
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== mdeslaur is now known as chuck_
=== chuck_ is now known as mdeslaur
samthhi all: is the nightly build for firefox likely to be updated soon?19:23
samthi see that it's still on 9/2319:23
chrisccoulsonsamth, maybe19:33
chrisccoulsonit needs a new maintainer really, as i have limited time to work on it these days19:33
chrisccoulson(by limited, i mean, almost zero)19:34
Unit193Still a bummer to hear that.19:36
chrisccoulsonyeah, i only really have my free time to work on it now19:52
Unit193If it'd take about 5 seconds, would you mind uploading adobe-flashplugin to saucy/partner?  If it takes more just forget it and wait until next flash update.19:55

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