
slangasekhmm, surprised to see that pam was accepted; I'm just taking care of TIL merges, why was this cherry-picked into trusty-proposed while other packages aren't?04:55
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cjwatsondoko_: IIRC you said you had an opening mail ready to send?10:33
doko_cjwatson, yes, let me finish this10:36
doko_xnox, do you want to upload / sync the bits for boost1.54?10:41
xnoxdoko_: boost1.54 and boost-defaults are uploaded into trusty. I'd rather complete transition, once auto-sync is running / archive is open.10:42
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cjwatsondoko_: send away :)10:50
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: 13.10, and 12.04.3 | Archive: open | Trusty Tahr Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
doko_bye bye catching up on arm64 ...10:53
xnoxdoko_: =)10:53
xnoxdoko_: i was pondering if it make sense to upscore arm64/trusty-release builds.10:53
doko_xnox maybe, but then only some at a time, and selected ones.10:55
cjwatsondoko_: arm64'll be fine, it's doing well enough10:58
cjwatsonI don't think we need to worry about it10:58
cjwatsonautosyncs starting11:13
cjwatsonI expect a bunch of stuff will fail due to mid-perl-transition, but it'll clear out in time11:13
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cjwatsonsigh, the perl transition doesn't half make p-m take forever11:37
cjwatsonI think I'll just block perl until the transition is a bit further along11:37
dokostill not defaulting to openmpi1.6, there's an open debian report about the transition, left alone ...11:50
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cjwatsonaha, I see the auto-sync is building now13:23
psivaacjwatson: ( i know there is a lot going on there :)) but autorun.inf and wubi.exe are missing from the desktop images of trusty.. are they still being refined?13:31
xnoxcjwatson: i guess i should add it to the checklist, that symlinks need updating.13:32
cjwatsonpsivaa: I ran the cron job with no attention whatsoever :)13:33
cjwatsonxnox: yes please13:33
cjwatsonpsivaa: so when xnox sorts out the symlinks, they should return13:33
psivaacjwatson: ack, thanks :)13:33
cjwatsonpsivaa: is that what's keeping the images in pending?13:33
xnoxcjwatson: well... i don't have access to update them =) i was going to bump wubi + add the steps to the NewReleaseCycleProcess.13:33
cjwatsonxnox: oh, are they in ubuntu-archive or something?13:34
psivaacjwatson: yes at least the desktop ones13:34
cjwatsonxnox: can I just symlink saucy/stable to trusty/stable for now?13:34
xnoxcjwatson: yes, please.13:34
cjwatsonxnox: done13:35
cjwatsonpsivaa: doing another run now then13:35
xnoxcjwatson: added a step about wubi symlinks before the cdimage cron step, on the NewReleaseCycleProcess.13:39
cjohnstonlool: I've created a config for status.ubuntu.com for ubuntu-t.. I figured leave ubuntu-s running for a little while still?13:41
cjwatsonxnox: thanks13:41
dokopromoting ruby2.0 ...13:53
dokocjwatson, should we promote all lib*-perl modules needed for 5.18?13:57
cjwatsondoko: I'm going to check that over after the dust has settled13:58
cjwatsondoko: Right now I expect there could be noise and don't really want to spend time sorting it out manually :)13:59
cjwatsondoko: that said, as long as you're aware that c-m-proposed might be lying if there are alternative dependencies involved and check it manually, be my guest14:13
cjwatsonI suspect we should try to avoid that dep on libperl4-corelibs-perl (not for 5.18 as such)14:13
cjwatsonRiddell: Can I sync citadel-client/citadel?  The only diff in citadel is https://launchpadlibrarian.net/142321516/citadel_8.16-1_8.16-1ubuntu1.diff.gz, but any build in >=saucy will build against libical 1.0 anyway, so I think that's probably not worth merging?14:33
cjwatsonthis is from auto-sync:14:33
cjwatson[New] citadel-client_8.20-114:33
cjwatsonNo previous publications in Ubuntu14:33
cjwatsonOK (Y/n)?  y14:33
cjwatson * Trying to add citadel-client ...14:33
cjwatsoncitadel-client_8.20-1 is trying to override modified binary citadel-client_8.16-1ubuntu1.  OK (y/N)?  n14:33
Riddellcjwatson: yeah go for it14:34
* Riddell at linuxcon this week, not very responsive14:34
cjwatsonRiddell: responsive enough, thanks :)14:35
cjwatsonenjoy linuxcon14:35
infinityxnox: Scoring up arm64/trusty-release builds would choke out proposed builds and cause unnecessary arch skew.  It's a feature that proposed builds first in this case.14:36
cjwatsonLaney: you might want to merge your ttf-wqy-zenhei delta into the new fonts-wqy-zenhei package in Debian; it looks like perhaps your fix was never forwarded and Debian applied a less-optimal fix?14:37
cjwatsonat least insofar as I can make it out14:37
bdmurraycjwatson: could you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/ubuntu-archive-tools/reversed-releases/+merge/19199714:38
cjwatsonbdmurray: done14:39
cjwatsonbdmurray: yikes.  is there override damage in the archive to clean up?14:40
Laneycjwatson: Don't remember, will check it out14:40
Laneyit's on my merge list14:40
cjwatsonthought it might not have been due to the source package name change14:40
bdmurraycjwatson: I don't believe so but will check the log files.14:40
cjwatsonbdmurray: good stuff14:40
bdmurraycjwatson: did you add trusty to meta-release?  if not I have a change to make for saucy and can do that too14:41
cjwatsonbdmurray: I didn't, go for it14:42
ubot2Debian bug 687156 in ttf-wqy-zenhei "fontconfig disjunction syntax incorrect" [Normal,Open]14:42
LaneyWith amusing response14:42
cjwatsonnow that's a set of build queues and a half14:48
cjwatsonglad we got those extra two x86 builders14:48
stgraberotherwise it'd have given a pretty funny result with armhf first, then powerpc, then x86 ;)14:49
bdmurraycjwatson: no phased update percentage changes were made in error, however some packages were in raring weren't incremented when they should have been.14:49
ScottKslangasek: Bug 1240673 seems to be piling up a fair number of "Me too" responses and seems to be all recentish Dell laptops, so I thought it might be worth mentioning given the Canonical/Dell partnership.14:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1240673 in upower (Ubuntu) "Reports 0% charged for fully charged batteries" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124067314:49
cjwatsonbdmurray: ok, that's presumably not horrible14:50
stgrabercould someone please binNEW lxc? (added lxc-tests)14:50
cjwatsonstgraber: looking14:51
cjwatsonstgraber: "test binaries" - for use by whom?  automatic?14:52
stgrabercjwatson: I think hallyn's plan was to make use of those in autopkgtest and also help when debugging someone's system (those are test binaries for the liblxc library, basically one small binary per API call)14:53
cjwatsonah, I see14:53
cjwatsonstgraber: do you plan to seed / depend on it somewhere in main, or should I drop it in universe?14:53
stgraberI'll add it to one of the supported seeds (though it'd probably be just fine in universe)14:54
cjwatsonok, accepting then thanks14:55
LaneyAre we SRUing things to teach them about trusty?15:04
argesLaney: I can help, looking at debootstrap unless soembody else is looking at it15:06
LaneyI guess only if things actually fail15:07
LaneyJust noticed dput-ng (fixed upstream to not hardcode)15:07
argesLaney: well on my precise box, i'd like to have a trusty sbuilder15:07
LaneyYes, debootstrap would fall into that class15:08
dokocjwatson, I see that libparams-validate-perl and libdatetime-perl do need updates. can I upload, or are other moduls first?15:10
infinitydoko: I assume he's going in dependency level order, according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/perl5.18.html15:12
* infinity bumps a couple of builds to get level 1 done.15:12
argesLaney: i'm tracking this with bug 1242747 fyi15:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242747 in debootstrap (Ubuntu Saucy) "Add trusty as known Ubuntu release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124274715:17
cjwatsondoko: Yes, I'm going in dependency order as infinity says15:19
bdmurraycould somebody release the SRU fixing bug 1241123?15:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1241123 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "lubuntu-desktop PostUpgradeRemove rule is unnecessary and problematic" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124112315:20
infinitybdmurray: Looking.15:23
infinitybdmurray: Done.15:24
bdmurrayinfinity: thanks15:24
infinityScottK: debootstrap in precise-backports probably needs more love (shame it was ever backported...)15:26
ScottKSigh.  OK.15:27
infinityI wonder if maybe we should just make the SRU version supersede it.15:27
infinityAnd then remove it.15:27
ScottKI think that's quite reasonable.15:27
ScottK+1 from me.15:27
argesScottK: infinity : fyi, i'm looking at debootstrap now on bug 1242747, just uploaded precise. was planning on doing it for Q/R/S as necessary, let me know if that will be a problem15:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242747 in debootstrap (Ubuntu Precise) "Add trusty as known Ubuntu release" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124274715:28
infinityarges: Go ahead with Q/R/S, I'll reject the precise upload and reupload with a different version number.15:29
argesinfinity: ok15:29
loolcjohnston: Ok; thanks -- we will probably use T starting with next vUDS15:29
infinityarges: precise (well, and lucid, but no one seems to care about that one) was the only release where someone backported debootstrap to -backports and sort of messed up the world.15:29
cjwatsonI used to dump debootstrap into -backports quite frequently because it was less paperwork15:35
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infinitycjwatson: Yeah, went sideways when people started SRUing it religiously, since people with -backports enabled have a stale version, unless it keeps getting backported.15:36
infinityPeople use dput-ng?  Man, I only just switched to dput from dupload.15:38
infinityScottK: If you want to do the honors on my debootstrap/precise upload, that should be sufficient for us to just delete (or ignore) the backports one going forward.15:39
* ScottK looks15:46
xnoxinfinity: dput-ng is suppose to support the fancy new "grand a DM upload rights" but it fails to work for me =(15:48
argescan somebody unapprove the raring deboostrap upload? I forgot to add the bug # to the changelog.15:50
infinityarges: Sure.15:50
ScottKarges: Too late.15:50
ScottKinfinity: ^^^15:50
infinityHrm?  Not too late.15:51
infinityI just rejected it...15:51
ScottKinfinity wins.15:52
infinityAnd, since the publisher wasn't working hard enough already, it's kernel SRU release day.  Whee.15:54
rtginfinity, saucy LTS ?15:54
infinityrtg: I'll check out lts-saucy after I've released the rest of the world here.15:55
ScottKarges: Accepted the fixed  one.15:59
argesScottK: ok cool, I just dput saucy, and that should be it.16:00
seb128could somebody review the gnome-control-center SRU there ^16:15
seb128it's part of a round of improvements to a bug about keybinding-to-change-keymaps not working with annoys lots of user16:16
seb128(we get like 30 comments a day on this bug since release)16:16
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dokoinfinity, is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/esys-particle/2.2.u2-2/+build/5137627 going to suceed?16:49
infinitydoko: Yes.16:52
infinitydoko: At least, the previous versions did, I don't see why it wouldn't.16:52
argesScottK: Verified debootstrap for P/Q/R, but I can't find the saucy-proposed package to verify.16:57
ScottKarges: Not sure where it went.  Upload it again.16:59
argesScottK: ok16:59
argesScottK: actually I see this in my inbox:17:00
argesFile debootstrap_1.0.53ubuntu1.tar.gz already exists17:00
argesWhich is the trusty version17:00
infinityYou want 0.117:01
argesOk, fixing.17:01
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ScottKarges: Did that one too.17:16
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slangasekbdmurray: so there's a new error reported for procps, but I don't seem to be able to get enough info out of the error tracker to confirm whether it's ignorable. https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/24165ca0a985e6022d9da9a8e438b3e09f163c6118:15
slangasekI suspect this is a corner case only affecting those users who already had tried to install the previous busted version of procps18:16
bdmurrayslangasek: package install failures for stable releases should still go to Launchpad but I don't see any for procps18:22
bdmurrayslangasek: also one of the problems indicates it is a fresh install - https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/03a6150c-38c7-11e3-a8a4-e4115b0f8a4a18:25
slangasekbdmurray: which wouldn't change the behavior of applying the SRU, I think?18:26
bdmurrayah right, sorry18:26
slangasekit's still unlikely to be a bug in procps itself, the error is because apt is telling dpkg the wrong thing18:27
slangasekso I think we should just override18:27
slangasekremind me where to do that?18:27
slangasekI'm sure I have a bzr checkout here somewhere, but don't remember its name18:27
bdmurray bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+junk/phased-update-overrides/18:28
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seb128^ that gnome-settings-daemon upload is supposed to improve the keyboard layout switching issue I was mentioned earlier for gnome-control-center, would be nice to get in as well19:07
dokotrying to find out why https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libperl-critic-perl/1.119-1/+build/5139895 fails. works for me in a local chroot20:19
slangasekdoko: the latest failure is listed as a dep-wait on libmodule-pluggable-perl, is that wrong?20:23
slangasekhmm, looks like it's in the archive now20:24
infinity"Module::Plaggable Provides a simple ..."20:26
stgraberdoko: a local sbuild build gives me the same thing as LP (when building with -proposed and only main+restricted)20:28
infinityOh, that probably needs a promotion.20:28
stgraberright, just checked and the b-d is in universe20:28
stgraberso that'd explain it20:28
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infinityYeah, that got split out from perl-modules.  I'll promote.20:28
infinity(Please, no one else do so, it'll disappear)20:29
infinitycomponent-mismatches-proposed is an entertaining mess...20:29
stgraber;) so speaking of which, has any process been made on fixing the double-override bug?20:29
infinitystgraber: No, we've had bigger fish to fry.20:30
stgraber^ procps is a mini-transition I'll take care of it20:30
stgraber(as in, it's my upload so need someone to binNEW for me, but I'll take care of the transition after that)20:30
infinitystgraber: I'll poke the binaries when they all roll in.20:31
stgraberseems like we have a bit of a java mess going on in -proposed? (looking at c-m)20:32
infinitystgraber: Yeah, looks like.  Will worry about it after the dust has settled a bit.20:32
infinity{standard input}:1: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character valued 0x1020:34
infinity{standard input}:1: Error: unknown mnemonic `€' -- `€'20:34
infinity{standard input}:1: Error: unknown mnemonic `˜¼s3' -- `˜¼s3'20:34
infinityHrm, I wonder if that might be memory corruption.20:35
infinityOr the world's best assembler...20:35
dokostgraber, just one package20:51
infinitystgraber: Accepted.20:59
stgraberinfinity: thanks21:00
stgraber(works better when I actually press tab apparently)21:00
seb128infinity, stgraber, slangasek, bdmurray: could one of you review the gnome-control-center/gnome-settings-daemon saucy SRUs today? the "can't switch layout" seems it's sort of really annoying russian and chinese users from the number of angry comments we get21:06
infinityseb128: saucy?21:07
seb128infinity, yes21:07
infinityseb128: Looking.21:07
seb128infinity, thanks21:07
slangasekeep, yes, being able to change your keyboard layout is a bit important when your native language and English require mutually exclusive things :P21:10
seb128slangasek, well, you can change it, but not without a keybinding ... which is sort of inefficient ;-)21:11
seb128(e.g the indicator works, but it requires going to click there every time)21:11
seb128infinity, thanks!21:11
infinityThis gsd patch is quite... Extensive.21:12
infinityseb128: Do you know if this is going or has gone upstream?21:13
seb128infinity, not going upstream, we are adding code they dropped basically21:14
infinityI can follow what it's meant to do, and it seems sane, but hard to audit a patch this large by eyeballing it.21:15
seb128infinity, they moved the feature to gnome-shell (which makes sense), ideally we would do the same with unity, but unity7 is not having enough manpower for that21:15
seb128infinity, those patches have been tested in a ppa and got feedback from quite some users for a week21:15
seb128I'm running it as well21:15
infinityseb128: Good to hear.21:15
seb128infinity, thanks21:21
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dokoinfinity, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-rspec-core/2.14.5-1/+build/5142443 probably needs manual intervention. ruby-rspec was already built for the new version21:58
infinitydoko: Erk, annoying.  I'll sort that in the bootstrap repo or something clever.21:59
stgraberinfinity: someone just filed a bug about that pt_chown change against LXC when running some other distro. So I've spent the time to add all the needed tasks, SRU paperwork, ... bug 1242913 if you want to keep that on a list somewhere for when you do the eglibc security update22:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242913 in lxc (Ubuntu Saucy) "/dev/pts being created with mode=600 by Lxc" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124291322:06
infinitystgraber: Well, at least I gave you warning. :)22:08
stgraberinfinity: yeah, most of the !ubuntu templates are kind of broken anyway so it's not extremely urgent for us to SRU the upstream fix just yet. It'll get done with our next round of SRU unless the eglibc update hits first (in which case we need it done right before or at the same time to avoid global breakage)22:10
infinitystgraber: I intend to put a lot more thought into it before doing the glibc switch, but it will be in the next couple of months, I'm sure.22:11
infinitydoko: FWIW, that's http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=67795522:14
ubot2Debian bug 677955 in ruby-rspec-mocks,ruby-rspec-expectations,ruby-rspec-core "Circular build dependency ruby-rspec-mocks <-> ruby-rspec-expectations <-> ruby-rspec-core" [Normal,Open]22:14
infinitydoko: I'll do the manual bootstrap here for now, but I sure hope I don't have to do this over and over again.22:14
infinityWho accepted that walinuxwagent/precise?22:44
infinitystgraber: When you're doing NEW processing, doing the correct overrides in the queue is nice too...22:45
* infinity fixes.22:45
stgraberinfinity: doh, thanks for fixing. I accepted using the API while doing other SRU reviews so didn't think of the overrides... (those SRUs for packages introduced post-release showing up in New are annoying...22:47
infinitystgraber: Yeah, that's a bug, to be sure, but one we need to be aware of for now. :P22:48
infinitydoko: ruby bootstrap loop sorted.23:03
dokoafk now, fixed / did give back about 30 ftbfs today23:30

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