
rostamPLEASE HELP: I need your help please. I have created automated ubuntu installed via dvd.  For that I have created preseed file and kickstart file. Now  I want to do the automated ubuntu install via usb stick.   All the instructions so far I have found out seems usb installer which I think is different than automating installations. PLEASE HELP01:46
ScottKrostam: This isn't a help channel.  The channel for user support is #ubuntu.03:21
xnoxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1242417 seems like a problem with kubuntu customizing the name in grub?10:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242417 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "UEFI install broken on Kubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:33
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rostamcjwatson,  xnox HI I have created an iso image which automated ubuntu installer via dvd, my assumption is this iso should be isohybrid so I can cp to usb, and use usb to auto install the image, but it failed. any help please.17:50
cjwatsonrostam: You'll have more chance of getting help with your failure if you provide details on exactly how it failed.20:16
rostamcjwatson,  After power up it can not boot to usb. It seems it is not recognizing  the image. What I did was, I copied the iso image (which worked via dvd) to usb:  cp myimage.iso /dev/sdc  where /dev/sdc was usb device.20:18
rostamThen I configured bios to boot from the usb, it complains about no boot media.20:18
cjwatsonYou probably want to use dd rather than cp - I would expect cp to just replace the block device node, which isn't what you want.20:21
cjwatson(dd if=myimage.iso of=/dev/sdc block=1048576    or similar)20:21
rostamactually I did use dd first then after gooling I used cp. But I will follow your instruction now to see how it works. thx20:22
cjwatsonI really can't help much now, though, if that fails.  It's after 9pm here.20:23
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