
Laneygood morning!08:05
mlankhorstHello, world!\n08:11
Mirvtime to go trusty, then08:13
pittihey Laney, morning mlankhorst, how are you?08:14
mlankhorstMembers of the t party.08:14
Laneypretty good thanks pitti08:14
mlankhorstgood, you?08:14
Laneyhad a board games evening in the pub last night!08:14
Laneygood weekends?08:15
mlankhorstnah sadly :(08:15
pittiLaney: here yes, we had a 15-year anniversary school reunion in Dresden08:17
Laneyoh nice08:17
Laneysome old faces then08:17
pittiyeah, and we got to see our old school from the inside, too08:18
mlankhorstand now rebuilding the xorg lts-s stack a bit. Going to be tougher to get this one accepted. :(08:18
Laney10 years for me next year08:19
Laneythat went fast08:19
Laneypitti: can you bounce http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/devkit-devel/2013-October/001519.html to me please? ;-)08:20
pittiLaney: done08:20
mlankhorstg'day mate08:35
Sweetsha1kIt seems LibreOffice can consider itself now a real success as people are dumping obscene ASCII art in our bugzilla, and go to setup and use fake email accounts and Tor/Proxies for IP hiding for that ...08:37
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mlankhorstascii art of certain parts of a human body?08:45
Laneyexquisitely crafted earlobes08:46
pittiLaney: mmmmm umox!08:47
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desrtgood morning13:32
mlankhorstg'day mate13:32
* desrt is online by the graces of an extension cord run from the house of the next door neighbour13:33
desrtseb128 is late.  tsk tsk13:39
desrtseb128: good morning :)13:39
Laneyoh hello canadians13:40
Laneywhere are you today?13:40
seb128good morning desktopers13:40
seb128desrt, had a good night?13:40
seb128hey Laney! had a good w.e?13:40
desrtseb128: yup.13:40
* seb128 is in a Starbuck with larsu atm, getting coffee13:41
desrtseb128: power is out already, but the neighbours let us run an extension cord :)13:41
desrtfirst thing connected: wireless router and cable modem =)13:41
Laneynot bad thanks seb128, mainly played hitman and board games13:41
Laneyi'm sure you had a more adventurous time13:42
seb128desrt, well I guess you could always do laptop battery and 3g otherwise13:42
seb128Laney, we saw the boring falls13:42
seb128(I'm training for next time now that I've been there)13:42
desrtman!  that shit was boring13:42
Laneyyou travel all that way and don't even do fun things13:43
seb128we got rained on saturday, for most of the day13:44
seb128that was "fun" ;-)13:44
czajkowskiseb128: move to ireland then it rains all day long! so much fun!13:44
tkamppeterI do not get 13.10 working on my PC. After the update LightDM does not start (X starts though) and when I tried GDM it also did not start. startx out of the text console starts X but without Unity. A Saucy live USB stick also starts X but without any window asking for things like language, keyboard and whether to go into live system or install. Raring works perfectly though.13:46
seb128tkamppeter, did you just update to 13.10 or did some update made it not work?13:55
tkamppeterseb128, right after doing the update and rebooting it worked (last Friday), then it stayed working but i did not log out or reboot until today. I do not remember, but there was perhaps a small update in these day but I do not what got updated.14:02
seb128tkamppeter, do you have unity8 installed?14:02
tkamppeterseb128, I did not install it manually, but I do not know if the update has pulled it in.14:05
seb128tkamppeter, not likely, we had a bug that unity8 was installing a buggy file in /etc/init/boot-hooks last week that would lead to lightdm not starting14:06
seb128tkamppeter, is that directory empty for you?14:06
tkamppeterseb128, no /usr/bin/unity8 at least ...14:07
Laneydesrt: halp14:07
tkamppeterseb128, a directory named /etc/init/boot-hooks does not exist on that system.14:08
tkamppeterseb128, also strange is that I cannot use Saucy live USB sticks on the system, as no windows or desktop come up.14:09
tkamppeterseb128, for the installed system it gets stuck on a screen with a white Ubuntu logo in the middle and the standard desktop background, probably X started and LightDM stuck somehow.14:11
tkamppeterseb128, on the Saucy live system I get a desktop background and a top bar with accessibility and network icons. I can open these two menues by clicking.14:11
tkamppeterseb128, in both cases I can go into a text console with Ctrl+Alt*F1 and work in text mode.14:12
x-NaHi, is this the right place to give feedback on Gnome 3.10 on Ubuntu 13.10?14:12
seb128tkamppeter, do you have any error in /var/log/lightdm/*.log?14:12
seb128x-Na, hey, not really14:13
seb128x-Na, better to use #ubuntu-gnome14:13
czajkowskiseb128: when stuff crashes now, on 13.10 I seem to somehow not see bug reports created, is there a way to turn this back on as I like to see the bug numbers14:13
seb128czajkowski, it reports those to errors.ubuntu.com, not launchpad14:13
tkamppeterseb128, being on a text console of the installed system I have stopped lightdm and then entered "startx" getting an empty desktop background without Unity.14:14
seb128czajkowski, you can edit /etc:default/apport and do enabled=114:14
seb128tkamppeter, that's normal, if you start the desktop this way the unity plugin is not loaded14:14
czajkowskiseb128: thanks I prefer seeing them in LP :)14:15
seb128tkamppeter, try to "export COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE="ubuntu"" before startx14:15
tkamppeterseb128, lightdm.log has no errors, but there are many x-0* and x-1* files, some with errors.14:17
seb128what errors?14:17
Laneydesrt: See https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=glib2.0&arch=powerpc&ver=2.38.1-1&stamp=1382028200 & http://paste.debian.net/60159/14:17
LaneyIt starts working if you configure with --enable-debug=yes14:18
czajkowskiseb128: hmm thanks it was set to 1 already14:19
czajkowskishall go look again and see what's happening14:19
czajkowskithank you14:19
seb128czajkowski, check with ev or pitti then I guess, it should be reporting bugs to launchpad if enabled14:19
LaneyNot by default, that's just to whoopsie14:19
LaneyYou need to delete or comment out the problem_types line in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf14:20
seb128Laney, she has /etc/default/apport enabled=114:20
czajkowski# set this to 0 to disable apport, or to 1 to enable it14:20
czajkowski# you can temporarily override this with14:20
czajkowski# sudo service apport start force_start=114:20
seb128Laney, is /etc/default/apport deprecated?14:20
LaneyI don't think so, but it's not the only configuration file in play14:21
LaneyI guess that's probably the master swithc14:21
seb128czajkowski, so yeah, I don't know14:21
seb128Laney, pitti or ev might be able to help you14:21
Laneybut the idea is to leave apport on all the time now I thought, but just using whoopsie14:21
LaneyI said the way that I know to turn LP bugs back on ^^^14:22
czajkowskipitti: ping a ling :)14:22
czajkowskiseb128: thank you :)14:22
seb128czajkowski, try commenting the line Laney suggested14:22
czajkowskiack will do14:23
tkamppeterseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6277080/14:25
tkamppeterseb128, note that I have connected my system's SSD to my laptop via USB to copy this.14:26
seb128tkamppeter, ok14:26
seb128tkamppeter, weird, it's like your dbus was not working properly ... can you pastebin the x-0-greeter.log and x-0.log and not only the errors?14:28
czajkowskiseb128: Laney thank you14:29
tkamppeterseb128, /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6277114/14:31
tkamppeterseb128, /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6277117/14:33
seb128tkamppeter, the xorg log is weird14:34
seb128not sure what's going on :/14:34
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seb128try asking mlankhorst if he has an idea about what could be wrong...14:35
tkamppeterseb128, with "export COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE="ubuntu"" before startx I indeed get a working Unity desktop. So the problem is only with LightDM and GDM.14:36
tkamppetermlankhorst, hi14:37
seb128tkamppeter, is unity-greeter installed?14:37
seb128(I guess so from the log)14:37
tkamppetermlankhorst, can you scroll back and have a look at my talk with seb128?14:37
mlankhorstwasn't it something about DESKTOP_SESSION no longer being set or something14:38
seb128tkamppeter, it's not likely xorg if startx leads to a working session14:38
seb128tkamppeter, can you pastebin the lightdm.log as well?14:38
tkamppeterseb128, unity-greeter is installed, version 13.10.3-0ubuntu1.14:39
tkamppetermlankhorst, I did not do anything with DESKTOP_SESSION. What is this good for?14:39
tkamppeterseb128, /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6277169/14:41
mlankhorstanyway, not a x bug :)14:42
seb128attente, do you have a vcs with your changes or should I just copy the diff from the ppa?14:45
attenteseb128, there are two branches linked, but i haven't MP'd them14:45
seb128tkamppeter, that's all weird to me :/ maybe ask robert_ancell when he's there, at least you have a working unity session14:45
mlankhorsthave you tried dconf reset -f /org/compiz just in case ? :P14:46
seb128compiz is working14:47
seb128that's a lightdm greeter bug14:47
seb128attente, ok, looking at that14:47
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seb128jdstrand, hey, about your gabble/jabberd2 bug, upstream need a debug log to look at it (I'm just asking them on #telepathy)15:37
jdstrandseb128: yes, I plan to get that info today15:38
jdstrandseb128: thanks15:38
seb128jdstrand, thanks15:38
mitya57xnox: can you please re-review lp:~mitya57/ubuntu-themes/uncomment-gnome-terminal-style ?15:53
xnoxmitya57: ack.15:53
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seb128Laney, could you put SRU info on bug #1195481?16:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1195481 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "[power]: gnome-control-center crashes if indicator-power is not installed in Unity" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119548116:08
seb128Laney, I just uploaded attente's keybinding fix and included your commit since it was in the vcs16:09
LaneyI didn't really expect it to be SRUed, but ok16:09
seb128Laney, that seemed like worth including in the SRU since we were doing an upload anyway... do you prefer me to reject and redo it?16:09
Laneydoes have quite a few dupes, and is a crash16:09
Laneynah, it works16:09
seb128Laney, thanks16:15
jdstrandseb128: fyi, responded to bug #122343616:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1223436 in telepathy-gabble (Ubuntu Saucy) "telepathy-gabble 0.18 does not work with jabberd2" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122343616:20
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Sweetsharkurgh, someones dumping ASCII art private parts in the fdo bugzilla.16:49
czajkowskiLaney: ello where does one find a 13.10 dvd to download ?16:52
Laneyczajkowski: there is only one thing now, no separate dvd17:00
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mterryrobru, heyo!  If you have some time, I set you reviewer of a deja-dup fix branch17:12
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bjsnideris there any way to detect if globalmenus are in use?17:43
pittiseb128, czajkowski: yes, we leave apport on all the time (/e/default/apport), but suppress crash reports to Launchpad with "problem_types" in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf18:30
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?18:30
pittiseb128: quite well, thanks! had a loong appointment this afternoon, sorry for late respones18:31
pittiseb128: we had a school reunion last Saturday, that was quite nice (15 years anniversary of graduation)18:32
pittiseb128: as-tu eu un bon week-end?18:33
seb128pitti, oh, right, you told me about that in Lyon, was it fun?18:34
seb128pitti, oui, j'ai vu les chutes Niagara18:34
seb128with desrt larsu and attente18:34
pittiseb128: oh yes, we even got to go inside, with a tour from one of our old teachers18:34
* larsu waves to pitti18:35
pittihey larsu, how are you?18:37
* pitti waves good night18:37
larsupitti: splendid thank you. And yourself?18:38
seb128pitti, nigh18:41
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seb128jdstrand, thanks for the log, can you get one with 0.16 to compare?19:02
jetsaredimis there an easy way to restart the panel?19:17
czajkowskiseb128: you're on late19:24
seb128czajkowski, I'm in Canada, it's 3pm19:24
czajkowskiseb128: ah now that's going to mess with peoples heads :)19:24
robrumterry, sure, in a bit19:24
robrumterry, oh, just found the email now. must have missed it from a few days ago. sorry19:36
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, hi20:03
robert_ancelltkamppeter, hello20:03
robert_ancellmterry, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-greeter/no-warnings/+merge/191732 and https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-greeter/end-session-dialog/+merge/191937?20:04
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, LightDM does not work any more for me after switching to 13.10 on my PC.20:06
robert_ancelltkamppeter, did you file a bug20:06
robert_ancellmterry, and https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-greeter/no-test-translations/+merge/19204520:07
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, it starts X and the standard background appears with a white Ubuntu logo in the center. Then it hangs forever. I can switch to text mode and then start X manually to get my desktop, but I can neither use LightDM nor GDM. I also cannot boot a Saucy live system. Shortly after starting X it hangs with an empty background not opening the windows to ask for language and keyboard.20:08
robert_ancelltkamppeter, did you file a bug? That will attach the logs from /var/log/lightdm which may contain useful information20:09
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, I did not file a bug yet, first hoping that someone already knows what's on and also to know which package is faulty.20:09
robert_ancelltkamppeter, it looks like either a bug in unity-greeter or X20:10
robert_ancelltkamppeter, but filing against lightdm is OK - I just reassign them if they aren't caused by lightdm20:10
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, I am filing the bug now ...20:10
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, bug 124288120:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242881 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "LightDM does not start" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124288120:25
mterryrobert_ancell, hello!  Was afk, am back20:25
robert_ancellmterry, np20:26
mterryrobert_ancell, will look at those branches20:26
robert_ancellmterry, ta20:26
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robert_ancelltkamppeter, your system seems pretty broken...20:33
robert_ancelltkamppeter, do you have a second monitor?20:34
robert_ancelltkamppeter, because your description and the logs indicate the greeter is running, but your mouse is on the other monitor20:34
mterryrobert_ancell, for you, I have https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-system-compositor/mir-fixes/+merge/192042 and https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/lightdm/named-sessions/+merge/19202420:37
robert_ancellmterry, hah!20:38
robert_ancellmterry, I don't know who's maintaining u-s-c now, but I can have a look20:38
mterryrobert_ancell, not you?20:39
robert_ancellmterry, I'm back on the desktop team20:39
robert_ancellech, another 'bool is_greeter'20:40
robert_ancellbeen trying to kill those20:40
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, I have only one monitor20:41
robert_ancelltkamppeter, can you run xrandr from a terminal after X is running and see if that thinks otherwise20:42
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, but the computer has two monitors in mind, see xrandr output in the bug ...20:42
robert_ancelltkamppeter, oh, it's already there?20:42
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, I posted it now.20:43
robert_ancelltkamppeter, thanks. Yes, that's your problem20:44
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, seems that the login facility lands on the ghost screen.20:44
robert_ancelltkamppeter, you could try moving the mouse you might be able to get it back to the real screen20:44
mterryrobert_ancell, so no Mir stuff from you?20:44
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, and also the window to select the language and keyboard of the live system.20:45
robert_ancellmterry, nope. Though I am technically maintaining the mir packages from the desktop side. But with the autolanding stuff there's not much to do there20:45
mterryrobert_ancell, huh, OK20:45
* mterry is worried about who usc will land on20:45
robert_ancellmterry, :)20:48
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, that's it! The mouse starts off on the ghost screen having the login facility there. I move it a longer distance to the right and it enters the real screen, making the login facility flipping into the real screen. Then I can actually log in.20:48
robert_ancelltkamppeter, awesome :)20:48
robert_ancelltkamppeter, I assume the xorg people will shift the bug to the appropriate driver once they triage it20:48
mterryrobert_ancell, you need to add src/shutdown-dialog.c to po/POTFILES.skip20:55
robert_ancellmterry, ta20:55
robert_ancellmterry, so looking at the MIR_SERVER_NAME changes - I think it should be set in mir_server_connect_session and that should check if the session is a greeter or not. Display servers aren't specifically for greeters or other session types20:57
robert_ancellThe best way would be to use session_get_class (which doesn't exist). And now I notice we're not even setting that anymore20:58
robert_ancellSo I'll fix that first20:58
mterryrobert_ancell, they are potentially shared today, but I thought you said display servers were going to be single-purpose in future20:58
mterryAnd aren't shared in seat-unity.c20:58
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, thanks, I can log in now, but the live session is unusable, with the mouse I can spot the ghost screen on the left, but as I cannot work blindly with a mouse I cannot pull the window into the visible screen.20:58
robert_ancellmterry, for some seat types, but the change applies to all display servers20:58
robert_ancellmterry, do you want me to counter your merge with my preferred solution?20:59
robert_ancellresult should be the same20:59
mterryrobert_ancell, also, use real ellipsis unicode instead of three dots  :)20:59
robert_ancellmterry, hah, I was wondering if you'd notice that :)21:00
mterryrobert_ancell, uh, sure counter away21:00
mterryrobert_ancell, why have suspend in the menu, when desktop doesn't?21:00
robert_ancellmterry, I have suspend in my menu21:01
robert_ancellmterry, also, I know it's probably not the exact design. Just want to get one step closer21:02
robert_ancellmterry, oh, also the user list dbus api - that didn't have a well know name. Was that intentional?21:02
mterryrobert_ancell, yeah, I remember asking you if it should, and you said no, because in some configurations we could have multiple greeters21:03
robert_ancellBecause now I use com.canonical.Unity for the dialogs, the list shifts to that name21:03
robert_ancellmterry, but how did anything use it then?21:03
mterryrobert_ancell, we export the unique name as a variable21:03
robert_ancellmterry, ah21:03
robert_ancellmterry, I think we need to have each greeter run their own session bus. Which should be possible I think?21:04
robert_ancellI can't avoid using the com.canonical.Unity name in this case, because that's what the indicators are going to expect21:05
mterryrobert_ancell, I see, we fake being the shell21:05
mterry"fake" we are the shell...21:05
mterryrobert_ancell, sure, makes sense21:06
mterryrobert_ancell, but about your shutdown dialog branch...  I get Suspend in the session drop down menu, but I don't get Suspend in the shutdown dialog21:07
mterryrobert_ancell, but with your branch, I would in the greeter21:07
robert_ancellmterry, I'm matching what the session does21:08
robert_ancellmterry, not sure what you mean exactly21:08
mterryrobert_ancell, so when you press Shutdown in your desktop session indicator, you see a Suspend button in the resulting dialog?21:09
robert_ancellmterry, no, I just see restart/shutdown21:10
robert_ancellwhen I press the power button I see logout/suspend/restart/shutdown21:10
robert_ancellThey are different dialog types (parameter on the dbus call)21:10
robert_ancellI matched the unity code as to what buttons to show in the two cases21:10
mterryrobert_ancell, ah fascinating, I never press my power button.  OK21:11
mterryrobert_ancell, it needs left/right keyboard navigation too21:12
mterryenter too21:12
robert_ancellmterry, yeah, the keyboard input is still going to the user list, I couldn't work out how to fix that correctly21:14
robert_ancellmterry, I was hoping you'd know21:14
mterryrobert_ancell, are you involved enough in Mir to know about the planned non-socket based communication with nested sessions?21:14
robert_ancellmterry, u-s-c to shell or shell to apps?21:14
robert_ancellmterry, I feel like we're really abusing GTK+ here21:15
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, about bug 1228570: Did your patch (which I have tried and confirmed that it works) actually make it into 13.10?21:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1228570 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Login often fails" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122857021:15
mterryrobert_ancell, could add handlers like you did for z...21:15
mterryrobert_ancell, yeah we are21:15
robert_ancelltkamppeter, yes21:15
robert_ancellmterry, but I also want to drop the focus (reliably) from the other widgets21:15
robert_ancellmterry, also, clicking outside the dialog should close it21:16
mterryrobert_ancell, well, the widget is already screen-sized, right?21:16
robert_ancellmterry, yes21:16
tkamppeterrobert_ancell, so the bug can be closed?21:16
mterryrobert_ancell, so clicks would be easy to catch.  For focus...  Can we not grab_focus() or whatever?21:17
robert_ancellmterry, I didn't want to spend too much time trying to make it perfect. If it's safe with the known problems I'd like to follow up in a separate MP21:17
robert_ancelltkamppeter, yes21:17
mterryrobert_ancell, for my non-socket question, I meant usc-to-shell21:17
robert_ancellmterry, right, I was working on that. The branches are mostly finished. Not sure who will finish them off21:18
robert_ancellmterry, do you have the bug?21:18
mterryrobert_ancell, no, didn't know there was one, I was just basing my question off of conversations21:18
robert_ancellmterry, I'll look it up21:19
robert_ancellmterry, bug 121114121:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1211141 in Unity System Compositor "Unity system compositor allows connections from any Mir client" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121114121:19
mterryrobert_ancell, for the shutdown-dialog, I'd be happy putting something in that isn't wholly finished, but it does regress keyboard navigation.  I don't know how many a11y alpha-testers we have (guessing at most 1), but I'd like to allow them to continue21:20
robert_ancellmterry, ok, good point21:20
mterryrobert_ancell, looks like alan_g is looking into it21:20
mterryrobert_ancell, I ran into a problem earlier today with plain old sockets.  It seemed that after a second session connected to USC, my first session quit due to "Bad file descriptor".  Do you know of any reason why clients of USC wouldn't be able to share the socket?21:21
robert_ancellmterry, bad file descriptor after it had been created? i.e. on a read() or something?21:22
robert_ancellthat's odd21:22
robert_ancellbut no, I don't know of any reasons for that21:22
mterryrobert_ancell, darn it.  Yeah, I'm trying to get all the lightdm/usc/greeter/unity8 pieces in place, and the greeter dies with that message seemingly right as the session pops up in background21:23
robert_ancellmterry, the only cause I can think of is u-s-c/mir closed the remote end of it21:24
robert_ancellthough I'd expect an different error21:24
mterryrobert_ancell, no message in usc log21:25
robert_ancellTheMuso`, when does your flight arrive?21:25
robert_ancellmterry, the u-s-c / mir logs are not the best21:25
mterryrobert_ancell, agreed.  And I'd love, love, love a stacktrace when a boost exception is thrown21:25
jtnHullo. Freeciv upstream here. appmenu-gtk is interacting badly with Freeciv (LP21:28
jtn#1208625). Can anyone here have a look? (mterry helped out with the last one of these)21:28
mterryjtn, I'm not actively working on that code anymore, but this is the right place to ask21:29
mterryjtn, I think attente is your best bet21:30
jtnThanks. If they turn out not to be here right now, would emailing william.hua@canonical.com be appropriate?21:32
jtn(@ mterry ^)21:33
mterryjtn, sure, but maybe just assigning bug to him would be better than poking directly via email21:34
jtnmterry, even better :) will do21:35
attentejtn, hey, sorry, i'm here21:39
jtnattente, ooh, hi21:40
jtnattente, So we've got a menubar-specific crash that goes away with UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= ; looks like it doesn't go near the Freeciv code21:41
jtnattente, *"it" = the backtrace21:41
jtnthe relevant menubar is decorated with an "ubuntu-local" property because appmenu was causing trouble previously, but I guess it's not ignoring it enough21:42
jtn(in fact I idly wonder if "ubuntu-local" is used rarely enough that appmenu's handling code for it could have rotted?)21:43
attentejtn, i guess unity-gtk-module doesn't respect that property21:44
jtnNot really sure how to proceed, since the crash is in the bowels of Gtk and I'm not particularly keen to go down there myself.21:44
seb128bregma, hey, could you get somebody to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1241593 ? it's ranked high enough on the saucy list21:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1241593 in unity (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/compiz:11:unity::SearchBarSpinner::Draw:nux::View::ProcessDraw:nux::Layout::ProcessDraw:nux::Layout::ProcessDraw:unity::SearchBar::DrawContent" [Undecided,New]21:44
attentejtn, the crash from the log appears to be libdbusmenu related (from a glance)21:44
* jtn looks up what unity-gtk-module is21:44
attenteoh. unity-gtk-module is just a gtk module that takes your gtkmenubars and exports them over dbus :)21:45
=== qengho_ is now known as qengho
jtnattente, I may well be getting terminology wrong; everything I know about this stuff is what I learned from the last problem of this kind (LP#743265)21:45
attentejtn, the two are fairly closely related, so it could be caused by either component21:46
jtnattente, intended behaviour is that this particular menubar is not exported over dbus (and this used to work)21:46
jtnattente, ...because it's not the main menubar (so doesn't want to get pushed to the top of the display), it's part of a dialog21:47
attentejtn, do you want us to change u-g-m to look at the ubuntu-local property? or should the menus work in the global menu?21:47
attenteoh i see21:47
attenteso the issue is just that we need to respect that property21:47
jtnattente, I don't think the problem is lack of respect for the "ubuntu-local" property [...]21:48
seb128bregma, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1131835 as well21:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1131835 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGABRT in __libc_message()" [Medium,Triaged]21:48
jtnattente, ...as the menubar is appearing in the correct place in 13.04. But using it will sooner or later cause the crash.21:48
attentejtn, in 13.04, it appears in window? or at the top globally?21:49
jtnattente, in 13.04: in the window21:49
attenteand this is the correct behaviour?21:49
jtnattente: yes21:49
seb128fginther, hey, any news of the 13.10 mergers?21:49
attentewe can fix it on the u-g-m side then21:49
jtnis u-g-m part of the application (Freeciv) process?21:50
attentejtn, yes21:50
jtnattente, sounds plausible then if you can find the root cause of the crash21:51
fgintherseb128, there are a few corrections that need to be made to the proposed config changes. Is there anything that needs to be prioritized?21:51
TheMuso`robert_ancell: 11:10 into San Fran, terminal 1.21:51
seb128fginther, not especially, I did upload manually what I needed but it's extra work and anyone for us :/21:51
jtnattente, (I don't know if it's reproducible with 13.10. We just got a report that sounds like this menubar may have disappeared in 13.10, to confuse things further.)21:51
robert_ancellTheMuso`, I arrive 11:3021:51
seb128fginther, what's the issue/why can't the merger work on stable serie atm?21:52
attentejtn, i'll try to reproduce it now21:53
jtnattente, thanks; let me know if you want help navigating Freeciv UI (but repro insns should be straightforward I think)21:53
fgintherseb128, the proposal to make changes was missing updates for the new head. conflicts in job definitions would occur if they don't get corrected.  https://code.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro-config/saucy_transition_misc_unity/+merge/19198921:55
seb128fginther, in this case the issue is libindicator, how do we get the merger fixed so commits land to 13.10?21:55
fgintherseb128, let me look21:55
seb128fginther, thanks21:55
fgintherseb128, for that I just need a review21:57
fginthercyphermox, mterry, are either of you able to review: https://code.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro-config/apps_click_friends_hud_indicators_13.10/+merge/19203821:58
fgintherrobru, ^ ?21:58
seb128fginther, thanks21:59
TheMuso`robert_ancell: Ok.22:00
attentejtn, are you just switching between the overview and production pages?22:01
jtnattente, I think you're looking at the city dialog not the city report (if it has a map on it, it's the wrong thing)22:02
jtnattente, close the city dialog (if that's where you are) and press F4 to get a list of cities22:02
attentejtn, i pressed f422:04
attentethere's a notebook with three pages:22:04
seb128fginther, that's going to get indicator-datetime and session 13.10 mergers in shape as well?22:04
attenteView, Chat, and Cities22:04
jtnattente, OK; you should have the Cities tab selected [...]22:04
fgintherseb128, yes22:05
attentejtn, yes22:05
seb128fginther, thanks22:05
jtnattente, you should see a menubar at the bottom with entries: "Production / Governor / Sell / Select / Display"22:05
jtnattente, (and to the right of that, buttons "Buy" / "Inspect" / "Center")22:05
attentejtn, that menubar is in the global menu22:06
jtnattente, Is this with 13.10 or something comparably recent?22:06
attentejtn, i'm running 13.1022:06
jtnattente, right: that confirms our *other* report (that "ubuntu-local" no longer works). OK, let's start with this one. [...]22:07
jtnattente, If you now press F3 ("Nations" report), does the menubar at the bottom of that go in the global menu too?22:07
jtnattente, (Options: Diplomacy / Intelligence / Display / AI)22:07
attentejtn, i see there's a bad issue with the menubar being overpopulated22:08
jtnattente, not sure I understand. There is a "proper" application menubar that should correctly go in the global menu: options Game Edit View Select Unit Work Combat Civilization Help.22:09
attentejtn, there are those items plus several others (production menu, etc)22:10
jtnattente, right, that's a thing we want to avoid -- "Production" and friends should be staying down in the notebook.22:11
jtnattente, and the decoration with the "ubuntu-local" property used to achieve this. (We incorporated that upstream so now it's everywhere.)22:12
attentejtn, ok, i see what you mean22:13
jtnattente, were the Nations (F3) menu items similarly affected? Reason I ask is that the 13.04 crash seemed specific to the Cities (F4) report22:13
attentejtn, hopefully if we can fix this problem, the crash will no longer happen22:13
jtnattente, sounds like the conditions for the crash no longer apply to 13.1022:14
jtnattente, also it's useful to know if F3 is affected because if it is the game is unplayable (if it's just F4 the relevant things can still be done a different way)22:15
fgintherseb128, I have to step away for a bit, but if I see anyone approve that MP, the changes to operate on the 13.10 branches can be deployed22:15
seb128fginther, ok, thanks22:15
attentejtn, i can freely switch between pages with F1-F4 without issue here22:16
jtnattente, perhaps I should raise a new launchpad ticket for the 13.10 issue, we've no evidence it's related22:16
attentejtn, the only issue is that all of the menubars are stuffed into the global menu22:16
jtnattente, do you see a menubar at the bottom of the F3 notebook tab?22:16
attentejtn, no, the menubars are all concatenated and moved into the global menubar it seems22:16
attentejtn, i'll take a screenshot so you can see what i'm seeing22:17
jtnattente, right, so it's a total failure of "ubuntu-local" on all menubars, whereas the 13.04 crash was specific to Cities. New ticket, I think. What package/module shall I create it against -- appmenu/globalmenu/dbusmenu something, or freeciv?22:17
jtnattente, what version of Freeciv is this BTW? 2.3.4 as in 13.10's universe?22:18
* jtn has a horrible thought22:20
jtnattente, I've just remembered that we look for the existence of the "ubuntu-local" property before setting it, to avoid noise on non-Ubuntu Gtk. I wonder if that's going wrong.22:20
attentejtn: http://imgur.com/HzJQ0Yq22:21
jtnattente: Thanks. Yikes, yes, that's stolen the menubar off the Nations report which is going to make it hard to do any diplomacy.22:22
attentejtn, ok22:22
attentei'm pretty sure u-g-m isn't respecting that property, so that's the cause of the problem here22:22
attentewe can fix it pretty easily22:22
jtnIs u-g-m a new way of doing global menus?22:22
attenteyeah, although application developers don't really need to know about it22:23
attentefreeciv seems to be a special case here though22:23
jtnattente: for reference, here's our code for this: if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_CLASS(GTK_MENU_BAR_GET_CLASS(menubar)), "ubuntu-local")) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(menubar), "ubuntu-local", TRUE, NULL); }22:23
jtnattente: I never found "ubuntu-local" documented anywhere, it showed up from source-diving and was confirmed as a reasonable thing to do by mterry22:24
attentehmm... ok22:24
attentei guess the issue is that we need to patch gtk as well for this22:24
attenteor... maybe not22:24
jtnI think appmenu-gtk boiled down to local patches to Gtk.22:24
attentejtn, you're right22:25
attentebut u-g-m doesn't use patches to gtk any more22:25
mterryattente, yeah, ubuntu-local is something we used to support in gtk22:26
jtnWas u-g-m new in 13.10? If so I guess the 13.04 crash is now irrelevant (although a SRU would be nice if you guys consider it worth it)22:26
attentemterry, thanks, i didn't realize it22:27
jtnattente: also: will UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= still work as a workaround with u-g-m?22:27
attentejtn, yes, u-g-m is new in 13.1022:28
attentejtn, yes it should work22:28
attentehold on, let me check22:28
attentejtn, yes, it works in 13.10 with u-g-m22:29
attenteand the menus make a lot more sense here22:29
attenteshowing up in the correct positions22:29
jtnattente, coolness, gives us a workaround when the reports start coming in22:30
jtnattente, do you want me to raise a ticket or will you handle it?22:30
attentejtn, if you could file the bug and assign me, i'd appreciate it :)22:30
jtnattente: np. Against unity-gtk-module ?22:31
attentejtn, yes, and please mention ubuntu-local22:31
jtnattente, sure22:31
jtnattente, mterry, am I likely to get any love for my 13.04 crash given that it's pre unity-gtk-module?22:32
jtnattente, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-gtk-module/+bug/1242937 but I don't think I can assign it to you myself22:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242937 in Unity GTK+ module "unity-gtk-module does not respect "ubuntu-local" property (used by e.g. Freeciv) as appmenu-gtk did" [Undecided,New]22:40
jtnyeah, that22:40
attentejtn, thanks, assigned myself22:46
jtnattente, enough info there for you or should I paste some of this IRC log?22:48
attentejtn, it's a good report, you may want to add the lines that freeciv is using to set the ubuntu-local property22:51
jtnattente, already did that :) (unless I misunderstood you?)22:52
attentejtn, ah, sorry23:02
attentemissed that23:02
attentethanks :)23:02
jtnattente, mterry: thanks for your help23:11

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