
erle-jsalisbury, now 3.11.5 failed one wake up08:00
erle-but it may have been another bug08:00
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erle-jsalisbury, now it failed twice in a row10:54
erle-i will install 3.12 again10:54
ppisatisharedconfdir   := $(CURDIR)/debian.master/config11:05
ppisatimy $checks = "$commonconfig/enforce";11:05
apwppisati, yes11:05
ppisatiso, even a topic branch is tied to the enforce in debian.master11:05
ppisatijust noticed it11:06
apwppisati, yes deliberatly so11:06
ppisatiah k11:06
apwit may be a fool idea, but the idea behind that is we collect the knowledge of the critical components for ubuntu in one place11:06
apwof course that does fall appart when your topic branches are based of some old shit version11:07
ppisatiok, so it's by design, i see11:07
apwyeah i think the jury is still out on whether it was a good idea or not, but it is deliberate11:07
ppisatino prob, i just stumbled on it and i wondered why it was so11:08
ckingbrendand, I've updated the bug report for the fwts suspend/resume duration logging, if you can give it a quick test that would be useful :-)11:57
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brendandcking, superb - i'll test them asap12:08
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rtghas anyone done a 13.04->13.10 upgrade recently ? re: bug #124221015:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242210 in linux (Ubuntu) "Failed to install linux kernel" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124221015:19
apwhmmm, i would be supprised if that was a common issue as that is one of the standard tests isn't it?  one which had a tick next to it on the iso tracker15:20
rtgapw, yeah, but I've not done it personally so was just making sure.15:21
smbCould it bee another full /boot15:21
* apw probabaaly has a raring VM lying about i could clone and try it i guess15:21
smbIt seemed in the past those error happened always after release for such reasons...15:21
rtgjust out of sheer paranoia...15:22
apwsmb, worth asking in the bug i recon15:22
smbapw, Oh, hm in the report there is at least an error related to the nvidia binary drivers I guess15:26
smbrun-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/update-nvidia exited with return code 115:27
rtgsmb, I don't think taht would cause his dependency problems though15:27
smblinux-image-generic depends on linux-image-extra-3.11.0-12-generic; however:15:28
smb  Package linux-image-extra-3.11.0-12-generic is not configured yet.15:28
smbSo extra fails and thus the image fails on dependencies15:28
smbah no not extra but linux-image, and the rest of dependency issues caused by that15:34
rtghas anyone had 'top' segfault with a 3.11 kernel ?15:41
apwrtg, not seen that here ever that i reall15:42
* smb has not either15:42
rtgI've noticed it on my local server as well as tangerine.15:43
smbDoes it stay persistent after observing it or is the next incantation working?15:44
rtgsmb, it restarts just fine15:44
rtgit sometimes takes awhile15:44
rtgto crash I mean15:44
smbSounds like a real pain to figure out15:45
rtgin other words, sucks to be me ?15:45
smbnah, more like some silent corruption which is hard to figure out15:46
rtgits 12.04 user space with an LTS kernel15:46
smbAt least it is multiple servers which should rule out hw failure15:47
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apwrtg, we seem to be missing the repo mirrors for trusty on gomeisa et al, i think you own that replication job ?17:14
rtgapw, ack17:17
hallynrtg: to get CONFIG_USER_NS enabled in trusty, do i need to send a patch to ubuntu-kernel@?  Or is it better to bribe you on thursday?17:17
rtghallyn, I prefer bribes :)17:18
rtghallyn, but send a patch anyways so I remember to do it17:18
hallynrtg: thanks, will do17:19
rtghallyn, debian.master/config/config.common.ubuntu:CONFIG_USER_NS=y ?17:23
rtghallyn, its already enabled then. it'll be in the first kernel I upload (hopefully today)17:24
hallynrtg: thx.  will do some testing once i see it built17:25
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infinityAre you sure you can't fire sconklin?19:27
infinitysconklin: (Forgive my grumpy sense of humour today, I'm meant to be having a day off)19:30
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* rtg -> EOD20:52
coredumpSo, I checked out the repo for saucy but I can't find a tag for 3.10.17, is the naming different or something?21:04
bjfcoredump, are you looking for an upstream stable version? we don't have those tags in our repos.21:08
coredumpI am trying to get/compile the most recent 3.10 ubuntu patched kernel available.21:09
coredumpkernel.ubuntu.com has a 3.10.17-saucy package21:10
bjfcoredump, why 3.10 and not 3.11 which is what saucy was released with?21:10
coredumpIf I tell you, you will probably laugh at me :)21:11
coredumpI still wary of odd numbered kernels.21:11
coredumpalso, 3.10 is deemed 'longterm'21:12
bjfcoredump, ok, but saucy is 3.11 and that's getting the stable updates. not 3.1021:12
bjfcoredump, and upstream makes no distinction between even and odd numbered releases21:13
coredumpyeah, I know21:13
coredumpanyway, I don't see that on the git tags either (3.11)21:13
bjfcoredump, you need to look at Ubuntu-3.11.0-x.y tags21:14
coredumpso 0-12.18 is the latest package 21:20
bjfcoredump, yes, np21:20
coredumpany difference using ubuntu-saucy{-signed}?21:21
bjfcoredump, -signed is for secure boot21:23

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