
jibelcjwatson, I declared trusty but I need a cloud image of trusty to build the base testing environment. I'll ping smoser05:12
jibelhm, and also update distro-data on all the testing nodes in the lab so they know what is the devel release.05:17
jibelev, vila ^ could you check that servers in the lab are up to date?05:18
jibelvila, you'll need to upgrade the machines used for destkop testing to trusty and probably the ones running raring to saucy for SRUs or split in 2 pools for raring/saucy otherwise SRUs on raring will have to be done manually05:20
jibelvila, RT6538205:30
vilajibel: ack, will raise the ticket during the standup and talk with fginther, doanac and plars07:00
ogra_welcome to trusty !08:09
didrocksogra_: \o/08:10
ogra_and here is the system image :) http://system-image.ubuntu.com/trusty-proposed/mako/08:10
didrocksogra_: how will http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/ behave btw?08:11
didrocksif we have a saucy and trusty image rebuild the same day?08:11
ogra_will be crowded with the next build and fine agaiun with the one after08:11
ogra_i have to do a special setup for saucy later today08:11
didrocksthe version of the ubuntu chroot are different?08:11
ogra_the paths all changed with the release08:11
ogra_you mean for building ?08:11
didrocksno, I think we need to be clear which version is shown08:12
ogra_yeah it is always the release we build for which we use fro the chroot08:12
didrocksok, and we'll have a saucy/ dir?08:12
ogra_we already do08:12
* didrocks sees current/08:13
didrocksogra_: I'm speaking of http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/08:13
ogra_we have saucy and trusty channels08:13
ogra_yeah, that will get a saucy dir08:13
didrocksgreat :)08:13
cjwatsonjibel: Huh, why can't you bootstrap it off the saucy image?08:15
jibelcjwatson, that's what I did08:15
cjwatsonjibel: OK, I still see nothing at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/ though08:16
jibelcjwatson, autopkgtest for trusty is open, jobs that were queued are running. I'll create the views and file a ticket to do the same on the public instance08:17
cjwatsonjibel: OK, I have a feeling proposed-migration lost its records of them so I'm inclined to remove its state and let it all retrigger08:18
cjwatsonjibel: There should be a lot more than just mod-gearman listed in excuses and I don't see any records of it collecting any PASSes08:19
* cjwatson nukes the state dir08:19
jibelcjwatson, you should see visp as FAIL and glib2.0 as PASS08:19
cjwatsonI do not, but sadly adt-britney loses results sometimes as previously explained08:20
jibelthat's the 2 I used for testing08:20
cjwatsonI don't trust it :(08:20
jibelcjwatson, :( I'll spend some time on it again this week.08:20
cjwatsonLet's see if it does a better job this time round08:20
cjwatsonjibel: Do you think you could edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess to explain what we need to do (or notify somebody to do) when setting up new series?08:21
cjwatsonThis has become fairly critical infra so we should make sure it's up early08:21
jibelcjwatson, sure, I'll update it. I added a specific document to the prject auto-package-testing too.08:23
cjwatsonShould be a batch of trusty jobs re-running now08:24
cjwatsonI'll keep an eye on p-m to try to ensure it doesn't lose them08:24
jibelvila, retoaded I'm creating Trusty All and Autopkgtest views on jiufeng, I'll leave others to you.08:29
vilajibel: please update the ticket you created so we can keep track of what is left to be done (and document the process)08:30
jibelvila, that's different, I'll file another08:30
didrocksvila: joining us?08:34
didrocksev: ?08:34
viladidrocks: omw08:34
viladidrocks: ev is at the cloud sprint08:35
jibelvila, RT6538708:36
jibelretoaded, ^08:37
asacdidrocks: vila: so in general i believe nothing should need to be done when we continue staying on devel-proposed ... except creating new jobs to track the OLDRELEASED-proposed08:53
asacthat should be our goal... maybe its already like that and we are just struck by lack of phones08:53
didrocksasac: agreed with that goal08:53
didrockswe are far from it, but let's focus on it :)08:53
psivaadidrocks: asac: ogra_: as per the build this morning. the jobs have not run yet. they are only triggered with changes to http://system-image.ubuntu.com/devel-proposed/mako/index.json08:54
psivaawhich has not changed yet today08:54
asacpsivaa: right. so if we had the channel moved on top ofd trusty-proposed it would have automatically happened08:54
ogra_psivaa, as i said, thats still saucy08:55
asacpsivaa: however, why wasnt build 101 from devel-proposed picked up08:55
asaci assume thats because we have all phones down?08:55
ogra_because the phones are down ?08:55
asacright. so in theory nothing is wrong :08:55
ogra_would be my only explanation08:55
ogra_phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel trusty-proposed --no-backup -d maguro08:56
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs08:56
ogra_yay, my first four apps are in the appstore !08:57
psivaaogra_: asac: phones are not down there, the jobs have not been triggered yet08:57
asacpsivaa: because 101 is too new?08:57
asacpsivaa: its 2-3 days old: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/devel-proposed/maguro/08:57
ogra_101 is from friday night iirc08:57
didrocksasac: the jenkins job failed as told08:58
psivaaohh 101 is from friday? sorry looking at it now08:58
ogra_the cdimage build ends up in a new dir ...08:58
ogra_do you use anything from cdimage for the trigger ?08:59
ogra_(note the saucy subdir)08:59
asacafaik they use the index.json to trigger09:01
asac(from system image channels)09:01
cjwatsonjibel: I wonder if the causes get lost on FAIL or something09:07
cjwatsonjibel: for instance the very most recent run has:09:08
cjwatsonlintian 2.5.19ubuntu1 FAIL lintian 2.5.19ubuntu109:08
cjwatsonjibel: but I don't see lintian mentioned anywhere in excuses, not even as something triggered by another package09:08
cjwatsonjibel: (unfortunately I didn't catch this in time to stop p-m so you could investigate in place, but perhaps that's a hint)09:09
cjwatsonThough lintian actually first failed in the run starting at 08:37:0309:10
cjwatsonI mean p-m first recorded it as failing then09:10
jibelcjwatson, yes, I noticed that on saucy but couldn't find the cause. I also noticed results on excuses changing from PASS to FAIL without obvious reason. but I didn't find how to recreate the case locally.09:14
jibelcjwatson, I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess and added a link to the detailed documentation.09:15
cjwatsonogra_: Any luck with image 1?09:45
psivaaasac: ogra_: the reason for the smoke tests failing to run 101 is due to regressions in the way we now flash the devices.09:45
psivaathere was a merge to not use utah for this and this is causing the issue09:45
ogra_cjwatson, havent checked phonecalls yet ... and popey needs to test on mako09:45
ogra_cjwatson, installs and runs though :)09:45
ogra_popey, mind testing the trusty-proposed channel on your mako ?09:46
psivaadoanac: ^ would you be able to take a look at this the issue is only in install-and-boot09:46
popeyogra_: ooh, there's a new image?09:46
ogra_popey, two :) onte trusty and one saucy09:47
popeywhich one do you want testing?09:47
cjwatsonplease do the trusty one first as this is blocking opening09:47
ogra_popey, trusty-proposed please09:47
ogra_just a quick smoketest should do09:48
popeythe delay wont be my testing, it will be my current 3g connection09:48
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
popeyphablet-flash: error: argument : invalid choice: 'trusty-proposed' (choose from 'cdimage-touch', 'cdimage-legacy', 'ubuntu-system', 'community')09:48
popeyoh, typo09:48
popey 2% [>                                      ] 8,183,808    368KB/s  eta 8m 13s09:49
popeynot bad on the M609:49
ogra_cjwatson, popey, asac, didrocks, trusty is good on maguro09:51
asacogra_: can you run unity8 ap?09:52
didrocksogra_: sweet!09:52
asacogra_: guess thats still not good on maguro09:52
asacoh we have 101 http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/09:52
asacinstall-and-boot isnt happy though09:53
* asac assumes psivaa and vila are on that09:53
vilaasac: I'm on cu2d for trusty withe didrocks09:53
vilapsivaa: ^ you're on it ?09:54
psivaaasac: as i posted above, there was a regression in the way we provision the devices. i will have to revert the changes that doanac made in order to make the jobs proceed09:55
* ogra_ notes that the maguro is really to slow for zombie apocalypse09:55
popeyi handed my 100 phone out at a conference over the weekend. took less than 5 mins for someone to crash it09:57
ogra_yeah, we need to do more long term dogfooding09:58
ogra_i wrote 11 webapps on the weekend ...09:58
ogra_running like 5 of them at the same time makes everything go cracy09:58
ogra_the backgrounded apps never save their state09:59
ogra_and at times unity seems to get all confused and puts the wrong labels onto the wrong thumbnals etc09:59
ogra_i had two crashes over the weekend where unity just restarted10:00
psivaaasac: vila: running the jobs now for 101 saucy.. i'll let you  know the outcome10:02
popeyogra_: trusty 1 looks good here on mako10:20
ogra_cjwatson, go for it then10:32
asacogra_: successfully ran camera_app on #110:38
asacdoing webbrowser_app now as well10:38
asacdidrocks: ^^10:38
asac(on maguro)10:38
asacunity is unfortunately unhappy still, right?10:38
didrocksasac: we'll need an iso though to plug trusty tests on desktpo10:38
asacat least on maguro i would think so10:38
asacdidrocks: did the last day regression fix make it in for unity AP?10:39
didrockscjwatson: I think that will take a while? (trying to find a backup solution)10:39
didrocksasac: they did10:39
didrocksnot 710:39
didrocksno, it's not in10:39
didrocksas we didn't do any SRU-related work10:39
asacright. thinking about trusty. assume would come in once we start landing stuff, right?10:39
didrocksasac: there are 3 things to do/ensure:10:40
didrocks- daily-build ppa can build trusty10:40
didrocks- config changed by Mirv10:40
didrocks- otto being able to run tests on trusty (or I need to find a backup solution) -> meaning, an iso available10:40
vila- views updated ob jnekins (may be minor may be scripted already)10:41
vila*on jenkins10:41
cjwatsondidrocks: we can probably do you a desktop build10:41
asacdidrocks: so we depend on a desktop iso? or server?10:41
didrockscjwatson: oh, that would be excellent :)10:41
didrocksasac: desktop10:41
didrockscjwatson: and ppas can build trusty already?10:42
cjwatsondidrocks: running10:42
didrocksthanks cjwatson :)10:42
cjwatsondidrocks: er I'd have to check10:42
cjwatsondidrocks: you could try it :)10:42
didrocksyeah, let's mess with it :)10:42
didrockswill keep you posted10:42
* cjwatson goes to open trusty10:42
cjohnstonasac: are the automated tests already running or are your results from manual testing?10:43
cjwatson(getting coffee first so this is your last opportunity to object)10:43
asaccjohnston: mine are from manual, because the automatic ones seem to not run10:44
cjohnstonasac: they don't look to be setup.. let me see if I can figure that out10:44
asaccjohnston: check with psivaa and vila and didrocks if there was something started to fix this already10:44
didrockscjohnston: enjoy :)10:44
asaccjohnston: so from what i uinderstand touch_mir should be pulling devel-proposed channel10:44
asaccjohnston: that channel wasnt moved over, so we need to wait till stgraber gets up, then our touch_mir jobs should pick the right thing up10:45
didrocks[PPA ubuntu-unity-daily-build] [ubuntu/trusty] bamf 0.5.1+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1trusty1 (Accepted) -> sounds good :)10:45
asaccjohnston: build the build number will go back to 1, so maybe check what happens on dashboard then10:45
cjwatsondidrocks: good10:45
didrockscjwatson: enjoy your coffee :)10:46
psivaacjohnston: fyi, saucy tests on touch devices are running but we have not set anything up for trusty yet10:47
cjohnstonpsivaa: cool.. looks like there are still MPs that need to land for trusty tests to work10:48
psivaacjohnston: yea they are still in the review stage10:48
ogra_asac, Saviq , unity8 still fails for me, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276025/ is what i se printed in the unity8 log if the tests try to start10:52
Saviqogra_, stale socket10:52
ogra_i thought we had fixed that10:52
Saviqogra_, no, we amended it10:52
ogra_the test properly shuts down the shell10:52
Saviqogra_, but if unity8 crashes - mir never removes the socket10:52
Saviqogra_, it should only ever happen on unity8 crash now10:53
ogra_well, thats after a proper shutdown i think10:53
* ogra_ reboots again to watch if there is a crash happening 10:53
Saviqogra_, hmm, can you rm /run/user/32011/mir_socket and clear /var/crash - and see if indeed you get the stale socket without unity8 crashing?10:53
Saviqor that10:53
Saviqogra_, we should probably clear the socket in pre-start unity810:54
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls /var/crash/10:54
ogra_it isnt even on the screen10:54
ogra_and i cleared the dir when shutting down (without unity running at all)10:55
* ogra_ tries that again10:55
Saviqogra_, how big is the crash file?10:55
Saviqogra_, bug #1240866 probably10:55
ubot5bug 1240866 in Unity 8 "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in getenv()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124086610:55
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /var/crash/10:55
ogra_total 38410:55
ogra_---------- 1 phablet whoopsie 390128 Oct 21 12:53 _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash10:55
asaccjohnston: do you know why we see those bogus entries on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/10:56
asaccjohnston: e.g. the ones with just one date rather than normal veresion?10:56
cjohnstonmeans the install failed10:56
ogra_no crash this time10:57
ogra_Saviq, so firing up the test definitely creates the crash file10:57
ogra_seemingly on shutdown of the shell10:58
psivaacjohnston: asac: i dash_ignore 'd them but since they were from the weekend we need to wait till 1330 UTC to get them removed10:58
Saviqogra_, yeah, we still have a crash on shutdown indeed10:58
asaccjohnston: looks buggy to me at least :)10:58
Saviqogra_, or do we... thought we had that fixed10:58
asacpsivaa: right. still think the visualization could be at least improved10:58
Saviqogra_, can you give me your steps?10:58
cjohnstonasac: we don't really have a way to guess what the build number should be if we can't get it10:58
asaccjohnston: so those cases we cant download?10:59
asaccjohnston: cant get the index.json?10:59
cjohnstonAFAIK that part was fine11:00
ogra_Saviq, i flash. makes the image writable and run "phablet-test-run -n -p unity8-autopilot unity8" ... once the old shell stops i see the crash file apprear (before it prints that it starts the tests in the other terminal)11:00
asaccjohnston: my understanding is that we are looking at http://system-image.ubuntu.com/trusty-proposed/mako/index.json11:00
asaccjohnston: that one has the version info included11:00
cjohnstonI thought we were getting the info from the device11:00
Saviqogra_, /me does11:00
asaccjohnston: right. maybe we should use that info as well and then even compare those two infos :)11:00
asacas another meta test11:01
Saviqogra_, did you keep the display lit?11:01
ogra_Saviq, i tried to ...11:01
ogra_Saviq, it turns off when the shell goes away11:01
Saviqogra_, you can always go "powerd-cli display on bright"11:02
Saviqogra_, aah11:03
ogra_i cant trigger a crash when just stopping and starting unity811:03
ogra_must be the start of the test that causes it11:03
Saviqogra_, bug #124080111:04
ubot5bug 1240801 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "autopilot unity8 fails with "No GSettings schemas are installed on the system"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124080111:04
Saviqogra_, that's fixed in unity8 trunk (and only affects testing)11:04
cjwatsonok, trusty is open11:04
cjwatsonwill be starting autosyncs shortly11:04
cjwatsonand removing the proposed block shortly as well11:04
Saviqcjwatson, \o/11:04
Saviqogra_, export XDG_DATA_DIRS before "autopilot run unity8"11:04
Saviqogra_, and it will be fine11:04
ogra_Saviq, oh11:04
Saviqogra_, XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share autopilot run unity811:05
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ initctl stop unity811:06
ogra_unity8 stop/waiting11:06
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share autopilot run unity811:06
ogra_Loading tests from: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages11:06
ogra_Tests running...11:06
ogra_and it doesnt lie :D11:06
* ogra_ sees the unity tests on screen11:07
cjwatsonautosyncs starting11:13
cjohnstonasac, psivaa they have been removed from the dash11:15
didrockscjwatson: excellent!11:15
ogra_asac, Saviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276146/11:16
ogra_so unity8 looks pretty good11:16
Saviqogra_, yeah, just one crash on startup - the getenv one11:16
Saviqogra_, that test will run if you start it again11:17
asacogra_: webbrowser is OK too (37 tests run)11:17
asaczero failure :)11:17
asacogra_: so where is the udev fix :)?11:18
asaci want systemsettle to stop complaining11:18
* ogra_ re-runs to prove the failure goes away11:18
ogra_asac, its in 10111:18
asacogra_: so should be in 1 too?11:18
* asac checks top11:18
SaviqUbuntu Touch 101 ;D11:18
ogra_was in trusty-proposed, i dont think it was in trusty when we built the image11:18
asacogra_: hmm. 97.8 idle only11:18
asacpulse is going wildish11:19
ogra_asac, i think it was held11:19
asacoh wait :)11:19
asacthat was my x22011:19
asacogra_: we still see systemsettle issues on 101 though: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/maguro/101:20131018:20131015/4776/gallery-app-autopilot/11:19
asacogra_: all are still orange because of that: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/maguro/101:20131018:20131015/4776/11:20
asacpretty busy11:20
asachere is the before run of gallery http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/maguro/101:20131018:20131015/4776/gallery-app-autopilot/493965/11:20
asacdoesnt hit 97% average11:20
asacogra_: sure its in 101? build 1 feels quiet11:21
ogra_asac, right, but no udevd issue it seems11:21
ogra_looks like top is the biggest consumer in the logs11:21
asacogra_: ueventd is still there though11:22
ogra_yes, thats fine11:22
asacogra_: the first sample always has top11:22
ogra_ueventd  != udevd11:23
asacogra_: but why would top be so slow all of sudden?11:23
asacwe never had this problem before11:23
ogra_and it is always under 0.5% as i see it11:23
ogra_dunno, but top consumes >3%11:24
asacright. thats new11:24
ogra_that keeps us below 97% idle11:24
ogra_no idea why11:24
asaccjohnston: did you guys ever touch the systemsettle code :)?11:24
* asac tries to find it11:24
asaccjohnston: or the parameters?11:24
* ogra_ doubts that 11:25
asacogra_: well, we see settle consistently failing after boot11:25
asacogra_: either we have loads more processes11:25
asacor something slows it down11:25
ogra_do we have crash files ?11:25
ogra_hmm, no11:26
ogra_doesnt look liek we do11:26
asaczero crashes so far on 10111:26
ogra_heh, spoke to soon :P11:26
ogra_mako has one11:26
ogra_maliit in andressbook-app11:27
ogra_asac, aha https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_mir-maguro-smoke-friends-app-autopilot/22/artifact/clientlogs/top_before.log/*view*/11:28
asacogra_: i think the most interesting part is likely starting from TOP DUMP (after settle run: 1)11:28
asacor even https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_mir-maguro-smoke-friends-app-autopilot/22/artifact/clientlogs/top_before.log/*view*/11:28
asacTOP DUMP (after settle run: 3)11:28
asacthats a few minutes into the boot11:29
asacso everything should be started by then11:29
asacTOP DUMP (after settle run: 9)11:29
asacthats the last run. whatever makes it fail there is the problem11:29
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share autopilot run unity811:29
ogra_Loading tests from: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages11:29
ogra_Tests running...11:29
ogra_Ran 22 tests in 549.162s11:29
asacunity8 ueventd, adbd11:29
asacnice one11:30
ogra_only on second run though11:30
asacso our current settle limit was 97.511:30
asacwe now hit like 69.5 reliably11:30
asacon maguro11:30
asacso we only need to explain a 1% boost11:30
asacthat could easily be unity8 because of MIR, but i somewhat feel something else is also fishy11:31
asacwhy is adbd for instance there with 1%?11:31
asacogra_: seems on SF its also pretty tight11:32
asacit like succeeeding during the last attempt11:32
asacbut that is before the udev fix11:32
ogra_but it succeeded11:33
asacogra_: yeah, but still very tight/late11:34
ogra_and SF doesnt trigger udevd to go wiltd11:34
ogra_thats a Mir issue11:34
asacso anything changing can make us go red11:34
* asac doesnt like that we only getting up to 97.5 anyway11:34
asacogra_: maybe it is because we use powerd-cli screen-on ?11:35
ogra_well, top always eats some11:35
ogra_why would have influence the load ?11:35
asacogra_: thats it. i turned the screen on and i suddenly see unity8 coming to the forefront of top11:36
asacogra_: and ueventd11:36
ogra_has always been like that11:36
asacso thats the reason. if folks turn off the screen before settle,then we are green :)11:36
ogra_ueventd might be other fallout of the Mir bug11:37
asaccjohnston: doanac: plars: ^^11:37
ogra_tvos hass a fix for that afaik11:37
asacogra_: so the fact that unity8 starts consuming cycles when you turn screen on is considered a bug?11:37
ogra_it has to refresh11:37
ogra_the bug is that the driver under Mir spams uevents11:37
ogra_that keeps traffic up in varioud places11:38
asaci right11:38
ogra_not all of them can be seen11:38
ogra_udevd was only one fallout11:38
asacogra_: so you say there is still some noice now in ueventd that we fixed udev?11:38
asacogra_: can we maybe also filter there smartly?11:38
ogra_thimas has a possible fix that only makes the uevent spam apper when there is actual interaction11:38
ogra_instead of having a constant stream of 60 events per sec11:39
asacok, but we can't minimize the impact on the ueventd process during a spam/attac,k on top of that?11:39
asaci understand i think.11:39
ogra_we need to kill the spam like SF does11:39
ogra_then it should work as fast as SF and your processes shouldnt misbeahve anymore11:39
asacwell, that would mean that its a bug and we might want to continue keeping it visible on dashboard11:39
asacuntil we have fixed maguro11:39
ogra_i uploaded some HTML5 games to the shop over the weekend, zombie attach is a highly demanding game that makes a good performan.ce test11:40
ogra_*zombie apocalypse11:40
* asac installs it11:41
* asac always has to setup ubuntu one account11:41
ogra_once for shop access11:42
* ogra_ never has to do it more than once11:42
ogra_that game runs on the edge on mako ... (runs super smooth on android btw) ... on mako it is just close to be unusable11:43
ogra_on maguro i get all actions with a long delay11:43
ogra_i.e. non usable at all11:44
asacogra_: does it work well on android maguro?11:44
asaci tried it now on maguro and yes its not usable )11:45
ogra_no idea, it works well on my S411:45
ogra_i have never run android on a maguro :P11:45
ogra_it definitely shows we need to improve the browser performance for such stuff11:45
ogra_having something like this game run smooth by trusty release might be a nice goal :)11:46
ogra_(on maguro)11:46
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
cjohnstonasac: I honestly have no idea about any changes to systemsettle12:37
asaccjohnston: all good. i think we found it12:41
asacplars: doanac: cjohnston: we need to not enable the screen while running it12:41
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
asacplars: doanac: cjohnston: or rather use powerd-cli to have it off i guess12:41
asacsystemsettle test itself should do the right thing there12:41
plarsasac: iirc, before we added the powerd-cli display on, more things were failing12:45
plarsasac: so just turning the display on is causing unity8 to eat cpu?12:46
sergiusens@ci share-app hasn't been part of the product for a while, it's tests should probably be disabled since it's installing things that can skew the test results for other components by installing abandoned/obsolete deps12:48
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
asacplars: its only about systemsettle12:54
cjohnstonsergiusens: in the daily image testing?12:54
asacplars: that testcase itself should ensure that screen is turned off12:54
asacplars: every other testcase should senusre that screen is turned on and unlocked12:54
sergiusenscjohnston, yup12:54
asace.g. its a testcase thing and systemsettle shoudl ensure we do the right thing for it12:55
cjohnstonplars: ^12:55
plarsasac: the problem is, doanac found that if we don't turn the display on at the beginning, before system settle comes on, then it might not come on and tests had issues later12:55
asacplars: lets talk to doanac12:55
asacplars: turn it off12:55
asacturn it on after12:55
asaci dont think that should cause harm, but lets see12:55
plarssergiusens, cjohnston: ack, I'll disable share-app. It's not coming back later or anything is it?12:55
sergiusensplars, it's an ubuntu ui toolkit component since beginning of september12:56
plarssergiusens: that's what I thought, ok I'll remove it completely then12:56
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Mirvdidrocks: ok, now ~everything is split to /saucy branches with updated Bzr-Vcs url:s for those, see doc13:26
MirvI'll prepare a quick cu2d change proposal, but I'll leave it to you (for today) otherwise13:26
didrocksMirv: great! the cu2d config is ready as well?13:26
didrocksMirv: maybe you'll need to get in sync with fginther13:26
fgintherdidrocks, Mirv morning13:27
didrockshey fginther ;)13:27
Mirvmorning fginther13:30
Mirvfginther: didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro-config/saucy_transition_misc_unity/+merge/191989 - that's a start at least, you can also modify the commit since it's under common LP username13:31
Mirvit covers those projects I created a /saucy for today, but not sil2100's ones that are still missing (I haven't gone through those)13:32
didrocksMirv: ok great, maybe fginther, as having worked with sil2100 the other day has the othe part13:32
cjwatsondidrocks: there are desktop images in pending, btw13:33
didrockscjwatson: excellent, thanks for the head's up. I'll start trying to fetch it as soon as I can13:36
cjwatsondidrocks: they're stuck in pending because the Windows executables on there are broken, but I expect you don't care13:36
cjwatson(well, s/broken/missing/)13:36
cjwatsondidrocks: it's possible they may not work in other ways, though, as we haven't updated the installer for saucy yet13:37
didrockscjwatson: I hope/try to fetch it from otto, at least, we have a base :)13:37
asacdoanac: didrocks: don't wait for me. let's chat a few minutes after the meeting, i will reset the whole thing now and maybe come in after13:40
didrockslp:otto, the tool we use to do desktop tests13:40
didrockssaucy sounds like quality for asac :p13:40
ogra_runs fine on my phone13:41
asacdoanac: i think NM/wpa sometimes act up and dont connect to the strongest AP here... not sure if its a threshold thing or not13:44
asacdidrocks: ^^13:44
asac(sorry, typo)13:44
jibelretoaded, could you add trusty to the default view too on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/ ?13:44
retoadedjibel, sure13:45
didrocksasac: oh, that would be something for cyphermox I guess13:45
retoadedjibel, done13:46
jibelretoaded, and you can remove oneiric13:46
retoadedjibel, ack13:46
jibelretoaded, thanks13:47
retoadedjibel, hmmmm, that seems to have broken the view13:47
jibelretoaded, java.lang.StackOverflowError awesome.13:48
retoadedjibel, and I don't even have the option to delete it so I can recreate it13:48
retoadedhmmm, and I can re-create Oneiric since jenkins thinks it already exists (but doesn't show)13:52
jibelfrom the error I'd say it tries to access a view that it thinks exists but actually doesn't and falls in a infinite loop13:53
retoadedjibel, ack. got it straightened out.13:54
jibelretoaded, good, thanks.13:55
retoadedjibel, changed the default view to something else, went back into Releases, removed Oneiric (again) and it worked this time. Reset default view back to Releases.13:55
jibeladd a note for next time you have to remove a release from that list13:55
cyphermoxasac: do you mean on initial connection?13:59
didrocksretoaded: is grabbing pending apparently, right?14:03
retoadeddidrocks, yes14:04
didrocksexcellent, thanks for confirming!14:04
asaccyphermox: no its after a few days and suspend/resumes14:05
asaccyphermox: i have a repeater very close and my main router far away, but you can still see my main router here14:05
asaccyphermox: seems that after a few of those suspend/resumes, NM or wpa prefers the "main router" and my inet etc. goes flaki14:06
cyphermoxwe,, it's possible you can see it, but have you compared the BSSIDs to make sure which one was conected to?14:06
asaci see that i am connected against the wrong one14:06
cyphermoxthere's a patch I'll upload soon that changes the threshold, perhaps that will help14:06
asaccyphermox: so i tried using NM UI to force the BSSID close by, but seems that doesnt prevent NM to still roa mto the other14:06
asacfeels very weird how you as a user can "force" (gues its not a real force" for BSSID14:07
asaccyphermox: oh there is a threshold? let me know when its there, i am happy to test14:07
cyphermoxno, it's meant to be that way -- if you specify it, it will not roam and use the BSSID you provided14:07
cyphermoxin some cases it's quite useful14:07
alan_gfginther: remember setting up CI for the mir/development-branch? I just noticed that it doesn't build for armhf like lp:mir does. Was that intentional?14:08
fgintheralan_g, no that was not intentional, If I remember right, the armhf build was added to lp:mir after the development branch job was setup. We just didn't remember to modify both branch configurations.14:10
fgintheralan_g, that should be fixed now14:10
alan_gfginther: thanks. (I thought armhf had been around a lot longer. But fixed is fixed)14:11
cjwatsonarmhf in general predates mir but PPAs don't build for armhf by default and I think the mir PPA initially didn't14:14
* alan_g meant the mir armhf build14:15
didrocksvila: fginther ^14:20
didrocks2013-10-21 14:19:27,634 ERROR An error during creation occurred, trying to cleanup the container: The container didn't stop successfully14:20
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fgintherkgunn, are you familiar with the mir branch changes that duflu is proposing? I have some questions about it14:44
kgunnfginther: i read thru it about an hour ago....shoot14:46
* kgunn grabbing coffee & a fleece back in a moment14:46
fgintherkgunn, will any future changes be directly proposed to lp:mir, or will all the changes go into the development branch and that is merged into lp:mir when it's ready?14:47
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kgunnfginther: and i understand it..i think the idea is to stage everything on the development-branch...and then using a pull14:52
kgunnfginther: rather than a merge to get the history14:52
fgintherkgunn, right. I'm trying to scope the amount of work needed here as a pull is not something that our tools currently support.14:54
kgunnfginther: its kind of interesting....i think if we every go to a truly feature development type dev environ14:55
fgintherkgunn, It would help if I knew if we need to support other branches merging into lp:mir, or if we can lock this down to just the development branch14:55
kgunnthat's actually what would be needed14:55
kgunnfginther: i'm totally ok with locking it down14:56
kgunnfginther: mmmm....let me backpeddal one mire14:56
kgunnminute rather14:56
fgintherkgunn, I'm also not familar with all that pull is doing, so need to do a little research on my own14:57
kgunnfginther: i could foresee the potential need for speed, that someone might want to push to both14:57
kgunnfginther: altho...that would be a merge14:57
fgintherkgunn, so other groups have proposed the trunk + feature branch development environment, but this is the first time pull has come up rather then merge14:57
kgunnfginther: right....i think this is all about the history of the branch being merged....14:58
kgunnfginther: and i don't understand it myself....but i think this is the problem with not having downstream able to pull from something other than "trunk"14:59
asacdidrocks: doanac: cjohnston: so what was the outcome of bringing up trusty on dashboard etc.?15:04
doanacasac: we are trying to get them going today.15:04
doanaci have 3 MPs out that the team is reviewing15:05
asacdoanac: ok cool. sounds goodie. would love to declare "happy development" to the UE team after seeing results15:05
didrocksasac: ogra_: plars: robru: psivaa: cyphermox: I guess there is no need for this afternoon landing team syncing up. Let's do it tomorrow morning, we're almost there!15:38
ogra_didrocks, ++15:39
plarsdoanac: ack15:40
psivaadidrocks: ack15:47
asacdidrocks: oki ... was just wondering while i was on there :)16:02
didrocksasac: ahah, sorry ;)16:03
loolHey folks16:09
loolI see there's a new trusty-proposed channel16:09
loolwith an image16:09
loolbut it's not in devel-proposed16:09
loolis that intentional?16:09
loolafter chatting with stgraber, he intends to update both devel-proposed and devel once the first trusty-proposed image is promoted to trusty16:29
ogra_lool, yes, thats what we discussed a while ago16:31
didrocksok, time for my daily run before it's night16:31
* didrocks waves good evening16:31
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plarsdoanac: I just witnessed something that could cause us trouble17:08
doanacplars: i'm killing the jobs now. its too much to follow17:08
doanacand i found a small bug in free the devices17:09
plarsogra_: I was running the latest devel-proposed which I just installed locall, and connected to it with adb. Then mtp connected and as soon as the window popped up for it, adb disconnected.17:09
plarsdoanac: ^17:09
doanacah - that's bad. I think josepht has seen something like that also17:10
plarsogra_: I was able to reconnect just fine, but losing that connection at some points in the install/setup process could produce inconsistent results17:10
ogra_plars, yes, known17:15
ogra_(and we discussed it plenty of times already i think)17:15
plarsogra_: is there something we can do on our side to prevent that from happening?17:15
ogra_the gadget device gets reset if its options change17:15
ogra_yes, rework the whole sh*t17:16
plarsogra_: heh17:16
doanaccan we disable MTP on our host so it doesn't happen?17:16
ogra_plars, sergiusens was looking into setting persistent properties, once we can do that we should be able to not touch the settings of the device during boot17:16
doanacah - i guess not17:17
ogra_doanac, no, once you change the settings of the gadget device on the phone it reconnects17:17
ogra_not related ot the host side17:17
doanacit weird its suddenly gotten worse. but I maybe we've just been lucky up till now17:18
ogra_so instead of changing the props dunamically every boot, we should use a persistent setting that onlt changes on demand (and keeps this setting over reboots)17:18
doanacplars: i've got to step away for a bit. I fixed a small bug in the master job.17:19
doanacand i'm letting the touch_sf4p run on maguro17:20
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doanacplars: there's a bug in the unity8 tests. running "autopilot list unity8" shows a problem with unity8-autopilot/shell/tests/test_notifications.py", line 29, in <module>'17:56
plarsdoanac: that's happened several times before - something the unity8 team will have to fix17:57
doanaclooks like we need to add python's "gi" repository17:57
doanacfor now17:57
plarsdoanac: oh17:57
plarsdoanac: actually17:57
plarsdoanac: I looked at something with that late last week17:57
plarsdoanac: it looked like the latest phablet-tools installs gi in the autopilot dir from bzr when you run phablet-click-test-setup17:58
plarsdoanac: but the version it installs causes issues17:58
plarssergiusens: have you seen anything up with that? ^17:58
doanacplars: that's it. i just deleted the copy phablet-click-setup created and it works17:59
plarsdoanac: iirc one of the tests is already installing the python-gi package17:59
doanachmm - i had to install just now, not sure18:00
plarsdoanac: it's easy enough for us to force it to install, but if it's required then it seems odd that just the tests would require it18:00
plarsdoanac: just the unity8 tests I mean18:01
doanacplars:  i don't think thats enough. the "gi" library under /home/phablet/autopilot/gi will take precedence18:01
doanacso we have to fix this in phablet-tools18:01
plarsdoanac: I know18:02
doanacsorry mis-read18:02
plarsdoanac: I'm just wondering if it's a package that should be there in the image18:02
doanaca weird dep for just the test to need18:02
doanacthe version phablet-tools grabs says its the same as i just installed. maybe the .deb extraction is messing something up18:04
sergiusensdoanac, let me check; in any case I added that for veebers18:05
doanacsergiusens: here's the backtrace i just got:18:06
doanacTraceback (most recent call last):18:06
doanac  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>18:06
doanac  File "gi/__init__.py", line 27, in <module>18:06
doanac    from ._gi import _API18:06
doanacImportError: could not import gobject (error was: 'cannot import name _gobject')18:06
doanaci just did a python shell with: from gi.repository import Notify18:06
sergiusensdoanac, let me wrap up this bug fix and I'll get to it18:07
plarsdoanac: sergiusens: could it be that phablet-click-test-setup misses the .so files in python-gi?18:08
sergiusensplars, most likely; which tests use python-gi now?18:08
plarssergiusens: unity8 for sure, possibly others18:09
doanacthat's what it is18:09
doanaci just verified18:09
plarsdoanac: ack18:09
sergiusensdoanac, if it's just unity8, let's just remove it from there18:10
doanacsergiusens: remove python-gi from phablet-click-setup?18:11
sergiusensdoanac, yes18:11
doanacsergiusens: ack - i'll submit an MP.18:11
doanacplars: you want to merge python-gi into our new apconfig.py file for unity8?18:12
plarsdoanac: sure18:12
plarsdoanac: we'll just need to make sure we update phablet-tools, it won't work until we have that fix in there also18:13
plarsdoanac: we could hand-patch on phoenix for now I suppose18:13
doanacplars: while you are in there: 'python-mock', 'python-dateutil' are already in phablet-click-setup so we don't need those anymore18:13
plarsdoanac: ack18:13
doanacplars: i think we probably need to change our touch test to take an option phablet-tools branch18:13
doanaci think we are too reliant on it now assume what's in the distro will handle everything18:14
sergiusensdoanac, I've been wanting it to be sort of hand copied into a ppa you control18:15
doanacplars, sergiusens: actually since we use a PPA for precise. the changes land there pretty fast :)18:17
plarsdoanac: sergiusens: we could make a recipe for it and just request a build for our ppa whenever we want18:18
fgintherrsalveti, ping18:18
doanacsergiusens, plars: https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/phablet-tools/click-python-gi/+merge/19203118:18
rsalvetifginther: pong18:19
fgintherrsalveti, we have a job hanging around for the qt51 build experiment. Is any of that still needed?18:19
plarsdoanac: and https://code.launchpad.net/~pwlars/ubuntu-test-cases/pkg-changes/+merge/19203318:19
rsalvetifginther: no, that's saucy specific, so let's just disable it for now18:19
rsalvetiand we'll probably try to migrate to 5.2 in a few weeks instead18:20
fgintherrsalveti, somehow it created a massive file: "140737486266368 Oct 21 18:15 kcore"18:20
doanacplars: +1 thanks18:20
plarsdoanac: looks good to me, but I can't topapprove it18:20
sergiusensplars, doanac done18:21
doanacplars: oops - we also need to update the utah test entry for unity818:22
plarsdoanac: oh, right18:23
plarsdoanac: one sec18:23
plarsdoanac: I update phoenix also18:23
plarsdoanac: phablet-click-test-setup on phoenix that is18:23
doanacplars: just the "/usr/bin/phablet-click-test-setup"?18:23
plarsdoanac: yes18:24
doanack. i've updated phablet-config on phoenix :)18:24
doanacwe need to keep track of this - or use a proper branch.18:24
doanaci'll get an MP for that soon18:24
plarsdoanac: wait, what needs updating in the utah test? it installs unity8-autopilot which should already depend on python-gi right?18:24
doanacit doesn't18:24
doanacwell - let me check.18:25
doanacplars: ^^^ - we are good to go18:25
rsalvetifginther: hahah, wtf18:27
plarsfginther: impressive!18:30
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sergiusensfginther, do we have devices for core apps?18:43
fginthersergiusens, nope18:44
sergiusensfginther, would be good to run the click tests instead of deb package ones18:44
fginthersergiusens, agreed, I need to inquire about running these on our internal jenkins. Not sure if the split is still required18:45
sergiusensfginther, that would be awesome; well at least we can start looking into building them18:46
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plarssergiusens: I'm uploading a recipe for phablet-tools to build off trunk and just use {debversion}-bzr+{revno}. Any preference what I call the recipe?18:57
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plarssergiusens: that way we can just build in a ppa for us to pull, but would probably be useful to others as well for testing new phablet-tools etc18:57
sergiusensplars, call it what you wish; only thing is that the tests don't run on precise18:59
sergiusensplars, also, why not just rely on the daily release stuff?18:59
plarssergiusens: because it takes a while to get through that - especially if it's in manual mode as with the problem we had a while back19:00
sergiusensplars, manual mode, still?19:00
plarssergiusens: you don't think that would ever happen again?19:01
plarssergiusens: we were just talking about this a bit ago, having a ppa for ci to use for things like this, which we could control when we build for it and what we put there19:01
sergiusensplars, the concept of daily release came up (I've been told) because the recipe system wasn't enough19:01
sergiusensplars, if people start using recipe builds it sort of beats the purpose; I feel we are just circumventing a problem here19:02
plarssergiusens: this is not for official builds, this is just so that image smoke testing can update phablet-tools quickly as needed for things that need to be fixed quickly to keep ci from slowing down19:02
sergiusensplars, ack, feel free to create it19:03
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plarsasac: is there really any difference between what's in the saucy build vs the trusty build?19:27
plarsright now that is?19:27
jdstrandlool: hey, are we supposed to be asking for permission to upload now? if so, may I upload this simple update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279220/20:41
cjwatsonjdstrand: lool is on vacation20:43
fgintherplars, we have a way to automatically dput new phablet-tools packages to a ppa on each commit to trunk20:46
fgintherplars, the advantage is that the dput occurs as soon as the commit to trunk is made instead of waiting for the recipe to daily build20:48
jdstrandcjwatson: thanks20:52
jdstrandasac: ^20:52
jdstrandlool: nm20:54
* lool whistles20:56
looljdstrand: truth is I'm not sure what you need right now  :-)20:56
loolbut I guess safe uploads to trusty with heads up to landing team would be ok20:57
jdstrandyeah, it isn't clear yet. I'll wait for asac20:58
jdstrandlool: thanks! and you should be vacationing now :)20:58
* lool &20:58
=== ev changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: - Type: "cihelp" for help | Britney is set to block all uploads, use lp:~ubuntu-touch-release/britney/hints-ubuntu-touch to override | Known issues: -
plarsev: :)21:29
plarsev: stupid irc clients21:29
evI'm not a fan of the entire protocol.21:29
evthat reminds me, I need to sign up for an irccloud account to make it someone else's problem21:29
asacdoanac: cjohnston: how is the trusty bring up going?23:13
asacev: ?23:13
doanacasac: we have jobs configured but they are buggy. i think i just fixed the issue.23:14
doanaci'm running a local test right now23:14
doanacmoving the powerd-cli call around was causing an adb-shell call to hang23:14
sergiusensdoanac, hey23:21
sergiusensdoanac, was just testing the edge intro thing; you can probbaly remove the reboot completely as it's not needed at all23:22
sergiusensdoanac, as soon as you change the config, it gets out of your way23:22
doanacsergiusens: ah - that's even better!23:22
doanaci'll update the MP23:23
sergiusensdoanac, ah, thought you might of left; I copy/pasted to the mp23:23
doanacsergiusens: cool. i'm about to eat, but will address tonight.23:23
sergiusensdoanac, yeah, just enabled/disabled a couple of times without reboot, saw it come and go23:24
sergiusensso it's good to avoid the reboot :-)23:24
doanacyep. that increases our odds of having a good test run :)23:24
asacdoanac: moving powercli around -> for systemsettle?23:27
asacdoanac: i think only screen on we dont want23:28
asacthe rest isnt really hurting us (not sure what else you run)23:28
doanacasac: if you don't call powerd-cli the screen won't come on (even if you call unlock_screen) and the tests fail23:29
asacdoanac: right. thats for the AP tests23:29
doanacso we moved it to just before the test23:29
asacdoanac: for systemsettle we dont want it on23:29
doanacnote: system-settle still looks bad23:29
asacdoanac: is the screen off?23:29
doanacthe screen is in the process of getting there. we call system-settle shortly after booting. so its timing dependent what state the screen is in23:30
asacdoanac: how long would the screen stay on before automatically going off?23:30
doanacasac: not sure. i think its a powerd setting23:31
asacdoanac: are we still use powerd-cli active ?23:33
asacdoanac: thats what we surely shoud call right after boot23:33
asacthen each test calls either on or off etc.23:33
asacdepending on what it needs23:33
doanacasac: I'm trying a fix that calls active and display-on right before we run unlock_screen23:34
doanaci'm seeing it doesn't need to happen right after boot23:34
doanacand then that keeps system-settle from being altered23:34
asacdoanac: ok ... i wont hold you back. i believe getting a trusty build is more important than solving systemsettle though - in case that helps somewhat23:35
doanachelps a bit. I'm hoping for the best of both worlds with my patch though.23:36
doanacits looking good at home so far23:36
* asac crosses fingers23:36
doanacasac: if plars is on later tonight, we have a good shot at merging the fix and being ready to test tomorrows image23:37

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