:00
Torchthanks again.19:00
dolomitesorry I could not be of more help Torch. someone has most likely had the same issue and I see a lot of talk of it on google19:00
mr-digitalcan anyone help with a wifi issue?19:08
arthurfiggismr-digital: possibly, depending on what the problem is :) but if i can't i'm sure someone else here can, sometimes you just have to wait a little while19:10
mr-digitalok. im using ath9k driver for atheros wifi, and the internet is running VERY Slow19:11
mr-digitaland the connection speed the wifi is connecting at is 1mb/s instead of the N Speed19:11
denlhallo iedereen19:12
LeeJunFanmr-digital: sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off19:13
LeeJunFanmr-digital: see if that helps19:13
mr-digitalok holdon19:14
AddleWell, this is really odd. The IM Contact List widget won't bring up the list, launching system settings says: "KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/systemsettings'", though I can launch it on the command line, and apps everywhere refuse to load from the menu. Was working fine when I went to bed.19:14
dolomitemr-digital also this thread has lots of info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174632619:14
LeeJunFanmr-digital: actually, the big one is hardware encryption. You need to make a file /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf and put this in it "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" - no quotes. Then reboot19:15
dolomiteexactly LeeJunFan :)19:15
denlWhere can i change the setting ? This for automatic  hibernate whene i close me laptop19:15
dolomitedenl system settings>power management19:16
mr-digitalLeeJunFan i tried the the nohwcrypt=119:17
mr-digitali get an error during bootup saying invaild option19:17
mr-digitalperhaps its the ath9k driver?19:18
LeeJunFannevsky: yeah, I'm here.19:19
mr-digitalLeeJunFan any ideas why i get option invaild when i do that?19:20
LeeJunFanmr-digital: that shouldn't happen.19:20
arthurfiggismr-digital: hmm...i use a completely different wireless chipset but i can't connect to the 802.11n network here either :( i'll have to look around a bit more and see if it's a problem with my chipset or with 802.11n support19:20
mr-digitalill type the exact error19:20
LeeJunFanmr-digital: sure you have the ath9k.conf file exactly as I typed?19:20
nevskythanks God :)19:20
LeeJunFanmr-digital: the only thing that file should contain is: options ath9k nohwcrypt=119:21
nevskyI try again what you wrote and tell you what doesn't work, okay LeeJunFan?19:21
LeeJunFannevsky: did purge not work?19:21
mr-digitalFATAL error inserting ath9k /lib/modules/3.2.0-19-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k.ko unknown symbol in module or unknown parameter see demsg19:21
mr-digitalif i remove the that line from ath9k.conf it works fine19:22
mr-digitalbut slow speed19:22
nevskyit did not work I think I couldn't figure out the right ppa or so, LeeJunFan19:22
LeeJunFannevsky: it's also possible that it won't work if you've already turned off the PPA you want to purge. Another option would be to manually remove any of those listed ppa packages with apt-get remove [packagename]19:23
mr-digitalinternet fixed19:24
LeeJunFanmr-digital: and the fix was?19:24
mr-digitali accidetly put a - instead of =19:24
nevskyLeeJunFan: okay, maybe that's it. I couldn't find that in moun-packet-managaer as well19:24
mr-digitalwhy is that causing issue?19:25
LeeJunFanmr-digital: cool. So it's working fast now?19:25
mr-digitalthe hwcrypt19:25
nevskydo you think I should autoremove it?19:25
mr-digitalLeeJunFan, do you recommend any websites to help a windows to ubuntu convert?19:25
LeeJunFanmr-digital: the mailing lists, forums, and IRC are going to be your best bet. Nothing is going to be able to teach you what you need to know and omit what you don't. It'll just take time.19:27
LeeJunFanTackle one thing at a time.19:27
mr-digitalwell i have used linux alot before in the past19:27
mr-digitaljust need program recommendations19:27
LeeJunFannevsky:  I don't think autoremove will remove those unless whatever programs that depended on them have been removed already.19:28
LeeJunFanmr-digital: oh. I can't think of any off the top of my head. I usually google for things as needed like, "linux photo editing" or something along those lines when looking for apps.19:29
nevskyLeeJunFan: okay. Here, if you could have a short climpse at that: http://pastebin.kde.org/payzomwsz . Maybe there is something you recoginice?19:29
arthurfiggisweird...i'm not even seeing my wireless ap's 802.11n network even with the ssid being broadcast...i guess i have wireless problems i didn't know i had :P19:29
mr-digitalmost app i need is a photoshop alternative19:29
AddleI logged out and back in and now all the programs launch and the IM contacts come up. But I'd *really* love to know why it broke overnight like that. Oh well.19:29
LeeJunFanmr-digital: funny story. I just installed 13.10 the other day, my Internet is slow too. I hadn't yet done the configs for ath9k. Didn't even dawn on me until you asked about yours.19:30
Addlemr-digital: Gimp is pretty good19:30
arthurfiggismr-digital: what sort of programs are you looking for? that much i can help with, i switched to linux for the free software :) in the case of photoshop...gimp or krita would be the best ones i could recommend19:30
mr-digitalgimp is kinda hard to use imo19:31
Addlemr-digital: You're probably just really used to Photoshop. I'd say Photoshop is quite hard to use at first, as well.19:31
Addlemr-digital: Not that Gimp is perfect, or anything :)19:31
mr-digitaladdle yes i am19:31
LeeJunFannevsky: that just tells me do-release failed not which packages.19:32
mr-digitalLeeJunFan i actually didnt install 12.04 yet im using the LiveCD (figured it was easier to work out the drivers that was instead of installing first then pulling hair out19:32
LeeJunFannevsky: maybe try grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log19:33
arthurfiggismr-digital: well 13.10 (the version i'm using) comes with a recent release of krita, and that's actually gotten quite good...i don't know if it would be easier or harder for you to use, depends on one's preference i guess, but with krita i found it fairly easy to start up and get going with19:34
keithzgSo, the cover switch alt-tab effect is broken in 13.10, then? At very least it makes no difference if I enable or disable it . . .19:35
Addlemr-digital: There's also Inkscape, though that's for vector drawings, but good to mention.19:35
LeeJunFanAddle, mr-digital: Yeah. I find photoshop and illustrator harder to use because I've been using gimp and inkscape since pre 2k.19:36
mr-digitalarthurfiggis: im on 12.04 because its the recommended version for my PC (im actually using ubuntu)19:36
Addlearthurfiggis: Hm, Krita does look pretty good, actually. Nice to have an alternative. Thanks for the pointer. :)19:36
mr-digitalbut kubuntu is same as ubuntu but it uses KDE instead19:37
arthurfiggisAddle: Oh, no problem...I haven't used either that or gimp much, i've been trying to more lately to restore old pictures that i've scanned and things like that...krita has gotten quite good, and as far as i know it's had proper, native cmyk support for some time now19:37
arthurfiggismr-digital: ahh, well if krita doesn't come with your installation you can likely install it the same way you install other software :) or in a console, sudo apt-get install krita19:38
nevskyLeeJunFan: that is what I get: http://pastebin.kde.org/pfcocaj8j19:38
mr-digitalright now im running off live-cd to make sure everything works correctly19:38
mr-digitalbefore making the plunge19:38
arthurfiggismr-digital: that's always a good idea :)19:39
mr-digitaloh anyone recommend a IRC client?19:41
LeeJunFannevsky: ouch. That's a lot of packages. I think the biggest problem is your x server stuff. Looks like you had installed something from a ppa for that too.19:41
arthurfiggismr-digital: hmm...well there's a few that come with kde, like quassel :) what i'm using is chatzilla, it's just an addon for firefox that adds in irc support19:41
nevskyLeeJunFan: yeah, looks like a lot of stuff19:42
nevskymaybe I install everything new?19:42
Addlemr-digital: I've quite enjoyed Quassel.19:42
LeeJunFannevsky: the ppa-purge example is how to remove that stuff. lol19:43
LeeJunFannevsky: sudo ppa-purge -p xorg-testing sarvatt19:43
LeeJunFannevsky: but it's possible that if you've already disabled the ppa through muon, that you might have to re-enable it and update your sources before you can purge it.19:44
nevskyI get this: Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: sarvatt xorg-testing19:44
BluesKajmr-digital. konversation is also one of the best irc clients. Personally prefer it over quassel ,xchat and kvirc19:44
LeeJunFannevsky: if you disabled it already you'll have to re-enable it, then update your soruces.19:45
AddleThat's what (among other things) I love about Linux. Choices! :)19:45
arthurfiggisBluesKaj: Yes, konversation is probably the best KDE/QT-based one that i've tried, i always wondered why they defaulted to quassel instead :) but then again quassel has gotten much better19:45
arthurfiggisi do wish they had kept the ia32-libs meta package, that was quite helpful for getting my printer drivers to work :( fortunately the same printer has a place you can plug in a usb stick with a pdf on it, but it was nice using it over the wireless19:47
BluesKajarthurfiggis. quassel isn't fugly as it once was , but I still don't care for the layout19:47
keithzgBluesKaj: Something beyond what the rearranging can fix?19:48
arthurfiggisBluesKaj: Yeah, I liked Konversation better because it was more of a traditional layout...chatzilla is very basic, but since i use firefox anyway and it does what i need, that's what i've been using lately :)19:48
BluesKajkeithzg. yes19:48
LeeJunFannevsky: That might not work anyway. I see those appear to have been removed from the ppa launchpad site. Your only recourse may be to remove them manually with dpkg or apt; which could lead to a broken system. I know it can be fixed, but might be more trouble than it's worth.19:49
nevskyLeeJunFan: you are right, it doesn't work.19:50
BluesKajLeeJunFan. nevsky  would this work ?  http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:50
LeeJunFannevsky: I'd recommend making your backups of anything important at this point. Beyond this there's a high probability of re-installation or a broken system.19:50
nevskyI did my backups already... by re-install you mean to make it new. everything get's lost?19:51
LeeJunFanBluesKaj, nevsky: afraid that won't work for him as ppa-purge can't remove the ppa it doesn't have the sources to, and the xorg-edgers he installed some time ago has been removed from the ppa site.19:51
keithzgSounds like a job for aptitude ;)19:52
BluesKajLeeJunFan. so it can't track the packages that are mucking up the install attempt and remove them ?19:53
LeeJunFannevsky: yes. You can try to remove those packages manually and then run apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to re-install anything that's missing afterward.19:53
nevskyLeeJunFan: okay, and how do I proceed to remove them manually?19:53
* keithzg has never had a packaging/dependency problem that some manual dpkg and aptitude couldn't fix19:54
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: right. We can see them in the log file for dist-upgrade, but it's all x.org. Trying to remove them is going to cause dependency hell for him. The easiest way I see out is dpkg -r --force19:54
LeeJunFankeithzg: Nah. There's always a way, but talking someone else through that can be an investment.19:54
* BluesKaj nods, yeah makes sense , LeeJunFan19:54
keithzgLeeJunFan: Fair enough, it can definitely be a rabbit hole.19:55
mr-digitalok im going to backup what i need from my Windows partition and going to make the plunge! thanks for all your help!19:55
nevskyLeeJunFan, BluesKaj: what shall I do next?19:56
LeeJunFannevsky: you can run "sudo dpkg -r --force-all [package name]" for every package listed in that pastebin you sent me. That will remove those packages without testing if it's going to break another package.19:56
arthurfiggismr-digital: no problem, best of luck and if there are any problems this is one of the best places to stop by :)19:57
LeeJunFannevsky: After you've done that, run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" to have it re-install anything that's needed to have a working system again.19:57
nevskyI shall proceed now19:58
LeeJunFannevsky: Anything after the word broken.... so "sudo dpkg -r --force-all libwayland-client0" should be your first one.19:59
Addleyossarianuk: Well, looks like your bug report on the broken UEFI was not ignored! They're off and running with it. Awesome.19:59
nevskyLeeJunFan: it say's dpkg: warning: ... ignored; it is not installed20:00
nevskyLeeJunFan: the second one seems to work20:01
LeeJunFannevsky: don't close anything, because (since your removing X) you probably wont' be able to open any new windows.20:07
nevskyokay, so far, some work some not20:07
LeeJunFannevsky: strange that any would be missing, but more worried about the ones we know are there.20:08
LeeJunFannevsky: what if you try to remove libwayland0 ?20:10
LeeJunFannevsky: rather than libwayland-client0, which you said failed?20:10
nevskythat did work20:11
LeeJunFannevsky: :(20:11
LeeJunFannevsky: I boo booed. Butit's not a breaker. I should have had you removing the named package to the right. I apologize. Language barrier.20:12
nevskyLeeJunFan: why? :(20:12
nevskyokay :)20:12
LeeJunFannevsky: so where it says "Broken libwayland-client0:amd64 Kollidiert mit on libwayland0", libwayland0 is the package to remove.20:12
LeeJunFanIt's saying libwayland-client0 is what it's trying to install, but it can't because the package on the right libwayland0 is conflicting with it, and libwayland-client0 isn't marked as a replacement for libwayland0.20:14
nevskyLeeJunFan: I think I'm through20:17
nevskyI now re-install kde-desktop20:18
LeeJunFannevsky: You still have all your ppa sources disabled, right? Otherwise it may try to re-install some of them.20:18
nevskyLeeJunFan: no I en-abled them, because you said so earlier. Shall I disable them?20:19
LeeJunFanyeah. They should be disabled now, or it might try to install some of them when you install kubuntu-desktop20:19
LeeJunFannevsky: you can cd to /etc/apt/sources.list.d and remove the files.20:20
nevskyLeeJunFan: and I don't have to disable then?20:20
LeeJunFannevsky: then run "sudo apt-get update"20:20
LeeJunFannevsky: if you delete the files, they are disabled.20:20
LeeJunFannevsky: but you still need to do "sudo apt-get update" in order to update the list of available packages.20:21
nevskyLeeJunFan: okay I did the update now comes the kde-dekstop20:23
LeeJunFannevsky: yes, now sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:23
nevskyLeeJunFan: it says I should use apt-get -f install20:23
LeeJunFannevsky: that'll work too I guess. I'd do -f install, then install kubuntu-desktop after just to make sure.20:24
nevskyokay, it is running20:24
LeeJunFan-f install does some of what I wanted kubuntu-desktop to do anyway. apt-get -f install fixes packages that have broken dependencies.20:24
nevskyLeeJunFan: shall we check again on the broken ?20:25
LeeJunFanI'd run the kubuntu-desktop first. Just to make sure everything needed is installed.20:26
nevskyLeeJunFan: I did20:26
LeeJunFanoh, then it's time to try do-release-upgrade again.20:26
LeeJunFan:) fingers crossed.20:27
nevskyLeeJunFan: you are my hero!!! it started to download and will take some time now20:31
StravHey! Can anyone tell me if installing qtcreator on ubuntu 13.10 involves a ton of unwanted packages (2.6gb in my case) such as dovecot, claws-mail, postfix and so on. It feels like the dependencies for qtcreator are really messed up.20:31
nevskyLeeJunFan: but I'm a bit worried about the broken issues...20:32
LeeJunFannevsky: those should be fixed now.20:36
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LeeJunFannevsky: I'm bugging out to go home now. I'll be back on in 15 mins or so, after which time I'll be off/on periodically. Talk to you in a bit.20:38
nevskyLeeJunFan: okay, that here will take some time anyhow20:43
StravCan anyone check out what dependencies selecting qtcreator for installation implies? (I'm really puzzled if there's something wrong with my system or if the deps are just wrong for this package)20:46
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tsimpsonStrav: http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/qtcreator lists the (direct) dependencies20:48
tsimpsonStrav: it's probably the recommends chain, try with "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install qtcreator"20:49
Stravtsimpson: well I've tried to unmark the "treat recommended as deps" in synaptic but it seems it wasn't taken into account.20:50
Stravtsimpson: let me see if passing the argument directly to apt yields the same...20:50
tsimpsonI don't know about synaptic, it may be an application setting rather than changing the apt setting20:51
Stravtsimpson: ... same problem.20:51
Stravtsimpson: is the some apt command to sanitize it's state?20:52
tsimpsonthere is "sudo apt-get check", but I doubt it'll help20:53
LeeJunFannevsky: Okay. I'm home. Still working?20:54
Stravhell. the list of packages needed by qtcreator is just absurd: claws-mail, postfix, dovecot?!20:55
tsimpsonthose certainly aren't needed directly by creator20:56
Stravtsimpson: of course. Yet, this is part of the 2.5gb that apt-get --no-install-recommends gives me. Do you have something similar on your system (assuming you're on kubuntu 13.10)?20:58
AddleStrav: That's odd, because I have qtcreator installed, but not postfix.20:59
tsimpsonStrav: I'm on 13.04 right now, but I've had creator installed since 12.0420:59
AddleStrav: And I am on 13.10.20:59
tsimpsonI certainly don't remember it trying to pull in 2.5GB though20:59
StravIt's kinda strage too, if I ask synaptic to show me the deps for qtcreator, it mentions: conflicts: qtcreator.21:01
StravPerhaps this is due to the fact that I have the kubuntu-backports repo enabled...21:01
nevskyLeeJunFan: short way home :). yes it says 40 mins left21:01
nevskyoh no 2321:02
LeeJunFannevsky: okay. Well, I've got a wonderful winter snow storm warning tonight and snow for the next 4-5 days. So I've got to get out to the garage and drain and refill my cooling system on my truck or risk losing the new motor I just built for it. I'll check back in a few.21:07
BluesKajLeeJunFan. northern mich eh ? , northern ontario here ...not calling for snow , just rain21:09
robjlorangerhas anyone else had an issue with firefox 24 suddenly taking a turn for ugly?21:13
robjlorangerit looked great this morning, after a fresh install of kubuntu 13.10. after letting updates run and a restart it looks like 199221:15
Stravhmm. it seems apt always tries to install suggested packages.21:15
BluesKajrobjloranger. have you rebooted since ?, I had that happen to me last week after an upgrade , it reverted to my original settings after a reboot21:15
StravHad to manually change the flag in /etc/apt/apt.conf21:15
robjlorangerthat's the strange part BluesKaj , afaik it was original settings earlier?21:16
robjlorangerare you saying another reboot may fix it?21:16
BluesKajrobjloranger. it did for me21:17
robjlorangerok, i'll try it and get back to you. thanks for the suggestion :)21:18
Stravthanks to you guys. cya21:19
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: yeah.21:20
robjlorangerThanks BluesKaj, that did the trick. Very strange that is happened at all, but good now.21:21
robjlorangerThanks for the help :)21:21
BluesKajrobjloranger. NP :)21:25
robjlorangerI haven't used any nix in years and i gotta say it's looking good. And it got much easier to install, no more setting up drivers and researching scary things all over the internet21:27
robjlorangeralthough cli still has a place in my heart lol21:27
BluesKajwelcome back then robjloranger , glad to have you aboard again :)21:28
robjlorangeri think that's what i liked about it initially, it was adventurous21:28
robjlorangerthanks :)21:28
BluesKajI've enjoyed the linux adventure (mostly ) so far , since '04 or thereabouts, robjloranger21:31
robjlorangerI remember the first time I installed it I had to download an installer onto floppy's and then use them to install in some old beast I had. That might have been '9921:33
robjlorangerI believe I also carried my tower, on foot, to my friends to use his internet21:33
BluesKajadventurous for sure :)21:33
Addlehehe I remember installing Slackware from a zillion floppies somewhere around '93 or '94. The rest is history. :)21:34
robjlorangerI think the only thing I need windows, or an emulator, for is working on my gps map. The compiler I use is available for linux but it's an older version and I paid for the full version but only in win.21:35
BluesKajI didn't buy a home pc  til  '99 , took me almost 5 yrs to get bored with windows , knoppix live cd was my first try21:36
robjlorangerI think mine might have been Redhat, from some reference book in the library..21:37
robjlorangerI wish there was a gpsmapedit version for linux, that would be perfect. After playing around in kde all day, I booted into windows for something and it's sooo slow21:39
BluesKajrobjloranger. garmin ?21:41
robjlorangerya it's for garmin21:42
BluesKaj!info | QLandkarteGT21:42
ubottu'QLandkarteGT' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable21:42
BluesKajodd ??21:42
robjlorangeroh i have qlgt21:43
Unit193BluesKaj: Not really, syntax is wrong.21:43
Unit193!info qlandkartegt21:43
ubottuqlandkartegt (source: qlandkartegt): GPS mapping (GeoTiff and vector) and GPSr management. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0~dfsg0-2 (saucy), package size 4452 kB, installed size 9114 kB21:43
robjlorangerbut can it create and edit shapefiles?21:43
Unit193robjloranger: You have that, but do you have qlandkartegt-garmin ?21:44
robjlorangerWhat I really need is a linux clone of global mapper21:44
robjlorangeroh, i don't think so, what is that?21:44
robjlorangerthis is global mapper http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/products/global-mapper.php21:45
robjlorangerI do also have quantumGIS which is mostly what I need.21:45
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
robjlorangerI do most of my work with shape files, and then convert them to polish format and then into garmin img format. global mapper lets you work with shapes and export polish format. so it just streamlines things a bit21:48
BluesKajrobjloranger. A collection of plugins for QLandkarteGT to talk to various Garmin GPS devices, including GPSMap60CSx, GPSMap76, eTrexH, eTrexLegend, Forerunner 305 and similar GPSr.21:48
BluesKajbut i guess the globalmapper is not available for linux21:49
LeeJunFannevsky: how goes it?21:50
robjlorangerno, and it cost's a lot of money. even though it is called 'low-cost'21:50
robjlorangerbut qgis and a few other utilities like mkgmap make it possible to do the same thing21:52
BluesKajrobjloranger. I see , is this part of your work ?21:52
robjlorangerno, strictly a hobby. I made the map for myself to use, taking elements of other maps and leaving stuff I didn't want. I eventually made it publicly available so others could use it too. It's for outdoor/hiking use and is of Vancouver Island only.21:53
BluesKaj<--- nosy old retired guy21:54
robjlorangerMost of it is based on government data and the rest is my own mapping. Some trails were used from OSM as I couldn't really map the whole island.21:54
BluesKajI figured you were a canuck when i saw shaw cable on your join  :)21:54
robjloranger:) yep21:55
BluesKaj<---40mi W of Sudbury21:56
robjlorangercool, my dad is from gta. hamilton and welland. I can't remember which of the two he was originally from.21:59
Addle<---- Ottawa, FYI22:01
BluesKajok , time to take a break for today....dinner then some tv22:02
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semistud2354hey does anyone know how i can restor my old desktop configuration22:44
jalcinesemistud2354: you mean like a vanilla configuration or your previous setup?22:45
semistud2354previous setup22:46
jalcineIf you don't have a backup of it, it'll be hard to help.22:46
semistud2354i do have a back up22:46
semistud2354kde crashed and it went to my old config22:46
jalcinehow's the backup set up?22:46
semistud2354i dont know where the file is22:46
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jalcineis this for a specific application?22:47
semistud2354nope when i log in22:47
semistud2354it goes to a clean desktop22:47
semistud2354i want my old desktop22:48
semistud2354like the widgets22:48
semistud2354and wallpaper22:48
semistud2354i know it exists somewhere in my comp...22:48
=== Senjai_ is now known as Senjai
Whiskey`Wonkawhat happened to the old knetwork manager? ive now got 'connection editor' in its place (12.10->13.10)23:12
AddleWhiskey`Wonka: The old one was deprecated.23:13
Whiskey`WonkaI have nothing good to say about the choice23:13
AddleWhiskey`Wonka: hehe I actually like the new stuff. You'll probably get used to it. Hopefully. :)23:13
Whiskey`Wonkaso now what does a person do for live scans and what not?23:13
Whiskey`Wonkawell im going to need to have at least the same features of the old one23:14
Whiskey`Wonkaall im seeing is 'active connections' and 'previous connections'23:14
Whiskey`Wonkathat doesnt do jack for me23:14
AddleWhiskey`Wonka: Live scans, like seeing a list of WiFi access points? Should be just a left click on the widget in the system tray.23:14
Whiskey`Wonkaive got ^23:15
AddleWhiskey`Wonka: Hm, should also be an "Unknown Connections" section. Is your WiFi off or something?23:15
Whiskey`Wonkanope its up and running, i need ot connect to a ap im configuring and can not see it23:15
AddleWhiskey`Wonka: Strange... Perhaps 'sudo apt-get install plasma-nm --reinstall' would fix that.23:16
Whiskey`Wonkaat the bottom ive got a green blob and a wrench that takes me to turn networking/wifi on/off and edit connections23:16
Whiskey`Wonkaill try that23:16
Whiskey`Wonkaoh yay and google earth is still broken as hell23:18
Whiskey`Wonkaam i going to need to reboot for that ot take effect or should it have shut down the applet and restarted it?23:19
Whiskey`Wonkashould be a simple way to do that23:19
nevskyLeeJunFan: it worked23:34
LeeJunFannevsky: great!23:34
nevskyIt gave me some error messages whilst installing though, but it seems to work23:35
nevskyLeeJunFan: thank you sooo much23:35
LeeJunFannevsky: You're welcome.23:35
nevskyI don't have a partition on my harddrive, so I would have lost everything installing it anew23:36
nevskyLeeJunFan: is there still anything I should check or do, maybe the broken ppa's or so?23:36
LeeJunFanmaybe see if it says it needs to upgrade anything if you run apt-get -f install && apt-get dist-upgrade23:37
nevskyLeeJunFan: it wanted the autoremove and deleted two minor things23:39
LeeJunFanThen it's all set.23:39
nevskyyeah, it really seems so23:40
nevskyyou made me happy today, LeeJunFan, hope you coping fine with the snow23:41
nevskyIf I could help I would23:41

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