
aquariusnik90, I have the device connected via usb00:36
aquariusbut the devices tab says "no devices detected"00:36
mhall119aquarius: does adb devices show the device?01:47
mhall119aquarius: last I heard the plan was to ship openssh server on the system images, but not running it by default unless you activated an "app developer mode" on the device01:48
mhall119I haven't heard that this has happened yet though01:48
mhall119daker: http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-touch-the-next-hot-smartphone-operating-system_p14-7000022156/#photo02:16
dholbachgood morning07:06
mihir_dpm: dholbach: Good Morning :)07:30
dholbachhi mihir_, hey dpm07:31
dpmgood morning :)07:31
dholbachdpm, time for a quick call in a bit?07:42
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JamesTaitYou got back safely then?08:35
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Apple Day! :-D08:35
guschnerochiaro: please review https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/ubuntu-ui-extras/extras-facebook-share-lazy-load/+merge/191786 and https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-share-panel-loader/+merge/19178708:48
nerochiarogusch: on it08:59
nerochiarogusch: the problem you're trying to solve there is to save resources by loading the panel only when needed ? or was there any other reason ?09:02
guschnerochiaro: yes - mostly it's avoiding the delay when opening a photo the first time09:03
nerochiarogusch: why didn't you leave the call to update in the constructor ? the properties are going to be read immediately anyway so it doens't really make a difference to leave it there09:17
nerochiarogusch: on top of that you update every single time a property is read, which seems a bit of a waste09:17
guschnerochiaro: they are only updated, when the value is invalid09:18
guschnerochiaro: and the properties are only read when you hit the share button09:19
nerochiarogusch: fair enough, that class is all just a big hack anyway, so it doesn't terribly matter09:21
aquariusnik90, mhall119, the Ubuntu SDK works perfectly. The Ubuntu Device screen perfectly sets up the device. You just have to actually plug the USB cable into your laptop. We apologise for the confusion.09:26
aquariushowever, actually *running* an app from the SDK on the device writes a bunch of ssh-looking stuff into the log and then says "bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Invalid argument. bash: no job control in this shell", and nothing else happens?09:28
nerochiarogusch: you're good to go09:28
guschnerochiaro: thx09:29
nerochiarogusch: thanks to you09:29
nerochiarohave to skip for a few minutes, brb09:29
JamesTaitaquarius, hi!09:33
aquariusheya JamesTait :) How was oggcamp?09:33
JamesTaitaquarius, it was lots of fun, as usual. :)  There was a mysterious aquarius-shaped hole though. ;)09:34
JamesTait(Although we did have a smattering of Saggitarius in the raffle)09:34
aquariusweekend with my daughter, who is more fun :)09:34
JamesTaitaquarius, understandable. :)  How old is she now?  There were quite a few kids there this year - there were mutterings about an OggCamp futures track next year.09:35
JamesTaitConnagh thoroughly enjoyed it.09:36
popeySprOggCamp ☻09:37
aquariusShe's not actually very interested in computers :)09:39
aquariuspopey, do you have any advice about "Run Application on Device" not working for me?09:40
popeywhat output do you get in qtcreator?09:41
popeya bash error?09:41
popeyif so i would reecommend you add the sdk ppa and update qtcreator & friends from there09:43
popeydpm: developer.ubuntu.com seems to have broken in that i can't find a way to navigate to the page which tells me the ppa name for the sdk09:45
aquariuspopey, 13.10 on my laptop; released Ubuntu Touch (build 100, I think? how do I check?) on device. The log in QtC doesn't show the commands that it's *running*, but the output looks like it's scp'ing over the contents of my package, and then says ""bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Invalid argument. bash: no job control in this shell"09:45
popeyi end up in a loop through a number of pages09:45
popeyaquarius: adb shell system-image-cli -i09:45
popeywill tell you version number09:45
popeyyes, that issue is fixed in the ppa09:45
aquariusversion version: 10009:46
aquarius(thank you, that's a useful command).09:46
dpmpopey, http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/overview/ - we need to get back the dedicated installation page, you're not the only one who can't find it09:46
aquariusOK. Do the PPA changes end up in saucy? I am trying hard here to be an app developer, not an OS developer: I don't want to run an environment of PPAs if I can avoid it.09:46
aquariusbecause then my advice stops being useful to others.09:47
dpmaquarius, that was the plan. However, I was told last week that we're back to recommending PPAs in saucy09:47
aquariusso you have to run Ubuntu SDK out of a PPA in order to develop for Ubuntu for phones? :-(09:48
dpmMirv, bzoltan, that's the latest advice, is that correct? We're recommending now to run from the PPA for 13.10 as well? ^09:49
popeyAIUI yes09:50
* dpm updates web page09:50
* aquarius looks sad. OK. I know this sounds like me being a bit complainy, but developer.ubuntu.com should be updated to say that in big letters.09:51
Mirvdpm: AIUI yes09:51
popeyaquarius: it used to09:51
aquariusdoesn't now, 'cos I tried to work out last night how to deploy an app to my device from Ubuntu SDK and ended up having to ask here :)09:52
t1mpit seems like qtc has a newer version on the ppa than in saucy. not sure if that is required though09:52
bzoltandpm, aquarius:  we are not _BACK_ to PPA ... the main delivery channel of the SDK is the archive ... but after the Saucy was frozen and before the Trusty was not open we delivered fixes via the PPA09:52
Mirvdpm: I have a web page loop http://developer.ubuntu.com/ -> Get started now -> Tutorial: Requirements: get Qt5 and Ubuntu toolkit -> back to front page, no instructions on how to install09:52
nik90aquarius: that issue of No bash control thing is fixed in the PPA. I had that issue sometime back but has been resolved.09:53
dpmMirv, yes, after we deployed the new IA on d.u.c recently we lost the dedicated Get Started page, it's on my list to get it back09:53
Mirvdpm: also it recommends qtcreator via apt://qtcreator, but that doesn't install the Ubuntu components which apt://qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu would do (or apt://ubuntu-sdk)09:53
aquariusnik90, yeah; popey's helpfully filled me in on that. We are now discussing how developer.ubuntu.com needs to tell people that they have to use the PPA in order to develop on the device, and dpm is working on that :)09:54
nik90aquarius: previously a PPA was not necessary, however since trusty is now open, we need a PPA for 13.10 but not for 14.0409:54
nik90aquarius: nice09:54
Mirvdpm: ok. I'm just wondering which web page you then updated since I don't find any pointer to 'ubuntu-sdk' or the PPA now?09:54
dpmMirv, http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/overview/ is the fallback page until we get the dedicated Get started back up09:55
Mirvdpm: aha, ok, so there you'll be adding 13.10 cool. but the link from Tutorial subpage now doesn't fall back since it points to http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/#step-get-toolkit09:56
nik90I have a question regarding updates. So will the updates from the core apps trunk all make it to the images used by the users? Or are we limiting them to only trusty?09:57
dpmMirv, yeah, that broken link is the old Get Started page09:57
aquariuspopey, so the SDK (according to http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/overview/) is ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa ? That's the page I think dpm is updating to say that you need the PPA for 13.10 users as well09:57
dpmnik90, we'll be updating core apps via click packages09:57
nik90dpm: ah nice09:57
dpmMirv, bzoltan, so does this look ok to you? -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6275784/09:57
Mirvdpm: that overview page lacks the "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" required for 13.04 which was fixed recently elsewhere (which was now hidden) - on 13.04 otherwise some components would stay at the archive version, causing problems.09:58
Mirvdpm: other than adding dist-upgrade, yes09:58
Mirv(or I guess just 'upgrade' would be fine as well)09:58
bzoltandpm: I am good with it09:58
dpmMirv, you're the expert, 'upgrade' or 'dist-upgrade'?09:59
Mirvdpm: I've only tested dist-upgrade09:59
MirvI don't remember if there was a sort of thing that'd require it. it doesn't hurt, though.09:59
dpmok, so everyone happy with: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6275801/ ?10:00
nik90nic-doffay: you asked me to remind you about exposing "selected" property as public. Hope I am on time10:00
Mirvdpm: could you also consider graphically guiding Dash -> Software Sources -> Add PPA, and then have a apt:///ubuntu-sdk link, instead of command line / text guide?10:00
nik90Is it possible to upgrade to trusty as of now?10:00
Mirvdpm: happy10:01
popeyyes dpm10:01
dpmMirv, that's a good point, let me have a think about it. I'm all for using graphical tools over terminal - the reason I did it with a command line is that in this particular case it's much easier to explain and to run on a terminal. I.e. doing it graphically you still have to paste the apt line and drop to a terminal to do the update && dist-upgrade10:04
aquariusdpm, I'm not sure about those instructions: I followed them, and nothing was upgraded10:07
aquariusdpm, if those instructions are only for people who did not have the Ubuntu SDK installed *at all* before, then we may need a new set of instructions for people who did have it installed before...10:08
aquariusif I apt-get dist-upgrade then I get new versions of a bunch of qtcreator stuff, though.10:08
nik90aquarius: without ppa you will be running qtcreator 2.7.1 while the latest is 2.8.110:09
dpmaquarius, they should work in both cases, as the packages from the PPA are newer.10:09
davmor2dholbach: thanks for random cats10:09
Mirvdpm: yeah, it needs some thinking, and surely it's harder to instruct than just command line (but makes for better first impression). if you start from Software Updates, and add the PPA from there, you can also use the "check for updates" on earlier Ubuntus there. on 13.10 there's no manual button for that though, and also otherwise each version's Software Updates does look different.10:09
dholbachdavmor2, haha :)10:09
aquariusdpm, yeah, but the instructions don't tell people to upgrade the packages from the PPA: they just say to apt-get install ubuntu-sdk10:09
davmor2dholbach: it kills my battery every day ;)10:09
aquariusdpm, i think the instructions you pastebinned need an "apt-get dist-upgrade" on the end :)10:10
Mirvdpm: of course quantal and raring won't be supported for more then a couple of months now, so around Jan-Feb it'll be 12.04 LTS + 13.10 + dev version only10:10
dholbachdavmor2, really? is it that much of a battery killer?10:10
Mirvdpm: anyway, a good thing to think about10:10
davmor2dholbach: no I only tend to look at it at the end of the day so the battery is lowish any way.  So the added internet usage kills it off nicely :)10:11
dpmaquarius, you mean in addition to the dist-upgrade that there is already? I'll let Mirv comment on that, I'm not an expert on apt10:11
Mirvaquarius: did you check dpm's latest pastebin? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6275801/10:11
aquariusoh! Apologies. Thank you, Mirv -- I missed a pastebin :)10:12
Mirvok, all cool then10:12
aquariussorry dpm, you're fine :)10:12
dpmah, cool10:12
* dholbach hugs davmor210:12
* dholbach has two apps sitting in the review queue10:12
davmor2dholbach: don't look at my review queue it will scare you10:12
aquariusExcellent, that works. Thank you, dpm, popey, Mirv.10:15
dpmnow we'll get a clear, dedicated get started page, bear with me for a few hours10:15
aquariusClose Application on Device works perfectly if the app is the foreground app -- it doesn't seem to work as well if I've already exited back to the Dash10:15
aquariusalso, my QR code displayer doesn't work, but that's not the SDK's fault, that's clearly my fault ;)10:16
mattaustinHi all. After trying and failing to compile it myself over the weekend, I'd like to draw attention to a 'needs-packaging' bug I filed yesterday - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1242247. It's for a QML plugin called "pyotherside", which allows access to python from QML. I think I'll need it in order to port my app from SailfishOS to Ubuntu Touch.10:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242247 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Package "pyotherside" for Python in QML" [Wishlist,New]10:18
dpmmattaustin, you might want to send an e-mail to the ubuntu-phone mailing list, there's been recent discussion about this IIRC -> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone10:41
dpmactually, the discussion might have been on G+10:42
dpmbut it might be worth starting a thread10:42
mattaustindpm: Thanks will do!10:55
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nerochiarozsombi: it seems that TextArea steals input from InverseMouseArea. is it a known issue ?12:08
zsombinerochiaro: as IMA is now based on MA, it can happen...12:08
nerochiarozsombi: anything i can do to ensure IMA gets all the input it should get ?12:09
zsombinerochiaro: not sure whether you can do anything without touching the MA inside the TextArea...12:10
zsombinerochiaro: we have in plans to revisit the TextArea/TextField at some point, let's hope that time will come sooner than January...12:11
nerochiarozsombi: ok, let's see if i can find some workarounds until then...12:12
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zsombinerochiaro: the propagateComposedEvents + mouse.accept = false may help you, however the problem is not in your IMA but in the TextArea's internal one...12:13
nerochiarozsombi: it is too "greedy", right ?12:13
zsombinerochiaro: yep :) :(12:13
om26erwhat can I use in *Qt* to force a certain screen orientation in an App ?13:05
om26erlandscape in my case13:05
nik90om26er: check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123976013:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1239760 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Cannot manually set orientation" [Medium,Confirmed]13:21
nik90om26er: it was reported just today with exactly what you want.. Universe answered your call :)13:22
om26ernik90, right, but I want to do that in Qt  inside a QQuickView13:22
om26erbfiller, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediaplayer-app/+bug/118460814:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1184608 in mediaplayer-app "mediaplayer should have a way to force landscape mode" [High,Triaged]14:10
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nerochiarobfiller: everything we had pending was merged into ubuntu-ui-extras. it just needs a release I think14:44
slinky_there's any italian?15:20
slinky_need help for listitem!15:20
=== September is now known as September1
randomcppslinky_, italian help here15:29
om26ermpt, hello! is the system-settings going to use UbuntuShape as shown here: http://design.canonical.com/wp-content/uploads/phone-overview-visual.small_.png or did the plan change16:04
om26erconsidering that didn't happen for 13.1016:05
odarbelaeze_Hi there, I am looking forward to publish an app written in c++, but in developer.ubuntu.com I just find documentation for qt html and casandra, where can I find the old documentation about other languages ?16:06
t1mpdpm: ^16:06
t1mpom26er: I have no idea, but to me the current version without the ubuntushape seems cleaner16:07
mptom26er, I don't know ... The visual designers haven't mocked up the overview screen since that image, though I think they're doing it this week. Why do you ask?16:07
dpmodarbelaeze_, t1mp, unfortunately there is no documentation yet on how to create C++ apps16:07
om26ermpt, no reason. I was just looking at the designs and noted that.16:08
mptom26er, well spotted then. :-)16:08
om26ert1mp, but maybe if we have better looking icons it may look better then16:08
om26erinside UShape16:08
om26erI think the search bar can go into the header like we have in Dash. t1mp are there plans to provide such thing in the UIToolkit ?16:09
om26ertap on the search button in top panel, the header changes to search bar16:10
odarbelaeze_dpm and C/C++ bindings for the Unity dektop api?16:11
t1mpom26er: uhm.. something was happening with search bars17:15
t1mpom26er: I don't know the details, but we will support searching somehow in the UITK17:15
t1mpkalikiana: perhaps you know more about the search support in UITK?17:15
mrqtrosHi folks!17:16
WebbyIThei mhall119, here the link 'Ubuntu.Components.Tabs' is broken ;)17:24
mhall119WebbyIT: thanks, looks like a parse error17:25
September1Hello, can anyone link me to a manual or some other info page about HTML5 apps?17:27
September1The links on ubuntu site are defunct17:27
mhall119September1: what's wrong with http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/html-5/overview/ ?17:28
kalikianaom26er: timppa indeed search in the header is planned. unfortunately there's a ton of things involved including design, user testing and connecting the dash and panel to the search in the app, so long story short, it'll take some more time to be finalized17:30
t1mpI'm timppa17:30
t1mpkalikiana: I *FINALLY* have a test for the timeout of the toolbar....17:31
kalikianaand essentially people involved opted in favour of no compromise half solution even if the real deal takes time17:31
om26erkalikiana, cool. thanks17:31
t1mpkalikiana: sleep() seems to put the whole app (including Timers) to sleep. I needed to use wait() instead!17:31
kalikianat1mp: oh, that's why you asked about timers earlier. interesting detail17:31
t1mpkalikiana: yeah that's much better. Otherwise we have to replace the compromise half solution eventually by the real deal, while still supporting the compromise half solution...17:32
t1mpkalikiana: it makes sense now.. but I didn't see it before.17:32
t1mpso I spent the whole day trying to figure out why my app worked perfectly outside of tests, and the timer didn't trigger anything when used in the test :)17:32
t1mpnot :)17:32
t1mpwell now :), before :(17:32
kalikianaimagine you're talking about a funeral with a big smile17:33
kalikianathat'd be awesome17:33
kalikianaI saw an episode of bullshit(pen&teller) and they suggested to have happy music and frown less17:34
September1mhall119: Yup, but I was looking for something like an API17:35
t1mpkalikiana: well.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o9-E-eMUHs17:36
kalikianatimppa: speaking of success, feest your eyes https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-saucy-amd64-ci/887/consoleText https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unit_x11_fixes/+merge/19196817:36
kalikianaoh it must be the 1 that's why I autocomplete the wrong guy17:37
mhall119September1: we're working on getting the API up for HTML517:37
t1mpkalikiana: I notice now that there is a timppa here. I thought you just made some weird typo17:38
kalikianaso that's not you?17:39
t1mpkalikiana: no17:39
kalikianain that case sorry there timppa I'll buy you a beer if we ever meet :-D17:39
t1mpkalikiana: I'm even not timp. That was taken on freenode17:40
t1mpkalikiana: maybe it is jp under cover ;)17:40
kalikianaI used to "watch" two andrès fight over the nick andre, I would regularly see either one try to login and the other would complain17:42
September1mhall119: Ah well, thank you17:42
t1mpon freenode you can register a nickname so the fighting should have ended soon17:43
t1mpkalikiana: https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unit_x11_fixes/+merge/191968 seems good.17:46
t1mpkalikiana: is it ready for approval?17:46
kalikianat1mp: totally. maybe just to be on the safe side give it a quick local run, but this actually runs on jenkins not *only* locally17:47
t1mpkalikiana: that's what I'm doing at the moment :)17:48
t1mpkalikiana: textfield test fails17:48
kalikianahrmpf. what error?17:49
t1mpkalikiana: https://pastebin.canonical.com/99310/17:49
kalikianawtf does that error mean17:50
kalikianait makes little sense17:50
kalikianat1mp: what's the version of your qtdeclarative5-unity-action-plugin Ive got 1.0.0+13.10.20130716-0ubuntu117:52
kalikianamaybe there's some binding change?17:52
t1mpAction should be the Action from UITK I guess, not from Unity.Actions.17:53
t1mpkalikiana: the import you added is weird. Action doesn't need an import. And for UnityActions.Action.Type.Integer an import Ubuntu.Unity.Action 1.0 as UnityActions would be needed17:56
t1mpkalikiana: if I import like that, I get FAIL!  : components::TextFieldAPI::test_zz_ActionInputMethodHints() Uncaught exception: Cannot read property 'Integer' of undefined17:57
t1mpUnityActions used to be a fake implementation on desktop, so maybe UnityActions.Action.Type.Integer doesn't even exist there.17:58
t1mpin that case, this test never worked on desktop.17:58
t1mpWellark: ^ any ideas what's happening here?17:58
kalikianayes the import is for the type17:59
t1mpkalikiana: for the Action? There is an Action in UITK, so no additional import is needed18:00
t1mpor you mean for the Integer? Then it needs import *as*. But I tried it and it doesn't work for me as well.18:00
kalikianaby the type I meant the integer, yes. it's defined in unity.action only18:01
t1mpthere used to be a cpp directory here http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ that contained the unity actions api18:03
kalikianaqmlplugindump Ubuntu.Unity.Action 1.0 :-P18:04
t1mphmm. in the checkout of unity-actions-api that I have, there has not been an update since July.18:04
t1mpkalikiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6278342/18:06
kalikianahm seems the same I have18:12
t1mpkalikiana: UITK Action inherits from unity actions, so without the import,             textField.parameterType = Action.Type.Integer;18:13
t1mpshould work.18:14
t1mpbut it doesn't. I get Action is not defined :s which is weird18:14
kalikianaif that were true we'd not have both import for components and qtquick18:16
t1mpwhat do you mean?18:17
t1mpkalikiana: in our Action.qml, we import Ubuntu.Unity.Action, and our Action component inherits from that18:17
kalikianathen why does it need QtQuick also? surely we have a fair number of those by inheritence18:18
kalikianaI don't think this is covered by inheritence at all18:18
t1mpkalikiana: without QtQuick you wouldn't have for example Item or Rectangle.18:19
t1mpbut there is an Action, even if you don't import unity actions.18:19
t1mpand our Action has everything that unity actions Action has18:19
kalikianaAction is a type just like Rectangle18:19
t1mpyes, but we don't define a Rectangle in the UITK18:20
kalikianaand we don't define Action.type either18:20
kalikianasame difference to me18:21
t1mpbut that one is in Action from its parent class18:21
kalikianano it's not a property, it's an enum18:21
t1mpok I don't know if those are inherited as well18:21
t1mpkalikiana: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/toolbar-reveal2/+merge/184678 passed CI. So if you are not eod yet and you like to look at someone else's code for a while, go ahead and review it :)18:23
t1mpkalikiana: you reviewed it already, before I added the timeout test.18:23
kalikianafor some reason I read "look at someone else's code for a while" and my brain inserts a different word there… but I'll have a look18:24
* kalikiana has no gf pulling him out of his office right now so lucky for you18:25
t1mpI think I see which word your brain inserted but I don't even dare to guess ;)18:25
t1mpkalikiana: thanks.18:25
kalikianaI'm guessing "margin" in the test would be for fluctuation in the cpu?18:28
t1mpinitially I added it to take the animation time of the hiding toolbar into account18:29
t1mpmaybe it is not needed18:29
t1mpkalikiana: in theory the margin is not needed, but with no margin or a very small margin (100 ms), it fails18:31
t1mpkalikiana: when the timer is triggered, toolbar.close() is called, which sets toolbar.state to "", and toolbar.opened depends on that and should be false.18:33
t1mpkalikiana: but there is a small delay before it is really false. I don't know in which of those steps is the delay.18:33
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
kalikianaa good question would be if animation depends on gpu ticks or always goes exactly the time18:43
t1mpkalikiana: the way the properties are defined, opened should become false immediately, independent from the animation18:46
t1mpkalikiana: or at least with my reasoning it should be like that..18:47
t1mpkalikiana: so perhaps the timer is a little bit too late (trigger delayed), or there is a delay in updating the variables that lead to opened being false after the timer triggers18:48
t1mpor both18:49
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
t1mpkalikiana: EOD for me now. I guess the problem I have with your MR is an issue with the unity actions, but I'm not sure. Let's see tomorrow if other people have the same problem.19:01
t1mpkalikiana: if you have comments on my MR I'll check them tomorrow19:02
t1mpenjoy your evening!19:02
kalikianaI get one failure test_click_toolbar_button19:02
t1mpkalikiana: huh in the unit tests?19:02
t1mpok, please mention that in the MR. I'll fix it tomorrow.19:03
t1mpweird that CI says all is fine.19:04
* t1mp EOD19:04
kalikianayup. have a nice one19:04
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
WebbyITpopey, are dpm and boiko on holiday?19:56
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=== salem_ is now known as _salem
balloonsping nik90 https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/alarm-tests/+merge/191482 I think is ready as we spoke about.. tests for alarm commented out for now21:26
nik90balloons: hmm wierd I did not receive an irc ping for that.. but anways I reviewed your code22:02
AskUbuntuBuilding Jot for Non-photorealistic Renders | http://askubuntu.com/q/36336622:14
snizzoI can't get why this small piece of code doesn't work http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6279885/23:06
snizzodownload reply is never called23:06

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